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stormbornbastard · 1 year ago
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For @mrmalcolmslist
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stormbornbastard · 1 year ago
something that always confuses me about the bridgerton fandom, is the continued hatred for penelope on marina’s behalf. especially when marina is better off now than she would’ve been with colin? does it excuse pen’s actions? no. however, because she exposed the truth, she was able to find a union free of the constant anxiety and fear over her secret being exposed. marina is better off by a long shot because although colin is gullible, the bridgertons are not. she would’ve been found out eventually. if not, she would’ve lived her life with colin not only in a loveless marriage (because she did not love him be fr) but also living a lie that could ruin not just her life but her children’s lives if revealed. the longer it went on, the worse the fall out could’ve been. marina is content, she and her children are provided for and looked after. she’s over it so like…why aren’t most of y’all??
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stormbornbastard · 1 year ago
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stormbornbastard · 1 year ago
I love you hated female characters. I love you female characters who are flawed. I love you female characters who mess up and try to do the right thing after. I love you female characters who get the undeserved vitriol from fans. I love you female characters who fans completely condemn because of one mistake they made. I love you female characters who fans completely condemn because of one mistake they made as a child. I love you female characters who people blame for ripping apart their ships instead of the larger forces that be. I love you female characters who get all the hate as the male characters who do worse in canon get absolutely none. I love you female characters who get hated on because they told a man “no.”
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stormbornbastard · 1 year ago
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stormbornbastard · 2 years ago
Violet: Eloise, darling, I believe it is time to put your squabbles with Penelope aside. For, it is not as if she had compromised any of us.
Colin fully fucking sweating bullets 5 feet away
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stormbornbastard · 3 years ago
this is such a dumb, pseudo-intellecual and disingenuous post. why are you comparing this scene of ikaris pulling sersi close to him to a scene of drukkari touching foreheads when ikaris and sersi have plenty of scenes touching foreheads in the same fashion? two very different acts of affection.
Also of course the first scene is a bit awkward and there's a bit of discomfort in their actions because it took place thousands of years before the other. Neither Sersi or Ikaris are familiar with showing affection let alone romantic affection in a human way at that point, this is probably one of the 1st attempts at doing b so, its unfamiliar to them unlike with drukkari who's had thousands of years at that point to grow comfortable with one another.
And what power imbalance are you talking about? They're equals at that point but later on, the movie shows us that Sersi is literally the most powerful of the Eternals, the film makes that explicitly clear and it also makes it clear that the last thing Ikaris would ever want to do is hurt her.
Just a bad take.
ok but can we talk about the way their body languages differ???
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ikaris is intimidating, chest out, crowding her space in the same way he’d stand up against someone he was about to fight. not an ounce of love or affection in his eyes. and sersi, she’s looking down, maybe not scared but definitely tense. there’s a clear power dinamic here at play.
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drug and makkari are the absolute opposite: they’re more than lovers, they’re best friends. they’re equals. makkari isn’t tense or scared, she’s right there with him, just as into it. his body language screams calm, non-aggressiveness. his eyes are soft, and he’s not trying to get anything from her. he’s just loving her for the sake of loving her, expecting nothing in return. which is why he’s so so grateful for whatever she decides to give him.
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stormbornbastard · 4 years ago
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Jonerys + Untranslatable Love Words
for my best friend, jenn//@dracarysqueen, on her birthday!
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stormbornbastard · 4 years ago
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For this night and all the nights to come
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stormbornbastard · 4 years ago
contemplating writing that philoise cheating fic I've had in my head for weeks now...
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stormbornbastard · 4 years ago
The Potential In Philoise
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gif credit: @vakariaan​
tw/ sexual assault, abuse, depression, suicide, julia quinn’s writing 
AN: Okay, so I said awhile ago I would explain why Phillip and Eloise are my favorite couple in the series so get’s a bit of a long one. 
I read four Bridgerton books immediately after the show ended. Skipping over The Duke and I because I wasn’t comfortable with the assault scene between Simon and Daphne and also because I had already seen the romance play out onscreen. I fell in love with each romance I encountered, mainly because I didn’t read them as they were but as the show would make them out to be. I romanticized a romance series as weird as that sounds. Yet, none of the romances struck me the way To Sir Phillip, With Love did.
It’s not a perfect book. In fact, it's incredibly problematic. Phillip rapes his depressed wife, Marina (although given Julia’s history with crossing the lines of consent I doubt this is the way she wanted us to interpret the scene. Actually, the way it was written made it seem like we were meant to sympathize with Phillip and his loveless marriage. Hence the way he immediately grows ill afterward.) Marina attempts suicide and dies due to disease later on. Given her storyline in the show and the fact that a young biracial woman is playing her was disheartening, to say the least.
(AN: I don’t consider the character to be Black representation, she’s biracial. As a black woman who enjoyed her character and arc, no part of me felt seen and represented through her because she was half black. She's Biracial rep, not Black rep and that’s okay. Just putting that out there. )
Phillip seeks a woman to take care of his children, fuck and do the shit he doesn’t want to do. His mental illness is handled in such a shitty way. The independent nature Eloise once has is almost stifled by Phillip and what he wants for some reason. He’s neglectful, erratic and he does dismiss potential negative feelings Eloise could have in their relationship because of his past relationship.
It's fucked up. The entire book.
And yet, imagining how this problematic romance would play out on screen once properly adapted for modern audiences makes me fucking giddy. All because of one, simple thing that remains the reason I am so fucking excited to see this pairing onscreen.
The unrealized potential the pairing and Phillip as a character have in the novel.
Let me explain.
Their romance is unique. Phillip and Eloise are not strangers when they meet. They’ve been writing to each other for months, picking each other’s brains every week or so. Getting to know each other in a way that other couples in the series don’t at first. Intellectually. They’re able to keep such a steady, enthralling dialogue through letters, and it's a friendship that they both enjoy. Phillip stimulates Eloise’s mind, something the show has emphasized her wanting, for months. He’s her intellectual equal, or at least...he has the potential to be. Of course, he slaves over the letters (which is cute as fuck because he really just wants her to like him) but it's still his words. It’s his voice. It is Phillip, at his best.
I hope the show can play this up. Phillip is a botanist and a scholar before he inherits his family’s estate. Eloise has a desire to learn and further her knowledge of the world around her. Bonding over their shared love of education, fun banter based around teasing the other and their individual studies, taking an interest in what the other desires to learn.  Reading books together in the greenhouse, etc. The show could easily play up the fact that Phillip was not only a gardener but a literal man of science, something Julia neglects in their book despite it having the possibility of playing a major factor in their love story.
The possibilities of it just...makes me swoon.
Moving on, Eloise choosing to pursue a possible future with this man is a big fucking deal. Running away from home to go after a future for herself IS her displaying her OWN agency. Sure, Phillip poses the question of it but she’s the one who chooses it. Phillip doesn’t demand her to come to him, he simply suggests it and she’s the one who acts. The one who pursues. And if they hadn’t been bombarded by her brothers, it would’ve remained her choice of whether or she wanted to be a part of this man’s life permanently.
Phillip wouldn’t have forced her, he could’ve easily tried to. By going to the Bridgerton house and discussing with Anthony the possibility of marrying her but no, he asks her. HE ASKS HER AND SHE CHOOSES. I fucking love that. It's like the bare minimum but given the time period and the number of couples where the man has the final say on the marriage, this just makes me giddy. The show could change this and give Eloise more time with Phillip to the point where she chooses him and isn’t forced into the marriage which I hope they do.
Also, their first meeting where neither one of them is what the other expects sounds amazing ngl. The initial confusion, shock, unease, and undeniable attraction, it's gonna serve why lie?
Despite how much it affects him, the subject of Phillip’s abuse is handled so...wrong. As someone who shares an experience with abusive parents, I understand the fear of becoming like them. Of hurting the ones you love and being angry and feeling guilty. Yet, Phillip never confronts these fears. Not really. Sure, we get the scene in the nursery but thinking of how the show could handle it and his relationship with his children makes me excited. Having him being neglectful of his children was the wrong move, especially if his fear is hurting them in an attempt to discipline them. It's clear he loves them and ultimately wants the best for them which is why he’s searching for someone to better take care of them despite the shitty bitch he already has hired. I hope the show capitalizes on that.
Have Phillip be involved but not a disciplinary figure. Yeah, I get that he’s the man or whatever but it's clear that Phillip finds no enjoyment in the act or even pondering it. But he does love his kids. Have him be overwhelmed but still involved. It just felt weird that Phillip didn’t want anything to do with his kids despite one of his main reasons to look for a wife was so that they could be properly taken care of. Have him try but struggle. A lot.
It’d be funny to see Oliver and Amanda running the house and Phillip struggling to keep up. They’re supposed to be mischievous, they should play that up in the show. Having the kids be little gremlins but instead of him ignoring them completely, he could just give in to their whims. And when his anger does get the best of him, then he could run. Be distant, wrestle with his internal struggle with abuse but also knowing he can’t let his kids run his household like this and go about as reckless as they do.
Speaking of abuse, I hope they scrap the nursery lady altogether. I know it’s supposed to show him stepping into dad mode but it just felt like unnecessary and triggering of his own child abuse. He could easily step into this role by learning to deal with his anger, learning to control it. Eloise could suggest journaling the way she does (another bonding moment that could be less cute and more intimate if done right.) Having him put his anger into gardening, I interpreted it as it being a safe place and coping mechanism for him in the book and that would be nice to see.
Having to finally put an end to his kids' tirade once he learns to trust himself and realize that he’s nothing like his father. Actual healing from childhood trauma and Eloise helping him do so. She could also suggest boxing with her brothers just makes sense. As someone with a temper, boxing helped me sort through that and the opportunity to see Phillip and Simon bonding, while boxing, over their shitty dads, sounds pretty fucking cathartic (and hot).
I would just like the show to truly show that just because you’ve dealt with abuse doesn’t mean you have to be defined and like your abuser. Phillip is a pretty great candidate for it because the guy is...scarred, to say the least.
I love the physical side of Phillip and Eloise’s relationship. Like really love, it's said that they try different things and are comfortable in that regard with each other and it just...yeah, that makes me happy. Besides that, I hope they play up the intellectual side of their relationship. Two nerds in love are adorable and imagining Phillip ranting about plants and Eloise just being completely enthralled at this man and his passion sounds like the cutest fucking shit.
Speaking of intellectual, it's implied Phillip cares little about high society. Meaning, wouldn’t he care even less about societal expectations and norms? Meaning Eloise would literally find freedom with this man to her. Despite the book showing how Phillip wants a wife, it never really says that he cares exactly how that wife maintains herself or their household. Eloise wants to fuck around and wear trousers? He doesn’t care. Eloise wants a private tutor and a study for herself? Cool. Eloise wants to take Amanda riding in the forest and then teach her how to shoot? All good. The man was literally proud to watch her beat her brothers in a traditionally masculine sport. He wants his wife to run his house and his entire life how she sees fit.
Julia really neglected how much agency and power that could give Eloise. She could be his equal, like really be his equal. Of course, Phillip becoming more involved in his and his children’s lives is a part of his arc but nothing leads me to believe he would want to control Eloise. The two of them being more than just lovers, but partners who allow the other their freedoms when needed sounds epic as shit.
Now some things that could easily be left out, the rape scene. It’s there to showcase that Phillip has lost his wife and there is no chance of reigniting whatever they may have had in the past. Yet, there are so many other ways to show that. Phillip could try and speak with her with no response. Hold her hand and she pulls away? He’s a smart man, it doesn’t take much to get the hint so that could’ve easily been written out and replaced with something else.
Second of all, I like the possibility of Marina and Phillip finding happiness at first. Of them trying to love each other after George and succeeding. The way Marina is written in the show, I doubt she’s quick to give up. So to see the two of them having an agreeable marriage and getting along would be nice. They could showcase her mental illness in a different form, it's clear she suffers from postpartum depression. She withdraws into herself, distances herself from her children. She’s depressed but it's not as stereotypical and easily spotted as Julia makes it out to be. Marina just gives up on her children and life without any fight? Absolutely not.
As someone who suffers from depression, the way Julia wrote it is so...??? The truth is, I would like Phillip and their family to not even realize she’s suicidal. To not see it coming when she jumps in the lake and attempts to end her own life because that's exactly how suicide impacts so many people and their loved ones. They don’t see it coming. Phillip struggling with the guilt of that rather than the anger of being trapped in a loveless marriage sounds...a lot more interesting to me. Me, personally. Considering how much buzz the show has, it would spark up a dialogue and a good one if handled properly. I’ve thought a lot about Marina but this is just how I would prefer to see it handled if they go through with her canon death (which I am not actively rooting for by the way.)
Another reason I like the potential of Philloise is Oliver and Amanda, they just add some extra spice. If fully realized characters, watching them grow closer to their dad and form a relationship with Eloise would be so rewarding for two kids who have lost a lot. Also, the amount of comedic gold in their pranks with Eloise and dynamic with each other would give the season even more humor on top of Eloise herself.
And as much as I love the line, “this-us-is heaven.” They could easily modify the love speech. Like very easily.
My point is, I think their potential outweighs the problematic factors in their story and I doubt the show will fail on realizing it and ridding itself of the problematic aspects. One could even say they already started, I mean look at the way the show made a point to show Eloise’s disgust with fathers and husbands who abandon their family, and then comes Phillip, doing the absolute most to protect his remaining family. I mean, Bridgerton did turn the weakest romance in the series into a whole pop culture phenomenon. My hopes are high. Okay, that’s all.
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stormbornbastard · 4 years ago
Watching Behind Her Eyes and you couldn't tell me Simona Brown wouldn't make an incredible Sophie Beckett. I mean like, the way I was rooting for her from the jump. Her eyes are so encapsulating, she could easily body Sophie's character. I just, I love the possibility of it. The more I watch, the more I see it. I just cannot stop seeing her as Sophie, omg.
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stormbornbastard · 4 years ago
blocking everyone who mindlessly repeats that ‘eloise deserves better’ is selfcare.
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stormbornbastard · 4 years ago
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“I do work outside, too,” he said gruffly, unable to simply say thank you. “With the laborers?” she murmured. He looked at her with amusement. “Eloise Bridgerton—” “Crane,” she corrected. A burst of pleasure shot through him at her words. “Crane,” he repeated. “Don’t tell me you’ve been harboring secret fantasies about the farm laborers.”
‘To Sir Phillip, With Love’ (pp. 278-279) by Julia Quinn.
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stormbornbastard · 4 years ago
I published my first article talking about the romance between Simon and Daphne and the flaws I found within their relationship. I still love them, I just wanted to give my opinion on some of the things that I would have liked to see the show do differently when it came to developing their happily ever after. Please give it a read if you ever get the chance, if not that's perfectly fine.
all my love,
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stormbornbastard · 4 years ago
tumblr: that thing you like is Problematic and you should feel bad for liking it
me, an adult capable of critical thinking and criticizing things while still wholeheartedly enjoying them: please get out of my living room
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stormbornbastard · 4 years ago
this is the most philoise gif to ever gif in the history of gifs
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