#chronically ill witchcraft
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Bedridden witch: Seasons edition
I made a series for The Wheel of the Year many years ago but I realize that not everyone follows it and dividing suggestions into the four seasons as well might be more helpful for some!
Spring 🌿
Collect the first rain of the season and keep it in a jar
Drink floral or fruit teas
Burn floral or fruit scented candles
Light a candle or turn on an electric candle.
Open the curtains to let light in.
Visualize a light cleaning each and every room in your home.
Decorate with dried, fresh or fake flowers.
Spray a cleansing spray throughout your bedroom.
Clean an area in your home, big or small. (It could be as simple as making a pile of trash so it’s easier to move later.)
Bathe yourself (either in the tub or sponge bath style). Infuse some herbs/flowers into the water!
Water your plants and whisper blessings to them.
Plant something new! It can be as simple as a beansprout in a paper cup.
Meditate and imagine yourself out in your favorite area in spring.
Make a terrarium.
Spray floral water in the air and on your bedsheets.
Watch for and welcome the returning birds
Learn about local plants.
Crack open all your windows to let in some fresh air.
Bedridden witch: Garden edition
Summer ☀️
Make sun water/tea
Drink fruit teas, infused water or juices
Burn floral or fruit candles
Decorate with flowers and crystals.
Wake up earlier than usual to enjoy a full day of light.
Try to be awake and witness both the sunrise and sunset.
Decorate your windows with rainbow prisms.
Make flower crowns with fresh, dried or paper flowers.
Make sure sunlight and fresh air can reach you.
Enjoy some fresh fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds.
Decorate with/wear/create things with bright colors:
Decorate a new pot for your plants (painting, sharpies, ribbons, etc.)
If you can, put a bird feeder outside your window or just watch them as they fly by.
Pour an offering of water for the plants (indoors, outside or out the window).
Have a picnic (outside, on the kitchen floor or in bed).
Find a way to incorporate honey into your day (scrubs, food, tea, etc.)
Burn beeswax candles.
Listen to music that just sounds like summertime.
Autumn 🍂
Collect the first rain of the season and keep it in a jar
Drink spiced tea, apple ciders
Infuse berries into water.
Burn spiced, woodsy or autumn scented candles
Eat things like breads, nuts, grapes, pomegranates, pies, apples and root vegetables.
Start a new project like crocheting or knitting. This is also a great time to finish that project you’ve been avoiding.
Wear and decorate and create with browns, golds, dark greens, oranges and yellows.
Decorate your home to make it look more like Autumn (fake or real leaves, acorns, paper cutouts, etc.)
Create a picnic/feast wherever is reasonable, with a little bit of everything.
Pull up a video of leaves falling or a fire crackling.
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spiced-things, pumpkin seeds.
Decorate with small pumpkins, paint them or draw on them if carving is too high-energy.
Create an altar honoring loved ones who have passed on, either a material one or a photo album online.
Pull up a video of a burning fire or light candles.
Turn off all of the lights and sit/lay in darkness.
Visualize your wards and boost your home protection.
Do spirit work/leave offerings for the spirits.
Burn incense/make a spray that smells of spices (cloves, basil, etc.)
Watch spooky/witchy movies.
Winter ❄️
Collect the first snow/make snow water and keep it in a jar
Drink seasonal teas, ciders and hot cocoa
Burn spruce, pine or winter scented candles
Watch gifs/videos of snow, ice forming, fire crackling, etc.
Get/make a small wreath and keep it indoors!
Keep clear quartz and snowflake obsidian around.
Make paper snowflakes! Or find an app/website where you can do a digital one.
Use your heat to draw sigils on frosted windows.
Put a bird feeder outside your window so you get winter visitors!
Get empty glass ornaments and fill them with herbs/pine needles/things that remind you of winter and hang them around.
Get some cute little snow globes.
Decorate with winter colors! White, blue, silver, grey, dark green, etc.
Create an apple pomander with cloves or dried orange slices.
Decorate with evergreen boughs, holly, pine cones, etc.
Wash your face with snow/cold water.
Make rosehip, peppermint, vanilla, rooibos or spiced tea.
Step outside/open a window to feel the cold air (if you live somewhere warm, do this in the early morning/night).
Handcraft gifts for loved ones or write heartfelt cards/letters to the people you care about.
Put birdseed outside/a bird feeder by your window.
Make a simmer pot, or use this idea to create a scented spray.
Bedridden witch: Winter edition (more ideas in this post!)
You may also like:
Bedridden witch series
Bedridden witch: Wheel of the year edition
Bedridden witch: Elements edition
Bedridden witch: Weather edition
Bedridden witch: Nature edition
Witchcraft for the chronically fatigued
Spoonie witch masterpost
#bedridden witch#bedridden witchcraft#bedridden magic#spoonie witch#low energy witchcraft#this has been completed in my drafts for over two years I completely forgot about it!#another bedridden witch post coming soon too!#chronically ill witchcraft#spoonie witchcraft
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Low Energy Devotional Activities and Ways to Connect with the Gods
Let's be honest, religion and consistent practice can be HARD, especially when you're chronically ill, disabled, mentally ill or neurodivergent. This is a list of lower energy practices you can do to connect with your Gods when you're having a rough day.
Pray. You don't have to say the prayer. You don't have to do the full cleansing and offering. Just think about the prayer. It could be as simple as "'Deity Name', thank you. I'm thinking of you and appreciate you."
Dedicate any self care you do to the Gods. You've got to take meds? awesome. it's now a devotional activity.
If you can, light a tea light candle. You can think about who you're dedicating it to as you're lighting it.
Tell them about your day. Have a simple conversation with them (again, this can be in your head if needed).
Offer some water! Water is a great offering if you don’t have the energy to cook, collect or buy something.
Incense is also a great offering because you can light it then forget about it and your house won’t burn down (if you follow regular safety measures).
Resting. Your deities want you to be okay. Dedicating your rest to your deities is especially great if you feel guilty for allowing yourself time to heal.
Turn on a video of someone reading mythos!
Put on a deity playlist. There are plenty of pre-made ones on Spotify.
Veil or bind your hair! Whenever I’m low energy I’ll throw my hair in a ponytail and bind it that way. It doesn’t have to be extravagant.
Make a Pinterest board for them!
Post on a digital altar! There are plenty of discord servers that have digital altars and temples. You could also make a devotional Tumblr blog.
Change your phone lock/home screen to something that reminds you of your Deity.
I hope this is helpful to anyone who needs it! Take care of yourself first and foremost. If you don't think you can manage something on this list then thats perfectly fine too! you're not a bad person for not being able to do something spiritual or religious. Ultimately, these things are not a necessity. Don't stress :)
#witchblr#witchcraft#pagan witch#paganism#hellenic polytheism#witch#witches#baby witch#beginner witch#hellenic pagan#pagan#paganblr#hellenic paganism#disabled witch#spoonie witch#chronically ill witch#neurodivergent witch#neurodivergent witchcraft#spiritual#kemeticism#kemetic#norse paganism#heathenry#heathen#norse pagan witch#norse polytheism#T's original witchy posts
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Spring Equinox Masterpost- Spoonie Witch Friendly
Art Credit: Anastasia Catris
The Spring Equinox, also called the Vernal Equinox or Ostara, is usually celebrated between the 21st of March in the Northern Hemisphere (In the Southern Hemisphere around September 20th or 21st)
In 2024, Ostara and the Spring Equinox land in the Northern Hemisphere on Monday, March 19th.
The Spring Equinox celebrates the arrival of spring. Celebrating balance, growth, and new beginnings as Winter has finally ended.
Spring Equinox Correspondances
Light Green
Sunny Yellow
Light Blue
Pastel Pink
Apple Tree
Cherry Blossom
Birch tree
Ash tree
Salad greens
Spring veggies
Fresh berries
Edible flowers
Baby Chicks
Clear Quartz
Flowering or Tree Buds
Spiritual meanings
Cleansing (removal of stagnant energy)
Good fortune
Floral scents (rose, lilac, jasmine, etc)
Herbal scents (rosemary, basil, mint, etc)
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Eostre – (Anglo-Saxon)
Aphrodite - (Greek)
Gaia - (Celtic)
Gaea - (Greek)
Venus - (Roman)
Athena - (Greek)
Aurora - (Roman)
Eos - (Greek)
Isis – (Egyptian)
Freya - (Norse)
Persephone - (greek)
Cybele - (Roman)
The Green Man - (Celtic)
Odin – (Norse)
Osiris – (Egyptian)
Pan – (Greek)
Thoth – (Egyptian)
Adonis – (Greek)
Apollon – (Greek)
Apollo - (Roman)
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I've got you covered.
High energy celebrations and ritual
Deep cleaning of the hearth and home
Nature hikes
Visiting farmers markets
Making preserves
Create a fae garden
Create a seasonal altar
Abundance/Prosperity ritual
New beginnings ritual
Low energy celebrations
Wear pastels
Create flower crowns
Light a candle with scent correspondence
No spoon celebrations
Opening a window
Journaling Prompts
Keeping hydrated
Drink floral tea
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
Also please note some stuff is UPG. A great book is Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden for honouring the celebrations and if you wanted to work more seasonally. It's not Wiccan-based and has plenty of resources for every witch.
Feel free to post how you celebrate in the comments or reblogs!
Want to see more of my posts? Check out my Wheel of the Year Masterpost or my Main Masterpost.
#witchcraft#witch#electic witch#witchblr#paganism#spoonie witch#spoonie magic#ostara#wheel of the year#witchy#spring equinox#seasonal magic#ostara masterpost#ostara correspondences#spring equinox masterpost#spring equinox correspondances#spoonie#chronic illness magic#chronic illness
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Witchcraft Practice & Disability
I have often struggled and grappled a lot with the concept of my practice being able to co-exist with my disabilities. I have been practising witchcraft since before I was made aware of my disability, but my disability sure made themselves aware throughout my practice.
From being unable to get up, plan or do Anything for major events and days, to the simple mundane task of going up to my altar and saying thanks to all my spirits. Every single task was dictated or rather, negated by my disability and my inability to function or do anything.
The only discourse for the same, is a persistent reminder of, "meditate everyday only then are you a witch," "you cannot be a witch unless you have a daily routine and do something everyday" and the list just goes on.
When will we have a collective talk about how such ideas are rooted in sheer ableism and the capitalistic idea of constantly working and being active? Rest is objectively a part of the cycle of nature, periods where we flourish and are active and others when we rest.
Why are we not allowed to extend the same to our bodies and our spirit?
And this is not to say that all spirits and deities you will be working with, will be okay with you vanishing for months on end. Unfortunately promises and oaths made to the spirits do not follow the same rules for disabilites. There are deities and your spirit team that might excuse you and give you that time, but not every spirit you make a contract or contact with are obligared for the same. They are not obligated to stay or do anything in the period that they are not being fed or given something in return. And that is okay. That is why we bite how much we can chew.
But that is in very specific situations, with very specific spirits. You are not ruining yourself or your practice by not being active for a week or for months or hell, even years.
Your disability does not make your practice "armchair witchcraft" (i really bloody hate that phrase).
You are allowed to take breaks. You are allowed to come back later. You are allowed to mourn being unable to practice when you want to. And you are allowed to ask for grace and time from your spirit team and deities.
Your practice is your own and it is horrifying how norms are policed by non-disabled, able-bodied and neurotypical witches for what they feel entitled to.
If you are one of them, clearly, this space and post are not for you. If you do not understand how people go months and years away from their practice, then this is also clearly not for you.
I want to talk more about what can be done during the major periods of breaks, and what not to do. This is not to throw shade at the posts that talk about - pulling 1 card from your bed because sometimes even the energy for that is lacking. (and that is for future posts)
We are disabled. We have needs. We will take up space. We matter.
And a special fuck you for the people who believe that taking medications will "hamper" your intuition.
I would love for other disabled witches to also share about their experiences and how they navigate these periods <3
Happy witching to you and a protective period of Samhain for your loved ones ✨🎃🍂
#witchcraft#chronically ill#spoonie#chronic pain#chronic fatigue#adhd#actually adhd#actually autistic#autistic adult#witchcraft 101#witchcraft discourse#witchy rants#witchblr#witchcore#witches#spiritual practice#daily practice#daily witchcraft#witchcraft tips#witch community#disability
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To the witches with chronic illnesses:
Please remember to be kind to yourself today. If you can't get up to do that spell you planned, that's okay. If you can't gather enough mental focus to meditate today, that's okay. If you can't even gather enough strength to get out of bed, that's okay. If you can't get up to light deity candles, that's okay. They won't hate you for it. They will understand.
Allow yourself to rest. Even if you didn't do anything yesterday, allow yourself to rest. Your body will let you know when it's ready to do things. Even if that's only to do small, simple things. Your body will tell you.
Please, allow yourself to rest. You've got this! ❤️
#chronically ill witches#green wicca#green witch#pagan witch#pagan#wicca#witch#witchblr#witchcore#paganblr#witches#witches of tumblr#witchy#wiccan#witchcraft#witchythings#pagan tumblr#paganism
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happy halloween/samhain!!!!! ii hope all my beasts and ghouls out there have a spooky night!!!
#halloween#happy halloween#samhain#pagan#pagan witch#witchcraft#witchblr#witchcore#witches#deity work#deity worship#therianthrope#therianthropy#wolf therian#therian#otherkin#alterhuman#vampire tumblr#vampblr#vampire kin#ghostkin#alienkin#zombiekin#autism#aesthetic#my little pony#actually autistic#chronic illness#invisible disability#chronic fatigue
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Journal prompts / ideas
Poems (either ones you've written or just ones you enjoy or connect with)
Book review
Film review
Write about your day
Vision board
Habit tracker
Calendar page
Notes from something you're learning
Quotes you like
Draw some outfits you like
Search up creative writing prompts and do those
Meditate and write down your thoughts before / during / after (I don't do this everytime or sometimes I'll only write afterwards but when I write before, during and after it's always really interesting to read back on and see how much has changed)
Stickerbomb page
Films to watch
Books to read
Bucket list
Highlight of the day (I like to have a page in my journal where I write a short sentence of my favourite thing that happened that day, it's nice to look back on and it's nice especially for days when I'm not feeling well enough to do a longer entry)
Gratitude list
Random thoughts
Drawings and sketches (I'm not even good at drawing but I love drawing or sketching in my journals and just expressing myself)
This one is more for chronically ill people but making notes for doctor / hospital appointments which helps so much! I have severe memory loss so a lot of the time I'll turn up to an appointment and have totally forgotten about anything I'd hoped to say so this has been a total lifesaver
Along with what I said in my last point about living with severe memory loss my whole journal works towards helping me deal with living with the memory loss. I'll probably do another post soon about more in depth ideas for journaling to help life with memory loss but I write down SO MUCH. I've got to do lists, a calendar page, my night routine (I'll also have my morning routine written down once I've actually worked one out!), things I need to do everyday (such as brushing my teeth, washing my face etc), contact info for people I'm close to, labelled photos of my loved ones (it can be really scary when I don't recognise people so having these pages really help), a list of things I can do throughout the day (I'm on bedrest but having a list of things that I enjoy doing written down is a nice reminder, some of the things on the list at the moment are make tiktok videos, do makeup, watch a movie or tv show, journal, scrapbook etc)
#journal#creativity#journalling#witchcraft#junk journal#journal prompts#art journal#journal entry#diary#chronic illness#chronic pain#chronically ill#memory loss#living with chronic illness#living with memory loss#brain damage#hobbies
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Opinions on asking deities for medical help
As someone who deals with chronic pain and mental health issues daily, I often ask the gods for help with managing my symptoms.
That being said, I think it's important for us as pagans to take advantage of the glories that modern medicine provides
I see too many people saying that the gods will fix their issues completely so they don't need to seek professional help. This is an AWFUL way to look at things! The gods are always happy to help you but you also need to put in effort yourself to fix the issue.
To summarize: Take your damn meds, talk to your damn doctor(s) and remember mundane before magical also applies to deities!!!
#pagan blog#paganism#paganblr#pagan witch#pagan#chronic illness#chronic pain#chronically ill#chronic fatigue#mental health#mental illness#hellenic pagan#hellenic paganism#hellenic polytheism#witchcraft#witchcraft blog
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feeling like a horrible witch in that i haven't done anything remotely witchy in weeks. last time i did something witchy was on yule with a tarot spread for my family :(((
but then i remember that even showering, cleaning my room, lighting a little bit of incense as i play with my cats in the next room over (do not worry, ventilation is great and they stay away from the smoke) is all witchy. i'm putting my limited energy into something incredible
with that, disabled witches are incredible and i love you all
#disability#actually disabled#disabled witch#witch stuff#witch boy#witchy#witchcraft#witchblr#chronically ill witch#disabilities#disabled
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Lemon Peppermint Tea 🍋🌱
This is a recipe for a cold infusion tea for mental clarity. 💕
As someone who struggles with extreme brain fog drinking this in the mornings helps me shake the fog for at least a little while.
🍋 Desired amount of cold water (can use sun water for energy)
🌱 2-3 or even 4 peppermint tea bags (I like mine stronger) (mental clarity)
🍋 Lemon juice to taste (energy)
🌱 Sugar (opt) (sweetness, self love)
🍋 Place sun water (or regular water) into whatever cup or glass you want.
🌱 Add in the tea bags, lemon juice, and sugar if you want
🍋 Cover with lid or tin foil or plastic wrap (whatever you have really) and place either in the sun for a few hours to infuse or in the fridge overnight to drink in the morning.
(You can place energizing and clarifying crystals around your cup or glass if in a safe space to do so)
#witchcraft#witch#kitchen witchcraft#cottage witch#kitchen witch#kitchen witch recipes#kitchenwitch#kitchen magic#kitchen witch recipe#recipe#recipes#tea spell#tea recipe#mental health#mental illness#brain fog#chronically ill
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The lovely thing about being a witch in the modern era is you can do SO MANY THINGS to help when you're ill. Modern meds + folk remedies + small magic = excellent combo.
#having a brief chronic illness flair up#not fun but we deal#witchcraft#celtic witch#christian witch#witchblr#brigid devotee#witch#kitchen witch#catholic witch
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My healing altar ❤️🩹
#paganism#witchcraft#hellenism#hellenic polytheism#altar#apollo#pagan altar#apollon#artemis#asclepius#asklepios#healing#health#disability#chronic illness#ehlers danlos syndrome#hygeia#panacea#crystals
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Why did nobody ever tell me that one can rip the godforsaken push-and-turn cap off of pill bottles, and there is a perfectly functional, easy to open cap underneath???

What sorcery is this?!?!
Who knew about this and didn't tell the rest of us???
#i must share this knowledge#or am i the only one who didn't know?#chronic illness#chronic pain#ehlers danlos syndrome#i have no children#what i do have is very bendy fingers#sorcery#witchcraft#brb doing this to all my pill bottles#alt text#medication#I've been on so many medications for so many years and i never knew this#disabled#life hacks
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Imbolc - Spoonie Witch Friendly
Imbolc is usually celebrated between February 1st & 2nd, in the Northern Hemisphere (In Southern hemisphere around August 1).
Imbolc is a fire festival celebrating the home, hearth, and the halfway point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
Is is the celebration of the return of the light and sun. A great time to honour the coldest days and the arrival of spring.
Imbolc Correspondences
Pastel Colors
Bay leaves
Root vegetables
Dried fruits
Fermented foods
Dairy (specifically ewe's milk)
Herbal tea
Canned foods
All burrowing and hibernating animals
Candle flame
Brigid’s cross
Sheep (due to Imbolc’s association with ewe’s milk)
White flowers
Flowing water and springs
Spiritual meanings
Fresh beginnings
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Brigid (Celtic)
Aphrodite (Greek)
Bast (Egyptian)
Ceres (Roman)
Cerridwen (Celtic)
Hestia (Greek)
Vesta (Roman)
Venus (Roman)
Athena (Greek)
Demeter (Greek)
Persephone (Greek)
Aenghus Og (Irish)
Eros (Greek)
Faunus (Roman)
Pan (Greek)
Cernunnos (Celtic)
Osiris (Egyptian)
Asmodeus (Demon, personal UPG)
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations and ritual
Astral projection/travel
Cord cuttings
Create a Brigid’s Cross
Gardening (best time to start to plant seeds)
Make resolution(s) and goal(s) for the year ahead (I'll fight to the DEATH about my personal opinion that this is a better time for resolutions than New Years itself. Best time for renewal and goal setting)
Ritual to say farewell to winter
Make bread
Spring clean! It’s the best time for it
Low energy celebrations
Starting a manifestation journal
Burning a bay leaf with manifestation on it
Planning in your planner
Lighting a candle in honour
Make a cup of tea
Practice self care
No spoon celebrations
Putting on sun lamp
Greet the sun at sunrise
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
Also please note some stuff is UPG. A great book is Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden for honouring the celebrations and if you wanted to work more seasonally. It's not wiccan based and has plenty of resources for every witch.
#wheel of the year#spoonie magic#chronic illness#witchcraft#witch#witchblr#imbolc#imbolc masterpost#imbolc magic#imbolc correspondences#spoonie
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I'm back! I loved my two week app-ban and I got a lot of stuff done, but I miss my rp friends so here I am! I probs won't be on here heaps for the moment but I've had lots of ideas for oc's so we'll see how it goes <3
#took a break#im back bitches#an i read so many books lol#chronic illness#autism#school is finally done!#almost#ive got three days left lol#im bad at tags#mcu#marvel#marvel rp#oc rp#loki#loki laufeyson#norse paganism#witchcraft#social media#oh also being off my phone helped HEAPS with my us election anxiety#even tho im in australia lol#fuck trump
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I love it when the school year finally ends so I get to start showering regularly and taking care of my hair and practicing witchcraft daily again
#chronically ill#spoonie#spoonie things#witchcraft#witch community#pagan witch#cripplepunk#cripple punk#chronic pain#fun facts#i usually dont celebrate yule or ostara because im so tired by that point in the year#not even gonna talk about how my hair looks like right now
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