#chronic trials
maxisanangrywell · 4 months
back on my simon riley with rheumatoid arthritis shit.
so im getting checked out for juvenile RA, (cause if ur under 28 it's considered juvenile i believe) and its making a lot of things really difficult, so imma project on ghostie here for a bit.
TW: Stress, Stress Vomiting
Part One; Lightning
Ghost has good and bad days. On the good days, he gets to take his N-SAID, probably Celebrex, and it actually works. He doesn't get stiff much, and it doesn't feel like his hands are stuck in a really touch slime and he's trying to move them around.
On the bad days? God it sucks.
He cannot do paperwork. Holding the pen in the way he needs to sign off documents or write his own is genuinely painful. He has to force his hand open with the other when he has no choice but to sign the paperwork. (Or sometimes take his glove off and stick his hand under hot water until he can feel the stiffness recede enough to move it.)
He can still use his weapons, but it's a chore on the bad days. It's too dangerous, and so he's benched until he gets an all clear from medical as they're reviewing his x-rays to see how bad it's gotten.
He can't open soda cans anymore. Can't lift the tabs on soups or bean cans. He can't operate a can opener either. He has to get these things called Tab Buddies for the cans, and then if he has to use a can opener, he angrily passes it to Soap. (At that point, his pride is screaming at him to not eat anymore, but he needs to eat.)
They're still waiting on X-rays and he gets more imaging done, just to see truly how bad it's gotten. The positions they make him put his hands in are painful, and he feels tears prickle in his eyes as he clenches his jaw and grinds his teeth.
It keeps getting worse, and Simon quickly finds himself getting angry and depressed. Why him? Why now? He was on the top of his game, he had finally felt just a smidge of happiness, and now he had to dig up the birth certificate he never used and show it to the world the death certificate was simply for his job. To operate safely.
Now he doesn't have a job. His family is a bunch of soldiers who love their job and can continue doing it. He can't do what he loves, bringing terrorists to their knees and making them beg for the mercy they never gave others. The mercy he wouldn't give. Now, he has to confront his trauma and become a civilian. Figure out how to live with such a disability, he cannot preform basic fucking functions anymore.
How the fuck is he going to do this? If it's this bad within three years, and getting worse fast, how fucking bad is it going to be in the next year? Or next eight?
Was he even going to be able to use his hands in the next coming ten years?
Medical comes back with devastating news he knew from the get-go.
"Sorry Lieutenant, you're going to have to be honorably discharged. There's nothing we can do."
He doesn't get angry, he just feels resigned.
So, he gets discharged, and he's holding his head in his hands hyperventilating at 1 in the morning in his flat in Manchester. Crying, sobbing, beside his toilet with his mask across the tiled floor somewhere. The occasional sickness poured from his mouth into the toilet.
He's become everything he didn't want to be. Soon to be homeless, disabled, and how the fuck was he going to find work when fine motor skills is all he knows?
"Fuck me."
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Comment on this Post if you want to be tagged whenever I post this AU!!
Pls like & reblog if you want to see more of this au. :) im really excited about this one, as the 141 are all going to have different chronic ailments. it's a story about hope and perseverance, with a little touch of romance and a shit ton of drama. Also.... Tommy, Beth and Joseph survived the Christmas Massacre, because I said so.
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winterserpent · 7 months
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
Love the idea of Nico having chronic back pain and him blaming it on the fact that he's technically 80 years old. When in reality he just has horrible fucking posture.
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TLDR at the end.
spoilers start now ok bye
Here are some facts that we know for sure:
1. Percy Jackson is named after Perseus, the Greek hero who killed Medusa.
2. Perseus is one of the only, if not THE only Greek hero to not die tragically.
3. Rick Riordan is VERY careful about how he uses names throughout the series, something he addresses from the very beginning when Percy gets to camp. Percy says Zeus’s name (or Kronos’s, can’t remember which and I’m lazy right now) and the sky rumbles, and Chiron warns Percy that names have power and to use them carefully. Later, in Tartarus (if I’m remembering correctly), Percy and Annabeth are wary of using names because of their proximity to monster respawn points.
4. The only other main character named after a Greek hero is Jason Grace.
Here are some things we can assume, based on Rick’s writing style and the details he has given us:
1. A character’s name will tell you something about them. That’s a Riordan near-guarantee.
1a. For example: Piper being a reference to the Pied Piper since she can get anyone to do anything for her, even follow her off a bridge.
1b. Or Magnus and Alex being confirmed from the beginning because Rick mentioned that he stole the name Magnus from Cassandra Clare. (She wrote The Mortal Instruments, which contains a gay couple named Magnus and Alec (Alexander).)
1c. Or Leo being named after the great inventor Leonardo daVinci (not confirmed, but they’re so similar it’s hard to believe otherwise).
1d. A castellan is the governor of a castle who enforces the law around the land. They also have military responsibility. Luke Castellan. nuff said.
2. NAMES HAVE POWER IN THIS UNIVERSE. Sally literally named Percy after a Greek hero to keep his roots close in a subtle way, but she purposefully picked a Greek hero that lives.
2a. HUGE example: Castor and Pollux. In myth, sons of Jupiter. Castor is mortal while Pollux is immortal, and Castor dies. (Slightly irrelevant but Rick loves taking notes from other authors so: In The Hunger Games, part of Katniss’s film team. Castor dies, Pollux lives.) In PJO, sons of Dionysus. Castor dies during Battle of the Labyrinth, while Pollux lives.
The one exception to this rule is Jason Grace. Or so I thought.
If you read the myth pertaining to Jason (Golden Fleece, Argo the First, Medea, etc) you find out that Jason of the Argo dies when he falls asleep on his ship underneath the rotting mast and it falls and kills him. There’s a lot of other stuff that goes down, but for the sake of being succinct, here’s a link to the myth for your perusal:
The only other SUPER MEGA IMPORTANT DETAIL from this myth: Argo Jason, by cheating on Medea, falls out of favor with Hera, while in PJO/HOO, Hera actively names Jason 2.0 and claims him as her champion. (despite him being. Y’know. The proof of her husband being a jackass to her. quality time with the stepmom right there.)
Putting this all together:
1. Sally purposefully named Percy after a Greek hero who lived, indicating fear that he would die if she chose a different name
2. Names have power and Rick puts meaning behind every single name he uses.
3. Jason dies in The Burning Maze.
The real kicker is that they both die in the same way: having lost everything, with so much still to do, dying a completely avoidable death because they weren’t paying attention to what was going on behind them. There’s differences, obviously, because Jason Grace is actually a good person, but those are inconsequential as the big picture is all the same. (We see these similarities happen A LOT with Percy, especially when he kills Medusa.)
We should have known. Rick laid out all the pieces for us from the very beginning, even (possibly) going so far as to straight up tell us that one of the seven would die (again, not confirmed, I saw it in a meme and maybe his twitter? idk im ty ty).
TLDR: Rick Riordan left a gigantic trail of breadcrumbs that should have clued us all in to the fact that Jason was gonna die long before it happened.
And no, I will never shut up about Jason. Justice for my favorite white boy.
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bugwolfsstuff · 2 months
My dad: Do you like that Rick Riordan guy?
Litterally my bookshelf, right next to me:
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Hmmm What do you think? Do i like that guy?
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orcusnoir · 2 years
If Nico were to get a cane, cause you know chronic pain is a bitch, I don't think he'd get one and then deck it out in stickers and what not. He's the GHOST KING, come on now, that cane is gonna be fancy and elegant while being supportive of course. Oh and a sword. It's gonna be cane sword. I mean this is the guy with an undead butler at his beck and call so it just fits.
I also think he dresses more regally for his visits to the Underworld. Just fully embracing that Ghost King Underworld Prince vibe while also being gay about it. Nico, to me at least, always had this "goth/emo kid but make it royal" vibe to him.
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
...is this too elaborate?
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(and half of them were Horsemen of Apocalypse which is even more coincidental)
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blitzbuckz · 14 days
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arctic-hands · 3 months
I wish I didn't have to be "otherwise healthy" to be in scientific trials and such. Like I get they need consistent variables, but also these drugs will go to treat people with health issues and very few chronically ill people have JUST ONE chronically illness so at some point in the trial they should be looking for people like me
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starlight-tav · 10 months
nico di angelo who suffers from cptsd and chronic fatigue
nico who has a has hypermobility spectrum disorder
nico who struggles to find foods that don't fuck up his digestive system
nico whose bones hurt all the time, and he can't help but laugh at himself because he can control any bone except his own
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maxisanangrywell · 3 months
Be on the lookout for the Chronic Trials series/Brave The Storm fic. I have a draft I am writing and it's gonna be a good one people >:)
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
Camper: Percy, why did you take the curse of Achilles?
Percy: Cause I wanted to jump off of buildings without getting hurt.
Annabeth: Percy, no....
Percy: Nah I'm just kidding. It was actually cause, that one *gestures to Nico* wanted to drown me in the Styx.
Nico: Okay.... I'd like to make it known that that wasn't my only motive....
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fideidefenswhore · 6 months
The historical record offers few glimpses of Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales. There is just one contemporary portrait of him at the age of thirteen or fourteen and a scattering of written observations, although we learn from the Milanese Ambassador Soncino that Arthur, just before his eleventh birthday, was 'taller than his years would warrant, of remarkable beauty and grace and very ready in Latin.' We know that he was intelligent, that his teachers included scholars such as Erasmus's friend Thomas Linacre and that he was familiar with the works of twenty-four classical authors, in Latin. These small snatches cannot tell us what kind of king he would have made [...]
Fatal Rivalry: Flodden, 1513: Henry VIII and James IV and the Decisive Battle for Renaissance Britain, George Goodwin
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imaginingmoonlight · 5 months
Primrose from the Skandar book series is such a special character to me because she was the first ever character I'd read about that had type 1 diabetes. It is rare that this is represented in the media and to have someone as a badass unicorn rider with t1d just had such a huge impact on me.
Yes, I almost screamed and absolutely freaked out when she showed up in the third book, I was waiting for her to be mentioned.
I'm so normal guys
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
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HI 🎬 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE AHHH It did get eaten so I'm really glad you sent it again!!
It's interesting, because this movie night could take place right before T2 begins, and act as a little celebration/preparation night. But also, I like the thought of doing it after T2 closes, since they'd have their verdicts in mind while they watched the videos...
No matter when it takes place, this round of videos would definitely be more tense, but at least some of that would be lessened by the fact everyone was involved in filming. While the first movie night was a way to break the ice and have a little fun, this event feels more solemn. It's definitely used as a pick-me-up after such an ordeal -- a way to offer tons of praise and support and understanding to their fellow prisoner before/after a time where they had to pretend to hate one another.
Haruka, Mahiru, and Amane's require some serious time afterwards to talk and recover. LMAO I love the thought of Yuno's video resulting in some cheers as well as some "yes ma'am"s 😂 But I think despite her honesty, actually seeing her in those situations would cause the prisoners to understand her much deeply that before. (And I like to think she tries to bond with Amane over having multiples of themselves in the video :D) Mmm, and having a little moment between Muu and Fuuta would be so nice here. As bad as he felt seeing her be a victim in the T1 video, now he feels bad for her for a different way -- he can relate to her situation more and knows her pain.
Ahhhhh I want everyone to meet and hang out with Shidou's family so bad ;---; Although they're still not allowed to leave the facility until the experiment is over, everyone immediately starts making plans to hang out. Mahiru asks their favorite foods so she can have him over for dinner. Haruka asks if they have any similar hobbies/games so he can play with them. Amane doesn't say anything, but listens really closely to all the conversations. And yeah, by this time Jackalope would have received too much pressure to ignore the paperwork surrounding Amane any longer. While he's at it, they make him look into Haruka and his sister as well.
I wanted to make a John joke so bad you don't even know 😭😭😭I'm definitely going to sneak some teasing in post-neoplasm because I just think that's so funny and the others would never let him live it down OMG (I saw another post about it, but maybe secretly Red thinks it's fun -- despite hating the actual name John, he's excited to actually receive a nickname after Mikoto has given so many out to others)
But no matter how serious it gets, they'd be able to dance and sing along with some of the upbeat videos! The singer themselves may encourage the others to join in, since it would take some of the heaviness off of watching themself like that. It's such a bizarre situation, but they embrace it and find a little fun where they can.
I also just realized they'd get to watch Undercover!! It's the first time they get to hear Es sing and they're very impressed, and also enjoy seeing everyone together after separate filming. The visuals are pretty basic, and I think it'd be mostly teasing one another about the uniforms or looking like a sad wet cat behind bars...
Once again thank you 🎬!! These were so amazing and big brained 👏 I really appreciate you taking the time to write them out and send (twice ;-;), and I know a lot of others have enjoyed reading them as well!
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menstits · 10 months
fontaines archon quest is probably the first time in genshin that replaying it gives you a new context of how furina acts like its crazy...watching my oomf play when i finished and seeing furina almost on the verge on a breakdown even on the first acts when most people thought she was just the typical chuniibyou ojousama in charge...crazy.
YEAH like... god it's really crazy especially with furina's initial approach at trying to be the archon like... What could have been her own way of doing it if the crowd hadn't immediately shot down her attempt at being genuine . Like how different that was from the way she had to act for the following 500 years... Man.🧍‍♂️
#asks#anonymous#they really have come a long way from the first few arcs#like. mondstadt was clearly a prelude and liyue was funny enough but neither of them was especially emotionally impactful#inazuma sucked ass beyond belief sorry.#sumeru was better to me like the deal with nahida and rukkhadevata was interesting and i liked dottore cameo and like#at least it felt like all the characters involved like. had a purpose and knew each other#because a lot of what bothered me about inazuma was also like how disjointed the cast felt and how superfluous like half of the cast was#like the resistance was so fucking pointless they didn't do anything and i didn't give a fuck about the random npc soldier either#while like... at least dunyarzad in sumeru was more interesting and they handled the theme of like...#terminal illness and chronic illness decently enough#in inazuma i legit wws like who the fuck is this again whenever teppei showed up and the story acted like we were supposed to know him#while like#I'm sooo glad that in fontaine they focused mainly on the playable cast and made them have interesting dynamics amongst each other#AND made them also like. all be present during furina's trial (except wrio and sigewinne i guess but like. that's fine. their deal IS that#they're a bit isolated from the outside world)#or i mean ig sigewinne did show up but she hsrdly said much#like sorry idk why both in inazuma and sumeru they tried to stick a random npc in there tyat we were supposed to get attached to for no#reason. instead of giving more development to the playable characters? and as i said i didn't even mine dunyarzad much because at least#she had like. a purpose in the story.#anyway sorry that i put my longer response in the tag instead of the actual post#ALSO. this gives me high hopes for snezhnaya. god please please be good I've been hyped about genshin russia since i got into the game#I'm not even thinking about natlan I'm scared it's gonna be racist again#anyway.#bye
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