#chun li x samus
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blackhakumen · 4 months ago
Mini Fanfic #1243: Triple N Progess Run (SSBU X Darkstalkers)
1:25 p.m. at La Shy Guy's Café's Outdoor Diner......
Escargoon: (Takes a Sip of his Latte he Ordered Along with Dedede with a Smile) I gotta say, De, I'm really impressed with your challenge run right now.
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly) I know, right? We're already halfway in the month and I didn't fold even once. I'm proud myself right now.
Escargoon: As you should, my friend- (Raises his Cup Up) cause I'm proud of you myself.
Dedede: (Let's Out a Hardy Laugh Before Raising his Cup Up as Well) Cheers to that!
The long time duo clink their drinks together before taking another sip and sitting their cups back down on the table.
Escargoon: I can't imagine it being easy for you this whole time. I mean, you're dating a succubus model for Pete's sake.
Dedede: ('Sighs Heavily') Hooo boy, you don't have the slightest idea right now.......I love that woman with every bit of fiber of my heart and soul, but God DAMN if she doesn't know how to put up a good fight! I can't even take a proper breather without worrying about what she's gonna do next.
Escargoon: It gotten that intense already, huh?
Dedede: Hell yeah. 'Member I told you the time she flashed me on the first morning of the month? Boy, I tell you that was mere child's play compared to all the other crazy shit she pulled this month. Like that one time I was at the mansion and-
Flashback to Smash Mansion's Living Room
Isabelle: (Smiles at Morrigan While Doing Yoga Along with Her on Their Respective Mats) Thanks again for joining me on my Yoga Session today, Morrigan. I've really been falling behind on them these days.....
Morrigan: (Smiles Back at Izzy) Think nothing of the sort, my dear!~ I'm happy I have the time to do this on my day off from work today. This is so relaxing~
Isabelle: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Uh-huh. (Turns to Wolf and Dedede, Sittong on the Sofa, Watching TV Together Right Next to Her and Morrigan) You boys are more than welcome to join us whenever you like!~
Wolf: Nah, I'll pass. Never been a fan of Yoga.
Dedede: I've done it once, made me broke my back. Hated it ever since.
Wolf: ('Heh') Old timer.
Dedede: (Glares at Wolf) Boy, don't start.
Isabelle: (Softly Glares at the Duo on the Sofa) Boys, no fighting over there. (Turns Back to Morrigan) Now, where were we- ('Gasps') No way. Morrigan, are you doing-
Morrigan: The Jack-O Pose?
Dedede's eyes starts widening up as he turns to see his succubus of a girlfriend is now doing a meme worthy classic, the Jack-O Pose at pure delight and ease.
Morrigan: Why, indeed I am!~ It's been quite some time since I've done this, so you'll have to excuse me if it looks a little rusty.
Isabelle: (Puts on an Impressed Smile on her Face) Are you kidding? This look perfect enough as it is! ('Sigh') Making me wanna try doing one of my own without falling over again......
Morrigan: I'm sure you'll be able get it down one of these days, Isabelle, my dear. It only takes a few more practice and concentration for your body and soul and more focus put on achieving it to near perfection. (Forms a Seductively Teasing Smirk at her King Looking at Her Right Now) Just so you could use on the man you love and adore~
Morrigan blows a kiss at Dedede's way as her hips starts to move up and down and then wiggle it around all over the place, shortly after. Putting his eyes on a mesmerizing trance, as if it's taunting him to come over and give it a more....."thorough" investigation. Hell, he was this close to getting out of his seat until a few snaps of Wolf's finger appears in front of the ex king's face.
Wolf: Hey. De!
Dedede: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality, Startled) I WASN'T STARING AT IT, I SWEAR!! (Notices Wolf is Staring at Him With a Raised Eyebrow, Confused) ....Uhhhhhhhh- ('Clears Throat') You uh....Need somethin', Wolfman?
Wolf: Yeah. Firstly, I'm gonna have to ask you to never call me that for as long as you live. Second, I'm about head out and get us all something to eat. You wanna come with?
Dedede: ('Sighs in Relief') Nah, I'll pass.....Need to clear my mind for a sec.
Morrigan: Spendid!~
The sound of light, muffled clapping starts ringing into De's ears as he turns to see Morrigan is now making the cheeks of her rear to clap.
Morrigan: You can see if I could stay in this position for twenty minutes~
Dedede: (Eyes Widened in Fear and Under Pressure) On second thought- (Immediately Gets Himself Up From his Seat) I could use some fresh air right about now. (Quickly Rushes Out the Room Without Looking at Morrigan) See y'all in a few!
Wolf: (Sighs as He Walks Out the Room as Well) I'll make sure he doesn't bump into something on the way there. Or faint.
Isabelle: (Watches the Boys Walk Out the Room) Poor De. (Turns Back to Morrigan) You're gonna end up making him have combust if you keep teasing him like that.
Morrigan: That's the plan!~ (Forms an Sinster Smirk on her Face) I love it.
Isabelle: For No Nut November?
Morrigan: For No Nut November~
Back to the Present
Escargoon: A Jack-O Pose AND the clap of the ass cheeks at the same time? That's terrifyingly impressive.
Dedede: My thoughts exactly! (Crosses his Arms Huffing and Puffing) Bet she was smirking the whole time we were out too. Oh, and let's not forget the time me and her went to the park and-
Flashback to the Local Smash Park.......
Dedede: (Sighs Relaxingly as He Leans Himself Back a Bit While Sitting Next to Morrigan on a Bench Together) It always a good time being out here in this weather~
Morrigan: (Sighs Relaxingly While Holding a Firecracker Popsicle in her Hands) Agreed~ (Turns to Dedede) Darling,, are you sure you don't want a popsicle of your to devour as well?
Dedede: Yeah, I'm sure. Ate breakfast earlier, so I don't feel the need to eat anything sweet right now, you know?
Morrigan: (Stares at De for a Brief Second Before Shrugging it Off) Hm. Suit yourself. Say, do you mind holding the stick for me as I eat it? (Hands the Popsicle to De) I don't want to rest my hair getting sticky. (Starts Wrapping her Hair Up into a Ponytail)
Dedede: Sure thing. (Takes the Wrapping Off the Popsicle and Holds it Right in Front of Morrigan's Face) It's all ready for ya.
Morrigan: Thank you, dear.
Morrigan pushes the front side of her hair back a little as she leans over and..."casually" suck the popsicle down back and forth before leaning back a bit to lick it all over with her tongue and sucking it all over again, all while moaning sensually in the process.
This in turn, causes the poor Ex King of Dreamland's eyes to widen up at the entire display in front of him, in pure disbelief, unable to looking away no matter much he wants to. As if his girlfriend wasn't irresistibly hot enough already.....
Dedede: Jesus christ, Morrg.......
Morrigan: (Looks Back Up at her King with a Look Nearly Equivalent to That of Bedroom Eyes) Hmm?~ Is something the matter?
Dedede: Uh- (Comes Back to Reality Before Quickly Turning Away a Bit) N-No! It's nothing. Just.....(Starts Blushing) loving you unconditionally like always, is all.....
Morrigan: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Ohh~ I love you too, my dear king~ (Looks Back at her Frozen Dessert) And I think I LOVE this treat just as much~
Dedede: Mhmm.....(Sucks his Teeth as He Sees a Koopa, Sitting a Few Feet Away From the Bench, Playing his Saxophone in a Slow, Sensual Sounding Melody) Man, do we really have sit right next to that saxophone player over there?
Morrigan: (Softly Pouts at her King) Dedede! Be nice. (Pulls her Ten Dollar Bill Out of her Purse) He is doing a wonderful job plating that saxophone and will continue to do as such as he wish. (Summons her Bat to Fly Over and Drop the Ten Dollars Down onto the Koopa's Saxophone Case) For you, my good sir.
Saxophone Koopa: (Tips his hat to Morrigan Before Resumes Back to his Playing Session)
Morrigan: (Turns Back to Dedede) Now, be a very good boy and pay him no mind, okay?
Dedede: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yes, ma'am.
Morrigan: Thank you. (Forms a More Seductive Smirk on her Face) Now~ Where were we?~
Morrigan resumes back to her sensual popsicle sulking while moaning a little more louder than previously, causing De to groan in displeasure at trying hus hardest to keep himself and his urges in complete check.
End of Another Flashback
Escargoon: Okay, that saxophone playing in the background, was just asking her to get a rise out of you at that point.
Dedede: Exactly what I was thinking! (Facepalms Himself While Groaning Some More) Oh God and don't even get me started at the time at that restaurant-
Flashback to the Crimsonette Restaurant
Dedede was playing on the piano while Morrigan was sitting on top of it, singing her heart out.
Morrigan: Fill my heart with song and let me sinh forevermore!~You are all I long for, all I worship and adore!~
Morrigan then proceeds to teleport her way to sit right next to her king, startling him a bit. She then slowly leans herself over to him while looking deep into his big eyes with her signature bedroom look, making him blush all over again.
Morrigan: In other worrrrds~ Please be truuuuuue~ (Gently Places her Hands onto Dedede's Cheek) In other words~ I looove yoooooooou~ My darling king~
The pair then share a passionate kiss on the lips as everyone else present in the establishment begins to applaud the both of them right on cue.
End to Yet Another Flashback
Escargoon: (A Memory Coming Back to Him) Oh yeah, Bandana Dee showed me a clip of that on choir practice a day after that. You guys did pretty good up there.
Dedede: (Takes a Bow While Still Sitting on his Table) Thank you, thank you kindly. (Lightly Slams his Hands on the Table) But that's beside the point, boy! I'm at my wits here!
Escargoon: (Gives his Best Friend a Reassuring Smile) I know it's a tough road ahead, De. But try and keep at it until the very end. I guarantee I will be all worth it then.
Dedede: Sure hope it.
Dedede: (Picks his Phone Up and Check the New Message Sent to Him Just Now) What the?
Escargoon: What is it?
Dedede: Morrigan sent me a five minute long audio recording just now. (Puts on a Bit of a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Who wanna bet it's something lewd?
Escargoon: (Shrugs) Only one way to find out.
Dedede: Yeah, yeah. (Press Plays on the Audio With a Picture of Morrigan and a Few of her Modeling Friends are Laying in One Bed Together)
Morrigan: (In the Recording) Good day, my lovelies!~ This is one and only Morrigan Aensland speaking and the ladies here and I decided do something for all the working men and women out there that is need desperate need of a stress reliever right now. This is also dedicated to a...very special former king of Dreamland that has stolen my beating heart in allll the right ways~ I hope you enjoy the ride, my love~ (Makes a Single Kissing Noise)
The audio went silent for a few seconds until a familiar sound of the saxophone begins to play in the background, follow by the collective sounds of sensual sounding moans from each of the ladies present in the audio, Morrigan especially, who is gradually becoming the loudest and most prominent of them all.
This, in turn, causes the duo's eyes and mouth to slowly open up wide as they are in near speechless in pure disbelief at what they are hearing on De's phone right now.
Dedede: (Starts Using the Napkin to Wipe Sweat Off his Forehead as He's Blushing Up a Storm) Dear lord........
Escargoon: Is.....Is this.....seriously five whole minutes of them moaning?
Dedede: Should've known that would be the case just by looking at this picture alone.
Morrigan: I love you, my darling king!~ (Continues Moaning Along with the Other Ladies on the Recording)
Escargoon: Man, you are not kidding when you say she's going all out.... (Notices Dedede's Hand Hovering on the Phone) Heyyy. De, what are you doing over there?
Dedede: (Quickly Hides his Hands Behind Back While Giving Escargoon the Most Awkward Smile Imaginable) NOTHING! Nothing. I was just getting a any sip of my drink.
Escargoon: (Raises an Eyebrow at De) Really? Cause it looks to me that you were about to pick up that phone and call her.
Dedede: ('Scoffs') So what if i am? I was going to tell her how neat the audio is and compliment saxophone player in the background and....(Starts Sweating Again but More Nervously This Time Around) the ladies on....contributing....with.... their mooooan- (Suddenly Let's Out a Loud, Frustrated Sounding Groan) ('ARGHH') I can't- (Bang his Fist on the Table) TAKE THIS SHIT no more!!
Escargoon: De, come on, you can't cave yourself in now, not when you're only halfway there!
Dedede: (Comically Glares at Escargoon) Boy, you think I don't know that already!? First the pose, then the Firecracker popsicle, the duet, and now this!? (Poinrs his Hand on his Phone with The Sound Moaning and Saxophone Still Playing on There) That beautiful woman is doing too much, man, she's killing me!!
Escargoon: This obviously her way to psyching you out of focus. What you need to do right now is calm down, taking a deep breath, and-
Dedede: (Gets Up From his Seat) Nah, you wanna do I'm gonna do instead? I'mma call her up on my phone, tell her i give up, and have her help BUST. MY NUTS. OPE-
Before De could even dare to finish that sentence and do the unthinkable, he suddenly gets knocked upside the back of his head hard enough into sitting him back down on his seat, completely stopping him from crashing out entirely. And it was all thanks to none other than the legendary Bounty Hunter of the Smash Family, Samus Aran.
Samus: Pull it together and keep it in your pants, De. This isn't over yet.
Dedede: (Starts Panting as He Gradually Comes Back to Reality) Yeah.....You're right......(Claps Both of his Cheeks Two Times Before Putting on a More Determined Look on his Face) This ain't over until I MAKE that succubus sing a melody on the first midnight of December! (Turns to Samus with a Smile) Thanks for breaking me outta that funk, girl.
Samus: (Smirks a Bit at Dedede) Anytime, brother.
The Smash duo then shares a casual high five with one another.
Samus: (Happily Waves Hello to Escargoon as She Finds Herself a Seat) Hi, Escar~
Escargoon: (Waves Back at Samus with a Bit of a Confused Look on his Face) Hey, Samus....What's going on here?
Samus: Nothing too major. (Gently Pat on Dedede's Shoulder) Just making sure this dumb-dumb over here doesn't slip up and fail the challenge.
Dedede: It may be a handicap to some, but I find this strategy far more beneficial than completely doing it all on myself.
Escargoon: (Shrugs) Hey, if it helps, it's help. (Smiles Softly) I'm just glad you didn't throw in the towel yet.
Dedede: ('Sighs in Relief') You and me both, man. And you're right, it has been tough battle so far- (Puts on a More Determined Look on his Face) But I did not fail more than three times to four in the row just to add this year to the tally! I'mma pass me that challenge.
Samus: (Puts on a Proud Smile on her Face) That's the spirit, De. I'm with you 100%. Just don't go back on our word, you hear?
Escargoon: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) His word?
Samus: I made him promise to never take the challenge again afterwards.
Dedede: If I win this one.
Samus: (Gives Dedede a Firm Glare) Um. No. There is no "ifs", "ands", or "buts" in this discussion, De. You're going to quit participating in that stupid challenge whether you win OR lose.
Escargoon: I'm gonna have to agree with Samus on this one, bud. You've already proven yourself to be a man in your own right, you don't have to keep proving that by taking a challenge that's already a meme of itself.
Dedede: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah, i guess y'all have a point there...It does starting to get old after while.
Samus: Exactly. Hence why I say it's stupid.
Escargoon: Hey, speaking of which, have you participated in the challenge this year, Samus?
Samus: (Starts Rubbing The Back of her Hair Back and Forth) Yeah, but uh.......
Dedede: You failed again, didn't you?
Samus: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah....Last night.
Samus Aran: Mission's a Bust.
Dedede: (Clicks his Teeth at Samus in Disbelief) Damn girl! And you said I'm weak minded?
Samus: (Pouts at Dedede) Hey, excuse me for having The Strongest Momm- I mean, Mom- I-I mean- (Starts Blushing Before Clearing her Throat) The Strongest WOMAN in the World for a girlfriend. I knew what i gotten myself into the day I fallen in her with her- (Glares at Both De and Escar as Her Face Starts Getting Redder) And I am NOT a Bottom!!!
Escargoon: We.....didn't say you were one though.
Dedede: (Forns a Teasing Smirk on his Face).But since you brought it up......
Escargoon: (Quickly Glares at his Best Friend) De, don't start.
Samus: (Glares Harshly at Dedede) Yeah, De. DON'T. Unless you really want me to send you to outter space.
Dedede: ('Clicks Teeth') Man, will you relax already, girl? I was just kidding! You being a Top and/or Bottom doesn't change the fact that you're the toughest Bounty Hunter in the whole town. Especially not to us.
Escargoon: (Smiles Softly at the Bounty Hunter in Question) Yeah, you'll always be cool in our eyes, Samus.
Samus: (Heart Begins to Melt as She Turns Away From the Duo, Pouting) Whatever. (Starts Blushing Once More) You dorks will always be cool in my eyes too....
Dedede: (Snickers a Bit) You gonna give Luigi a run for his money on the cuteness scale if you keep puffing your cheeks out like that.
Samus: Nah. I can never be on par with Weegie's cuteness. Remind me hug him later, will ya?
Dedede: (Smirks at Samus) Give us details on what happened that night and I'll convince everyone in our group to give the greatest group hug he'll ever have in his life.
Samus: (Notices the Picture on Dedede's Phone) Lemme hear that audio Morrigan sent you first and I'll you tell you every juicy detail possible. (Turns to Escargoon) If you don't mind listening too, Escar.
Escargoon: Yeah, I don't mind. I think I'm curious about it too actually.
Dedede: Then it's a deal-deal!
Both Dedede and Samus shake on the respective deals as they enjoy the rest of their chatting together with Escargoon on a breezy afternoon.
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cadhla182 · 4 months ago
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Patreon pieces for November 2024! NSFW alts up for Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/c/Cadhla182
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drmarioman · 1 month ago
Alright I'm cooking a Super Smash Bros. thing, rate the starting roster (italics are newcomers)
Super Smash Bros.: Sandbag
Super Mario Bros.: Mario, NES Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Bowser, Petey Piranha, Goomba, Waluigi, Geno, Dr. Mario
Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong
The Legend of Zelda: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Dark Link, Young Link, Sheik, Tingle, Toon Link
Metroid: Samus Aran, Zero Suit Samus, Ridley
Yoshi: Yoshi
Kirby: Kirby, Meta Knight, Bandana Dee, Gooey
Star Fox: Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Krystal
Pokémon: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Vaporeon, Mewtwo, Pichu, Scizor, Heracross, Lucario, Snivy
EarthBound: Ness, Lucas, Porky Minch
F-Zero: Captain Falcon
Ice Climber: Ice Climbers
Fire Emblem: Marth, Roy, Ike
Game & Watch: Mr. Game & Watch
Kid Icarus: Pit
Wario: Wario, Ashley
Pikmin: Olimar
Robotic Operating Buddy: R.O.B.
Punch-Out!!: Little Mac
Xenoblade Chronicles: Shulk
Duck Hunt: Duck Hunt Dog
Balloon Fight: Balloon Fighter
Mach Rider: Mach Rider
Joy Mech Fight: Sukapon
Sin and Punishment: Saki Amamiya
Golden Sun: Isaac
Chibi-Robo!: Chibi-Robo
Metal Gear: Solid Snake
Castlevania: Simon Belmont
Bomberman: Bomberman
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Sonic, Miles "Tails" Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, Shadow the Hedgehog, Dark Sonic
Ristar: Ristar
Mega Man: Mega Man, Mega Man X, Zero, Mega Man Zero, Vent
Street Fighter: Ryu, Chun-Li, Evil Ryu
Devil May Cry: Dante
Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright
Pac-Man: Pac-Man
Tales: Lloyd Irving, Kratos Aurion
Klonoa: Klonoa
Digimon: Agumon, Patamon
Final Fantasy: Black Mage, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth
Kingdom Hearts: Sora, Riku, Dark Riku
Chrono Trigger: Crono
Banjo-Kazooie: Banjo & Kazooie
Crash Bandicoot: Crash Bandicoot
Tetris: Tetromino
Rayman: Rayman
Team Fortress 2: The Demoman
Shantae: Shantae, Nega-Shantae
Dragon Ball: Son Goku, Vegeta
Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Rock Lee
Bleach: Ichigo Kurosaki, Renji Abarai
One Piece: Monkey D. Luffy
Inuyasha: Inuyasha
The Incredibles: Mr. Incredible
McLeodGaming: Blade, Blue, Azrael, Spikeman, Robo Ninja
YouTube Poop: Weegee
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armenianwriterman · 1 month ago
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This is a roster consisting of every Death Battle combatant (minus the ones based on real people)
And an additional roster of the Kaiju
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Specific characters listed under the read more if you can't see them all.
Samus Aran
Boba Fett
Shang Tsung
Rogue/Anne Marie LeBeau
Wonder Woman/Diana of Themyscira
Koopa Troopa
Mike Haggar
Zitz/Morgan Ziegler
Spawn/Al Simmons
White Bomberman
Dig Dug/Taizo Hori
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Luke Skywalker
Harry Potter (Unfortunately)
Mai Shiranui
Rainbow Dash
Master Chief/John-117
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik
Dr. Albert Wily
Metal Sonic
Princess Zelda
Princess Peach
Thor Odinson
Lord Raiden
Cloud Strife
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Spider-Man/Peter Parker
Son Goku
Superman/Clark Kent
He-Man/Prince Adam
Shao Kahn
M. Bison
Ryu Hayabusa
Strider Hiryu
Ivy Valentine
Black Orchid
Fox McCloud
Bucky O'Hare
The Terminator/T-800 Model 101
Robocop/Alex Murphy
Miles "Tails" Prower
Captain America/Steve Rogers
Scorpion/Hanzo Hasashi
Deadpool/Wade Wilson
Deathstroke/Slade Wilson
Majin Buu
Ragna the Bloodedge
Sol Badguy
Toph Beifong
Iron Man/Tony Stark
Lex Luthor
Beast/Hank McCoy
Solid Snake/David
Sam Fisher
Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker
Dr. Victor von Doom
Donkey Kong
Knuckles the Echidna
Wolverine/James "Logan" Howlett
Hercule Satan/Mark
Dan Hibiki
Yang Xiao Long
Tifa Lockhart
Mega Man/Rock
Astro Boy
Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
Hawkeye/Clint Barton
Dante Sparda
Ratchet & Clank
Jak & Daxter
The Flash II/Barry Allen
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
The Joker
Sweet Tooth/Marcus "Needles" Kane
The Meta/Agent Maine
Agent Carolina
Cammy White
Sonya Blade
Tracer/Lena Oxton
The Scout/Jeremy Willis
Ken Masters
Terry Bogard
Amy Rose
Ramona Flowers
Hulk/Bruce Banner
Roronoa Zoro
Erza Scarlet
Pinkie Pie
Lara Croft
Nathan Drake
Scrooge McDuck
Shovel Knight
Venom/Eddie Brock
Natsu Dragneel
Portgas D. Ace
Sub-Zero/Kuai Liang
Android 18
Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers
TJ Combo/Tyler-Johnson Garrett
Shredder/Oroku Saki
Silver Samurai/Kenuichio Harada
Smokey the Bear
McGruff the Crime Dog
Naruto Uzumaki
Ichigo Kurosaki
Batman Beyond/Terry McGinnis
Spider-Man 2099/Miguel O'Hara
Vergil Sparda
Black Panther/T'Challa
Raven/Rachel Roth
Twilight Sparkle
Jotaro Kujo
Crash Bandicoot
Spyro the Dragon
Leon S. Kennedy
Frank West
Dr. Stephen Strange
Dr. Fate/Kent Nelson and Nabu
Jin Kazama
Samurai Jack
Afro Samurai
Carnage/Cletus Kasady
Optimus Prime
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Daredevil/Matt Murdock
Master Roshi
Aquaman/Arthur Curry
Namor the Sub-Mariner
Mega Man Volnutt
Mega Man Star Force/Geo Stelar
Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
Widowmaker/Amelie Lacroix
Shazam/Billy Batson
King Dedede
Ben Tennyson
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan
Weiss Schnee
Mitsuru Kirijo
Johnny Cage/John Carlton
Captain Falcon
Avatar Aang
Edward Elric
Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze
Sasuke Uchiha
Count Dracula Vlad Ţepeş
Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama
The Mask/Stanley Ipkiss
All Might/Toshinori Yagi
Might Guy
Spider-Man II/Miles Morales
Static/Vergil Hawkins
Black Canary/Diana Laurel Lance
Red Ranger/Jason Lee Scott
War Machine/James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Gray Fullbuster
General Esdeath
Cable/Nathan Summers
Booster Gold/Michael Jon Carter
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kakashi Hatake
Danny Phantom/Daniel Fenton
Jake Long
She-Ra/Princess Adora
Sailor Galaxia
Prince Zuko
Shoto Todoroki
The Flash III/Wally West
Archie Sonic the Hedgehog
Winter Soldier/James "Bucky" Barnes
Red Hood/Jason Todd
Billy Butcher
A-Train/Reggie Franklin
Queen Maeve/Maggie Shaw
Starlight/Annie January
Konrad von Sabrewulf
Jon Talbain
Red Team (Sarge, Dick Simmons, Dexter Grif, Franklin Delano Donut, Lopez the Heavy)
Blue Team (Leonard Church, Lavernius Tucker, Michael Caboose, Agent Tex/Allison, Sheila)
Batgirl/Barbara Gordon
Spider-Gwen/Gwen Stacy-65
Rock Lee
King Mickey
Ryūko Matoi
Heihachi Mishima
Geese Howard
Blake Belladonna
Misaka Ackerman
Iron Fist/Danny Rand
Po Ping
Steven Universe
Star Butterfly
Goku Black/Zamasu
Reverse-Flash/Eobard Thawne
Macho Man Randy Savage
Kool-Aid Man
Dio Brando
Alucard/Vlad III Dracula
Avatar Korra
Storm/Ororo Munroe
Madara Uchiha
Sōsuke Aizen
Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
Zatanna Zatara
Tanjiro Kamado
Jonathan Joestar
Omni-Man/Nolan Grayson
Homelander/John Gillman
Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr
Tetsuo Shima
Sun Wukong
The Predator/Yautja
James Bond
John Wick
Black Adam/Teth-Adam
Apocalypse/En Sabah Nur
Xeno Trunks
Archie Silver the Hedgehog
Spongebob Squarepants
Superfriends Aquaman
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
The Lich King/King Arthas Menethil
Deku/Izuku Midoriya
Ant-Man/Hank Pym
Atom/Ray Palmer
Chosen Undead
Killua Zoldyck
Mikoto Misaka
Stitch/Experiment 626
Rocket Raccoon
Obito Uchiha
Phoenix/Jean Grey
King Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz
Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd
Bill Cipher
Cole MacGrath
Alex Mercer
Satoru Gojo
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Rick Sanchez
The Doctor
Joker/Ren Amamiya
Giorno Giovanna
Bowser Jr.
King Boo
The Imposter
The Fall Guy
Norse Kratos
Wile E. Coyote
Tom Cat
Tomura Shigaraki
Yugi Muto
Simon the Digger
White Lantern/Kyle Rayner
Ruby Rose
Maka Albarn
Felonious Gru
And the Kaiju Roster
White Tigerzord
Gundam Epyon
Gundam RX-78-2
Mechagodzilla III/Kiryu
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yeeters-muse-archive · 1 year ago
Muse Bio’s
Incomplete Tags
research pending: haven’t gotten to reseaching the character to do them justice in asks or rps
denial of research: In some way or another such as overwhelming amounts of research needed, I can refuse to do research and try and do asks with them the best I can. Just don’t ask about anything in terms of their world.
reference image: basically what it says on the tin. I normally try finding ones that have the character fat, but not with ones with this tag on them
reaction images: This only has happened to two of my OC muses. This is due to them being very gimmicky in nature. It’s because of this that I have to refrain from using them.
List is shown below. Have fun! ^v^
Original cast:
Kasandra, from Xenoblade Chronicles 2= Incomplete (reference image)
Fuyumi Todoroki, from My Hero Academia = Here
Bea, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Melony, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Zinnia, from Pokemon ORAS = Incomplete (research pending)
Mannequin, an OC = Here
Yugaami, an OC = Here
Elma, from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid = Here
Modeus, from Helltaker = Here
Muse Recruitment 1
Samus Aran, from Metroid = Here
Nessa, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Tifa Lockhart, from FFVII = Here
Cynthia, from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl = Here
Yu Takeyama (Mount Lady,) from My Hero Academia = Here
Rumi Usagiyama (Miruko,) from My Hero Academia = Here
Muse Recruitment: Males
Lavernius Tucker, from Red vs Blue = Here
Kyojuro Rengoku, from Demon Slayer = Here
The Scout, from TF2 = Here
Astolfo = Incomplete (denial of research)
Milo, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Shulk, from Xenoblade Chronicles = Here
Muse Recruitment: Furries
Isabelle, from Animal Crossing = Here
The Cheetah, from the DC Animated Universe = Here
Lola Bunny, from Loony Tunes = Here
Vanilla the Rabbit, from Sonic the Hedgehog = Here
Rouge the Bat, from Sonic the Hedgehog = Here
Margaret, from Regular Show by Cartoon Network = Incomplete (research pending)
Muse Recruitment: Original OCs
Gabriella Teho, an OC = Here
Avery Salazar, an OC = Incomplete (reaction images)
Trish⍺, an OC = Incomplete (reaction images)
Tristin Baker, an OC = Here
Ashlee Philips, an OC = Here
Retta ‘Whale’ Joshua = Here
Muse: Recruitment: Mun’s Choices
Mio, from Xenoblade Chronicles = Here
Steve Tholomule, from The Owl House = Incomplete (reference image, research pending)
Melissa Shield, from My Hero Academia = Here
Arezu, from Pokemon Legends Arceus = Here
Yor ‘Briar’ Forger, from Spy x Family = Here
Grusha, from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet = Here
Muse Recruitment: Villains
Monika, from Doki Doki Literature Club = Here
Jessie, from the Pokemon Anime = Here
Lust from Full Metal Alchemist / Brotherhood = Incomplete (research pending)
Android 21, from Dragon Ball Fighterz = Here
Lady Dimitrescu, from Resident Evil Village = Here
Charmcaster, from Ben 10 = Here
Muse Recruitment: Milfs
Sadayo Kawakami, from Persona 5 = Here
Rosalina, from Super Mario = Here
Chi-Chi, from Dragon Ball = Here
Nemuri Kayama (Midnight,) from My Hero Academia = Here
Akane ‘Sato’ Taylor, an OC = Here
Baiken, from Guilty Gear = Here
Muse Recruitment: Muscles
Bria Hancock, an OC = Here
Hilda Valentine Goneril, from Fire Emblem: Three Houses = Here
Mikasa Akerman, from Attack on Titan = Here
Nana Shimura, from My Hero Academia = Here
Hildryn, from Warframe = Here
Chun Li, from Street Fighter = Here
Muse Recruitment: Indie
Natsuki, from Doki Doki Literature Club = Here
The Dryad, from Terraria = Here
Neon Red, from Neon White = Here
Miriam, from Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night = Here
Julianne “Jill” Stingray from VA-11 Hall-A = Here
Abigail, from Stardew Valley = Here
Muse Recruitment: J/RPGs
Mesa, from Warframe = Here
Pyra, from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 = Here
Purah, from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom = Here
Mad Moxxi, from Boarderlands = Here
Hinako Kujou, from Devil Survivor 2 = Here
Sheena Fujibayashi, from Tales of Symphonia = Here
Muse Recruitment: Pokemon Trainers
Klara, from Pokemon The Isle of Armor = Here
Shelly, from Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire = Here
Drasna, from Pokemon X and Y = Here
Sonia, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Professor Sada, from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet = Here
Skyla, from Pokemon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 = Here
Muse Recruitment: Males Round 2
Shadow the Hedgehog, from Sonic the Hedgehog = Here
Juan Teho, an OC = Here
Noah, from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 = Here
Kakashi Hatake, from Naruto = Here
Raiden, from the Metal Gear Franchise = Incomplete (research pending)
Kratos, from the God of War Franchise = Here
Muse Recruitment: Super Smash Brothers
Shantae from the Shantae franchise = Here
“Cereza” Bayonetta from the Bayonetta franchise = Here
Wii Fit Trainer from the WiiFit series = Here
Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 = Here
Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom = Here
Lady Palutena from the Kid Icarus franchise = Here
Muse Recruitment: Fighting Games
Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers = Here
Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury = Incomplete (Research Pending)
Cammy White from Street Fighter = Here
Bridget from Guilty Gear = Here
Elphelt Valentine from Guilty Gear = Here
Mileena from Mortal Kombat (MK1 timeline) = Here
Special Reward Muses (Muses added for people who help me with problems I announce:)
Mitsuru Kirijo, from Persona 3 = Here
Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim = Here
Lady Nagant from MHA = Here
Tae Takemi from Persona 5 = Here
Camilla from Fire Emblem Fates = Here
Alisa Ilinichina Amiella from God Eater = Here
Part 2 Here
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cal1-m3-ell3 · 14 days ago
Video Games:
Joker (Persona 5)
Connection: Joker embodies rebellion against a corrupt system, much like Lois seeks to rise against the expectations imposed by her divine parents. They both prioritize loyalty to their friends.
2. Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI)
Connection: Both characters possess chaotic elements within them. Kefka embodies insanity and mischief similar to Lois's lineage with Loki. He has a complex backstory that contributes to his villainous and unpredictable nature.
3. Shantae (Shantae series)
Connection: Shantae is half-genie and possesses shape-shifting abilities. Her lighthearted personality, combined with moments of seriousness reflective of her heritage and responsibilities, resonates with Lois’s character traits.
4. Aru (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Connection: Aru features a complex past as a child of the gods and deals with themes of divine responsibility. Her character struggles with her identity and duties reminiscent of Lois's battles against her godly background.
5. Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profile series)
Connection: Valkyrie is a being that collects the souls of the worthy, reflecting Lois’s divine heritage. Her strong moral compass while navigating the chaos of her responsibilities meshes with Lois’s moralistic nature.
6. Yuna (Final Fantasy X)
Connection: Yuna, bearing the burden of being a summoner, shows how identity and familial expectations can weigh heavily, paralleling Lois's relationship with her biological parents and her journey of self-discovery.
7. Ellie (The Last of Us)
Connection: Ellie experiences significant trauma and has to mature rapidly through her struggles, similar to Lois. Both characters show resilience, forge bonds, and embody a brave spirit in harsh environments.
8. Princess Zelda (Legend of Zelda series)
Connection: Zelda often has to hide her true identity and power in pursuit of peace. Similar to Lois’s desire to live a normal mortal life while embracing her divine aspects, she balances her responsibilities as a princess and hero.
9. Samus Aran (Metroid series)
Connection: Samus's journey explores themes of isolation, personal struggles, and resilience in a sci-fi context. Both characters are strong female figures dealing with significant trauma and responsibility.
10. Rydia (Final Fantasy IV)
Connection: Rydia faces a tumultuous childhood and evolves from a scared girl to a strong warrior. Her trials mirror Lois's transformation from a living weapon to a hopeful and empowered individual.
11. Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers series)
Connection: As a half-demon, Morrigan navigates her supernatural heritage and embodies confidence, seduction, and strength. Her playful nature and complex heritage relate to Lois’s character.
12. Freyja (God of War series)
Connection: Freyja embodies the nurturing yet fierce aspects of a goddess, paralleling Lois's divine heritage. Both navigate complicated relationships and embody themes of protection and dual identities.
13. Clementine (The Walking Dead)
Embodies resilience, growth, and a quest for family; shares Lois’s protective instincts and need for connection.
14. Lydia (Skyrim)
Connection: While a simpler character, Lydia represents loyalty and strength. As a companion, she resonates with themes of supportive relationships, similar to Lois’s bond with her brother Erik.
15. Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn)
Connection: Aloy’s journey of self-discovery amidst her unusual heritage reflects Lois’s quest to carve her identity separate from her parents. She exhibits strength and determination against overwhelming odds.
16. Cassandra (Assassin's Creed Odyssey)
Connection: Cassandra navigates her identity amidst her legendary ancestry and the responsibilities that come with it. Themes of self-discovery parallel Lois’s journey as she claims her autonomy.
17. Chun-Li (Street Fighter series)
Connection: Chun-Li’s drive for justice and her journey to confront her past mirrors Lois’s moral code and her need to fight against injustices despite her own traumatic background.
18. Sorey (Tales of Zestiria)
Connection: Sorey’s role as a shepherd reflects Lois’s divine lineage and struggles with serving a greater purpose. His quest for peace embodies moral strength similar to Lois’s resolve.
19. Riven (League of Legends)
Connection: Riven's desire to redeem herself after a traumatic past resonates with Lois’s story as she seeks to navigate her identity while confronting the consequences of her heritage.
20. Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4)
Connection: Naoto, a detective with a troubled past, engages themes of identity and gender roles, reflecting Lois’s complex exploration of her own gender identity and self-worth.
21. Ciri (The Witcher 3)
Connection: Ciri's journey as a powerful individual born under unique circumstances parallels Lois's background. Both characters struggle with their powers and seek to create their paths in tumultuous circumstances.
22. Zagreus (Hades)
Connection: Zagreus embodies the struggle of breaking away from familial expectations and navigating his identity as the son of Hades. His journey of self-discovery connects deeply with Lois's feelings of rebellion against her parents.
23. Tales of the Abyss - Luke fon Fabre
Connection: Luke's journey from being sheltered to self-discovery reflects Lois’s transformation as she grapples with her identity and responsibilities.
24. Maya Fey (Ace Attorney series)
Connection: Maya’s loyalty and quirks mirror Lois’s friendly demeanor. Both characters exhibit strong familial bonds and navigate their identities while confronting emotional challenges.
25. Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (Mass Effect series)
Connection: Tali navigates her identity as a member of a unique species and carries considerable responsibilities, paralleling Lois’s struggles due to her divine lineage and the expectations attached.
26. Kamala Khan (Marvel’s Avengers)
Connection: Kamala’s journey as a young hero balancing personal identity and responsibilities mirrors Lois's challenges as she grapples with her status as a deity and a mortal among friends.
27. Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
Connection: Futaba's struggle with trauma and her journey toward self-acceptance resonates with Lois's experiences in overcoming a challenging background while fostering strong friendships.
28. Dante (Devil May Cry series)
Connection: Dante’s mixed heritage of human and demon connects with Lois's dual lineage of godly ancestry. Both characters navigate the challenges of their powers and responsibilities with a rebellious spirit.
29. Sora (Kingdom Hearts series)
Connection: Sora’s optimistic outlook and friendships reflect Lois’s positive demeanor amidst her dark past, and their journeys of self-discovery resonate deeply with themes of courage and authority.
30. Zoe (The Last of Us Part II)
Connection: Zoe’s complex journey involving loss, resilience, and moral dilemmas parallels Lois's struggles with her past and her quest to forge her identity amid turmoil.
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comicsxaminer · 8 years ago
Cool Cosplay: Superman, Chun-Li, And More!
Cool Cosplay: Superman, Chun-Li, And More!
Cable by James T. Wulfgar, Photography by Pat Loika
Superman by Jeremy Lester
Demon Hunter Samus by Danielle Beaulieu, Photography by MH Photography
Black Cat by Zombie Bit Me, Photography by Grey Campbell
Lady Death by Lady Jaded, Photography by Equinox Studios
Chun-Li by Melizenn Cosplay, Photography by William B. Photography
Feel free to click on the models’ names to view more of their work.
View On WordPress
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coeursetcolores · 5 years ago
Happy International Women's Day! In honor of the day, here's a (not counting down) list celebrating the women who have earned my respect with their intelligence, strength, integrity, ability, competence, determination, drive, dedication and compassion:
•Samus Aran (Metroid series)
• Claire Redfield (Resident Evil/ Biohazard series)
• Ada Wong (Resident Evil/ Biohazard series)
• Android 18 (Dragon Ball franchise)
• Bulma Briefs (Dragon Ballfranchise)
• Chun-li (Street Fighter series)
• Kasumi (Dead or Alive series (waifu!))
• Helena Douglas (Dead or Alive series)
• Kohaku (Dr. Stone)
• Trish (Devil May Cry series)
• Lady (Devil May Cry series)
• Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)
• Garnet (Steven Universe)
• Amethyst (Steven Universe)
• Mara (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
• Balalaika (Black Lagoon)
• Inko Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
• Winter Schnee (RWBY)
• Ruby Rose (RWBY)
• Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
• Nora Valkyrie (RWBY)
• Scout (Nomad of Nowhere)
• Ann Takamaki (Persona 5)
• Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII franchise)
• Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI>
• Yuna (Final Fantasy X series)
• Bayonetta (Bayonetta series)
• Momoko Hyakushiki (Nanbaka)
• Linda Belcher (Bob’s Burgers)
• Milly Thompson (Trigun) • Celty Sturluson (
• Erika Karisawa (Durarara!!)
• Carol (OK K.O. Let's be Heroes!)
• Sandy Cheeks (Spongebob Squarepants)
• Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
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blackhakumen · 3 months ago
Mini Fanfic #1250: Luigi's Mistletoe Adventures~ (SSBU X Darkstalkers)
9:23 p.m. Smash Mansion's Front Yard Entrance...........
Dedede: (Walking Up the Steps with Escargoon and Morrigan, Dressed as the Jolly St. Nick Himself, Santa Claus) ('Sighs in Pure Relief') Man, you are one helluva lifesaver in that mall today, Morrg!
Escargoon: (Turns to Morrigan with a Smile While Dressed as an Slug Elf) Yeah, there's no way we would've handle those adorable littlr demons alone without you stepping up to the plate like that.
Morrigan: (Giggles Softly While Dressed as Mrs. Claus) Oho stop!~ it was nothing to it. When you have to babysit your bratty little sister throughout the years like I have, you'll tend to have a better grasp at looking after children overtime. Besides, highly doubt anyone would want to deal all that nonsense at the mall all day.
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly at his Girlfriend) Exactly! I knew they did right by hiring you Mrs. Claus.
Escargoon: Keep up the good work, Morrigan.
Morrigan: (Smiles Brightly) Thank you, boys!~ I'm happy to be part of the team. (Hugs Onto Dedede's Stomach in Front of Her While Playfully Running her Two Fingers Up to his Chest and Smirking Seductively at Him) Especially with someone as jolly and handsome as you, Santa Baby~
Dedede: (Smirks Back at Morrigan) Girl, you're gonna end up right on the Naughty List if you keep keep flirting with me like this.
Morrigan: And do what? Hand me a bag of coal?
Dedede: Nah, that's too old school. How about take you on a one trip ride to the Dedede Express in either one of our bedrooms instead?~ (Smacks Morrigan's Butt a Bit)
Morrigan: (Playfully Yelps) Ohho!~ Sounds like a lovely trip already ~ (Smirks Even Wider) Can't wait~
Escargoon: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face by Couple's Flirting Alone) Okay. How about we go inside the mansion already before I bang my head on the door all night, huh?
Dedede: (Clicks his Teeth Before Glaring at his Best Friend) Quit being impatient, boy, I'm 'bout open the doors! (Takes his Mansion Key Out From his Costume's Coat Pocket) Damn. Can't have any sweet couple moments these days.....
Morrigan: (Whispers into Dedede's Ear) We'll have plenty more of that inside, my dear, be patient. (Gives Dedede a Kiss on the Cheek)
Dedede: ('Sigh') Yeah, yeah- Huh? (Notoces the Door is Opening Up Itself)
?????: (From the Inside) Welcome back, you guys!
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly at a Very Familiar Voice Opening the Door For Him and the Others).'Ey, Luigi! Thanks for looking out, my bo- Woah!
Morrigan: Oh my~
The trio's eyes starts to widen at the sight of the green plumber's face being covered with different colored kiss marks.
Luigi: (Chuckles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I guess you're wondering why I look like this, huh?
Escargoon: Pretty much, yeah. What happened? (Walk into the Mansion Along with Dedede and Morrigan)
Dedede: Did a rainbow came all the way down here and kiss you all night or something?
Luigi: Not exactly. (Closes the Door Behind Him Before Following Behind) I just happened to get kissed a lot by our friend group is all in the living room.
Luigi presents the gang to their friend group (Daisy, Lilith, Samus, Chun-Li, Cloud, and Tifa) the living room happily waving at them. All of whom are wearing their respective colors of lipstick
Dedede: Damn. Even Cloud?
Luigi: (Starts Blushing a Bit as He Place his Hands on Both his Cheeks) Especially Cloud~
Morrigan: (Looks Over at the Mistletoe Hanging Up at the Living Room) Might be a hunch on my part, but does the mistletoe anything to do with any of this?
Luigi: Yeah! (Chuckles Lightly Again) I went under a lot of mistletoes today, funny enough.
Escargoon: That explains it.
Dedede: Well, don't just stand there, boi, give the details!
Luigi: S-Sure, if that what want. It all started this morning......
Morning Time at Luigi and Daisy's Room.........
Daiay: Hey Weeg. Look up above. (Points Luigi to a Mistletoe Hanging Up on the Room's Doorway)
Luigi: ('Sigh') Daisy, Peach is gonna go ballistic when she finds out you moved the mistletoe here again.....
Daisy: (Giggles Softly) I didn't move the one from the living room, silly!~ I got this one from the Coin Store yesterday. They were on sale.
Luigi: Ohh okay, that make sense. (Playfully Smirks a Bit) Bet you're happy to have one of our own now, huh?~
Daisy: (Smirks Back at her Man) Oh yeah~ (Slowly Wraps her Arms Around Luigi's Waist) But what makes me even more happy is that I get to be right under it with you~
Luigi: While kissing me all over?~
Daisy: Bingo~(Kisses Luigi Lovingly on the Lips)
??????: Is that another mistletoe I see above me?~
Daisy/Luigi: (Smiles Brightly at the Sight of Their Succubus Girlfriend Appearing in Front of the Doorway While Wearing a Mistletoe Headband) Lili!~
Luigi: Here to have breakfast with us today?
Daisy: (Snickers a Bit) With that mistletoe headband of yours?~
Lilith: (Happily Nodded) Yep-Yep-Yep!~ It was on sale at the Coin Store yesterday and I just had to get one myself so I could kiss two of my favorite cuties in the whe world!~ (Gently Grab Hold of Luigi's Cheek) Starting with you, sweetie~ (Gives Luigi a Loving Kiss on the Lips For a Few Seconds Before Pulling Away......and Starts Kissing Him All Over his Face)
Luigi: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Lili's Kisses) Lili!~ Slow down a bit, will ya?~
Lilith: (Pulls Away Again With a Apologetic Smile) Sorry~ You have such a cute, kissable face that I couldn't resist~ (Gives Luigi a Big Kiss on the Cheek)
Daisy: Never could I~ (Gives Luigi Another Kiss on the Cheek Before Playfully Pouting at Lili) Also, where the heck is MY mistletoe kiss at, hm?
Lilith: Oh how rude of me~ (Walks Over and Gives her Girlfriend a Loving Kiss on the Lips Next Before Pulling Away a Few Seconds Later) Satisfecha ahora señorita?~?
Daisy: (Blushes While Giving Lilith a Very Impressed Smile on her Face) Hot damn, Lili!~ We didn't know you know a thing or two about speaking spanish too.
Luigi: (Smiles as Well) Yeah, that was great.
Lilith: (Flips the Side of Her Hair in a Elegant Like Fashion) Well, what can I say?~ My love for the both of you is so massive that I was bound to learn a different language eventually~
Daisy: From a Spanish Handbook?
Lilith: (Smiles Sheepishly) From the internet actually......Look it all up right before I came here too (Giggles a Bit Awkwardly)
Daisy: (Casually Shrugs) Learning's still learning.
Luigi: (Simply Nodded in Agreement)
Few Hours Later at the Smash Town's Workout Gym.......
Luigi: (Makes his Way to the Door Along with Samus and Chun-Li While Wiping the Sweat Off his Forehead) ('Phew') Momma Mia, that was an intense workout......
Chun-Li: (Smiles Brightly at Luigi) Thanks again for training with us today, Luigi. You did great out there.
Samus: (Smirks Proudly at her Green Bean) And you said you wouldn't be able to keep up with us for this long~ (Playfully Ruffles the Top of Luigi's Heaf) We're proud of you, Weeg.
Luigi: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Samus' Hair Ruffling) Thanks, guys~ I'm just glad to be here with you two to begin with-
Chun-Li: Stop!.
Samus: (Quickly Stops Walking Along with Luigi on Cue) Huh?
Luigi: (Quickly Turns to Chun-Li, Confused and a Tad Bit Worried) W-What's wrong?
Chun-Li: Look! (Points Luigi and Chun-Li at What is Above Their Heads Right Now) A mistletoe~
Samus: So they finally et it up here for once this holiday, huh?
Luigi: Looks pretty. You think they got it from the Coin Store as well?
Samus: (Shrugs) It's possible. (Comes Up With Something Before Turning Back to Chun-Li with a Smirk on her Face) Say, Chun, you know what I'm thinking about right now?~
Chun-Li: (Watches Samus Slightly Moves the Side of her Down to Luigi For a Brief Second Before Smirking as Well) I think I have a good idea what's in both our minds at the moment, yes~
Samus/Chun-Li: Oh Weeeeegie~
Luigi: (Notices Two Ladies Between Them Starts Slightly Lowering Themselves Down to his Height Level) Hm?
Samus: Consider this your reward for your hardwork today~
Chun-Li: As well as for being the most brave and sweetest man we know and love very much!~
The couple then proceeds to give Luigi's big kisses on both of his cheeks, causing him to blush instantly.
Luigi: (Bashfully Rubs the Back of his Head Back and Forth While in a Giggling Mess) Not the reward I expected, but I appericate it all the same!~
Samus: (Snickers at the Sight of Blushing Green Plumber in Front of Her) Well, we are under the mistletoe after all.
Chun-Li: (Smiles Brightly) Plus, you're way too cute for either of us to pass up an opportunity like this, you know?~ (Giggles Softly) We even got your knees shaking and everything ~
Luigi: (Looks Down to See That His Knees Are In Fact Shaking on Their Own) Oh wow. (Tries to Maintain his Balance) I...somehow didn't even no- Tice!? (Suddenly Gets Scooped Up into Samus Arms)
Samus: I got ya, bud. Mind if I carry you the café? It's the least I can do for making you feel wobbly like that.
Luigi: (Smiles Softly) Not at all. Though, knowing you, I doubt you would take "no" for answer when it comes to my safety.
Samus: Damn right I wouldn't. (Lightly Boops on Luigi's Nose) And you're welcome.
Few Hours Later Back at the Mansion...........
Cloud: (Walks Dpwn the Stairs With Luigi) And then after that, I told the guy "If you were half the solider you said you were, you wouldn't have to yield midway through the-" (Stops Dpwn the Steps and Soghs as He Notices Something Hanging Above of His and Luigi's Heads Right Now) God, we're under a mistletoe, aren't we?
Luigi: (Looks Up at the Mistletoe in Question) Yep. (Chuckles Lightly) That's the third time I've stumbled under one today.
Cloud: (Snickers a Bit) Is that right? Starting to get tiresome already, doesn't it?
Luigi: Nope. It actually got me more flattered if anything.
Cloud: (Raises an Eyebrow) Really? So, you wouldn't mind if we kiss under it ourselves, would you?
Luigi: No, I wouldn't mind that at all actually. (Starts Blushing Again While Scratchinghis Cheek a Little) I-In fact, if there's anyone I'd like to share this moment with, other than Daisy and Lili- (Turns to Cloud) it'd be you too, Cloud~ (Eyes Widened a Bit Before Quickly Turning Away While Smiling More Awkwardly) But I-I-I'm pretty sure you have a million other things you would rather do than-
Cloud: (Gently Tilts Luigi's Face Right Back to His) No. I don't.
Cloud place one more hand onto Luigi's other cheek before giving him a passion kiss on the lips before pulling away with a satisfied smile while panting a bit.
Cloud: There!.....Now we're- (Looks Down to See Completely Awe Struck and Speechless Luigi Looks Right Now) Oh crap. I broke him. (Picks Luigi Up in his Arms Before Seeing Tifa Smiling Widely at the Two of Them and Giving her his Signature Deadpinned Look) You saw all of that, didn't you?
Tifa: Only the kissy part~ (Giggles Softly) Seem like you definitely like it a lot to me~
Cloud: Yeah, well- (Makes his Way to the Living Room Along with Tifa) Being under a mistletoe for this long can do that you sometimes.
Tifa: Riiight~ Is he gonna be okay?
Cloud: He's just in the state of shock right now, he'll be fine. At least I hope so.
Tifa: Want me to try wale him back up?
Cloud: If you want- (Notices Another Mistletoe Hanging in Front of Tifa's Face) Why's there a mistletoe hanging in front of your face like that?
Tifa: Cause of the mistletoe headband I'm wearing right now. (Takes the Headband Off the Top of her Head and Shows it to her Boyfriend) See? It waz on sale at the Coin Store the other day I got it.
Cloud: 'Course it is. They're selling anything in that cheap store these days....
Tifa: Don't be such a grouch.
Tifa gives Luigi a kiss on the cheek, waking him back up instantly.
Luigi: I'm up! I'm- Huh? (Notices He Is Being Carried by Cloud of All People and Tifa Happily Waving at Him)
Tifa: Hi Weegie~
Luigi: (Slowly Waves Back) Hi....What happened?
Cloud: You fainted after I kissed you under the mistletoe seconds ago.
Luigi: Oh, okay- (Eyes Widened Shot Up at What Cloud Judt Said) WAIT! (Shakongly Points at Cloud) Y-Y-You k-k-kiss me....
Cloud: That I did. (Smirks Again) You like?~
Luigi: Yeah.....(Starts Blushing Yet Again) You were a good kisser~ Not nearly as great as Daisy and Lili-
Cloud: Yeah, yeah I know. (Playfully Pulls on Luigi's Cheek a Bit) You weren't bad yourself either, Weeg.
Tifa giggles some more at how cute her boys at being towards one another.
Later that Evening in the Living Room.........
Luigi: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise at Whatbis In Front of Him Right Now) You ALL want to kiss me again?
Daisy: (Seductively Smirking at Luigi While Sitting in the Living Room with the Rest of Her and Luigi's Friend Group and Wearong Orange Colored Lipstick) While we're under this conveniently placed mistletoe hanging above us~
Lilith: (Smiles Brightly While Wearing Pink Colored Lipstick) Think of this like a big grand finale for being under a lon of them already today. As well as a token of just how much we love and appericate to pieces~
Everyone: Yep!~/Mmhmm~/That's right~
Luigi: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) You guys~ I love and appericate you all too~ (Frowns a Bit) But I dunno. I don't wanna waste anymore of your time than-
Samus: (Gives Luigi a Sisterly Glare While Wearong Light Blue Colored Lipstick) Noooope! Don't even think about finishing that sentence.
Chun-Li: (Gives Luigi a Reassuring Smile While Wearong Blue Colored Lipstick) You know we never minded spending time with you.
Tifa: (Smiles Softly as Well While Wearing Red Colored Lipstick) Yeah, and we definitely don't have any problems doing this for you.
Cloud: (Wearing Black Colored Lipstick) This idea wouldn't even come to lite if you weren't n our thoughts all day. Now quit your worrying and come over here already.
Daisy/Lilith/Tifa/Chun-Li: PLEEEEEEEEASE!?~
Luigi: (Stares into the Ladies' Pleading L, Sparkling Eyes For a Brief Second Before Sighing in Defeat) Oh, alright. (Smiles Softly) There's no way I could ever say no to you guys. (Walks Over and Sits Himself Down at the Middle of the Sofa)
Daisy: (Wraps her Arm Around Her Weegie) Feeling nice and comfy already, sweetie?~
Luigi: (Happily Nodded) Yep! Ready when you all are.
Daisy: Good. (Pumps her Fist Up.in Rejoice) NOW LET'S PUCKER THOSE LIPS UP, PEOPLE!!~
Ladies: (Cheers in Rejoice as Well) YEAH!~
Cloud: (Slightly Raises his Fist Up With Less Enthusiasm in Comparison) Horray..
Back to the Present
Luigi: And that's basically the gest of it. Pretty wild, huh?
Escargoon: I'll say. You are one lucky man, Luigi Mario.
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) I-I wouldn't exactly go that far.
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly and Proudly ar Luigi) Now, now, need no to be modest, boi. You should be ecstatic by the amount of love and kisses you got right now, thanks to that good heart of yours.
Morrigan: And that cute face~
Luigi: Thanks, guys. This all still feels so unreal right now....
Dedede: (Raises an Eyebrow at Luigi) Unreal, huh?
Luigi: (Quickly Shakes Both of his Habds In Frint of his Face in Defense).Not in a bad way, I swear! It just......Throughout my whole life, I was always given the short end of the stock, even before Mario and I became heroes. So being here and achieveing more than i ever have right now, with the people I love....It feels great and completely unbelievable rig-
The Gang: (In the Living Room) LUIGIIII!!
Daisy: (Walking Over and Standing Behind Luigi, Not Pleased) I KNOW you're not out there doubting yourself again!
Luigi: N-
Dedede: YEEUP! Our boi is at it again, y'all!!
Morrigan: Saying how unbelievable and unreal is it that he made it this far in life!~
Luigi: (Glares at the Couple) You guys- W-Woah!! (Gets Scooped Up into Daisy's Arm)
Daisy: Nah-uh. (Walks Back to the Living) Back to the Mistletoe Corner woth you, mister!~ We're gonna show you how real this all is!!
Luigi: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yes, dear.
Escargoon: (Watches the Duo Walks Off) Did we seriously have to snitch on him like that?
Dedede: Boi needs more lovin' in his life. He'll thank of us later.
Morrigan: Agreed. How about we leave them to their private ventures and to watch some holiday movies at my place. (Hugs onto Dedede While Smirking Seductively at Him Again) My treat~
Dedede: Don't have to tell me twice! (Throws his Ring Down on the Floor, Expanding Itself into It's Giant Size) Let's go. (Smirks Back at Morrigan) You're more than welcome snuggle the whole night away in my arms if you like~
Morrigan: Yes, please!~ ('Sigh') A shame that I do not have a mistletoe of my own to use for the both of us.
Escargoon: (Sighs Heavily While Pinching the Bridge of his Nose) I can't believe I'm doing this.....Hey, lovebirds! Here. (Hands the Couple Something)
Morrigan: ('Gasps') A mistletoe attached headband? (Eyes Sparkle Towards Escargoon) For me?~
Dedede: Where'd you get this?
Escargoon: From the Coin Store. It was sale the other. Thought about giving it to you later, but-
Morrigan: (Happily Hugs Escargoon) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so MUCH, Escar!~
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly at-) My man!!
Escargoon: (Reluctantly Receives a Fist Bump Shake by his Best Friend) Yeah, yeah. Merry Christmas or what have you. Let's go in the damn ring already, huh?
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radroller · 8 years ago
Got tagged by good ol’ @naytile to do a thing! This one looks pretty fun, so thanks a bunch!
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers that you would like to know better
Name: Stephen
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 6′5″
Orientation: Pretty straight
Favorite Fruit: APPLES. Specifically Fuji or Gala. Honeycrisp and Ambrosia ones are also great. Watermelon’s my second favorite.
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Book Series: ....Captain Underpants probably. Also I liked Jules Verne’s books (some of those are connected). If we’re counting comics and junk I’d say Hunter x Hunter and All-Star Superman.
Favorite Flower: Tie between Bluebells and Brown-Eyed Susans
Favorite Scent: I’m anosmic, so i can’t have one of those.
Favorite Color: YELLOW! 
Favorite Animals: Giraffes, gorillas, most beetles.
Coffee/Tea/Cocoa: Tea if I had to choose. I usually stick to fruit juice.
Average Sleep hours: 6-7 I’d say
Cat or Dog Person: Primarily dogs. Only reason it’s tipped in their favor is I’m allergic to cats. I guess I could get one of those cute Sphynx ones though!
Favorite Fictional Character: HOOOOOO BOY. Lemme think. Flex Mentallo, Billy Batson, Kamala Khan, Space Ghost, Venom Snake, Quiet, Seto Kaiba, Hanamichi Sakuragi, Ippo Makunouchi, Guts, Cutie Honey, Samus Aran, Noriko Takaya, Lal’C Melk Mark, Genkai, Chun-Li, Metabee......I COULD go on. But I will spare you all.
Number of Blankets: 2 not counting the one in my bed. 
Dream Trip: I have no preference, tbh. I’d love to go see Disney World again though.
Blog Created: As a matter of fact I made this blog in early August 2015. So....happy anniversary i guess.
Number of Followers: 267. I love you all SOOOOO much!!!
I tag: @carolinesfinnashitpost, @daddy-pucci, @missangelicwitch, @d-manaceattorney, @yorhano2typeb, @radicalapollo, @minatokun, @psychedelikarp, @pbnj-art, @pprismo, @kesuke, @shadesoforlando
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nightmare-alice-blog · 8 years ago
Okay, so because I have way too much time on my hand, I decided to compile a list of non-sexualized female video game protagonists, from oldest to newest, as a sort of follow up to that post I made that exploded in popularity.
Samus Aran (Metroid, 1986)
Princess Peach (first playable in Super Mario Bros. 2, 1988)
Rosella (King's Quest IV, 1988)
Laura Bow (debuted in The Colonel's Bequest, 1989)
Emily Hartwood (Alone in the Dark, 1992)
Terra (Final Fantasy VI, 1994)
Valanice and Rosella (King's Quest VII, 1994)
Jennifer Simpson (Clock Tower, 1995)
Jill Valentine (debuted in Resident Evil, 1996 and was in RE 3 in 1999)
Eva Brea (Parasite Eve, 1997)
Claire Redfield (debuted in Resident Evil 2, 1998. Also in Code Veronica, 2000, Revelations, 2012 and Revelations 2, 2015)
Coco (Crash Bandicoot 3, 1998)
April Ryan (The Longest Journey, 1999)
Maya Amano (Persona 2, 1999)
Alice Liddel (American McGee's Alice, 2000)
Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark, 2000)
Miku Hinasaki (Fatal Frame, 2001)
Rebecca Chambers (Resident Evil Zero, 2002)
Alex Roivas (Eternal Darkness, 2002)
Heather Mason (Silent Hill 3, 2003)
Mio Amakura (Fatal Frame 2, 2003)
Madotsuki (Yume Nikki, 2004)
Rei Kurosawa (Fatal Frame 3, 2005)
Zoe Castillo (Dreamfall, 2006)
Amaterasu (Okami, 2006)
Chell (Portal, 2007)
Faith Conners (Mirror's Edge, 2007)
Jeanne D'arc (Jeanne D'arc, 2007)
female Commander Shepard (Mass Effect, 2007)
Ruka Minazuki (Fatal Frame 4, 2008)
Any of the female Borderlands protagonist options (Borderlands, 2009)
The female protagonist from Persona 3 Portable (2009)
All six sisters from The Path (2009)
Lightning (debuted Final Fantasy XIII, 2009 and in Lightning Returns, 2013)
Yuuri Kozukata (Fatal Frame 5, 2014)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, 2010 and A Fragmentary Passage, 2016)
Aveline de Grandpre (Assassin's Creed Liberation, 2012)
Serah Farron (Final Fantasy XIII-2, 2013. People might disagree with me on this one, but I really don't think her default outfit, aka the one that most people are going to be familiar with, is anything "bad" at all.)
Clementine (The Walking Dead Season 2, 2013)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider reboot, 2013)
Fiona (Tales from the Borderlands, 2014)
Max Caulfield (Life is Strange, 2014)
female Jesse (Minecraft Story Mode, 2014)
Amanda Ripley (Alien Isolation, 2014)
Ellie (The Last of Us Left Behind, 2014 and The Last of Us Part 2, 2018? We don't know for sure yet) 
Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2, 2014)
Fetch (Infamous First Light, 2014)
Kinzie (Saints Row Gat out of Hell, 2015)
The female option from Splatoon (2015)
Lorraine (The Park, 2015)
Fran Bow (Fran Bow, 2015)
Michone (The Walking Dead Michone, 2016)
Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored 2, 2016)
 As you can see, there's a lot of characters here, with a good number of them ten years or older and some even 20+ years. That doesn't even get to customizable "blank slate" characters from games like Fallout, Saints Row, or Elder Scrolls where you can make them as sexy or modest as you want. And of course, this is by no means a complete list; I like to think I know a lot about video games, but obviously I don't know about literally every game in existence. Pretty sure I got all the dates right, but if I didn't, feel free to correct.
You know what? Looking at this list makes me realize how little Tumblr talks about Resident Evil and Fatal Frame, two horror game series that have more than their fair share of non-sexualized female protagonists. In fact, a lot of horror games have them. And RE is a very well known and influential series, so you can't exactly pull the "it's just a cult classic" excuse on that one, as well as for Silent Hill 3. It just seems like whenever Tumblr talks about female characters in horror games, they always make it seem like they're always Ashley-esque damsels, when that couldn't be further from the truth. What's up with that?
Anyways, I could also go on and on about awesome non-sexualized non-protagonist female characters like The Boss, Brigid Tenenbaum, Elanor Lamb, almost all the gals from Overwatch, Chun-Li, Rosalind Lutece, Liara T'soni, Yuna (yes, I know she's sexualized in X-2, but I still love her to death even though I prefer her X characterization as I related to her more in that one), Celes, Zelda, Billie Lurk, and much more, but I'd probably be here forever if I did that. @danguy96, @unhappy-opinions, @takashi0, @vikinglumberjack, I hope I'm not being a bother, but I don't suppose you could spread this around since you're all mutual that spread my original post as well.
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micoc84 · 6 years ago
1941- Wonder Woman - amazon, diane prince, will marston 1963- Jean Grey - marvel girl/ phoenix, x men/ cyclops - stan lee 1992- Buffy Summers- los angeles, hemery high, joss whedon 1940- Catwoman - selina kyle, gotham ny, bob kane 1961- Invisible girl - sue storm/ fan four, reed richards- stan lee 1973- Red Sonja- conan barbarian, roy thomas 1991- Chun Li - street fighter -capcom, interpol, akira nishitani 1995- Xena- hercules, gabrielle, rob tapert 1990- Alina - gunnm- battle angel, cyborg, desty nova, yukito kishiro 1996- Danaerys- game thrones - westeros, george martin 1986- Princess zelda- nintendo 2001- Yuna - final fantasy 1996- Lara Croft - tomb raider 1968- Carol Danvers - cap marvel 2003- Kungfu Bride - kill bill 1975- Gamora- guardians 1993- Kitana- mortal kombat 1994- Morrigan aensland- darkstalkers 1986- Samus Aran - metroid 1989- Jubilee- x men Rogue - x men/ wolverine,  Psylocke - x-men, Storm, Mystique, motoko kusa- Ghost in Shell, april o’neil- ninja turtles, tifa lockhart- final fantasy,  cammy, jill valentine - res evil, rikku- final fantasy, felicia- darkstalk, tauriel- hobbit, hit girl, poison ivy, harley quinn, princess peach - mario bros,  black widow, emma frost, kitty pryde, elektra, black cat, x-23, jessica jones, domino - deadpool, dazzler, vampirella, peggy carter, nebula, lois lane, princess leia, rey skywalker
Sarah Connor - terminator,  river tam- firefly 02 - joss whedon, hermione granger - potter 97, neytiri - na’vi - avatar - 09, tinker bell- pan, honey lemon - big hero six, elastigirl- helen parr- incredibles, elsa- frozen, seven nine - star trek 97
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attract-mode-collective · 8 years ago
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Finally, The ET Video Game That You’ve Been Waiting For
Since there was no proper game culture wrap-up last week (again, sorry about that), along with how I’m filing this at the end of the week instead of the beginning (there’s… stuff happening, so consider this one of the more minor examples), there’s a lot to cover this time around. Including a bunch of happenings from the word of art.
So kicking things off is the latest from Amanda Visel X Michelle Valigura. Much like their Star Wars, Beetlejuice, and Heathers cabinets, here we their ideas of what arcade games based upon ET and Aliens could and should look like. And yeah, playing as Gertie is an approach that could salvage its reputation in the video game sphere, plus I totally want an Alien/Aliens video game starring Newt.
Actually, hasn’t something similar already happened? Sorry, haven’t kept up with the video adaptations; last one I played was for the Jaguar. Anyhow, and unfortunately, both pieces are sold out online. Though… and I’m not 100% certain, but… they’re both at the Thailand Toy Expo, so maybe they brought a few extras with them?
Elsewhere in Asia, Japan to be exact, are not just one but two other notable shows, and both focused on electronic entertainment. First is something you’re probably familiar with, the My Famicase Exhibition, and not just because it’s been around for 13 years. As of this writing, the entire assortment has yet to be shared officially, so you’ll have to turn to Twitter to see the participants boasting their own handiwork.
[UPDATE: 5/7/17] Actually, all the pieces are finally viewable on the Famicase homepage proper. Here are my faves…
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… I particularly love Saturdays’s flavor text: “The gateway opens once a week. Tomorrow I’m going in.”
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… You kinda need to see the actual cart in the wild to understand; here’s a pic courtesy of @mandimappy…
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And finally...
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… It’s maybe pointing out that the artist responsible for the concept above also did a piece for last year’s event as well, which ended up becoming something that’s actually playable! Hope history repeats itself cuz I really want a game about an all cat band with gross lyrics.
Now, the other show is something you may know nothing about, cuz a. the 16 Bit Models Exhibition has only been around for two years and b, was only open for just one day, hence why it’s fallen under many radars.
Admittedly, I found last year’s assortment a bit more up my alley, most due to my affinity for the obscure. Yet I can still appreciate this very realistic take on the Super Mario Bros (btw, am also sorry that I don’t know who’s responsible for what)…
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Along with this realistic take on Pauline and Donkey Kong…
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Yet the exhibition was a reminder that not every Nintendo game out there has been paid tribute to death, specifically Urban Champion…
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The dioramas are easily the best parts of the 16 Bit Models Exhibition. Here’s an equally impressive one, featuring Castlevania…
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Though once again, the obscurer the better, so this tribute to Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa gets a thumbs up from me…
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Which is the lesser known game: Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa or City Connection? The latter at least was released on the NES at the time. Then again…
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Moving onto fashion, UNIQLO recently unveiled an upcoming line based upon Mario and company. As one might expect from UNIQLO, they look quite nice! Here’s the campaign movie from Japan…
The best part is that UNIQLO’s entire line is headed towards the US! Was not expecting that. Alas, certain designs are not available to everyone, and I know more than a few adults who wouldn’t mind that Kirby tee. So here comes YUMMY MART to the rescue…
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Somewhat along the same lines is Namco enlisting the talents of PAYNUS, who represents some of the esoteric offerings in the Pac-Store…
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The constant reference to pizza is something that’s present in both the PAYNUS designs and Namco’s own in-house efforts…
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Meanwhile, back at METEOR, in addition to the latest Famicase exhibit, they’ve also been busy with a collab with THUNDERBOX (which I highlighted just a few weeks ago). And from the looks of miki800.com’s post, MOUNTAIN GRAPHICS is also involved? Talk about a holy trinity…
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Whereas the previous combination makes sense, the following is… unexpected. Recently discovered that R23X has teamed up with the The Yetee of all folks to produce a line of shirts showcasing glitched VHS stills. Including one that’s game related (technically two; there’s also a crop top version as well)…
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Looks neat and all, but I’m less of a Final Fantasy 7 fan and more of a Wave Race 64 aficionado, and would therefore love to see this on a tee…
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I’d also love to get my hands on one of these 100 yen pins that @rgb_club posted a couple weeks back, though no word on when it might be available…
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Here’s another thing that’s not for sale, mostly cuz there was only one, which is of this baseball player made to look like a Street Fighter…
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Which had the better Spinning Bird Kick; Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li…
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Or City Hunter (yup, that’s Jackie Chan; via tenshokyaku)…
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Sticking with leggy video game stars, thanks to thevideogameartarchive, we finally have an answer as to whether Link is boxers or briefs…
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And sticking with Link for just a bit more, I particularly dig nozovis’s summary of the fun times him and Zelda have in Breath of the Wild…
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Along those same lines is a zine that @WPR_haru made that’s filled with all the photos he took, one that I’d love to have a copy of…
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Which fan art featuring a character from behind do you prefer; this Breath of the Wild piece by James Kochalka…
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Or this Overwatch piece by some unknown artist (if anyone knows, plz let me know)…
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Here we have @RAStyle85’s Astro City with a lots of buttons, for playing whatever game that requires that many inputs…
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And here we have former Taito graphic designer Atsushi Iwata’s custom-built device, for producing pixel graphics!
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Such things were used in other places, like SNK. Here we have a quote from someone who worked there, courtesy of videogamesdensetsu…
“The sprite editor used by artists for a number of SNK fighting games (Art Box) was written for the Neo-Geo, and uses the Neo-Geo as the interface. As in, you would use the joystick and the buttons to draw the sprite. He didn’t believe this when he started there, until one of the higher ups showed him by firing up one of the machines and drawing a kickass sprite of Robert Garcia in like 10 minutes”.
Does the Art Box sound familiar? Well, it should be.
The latest from The Gaming Historian, on the creation of the d-pad, answers the one question I’ve had for ages: if Nintendo was able to patent the control input, how were Sega and others able to get away with something seemingly similar?
Remember the 8bit Harmonica from last week? Well here’s another project involving the Famicom by Ugoita that’s a bit more… random?
This post has gone on for far too long without any Sega. Time to fix that with some gifs of Sonic from Sega Saturn de Hakken!! Tamagotchi Park, which as you may have guessed is a Tamagotchi title in which you can raise Sonic (and sorry, chilli dogs was Sonic’s fave food in the US, though I believe Sonic Generations would later recon that; via pr0jectneedlemouse)…
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Though you can also raise other Sega personalities, like Opa Opa and Alex Kidd, plus even a Mega Drive cart (via grooveonfight)?
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Super obscure Sega humor doesn’t get more obscure than this folks (note to self: on the next car trip, bring along the soundtrack to Super Hang-On cuz repeated plays of OutRun and Daytona USA tunes can get old after a while; via dnopls)…
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I know the following has been shared liked crazy (hell, even NPR posted the damn thing), and for good reason. All I can say is, Pikachu #14, get your sh*t together…
Speaking of Pikachu and his pals, The Pokemon Center released a line of Ditto Gachapon figures that are supa kawaii (via retrogamerblog)…
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Though the one piece of plastic I want the most is the also recently unveiled Samus from Metroid Prime figure by Good Smile Company, which looks hella cooler than the previously released Other M Figma…
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Am embarrassed to admit that I have no idea where this following screenshot is from, nor the tune that accompanies it, both courtesy of radicalhelmet. If anyone would be kind enough to clue me in, would be supremely appreciated…
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I wonder what the cover girl of this issue of Spoon is playing (via sixteen-bit)…
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And this week’s recommended reading comes courtesy of mah boi Don Miller, and is actually something that Oliver at Minus World also picked up on, which is a book produced by the creator of LSD: Dream Emulator, among other things, and someone I’ve mentioned quite a few times around these parts. It’s called The Art of Computer Designing: A Black and White Approach and is available via archive.org…
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As someone who has always planned on transforming an old iMac into a fish tank, thanks to Phazed, I know have other ideas…
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And finally, and I also know that I’ve been saying the same thing over and over again, but Super Attractive Club members will be receiving another round up game culture snapshots, hopefully very soon! Until then, please enjoy this still life courtesy of peazy86…
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BTW, peazy86 also does music, plus music videos…
Don’t forget: Attract Mode is now on Medium! There you can subscribe to keep up to date, as well as enjoy some “best of” content you might have missed the first time around, plus be spared of the technical issues that’s starting to overtake Tumblr.
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yahooben · 8 years ago
Fall games guide 2017: Your free time is history
Hope you had a nice outdoorsy summer, because for the foreseeable future, you’re going to have a hard time leaving the living room. The fall video game season is just about underway, and the 2017 edition is keeping with tradition by slinging enough massive games your way to tax both your wallet and your eyesight. From Mario to Marvel, here’s what the next few months have in store.
“Destiny 2”
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Destiny 2 will a new story and weapons to Bungie’s popular online shooter.
PS4, Xbox One – Sep. 6 | PC – Oct. 24
There are tons of cool games coming out in September, but for “Destiny’s” legion of fans, there can be only one. “Destiny 2,” sequel to Bungie’s insanely popular online shooter, offers a new story, baddies, weaponry, subclasses and features, though mostly it means once again zipping around the galaxy, blasting stuff in the face and rooting around for that sweet, sweet loot. PC players can finally get into the action as well, though their destinies will have to wait until late October.
“Metroid: Samus Returns”
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You’ll be able to hunt alien monstrosities from the comfort of your daily commute with ‘Metroid Samus Returns.’
3DS – Sep. 15
Nintendo (NTDOY) broke the internet when they revealed a logo for the long-awaited “Metroid Prime 4” during their E3 presentation back in June. But while that game won’t arrive any time soon, fans can get their hands on a 3DS remake of a Game Boy hit this September. “Samus Returns” hits all the right “Metroid” notes: it’s a 2D side-scroller set in a massive labyrinth that you slowly unlock by collecting awesome new abilities.
“Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite”
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Pit your favorite gaming and comic heroes against each other in ‘Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.’
PS4, Xbox One, PC – Sep. 19
Doctor Strange vs. Chun Li? Mega Man vs. Spider-Man? Mahvel, baby! The legendary brawler is back  this time letting 30 characters from the Capcom and Marvel universes slug it out. It’s also packing a full cinematic Story mode, addressing a major complaint fans had with Capcom’s “Street Fighter V.” Boasting a multi-character tag-team system and Infinity Stone power-ups, it’s aiming to be both deep and accessible. That’s a tricky combo. Here’s hoping these heroes step up to the fight.
“NBA 2K18” 
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2K is going to have to change Kyrie’s jersey for ‘2K18.’
PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC – Sep. 19
2K’s basketball blockbuster has led the league for the past decade, and it looks to return healthy and motivated to keep its crown with “NBA 2K18.” So how do you improve the top-rated sports game in the world? How about overhauling the controls, tightening up the graphics and adding tons of features to MyCareer and MyGM modes? This year’s model will also include All-Time teams, letting gamers finally figure out which NBA franchise is the best ever. (Hint: It’s the Lakers. Or maybe Celtics. Um, Bulls?)
Super NES Classic Edition
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To say you’ll have trouble getting your hands on Nintendo’s SNES Classic is an understatement.
Sep. 29
While Nintendo’s pint-sized, plug-and-play version of the beloved Super Nintendo console technically releases on September 29, the chance of you walking into a store and buying one — or even just adding it to an online shopping cart — is effectively zero. Due to Nintendo’s inability (planned or otherwise) to meet demand, the Super NES Classic has turned into a pre-order nightmare. That’s too bad, because this $80 box gives gamers 21 Super Nintendo classics in beautiful HD, including all-time greats like “The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past,” “Super Metroid,” “Super Mario World,” and the never-before-released “Star Fox 2.”
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‘Cuphead’ promises to be a gorgeous and difficult good time.
Xbox One, PC – Sep. 29
Inspired by 1930’s cartoons, “Cuphead” is one of the most beautiful games you’ve ever seen. But don’t let its sweet, surreal look fool you – this is also a brutally difficult side-scrolling shooter. If its looks don’t kill you, a wave of cheerful bullets most certainly will.
“FIFA 18”
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You might know EA’s ‘Madden’ as the company’s premier football game, but ‘FIFA’ is far more popular around the world.
PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC – Sep. 29
EA Sports might be best known in the U.S. for “Madden,” but their other football game is a lot bigger. “FIFA 18” heads to the pitch with a revamped version of its acclaimed story-based Journey mode, tasking gamers with guiding Alex Hunter through another tale of redemption. With over 80 stadiums and just about every major (and not so major) soccer club in the world, it’s as authentic as video game soccer gets.
“Forza Motorsport 7”
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‘Forza 7’ looks like the perfect game to show off your fancy new 4K TV.
Xbox One, PC – Oct. 3
Ferrari on the fritz? Lambo in the shop? Don’t fret! Microsoft’s (MSFT) simulation showstopper will let you live out your fanciest automotive fantasies. This year, “Forza” gets a hefty 4K upgrade, meaning shinier cars, prettier tracks and physics-ier physics. Best of all, it’s about .05% the cost of a new Porsche.
“Middle-earth: Shadow of War”
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‘Shadow of War’ brings back all of the over-the-top battles from ‘Shadow of Mordor,’ while upping the ante through an improved ‘Nemesis’ system and new Ring of Power.
PS4, Xbox One, PC – Oct. 10
The sequel to 2014’s incredible “Shadow of Mordor,” “Shadow of War” puts you back in the ethereal boots of Talion the ranger, who has forged a new Ring of Power and wants to use it to take down Sauron. That means slicing, dicing and enslaving lots of orcs, though you’ll get much more control over your hero thanks to a deeper role-playing and expanded “Nemesis” systems that turn the entire world into a personalized playground. In a year filled with open-world games, this one really could rule them all.
“The Evil Within 2”
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Believe it or not, this is one of the tamer screenshots for ‘Evil Within 2.’
PS4, Xbox One, PC – Oct. 13
A few years ago, “Resident Evil” mastermind Shinji Mikami transported gamers to the gory glory days of survival-horror with “The Evil Within.” This follow-up expands the nightmare with a bigger world, deeper customization and an emphasis on psychological terror. And probably a couple dozen super gross monsters.
“South Park: The Fractured But Whole”
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‘South Park: The Fractured But Whole’ is the follow-up to the award-winning ‘Stick of Truth.’
PS4, Xbox One, PC – Oct. 17
Cartman and company are at it again, this time transforming into superheroes for another hysterically NSFW RPG. “The Fractured But Whole” picks up after 2014’s excellent “The Stick of Truth,” giving gamers a dozen new character classes and (butt)loads of turn-based combat hijinks set in and around the not-so-sleepy Colorado town. Will there be strippers? You can bet your space cash on it.
“Super Mario Odyssey”
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‘Super Mario Odyssey’ takes Mario back to a 3D open world. And yeah, seeing him next to a real person is strange.
Switch – Oct. 27
The biggest video game day of 2017 is headlined by the world’s most famous mustached mascot. The first main “Mario” game for the Switch looks spectacular, a return to the open-ended form of all-time greats like “Super Mario 64.” Thanks to a stirring combination of classic “Mario” platforming and inventive new mechanics – you can possess enemies using your hat, for instance – the game won countless awards at the E3 2017 conference in June. If it isn’t on your wishlist, you must be Bowser.
“Assassin’s Creed Origins”
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This origin story takes you back to ancient Egypt and sports big improvements to combat, which could make ‘Assassin’s Creed Origins’ the best yet.
PS4, Xbox One, PC – Oct. 27
If you don’t own a Switch, October 27 will be a fine day to clamber around the rooftops of ancient Egypt. Telling the origin story of the Assassin’s Brotherhood, “Assassin’s Creed Origins” is a departure for the long-running (and climbing, and stabbing) series, adding a deep looting system and completely revised combat to the parkour-inspired action.
“Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus”
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‘Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus’ looks every bit as gory and intense as its predecessor. And that’s a good thing.
PS4, Xbox One, PC – Oct. 27
Remember when protecting an America overrun with emboldened Nazi scum seemed like a perfectly ridiculous basis for a shooter? Despite its headline-grabbing, white-hot premise, this over-the-top fragfest looks incredibly fun. Once again shoot futuristic fascists in the face as famed Nazi hunter BJ Blazkowicz, though the real star of “The New Colossus” is the game’s sharp writing and insane cast of Nazi evildoers. Who you get to shoot. In the face.
“Call of Duty: WWII”
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Activision is hoping to put the ‘Call of Duty’ back on top by bringing it back to World War II.
PS4, Xbox One, PC – Nov. 3
After flexing its sci-fi muscles for a few years, the world’s biggest shooter returns to its roots. “Call of Duty: WWII” takes gamers back to the trenches of the European theatre, trading the impossibly mobile exosuits of recent Call of Duty games for the physically grounded realism of World War II. Boasting a full solo campaign, five classes, various multiplayer games and another co-op take on the popular Zombies mode, it’s shaping up to be another big year for “Call of Duty.”
Xbox One X
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The Xbox One X is purpose-built for 4K, HDR gaming with a beefy graphics chip.
November 7
The video game console arms race is about to get another jolt. Tailor-made for 4K gaming, Microsoft’s Xbox One X outmuscles Sony’s PS4 Pro to become (upon release) the world’s most powerful home console. Fully compatible with all current and future Xbox One software, it’s built to last. That power will cost you, however: it’s $499, and you’ll need a 4K TV and a fresh new game like “Forza 7” to show off all that new juice. But if you’re in the market for a new system, you won’t find a burlier one.
“Need for Speed Payback”
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EA is hoping to get the ‘Need for Speed’ franchise back on track with ‘Need for Speed: Payback.’
PS4, Xbox One, PC – Nov. 10
The next iteration of EA’s speed demon takes a turn for the “Fast and the Furious,” pushing you to drive like a maniac while taking out enemy vehicles in the most explosive ways possible. Cop chases, deep customization and sprawling environments should hopefully wash the taste of that terrible “Need For Speed” movie out of our mouths.
“Star Wars Battlefront II”
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Finally, ‘Star Wars Battlefront II’ will let you wage arial battles in space.
PS4, Xbox One, PC – Nov. 17
How do you follow a hit as big as 2015’s “Star Wars Battlefront?” You add a full single-player campaign set between “Return of the Jedi” and “The Force Awakens”, for starters. You also add new multiplayer modes, characters and locations spanning the original, prequel and sequel eras. Luke vs. Darth Maul! Rey vs. Boba Fett! Thankfully, this shooter’s release date isn’t far, far away.
More gaming news:
‘Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle’ review: An insane mix of strategy and absurdity
Microsoft’s mixed reality headsets could save VR
Fitbit’s Ionic smartwatch is here to take on the Apple Watch
Galaxy Note 8 preview: Samsung’s big bet
Norton’s Core wants to be the ultimate watchdog for your home tech
Your next smartphone’s camera could get a huge improvement
Google drops neo-Nazi site out of ‘immediate concern of inciting violence’
5 ways you get ripped off when buying a new TV
Email Daniel at dhowley@yahoo-inc.com; follow him on Twitter at @DanielHowley.
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blackhakumen · 5 days ago
Mini Fanfic #1272: Out Clubbing in Green (SSBU X Kingdom Hearts X FF7)
10:01 p.m. at the Lockhart's Bar.......
Tifa: (Raises her Glass Up Along with Cloud While Sitting in a Table in All Green Attires) To St. Patrick Day!~ A day of being all green.
Cloud: And another day of us being alive.
Tifa: Cheers!~ (Clink her Glass with Cloud)
Cloud: Thanks again for inviting us here in your bar for tonight. This is nice.
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly) No problem. I figured this would be a much better option than being in those crowded bars back home.
Cloud: Yeah, especially in a holiday like this. There's no telling what kind of chaos that would go down there.
Tifa: Best not to think too much into it. (Smirks a Bit Seductively) Instead, let's talk about how snazzy you look in green~
Cloud: (Looks Downbat the Green, Short-Sleeved Tuxedo He's Currently Wearing Before Shrugging) It's nothing compared that dress you're wearing. Makes you look more gorgeous than you already are.
Tifa: (Giggles Softly While Blushing) Why, thank you, my dear~ (Lightly Push Up her Hair) It seems we never fail to dress my best these days.
Cloud: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) We?
Tifa: (Snorts into a Bit of Laughter) Yes, "We"!~ You aren't too behind in the looks development. It's almost like you're trying to impress someone besides yours truly. (Starts Smirking Again) Maybe a certain italian man in green in this bar with us~
Cloud: (Sighs While Pinching the Bridge of his Nose While Blushing) Oh God, don't start.....
Barret: (Makes his Way to the Couple's Table) The T Avalanche Trio has reunited at long last! (Let's Put a Hardy Chuckle as He Sits Down on an Available Seat Before Noticing the Blushes on Cloud's Face) What got you all red, Merc?
Cloud: (Notices Barret Staring at Him Before Quickly Turning Away) It's nothing.
Tifa: Don't mind him~ He's just having a little crush on somebody right now~
Barret: Cruah Huh? (Puts on a Teasing Smirk of his Own) Who's the unlucky candidate?
Tifa: Our resident Weegie in Green. (Points Barret to Luigi Sitting in Between of and Chatting with his Two Girlfriends, Daisy and Lilith, at the Bar Side of the Room)
Barret: Ah the legendary string bean himself. Quite the looker I must admit.
Tifa/Cloud: ('Sighs Dreamingly') And then some~
Tifa: He also happens to be the biggest sweetheart to boot~
Cloud: Everyone should love a sweetheart like him these days~
Tifa: (Happily Nodded in Agreement)
Barret: Damn, Cloud. You must've been real down bad for the man to make you blushed up like that.
Tifa: Ohhh you don't have slightest idea, Barret!~ (Whispers into Barret's Ear While Pointing at Cloud) He kissed him more than twice now. Right on the lips~
Cloud: (Rolls his Eyes at Tifa) Really not that much of secret at this point, Tifa. Also, you kissed him too!
Tifa: And I'll do again when the time comes for it! (Starts Smirking Again) But you seemed to enjoy doing it a lot more in comparison~
Cloud: (Eyes Widened a Bit Before Blushoand Turning Away) It's not my fault I couldn't help myself.......(Hears Barret Chuckling Before Turning Over and Raising an Eyebrow at Him) And what seems to be funny to you, Wallace?
Barret: You becomin' like certified lover boy! And here I thought I'd never see the day you find any love in your life.
Cloud: Yeah, well, that's life for ya. I don't hate it one bit.
Tifa's heart begins to melt as she gives her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.
Barret: You know, I bet you don't have the guts to ask him out.
Cloud: Barret, I can ask him out anytime I want.
Barret: (Smirk Grew Wider) But can you do it now is the question on MY mind right now.
Tifa: (Starts Chanting) Do it~ Do It~
Cloud: ('Hmph') Watch me then. (Gets Up From his Seat Vefore Turning bis Attention to his Main Target) Hey, Weg!
Luigi: (Turns Himself Over to Cloud) Yes, Cloud?
Cloud: Do you wanna go out and hangout sometime? (Starts Turning Away While Blushing Again) Just the two of us?~
Luigi: (Smiles Brightly at Cloud) Sure! I'd love that. How does a stroll around the town sounds?
Cloud: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Hm....Basic, but it's just the way I like it. It's a date.
???????: Oooooooooh!~
Cloud turns back over to see Daisy and Lilith giggling and teasing him at the mid distance.
Lilith: So bold of you to ask our boyfriend on date, Mr. EX-Soldier!~
Daisy: Bout time~ (Forms a Playful Smirk on her Face) You best give our Sweetie a good time out there, ya hear?~
Cloud: (Rolls his Eyes Again) Uh-huh. Cystal. (Sits Back Down in his Seat)
Tifa: (Happily Hugs her Boyfriend) I knew you could do it~
Barret: ('Sigh') Yeah, I'll admit. That took guts what you did, Merc.
Cloud: All the more reason why you should never underestimate an Ex-Soldier.
Barret: (Starts Rolling his Eyes Now) Relish in that achievement all ya want, Lover Boy. (Gets Himself Up.From the Table) In the meantime, I got myself an unopened business to start on. (Crackles his Only Regular Knuckle as He Makes his Waybto Dedede and Morrigan's Table)
Tifa: (Watches Barret Leave Along with Cloud) Oh no.
Cloud: ('Sigh') It begins....
The abnormally cute couple are seen sitting together with Morrigan giggling and hugging up on Dedede's arm muscle as he flexing it in a cocky like fashion. It was a cute moment thebtwo shared up until-
??????: HEY!
Dedede/Morrigan: Hm? (Turns Over tonSee a Musclar, Bionic Hand Having Brute of a Man Walking to Their Table)
?????: You're that Ex King Dedede?
Dedede: ('Sigh') That is in my job description....
Morrigan: (Gasps Before Squeezes her Hands onto Bothbof Dedede's Cheeks) Don't say that! (Turns Back to the Muscular Man With a Glare on her Face) My man is VERY MUCH a king!....To my heart~ (Gives Dedede a Passionate Kiss on the Lips, Instantly Causing Him to Get Wobbly and Dazed)
Dedede: Yeah.....WhAt sHe sAiD~......(Starts Shaking his Head as He Quickly Comes Back to his Senses) Hey, aren't you Cloud and Tifa's friend, whatshisface?
Barret: It's Barret. Barret Wallce, the co owner of this fine, award winning establishment- (Points at Dedede, Using his Metal Finger) And the man standing here challenging YOU tonight!!
Morrigan: Challenge?
Dedede: (Raises an Eyebrow) What you wanf, Wallace? A fist fight?
Barret: Hell no I don't want no fist fight! (Pulls a Chair Back From the Other Sode of the Table and Sits on it) I wanna Arm Wrestle! Heard from my old peeps that you have the best muscle strength your Smash Family has to offer- (Slams his Elbow on the Table, Showing Off his Hand with a Competitive Grin on his Face) And I'm inclined to see for my self
Dedede: Best Muscle- (Gets Up From his Table to Glare at the Midgar Couple From the Mid Distance) What in the hell did y'all tell this man!?
Tifa: (Giggles Awkwardly While Rubbing The Back of her Head Back and Forth) Y-You see, we were so proud with the progress you made in our workout sessions these days. So....we may have....sort of bragged about how strong you've gotten to Barret on video chat......
Cloud: (Points at His Girlfriend Next to Him) Tifa did most of the bragging by the way.
Tifa: (Immediately Glares at her Boyfriend Next to Her) Cloud!
Cloud: (Casually Shrugs) Hey, it's true.
Barret: (Turns to Tifa) Yeah, you yammered on an on about him till my lunch break was over. Just like a momma bird you are.
Tifa: (Comically Glares at Barret) Well, excuse me for having a lotta faith in the people I love and care about!! (Sits Back Down on Her Seat While Turning Away and Pouting) Including you jerks.....
Dedede: (Sits Himself Back Down on his Seat) Ain't no need for you to huffi and puff over there, girl, I'll win this match up just for you.
Tifa: (Turns Back to De with a Hopeful, Bright, Smile on her Face) Really?~
Barret: (Raises an Eyebrow at the Ex King Himself) You will, huh?
Dedede: Damn straight! (Slams his Elbow on the Table) I'm feeling a lil' motivated tonight- (Grabs Onto Barret's Hand as The Two Now Shares a Fierce Grip) So I might as well give it all I got, am I right?
Barret: (Starts Grinning Competitively Again) Now that's what I like to hear!
Morrigan: Well, if you're truly doing this-
Morrigan does a short backflip as her dress instantly transforms into a referee uniform the moment her feet touch the ground.
Morrigan: (Does a Bit of a Fashioniva Pose) Then allow mwah to be your referee for this lovely evening!~
Dedede: (Eyes Widened at How Irresistibly Attractive his Girlfriend Looks in her Uniform) Goddamn.......(Looks Behind the Short Back Shorts Morrigan is Wearing) You know a thing or two about refereeing in that tight fit?~
Morrigan: (Giggles Softly While Blushing a Bit) Somewhat~ I studied and played the role of the referee girl for for this sports magazine shoot the girls and I did a while back. Quite the intriguing learning experience if I do say so myself, no?
Dedede: Baby, it's been doing you wonders~ (Looks Back Up to Morrigan's Face) You think you could me some pictures of this when we get back home?
Morrigan: (Leans Close to Dedede as She Gently Scratch Under his Chin with her Signature Seductive Smirk) I could give you a more thorough, private show if you win this challenge~
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly) Perfect enough for me! Let's get to it! (Turns Back to Barret with a More Determined Grin on his Face)
Cloud: Barret! You win this and I'll give you Tifa's recipe for her Raspberry Shortcake and Stuffed Crust Pizza.
Tifa: (Gives her Boyfriend a Bit of a Deadpinned Look) Air out my secret recipes why don't you.....
Barret: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) On god!God!? (Turns Back to Dedede with a Competitive Grin of his Own) Then let's the match begin!
Morrigan: Very well then. (Raises her Hand Up in the Middle of the Table) On my mark, we'll begin this match!...........(Lowers Hand Down) My Mark! Go!
Cloud: That's clearly not how a referee Starts a match.....
And right on Morrigan's mark, our two combatants tightens up their grips and resistance with every bit of fiber in their muscles as their arm wrestling has finally begun.
??????: Pipe down on the grunting over there!
Samus: (Angrily Shaking her Fist at the Gang While Sitting on the Other Side of the Bar with her Girlfriend, Chun-Li, On her Side of the Table) Some of us are trying to have a romantic double date here!! (Lays her Fist Down on the Table While Sighing) Dorks.
Chun-Li: (Smiles Softly at the Fellow Couple Sitting in Front of Her and Samus) So~ How's life been treating you two these days?
Terra: (Smiles Back While Sitting Next to Aqua on Their Side of the Table) Pretty good. I've finally took Aqua to come train with me at the valley the other day.
Aqua: (Smiles Softly) It was such a lovely sight behold and experience~ (Smile Then Turns into a Sheepish One) For the most part......
Aqua and Terra, are both seen sitting on a large rock, meditating together under a waterfall pouring down upon their heads. It went reasonably well up until the waterfall it gradually became too much for the appointed Keyblade Master to handle, eventually forcing her to fall off from the rock and into the lake below her and Terra.
Terra: (Hears the Sudden Splashing Noise as He Has One Eye Open) Aqua?
End of Flashback
Aqua: Terra made it look so easy with how long he sat there, unbothered, that I've been trying figure out what went wrong ever since. (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) Has my body weight wasn't capable with that much pressure?....Or maybe my mind wasn't completely cleared at the time......
Terra: (Gives Aqua a Reassuring Smile) I'm pretty sure that was the waterfall that caught you off guard there. It has gotten a tad bit stronger these days.
Samus: You must of have body of literal steel if you're able to withstand all that water falling down on you for hours on end.
Chun-Li: (Snickers a Bit) Or Ryu's distant relative~ I've seen him meditate under Kegon Waterfalls on a few occasions and the longest I've seen him sat there was till night.
Terra: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Seriously? That's incredible! I-Is this Ryu guy even human?
Chun-Li: He is. (Smiles Sheepishly) Though, I'd be lying if i said I haven't been asking myself that exact question since the day I've first met him.
Terra: (Chuckles Lightly) Then we might have to ask him to join us one of these days, huh Aqua?
Aqua: That would be nice idea. (Puts on an Uncertainty Like Look on her Face) Though, I highly doubt I could keep up with either of you at the rate I'm in...
Terra: (Gives Aqua a Reassuring Smile) It's a challenge to get through, bur I know you have what it takes to last longer than you did originally. You are the strongest woman I know and love after all.
Samus/Chun-Li: Awww~
Aqua: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness as She Nodded to her Boyfriend's Words of Encouragement) Alright. I'll keep at it as many times as I have to. And maybe someday, we could bring our students to the valley along with us as a field trip.
Sus: Speaking of students, it sucks that Lea couldn't join us here tonight.
Chun-Li: I wonder why......
Terra: Well, he wanted to go with us.
Aqua: But Kairi insisted he stays behind with her and others for their sleepover tonight......Among other things.
Meanwhile at Destiny Island Trio's Residence's Living Room..........
Kairi: DAMNIT, AXEL! (Angrily Chases Lea Around the Living Room) QUIT RUNNING AWAY FROM MEEEE!
Lea: (Runs For his Life All While his Hair is Dyed Green Again) NOT UNLESS YOU COOL IT FIRST!!
Sora: (Sighs While Standing Next to Riku, Watching The Choas Unfolds Along with Everyone Else Present in the Room) Poor Axel.....
Riku: (Slowly Shakes his Head) When will he ever learn that his reckless thinking and actions has consequences?
Xion: Hopefully soon.
Roxas: Knowing him? I doubt it.
Lea: (Comically Glarescat Two of Kairi's Boyfriends) REALLY DON'T NEED ANY OF YOUR BACKGROUND COMMENTARY RIGHT NOW, YOU TWERPS! (Quickly Slides Himself Over a Nearby Couch Namine and a Giggling Marlene is Sitting At and Hides Behind It)
Kairi let's out a vicious sounding growl as she's about sprint over to Lea's hiding spot until sight if his finger wiggling at her manages to stop her in her tracks.
Lea: Nah-Uh-Uh! Don't even think about scaring these angels away.
Namine: (Giggles Softly) You're too sweet, Lea~
Marlene: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Yeah!~ We love you, Uncle Lea!~
Lea: (Sighs While Rubbing the Top of Marlene's Head) Lovee you girls too, kiddo- Ack! (Pillow Suddenly Gets Hit in the Face by a Pillow Thrown at Him)
Kairi: ('Groans') You can't keep doing this to me, Lea!! What happened to the green shirt I gave years ago?
Lea: I forgot to put it in the washer with the other clothes last night.
Kairi: You FORGOT!? WHY!!? (Throws Another Pillow at Lea)
Lea: (Dodges Every Pillow Kairi Thriws at Him) I gotten tired at the time, alright!? I didn't even notice I forgot them till I saw them laying down on my bedroom floor this morning! So I had to dye my hair green before my kide would wake up.
Ventus: (Raises an Eyebrow at Lea in Confusion) You had your hair green since morning?
Lea: (Gets Hit by a Another Pillow to the Face Before Sighing Again) I really didn't want to get pinched all day by these two demons......(Points at His Kids Sitting at the Sofa Together with Vantias)
Xion: Such a shame too~ (Happily Shows Off her Pinching Fingers Along with Roxas) We would've had a field day with that too if it weren't for the hair.
Roxas: (Smirks a Bit) We even thought of plenty ideas on how to ambush you with these bad boys and everything. Heck, Vantias was in one of them.
Vantias: (Summons a Couple of Shadowy Hands Forming Pinching Signs From their Respective Portals with a Smug Smirk on his Face) Ever wonder how it feels to get pinched by the Darkness?
Lea: Never in all my-LIFE!? (Suddenly Gets his Ear Pulled by Kairi) Owowowowowow!
Kairi: Gotcha! (Drags her Big Brother Figure to her Room) Back to the drawing board with you, mister. (Turns her Head to Everyone Present in the Living Room) Ladies, you mind helping me our here?
Namine: (Happily Holds Up Two Bottles Hair Conditioniners) Not at all!~
Xion: (Happily Holds Up Hairs Brushes and Combs) We always came prepared. (Turbs to Marlene) Wanna join in with us too, Mar-Mar?
Marlene: (Happily Nodded) Mhmm-Mhmm~ (Gasps as Her Eyes Begins to Sparkle) Can we put makeup on him too?~
Lea: (Eyes Begins to Widened in Fear) NO-
Kairi: (Smiles Brighty at Marlene) Sure we can, kiddo!~ (.....Which Then Turns into a Conniving Looking Smirk as She Looks Over at Lea) It could complement his original colored hair perfectly.
Lea: (Comically Glares at His Sister Figure) I hate you......
Kairi: No you don't~ You'll thank us later.
Lea: NO I WON'T!
Back at the Bar
'Crunch' 'Crunch'
Lilith: (Let Out an Excited Sounding Squeal ad Her Eyes Begins to Sparkle at Some of the Appetizers She Ate in Front of Her) So yummyyyy!~ (Looks Up at Isa While Pointing at the Food) Say, what is this gooey, cheesy creation, Mr. Bartender?~
Isa: They're nachos.
Lilith: Nachos.......It sounds funny as it taste so heavenly~
Daisy: (Turns to her Girlfriend Next to Her) So seriously have no idea what nachos were beforehand, Lili?
Lilith: (Shakes her Head) Nope. It's my first even seeing it. (Little Appears in her Eyes) And it's now the 4th ever thing I'll forever adore!~
Luigi: What's the 3rd-1st?
Lilith: (Counts Down her Favorite Things in Order) Sex is third, my Big Sis Morrigan is second- (Smiles Brightly at her Two Love Partners Between Her) And you guys are my first~
Luigi/Daisy: (Hearts Begins to Melt and Gush into Pure Happiness) Awwwwwww~ Liliiiii~ (Gives Their Succubus of a Girlfriend Kisses on Both of Her Cheeks)
Lilith: (Giggles Softly and Blush to her Partners' Affections Before Placing a Ten Dollar Bill Down on the Bar Stand) These nachos of yours cost five dollars each right? Could you get me two more please, Mr. Bartender?
Isa: (Brings Two More Contains of Nachos From the Back-) Two orders of nachos coming up. (-And Places Them onto the Bar Stand, Right in Front of Lilith) And please, ma'am, you are more than welcome to just call me-
Before he could finish his sentence, he then notices one of his three customers is now stuffing her face onto the first nachos container before letting out a bit of a sigh.
Isa: Isa.
Daisy: (Gives Isa Sheepish Smile) Sorry about our girlfriend there, Isa. She's still getting accustomed to the outside world these days.
Isa: No worries. Believe it or not, she's far more tolerable than most of the drunken customers Barret and I had to put up on an my regular night. (Smiles a Bit) You three do make up an adorable trio.
Luigi/Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Thank you!~
Luigi then notices a black book standing by the coffee maker in the back, with a picture of a very familiar looking face imprinted right below the title.
Luigi: Hey....Is that Professor E. Gad on that book over there?
Daisy: Hmm? (Leans Herself Over a Bit to Take a Closer Look at the Book in Question) Yeah, that is him. "The Life & Ongoing Times of Professor E. Gad.....He's an author now?
Isa: Ah, I see you both are taking interest of this new book I've managed to purchase earlier today. (Picks the Book Up From the Stand and Presents to the Two Halves of the Trio Couple) I'm not entirely close to the half way mark yet, but from I've read so far, this might be one of the most intriguing biography book I've seen in a good while. (Opens the Book as Shows a Few Pictures Present on It)
Luigi/Daisy: (Struck in Awe at Two Filled with Pictures of Mechanical Inventions) Woooooah......
Daisy: Look at all of these old inventions....He made all of this?
Isa: Yes. It stated here that he began to make them ever since he was a child. Spent countless hours, days, even an entire month on end to have each of them function properly with a few successes here and there.
Luigi: (Chuckles a Bit) That's the professor for you. Always the workaholic. I hope he's doing okay these day.
Isa: Given the first impression I've gotten out of him at a greet and meet, I'd say he seems to be just fine at the moment. (Turns to Luigi) He bragged about you quite a lot in there.
Luigi: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) He has? About what?
Daisy: (Happily Wraps her Arm Around her Sweetie's Shoulders) About how great of a help you've been to him i bet!~
Isa: (Simply Nodded) Precisely. He also stated that he wouldn't get to where he is now if it weren't for the night you first met and helped him at your old mansion.
Luigi: Wow. I.....Didn't expect to make that much of an impact to him. (Smiles Softly) I'm honored.
Isa: (Smiles a Bit) As you should. Your contributions as a hero should be more recognized to the public eye.
Daisy: Exactly! I've been shouting that out since day freaking one.
Luigi: It's true. (Snickers at a Distant Memory) I remember she jumped out of her and she screamed out of a megaphone for half an hour about how cool of a hero I am in a middle a football game once. Which prompted us to get banned for life ever since.
Daisy: (Crosses her Arms with a Proud Grin on her Face) And I don't have any ounce of regret since then.
Isav ('Heh') I see. (Seems like something Lea would try and do.) You've impressed me, Luigi?
Luigi: Really?
Isa: It's the honest truth. You seemed to be the timidin comparsion to your brother yet you've still managed to achieve far more successes in your various adventures than you ever seemed to realize. How do you do it?
Luigi: Honesrly, I don't really have that much of a clear answer besides manning up and do the best i can to help save tbe day, no matter how scary any situation gets. I wouldn't even be able accomplish that much if it weren't for my brother and my-
Luigi's slowly begins to widens again as he looks around at everyone present in the bar, rhe people he's very blessed to call his friends and family.
Daisy: (Starts Getting a Bit Worried as She Lays her Hand on Top of Luigi's Hand) Weegie, is everything okay?
Luigi: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) Oh! (Nods to Daisy) Yeah! Yeah. I'm okay. It's just- (Turns to Isa) D-Do you have a regular spoon I can borrow for a minute?
Isa: Sure. (Hands Luigi the Silver Spoon) Here.
Luigi: Thank you. (Grabs his Glass Cup and Jump Out of his Seat Before Using the Spoon to Tap on It)
'Cling Cling Cling Cling Cling'
Daisy: Sweetie?
Lilith: (Finally Moves Her Head Up and Out of One ofbthe Contains, Mouth Full) Weehee? (Swallows her Food)
Luigi: (Look Around the Whole Room While Tapping the Glass) Everyone! Can I have you undivided please!?
Cloud/Tifa: (Turns to the Speaking in Question) Luigi?
Chun-Li/Samus: (Dpes the Same Alongbwith at Aqua and Terra) Of course/What's wrong?
Dedede: (Turns to Luigi While Still Arm Wrestling Against Barret) Yeah, what's on your mind tonight, bo- 'SLAM' (His Arm Gets Slammed Down the Table) What the- (Immediately Glares at his Opponent in Front of Him) Hell!?
Barret: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat and Pumps Both his Fists Up in the Air in Rejoice and Victory) HA-HAA! Score one for the tin man back home! Strawberry Shortcake here I come. (Walks Back to Cloud and Tifa's Table)
Dedede: (Snaps his Fingers) Damnit! I was this close to winnin'..
Morrigan: (Hugs Dedede From Behind) That's quite alright, my dear. (Whispers into Dedede's Ear) I'll be sure to reward you for your efforts as soon as we get back to my place~ (Gives Dedede a Sensual Kiss on the Cheek)
Dedede: (Puts on a Excited Smile on his Face) Works for me!~
Isa: (Turns to Luigi) The floor is yours now, my friend. Best of luck.
Luigi: (Simply Nods to Isa) R-Right. Thank you. (Turns to Everyone Staring at Him) Everyone! I uh-('Cheers Throat') Firstly, want to say that I hope you are having a great time in here so far tonight and-
Everyone: (Raises Their Glasses and Cheers....).HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!~
Luigi: Right. (Let's Out a Bit of an Awkward Chuckle as He Raise his Glass Up as Well) H-Happy St. Patrick Day to you all too. Truly. But there's uh- Something else I want say. Thank you. Thank you all...so, so much for all the good, bad, and memorable we all spent together, all the care, support, and kindess you've shown and given me over the years, and for being so patient with me with me above it all. I would have never got to where i am at right now without you, Mario, or most of the people in our Smash Family being in my life to see me push through. So again, I wanna say thank you-
'Sniff Sniff'
Luigi: (Turns to See His Princess is in Tears as He Gets Worried) D-Daisy? What wrong?
Daisy: Nothing, Sweetie. ('Sniff') Nothing's wrong at all. It's just- ('Sniff') (Hops Off From her Seat and Hugs Her Man Very Lovingly and Tightly) That was the most beautiful speech I've ever heeeard!!~
Luigi: (Winces a Bit in Pain) R-Really?
Daisy: (Gives Luigi a Tearful Smile) Really, really~ You're the sweetest man alive, you know that?~ (Kisses Luigi's Lips)
Lilith: (Happily Joins in on the Hug) So sweet!~ I'm so happy I've fallen for you, Weegie~ (Kisses Luigi's Lips Next)
Tifa: (Happily Joins on the Hug Next) I don't think any of our words can better describe how thankful we are of having you in our lives, Luigi. (Gives Luigi a Kiss on the Cheek)
Samus: (Joins in on the Hugfest) You're one of the few people that made a stone cold bitch like me softened up overtime.
Chun-Li: (Joins the Group Hug Along with Aqua and Terra) And you've made me so happy ti be alive and at peace again~
Cloud: (Joins in on the Group Along with Dedede and Morrigan Smiles Softly at his Friend/Crush) I only hope to continue to become more of a man as you are in front of us, Luigi.
Dedede: (Smiles Softly) Same with me, my man. Not as much as our Cloudy Boi though. (Forms a Teasing Smirk) We all know how that boy been feenin' ove- (Suddenly Felt Cloud Punching him in the Shoulder) Ow!
Barret: (Takes One Good Look at Luigi) I don't all that much about you, but from what the Merc and Tifa told me- (Takes Off his Shades as He Smiles Softly) You seem like a good man in my eyes, Luigi Mario.
Luigi: (Heart Begins to Melt in Profound Happiness as Tears Starts to Swell Up) Thank you, Mr. Barret. ('Sniff') I love you all so much~
Everyone: We love you too, Lui-
??????: ssssSUP BitChES!!
Everyone in the bar, except for it's owner and two workers, look at the drunken man barely standing in front of the an open door, in dumbfounded confession.
Isa: (Sighs Heavily While Pinching the Bridge of his Nose) God, not you again......
Tifa: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on her Face) What are you doing here, Tom?
Tom: (Drunkenly Makes his Way Inside the Bar) WhAt dOEs iT loOk lIKe, TOTZ! I'm here for A DrInK!
With a darkened glare innhis eyes, Cloud was about to pull his Buster Sword from out of his back until Tifa places the top of her hand onto his.
Tifa: Not yet, Cloud. (Raises an Eyebrow at Tom) Don't you think you're already a little intoxicated to have another drink in here?
Tom: Uh- ('Psh') NOOOO! I onLy gEt WAsteD onCe a NiGht.
Barret: (Already Glaring at the Man) You keep getting wasted every time we see you, fool! Now quit messin' around and go home already.
Tom: (Puts on a Seductive, Dopey Looking Smirk on his Face) Not unLeSs I gEt me soMe of your FiiiiinE hoNeies in hErE~ ('RrrrrAwwwar~')
Lilith: (Eyes Widened in Pure Disgust) Ew, no!
Daisy: (Glares at the Drunk Man) Hell no!
Samus: Not in your life, bozo.
Chun-Li: Nada.
Dedede: (Angrily Cracks his Knuckles) Boy, I wish you would try comin' over here and lay your nasty hand on my woman....
Morrigan: (Gently Places her Hand Onto Dedede's Shoulder) Do not worry, my dear. (Gives Tom the Darkest Looking Glare Imaginable) He's gonna wish his arms and legs are still attached once I'm finish with him.
Terra growls as stands in front of Aqua.
Aqua: (Gently Grab onto One of Terra's Knuckles) It's okay, Terra. (Glares at Tom) I won't let him touch me.
Tifa: (Deadpinned Look Now Turns ibto a Glare) I'm only gonna ask you this once, Tom. (Cracks Both her Knuckles While Slowly Walking Over to the Drunken Fool) Leave our establishment right now or so help me-
Daisy: WAIT! Don't knock him out!
Tifa: (Immediately Stops at her Travks abd Turns to Daisy with a Confused Look on her Face) What? Why? Do you wanna do it?
Daisy: (Forms Cheeky Grin on her Face) Better~ Let's have Barret throw him out out that window instead, am I right?~ (Turns to Everyone Else Around Her)
Everyone: Yeah, yeah!/ Sure/I'd be down to see that/Let's do it!
Cloud: (Turns to his Old Friend) Sounds good to you, Barret?
Barret: (Shrugs) Well, if it's what the people truly wants-
Tifa: (Eyes Widened in Complete Disbelief) What, no! We made it through six whole months without throwing someone outta the window, we can't break that streak no-
Tom: WHaT's the MaTTEr, TitS-fOr-BraaaiNs~ YOu afRiad to breaK a nAIiiiiiil~ (Let's Out a Drunk Like Laugh)
Tifa: (Takes a Very Deep Breath) You know what? Screw it. (Turns o Her Best Friend/Employee) Do your thing, Barret.
Everyone: (Clears in Rejoice) YEAH!/WOO!~/That's what I'm talkin' about!!
Barret: (Starts Cracking his Knuckles with Vicious Grin on his Face) Gladly.
Tom: (Starts Getting Scared Shitless as He Sees Barret Starting to Approach Him) Uh-oh.
Barret: BOY, WHEN WE SAY LEAVE, YOU- 'WINDOW GLASS SHATTERING' (Throws Tom Out of a Nearby Window) GET THE HELL ON OUT!!! You damn parasite, don't you EVER come back here no more!!
Tom: (On the Ground, Groaning in Pain)
Happy Berated St. Patrick Day Everyone!!!
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blackhakumen · 6 months ago
Mini Fanfic #1231: Date Night In: Truth or Dare Edition Pt. 2 (SSBU X Street Fighter X Darkstalker)
Few Minutes of Group Hugging Sessions Later........
Samus: Alright, Mayflower, you're up next.
Daisy: (Gives Samus a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Are you ever gonna get tired of calling me that?
Samus: Hey, the day I do that will be the day I be nice to Ridley. (Forms a Cocky Smirk on her Face) Neither of which are ever gonna happen in the million years~ Now get to choosing, Mayflower.
Daisy: ('Groans in Annoyance and Defeat') Whatever. I pick Dare.
Samus: I dare you to try and make the Cutest Man in the World next to you, blush within a thirty seconds.
Luigi: Who? (Points at Himself) Me?
Samus: Yes, you. I mean, you've always been cute before, but you cranked that scale up to eleven with that new outfit of yours tonight. (Smirks at the Green Suited Plumber) Make me wanna pinch those cheeks of yours all night~
Chun-Li: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Me too!~
Luigi: (Smiles Bashfully as He Place Both his Hands Onto his Now Flustered and Twist Himself Around From Side to Side) Oho come now!~ I-I can't really say I'm the most cutest person out there, but I appericate the compliments greatly~
Daisy: (Playfully Pouts at Luigi) Sweetie!~ I'm suppose to make you blush, not them!
Samus: Oh relax. I haven't even started the timer yet. (Set the Timer on Thirty Seconds on her Phone)
Daisy: Wait, hang on! I gotta look my best first-
Samus: Too late. (Press the Start Button on Screen as the Sound of the Beep Goes Off) Time's ticking.
Daisy: (Snaps her Finger) Damnit. (Clears her Throat Before Leaning Herself Closer to Luigi) Say, Weeg, have I ever told how much you rock my world lately?~
Luigi: (Smiles Softly) On ocassions. It always managed to brighten up my day afterwards.
Daisy: That's good. (Places her Hand Onto Both her Man's Cheeks as She Gives Him Very Loving, Bedroom Look in her Eyes) Because no matter what anyone or anything in this crummy world says, Siempre te amaré, mi...dulce querido hombre~ (Gives Luigi a Sweet, Tender Kiss on the Lips)
Luigi: (Immediately Starts to Blush Bright Red on Cue) O-O-O-O-O-Ohhh.......
Samus: (Looks Down to See the Timer is Still Counting Down) Huh. Only ten seconds to spare. (Stops the Timer Before Looking Back Up to Daisy) Not bad.
Tifa: You can speak in Spanish this whole time, Daisy?
Daisy: (Forms a Proud Smile on her Face) Yep! (Pulls Out a Small Booklet From Put of her Shorts' Pocket) All thanks to this Romantic Hispanic Language Guide. Been reading his bad book for weeks now.
Cloud: (Rolls his Eyes) Of course.
Tifa: Amazing~
Dedede: Lemme borrow that guide of yours after you're done.
Luigi: (Starts Smiling Bashfully Again) I think I like it~
Daisy: (Giggles Softly) I'm glad to hear it. There'll be plenty more where that came from- (Whispers into Luigi's Ear) Bollo de miel~
Luigi let's out a very satisfied sounding sigh as he melts into Daisy's shoulder as she hugs him lovingly.
Lilith: (Happily Applauds her Princess Girlfriend) You were such a phenomenon from start to finish, babe!~ I wish I could speak fluent Spanish too.
Daisy: Come to me anytime and I'll more than gladly teach you a more hands on tutorial, senorita~ (Winks and Makes a Feint Kissing Noise at her Succubus Girlfriend)
Lilith: (Let's Out an Aroused Squeal as She Begins to Melt Down onto Daisy's Lap and Hugs it With a Very Satisfied Smile on her Face) I'm her senorita~
Cloud: (Stares at Daisy With a Deadpinned Expression) You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Daisy: (Casually Shrugs With a Bit of a Smug Smirk on her Face) What can I say?~ My romantic game went up the charts these days~
Dedede: Bars!
Samus: Alright, enough with the rizz and rhymes. Who wants to go next?
Lilith: (Pops her Head Up From Daisy's Lap and Happily Raises her Hand) Ooh! Me! Me! Meeee!~ I pick Truth!
Morrigan: (Gives Lilith a Teasing Smirk on her Face) Better prepare to tell them nothing but the truth, little sister!~ Your soul might set you free for once if you do~
Tifa: So, Lili, is it true that your sister's jealous of you?
Morrigan: Yeah, Li- (Eyes Begins to Shot Up to the Question Given to Her Sister) Wait, what?
Lilith: Oh yeah. She is suuuuuper jelly of me these days~ 100%.
Morrigan: (Immediately Glares at Lili) EXCUSE YOU-
Lilith: (Immediately Places her Fingers onto Morrigan's Lips) Upupupup! This is currently MY time to speak right now, sis. Please do not interrupt me for the time being, Kay?
Lili moves her finger away, quick enough from having it bitten off by an angry, growling Morrigan.
Lilith: Yep. She always wanted to be the center of attention ever since we were both children. From our parents, modeling directors, the fans. Hell, one time, she convinced me to fuse with her JUST so she can have a bigger butt than I do!
Morrigan: (Glare Turns into a Comical One) You no good, fibbing liar!!
Daisy: (Eyes Widens in Genuine Surprise) No way.....You guys can fuse?
Morrigan: ('Sigh') Yes, but not exactly into a different entity. See, with her soul intertwined with mines, I become much more powerful than I ever was originally. (Went Back to Glaring at Lilith) And I seemed to remember only using that ability to help fight off greater threats! Did I not?
Lilith: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) Yeah, yeah, I remember the whole Pyron and Jedah incidents we were in. (Pouts and Points at her Sister) But don't think I didn't notice all the sides eyes and grumbles you made when we're at the beach and modeling shows. (Starts Doing a Fashion Pose, Showing off Her Most....Biggest Assest With a Now Very Smug Look on her Face) You know can't ever compete with this?~
Morrigan: Yeah well....I am still older than you, young lady!!
Lilith: Really? (Casually Shrugs) Guess it goes to show how much you've past your prime then.
Daisy: Ooohoo!....
Luigi: Ouch.
Samus: She got you there on that one.
Chun-Li: (Pouts at her Girlfriend Next to Her) Sammy!
Samus: What? It was a good burn. You can't deny that at least.
Morrigan: (Groans in Annoyance and Utter Defeat Before Hugging Up on Dedede Again) Dp you see what I have to put up with on a daily basis, De!? (Starts Pouting Again) She's so annoying.......
Dedede: (Gently Pats Morrigan on the Shoulder) There, there, girl. You'll always be #1 in my eyes.
Lilith: Emotional damage aside, who wants to go next?~
Tifa: (Happily Raises her Hand Up) I'll go. I pick Truth.
Lilith: Tifa, is it really true that you've punched giant monsters into oblivion before?
Tifa: Oh yeah, tons of them. Even giant robots.
Lilith: (Very Intrigued) Woooooah.....Does it ever make your hands hurt afterwards?
Tifa: (Smiles Sheepishly) On a few ocassions, especially when I first started combat training in a young age. (Sighs Fondly of her Past) I was such a hard-headed kid back then- (Giggles a Bit) It's miracle I came as far as I did these days.
Cloud: (Snickers a Bit) You, a hard-headed kid? I don't believe it.
Tifa: (Place her Hand onto her Chest as She Does a Mockingly Dramatic Pose) Oh, but it's true!~ I became another trouble maker growing up in a small, small town. I must've gotten this rotten influence from somewhere. (Smirks Playfully at Cloud) Perhaps from someone sitting right next to me right now~
Cloud: (Casually Shrugs) It's a possibility. Guess it goes to show you shouldn't have hang out with me to begin with.
Tifa: Perhaps. (Hugs Cloud Lovingly) But that didn't stop me from falling head over heels for you years later, now does it?~
Cloud: Not even. (Gives Tifa a Kiss on the Cheek) Love you by the way.
Tifa: (Gives Cloud a Kiss on the Lips) Love you more!~
Daisy/Lilith: Awwwwwwwwwwwww~
Samus sticks out her tongue and points at it in a mocking disgust before Chun-Li stops her by gently slapping her arm in silence the whole time.
Tifa: Wanna go next, Cloud?
Cloud: If I gotta, I pick Truth.
Tifa: Oooooh~ Truth you say?~
Cloud: Yeah, that's what I-(Suddenly Notices Something is Up as He Tifa's Smile Starts to Become More Widened as She Keeps Staring at Him) Tifa......I don't like the look in your eyes. What are you planning to ask me?
Tifa: Cloud~ Is it true that you got yourself a small, teensy bitsy crush on Luiiiiigi?~
Daisy/Lilith: (Leans Over to Cloud With Intrigued Smiles on Both their Faces) Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?~
Luigi starts looking around before pointing at himself again
Cloud: (Eyes Widened as He Begins to Blush) W-What!? (Immediately Turns Away While Crossing his Arms Together) T-That's insane! I don't have a crush on him at all!
Samus: (Playfully Raises an Eyebrow) Really? Then how come we caught you awe struck the moment you saw him in her getup?~
Chun-Li: (Smiles Brightly) You were even speechless the whole way through as well~
Cloud: He looks great in the attire, how do you expect to react? You all were just as surprised at this as I was!
Daisy: True. (Smirks Wider) But don't think we forgot about what happened in our double date two years ago~
Lilith: Yeah!....Wait. (Turns to Daisy) What happened in your double date again?
Daisy starts whispering the more juicy details into Lilith's ear. It only took a few seconds before the her eyes starts to widens up as she let's out a very loud gasps.
Lilith: (Points at Cloud) YOU KISSED WEEGIE!?~
Tifa: Yep! Right on the lips. (Playfully Shakes Cloud's Shoulders) And he liked iiiiiit!~
Cloud: (Glares at his Giggling Girlfriend Next to Him) Quit it!
Dedede: Ain't no need to get embarrassed there, boy. We all know how much of a catch Weeg truly is.
Morrigan: (Happily Nodded in Agreement)
Cloud: I mean.....(Rolls his Eyes a Little) You're not....entirely wrong in that front......(Suddenly Hears Luigi's Giggles as He Now Turn his Attention to Him) What got you laughing?
Luigi: (Smiles Sheepishly) Oh, sorry. It's nothing. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Just feeling pretty flattered right now is all~
Cloud: (Turns Away) ('Hmph') As you should. You're a really great guy, Luigi, in your own unique, charming style. (Slowly Looks Back at Luigi) It's high time you should be treated as such, you know?
Luigi: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) Thanks, Cloud. I think you're pretty great too.
Cloud: (Stares at Luigi For a Brief Second Before Turning Away Again Blushing) Cool.
Daisy/Lilith: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!~
Tifa: ('Sighs Dreamingly') So cute and precious indeed......(Smiles Brightly) Now I date you two to kiss again!~
Luigi: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Huh!?
Cloud: (Turns Back to Tifa with a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Seriously, Tifa? I already did Truth. You can't make me do Dare as well. (Turns to Samus) Can she?
Samus: Well, it does seem unnatural to do both...but we haven't done much Dares for a while now.....(Shrugs) I'll allow it. (Forms a Cheeky Smirk) Now pucker those lips up for one another, boys~
Samus, along with a few others starts chanting the word 'Kiss' towards the two boys in around their circle.
Cloud: (Sighs in Defeat While Facepalming Himself) They'll never gonna leave us alone at this rate, are they?
Luigi: (Sheepishly Shrugs) It's expected. A Dare is a Dare after all.
Cloud: Unfortunately. (Shyly Rubs his Arm) So uh......wanna go another round? O-On the kissing, I mean.....
Luigi: Sure! I-If it's okay with the girls, of course.
Lilith: It's totally fine with us, sweetie!~
Daisy: (Pumps her Fist Up in the Air) Yeah, go on and kiss that brood of a man!~
Cloud: (Flips Daisy Off) Screw you too, Daisy.
Tifa: (Gently Rubs Cloud's Shoulders) Hey, hey, don't worry about anything she says. Keep your eyes on the prize. I believe in you.
Cloud: (Rolls his Eyes Once More) Yeah, yeah, much appreciated.
As Tifa let's go of his shoulders, Cloud leans himself over to Luigi. The two takes their respective deep breaths to fight off any nervous tension they have before locking onto each other's lips.
Ladies: Woooooooooooo!~
Samus: Now, that is what I am talking about!~ (Turns to her Girlfriend Next to Her) Chun, take some pictures, will ya?
Chun-Li: Why? For blackmail?
Samus: Nah. Cause it looks cute.
The two men pull away from one another for a brief second before Luigi suddenly went back to kissing Cloud on the lips once more, surprising everyone and Cloud in the process before succumbing to the passionate make out session.
Morrigan: Oh my!~
Dedede: My boi in green's going for seconds!~
Daisy: (Happily Applauds her Plumber Along with Lilith) There ya go, Weegie!~ Show those lips who's boss!~
Lilith: You're doing great!!~
A few seconds later goes by and the duo finally pulls away from one another for real this time, both taken aback at what just happened.
Luigi: Mama mia.......
Cloud: ('Sigh') That was the most intense I felt in a long time.
Luigi: (Smiles Sheepishly and Apologetically) I went overboard back there, didn't I? I-I'm sorry.
Cloud: (Gently Ruffles the Top of Luigi's Hair) Hey, don't worry it. I made out with you the same way that night two years ago, remember? That practically makes us even if anything.
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) You don't say?~
Cloud: (Chuckles Lightly) It's the truth. As dumb as this whole ordeal was, the kiss itself wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would. So, thanks for that I guess.....
Luigi: (Gives Cloud a Kiss on the Cheek) You're welcome~
Cloud: (Starts Blushing Yet Again, Right on Cue)
Daisy/Lilith/Chun-Li: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!~
Tifa: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together) You two are just TOO cute for words right now!~
Cloud: ('Scoffs') Please. We're more adorable if anything. Now can we please move on already?
Morrigan: (Confidently Raises her Hand Up) Yes, I would also like to do a Dare for the night.
Dedede: (Turns Back to His Girlfriend with a Proud, Playful Smirk on his Face) Ahh, look at you being brave and bold!~ You finally having fun tonight?
Morrigan: (Shrugs) To some extent perhaps. We're dreadfully low of Dares this evening and I figured it's high time I step into the-(Slowly Frowns in Fear as She Suddenly Hears a Familiar, Mischievous Sounding Laughter Creeping in) Plate?
The couple turns to see Lilith's shoulders shaking up and down before revealing herself letting out a more eviller laugh the more louder she gets, much to her older sister's discomfort.
Morrigan: What have I done?
Lilith: Morrigan Jubilee Aensland!!~ As a token of your bravery for tonight, I dare you- (Forms an Evil Smirk on her Face) To get a haircut.
Morrigan: (Eyes Shot Up in Horror) My hair?....(Brings the Bottom Half of her Long Hair in Front of Her and Shakingly Strokes It) Y-You want me to cut up my beautiful hair?
Lilith: Those are the exact words I said. (Smirk Grows Wider) Unless you wanna be known as a chicken for the rest of the night~
Dedede: (Lightly Glares at Lilith) 'Ey now, hold on there, girlie. Your sister may be a lot of things, but chicken ain't one of then.
Morrigan: (Whimpering) My hair......
Dedede: (Place his Hand Onto Morrigan's Shoulder) Will grow back in due time, That I promise you. In fact, I volunteer a certain flower to cut her hair in the meantime if it's fine with her.
Daisy: (Salutes to Dedede) You can count on me, De!
Lilith: (Turns to Daisy) Wait, you've done people's hair before?
Daisy: Yep. Was a hair stylist in training growing up. Not my favorite thing to do, but the skill does come in handy at times. I even did Tifa's hair once.
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly with her Short Style Hair Still Intact) Still love the cut to this day, Daisy!~
Daisy points her finger gun at Tifa while clicking her tongue.
Lilith: (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) Hmm.....I dunno. It would be a lot funner if I do all the cutting.
Luigi: (Softly Glares at his Succubus Girlfriend) Lili, let Daisy do this. You trust her, right?
Daisy: Yeah, Lili. (Puts on a Sad Puppy Dog Look) Don't you trust meee?~
Lilith: (Easily Fell For the Sad Eyes Trap as She Hugs Her Princess) Oh Daisy. Of course I trust you. You're my princess!~
Daisy: (Gently Grabs Hold of Lilith's Hands) Then trust me into giving your sister the best haircut in the entire globe. It's what she would've wanted, right?
Lilith: I mean, yeah, but....Does it have to be the best-
Daisy: Liliiii!
Lilith: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay, okay. I'll leave it all to you. (Gives Daisy a Kiss on the Cheek) Show that hair what's for.
Daisy: (Happily Nodded to Lilith's Command) ('Hmph') Will do.
Morrigan: (Still Fidgeting Over her Long Hair)I don't know.....What if it doesn't turn out as good or at least....DECENT enough as I hope!?
Dedede: (Shakes his Head) Mm mm mm. Never thought, in a million years, I would ever see the Queen of Night become a worrywart.
Morrigan starts making angry (cute) sounding grumble noises as she got up into Dedede's face causing him to burst out laughing a bit.
Dedede: Ehehehehe easy now, girl, I'm only kiddin'! But seriously though, you have nothing to worry about. You can count on Daisy to make that hair look good. And even if it may not come to your liking or, God forbid, it does look bad, that won't stop me from falling for you.
Morrigan: It won't?
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly) Hell Yeah! Doesn't matter to me if you have long hair, short hair, no hair, skinny, fat, or get turned into a completely different entity altogether. You'll still be my queen and I'll still love you 'till time and space comes to a complete end. Count on it. (Gives Morrigan a Wink and a Thumbs Up)
Daisy/Luigi/Lilith/Tifa/Chun-Li: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!~
Cloud: (Genuinely Surprised by Dedede's Words Along with Samus) Wow. That.....gotta be the romantic thing I've ever heard coming out of your mouth, De.
Samus: (Slowly Claps her Habds to De) Yeah. Very well done.
Morrigan: (Heart Begins to Melt Right as Her Eyes Starts to Sparkle) My king.....('Sniff') My sweet, darling kinghing!~ (Tearfully Hugs Her Boyfriend)
Dedede: (Hugs Morrigan Back) Don't you being worrying your cute head now, girl, I got you. Always.
Daisy: (Scooches Her Over and Breaks the Hugging Couple Up) Okay, enough with the adorable, mushy romance. (Pulls Out a Hair Comb and Hair Cutting Sheer) Time to get to work! Now then, gonna do a little bit of this....(Starts Doing Morrigan's Hair).....a little bit of that......go right up here.....down below annnnnnnnd.......(Completed Her Hair Session as She Present Morrigana Mini Mirror Handle) Done.
Morrigan slowly takes a look at herself in the mirror's reflection. Her long, teal colored hair has now been reduced to a short, cuter bob cut style.
Morrigan: (Eyes Widened at her Own Reflection) my goodness.....(Slowly Starts to Smile Again) I look even more stunning than I did beforehand!~
Dedede: See? (Crosses his Arms with a Satisfied Smile on his Face) Told ya you're in good hands
Daisy happily nodded in agreement as she high five Dedede next to her.
Lilith: (Starts Smirking at Morrigan Again) And here you are worrying over nothing~
Morrigan: (Picks Up a Pillow Next to Her) No thanks to a- (Angrily Swings her Pillow at a Giggling Lilith Moving Away From the Potential Crossfire) TWERP like you!! (Sighs While Calming Herself Down a Bit) But I digress. (Properly Bows to Daisy) I thank you for the lovely hair cutting session, your highness. (Went Back to Hugging Dedede) And I thank YOOOOOU!~ For your heartwarming words and support~I will never forget this wonderful moment~
Dedede: (Chuckles Lightly) It's no problem at all, hun. I'm just glad to see you happy again.
????: Hey!
'Knock Knock Knock Knock'
????: Party People!
The gang turns their heads to Wolf standing by Dedede's doorway, glaring at everyone inside.
Wolf: Will you idiots keep your voices down already? Your constant laughing and awwings from your little Truth or Dare game, has been interrupting our completion run for an hour in a half now!
Dedede: ('Sigh') Yeah, that's my bad on this one, man. Forgot to close door and turn on the noise canceling door piecd before coming here.
Daisy: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) What kind of completion run are you even doing anyways?
Wolf: Well, if you must know, princess, Izzy and I are completely every single achievement we've yet to achieved on Doom Eternal.
Daisy: ('Ugh') You guys still play that game?
Wolf: (Proudly Crosses his Arms Together) Yep. Still as rad as it always been.
Cloud: And outdated. You should move on from it already
Wolf: Hey, you think we didn't try that already with Helldrivers 2? As fun and immersive as that game was, it doesn't hold a candle to how exhilarating Doom truly is in comparison.
Isabelle: (In the Other Room) Wolfe! Get in quick! I found one of the rarest Golden Doom Suit! It's so shinny!~
Wolf: (Eyes Widened as He Turns to the Other Room) Seriously!? Don't move, I'll be right there!
Samus: Found yourself a gold mine?
Wolf: (Turns Back to the Gang with a Smile) Literally! We've searching for the skin since the day we first finished the game. It's incredible. Now if you'll excuse me I have some more alien scum to rip and tear with my lady next door. (Points at Dedede) Soundproof your shit, King. You don't wanna have me come back here. (Walks Away)
Dedede: ('SIgh') Yeah, yeah. I got the message. (Gets Up From his Bed and Set Up the Soundproof Device on the Door) 'About the end our game anyways.
Lilith: (Starting Frowning Along with Morrigan) Awww....Already?
Morrigan: But I was actually having fun with the game for once!~
Dedede: And I'm happy for ya, Morrg. But it's getting late now and I really don't want Wolf to come back here and kick my ass in this hour. Again.
Chun-Li: Fair enough. But what do we do to past up the time now?
Samus: Binge watch a few shows? Something less action pack, so animes are out.
Daisy: (Snaps her Finger) Dangit. How about Friends?
Samus: Nah. Too bored to care about the Will-They-or-Won't They Plotline.
Luigi: How I Met Your Mother?
Samus: Mmmmm....It's the same as Friends, but even more convoluted for my taste.
Tifa: Full House?
Samus: Too mushy.
Cloud: Big Bang Theory?
Samus: Too nerdy.
Chun-Li: The Office?
Samus: Too office like.
Chun-Li: Sammy, it takes place in a literally office company.
Samus: Yeah and it looked plain for my liking.
Daisy: Did you even watch an episode or two?
Samus: ('Tch') I mean, if you count a one minute video clip maybe.
Luigi: (Raises an Eyebrow) Do you remember the name of the episode of the clip you watched?
Samus: Uhhhhhhhh.....Office stuff, I guess? It's been a while.
Daisy: All in favor of watching the Office all night say 'Aye'.
Everyone: Aye!
Samuz: Seriously?
Dedede: Hell yeah. (Sits Back Down on the Bed) That show's a cult classic for a reason. We ain't gonna skip out on it just cuz you think it's plain.
Morrigan: (Hugs Dedede Arm Again) Yes, and who knows? There might a possibility that you'll end up liking it as much as we do.
Samus: I doubt it, but whatever. I'll end falling asleep anyways.
Chun-Li: (Smiles Softly) My lap is available to sleep on anytime.
Samus: (Gives Chun-Li a Kiss on the Cheek) My babe.
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