#chloe sullivan.
jetslay · 1 month
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Smallville posters by Mickaël Journou.
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vangreunen-art · 11 months
Chloe Frazer🤍
4 hour painting
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justalovelyblackgf · 2 months
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me watching smallville on my ipad instead of my tv because my down (AND DELULU) horrendous ass needs to have tom welling’s face up against mine.
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taylorshope · 7 months
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lexkent · 1 year
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SMALLVILLE | 1.16 – “Stray“  
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wowthatsextra · 16 days
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Early seasons smallville makes me so emotional 😭 love how it was established that the status quo was shaken when Lana and Lex became best friends with Clark, Pete and Chloe. In the pilot they were so worried that they'd end up as losers in high school, not knowing that soon enough they were gonna be hanging out with Little Miss Popular and the Weird Billionaire at the local cafe and the crater lake 🤍
I love everything about this. The fact that they went through the trouble to print out actual yearbooks for the show. Lana's little scribbled note ❤️ Clark's "the two LL's" (he is aware of his L.L. phenomenon guys). A billionaire mentioned in two yearbook quotes - I bet the regular kids at smallville high were sick of them lol. Lana making sure to advertise her business for free in the yearbook 😂
(Ignore the vandalism on Lana's picture - they're Alicia's handiwork)
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smallcloisville · 25 days
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Clark's reaction is like, "oh no she caught me watching Lois with non stop puppy dog eyes"😂😂
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salembehindbars · 2 months
Chloe, girl, I just want to say I ALWAYS understood the obsession. I get you girl.
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tempobsessdom · 3 months
Saw a post that was like child levels of complaining about how Zukka "doesn't make sense" and how all their interaction in canon were so brotherlike and I'm like....you are weak and your bloodline is weak and you never would have survived the asylum I grew up in and by asylum I mean shipping (and being part of a large online community that created amazing works for) two characters from two different shows that never ever interacted, and never had a single hope of ever interacting (that wasn't the goal).
Canon means nothing my dear. All a ship needs to be is interesting to you.
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afrowrites · 17 days
The Princess and the Farmboy Part One
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(Sorry I keep using the same gif lol)
Ok so this one is a little bit of a short one, only because I felt really bad that I didn't post this and I had huge writers block. I will post the full fic by the end of the month (hopefully)
Clark Kent x Black Reader.
Rated: Teen and up
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Descrip: Your brother Lex decides that you need a break from the city and takes you to smallville, You think your gonna go insane from ennui. Then you (Un)fourtunately fall into the arms of one titular Farmboy.
“Mercy, tell me why I have to leave the comfort of Metropolis to go to Swampville.” you whine
“Smallville,” Mercy corrects you. “Master Luthor enjoys the small town vibe and he has friends here he wants you to meet.” You scoff and roll your eyes. 
You hail from the richest of the richest, after your parents were robbed and murdered Lionel (out of the blue I add) decided that Lex could use a playmate so he adopted you. You and Lex became attached at the hip. You needed him when the memories of your parents haunting faces marred your mind, and he needed you when Lionel was too much. 
Your car stops, you hear a knock on your side of the car. “(Y/n) you wanna come outside.” You hear your adoptive brother’s voice. The door opens as you take his hand. The surrounding area looks so boring to you it almost makes you barf.
 “Mmm, gotta love that clean air.” Lex sighs. “I don’t know how you could like this place it’s so… boring.” you groan. You and him take a stroll on the bridge not knowing that just across the way a strong tall annoying boy is within earshot.
“I think you’ll start to like it here, It’s great when I need a break and trust me you need one.” Lex meant well when he brought you here. He’s noticed that you’ve thrown yourself into school and work more often, rarely having time for friends or fun.
The bridge starts to crack ever so slightly and Clark taking a walk hears this, he’s cautious but near.
“Fine I’ll try to stay here but the minute something goes wro-” You sooner eat your words as you suddenly fall into the water below Lex with you in tow. Something wizzes past you both, you see Lex get pulled out of the water, He’s sopping wet as Mercy goes to check on him suddenly your pulled out of the water. You cough for a bit letting your eyes adjust when you see the cutest guy you have ever seen in your life. He’s tall, has pretty green/blue eyes and his hand is on your boob right now.
 “Um… your hand.” You nod to his hand. “Oh my god I am so sorry!” he screeches in your ear. He stands you up, Lex starts “You know you always seem to be there whenever I need saving.” Lex joked. 
You just stood there stewing in anger, your wet clothes sticking to you, your sew-in starting to puff up. Yeah you're done with this, “Lex can we go, my hair is soaking wet, I’m cold as hell. We need to go now!” You screech that last line out spooking the annoyingly tall good looking boy standing next to him. 
“She’s a bit annoying, isn’t she.”, “Dude watch it, she’s my sister.” Lex rebuttals.
“I’m annoying, no, what's annoying is that I got dropped in six feet of cold water, My hair is messed up, and now I am stuck in this hick town for god knows how long, And you TOUCHED MY BOOB!” 
Lex and Clark go wide eyed as you hobble to the car with Mercy in tow, “OH AND YOU OWE ME A NEW PAIR OF THAT’S SO KATES!” you yell down to them.
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jetslay · 2 months
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Smallville by taybuni.
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kent-farm · 10 months
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Every day can be this wonderful.
—Lillian Luthor, Smallville, “Lexmas”
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justalovelyblackgf · 29 days
redk!clark shenanigans part 3
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part 1
part 2
taglist: @afrogirl3005 @rosiestalez @stereotypicalbarbie
synopsis : redk!clark is the type of dude when you drop him first (because you’re honestly just fed up!) and you’re finally in a good place in life, he would text you out of the blue to reel you back in. he doesn’t really want you to walk out of his life, so you’re not getting rid of him that easily, girl.
if you’ve ever seen those memes with future texting, it’s those type of vibes.
pairings: redk!clark x fem! y/n (i’m imagining her as meagan good again. reader can do a self insert or use another fc. the choice is yours and i want to be inclusive!)
fandom: smallville (2001-2011)
also featuring: chloe sullivan and kate ross (pete’s twin sister/oc fc: tatyana ali)
warnings: long asf, swearing, redk!clark, toxic behavior, a little bit of angst, some suggestiveness,manipulation, implied hook up, y/n regretting her decisions, y/n being weak in the knees again!
congratulations to y/n for finally dropping redk!clark kent, smallville’s local gentleman turned badass and player. anywho, her skin is glowing, her grades are showing tremendous improvement, and life has just been better in general. she’s smiling a lot more!
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she’s not going through this alone though. fortunately, she has chloe sullivan and kate ross to help y/n properly get over him. they haven’t seen him around in a few days. if they did happen to run into clark at school or around town and he asks about her whereabouts, they would make up an excuse that she was really busy with (an extracurricular/job) or she got a new number. he’s gonna find out soon enough that was some bullshit.
it’s a friday night and the girls decided it was time to get dolled up and go out to celebrate y/n’s freedom from clark’s fuckery. they’re all chatting and filling their table with laughter when y/n hears her cell phone vibrate. she flips open the device and looks at her text messages, skimming through each word cueing her deep sigh and eye roll..here we go again. y/n closes the phone down and places it back in her purse. it vibrates again and again..now kate and chloe are getting suspicious, giving each other knowing looks. let’s just say that the silence was indeed loud.
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“so, uh…who’s blowing up your phone at this hour?” chloe inquired, tilting her head.
“it’s just my mom reminding me to do something when i get home.” y/n replied as she shrugged her shoulders to ease the tension.
“oh, so she’s reminding you five times?” kate asked, her elbow on the table with her chin resting on her knuckle. she raised a brow then narrowed her eyes before finally addressing the elephant in the room.
“it’s clark, isn’t it?”
“bullshit!” the girls exclaimed.
“fine! it was clark. he said he hated how things ended between us and that he was blind to how really important i was to him. he also said that without me, he feels so weak.” y/n confessed.
these were his words. he wasn’t blind to shit considering he has x-ray vision. not weak either because the guy had super strength.
chloe and kate couldn’t help but to roll their eyes and shake their heads at this foolishness, but who were they to judge? they both fell for the charming farm boy they grew up with at one point during their lives. hell, they even both attempted to cross that line of confession and dating him for real, but they let that go to preserve their friendship with each other and with clark. it’s messy, but it was clark kent. smallville’s local knight in shining armor. how could any girl let go of him completely once they’ve been attached? it was just his new bold and unpredictable attitude that rubbed them the wrong way. hopefully it’s just a phase.
“he also said to meet at his place so we could talk things over. if he really wants us to work things out, i should be there in the next 10 minutes…” with each word, the volume of y/n’s voice started to diminish as she looked around and bit at her bottom lip to avoid the awkward, yet frustrated glares of her friends. “maybe i should go to hear him out and get some closure…”
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“wait, wait, wait!”, chloe objected shaking her head. “if my memory serves, you said that last time was the last time. did you not catch him in another lie of him seeing lana before taking you out, correct?”
“….yes, but he sorta made it up to me.” y/n’s face heated up as her mind wandered to the semi-passionate endeavor her and clark shared in her bedroom after the argument that concluded their last date. she thanked the Lord above that her parents were out of town and that clark respected her enough to not push any further than what she was comfortable with. kate and chloe's eyes widened from sudden realization to complete astonishment.
"before you guys shame me, no, we didn’t go that far, but you know how guys are always saying i can’t drop clark due to the fact that i’m always wrapped around his finger?”
(reference to pt 2 iykyk)
y/n recited her friends past warnings as her fingers signaled air quotation marks.
“i guess you can say that literally and figuratively.”
silence filled the trio once more before they all heard another vibration. y/n flipped open her device and checked her text messages again. her eyes skimmed over the text for a few seconds before her fingertips made a few sounds to type a response to the person on the other end. after one press of the “send” button, she stood to her feet and pushed in the chair before greeting her friends a formal goodbye, “that was mom again. she said she needs me home asap. i’ll catch you guys at school?” the girls gave her nod and a “mhm!” before they watched their friend power walk out of the restaurant to her parked honda accord.
after they saw the car speed off into the night, kate sarcastically chuckled and shook her head before gazing at chloe, finally breaking the silence.
“we both know damn well that she went to go meet up with clark right?”
“i know…” chloe replied.
“yeah.” kate nodded and gazed below at the ground with a tight lipped smile as she fiddled with her fingers.
10 minutes. it sounds like a lot of time, but not so much when you’re deciding on which path to take. right for the l/n’s house, left for the kent’s. her eyes darted in both directions, her heart thumping in her chest. it was only a matter of time before she could switch the turn signal up or down. she began to think. think of the times her friends were there for her at her lowest. the temper tantrums. the late night rants on the phone. the fake smiles for her parents. the tears that soaked her pillow. all because of him. his arrogance, his brutal honesty yet he lies, his shameless flirtation with other women. his eyes…his words…his kiss…his touch…his affection. damn, damn, damn! her mind was finally made up. she put the car in drive and made the turn onto the path of her destination for the night.
“hey, look, i got your messages. you said you wanted to talk things over, so let’s talk, clark.”
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y/n stood with her arms crossed against her chest and faced the male before her standing outside the kent house as if he were expecting her already. he looked comfortable in his black tank top and grey sweatpants with his hands in the pockets. even under the moonlight, y/n could still see that same lady-killing smile of his and icy, blue eyes that she adored so much that it made her heart swell.
“it’s about time you showed up, beautiful. you don’t know how much i’ve missed you lately.” he pulled his pink lips into a smirk and took a few steps closer to her as his eyes never did pull away from her own. “i don’t think talking out here in the dark would do us any good, so how about we go somewhere more quiet and…” he took a beat of pause, “private.” tilting his head in the direction of his loft in the barn.
y/n sighed, licked her lips, and started walking in the direction towards clark’s loft with her arms still crossed. little did she know that his eyes carefully zeroed in on the sway of her hips with each step she took and possibly even the sultry, black matching set underneath her clothes.
oh, this was going to be a long night.
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fairyroses · 3 months
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— SMALLVILLE, "Fragile" (5.18)
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mrhowells · 11 months
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Smallville + textposts (pt.4)
season 5 edition is hereee
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sbd-laytall · 4 months
Smallville episodes really are formulaic.
Someone gets put in the hospital.
Chloe meddles in issues.
The villain-of-the-week suddenly turns homicidal.
Lana gets put in danger.
Lex gets his head bashed in.
Mr. Kent and Mrs. Kent spout parental advice.
Clark lies to literally everyone with the worst excuses known to mankind.
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