#chris x seb
long-term long-distance low-commitment casual boyfriend
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973 notes · View notes
rogersideup · 4 months
。°✩ ♊︎ The Gemini♊︎ ✩ °。
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Chapter 10
May 20th
Series masterlist
Previous part: Star Crossed Lover
Word Count: 11,175
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI. Allusions of sex, mentions of violence, and abuse recovery.
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After a long hot shower, Steve stood in front of the bathroom sink. With nothing but a towel around his waist and his bathroom door wide open to let out the trapped steam, he very carefully inspected his face through the still semi- foggy mirror as he shaved.
Often times he hated the hassle of being clean shaven, and wished he could get away with having a beard- or even just some stubble again without people making weird comments about it. But if the masses felt safer with a less hairy version of Cap, who was he to not give the people what he wanted?
Eventually he got lost in how silly it was that the avengers appearances meant so much in regard to how the public perceives them, but the sound of his front door unlocking and opening pulled him right back.
"Hey, Love Bug!" Steve happily called out to you.
Blissfully unaware of what you were going to walk into, you saw the reflection of a half naked super soldier through the bathroom mirror the moment you entered his soapy smelling apartment.
The closest you had ever gotten to even seeing the man shirtless was if he reached to grab something up high or stretched and his shirt would rise to reveal an inch or two of his lower belly, so the sight of water still dripping down his pecs caused a totally normal reaction.
A high pitched screech and the sound of your hand slapping over your eyes caused Steve to physically jolt, then nearly hunch over in a booming laugh when he turned to look at you.
Standing in your Avengers suit with rosy skin, and a big smile stretched across your cheeks, you started fanning your face. "I thought you said you were almost ready! I wouldn't have barged in here had you not texted me 10 minutes ago saying that!"
"Do I not look almost ready to you?" Steve's laugh prevailed at your reaction, motioning up and down at his towel covered body.
"Almost ready to be a Baywatch lifeguard? Maybe. Go on a mission? Absolutely not." You continued with a loud voice and defensive hand motions. "Your hair is still wet!"
"It'll dry" He shrugged with a giggle. "I just need to put my suit on, it'll take two minutes."
"Is it hot in here?" You questioned, going back to fanning your face with your hand. "Or is it just you?"
Now it was Steve's turn to blush. "I don't know, it started getting pretty hot when you walked in"
"You know what? That was pretty smooth for you." You said, feeling proud of him for finally being brave enough to flirt. You dropped your duffle by the door,  "Good job, Stevenson. I'm proud."
He watched you stride into his bedroom, getting closer to where he stood. Happy with the distance closing and assuming you would be greeting him with a hug, or maybe even a kiss if he was really lucky, a pout settled deep into his lips and brows as you belly flopped onto his bed instead.
"What the hell, man?" Steve questioned sadly.
You looked over at him, momentarily confused. He crossed his arms around his chest as you tried to understand what you did to elicit this response from him.
"Now I'm freezing cold." He joked playfully, looking at himself in the mirror again and grabbing a tube of hair balm and squeezing some onto his fingers.
Realizing what you had done, you got up from the bed and wrapped your arms around him from behind as he spread the product into his freshly washed dirty-blonde locks. Feeling the soft, warm skin of his tummy on the palms of your hands was a feeling you knew would be highly addictive. Your cheek rested on his smooth back and you let out a content sigh. "Hi, Stevie. I missed you."
"I missed you too" Steve grinned, rinsing the excess product off his hands under the faucet and patting them dry before placing his hands on your arms. "It's so warm and lovely here, huh?"
"It's perfect" you agreed with a smile. Rocking up on your tippy toes to look over his shoulder and into the mirror, you took a selfish moment to admire the parts of him you've never seen before.
There was a lot of effort on your end to keep the drool inside your mouth as your eyes inspected his broad shoulders and strong chest. "You have beautiful eyes."
"Thank you, pretty girl." Steve giggled at your statement as he could see clear as day that you definitely weren't looking at his eyes. "First time in your new suit, huh? It looks great!"
"It feels great too, so much more comfortable than my old one." You told him, regretfully releasing him from your arms and finding your way back to his bed and sitting crisscrossed on top of it.
“And your first Avengers mission! It's a big day." Steve left the bathroom and started gathering all the pieces of his suit. "Are you nervous?"
"Considering it's just us two on the mission, I'm not as nervous as I think I would be if it was with the whole team." You explained. "But I always get a just a little nervous before missions."
"I get that too, the jitters." Steve scrunched up his nose. "I'm extra nervous for this one"
"Why? It should be easy peasy!" You rationalized.
"I've seen your mission stats and felt first hand how hard you hit, you intimidate me." Steve admitted with a giggle. "I have to be on my best behavior to try and keep up with you."
"Are you actually insane?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow. "You're Captain America you dumb bitch, nobody can ever compare to you. I'm the one that has to work extra hard here."
Stopping in place, Steve gasped and placed an offended hand over his heart. "What did you just call me?"
"Captain America?"
"No, the other thing."
"Oh, a dumb bitch!" You said happily.
"How dare you" Steve joked, shaking his head. His eyes stayed on all the pieces of his suit that were lying on the bed, next to where you were sitting.
"I'm offended that you even had that thought."
"You're offended that I think you're good at what you do?" Steve quipped.
"Do I need to remind you again that you're Captain America?" You asked, pointing to the star on the suit next to you. "Maybe if you put that on you'll finally remember."
"I do need to put that on." Steve agreed with you, still standing and hovering over the suit.
"So why aren't you?" You asked.
"I'm really shy" Steve whispered to you, emphasizing his point.
"Oh, now you're shy!" You chuckled, turning around to face the opposite direction and covered your eyes with the palms of your hands. "I promise I won't look."
"I'll be fast!" Steve declared. A smile spread on your face as you heard his towel hit the ground, happily knowing he trusted you enough to not take a peek, but also imagining him scrambling to get into his clothes as fast as he could.
There were a few moments when all you heard was fabric rustling, then you heard a few sounds of struggle. "You okay back there? Sounds like you're fighting the uniform instead of fighting in the uniform."
"Either I'm getting bigger or these pants are getting smaller because I swear every time I put them on it's a workout just to get my ass in them" Steve admitted, voice straining as he was stuffing, pulling, and stretching. Then, you heard a zipper and a buckle. "Okay, mission accomplished, you will no longer be traumatized if you look."
You laughed at his commentary and turned back around, all he managed so far was his pants, but he was more dressed than he was in the towel. "I think those pants are the perfect size for your butt."
Luckily, slipping his undershirt over his head shielded his pink cheeks from you. "That implies that you're looking at my butt."
"I'm looking at your pants, they just so happen to be right in front of your butt. That's not my fault." You corrected. "And even if I was ogling at your cheeks, you've seen mine as bare as the day I was born so I think it's only fair."
"I saw all the places the sun don't shine" More zippers, more buttons, more buckles, more pieces, "I never said there was anything wrong with sneaking a peek."
"So you're not that shy after all" You grinned.
"Did you look over the mission briefing?" Steve asked, trying to change the topic of conversation away from his butt.
"Of course I did, like a good little agent"
"Avenger" Steve corrected happily with a lopsided smile.
"Avenger." You agreed, watching him put on his fingerless gloves.
"And thank you, that makes my job easier. So you know-"
"12 hours to get in, secure the payload, take out the traitors, destroy enemy lines, get out. We'll have a little sleepover in Colorado, we'll be home by noon tomorrow. Easy peasy!"
"Very good, most of the avengers don't pay attention to any of that information unless I verbalize it to them." Steve giggled, attaching his shield to his back after putting on his boots. "The terrain will have high elevation so we might get have a pretty big increase in altitude, it'll also be really cold- if not snowing. Are you prepared for that?"
"I checked the weather and packed accordingly."
"Ugh, I love you." Steve sighed, so happy to finally have a teammate he didn't have to babysit.
"I love you too." You giggled, standing up knowing it was time to go.
"Ready to head out?" Steve asked, walking towards the door.
Following behind him, you stop him at the door. "Wait!"
"What's wrong?" He asks with an adorably confused and concerned face.
You rocked up on your tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss. "Sorry, just needed to get that out of my system before we left."
Steve smiled. "You shouldn't be saying sorry, I should be saying thank you."
His dead serious tone made you laugh as he picked up both your duffles at the door while you opened it. "Get in the Jet, Twinkles, we have crime to fight!"
"Yes, Ma'am!"
Over the past few weeks, all of the avengers have been a substantial part of your successful and smooth transition onto the team, but especially Steve. There wasn't one scary step you had to take where he wasn't right next to you metaphorically, or physically holding your hand.
Through extensive paperwork, doctor's appointments, media training, and press conferences, he was right there to help you through it. Whether it was covering your shivering body with warm, fluffy blankets after having a fever from getting multiple rare vaccines just in case you had to travel to all sorts of different places around the world, or practicing answers to common questions the press loved to shout out to speakers at conferences, he was happy to guide you down the right paths.
After giving your face a few days to heal from the attack, you were getting slathered in thick layers of concealer and foundation before Tony introduced the general public to you, the newest Avenger. That day in particular was hard.
You were nearing a full blown panic attack while sitting in a hair and makeup chair. The makeup artist struggled at first to cover the fresh scars on your face, and you were so wrapped up in your own head about the public's reaction to you that your mom who sat in the audience, came back in the green room just to hold your hand and remind you of how great you were.
Though your Mom was one of your biggest comforts throughout your entire life, nothing compared to the calmness that washed over you when Steve entered the room. He sat right next to your mom as the stylist finished up your hair, and talked you through how the next hour of your life would go, and reminded you that he would be right in the front row next to your mom for support.
Their bright smiling faces encouraged you to be brave enough to push through the hard parts, and reminded you to bask in the joy of the warm welcome you got from the whole country.
That was also the same day your mom caught onto what was really happening, and found a few moments to ask you if you and Steve were dating when he slipped away to speak to a reporter. Then not too long after that, you and Steve mutually agreed that it would be best if the blossoming relationship between the two of you stayed private for a while as you adjusted to the public eye.
Though you knew he was still too nervous and shy around you for PDA, you still found the extent of his consideration of you to be so very sweet.
And now the two of you were at the point of the scars on your face healing nicely, first mission together underway, and he still hasn't kissed you first.
It was concerning to you for a little while there, so much so that you even went to Bucky to ask him for some knowledge from his 100 year old archive of Steve Rogers knowledge and expertise. He reassured you through plenty of experience that Steve just really sucked at being confident around girls he found himself pining over, and you, for some reason, damn near knocked him head over heels every time he looked at you. Though you were flattered and understood Bucky's words probably came vicariously through Steve's own mouth, you knew you just had to be gentle and give him some time.
Luckily for Steve, you had all the time in the world for such a sweet creature. Except for today, today the two of you only had 12 hours to complete your tasks.
Just as expected, the mission was going as smoothly as it possibly could. Well, for you it was. Steve on the other hand found a whole new set of struggles out on the field he's never experienced before.
The two of you went at it with the good ol' divide and conquer method. Though teamwork and sticking together was more his usual style, he understood the time frame and importance of getting it all done as fast and clean as possible, and he trusted that you would be perfectly fine on your own.
What he didn't consider was the moments your paths crossed and how flustered he got watching you fight. It was like watching a hot steak knife cut through room temperature butter, nobody stood a chance against you. A billion different emotions flew at him as he witnessed you fighting with his own eyes for the first time. His instinct was to protect you at all costs, but he knew damn well you didn't need him. It was simultaneously the hottest thing he had ever seen, while also kicking his own confidence down a notch considering all his thoughts revolved around you and that made his own good decision making decline rapidly.
He nearly died on the spot as he ran past you right as you took down an opponent, and still found the chance to wink at him as he passed by. Weak in the knees, he still had to find the strength to keep going.
Then with all rooms cleared minus the one with the payload, your voice filled his comms and the two of you agreed to clear it out together. A few hours deep into the mission your familiar chipper tone was now a bit deeper and raspier from the elevation and cold cold weather, all it did was make his weak knees even weaker.
By the time he ran into the room that you stormed into without waiting for him first, you were already combating with about 4 guys twice the size of you. One by one they fell to the ground, and as you came face to face with the very last of the enemies, Steve knocked him out before you could even raise your fist.
"Oh, thanks!" You smiled, standing a little straighter while trying to catch your breath.
"You were doing pretty shitty without me, thought I'd lend a hand" Steve joked, big cheeky smile on his face. He was genuinely happy to see you in your element, this was the first time he ever witnessed you be completely confident.
"My hero!" You swooned, pretending to fall backwards into his arms.
Steve giggled before looking around the room and spotting the briefcase they needed to recover. Carefully picking it up, he realized they had a few moments to just relax now that none of their opponents were conscious. "In all seriousness, remember how I said I was intimidated by you this morning? That still stands. I can barely concentrate."
"You're ridiculous, but you're doing great." You smiled, panting while you reached up to squeeze his shoulder. "I'm not used to fighting alongside teammates who actually try to get the job done. It's actually really nice. Thanks, Cap."
"Get used to it, this is how it's going to be from now on." He reminded you. "It should be pretty smooth from here on out, we'll be out of here in no time."
After destroying classified information, and tying up all the loose ends, out of there they were. By the time the two of you made it to the hotel for, as you loved to call it, your sleepover, that's when Steve finally got his chance to shine by talking care of everything.
Check in, carrying the bags, even letting you shower first while he got dinner for the two of you so you didn't have to think about anything. Acts of service was how he best knew to express his love for others, and he could tell you always appreciated it. Especially when you were used to taking care of all of your former teammates on missions.
By the time you got your sore body out of the shower and dressed in the coziest of sweats and fresh fluffy socks, it was already almost midnight and Steve already had a delicious meal waiting for you. The two of you ate together, and the exhaustion hit you so hard that you were hysterically laughing about things that weren't even funny, which made Steve laugh right along with you.
It was such a nice change of pace for the both of you. Being able to let go of the mental weight after days of battle was hard to do, but each other's company made it easy. It made you wonder why you didn't agree to be an Avenger way sooner, and it made you realize how much you just wanted to keep Steve around you forever and ever.
He knew when your giggles subsided with one big yawn, it was probably time for you to get some sleep. When he got up to take a shower, you didn't hesitate to dive into bed and make yourself cozy. By the time he got out, also cozy in some warm sweats, a content smile stretched across his face when he saw your sleeping frame all snuggled up in the blankets to keep warm.
It was starting to snow out, and the heater tried its best to keep it warm, but nothing beat the warmth of each other. Which is why Steve made the executive decision to completely ignore one of the two beds in the room and slide underneath the covers with you.
As carefully as he could to not wake you up, he reached over to turn the lights off, then cuddled you to you. He pulled your back to his front and held you snuggly against him, just as his head hit the pillow, your quiet sleepy voice pulled his attention to you.
"Yay, Stevie sleepover!" You enthused with barely any energy. The juxtaposition was more than amusing to the soldier.
"Buggy bedtime!" He quietly enthused with you. "Sorry, I tried so hard not to wake you up."
"I'm so happy I'm awake, because now I'm aware of how warm and cozy this is." You mumbled, Grabbing onto one of his arms and hugging in between yours.
"How are you feeling?" Steve asked. "Need anything before we sleep?"
"Just a little sore, but I'm totally okay. I actually feel really good." You confessed. "How 'bout you? Are you okay?"
"Not even a scratch." You could hear the grin in his tired voice. "You were incredible today, I'm really proud of you"
"You taught me everything I know." You tried getting impossibly closer to him, feeling like you were halfway between the real world and dream land.
"Hey..." Steve adjusted his arm from you grip so he could reach your face.
"Hmm?" You questioned, half asleep as his hand cupped your cheek and gently pulled it towards him.
All the already thin air was nearly knocked out of your lungs and you were fully convinced that you were definitely dreaming when he pressed his lips to yours. As corny as it seemed, this kiss was different than all the rest. It felt like all the romance books had described kisses. Sparks, fireworks, passion, comfort, love, and longer than all the ones you'd exchanged before.
You'd never felt anything like it before, not with him, not with Harvey, no one. You knew you'd remember it forever.
All of the mental weight you felt over his long journey of being too scared to kiss you first just melted right off. Immediately you realized how silly it was in the first place. You were happy to move on his own time.
"I know I haven't been the best at truthfully expressing my feelings, but that's just because you're the most special little thing I've ever had before. You made me incredibly nervous even though you've been nothing but patient with me. But just know that I really do think you're the most wonderful person I've ever met. I'm really happy we got to do this today, you've grown so much to get here. It's been really lovely to watch."
Turning over to face him, you kissed him right back and held him just as tight. "You've grown a lot too, and you've definitely gotten braver. I think you're the sweetest, most handsome man on this planet and frankly I don't know if I deserve words as kind as those. But thank you, your spot in my life has been one of the greatest honors, even more so than the fancy Avenger title."
"Now how am I ever supposed to go on missions with anyone else?" Steve grinned and he slowly moved his hand off your face and settled into the mattress and against your body. "This has spoiled me completely."
"Clint doesn't ever want to spoon with you?" You questioned sleepily. "I bet Bruce is nice and warm."
"I'd rather sleep on the floor." Steve deadpanned. "With no blankets..."
"I bet Tony would snuggle up." You smiled to yourself, knowing that would tip him over the edge.
"Outside. Naked in the snow."
A lazy giggle was all your body had energy for, "but you're shy!"
"Then it's a really good thing that you're here instead of them, huh?" Steve pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. "We can get all the cozy sleep we want in this expensive hotel on the government's dime."
"So luxurious" You mumbled. "Hope you have the best sleep ever."
"I always sleep well next to you, and the law says we have to sleep in tomorrow so that's even better."
"Oh, really?" You smiled at his made up law.
"Really." He confirmed. "Goodnight, love bug."
"Sweet dreams, Twinkles."
You did just what Steve, or the law, told you. It wasn't very hard to sleep in as late as your body would allow when you felt so safe and warm in the hold of your sweet super soldier.
Eventually when the two of you finally got your butts out of bed and back home, gears were shifted from missions and battlefields to lawyers and courtrooms.
With a lot of help and passion from Natasha, Harvey was officially on trial and facing the legal repercussions of his actions. Being a Plaintiff in a physical assault case was not something you ever had on your bingo card, and way out of your realm of knowledge, so there was a lot of work to be done.
Luckily, you had a lot of incredible people on your side. There was a solid week full of preparation with a big team of people who found it really important for you to win your case.
Tony worked with Jarvis and the compound security department to pull surveillance footage of any and all instances that could be used against Harvey in the court of law. Luckily, Steve was good at his job and thought one step ahead of everyone else, so he had recorded the date and approximate times of every single incident you had come to him for. That helped tremendously in pulling evidence.
Bucky, Sam, Nat, Steve, Commander Bennett and a few other Agents from your old recruit group came forward as your witnesses, and character witness. Their support meant more to you than anything else.
Nat also shared her best advice with you over plenty of lunches together, and even went shopping with you for clothes to wear for the three day long trial. The long week of preparation usually ended with dinners at your place every night, a double date of sorts with Bucky, Nat, and Steve.
All of the other Avengers supported the cause by holding down the fort so everyone else could focus on the trial.
Oh, and you had a really good lawyer.
Three long days of back and forth arguing was exhausting and emotionally taxing at best. At the very root of it, trying to get somebody you used to love in jail was devastating. He was your first love, and part of you knew that regardless of what he put you through, you'd always hold just a small piece of that love for him.
More surface level, and even though your issues with Harvey began way before your budding romance with Steve, you felt terrible that he was engaged with and had to clean up so much of this mess your ex boyfriend had made. It was also unexpectedly embarrassing to have to stand in front of a courtroom filled with your teammates, friends, and family where they all had to listen to the endless list of all the bad things that have happened to you at the hands of this man.
At the end of each day you just wanted to cry and be alone for a while. Making your way up to the rooftop after taking off your make up and business attire, you'd ignore everyone's attempts at trying to make you feel better and just spend some time with the stars.
Being faced head on with all the shit that was thrown at you, you couldn't help but to wonder if you should've made better choices. If you had done anything differently, maybe you would've never had to endure all the pain. You even wondered if you should be apologizing to your parents who were now hearing the true extent of your hardship.
Your dad was getting old, and your Mom was a worry wart. It wasn't good for either of them to hear any of the details, or see the close up pictures of your injured body. If he could, your dad would've killed him in one clean sweep and hid the body somewhere not even the avengers could find if he had the chance. Your sister and brother in law would do even worse than that, and you could only hope Luca would never grow up to learn about any of this and think anything less than you.
Because to him, and the rest of the world, you're a superhero now. So you found the strength to feel all your feelings after court, brush them off, then wake up the next morning to do it all again.
The last day was probably the worst. When the judge deemed Harvey guilty and sentenced him to 8 years, you should've been happy to see him getting taken away in handcuffs.
You should've been smiling, hugging, and celebrating like all of your loved ones behind you. The justice should've brought you peace, but all it did was bring tears to your eyes.
Especially as the police officers walked him right past you as they cleared the court for the final time.
"Happy?" Harvey asked you in passing. "This is what you always wanted huh?"
"I never wanted this." You stated clearly, and sadly. "Unfortunately your own actions led you here, it never had to be this way. I hope you learn a valuable lesson, and I wish you nothing but what you deserve in the future."
"You're fucking insane." He practically spat in your face. "You did this to me."
"You did this to yourself." You swallowed a lump in your throat.
Those were your final words to him before he was taken away, and you were swallowed by the arms of people who truly loved you.
In the hallways of the city courthouse, you were told by Steve, Nat, Bucky, and Sam that they passed a new regulation in the compound. It was called "The 306 policy" clearly stating that any bullying coming from any employee working for the avengers was now to be taken seriously with zero tolerance. No more strikes, no more warnings. Furthermore, if that bullying had to do with gender, sexuality, or race, they would be put under dishonorable discharge to ensure a bumpy life and career ahead.
After properly thanking everyone who put forth their time and effort to help, you got home and took a very very long nap, ate a big meal, took a hot shower, then put your AirPods on and went on a walk.
Stopping by a few shops and grabbing a few different special surprises, your mind felt so much clearer. A quick stop home, then you found yourself walking into Steve's apartment with said surprises in hand.
Given the time and the fact that it was already pretty late, you found Steve exactly where you expected him to be at 9:30 pm on a Friday night. On the couch with a movie he wasn't paying attention to playing on the TV, and his sketchbook and pencil in hand.
Not expecting you to want company tonight, Steve looked up at you with a confused look on your face when he saw you approach with flowers and a brown paper bag.
"Oh, hi love bug." Steve grinned contently, sitting up a bit and closing his sketch book and setting it down to give you his full attention.
"Hi, sorry, hope it's okay that I stopped by." You said while approaching him.
"It's always okay" Steve smiled and stuck his arms out for you. You set the flowers and the bag down on the coffee table before giving him a hug and a kiss. "What's up? How are you doing."
"Better, I know it's been a long week and I feel like I've been neglecting you a bit, and i'm sorry." You explained, watching his face soften. "I just wanted to spend some time with you. I brought us ice cream, and I got you flowers as a small token of appreciation for everything you've done for me. Not only this week, but my whole career here."
"You got me flowers?" He questioned with puppy dog pouted lips and furrowed brows.
"Mhm" You nodded, "I don't know what your favorite flowers are but these ones reminded me of you."
A sigh left his nose and his lips stayed pouted as he kept his eyes glued to the bouquet on the table. "Nobody has ever gotten me flowers before, that's so nice."
Sitting down next to him, you threw your arms loosely around his neck and rested your head against his. His arm quickly found the curve of your hip and rested there. You happily closed your eyes and enjoyed the embrace of the soldier.
"Thank you, sweetheart. I love them." Steve pressed a kiss to your temple. "But I hope you know I understand, and I don't feel neglected."
"Even if that's the case, I just want you to know how much I care about you."
"I know, I can feel it!" He reassured you, "I feel very secure, I never doubt your love and care for me."
A grin took control of your calm face. "Thank you for communicating so clearly, that takes away so much mental weight."
Steve giggled. "Will you communicate what kind of ice cream you got, and if I need to get up to get spoons?"
"Your favorite, vanilla with salted caramel ribbons. Spoons are in the bag."
"I can't believe this is how you treat me and everyone expected me to not fall head over heels?" He questioned, reaching in the bag and pulling out the pint.
You let go of him and got comfortable on the couch, crossing your legs underneath you and facing Steve. He handed you a spoon, and put half his blanket over your lap before popping the lid to the pint open.
Neither of you wasted any time before digging your spoons in. "Cheers?" Steve lifted his spoon.
You grinned. "To you, thank you for supporting me through a lot of bullshit."
"No" Steve denied, shaking his head with an even gentler smile. "To your peace of mind, getting the justice you deserve, and being brave enough to see the greener grass."
Too excited to eat ice cream to scold him for making this about you, you put the spoon in your mouth anyways. Both of you exhaled gloriously at the same time, it was so unfortunately delicious that you knew the entire pint stood no chance of survival.
"So, what are your big plans now that you finally get some peace and quiet?" Steve questioned.
"Well first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to go on a run on the outdoor track with my AirPods on, something I've been too scared to do for a while now." You noted. "Then I'll get some paperwork done from that mission we went on that I've been way too busy to touch, and after that I'll probably text Captain America to see if he wants to hang out and get dinner or something."
"Ooh, I bet he'll say yes." Steve perked up. "He told me he really wants to ask you out to get Dim Sum with him, something about a real date... but I'm not too sure. I think he was nervous about giving you some time to process everything that happened this week. So, you asking him to hang out would definitely make him happy."
"Mmm" You smiled, swallowing the ice cream in your mouth. "Well, if he needs any reassurance I would probably tell Cap that I don't need any more time to process because I learned a really valuable lesson recently."
Steve's heart started to increase in speed as these conversations always made him a bit anxious, which is why he tended to avoid them in the first place. "What would that be?"
"More time and a romantic night with candles and soup dumplings isn't going to do anything to change how I feel about you." You grinned, scooping more ice cream onto your spoon. "Whether we're in our pajamas eating ice cream together on the couch or dressed to the nines at some random charity event eating caviar, I'm just happy to be with you. This is a real date to me."
"While I agree completely," Steve giggled as a drop of melted ice cream landed on the back of your hand and you licked it off. "I have to say, if this is a date then now I'm a little nervous."
"That implies that if we were on a date, there is something you would do differently that's making you feel nervous." You raised your eyebrow, questioning his intentions.
"First of all, I'd be the one bringing you flowers. I'd probably brush my hair first and maybe not wear... this."
"But you look so handsome like that!" You argued. "And there's already flowers here so we both benefit."
"I'd also spend the whole night with sweaty palms just wondering if you were having fun or if I was acting a little weird on accident"
You smiled at his words. "I'm always having fun with you, and you're always a little bit weird. It's part of your charm. It's fun!"
"Then at the end of the night if you seemed like you had a good time and I hadn't yet scared you off I would be even more nervous because then I wouldn't know what to do." Steve shrugged. "Especially if this was a date. Because for a while now I've been meaning to ask you if I could be your boyfriend, but of course if I did that now it would just be terrible timing."
"Terrible timing?" Your head tilted sideways a bit.
"Because anticipating the answer to that question would make me incredibly nauseous, and I'm eating ice cream so adding dairy into that mix just wouldn't be pretty."
"Ah" You slowly nodded in understanding. "Okay, so I just won't answer that then. So there's absolutely no anticipation, no nausea, just ice cream."
Steve slowly leaned back until the arm of the couch dug into his spine, and he rid his spoon of the ice cream still on it. "Thanks, it also really helps with that feeling." He placed his hand over his sternum. "You know? That really awful one where it's like your heart is sitting in the pit of your stomach? Like it's trying to tell you it's in danger but really everything is fine."
"Everything is totally fine." You laughed as you watched him take a deep breath. "You asked the question and I didn't runaway screaming. The earth is still spinning, and you still have twinkles in your eyes so, yeah, really it is fine."
"I'm dying slowly and painfully." Steve whispered.
Reaching out and grabbing his hand, you pulled him back up. "Never in a million years would I ever say no to that."
"Are you sure?" His puppy dog eyes came right back. "I could've done this much better."
"You know, for about 99% of everything in my life I can see a benefit and a disadvantage. Maybe a flaw or a drawback that stops me from fully enjoying something for what it is." You explained. "But you? You're the only thing I've ever been 100% sure of. I don't need anything more convincing than this, this is already the best. Nothing could better."
Steve's posture relaxed, and he squeezed your hand. "I'm speechless."
"Speechless, or perhaps all your energy is focusing on making sure your internal organs are going back to normal." You giggled. "No throw up! I'm so proud!"
"My face probably reads very differently, but I swear I'm really happy right now."
You leaned forward and kissed him. His lips tasted just as sweet as his personality which made it even harder to pull away. But when the need to breathe got too dire, your foreheads stayed connected.
"I'm Steve Rogers girlfriend." You spoke, the statement felt foreign and undeserving on your tongue. "Man oh man, how did this happen?"
"It's a really long story." Steve smiled. "Is this a good time to tell you that your dad invited me over for dinner next Tuesday?"
"Of course he did" you sighed, kissing him one more time before pulling away. "My dad didn't even invite me over for dinner next Tuesday."
"Trust me, he's going to." Steve smiled. "You have a really cool family. I hope it's okay that I said yes."
"That's fine." You giggled. "But you do understand that my dad probably hasn't realized we're dating?"
"Yeah, that's fine." Steve nodded with a smile.
"And you understand that my mom definitely knows?" You questioned again. "And it's not just going to be them two? Luca will definitely be there, and he will definitely be bothering you the whole time."
"That's the fun part!" He enthused.
"Okay." You smiled, raising your hands up in defense. "If you know what you're in for, and you still think it sounds fun then knock yourself out by all means."
Before Tuesday rolled around, Steve was thankful that neither of you got called onto missions so he could have the opportunity to romance you the way you deserved. He was also thankful that you already agreed to be his girlfriend so he could actually relax and enjoy your time together without being too terribly anxious about what was to happen next.
Just as promised, the two of you went to that fancy dim sum restaurant you couldn't get enough of, better outfits, more flowers, a lovely stroll along the water, city lights, then he asked you that dreaded question again. This time more confidently, and once more you agreed to let him be your boyfriend, and reassured him that you loved the way he asked you the first time. But, this was lovely too and you appreciated the gesture. The night wrapped up with snuggles and a movie while you happily waited for Steve to move things along at his own pace.
You did eventually get invited to that Tuesday night dinner with your parents, and that also went really well. Steve seemed really comfortable and very relaxed around your family, even more so than you expected. Of course Steve was a personable, well rounded, and easily adaptable man. You knew he could handle a lot more than you ever could, but admittedly, your mother greeting him with a big ol' kiss on the cheek immediately followed by getting tackled by Luca and Rocket at the same time was a bit more than you expected.
A big cheeky smile remained on his face the whole time he was there, and the whole long drive back home. He even fell asleep holding you in his arms with a grin on his face, happy and content as could be.
Then, the day after that and the next few days to follow, he started acting.... uncharacteristically. He got quieter, started hanging around everyone less, and working out more.
You asked him a few times if there was something wrong, and each attempt was met with a different variation of the fact that he was okay, and everything was fine.
But your levels of concern peaked when you left your apartment for team board game night. The whole team put on their fanciest pajamas, brought their favorite snacks and drinks, and gathered to play all their favorite games. Immediately the whole group asked you where Steve was, you shrugged it off and assumed that maybe he was still getting some work done and he would join as soon as he was done.
Two rounds of mancala, and a painfully long round of catan, you couldn't ignore the lack of Steve any longer. Politely excusing yourself, you made your way through the compound in your matching pajama set, socks, and ugg slippers to Steve's office just to open the door and find it empty. Making it all the way back to the Avengers sector, you quietly knocked on Steve's door before entering his apartment.
He looked like a deer in headlights as you entered his living room while he scrambled to wipe freshly fallen tears off his face to further pretend like everything was still fine.
Though you've gotten pretty close, you've never really seen him cry before. In an instant your heart nearly strained itself to death as it felt like the saddest sight you've ever seen, the you wondered if this is how he felt every time he saw tears on your cheeks.
"Oh, sweet boy." You pouted walking towards him, no longer interested in giant jenga.
"Sorry," He sniffled, running a hand through his messy hair. "I'll be out in a few minutes, I'm just- I need a minute. You don't have to stay... you should go hang out with them."
"What's wrong, Stevie?" You sat next to him on the couch and immediately pulled him into a big hug, the kind that you never want to let go from. Warm, tight, comforting, and your hand cradled the back of his head while the other rubbed his back. "And don't say you're fine again because you're obviously not."
"You're so beautiful" He cried into your shoulder.
"And you're very handsome, but that doesn't fix the problem." His compliment made you giggle despite feeling sad for him. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No." He immediately shook his head before lifting it off your shoulder so he could look at your face. "Not at all. This is not your fault, I've just been having a hard week."
You sighed and looked deeply into his big ol' puppy dog eyes. "Then who do I need to beat up?"
"Violence is not the answer, sweetie."  A genuine smile reached his teary eyes.
"It could be." You proposed.
"It doesn't have to be." He reassured you. "Contrary to popular belief, I am fine. Nobody did anything bad to me. I just needed some time to process my feelings."
"Your feelings about what, Stevie?"
It took a lot of courage for Steve to be vulnerable with you. The only other time he ever let a pretty girl see him cry before was Peggy right after Bucky fell off the train, and even then, she wasn't carefully wiping tears off his cheeks and looking at him with such kind and concerned eyes. You were melting him into a pile of goo, and he couldn't even help but to feel comforted in your presence even though he usually found moments like these to be wildly uncomfortable.
"I really loved hanging out with your family. Genuinely, it was the best time I've had in a while." Steve started, setting the record straight.
But even then, your face morphed into a cringe. "Oh god, what did my Dad say to you?"
"No, nothing." Once again, you had him giggling. "Your Dad is great, and your Mom might just be an actual angel on earth. Even Jane... it's just- the way they treated me like a normal human being that night was something I haven't experienced since I got the serum. I think it's just made me miss what life was like before all of this." He motioned to his body.
Your eyes went from concerned to just sad for him.
"It's stupid" Steve shook his head, and wiped more tears off his cheeks.
"No it's not." You denied. "Everything in your life changed. I think craving and missing the comfort of simplicity isn't stupid at all. I'm not even two hours away from my family and some days I'm so home sick it's all I can think about. I can't even imagine what that feeling must be like for you."
Steve took a deep breath, trying really hard to regulate his emotions and ground himself. Your physical touch, and comforting words was working wonders. "Sometimes thinking back to how I used to be gives me this weird sense that this body isn't even mine. I almost felt stronger and more at home when I could barely breathe or my heart could barely handle me standing up too fast. Now I kind've feel like a baby giraffe learning how to walk for the first time." He giggled at his own analogy, earning your grin despite your sadness oh his behalf. "I know sometimes it's awkward and weird to observe from the outside but inwardly, I'm trying my best."
"I've always thought you to be incredibly graceful" You admitted. "It probably feels worse than it looks. But truthfully, I've always admired pretty much everything about you."
“You're too sweet." Steve grinned. "Like I said, I'll be fine. I just miss my Mom... and Bucky's family. His little sister was great. I also miss feeling normal, and this one park I used to go to study when I was in art school that's now an apartment building."
"Well, I know this won't fix much but if it's any consolation my family loves you and they love having you around. It's also apparent to me that they like treating you like a normal person, probably to a fault. You'll always have a place to go if you need to feel some good old fashioned family love and get away from all of this." You reminded him. "I can't promise that Luca will ever stop asking you to sign his captain America posters, but I'm sure he'll run out of unsigned ones soon enough."
"I like signing his posters." Steve sniffled with a smile.
"You know he asked me to do show and tell at his school next week?" You asked. "Not because he wants me to show something, but because he wants to show me off. The poster thing is totally normal."
"If it weren't for public scrutiny, I'd want to show you off too."
"Now you're the one that's too sweet." You grinned. "I'm sorry you're feeling so sad, Stevie. For what it's worth, I love you a lot and you'll always be normal to me."
You wrapped your arms around him again, but this time he squeezed you tighter and pulled you onto his lap just to feel you closer. The weight of you on him helped his body further relax, and he loved the way you cradled his head and kissed his temple a few times in the process of getting comfortable. It was really hard to think about the sadness when all he could feel when you were around was happy and incredibly grateful.
"I love you too" Steve's tears came to an end with his body closely squished against yours.
Your hands carefully cupped his cheeks and tilted his head to look up at you. Looking right into your big, kind eyes momentarily before you closed them and pressed your lips to his gave him uncontrollable butterflies.
They traveled all the way up and down his body as your tongue mingled with his, and his brain buzzed as his lips swelled. His heart felt just as frail as it did when he was that 90 pound kid with arrhythmia when you pulled away for air and opened your eyes again. They were still big and kind, but they were also just as dilated as his, and your heartbeat was just as fast.
But you knew better than to keep it going, you knew that no matter what happened, you'd never be comfortable going any further with Steve if he wasn't comfortable as well.
So rather than continuing to make out with him, your thumbs rubbed his cheeks, and you left kissed on his forehead, nose, and one quick one on his lips to make up for the sad loss. "I'd also like to remind you that you have a whole family right outside this door that wants to play Scrabble with you."
Steve couldn't ignore his love and deep attraction to you anymore. He was already in a state of vulnerability, and he desperately needed to keep you close to him. "I don't think I care too much about using my words right now."
That sentence was enough to turn your very controlled love and warmth into fire. An eyebrow raised in genuine surprise at his boldness. "We can use as many or as little words as you'd like, but that's up to you, Honey. You're going to have to set the pace on this one."
In an instant, his lips were right back on yours with even more fire and hunger than before. As the heat amped up, your fingers slid through his hair, and his hands slipped up the back of your shirt. You got lost in your own head for a few moments, overly conscious of the fact that he could feel the difference in texture between your skin and the huge scar on running down your spine.
Those thoughts escaped you as his hands assisted you in readjusting. Rather than sitting sideways, you threw your legs to the side of his and straddled him instead. As the lust progressed and both of your hearts were beating in rhythm, you could now feel that Steve wanted you just as bad as you wanted him, but like he said, his body sometimes didn't feel like him. You didn't feel right without reassurance that his heart and mind wanted this just as much.
It seems as though he was on the same page as you, because he pulled away slightly just to get some oxygen into what might as well have been his still asthmatic lungs considering you were making him feel that familiar sting. But he also wanted to check in on you.
"Is this what you want?" Steve asked, the ever so lovely twinkles returning to his pretty blue eyes.
You grinned and pecked his lips. "Of course this is what I want, but I want you to be sure too. I know this is important to you, and I look to you for guidance in a lot of situations. So if you think this is the right time for you, then there's no doubt for me."
Steve's hands traveled up and down your back, massaged the small of your waist, and acclimated you to his hands on your bare skin while you had this conversation. You searched his face for honesty just as deeply as he studied yours. He could tell you meant every word, but you spotted a glimpse of doubt.
"Tell me about your hesitance." You told him with a welcoming expression as your hands massaged the back of his neck.
Steve sighed and hung his head low before picking it back up again. "Sometimes I still feel awful about what I did to you. There was a point where your trust in me was at a zero percent, and I don't think i've forgiven myself enough to believe it'll ever be back at 100"
"Steve, no." Your brows furrowed, genuinely shocked by the words coming out of his mouth. "What? Thats not even remotely a concern, nor something I ever think about anymore."
"I think about it every day." He admitted, maybe too honestly. But he knew he wouldn't be able to enjoy himself if this conversation wasn't had.
"My trust in you is 110 percent." Your hands found his cheeks again, angling his head so he had no choice but to look you in the eye when you told him. "What happened that day was a mistake. It was a misunderstanding, it was bad communication between the two of us, and the result of that was really unfortunate. I was harsh because I was in a very bad situation, but I never thought any less of you for it. I know you didn't mean to hurt me, and we can talk about this as many times as you need until you feel better about it. But I know you had no malicious intent."
Steve nodded in understanding. "My only hesitation right now is making sure that you're confident, and you trust me enough."
"I trust you more than I trust myself, and I mean that." You kissed him and rocked your hips forward. "If my life was on the line and I had to choose between you or myself to save it, I would choose you."
He attached his lips to yours this time. More passion, more fire, more brave roaming hands.
"And if I get to choose between board games or a night with you, I choose you." You continued between desperate kissing and heavy petting. "I'll always choose you over anything else. Besides, if you think it's impossible for me to trust you this much yet, then you must know that trust is earned and the only way to earn it is through your actions. So maybe, for you to feel better you need to give me all the more reason to trust you."
"I can't tell if you're a terrible influence or a really good one." He practically whimpered into your mouth. "I love you so much, being with you is where I’ve always felt the most comfortable.”
“Then let’s get even more comfortable with each other." You reassured him. "And I'll show you just how much of a home you can turn this body of yours into. Because I love you too, and we both deserve to be happy."
He smiled before kissing your forehead, then your lips before making his way to your jaw, down your neck into your collarbone, and the last thought you could even formulate before he captured all your senses was that even just by the way his hands held you, and his lips nipped at your collar bones was that there was a whole other side to this man that you never got to know, and you were absolutely in for it now.
And in for it you were, because even though he was all kinds of sweet, gentle, and loving, he was also incredibly sexy and attentive. Though your sexual experiences in life was pretty low, he blew everything you thought you knew out of the water. You didn’t even know it was possible for your body to feel the way that it did, or to even be as attracted to a person the way you were to Steve.
Even when all was said and done, he didn’t hesitate to hold your body close to his as you both caught your breath, exchanged affirmations and a few jokes just to hear your sweet laugh.
With his arms snug around your naked frame, and his fingers drawing shapes into your arm, he continued placing sweet kisses to the top of your head. It made you realize how the icky feeling you usually got never arrived. No regrets, no doubts, no mean voices in your head telling you that you weren’t good enough, pretty enough, or skilled enough.
It was just you, Steve, and a warmth in your heart that took over the former butterflies. There was his raspy voice rambling something to make you smile, which always worked, then there was some very comfortable silence.
An overwhelming sense of gratitude for Steve washed over you like a wave as you realized how happy and confident you felt in this very moment. No rushing to cover up, no feeling of anxiety or worry. A few months ago you could barely even imagine a word in which eating breakfast wasn’t an impossible task. Now, you were excited for the night because for once, that meant tomorrow was even closer, and tomorrow was going to be a really good day. You had no specific plans, but that was the fun part, you no longer needed a good thing to happen for you to have a good day. Tomorrow could just be, and that was good enough.
You could’ve cried right then and there, you also could’ve blamed the huge rush of hormones and endorphins for making you so emotional and gushy, but the fact of the matter was that all you could think about was how happy you are.
How happy Steve made you. How lucky you were to be excited for tomorrow.
Steve grinned when he looked down at you. Cuddled up to his side, head on his chest, absentmindedly looking at your hand that was rubbing his stomach. You traced the peaks and valleys of his muscles, completely lost in thought.
“What are you thinking about?” Steve asked quietly, his smile winding as you came back to earth and looked up at him.
You knew your deep inner thoughts might’ve brought up memories of harder times even though you were nothing but happy, and you really didn’t want to keep bringing up the past. So instead of being completely truthful, you focused on making newer, happier memories.
“Honestly?” You questioned, propping yourself up on your arm so you could see his face better and moving your hand up to his chest to draw a heart over his. “It’s just-“
“Wait now I’m scared.” Steve cut you off, causing you to giggle.
“Everyone was always so sure that sleeping with you meant better job opportunities, but it’s been almost 15 minutes now and I haven’t even been offered a promotion.” You joked, knowing he’d take it lightly.
“You’re stupid!” His belly laugh confirmed it, “You’re already at the highest rank, my dear. I don’t have anything left to offer you!”
“Damn it!” You pretended to be disappointed, big smile scrunched the corners of your eyes. “If I knew it would be this fun I would’ve done this months ago.”
“It’s a lot easier than all the training, huh?” Steve asked.
“I don’t know about that, I’m kind’ve exhausted.” You joked.
“Well, we all learn from our mistakes.” He smiled. “Now you know for next time.”
“That, we do.” You agreed, relaxing into him once more. “Maybe this really is what we should’ve been going in the training room all this time, I think it’s just as good of a work out.”
Steve gasped. “There’s cameras and windows in there!”
“Oh right, you’re very shy.” You poked his chest.
“Hey!” He caught your hand and tangled your fingers together with his. “Don’t be mean to me!”
“I’m not being mean, I think that’s very cute.” You kissed his pec. “Even cuter now that I’ve seen all of you and I know for a fact there’s absolutely nothing for you to be shy about.”
“Ooh!” He lit up. “Hey remember that one time a long time ago when I saw you naked?”
“How could I ever forget?” You laughed at his question. “Is it my turn to be scared?”
“No, I just wanted to say that I think you’re very beautiful.” He smiled. “I thought that back then too, but who was I to tell you that? So I’m telling you now to make up for it.”
“Okay that’s not so bad. Thank you, twinkles.”
“Mhm” He hummed.
More comfortable silence, more basking in his body heat and skin to skin contact.
“Do you think they’re still waiting for you to play scrabble?” You questioned quietly.
“I think they got the hint by now” Steve smiled, lifting the back of your hand to his mouth to kiss it.
Once again, silence.
“Wait…” Steve spoke. “I think I might actually have a job opportunity for you. What are you doing on May 20th?”
“Celebrating. That’s the first day of Gemini season” You recalled, amused by the serendipity.
Before you knew it, the moon said goodbye to the sun over and over again for months until Monday morning rolled around just like it always seemed to do.
Your combat boots squeezed against the floor beneath you as you walked down the hallway to the agent training room. As you walked, you caught a glimpse of your reflection in a big glass window pane. Your avengers uniform suited you more and more every time you wore it with pride, and you were even more proud that Steve was in his suit walking right behind you.
With a deep breath, you opened the door to the training room and Steve followed in behind you. You were greeted with a new batch of rookies in their agent uniforms, all standing tall in a neat, straight line.
Their eyes all on Commander Bennett as he beamed the moment you walked into the room. As unprofessional as it might have been, he couldn’t even help but to give you a hug as you approached, and you were happy to do so.
You faced the agents, Commander Bennett on your right and Steve on your left created your own line.
“Hello, Agents.” Steve greeted the line. “Congratulations on making it this far into your training.”
Your eyes scanned the line, and you couldn’t help but to remember when that used to be you, and how intimidating it felt to meet Steve for the first time.
“As you all know, this is Captain Rogers.” Bennett introduced. “But more importantly, this is Agent 306. Our newest Avenger, and the highest ranking agent to ever be trained in all of shield’s history.”
“Hi everyone.” You smiled, hoping to ease their tension. “It’s nice to meet you all. From here on out I’ll be in charge of assisting Commander Bennett in furthering your expertise and knowledge, hopefully turning you all into even better agents than the last group.”
“Though this is usually a task I take on myself,” Steve further explained. “It’s never been more apparent to me that you deserve to learn from the best of the best, and the best hands are her’s. I’ll be here to help out when you guys need it. Im here for extra support when you may need, and some extra oversight on hectic days but trust me when I say you are all very lucky that 306 agreed to this.”
If the two of you weren’t trying to hard to keep your relationship private, his words would’ve made you smile.
“We’re going to start by going down the line, and learning your names and assigned numbers.” You addressed the group again. Carefully scanning their faces, you couldn’t help but to feel pure joy in your heart when you saw a whole lot of women staring right back at you. You were hopeful, and happy knowing this experience would be so much easier for them than it was for you. “After we greet you please feel free to start warming up for your first lesson, we have about two hours together today. And three hours together for four days a week for the foreseeable future.”
“Yep, so maybe even chit chat with the people around you. Take some deep breaths, release your tension, and get to know each other, because we’re about to spend a lot of time together.” Steve agreed, happy to implement your suggestions on creating a happier and healthier work environment. “Look around at the people in this room and build the foundations of a strong, tight knit community. These are now the people you need to be looking out for. You guys live together, work together, train together, so the most important thing for you to do, is build trust.”
“This journey will be difficult, and tiring no matter how effortless you can make it look. But believe that it’ll be a lot easier if you enjoy everyone you’re on the journey with.” You agreed with Steve. “That being said, Captain Rogers and I are here to lift you up and support you through just as much as Commander Bennett, so please feel free to come to us with whatever you may need.”
“Alright, let’s get started.” Bennett ordered. “Agents, tactile formation remains until after you are greeted. Eyes forward, shoulders back.”
Steve looked at you, pride smeared all across his face. “You ready?” He held his hand up for a high five.
“Now more than ever.” You slapped your hand against his.
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⋆。°✩ The end ✩ °。⋆
Though this is the end of the series, I’m always happy to write your requests for bug and sparkles 💞🌟
Tag list: @saranghaey @firephotogrl74 @selella @talesofadragon @ss28 @nekoannie-chan @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @spikeluv84 @crazyunsexycool @callmissrogers @xxxalicerogersxx @whore-for-chris-evans @em8rin @mulbsstuff @qalijahbydior @awkotaco24 @buckybarnessimpp @nicoline1998enilocin @buckystevelove @rogersbarber @mybuck @dbnightingale24 @ynstark @sincerelytlh @alexakeyloveloki @mrsevans90 @smhnxdiii @claralovescaptainamerica @hisredheadedgoddess28 @bigtreefest @whiskeytangofoxtrot555
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 3 months
Sebastian Stan characters finding out you’re pregnant » Chris Beck
Pairings: Chris Beck x Female Reader
Summary: Chris finds out you’re pregnant.
Warnings: Fluff, language, pet names
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You and Chris found out you were pregnant shortly after you two got home from space.
You two have been dating for a while and got engaged while you guys were in space. You two talked about the future together and kids are in that future.
Chris was beyond excited when he found out he’s going to be a dad. Just as long as you’re the woman pregnant with his baby, that’s all he wants.
The crew congratulating the two of you when they find out.
Chris would go all doctor on you just to make sure everything is fine.
You jokingly saying “Babe, you’re a space doctor, not a baby doctor.”
Chris would buy a plain onesie and get creative and write “Space Baby” with drawings of a bunch of stars, planets, and moons on it.
He would want the baby’s nursery to be space themed and you would want it to be zoo animal themed.
You would buy a plain white t-shirt and creatively write “Space Daddy” on it.
You and Chris coming up with baby names that have something to do with space.
Chris would spend most nights rubbing your baby bump and telling the baby about space.
Chris saying “I love you to the moon and back.” to you and the baby all the time.
You complaining about how fat you look cause of how big your stomach is so Chris says something cute like “Just imagine your belly is a moon and our little star is growing inside of you.” while rubbing his hand against your baby bump.
You not getting much sleep at night sometimes, because the baby is a little too active and Chris has to talk the baby down so you can sleep.
You cry when you feel like you’re bossing Chris around when you ask him for something and he assures you that you’re not being boss.
You sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of the nursery and watching Chris build the crib.
Chris taking time off of work towards the end of your pregnancy and after the baby is born.
Over all, you and Chris can’t wait to hold that little bundle of joy in your arms when he or she is born.
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stuckyrogersbarnes · 1 year
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imagine hugging them tho 💌
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sapphirerogers · 8 months
I don't know what you expected but I am still not done talking about the infamous fifth episode of the What If...? show.
Spoiler warnings ahead.
Throughout the episode, while trying to pull Steve out of the mind control, Peggy keeps repeating "Steve, this isn't you, wake up" an abnormal amount of times. It's actually sickening how lacking the scriptwriting is, at least for her character.
Bucky interacts with Steve for barely a minute and even then, his efforts to get Steve back display a wider vocabulary than Peggy's throughout the whole episode.
Furthermore, I'd like to break down and compare Steve's words to Bucky and CATWS, and Peggy's words to Steve in What If...?
Steve: "I'm not gonna fight you," and here he drops the shield into the river below, "you're my friend."
Moments later, as Bucky nearly punches him to death, saying "YOU'RE! MY! MISSION!", Steve's calm, collected response is "then finish it, cause I'm with you till the end of the line."
Yes, tear-jerking, we know. Let's move on.
Peggy, having gone up against Steve in a huge (around the same size as the armour Tony built in the cave) metal suit, made of plutonium or something, and still standing straight up, says:
"I don't want to fight you, I can't fight you anymore. I'm done fighting, I've been fighting for so long, to end the war, to forget what I lost...I'm tired. Steve, I want to be with you. I want you, even if this is the end."
Keeping aside the frustrating repetition of the word "fight" in just a few lines of Peggy's speech, let's look at the motivation behind both the dialogues.
Peggy talks about herself. About how she is tired of the war and of losing people, how she tries to forget how Steve isn't in her life anymore, about how she wants to be with him. Her entire purpose is not to save him, but to save him for herself. Her actions come from a selfish point of view, and by the time she says this, she is far from being as battered and bruised as MCU Steve. In fact, she gets away with just a couple of bruises at the most.
On the other hand, Steve's intention was to free Bucky from Hydra's torture, to protect his childhood best friend and lover. He had been shot multiple times, stabbed at least once, had his skin split open in several areas when he dropped the final bombshell. Steve was nearly dying while he was saying all that; yes he would've loved a second chance at life with Bucky by his side, but it was never his primary focus.
His primary focus was making sure Bucky had a second chance at life, even if he himself died trying. It was as if to say "I may die right here right now, but I love you too much to hurt you any further than I already have. You've always been more dear to me than life itself, so if your mission is truly to kill me, you know I'll support you in it even as you're taking my last breath out of me. All I ask for is your safety and well-being."
And it shows in the consequences too - in CATWS, Bucky not only regains just enough of his memories to stop, but also pulls Steve out of the Potomac before he can drown to death and places him somewhere he knows Sam and Nat and the others will easily spot him.
On the contrary, Hydra Stomper Steve barely shows any affection, shock or remorse towards the woman in front of him, but instead, he flies up to the Red Room and destroys it. It is unclear whether he survives the crash himself.
Like I said before, despite Marvel trying their absolute hardest to push StevePeggy as the superior pairing, they still end up portraying Steve and Bucky's (I say romantic, because Steggy mirroring Stucky proves the latter to be a romance) bond to be far stronger than that of Steve with a woman he only knew for a couple of years at most during a world war.
They dug their own grave and cannot crawl their way out of it. Stucky prevails.
@buckymilf @mainly-marvel @oneofstarkskids @jjmaybanksgun @averageambivert
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softevnstan · 2 years
this steve with this bucky
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fandomfluffandfuck · 8 months
My brain and pussy stuttered reading about prof evans and model seb 😳😳😳😳😳 i, i wanna watch through a cracked door and get caught to be dragged inside, too 🫣🫣🥵 who said that
Hbnnnnnng what about prof evans calling me a naughty girl 😳🥴🥴🫣 helppppp
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Mmm, yeah, that would be reeeeal unfortunate, wouldn't it?
...If you just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, coming in for office hours, a few questions on your mind that immediately dissipate the moment your eyes find them together--Seb pressed against the wall, his gorgeous face all too recognizable, even when it's crumpled in pleasure and submission under your professor's unlikely dominance.
You can't draw yourself away. You know you should. They're hypnotic, though, every time Professor Evans' grasp on his waist--his hips, his shoulders, his wrists, pinning him to the wall so effectively--lightens up Sebastian arches forward, swooning into him. So plainly desperate to be touched.
When Sebastian finally can't take the teasing, he crumbles with a precious little whimper that leaves more heat pooling between your thighs, shifting on your feet to relieve the heat and sudden throb as you blush terribly, your eyes probably comically wide, locked onto them. Straining your ears and eyes to take in all the tiny sounds Seb is making, the low rumble of Professor Evans' voice, and the wet slide of their mouths together.
You're not thinking. You're watching. You're taking them in. Devouring the sight of them. Unable to look anywhere else.
You're consumed by them, so you're startled terribly, heart pounding in your chest, when Professor Evans' voice gets louder, but no less deep, rumbling, "baby," to his lover, making him arch his neck, presenting it gorgeously.
You shift, pressing your thighs together. Why is he suddenly talking loud enough for you to hear? There's no way that that's on p--
Then, drawing a line over his exposed throat with the plush surface of his lips, Professor Evans addresses you, "You're lucky Seb's used to having an audience. Otherwise... you'd be in a shit load of trouble, tsk, tsk," he clicks his tongue, "naughty girl."
He turns his head to the side, a wicked smirk painting his lips, dripping with eroticism and danger.
You shiver in place at the same time that Sebastian quivers. Your mouth falls open with a stupid, little, "oh." Throbs of heat assault you.
Sebastian already looks wrecked underneath him. You want to be wrecked. You want to be right there with Sebastian. You want to be melting from light yet demanding touches, too. You want Professor Evans' lips tracing your skin and weakening your knees. You want this side of Professor Evans so bad; you want to stare at Sebastian Stan, the picture of fucking beauty, too debauched and obscene.
So, with a crook of one of Professor Evans, you're drawn into his private office, through the cracked door, and into the tight, dark space--all too obedient already. You can't help it. You're so used to listening to Professor Evans' instructions 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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cattordi · 9 months
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sebastian stan x reader social media au
【infatuated】 (pt.2)
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infatuatedthemovie Is this the best cast or what?!
yourname.official so excited for all the memories.. hopefully will be be good enough to share the same screen as them <33
imsebastianstan is it really you who's saying that? come on, have you seen yourself? gracieabrams i am so so blessed as to even be in the same room as you
yourname.official i understood that reference! chrisevans ah, i see what you did there... forever.folklore not legends quoting each other 😭
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abbeycowen first day on set with these dumbos...
imsebastianstann is this what you mean by my 'staring thing'?
yourname.official YES gracieabrams mom's not wrong, dad. yourname.official THANK YOU, CHILD. forever.folklore WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO BE A PART OF THIS FAMILY SHRCVEGRAVEGWETHVA
blakelively i'm actually jealous of this.
zendaya yeah, WHERE AM I? yourname.official "nO cAmErAs tOdAy... cAn wE pLeAse juSt fOcuS oN fiLminG?" zendaya stfu-
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yourname.official "yeah mom, shooting's going well..." liked by zendaya, imsebastianstan and 6,09,500 others.
imsebastianstan ah! so you meant the other kind of shooting...
folklore.forevermore why aren't seb and y/n holding guns?? gracieabrams cause the only kind of shooting he's doing is shooting his shot at @yourname.official. yourname.official i like this one...
zendaya in gracie's words "damn, you look badass"
gracieabrams sad to not be in this post but can't seem to crib. zendaya eXCUSE ME?
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abbeycowen my otp is disgustingly cute. liked by imsebastianstan, yourname.official and 1,09,800 others.
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yourname.official so, i guess the cat's out of the bag, right? i've been in love with @imsebastianstan's acting for years and it still feels so surreal to be able to wake up everyday and be like "oh god, this guy knows i exist?!" but, i'm not gonna make this too long because i don't want him to tease me about this being cheesy for the next whole month. thank you for... just existing. you make every day brighter and every momen happier, AND YES I'M GOING TO QUOTE MYSELF- i've loved you three summers now honey, but i want 'em all 🖤🖤🖤
link to part 1
stay strong! just be yourself <3
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Sebastian Stan f/os
Part 2 of 3?
Hal Carter; the picnic
Aricka x Hal, as you wish, I love you
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Lance Tucker; the Bronze
Aricka x Lance, Times Square can't shine as bright as you
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Chris Beck; The Martian
Aricka x Chris; my love for you is out of this world 🌎
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Clay Appuzzo; I’m dying up here
Aricka x Clay, I want all your midnight fantasies
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Dayton White; Logan Lucky
Aricka x Dayton, love at the finish line 🏁
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Steve; I’m not here
Aricka x Steve, forever family
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Chris; the destroyer
Aricka x Chris, I need a cool rider
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Charles Blackwood; we have always loved in the castle
Aricka x Charles, you got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes….
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Frank; endings, beginnings
Aricka x Frank; you’re my end and my beginning
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Scott Huffman; the last full measure
Aricka x Scott, show me the power of love
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Steve “I lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship” Rogers
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musette22 · 2 years
I love that all of us are like yes this Chris character suits this Sebastian character and the fact it’s been happening for a few years at this point is amazing.
It's the best ❤️‍🔥 I was talking (yelling?) to @cable-knit-sweater just the other day, about how crazy and amazing it is that literally any version of Chris could go with any version of Sebastian, because somehow, they just work together. It's that insane chemistry of theirs, as well as something about the way they look which complements each other perfectly. I've probably also conditioned myself to some extent to see and believe this lol, but I also genuinely think there's just something about these two together that's special. And like you said, the fact that this fandom as a whole loves its Chris x Sebastian characters ships proves that!
Some pairings work extra well, of course. Stucky is the quintessential Chris/Seb ship - they're untouchable, that goes without saying. But there are also some great other pairings, like Ransom Drysdale & Charles Blackwood, Frank Adler (or Andy Barber) & TJ Hammond, Lucas Lee & Lance Tucker, Nick Vaughan & Josh Brummel, Lloyd Hansen & Nick Fowler, and Ari Levinson & Destroyer!Chris (or one of Sebastian's pretty boy characters, like Will Franklyn or Billy from Gone).
They all work really well together, and they all capture my interest and imagination, even though I very much consider myself a monoshipper. I'll never ship another pairing of theirs like I ship Stucky (or Chris and Seb themselves), but yeah, stick two characters played by these boys together, and something beautiful and captivating will happen every single time imo 💕
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oh-sofarfromhome · 2 years
if you guys have any blurb requests or dialogue prompts i’m down to write!!!
harry styles
chris evans and characters
sebastian stan and characters
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world0fmadness · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆ ✩ ˚ FIRE AND ICE
kimi raikkonen x cky / jackass member! wife! reader x ( platonic! ) oc daughter x ( platonic! ) oc son
featuring: a daughter called tilly because it’s just such a pretty name and some dico and rake slander
faceclaim: assorted but mainly lucy liu
୨୧ okay so the timeline on this one is a little messy but please just deal with it <3 i imagine they met when they were around 21, had their daughter when they were around 28 and married when they were around 30… so their daughter is around 16 years old… is that messy? a lot of this is from the pov of their daughter and fan accounts since social media wasn’t really a thing in the early 2000’s and stuff…
reading music recommendations: lost in a contraption by cky - along comes mary by bloodhound gang - your sweet 666 by him
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loveuyn: thinking about how in an old interview yn said she was going to keep her first ever car so it can be her future child’s first car and now tilly has it and absolutely loves it 🥹 photos from tilly’s social media
ckylvr: it’s so crazy seeing her drive the car that was featured in SO much of the early cky stuff 💔 every time i see her post it i do the leonardo dicaprio point like “ oh! that’s the car bam jumped off while it sped down a road ”
❤️ liked by tillyraikkonenln
ynlnstomponme: i hope yn cleaned it REALLY good lmao… the amount of times people have been caught on video vomiting in it is genuinely nuts
> loveuyn: not to mention the blood lmao 😭
> ynlnsbackhand: if that car could talk…
> loveuyn: if that car could talk it’d be taking yn to court straight away for pain and suffering
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tillyraikkonenln: the best part about being a late 2000’s baby is you get all your parents cool vintage stuff :D
ynraikkonenln ✔️: you’re grounded for a year
> tillyraikkonenln: i’m sorry mom :(
❤️ liked by ynraikkonenln and kimiraikkonen
> iluvf1: teens calling stuff their parents used when THEY were teens “vintage” just to annoy them is so funny to me
> loveuyn: crying rn, the time tilly was on live and someone commented to ask yn and kimi about AOL “ what the hell is AOL”… and yn immediately giving her a whole history on how she used to flirt with boys in her school over AOL while kimi and tilly just watched her ramble from the side
> oldf1lvr: she needed to educate her baby on the old ways real quick 😭
> kimicelover: kimi had SO MUCH love in his eyes on that livestream… i want what they have
oldf1lvr: tilly, who’s your favourite grid uncle?
> tillyraikkonenln: seb!
> sebastianvettel ✔️: the greatest medal of honour! thank you tilly, come visit soon - sebastian ❤️
> lewishamilton ✔️: what at am i? chopped liver?
> tillyraikkonenln: sorry uncle lew :3
❤️ liked by lewishamilton
> jackass4ever: favourite jackass uncle?
> tillyraikkonenln: CHRIS! definitely chris
❤️ liked by chrispontious
> chrispontious ✔️: thank you very much tilly, always knew you were smarter than your mother
> ynraikkonenln ✔️: get lost 🙄
ckylvr: the amount of HIM and CKY pin badges you can spot in that pile 💔 take me backkkk
jackass4ever: what’s the nastiest thing your mom did on cky? in your opinion…
> tillyraikkonenln: kissed dico and rake 😟
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loveuyn: yn’s grid milf fashion highlight ❤️
tillyraikkonenln: i don’t think i’ll ever get used to people calling my mother a milf :(
> iluvf1: lmao poor tilly 😭
oldf1lvr: kimi in the third picture in a boring ass button up and jeans… i hate m*n
> ynlnsbackhand: she’s EVERYTHING, he’s just ken
iluvf1: i miss seeing her interact with fans in the paddock so much, bring our mom back 💔
> tillyraikkonenln: she misses interacting with people in the paddock! they’ll visit soon, her and dad have just been busy with KJ ❤️
> new2f1: KJ? who is that?
> oldf1lvr: it’s their son! they haven’t revealed his name or anything yet since he’s only 5 so they call him KJ because according to yn he’s a double of kimi
> iluvf1: kimi’s genes are incredible because tilly looks EXACTLY like him too 😭
> loveuyn: she’s a double of kimi look wise but has the exact same personality as yn
❤️ liked by tillyraikkonenln
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loveuyn: gentle reminder of these adorable pictures yn posted when she was pregnant with KJ ( and the only pictures we have of him so far )
ynlnsbackhand: her comfy mom era was her best era, fight me
❤️ liked by tillyraikkonenln
oldf1lvr: baby KJ 🥹 you can’t even see his face but you can tell he totally IS a copy of kimi
kimicelover: i wonder if KJ will be the future racer, since tilly is more into skateboarding and photography?
❤️ liked by tillyraikkonenln
> iluvf1: maybe! but is the grid really prepared for another iceman 🫣
jackass4ever: i love how whenever she’s in the jackass movies she’s still a total hardass but the second it comes to her babies she just crumbles 🥹
> kimicelover: it’s the same with kimi! he’s still ice cold to most people but the second he sees tilly, KJ or yn he just melts and there’s SO much video evidence of it 💔
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ynraikkonenln: my little girl helping me and kimi celebrate our anniversary by cooking dinner for us ❤️
tillyraikkonenln: i burned literally everything… and i’m not a little girl anymore, i’m 16 :(
> kimiraikkonen ✔️: we’re still grateful and you’ll always be our little girl kulta 💙
❤️ liked by ynraikkonenln and tillyraikkonenln
> tillyraikkonenln: oh and did you have to include that picture of me washing up?
> kimiraikkonen ✔️: yes, she did, it’s pretty unbelievable for a teen so we need people to see photo evidence
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loveuyn: yn ln… then and now 🥹
tillyraikkonenln: black and white filter on the first pictures made me think my own mother was dead for a second…
> loveuyn: sorry tilly 😭
iluvf1: goddamn, this woman has aged like fine wine…
ynlnsbackhand: just me who thinks she’s got hotter with age?
> oldf1lvr: definitely not just you…
> kimicelover: kimi too though… they’re both so hot as older people… i want them BOTH so bad 😭
jackass4ever: genuinely HOW is this the woman that let dico pee on her in her sleep and only hit him with a belt after?
> oldf1lvr: sorry WHAT?
> loveuyn: the iceland incident…
> ynlnsbackhand: at least ryan got back at him properly for her
> ynlnslighter: those belt whips she gave dico were fucking crazy what do you mean 😭
> ynlnsbackhand: HE PISSED ON HER
> ckylvr: everyone was pissing on each other in iceland, wtf was in the air over there?
⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ ˚ NEW ADDED BONUS ˚ ୨୧ ⋆。˚ ⋆
her parents are in love… gross
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tillyraikkonenln: sigh… my parents are still SO in love even after like… 60 years… nasty
kimiraikkonen ✔️: cheeky girl… thank you for taking these pictures kulta 💙
> tillyraikkonenln: wonder who i get that from… you’re welcome isä <3
❤️ liked by ynraikkonenln and kimiraikkonen
ynraikkonenln ✔️: 60 YEARS? you’re pushing your luck missy… love you
❤️ liked by kimiraikkonen and tillyraikkonenln
kimiynlover: if i don’t ever have a love like theirs i have failed at life 💔
sebastianvettel ✔️: KJ is getting big! sending my love ❤️ - sebastian
❤️ liked by ynraikkonenln, tillyraikkonenln and kimiraikkonen
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
thinking about Anthony, Chris and Seb in the same room after a comic con and suddenly seb takes off his tshirt and Anthony and Chris look at each other and they just walk towards Seb and start kissing him and grabbing him and we'll, they end up in the bed,the 3 of them. they gets surprised when they discover Seb is actually plugged and Seb just laughes because he knew they'd get to that point. 🤭
This is from the requests I got before I closed my writing requests for the school year. I am not taking requests actively right now.
Listen, they're so 🤌🏻predictable🤌🏻
Of course, this would happen. Like. C'mon. It's the three of them. Of course, they're up to shit.
I'm gonna change this prompt around a little bit, but, I'm keeping to the basis of Seb with a plug + Chris + Anthony + a room all to themselves, so...
Sebastian is waiting for them when they return from the premiere. Chris went because Mackie asked him to, and he wanted to, Sebastian would've gone too, except he's supposed to be "on location" prepping to film something. He's not. He's with his guys. But, fans go insane enough when two Marvel cast members get together to hang out, theorizing, so they don't need to add more fuel to the fire.
"How'd you know we'd be back early?" Chris asks, tumbling into the bedroom before Anthony. He's already shrugged out of his suit jacket and undone his tie, getting comfortable.
"Yeah," Anthony immediately unquestioningly backs him up, peering over his shoulder, "were you just gonna wait up and see?"
Sebastian shifts, sighing, where he's lying on his belly, idly reading and coincidentally leaving himself on display. A somewhat consealed display. There's a thin, white sheet draped over his lower half. Plausible deniability.
He shuts his book and sets it aside.
"You're predictable," he breathes, stretching like a cat, arms under and in front of him, hips up, because, again, they're predictable. He knows their gazes will follow his every move.
And they do.
He rests in the stretch for long enough to tease them with the curve of his back, leading up to the curve of his ass, just visible enough through the sheet, before he allows himself to melt back down onto the mattress flat. His arms out. His thighs gently parted. Stomach to the bed.
Just that might be satisfying enough, all of their attention on him. It's not that he doesn't get enough of their attention day-to-day, they both pay lots of attention to him, he's not lonely, he's not neglected but he is, for better or worse, as Mackie lovingly calls him out for being, an attention whore. ("Why else are we in this business, baby?" Seb can hear his butter smooth voice tickling his ear, breath hot against his skin.) And there is something so incredibly gratifying about their gazes on his skin. The simmering heat of Anthony's dark gaze; the dilation of Chris' pupils, darkening his cool blue eyes. So what if he's a show pony? How could he not be with these two men being his regular audience?
The two sets of their eyes on his skin feels like enough clothing. And here he was, starting to feel underdressed in a pair of little boxer brief shorts. They're tight. They're blue. And they, as well as the sheet, are hiding something but also... not leaving much to the imagination. Something that neither of his lovers know about yet.
Chris laughs breathlessly at his explanation and little display, reaching the bed first and finding his skin. His fingers encircle his wrist.
Sebastian's breath hitches. Instantly, his mind wandering away, thinking about being held down. Arms out. Thighs spread. Face down on the bed.
The easy hold doesn't last for long. Aw.
Chris runs his hand, large and warm and heavy, up his arm, to his shoulder, and onto the top of his back before he can no longer reach despite his impressive wingspan.
Seb finds himself humming, enjoying.
But Anthony, unfortunately, busies his hands with his tie, untangling it from around his neck and popping the top few buttons of his nice, pressed shirt. He slides his tie out from under his collar, smooth, and hangs it on the doorknob for the walk-in closet. It's an easy sight on Sebastian's eyes, but... he likes being touched.
He likes the way Chris is rubbing his shoulder and bringing his other hand in to play, too; flirting its way up his forearm, onto his bicep, over his shoulder, and finally climbing up the nape of his neck, squeezing him. Scruffing him.
"Chrisss," Sebastian sighs, further drooping into his bed, muffling his name against the bed.
"And you say we're predictable," Chris teases lightly.
"Hm?" He makes a droisey, confused noise, pressing back into the hold, searching for something harder and more substantial.
"I know I never have to pet you for long before you start purring." Anthony snorts in amused agreement to Chris' observation.
"I don't!" Sebastian whines, but otherwise, doesn't try to stop himself from reacting to his boyfriend.
Anthony--his other boyfriend that is unforgivably not touching him right now--abandons any cheap facade of wanting to get out of his uncomfortable, formal, overly expensive clothes to walk towards the bed, too. His hand lands over Chris', not squeezing, but weighing heavier over the nape of his neck.
"Mmmmmm," Sebastian exhales an extended, pleased noise, face down in the sheets that smell like them.
"If we're so predictable, tell us what we're supposedly gonna do, Sebastian," Mackie scratches his fingers through his hair.
Sebastian waits for just long enough that he knows Anthony will take a fistful and pull it.
The sting makes Sebastian smile, open-mouthed because he can't not gasp. "Kn-knew you'd do that," he struggles to say.
"Brat," Mackie shakes his head around a little, still holding onto his hair.
Sebastian grins wider, the fire that's been smoldering in his belly all night crackles and jumps with sparks as if it's being breathed on. Given more fuel. Readying to burn brighter. Hotter.
Chris has let go of him, and the dip in the mattress tells him that he's climbing onto the mattress with him.
Yes, please.
The brush of the smooth material of his slacks against his side is enough to have Seb breaking out in goosebumps. He can't imagine what they look like from the outside. He's basically naked. Meanwhile, Chris and Anthony are fully clothed, only their ties loosened. Looming over him. Their hands melting him, easy as anything.
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"C'mon," Anthony reminds him, sharply tugging until Seb can't hold in his moan. He can feel the rush of heat now coloring his cheeks.
"I--" the words die in his throat.
Chris' fingers drag down his spine towards the edge of the sheet overlapping with the line of his tight boxers waistband.
"I knew you'd come home and w-wanna touch me," he pushes the words out through his lips in a rush. A soft exhale dripping with desire.
"And-?" Mackie pushes.
Of course.
Of course, he would ask for more.
"You never like leaving me alone," Seb's voice has an edge of a whine to it. He can't help it. Chris has fitted two fingers into the dimples at the base of his spine, pressing just hard enough for Sebastian to suspect that whoever fucked him last (was it Chris? Or, no, Anthony fucked him in the shower, that was after Chris, right? Sebastian can't think right now...) left behind evidence in the form of bruises and possible nail crescents.
It aches.
The ache is sparking, radiating around his pelvis and shooting forward. He's starting to stiffen up against the bed more.
More hard than not.
"Mmmm." A drawn-out moan leaves his parted lips.
"We just know you get into trouble when you're alone, baby. Can't be left to your own devices," Anthony's voice has the edge of a laugh hidden inside it. It's mean. Sebastian probably shouldn't like it so much.
Sebastian's breath breaks unevenly. Chris is teasing the sheets back, and the feather light caress of the fabric over his skin nearly unbearable.
Suddenly, he wants none of the foreplay. Suddenly he becomes aware that the joke is fucking on him. Suddenly with Anthony demanding him to explain his thought process out loud, forcing him to embarrass his presumptuous, thirsty self and with Chris touching his body but not touching him where he wants it, where he needs it more and more, what he needs is to be roughed up.
He expected to be roughed up.
He just prepared for it this time, rather than being blindsided. Is that so wrong? Why can't they just cut to the chase!?
Honestly, Seb has forgotten whatever the fuck Mackie is talking about (was he talking?) because Chris is dragging his blunt nails down the backs of his legs, pushing away the sheet and grabbing and spreading his legs. But then--
"How much of a troublemaker was he this time, Chris?" Anthony directs his next low, prodding question at Chris. Not Sebastian. Like he's just a not-so-well trained puppy.
Sebastian whimpers. Like a puppy.
Chris, at Mackie's insistance, Chris--
Chris goes for it.
Obviously, to them, he's the predictable one, and they're both on the same page, reading the same line, Mackie expecting Chris to press his fingers between Sebastian's cheeks and find the wet spot from where he stretched himself open, too generous with the amount of lube he used, liking how open and slutty and used the excess makes him feel, and not generous enough with the prep time he gives himself because he likes the way it stings. Expecting Seb to moan.
He doesn't find a wet spot.
He does make Sebastian moan, though.
"OH!" Sebastian twists up. His stomach knots pleasantly. Tightly. His fingers scramble against the sheets, grabbing fistfuls. His toes curl urgently.
Instead, Chris' fingers--not holding anything back, expecting to press hard against his open, wet hole--force the plug he shoved inside himself deeper.
Anthony has perked the fuck up. Sebastian knows without looking at him, from the intrigued sound he makes, that he's grinning like the Chesire Cat. Pleased as punch.
He can't look, though. He doesn't get a chance to see that handsome expression on his face, predatory in the best way. Because Chris lets up only to press harder. Rocking the toy inside him.
"Ohh, troublemaker," he purrs, his Boston accent coming out at the exact best worst time.
"What's that, baby?" Anothny piles on, taking down to Sebastian. "Aw, did you expect us to come home early and need to ravish you on the spot, so you plugged yourself up, huh? You got all ready?" Anthony reaches down to snap the elastic waistband of his underwear against his skin. "That's cute."
Chris rumbles his agreement low in his chest; Sebastian swears he can feel it vibrate through him on top of the stinging, tingling pain that he can feel from the elastic of his tight underwear biting into him.
Oh, God.
This is so much worse than he planned.
"Oh, oh, oh," he can't stop making sounds, every goddamn time Chris forces the plug into him. Deeper. Fucking him with it. It rubs his prostate just right. Hnnnng. Sparks flash through him.
"But, y’know, brat, you forgot something..." Anthony tells him.
"Wha--what?" Sebastian manages eventually, completely out of breath.
"There's two of us." Mackie reminds him, pinching his side until he whines, delighted by the pain in ways he really, really shouldn't be. Chris is relentless, fucking him with the toy, grinding him down to bits. Exploiting the gift Sebastian tried to give them. "If you really wanted to be ready, you woulda stretched your mouth, too. I know where you could find a good ring gag."
Sebastian shudders. He knows, too. He's intimately familiar with their collection of toys. He--
He likes the sound of that.
He imagines it intensely, vividly; lying on his belly on their bed, stretched open on a plug, shivering, and drooling around a ring gag, as tied into the restraints as he can get when he's only got himself to work with. One cuff at each corner of the bed. Spread wide. In every sense of the word. Open. Ready to get fucked. Double teamed. Both of them.
Jesus Christ, he groans with his full chest. Uncontrollably shuddering.
"Yeah," Chris grins, wolfish, "I bet you wish you thought of that, hm?"
"Yeah, it's okay, baby, I can get you that gag. And I can give you a reminder for next time. If you're gonna make trouble, you gotta do it right." Anthony taps his side, where he was pinching earlier, teasing Sebastian with the threat of a slap or punch or something else that would make Sebastian see stars. Pain looping back into pleasure. Fucked up in the best way.
"How's that sound?" Chris murmurs, perfectly gravely and smooth at the same time. Driving him crazy. "You want it, don't'cha, baby?" There's that Boston again.
Sebastian whimpers, "I--" he squirms, trying to rub together two brain cells. It's not working well. His tongue and teeth and mouth don't want to work when they have the option of being stretched wide and being used. "I want--"
"Yeah?" Mackie traces his jaw with two fingers. His touch is intoxicating.
"I thought--" Seb grinds against the bed exactly once before Chris grips his hips, holding him away from the pleasure, noooo.
They laugh in unison. It grates against Sebastian's nerves in the best way. Bastards. They're the worst together.
"The plug!" Seb whimpers, sweating. "The plug! It, it, I thought you'd--you both could, nngh!"
Chris cuts him off by pulling out the plug, then pressing it back in. Playing with him. Playing with his body. Stretching his rim deliciously.
Sebastian chokes on what could be sob if it had left his chest and didn't get strangled in his throat.
"Ohhh, I see, you're thought we'd be reeeal hungry tonight, huh? Not wanting to wait to prep you ourselves?" Anthony talks down to him; he nods to Chris, "strip 'im."
Chris obeys, ripping his boxer briefs down and groaning heartily at what he finds.
"Why didn't you just say you had other plans, Seb?" Chris teases knowing how tongue tied he gets when turned on. His breath is hot on the small of Sebastian's back. The bruises or bruises-in-the-making there throb pleasantly. Nerves awake.
Mmmmm. God.
Immediately, Chris finds the bulb attached to the plug that is sitting thickly, deeply inside him through some thin tubing, and gives it a pump.
It happens too fast.
Oh! Wait-!
Chris, mercifully, can't hold him down at the same time that he pumps the inflable plug.
"AH! GOD!" Sebastian moans, rubbing his hard, hard, hard dick against the bed. He can't help it. The stretch is devine. Knowing that Chris is getting him ready to split him apart with his own dick and Anthony's too is... it's too much.
Another pump.
Another pathetic, loud sound. Spilling right out of him. How is he supposed to hold it in? He's getting so, so full that there is no way he can hold anything else in!
Mackie sinks his fingers unforgivingly into the back of his neck, scruffing him, "that how it is, honey, you needing to get fucked?"
"Mmm-hmm," he whines. "B-both," he heaves out a breath, "want you both."
"You mean," Anthony stretches his words out, sinister, enjoying his torture too much, "you assumed that we'd come home from our premier and we'd be so hungry for you that we'd both wanna fuck your pretty ass into the bed? Ruin that pretty, slutty hole, huh? Stretch it wide open?"
"Is, is there a better way to celebrate?" Sebastian doesn't think before he speaks.
"Brat," Mackie shakes him up a little more.
And Chris pumps the plug a new more times.
"AH!" Sebastian grinds so hard against the bed that stars spark behind his eyelids. The pressure against his prostate isn't helping either. So bright and hot and ohgod. Chris pumps the plug again. "OH!" He can't stop being so loud. He can't stop grinding. He can't stop.
It's embarrassing. This whole fucking situation. His presumptuous actions, which lead to this torture. His reactions to the pleasure. His inability to do anything to stop them--he doesn't want to stop them, quite the opposite, he wants them to hurry the fuck up. He grinds down again.
He can't stop.
He's leaking now. Dripping with arousal. Ruining the perfectly clean bed.
His head is spinning. And the two sets of hands on his body aren't doing anything to anchor him. If anything, they're lifting him higher. He lives for this.
He wants their cocks. Both of their cocks. Hard. Thick. Heavy. Inside him.
He wants--
He's being fucked open so much by the toy that he can't help but--
"Ah!-Anthony, Chriss, Chris! I-! HA! GOD! MMNH!" Sebastian moans recklessly, eyes squeezing shut, hips fucking forward, pressing back, and getting thrown over the edge because he's nothing if not easy for his boyfriends. Grinding against the bed. Grinding back against the toy inside him. The toy is still bigger and bigger because Chris, of course, pumps it one last time right as he's cumming.
He's still breathing hard, seeing nothing but a white-hot void as a result of an overdose of pleasure, when Anthony purrs, "you feel ready now?" He's teasing.
But also--
Sebastian shudders again. One last time. His body convulsing. His dick is still hard and sliding through the slick mess he's just fucking made, adding to it more. He can't help it. The sound that comes out of him is fucked-out. But he's not so fucked-out that he'd turn down that proposition.
"Yuh-yeah," he mumbles into the bed, hiding his hot, flushed face in vain. They both love it. How easy he is.
"God," Chris groans, behind him, settling in between his legs instead of off to his side, "I love you."
"You just love how big of a slut he is," Anthony ribs him, chuckling as he combs his hands through Sebastian's hair.
Chris snorts, spreading his cheeks with both big hands, staring at his stretched, wet, twitching hole and admitting, "nah, that's just a hell of a plus."
"Mmm-hmm," Mackie agrees, climbing up on the bed, too, not standing in front of it any longer, "that it is."
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Can you tell I've been thinking a fuck ton about inflatable plugs lately?
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boiohboii · 1 year
Nobel prize winner wife pt2 (toto wolff x reader)
(Social media au)
Toto just revealed who his wife of 15 years is, but if he was going to reveal his family, why not all members of them?
in which Toto Wolff decided to let everyone know who is the little boy who made him a father
Note: I am sure this is not what you guys had in mind when you asked for part 2, but I just felt like a little teen in the mix is needed for our favorite it couple. WARNING: like 3 swear words, if I missed anything please let me know
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Liked by wolfffam, ynwolff, totodaddy and 417,930 others
F1WAGS&FAVES: Dr. YN LN seen today in Yeongsan International School of Seoul, rumors are she is there for the freshmen's parents career day.
username: I can not handle dad toto and mum yn
username: toto and yn might be official dilf and milf
username: no, I refuse to believe they have a kid that isn't me
username: I am willing to fight their kid for an exchange of parents
username: I love how with every photo her skin tone gets whiter
username: welcome to the white washing of korea
username: she never disappoints with her fits
username: if they actually have a kid imagine how awesome it'd be, like his dad is the team principle of the Mercedes f1 team and his mum is the only woman to win a Nobel prize twice!
username: if I'm a parent and my kid is a friend of theirs, I'd never compare my kid to baby wolff, he'd just pull an uno reverse card and compare me to yn and toto
username: say sike rn
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Liked by Lewishamilton, Pierregasly, georgerussell63 and 819,652 others
mercedesamgf1: can't wait for sam to join us, it's going to be such a fun weekend with him here..... here are 4 pictures of baby wolff throughout the years (yes, we knew, he is our favourite person in the paddock) ps: all photos of our prince are till he was 13 years old
Lewishamilton: can't wait to see the little man
samwolff09: can't wait to see you too uncle Lewis
georgerussel63: @.samwolff09 what about me?
samwolff09: @.georgerussel63 we were together last week 😆 but I still miss you 😄
username: his account is private 🥲
danielricciardo: the little prince is growing up, I remember when he was just learning how to run
samwolff09: uncle Danny, please don't tell anyone of that time, I still get embarrassed thinking about it
samwolff09: we can't wait to join you again, take good care of mum and dad till Jay and I join you
mercedesamgf1: of course your highness
username: who is Jay?
username: imagine it's his brother
username: STOP IT!
maxverstappen1: P misses you @.samwolff09
samwolff09: @.maxverstappen1 I miss her too!! So much! Is she joining this weekend?
maxverstappen1: @.samwolff09 yes yes, once she knew you're coming she wouldn't take no for an answer
samwolff09: @.maxverstappen1 YES! I CAN'T WAIT, SEND HER MY HUGS AND KISSES
username: max being chatty with toto's son is so unhinged for my 2023 agenda
username: max writing his longest comments for sam wolff will be my favourite social media interaction
mickschumacher: Sammy! Keep your phone with you this time @.samwolff09
samwolff09: @.mickschumacher micky, please, it was one time!
sebastianvettel: well, now I have no choice but to go this weekend
samwolff09: uncle seb! I miss you!! Are you really coming?? Please say yees, pleaaseeee
sebastianvettel: of course little cub, who else is gonna watch over you and Jay
username: baby wolff collecting drivers left right and center
christanhorner: it had been too long since I saw this little man
samwolff09: looking forward to seeing you again sir @.christanhorner
christanhorner: @.samwolff09 please, call me uncle chris, and make sure to stop by and say hi
samwolff09: of course uncle Chris! See you then
username: I am confusion
username: did baby wolff just make a truce between mercedes and redbull
username: his smile can stop wars and here's the proof
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Loked by park-sunhoon, jaypark, lewishamilton and 273 others
samwolff09: I just wanna thank my parents on my birthday cause they always make me feel loved, they always make me feel safe and that every little thing I do or feel is valid and is okay, I am so lucky to have them and I am truly thankful for being able to have them in my life and to be here as their son.
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Liked by jungwonofficial, park-sunghoon, mercedesamgf1 and 261 others
samwolff09: 11 years apart and my love for this place is still the same
jaypark: one of the best vacation houses fr
park-sunghoon: true, it's still my favorite place
jungwonofficial: the summer we spent there was the best one man, we need to do that again
samwolff09: @.jaypark @.park-sunghoon @.jungwonofficial let's go again next summer, I'm sure dad and mum won't mind
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Liked by jaypark, jungwonofficial, park-sunghoon and 258 others
samwolff09: I hate that we don't have any good pictures with the 4 of us together, but aside from that, I miss you three so much, fuck you for being busy...... but hey, make these bomb tracks woon and sungie win another world championship... jay I see you everyday at school but it'd be rude if I didn't include you
jungwonofficial: so it's rude to ignore jay but not rude to not post a picture of us together, okay I see how it is sammy boy
jaypark: we are the nepo babies of our quadrant man that's why I'm stuck by your side 😚
park-sunghoon: I thought you deleted the photo of the 2 of us! Dude, I can't have evidence of me clinging onto you, it'd ruin my image!
jaypark: what image, everyone knows you're a clingy ass mf as soon as you see sam
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Liked by mercedesamgf1, georgerussel63, sebastianvettel and 361 others
samwolff09: happy father's day to my old man, he is such a great and loving man (even though he still scares me whenever I'm studying) when I feel like I'm so different from him he gives me all the love and support I need, and even if I don't say a thing, he still knows and makes sure that I know how appreciated I am and why he is proud to be my father, he let's me explore and experience things as much as I want while watching over me so that I won't get hurt. Dad, I love you so much and I swear I will carry you and take care of you when you're old and tired
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{Taglist- everyone who asked for pt2, thank you and I hope you liked it ♥️♥️
@topaz125 @miiikkeey @omgsuperstarg @nayizy @ohkapten @d-stargirl @innercollectivecomputer }
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