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iiotic · 9 months ago
The burnt memories | Human Alastor oneshot
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Human Alastor x Fem reader - one shot
summary: Moving in your hometown was awfully hard for you, staying with you mother you needed to find a job. However you were devastated after you got robbed and humiliated in the process. You remembered your childhood bestfriend but you can't seem to remember his name..
wc: 3k
tw: murder, kidnapping, stalking, Period-Typical racism, Period-Typical sexism, gore, bad English, this is extremely old, short one shot, Angst, childhood friends to strangers, the plot is happening rlly fast, ooc?, not proffread
a/n: originally this was suppose to be a fanfiction but since I really really not enjoy writing for hazbin hotel as I used to I turned it into an oneshot since I don't like my work go to waste. The plot is going rlly fast couse this was suppose to be a fanfiction y'all with a happy little ending where you'd end up with Alastor but I decided to change it a bit.
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Moving in your hometown was awfully hard for you. The feeling of nostalgia washed over you, as you saw the forest that you used to play in, when you were a kid. The trees have grown, indeed. You walked up to the old entry, that you and your friend created. It was extremely hard to expose the hidden and abandoned path for two small children. It took hours! However when you two finally succeeded, you had to go home since it was already late and you had to eat dinner.
You truly cherished the memories that you shared with your close ones here. You remembered every story like it happened yesterday. You were a bit shocked to see the path fully exposed. Back in the old days, it was only a little hole that only children could fit it. Half of you was happy, knowing that you won't have to crawl and struggle through the hole that didn't exist anymore. However the other half of you was disappointed, 'cause your hard work got wasted.
Deciding to take a scroll through the forest, you followed the familiar path. Noticing how half of the forest turned into an hunting area, you weren't surprised at all. The hunting season was just around the corner and you were not happy about that. You moved into your old household as your father decided to leave your mother alone. She needed your help and you provided it as you loved your mother dearly. He, himself found a better house in a wealthier area. Unfortunately for you, your house was very close to the once so familiar forest. When you were little everything looked so big and magical but now? The magic had dissapered from the once fairy tale space.
Turning around on your heel, you faced with an abandoned playground. Kids, including you, used to play here a lot. You were shocked when you saw it in its terrible state. The slide dirty with mud and weird black substances, rotted and once more, everything was terribly rotted. After a while of thinking, you began to understand why this place went abandonment. Really, whose idea it was to put a playground inside of a forest?
Continuing your scroll, you began to remember your old childhood friend. What was his name? You couldn't remember. You didn't believe that you forgot such an important thing. His whole face was a blur, yet you still remembered that charming smile of his. Somehow he always managed to make you smile and laugh. You started wondering if he is still as funny as he was in the past. Wait.. Does he still live here? Does he still remember you? You hoped that the answer to both of these questions were positive.
By the time you came back home it was already dark. Walking in, you greeted your mother, apologising for taking so long. She just brushed it off saying that "you don't have to spend all of your life in this house." Chuckling a bit you mentally agreed with her.
Looking around, your eyes were met with your luggage that you did not unpack yet. A sigh escaped your lips as you made your way over to your belongings. The truth is that you were too exhausted to unpack them, however you knew that they just wouldn't unpack themselfs.
Walking into your old room, that holds so much lovely memories from your childhood, you noticed a newspaper on the floor. April 11th, 1929, yesterdays date. Your mother must have opened the window in your room, and the newspaper must have flew it way in here. Dropping your belongings, you just noticed the cold temperature in the room. Freezing even. Closing the window you picked up yesterday's newspaper to look at it.
The axeman of New Orleans attacked again!
There's an axeman going around? How didn't you know that there's a murderer in the place where you grew up in? Anxious, you decided to sit down on your bed and read the rest of the article.
Time flew by and you grew more and more disappointed of the news you just read. No wonder father moved out you thought leaving the newspaper on your nightstand and rubbed your eyes. Tommorow will be a hard day and you knew that. The luggages didn't unpack themself yet so you had to finally do it. Wanting to forget about the informations that you acknowledged you moved to your belongings and started unpacking.
There wasn't really a lot of things there; just some clothes, hygiene stuff, basic writing supplies and some of your most important things that you could never get rid of.
9 pm. That was the time on the clock when you finished unpacking. Exhausted you rolled in your bed, not even thinking of changing into your pijamas. Your mind started to thrift to the events that happened today. The memories of your childhood were truly worthy being in an museum.
Just as you were about to fall asleep, your mind decided to remind you of him, once again. Wait.. What if he was killed my the axeman? You truly hoped that it wasn't true. You thought that maybe, just maybe you two could get the chance to catch up. However the promise.. You had no idea why didn't he keep the promise. Before you could think more about it, your eyes closed by themself.
"Tag, You're it! " You giggled before running deeper into the forest. You heard footsteps mixing with your own behind you, signalling that he was chasing you. Turning, and making an unexpected turn, you failed to notice how your dress got all muddy. You had no idea that you would get scolded after you'd came back home by your mother.
You laugh, as you turned around to see that you successfully lost your friend. Hiding in a bush that slightly tore your dress, you waited for him to give up or to just walk by so you could scare him.
You screamed as, to your suprise, your friend found you. "not fun.." You mumbled as he helped you get up. "You cheated!"
"I didn't!" He argued, giggling a bit at your indignation. "You're just too easy to catch."
"No i am not!" You gasped in annoyance.
Your argument went on and on, you accusing him of cheating and him defending himself as he told you that he just creeped behind. Before you knew it your legs were leading the way to your houses.
Soon enough it was time to say your goodbyes as you both were standing beside your homes.
"Despite everything, I enjoyed hanging out with you today, ..." Your younger self confessed to him. Wait, him? You clearly heard you say his name. Why couldn't you remember it? Why couldn't you remember his name.
Before you knew it, you were dragged to a pitch black hole. You wanted to scream, but for some reasons you couldn't manage to utter anything.You turned around as you heard a familiar voice calling your name. Nothing was there. You gasped when something dragged you by your legs, finally screaming to let you go.
You jumped out of your bed, sweating in a middle of the night. You could hear the birds chipp as the rain continued to pour rather aggressively.
It was just a nightmare.
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"I still don't understand why you have to leave so early, pumpkin?" Your mother asked worringly, her eyes showed that she isn't very sure of what you're trying to do.
"The sooner, the better!" You declared with determination. You were confident with what you're trying to do, hoping that you will find a job in an maximum week. "Can't waste any time, love you, bye!!" You yelled, closing the door behind you. You didn't need any negative energy around you.
Walking down the alley, you turned around to go to the busier side of the town. Head up high, heels clicking with every step you took, your eyes scanning all of the shops that were near you. However there was one that caught your attention..
Stepping in the boutique, you noticed how clean and neat it was. All of the newest dresses, coats and jewelry displayed for customers eyes. You could get used to it..
Walking up the counter, you rang a little bell on it. You jumped as your heard a sudden voice behind you.
"Good morning dear, do you need any help?" An older woman asked you, moving to face you behind the counter. You could tell that she was in her 50s.
"um.." You looked at her, still startled, not knowing what to say. You thought that you would have some time to think about it. She looked at you with a confused look and you took it as a signal to finally say something.
"I was wondering if you need help. I mean if you need help with the job.. around the boutique." You finally uttered. Fixing your clothes and straightening your posture to look presentable. Her umber eyes staring into your determined ones.
"I apologize sweetie, but i'm not looking for any workers at the moment" Her mode shifted a bit when she saw your sad look. You were disappointed, even though you knew that you won't get a job at your first try.
"That's fine, do you by any chance know someone or an shop that is short on staff?" You asked, with hope in your eyes.
"Unfortunately." she looked down and started searching for something behind the counter. "However i could contact you if I'll acknowledge any in the area? I know how it is looking for a job these days." Before you could think about what she said, the woman asked you for your name. Giving you her number; in case you wanted to contact her, after writing your own name down on an another card.
"Thank you so much ma'am." You thanked her after introducing yourself. "It means a lot to me."
"Oh! No need to be so formal. Call me Louise." You gave the woman a kind smile, before repeating her name and saying your goodbye.
You had plenty of time left, it was only nine am, and now you were questioning yourself why'd you leave this early. Pheraps your mother was right, after all. Eyeing all of the buildings around you, you decided to go to a florist next.
Before you could take another step a young boy stopped you.
"Miss, would you like to buy a newspaper? They're only 15 cents each!" You looked at him, at the newspaper that he was holding and back at him. Pheraps it would be useful. You could tell that the little bit was struggling, wanting to earn some money. So were you.
"of course, little one."
He smiled widely at your response waiting for you to find your money. You handed him the 15 cents shortly after, in exchange, earning today's newspaper. Before you could thank him, he already run off. Confused you looked back at the newspaper you were holding, about to read it.
Wait a second..
That's yesterday's newspaper! This little boy tricked you. These kids these days.. You sighed, not having the strength to run after him, continuing your way to the flower shop.
Soon enough you arrived at your destination, the bell rang as you stepped into the shop.
Looking around you were fascinated with the interior, everything looked so pretty that you couldn't get enough of it. The different types of flowers; Roses, Tulips, hibiscus..
And Oof!
"I'm so sorry mr.. I was in the way." You apologized as you bumped into a rather tall stranger. His skin was in the shade of caramel and his hair just slightly darker. He looked at you almost out of pity, is he making fun of you?
"No need to apologize, clearly I wasn't looking where I was heading as well." He calmly explained, fixing his coat from any dust that could get on it. "If I may ask your name, dear?"
You quickly introduced yourself, putting your head up for him to shake it, to your dismay he didn't even touch you.
"Well what a lovely name for such a lovely lady like yourself! My name? Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you."
"Alastor? Did I know someone names Alastor?" You thought but quickly recovered. As flawless as this conversation was going you had to continue your journey. Excusing yourself from the gentleman you began asking for a job once again.
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"Woman. What makes you think that this is a job for a woman?" The man behind the lada laughed at you, shooing you out of his establishment. "A woman could never handle a job as tough as this one."
You wanted to cry, you truly did. This was the 6th building you visited today, all of them didn't need help and it was already getting dark. Devastated you left the store, not wanting to get even more humiliated. Your next stop? Your house. You thought about how dissapointed your mother must be in you, you'd can't want to look her in the eyes.
As you were walking, step by step by your childhood forest you heard some bushes rustling behind you, now you felt like you were getting watched. Paranoid you turned on your heel to look behind you.. No ones there. You let a sigh of relief, but before you could turn around you felt yourself getting sleepy..
That's what you saw, everything dark and even darker. You squinted your eyes after opening them to not get blinded by the light. After you got used to it, you looked at your surroundings..
Basement, you were in a basement? How did you end up here, you don't remember. Your head hurts like hell and your mind 8s spinning. Trying to get up you failed miserably and only hurt yourself by the chains you were chained up to. "what..?" You thought.
"And that I am dizzy with a dame like you." You heard a familiar voice behind you, wanting to turn around but couldn't as you were chained up. "don't worry I'll make it quick for my lady."
Opening your mouth to speak, to whisper, to scream.. You realized you couldn't do any of those, your mouth stuffed with something.
"You're probably wondering where are you? who am i? what is this man gonna do to me? aren't you? Well.." The sound of loud metal could be heard in the entire basement as he hit you with a metal pipe on the head. You were quickly losing blood, a stray of blood coming from the insides of your head, from your nose, from your mouth. Before you passed out you did that you heard his last words to you or rather to himself..
"I don't need any disturbance in my life, I don't need love its a distraction."
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animeloverskylarmoon · 4 months ago
Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction- Chapter 14
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“Thank you Sensei!” 
You nod at the student with a smile. 
“I wonder how Suno is doing.” 
It feels a bit strange teaching without her in the class. But according to the other first years, she was advancing quickly. Becoming more comfortable. Striving. It’s a relief. You’ve always known she possessed potential. Turns out it was far more than what you could have expected. 
There’s a knock at the door, and you turn. The secretary is standing there with a smile. 
“(L/N)-sensei, may I borrow you for a second?” 
“Of course. Please continue the project, I’ll be back in a moment.” You advise the class. Stepping outside, you slide the door closed. 
“Is something wrong?” She shakes her head as you both walk together to the office.
“Quite the contrary. You have a visitor. A handsome one at that.” 
She could have been talking about either of the men you know. You chuckle at the thought. As you step into the office you raise your head. The first thing you take in is the attire of this individual. 
“Would you mind giving us a moment alone?”  The male says politely. She nods, taking her leave. Your hand shakes for a brief moment, and you tighten it into a fist to stop the tremors. 
“I was very eager to see you again. I hope I’m not intruding on your time (Y/N).” You swallow. 
“This is bad.” 
It’s the second period. The school was filled with students, not to mention faculty. If he’s planning an attack, right now is an ideal time. It would be impossible for you to stop him as well as any accomplices he may have. 
“Gojo was right.” 
“Relax, I’m only here to talk. Would you like to take a walk?” 
You don’t have much of a choice. You snap your fingers behind your back as you nod. 
“Let’s go Geto.”
The best and only option is to get him far away from the school. 
You hate the fact that you feel so helpless. There’s always been a part of your life that you lacked control. But this is different. As you join him, your mind drifts to Gojo’s words. That day when he’d confided in you. 
“He wasn’t always like that. I think after Amanai, a lot changed. “ 
It’s not often that Gojo is serious. 
As he sits here in your living room. It feels like the entire aura of the room has changed. He’d pretty much told you everything. There’s a lot that Gojo has kept to himself. You always knew that behind those smiles and tasteless jokes, there was something there. From the way he speaks, it’s clear that Geto wasn’t the only one who cared about her. 
“Riko Amanai, she was important to you too.” 
“She was.” 
No denial. 
You can’t help the pain in your gut. That girl, she was someone they both cared for, and they were the ones who had to watch her die. That day when Geto lost control, in a way it makes sense. There’s a part of you that wishes you could bring her back, maybe then this battle that is approaching would not exist.
“G-Gojo I-” 
Your eyes widen when he leans in, pressing a kiss to your lips. He stays there for a few seconds, pulling back with a smile. You can see the weight behind his gaze. 
“You can’t change the past, nor can you change his mind. He’s already chosen his side. I tried, but he made his decision.” 
Your eyes lower, and you clench your fists into your lap. He can tell from your expression that those aren’t the words you want to hear. 
“If he approaches you again, don’t try to shoulder it all on your own, we’re here. We’ll protect you. Lean on us.” 
That’s what he said. More than anything, you know that. Gojo might act like a fool, but he’s there when it counts. 
When it’s necessary. 
“I trust you, Gojo, Nanami.” 
Regardless of how it seems right now, they have your back. 
That’s all you truly need. 
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isara0408 · 1 year ago
Megami and Kaga had a lot of potential than just being Kaga stalking Megami and pretty much being her stalker/creep that Yandere Dev made himself.
Instead of that, why didn't Yandere Dev make them childhood friends? Kaga's parents work in Saikou Corp. I'm sure Kaga would have met Megami during his youth whenever Megami had to leave the Corporation for her training, so why didn't he chose that path for them and have Kaga be the first male that Megami trusted? Kaga fits the criteria that the Saikou family is looking for (sure, he's at the bottom of the list, but he's there)
Kaga is quite intelligent and very talented at a very young age. Maybe if Saisho was able to see that, maybe he would have wanted Kaga close to Megami.
"If this boy is close to Megami and Megami trusts this boy, he can be a useful tool for Saikou Corp in the future."
Ichirou doesn't go against his father's decision. He never really argues with him either, so Ichirou has to follow his father's orders on keeping Kaga close to Megami. They will have to keep a close eye on him. If he ever did find out the dark secrets of Saikou Corp, Kaga would be killed by the orders of Saisho. (Just like Saisho did with Fungirl, but actually killed him rather than using a machine)
Saisho would keep a close eye on the two children whenever they were close to each other or hanging out.
Megami and Kaga begin to talk almost every day, which Saisho allowed. As time went on, the two became very close friends. Kaga was there for Megami whenever she needed him, and Megami was there for Kaga whenever he needed her.
The two continued to stick by each other's side throughout their years. Even after Saisho died, Megami made sure that Kaga stayed by her side if Ichirou had ever tried to separate and break their friendship, or if Kencho ever tried to set a trap to break their friendship.
Kaga would be a threat to Ayano if she killed him before and during Megami's week. Even if Kaga is her suitor, Kaga is someone important to Megami. If Megami loses him, who knows what she will do to put Ayano behind bars for his death.
So, let me give you guys some headcanons for this universe :>
They first met when they were 5.
Megami was quite distant at first because of how strict her family was until Saisho, himself, allowed her to see him and hang out with him.
Kaga was there for her during the tragic event of her murdering her hamster. (Megami's mother sneaked him inside) That day, Kaga promised her that they'll buy a hamster and take care of it together when they got older.
On her 13th birthday, Kaga made her a bracelet with his own hands to represent their friendship. He made one for himself, too. (And Aoi once she came into the picture) Megami hides her bracelet under her sleeves of her student council uniform.
Aoi and Kaga didn't get along well at first, but they slowly got close to each other and became friends. (Kaga is still scared of her)
Megami was slightly shorter than Kaga when they were children, but during the years and puberty, Megami grew taller.
Kaga would show Megami his new gadgets, invention ideas, etc. Megami would sometimes help him with building those inventions/gadgets (with a lot of protection, of course). That's how her love for science became.
Megami has a small robot that Kaga made himself and gave it to her to keep her company when they first met. She still has it in her room.
Megami forced Kaga to take self-defense classes. (It didn't end very well)
Kaga is basically Megami's cheerleader. He will cheer for her as much as possible to show that he is by her side and she can count on him.
Whenever Kaga gets hurt by an experiment, Megami will immediately take him to the best hospital in Japan and would be there for him unless she had training to do.
Kaga's parents feel uneasy having Megami close to their son. They know how strict the Saikou family is. They don't want their son harmed in any way. With time, they began to trust Megami. (Only her)
Once they enter Akademi, they are known as powerful friendship. The daughter of the richest and most powerful man in Japan and a mad scientist who is very talented and made the impossible possible. together? Power duo!
Megami has witnessed many competitions that Kaga has been in and won first place for. She tries to be there with her bodyguards and would take Kaga out to celebrate for his accomplishments with the permission of his parents, of course.
Whenever Kaga did his crazy smile or laugh when he got a new idea in his mind, Megami would smack him (gently) to make him quit, or shaking her head and say, "No."
Megami only lets Kaga show her affection (holding her hand, pecking her cheek, hugging her, etc). It makes him happy, and the way he shows love.
Kaga's parents sometimes tease Kaga about, one day, ending up liking Megami as more than a childhood friend. Kaga rejects this every time (but they were right in the end)
Kaga ended up catching feelings for Megami when they entered Akademi. At first, Kaga was confused at first on how his body was reacting to having Megami close to him or showing her affection, which is something he always did. Kaga never fell in love with anyone or saw anyone in a romantic way, so it was all new to him. With time, Kaga finally admitted that he caught feelings for his childhood friend. (His parents had a nice " I told you so." victory 😌)
Megami caught on to this. She's not blind. It's quite obvious from Kaga's body language.
Kaga never had the courage to confess because of many guys trying to win Megami's hand in marriage until the last year of Akademi, that's when he confessed his feelings to her under the cherry tree.
Megami did develop feelings for Kaga, but it took her more time to realize those buried feelings.
Kaga admires Megami a lot for her achievements, bravery, determination, and her hard work.
Megami would carry Kaga if he was ever too fatigued to move (after not resting for a certain number of days). Kaga found it annoying at first but got used to it.
Whenever Megami has free time (it's rare), Kaga would use this opportunity to go to the town with Megami to spend time together as much as they can.
Kaga would protect Megami from any guy who would flirt with her or look at her inappropriately. Megami would tell him to let her handle it and to calm down.
Megami is brutally honest with Kaga even if it hurts his feelings. She will say what she thinks and feels. (This is a headcanon I have as them as a couple )
If Kaga is killed, Megami will make sure to put Ayano behind bars. She knows she did it. After that, she will mourn for Kaga's death.
If Megami is killed, Kaga will find the person who caused her death and mourn for Megami's death.
This is probably something that would happen in another timeline not in the canon one, but it's a nice idea and interesting friendship :D
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aaliyahunleashed · 1 year ago
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A young Aaliyah performs in 'Hello, Dolly!' at Detroit's Gesu school in 1990 (She was 11). Images from Metro Times news article.
Hello Dolly was first produced in the 1960s by David Merrill. The musical was originally named something else but Merrill changed it after hearing Louis Armstrongs version of "Hello Dolly". Hello Dolly opened on January 16, 1964 at the St. James Theatre, starring Carol Channing. It is a musical for ages 9 and up.
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adhd-tomboy · 2 years ago
\\Ft: Billy & Freddy (Kids vs present) //
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5sosfanfictioncatalogue · 2 years ago
Childhood Friends
Disintegrate (ao3) - restlessdreaming Michael/Calum NR, 3k
Summary: "Calum..." Michael bit his lip and looked at him. "No, Michael. I'm sure. Please, let's just do this." Calum felt the intensity rise in his voice as Michael looked him over and swallowed hard. "Come here," he patted the spot next to him on the bed. Calum sat down ever so gently. "If you're sure you want to do this, we're doing it. But if you want to stop at any time, just let me know. Calum inhaled deeply and nodded. He leaned into Michael, and, for the first time, felt himself disintegrate.
extra credit (ao3) - galacticsugar Luke/Calum E, 21k
Summary: Calum smiles at the last person in line at the bar as he hands them their glass of wine, then turns to Luke and sighs heavily, crossing his arms over his chest. The material of his shirt wrinkles and folds and stretches in all the right ways. “From the first day of school after I moved here, I knew you were going to be a problem.”
“A problem?” Luke feigns offense, scoffing and sucking violently at his tiny straw, trying to get to the dredges of his drink. Calum rolls his eyes and starts making another. By the end of the night, Luke’s going to have the process of Calum assembling a California Dream emblazoned in his mind for eternity. “I wasn’t the one who showed up and immediately acted like I owned the place.”
In His Mouth (ao3) - iCheeseYou (EHkook) Michael/Luke E, 5k
Summary: Michael and Luke are two best friends, but suddenly Luke stops talking to Michael, leaving he latter boy confused and hurt. 
i wanna hold your hand while we’re growing up (ao3) - nothingliketherain (39_killer_queen) Michael/Calum T, 12k
Summary: 5 times Michael grabbed Calum’s hand over the years + 1 time Calum grabbed Michael’s.
Love Story (ao3) - no_clue_who Luke/Ashton, Michael/Calum T, 17k
Summary: Luke met Ashton the day before his 6th birthday.
Luke got his first mark on his 6th birthday. 
Mamihlapinatapei (ao3) - merlypops Michael/Calum T, 2k
Summary: 'Michael remembers sitting in the cafeteria at school and gazing at Calum with such fondness and feeling a jolt of shock when Calum returned the look just as warmly, and Michael remembers wondering vaguely when they stopped being brothers and started being something else instead.'
Michael falls in love with his best friend and it feels like being torn apart.
my secrets are burning a hole through (my heart) (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Calum G, 4k
Summary: Calum breaks up with his girlfriend because he's in love with his best friend, Luke. They don't talk until one night, Calum drunk dials.
Tree House (ao3) - iCheeseYou (EHkook) Michael/Luke, Michael/Calum T, 21k
Summary: Michael and Luke have been best friends for many years and their secret meeting place is the tree house in the middle of the woods, because it was where they first met each other.
we put the world away (ao3) - prophecygrl Michael/Luke T, 8k
Summary: Michael and Calum grew up playing pretend. As they got older, they never really stopped.
you say you didn't know, i wonder why you didn't ask? (ao3) - hideforalifetime Michael/Luke T, 14k
Summary: Luke and Michael have been best friends since elementary school, moving out of the country all alone, but together for college, getting through all the highs and lows of adulting together. There’s never been a person who knows them that doesn’t refer to them as “Luke and Michael”. Always paired, and if one’s without the other, questions are immediately asked. Hell, some people automatically assume they’re dating, and he hurriedly corrects them. But deep down, Luke doesn’t want to. He doesn’t know when his brain made the transition of looking at Michael as a friend to someone he’d want as more than a friend, but it’s true. Sometimes, when he stares at Michael’s choppy, often dishevelled blue hair, he feels like-
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sweetbitta · 2 years ago
ᴬᴸᵂᴬʸˢ ᴸᴼⱽᴱ
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It was another typical quiet night, nothing but the rustle of leaves and the bird crow now and then. Neve stealthily climbed over the concrete wall and landed on the grass beneath, making sure to stay as silent as possible, though as soon as the single ray of light was shown on her she knew she had been busted.
It wasn't uncommon for Neve to sneak out during the night as she found peace in the moon guiding her paths and it was a way to push back the thoughts of her mother shipping her away to be forgotten about. Neve knew that her roommate, Violet, who was a moody girl and always gave her the cold shoulder, hated it because it would wake her up, but Neve didn't care.
Though, at this moment, the headmaster stood, a flashlight in his hand and a deep frown smeared on his face, Neve slightly regretted not listening to Violet's multiple pleads not to sneak out, but it was already too late for that.
"Miss Moore, this is the final straw. Tomorrow morning, you will have all your things packed to be sent home!" The headmaster said in a loud authorising voice.
And just as he said, Neve stood at the gate with all her items and clothes packed away in suitcases with almost all the students watching with mixed stares. Some were envious of her being able to leave, some sad to see her go, some confused as to why she was leaving, and then there were the eyes of the freckled boy who had been her first friend. Those eyes had emotions she could never forget.
The security guard bumped her shoulder slightly, signalling it was time to leave. Neve tiredly waved goodbye to everyone and turned away, leaving through the gate with the security guard following. The pair hopped inside the back of the nurse's car who was nice enough to drop them off and shared no words the whole ride.
At the train station, he finally spoke. "I'm sure you'll be able to see your friends again," he said with a warm smile.
Neve nodded her head, thankful for his reassuring words, though she doubted that was very likely. The train ride to the airport was filled with comforting conversations that Neve was sure she'd be able to remember for the rest of her life. It reminded her of when she first met him; he introduced himself with a kind expression and said: "Hey there, I'm Viktor, nice to meet ya" and just like that, he had become like the uncle she always wanted.
The girl stared at the rush of people that had suddenly appeared all around the streets out of the train window. For some reason, everyone seemed to be in a panic and Neve couldn't help but feel her heart start thumping a little harder. All the other passengers started noticing what they assumed was a riot forming and were all confused as well as slightly worried.
Those were the last moments of peace that Neve felt before screams and shouts echoed throughout the train. Viktor clasped his hand around Neve's in an attempt to calm her down but nothing could stop the rhythmic beats her heart was playing.
"Morning everyone, this is your driver speaking, I'd just like to inform you that we will be making an impromptu stop as there have been a multitude of problems around the train station, so if you all could in an orderly fashion..." he spoke through the intercom. His words were cut off, screams instead replacing them, resulting in a panic of people throughout the train.
Viktor clasped Neve's suitcase in one hand, tightened his grip on her in the other, and quickly began moving down the aisles towards one of the emergency exits. The two reached the exit along with a couple of other passengers, hurriedly opened the door, and jumped onto the railway. Now in the open world, they were able to hear the screams of terror throughout the city along with multiple gunshots coming from all directions.
"Do you guys know what's going on?" One of the passengers, a man, asked.
No one spoke up until someone eventually checked their phone and said, "There's no explanation... it just says to stay inside and avoid all contact with infected individuals."
Neve looked up at Viktor and noticed him focusing on something further down the railway. She followed his gaze and froze as she saw what looked like a rotted person slowly trudging towards the group.
The hairs on the back of her neck raised, her heart stopped beating for a moment, and she heard a muted scream in her head. Limbs shaking, she took a pathetic step back, Victor’s solid grip keeping her from fleeing. 
"We need to leave and go somewhere safe," Viktor quickly said, alerting the rest of the group. "Does anyone live close to here and have a car that we'll be able to use?"
"Maybe we could go back to the school," the young girl offered in a hopeful voice.
Viktor sternly shook his head at her suggestion. "Sorry darling, but I don't think we should. It'd probably be best to get out of West Virginia and hope some other place is free from this."
Neve slumped but understood that Viktor knew better than her so she listened to him. The rest of the group all nodded their heads and started moving slowly towards the forest where some lady lived.
The trees around the group danced with the wind, reminding Neve of the school and how peaceful it was during the night. Then she remembered how all her friends were left there and possibly stuck. She wouldn't be surprised if the teachers left because most of them only cared about themselves and never even wanted to be there in the first place.
She then decided that no matter what, she'd go back there even if it took ten years.
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blofthenight · 1 month ago
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Himekoi (MITSUYA Bond)
A long time ago, a divine fox saved Mikazuki village from famine. In return, the fox took one of the villagers as his bride. To this day, the villagers hold a marital ceremony every year at the summer festival. The descendant of the fox and the descendant of the bride marry, and then they spend one night together. The villagers believe that this ceremony continues to protect them from disaster. It just so turns out that, this year, those two descendants are Kanata and Kuro, and, this summer, it is their turn to marry and have s**. There's one problem -- unlike Kanata, who believes in their village's customs, Kuro does not seem too keen on his fate. Kuro's apathy hurts Kanata, who always felt that he didn't quite mind, as long as he was with Kuro...
Dizzy rating: 💫💫💫💫4/5
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hlficlibrary · 7 months ago
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Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find the library's other recs here.
🍊 Own the Scars by @crinkle-eyed-boo {E, 144k}
“But I don’t belong here,” Louis insists.“Why do you say that?” James asks.“These people are all drug addicts and alcoholics,” Louis shrugs.Something sparks in James’ eyes.“And you’re not?”
Louis has never felt like he was good enough: for his stepdad, for his life-long best friend, for the life he's supposed to want. After an accident that nearly costs him his life, Louis' parents send him to rehab where he’s forced to face his demons. On the long and difficult road to recovery, Louis must confront the truths he’s been avoiding about his future, his relationships, and his sense of self-worth. Because before he can love anyone else, he’s got to learn how to love himself first.
🍊 California Sold by @isthatyoularry {M, 123k}
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever.
A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
🍊 I'll Fly Away by @juliusschmidt {E, 122k}
Harry and Louis grew up together in Lake County, Harry with his mom and stepdad in a tiny cottage on Edward’s Lake and Louis in his family’s farmhouse a few minutes down the road. But after high school, Louis stuck around and Harry did not; Harry went to Chicago where he found a boyfriend and couple of college degrees. Six years later, Harry ends up back in Edwardsville for the summer and he and Louis fall into old patterns and discover new ones.
ft. One Direction, the local boyband; Horan’s Bar and Grill; families, most especially children and babies; Officer Liam Payne; many local festivals and fireworks displays; and Anne Cox, PFLAG President.
🍊 Heading for Limbo by @kingsofeverything {E, 100k}
Childhood best friends who’ve fallen in and out of touch with each other since Louis’ family moved away when they were thirteen, Harry and Louis find their paths crossing again and again. Each time, no matter how many miles apart or how many years it’s been, it’s as if no time has passed. They fall back into their easy friendship, until life intervenes and sends them on their separate ways once more.
When Harry discovers some life-changing things about himself, Louis is there for him, however he needs. But it’s all temporary because Louis has plans that will move his life from New York all the way to L.A. and the distance isn’t the only thing between them.
The pieces of their twice broken hearts are scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
🍊 When the Lights Go Out by thelarenttrap / @antidotetogo {E, 79k}
“Louis, what do you have to say about how last week ended?” the reporter asks. There’s a moment of silence. Harry is looking at the reporter, but eventually gives in and looks down the table at Louis. He’s looking straight ahead, as if Harry isn’t even in the room. “If you can’t take the heat, then get out of the kitchen.” Harry leans forwards, placing his arms on the table and leaning onto them to get as close to his microphone as he can while looking at Louis. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Louis turns to him, his icy blue eyes meeting Harry's. “Driving is your fuckin’ job, act like it.”
In its near eighty years of existence, Formula 1 has never had an out gay driver. In 2017, Harry Styles signs a contract with Scuderia AlphaTauri alongside his childhood friend and competitor, Louis Tomlinson. The next decade of their careers is some of the most tumultuous press--on and off the track--Formula 1 has ever seen.
aka the one where Louis and Harry are childhood friends to enemies to lovers over the course of 15 ish years.
🍊 Bottom of the Tenth (series) by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo {M, 60k}
As Harry stood there, the other man turned around, and he knew he was correct in who he thought it was. “Louis?” he asked, still not quite believing it. Louis blinked. “Harry? Wh– what are you doing here?” “I work here,” Harry said. “What are you doing here?” “Um, I’m picking up my brother. The nurse called and said he was sick.” Harry felt like he was going to be sick. “Wait, Ernest is your brother? Since when do you have a brother?” “Since about seven years ago, I guess. Wait, how do you know Ernest?” “I’m his teacher.” “You’re his what?” Louis exclaimed. Harry gulped. This was going to be a long year.
Or, the AU where Louis and Harry were best friends growing up, but lost touch after Harry moved away. Ten years later, Harry has moved back to town, but he and Louis don't pick up where they left off.
🍊 Never Let Me Go by loveisalaserquest17 {E, 55k}
“Harry! I’ll tell you what,” Louis exclaims, clapping his hands together. There’s a big grin on his face. “If both of us are still single by your thirtieth birthday, we’ll marry each other.”Harry’s head snaps up, eyes widening. “What?”
Harry and Louis have been friends forever, but they couldn't be more different. One night, with a little too much alcohol, they make a pact to marry in ten years if they're both still single. Now, one month before the deadline, Louis is willing to do whatever it takes to avoid ending up with his best friend. But is he, really? | Loosely inspired by The 10 Year Plan
🍊 Faking It by TheCellarDoor / @donotdialnine {M, 46k}
A uni AU in which Louis has been Harry’s best friend since he offered him cubed fruit on the playground, and they spend more time cuddling in their dorm beds than they do apart, but it’s not like that. Or is it?
Aka Harry pretends to date his best friend to escape unwanted attention from a too insistent classmate and hopes it won’t blow up in his face. Featuring embarrassing dildo accidents, awkward boners, longing, first times, late night conversations, emotional discoveries and Niall as the exasperated friend with bad advice.
🍊 it always leads to you (in my hometown) by @insightfulinsomniac {E, 40k}
Doncaster hasn’t changed much since Harry left it nine years ago to chase his dreams in LA. Harry, on the other hand, has changed a lot.
Except for one thing — he’s still desperately in love with his childhood best friend and first boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson. Who he hasn’t spoken to for the same nine long years.
A holiday story of returning home — not just to a place, but also to a person. ‘tis the damn season and This Love inspired AU.
🍊 Canyon Moon by delsicle / @eeveedel {E, 40k}
For as long as Louis has remembered, he has been promised to be mated to Harry, his best friend and the future pack alpha. But Louis’s heart belonged to the forest and to the hunt more than he could ever imagine it belonging to Harry.
Then Harry’s father dies in a violent accident, and Louis’s future alpha disappears on the wind.
An A/B/O Lion King AU
🍊 Snow In Love by @lululawrence {NR, 33k}
Harry and Louis are best friends and have been for basically as long as they can remember. For the first time since middle school, they are both single for the holidays leaving them with the brilliant idea to take each other as their dates to work events. To make things easier they will pretend like they’re dating. But then they learn something funny.
People thought they were already dating. Weird.
An advent fic featuring childhood friends, fake dating turned actual dating, really horrible secret keeping, and a winter weather surprise.
🍊 Oh, We're In Love, Aren't We? by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings {M, 30k}
After sixteen wonderful years of friendship, it's hard to imagine any grand (and usually dumb) plans they haven't had or some type of mischief they haven't gotten into together. But, when Harry suddenly finds himself without a fiance and Louis just wants to help him feel okay again, they realize falling in love is one thing they haven't done, and that's about to change.
🍊 Forever Never Comes by Larry_you_know / @larryyouknow {M, 25k}
Victorian au, where Harry Styles, the youngest son of the Duke of Sutherland, was always a little in love with his childhood friend Louis Tomlinson, the young Earl of Doncaster, though he would never have told him in a million years. Especially since Louis never showed him any signs of romantic affection. But now Louis has invited him (and his sister Gemma) to London, and many things may not be as they have seemed.
🍊 I Wanna Be More Than Friends by @2tiedships2 {NR, 20k}
He hadn't meant to scent Harry. They were best friends and that was it. Scenting best friends wasn't exactly socially acceptable.
"Lou," Harry whispered.
Louis jumped at his name and sat up straighter to provide a bit of distance between himself and Harry.
"You can't scent me, Lou," Harry stated.
Which of course Louis couldn't scent him. They were best friends.
"I mean," Harry continued. "I wouldn't mind exactly, but if I can't scent you, I don't think you should scent me."
"What do you mean you can't scent me? I mean, I get it because we're best friends but..."
"I mean I can't smell you, Louis. I fucking can't smell you. I can't smell anything, okay?"
Or the one where Harry’s an alpha with no sense of smell, Louis’ an omega who isn’t allowed to scent his best friend, and that’s all they’ll ever be. Obviously.
🍊 threadbare by kiwikero / @icanhazzalou {M, 20k}
Harry Styles was eight years old when Louis Tomlinson kept him from falling into a machine in a Manchester textile mill.
He was 18 years old when nothing, not even the threat of death, could keep Harry from falling in love with Louis.
🍊 Restless Lane by @jaerie {E, 14k}
Louis had grown used to his boring life back in Mississippi as a stand-in father figure to his siblings. He never expected his childhood friend to show up on his lawn with the heat of summer or that he would remind Louis how much of himself he'd tucked away and neglected. He also never expected to find himself caught up in a tangled web of feelings or secrets that just might break him. Maybe he had never known Harry at all.
🍊 you and I love like it's a secret by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed {T, 4k}
Louis swallows, looking at Harry, who grins at him as though nothing’s wrong. He’s leaning against the door of a wardrobe, his long hair having lost some of its curls due to the amount of times he’s run his fingers through it. Louis is still where he was the moment the door got closed behind them, all but pressed up against the wood, trying to keep as much distance between him and Harry as possible.
His heart stutters in his chest as he looks up at his best friend. He’s known Harry since he was barely out of diapers, and Harry gets him in a way that few people ever have – or have tried to. He knows him, to the point where sometimes Louis worries that he’s able to read his mind.
Or: It's Seven minutes in Heaven, but Louis sort of feels like he's ended up in Hell instead when he's forced into a small bedroom with his childhood best friend slash long time crush.
🍊 All The Way Home I'll Be Warm by @justanothershadeofblue {T, 2k}
Harry & Louis jokingly send out holiday cards together as friends, and now everyone is congratulating them for finally getting together. A 5+1 fic, for Christmas.
🍊 What’s in a Name by @hellolovers13 {T, 2k}
Louis had always known Harry was his soulmate.
The name on his arm disagreed.
But what did his soulmark know about true love anyway.
🍊 captivity by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry {G, 1k}
you get to a point in life when your secrets aren't as holy as they once were.
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gracelbranch-blog · 1 month ago
Dear Diary 🤪🙈🐐🙃😍🤩: I Miss My Old Friends
Like anything I spend a long period of time typing about to avoid repeating the same dialogue in my head over and over again just to myself for no reason, this is HEAVY on my mind and honestly has been for awhile. It comes and goes but like for years this has been a relevant topic. I'm not talking friends from middle school/high school who I still talk to or have a social media acquanitance-ship with. No. I am talking pre cell phone, pre social media era. There are so many people I had relationships with that are gone forever. Laugh out loud. There are two whole people I can think of from this period of life who I have on social media, and one of them I was really close with when we made our instagrams and could keep in touch, but the other was totally out of left field and I was honestly...so excited when she followed me because it was like wow you still remember me!
For some context, 1. I didn't get a phone until I was in 7th grade! Zoinks! For about a year before I had my mom's old smart phone and then my dad's for "games" but obviously I also started my social media grind there. Okay so I was 12 when I got a phone. 2. I spent a lot of my life at a...daycare. Let's not get it twisted there was a chunk of time when there were several kids my age and within like a two years under me that I hung out with. I was not self-sufficient, and while my working parents sent my less-self-sufficient brothers there it was probably easiest to throw me in too. We spent a lot of time reading, we were fed two meals, and as I got older I got to hang out with the millennial staff like a ✨cool kid✨. By the time I finally did stay home and my brothers still went to this place I will admit it was amazing and I wished I had tasted this freedom sooner. But I had no way to communicate with my friends from school and I had a solid collective of friends at this place so also who cares?
It has been a long time since I was in this place, obviously, I do check in online to see how it's changed but obviously a lot of the people there, both staff and peers, have since left. But a lot of my childhood was spent there, so naturally there's some attachment there. For the record, I am so glad I was there growing up. First of all I was weirdly scared of my grandma and I was so anxious with anyone other than my parents, but being that I started going to this daycare when I was like 6 weeks old and I grew up seeing this staff everyday it makes sense that I enjoyed the space. Aside from liking the staff and how well myself and my brothers were treated, I was so social! I thank whatever being there is almost everyday for having grown up going to a place everyday with other kids my age. It was so fun. This place also had a preschool in it and oh my god most of my class was girls and we had so much fun. Our teachers hosted slumber parties for us, we all got really close, they were at my fifth birthday party at chuck e cheese. Like I had a community at a very young age and I think that's awesome.
As we all went to elementary school, fewer kids were coming back on snow days, days off, spring break, summer break, etc, but there were some that continued coming in and younger people who started coming too. My brothers and I are each 2 years apart so being in the same age group helped, I got along well with their peers. I am getting side-tracked! The girl I mentioned first is Emily, she was in my middle brother's preschool class. I remember we got along well when we were younger but like we were 4 and 6 in the same room I think that was easy. When she was like 8 her younger sister was born and eventually they needed a place to send her, and I remember coming in one day over spring break and hearing whisperings that Emily was coming back. And I was like omg I remember her. And we hit it off! And still stay in contact, we are very different people now but early middle school was so fun for me because she liked American Girl dolls (SLAY I was obviously making stop-motion videos in middles school, sue me? I like little things?), she danced, and we got along really well. The second person I have on social media is Kennedy, she was in the same pre-school class as my youngest bother. She also danced, and honestly she was just really sweet. And we all got along. She graduated last year and is living her life and it's crazy to see since it's been so long since I've SEEN her, and she changed so much in that time (as people do).
Onto the person who prompted this whole thing: Alyse. Alyse left Michigan when I was in fourth grade; I made my mom take me to daycare after she picked me up from a couple-night sleep away wilderness field trip so I could say goodbye to Alyse the day before her family moved to Pennsylvania or something crazy. I think she's three years younger than me? She also had an American Girl doll, she was really good at gymnastics, I remember going to a birthday party at her gym and they had hungry howies and I was definitely the least athletic person there. And possibly the oldest kid. I have occasionally looked at what Alyse is up to, but it has been a few years. I found her instagram again today and she is a collegiate gymnast in Iowa, Jordyn Weiber, the Olympic gymnast from Michigan that got me obsessed with olympic gymnastics in 5th grade, follows her (wow), and her brother is a competitive wrestler and like really good apparently? Like represents the country it looks like? SO ANYWAYS I am happy for her, she seems to be doing well. I did wonder how weird it would be to reach out to her and be like "Hey you probably don't remember me, I am not trying to be creepy, I was that ugly brunette girl you saw like everyday for a few years of your life, I see you're doing well and I just want to say I love that for you". Just because I do wonder if she remembers me. Maybe not. I don't know.
Another person I check up on occasionally is Jose. Jose was actually in MY preschool class, and when we were 8 or 9 he started coming back for the summer and all the adults secretly wanted us to get married. But we had a good friendship! Jose's parents worked at the same college my mom works at so they would occasionally see each other, we saw them at the welcome back picnic in 2019? I think? They came to my dad's funeral (very sweet), so like they had been out and about but not as much with Jose. Last I saw he played football for his high school but that was...5 years ago. I have no idea what he's up to now but I hope he and his family are all good.
There are so many more. I found Cienna on instagram, I didn't love her, she was annoying. Also I was a bully. I was not a nice kid to others and I have so many regrets. Kamryn was a pageant girl and was on the little kid master chef show Gordon Ramsay did? I haven't looked at what she's up to in a while but I know she's in college now. probably really pretty and skinny still. I can't remember Megan's last name but she was a little dramatic; tiny blonde girl who was also in my youngest brother's pre-school class. Addison was younger than all of us but wild, I see her mom on occasion and also found through Facebook that she's the aunt of someone I was friends with in high school. Kendall moved across the state but her mom was so classy in the same way the mom in gossip girl was. yeah I don't know it's wild how close you can be with some people and then you just never see them again.
I am very grateful for social media because I can see a lot of these people from afar. I wish I knew what they were up to and that I forced my mom to befriend all of their parents on Facebook but like realistically what would be the point of all that. Getting old sucks! I miss my childhood!
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stressedbuttrying · 3 months ago
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Someone to Watch Over Me (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1505316635-someone-to-watch-over-me?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Alesha917 This is my love letter to Skinny Steve Rogers. I don't believe for a second that there was not one single girl in all of 1930s-40s New York who thought that little firecracker of a man was the bee's knees. So I made her. Also, because Steve deserves better than some Easter egg in She-Hulk about him losing his virginity to a USO dancer in 1943. And we all deserve better than that anemic chemistry with Peggy Carter. I will die on this hill.
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acerichmondp · 5 months ago
Childhood Memory
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Here I am next to my friend Ryan, who I missed before. My friends and I were just playing, no problem, just playing on the streets
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quantumquirksquiltblog · 7 months ago
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 8 months ago
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NOW LIVE! Bananapants: A Bonkers Romantic Comedy by Penny Reid is available now!
"Bananapants is pure Penny Reid perfection!" - Goodreads reviewer
"I am absolutely bananas over Bananapants! This was a funny, emotional, and even suspenseful read." - Goodreads reviewer Penny Reid Shop: https://bit.ly/3TpgWSp Amazon US: https://amzn.to/48zM8CT Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3Ta1KYb Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3T5DeaG Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3T13we2 Apple Books: https://apple.co/4bWvkJf Kobo: https://bit.ly/3IrC8B3 B&N: https://rb.gy/no7kwu Google Play: https://rb.gy/l0hmo3
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Estranged childhood friends unexpectedly reunite under bizarre circumstances and bicker their way to love in this bonkers romantic comedy. Ava Archer misses her best childhood friend most especially during the month of April. Ask any tax attorney, it’s a lonely, grueling time of year. Luckily, Ava has just received a surprising and delectably absurd offer from her posh doppelgänger at work. She must pretend to be the aforementioned posh co-worker for one night at an extremely fancy party; a party so fancy, there exists absolutely no chance anyone will recognize her or suspect her ruse. . . Desmond (Des) Sullivan is a thief. And not the heart-of-gold kind. He’s the steal-from-the-rich-and-give-to-the-also-rich-so-he-can-get-paid kind. He does, however, have one firm rule: never steal what the target can’t afford to lose. After a brutal falling out with his father, Desmond hasn’t returned to Chicago in over ten years. But when a good friend is swindled and something priceless is stolen, Desmond must return home, both as himself and his thieving alter ego. Infiltrate a dangerous secret society of the world’s most elite billionaires while leveraging his estranged father’s resources and not blowing his cover? Sure. No problem. Or it wouldn’t be a problem if Ava Archer hadn’t just walked into the room, wearing a ridiculous wig, speaking with a preposterous accent, and pretending (badly) to be someone she’s not. Bananapants is a full-length, contemporary romantic comedy filled with hijinks and shenanigans. It can be read as a standalone, but the parents of the main characters will be familiar to anyone who has read the Knitting in the City series.
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santanaseva · 8 months ago
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We're grateful for the Trust and Friendship you've shared with us on this Journey Your Strength and Resilience inspire us every day
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blofthenight · 6 months ago
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Dear Signal
"Love", what a nuisance. [Love Allergy] a.k.a. Lovesickness Symptoms: Heart-shaped rashes appearing on the body, dizziness, heart palpitations Cause: A reaction to feelings of love Treatment: ... ??? After his heart skips a beat at the sight of his childhood friend, Haname's smile, Arashi somehow awakens in a hospital bed...!? His body is covered in countless heart-shaped rashes. In order to suppress the effects of the allergic reaction caused by feelings of love (a.k.a. Lovesickness), he was prescribed heart-shaped pills to control his love. Since that day, "love" was stolen from him... He can kiss and have sex, but he doesn't know how to love...!? Pay attention to the heart-shaped rashes! Childhood friends restrained from love by a love allergy -- this is their heart-patterned, pure love-sick love! Includes the backstory of the pair's assigned doctor, Miyoshi-sensei.
Dizzy rating: 💫💫💫💫 4/5
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