#chuck is bad writing
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Genesis, Valzhyna Mort | Better Call Saul
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itsmalachitenow · 5 months
You guys seemed to really like my last post, so I'm sharing the other headcanons I've gathered for my personal take on Chuck since then. Get ready for angst!
Chuck did, in fact, hit Gus with the Ghost Train. It was an accident, and to this day he's incredibly broken up about it. Gus, on the other hand, isn't nearly as upset about being dead. He will, however, use his death to guilt Chuck into doing things for him because he knows just how awful Chuck feels about it. Any time Gus wants a new game system or toy, if Chuck isn't too keen on getting it for him, Gus will just bring up that Chuck ran him over and now he's stuck here, and Chuck will look utterly miserable as he climbs into his wheelchair to leave the Ghost Station.
Chuck is very talented at many different types of instruments, including but not limited to: piano, trumpet, saxophone, violin, harp, french horn, clarinet, cello, and oboe.
He can also sing very well. He is a baritone.
Chuck's true full name is Carlo Toscanini. He prefers the Chuck nickname, though, because it sounds like a train noise. He likes train noises!
Because he's been alone for so long, Chuck is incredibly self conscious about needing any kind of help because he's disabled. Especially when he's in his chair. The idea of being helped and not having to do it all himself is completely foreign to him, and he absolutely abhors the idea of needing to rely on someone else to help him do what he sees as 'basic things'. He would rather struggle by himself than swallow his pride and ask a loved one to get involved.
Related: If you touch this man's wheelchair without asking him first, he is going to run you over with it.
Chuck will never finish his 'magnum opus'. He is a perfectionist, and hasn't had what he considers a 'good' piece in decades because he's constantly going back and changing them, never satisfied with the results. Even if he does finish a musical composition or opera, he will always find some fault with them afterwards and not want to dwell on them. Being alone for so long with no real audience for his works other than Gus (who doesn't really understand or care as much because he's a kid) means he's his only critic, and he will always be his worst critic.
Chuck makes his own coffee and is a total snob about drinking anyone else's. It tastes like diesel, but it'll keep you awake for three days straight.
This man does not have a consistent schedule for anything other than 'work'. Food, sleep, self care, all of it comes second to his job and to his music.
He has chronic insomnia, and horrible nightmares whenever he does drift off to sleep, so Chuck prefers to just keep going for as many days as possible until his body physically cannot stay awake anymore.
Because he's lived so long, Chuck can barely remember any of his early life, and that terrifies him. He remembers the name of his hometown, he remembers he had a father who was a conductor, but everything else is a blur. He can't remember his parents' names, their faces, whether he had siblings or not...those memories are gone forever, and Chuck will never get them back.
His biggest regret is not saying goodbye to his family the night he left to join the Train.
Chuck is also terrified of going back to his hometown, because he knows it will be entirely different from what little he remembers. If he never returns, he can always pretend it's still the way he was when he left it, and ignore the gravity of his choice to join the Ghost Train.
Because he's scared he'll forget other things, Chuck is a compulsive journaler. He writes down the day's events, no matter how trivial, and gives a massive amount of detail about every person he interacts with. He only started doing this about a hundred years ago, once he realized he couldn't remember his family anymore.
Chuck has a small apartment in the Ghost Station. It's small and cramped, but it's a place for him to stay when he's not working, and also for any lovers or loved ones to stay if they're 'living' with him. He has a room entirely dedicated to all of his journals, though the manner of sorting them is known only to Chuck.
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dollhousemary · 1 year
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“The Dollhouse” — a dialogue poem between Chuck and Metatron, for today’s prompt of the same name!
this poem was inspired by a good handful of other things, namely Supernatural 11x20 "Don't Call Me Shurley", "A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen, "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" by Kate DiCamillo, and a philosophical dialogue between Socrates and one of his students, Euthyphro :)
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@spnpoetryrenaissance @aturnoftheearth @friendshapedcas @pinoruno @gracekisses @soupernatural @evenupsidedownbeautifulsomehow @magdaclaire @cinderellarhea @enochianribs @heartshapedcas @breo-rose @raytoroinmybackpack @gilmorenatural @leafblogger @supersapphical @notreallyaroad @frogstiel @ididit-allofit-foryou
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dirtyoldmanhole · 11 months
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closeup of a gunter/corrin piece i'll never finish ~ tweaking corrin's design a bit, just a touch more otherworldly.
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honestly for me one of the scariest things about Supernatural is the seeming inevitability of the cycle of violence, John knows this is an appalling way to raise a child but he does it anyway, Sam gets away for a few years only to return loving the job, Dean does to Jack the same things John did to him. and a sizable chunk of that is Chuck forcing them to become the worst versions of themselves but it’s terrifying how they can end up being the very thing they swore never to become
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thegcng-arch · 8 months
sorry if i am more distant in ims/disco i am really just not feeling well mentally. even if i'm active on the dash sometimes responding to personal messages is just too much for me. i am sorry if i have upset anyone because of this. if you are concerned about my lack of responses or delay time in responding please just ask.
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You can't kill the writer and still have a story
I don't see this take a lot on here so I thought I would share.
Chuck makes it very clear that no matter how hard you try, you cannot escape the narrative. That no matter what you do, there is always someone else writing your story. Which in the case of a television show, such as supernatural, is very true. There is in fact a writers room making all the decisions. Now season fifteen is often stated to be out of character for nearly everyone involved. While I tend to agree, I like to look at it as coming full circle in a narrative saying that the characters are controlled by the outside force of a writer. What the writer says, goes.
Season 15 does give us some examples though of characters that supposedly broke free of their intended narrative, Adam marrying someone new for example. This is a plot device mirroring Destiel in my opinion and is absolutely a red herring for freedom.
If Chuck is a representation of the show writers for supernatural, who are indeed Gods of this universe they created, omnicient, omnipotent, and unkillable by anything they've created, so is Chuck. The out of character behaviors seen can be explained by Chuck faking his death. He got smart, saw the only way to win was to make the Winchester think they won, and be complacent.
This also confirms Destiel of course, because Dean has to loose Cas to loose everything.
Chuck is still writing their story even after they believe they won, because you can't kill the writer of the story and still have a story.
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jaspertjunk · 4 months
How to turn your brainrot into fresh new characters
I don't know if anyone else does this but I wanna explain how my "taking extremely heavy inspiration from a different thing and turning into its own thing" creative process I sometimes use works. i'm on my 'puter and don't give enough of a fuck right now so prepare for inconsistent capitalization and other errors.
Using a character I'm working on right now that is heavily inspired by roxy lalonde.
Step one: setting
So let's start off with setting: the setting is also extremely homestuck inspired and I don't wanna talk about it because it's still morphing into its own thing and it's still very homestuck.
Naturally, considering that's the setting right now, you're gonna see a lot of homestuck in the characters as well. There's an aradia/jade mashup character fucking shit up and a weird gamzee/dirk combo??? And those aren't even characters I'm particularly fond of? (I do like all of them a lot though don't @ me I just don't have strilonde brainrot and there's other trolls i prefer to aradia and gamzee)
But so anyway there's a roxy clone. Like I literally used roxy as a placeholder in my head when i was thinking up what type of character i wanted to fill her role. here's where setting comes in
first, you mold the roxy to the setting (or the setting to the roxy). this is actually where i got the idea for my setting to have misassigned roles for the heroes, because homestuck's whole science/magic thing has an interesting presentation in roxy, and i thought it would be cool if she was always meant to fill the sort of intellectual role (i came up with some cool name but i forgot it) but when the shit actually started up was pushed into a magic-based role instead and just had to roll with the punches and become a sick ass technomancer.
And this place within the setting then helped to inform her personality, because she needed to be someone who was flexible, and a lot more tech-oriented than the original roxy, and also someone whose personality meshed with what both her intended and assigned roles are meant to represent.
Step 2: experiences
what a person lives through hugely influences their personality and how they act. so look at what the character has experienced. notroxy, as we've established, is a techy character. i start thinking about how she got that way. i think she picked it up from her best friend, because that unhinged little shit is a mad scientist at 15. She's also a weird kid in a small town, so I think notroxy is probably an outsider from the start for being so close to her.
and then there's the Big Event, where said friend dies under mysterious circumstances. THAT was definitely formative. I decide that probably a big part of shaping notroxy's character is the fact that she wants to fill the gap left by her bestie dying. (this also makes for a bit of a funny transfem moment about a year later when she finally comes out. cuz it's just like "oh noooo i have to take on the social role of our dead friend so our friend group doesn't fall apart." "okay bestie" "oh nooo i have to emulate her so that we have a balanced party without her to fill her assigned role in our adventure" "good idea" "oh nooo i have to be a girl to restore the gender balance of the friend group" "girl what are you talking about"). Also, she's legit fucked up about her best friend and the only person who Got Her dying because why wouldn't she be?
So we start seeing this character who is trying to fill the void left by a whole ass person all by herself, not just FOR herself but also for everyone else in her life. She thrusts the weight of the world onto her own shoulders in the exact moment when she's least equipped to handle it.
Step 3(?): compare and contrast
Now I take all the new character stuff I've come up with and compare it to the original character. Then I pick out all the roxy traits that i used for this character initially and decide which ones I wanna keep. I really like the whole roxy thing of she seems like she's just this silly goofy drunk girl but she doesn't WANT to be and she's actually the one holding everything together and the closest thing to a leader their fucked up little team has. Can't elaborate. Too brain. This isn't a roxy post. I discard the parts I don't need or want to replace with new parts. I don't need the flirtatiousness, for one. Doesn't really mesh with how I'm begining to envision the character. Keeping the sex jokes though. As a treat.
I also do like the sort of shitty handling of feelings we associate with strilondes, but I want to go about it differently with notroxy. I want her to overtly know what's wrong with her and face it head on, something that they don't ever do, but I also want to see her weaponizing her pain. She is very strilondy in the fact that she makes all of her problems infinitely worse through her actions though.
Step 4: go do something other than the brainrot thing
I'm working on this step right now. You need to step away from the original inspiration so you can separate your new ideas from it. Get obsessed with something new, incorporate new ideas from that into what you already have. Find other sources of inspiration. Repeat the previous steps but with a stronger base this time. Make your characters finely woven tapestries of all the things you've liked and all your own ideas. be cringe. be free.
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iamhollywood · 12 days
i wrote some more about gay lawyers
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sequentialprophet · 2 years
So I am so far down this Best Friends hole I am basically in middle earth but I never expected to find this.  Rocky and Trent wrote an album.  Which you can buy.  And one of their songs is called Dustin’s Song.  It’s a love song. From Trent to Dustin. A love song highlight of their career together.  
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egginfroggin · 1 year
I feel bad for the Elite Four in the Broken AU variant of WTST (initial post here).
First they get to deal with this weird guy with knives for sideburns and who anyone can see from a mile away is Not Okay.
They lose.
Weird Guy becomes Champion. Is basically a ghost around the League, and nobody can corner him and get him to open up and accept help in any way.
Deal with this weird guy for two years.
Walk in one morning, the Champion is giving off major Piano String Tightened Too Much vibes and refuses to elaborate, insists that he's fine, goes off to do whatever it is he does in his room that requires so much paper.
Couple months go by. It's never resolved. Kind of becomes the new norm.
New challenger!
It's another funky bean pole with knife sideburns!
Cue immediate flashbacks to the day that the Champion treated them all to the Pokemon battle equivalent of a murder.
Become really anxious.
Oh and this one is smiling.
It is all teeth and no mirth.

Anyway, they lose. Again.

They later learn that that was Emmet, Champion Ingo's twin brother, who -- according to Elesa -- disappeared three years ago, wrangled Palkia and Dialga into Pokeballs in ancient Sinnoh, gave Cynthia's ancestor the beatdown of his life, stuffed Giratina into a ball, then went and pelted Arceus with Snickers Balms (you're not you when you're hungry) before stuffing IT into a ball and demanding that it send him home.
He's a little blunt, but he's a very nice person to know, really!
He isn't sorry for siccing his freaking massive Garchomp on your team with no qualms about whatever destruction may follow, though. He was in a bit of a mood. Trying to get to his brother. Family matters, you know how it is.
Anyway Ingo was concerning because he was on a downward spiral, Emmet is concerning because apparently he's yelled -- mutely, somehow, maybe aggressively signed or something -- at Legendaries and had his demands met by them and that is simply not a normal thing that happens to people.
But it's okay now, he has no interest in being Champion, Ingo's been hauled away to therapy and isn't coming back for the title, Alder can return, if he wants, Ingo and Emmet just want to work with trains and relax now.

A couple of years go by.
Guess who's starting a Battle Facility based around Unova's subway system?
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rinrites · 1 year
im a simple man i wake up i eat a tub of peanut butter i cry over saul goodman i go back to bed
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volfoss · 7 months
sincerley id like to ask chuck dixon where he got two face and the joker mixed up in the process of writing robin year one
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
for the hc game! chuck likes biting 👀
Send me a NSFW headcanon and I’ll write a 5 sentence ficlet about it 👀👅
He doesn't mean to do it at first. The scratch of his teeth against your skin is accidental; tugging against the chipped sky of your bottom lip or the playful nip against your fingers while you stroke across his cheeks. He smiles all the same when you're hands tangle into his hair, neck exposed and bare before his teeth bush against your skin again. Theres a certain rush that sparks through his brain, knotting his stomach as you mumble something he cant quite hear, words already useless and jumbled in his brain as his teeth sink into your chest, leaving behind a messy, half curved mark that tingles as his lips brush slowly across it; painting it in a mix of pride and apology. He doesn't mean to do it at first but he's damn happy he did.
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Dean learning about the finale:
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[Image ID: Screenshot of Tahani from The Good Place, offended, saying "I died in Cleveland?" End ID]
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nobodymitskigabriel · 10 months
I want to like Gabriel's scene with Lucifer in 13x22 bc he's right obviously but all I can think of is how much more interesting that scene and dialogue could've been if Lucifer were characterized like he was in season 5.
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