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witchygagirlwrites · 2 days ago
Wildflower-Part 2
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Jay Halstead x Reader (Nicknamed Wildflower)
You and Jay both adjust to him being home and someone else figures out Leah’s parentage
As soon as you hit the six week mark to go back to work, Sylvie and Matt helped you to get Leah into the same daycare that Julia was in. You would drop her off in the morning when you headed into shift. It wasn’t far from the station house and well vetted by Voight. You trusted it well enough.
When you woke up the following morning after Jay met Leah you barely wanted to get out of bed. It was only a matter of time before news spread of him being back. No one gossiped more than first responders. Avoiding Hailey when you were pregnant had been a feat in itself. You worked the truck for the first few months up until you got hurt and Kelly threatened to take away your position on squad completely if you didn’t move to light duty.  The times intelligence and fifty one ended up on the same calls Stella and Sylvie were amazing in running interference. You told them it was just because she was a reminder of Jay you didn’t want to face, you prayed they never figured it out.
You laid there for the longest until her little cries filled the air. “I’m coming babygirl” you called out and tossed your blanket off. She could give a damn less about any drama. All she knew was she needed her mommy to get her a bottle and a dry diaper to get her ready for the day.
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You parked your truck behind Stella’s jeep and took a deep breath. You could do this. You could face this. This place was yours. The people inside were your family. They always had your back. Kelly and Stella fought for you. Matt and Sylvie comforted you. Violet crawled in the bed and supported you while you gave birth. They would never turn their back on you.
You grabbed everything you needed and opened your door, the cool air brushing across your face made you breathe a little easier. 
The moment you stepped into the bays Sylvie, Stella and Violet came running at you. “Did you hear?” Stella asked and you shook your head, eyes wide “I don’t think so?” “Jay’s back. Matt saw him with Will this morning” Sylvie told you and your stomach hit your feet, fuck that was fast.
You prayed to anyone and everything listening that your face didn’t come anywhere in the vicinity of betraying your thoughts. You shrugged “Not like he could call me. I changed my number after the issues” your story had been that Leah was the result of a one night stand that the guy was just a bad decision all around. You’d told everyone you’d gone out a few nights after Jay left, which just so happened to have been Mouse’s birthday so your story was believable that you were depressed enough to end up drunk in some random guy's bed. 
You’d had to fake a few harassing phone calls and texts but it protected Jay’s name by selling your story and kept a confrontation with Hailey from happening. 
Stella laughed “He’s gonna be surprised when he does see you. Baby and all” you cut your eyes at her “My baby is the least of his concern. If he’s back now, shouldn't he be worried about a job and his ex wife?”   all three of them started laughing at that and your shoulders loosened a bit. Ok, that’s good. They were laughing which meant they believed your bullshit, right?
Matt walked up “Ladies, shouldn’t you four be getting to work” you shot him a grin “Captain I’m on Squad three” Kelly whistled from where he was sitting in his recliner “Get to work Wildflower” and you rolled your eyes playfully “Fine Sev” and he grinned. See, this was why you loved this bunch.
Violet hooked her arm through yours as the two of you headed inside so you could shove your bag into your locker. “So, how was your two days off?” you shrugged “I cleaned, slept and washed laundry” and nodded “Productive”  you laughed “Not that glamorous of a life there Vi. Single mama and all. Why do you think I always make sure you keep up with your birth control?”
She grinned ���And I adore you for it”, the two of you walked through the common area and Sam turned from where he was pouring coffee “Ladies, you two want a cup?” “Yes please” you told him and he nodded “Coming right up” 
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Jay was trying to listen to his new boss. He would be working in private security. They worked in tandem with CPD but it was a lot lower risk and a lot more money. He would no longer be bringing danger home with him. When he first signed on for the job it was simply because he was just tired of everything he’d dealt with during his time in intelligence, now? Now all he could think about was a tiny pink bundle that fit so well in his hands and looked so much like you but had his hue of eyes.
“Halstead, you good?” he nodded “Yes sir. Little bit of jet lag” he replied and Stevenson nodded “Understandable. You won’t really be doing much today, just going over our systems mainly. They’re not that much different than you’re used to but just familiarize yourself with them you know?” He nodded “Yes sir” “Good, come with me” he stood to follow the other man through the building. “So Jay, tell me a little more about yourself. Got any family? Kids?”
Jay’s first thought was to gush about Leah. He’d just met her but god she was perfect. He wanted to talk about her but he had promised. “Um, no not yet” he felt his stomach knot with the lie. Fuck, he didn’t like feeling like he was denying her. He would simply because you asked. “Um I got divorced before I deployed so not really any time for anything else” he added and Stevenson laughed “I get that man. Well with this job it’s not easy but it’s definitely not as much bullshit as you had to eat working intelligence”
“Good, I couldn't handle any more of that” he replied with a short laugh. 
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You’d worked two wrecks and a water rescue. At least the day had seen fit to not give you much time to sit and think. You finally had a moment to catch your breath so you flopped down in one of the many chairs that were around the table in the bay. Food was being cooked and your stomach was growling but you needed some fresh air. You hadn’t felt truly alone before this moment. No one knew what you were going through and you were honestly terrified.You didn’t know what to do, how to deal with this. 
You pulled out your phone and stared at the photo of Leah that was your wallpaper. “Babygirl I’ll protect you if it’s the last thing I do” “Everything ok?” you snatched your head around to see Stella and Sylvie standing at the end of the table “How long have you two been standing there?” 
Stella nodded towards your phone “Long enough to hear you promise to protect Leah if it’s the last thing you do” you nodded “Just thinking” they exchanged a look “Did something happen?” Sylive asked and you shook your head, slipping your phone into your pocket “No, is food ready?” they nodded so you stood “Let’s go eat then. I’m hungry”
Can I see her tonight? You stared at the text from Jay for far too long before finally sending back Not tonight, ok? You knew you told him that he could see her but he’d just met her last night. You didn’t to do an every day thing.
Ok. Let me know when was his response. You took a deep breath and slipped your phone into your pocket. You could do this, you’d survived this far. You would continue to survive.
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“Hey baby” you spoke lightly as Leah cooed, grabbing your fingers. Jay wanted to come see her. You’d kept him away for the last two weeks since he’d been home, using your work as an excuse. “I want him to be able to see you, I wouldn’t want to keep you from him but I also don’t want to hurt him either” you whispered, letting her play with your fingers.
You told him to go out with Will and Kevin tonight. He needed to see his brother, his friends. He texted you daily to check on her, you. You hadn’t told him you’d been at Mouse’s grave when he called you earlier. Hell you needed someone to talk to. You’d sat under the tree his parents had bought the plot next to, holding Leah while she napped. He loved Hailey enough to marry her, he had a chance to get her back now. He had a new job, a new start. He could have a new life without all the old issues. You were an old issue. You brought memories of the past, memories of pain and so much baggage.
You just wished he would have forgotten about you all together. That would’ve made things so much easier for everyone. If he would’ve forgotten about you, he never would’ve come to your place and never would’ve found out about her. 
She cooed louder and you laughed “Ok ok. I’ll get us both so food ma’am. You don’t have to get all fussy Butt” and scooped her up. You stared down at her for a moment, her seafoam eyes squinting. Why did she have to have those eyes?
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Jay stood next to Will, sipping his beer as Kevin racked the pool balls. He was adjusting to his new job. It was a walk in the park compared to intelligence, he was getting paid pretty well and he wasn’t getting shot at every day. “How’s Wildflower? I ain’t seen her around in a minute man” Kevin asked, cutting his eyes up at Jay. Jay shrugged “I’ve only talked to her a couple times since I got back. She seems ok. That baby of hers is adorable” Kevin grinned “Little Leah? Oh that angel is!”
Jay took a long swig of his beer to hide his proud grin. He knew she was adorable. Will nodded “Those two are both strong as hell. I thought I nearly lost Wildflower and Leah that time she got hurt” Jay couldn’t stop his head from how fast it whipped around towards Will “What?” 
Will raised an eyebrow “She didn’t tell you?” Jay shook his head “No” Kevin grimaced “She worked pretty solid the first few months till she had a close call. Nearly died and lost little Leah. It was bad but she healed up pretty good” Jay nodded slowly “Good that she didn’t die or lose her baby” he was hoping he didn’t look as damn stricken as he felt. You’d nearly died, both of you. He felt sick, honestly.
The idea of you being dead and him having no idea? It ripped his fucking heart out and stomped on it. Would he have ever known? Would he have just come home looking for you and someone else be in your apartment? Would Will have had to take him to your grave? Then christ if he would’ve found out you were pregnant when you died on top of it? If he had lost his best friend, the woman he…well you and his baby? Without ever even knowing? He couldn’t even begin to wrap his head around it.
“Ok, that’s enough talking about Wildflower. You two know she hates being the topic of conversation” he grabbed a pool cue and went to line up a shot when he heard Tyler Greene, some beat cop that Kevin had spoken to that was sitting at the bar scoff.
You cut his eyes up “What’s your issue Greene?” he asked and Greene shrugged “Isn’t Wildflower that firefighter chick that don’t even know who the hell the father of her baby is? Doesn’t seem like she had any standards to me” Jay moved without a second thought, he was across the bar with one of Greene’s arms twisted behind his back and his face shoved into the bar “Say it again asshole, I fucking dare you”
“Jay back off man!” Kevin urged, grabbing his arm. “Naw, Tyler here has something to say. Let him” Kevin shook his head “He’s sorry man..aren’t ya Greene?” Greene nodded “S-Sorry”
Jay snatched the man up and spun him around to have him by the collar “Watch your mouth when you’re talking about people because you don’t know who the hell is listening”  then shoved him “Get the hell out of here” 
Kevin and Will both were staring at him afterwards and he shrugged “What?” Kevin shook his head “I was about to hit him so you just saved my hand” he nodded “Ok then let’s finish the damn game”
Jay was walking out of the bar to his truck when Will called his name so he stopped to look back at his brother. “Yeah man, what’s up?” Will walked closer to him and stared him in the eyes until it was uncomfortable “What are you doing?” he asked with a nervous laugh and Jay shook his head “Realizing how fucking stupid I am”
“Wow, ok? Can I go?” Jay asked and Will shook his head “No, we need to talk” “About?” Jay asked so Will took a step closer, lowering his voice to no one passing by would hear him say “My niece”  Jay felt his hands go cold. He hadn’t meant for Will to find out, you asked him for no one to know.
“Will, don’t” he pleaded and Will’s eyebrows scrunched together “Why?” “She begged me not to tell anyone” Will shook his head “I don’t understand. Why not tell me?”
Jay shook his head “I don’t know. Protecting me in the way she seen fit? Man please just keep your mouth shut” Will sighed “Fine but she’s my niece, I almost lost her, I care about Wildflower too. Even if she thought you weren’t coming back. That hurts that she didn’t trust me”
Jay found himself getting defensive with his own brother too, “Hey, back off her. She went through a lot too. She found out her best friend got her pregnant then left and chose to do it solo. Please don’t put this on her right now” Will nodded “I’d never stress her out but when she’s ready, I’d really like to see my niece and her to know that I’m her uncle”
“I’ll tell her, the ball is firming in her court though. I’m not giving her an excuse to push me away” Jay told him with a small smile.  Will nodded slowly then a grin slipped onto his face “You have a kid” Jay nodded, a mirror grin on his own face “I do and she’s perfect” Will pulled him into a hug “My little brother is a father!”
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You had just got out of the shower when your phone started ringing. You glanced to see Jay’s name. You clicked it and heard him answer “Can I please come see you two?”
You closed your eyes and swallowed hard “Ok” “Ok?” he echoed and you shook your head “Just come over Halstead”
You opened the door and stepped back to let Jay walk into your apartment next to you.  “What’s the deal with Tyler Greene?” he asked and you raised an eyebrow “Hey Jay, how are you? How’s the job going?”
He turned to face you with a smile “I’m sorry flower. Last night. Me, Kev and Will were talking about you. Nothing bad or revealing. That asshole started saying shit like you didn’t have standards because you didn’t know who the father of your child was?”
You shrugged “It happens. Should’ve seen the look on the guy’s face that Boden had everyone fighting over who got to throw him out of fifty one when I was pregnant” his face fell “How much did you deal with that?” you shook your head “Doesn’t matter. It’s just I had to have a believable story. That meant swallowing a lot of shit Jay. I’m a big girl. I can handle myself and what I can't, I can deal with”
“You don’t have to deal with anything. I’m here. Let me carry some of it” he offered and you shook your head “We’ve gone over this Jay. I’m not ruining your life”
“Our daughter could never ruin my life” he whispered and you smiled slightly “Hailey is single. You loved her enough to marry her. You could have another chance. You could find someone else. Hell you may end up leaving Chicago. Don’t allow us to stand in the way of that. I didn't keep her for a bargaining chip,I kept  her because I wanted to”
He shook his head “I’ll make a deal with you” you crossed your arms “You’re in no position to bargain with me but I have to admit I am intrigued” he grinned “Go out with me as friends! Bring her. Spend time with me like we used to. You’re still my best friend” you sighed “Jay I don’t want people to talk” he shrugged “Sweetheart I don’t care”
“I guess something like lunch or if I run into you at the market and we walk around together doesn’t hurt” you offered and he grinned “Thank you” then his grin fell “There is one thing you need to know but I didn’t tell him. He figured it out the other night from a mixture of how I reacted at finding out that you almost died along with Leah” he trailed off and stared at you for a moment.
You shrugged “I’ll tell you more about that after you finish what you’re saying” he nodded “Will knows” you scrubbed a hand down your face and walked over to the couch, flopping down on it “Jay!” 
“Flower, baby I didn’t tell him” he promised and you cut your eyes up “Don’t call me baby when you don't mean it and don’t act like this isn’t a big deal Jay. I’ve held this secret close at hand for well over a year. I have made myself look horrible to keep your name out of the mud. I have had Kelly and Stella fight for me, Matt and Sylvie comfort me and the day I gave birth? Violet climbed in the bed to support me. I care about you so much Jay and she is your daughter and I wouldn’t try to take her but don’t act like you know better than me. I won’t have it getting out she’s yours. That’s why I gave her my last name, why I put no one on the birth certificate. You’re free and clear Jay”
He sat down next to you “I don’t want to be free and clear. Flower, I’d be here even if you didn’t have babygirl. You’re my best friend. You know me better than anyone, always have. He doesn’t want to start any trouble. He just wants to know his niece” 
You took a deep breath and nodded slowly “I’ll think about it Jay but this? All of it? I never thought you were coming home” he bumped your knee with his “Told ya I’d find my way back to you” you shook your head with a small smile “I’m so happy you’re home. I don’t know if I said that but I am. That feeling of you being outside the door? Whole and alive? Second only to her being healthy”
He grinned “I missed you every damn I was gone. I thought about you, worried about you, hoped you were ok. I thought after what happened you hated me..” he trailed off and you laughed “Why would I hate you for good sex? He barked out a laugh and you shook your head but grinned proudly “On a serious note, I will think about it and if he can keep a secret, just for now I’ll tell Will the truth”
“And I’m taking you and Leah to breakfast tomorrow?” he asked so you grinned “You’re a pain in my ass, I forgot how much so” he shook his head “Naw, I’m a delight” Leah started making noises so you hit his leg “Come on delightful. Our little monster is up and in need a bottle and dry diaper before you can hold her”
”Lead the way” he replied, letting you pull him to his feet. 
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callsign-dexter · 1 year ago
Saving Grace 18+
Major Trigger Warning: Domestic and Child Abuse
Request: Ok, I blame your blog for my growing desire on Kelly Severide 😭😭😭 and your smut was soo goood! I'm in Love with your writing !
Sooooo I kindly want to ask you for a little bday (it's Sunday but it's fine if you don't have time) present with angsty Kelly, cause I'm sure we'll love some fluff too 🤗🙊 maybe a little something where they are a couple and she's a paramedic and he's always cute around her and wants her to be save on every call. But one time they're all get called to a gang fight and as she's treating a victim she gets attacked with a knife which nearly kills her and Kelly's world stops when she's in his arms full of blood and barely hanging on. He never leaves her side when she's taken to Med and even there he's by her side begging her to come back to him. Just cute and fluffy Kelly cause daaaaaamn he's so great 🥹 oh and ofc it's a Happy Ending with them 🤗❤️
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Fiancée!Paramedic!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, hospitals, stabbing, knife, blood, inaccurate medical talk, smut
A/N: Happy belated birthday to the anon that sent this in!
A/N 2: Yes even though this is fluff with angst there is smut so @imagine-all-the-fandoms and @talesofreading please prepare yourselves!
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You had known Kelly Severide ever since you were both kids, considering you were next door neighbors. You didn't have the best childhood and needed a friend and you found that in Kelly. You two had grown up and had been there for each other through thick and thin. Through bad breakups with shitty boyfriends and girlfriends. You shut down all the rumors going around about Kelly even though you probably knew they were true especially with him being a womanizer, but you had to defend your friend and crush. 
Middle school hit and your friendship was stronger than ever and you two had stayed thick as thieves no matter how popular he had become. When his girlfriend, and also the captain of the soccer team, tried to get him to stop hanging around you because she didn't like you, he immediately broke up with her. One particular night they yelling and the fighting got so bad at your house that it became physical and your father had hit you and then threw a plate against the wall, breaking it and some of it cut you. Your mother tried to stop it but your father turned on her and she looked at you with a particular look and you ran, you ran to Kelly. When he saw you and the shape you were in, he grew furious but he took you up to your room and cleaned you up and held you that night.  
When high school came around your friendship and crush were still going strong. It became normal around the school to see each other with each other, so normal that his friends started becoming your friends and vice versa. Around sophomore year a particularly bad night occurred over at the Y/L/N Household. Your mother had just passed away due to some complications from the abuse your father had laid on her, the next day your father started to drink heavily starting in the morning and didn't end at all. You had just come home from school to find your father sitting at the kitchen table drinking. “About time you came home.” He said with a bite in his tone.
“I was at school.” You said slightly trembling. Your father looked up at you in rage.
“From now on you're not going to school. You're staying here.” He said not really in the right mental state.
“Dad, I can't do that. I need to go to school.” You said you wanted Kelly.
“Not anymore. Now make dinner.” He said harshly. 
“No, Dad. I have homework to do and I promised Kelly I would meet up with him to help him.” You said and the anger flashed through your father’s face.
“You're always with him. Kelly this, Kelly that. I bet you've probably fucked him you slut.” He said and that brought tears to your eyes. 
“No, I haven't.” You said “I'm not with him.” You added and your dad scoffed. 
“Whatever. Now, get to cleaning this place is dirty and cooking. I'm hungry.” He spoke 
“No, I need to do homework and then meet Kelly. I've told you this.” You said something must've snapped in him because he was suddenly picking up his glass and throwing it at you. It grazed you and hit the wall exploding in a million pieces and most of those cut you and you ducked for cover. Your dad stalked over to you and grabbed you by the hair and slammed you up against the wall he was yelling and threatening you. Tears were coming out fast. 
“Stop you're crying.” He said and punched you in the face and you cradled your face and that just made him grow angrier. He slammed your head into the wall and then threw you down onto the ground. He kicked you twice in the ribs, breaking some, and several in the stomach. There were plates on a shelf next to you and he reached over and pulled that down over you, they broke all over you and cut you. You were sure you were bloody and not a very good sight to look at. You were close to passing out and you just wanted Kelly. 
“Kelly.” You mumbled and your dad rolled his eyes.
“There you go saying his name. He can't save you now.” Your dad said and then brought his boot cover foot and it connected it with your head and that brought stars to your vision. Kelly, you wanted Kelly and now. Your dad finally stopped his attack on you and then stormed away, grabbed his keys and left considering you heard his truck start up. He left the door standing wide open.
Kelly had just gotten home from his baseball practice when he noticed your car in the driveway but not your dad's. He also noticed the door left wide open and that made his stomach drop. He quickly pulled into your driveway and got out and rushed in and the scene before his eyes made his blood boil. You were laid there in a pool of your own blood and semi-conscious. “Son of a bitch.” He said to himself he made it very clear that he didn't like your dad early on. “Hey, Angel. Wake up for me. Please.” Kelly said while stroking your cheek but nothing had worked. “You’re really scaring me.” He said. You heard a voice and it sounded like Kelly’s.
“Kel?” You asked, slurring your words and eyes cracking open. You saw him crouching down in front of you.
“Yea, it's me.” He said 
“Dad-” You began but he shushed you.
“I know, Angel. I know.” He said smiling sadly and then pulled out his phone. “I’m gonna call 911. Just hang tight.” He said and you just stared at him everything sounded underwater. You could hear him talking but couldn’t pay attention. Your eyes started to close “Hey, hey, hey. Keep those eyes open for me.” He said but they were already shutting “Y/N-” he said and the last thing you heard before you let the darkness win.
The next thing you remember was waking up in the hospital with Kelly asleep by your side. You hurt all over and you vowed to yourself that you would become a paramedic to help people in need. You tried sitting up and groaned and that is what woke him up. “Woah. Hey. It’s ok, Angel.” He said and got up helped you lay back down.
“Dad?” You asked and he smiled sadly.
“He was found with his truck wrapped around a tree, he survived and when he gets healthy enough, he is going to prison.” He said and you nodded and then your eyes were closing. “Go to sleep, Angel. I’ll be right here.” He said and you let your eyes slip closed. 
“I love you, Kel. More than a friend.” You said and he smiled.
“I love you too. More than a friend.” He repeated and you smiled and then fell asleep. When you woke up again, he brought up what you said and told him it was true and he smiled and told you that he felt the same way. From that day you two started to date. 
When you both graduated high school you decided to follow Kelly everywhere and owed him your life because he saved your life. You ended up going with him to the fire academy and excelling through it and had graduated as a paramedic and him as a firefighter. After graduation he had proposed to you and it was an immediate yes. 
Considering that you both had gotten engaged you both followed each other through the different firehouses and both ended up at Firehouse 51. When you got the position for a paramedic on Ambulance 61, he got his position on Rescue Squad 3 and you both were so happy. It was exciting and both were so happy.
Kelly and you had talked about kids and decided not to wait until you both were married and when it happened then it happened. You loved the thought of getting married but were happy to be engaged with the love of your life. Getting with you and getting engaged changed Kelly for the good, he stopped being a womanizer and he devoted himself to you and only you. 
You both had been sleeping soundly in your own bed at your house after being off for 3 days and having a lot of fun in the bedroom trying but not really trying for a child. Your alarm had gone off at 6:30 AM and you jolted awake. When you turned over and saw the time you groaned and shut the alarm off. “Is it time already?” Kelly asked with a gravely and sleep ridden voice and you smiled and rolled over looking at him. You didn’t have to go in until 8:00 AM.
“Sadly yes.” You said and kissed him and he returned the kiss. “But hey, we'll be with each other for the next 2 days.” You said and he smiled.
“That we will, Angel.” Kelly said and kissed you rolling over to where he was pinning you underneath him. The kissing got more intense and you were planning on letting it go further but you needed to get to work before Boden had both of your heads.
“As much as I want to continue this. We really need to get to work.” You said and he bowed his head and sighed in defeat. He knew you right. 
“You’re always right.” He said and you smiled and kissed him again but he continued his attack on you. 
“Kel.” You warned but he just continued his attack on your neck and then he was inching his way down your body until he got to the hem of his shirt that you stole from him. “Baby.” You moaned out and he smirked and went lower to your underwear cover pussy. He pushed your legs open and began kissing the inside of your thighs as he slid your underwear down your legs and threw them somewhere. Then he dove straight in and your head was thrown back “Kelly!” You shouted but turned into a moan. Your hands went to his head he licked a broad stripe up your folds as his hands kept your thighs spread. He swirled his tongue around your entrance and then bit your clit gently and that had you letting out a pornographic moan. Your back arched pleasure and that rubber band feeling was creeping up a tall tale sign you were about to cum. “I’m gonna cum.” You warned and he quickened his pace and when he sucked on your clit and gently bit it again for the second time had you coming undone. “I'm cumming!” You moaned out and that rubber band snapped and you saw stars. You came all over his face and he was licking it up like it was his last meal. When you came down from your high, he was sitting up and lying next to you. You laid there for a few minutes catching your breath “That was amazing.” You said and he smiled and leaned over and kissed you, you could taste yourself on his tongue.
“Have to take care of my girl.” He said after he broke the kiss and you smiled.
“Now we have to get ready.” You said and got up. He laid there watching you. Once you had disappeared into the bathroom, he and when he heard the shower running, he got up and smirked. He stripped off his sweats and underwear leaving him nude. He walked into the bathroom and when you heard the shower door open you smiled.
“Just couldn’t stand it could you?” You asked and he smirked.
“How can? Especially knowing my sexy fiancée is in here all alone and may need some assistance.” He said and you laughed as he started to finish what you had started and then it was your turn to help him. As you were soaping him up and rinsing him off you got down to his very erect and noticeable hard on, you smirked.
“Want me to help you with that?” You asked and he smirked.
“I would never say no to you.” He said and you smiled and he helped you ease your way down once he knew what you were doing. All soap was gone and both of you were clean but you always did enjoy standing there under the hot water. Your hand traveled down to his cock and pumped it while you kissed the tip and kitten licked it and that had him moaning. “Oh, Angel. That feels so good.” He said and you smirked and took the tip into your mouth and swirled it with your tongue and then you started moving your head up and down. Kelly’s head was thrown back in pleasure. One hand went to your head and the other braced himself on the shower wall. “Angel.” He moaned out. You kept changing your speed and then you hollowed your cheeks and took him deeper until he hit the back of your throat. You breathed through your nose “I’m close, Y/N/N.” He said and you knew it was true especially when your other hand that wasn’t on his cock went to his balls you felt them tightening up. What did him in was when you squeezed his cock and his balls at the same time “I’m cumming, Angel.” He moaned out and then his thick load shot into the back of your throat and you swallowed it all. When he was done you slowly drug your mouth off his cock and released him with a pop. He helped you stand up and kissed you tasting himself. You smiled at him “Thank you, Angel.” He said and tucked a piece of wet hair behind your ear.
“Anytime babe.” You said and then you both were getting out and getting ready. Once everything was ready to go you looked at your phone 7:20 AM it read and your eyes bugged out of your head. 
“What is it, Angel?” He asked when he noticed your expression.
“We’re gonna be late.” You said and he smirked. 
“Then let me drive.” He said and you groaned but agreed. You both walked out to his Jeep and he booked it to the firehouse. 7:50 AM, you had cut it close but now you felt nauseous.
“Never letting you drive again.” You said as you grabbed your bag.
“Oh, come on. I got us here on time.” He said and you just shook your head and the both of you headed in. Both of you put your bags in the locker room and went to hear the reports and once that was over your 2-day shift started. 
6 hours into your shift nothing really exciting happened, just a few small calls that didn’t require everyone to go out. You were grateful for the silent morning and not much happening because that meant you could spend time with Kelly and plan your wedding with your bridesmaids, Sylvie Brett and Grabriela Dawson and maid of honor, Stella Kidd. “So, have you picked a color yet?” Sylvie asked.
“I have 2 picked out navy blue and sage green.” You said and she nodded.
“Oh, navy blue would look so pretty.” Stella said and you smiled as you flipped through some magazines. You were mid flip when Kelly walked into the room you looked up when you saw him coming over and kissed you.
“How is my beautiful fiancée doing?” He asked and you smiled and you could hear the girls aweing at you both and you rolled your eyes at them.
“Oh hush. I’m doing well. A little bit achy from the rambunctious patient we had last call.” You said and he gave you a look “Kel, I’m fine nothing major happened and we handled it.” You said and he eased up.
“You know I want you to be safe on every call.” He said and you nodded and watched him walk over to the fridge and grab two bottles of water and something to snack on and brought it to you. You gladly accepted them.
“You two are so adorable.” Gabby said and you chuckled and made room for Kelly to sit down and then you leaned into him and started flipping through the magazine again as he fed you some of his snack. “So, you have a cake picked out?” She asked and you nodded.
“We do. It’s a chocolate strawberry cake.” Kelly said “It’s her favorite and I want her to be happy on her special day.” He said and kissed your temple. You smiled and played with your engagement ring.
“Hey it’s your day too.” You argued and looked at him.
“Yes, but to me it’s going to be all about you and celebrating you being with me.” He said and again the girls awed at the both of you and again you rolled your eyes but smiled. The wedding talk continues and Kelly put his input in. When the urge to go to the bathroom was needed you got up and he whined. “Where are you going?” He asked pouting and you turned to him.
“I have to go to the bathroom, Babe. Unless you want to join.” You said as a joke and he started to get up but you stopped him “I was joking. I’ll be back soon.” You said and he pouted again.
“Fine. I’ll miss you.” He said and you laughed.
“I’ll be right back.” You said and the girls all laughed. You went to the bathroom and as you were washing your hands the bells rang signaling for Rescue Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, and Engine 51. It must be serious if they were sending everyone out. You quickly rushed the ambulance and he stopped you before you got in and he kissed you hard and you returned the kiss. “I love you.” You said as you hopped into the vehicle.
“I love you too.” He said and then you both got in your vehicles and then you were off to the call. The call was made by a bystander that had witnessed a gang fight had taken place and there were some casualties but also some that needed medical attention as well as a fire that had broken out due to a bullet hitting a gas tank of a car. Intelligence was also called since it was their case they were working on. You were quick to jump out when the ambulance had stopped. Boden gave orders and everyone got to work. You, Sylvie, and Gabby along with Herrmann, Otis, Kelly, Brian and Peter moved people that needed serious attention to one place and the ones that didn't move to another then the deceased to another with sheets laying over them. Intelligence and other police officers were booking left and right. You had just finished with one patient when Jay grabbed your attention. 
“Hey, Y/N! I need you over here!” He said and you rushed over with your bag. When you got there a man in his mid-20s was lying unconscious on the ground but breathing. You knelt down next to him and Jay. Jay was waiting to do anything to help.
“Sir, can you hear me?” You asked while taking a listen to him and everything sounded normal. You still hadn't gotten a response so you made your hand into a fist and rubbed his sternum. That definitely got a reaction out of him because before Jay could stop him, he had grabbed a knife that was in his back pocket and drove it first into your stomach. At first you didn't feel it and Jay was just shocked. You Felt it when the knife pulled out and found its way into your ribs. Jay took action and was quick to apprehend the person and cuff him. He called for someone to get the person off the ground and once they were gone Jay turned his direction to you. 
“Hey it's ok. You're going to be ok.” Jay said as he started putting pressure on your wounds.
“Kelly. Want Kelly.” You mumbled out and Jay nodded and looked up looking for your fiancé and when he found him, he shouted his name.
“Kelly!” Jay shouted and that caused Kelly to look up and his face drained of color when he saw you on the ground with blood and Jay trying to help. He was rushing over to get to you. 
“What the hell happened?” Kelly asked when he arrived and took over for Jay but Jay stayed close wanting to help his friends. 
“I found a guy on the ground unconscious and called her over since she was available. She was checking on him and trying to wake him up and he woke up startled and took out a knife we both didn't see and stabbed her before I could do anything. He was quick and got a second stab in.” Jay said and Kelly nodded, not mad at anyone this could happen to anyone. He knew moving someone without knowing their injuries could end up making it worse for them. 
“Kel?” You asked and he looked down and saw you staring at him with wild unfocused eyes. You looked so scared.
“I'm here, Angel. I'm here.” He said and pressed harder on your wounds. Blood was starting to seep out between his fingers. “Jay, go and get Sylvie and Gabby. Tell them it's Y/N. Tell them to bring the gurney and hurry.” He said and Jay nodded and went to find them.
“I'm sorry.” You said and Kelly looked at you confused.
“Why are you sorry?” He asked
“I didn't see the knife.” You said and he shook his head.
“Nobody could've seen it. You and Jay did the right thing in not moving him.” He said and you nodded and then you started coughing which brought blood and it was getting harder to breathe. “Hey hey, don't you give up on me yet.” He said and grabbed your gloved hand and he could feel your ring through it. He decided he needed to be skin to skin with you so he ripped the gloves off and your diamond ring was out on display for everyone to see.  “We have so many plans, Angel. Don't leave me.” He added you so desperately tried to keep your eyes open and you were winning the fight but barely. 
“Oh my god.” Sylvie gasped and both her and Gabby got to work. The commotion caught the attention of a few others and they were quick to come over. “Hey, Y/N/N. Can you hear me?” Sylvie asked and you nodded your head and looked over at her.
“Kel?” You asked, losing a lot of blood.
“I'm right here, Y/N. I'm right here.” He said and your head lolled over to look at him. Then your eyes closed and your breathing stopped. “Y/N! No no no no.” Kelly said and removed his hands and started chest compression and that kicked everyone into gear. Gabby put a pulse ox on you and connected leads to you and it showed a flatline and tears came to Kelly's, well everyone's, eyes. “Come on. Come on.” He said and continued CPR. About 2 minutes later your heart started beating again and he sighed in relief. Gabby started an IV and Kelly’s hands went to the puncture wounds again.
Everyone started talking and then you felt yourself being lifted up and onto the gurney by several people. You were moving and it felt like you were floating. Nothing was in focus and every sound was underwater. You were loaded into the back of the ambulance and then you were speeding away. Kelly never once left your side and nobody argued with him.
Getting to Med felt like forever but it was only a short 3 minutes but in those 3 minutes Kelly's world stopped again. Your heart was beating strong and then all of a sudden it just stopped. Gabby was quick to start CPR again. “If we don't get her back soon, her chances to survive are low.” She said and just as soon as the ambulance pulled up to Med your heart started again. When the doors opened there was Connor and a few nurses standing there and as soon as the gurney was off the ambulance you were being wheeled away. Talking was heard but you couldn't focus on it. Your eyes were closed. 
“Kelly, you know you can't go back with us.” Connor said
“I know. Just take care of her. Angel, I'll be here when you're done. Keep fighting.” Kelly said, bending down and kissing your forehead and then your ring. “I love you.” Kelly added as tears ran down his face and you were wheeled behind the door. Kelly just stood there not knowing what to do until Otis came behind him and grabbed his shoulders and led him to the waiting room. Before they wheeled you behind the doors, they had taken your engagement ring off and gave it to him. He looked up and saw most of everyone there but nobody said a word. He looked down at your engagement ring and just started to let tears escape. He needed you.
“Alright I want a quick x-ray and an ultrasound then I want her prepped and quickly.” Conner said and everybody let him know that they understood and then they were on it. An x-ray was taken and the tech froze.
“Uh, Conner. I might want to come and take a look at this.” He said and Connor rushed over.
“She’s pregnant.” He confirmed “Someone call Dr. Manning. Tell her it is an emergency.” He said 
“On it!” A nurse said and was quick to get her on the phone. In no time Natalie was rushing into the OR, she was getting the ultrasound up and running and was quick to get it on you.
“It looks like she is 9 weeks pregnant and it looks like the knife didn’t even touch the placenta but it looks like it caught her kidney.” She said “I’ll stay and monitor the baby.” She said and Connor nodded and started giving directions out. The surgery was stressful but it was coming along great. “The baby's heart rate and breathing are great.” Natalie said just about the time your heart rate was beginning to drop.
“Heart is dropping and her breathing is labored.” The surgical nurse said and that concerned both of the doctors. Then your heart monitor flatlined. 
“Starting CPR!” Connor said and he started the chest compressions. “Come on, Y/N/N. You got a fiancé that is worried sick about you and a baby to grow and raise” he said and you must be listening because after about 3 minutes of CPR your heart started to beat again. “Ok, she’s back! Let’s hurry this and get her into recovery.” He said calmly and they finished quickly. They had to fix your lung and remove one of your kidneys but you were going to survive.
4 hours is how long everyone had to wait. Your team members, who were your family, weren’t going to go anywhere especially not when one of their own was fighting for her life. Kelly was a nervous wreck and he hadn’t even said a word since he arrived, nobody was going to push him to talk. Boden had declared him off since it was his fiancée in there and that considered him family. Nobody had come out and whenever someone had come out it wasn’t Connor and his heart sank a little more each time. The plans that you two had made and planned on making were running through his head. He thought about starting a family with you and the wedding you two were going to have. As he was thinking about it all, he remembered your diamond ring in his hand, it shouldn’t be in his hand, it should be on your finger. He took one last look at it and then took his chain off around his neck and unclasped it and slid on it, he then put the chain back around his neck.
Finally, Connor came out and he stood there for a minute until he saw Kelly and the crew. He walked over to them and when Kelly heard footsteps he looked up and quickly stood up. “Connor?” Kelly asked Connor, looked at him and smiled.
“They’re both going to be just fine.” He said and Kelly looked at him shocked.
“Both?” Kelly questioned 
“Yes, Y/N is 9 weeks pregnant. I take it neither of you knew.” He said, reading the expression on Kelly’s face.
“No. We’ve been trying but not really trying.” He said and Connor smiled. “How is Y/N?” He asked
“We lost her once but got her back quickly. The knife got her kidney so we had to remove that and we fixed her lung. I’m suggesting a few weeks to a month off from work but she can do very light duty.” Connor said and everyone nodded, mostly Boden. “I can take you to her now.” He said.
“Please.” Kelly said and Connor smiled and nodded. He led Kelly the way and while he was walking past his crew, they gave him a chorus of ‘Congratulations’. They weren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Kelly and Connor arrived at your room and he walked in and sat down on the chair. “If something happens, please grab one of the nurses and they’ll either page me or Natalie or both of us will be here.” He said and Kelly nodded “Oh and Kelly?” He added and Kelly looked up at him. “Congratulations.” He said and Kelly smiled and Connor was off. He was left there sitting with you and letting tears fall.
“You scared me, Angel. When I saw you lying there with Jay putting pressure on your wounds, my world stopped. Then when you stopped breathing and your heart stopped twice on the way here, it scared the shit out of me. We’re going to be parents, Angel. I don’t know if you can hear me but you, I’m so glad you chose to stay with me. I would be so lost without you. I love you so much.” He said and kissed your forehead. 
Nurses were in and out checking on you and the baby and the crew came and saw you but couldn’t stay long and Kelly understood and he knew you would understand too. Kelly wasn’t going to leave your side for nothing and nobody was going to make him and Boden understood. He wanted to put your ring back on but refrained against it because he didn’t want them taking it off again.
2 days had passed and you still hadn’t woken up but that was to be understood it helped your body heal. They kept IVs running to keep you and the baby hydrated and it had some nutrients in it to keep you both nourished from the lack of food being eaten. It was during the night when you woke up and you looked around the room taking in the noise and where you were at. Then you looked over to your right and saw Kelly sleeping. You reached a hand over and stroked his cheek which woke him up and then when he saw you were awake, he was up with a start. About that time Connor and Natalie had come and smiled. “Nice to see you awake.” Connor said and you smiled and then grimaced in pain when you tried to move. 
“Take it easy. You just had some major surgery. We also don’t want to stress the baby out.” Natalie said and you pulled a confused face.
“Baby?” You asked voice scratchy and Kelly was quick to grab the cup of water and bring the straw to your lips and you drank some and pushed it away.
“Yes, we did an x-ray to see where the knife had hit and when the baby popped up, I was called in and I did an ultrasound to confirm that you are 9 weeks pregnant. I take it you didn’t know.” Natalie said and you shook your head but smiled “Congratulations.” She said with a small smile and you smiled back.
“Thank you. We were trying for a kid but haven’t been trying very hard.” You said and she smiled.
“The knife punctured your kidney and your lung. We removed your kidney and repaired your lung. I want you to take it very easy for a few weeks and if you go back to work then it’s going to have to be very light duty.” Connor said and you nodded. He and Natalie went over a few things with you and then left. They wanted you to stay in the hospital for at least a week to make sure everything was ok and no complications and you agreed along with Kelly. 
“We’re going to be parents.” You said and he smiled and nodded then you looked down at your bare hand “Where is my ring?” You asked almost panicked and he smiled and pulled it out on his chain.
“Right here baby.” He said and pulled it off and took it off and put it back on your hand where it belonged. You let out a yawn and he chuckled. “Go back to sleep baby. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He said and leaned up and kissed your forehead again. 
As you fell back asleep you smiled and thought about your baby. The two of you were going to be parents and you couldn’t wait. All you could think about is how good of a father Kelly was going to make and you couldn’t wait. You couldn’t wait to marry him and raise his kid with him. The three of you were going to be one happy family and that was something worth staying for.
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otissbluebearshirt · 1 year ago
"When we get home, I'm gonna tear your clothes off and pound your pussy/ass so hard you can't see straight."
Matt Casey x reader or Brian Zvonecek x reader
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Tease - [ Matt Casey] 18+
Prompt: “When we get home, I’m gonna tear your clothes off and pound your pussy so hard you can’t see straight.”
Word Count: 1211
Warnings: female!reader, smut - [ dirty talk, brief vaginal fingering, p in v sex ]
A/N: went with matt bc i don’t have much for him
Masterlist | Matt Masterlist
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You’d never have expected Matt to have such a dirty mind, let alone a dirty mouth. But when you riled him up. Whether it be by flirting with him in the common room or purposely pushing yourself up against him in the locker room, he could get to be quite the filthy talker.
And that was evidently proven when he dragged you into his office after having had enough of your teasing for one day, deciding it was high time he did some of his own just to see how you liked it. He drew the blinds, inciting heat deep in your core as he only ever did that when he intended for things to get steamy.
Pulling you close to him, Matt fell back into his chair, which rolled slightly across the floor and banged into the wall. You were quick to straddle his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as you kissed him deeply. Passionately. Enough that he almost forgot what he brought you in here for.
“When we get home…” Matt whispered, digging his fingers deep into the fleshed of your clothed ass as you ground your hips down against him, making him twitch beneath his pants and almost lose his train of thought.
His eyelids fluttered, breath hitching in his throat as he tightened his hold on you, stopping you from doing it a second time otherwise he’d never be able to actually get his teasing words out.
“Fuck…” Matt groaned lightly, his hold not quite tight enough as you managed to get one more grind of your hips in before he pulled you closer to his chest, feeling the soft mounds of your breasts pressed against him. “When we get home, I’m gonna tear your clothes off and pound your pussy so hard you can’t see straight.”
“Why wait? Why not do it now?” You replied breathlessly. Like a dog in heat. Practically begging him to pin you down and fuck you as the mere heat that had formed between your legs at his words was unlike anything you’d ever felt before.
You didn’t know if you’d have been able to wait so long to feel him absolutely destroy you, and perhaps you shouldn’t have been so intent on teasing him as you could tell he was trying to play a dirty game. Luckily for you though, you were great at games and oftentimes you got exactly what you wanted.
“You want me to fuck you now?” Matt questioned, grazing his knuckles down your chest and feeling the hardness of your nipples poke through your bra. He carried on, every inch closer he got to your lower half making your legs tighten around his. “Want me to pin you down on my bunk and fuck that tight little pussy of yours?”
“I want you to fuck me, baby.” You whispered, the desperation slipping shamelessly through your lips.
Especially when his hand delved beneath the dark material of your pants, working their way under the already soaked material of your panties. He began to drag his fingers painfully slowly across you, feeling just how wet you were for him and finding pleasure in the soft whine you let out from his touch.
“Fuck, Matt…” You couldn’t help the gentle moan from escaping your throat at the way he teased you. Pushing his fingers into your pussy barely a centimetre before pulling back out, in the exact way he knew drove you crazy and left you craving more. “God, please fuck me… Let me feel that huge cock inside me.”
You knew he couldn’t resist it when you talked dirty. Especially in that tone. That heated, whining, desperation filled tone that could have him leaking under his boxers the second it left those soft lips of yours. The ones that were currently exploring his neck, your hot breath puffing out over his skin as he continued to tease you, rubbing his thumb over your clit just lightly enough that it couldn't give you exactly what you wanted just yet.
Which is what Matt wanted. He wanted you like this. Desperate. Craving more and the second a throaty gasp left your lips when he applied just a touch more pressure, he was on his feet and tossing you down onto his bunk before you could comprehend what was happening.
“Forget waiting.” Matt practically growled, pupils blown wide with lust as he freed you of your pants. “I’m gonna pound that sweet pussy now.”
You could tell by his face that he was serious. That you were in for a rough time and it only turned you on more. You watched as he grabbed your panties, almost ripping them off you in attempts to get you out of them. He bunched them up, shoving them into your mouth in best efforts to keep you somewhat quiet as he didn’t think the firehouse would appreciate hearing him destroy you.
You spread your legs as wide as you could, riddled with hunger as you did nothing but watch as he pulled his cock from his pants. It sprang up almost instantly, rock hard already and dripping from the tip. He gave it a few quick pumps, biting back a moan as he stared directly between your legs.
“You ready, baby?” He asked, stroking his length a few more times before positioning himself on top of you. You nodded, your hand running down his still clothed chest, fingers wrapping around his cock as you gave it a gentle tug towards you, a deep, rattling moan escaping his lips as you did.
The muffled cry that erupted through the panties in your mouth as he bottomed out in one quick motion was enough to get Matt going completely. The speed at which he moved was unlike anything you’d ever felt before, his hips slamming against your thighs as he made good on his word of pounding your pussy until you couldn’t see straight.
You already couldn't see straight and it hadn’t even been a minute yet. But you loved every damn second of it. The slight hint of pain only added to that intense pleasure coursing through your veins. Your lower abdomen was on fire, tightening faster than ever with each thrust of his cock, reaching deeper inside you than it ever had before and sending you to heights you never thought you’d reach.
You made a mental note to rile him up like this more often as when your orgasm hit, it was as though you’d ascended to heaven. Like you were floating from your body and for a good thirty seconds, you saw nothing but white as Matt carried you through it, prolonging it to the point where you had to tell him to stop before you became too overstimulated that it started to hurt.
Luckily though, it only took Matt two more deep thrusts to reach his own end, collapsing on top of you as though he’d just ran a marathon and then fought a blazing fire. You were both sweating, unable to breathe let alone speak but that didn’t stop him from kissing you, pushing your hair back from your face as his lips worked lightly, gently, against yours before he whispered, smugly.
“Same time next shift?”
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collecting-stories · 10 months ago
Hey hey hope I’m not too late with this 🫢
100 Compliments - #72 "You always look good."
Brian “Otis” Zvonecek x fem because Otis always does look so good in everything he wears 😍
You Always Look Good - Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek
Summary: Otis dresses up for a shift at Molly's in hopes of impressing you.
A/N: Sorry this took so long to write! School has been crazy!!
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"Look at you," Stella teased, pinching Otis' side as she walked past him behind the bar at Molly's . 
Otis flinched at the feeling, shoving her hand away, as his cheeks reddened. "I look the same as I always do," he defended. Still, he straightened the button down shirt that he was wearing, navy with little pineapples printed all over it. 
Stella was unbothered by Otis' defensiveness. She stopped and looked back at him, eyes traveling up and down as she assessed him. "I don't know, something different 'bout you tonight," she replied, "you do something to your hair?"
"No," he insisted, running a hand subconsciously through his hair. 
Sensing his unusually high nerves, Stella offered him a smile, "okay. I'm not trying to give you a hard time, I promise." 
Just like she knew he would, Otis deflated, leaning against the bar and looking toward the door of Molly's before looking back at Stella. "I've been...putting feelers out...I met someone, here. She works at the hospital and she's...she's awesome. Incredible. Gorgeous. And I just wanna ya know, look good."
Before Stella could respond to his spiral of nerves, a voice cut in from the other side of the bar, "you always look good."
Otis' eyes went wide and he turned quickly to see the very person of his affection, you, standing there smiling at him. 
"Hey," you gave a small wave, leaning against your side of the bar as if that might lessen the distance the wooden countertop created between you and Otis. 
Stella backed away, smiling from ear to ear and no doubt going to find Herrmann or Mouch (or anyone that she could gossip with about you and Otis and how red he had turned when you told him that he looked good). 
"Hey," he replied, mimicking your wave but quickly lowering his hand in case you could tell how clammy his palms felt right now. If Cruz was here he would definitely give him a hard time for acting like this. Not that anyone could accuse him of being suave but he wasn't lacking in confidence either. Well, he was lacking in the kind of confidence Severide or Casey possessed but he had a decent amount. "Can I, uh, get you a beer? Or something?"
"A beer is good," you replied, taking a seat on one of the stools and watching Otis as he grabbed a bottle of Blue Moon for you, "so...I'm awesome?" 
"And incredible," he admitted, a smile creeping onto his face, "and gorgeous." 
"A triple threat," you teased, "guess we're evenly matched then?"
It took a few seconds for the words to process in Otis' head, the recognition slowly taking over as he nodded almost dumbly, full on smile breaking through and ears going as red as the rest of his face was. "Yeah?" He meant to sound less like a question but he couldn't help the way his voice raised at the end of the word, turning it into uncertainty. 
"Definitely," you replied holding up your pointer finger as you listed out the first of three things, "awesome: you watched all the Star Wars movies with me in one sitting -"
"I mean, you can't not celebrate May 4th correctly."
You held up your middle finger next, ignoring him, "Incredible: you literally save people's lives like, on the daily," finally you held up your thumb, "Gorgeous: self-explanatory. Look at you."
Otis leaned against the bar, trying to look casual and not completely flustered by your comment.  "Well, I can't argue with that."
You laughed, "oh can't you?" and leaned over the rest of the way to kiss him. 
"Hey! No PDA with the customers Otis!" Herrmann shouted from the other side of the bar. 
You pulled away trying to fight a smile as you looked down the bar to Herrmann, Mouch, and Stella, who had obviously been watching you and Otis the entire time. 
"How late are you working then?" You asked, "I mean, how many bartenders does this place need tonight?" You glanced around Molly's, slow for a random Tuesday, and then back to Otis, "not that I'm suggesting you ditch your job."
"No, of course not," he said, already turning to Herrmann, "I'm gonna head out, seems like you and Stella have it covered."
"Have fun!" Stella cut in, smiling mischievously, "be safe!"
"Oh god," the pink cheeks were back on Otis as he rounded the counter to meet you on your side. 
"Hey, she didn't pay for her beer!" Herrmann realized as he watched you and Otis make a break for the door. 
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xximpressions · 4 months ago
can u do another Kelly severide series or even one shot it don’t matter
You know what? Bet 😊👍
Kelly Severide x reader
Summary: Sometimes, we all need a little hope.
Word Count: 1,289
A/N: Thanks for sending in this request! It was the motivation I needed to start writing again and I couldn't be more grateful 💜
Chicago Fire Masterlist
It was just another day for those privileged enough to work at Firehouse 51.
Some members of Truck 81 were looking over and inspecting equipment. Those on Ambulance 61 were restocking supplies. Others, like the men of Squad 3, were sitting at their infamous table playing cards because there was a lull in between calls. Since the alarm had not gone off in a while, they were looking for a way to pass the time.
It truly would have been a day like any other, if not for the fact that you had just walked onto the apparatus floor minutes into their first game.
Squad 3’s Lieutenant, Kelly Severide, was forced to become curious enough to lower his cards and turn in his green chair in order to see what, or rather who, had inspired the various and amazed expressions on his men’s faces.
You had taken the last few steps to stand directly in front of their table, and you locked your gaze with the blue-eyed stranger once he had rotated around in his chair.
It was at that moment in which Kelly understood.
Simply put, you were beautiful.
As he tried to process the unexpected sight your arrival had created, you smiled and began to speak before he was prepared for you to do so.
“Hi, I’m here to see Chief Boden.”
You, and the rest of Squad 3, watched as their lieutenant unconsciously stared at you whilst being at a loss for words.
Unaware of his speechlessness, you waited another moment before following your previous statement up with, 
“...Would you be able to tell me where I might find him?”
While looking expectedly at Kelly.
That seemed to snap him out of his trance long enough for him to give you the directions you were asking for.
Once you had thanked him, you continued on your way into the building oblivious to the eyes that followed.
However, once the door shut behind you, all eyes shifted to the Squad Lieutenant.
“So, Severide…” began Capp with an amused smirk on his face, “What was that about?”
Picking up and focusing on his cards once more in order to avoid the staring of his men,
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Was all Severide said as an evasive response.
After sharing humored looks of disbelief with his fellow colleagues around the table, Cruz decided to be the one to redundantly clarify,
“C’mon Lieutenant! I have never seen anyone make you go speechless like that.”
Wanting to discuss anything but this, Kelly all but growled out,
“Look, are we gonna play or not?”
His men quickly shared another glance amongst themselves before agreeing to drop the subject.
While the card game did continue, it now felt distracting as Kelly kept flickering his eyes to the door you had gone through as more time passed.
Because now, his mind wanted to focus on the kindness of your gaze.
The sincerity of your smile.
He knew, with absolute certainty, that these things would be forever imprinted in his mind even if he never laid his eyes on you again.
So it could be that he was getting antsy the longer you were having your conversation with the Chief because he definitely wanted a second chance at saying more than a few stuttered words to you.  
Unfortunately, the odds were not in his favor as the alarm finally blared overhead for the first time in hours.
“Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, car accident at…”
Racing from their chairs towards their trucks, Squad 3, along with the rest of the house, hustled into their turnout gear and pulled off once everyone was seated inside their respective vehicles.
As the firetruck exited the driveway, Kelly’s quick glance into the sideview mirror on the passenger-side made him do a double-take as he caught a quick glimpse of you.
Having exited the firehouse with the Chief following just behind, Severide watched as you two shared a brief hug before you each said your departures which sparked his curiosity all the more.
Whoever you were, it was clear that his hope for a conversation would not be met on this day as the truck turned and sped off towards their destination.
Not wanting to dwell on the missed opportunity for too long, Severide looked forward in his seat and readied himself to handle the accident that was just ahead.
Luckily, there hadn’t been any serious damage done, so no one was hurt. That being said, the rest of the hours in the shift passed by relatively quickly once they returned to the house.
His two days off also breezed by, and soon he was once again seated in the briefing room on another Monday morning with Chief Boden making announcements and giving updates.
“...and finally,” he said in his gruff voice, “I would like to introduce you all to someone who’s going to be spending some time with us here at 51.”
Following the hand gesture Chief made signaling this someone over, Kelly’s eyes almost doubled in size when he recognized the mysterious person as you.
You were the one from last shift!
So surprised, Severide almost missed the reason for your being here as you began to speak.
“Hey everyone! I'm a contractor with the CFDs public relations team, and it’s my job to make you guys look as great as possible in the content we’ll be creating. That said, I’ll be taking some videos and photographs as I shadow you guys for a few shifts. So don’t mind me! I’ll be so invisible, you won’t even notice that I’m here,” you finished with an assured smile.
Kelly’s mind couldn’t help but to immediately disagree since he knew noticing you seemed to be all he could do at this moment in time.
Luckily, Boden started to wrap up the meeting by sending a brief thanks your way then also made sure to say,
“I expect all of you to treat our guest with the utmost respect. Her father and I go way back, so if there’s resistance of any kind, you will hear from me.”
Though your smile was a little more bashful now, you still took the time to say—to the room’s surprise,
“Thanks, Uncle Wallace.”
Sending a paternal grin your way, he easily replied,
“Anytime,” with a small nod before he turned back to the rest of the room and said, “Any questions?”
Of course, it had to be Herrman who raised his hand with a look of confusion on his face to ask the one question they were all thinking in a flabbergasted tone of voice,
Letting out an amused chuckle, you decided to be the one to answer for the both of you.
“Yes, Chief is actually my Godfather. That’s why your firehouse is the first one that I’m shadowing since I know he runs a tight ship. Like he said, he and my father go way back, so I’ve known him since I was a baby—
“—which makes her family,” Boden interjected with a note of amused, but serious finality before saying, “Understood?”
He sent his commanding gaze around the room to ensure his point got across and was met with multiple affirmings of, 
“Yes Chief!”
“Then thank you all for your time this morning. That’s it for today’s briefing.”
Kelly was the first out the door once the meeting had concluded. Making it to the safety of the bathrooms, he hunched over the sink as he was hit with the startling realization that:
A) He had a crush!?
And B) It was on someone his boss saw as his niece!
Making eye contact with himself in the mirror, he had one thought going around in his head,
“Man, I am so screwed.”  
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logansargeantsbabymom · 5 months ago
None Of This Is Your Fault.
Brian "Otis" Zvonecek x Fem!Firefighter!Reader
A/N: Sorry that I've been so inactive, I know this is no excuse but I school started and my job is starting to get into it's busy season and to my luck I managed to tear my meniscus and I've been in so much pain so writing has been the least of my concerns. I am getting surgery on Thursday so I will be writing more soon. For now, please enjoy my new fic.
This is a 20 chapter story and I've put 10 chapters in one fic. It's a lot but this is my apology for being inactive.
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Chapter 1:
Five years. That’s how long I’ve been with Brian. It feels like a lifetime and just a blink at the same time. We met in the most unconventional of ways—running into each other during a late-night call, both of us soaked in sweat, soot smeared across our faces, the smell of smoke thick in the air. It wasn’t the most romantic setting, but maybe that’s why it worked. There was no need for pretenses between us. We were both drawn to the fire, the adrenaline, the chaotic beauty of our work. And somehow, through the chaos, I found him.
Brian “Otis” Zvonecek—my partner in every sense of the word. He’s not the guy who sweeps you off your feet with grand gestures or sweet talk. No, Brian is the guy who shows up every single day. He’s steady. Kind. Funny in the way that only he can be, with those ridiculous puns and the way his face lights up when he thinks he’s landed a good one. It’s impossible not to laugh when he’s around, and God, that’s what I love most about him—he makes everything lighter, even when the world feels heavy.
But these days, the world is feeling a little heavier than usual.
We’ve both been working nonstop—Firehouse 51 is like a second home, though lately, it feels more like a first. There’s something comforting about the firehouse, the constant hum of activity, the sound of the trucks rumbling to life, the distant chatter of my crew—no, my family. And Brian? He’s always been at the center of it all. Our relationship bloomed in this place, surrounded by the people who understand what we go through every day.
I remember the early days with him so clearly. It started as a few casual glances across the engine bay, nothing serious at first. Just an awareness of him. His laugh was what caught me. The way he threw his head back, completely unguarded, while the rest of us were tense and wired after a tough call. He had this way of letting it all roll off his back, and I admired that.
It wasn’t long before we were partnered on every shift, making excuses to grab dinner after. One night, after a particularly tough rescue, he suggested we go for wings. I was exhausted, drained, and covered in soot, but something in his voice made me agree. I needed that—something normal, something grounding. We sat in that little corner booth, devouring spicy wings, laughing about the ridiculousness of our lives. It was simple, but it was the first time I felt like I had found something real. Something worth holding onto.
That’s how we’ve always been—just us, grounded in the simplicity of being together. No grand romantic gestures, no pressure to be anything other than who we are.
And for five years, it worked. I always felt secure with Brian. Sure, we’ve had our share of arguments—what couple doesn’t?—but they were always small, petty things. We’d bicker about who forgot to fill the gas tank or who left the towels on the floor, but those disagreements never lasted long. We were always able to laugh it off, make a joke, and move forward.
Lately, though, I’ve been different. Not us—me. I feel it deep inside, like there’s something pulling me away, pulling us apart. I don’t know why, but these past few months, things that shouldn’t bother me do. Things that used to make me laugh now irritate me. And sometimes, when the irritation boils over, I lose control in a way I never have before.
Brian doesn’t say it, but I can tell he’s worried. He’s always watching me now, his brown eyes searching for some sign that I’m still the same Y/N he fell in love with. But the truth is, I don’t feel like the same person anymore, and that scares me more than I care to admit. The outbursts come out of nowhere—sudden, violent flashes of anger—and then, just as quickly, they’re gone, like they never happened. And the worst part? I can’t remember them.
It’s terrifying.
It started small. A broken plate here, a slammed door there. I chalked it up to stress. Firefighting is a tough job, and we’re no strangers to pressure. But as the weeks turned into months, the episodes became harder to ignore. They were no longer just occasional moments of frustration—they were frequent, and sometimes, I wouldn’t even realize something was wrong until I saw the look in Brian’s eyes. That look of concern, like he didn’t know how to help me, like he was afraid to say the wrong thing. I hated that look. It made me feel like I was losing him, losing us.
But I kept telling myself it was fine. I was fine. If I just pushed through, if I worked harder, the episodes would stop. I thought if I ignored it, I could outrun it.
I was wrong.
Tonight, as I lie in bed next to Brian, listening to his soft breathing, I can’t shake the feeling that something big is coming. Something we won’t be able to ignore. I stare at the ceiling, the weight of it pressing down on me, my chest tightening. The love I have for him is overwhelming, and I don’t know how to protect it anymore.
Brian stirs beside me, his arm draping across my waist as he pulls me closer in his sleep. I close my eyes, taking in the warmth of his body, the familiar scent of him. He feels like home. But the fear of losing that—of losing him—is more than I can bear.
Tomorrow is another shift. Another 48-hour stretch. I tell myself things will get better, that I just need to push through. But deep down, I know something has to give.
And I’m terrified that when it does, it’ll be too late to save what we’ve built.
Chapter 2:
The first time it happened, I barely noticed it. Looking back, that should have been my first clue. It was such a small thing—a flash of frustration that I thought was just stress from work. We were off-duty, Brian and I, sitting at the kitchen table after a long day. We’d been talking about the usual—our shifts, the next firehouse event, Cruz’s latest terrible joke. Brian had a way of making everything feel easy. Comfortable.
But that night, something was different.
I don’t even remember what set me off. One minute, we were laughing, and the next, I felt this surge of anger bubbling up inside me. It wasn’t anything Brian said or did, not really. It was more like a wave crashing over me, completely out of my control. I felt like I was drowning in it, and the next thing I knew, I was standing over the kitchen sink, my hands trembling as I stared at the shattered remains of a glass I didn’t even remember throwing.
Brian was standing a few feet away, his face pale, his eyes wide with shock.
“Y/N… what just happened?” His voice was quiet, careful.
I blinked, trying to piece together the moment, but it was like a fog had settled over my mind. “I—I don’t know.” My voice sounded distant, unfamiliar. “I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s okay,” he said quickly, stepping forward. He placed his hand gently on my arm, his touch grounding me. “It’s okay. It was just a glass.”
But it wasn’t just the glass, and we both knew it. Something had shifted inside me, something dark and uncontrollable. And the worst part was, I couldn’t explain it. I couldn’t tell Brian what was wrong because I didn’t know.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, my throat tight. “I don’t know what happened.”
Brian smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “It’s fine. We’re both tired. It was just a glass.”
I nodded, but as I swept up the broken shards, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something had broken inside me, too. And it wasn’t going to be as easy to put back together.
Chapter 3:
Weeks passed, and the tension in the air between Brian and me seemed to grow with each passing day. It wasn’t just at home anymore—my outbursts were starting to creep into our shifts at the firehouse. It wasn’t anything major at first, just little moments where I’d snap at someone or lose my temper more easily than usual. Everyone chalked it up to the stress of the job, and I let them. It was easier than admitting something was wrong.
But inside, I could feel it building—this pressure, like a balloon swelling inside my chest, ready to burst. I thought I could handle it. I thought if I kept myself busy, if I focused on the work, I could push it down. But firefighting isn’t a job where you can afford to lose control.
I remember one call in particular. It was a standard house fire, nothing we hadn’t seen a thousand times before. The flames were manageable, but there was a lot of smoke. We went in as a team, each of us with a role, moving in sync like we always did. Brian was with me, like he usually was, our movements so familiar we didn’t even need to talk to communicate.
But something was off that day. The smoke felt heavier than usual, the heat more oppressive. My helmet felt like it was pressing down on my skull, making my head throb. I tried to push through it, focusing on the task at hand, but my mind was racing. Every sound—the crackle of flames, the muffled voices over the radio, even my own breathing in the mask—felt like it was closing in on me.
“Y/N, you good?” Brian’s voice crackled through my radio.
“I’m fine,” I muttered, though my vision was starting to blur at the edges. We were almost done, just a few more minutes. I could make it. I had to.
But then, out of nowhere, the frustration hit me. I don’t know why—it wasn’t a particularly stressful call—but something inside me snapped. I felt a surge of anger, irrational and uncontrollable. I swung my axe harder than I needed to, cutting through debris with more force than was necessary. I heard Brian call my name again, concern clear in his voice, but I didn’t respond. I couldn’t. I was too focused on the pounding in my head, the rage bubbling just beneath the surface.
When we finally exited the building, I ripped off my helmet and tossed it to the ground, breathing heavily. My heart was racing, my hands trembling.
“What the hell, Y/N?” Brian was at my side, his voice sharp. “You could’ve hurt yourself in there.”
“I’m fine,” I snapped, my voice harsher than I intended. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing,” he said, his brow furrowing as he looked at me. “You’ve been off lately. This isn’t like you.”
I turned away, not wanting to hear the concern in his voice. I didn’t want to admit that he was right—that something was wrong with me. “I told you, I’m fine.”
But I wasn’t. I knew it, and Brian knew it, too.
Chapter 4:
The firehouse had always been a place of comfort for me. It was where I felt in control, where I knew I could make a difference. But lately, even that had started to feel like a burden. My outbursts were becoming more frequent, and I could see the strain it was putting on everyone—especially Brian.
At home, things were getting harder. Brian tried to be patient, but I could see the frustration in his eyes whenever I lost my temper. He’d always been the calm one, the one who could smooth things over with a joke or a smile. But even he couldn’t keep pretending that everything was fine.
We had one of our worst fights a few nights after that call. I don’t even remember what started it—something small, something stupid. But it spiraled out of control so fast. One minute, we were sitting on the couch, watching a movie, and the next, I was yelling at him, accusing him of things that didn’t even make sense.
“You don’t even care about me anymore!” I shouted, the words spilling out of my mouth before I could stop them. “You’re always at work, or with Cruz, or doing anything but being here with me!”
Brian looked at me like I’d just slapped him. “Y/N, what are you talking about? I’m always with you! We work together, we live together—how much closer can we get?”
“That’s not what I mean!” I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I didn’t care. “You’re here, but you’re not really here. You don’t look at me the same way anymore. You don’t—”
“Stop,” he cut me off, his voice calm but firm. “That’s not true, and you know it. I love you. I’ve always loved you.”
His words should have soothed me. They should have made me feel safe. But instead, they only made the anger flare hotter. “Then why do I feel so alone?” I whispered, my voice breaking.
Brian’s face softened, and he took a step closer, reaching for my hand. “Y/N, I’m right here. You’re not alone. But something’s going on with you, and you won’t talk to me about it.”
I yanked my hand away, refusing to meet his eyes. “I’m fine,” I muttered for what felt like the hundredth time.
But I wasn’t. I wasn’t fine, and I was pushing him away without even meaning to. I could see it in his eyes—the worry, the frustration, the helplessness. He didn’t know how to fix this, and neither did I.
That night, we went to bed without saying another word. Brian turned his back to me, and I lay there, staring at the ceiling, feeling the weight of my own silence pressing down on me. I wanted to reach out to him, to tell him I was scared, that I didn’t know what was happening to me. But the words wouldn’t come.
All I could do was lie there and wonder how much longer we could keep pretending that everything was okay.
Chapter 5:
The firehouse was unusually quiet that night. It was the kind of quiet that crept into your bones, making you restless. We were on the second day of a 48-hour shift, and exhaustion hung in the air. Normally, a shift like this didn’t faze me—adrenaline and routine kept me going. But tonight, my head felt like it was being squeezed in a vice. The migraine was pounding behind my eyes, a dull, throbbing pain that no amount of coffee could fix.
I rubbed my temples, trying to will the headache away. Brian had noticed it earlier in the shift and offered me some Tylenol, but I turned him down. There was something about this headache that felt different, heavier. And I was already on edge—there was no way I wanted to dull my senses while on duty.
I kept my distance from the crew tonight, choosing to sit quietly at the kitchen table, nursing my coffee and staring blankly at the TV. Normally, I’d be laughing with the rest of them, especially Brian and Cruz, who were busy trading ridiculous jokes and stories. But I couldn’t focus on any of it. The migraine had lodged itself deep in my skull, making every sound feel like nails on a chalkboard.
I was counting down the hours. Only eight more hours of this shift. And then, finally, Brian and I could go home, grab food from the new Wingstop, and just unwind. It had been a long week, and I was craving something normal, something that would remind me of the simplicity of us. I clung to the thought of getting those wings together. It was the one thing keeping me grounded, the one thing I was looking forward to after the chaos of the last two days.
As if on cue, Brian wandered over to me, his smile easy as always, though I could see the concern lingering in his eyes.
“Hey,” he said softly, sitting down across from me. “How’s your head?”
I forced a small smile, though I knew it didn’t reach my eyes. “Still there, but it’ll pass. Just need to get through these last few hours.”
“We’re almost done,” Brian said, his hand reaching out to gently brush mine. “And then it’s Wingstop time, right? I’m starving.”
I nodded, feeling a small flicker of relief. “Yeah, can’t wait. Been thinking about it all day.”
Brian paused, his brow furrowing slightly. “Actually… about that. I just grabbed Wingstop with Cruz an hour ago. Didn’t realize you’d still want it tonight. You cool with grabbing something else?”
The words barely registered at first. They came out so casually, so matter-of-fact. But as they sank in, I felt a sharp, searing heat rise in my chest. My fingers tightened around the coffee mug in my hand as the rage swelled, unbidden and uncontrollable. I blinked, my vision blurring for a moment as my heart pounded in my ears.
“Wait, what?” I could hear the edge in my voice, sharp and venomous, even as I tried to keep it together. “You just had Wingstop? You knew we were supposed to get it together after shift.”
Brian’s eyes widened, taken aback by the sudden shift in my tone. “I didn’t think it’d be a big deal. We can still get it if you want. I’ll eat it with you, no problem.”
“No,” I snapped, the word flying out before I could stop it. “I don’t want it anymore.”
Brian frowned, confusion and concern mingling on his face. “Y/N, what’s going on? It’s just food. If you want Wingstop, we’ll get Wingstop. It’s not a big deal.”
But to me, it was a big deal. It felt like everything—the headache, the exhaustion, the tension between us—was boiling over, and this one tiny thing had pushed me over the edge. I could feel it happening, the anger building into something unstoppable, and I hated it. I hated that I couldn’t control it, couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out.
“You always do this!” I shouted, my voice breaking as the room seemed to close in around me. “You say one thing and then turn around and do whatever you want! Do you even care about what I want anymore? All I wanted was this shift to end so we could finally go home and have a normal night together. But no—of course you couldn’t even wait for me to get the food we talked about!”
“Y/N,” Brian said softly, reaching out to touch my arm, “I didn’t mean—”
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” I jerked away from him, my heart racing as the room fell silent. Everyone was staring now—Cruz, Mouch, Sylvie, Herrmann. Even Chief Boden, who had been standing by the door, was watching with furrowed brows.
I could feel my hands shaking, my vision blurring as tears welled up in my eyes. “All I wanted,” I choked out, my voice trembling, “was a little quality time with my boyfriend. But instead, I get stuck on this miserable shift with a migraine and a boyfriend who only cares about himself.”
The words hung in the air like poison, and as soon as they left my mouth, I felt something inside me shatter. My heart was pounding, my breath coming in ragged gasps, and before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face. I didn’t even recognize myself in that moment. This wasn’t me.
Brian stood there, frozen, his face pale with shock and hurt. “Y/N, I…”
But before he could say anything else, it was like a switch had flipped. The anger drained out of me as quickly as it had come, leaving me feeling hollow and confused. I blinked, wiping my tear-streaked face as I straightened my posture, suddenly aware of the silence in the room.
“Why… why am I crying?” I asked, my voice soft, bewildered. I looked around at everyone’s faces—confusion, concern, shock—all eyes on me. The pressure in my head eased slightly, the migraine fading as quickly as it had come.
Without another word, I turned and walked to the bathroom, the weight of everyone’s stares pressing down on me like a heavy fog.
Chapter 6:
I spent a long time in the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face and staring at my reflection in the mirror. My face was flushed, my eyes red from crying, but it wasn’t the physical exhaustion that scared me. It was the blank space in my mind, the way the anger had flared so hot and fast, only to disappear without a trace. I didn’t remember half of what I’d said, and what I did remember felt like it had come from someone else’s mouth, not mine.
I leaned against the sink, gripping the edge of the counter so hard my knuckles turned white. I didn’t know what was happening to me, but it was getting worse. And I was terrified.
When I finally stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Brian waiting for me by the door. His face was etched with worry, but his voice was calm and steady when he spoke. “Chief wants to see us in his office.”
My stomach dropped. I nodded silently and followed him down the hall, my footsteps heavy, my heart pounding in my chest. Chief Boden rarely called anyone into his office unless it was serious. And this? This was definitely serious.
When we stepped into the office, Chief was sitting behind his desk, his expression unreadable. He gestured for us to sit, and the tension in the room was thick as we did. Brian sat next to me, close but not touching, his hands resting tensely in his lap.
“Y/N,” Chief Boden began, his deep voice gentle but firm. “Brian explained what’s been going on with you lately. I need you to listen carefully to what I’m about to say.”
I nodded, my throat tight.
“I’ve seen my share of stress in this job. I’ve seen how it can affect people—physically, mentally, emotionally. But what happened out there today wasn’t normal, and it wasn’t safe. For you or for anyone else. You’ve been one of the best firefighters on this team, but I can’t have you putting yourself or others at risk.”
I swallowed hard, the weight of his words settling over me like a cold blanket.
“I’m not asking,” Chief continued, his eyes locking onto mine. “I’m ordering you to go to Chicago Med. You’re not coming back on shift until the doctors clear you.”
His words hit me like a punch to the gut. “Chief, I—”
“This isn’t up for discussion,” he said, his voice softening but still firm. “You need to get checked out. Something’s going on, and you can’t ignore it anymore.”
I felt Brian’s hand brush against mine, a silent show of support, but I couldn’t look at him. I couldn’t face the disappointment in his eyes. All I could do was nod again, feeling a wave of helplessness crash over me.
“Take the rest of the day,” Chief said. “Go to Med. We’ll be here for whatever you need, but you’re not coming back until you get answers.”
Brian stood up, helping me to my feet as we left the office in silence. I could barely process what had just happened—how quickly everything had spiraled out of control. As we walked out of the firehouse and towards the car
Chapter 7:
The ride to Chicago Med was eerily quiet. Brian drove, his hands gripping the steering wheel a little too tight, his gaze focused on the road. I sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window, my mind a blur of confusion, guilt, and fear. Every bump in the road sent a fresh wave of pain through my skull, but it wasn’t just the migraine anymore—it was the uncertainty gnawing at my insides. Something was wrong with me. Deep down, I knew that now. But the thought of facing it, of having a doctor tell me what was happening… I wasn’t sure I was ready for that.
Brian didn’t say much during the drive, and I was grateful for that. I wasn’t sure what I would have said if he’d asked me how I was feeling. How was I supposed to explain the emptiness inside me, the way I felt like a stranger in my own body?
As we pulled into the parking lot of Chicago Med, Brian finally spoke, his voice soft but steady. “I’m coming in with you.”
I nodded, unable to find the words to argue. I didn’t want to do this alone. I didn’t want to walk into that hospital and face whatever it was that had been slowly unraveling me. And as much as I hated feeling vulnerable, I needed him with me.
The bright lights of the hospital stung my eyes as we walked through the automatic doors, the sterile smell of antiseptic hitting me like a wall. Brian led the way, his hand resting on the small of my back, guiding me through the bustling halls. We didn’t have to wait long before we were ushered into an exam room by a nurse, who took my vitals and asked the standard questions.
Then, there was more waiting.
I sat on the exam table, swinging my legs back and forth, my hands folded tightly in my lap. Brian stood next to me, close enough that our arms brushed every now and then, but he didn’t speak. He didn’t need to. His presence was enough—steady, calming, even though I knew he was as scared as I was.
After what felt like an eternity, the door swung open, and Dr. Will Halstead walked in. I knew him well—he’d treated me a few times before, and he was a friend of ours outside of work. But today, he didn’t greet me with the usual smile or lighthearted joke. His expression was serious, concerned.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said, glancing between me and Brian as he took a seat on the stool across from us. “I hear you’ve been having some… unusual symptoms.”
I nodded, my throat tight. “Yeah. I guess you could say that.”
Will frowned, his brow furrowing as he flipped through my chart. “Brian filled me in on what’s been going on. The headaches, the mood swings, the memory loss… we’re going to run a few tests to get a clearer picture. I know it’s scary, but we need to figure out what’s causing all of this.”
I swallowed hard, my heart pounding in my chest. “Do you have any idea what it could be?”
Will hesitated, and that hesitation sent a chill down my spine. “There are a few possibilities,” he said carefully, “but I don’t want to jump to conclusions until we have more information. We’re going to start with a CT scan to get a look at what’s going on inside your brain.”
Inside my brain.
The words echoed in my head, sending a fresh wave of panic through me. I glanced at Brian, who was watching me closely, his expression unreadable. He reached out, taking my hand in his, and I squeezed it tightly, my pulse racing beneath my skin.
“Okay,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “Let’s do it.”
Chapter 8:
The waiting was the worst part.
After the CT scan, they sent me back to the exam room to wait while the results were processed. Every second that ticked by felt like an hour. I sat there, nervously tapping my foot on the floor, while Brian paced back and forth in front of me. His anxiety was palpable, and it mirrored the panic building in my chest. I didn’t know what was worse—the not knowing, or the fear of what we were about to find out.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Will came back into the room, holding a manila folder in his hand. His expression was serious—too serious. My stomach twisted into knots as I watched him sit down again, the air between us heavy with tension.
“Y/N,” he began, his voice low, “I’m not going to sugarcoat this. The CT scan showed something concerning.”
I felt Brian’s hand tighten around mine, his grip almost painfully strong. I couldn’t breathe. My chest felt tight, my heart pounding in my ears. “What is it?” I managed to ask, my voice barely above a whisper.
Will took a deep breath, his eyes soft with sympathy. “You have a tumor in your brain. It’s located in the frontal lobe, which explains the mood swings and memory lapses you’ve been experiencing. It’s putting pressure on the surrounding areas, which is likely causing the migraines as well.”
A tumor. The word hit me like a freight train, knocking the air from my lungs. I stared at Will, uncomprehending, as if he’d just spoken a foreign language.
A tumor. In my brain.
I felt the world tilt beneath me, everything spinning out of control. My heart pounded in my chest, and I was suddenly aware of every sound, every breath, every sensation. Brian’s hand in mine, Will’s steady gaze, the sterile scent of the hospital—all of it felt too real, too overwhelming.
“I—I don’t understand,” I stammered, shaking my head. “A tumor? How…?”
Will nodded gently, leaning forward, his tone careful but honest. “It’s a lot to process, I know. But the good news is that we caught it early. It’s operable, which means we can remove it. We’re going to need to schedule surgery as soon as possible.”
Surgery. Tumor. The words swirled in my head, but none of them made sense. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I was healthy. I was a firefighter—I fought through flames, saved lives. I wasn’t supposed to be the one lying in a hospital bed, waiting for a doctor to cut into my skull.
I felt my hands start to tremble, and suddenly, the weight of everything came crashing down on me. The months of mood swings, the fights with Brian, the outbursts I couldn’t control—it all made sense now. There was a tumor inside me, something foreign and dangerous, controlling me from the inside out.
“Oh my God,” I whispered, my voice breaking as the tears started to fall. “Brian… I’m so sorry.”
Brian’s arms were around me in an instant, pulling me close as I sobbed into his chest. “No,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “You don’t have anything to apologize for, Y/N. None of this is your fault.”
“But I—” I tried to speak, but the words were lost in the sobs that shook my body. All the anger, the fear, the guilt—I couldn’t hold it back anymore. “I’ve been awful to you. I didn’t know…”
Brian held me tighter, his hand running through my hair as he pressed his cheek to the top of my head. “It doesn’t matter,” he whispered. “None of it matters. We’re going to get through this. You’re going to be okay.”
I wanted to believe him, but all I could think about was the word that Will had said: tumor.
Chapter 9:
We left Chicago Med in a daze. The world outside felt too normal, too calm, compared to the storm raging inside me. The sky was still a brilliant blue, people walked down the street, completely oblivious to the fact that my life had just been turned upside down. Brian drove in silence, his hand resting on mine, squeezing gently every so often as if he was reminding himself I was still there. I couldn’t get the word out of my head—tumor.
It felt like some terrible nightmare, one that I hadn’t woken up from yet. Except this wasn’t a nightmare. This was real, and no amount of blinking or pinching myself would make it go away.
We pulled into the firehouse parking lot. I didn’t want to be here, didn’t want to face the crew and see their reactions when they found out. But we had to. They were my family—they deserved to know.
As soon as we stepped inside, I could feel the weight of everyone’s stares. They knew something was wrong. Cruz and Mouch were sitting on the couch, glancing at us with concern. Herrmann, sitting at the table, stood up as soon as he saw us, his brow furrowed.
“Everything okay?” he asked, his voice cautious.
I looked at Brian, but the words got stuck in my throat. How was I supposed to tell them? How was I supposed to explain that everything I’d been through over the past few months wasn’t just stress or exhaustion, but something far more terrifying?
Brian took a deep breath, his voice low and steady. “We went to Chicago Med. Will Halstead ran some tests on Y/N.” He paused, his grip on my hand tightening. “They found a tumor. In her brain.”
The room went silent.
It was like the air had been sucked out of the firehouse. I could see the shock ripple across their faces, the confusion, the fear. Cruz’s mouth opened as if to say something, but no words came out. Boden stepped forward, his eyes filled with quiet understanding.
“A tumor?” Herrmann repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. “What does that mean? Is it… is it serious?”
I took a shaky breath, trying to keep the tears at bay. “It’s operable,” I said, the words sounding distant, as if someone else were speaking them. “They’re scheduling the surgery soon. I’ll… I’ll be okay. That’s what Will said.”
But as I said it, I wasn’t sure if I believed it. The fear gnawed at my insides, making it hard to breathe, hard to think. How could I be sure everything would be okay when nothing felt okay right now?
There was a long, heavy pause before Boden spoke. “We’re going to be here for you, Y/N,” he said softly, his voice steady and full of quiet authority. “Whatever you need—whether it’s before, during, or after the surgery—you’re not going through this alone.”
The words should have brought me comfort, but instead, they only made the knot in my chest tighten. I didn’t want to be the one who needed help. I didn’t want to be the one who was weak, who was sick. I was a firefighter. I was supposed to be strong, to take care of others. Not the other way around.
But now, everything had changed.
I couldn’t hold it back any longer. The sobs broke through, my chest heaving as I tried to breathe, to speak. “I’m sorry,” I choked out, my voice breaking. “I’m so sorry.”
Boden stepped closer, his hand resting gently on my shoulder. “You have nothing to be sorry for,” he said softly.
But I did. I was sorry for everything—for the outbursts, for the way I’d lashed out at Brian, for the times I’d scared the crew with my unpredictability. I felt like I was falling apart, unraveling at the seams, and I couldn’t stop it.
Brian pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly as the tears streamed down my face. I felt everyone’s eyes on us, but it didn’t matter. I couldn’t hold anything back anymore. I cried for everything—the fear, the uncertainty, the guilt.
“I don’t know how to do this,” I whispered into Brian’s chest, my voice trembling. “I don’t know how to be this person. I don’t know how to… how to be weak.”
Brian’s voice cracked as he held me even closer. “You’re not weak,” he whispered fiercely. “You’ve never been weak, Y/N. You’re the strongest person I know. And you don’t have to go through this alone. We’re all here for you—for whatever you need.”
I shook my head, pulling back just enough to look up at him, my eyes red and swollen. “But I’ve been so awful to you. I pushed you away. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I—”
“Stop,” he cut me off, his voice thick with emotion. “None of that matters now. None of it. You were scared, and you didn’t know why. But we know now. And we’re going to fix it. Together.”
I wanted to believe him. I wanted so badly to believe that everything would be okay. But the fear was still there, lurking in the background, whispering that things might never be the same again.
The crew stepped forward one by one, each offering words of support, hugs, and quiet reassurances. It was overwhelming—feeling so much love and care when all I felt inside was fear. I wanted to tell them how much it meant to me, how grateful I was, but the words got stuck in my throat.
Finally, Boden spoke again, his voice gentle but firm. “You need to rest, Y/N. Go home, get some sleep, and prepare for the surgery. We’ll be with you every step of the way.”
I nodded, though I wasn’t sure I’d be able to sleep with everything swirling inside me. But I appreciated the sentiment. I appreciated all of them.
Brian took my hand, and we started to leave. As we walked out of the firehouse, I looked back at the crew—my family—standing there, watching us with worried eyes. They believed in me. They believed I could get through this.
I just wished I could believe it too.
Chapter 10:
The night before the surgery was the longest night of my life.
Brian and I went back to our apartment, and for the first time in what felt like forever, the silence between us wasn’t filled with tension or misunderstanding. It was just… heavy. There was nothing more to say, nothing more to do but wait. I could see the worry etched into Brian’s face every time I caught him glancing at me. He tried to hide it, but I knew him too well.
We made dinner, but I could barely eat. The thought of surgery, of having someone cut into my brain, was too much to bear. I pushed the food around on my plate, my stomach churning with anxiety.
Brian eventually took my hand, pulling me into the living room. We sat on the couch, and I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes as he gently stroked my hair. His touch was soothing, grounding me when my mind started to spiral.
“I’m scared,” I admitted quietly, my voice barely above a whisper.
“I know,” Brian whispered back, his voice soft and full of love. “I’m scared too. But you’re going to get through this. We’re going to get through this.”
I wanted to believe him. I wanted to hold onto his words like a lifeline. But the fear, the uncertainty—it was all-consuming. I couldn’t shake the thought that something could go wrong, that I might not wake up after the surgery, that everything could change in a matter of hours.
“What if…” I started, my voice trembling. “What if something happens? What if I’m not the same after?”
Brian’s hand stilled in my hair, and he pulled back just enough to look at me. His eyes were filled with so much love, so much emotion, that it took my breath away.
“No matter what happens,” he said softly, “I’m here. I love you, Y/N. Nothing’s going to change that.”
The tears welled up again, and I blinked them away, trying to stay strong. But Brian’s words broke something inside me, and before I knew it, I was sobbing, my whole body shaking as I clung to him.
“I don’t want to lose myself,” I cried. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t,” Brian whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “You won’t lose me. You’re not going anywhere, Y/N. You’re stronger than this. We’ll face whatever comes next together.”
I buried my face in his chest, feeling the warmth of his arms around me, and for the first time that night, I allowed myself to believe him.
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felicitysmoaksx · 2 months ago
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How Did it End? SUMMARY:
She didn't know she had been pregnant when Evan died. She didn't even know when Sam walked in and turned her life upside down. But when she found out, he had been there through it all and that scared her. So she pushed him away, but by then Evie had already gotten used to Sam being there. He was there until he wasn't.
"You have a kid," Flynn said his gaze on Evie through the windows of the double doors. She wasn't meant to be here, but Violet's baby-sitter had to go get her kid from school because they were sick...and Evie brightened at the sight of Sam and had clung to him ever since. That had been two hours ago. "Yeah..." Violet glanced over her shoulder to see Carver spinning Evie around to make the baby giggle. She turned back to Flynn and saw that the man looked...she didn't know how he looked. He was unreadable. "I was going to tell you. But we had just started dating a month ago, and I don't bring anyone into my daughter's life unless I know they're going to stick around." "And yet her and Carver look pretty cozy." Violet felt her whole body tense up at Flynn's words and tone. She narrowed her eyes and folded her arms. "Is it a problem? That I have a kid?" "I don't know. I never-I don't want kids Vi," "Then I'm not the girl for you."
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countrymusiclover · 4 months ago
15 - Message from Little Brother
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Part 16
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor
Tag list - send an ask to be added @annieradcliff @watermeezer @zaidatorcuatomorgado @kmc1989 @tallrock35 @melvia-ito @dreamgemini09 @anonymousmuffinbear
Will was heading out to his car swaying his car keys in his hand until someone flashed their headlights in his direction where he raised his hand so he wasn’t blinded by the lights.  He finally noticed it was his brother Jay sitting in the driver's seat.  “Come here!” 
“Jay, what's up?” He asked his brother. 
Jay snapped back not saying another word till the passenger door was closed.  “Get in the car.  What do you know about Ray Burke?” 
“He does some real estate, owns a bar and a construction company-“ 
Jay cut his older brother off.  “And a reception hall.  You went to see him.” 
“He wasn’t feeling well so I made a house call.  How do you know?” Will sent him a confused look. 
Jay reached inside his jacket pocket showing him a small recording device before hitting the play button and playing a conversation between his brother and Ray.  “Hey, Ray.  I just wanted to let you know that your blood work looks good.  But I do recommend you follow up with a cardiologist.” 
“I’m not going to a cardiologist.  I want you, Will.  You know, I’m giving you that hall for two grand.  That’s practically for free.” 
Will shakes his head at his brother.  “Yeah, wh - are you listening to my calls?” 
“Rays.” Jay replied. 
Will raised a brow.  “Rays?”
“PD and the FBI have been investigating him for, like, two years, and look who waltzes in…my brother.” 
Will questioned still not following why he was involved.  “Why are you investigating him?” 
“Cause he’s a gangster.” Jay rolled his eyes. 
Will raised up a hand not believing what he was hearing from his sibling.  “What, he pays off a building inspector every once in a while?”
“Try money laundering, fraud, embezzlement.  Now you’re involved with him.” Jay throws his hands up in the air. 
Will brought a hand up to his forehead, sighing heavily.  “Oh, I’m not involved with him.  Hey I’m using his hall.  It’s not a big deal.”
“Yes, it is.  So whatever you’re doing, stop.” Jay sternly looked at his brother needing him to understand how serious this situation could get if remained involved. 
Will’s phone vibrated in his pocket where he took it out seeing it was an unknown area code phone number.   He pressed the cell phone to his ear to figure out who was dialing him.  “Is this William Halstead?” 
“Yeah, this is him.” 
The caller was a male voice that responded back to him.  “This is Lieutenant Griffin.  Ms.  Easton has you listed as her emergency contact.” 
“Is everything okay with her?  Is she injured?” Will asked in a very nervous tone in his voice. 
Lieutenant Griffin began explaining the situation to the civilian doctor.  “She was brought back to the medical tent after she passed out from an explosion.  She has regained consciousness but we are formally discharging her until further notice.” 
“Why?” He glanced at his brother who was listening to their conversation. 
The Lieutenant avoided the question.  “I can’t disclose that information.  You’ll just have to ask her when you see her tomorrow morning when she’s returned home.” 
“She’s coming home tomorrow?” Will still couldn’t comprehend the fact that his fiancé would be coming home sooner than they both anticipated. 
The higher officer responded before hanging up the phone.  “Yes, Mr.  Halstead.  She will arrive on a helicopter at the Chicago International Airport.  Have a good night.” 
“Hey, look at me Will.” Jay grabbed his brother’s shoulder once he had put his phone in his pocket.  “You need to stop dealing with Burke, especially if Mallory is coming home.  You don’t want this guy coming after her if you don’t hold up your end of the deal you have with him.” 
Will shook his head no pushing open the car door, shutting it and heading over to his car leaving the hospital parking lot.  “I’m helping him out to let her have the perfect wedding.  I’m not gonna stop helping Burke.” 
Mallory’s pov
Taking a nap in the seat of the helicopter I had been getting more tired than I used to and now I knew why.   I didn’t want to tell Will the reason through the phone or in a letter that would take months before it even made it into his hands.  
“We’re about to touch down, Easton!” The driver of the helicopter got my attention when he called over his shoulder causing me to wake up and he woke Maxon up who was asleep on the metal ground too. 
Leaning up in my seat I unclipped my seatbelt, reaching over and shrugging my backpack on.  Picking up my duffle bag I glanced out the door when we lowered the chopper down onto the landing platform of the airport.  The ladder dropped down where I slowly walked down the steps with a huge smile spreading across my face when I saw the man who was my fiancée. 
“Mallory!” Will called my name running across the rooftop until my body collided with his.  He wrapped his arms around my waist lifting my feet off the ground, twirling me around in circles.  “Ohhh I’ve missed you so much.” 
Maxon barked at us once I was back on my feet and placed one of my hands on the side of my fiancés face.  “I missed you so bad too.  And there’s something I gotta tell you -“
“Awe don’t worry, Maxon.  I missed you too.” Will heard my dog bark again meaning he wanted some attention so he bent down on a knee running a hand through his fur, receiving a happy tail wag. 
Brushing hair that the wind blew in front of my face I cleared my throat gaining his attention again.  “Will, can we head home now.  I’m kinda tired and there’s something I need to tell you.” He nodded in agreement where we grabbed our stuff driving back to our apartment. 
Once we had gotten everything unpacked and Maxon was laid down on the wooden floor taking a long awaited nap.  Slipping a sweatshirt over my head I plopped down on the couch simply wearing leggings watching Will warm up some leftover chicken and rice we had bought on the drive home.  He hands me my bowl sitting down beside me, focusing his gaze on me.  “So you had something you wanted to tell me.  What's going on, Mal?” 
“It's not exactly something we've talked about so I totally understand if you're not ready.  I mean we're not even married yet.  So the idea of me being pregnant with your child is like crazy-” 
Will cut me off causing me to drop my hands from being up in the air not realizing I had just blurted it out like I did.  “You’re pregnant!” 
“Y-yeah I am.” I chuckled lightly, taken back by the fact that he seemed so overjoyed about this.  “Wait so you’re okay with this.”
Will quickly scooted across the couch capturing my lips with his own.  I hesitated for a moment before I began kissing him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I deepened the kiss until he broke it by putting his forehead against mine.  “I’m thrilled, Mallory.  I - I didn’t want to pressure you into anything too soon.  But I want all of it Marriage, kids, a family with you.” 
“I want all that with you too, Will.  And now we can have that cause I’m back home.” I nodded with a cheeky grin on my face. 
My fiancé leaned forward kissing my forehead where I nuzzled my head underneath his chin.  “We’re gonna be a family, all four of us.” Laying my head against his chest he wrapped his arms around my waist while Maxon jumped up on the couch and laid at my feet. 
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stellaseverides · 5 months ago
been a hot while since I posted anything but I’m currently writing extended scenes to stellarides love scenes on chicago fire if anybody is interested in reading <3
wherever you are (that’s where I want to be)
a collection of one-shots finishing the scenes where Stella and Kelly get hot and heavy.
read here
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no-damsel · 5 months ago
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witchygagirlwrites · 1 month ago
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Kelly Severide x Reader
No one knows why the new paramedic is so secretive about her homelife until it crashes with her worklife
The new paramedic at fifty one was damn near a mystery to everyone. She’d gotten hired nearly three months before and hardly no one knew anything about her personal life, not even Sylvie. She was sweet and damn good at her job but beyond coming to work and doing her job that was all anyone ever saw of her. Kelly had found himself damn near infatuated with her within about a week.
She was smart and funny and didn’t mind putting anyone in their place. She’d stand in front of her patients on domestic calls to shield them from their abusers spewing venom while CPD hauled them away and would be so gentle with children it made his heart flip just seeing it. She was an amazing woman and he wanted nothing more than to know more about her, just as a friend but she would barely give him the time of day.
He walked into the common area and she was sitting with Sylvie, Gallows and Ritter. A laugh bubbled out of her at something Ritter said and he had half a mind to slip him a twenty to keep saying whatever it was that had made her laugh just so he could keep hearing the sound. This was kind of pathetic. He was falling for a woman he basically only knew on a work basis but even only knowing her on a work basis and for this long everyone seemed to be pulled towards her. She had this gravitational pull. He just didn’t understand why she still hadn’t let anyone in. He wondered if maybe it was something in her past, had she endured something at an old house that made her slow to trust? Was she planning on just being here temporarily? That thought made his heart ache, losing her before he ever even knew her.
He would keep trying, just to be her friend. Nothing more. He just wanted to see one of those smiles pointed at him just once. She cut her eyes up at him and nodded when he walked by “Lieutenant” he smiled “Morning”
Yeah, he’d just have to keep trying.
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“Daniel, baby you gotta stay with uncle Caleb. You know mommy has to go to work!” you passed your son over to your brother and shot him a grateful smile. Your older brother was absolutely your life line. When you found out you were pregnant his biological father had disappeared damn near as fast as the second pink line had appeared but Caleb had stepped up to help you however he could, including syncing his schedule to make sure he was always off when you had to work.
Normally Daniel would be in daycare but they were closed due to a pipe bursting over the weekend. “Thank you so much for this Caleb” he grinned “I told you before he was ever born, I’m always in your corner. Now get your butt to work. Go save some lives. I got little man” you kissed Daniel’s cheek and patted Caleb’s shoulder before grabbing your bag and heading out to your car.
You liked firehouse fifty one. Everyone who worked there seemed to be truly decent people, Sylvie Brett, your partner was the world’s biggest sweetheart. Chief Boden was the best boss you could ask for. Captain Matt Casey was always nice and understanding,as for the lieutenant of the house Kelly Severide..well you didn’t want to think about how much you liked him. He was gorgeous, beyond brave even if he was a little brash at times and when you would see him interact with kids? God it made you almost want to see if Daniel’s daycare could come to the house on a field trip..almost.
You had the same rule for your job as you had for your dating life. You had to hit the six month mark before you could meet Daniel. Hell the only person who knew you had a son at the house was Chief Boden and he promised to stay tight lipped when you asked it of him. 
When you got into work you spotted Kelly in the bays and smiled at him when he looked your way “Morning Severide” he grinned “Morning” you walked past him and he called your name so you glanced over your shoulder at him “Yes?”
“When are you gonna let me buy you lunch? Just as friends?” you shook your head “Why don’t you buy Casey lunch? You two are already friends” you continued into the station house and heard everyone laughing behind you.
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It was around four when a call came in for a multi vehicle accident. Truck, rescue squad and ambulance were to respond. When you came running into the bay to jump into your rig with Sylvie you winked at Kelly when he looked your way and he laughed despite the situation. Maybe you were finally warming up to him?
He climbed into the rescue squad and hollered at Cruz to get it going. The line of vehicles hit the road and tore out.
When they rolled onto the scene it was a total of four vehicles involved. Some were worse than the others. He hadn’t expected you to jump out of the ambulance before it stopped rolling and take off running towards a dark green truck screaming “DANIEL! CALEB” 
He instinctively jumped out of rescue squad to run after you. When he got to the truck he saw that you were crawling into the backseat to check on a little boy that was probably close to two and a man that favored you was standing next to the truck with a cut across his forehead. He called your name gently and you looked back “I’m sorry Lieutenant Severide. I know the most serious patients go first but I had to check on my little boy and my brother”
His eyes widened “Your little boy?” you turned your back on him and finished looking over the boy before unbuckling him from the car seat and sliding out of the truck “Kelly this is my son Daniel. Daniel this is mommy’s friend Kelly” “Hey Kelly” Daniel said with a shy smile. “Hey” Kelly greeted. He saw your hands were shaking as you shifted Daniel onto your hip to check your brother..what did you call him..Caleb? Caleb’s head. “Stay with them, I’ll radio another rig and get ritter to assist Brett”
“I can help her” you argued and he shook his head “Stay with your son Medic. That’s an order” you smiled slightly “Yes sir” he nodded “I’ll find you in a little while, after I help clear the scene, ok?” “Ok”
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You were sitting on the curb with Daniel and Caleb while Caleb talked to his insurance company. They were sending a tow truck and a rental car. Guess that was why he paid such a high premium for such good service. He’d only needed butterfly stitches so Sylvie had let you just grab them out of the back of your rig.
“Are you in trouble for coming to us?” Caleb asked and you shook your head “I don’t think so” then saw Kelly head your way “Let’s see” you passed Daniel to his lap then stood to meet Kelly halfway. Daniel waved at him and you smiled when Kelly leaned around you to wave back.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone you had a son?” he asked and you shrugged “Boden knew” he nodded “Is that why you’ve stayed so distant from everyone?” you nodded “People are always friendly and want to get to know you until they find out you have a kid then it’s oh sorry never mind” he smiled softly “He’s a handsome little man. Looks like his mama” you grinned “Thanks Kelly” he nodded “So, that lunch offer?” you rolled your eyes “Really Severide?” he held up a hand “I was gonna say the diner down from the station house has really good waffles. Can I buy you, your son and your brother some?”
You opened your mouth then clamped it shut then opened it again “Did you just ask me out with my whole family?” he nodded, a smile slipping onto his face “I wanna get to know you, that’s all. Daniel is your son, he’s your world. I get that. Caleb is your brother, also important to you. It’s not that big of a deal, it’s just waffles sweetheart” you shook your head “Caleb’s rental will be here in half an hour. They’re even bringing a new car seat too” he grinned “So I guess that’s a yes?” you nodded “I guess it is”
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callsign-dexter · 6 months ago
Broken Promises, Rekindled Flames
Request: Ok, we damn love hot Kelly Severide… but would we also like something angsty ? 😊
I had an idea where she’s his girlfriend, also a paramedic at 51, but someday they get in a bad fight and he saying things he immediately regrets, so she leaves his apartment without saying any more. The next day she doesn’t show up at work, which is unusual for her and neither can get you on the phone. Just then, 51 gets called to a bad looking car accident and they have to find out that was your car being recklessly destroyed and Kelly’s heart breaks as he fears you being no longer alive and he can never make it up what he said? 
But of course they get a happy ending 😊
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Rhodes!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, cursing, asshole!Kelly, mentions of cheating done by Kelly but no actual cheating is done, secrets, car crash, inaccurate medical talk
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There were some things that you had told your boyfriend of 4 years, Kelly Severide, secrets that he promised not to tell or bring up in a fight. In turn he told you secrets and you promised the same thing. You never wanted to hurt each other but he took it too far that night the day before your guy’s shift at firehouse 51. Now you were semi-conscious sitting at the bottom of a bank praying and hoping someone would come. You thought about calling your older brother, Connor Rhodes, but he was busy saving lives in the hospital.
The fight didn’t come on suddenly, no, it built up for a week before it came to light, he was coming home late and being secretive. He had his reasons and very good reasons, this reason would be because he was planning the perfect surprise proposal and that had him running around ragged and made him stressed and in turn made you stressed because you didn't know what he was up to for all you knew he could be cheating on you, you wouldn't put it past him especially with his dating history. As you sit there in your car being crushed by the collapsed metal and losing blood somewhere the fight replayed in your head and that brought tears to your eyes and they slowly ran down your face. You so desperately wanted to call Kelly and tell him you were sorry but you couldn’t find your phone and you couldn’t move. “I’m sorry.” You whispered as if he could hear you and as you started to close your eyes the fight came into view so you just watched.
The blaring alarm was what woke you up on a Thursday morning. You groggily opened your eyes and reached over to turn it off. You were at home with your boyfriend Kelly both having just come off a 3 day shift and then going back in two days usually it would be longer time off but things were different due to the holiday coming up. Once the alarm was off you turned over and brought your hand to his side expecting to find a warm toned body but instead you met cold sheets and you frowned. Now you were more awake. You got up throwing on a sweatshirt, that happened to be Kelly's, and walked out of the room and into the hallway. Soft talking could be heard and at first you thought it was TV but the more you listened the more it started to sound like Kelly and a woman? You walked into the kitchen and the floor must've creaked because he was looking up “I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow.” He hurriedly said into the computer screen and hung up. Your heart sank, was he cheating on you? “Hey, Baby.” He said as he got up and hurriedly closed the computer. You let him hug you but you didn't return it.
“Who was that?” You asked as he released you and he walked into the kitchen to start coffee.
“Oh that was nobody important. She was just helping with something.” He said and there was that word ‘she’ unshed tears burned your eyes. 
“Oh.” You said as your mind started to race.
“Want a cup?” He asked holding it out to you and you shook your head.
“No, thank you. I'm going to go for a run.” You said and turned back to head back to the bedroom to get ready. He didn't get a chance to reply, he just looked at you confused, you never refused your favorite coffee. 
You got ready for your run and walked back into the kitchen and he was nowhere to be found. The computer was open and you got curious. You walked over and Skype was open so you looked at who called last. A woman's name of Contessa Wents was the last call your heart sank but it sank even more when you read the messages. 
Her face is going to priceless. I can't wait to see it! 
Contessa: It's going to be great! It just fills me with joy at imagining it.
You couldn't bear to read the rest. Those two messages confirmed your fear. You quickly grabbed your Bluetooth headphones and put them in and music started playing. You rushed out the door as tears started well in your eyes. Kelly had gone down to grab the mail and was making his way down the hallway to the apartment when you passed him. “Hey, enjoy your run.” He said but you just sped past him not being able to hear him but he didn't know you had headphones in. He frowned and grew concerned. Last night was great and he couldn't think of anything that would've put you in a foul mood. The Skype call didn't mean anything, it was to his friend's wife who was a jeweler and he was picking out a ring with the help of her.
You got outside and stretched and then you were taking off. As you ran tears started to fall now that you had time and space to think about it. When you got to the park you sat on a bench, you put your elbows on your knees and covered your face. How could you've been so stupid? You knew he had a past. You knew he had flings. You knew how he was. You thought he had changed but apparently not. You don't know how long you were sitting there crying until your tears ran out. You still had your music in so you didn't hear your lifelong best friend and brother walk up to you calling you until you felt him shake your shoulder and you were ripping an earbud out and looking up. “Con?” You asked sniffling eyes puffy and red tear tracks running down your cheeks.
“It's me. What's wrong?” Your older brother asked.
“I think Kelly is cheating on me.” You said and here comes a fresh round of tears. 
“I'm gonna kill him.” He said and you shook your head.
“No, please don't. It may not be true but all signs are there.” You said and he sat down next to you on the bench and you leaned into him. “Why are you here anyways?” You asked.
“I was out for a walk.” He said and you nodded and sniffled. You don't know how long you sat there with your brother on the bench talking, laughing and just having a bonding moment. Soon you both had to leave. He left first and then you got up and turned to the direction of home and took off to finish your run. 
When you got back into your apartment Kelly was rushing off the couch and running to you taking you in his arms and you looked at him confused. You took out your earbuds and pushed him off. “Oh thank goodness. You're home.” He said and relief was evident on his face. 
“Yea, I'm home. I ran into Connor at the park. We hung out and talked.” You said “Why do you care?” You asked.
“Why do I care? I care because I love you. You were gone for 3 hrs. You're never gone that long for a run.” He said 
“Sorry I was clearing my head.” You said moving to make your way into the bedroom to shower and change into some relaxing clothing for the day. You both had three days off since you had been three days on. He had followed you into the bedroom and you started to undress and you really didn't care because it's not the first time he's seen you naked.
“Is everything alright?” He asked and you wanted to scoff. How could he ask that when he knew he was cheating on you? It would be better if he just came out and said it instead of stringing you along. You need to keep calm and not escalate things until you know for sure but your minds have been made up. 
“Everything is fine. I just needed to clear my head of some things.” You said and left it at that and walked into the bathroom shutting the door in his face. You turned on the water and let the tears flow. You heard his footsteps leave and the bedroom door shut and then you let out a sob. How much more of this heartbreak can you take? 
When your shower was done and you had changed you felt much better. You walked into the kitchen freshly showered in jeans and your favorite shirt and hoodie. “Do you want to go out for lunch?” Kelly asked and you looked up at him. 
“Sure.” You said and he smiled and came over and kissed you. 
“If you're ready. I'm ready.” He said and you smiled and nodded. Maybe if you can just get the idea of him cheating out of your mind then everything will be ok.
“I'm ready.” You said smiling and he smiled back.
“There's my girl.” He said and then the two of you headed out the apartment. As you walked out of the apartment and to his Jeep. Everything that had happened this morning was pushed to the back of your mind. 
“So, where are we going?” You ask, curious and feeling like your old self. Feeling back to your guy's old ways.
“It's a surprise.” He said as he opened the door and helped you in even though you didn't need it. You smiled a toothy grin and he smirked looking at you. “What?” He asked.
“Is this to our favorite spot?” You asked 
“I'm not telling you.” He said “You'll find out soon.” He said and you chuckled. The Jeep ride there was smooth and easy; it wasn't filled with tension like the morning had been. You both laughed and joked with each as the music played in the background. You looked around your surroundings and they started to become familiar, well everything was familiar but this was going to your favorite deli/bakery. 
“Are we going where I think we're going?” You asked but he just smiled and that gave it all away. 
“You know it is.” He said and you shrieked as he pulled into the parking lot and parked the Jeep. He got out and shut the door and then came over and opened your door and helped you out. When you were on the ground he put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side and you cuddled into him. It was a cold day, probably a record cold for Chicago so he was trying to keep you as warm as possible. 
He led you to the table and made sure you were seated before he went up and ordered. He already knew what you wanted and that made you smile and all those thoughts of him cheating melted away. He was quick to come back with drinks and sat down in front of you. The two of you leaned close to each other laughing and having a good time together like you were two lovesick teenagers. The only time you pulled apart was when the food came and the two of you ate. Once lunch was down he was grabbing your tray while you grabbed your things and followed him to the trash. Then the two of you were headed home. 
The next day you woke up to a warm arm wrapped around your middle and warm breath hitting your neck. You smiled and turned over to take in and memorize the handsome face of your boyfriend. “Staring is rude.” He said in a voice that was filled with sleep. He cracked open his eyes and you were instantly lost in the blue. 
“I'm just trying to memorize the face of my handsome boyfriend.” You said 
“You have everyday to memorize it.” He said, chuckling.
“You never know.” You said shrugging. He leaned up and kissed your forehead. You could lay there all day if you wanted but you needed to get things done before leaving again. Both of you laid there for another 30 minutes before you both were getting up and starting the day. The two of you decided to stay in for the day just wanting to be with each other. So you spent most of the day lounging on the couch watching cringey firefighter TV shows and eating. That quickly changed around 6 PM when his phone started ringing and as he pulled it out you caught the name on it. Contessa. Your stomach dropped and suddenly you felt nauseous. He answered it and he had the nerve to sit by you while he talked. He was smiling and chuckling and as all this went on you just seemed to get sicker and sicker. When the call was over he put his phone back and turned to you.
“I have to go. I'll be back soon.” He said and then he was getting up kissing you on the lips but you didn't kiss back. You watched him put on his shoes and coat and then he was walking out the apartment. You sat there in total silence. Too stunned to speak and afraid to move. You turned back to the show but not really paying attention to it. You don't know how long you were sitting there but your phone buzzed. You grabbed it out of the pocket of Kelly's hoodie and saw it was a text from Jay Halstead, your best friend and your brother's coworker's brother, it was a picture.
Jay Halstead: I think Kelly might be cheating on you. I just Kelly and some woman in a jewelry store. They're bent over looking at rings. They're pretty close to each other. (Picture attached)
You just stared at the picture. So it was true. Kelly was cheating on you and he was clearly serious about this woman because he was in a jewelry store with her. Tears sprang to your eyes and they started to fall. Another text from Jay popped up.
Jay Halstead: Are you ok?
You didn't know how to answer that. 
Jay Halstead: Hailey and I are on our way over. 
He responded back pretty quickly and true to his word there was a knock on the door and you were getting up to answer it. Hailey instantly pulled you into a hug and the tears started to fall steadily. “Oh honey.” She said
“He's really cheating on me? He's buying her a ring.” You said as they ushered you to the couch where they sat down. Hailey on the side of you and Jay sitting on the coffee table in front of you. 
“We don't know that for sure. I said I think he is.” Jay said
“The evidence is pretty damning Jay.” You said as you looked at him with tears running down your cheeks.
“Let's not jump to conclusions. He may have been helping a friend with some shopping or it could've been the jeweler.” Hailey said, rubbing your arm.
“If it was the jeweler then she would be on the other side of the counter. They also wouldn't be that close either.” You said followed by a sniffle as you put your head in your hands. Hailey and Jay looked at each other because they knew you were right. The couple stayed with you for a few hours and let you rant and rave until you cried all your tears and then they were leaving after saying you would be alright on your own. 
10 PM rolled around and Kelly had yet to show up and more tears fell. You both promised that the two of you wouldn't cheat or keep secrets, your last relationship ended up with him keeping a secret of him being married with kids and that he was cheating on his wife with you. He had the audacity to actually propose to you. You only found out he was married because you ran into his wife and kids at the park. You broke the engagement off right then and there. The next week he was coming to you crying saying his wife was divorcing him, which she did. You and the wife actually became friends. 
6 AM rolled around when he finally showed up. You had cried yourself to sleep around 11 PM on the couch, you had to go into work at 7 AM. The shutting of the front door had woken you up and you set up. “Kels, that you?” You asked.
“Yea it's me. Sorry I'm late. I had to go and talk to Herrmann about something at the bar and got carried away.” He said shedding his coat and kicking off his shoes.
“A phone call or text would've been nice.” You said now standing up and walking over to him.
“I thought I didn't text you.” He said as he pulled his phone out but there set the text unsent. “I never pressed send. I'm sorry.” He said and looked up at you. He walked over to you and kissed you but you didn't kiss back and then the smell of perfume hit you and you grew angry. “Are you ok?” He asked. Should you say something now? Should you wait? Maybe you should wait.
“Are you cheating on me?” You asked, there it was. It was now out in the open. He looked at you with his eyebrows cocked. 
“What? No! Why would you ask that?” He asked, taking a step back. 
“I saw your Skype messages from Contessa and her name pop up when you got a phone call. Jay saw you and a woman, who I'm assuming is Contessa, in a jewelry store.” You said and you watched his face fall and grow pale. You pulled your phone out and showed him the picture. 
“Baby, it's not what you think it is. She's married.” He said and that just added fuel to the fire.
“You're cheating on me with a married woman? You're going to marry her?” You asked in disbelief.
“What? No no no no. She was helping me find a ring.” He said but everything said was going through one ear and out the other.  
“A ring for her.” You said as you pushed past him and started to pull on your shoes, coat, and grab your purse. Kelly was starting to panic.
“Where are you going?” He asked, watching you. 
“I'm going to stay with my brother. I know he won't cheat on me.” You said 
“For the 100th time I'm not cheating on you! But maybe now I'm thinking I should've.” He said and you froze.
“What?” You asked
“You're so fucking insecure it's overwhelming. You're not fucking listening to me. You're so damn clingy I can't even stay out late without spiraling out of control.” He said, throwing his hands up. You flinched and froze looking at him. The boyfriend before the one that was married used to be abusive to you and point out all the things that you seemed to do wrong. He didn’t really mean what he was saying but he was so mad that you weren’t listening and he was just caught up in the moment. Tears were falling down your face. “I mean come one Y/N you’re not listening to me right now. You never listen to me, you always care about yourself. Do you even care about me?” He asked.
You said nothing as you turned around and grabbed your keys to your Jeep and opened the door and slammed it shut. Kelly stood there and watched. He watched your face fall and you shrink into yourself and then he knew that he just fucked up. 
“I just fucked everything up. FUCK!” He screamed and grabbed the closest thing which happened to be a picture frame of you two and threw it across the room into the wall. It shattered to the ground, broken glass everywhere. You would come back and you two would talk about everything and settle everything at least he hoped but boy how wrong he was.
As you got into your Jeep snow was starting to come down at a fast pace and it was covering the road and everything quickly but you didn’t even care. You hopped in and started it, the engine sputtered a couple of times but it finally turned over. Maybe your Jeep was trying to tell you something or maybe you were hoping Kelly would come out but the last hope didn’t happen as your engine turned over and it started. You quickly threw into gear and sped off your Jeep swerved but it straightened up and headed off. You were speeding but you didn’t care, you just wanted to get away from him and to your brother, you knew he would comfort you and be on your side.
 You were approaching a stoplight and as you started to slow down you started to slide and your brakes were locking up and that scared the shit out of you. “No no no no. Please no.”  You said to yourself you did stop but your front end was over the line. You sighed in relief but the truck behind was just a tad bit unluckier than you. They tried to stop but they ended up rear ending you hard. So hard that your head came forward and hit the steering wheel and their truck pushed you into the middle of the intersection and since you had no traction because of rapidly falling snow you slid into oncoming traffic where a car hit you straight on glass shattered and then a truck was hitting your side of the car pushing you sideways. You just happened to look at the clock and knew that Kelly would be heading into work but you just hoped that he would get to you sooner. Your Jeep started to smoke as it came to a stop but it ended up on the very edge of the road and just a push would be sending you down to the riverbank. You just had never been lucky enough to have things go your way as the snow piled on top of your Jeep it added more weight and you could feel your Jeep tipping. “I’m sorry.” You said out loud to nobody in particular but it was meant for Kelly and you were hoping he could hear it somehow as your Jeep fell. It jostled you around and glass shattered and everything cut you everywhere a particularly large piece stabbed you in the chest close to your heart and you cried out. Once the rolling stopped you were breathing ragged and you could feel the cold hitting you from the broken windows and windshield. You could feel the blood rushing out every little cut. You tried to make a quick assessment of yourself but each time you moved sent you closer to the darkness. 
The engine of your Jeep was smoking more and you could smell the gasoline and just one spark could send the entire vehicle up in smoke. Right now you just wanted everything to end and give into the darkness. Part of you hoped that everything blew up and part of you didn’t. You were in so much pain that you didn’t know what to think or wanted. Breathing hurt and each breath sent you closer to the edge. When you tried to move is what finally did you in and everything turned black and you gave into the darkness. 
Kelly didn’t get much sleep, too worried about you and wondering where you were. He texted Connor asking if you were there but he answered that you weren’t that sent panic down him. He may have gotten maybe 30 minutes of sleep before he was getting up and getting ready for both of your guy’s shifts. He sighed sadly when he realized you weren’t beside him, he grabbed his bag and then he grabbed your bag and he started off into work. The snow was still falling and they had yet to come and scrape the road but he knew to be careful and knew that your Jeep and his Jeep was meant for this type of weather. 
When he got to the station he frowned when he didn’t see your Jeep. He knew you liked to get to work early and get some extra sleep or get breakfast in. He parked his Jeep and grabbed both bags and walked into the station. Everyone greeted him and he greeted them back and looked around for you but you were nowhere in sight. “Has Y/N come in?” He asked the closest member who happened to be your best friend, Stella Kidd.
“No, I haven't heard a word from her and haven’t seen her this morning. Tried calling her but she never picked up.” She said and he frowned and nodded and then headed to where the bunks were and put yours and his bag down on a bed. You dug through his bag and felt around until he felt the velvet box hit his fingers. He pulled it out and opened and there sat a beautiful diamond ring glistening in the light from the room. 
“Where are you, Y/N/N? I’m worried about you.” He whispered to himself as he looked down at the ring with sad eyes. He stared at it until the bells were ringing for every emergency vehicle and he was hurriedly shutting it and putting it in a pocket that zipped up knowing it would be safe there. He was quick to get out and get his gear on and then to the Rescue Squad 3 truck. “What are we heading into?” He asked, trying to get into work headspace as they pulled up to the scene.
“Looks like a multi-car collision. A car was rear ended and pushed and then hit straight on. Then hit and pushed over the bank. It’s probably covered in snow by now so it'll be a search and uncover.” Joe Cruz said. 
“Did they say what the other car was?” Tony Ferraris asked as he parked and turned the sirens off but not the lights.
“An olive green Jeep.” Joe said and Kelly’s heart dropped to his stomach because that was your Jeep. He hadn’t said a word as Wallace Boden gave out orders. Other stations were called in to help but Rescue Squad 3 was to work on your Jeep that had rolled down the bank. All of them along with Stella and Gabriela Dawson went with them. As they descended the bank smoke was seen and gasoline could be smelt. Despite the snow being on top of it, the snow was melting where the engine was. Kelly was in a panic as he took in the sight of your car. The Jeep was upside down on the roof, glass was everywhere and the frame was beyond recognizable. 
“Shit. Let’s get her out of there carefully and do not let that glass more or lodge further.” Kelly said hoping the shakiness in his voice wasn’t noticeable to the others and either they didn’t pay attention to it or they didn’t hear but they started to get to work. As the orders were given out and they started to work on getting the snow removed and when they did they could see you laying there unconscious and barely breathing.  
 First they started to get the excess snow off and then Kelly was laying down to see you. He took you in and then his eyes stopped on the glass sticking out of your chest and he saw it was right next to your heart, one move or one more centimeter over and it could be in your heart. “How is she looking?” Stella asked and he shook his head and looked up at her.
“Not good. There is a piece of glass in her chest close to her heart, one jostle and it could move and go into her heart.” He said 
“Fuck, alright let’s carefully get her out and to Med. We need to call her brother and let him know and warn him.” She said and not directing the last part to him more so at someone else that had come down. Kelly focused his attention on you and put two fingers on your neck and felt for anything and it took a minute and that scared him to find a pulse.
“She barely has a pulse.” Kelly shouted out.
“Ok, let’s get moving.” Stella said and that is what they did. They got the door off and then Kelly was awkwardly twisted to put the neck brace on you and not once did you move or give any sign of life. 
“Don’t leave me, please.” He pleaded as they carefully got you out and on a backboard. “I need something to stabilize this glass.” He shouted and then he was being handed tape and some rolls of gauze. Everything being shouted was drowned out to him, his focus was on you.
“I’ll help.” Joe said and he nodded and moved a little so he could get in and help. “She’s going to be ok.” He said.
“I hope so.” Kelly said as they finished stabilizing the glass.
“How is she?” Boden asked after he came down to see.
“Not good.” Kelly said and he was about to say something else but you started to gurgle and blood started to sputter out of your mouth and run down the corner of it and it caught everyone’s attention.
“Move her now!” He ordered and everyone nodded and they rushed you up the hill carefully but hurriedly. When they reached the top a gurney was already there and they put you on it and rushed you to the ambulance. Kelly got in the back with you as Stella got in the front and they were off, sirens blaring. 
“How close are we?” Kelly asked
“20 seconds out.” Stella said 
“Damn she was close to the hospital.” Kelly murmured to himself and he helped Gabby the best he could. They finally got you hooked up to the monitor but as soon as they did you started to flatline. She was quick to awkwardly start CPR.
“Fuck.” Gabby said as they pulled into the ER section of the hospital and as the doors opened several nurses, Will Halstead, Crockett Marcel, and your brother Connor was there. Gabby started to rattled off everything that they assessed. She still was doing CPR as they rolled you in.
“Baghdad.” Is all that Maggie Lockwood said and that is where they wheeled you to and they started to work on you. Kelly had stood outside and watched and Connor wasn’t allowed to be in there since you were family.
“What the fuck did you do?” Connor asked as he turned to Kelly.
“It was a stupid fight.” Kelly whispered
“What did you say?” He asked
“I told her some things that I shouldn’t. I degraded her and made her feel small. It was my fucking fault. I wasn’t cheating on her. I was asking for help to pick out a ring for her. I was gonna have us take a couple of days off to go up to a special place and I was going to propose to her.” Kelly said and Connor was still fuming but he didn’t say anything.
“You better hope and pray that she makes it out of here alive. For your sake.” Connor said and walked away knowing he couldn’t stay there because he couldn't help and he had patients to tend to. Kelly’s focus was back on the scene in front of him. They had gotten your heart beating again but you were still in critical condition. They were quick to move you to an OR and they told him what they were doing and now he had to painfully wait to hear if you made it or not. As he was directed to the waiting room he took out the ring and opened it and stared down at it. He was so stupid for saying those things to you and now he doesn’t know if you were going to make it and that scared him. 
It seemed like forever but it was only 6 hours before Connor and Marcel were walking towards him and he looked up. As he looked up he saw that the rest of the firehouse had come as well but he was too focused on the ring and you. “She’s alive but she is in critical condition. She had a collapsed lung and it was filled with blood. The piece of glass was secured but a piece did knick her heart which caused it to stop. She also had some major cuts from glass and we removed all the glass. She’s not totally in the clear but she’s stabilized as of right now. We sedated her and it may take some time for her to wake up. Months even.” Marcel said and everyone nodded and Kelly was silent. “Connor will take you to see her.” He added directing it towards Kelly and he nodded and started to follow Connor to your room. 
“She’s going to pull through.” Connor said as they both stopped at your room. “She’s a strong woman and she loves you too much to leave you.” He added and Kelly nodded and then he was leaving as he gave Kelly a pat on the shoulder. Kelly just stood there too scared that if he moved then you would be gone. Finally he moved into the room he walked in and sat down on one of the uncomfortable plastic blue chairs.
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said any of those things because I don’t even mean them or think that. Please don’t leave me. I wasn’t cheating. I was getting help to pick out a ring for you. I want to marry you and start a family with you. I want everything with you. Please, please come back to me. I love you.” He said
Seconds passed and nothing happened. Minutes passed and the same thing. Hours and nothing changed. Hours turned into days. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. You have yet to wake up. It was a serious crash and they had to sedate you to let everything heal. Kelly didn’t want you to leave you one second but he was forced to. Each free second he had he was back with you. 
2 months passed and you finally started to show signs of waking up. Kelly had just gotten there when the machine started to go off and nurses, Marcel, and your brother ran to your room. He arrived there to see you awake and looking around confused and talking to your brother and everyone else and then you spotted him and smiled and that made his heart skip a beat. Once everything was settled and everyone was out of the way besides Connor he walked in. “Kels.” You whispered and he smiled.
“I’ll give you some time alone. I’m so glad you’re awake sis. You made us worried.” Connor said as he patted your knee and leaned up and kissed your forehead and then left. As he walked past Kelly he stopped and Kelly looked at him. “Tell her and ask her.” He said and Kelly knew what he was talking about. He walked out and now it was just you and Kelly. 
“I’m sorry.” You both began and you both chuckled but you winced and as he tried to help you waved him off.
“Can I go first?” Kelly asked and you nodded. “I’m sorry for making you think I was cheating on you. I would never in a million years cheat on you. I was getting help from a friend’s wife to pick out a ring for you. I want everything with you. I want kids with you. I want to grow old with you. I didn’t mean anything I said to you and I don’t think any of it. I would never cause harm to you. I’m so sorry. I love you. Please forgive me.” He said and you smiled and nodded. 
“I forgive you. Now it’s my turn. Hopefully I can get everything out before I run out of breath.” You said taking a breath “I'm sorry for not trusting you. It’s just when you started to say those things it just brought me back to previous relationships. I know you didn’t mean any of those things and I know you would never hurt me.” You said running out of breath and you paused and took some breaths and continued. “I want everything with you too. I love you, Kels. I love you so much. I’m sorry that I thought you were cheating on me. Can you forgive me?” You asked.
“I will always forgive you.” He said 
“You have a ring?” You asked and he smiled and pulled it out and you took it.
“This is not how I wanted to propose but I can’t go another minute without you being my soon to be wife. So Y/N Rhodes will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man on earth and marry me?” He asked and tears ran down your cheeks as you nodded and you smiled.
“A thousand times yes. I want everything with you.” You said and he took the box and took the ring out and slid it on your finger. He leaned up and kissed you and then hugged you. 
“Thank you for coming back to me.” He whispered and you smiled and hugged him back with what strength you had.
“I will always come back to you. I never want to leave you again.” You said
“I love you.” He said
“I love you too.” You replied as Connor came into the room and saw the scene and the two of you pulled away. 
“I take it you took my advice and asked her.” He said, smiling smugly. You then showed him the ring “Congratulations you two.” He said as he took your hand to look at your ring.
“Thank you.” You both said. He stayed for a few minutes and the three of you talked and laughed and then he was being called away. Now it was just you and Kelly. As the two of you sat there together talking about anything and everything you couldn’t wait to start your life with him. This is what you both wanted. You both couldn’t wait to get started on the rest of your lives together. 
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otissbluebearshirt · 10 days ago
i’ve been waiting for the day you reopened your otis requests!!!! i missed him sm<3
could i perhaps request something with fem!reader and back hugs? like maybe otis sneaking up on her or maybe even vice-versa?
Back Hugs - [ Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek ]
Send me a prompt or a single word and I’ll write five-ten sentences/paragraphs about it
Prompt: Back hugs
A/N: first otis oneshot in over a year? oh we are so back baby
Masterlist | Otis Masterlist
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The light sprinkle of the shower was all you could hear from the moment you slipped quietly into the bathroom, every faint patter of the heavy water drops against the glass sparking excitement deep in your stomach as you delved further in.
You made sure to be careful as you did. You couldn’t see more than a few inches in front of your face, given the heavy steam that already filled the walls surrounding you, and the last thing you wanted to do was trip over a discarded item of clothing and let Brian know what you were doing. You wanted to sneak up on him. To surprise him. He’d had a rather bad shift yesterday, and given the way his shoulders still stood tight and tense amidst the water that rained down around him, you could tell that he greatly needed a little distraction… And you were more than happy to be the one who provided it.
You managed to make it across the room without exposing yourself, your body already free of your clothes as you finally reached the glass confines of the shower. Your fingers curled gently around the handle, your breath halting in your chest as you slowly pulled open the cubicle door, finding relief course swiftly through your veins when it did so silently. You opened it just enough to allow yourself to slip through, closing it quietly behind you and honestly finding yourself a little surprised to see that Brian still hadn’t noticed your presence behind him.
You really hadn’t been expecting to make it this far without him catching you. Part of you had even wanted him to, that way you’d get to have him grab your hand and pull you into the comfort of his arms before you even knew what was happening. But with his head still aimed at the floor and his muscular back the only thing staring back at you, you knew that wouldn’t be the case here and you couldn’t help but feel a little glad that things hadn’t played out that way, as if there was one thing you loved, maybe even more, than him taking control… it was him giving it to you.
“You know…” You began in a whisper, catching the first sight of his head lifting as you trailed your hands up the length of his muscular arms, feeling as they immediately began to loosen under the gentle warmth of your touch. You lifted yourself up onto your tiptoes as he straightened fully, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to the birthmark that resided at the base of his neck. “You should really be more aware of your surroundings.”
Brian said nothing. Instead, and to your great pleasure, he simply arched his neck as much as he could, allowing your lips easy access to every single inch of his hot, damp skin that they could reach. You could feel him leaning back into you with every soft kiss you placed, one arm reaching up and over his shoulder to thread his fingers through your hair, holding you in place as he relished in the warm, feather-like brushes of your lips against him. Your own hands fell from his arms as he did, ghosting their way past his waist and up over his stomach, making their way across his hardened chest beneath which you could feel the rapid beat of his heart.
“I meant what I said you know,” You murmured, the hotness of your voice mixing with that of the water and sending chills right down the length of his spine. “You really should be more aware of your surroundings… I mean, what if I was a serial killer coming to murder you?”
Brian let out a gentle laugh at the thought, “Then I’d be pretty concerned given what you’re doing to me.”
You arched your eyebrow playfully, placing a lingering kiss beneath his ear before whispering into it, “Yeah? And what am I doing to you, baby?”
“You’ll see soon enough,” Brian promised, feeling your lips rise into a smile as he nuzzled his head softly against the side of yours and allowed you to carry on, your arms only tightening around his chest as you pulled him even closer to your body, allowing him to make out every single detail that pressed up against his back. “Because right now… I’m more than happy to stay just like this.”
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Prompt List
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tagging: @sancochillo @kellykidd @violetmacher @kiddbegins @neapolitantoebeans @alexxavicry @babyyoda89 @wandamaxim0f @bloodybagels @stephydearestxo @evanbuckbuckley @annchersita @doublebassallie @orileyrandom @sjhhemmings @gretsky0321 @yeahnahalrightfairenough @h1_j1nx @starrymactavish @k-k0129 @itotallyirwin @kabloswrld @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface @gaulty74 @yousigned-upforthis @newtonfinnigan @tovelarisdreams @superlegend216
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collecting-stories · 4 months ago
Cheat - Otis 'Brian' Zvonecek
Summary: After getting drinks with Adam, Otis gets the wrong impression.
Request: Brian accuses her of cheating on him when in reality they’re not even technically official but nevertheless he feels cheated on because he thought they were pretty damn solid regardless, He wants her all to himself but failed to make it clear.
A/N: I cannot tell you how nice it was to get back into writing something and posting on here. I know I've been trying to sporadically but it's been tricky with school and I finally felt like this week I had a little bit of time and just needed to write something.
banner by: @saradika
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One Chicago Masterlist
Otis was a man on a mission. It wasn't exactly an important mission and it was, more or less, a mission of his own creating due 100% to the fact that he wasn't capable of articulating the sentence "do you want to date me" and Adam Ruzek, of all people, apparently was. The Adam Ruzek thing wasn't a definite, solid, actual thing as far as Otis could tell. It was more a spur of the moment thing if Shay was to be believed because, according to her, you had gone on a date with Adam after he had dropped by 51 with Antonio and, while there, asked you on a date. Because he could actually get the words across without fumbling them or overthinking all the ways that asking you out properly could go terribly wrong.
He knew this was technically all his fault and he knew that you weren't just going to wait around forever while he acted like you were a couple but didn't say that you were a couple. Still, when he saw you in the locker room that morning he felt like someone had driven a knife right through his back. His ears were practically ringing Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name" and he really wanted to throttle Adam. You were talking to Joe, laughing at something he said about Leon, and Otis turned right back around and stormed out of the room. 
"Brian!" "Otis!" Your voice mingled with Joe as you called after Otis' retreating form, frown etched on your face. 
You shut your locker, offering Joe a quick apology before heading off after Otis. Shay had mentioned that he looked upset last night at Molly's when she "unintentionally" mentioned that you and Ruzek were out on a date. You hadn't really wanted Otis to know, or rather you were going to mention it to him yourself, this morning, in case he took it the wrong way. 
"Brian!" You followed Otis out of the locker room and into the bunk room, rushing passed him and stopping him with a hand on his chest. "Wait, wait a second."
"I have to go check the truck-" he tried to move but you moved with him, blocking the path. 
You moved your hand from his chest to his wrist, dragging him into Matt's empty office and shutting the door. "We need to talk."
"I don't have anything to say," Otis replied, crossing his arms over his chest and looking out Mattt's office window, trying to look serious and not like he was pouting. "If you wanna see other people-"
"I don't wanna see other people Brian, would you let me explain?" You said, cutting him off. "I told Shay not to tell you that I was going out-"
"Knowing or not knowing, being cheated on-"
"I didn't cheat!" You practically shouted, "For the love of god, Brian, just listen to me!"
"I am listening."
"No, you're cutting me off every second and putting words in my mouth. I didn't cheat, I can't cheat. We," you gestured between the two of you, "aren't together. Regardless of that, I wasn't on a date with Adam...I'm friends with Kim and he wanted to talk. They're still trying to work things out."
"Oh," he deflated slightly, all the anxiety and anger he'd come into 51 with disappating in a matter of seconds. 
"That's it? Just oh?" 
"Shay said you were out with Adam and I'd seen you talking to him when he was here the other day...I just. When Shay mentioned it I...I don't know. I was just seeing green. I know we aren't but I mean...we-"
"If you want us to be then just say the word Brian," you replied. "I told you before that I had feelings for you, that hasn't changed." 
You had told him months ago that you liked him. It was terrible timing because he had just started going out with Severide's sister but you had waited it out and tried to be there for him solely as a friend and co-worker. That relationship had ended months ago though and Otis hadn't made any move to indicate that he was interested in more than friendship with you. There were signs, and you were pretty sure that Otis felt the same way about you he just hadn't said anything that definitely indicated that he wanted the two of you to be anything more than friends. 
"I just throught, you went out with Adam-"
"It wasn't a date, we just grabbed drinks-"
"You could've grabbed drinks at Molly's." Otis reasoned.
You groaned, leaning back against Matt's desk, "I feel like I'm talking in circles. I didn't go to Molly's because I didn't want everyone at 51 acting like I was on a date. We went to a bar in Canaryville. I know Adam, we're just friends, he's literally dating a friend of mine." 
"We're friends."
"Are we, cause you booked it out of the locker room and accused me of cheating on you but now you're going to say that we're friends? That's it? You get to be upset with me for having drinks with a friend of mine and I tell you that I still have feelings for and I haven't even thought about going out with anyone since before you and Katie broke up and you're going to hit me with 'we're friends'." You asked, voice rising slightly. "I will make this so simple for you Brian, do you like me?"
"Of course-"
"Would you actually date me? Not just hang out on off days cause cause we're friends but be with me, an actual defined relationship where I can introduce you to people as my boyfriend?"
"Yeah, yes," Otis replied quickly, "I wasn't sure how you felt after Katie and I broke up...if you were still interested or just wanted to be friends." 
Before you could say anything to him the door to the office opened, Matt standing there looking between the two of you, partially confused and partially amused. He'd heard from Joe that Otis had run out of the locker room and you'd gone after him but he wasn't expecting to see the two of you in his office.
"I hate to interrupt but I have actual woork to do...and I feel like I remember telling you to do truck inventory," Matt said, looking over at you curiously. 
"I was just heading over there now." You slipped passed Otis and Matt, the latter taking your place at his desk so he could sit down. Otis was still standing in the office, embarrassed and somewhat stuck on the conversation that had been abruptly interrupted. 
"Otis?" Matt asked. When he didn't answer, still staring at the door, Matt called his name again, "Otis."
After another beat Otis seemed to snap into action, apologizing to Matt as he hurried out of the office and through the bunk room. You were in the hallway, headed out to do the truck inventory that Matt had asked you to do that morning, when Otis stopped you. He mirrored your actions from earlier, rushing around in front of you and forcing you to stop walking so you didn't run into im. 
"Brian-" You started to say but Otis cut you off, grabbing your upper arms gently and kissing you. It didn't last long enough for you to even really register what was happening before he pulled away, dropping his hands and taking a step back. 
"Sorry, sorry. I shouldn't just kiss you without-"
You cut him off this time, grabbing him and kissing him the same way he had done to you. He kissed you back, niether of you aware of the fact that you were standing right in front of the common room and there was an audience of people sitting there staring at the two of you kissing. Or that Joe was handing Shay a twenty.
"I told you they'd get together in the firehouse," She said, smiling as she pocketed the money. 
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xximpressions · 4 months ago
First Name Basis Masterlist
Kelly Severide x black!reader
Series Summary: Snapshots of your budding relationship with Lieutenant Kelly Severide where, after discarding woman after woman for years, he finally has to prove he really cares about this one.
Chapter 1: You have your first encounter with Kelly outside of work
Chapter 2: You have a hectic second day with Firehouse 51
Chapter 3: You and Kelly (technically) have a date
Chapter 4: You and Kelly (actually) have a date
Chapter 5: Given a little push, you finally become honest with yourself and with Kelly
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torreshalstead · 4 months ago
What’s in a name?
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Summary - ‘Did that help?’ She said breathlessly.
‘Help?’ Violet was confused, even more than she had been when she realised it was Novak that was kissing her.
‘Help you get over Carver?’ Novak responded, tucking a piece of hair that had fallen in front of her face back behind Violet’s ear.
‘I’m over Sam,’ Violet shook her head, her eyebrows tugging together in a frown.
‘The fact that you’re still calling him Sam, tells me you’re not,’ she said flatly and if Violet didn’t know any better she would have thought there was a hint of disappointment in her voice.
Notes - because it turns out I can (and I will) ship Violet with anybody 🤭 hope you enjoy!
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