#chuan chen yeh
fyeahcindie · 2 years
A hypnotic tune from 莉莉周她說 Lily Chou-Chou Lied   =D
愛人Dear You is the closing track on their new album, 大預言家 The Foreteller. As always, I love their unison vocal sound, and this track features spooky, gliding synth lines in the arrangement. Very effective!
陳大慶 Ral Chen-Voc/Bass/Program (Ral is also in 眠腦 Sleeping Brain), 陳又銓 Sean Yu Chuan Chen-Drums/Perc. (also in Yellowback 野樂派).  洪苡芮 Yray Hong / 洪苡芮 Ire-Voc/Keys (also in 沉霧 Chen Wu)
Lyrics / Music / Producer: 陳大慶 Ral Chen Arrangement: 莉莉周她說 Lily Chou-Chou Lied Vocal Producer: 葉穎 Leaf Yeh Chorus Arranger: 洪苡芮 Yray Hong Production coordinator: 陳品臻 Nana Chen
Full a/v credits, lyrics and tix links back at YT. Upcoming shows:
2022.11.12 (Saturday) at The Wall Live House Taipei 2022.11.19 (Saturday) at TCRC Live House Tainan
LLCCL links: August 2022 feature in Blow,  StreetVoice,  YouTube,  Instagram,  莉莉周她說 Spotify, 苡芮 iamyrayhong IG
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stuff-diary · 2 years
The Post-Truth World
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Movies watched in 2023
The Post-Truth World (2022, Taiwan)
Director: Chen I-Fu
Writer: Nai-Ching Yeh
The Post-Truth World is a well acted, solid thriller. It's not brilliant by any means, but it's entertaining enough and it makes some great point about how far the media is willing to go in order to get views. That being said, I didn't like the final part, cause I think it took the easy way out and the ending turned out rather underwhelming. The cast is great, though, and it carries the movie through its weakest points.
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mademoiselle-red · 7 months
also, good job bilibili, serving me a thirst trap vid of this woman and then her coming out vid 😂😂😂
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Love is Science? Cast pic from Huang Wei Ting's Instagram
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justfilms · 5 years
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Fire Dragon
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filenamedotpng · 2 years
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Chiharu Komatsu 1.jpg Chuan-Chen Yeh 1.JPG Masumi Miyazuki 1.JPG Sae Isshiki 1.JPG
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pastryseungs · 4 years
On Children (2018)
Creator: Wú Xiao-le
Dir. Chen Wei-ling
⚠️ Spoilers !! ⚠️
very long post ahead~
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i recently watched this Taiwanese show on Netflix and it gives me Black Mirror vibes as well! i relate to this show so much that some have made me ugly cry lmao. its so weird and entertaining that some leave you silent and zoning out for a few minutes after each episode ends :<
Ep. 1 Mother’s Remote
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dude this episode was honestly so sad and infuriatingggg. believe it or not though, some parents just actually want the best for their children and their future, but some actually take it too far.. like this one.
Pei Wei’s parents are going through a divorce where Wei (Tzu-Chuan Liu) ends up living with his mother (Yu-Xuan Wang). after forging the signatures on his report card and manipulating his grades, Wei’s mother restarts his day with a remote to give him the chance to “fix” his mistakes. he is eventually pulled out from school to attend cram school.. ten times to pay for what he did. eventually, when it slightly goes back to normal, he meets a girl named Lan (Hsin-Yu) and the two immediately became friends because of their love for art.. which also immediately blossomed into puppy-love after a month.
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Wei’s mother eventually catches the two at the library and treats them out to lunch, before banning Wei from seeing the girl again. he fights back, which sends him back to the day before he was about to meet Lan for the first time. but Lan doesn’t recognize him at all, which led him to countless suicide attempts which were all reversed by his mom’s remote. the line, “How many times do I have to do this?” hurts me so much, he just wanted to be free and happy and his mother just can’t give him that all because of bad grades.. damn..
the scene cuts and changes to a few years later with Wei as an adult.. at first i thought he actually was still with Lan but it turns out it was another woman :< that night, Wei is asked by his mother to go out for dinner and he meets Riley, the daughter of his mother’s friend. the two talk for awhile, Riley revealing that she was actually in a relationship that her family knows but doesn’t accept and Wei revealing that he’s also in a relationship as well.
Wei then buys an airplane ticket for his mother, and went to his mother’s house to retrieve the remote. with his mother forgetting her passport at home, her taxi goes back to her house and sees Wei across the street, holding the remote.
this scene was actually so sad for me, because the last part was Wei going back in time when he met Lan. i actually felt like Lan’s the person that gave Wei a sense of freedom when he felt suffocated/drowned by his mother’s strict attitude towards him. you can actually see the longing in his eyes when he went back there.. gosh i was so sad when this episode ended. this one’s actually one of my favorite episodes !! the open ending led me to believe that Wei and Lan actually ended up together and lived happily ever after~ 😤💗
Ep. 2 Child of the Cat
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after failed attempts at getting good grades, Guo-yan (Hsiu-Fu Liu) meets a girl named Lo Chih-Wei (Yu-Ping Wang) after seeing her having a nervous breakdown and harassing another student, she then tells him about some sort of parallel universe and that it offers them something to kill in exchange for intelligence. Guo-yan then develops this delusion after killing their house cats with cat food mixed with rat poison.. he then starts succeeding in his academics, even announcing his perfect score in his mock exam during his grandfather’s funeral.
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the line, “Why must you impose all you want on me?” was so sad.. his parents were putting him under so much pressure, even extending his tutoring hours just to make him study harder and try to pass the exams. but at that point, it was too late, his tutor informed his mother that he needed to see a psychiatrist since he might be going through something, but his mother was indenial, thinking that his son was alright and that he was probably just the typical lazy teenager, which was not the case. he was already asking for help through his actions !! even going as far as making his mother find a non-existent noisy cat to take care of during his exams because he couldn’t concentrate.
this episode kind of frustrates me because Guo-yan’s mother listens too much to their relatives/in-laws advices and criticisms that she doesn’t listen or even bat an eye when her son is literally going through something. the ending was somewhat happy though, with Guo-yan learning how to do carpentry and building their own shop maybe?
Ep. 3 The Last Day of Molly
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to be honest, this one made me ugly cry :< you’ll never really know until its too late, huh? Molly’s mom (Ivy Yin) probably won’t know that she was the reason behind Molly’s demise if it wasn’t for that machine/gadget.
Molly (Gingle Wang) had a lot to offer in their world with her writing talent. sadly, in order to save face, she was too obedient about the fact that her mother wanted to enroll her to Medical school and make her get a degree in another country. she was the highest-ranking student in their school, which made her mother have high expectations for her. she disapproved of everything she did, saying that a job wouldn’t be suitable for her and that she has to work hard in order to work a certain job. it just baffles me how much some parents think its their choice to choose their child’s career path .-.
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the saddest part was when Molly’s mother found out that she had caused this mess. the guilt literally made her feel like she should be behind bars for the rest of her life, and that Molly would want that too. her demise was probably the best revenge she could think of, since she resented her mother for making her study and focus on things that she thinks will make her rich in the future.
i felt so sad for Molly’s sister, Kelly, because she was already expected to follow in her sister’s footsteps, even going so far as extending her tutoring hours while she was still dealing with grief. personally, i wouldn’t be able to do so until i already feel better and moved on a little. its hard to deal with grief especially when you’re so used to seeing that person all the time, which is why i somehow understand their pain.
honestly though, i can’t help but ugly cry during the part when Molly says, “Mom, I love you and I’m sorry.” if it wasn’t for Molly’s death, her mother wouldn’t realize that she was taking her children and their family for granted.. damn.
Gingle Wang is such a great actor !! she also kinda looks like Minnie from G-Idle too! :>
Ep. 4 Peacock
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always be careful what you wish for. tbh, this episode was really weird and scary for me. Qiao-Yi (Yu-Xuan Wang) was ready to risk it all just to get everything she had always dreamed of, which included her sight, her talent for painting, seeing colors, and her appearance. she was literally turning into a peacock just to get help her family stay afloat and help her enter a good college and stay in school to be rewarded as their donor.
her school, Victor, was really weird as well. students were not allowed to ask questions during class, which led to students literally isolating another student in class because she was curious.. no wonder some are having a hard time in their class. the school was full of self-centered, snobby brats that only cared if you’re rich or have something luxurious to offer, it was honestly so weird for me. i’d hate to experience that kind of environment, i probably wouldn’t last three days.
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if i was in her situation, i’d probably want to fit in with the others as well if it meant being less lonely and having someone to talk to even if everything you talk about is too shallow for your liking. it was just so sad that they were willing to trade anything just for a good life and financial stability, which led to Qiao-Yi’s mom (Chiung-Hsuan Hsieh) as the peacock in exchange for Qiao-Yi’s and her brother in their parents’ (or maybe just her mother?) dream schools.
Ep. 5 ADHD is Necessary
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it was just so wrong for the Ruo-wa’s mother (Chuan Chen Yeh) to make her daughter fake a mental illness to help them continue living a lavish lifestyle, which eventually led to Ruo-wa’s (Frances Wu) demise.
Ruo-wa’s mother wanted nothing but for Ruo-wa to achieve and maintain a high-rank in terms of intelligence. but, you see, Ruo-wa isn’t exactly the best in terms of academics, the girl was so focused in school that she doesn’t even know what she’s really great at! her mother was so desperate for both of them- mostly her, to stay afloat that she would make her daughter detailed and organized notes to help her study, to help them keep the lavish lifestyle, because she couldn’t accept the reality that they had to live at the Pigeon Cage because of Ruo-wa’s intelligece. she also did this for her late son, which caused her to be awarded for having a high-ranking son, which also led to his demise. all this time, she thought that her son had died from a car crash, but he was actually destroyed for having a low rank and wanting to be a carpenter.
also, i can’t help but point out that they look like characters from the movie Divergent (2014). they literally look like they belong in Abnegation/Candor/Erudite lmao. and people who are being sent to the Pigeon Cage were Amity/Factionless/Divergent, since they were all special and talented in their own ways and they knew how to farm; sadly, they don’t belong in the real world. i was also so happy when i saw Wei, Lan, Guo-yan, Kelly, and Qiao-Yi !! like, at least they were saved from their parents’ grasps and they’re now free to do whatever they desire.
i was so sad when the police went there and trashed everything, killing the children that weren’t even bothering anybody just because they were low-ranking and weren’t doing their part in the community. in the end, it was Ruo-wa’s mother that had the last laugh and it was just so infuriating for me.. i wanted her to have the karma !! not Ruo-wa’s demise !! 😤
the place in order and everyone was at peace and getting along, why did she have to ruin it all for them? and why did Ruo-wa had to be destroyed ??? i feel like i could compare this to Divergent people ?? since they’re different and they’re being destroyed for not belonging somewhere.. like a Divergent person.
wellll that ends my post !! also, if this is what eventually happens to technology, then imma head out ✌️😗
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goalhofer · 4 years
2020 Fubon Shouhu Zhe Players By Nationality
American: 3 (Ryan Bollinger, Mike Loree & Bryan Woodall)
Taiwanese: 60(Cheng-Wei Chang, Jui-Lin Chang, Keng-Hao Chang, Kuan-Ting Chang, Yung-Han Chang, Hung-Wei Chen, Kai-Lun Chen, Kuan-Chieh Chen, Ming-Hsuan Chen, Pin-Chieh Chen, Shih-Peng Chen, Wei-Chi Chen, Chih-Hsien Chiang, Kuo-Hao Chiang, Yi-Sheng Chu, Pei-Feng Dai, Kuo-Chen Fan, Yu-Yu Fan, Ke-Wei Fang, Yu-Ming Hsiao, Yuan-Hsu Hsin, Chin-Lung Hu, Kuan-Yu Hu, Yi-Chih Huang, Jyun-Long Jhang, Hsiao-Yi Kao, Kuo-Hui Kao, Kuo-Lin Kao, Hung-Cheng Lai, Tsung-Hsien Lee, Chien-Hsun Li, Che-Hsuan Lin, Chen-Hua Lin, Chih-Yang Lin, Sheng-Jung Lin, Wei-Ting Lin, Yi-Chuan Lin, Yi-Hao Lin, Yi-Hao Lin, Yu-Ying Lin, Kuo-Hua Lo, Fu-Te Ni, Shu-Chen Ou, Hsuan-Hung Peng, Hao-Wei Shen, Hsiang-Yu Shih, Yun-Chen Tai, Ming-Jin Tsai, Tsz-En Tseng, Cheng-Tang Wang, Wei-Yung Wang, Shih-Tsung Wang, Shih-Hao Wu, Cheng-Hao Yang, Chin-Hao Yang, Pin Yang, Kuan-Wei Yao, Kuo-Ching Yeh, Sen-Hsu Yu & Ting-Wei Yu)
Dominican: 1 (Henry Sosa)
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nuc7ear · 4 years
DOOMSDAY from Bito on Vimeo.
It's the first time to mix news report and Chinese typography with graphic design to represents interesting discussion among juries in serious topics.
2019金點設計獎以聯合國17項全球永續發展目標 #SDGs17 作為關注的主軸,延續去年「自然知道」點出環境永續的理想,拓展更為宏觀的格局,希望設計師能從這些主題發揮正面的使命感,讓即將來臨的23:59,擺脫無能為力的沈重,成為值得圍繞在創新與共享的宏大盛宴。
The Golden Pin Design Award 2019 Grand Ceremony follows on from its previous year’s theme (Nature Knows) and supports the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals in an effort to bring designers together and champion design for sustainability.
首度混用寫實報導風格和中文typography 和平面圖像,在嚴肅話題間延展有趣的討論空間。
It's the first time to mix news report and Chinese typography with graphic design to represents interesting discussion among juries in serious topics.
Directed by Bito Client: 台灣創意設計中心 Taiwan Design Center Creative Director:劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu Associate Art Director:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 蔡易廷 Eating Tsai Producer : 劉妤暄 Tammy Liu Ideation:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 黃心怡 Vicki Huang / 莊宜蓁 Jen Chuang Storyboard:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 王璿甯 Hsuan-Nin Wang Design:蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 謝鎮璘 Chen-Lin Hsieh / 王璿甯 Hsuan-Nin Wang / 邵偉豪 Wei-Hao Shao Editing:鄭楷 Kai Cheng Animation:蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 鄭楷 Kai Cheng ----------------- Filming Crew: Director:鄭楷 Kai Cheng Producer : 江函儒 Han-Ju Chiang Assistant Producer:林妍欣 Freda Lin Director of Photography:劉書銓 Shane Liu Second Camera:鄭楷 Kai Cheng Lighting : 許鈞筌 Chun-Chuan Hsu Lighting Assistants:王彥傑 Yen-Chieh Wang / 羅煒 Wei Lo Make Up:Ruby Ng Boom Operator:猴子電男孩影藝有限公司 Monkey Boys Club Interview Host:莊宜蓁 Jen Chuang / 鄭楷 Kai Cheng Interviewee:Louisa Bocchietto / SPREAD / Tony Chi / 比爾賈Bill Chia / 阮慶岳Ching-Yueh Roan / 官政能 Cheng-Neng Kuan / 胡湘雲Jennifer Hu / 陳禧冠 Shikuan Chen / 鄒駿昇Page Tsou / 龔書章Shu-Chang Kung Music & Sound Design : 韓承燁 Cheng-Yeh Han Audio Mixing:傳翼錄音製作 Pixelfly Digital Sound
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manukyan · 4 years
DOOMSDAY from Bito on Vimeo.
It's the first time to mix news report and Chinese typography with graphic design to represents interesting discussion among juries in serious topics.
2019金點設計獎以聯合國17項全球永續發展目標 #SDGs17 作為關注的主軸,延續去年「自然知道」點出環境永續的理想,拓展更為宏觀的格局,希望設計師能從這些主題發揮正面的使命感,讓即將來臨的23:59,擺脫無能為力的沈重,成為值得圍繞在創新與共享的宏大盛宴。
The Golden Pin Design Award 2019 Grand Ceremony follows on from its previous year’s theme (Nature Knows) and supports the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals in an effort to bring designers together and champion design for sustainability.
首度混用寫實報導風格和中文typography 和平面圖像,在嚴肅話題間延展有趣的討論空間。
It's the first time to mix news report and Chinese typography with graphic design to represents interesting discussion among juries in serious topics.
Directed by Bito Client: 台灣創意設計中心 Taiwan Design Center Creative Director:劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu Associate Art Director:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 蔡易廷 Eating Tsai Producer : 劉妤暄 Tammy Liu Ideation:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 黃心怡 Vicki Huang / 莊宜蓁 Jen Chuang Storyboard:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 王璿甯 Hsuan-Nin Wang Design:蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 謝鎮璘 Chen-Lin Hsieh / 王璿甯 Hsuan-Nin Wang / 邵偉豪 Wei-Hao Shao Editing:鄭楷 Kai Cheng Animation:蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 鄭楷 Kai Cheng ----------------- Filming Crew: Director:鄭楷 Kai Cheng Producer : 江函儒 Han-Ju Chiang Assistant Producer:林妍欣 Freda Lin Director of Photography:劉書銓 Shane Liu Second Camera:鄭楷 Kai Cheng Lighting : 許鈞筌 Chun-Chuan Hsu Lighting Assistants:王彥傑 Yen-Chieh Wang / 羅煒 Wei Lo Make Up:Ruby Ng Boom Operator:猴子電男孩影藝有限公司 Monkey Boys Club Interview Host:莊宜蓁 Jen Chuang / 鄭楷 Kai Cheng Interviewee:Louisa Bocchietto / SPREAD / Tony Chi / 比爾賈Bill Chia / 阮慶岳Ching-Yueh Roan / 官政能 Cheng-Neng Kuan / 胡湘雲Jennifer Hu / 陳禧冠 Shikuan Chen / 鄒駿昇Page Tsou / 龔書章Shu-Chang Kung Music & Sound Design : 韓承燁 Cheng-Yeh Han Audio Mixing:傳翼錄音製作 Pixelfly Digital Sound
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presssorg · 5 years
Taiwanese President Tsai to China: ‘We will never back down’
Taiwan’s Tsai to China: ‘We will never back down’ Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has a simple campaign trail message for China amid its rising threats to invade her island nation after elections scheduled for early next year: “We will not back down.” “China is getting more and more aggressive,” Tsai told this correspondent at the Republic of China’s presidential palace this month. “ we now have more liberty to speak for our independence,” the leader said. Taiwan’s leader spoke in broad terms as crucial presidential elections approach in January, 2020, polls that will serve as a de facto pro- versus anti-China national referendum with major implications for regional stability. In a provocative new year’s speech, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that Taiwan “must and will be” reunited with the mainland within 2020. That has raised concerns that China may resort to force if Tsai and pro-independence forces dominate the elections. Tsai, whose approval ratings have dipped from 70% in 2016 to around 30% this year, will be pitted against two insurgent candidates who favor closer ties with China. One is Han Kuo-yu, the populist Kaohsiung mayor often likened to the “Trump of Taiwan” who has shot to superstardom with anti-establishment rhetoric but also likely backing of China-based cyber groups which have broadened his appeal via a well-targeted disinformation campaign. The other likely contender is Terry Gou, the tough-talking billionaire chairman of Foxconn who has similarly combined self-styled populism with an emphasis on the need for closer ties with China, where a large chunk of his business empire is concentrated. Unlike Han, he is openly known for close personal ties with the Chinese leadership. Both Ha and Gou are expected to emphasize the necessity for closer economic ties with China and challenge Tsai’s pro-independence stance. Those are diametrically opposed democratic choices. Cross-straits tensions have reached new heights ahead of the polls, potentially placing the US and China on a collision course over the island state’s fate. Chinese officials have warned US President Donald Trump of “playing with fire” with his administration’s military deployments to the Taiwan Straits and his growing diplomatic support for the island state. Most recently, China deployed (June 25) its flagship Liaoning aircraft carrier along with five military vessel escorts to the Taiwan Straits, a show of naval force which dwarfs Taiwan’s power-projecting capabilities. In April, for the first time since 2011, Chinese jet fighters brazenly crossed the median line separating the airspace between mainland China and Taiwan.
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The Liaoning carrier group with destroyers and frigates during a naval exercise in the western Pacific. Photo: AFP Taiwanese authorities blasted that aerial maneuver as “reckless and provocative.” “The Chinese will try to push the envelope short of military conflict,” Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu told this correspondent on June 21. “They are engaged in a hybrid warfare…trying very hard to infiltrate our society.” “Showing weakness is an invitation for aggression,” Wu said, emphasizing the necessity for the island nation to stand its ground amid China’s escalating intimidation tactics. At the same time, America’s allies have stepped up their military presence in the area. Just weeks earlier, two Canadian warships conducted classified “freedom of navigation” operations in the area. American, French and British warships have also conducted similar maneuvers in the maritime area this year. The Trump administration also recently cleared a multi-billion dollar sale of American weapons to Taiwan, including missile systems and aircrafts which could be deployed against a possible Chinese invasion. The US Senate has also called for direct support for Taiwan’s ability to develop minimum deterrence capabilities, including “anti-ship, coastal defense, anti-armor, air defense, undersea warfare, advanced command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR), and resilient command and control capabilities.”
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A US naval vessel in the South China Sea. Photo: Facebook Tsai’s Cabinet ministers told this author that they believe the Trump administration is now more supportive of Taiwan’s de facto independence, witnessed in the growing frequency of meetings between American senior officials and Taiwan’s leadership and deepening military interoperability. They also believe that Trump seems more willing to take the fight to China compared to his predecessors, witnessed in his government’s expanded naval operations in the Western Pacific. China has responded in rhetorical kind. At the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore this month, Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe warned that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will “make no promise to renounce the use of force” in order to reincorporate Taiwan into a Greater China. “Any underestimation of the PLA’s resolve and will is extremely dangerous,” he said, describing the Chinese military’s “sacred duty” to defend and unify China. China is clearly banking on its immense asymmetry of power vis-à-vis Taiwan. The PLA boasts up to one million troops, 1,500 jet fighters, 33 navy destroyers, and close to 6,000 tanks, according to the latest US Defense Department report. In the event of an attempted invasion of Taiwan, China could be expected to mobilize more than 20 landing ships and close to 40 amphibious transport docks, along with its large armada of para-military and coast guard forces, experts say.
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A political map of Taiwan. Illustration: iStock/Getty Images Taiwan, geographically as large as Denmark, has only 150,000 troops at its disposal, along with 350 fighter jets, four destroyer-class warships, and 800 tanks. Taiwan’s leadership, however, is preparing accordingly. During a major military drill held last month against a possible Chinese amphibious invasion, Taiwan’s military spokesman Major General Chen Chung-Chi made it clear that the island nation is “combat-ready.” “Of course, we don’t want war, but only by gaining our own strength can we defend ourselves,” he told CNN international. “If China wants to take any action against us, it has to consider paying a painful price.” One senior Taiwanese national security official told this author on June 20 that “China has limited areas to launch any amphibious attack against Taiwan.” Amid mass industrialization and expansion of real estate along Taiwan’s western shores, there are at most 14 potential landing areas for a possible Chinese amphibious invasion, he said. Taiwan’s military has prepared for the scenario by placing heavy defensive barriers along those areas, along with underground tunnels and anti-amphibious attack equipment, he said. Other senior Taiwanese officials told this correspondent that Beijing is looking at a combination of “surprise attack plus infiltration” strategies to undermine the island nation’s independence.
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Taiwan soldiers take part in a drill at the Ching Chuan Kang airbase on June 7, 2018, simulating a Chinese attack. Photo: Sam Yeh / AFP Those include disinformation campaigns, co-optation of Taiwanese media outlets and business elite, and support for pro-China politicians, they claimed. The Trump administration has taken notice of China’s multi-pronged offensive against its de facto democratic ally. According to a 2019 US Defense Intelligence Agency report, “China’s leaders hope that possessing these military capabilities will deter pro-independence moves by Taiwan or, should deterrence fail, will permit a range of tailored military options against Taiwan and potential third-party military intervention,” Taiwanese leaders seem increasingly confident with the Trump administration’s more assertive policy against China and its growing strategic reassurance to regional allies. Tsai emphasized in discussions with this correspondent how Taiwan is asserting its de facto independence by diminishing its economic interdependence with China.
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The Republic of China (Taiwan) flag, left, flies beside a People’s Republic of China flag. Photo: Weibo “People have to bear in mind that you need to be independent , since China uses economics as leverage,” Tsai said. Other officials noted how Taiwan has gradually economically decoupled with China over the past five years, as Taiwanese investors have shifted production facilities to alternative locations in Southeast Asia. But with both sides sticking to their guns, both literally and figuratively, the potential for miscalculation and escalation is rising as the pivotal polls approach in 2020.   Read the full article
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
莉莉周她說 Lily Chou-Chou Lied and the title track from the recent debut album, 大預言家 The Foreteller.  =D
陳大慶 Ral Chen-Voc/Bass/Program (Ral is also in 眠腦 Sleeping Brain), 陳又銓 Sean Yu Chuan Chen-Drums/Perc. (also in Yellowback 野樂派).  洪苡芮 Yray Hong / 洪苡芮 Ire-Voc/Keys (also in 沉霧 Chen Wu)
Lyrics/Music/Producer: 陳大慶 Ral Chen Arrangement: 莉莉周她說 Lily Chou-Chou Lied Vocal Producer: 葉穎 Leaf Yeh Chorus Arranger: 洪苡芮 Yray Hong 大合唱編寫 The Foreteller Choirs Arranger: Yray Hong & Ral Chen *The Foreteller Choir: 呂尚儒 Gao (fr. 眠腦 Sleeping Brain), Layne Cheng 鄭愷 (fr.倒車入庫 Reversing into Garage), 呂佩蓬 PP L (fr. I Mean Us), 楊永純 (Vitz Young) (fr. I Mean Us), 張之瀚 Alan (fr. 荒山茉莉 Molly in Mountain), 謝祖匡 (fr. 荒山茉莉 Molly in Mountain), 林威佐 (fr. 百合花 Lilium), 林泓紳, Crystal Shien (ex-Goosander 川秋沙), Mini Tsai, 劉茗, 林明翰 LMH (fr.沉霧 Chen Wu), Mooni, 詹士賢 (??fr. 榕幫 Banyan Gang), 王欣茹 Neo Wang (fr. 打倒三明治 Sandwich Fail)
*I think most of these links / people are correct, just a couple I couldn’t find.
Full a/v credits and lyrics back at YT.
Links:  StreetVoice,  YouTube,  Instagram,  莉莉周她說 Spotify,  August 2022 feature in Blow,  苡芮 iamyrayhong IG
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rubalcavah · 4 years
DOOMSDAY from Bito on Vimeo.
It's the first time to mix news report and Chinese typography with graphic design to represents interesting discussion among juries in serious topics.
2019金點設計獎以聯合國17項全球永續發展目標 #SDGs17 作為關注的主軸,延續去年「自然知道」點出環境永續的理想,拓展更為宏觀的格局,希望設計師能從這些主題發揮正面的使命感,讓即將來臨的23:59,擺脫無能為力的沈重,成為值得圍繞在創新與共享的宏大盛宴。
The Golden Pin Design Award 2019 Grand Ceremony follows on from its previous year’s theme (Nature Knows) and supports the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals in an effort to bring designers together and champion design for sustainability.
首度混用寫實報導風格和中文typography 和平面圖像,在嚴肅話題間延展有趣的討論空間。
It's the first time to mix news report and Chinese typography with graphic design to represents interesting discussion among juries in serious topics.
Directed by Bito Client: 台灣創意設計中心 Taiwan Design Center Creative Director:劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu Associate Art Director:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 蔡易廷 Eating Tsai Producer : 劉妤暄 Tammy Liu Ideation:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 黃心怡 Vicki Huang / 莊宜蓁 Jen Chuang Storyboard:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 王璿甯 Hsuan-Nin Wang Design:蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 謝鎮璘 Chen-Lin Hsieh / 王璿甯 Hsuan-Nin Wang / 邵偉豪 Wei-Hao Shao Editing:鄭楷 Kai Cheng Animation:蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 鄭楷 Kai Cheng ----------------- Filming Crew: Director:鄭楷 Kai Cheng Producer : 江函儒 Han-Ju Chiang Assistant Producer:林妍欣 Freda Lin Director of Photography:劉書銓 Shane Liu Second Camera:鄭楷 Kai Cheng Lighting : 許鈞筌 Chun-Chuan Hsu Lighting Assistants:王彥傑 Yen-Chieh Wang / 羅煒 Wei Lo Make Up:Ruby Ng Boom Operator:猴子電男孩影藝有限公司 Monkey Boys Club Interview Host:莊宜蓁 Jen Chuang / 鄭楷 Kai Cheng Interviewee:Louisa Bocchietto / SPREAD / Tony Chi / 比爾賈Bill Chia / 阮慶岳Ching-Yueh Roan / 官政能 Cheng-Neng Kuan / 胡湘雲Jennifer Hu / 陳禧冠 Shikuan Chen / 鄒駿昇Page Tsou / 龔書章Shu-Chang Kung Music & Sound Design : 韓承燁 Cheng-Yeh Han Audio Mixing:傳翼錄音製作 Pixelfly Digital Sound
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azizdosmetov · 8 years
Acer | sRGB & Rec. 709 For Digital Displays Explained from MoonShine on Vimeo.
Director / 李竺潔Chu-Chieh Lee Producer / 李走狗 Chuan-Yao Yeh Design /李竺潔Chu-Chieh Lee、李走狗 Chuan-Yao Yeh 2D Animation / 吳昱緯Phil Wu(JP Space)、陳柏尹Bruce Chen、李竺潔Chu-Chieh Lee 3D Animation / 吳昱緯Phil Wu(JP Space) 音樂Music & 音效Sound Design : 林孝親Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤Szu-Yu Lin(紋聲音樂WinSound Studio) 混音Scoring Mixer & Re-recording Mixer:林孝親Hsiao-Chin Lin
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