#saisho saikou
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chepelmeshkalmao · 3 months ago
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All the girls are girling girling
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isara0408 · 1 year ago
Some headcanons for Kaga that I have.
I was originally going to make one shorts on them, but I rather just write them out lol.
Kaga was very mature for his age, which was one of the reasons why he didn't make friends. Even with him being very young, he wasn't at the same level as the rest of the children. He was an outcast.
He was mostly around adults than children his own age, so that would explain the maturity.
Whenever Kaga witnesses a child his age throwing a tantrum, he will watch the whole thing like 🧍🏻‍♂️. He would mostly be annoyed by the loud sound and stay close to his parents. However, if he did get involved, he would make it worse.
Whenever he was around kids his age, he would mostly stand aside from the rest. No one really understood him and found him weird from how different he was.
During classes, if he already knew the subject well, he would be learning new topics and advanced one as well. He was always sitting alone in classes, so no one really bothered him.
Kaga was mostly alone. That's why he doesn't really care much about making friends. (Before the science club came)
He isn't scared to say what he thinks and feels. He doesn't care either if the person gets hurt from the truth.
Whenever he entered middle and high school, he was distant from his classmates and would rather work alone than in partners or groups. He worked faster than the rest of his classmates.
He was the teachers' favorite since he was very intelligent for someone so young, hard working, and very eccentric. He stood out from the crowd.
He took a lot of classes for playing instruments, art, robotics, etc. His parents wanted to give him the best and let him explore the different options. Kaga does learn quickly, so that's the main reason why, and it would keep him busy.
This is the reason why he's always working with his hands and not taking breaks. He's been so busy with his hands almost all of his life, so all he knows is work. The science club (mostly Yaku) makes him take a break.
When he started to learn new languages, he would also learn about their cultures.
Kaga is a straight A+ student. He made sure to always make the perfect score. His parents didn't waste all that money for nothing. Whenever he made an A, or -A or a B, he would learn from his mistake and do better next time.
I have this cute headcanon of Kaga's parents giving Kaga a lab coat that scientists wear for his birthday. Kaga loves it and still wears it even during Akademi.
Even with his parents working in Saikou Corp, they always make time to celebrate holidays with Kaga and spend time with him. He is their only son.
Kaga does show negativity, but it really depends on the situation he is in. It's rare for him.
This is a headcanon, but it most likely happened in another universe: With being in Saikou Corp with his parents, he met Saisho Saikou in person by accident. This was when he was a child.
Sorry for not posting lol I've been on Reddit lately and school stuff.
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violyane · 1 year ago
There has been this thing, that I've been thinking for a while about Kaga and The Saikou family. Do you think Kaga would be accepted or disregarded as a potential Megami's husband by the Saikou Family?
It's an unchangeable fact, that Kaga will be Megami's suitor for the matchmaking elimination. Like it or not, there is just too much evidence to deny it any longer. But the matchmaking elimination seems harmless only for the previous rivals since their dating life is not as strict as Megami's. They can have boyfriends with no consequences. When it comes to Megami (and the Saikou family in general) their relationships are rather arranged and planned, probably with no dating period. Just straight marriage.
My inner debate is whether Kaga is a good or bad potential husband for Megami in the eyes of the Saikou family. I'm curious if Ichirou (and Saisho, but he's dead so oh well) would even approve of Kaga. It is true, that the Saikous are looking for the best of the best, which makes Kaga's chances high, considering his genius and talents. But he also has many flaws and a bad reputation so if Megami already sees the red flags, why would Ichirou ignore them?
Also, If I remember correctly, YandereDev once stated that Taro would be an ok candidate for Megami because even though he's a basic character, he has a good personality because he's calm, obedient, careful and conflict-free (which is the exact opposite of Kaga lol)
I created a poll but feel free to reblog or comment what doyou think because I'm really curious! :)
Personally, I see both scenarios as possible, but I prefer if the Saikou Family didn't like him (I think it's mainly because of my Kagami headcanons established in my head lol)
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ask-yandere-sim · 2 years ago
Saisho what is the worst thing you have ever done?
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robineer · 1 year ago
The Founding
Saikou Prep is an upper secondary school established by Saikou Corp. According to CEO, Saikou Saisho, the school was made to better help students exiting lower secondary schools who were smarter than the current curriculum for their grade, but were not able to attend an actual higher education. He also mentioned that his daughter was the main inspiration for the school, for she was an excellent individual.
Before her disappearance, that is. Saikou Prep had fallen years ago. She wasn’t the main reason why, but she was rather important in the cause. Either way, now it’s another typical school, just one that’s more expensive. What a shame.
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janyxbeloved · 1 month ago
I don't think I've ever mentioned the academy history - So I made the explanation and the history, it's heavily re-tweaked too, so I hope you enjoy!
If you guys thought that I wouldn't explain the lore, y'all were wrong HEHE-
Also, please read Origins to make sure confusion of why unknown names are there.
I'd also like to mention that there are six student council tapes, recorded by the 1989 student council.
Also, Sonoko has long hair here!!!!
I stated that my oc's are involved canonically in this rewrite.
This is like almost the entirety of the lore so please bear with me.
Sakura nō Hana Academy is a school built around the late 1950's by the Department of Education in Japan, which was funded by Saisho Saikou - Ichiko Saikou, his daughter, was one of the enrollees there. But shortly after her disappearance back in the early days of 1990, her case was ultimately closed as she is legally an adult by then so there was no point in asking her to come home. However, the school kept functioning even without their biggest donor as he had already died before 2026. As of then, the supportive parents of students pay heafty sums of money to keep the school going for future endeavors. The school was functional from 1955 up until 2026, almost closing down in the 1980's.
“I don't usually talk about these stuff but I feel like I have to vent what's been on my mind recently... The night patrol system is really messing with my brain, like I keep seeing something that isn't there or... Misplaced items like my ballpen, I put it down, but when I get up, it's not there anymore... And I'm kinda scared, it feels like those... Horror novels that the occult club reads... I never really liked the idea of ghosts being here in the academy but... Those are just... Tales, right? They aren't real! It's all just... In my head... I just hope it's mental fatigue, I've been sleeping unwell recently...”
~ Kyonashima, Kenji "Ken" - Council tapes #3
Like most schools, the academy also had it's fair share of ghost stories and tales as old as time. However most have been debunked, many still believe that the supernatural lurks upon humans, who knows, one may have already passed by one, perhaps not. It's just a tale used to scare students to make sure they don't overtime.
“This seems pretty exaggerated if you ask me. Why make us do this and put us at risk? We're people too y'know! It's almost hard to comprehend that we're only teenagers. We aren't security guards, we're only tasked to reinforce the law here! Man, I wish people understood that we can't be taking huge responsibilities at ages like this, it's total bullshit! Ghosts and legends aren't real!”
~ Aragaki, Daisaku - Council tapes #5
The night patrols were a common thing, from 1955 until 1990, two to three members of the student council would overtime until 8PM to ensure that the school was locked up for tonight, however, in 1989, during the presidency of Reiichi Tanaami he had said that he would wish to abolish the night patrols and let the student council go home the same time as normal students.
Safety was the priority, but what exactly was the cause of safety being prioritized?
“I never quite understood why we were tasked with these to begin with, it's not like there's a ghost here in the academy, that just sounds like pure bullshit... But then again, orders are orders - You can never defy them no matter how hard you want to. I just wish that the headmaster didn't take safety this far because I sacrifice sleep for this, and it's usually not worth the time nor effort, I have to cover shifts for some of the others due to the fact that they have important stuff to do. But I can't help but have this nagging feeling in my gut that something isn't entirely safe about the school, what makes me think of that? The cherry tree behind the school, the tales say that's where the school's name originated from, but I always found it... Odd that it's on top of a hill, but I'm not the type to usually question that...”
~ Tanaami, Reiichi - Council tapes #1
Reiichi didn't trust the fact the headmaster was having young teens take on such a responsibility, night patrol was scary enough, especially to Joze, who was only 14 in 1989. Reiichi allowed Joze to fall back and not participate as obviously, he was young, and he was also scared.
“I want to admit this for my sake but... I'm sort of terrified of the idea in joining night patrols... I don't trust it. It doesn't feel safe. I don't have much time to admit how I truly feel because the others might come back soon. Meu deus, the others might think I'm a coward... But then again, they probably understood... I'm afraid of the dark but I also feel somewhat unsafe whenever I get close to that cherry tree behind the school, something feels... Off about it. I don't wanna talk about it too much because I might be going crazy... I'm too scared to ask for reassurance that I'm not crazy because I don't want to look mentally unstable infront of the others, it would be humiliating and even concerning...”
~ Silva, Jose - Council tapes #6
It was unclear as to student council on why Joze never took the nightshifts, they knew he was scared but we're unsure of the main cause, not like the school had ghosts... Unless there was. Arutea Torentino, the vice president of the student council and Reiichi's right hand woman, was very wary and scared herself, but she had to bite her tongue and man up, she has a rosary on her person a lot. She's not overly religious in any way, but still keeps it with her at all times.
“The first nights of my night patrol weren't that bad, but I never really liked it either. Me and my friends have the same thought, even though they don't express it, I can tell that this whole night patrol thing is unsafe and puts our lives at risk. I never trusted the idea but I had to agree, I was pretty hesitant, which was already odd enough. I don't usually hesitate to good ideas... But something deep inside said that it wasn't. But I had no choice but to bite my tongue and man up for it because I have no choice. It was never easy to leave the room and go on patrol, but atleast you're never alone, you have someone to keep you company, and as long as you and your companion have a flashlight, it doesn't feel that unsafe... But still, something about schools at night still freak me out, I used to overtime a lot back in the Philippines but never had I expected to relive the same nightmare here in Japan... Hopefully, the headmaster changes his mind and abolishes the idea entirely...”
~ Tolentino, Althea - Council tapes #4
Reiichi had many reasons to entrust Arutea to be the next president, it's because he had faith in her that she will lead with a head held high and never back down from any challenges. The student council is about teamwork, not who can outbest who. As Arutea stepped to become the next president, she abolished the night patrol thing, leaving the school at peace...
“I never really planned to cut my hair, I didn't but I just randomly thought of it one time during night patrol. I don't usually think of cutting my hair since it's long enough that I'd like to keep it that way. However, something feels weird, like I do get startled when something gets stuck pulls my ponytail like a metal rod or something, that's why I switched to putting my hair in a bun, but I randomly decided to keep it as a permanent hairstyle choice, I usually patrol alone at night, despite how mentally exhausting it can be, I do get paranoid, but I don't like having the others scream all the time. I usually enter the gym when on patrol too, but one night, my body didn't allow me to move any further past the doors. Like my mind was telling me to go inside but my guts didn't like the idea of going inside at all. So I just shut the gym doors, turned on my heel and went back to the meeting room to give in my status report... It was odd but it felt right to not go inside. Also, the cherry tree behind the school was dead at the time, I don't know why but it just refused to bloom, but it did bloom the following week and at the same time, the nagging feelings were gone.”
~ Sakanoue, Sonoko - Council tapes #2
Though despite how unsafe it was, many people still enroll their kids in the academy, the tales are lost to time and won't be remembered at all, hopefully that parents and students alike will remember the motto of Sakura nō Hana Academy is: "Your future is what we nurture!"
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Anonymous asked:
redraw one of ur favourite old posts
The Kaga and Geiju posts are my favorites. I redrew two posts ahaha, and the second one will drop next.
Original post
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creepycombo · 2 years ago
That moment when your dad erases you from existence:
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kirnx-art · 3 years ago
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Soooo... Osoro knows something about Ryoba and Saikou???
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selenestarmoon · 2 years ago
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amaibutagirlboss · 3 years ago
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isara0408 · 1 year ago
Megami and Kaga had a lot of potential than just being Kaga stalking Megami and pretty much being her stalker/creep that Yandere Dev made himself.
Instead of that, why didn't Yandere Dev make them childhood friends? Kaga's parents work in Saikou Corp. I'm sure Kaga would have met Megami during his youth whenever Megami had to leave the Corporation for her training, so why didn't he chose that path for them and have Kaga be the first male that Megami trusted? Kaga fits the criteria that the Saikou family is looking for (sure, he's at the bottom of the list, but he's there)
Kaga is quite intelligent and very talented at a very young age. Maybe if Saisho was able to see that, maybe he would have wanted Kaga close to Megami.
"If this boy is close to Megami and Megami trusts this boy, he can be a useful tool for Saikou Corp in the future."
Ichirou doesn't go against his father's decision. He never really argues with him either, so Ichirou has to follow his father's orders on keeping Kaga close to Megami. They will have to keep a close eye on him. If he ever did find out the dark secrets of Saikou Corp, Kaga would be killed by the orders of Saisho. (Just like Saisho did with Fungirl, but actually killed him rather than using a machine)
Saisho would keep a close eye on the two children whenever they were close to each other or hanging out.
Megami and Kaga begin to talk almost every day, which Saisho allowed. As time went on, the two became very close friends. Kaga was there for Megami whenever she needed him, and Megami was there for Kaga whenever he needed her.
The two continued to stick by each other's side throughout their years. Even after Saisho died, Megami made sure that Kaga stayed by her side if Ichirou had ever tried to separate and break their friendship, or if Kencho ever tried to set a trap to break their friendship.
Kaga would be a threat to Ayano if she killed him before and during Megami's week. Even if Kaga is her suitor, Kaga is someone important to Megami. If Megami loses him, who knows what she will do to put Ayano behind bars for his death.
So, let me give you guys some headcanons for this universe :>
They first met when they were 5.
Megami was quite distant at first because of how strict her family was until Saisho, himself, allowed her to see him and hang out with him.
Kaga was there for her during the tragic event of her murdering her hamster. (Megami's mother sneaked him inside) That day, Kaga promised her that they'll buy a hamster and take care of it together when they got older.
On her 13th birthday, Kaga made her a bracelet with his own hands to represent their friendship. He made one for himself, too. (And Aoi once she came into the picture) Megami hides her bracelet under her sleeves of her student council uniform.
Aoi and Kaga didn't get along well at first, but they slowly got close to each other and became friends. (Kaga is still scared of her)
Megami was slightly shorter than Kaga when they were children, but during the years and puberty, Megami grew taller.
Kaga would show Megami his new gadgets, invention ideas, etc. Megami would sometimes help him with building those inventions/gadgets (with a lot of protection, of course). That's how her love for science became.
Megami has a small robot that Kaga made himself and gave it to her to keep her company when they first met. She still has it in her room.
Megami forced Kaga to take self-defense classes. (It didn't end very well)
Kaga is basically Megami's cheerleader. He will cheer for her as much as possible to show that he is by her side and she can count on him.
Whenever Kaga gets hurt by an experiment, Megami will immediately take him to the best hospital in Japan and would be there for him unless she had training to do.
Kaga's parents feel uneasy having Megami close to their son. They know how strict the Saikou family is. They don't want their son harmed in any way. With time, they began to trust Megami. (Only her)
Once they enter Akademi, they are known as powerful friendship. The daughter of the richest and most powerful man in Japan and a mad scientist who is very talented and made the impossible possible. together? Power duo!
Megami has witnessed many competitions that Kaga has been in and won first place for. She tries to be there with her bodyguards and would take Kaga out to celebrate for his accomplishments with the permission of his parents, of course.
Whenever Kaga did his crazy smile or laugh when he got a new idea in his mind, Megami would smack him (gently) to make him quit, or shaking her head and say, "No."
Megami only lets Kaga show her affection (holding her hand, pecking her cheek, hugging her, etc). It makes him happy, and the way he shows love.
Kaga's parents sometimes tease Kaga about, one day, ending up liking Megami as more than a childhood friend. Kaga rejects this every time (but they were right in the end)
Kaga ended up catching feelings for Megami when they entered Akademi. At first, Kaga was confused at first on how his body was reacting to having Megami close to him or showing her affection, which is something he always did. Kaga never fell in love with anyone or saw anyone in a romantic way, so it was all new to him. With time, Kaga finally admitted that he caught feelings for his childhood friend. (His parents had a nice " I told you so." victory 😌)
Megami caught on to this. She's not blind. It's quite obvious from Kaga's body language.
Kaga never had the courage to confess because of many guys trying to win Megami's hand in marriage until the last year of Akademi, that's when he confessed his feelings to her under the cherry tree.
Megami did develop feelings for Kaga, but it took her more time to realize those buried feelings.
Kaga admires Megami a lot for her achievements, bravery, determination, and her hard work.
Megami would carry Kaga if he was ever too fatigued to move (after not resting for a certain number of days). Kaga found it annoying at first but got used to it.
Whenever Megami has free time (it's rare), Kaga would use this opportunity to go to the town with Megami to spend time together as much as they can.
Kaga would protect Megami from any guy who would flirt with her or look at her inappropriately. Megami would tell him to let her handle it and to calm down.
Megami is brutally honest with Kaga even if it hurts his feelings. She will say what she thinks and feels. (This is a headcanon I have as them as a couple )
If Kaga is killed, Megami will make sure to put Ayano behind bars. She knows she did it. After that, she will mourn for Kaga's death.
If Megami is killed, Kaga will find the person who caused her death and mourn for Megami's death.
This is probably something that would happen in another timeline not in the canon one, but it's a nice idea and interesting friendship :D
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violyane · 2 years ago
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Please free my girl Megami from this terrible family
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aishi-ayanari · 3 years ago
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Terrible father with questionable morals but young Saisho is hot
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mulberry-elixir · 3 years ago
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mysteryflowers · 3 years ago
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New Saisho art added to the characters page
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