#christian apologists
if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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"Great "G. K." Stands Firm For Total Unemployment," Toronto Globe. October 3, 1930. Page 13. ---- LECTURES HERE ---- Chesterton Would Rather Be a Peasant Growing Turnips, in Ideal Distributist State, Than an Employee Under Mass Production System --- RUINS MATCHBOX BETWEEN CHUCKLES --- A gigantic figure, grey hair all mussed up, clothes likewise, tie askew, walked quietly into the room, found a chair and sat down. If G. K. Chesterton didn't mind being gigantic and joking about it - you remember the one about him giving four ladles his seat in a tramcar - we would never say that, sitting in the library of St. Michael's College last night, he was otherwise than a man who could give four ladies his seat in a tramcar. As he entered the room, Mr. Chesterton was - to no one's surprise - immense, impressive, formidable. There was a long silence. He drew a matchbox from the voluminous waistcoat, took out a match, broke it, and never lit his cigar. He talked. Mr. Chesterton wasn't impressive or formidable at all - just immense. He talked. He joked. He laughed at his own jokes. Every one joined in. Mr. Chesterton seemed to enjoy it most. Too Poor to Be M.P.'s Some one sald: "How is distributism getting on?" (Mr. Chesterton writes about it. It takes him ten pages to explain; it may be called 'peasant proprietorship.') "The movement is gaining very considerably," he replied, breaking the matchstick. "But it is difficult to say. There are hopeful distributists and hopeless distributists. Anyway, distributists are too poor to stand for Parliament." Mr. Chesterton joked.
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thebookinheritance · 8 months
The Screwtape Letters (Updated)
Exploring wisdom from 'The Screwtape Letters' and my grandparents' stories in times of uncertainty. How have books shaped your view on life's challenges? Join the conversation. #CSLewis #LifeLessons #FamilyWisdom"
Preface: A version of this text first appeared in Discovering Ratchet (the now almost-defunct blog) on January 17, 2017. It is reproduced here, with no edits. Daily Bread: a Lesson from my Baba I’ve been remembering my grandparents a lot lately (all of them born and raised in Europe/Russia during the revolution and WWII). They too lived through days where a democratically elected government…
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short-wooloo · 2 months
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck off and fuck you leslye headland
According to a collider interview headland believes the Jedi represent straight men oppressing the Sith who represent queer women who just want to be free
The Jedi-a diverse, predominantly East Asian-inspired culture (with elements of Islam, Judaism, and other cultures) who preach tolerance, peace and acceptance-are oppressive straight (christian, she doesn't say it but it's obvious that's what she's implying) men
And the sith-a nazi inspired (the sith code is literally based off of mein kampf) death cult that believes they are the superior life forms of the universe and that they are entitled to kill take or enslave whomever and whatever they want because of their strength-are actually the poor oppressed queer women trying to be free
Y'know I don't know what's more insulting
Is it the intentional likening of the Jedi to homophobic bigots?
Or is it the blundering stupidity of likening queers to the space nazis?
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“the jedi are like buddhist monks not evangelical christians”
their whole schtick is “be like me or you’re an evil abomination that needs to be killed”, don’t play dumb
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
Here is Jordan Klepper's entire special on how the GOP became the Party of Putin.
Brace yourself in that vid for another display of MAGA ignorance and stupidity.
The Kremlin is still using unmoderated social media and fake news sites to push disinformation and propaganda into the conspiracy-loving minds of Trump supporters. GOP members of Congress are among them.
The MAGA love for Putin is not due only to media manipulation. Putin's domestic policies closely mirror how the far right would govern in our country: official homophobia, greater income inequality, special treatment for billionaire oligarchs, rigged elections, a de facto official religion, poor consumer protection, censorship, restrictions on abortion, assassination of political opponents, and a lot more. What's not to like in Russia for a US far right fundamentalist? The fringe right pines for the days when women were in the kitchen, Jesus was in the classroom, gays were in the closet, and blacks were completely out of sight.
To truly understand Russia, it's absolutely necessary to talk with its neighbors – not with Tucker Carlson. So Jordan visited Estonia and met with Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.
IMHO, part of the Putin love by some Americans stems from an almost pathological ignorance of Eastern Europe. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, some idiots began proclaiming "the end of history" and whatever little learning about Eastern Europe which may have taken place in K-12 education then vanished totally.
Putin, a former officer in the Soviet secret police, wants to revive the Soviet Union in all but name. And imperialism is part of that plan.
People in the US who cheer Putin are like the Americans who applauded Hitler in the 1930s. As long as there is substantial support for Putin here we should worry about such people trying to make the US more like totalitarian Russia.
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disgustingtoast · 1 year
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pacificgasandelectric · 8 months
it would just be very very cool. if more ppl would be capable of being anti-israel, anti-genocide, anti-colonization and anti-human-rights-violations, and ofc pro-palestinians without also being anti-jewish about it.
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Never let it be said that I didn't shoot my shot because I did! I DID on several occasions in the past eleven months and they were all fruitless
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Christian: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? 
Satie: Maybe a bit tipsy? 
The Doctor: Drunk. 
The Argentinian: Wasted. 
Toulouse: Dead.
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tlaquetzqui · 1 year
So apparently the Assad family, and much of the Syrian military, belong to a weird Shia-offshoot called the Alawites, who believe Imam Ali was (and is) a physical manifestation of God, that he is miraculously present in wine that they use in rituals (they also don’t forbid the secular consumption of wine, unlike other Muslims), and that God is a trinity.
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finndoesntwantthis · 2 years
Christian in the fancy boots and tan turtle neck, he’s a fashion king, he’s an icon, he’s fighting a child who was raised by wolves 😌
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zealouswrath · 1 year
curiously every day i think about writing whitemane specifically more than any of my wow muses other than alleria and i don't even know why
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subversivecynic · 1 year
First of all Elizabeth ii’s “sisters” were actually her maternal cousins. Secondly she didn’t lock them up, her mother’s family did. She didn’t even know they were still alive. Get it right, you fucking abortion.
Cool cool, glad to see Tumblr still is tumbling along.
So the "her whole family" thing is still pretty in play. Fuck that bitch especially and her entire wretched family as well.
The "I didn't know" excuse stops being valid when you are the regent of an empire, but let's let the whole weird eugenics against family members go.
You got any bs excuses for the genocides?
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by Michael Foust | The host of a popular apologetics podcast says the need for Christians to be able to defend their faith is greater than ever. Justin Brierley, the host of the Unbelievable? podcase and the theology and apologetics editor for Premier Christian Radio told Christian Headlines it's nearly impossible to "live in a Christian bubble in today's world" due to the influence of social media and...
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bladebloodied · 2 years
you know what would have been interesting? if the blood elves' issues with the light had led them to seek a different power source/divinity. sun powered paladins and priests...
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disgustingtoast · 1 year
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this is so devastating 😭
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