#chris jury
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thedoctorwhocompanion · 10 months
Coming Soon: Children of the Circus, a Sequel to Doctor Who's The Greatest Show in the Galaxy!
Coming Soon: Children of the Circus, a Sequel to #DoctorWho's The Greatest Show in the Galaxy!
A brand new audio play which returns to the world of Seventh Doctor adventure The Greatest Show in the Galaxy is set for release next month. Children of the Circus is written by Kenton Hall, with songs by Christopher Guard, based on an idea by Barnaby Eaton-Jones (a friend of the DWC’s), and follows up Stephen Wyatt’s Season 25 story. The new release is produced by AUK Studios and reunites many…
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ruethrills · 11 months
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uptillion · 4 months
I have... not done too well on the quick time events so far... things are not looking well for Jess and Emily's survivability...
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sunny-solarphim · 5 months
Day 1 of development
Today is April 11th the day Will and Chris said the world will end. It’s my first time using unity so I only managed to make a character move and the camera to follow. My engines of choice are usually Unreal, godot or even Monogame but I have to use unity for a class and it looks pretty intuitive to use so I’m gonna give it a try.
Future Sunny leave a note here if you end up giving up
I started at 6pm tonight so I’m going to call it a day and do concept art, next Wednesday expect the first character profile and the next update.
See you later alligator!
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
not being able to reblog any substantial number of edits of elizabeth (howard) boleyn bcus in the past 20+ years she has literally only been given dialogue in one production, is? my villain origin story.
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beashik · 1 year
Here’s my favorite LOTL song just because I’m still fucking pissed
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iggurichan · 1 year
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miscellaneous drawpile #20
capcom themed drawpile with:
net: tumblr
kavon: twitter, tumblr
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buck2eddie · 1 year
now i want a fic where the firefam actually meets on jury duty and it's one if those long cases that take a few weeks and they form their little found family and also buddie falls in love obviously
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thesnacken · 2 years
A post-apocalypse short film that opens on an ordinary-looking man (He's just a guy. Just some dude. Connecticut Clark ass hombre. I swear to god this story WILL NOT WORK if he looks like fucking Jeremy Renner or some shit he's Just Some Guy) scavenging the dilapidated ruins of Totally Not An Ace Hardware. He's rummaging around, looking for spare parts like its his job, dismantling things because all the easy stuff has been taken months, maybe years ago. He takes molds of some things, breaks off standard stuff like mass-produced bolts. All of this frames the story as a state of post-apocalypse.
We watch about fifteen minutes of this, with some establishing character moments. He swears softly when appropriate, wipes blood off on his jeans, he's reserved and pragmatic. Toward the end we see him tuck back around a shelf, grab a packaged snack (maybe a candy bar?) and tuck it into his shirt pocket.
He leaves the building, donning a cowboy hat with a bandana over his mouth. The shot frames him not unlike the bandits of a spaghetti western. He dons a leather jacket and gloves, shooting from about the height of the seat of a motorcycle. The shot pans around behind him, and we see a horse instead. He's gentle with the horse, speaking softly and slowly. After some coaxing, he loads the saddlebags and mounts up.
We get some wide shots of scenery as he passes through old farmland, all from one angle. He brings his hat low on his head, and the camera pans around to show an unfocused shot of the town as he approaches. It comes in close to him as he mutters "Man I fuckin' (very softly) goin into town". He slings something nondescript over his shoulder, which at best guess may be a rifle bag.
The shot pans further, and as it does we get a much better view of "town". In contrast with the framing, the town appears to be very much Alive and Not All That Apocalypse'd. The shot pans further, and we see the other side of the road he came in along, where perfectly functional and active farmland is, across from the neglected acreage. The town population is sparse, but present, and neither especially frantic nor undead. We get a better shot of the parcel across his back, which appears to be a bundle of fabric.
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william-r-melich · 5 months
The One Good Juror for Trump Dismissed & A Man on Fire - 04/20/2024
The one good juror for Trump that I mentioned in my previous post two days ago was dismissed yesterday. As far as this sham trial is concerned, it's not looking good for him. Another juror who was unexpectedly accepted because of her very heavy bias against him. She thought Trump seemed “very selfish and self-serving,” adding, “I don’t really appreciate that from any public servant.” In fact, it seems impossible to find anyone not biased either for or against. Of course, given that this judge (Juan Merchan), like the persecutor Alvin Bragg, suffers from a serious case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), he accepted only those who either dishonestly claimed no bias or admitted a bias against him, which is ridiculous but par for the course. With the one juror gone, it appears that Trump's chances for an acquittal or hung jury is of course somewhere between none to none. In an article from the Epoch Times yesterday, "Trump Demands Trial Judge Remove Gag Order Before Walking Into Court," they said this about the selected jury. "The jury of Manhattanites includes a sales professional, a software engineer, a security engineer, a teacher, a speech therapist, multiple lawyers, an investment banker, and a retired wealth manager." On the one juror who looked favorable to Trump, he said, “We just lost, probably, what probably would have been a very good juror for this case, and the first thing that she said was she was afraid and intimidated by the press, all the press, and everything that had happened.”
On Thursday, District Attorney Alvin Bragg wanted Trump to be found in contempt for violating judge Merchan's ridiculous gag order. Prosecutor Chris Conroy also wanted the judge to find him in contempt for the same reason and asked him to sanction $1,000 for each violation. “The gag order has to come off. People are allowed to speak about me and I have a gag order,” Trump said yesterday.
Just after the final jurors had been selected, a man outside of the courthouse set himself on fire to draw attention to the manifesto he posted online which is a very lengthy description of a conspiracy theory of the rich and powerful taking over the world. He brought a sign with him which read as follows. "Trump is with Biden and they're about to fascist coup us." Not very good grammar. Part of his manifesto said the following. "My name is Max Azzarello, and I'm an investigative researcher who has set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial in Manhattan. This extreme act of protest is to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery: We are victims of a totalitarian con, and our government (along with many other allies) is about to hit us with an apocalyptic fascist world coup. These claims sound like a fantastic conspiracy theory, but they are not." Clearly anyone who would set himself on fire has a seriously bad mental condition. Although I must admit that there are some global elitists who desire world dominance and are making efforts in that direction, such as Charles Schwab who authored the book, "Covid-19 and the Great Reset." However, I'm extremely confident that Donald Trump is not a part of it because he's fighting against those efforts with his America First agenda which intends to make our country stronger and us citizens more free, independent, and prosperous. Apparently, this is the fourth person to set themselves on fire in the last few years, a disturbing trend that hope won't continue.
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gay-kurapika · 5 months
I hate having to beg for hours at work I wish these people would literally just kill me instead
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Gallery: Jordana @ Danforth Music Hall - Toronto, ON Date: October 15th, 2022 Photographed by: Chris Ho
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avatar-anna · 7 months
The One About the Documentary
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i watched part one of the yolanda and selena documentary so you don't have to...and it pissed me tf off. anyway enjoy!
Harry Styles x Latina! Reader Masterlist
When his girlfriend asked to watch the documentary, Harry said yes, but hesitantly.
In all honesty, Harry didn't think Y/n would have any desire to watch it, but at eight o'clock sharp, she was on the couch armed with a bowl of popcorn and two bottles of coke, one for him and one for her.
"Can I ask why we're—"
"Shh! It's starting."
Harry settled into the couch, his arm around his girlfriend, whose eyes were glued to the TV the second the documentary began.
"So Yolanda's the only one who knew about this alleged affair?" Y/n said to no one in particular. "Yeah fucking right. I hope Chris Perez never watches this."
Harry covered his hand with his mouth to hide his grin. His girlfriend had a knack for talking about people she didn't know as if they were good friends.
Taking a handful of popcorn out of the bowl, he kissed Y/n's cheek. "I don't imagine anyone close to Selena is watching this."
Huffing, Y/n slumped back against Harry's side, angrily chewing popcorn. "I hate her," she grumbled, and he knew she wasn't talking about Selena.
Playing with a strand of her hair, he turned his attention back to the TV. "I know."
"¿Un accidente? ¿Fue un accidente?" Y/n all but shouted at the screen. Her brows were narrowed in an adorable glare, nose slightly crinkled in anger. "Are you kidding me? You shot her! In the back! Twice!"
Harry debated whether to intervene or stay seated on the couch. His hand reached for the bowl of popcorn in the meantime, taking a handful as he watched his girlfriend shout at Yolanda Saldivar.
"Lovey, maybe we should turn it off," he ended up saying.
Her head whipped around, her glare landing on Harry, though he knew it wasn't aimed at him. "Why?"
Why? he thought. Because you hate Yolanda and I'm not sure my arm can take anymore angry punches.
"You seem a little...heated?"
Y/n's eyes blazed. "Of course I'm heated! This whole thing is bullshit!"
Harry knew his girlfriend was passionate, it was one of the things he loved about her. And one thing Y/n happened to be passionate about was Selena Quintanilla Perez.
"I know that, and you know that, so why are we watching this?"
Y/n had sent numerous messages about the documentary in question when word first got out that it would be released. Fiery texts about how ridiculous it was that someone so horrible was making a documentary after all these years, about how no one would ever be stupid enough to take Yolanda's side, and so on. Harry, of course, was inclined to agree, but he also thought Y/n was merely ranting about the trailer. He didn't think they'd be sitting down to watch it. Honestly, he thought his girlfriend wouldn't have given it the time of day.
"I—I don't know, but I can't just not finish it," Y/n said. "I'm watching in protest."
Swallowing a laugh, Harry pulled his girlfriend back onto the couch. "Okay, then, lovey. Then sit down and let's finish it."
"Oh come on, Yolanda," Harry groaned, his voice nearly reaching Y/n's frustrated levels. "If all this evidence has been sitting in some storage unit for all these years, why is it only coming out now?"
Y/n was practically bouncing in her seat on the couch as the woman in question spoke. She shook Harry's shoulder with her hands, but he was used to it by now. This was a normal occurrence for any movie night.
"That's my point!" Y/n said. "She's evil. She'll be hard pressed to find an unbiased jury when it's time for her parole."
"You think she'll really be let out on parole?"
Y/n shrugged, her eyes on the television. "She'd probably be safer in solitary."
"What? It's the truth!"
"¡Bruja! ¡Mentirosa! Who the fuck is buying this? You admitted! ¡Me cago en la reputísima madre que te parió la reconcha de tu—"
"Aaand that's where we'll stop," Harry said, turning the TV off with a definitive click of the remote.
"Wha—Why? It's almost done!"
Harry ignored Y/n's protests and took her into his arms, taking her away from the TV and the couch and the popcorn, which she'd begun to throw at the screen in outrage. As he took the stairs up to their room, Y/n turned to begging, promising she'd behave and stop throwing popcorn, but Harry was having none of it.
"This is for your own good, lovey," he said. "It's not healthy to be angry like that."
"Oh, so I'm being irrational?"
Harry merely rolled his eyes. "Now you know I didn't say that."
"Well...You're...Put me down! I need to finish!"
"Not tonight, lovey."
Harry set Y/n on the bed gently. She crossed her arms and glared at him, but it was half-assed, and not entirely directed at her and still at Public Enemy Number One.
She gave him the silent treatment as they got ready for bed, but Harry knew it wouldn't last. His girlfriend had a short fuse, but the emphasis was on short. Y/n didn't stay mad for very long, she never had as long as he knew her. Harry gave it until he got to the second chapter of his book and the silent treatment would come to an end.
It took the third, but Harry smiled a little as Y/n held hos cheek in her hand and kissed the other. "I'm not gonna apologize for being angry," she said.
"I wouldn't expect you to. I know how you feel about Yolanda Saldivar."
Y/n hummed. "But, I apologize for the popcorn. And the excessive profanity. And for bruising your shoulder."
Setting his book down, Harry looked at his girlfriend, nothing but affection—and perhaps mild amusement—in his gaze. "It's okay. I hardly felt a thing."
"Liar," Y/n giggled. "But thank you for putting up with...I don't know, me, I guess."
Harry took that as his opportunity to kiss her properly. Y/n squeaked in surprise, cradling his face gingerly as he slotted his lips over hers. Laying her down properly on the bed, he hovered over her, his hand running along her bare thigh and up past her night gown. Because Y/n was the kind of woman who wore little nightgowns before bed.
That was how Harry knew she wasn't totally mad at him. She wore one of her shorter, more revealing ones. She had a couple that went down to her calves that weren't expressly for when she was pissed at Harry, but he knew—though the joke was on her, he thought she looked just as sexy in those.
Y/n wrapped her legs around Harry's waist, her arms twining around his neck as he kissed the shell of her ear, the curve of her jaw. "It's not 'putting up with,' lovey," he murmured. "You should know that by now. If anyone puts up with anyone in this relationship it's you."
Leaning up on her elbows, Y/n made Harry look her in the eye. "So we're both a little crazy. That's nothing new."
Harry just grinned down at his girl, admiring the soft look in her eyes, the amused arch of her brow, her swollen lips, and chest that breathed heavily. Y/n might have had a short temper, she might throw popcorn at the TV when it made her mad, and she might curse and hit him when she felt particularly outraged, but she put up with all of his quirks with a smile too, loved him for every single one. Harry took up most of their shared closet space—which he had a weird thing about color coding—he had a tendency to talk in his sleep, he had to sit on the same side of the couch and made Y/n move if she was sitting on it (though now she knew better), he often scraped the bottom of the rice pot into the sink before Y/n could save her favorite crunchy parts which drove her nuts, and he had the unfortunate habit of leaving the cap off his toothpaste.
And there was the whole no-privacy thing because of his job, but that wasn't much of a quirk.
"I'm cool with it if you are."
Y/n smiled. "So you'll watch part two with me?"
"Hell no. But I will support you if you decide to scream at Yolanda and her fucked up family through the TV a second time."
"You're gonna regret that," Y/n said as she began to run her hands down Harry's broad shoulders. "Selena. Morning and night. Every minute of every day."
"That's...not a threat, lovey."
Y/n pouted. "Shit, you're right. I'll...only speak Spanish around you so you never know what I'm saying."
Harry's grin widened as he leaned down to kiss her collarbone. "I don't think you realize how sexy you sound, even when you're cross with me. Or your arch nemesis, for that matter."
"Well then I'll—"
"Face it, lovey. There's very little you could use to threaten me," he said, dragging the words over her neck. "Now let me love on you a bit before bed."
"What if I said no?" she asked, even though they both knew she wouldn't. Y/n just liked to be contrary for the sake of it.
"Well that would just be cruel to the both of us, wouldn't it?"
Finally relenting, Y/n slumped back against the bed, bringing Harry with her. She held the back of his head, her grip firm as she brought his lips to hers once more. Harry hummed triumphantly against her mouth, savoring the taste of her on his tongue. They eventually found themselves tangled together, Harry on his back while he hugged Y/n close to his chest. One hand was buried deep in her hair while the other kept a steady grip on her waist. He already knew each little sound she made, each reaction burned time and time again into his mind. But he collected each sigh, each graze of teeth like it was the first time, savoring it like this would be his only opportunity to ever kiss her.
Infatuated. He was infatuated with her. He loved when Y/n was loud and bright and opinionated, and he loved when she was shy and demure and unsure of herself. He loved the way she said his name when she was exasperated by something he did, and he was obsessed with the way she sometimes started speaking in another language without realizing it. He loved the way she loved him, so confidently, so tenderly—he loved that each devouring kiss seemed to say that she was just as infatuated as he was, that he wasn't alone in these intense feelings.
"Love you, bubba," Y/n murmured, the words getting tangled in their kiss.
"Love you," he replied.
It was all there really was to say.
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aizenat · 5 months
Watching this conversation/podcast of black millennials (and at least one black gen xer lol) talk about the drake v Kendrick beef (hilariously filmed before the release of family matter and subsequent songs) and something someone pointed out that, again, this shows how whites just don’t understand Black ppl, which is how Euphoria when it came out had a similar effect as Ether when that came out.
And the reason the guy is saying that is because he’s saying Nas said in Ether what the streets were already saying about Jay. So yes, it wasn’t anything “new,” it wasn’t tea or gossip or anything, but rather a collection of all the shit and problems ppl had with Jay thrown into a diss. And like all the annoying whites in the tags being like “didn’t we already know Drake was a dick” are missing the point!
Yes we do know he’s a piece of shit! I’ve been a day one hater: even before best I ever had, when I saw jimmy from degrassi not in a wheelchair but hanging around Wayne and them, and I was like “no way this nigga trynna be a rapper for real. Jimmy it was a plot point in the show to write you out, not something for you to do irl.” I’ve NEVER taken that fool seriously. And so as I saw how he moved, every misstep, every predatory and misogynistic statement, how he treats black culture and shit is literally issues I had with him since day motherfucking one.
And people still made that nigga famous!
Some ppl have a weird effect for reasons I don’t feel like going into where it doesn’t matter how shitty they are, they still have mass fans. Trump, Chris Brown, Tory Lanez, etc. So calling them out when they fuck up doesn’t do anything. Especially for these rap niggas.
And so when someone like Kendrick comes around and drops a diss track saying literally everything I’ve been feeling about Drake for 15 years, yes imma get hype on it. Yes, I’m going to gas it up and say true. It’s not getting the evidence together to present to a jury like whites think a diss track is: a diss track is the fucking indictment. It’s the jury saying “that nigga guilty” and the aftermath of the release isn’t to discuss if Drake is guilty but to say “now that we’ve determined he’s guilty, what should the punishment be?”
If you don’t understand that about hip hop/rap culture and diss tracks, then literally stfu about this situation. You literally have nothing of worth to add to the conversation and you obviously don’t hang around enough Black ppl in the fucking culture to speak on it. Period.
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daresplaining · 6 months
Hi, the question about MCU Matt’s sunglasses reminded me of something I’ve wondered about occasionally: is there an in universe reason for why comics Matt wears sunglasses?
In-universe, this topic has never been explored in-depth, though there are many hints and it is easy to speculate. (The out-of-universe reasoning, of course, is that dark glasses are a common shorthand for indicating that a character is blind, even though many visually impaired people in real life don't wear them. Often, those who do do so because their eyes are sensitive to light.)
In Daredevil volume 4 #14, when Matt fully embraces his public identity and also decides to stop wearing his glasses, he indirectly refers to them as a mask.
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Matt: "I disguise myself mostly out of force of habit, Wendell. And now that you mention it...I'm tired of masks." Daredevil vol. 4 #14 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, Matthew Wilson, and Joe Caramagna
This suggests that he uses them to shield a part of himself. Just as his Daredevil mask hides his identity, his dark glasses hide something that he doesn't necessarily want other people to see. The intensity of the accident that took his sight would suggest that his eyes would look quite damaged, and most Daredevil artists at least provide an indication of cataracts. Hiding his eyes could be a decision based in self-consciousness-- that Matt thinks the sight of them will make people uncomfortable. It could also be a part of trying to assert control in his life by being very intentional about how the rest of the world sees him. As a lawyer, visual presentation is important, and Matt is very good at putting up a front; he wears nice suits, he is clean-shaven, and his hair is neat. And he wears dark glasses so juries and clients can't see a messier, more "flawed" (if you will) part of himself. Matt is also someone who lives immersed in half-truths and has been hiding parts of himself his entire life. He isn't someone naturally inclined to bare his whole self to the world at any given time, and in that context, using the "mask" of dark glasses to hide a very vulnerable part of himself feels like a very natural strand within that web of secret-keeping.
My feeling is that it's a little bit of all of this.
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