#ziggy berman
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abigaillazaar · 6 months ago
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@finalgirlsource's FINAL GIRL APPRECIATION WEEK 2024 [1/7] favorite final girl film(s): fear street
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horrorwomensource · 1 year ago
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Fear Street Part Two: 1978
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redroses07 · 8 months ago
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favorite canadian
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raisedbyanother · 2 months ago
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Gillian Jacobs in Fear Street: 1666 (2021)
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p34ce0fm1nd · 1 year ago
maybe in another universe we’re meant to be together
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another universe(s)
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hadesisqueer · 2 years ago
Man, Fear Street always makes me emotional. The killers being remembered as monsters by everyone when they all were innocent, good people being forced to kill people—many times, their loved ones—. And we know that they at least have some level of consciousness when they do it because of Ruby Lane; she killed herself, which means that at some point she managed to snap out at least for a moment and took herself out before she could hurt someone else. Nurse Lane, who spent her life investigating and trying to get to the truth about her daughter. Ziggy, who lost her sister and spent her entire adulthood thinking it'd all been for nothing and wishing she'd stayed dead (and then at the end when Ziggy visits Nurse Lane and they both finally get their peace? Sobbing).
And most of all, Sarah's story always gets me the most. Betrayed by someone she trusted and accused and killed by people who'd known her all her life for something she didn't do and because she was a lesbian and loved another woman in 1666, and was remembered as a monster too, as the witch who cursed the town when all she ever tried was getting people to the truth. Always hurts to see her story, but it makes it all the more satisfying when she finally gets her vengeance and finally has people who know the truth about her and respect her. That "Sarah Fier, the first Shadysider" at the end and Sam and Deena kissing in broad daylight just like Sarah wanted to do with Hannah always fucking gets me too.
Like fuck.
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tastethesetears · 5 months ago
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time cast its spell on you, but you won't forget me
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ecnmatic · 9 months ago
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FEAR STREET PART 2 – 1978 (2021) dir. Leigh Janiak.
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emziess · 1 year ago
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Sadie Sink as Christine 'Ziggy' Berman Fear Street: Part Two: 1978
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queensend · 5 months ago
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Nothing will pull us apart.
                   NEVER AGAIN.
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schrutexbucks · 6 months ago
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Let's go out there like our ancestors before us and murder those Shadyside witches!
Fear Street Part Two 1978 directed by leigh janiak
@finalgirlsource final girl appreciation week: day 1 — favorite final girl film
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horrorwomensource · 1 year ago
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Cindy & Ziggy Berman in Fear Street: Part Two — 1978
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redroses07 · 8 months ago
The Rock Show // Finn Wolfhard
Finn Wolfhard x Fem!Reader
WC: 2k
Based on/lyrics from 'The Rock Show' By Blink-182
Warnings: Swearing, Kissing
Summary: Finn falls in love with a girl at one of his shows, but does she feel the same?
A/N: I know I said I'd post this last night but I didn't have time to make my last few edits. Anyways, It's out now! This is also based on one of my favorite songs (I'll link it below) so it was super fun to write! This is the first time I've written for Finn in a while so I hope y'all like it! -Claire ♡
You stand outside the concert venue with your friend. Her boyfriend was the drummer for some band that was playing tonight, and she was intent on you coming along.
“Maybe you’ll meet a cute guy.” She teased, an obnoxious smirk on her face.
“Yeah, right.” you rolled your eyes, elbowing her playfully.
It was a small indoor venue, yet the line was still wrapped around the building. Luckily your friend’s boyfriend could get you special access through the back door.
When you saw the flight of stairs leading up to the stage door, you immediately regretted the heels you were wearing.
You followed closely behind your friend, unsure of where to go.
“Y/N hurry up!” Your friend called to you from the top of the stairs. You thought about how much you envied her comfy tennis shoes.
She held up the pass her boyfriend had given her, opening the door with ease.
The inside was stuffy, and even though the show hadn’t started, you could still hear the sound of the crowd cheering.
ultraviolet lights littered the ceiling, giving the area a purple glow. You could see the curtains pulled over the stage, blocking the crowd's view.
You were careful to watch for the cords strewn across the floor, connecting electric guitars and other equipment.
As soon as your friend saw her boyfriend sitting at his drum set she ran up to him excitedly, leaving you standing awkwardly backstage. You didn’t mind her going to see him of course, but you didn’t technically know anyone else back there and were worried about being thrown out.
“Hey, are you playing tonight? I’ve never seen you here before.” A voice pulled you away from your thoughts.
You turned your head to see a tall boy with messy dark hair. He had a guitar slung over his shoulder, and a mic attached to his shirt, so he clearly was playing tonight.
He was cute.
“Oh, um, no-“ You stumbled over your words, forgetting how to speak for a moment.
“I’m here with her.” You managed to say, pointing at your friend.
The boy smiled kindly, once he saw who you were pointing to.
“Third wheeling I see?”
You scuffed your heels against the floor nervously.
“Yeah, she made me come. I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to be doing now though. And clearly I look out of place too.” You said half jokingly.
The boy wore a look of surprise, which changed into embarrassment.
“Oh no, no that’s not why I started talking to you, I actually just thought you were pretty.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
You felt your face get hot, and you found yourself unable to look him in the eye.
“Thank you.” You said, fidgeting with your fingers.
“Shit, sorry if that was too forward, what’s your name?”
You giggled, finding the courage to make eye contact again.
“Y/N. What’s yours?”
“Finn. Nice to meet you Y/N.”
You blushed, standing in awkward silence.
"What time do you go on?" You asked.
You wanted to make sure you didn't miss him playing.
"Around 11."
Maybe you would have to stay longer than you anticipated. Although, now you had something to look forward to, so maybe it wouldn't be half bad.
"I'll be there," you smiled.
Finn ran his hand through his hair, curls flopping over his face. He was quick to brush them away, keeping his eyes glued to you the whole time.
The background noise heightened, and you heard someone yell for all the players, no matter what time their sets started, to hurry up.
"Shit, I've gotta go...but you have good seats tonight right?" Finn asked.
"Yeah, right up front." Having a connection to one of the players did have its perks.
"Okay! Hold on a second!" Finn ran out of the room leaving you standing around awkwardly for a second time.
You peered through the door he ran through, eagerly waiting for him to come back. That is, if he was coming back at all. You were thoroughly confused and decided to lean back against the wall while you waited. Maybe you'd blend in better that way.
Finn came flying back around the corner, the guitar that was strapped around him swaying slightly.
"I couldn't find any paper, so is it okay if I write on your arm?" He held up a black sharpie, one of the big ones you'd use to write on posters with.
"Uh sure?" At this point you wondered if turning away was a better option, but nonetheless, you let him take your arm.
You watched as Finn frantically scribbled a few letters and numbers down on your arm. When he lets your arm go, you squinted at the messy black writing.
"That's the venue I'm playing at tomorrow. If you like what you see tonight, come tomorrow and I'll take you out afterwards."
You looked at your arm and smiled at the gesture.
"You know you could've just written it in my phone right?" You laughed.
"This is way cooler." Finn replied with a toothy grin.
"I really have to go now." He began to walk backwards towards the stage.
"Hopefully I'll be seeing you soon." Finn shot two finger guns at you before turning around and rushing off.
You were left alone once more, but you no longer felt awkward. You were too preoccupied with the butterflies in your stomach.
"Come on let's go- what's that?" Your friend asked, a suspicious smirk appeared on her face.
"I'll explain later."
You rolled your eyes playfully and grabbed her hand, dragging her towards the hoard of people.
You surfed through the crowd, finally reaching the front of the pit below the stage. You were close enough to where you could reach up and touch the stage if you wanted.
You stayed in the same spot for most of the show, and time passed rather quickly. The music was enjoyable, but you had to admit that you were waiting for Finn to show up.
Finally, when the lights filled the room, signaling that another set was beginning, you saw him. He was standing center stage, guitar in one hand, microphone in the other.
You don't know how, but he managed to spot you among-st all the people. He winked in your direction, and you could feel your face light up.
Finn's singing voice definitely kept you interested, more than you had been all night. And if you weren't already convinced to go out with him, his guitar skills sealed the deal.
At the end of the night your friend called a cab, your feet hurt far too much to walk back to your apartment. During the ride you rambled to her about the cute boy you had met backstage, and how glad you were that you let her drag you along.
She argued that this gave her best friend bragging rights for at least a week. You scoffed, but agreed.
The minute you got home, you changed your clothes and crashed in your bed; already excited for the date you would surely be going on the next day.
From the moment you woke up, you were riddled with excitement. The show wasn't until late but you started getting ready around mid-day.
When the time finally came, you could feel the nerves coursing through your veins. But they were good nerves, as good as nerves could be of course.
You arrived at the venue alone, not the safest option but you were careful. You made your way up front about fifteen minutes before the show started so you didn't have to push through as many people.
The place was more like a club considering most of the attendees were standing and there were hardly any seats, save for the few in the back.
In what seemed like no time at all, the show began.
Finn was center stage yet again, and you could see him scanning the room. You hoped he was looking for you.
He had yet to spot you before starting the first song, which was an upbeat ballad. You bobbed your head along to the beat of the music, relaxing into the environment.
Finn's voice was like honey, each word flowing off of his lips beautifully.
Once the song was over, he approached the microphone.
"Thank you all for coming out here tonight." He scanned the room once more, but this time he did see you. His face lit up, just as it had the night before.
"This next song is a cover, and it reminds me a lot of someone I just recently met." His deep brown eyes never left yours.
He began to sing, a wide smile on his face as he did.
"I fell in love with a girl at the rock show, she said "what?" and I told her that I didn't know."
You smiled at the lyrics, surprised by how much you felt for this boy you had known no more than a day.
You let yourself float closer to the stage, still keeping your eyes on Finn. He was clearly focused on his guitar, playing through the riff before starting to sing again.
Finn noticed you standing below the stage and began to navigate towards you.
"And if I ever got another chance, I'd still ask her to dance. Because she kept me waiting."
He leaned down, knees hitting the floor. He continued to sing, doing everything he could to inch closer to you while he did.
You reached up, grabbing hold of his hand and pulling him down further. Half of his body was hanging off of the stage, yet he still continued to sing.
"With the girl at the rock show..." His singing voice became breathy and strained.
The song ended and Finn pulled you up on stage with him. You could feel your heart beating with anticipation. Just like that, he pulled you into a messy kiss. The crowd erupted into applause, cheers, and even a few whistles could be heard. It was too brief for you to really enjoy the kiss, but it was perfect nonetheless.
When you broke apart, Finn leaned into you and whispered in your ear.
"Go wait backstage, I'll see you in a bit."
You smiled at him, and made the bold decision to kiss him on the cheek. The crowd cheered once more, and you took that as your queue to exit.
You sure would never forget tonight.
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nightowl050403 · 5 months ago
Fear street saying actually it isn’t that some people are just worse and that’s the way it is instead it’s that the system is rigged and it’s always been rigged and actually maybe the losers are just people trying their best who have always been trying their best even though all the fucking odds are stacked against them. And privilege exists because it is built on the misfortune of other and those who sustain are aware of the suffering and might even feel bad but they know that that is what it takes to maintain their privilege so they do it anyway.
Like thinking about the way that we were all on Nick Goode’s side even when he was calling Kate and Simon junkies and acting like he could do nothing to spin the story differently despite being the FUCKING SHERIFF. Thinking about Nick Goode framing Martin not because it was part of the ritual but because he fucking could and it was easy.
Thinking about Tommy who was kind, and Cindy who was smart, and Alice who was brave, and Ziggy who was bold, about the children in Union who were innocent and the people who loved them, and the friends of Sarah who loved her despite everything, and every name on the stone that was innocent and will forever be remembered as a monsters. Thinking about Kate and Simon who were not junkies, not just drug dealers, but kind and funny and smart and brave and so so loved.
About how despite all the press and gossip the true monsters always lived in Sunnyvale, not Shadyside.
And like everybody talks about all the queer themes in this movie and yes those are great, but like the themes of privilege and wealth and what actually upholds those beneath all the pomp and polish. What it actually means to be born into poverty, and the useless vigils held by those benefiting from the suffering. Like these themes also should be discussed.
Aight sorry if this is incoherent, it’s late but I was brimming with feelings after rewatching the trilogy.
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raisedbyanother · 4 months ago
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Gillian Jacobs in Fear Street: 1666 (2021)
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honii01 · 2 years ago
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