#child nix
oceanera12 · 3 months
I was going to watch this week’s Imp & Skizz podcast this morning but it took me 3 hours to get through the chapter and its lunch time. I genuinely couldn’t tell you if I read slowly or the chapter was just that long but oh my gods it was sooooo worth it. How do you write so well and so much??
Also, since it’s fresh, how about a director’s cut for Impulse?
- @nightmare761
... This is dating my inbox backdating (Hi Nix, my bad),
So, ummmm... IMPULSE!
(here's the chapter if you'd like a recap-- I know I needed one)
Director's cut underneath!
So a few things about what I needed to figure out before I wrote this chapter.
First of all, Impulse had already shown up in the Tango chapter. So a lot of character decisions had already been made, such as Impulse having the ability to shapeshift and the fact that he was a demon. However, I had no idea how that actually translated into demon world-building, so I had to figure that out at this point.
Second issue: Skizz. You can see this in the author's note of the previous chapter but I was debating if I should include Skizz at all (this was before Skizz was announced to be joining Hermitcraft). And I knew I wanted him to have the angel wings because I loved the symmetry of Skizz as an angel and Impulse as a demon.
Problem: I didn't have plans for angels to be a thing and honestly? I didn't think it fit the world building to include them.
Also, someone had left a comment in the past about how they knew Impulse (the CC, not the character) didn't like being portrayed with horns and a tail. And so, I had to figure out what a demon actually entailed in this world.
After a few ideas, I decided that the term "demon" was not the correct term-- just a term that was decided upon by human players who came across them due to their inherent magic and different looks.
The three different types of demon kind was decided because I needed one who shape-shifted, one with wings, and then I decided I needed a third type because three seemed like a better number than two.
The names of the types of demons were taken from types of demons I pulled from other media. Imps, Hellions, and Incubi.
Impulse had to be an imp for obvious reasons, and so imps became the shapeshifters.
The Hellion pictures I looked at had wings so Skizz was designated to Hellion.
As for Incubi, I decided the third kind would be strong in magic and look the most like what we might picture a demon to be (aka, this is what BadBoyHalo is).
I have no plans to do anything with the Hels dimension in Built Family so Hels became the demons home world/dimension. I thought it was funny to just make Hels look like the nether except it was somehow worse.
Slavery is a very... sensitive subject. But I knew I wanted to explore the idea of how hybrid-trading is still a thing in a more modern setting. Thus, Impulse and Skizz's "Master" (*gags*) became a vile man who uses "inclusivity" as social points among his peers.
Impulse was actually summoned into Hermitcraft and he has an animation that opens his first episode ever. I used that as the basis as to who was involved in the summoning and location.
I absolutely loved the concept of a Demon Circle. The idea stemmed from a summoning circle and ended up branching into a pack-like-bond, just with magic.
I think that's all the thoughts I can put to paper for now, but I absolutely love demon culture and would love to explore it more if I get the opportunity to.
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welcometothevale · 7 months
continuing this with @godzexperiment
Lavender hair, long and appearing as if a brush had never graced the messy locks, tumbled to her mid-back. She'd been running around quite a lot today—mainly to avoid those in charge of her lessons for the day. To her delight, something strange was happening. A stranger was here; outsiders always came with neat gadgets, trinkets, and plenty of entertaining stories. Even better, this newcomer might actually play hide and seek with her.
If she could get him to not stick her with his knife. Instead of fear, her dark eyes shone with excitement and wonder. His question was answered honestly. "I'm Rose, who are you? Whoa..." Wings. She'd never see a real person with real wings before.
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patetpluvia · 2 months
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"I was told True Cross people kidnap kids to eat them! He must be wanting to eat Mr. Dennis.."
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thenixkat · 2 months
My brain has been throwing undead/vampire Ted, Blood Beetle, and villain!Ted stuff at me for a post Infinate Crisis story but b4 I can do that i'd... have to actually read more of Infinite Crisis.
I dont look forward to it. I get the ghist of it from watching comic book retrospectives, its just not a story I'm interested in.
I do wanna read fic of vampire werebeetle Ted being angry as shit about the stuff that lead up to his death and also the Justice League loosing the new Blue Beetle in space.
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silvr-skreen · 6 months
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Nix voice: Don't say I never do anything nice for you.
anyways there should be more rep for conjoined twins who are able to live fulfilling lives as people with unique needs, wants and aspirations. including Nox! She wants to have a kid someday.
Her daughter is Nebula (often called Nebby) who is Nix's daughter by association but really, she just refers to him as her uncle. (he does not mind this tee bee aych)
ft. grandpa cosmo and also hydra being a mean little bitch about it. (their parents were super fucked up individuals and as a result they're unable to recognize not all parents do that and that Nebby's gonna be okay. They got super mean until Cosmo sat them down and told them they had to calm the hell down, no Nix & Nox aren't going to do to Nebby what was done to Hydra, but you gotta let them both prove themselves as parental/guardian figures.)
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korkietism · 8 months
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Dragonfruit, The Coolatta Family, two of the Draculas, Korekiyo Shinguji, Derpy Hooves, and all of their respective familiars on the same spread because I love them.
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janeelyakiri · 4 months
Okay wait wait wait. Your horror bros work for Nightmare, right? The same Nightmare that just rescued Polly? Where the hell have they been this whole time??
Vulture and Hyena returning to the castle
Vulture: We're back from our vacation bo- ..............
Hyena: ......................................
Vulture: Where th'fuck is everyone??????
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seeks-for-knowledge · 8 months
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"My hosts were as welcoming as they could have been, but when someone nicked their finger by accident, they had to confine their pet Nixie into the shed overnight for everyone's safety. Cute fellow otherwise." - Seeks-For-Knowledge
Nix-Hounds are insectoid quadrupedal creatures native to Morrowind. They're a common sight on the road, and are often kept as pets. Their distinctive trait is their long proboscis, which they use to drain their prey of bodily fluids. Their saliva is corrosive, and if it comes in contact with skin, it might from a permanent bond with it. Nix-Hounds travel in packs, and an attack from a pack of fully grown Nix-Hounds can be dangerous. As pets, they are known to be affectionate, attentive and faithful to their owners, and are employed as trackers, watch hounds and war dogs.
Eating habits When a Nix-Hound emerges from its chrysalis, they emerge hungry, and can drain at least four similarly sized creatures per day. They feed on creatures such as baby guars, goats, kwama pupae and ash hoppers, but they might also show interest in draining small children and pets as well, so if you do have a Nix-Hound pet, you should keep a close eye on them, especially when they're young and curious.
Grooming Nix-Hounds are very clean creatures, which is a relief for pet owners. A Nix-Hound tends to spend hours cleaning itself, scraping and polishing its facial chitin and antennae with its nimble pedipalps. However, they aren't flexible enough to easily clean their abdomen and thorax. For a pet owner, it is recommended to clean their nix-hound with an oiled rag once every two weeks. Before this procedure, it is in the owner's best interests to make sure they know where a nix-hound's sensory seta and abdominal glands are, as Nix-Hounds have been known to turn aggressive if touched in the wrong place. If this does happen, giving the nix-hound a few days and a dozen buckets of meat-fluid should calm it down again.
Current state They hail from the isle of Morrowind, but since the Red Year gave a strong incentive to migrate, they have become common in Solstheim.
Traveler's advice: If you travel in the wilderness of Morrowind and hear a noise similar to a frustrated grown man uttering "augh," it is a wounded Nix-Hound. I recommend staying away, as its possible pack is likely not far.
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superlemonsweet · 1 year
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''Mama, we're a little high...''
''I know sweetness, but isn't it pretty up here?''
(ft. child Alatan)
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godzexperiment · 1 year
It was as quick could be, not quite rushed but an air of rushing to tend to his wound. Likely to take advantage while he was still and not so troublesome. Doctor telling him not to scratch at the stitches as turned away for an split second. Clean things up in the space. As the itching sensation already seemed to creep in. So the young child acted impulsively. Mouth open as wide he could and biting down around the wound. He was careful of it! Before could let go through the doctor had already turned back around. Two of them just staring at each other while he didn't unlatch from his arm. -------
Glaring at the tiny little cup full of red liquid. "You could give that to somebody who actually needs it." Tactic to try getting out of it; knew it was futile but he was stubborn in spite of himself. Looking from it up at them, "See I'm fine." Followed by the cough that he couldn't stifle any longer. "I'll give you something to wash it down; sooner it's over with the sooner you can move on from it." Dead silence as well there was an point being made. Nix thought for an moment, "Can I wash it down with apple juice?" An brief look he could tell was probably disgust. Yet clearly the possible cooperation outweighed whatever it had been about. And he did stay put while they left to get some. Wondering how the flavors would mix with curiosity. But then the awful liquid was back and he wasn't handed the apple juice immediately. Wanted to drink both at the same time but fine what an buzzkill tactic. Downing it with lots of nose scrunching and faces before chugging the glass of apple juice. "Batteries taste better than that." Way too casually but he'd been dragged for medical attention for that before as well. So it earned just an little sigh and something of an when did you last lick an battery to which he just shrugged.
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oceanera12 · 3 months
Hi Nix!
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medranochav · 2 years
I've been working on a few different projects and prompts and collecting them throughout the past couple months with the curatorial intention of anthologizing them along with the hoards of drafts I've been meaning to purge by posting snippets across my socials. but now this lil project originally slated for sharing at the very top of the year is just sitting there collecting virtual dust. ahhh once again in the tangles of perfectionism and avoidance
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transkingcobra · 4 months
Idk more animal names need to roll off the tongue as cute pet names better
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thaliaisalesbian · 4 months
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapter 26: it's the first thing you do
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27
Steve feels like shit. Not the worst he’s ever felt, but honestly it’s going to be hard to beat that. Maybe he needs to come up with a new pain scale for himself. He doesn’t think that anyone else will find it funny, but it might make him feel better.
“Why didn’t you just stay home? Or call one of us?” Nancy asks. She doesn’t know about his parents. At least, Steve doesn’t think she does. He hasn’t said anything, and she hasn’t been here long enough for Jonathan to tell her. He thinks. She’s been at school all day, right? “And where did you get all of that bruising on your face? Did you fall or run into something?”
He can see on her face that she doesn’t believe it as soon as she says it.
“Was it your parents?”
“I don’t want to talk about it, Nance.” He knows that’s all but confirming it, but he really doesn’t want to talk about it.
Jonathan wants him to leave. But he can’t do that.
Between his mom’s side of the family and his dad’s business, they probably own half of the buildings in town. Their ‘friends’ watch him, and report back to his parents when he’s doing something he’s not supposed to be doing.
If he moves in with the Byers, or Hopper and El, for good, then they’ll just come and drag him back. Or make Joyce lose her job somehow, and Jonathan too.
finish on ao3 or under the cut
And they might go after the other kids, too. His mom had talked about it, when he and Nancy had broken up. She’d offered to ‘ensure that she never works in journalism’, and while her reach doesn’t extend to the whole field, she’d certainly be able to make it happen in Hawkins. Wouldn’t even be that hard, probably, Nancy’s already been having trouble getting the position at the Hawkins Post without his mom sticking her nose into it.
He had to beg her not to. Told her that they were still kids, and that dating was a little different now. Plenty of people dated around, it wasn’t a big deal.
He’s not sure it worked the way he wanted it too, but she’s backed off, because Nancy and Jonathan would have been outright told ‘no’ when they walked in the door if she’d given the word.
But he can’t tell Nancy and Jonathan about that, because they’ll tell him that they can handle it.
They might be able to, but he doesn’t want them to. It’s bad enough that Joyce and Hopper won’t take anything from him. He knows they had to have spent a lot of money, not to mention time, on him during his recovery and it’s the only way he knows how to repay them.
“Steve?” Nancy touches his hand, and he realizes he’s stopped talking to her. “If you need to go back to sleep that’s okay, you know.”
“I’m okay.” He’s not all that tired, he just feels terrible. “Can I have some water?”
He doesn’t remember all that clearly what happened this morning.
He knows he wasn’t thinking straight, and he’s still a little wonky on that front now. But it’s better than it was.
“Where’s Jonathan?” He was just here, wasn’t he? Steve was teasing him about… something.
“He went to take a shower a few minutes ago, do you not remember that? Is your head okay?”
“I mean, my face hurts, but not my head.” Probably. He can’t actually tell if he has a headache or if it’s just from his face being all beat up.
“I don’t think this is a good thing, Steve.” She’s right, of course she is, but he’s not sure what she wants him to do about it. “Did Jon just bring you here?”
“No hospital.” He says, immediately. He’s not going there. His parents just left, he doesn’t want them coming back. They’d be pissed.
(Even though it was their fault—no, it was his fault, wasn’t it? It’s always his fault—it doesn’t even matter. They’ll be upset. The cycle will start over, and he’ll end up right back here.)
“Dustin’s mom came and checked on him, she said he didn’t need to go.” Jonathan’s back; with Steve missing most of the day, he’ll have to explain things to Nancy.
Nancy’s eyebrows scrunch up. “He’s missing time, Jon.”
“He’s been really out of it all day.” Jonathan says. “That’s not too surprising.”
Thankfully, Nancy doesn’t push more, and she doesn’t say anything about school, either.
Steve was hopeful that he could pass at least a few of his classes this year, but 
“Want me to lay down with you, Steve?” Nancy offers. Jonathan hadn’t been, he’d been in the chair.
“No, I don’t want to get you sick, too.” He tells her. And he doesn’t want her to find out. Jonathan knows, because he has to know, now, but so far he hasn’t told Nancy and Steve doesn’t want him to.
Let Nancy think that the worst of it is on his face.
He doesn’t need someone else trying to convince him that he needs to move out. He can’t move out.
He’s not risking the consequences.
“I’m going to get dinner ready. Do you know what the boys are doing out there?”
“Hopefully homework, but probably DnD stuff.” Nancy answers. “What time is your mom getting home?”
“Late, she’s closing tonight. Steve’s been fine, though.”
Take that, Nancy. He’s fine.
“As long as his fever doesn’t spike, he’ll be okay staying here, I think.”
It better not spike. Right now, it’s not so bad—he’s a little achy all over and his face hurts, sure, but he’s fine.
“What about school?”
And there it is.
“Well, he can’t go back tomorrow.”
“We’ll see how it goes.” Steve says, before they get a chance to decide for him. “Maybe I can be back by Wednesday.”
The looks they give him are highly doubtful, but he has hope. Besides, he really doesn’t want to miss more school.
Maybe that will change once he’s actually back at school, having to deal with Hargrove, Tommy, and everyone else.
“You don’t have to, Steve. Don’t push yourself.”
“I won’t, but if I’m okay on Wednesday then I’ll go back then.”
“I’m going to let you two try and out-stubborn each other.” Jonathan really does leave, then, and Steve misses him immediately. 
He loves Nancy, but if she’s going to push then he doesn’t know what he’s going to do or say.
“Can we not talk about school?” He winces when the words run into each other in his haste. “Or the bruises? I just—”
He’d wanted things to go back to normal. If things were normal, he would have at least tried to sit through class today before one of his teachers finally sent him to the nurse’s office.
He’d be at home, by himself, and probably with a higher fever. He probably wouldn’t have been able to get himself to take any medicine for it.
So, maybe not entirely back to normal. Being taken care of when he’s sick, just because he’s sick, it’s… nice.
“You just want to go back to normal.” Nancy finishes the sentence for him. “But what’s our normal, Steve?”
Changing, apparently.
His face hurts too much to be thinking this hard.
“I don’t know.” He whispers. “I wanted something to go right, for once, and it didn’t.”
“No, it didn’t.” Nancy’s studying him again—he doesn’t even have to look at her to know that she is. He can feel it in the weight of her gaze, heavier than it is when she’s just looking because she wants to look. “And tomorrow probably won’t either. But we can try on Wednesday, probably.”
“Yeah. Wednesday.”
He’ll be okay by then.
Ready to deal with missed work, bright lights, gossip in the hallways, and Hargrove? Probably not.
Ready to deal with Tommy and Carol? Fuck no, but he hasn’t felt ready for that in a while now.
Jonathan and Nancy will be there, though.
And they’ve helped before, and if he lets them, they’ll help him again.
So Steve thinks he can wait until Wednesday, and even if he doesn’t feel ready for all of that, he’ll still be okay.
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hellslittleprince · 11 months
“Wanna come scare the crap out of some teens with me? The kids get a free pass for embracing all things spooky. The ones dressed as demons or Phoenixs get the candy we steal from the teens.”
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isaacathom · 1 year
cause like, Zayvia's entire thing is that they are constantly, and largely consistently, choosing kindness. they choose to do nice things for other people. it is not an effortless process. their instinct is always to the self, always to look after themself alone. they choose to extend it outwards, against their 'nature', because no matter what they know that its good.
and because they regularly make these deliberate choices, where their hesitation and pause is easily read as shyness, it would be a real fuckin curveball for them to be possessed or otherwise manipulated and controlled into ignoring that drive to be better. to shut off the part of them that says that the self is good, but its nothing alone. to shut that off and be an absolute piece of work.
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