#chronic illess
brandileigh2003 · 2 months
I've got a fic rec!! run to read this----older wolfstar, get back together, remus with chronic illness, raising teddy, hea.
completed! fic: orange juice (i've been ready for you to come home for so long)
Tears prickle at the back of Remus’s eyes, and he lets them fall, finding himself rattled by sobs, not from pain or humiliation, but because he didn’t realize how much of a relief it would be to let someone—not a stranger he’s paying, but someone he cares about—take care of him. He’s nearly wracked by the guilt, the shame of it, that he could have had this all along but gave it up, pushed Sirius away before he even had a chance to prove him wrong.
His hand is warm and gentle and Remus leans into the touch involuntarily but Sirius doesn’t pull away this time, “It’s okay. You’re okay. I’m here.”
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cistematicchaos · 2 years
I’m not a toxic-positivity bitch. I’m really not. It makes me nauseous. But on a positive note, if there’s one thing being severely chronically disabled has made me work like fuck on, it’s setting boundaries. 
Now, I’ve been disabled for my entire life but becoming severely crippled? Some of y’all do not know how often people just fucking hurt you. They make invasive/insensitive jokes, they don’t believe you know your own limits, they push you, they neglect you-From all sides, you’re just getting battered by all types of things that you didn’t have to think about before you were severely crippled and as someone who was taught not to set boundaries, it. Is. Hell.
Because it gets to a point where you either start setting boundaries or you just throw in the towel. And it shouldn’t even get to that point frankly but for a lot of us, it does. So I started learning to set boundaries. I said no. I said stop. I said leave me alone. I said I can’t. I said I won’t. I said I’m not going to do that. I said I’ll hit you with my cane if you don’t stop that. 
And it’s shit. It fucking sucks, ngl. But apparently, setting boundaries is also really good for you and gives you a lot of clarity about yourself and your relationships with other people. Also I got to hit someone with a cane, so like, that’s a win too. 
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sparkles-and-trash · 1 year
If you enjoy my writing and want to see more of it and have the opportunity, I’d be forever grateful for your support as I am struggeling with my medical bills rn!
kofi - paypal
No pressure of course!
Reblogs helps a ton too!
I’m super embarrased to be doing this, but medical bills are stacking up once again, and I’m working as much as I can freelance, but to afford the treatmeant that keeps me able to write for both work and fandom, I need some help!
masterlist - ao3
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genshiluv · 11 months
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☙} my name is angel ♡
☙} im 18, birthday august 1st ♡
☙} female, she/her/they/them
☙} genshin design but chronic illness blog woo
☙} kokomi and tartaglia are my favorites :)
☙} nonjudgemental and drama free, im inclusive and peaceful so please kindly dni if youre here to start drama or be mean 💗
☙} will vent frequently abt my chronic health issues :)
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I’ve literally forgotten how to make friends?
I used to actually be able to make friends, but for the last couple years especially since starting university I just don’t seem to “get it”?
I’ve always been so burned out from studying that I find it difficult to have a social life as well
Being chronically ill doesn’t really help since I can’t predict when my body will function or not lmao
Summer is coming up and I’m usually just home alone or I go on walks alone or sit and write or sketch in public around other people who hang with their friends like
How tf do I make friends? How do I talk to other human beings in a normal way? 
How to be myself? 
I have no idea...
Somehow when I try to be social and fail it makes me feel more lonely than just being alone in the first place
I want to be less lonely, but I don’t know how...
Why is everything so complicated when we grow up?
There’s so much to navigate and I don’t have a compass
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oh my god. oh my god, what if i’m not stupid? what if i just have brain fog?
i’ve spent years thinking about how much slower i’ve gotten since i was a teenager, i used to be so quick and sharp. i was never good in school, but i was always good at stuff like literary analysis and debating and languages. at the very least, i could devour chapter books in a matter of hours
now, i can’t even get through a few pages of a book without just giving up. i just thought, wow, am i just getting stupid now that i’m older? my brain can never keep up with conversations and it takes me ages to come up with an answer for anything.
what if this isn’t my fault?
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Hello!!! Do you know any fics in which John has chronic pain?? I struggle to find them cuz it's always Sherlock the one who has it,,,
Thank I smmm
Hi Nonny!
Ahh, this is a good question, one I sadly can't think of at the moment. Oh wait, actually if you're okay with AUs, John has chronic and phantom pain in his joints from his cybernetic implants in this story:
Maintenance and Repair by patternofdefiance (E, 106,650 w., 71 Ch. || Future AU, Augmentation || Augmented John, Depression, Body Modification, Slow Burn, Worldbuilding, Sci-Fi, Self-Care, Body Dysmorphia) – John wants to explain the rush of sensation and data, which is just another form of sensation (or is it the other way around?). John wants to say: Augmentation circuits report temperature, pressure, various forms of quantitative input. Sudden changes are reported as pain, since sudden changes are dangerous, and pain is the quickest way to encourage reflexive extraction. But all John can manage is, “Nng.” Because this sudden touch is not reporting as pain. Part 2 of STATIC
I know that I've read others but they're not coming to me at the moment. I MIGHT have some more on my Chronic Illness / Pain (MFLs) list I put out awhile ago!
If anyone has something they want to suggest, please do!! <3
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being a protector and having chronic pain when other alters are present at all is so conflicting because its just. im hurting and im miserable and i want to hide under a blanket and cry. but the kid is right next to me and she ALSO is hurting and miserable and wants to hide under a blanket and cry. and i cant even focus on my own misery bc my instincts kick in and i need to Help Her even if that means just like. gently putting her(/us) to bed
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charlattehotte · 4 months
waiting on tumblr to undelete my chronic illess blog (i deleted an entirely different sideblog and it just??? took another one down with it??) so yall get this information but i dare my dr to look at this and be like "oh no you're not FLARING it's FINE"
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neopetcemetary · 2 years
my relationship to art is so complicated rn
I was really close to completely giving up on my aspiration to be an illustrator. The online landscape is so hostile to artists. I've been exploring going back to school and applying to different programs. I feel really lost in life. I'm not even completely sure I still want to do illustration. Over the summer my neighbor said something that stuck in my head when I said I was going to change my career choice (for full effect, pls imagine in a thick Italian accent) he said "But you are an illustrator, that's what you are." He is a UI designer and at one time wanted to be an artist. I could sense he just felt regret about not pursuing that. Mostly, for right now, I wanted to do illustration because it seemed like the quickest way to getting out of my living situation. I already have everything I need to do it and it works well with my chronic illess/mental illness/general night owl tendencies. I was inspired by @pinkmoondoll9shihtzu to #train everyday. I just decided that I've set my mind to it and I'm going to get good at digital art. #training anyway, I was working on some painting practice today and got so happy because I'm finally seeing the caliber of results I want in my art. Still a ways to go but I'm proud of the hard work
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brandileigh2003 · 2 months
Trans fest reveal ❤️❤️ I don't wanna be anything other than me
Lily and remus friendship, remus transitioning at school, pining Remus
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ridethebigrockstarss · 8 months
14th Jan 2024 - 9:07p.m
I have deactived my 2 instagram accounts, i think after leaving brighton i find it harder to look at my friends post of all them together but even more so the feeling of them not texting me back or the fact i keep picking up my phone to see if there is messages ( there never is ). and its slowly making me more sad and putting me in a mood. So i deactived my account, how long it wil last i do not know, iv decided to use tumblr religiously now. But also even though i only really talk to that friend group on insta they have many other ways to message me, like they have my phone number and whatsapp, god if they really needed 2 even tiktok LOL.
Talking about tiktok though im trying to get off that aswell, i took it off my home scene cuz i feel like i only go on it because i see it. and since iv done that i defo havnt been on it as much. il delete it when i get more comfortable. same with twitter or x whatever its called now. i dont use X that much but now that i dont have insta im not ready to let it go. Same with snapchat i only use it to text my IRL friends for plans and i use it to take in the moment pictures ( so i dont use all my ohone storage) thought i do need to learn to not take so many random pics that half the time i dont care about 2 days later, same with screenshots. Im a photographer so of course i like taking pics but sometimes i think its 2 much to be saving blurrry pics that have no meaning.
i wanna basically make my phone like an 2014 ipod, for music mainly and the odd text message, i think 2024 is finally try to stop using the bad side of social media. like i like tumblr i dont come here offen, i ahve a look for 5 mins, like stuff and go.
Well this is my first blog and genuielly might keep this up, i nice to get my thoughts to go somewhere, where i dont feel like im bothing someone. and also i love journaling, but writing hurts my hand with my chronic illess. i like typing, im fast at it, though i have terrible dyslexia and cant spell for shit.
ok thats it for now bye.
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
Sooo I ended up making the cosplay wishlist into a more general wishlist
It feels kinda weird, but since everything is expensive rn and I’m poor af on my little disability pay and not being able to work half as much as I want to, I kinda just figured…
Why not?
Anyways, just because I add the link to stuff it does not mean I ever expect anything, ever! 💞
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shallowrambles · 2 years
But you DO know who is actively blamed for their own illness? For their own corruption? ADDICTS.
Don't overlook the shame of addiction. Also, addiction doesn't discriminate, sure, but the consequences sure as Hell do.
Also there's the stigma and the attitudes:
Rich ppl addictions = "they sure know how to party"
Poor ppl adductions = pathetic, that's why theyre poor...bad choices
Ppl will tell you with a straight face that smokers and drinkers shouldn't be eligible for transplants...or even insurance. "They don't deserve it. They brought this on their self"
Addiction isn't a "noble" illness. Hell, it doesn't even count most of the time in ppl's minds. Even though corporations prey on the vulnerable (mental hospitals, children, you name it) to get them addicted and sicker, ppl blame the users. There's soooo many decades of confirmed predatory marketing, and yet tur lion's share of all the societal blame gets heaped at the feet of their victims.
There are babies born addicted, imprisoned by the choices illnesses of their mothers. Babies can even be damaged through breast milk. These young ppl struggle and often feel freakish.
And the bible can be harsh about chronic illess, treating it as unclean or as indicative of sin, as this skin sore was in Leviticus: "the diseased person must wear torn clothes and let his hair hang loose, and he must cover his mouth and cry out, 'Unclean, unclean!' 46 As long as he has the infection, he remains unclean."
A person or thing could contract ritual "uncleanness" (or "impurity") in a variety of ways: by skin diseases, discharges of bodily fluids, touching something dead ( Num 5:2 ), or eating unclean foods (Lev 11 ; Deut 14 ).
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thefirsthogokage · 3 years
My dad and office manager think that I'm doing better since I had a procedure done that had the possibility to help me.
I am in fact doing the same or worse in most aspects.
So now that this has come to the forethought of my mind, thanks to him, I am trying not to cry at work.
Go team.
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homebrewpodcast · 5 years
Listen to a clip of HBP 13: Fantastic Goals and How to Set Them!
In this clip, Danny comments on one of the biggest pitfalls of common goal-setting - especially for those with chronic illness.
Check out the full episode for ways to *actually* make things happen and how Johna (possibly) maps out her ghost-punching plan for the year. Links are in the reblog!
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