#chocoholic fics
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chocoholicannanymous · 2 months ago
Limited (Glee) Gravitation 'verse pt 3
This is a follow-up to "Close My Eyes and Leap" and "Take a Message Back from Me" taking place a couple of weeks after those two.
“Did Blaine get hold of you yesterday?” Kurt froze up a bit, because first of all, his ex wasn't exactly Kurt's favorite topic on conversation, and second, that tone of voice from Rachel? Rarely meant anything good for him.
“No, I haven't spoken to him since he called and whined about me not coming to the wedding.”
Thankfully, because Kurt might have agreed in a weak moment to keep communications up, but talking with his ex – or being talked at, more often – wasn't something Kurt enjoyed that much. In fact, he'd been pulling back as much as he could while still coming off as friendly. (The last thing Kurt wanted to do was encourage Blaine's barely hidden delusions about getting back together.)
Of course, if Blaine was going to try and get around that by having Rachel play messenger – and if Rachel was stupid enough to let him – well. Maybe it was time to stop playing friendly too.
“Why, did something happen?” Please, please, let it be nothing more than the usual whining.
“Not exactly, but he's thinking about coming up the weekend after next to look at his apartment – you know, get a feel for the place, get his bearings. So I thought we should get a couple of people from NYADA together, go for dinner, take him to Callbacks, you know. Make sure he feels welcome – that he knows he won't be lonely and left out in the fall.”
Like I did went unsaid, but Kurt still knew that that was what Rachel meant. He scowled, not liking the assumption that of course Blaine would be there in the fall, that of course he'd get accepted to NYADA without issue. (Unlike Kurt, which also was unsaid but loud and clear.)
And okay, maybe he was being petty, but spending an evening making nice with Blaine, making sure he got a nice, smooth transition to New York – taking advantage of the hard work Kurt and Rachel had put in – was not exactly on the list of Kurt's favorite things to do. (Or any of Kurt's lits, to be honest.) He preferred spending his rare weekends off with Adam, in private, doing more exciting things than going to Callbacks.
Only that was obviously not going to be an option – Rachel Berry wasn't one to accept “no” after all.
“Okay, I guess we could do that. Not sure how much time I'll have to see Blaine though, between school and work and vogue, but I know I have that Saturday free. I'll make sure to keep it that way.” And ask a few of the Apples to come along, to make sure he'd have some sane people to talk to. Rachel was his friend, yes, but the crowd she ran with at NYADA made Kurt's skin crawl. Being stuck having only them and Blaine to talk to for an entire evening?
No thanks. The mental images accompanying that reminded Kurt of a trapped animal trying to chew its leg off.
He'd ask Adam to come as well, of course, but... Well. The Brit worked as hard as Kurt, but he also had every reason not to want to spend an evening with not only Rachel and her “friends” but Kurt's ex as well.
“...so Sophie from my voice class is letting us borrow a cot, and I thought we could put it in your part of the loft, keep him and Santana from killing each other.” Wait, what?
“What? Rachel, don't tell me you told Blaine he could stay here!”
“No, I didn't.” Thank god. “I wanted to make sure I could get an extra bed first.”
Oh, hell no.
“I'm sorry you went through that effort for nothing, Rachel, but Blaine is not staying here.”
“What? You can't forbid me to have friends stay here, Kurt! This is my home as well!”
“Yeah, it is. And that's why I haven't had Finn come stay here like, half a dozen times already. Because it is your home as well as mine, and I thought having your ex-fiancé staying here would make you feel uncomfortable. Now, if I'm wrong about that, then great, I'll let Finn know he can come visit any time.
“But that doesn't change anything about this situation. Blaine can afford a hotel for the weekend, you know he can, and so there's no reason for me to suffer. That's it.
“Or well, I guess you can insist on having Blaine stay here, but then you will be paying for me to stay elsewhere. And just so you know, that won't get you out of hauling that cot all over town, because there's no way he's sleeping in my bed. Also, you're responsible for keeping him away from my belongings – he doesn't touch a single thing.”
“But Kurt...”
Rachel was pulling out all the stops, making herself look as much as a kicked puppy as she could. Normally that'd make him fold – had, too many times to count – but not this time. Not when it came to this.
“No. I realize that's not a word you're that familiar with, but I don't care. I am not comfortable with having my cheating ex-boyfriend staying in my home, and if you really are my friend then you need to respect that. So, what's it going to be? Me or Blaine?”
Rachel backed down a lot quicker than Kurt had expected after that, though maybe she picked up on the fact that he really was serious when it came to his ultimatum. She didn't back down gracefully however, and it was obvious things would be tense at the loft for a while as a result.
And that was... Well, Kurt was used to it, after all. Rachel made things difficult more often than he cared to think about, for reasons both serious and silly, and for the most part Kurt had learned to navigate around it.
He was not, however, willing to navigate around Blaine. Not any longer.
For years Kurt had given in to whatever Rachel, and Blaine, wanted from him. There had been no limits for what he'd allowed them to get away with. Things were different now though. For the first time in his life Kurt had developed limits, some hard ones even, regarding not only what he'd do for others but also what he would allow them to do to him.
Adam had helped him do that – as had Blaine too in a way, seeing as he was the cause for more than one of Kurt's new hard limits.
In the end though it didn't come down to Blaine, or to Adam for that matter. It came down to Kurt, and what was best for him. And for the time being? That was living with limits.
~The End ~
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sprite-and-the-bunnydragons · 3 months ago
I did indeed send you the wrong thing, very sorry, many apologies, my condolences, you did not in fact put your wip as the hunger games one, that was someone else.
why don't you tell me about your Never Give A Hero Sugar story instead?
again I'm very sorry, ignore like, the last two asks I sent
no worries! happens to everyone
I got asked about the same fic from @readingismyhobby24, so I’ll just answer them both here if you two don’t mind!
the fic is the backstory to rules 18-19 of The Chain’s Rulebook. Warriors decides to treat his brothers and let them each pick out a dessert. He did not, unfortunately, plan on:
-Wind never having actual sugar or ice cream before in his life
-Wild single-handedly creating the term “Brother Tax”
-Four being too small to hold his sugar well
-Time never growing out of his gremlin stage
if you (or anyone else who sees this!) have suggestions for what the boys should order, I’d love to hear them! I know these for sure:
Wind: biggest ice cream sundae you’ve ever seen
Legend: apple pie
Sky: pavlova (a merengue shell filled with fruit and cream, looks like a fluffy cloud!)
Warriors: chocolate. Whatever is the chocolatiest thing in the case. He SCREAMS chocoholic to me
Twilight: something with pumpkin?
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themoonandstarsss · 3 months ago
My Marauders Opinions
i have no idea if these are unpopular but they're mine so please don't hate <3
I ship romantic moonwater. I'm a multi-shipper and will support anything with enough evidence (within reason) and i ship romantic moonwater and I am not ashamed.
I don't think Sirius is at fault for running away, and i automatically click off a fic if it is portrayed in that way (except for if it's reggie's POV bc hes obvs gonna be an unreliable narrator in that respect.
I don't believe Pandora was ever a seer, I think Sybill was but bc of her personality people didn't believe her.
Pandora was a wizz at potions but she didn't participate because "then it won't be as easy to blame my dormmates for weird smells"
James was quite mean sometimes without realising it but when he did he IMMEDIATELY apologised !
I don't think remus was a chocoholic i think he just carried it around cos it seemed to make everyone happy when he gave them chocolate when they were feeling down
Dorcas was deaf/hard-of-hearing
Remus had a good relationship with both his father and mother, but he struggled to talk to his mother about lyancrothropy because she was genuinely scared of him around the full moon because she read the wizarding worlds books on werewolves. (don't blame her shes a muggle guys)
Walburga wasn't physically abusive, orion was (ill write more about this if people want cos i've got a whole rant about my thoughts on this.)
Barty was a ravenclaw, but an honorary slytherin due to the amount of time he was there (him stealing one of reggie's ties in 1st year may have a part to play)
I think the Black sister's relationship is more interesting than the black brother's mainly because i barely ever see it explored
Sirius was not a bad brother. Regulus was. (that's all im going to say on this cos i don't wanna get hated on)
I love Regulus Black with all my heart but he had loads of flaws that are never explored
Trans Regulus !
Sirius Black who wore feminine clothing and wore makeup but was sure in his position as a man
James Potter with a Quidditch Player body from 3rd year onward but before that he was slightly chubby from being spoilt by effie's food.
Sirius was not at fault for running away from an abusive home. Regulus was not at fault for staying in one. Trauma acts in different ways.
I think the fandom can be incredibly toxic at times, but I also think that it is much easier to just block the people you don't want to interact with
I don't like genderbending fics on the basis that the ones I've read always make wolfstar straight ( if you have any good recommendations send them to me!)
I think Remus& Peter were really good friends throughout Hogwarts and they never argued or had any spats even as they found new friends cos they both knew they liked each other
I don't want the Harry Potter reboort to happen for two reasons , 1. I don't want the actors to get hated on because theyre "not as good as the original" or taking part in the reboot because of the authors beliefs. 2. I don't support jkr's views and don't want to endorse a transphobic woman.
I don't like the oversexualisation of Mary at all(though i know most don't)
Hating on fics on public platfroms is not cool. it's okay to do it with your friends or in your thoughts but never somewhere where the other may see
That's all for now !!
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deathnotefics · 2 months ago
Hi there ! I found this blog while I was searching for an old lawlight fic. I was hoping you could help me find it. I don't remember it's name or the author or the platform honestly (sorry).
The story is l x light canon divergent au. Where l and light are a couple and they go to wammys place. Idk if kira exists in this verse. The kids are first jealous of light for below close he is to l (and feels he would be a distraction to l) and pranks him with a hair dye shampoo on the first day. Light is supposed to teach them but they keep disobeying so much. They warm up to light anyway at the end.
I remember a scene where mello has a limit on choclate so light offers him carob which is a chocolate alternative. And a scene where everyone falls ill except for Matt cause he had some experiments done on him as a kid that made him immune to diseases.
L and light have a huge fight where light leaves for Japan and l gets too moody and low. The kids understand how important light is for l and behaves after this. L goes to Japan and they later reconcile and come back to wammys.
The last arc had some scuffle where beyond birthday attacks the orphanage and light protects mello.
If you could help me find this that would be amazing. Thank you so much ! 🥹
sorry i'm extremely late on this (and all the other asks... i will try to catch up lol)
might it be Welcome to the Family by @reaperlight?
"He gets weird without his chocolate." Matt made his presence known with an exasperated sigh. "I see your deductive skills need work…" Light chided, once again getting Mello's attention. "Or at least your taste buds. It's not chocolate. It's carob." Light was met with a blank look. "Come on, a genius and a chocoholic like you? Don't tell me you've never had carob?" "What the fuck is carob?" Light simply smiled and explained. "It looks like chocolate, it tastes like chocolate. But it isn't chocolate."
let me know if not and i will look again :)
for future reference, here is the search string i put into google to find this. the carob was a great unique detail to remember!
"death note" "carob" site:archiveofourown.* OR site:tumblr.* OR site:deviantart.* OR site:wattpad.* OR site:web.archive.*
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tansyuduri · 11 months ago
7 and 8
favorite modern merlin headcanon? In my fics he is SUPER RICH. Like this boi has been investing in banks since they were invented and can predict the stock market. He uses a lot of that money to help people (Dunwanna give too many details yet) and basically single handedly funds everything once they go back to camalot castle. Like He is Rolling in money and was collecting it because when Albions time of need came who knew what would be needed. Favorite modern Arthur headcanon?
This man is a chocoholic. Also loves phones. He is also VERY excited about the existence of HEMA.
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sunofmoon · 2 years ago
tagged by the lovelies: @mebiselfandi @neysdoll @lioneymessilva & @seedlessmuffins 🤍 ty for tagging me <333 🤍🫶🏽 (as always i'm very late for the games 😳🫣)
currently reading: i'm in a terrible, horrible, hellish literary hangover that won't let me go (maybe it was the amount of psychology books i read for my course that finally burned out my brain), but it's not totally affecting my ability bc i'm reading two neymessi fics and one of them is by my love aka val <3
favourite colour: black (or black & white), purple and navy blue are my favorite colors but in general dark colors attract me more
last song: o leãozinho by caetano veloso 🫶🏽 this song brings me good feelings besides reminding me of leo so it's only fair that I listen to it on his day ✨️
last movie: knives out! it is amazing how every time i see ana de armas i feel like marrying her
sweet/spicy/savoury: although i like salty foods the answer to this question is sweet! i'm a chocoholic and completely addicted to ice cream 🍦want to see me happy? buy me an ice cream! want to win my heart? give me an ice cream! besides that i'm in love with ice cream pies *sigh*
currently working on: i took a week's vacation from my job so i used this time to rest but i have to finish a course in hospital psychology, start learning spanish which is something i rlly want to do and also learn how to use pottery! these are the projects i want to get involved in ✌🏼
i'm tagging @cynicesthetic9 @footballfangworl @liomels @odenelli & @aastraeus ignore this if you don't want to do it or if you've already done it!!!!
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makialene · 2 years ago
Public announcement:
@an-anxious-chocoholic writes their fics in fucking comic sans like a goddamn psychopath
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claireinsorcia · 14 days ago
People I'd like to know better meme!
Thanks for the tag @parkouringrabbit
Last song: I'll Be by Edwin McCain
Because I was making Bladeweave into a playlist
Last book: We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer
Very spooky, if you liked House of Leaves, you'd like it
Last movie: Don't judge but... Hot Frosty?
I wanted to see what the fuss was about and we had just gotten Netflix, it was Christmas time. I wanted romance movies. It was actually *good*, okay?
Anyway, I watch more shows than movies sometimes so it's been a while.
Last show: Bob's burgers. I'm rewatching parts because I didn't finish and I wanted comfort, something I'd seen.
Last thing I searched: Flower meanings for a flower shop AU lol. And love songs for bladeweave on another fic 
Favorite color: Green. Any green, though I'm partial to lime or forest colors. It's everywhere. I get to see my favorite color all the time. 
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Uh imma say sweet. I got a heck of a sweet tooth for *chocolate* (spongebob meme here). I'm a chocoholic. Though I enjoy savory and light spice too.
Relationship status: Married for eight years. Though we're both poly, so I have a girlfriend of two years as well. 
Looking forward to: Okami 2. I'm a big nerd for Okami. Though I'm looking forward to another book by the same guy who did House of Leaves too XD
Current Obsession: Baldur's Gate 3
 I can't get enough, I keep making new decisions each playthru lol. And I also am crazy about Bloodweave haha. They're my boys 💕 
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incorrectrawhidequotes · 4 years ago
Rowdy; "Will you marry me?"
Gil; "Is that a ring pop?"
Rowdy; "Is that a no?"
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gryfon-spanish-werewolf · 5 years ago
Stealth and Sweets
My bigger projects have felt kind of heavy lately, so here’s a little story my brother and I cooked up that’s just for fun. Everyone likes chocolate right? And if you don’t like chocolate well... Elsa shenanigans are good too.
ao3 I ff.net
After another long but exciting day in Arendelle, Anna walks the halls of her home, winding down for the evening. Kristoff has already gone to sleep, not so stealthily sneaking out to the stables to room with Sven. He would probably never get truly comfortable living indoors, and Anna was okay with that. Sometimes a good snuggle pile was what everyone needed.
For her part she’d probably never stop moving, always one step in front of the other. It’s just nice to roam, without needing to be anywhere. This way she gets to say goodnight to the paintings too, a habit she hasn’t wanted to break.
She’s about to go to bed when something catches her eye. A light in the hallway. A light that definitely wasn't there before. Strangest of all is that it’s coming from under the door to her office.
“This would be a terrible time to tell me you’ve been haunting the castle,” she mutters to the portrait of her parents as she passed, hands bunching up her skirts. Equally possible was that a servant had lit a fire in the room thinking she’d be up late working, and that was something she couldn’t ignore. Freezing to death had been one thing, burning to death was another. Not that she was keeping a list.
But when she arrives it wasn’t a fire burning toasty in the fireplace that greets her but the flame from a small oil lamp, set on top of her writing desk.
That’s… even more strange, especially because the flame is purple and casts the room in an odd light.
Then her eyes pop and her jaw drops and she has to believe she’s already gone to bed and is dreaming because there was absolutely no mistaking the fact that Elsa was in this room.
Actually that was generous. Elsa was definitely in the room, but what that really meant was that Elsa was currently on her hands and knees under the desk, talking to herself.
Anna can’t help herself, she just blurts it out. “Elsa!?”
“Huh?” Thunk. “Owwwww…”
Anna rushes forward, apologies already on her lips. Elsa rubs the back of her head, wincing. “Elsa are you okay? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you but I mean, you are under my desk, well, your desk, well actually Mama and Papa’s desk and-- you know what nevermind, how’s your head?”
“It’s fine Anna, thank you.” Elsa smiles, pulling her hand away gingerly, “Though I’ll probably have a lump tomorrow.”
The obvious question is, “Why are you here?”, followed closely by, “How did you get in here without letting anyone know?” Anna asks the second question first.
“Oh,” Elsa has the gall to look a little sheepish, sending Anna’s brain into a bit of a tailspin, which makes what Elsa says afterwards borderline incomprehensible. “I froze the latch to the window after I asked Gale to carry me up. I rode Nokk around the back of the castle because I didn’t want anyone to worry about why I’d come in the middle of the night, and of course, hooves made of water don’t make that much noise. And Bruni well, Bruni just wanted to come along, but he was helpful once I found the lamp.”
As if on cue, the little fire spirit squeaks from where he’s been hiding in the bookshelves and leaps out, landing on Elsa’s head.
Anna blinks, looking between her sister and Bruni, then the large window on the far wall whose latch was indeed frozen and would need to be replaced. “That’s… Okay I’m a little mad about the window but otherwise that’s actually super cool and I'm kind of jealous. You’re just like those adventure stories we used to play as kids!” Then her expression turns serious. “Hang on, I’m not going to find an Earth Giant pretending to be a mountain-sized statue in the courtyard am I?”
Elsa pales. “Why? Did you see them?”
“Please, please tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m joking.” But Elsa didn’t really meet Anna’s eye and started stroking Bruni’s belly instead.
“Elsa,” Anna steps forward, cupping her hands beneath her sister's. Bruni rolls into her hands, making happy noises. “You know you don’t need a whole action scene montage to get into your own home. You live here.”
So they’re back to the obvious question.
Elsa bites her lip. She still won’t look Anna in the eye but it’s for a different reason this time. Anna tacks worry on top of curiosity. “Did something happen?”
“No, nothing happened,” Elsa says, shaking her head, and Anna can tell she’s being truthful. “The Northuldra are amazing people. They’re doing thirty years worth of damage control and many are like me, awed and giddy and learning. Yelena is patient and kind, if curt, but being steeped in the heritage we never knew we had is… amazing.” A light had kindled in Elsa’s eye as she spoke but now she falters. “But it’s not home.”
Anna thinks she hears the “yet” at the end of that sentence but she doesn’t like the feeling it dredges up so she keeps it down. Though, Elsa didn’t say “yet”, so maybe that counts for something too.
“Well, you’re always welcome here Elsa, even unannounced,” Anna grins. “Especially unannounced. Just, don’t go though anymore windows or my hair is going to start looking like yours.”
They stand in companionable silence for a few moments before Elsa sighs. “Actually, the reason I came back is pretty simple.” Anna tilts her head, perplexed. Bruni, who had crawled up her shoulder, zips down her arm and onto the wood top of the desk, just as curious. Elsa crouches down to fumble under the desk again. Anna hears the click of a latch and a panel opens up that she never knew about before. Elsa stands back up and plops a small, worn box on the desk that Bruni immediately investigates. But Anna has to take a step back because--
“The Northuldra... have many wonderful desserts,” Elsa confessed as Anna starts laughing, doubled over with hands clutched over her stomach. “But they don’t have chocolate. And I really miss chocolate.”
Anna gulps down air as she tries to speak. “So that’s why… that’s why I could always smell chocolate when I was working! I thought I’d spilled something at some point.”
Elsa fails to hide a smile behind her hand. “Well it’s a secret stash for a reason.”
“But we don’t keep secrets anymore.” Anna wipes tears from her eyes, a mischievous smile unfurling.
“And if you steal any,” Elsa warns, “I’m going to have Gale drop all of your notes into the fjord when you’re not looking.”
“You wouldn’t.”
Elsa opens her mouth in retort, but it falls into a tight smile. “You’re right, I’d miss getting them.”
Anna’s expression softened. She eased the box open, retrieving two pieces and handed one to Elsa. She chips a chunk off for Bruni, who licks his eyeball before and after trying a bite. “Then how about we share. I’ll make sure it’s always stocked with your favorites and you’ll have to stash some fun Northduldra treats in return.”
Elsa taps her chin pensively. “You strike a hard bargain Queen Anna, but I find the terms of this arrangement agreeable.”
Anna pops her chocolate into her mouth. “All in a day’s work. Now,” she pushes Elsa towards the door. “Say goodnight to the spirits; it’s late and some of us have to get up early tomorrow.”
Elsa says her goodbyes through a mouthful of her own chocolate piece and lets Anna lead her down the hallway. She says something about knowing where to go and Anna tosses an ‘If-you’re-gonna-act-like-a-guest-I’m-going-to-escort-you-like-one’ look over her shoulder. Elsa just smiles and threads her fingers through Anna’s. 
On their way Anna jerks to a stop, staring out the window. Then she carries on, ignoring Elsa’s questioning look to the back of her head.
There was an enormous, suspicious looking rock sculpture on the far side of the fjord, but she really doesn’t want to deal with it right now.
Instead she just says, “Please don’t ever sneak into the castle again.”
Elsa seems to know exactly what she was talking about, and sounds appropriately chastised.
“I’ve... definitely had better ideas.”
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chocoholicannanymous · 1 month ago
Evil Author Day 2025
For information on Evil Author Day see Jilly James.
Basically, posting part of unfinished stories with no guarantee whatsoever that anything else will be written for it, ever.
It's an open secret in Lima that Kurt Hummel works at his dad's garage, and that he does more than sweep the floors. It really shouldn't be any kind of secret, seeing as Burt Hummel makes no effort to hide neither his son's mechanical skills nor his own pride in them. Same goes for the employees, who've done a fair bit of Kurt's training. Not even Kurt tries to hide it. It's honest work, and even though it's not something he wants to do for the rest of his life he's good at it, and it's a tangible connection to his dad.
What it comes down to is the so-called “good” people of Lima mostly residing in that space between not wanting to have a “homosexual” working on their cars, but not being quite homophobic enough to risk their cars – and their safety – by going to the only other garage in Lima. “Straight-talkin' Joe” might not be gay, but he's also not a very good mechanic.
So, open secret.
Thus Kurt isn't surprised to find that Mr Berry knows to look for him there on a weekend. Surprised that Mr Berry is looking for him, yes, but not that he knows where. The Berrys, after all, have no reason to risk their cars and their lives by going to an inferior but straight mechanic – not that they'd be welcome there.
Just, he can't see any reason for Mr Berry to come looking for Kurt, unless of course Rachel's gone off the rails again. Still, Kurt's got manners so he leads the man to their tiny office and waits for him to talk. Mr Berry takes his time, and by the time he starts talking Kurt's almost ready to scream from the increasing tension.
“Right. There's really not an easy way to start this conversation, so I'm not even going to try. The owner of Scandals and most of the staff are friends of us.”
Kurt blanches. If this talk is going where he thinks it is... Well. Shit.
“They are aware that not everyone who come there is old enough, and that even those who are sometimes use fake IDs. After all, we all know what Ohio is like, right? And because of exactly that they will let them in anyways, at least some of them.
“This morning I got a call from one of the bartenders, telling me that you were there with a couple of other boys. They recognized you because of your dad,” and Kurt knows he just went from pale to looking like a corpse, because oh god, his dad's campaign!, “and they knew you are friends with Rachel.
“Now, I'm not here to lecture you about sneaking into bars, or about risking your dad's campaign – because you know all of that as well as I do, if you think about it. I will say that my friend promised no one would hear about your visit from them, so you can calm down. However... They were keeping an eye on you, as they try to do with everyone underage, and that's why I'm here.
“Your boyfriend – at least I think it was him? Yes? – got drunk enough that my friend was worried. When you left they checked to make sure he wasn't driving, and well...”
Kurt's knees give out, even with him sitting down. Someone saw. They know, and they told Mr Berry, and he knows, and...
“Kurt! Please, calm down. Please.”
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amywritesthings · 2 years ago
I promise, more Kino is on the horizon! Thank you so very much for the reblog <3
ownership of mine.
Tumblr media
Pairing: Kino Loy x Reader (ANDOR)
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: The Empire has settled on a new experiment involving prison integration, with you as a test subject as one of the few women in Narkina 5. In a surprise turn of events, the manager of the unit takes you under his wing – but for reasons you didn’t anticipate.
Warnings: Rated M – Prison, Implied Power Imbalance, Age Difference, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Mentions of Violence/Death (please note: because this is a prison, there is a fear of assault but no assault happens)
A/N: As is the Amy way, I wrote this in about four hours. Kino Loy is so goddamn fine. This could become a 2 or 3 parter, should people be interested.
( Read on AO3 )
Keep reading
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years ago
Sal Fisher 💌🔪[Yandere, AUs and xOCs]
Sal X yandere!y/n
A sex demon has taken a liking to Sal... Kidnapping Sally Listening to Sal have some 'me time' through the wall Sally teaching [y/n] to play guitar (not knowing they didn't actually intend to learn it) Some stuff to do while Stalking Sally Yandere!Darling kidnapping Sal (and he doesn't exactly mind) Yan!Darling pulling a 'The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun' for Sally Yan!y/n killing Ash to be with Sal Yan!Y/N and exchange student!Sally Yandere Sal x reader (#Love Sick Sally) Having a bath with (Lovesick)househusband!Sal Jock!Darling finding Yan!Cheerleader!Sallys secret picture of them Knitting Love-Sick Sally a sweater Laundry Day (A full-length collaborative fic with @apartment-403) Love-Sick Sally and Yan! Kewk comforting you after a breakup (with sketch) Love-Sick Sally being like a big brother to his darling (at least at first) Love-Sick Sally catches you in a Helga Pataki-esque monologue about him Love-Sick Sally comforts his darling when they're feeling bad about themselves (with sketch) Love-Sick Sally fantasizing about his darling, y/n (with sketch) Love-Sick Sally getting Broken Up With Love-Sick Sally listening to his darling through the wall Love-sick Sallys Neighbor being a willing Darling Love-Sick Sally with a Nurse Darling ✨NEW✨ Sals kinks Sal as your Yandere Best Friend (forever and ever) Some general NSFW(ish) headcanons for Love-Sick Sally The gang helping Love-Sick Sally control himself around his darling Yan!Cheerleader!Sal and his Jock!Darling Yan!Darling getting yan!Sally alone Yan!Sal as his darlings channel moderator Yan!Sal and his chocoholic darling Yan!Sal and his DTF darling Yan!Sal and his S/Os arranged marriage Yan!Sal and his soulmate darling Yan!Sal and his soulmate can't (and don't) wait until they get home Yan!Sal letting his darling use his shower- Yan!Sal in the workplace Yan!Sal Snapping (with sketch) Yan!Sals soulmate dating Larry instead Yan!Sals soulmate makes the first move Yan!Sals soulmate makes the first move (spice addition) Yan!Sal with a Sugar Mommy Yan!Sal working at his darlings favorite coffee shop Yandere Sal and his darling sleeptalking Yandere Sal taking care of his sick s/o
AUs and X OCs
All about demon!Sal About Demon Sals tail and spit Demon Sal and his forcibly-baptized master Demon Sal and his masters cat Demon Sal and his reincarnated darling Demon Sal and his s/o getting into a teasing contest Demon Sal and physical affection Demon Sal being summoned by a nun Demon Sal being yandere for his master Demon Sal finding out that his s/o is now immortal Demon Sal following his master to class Demon Sal getting his shy s/o to dom him Demon Sal spending quarantine with his darling (with sketch) Demon Sal teasing his s/o with his tail in public Demon Sal with an aging s/o Demon Sal with a master whos in an unsatisfying relationship Demon!Sal with a master who likes camping Demon Sal with a master whos upset about their own mortality Demon Sals mask gets knocked off Demon Sals master needs a moment to themselves Demon Sals personality before and after he was cast out Demon Sal with a master who teases him Demon Sal with a darling who returned his feelings Demon Sals s/o in demon-themed lingere Has demon Sal truly loved a human? Is Demon Sal yandere? Small!Demon!Sal sucking off his AFAB transmasc master What does Demon Sally think of modern inventions? When Demon Sallys master dies ~Misc. Bunny!Sally Headcanons IceBreath!Sal Sal and his Psychic Eldritch Monster s/o (OC Bliss) Sal and his Psychic Eldritch Monster s/o: Can the monster take a human form? (OC Bliss) Sex with Mer!Sal Some Mer!Sal NSFW HCs Some More Mer!Sal NSFW HCs Werewolf Sal teaching his s/o how to howl
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harlequin-hangout · 2 years ago
Holy shit, guys, thank you so much!! I woke up to this! This is the most notifications I’ve ever got at once 😭😭
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To celebrate, (plus the fact that it’s 35°F in Florida and I’m HAPPY), asks are open and in the hands of Mob!Bucky and Dom!Loki! Jotun! Loki too, but you may have to ask him nicely 🥶❄️ They’ll have control until 8:30 EST Monday morning. Thank you so much again, and Happy Asking!
Also, let me know if you want on the tag list for either of me works, or just a general character tag list!!
For a Mortal Tag List: @vbecker10 @sititran @lokixryss @vickie5446
The Winter Storm Tag List: @vbecker10 @caritobbg @the-chocoholic-writer @waywardcrow @aestheticanimegirl15 @prettylittlepluviophile
All Fics Taglist: @vbecker10 @thomase1
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lunapwrites · 3 years ago
for him for fic bingo please!!
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So! for him. was written for last year's Remus Lupin Fest, and specifically what happened is that I saw the prompt and went !!!!YES. I had also never written for a fest before that point, so it was me trying to see if I could manage it. The prompt was Harry having a bi crisis and going to Professor Lupin for advice about it, and the two of them have a Bonding Moment. I had several scenes and concepts in mind specifically as I wrote it:
1) The Marauders being brilliant but also idiots. This included scream-singing sea shanties in the Great Hall and Remus getting a noodle stuck up his nose and needing to have it removed (embarrassingly) by Madam Pomfrey. - This is directly inspired by a real friend of mine who had to go to the ER to get a ramen noodle removed from their sinus cavity. Basically, include realistic teenage hijinks.
2) Reject Popular Remus Fanon. He hates chocolate (or at least some chocolate -- basically, just ISN'T a chocoholic.) He's not bookish. He's quietly mean to Snape and doesn't take insults sitting down. He finds ways around Dumbledore's rules to cultivate some sort of relationship with Harry. (Real talk, though, that little chat with Snape was probably one of my favorite interactions between the two of them that I have ever written. Was it necessary for the fic? No. But it was necessary for my soul.)
3) No pre-existing Wolfstar, which was part of the prompt but also a challenge to myself, and I think I pulled the decades-long pining off well lol.
4) Whoever Harry had a crush on couldn't be Cedric, nor could it be Draco. It had to be specifically someone he was already close to in order to maximize the relatable content for Remus. Which was a tough choice because honestly I like him with both of the options I had there lol.
Aaaaaand then I procrastinated until the last week of the fest and wrote about 75% of it in a screaming panic, but it still worked out lmao.
Thanks for the ask!! <3
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ao3feed--symbrock · 3 years ago
by Radioabsurd
"When all four of them had gotten together (finally), it was silently agreed that their relationship was theirs and nobody else's."
     That was before they had their kids, before they found them and took them in.
  They can’t hide their kids and, besides Anne and Dan being in love, besides them getting married, that’s what today is about.
  He leans forward and kisses Anne on the forehead, gives her a smile.
  “You’re going to explode, huh?”
  Anne glares, but her grimace is gone, turning into a smile.
  “I’m not losing $50 to Venom.”
  Venom slithers up his shoulder, poking a mini version of his head out to stretch his mouth into a grotesque smile at Anne."
  or: dan & anne get married, but it's really just about the chaos of being around family + the symbiote kids + venom winning money to get his chocolate.
Words: 2508, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Venom (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Eddie Brock, Venom Symbiote (Marvel), Dan Lewis (Venom 2018), Anne Weying, Toxin Symbiote (Marvel), Riot Symbiote (Marvel), Phage Symbiote (Marvel), Lasher Symbiote (Marvel), Mania Symbiote (Marvel), Agony Symbiote (Marvel), Carnage Symbiote (Marvel), Scream Symbiote (Marvel)
Relationships: Eddie Brock & Dan Lewis & Anne Weying & Venom Symbiote, Eddie Brock/Dan Lewis/Venom Symbiote/Anne Weying, Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, Dan Lewis/Anne Weying
Additional Tags: Weddings, Rewrite, Dan Lewis is a Nice Thing, Minor Dan Lewis/Anne Weying, Minor Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, Black Character(s), carnage is implied to be african american based on their hair, Nonbinary Character, Makeup, sorry i have no clue how to tag this, dan & anne get married and eddie/ven & the symbiote kids are there, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, its a throw-away line for mania, Riot - Freeform, and agony, uhhh but this is a rewrite of a terrible not!fic i wrote a couple years ago, Oh, Polyamory, ALSO WHY ARE THERE NO TAGS FOR DAN LEWIS AND ANNE WEYING WE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF OURSELVES, Anyways, pls read ty :) smileys., no beta we die like anne's mom if she doesn't stop, talking trash about venom ot4's kids, scream is implied to be african american based on her hair, lasher is implied to be asian american based on facial features, yes most of the symbiote kids are poc sorry not sorry, nice dan lewis is nice, venom is a chocoholic, This Is STUPID, casual mentioks of cannabilism lmaoo, casual mentions of sexual, punishments??, lol eddie remnants on getting spanked for his mouth, as he should, dan lewis is daddy purrrr, anne is mommy as she should be, and eddie is papa thanks, im not taking any questions, kids being kids, im looking at you, Lasher - Freeform, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, boys in makeup we stan, possessive dan lewis is nice and possessive, lowkey background venom im sorry baby :(, tags are incohersnt SCREECHING RN, Crying, characters yeah, but also me, competent anne weying, Tags Contain Spoilers, how three white adults got mostly poc children is beyond me, anywhos, thats on #projection, Polyamorous Character, Minor Injuries, Future Fic
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