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memories-of-ancients · 5 months ago
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Gilded silver fibula with carnelians, uncovered in the Chernigov Oblast of Ukraine, Gothic, 4th-5th century AD
from The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
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wgm-beautiful-world · 1 month ago
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Cathedral of St. Igor of Chernigov and Kiev in the Novo-Peredelkino district of western Okrug, Moscow, RUSSIA
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antoninasavi · 6 months ago
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The artificial colors of the night. Chernigov region. Ukraine 2020
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soniahdavis · 4 months ago
The autobiography is finally released, and I’m so thankful for all the love! A huge thank you to my good friend, Bobby Derie, for this review 😊
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andijaart · 2 months ago
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+++🙏🏻God Bless🕊️+++
St. Lawrence of Chernigov (Proskura)
Since your youth, you have loved Christ, and following His narrow path (Matthew 7:13-14), you have become a chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy2:21), having received the gift of miracle-working and clairvoyance, therefore, always rejoicing in the unfading light of the Most Holy Trinity, remember your children, Reverend Lawrence, our father.
💫International Orthodox Art Corporation Andcross May the blessing of the Lord be upon you!
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mortheim · 6 months ago
Vasilisa Mikulishna - my favorite bogatyr
I will be honest with you - strong women are my weak spot. And I don't mean only physically - but in their principles, intelligence and maturity. In my childhood, I had several favorite characters - some wre obviously male, but among my top three would be two femalre heroines - one is Mulan and about the other one I want to talk today. People who are familiar with Slavic and Russian folklore knowabout Bogatyrs. Bogatyrs are the mighty warrior heroes known for their strength, bravery, and unwavering loyalty. These legendary knights, like Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich, are celebrated for their heroic deeds and battles against evil forces. But less people know about their female counterparts who not only in no way inferior, but often even superior to their male peers. Among these legendary heroines, one stands out for me - Vasilisa Mikulishna.
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Tale of Vasilisa Mikulishna
Vasilisa Mikulishna is dughter of Mikula Selyanovich - a bogatry known for his principle that you can wield power, but you shouldn't use it until it is necessary. She is celebrated as a clever and daring heroine. Vasilisa is wife of Stavr Godinovich, a nobleman who boasts of her intelligence and beauty, claiming she could outwit the mightiest of men. When Stavr’s pride lands him in trouble, leading to his imprisonment by prince Vladimir, Vasilisa decides to take matters into her own hands.
Disguising herself as a young warrior, Vasilisa dons armor and rides to Kiev, the capital, where she introduces herself as a foreigner (in one version - as a Tatar ambassador, in another - Polish prince). Her wit and wisdom quickly capture the attention of Prince Vladimir, who challenges her to various tests of strength and intellect. Vasilisa excels in each challenge, proving her abilities and earning the prince’s respect.
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The highlight of Vasilisa Mikulishna’s tale is her ingenious rescue of Stavr. There are two versions of what happens nest. In the first one, after impressing Prince Vladimir, she reveals her true identity and demands her husband’s release. Vladimir, impressed by her bravery and loyalty, grants her request. Vasilisa’s actions demonstrate not only her physical prowess but also her intelligence and strategic thinking, traits that set her apart in the world of Slavic folklore. In another one, Vasilisa misleads him, demands Zabava Putyatichna as her wife, and at the wedding feast this "Tatar ambassador" says that "court gusliars are bad" and demands to bring Stavr. She takes Stavr with her, leaves and then reveals herself to her husband, after which Vasilisa and Stavr go to Chernigov (or to Lithuania - in another version).
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A Symbol of Strength and Wisdom
Vasilisa Mikulishna is more than just a warrior - she embodies the spirit of resourcefulness, loyalty, and equality. While being strong, she doesn't use brute force to save her husband and uses her wit to outsmart Kievan prince.
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There is also a Soviet animation about this legend. It is somewhat good.
Also, if you know the artists of some of the pictures above - I would be grateful for the link! I couldn't tack those images :(
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venicepearl · 1 month ago
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Kunigunda Rostislavna (c. 1245 – 9 September 1285; Czech: Kunhuta Uherská or Kunhuta Haličská) was Queen consort of Bohemia and its regent from 1278 until her death. She was a member of the House of Chernigov, and a daughter of Rostislav Mikhailovich.
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omgellendean · 8 months ago
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Dogs. Relief of Boris and Gleb Cathedral in Chernigov, XII century. (x)
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irithnova · 1 year ago
I actually have more questions.
What is Mongolia's human name?
And what was his first experience with a European like?
I call him Baatar Batbayar because I think it's cute haha.
And uh. Well. LMAO it wasn't exactly the friendliest to put that way.
When the Mongols travelled Westward, they didn't even really know where they were heading. Historian Morris Rossabi noted that the Mongols' entry into Europe wasn't a deliberate invasion; they lacked precise knowledge of their destination.
Europeans had limited awareness of the Mongols until their arrival, and it wasn't exactly a welcome one.
There's a pretty famous, pretty gruesome story relating to the battle of Kalka River (located in Modern Ukraine)
After the Mongol invasion in Central Asia and the fall of the Khwarezmian Empire, Jebe and Subutai led a force into Iraq-i Ajam. They asked Chinggis Khan for permission to keep conquering for a few years before rejoining the main army. While waiting for Chinggis' reply, they raided the Kingdom of Georgia.
Their plan was approved, and they passed through the Caucasus, defeating Caucasian tribes and the Cumans. The Cuman Khan sought help from Prince Mstislav the Bold of Halych, who formed an alliance with Rus' princes, including Mstislav III of Kiev, against the Mongols.
The battle was the Mongols against the allied forces of the Principality of Kiev, the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia, the Principality of Chernigov, the Principality of Smolensk and the Cumans (I'll call them the alliance for brevity.)
What happened (extremely brief)
At the battle of the Kalka River, the Mongol forces employed strategic withdrawal to lure the alliance into a dispersed pursuit.
When the Mongols made their stand, they positioned skilled archers on horseback at the front.
The alliance , misjudging the Mongols' retreat as disarray, charged prematurely, leading to chaos in their ranks.
Mongol archers on horseback skillfully disrupted the advance with precise arrow fire.
Mongol heavy cavalry, well-armed and equipped, crushed the isolated vanguard.
The combined Mongol forces, including mounted archers, routed the remaining troops, resulting in significant casualties and the capture of Mstislav the Daring
Here's the gruesome part
Jebe and Subutai ordered the suffocation of Mstislav the Daring and two other princes beneath boards during a victory celebration. They essentially sat on top of the boards celebrating as the princes suffocated to death
This is actually in Mongol custom - no, not necessarily crushing people to death while you party on top of them. But it was forbidden to spill royal blood, so when Mongols would kill royalty, they'd go for bloodless deaths.
So. Definitely not the friendliest introduction to Europeans haha! He definitely built a pretty bad reputation throughout Europe, especially after this stunt. Not that he particularly cared, in fact he probably actually enjoyed inciting fear in people.
Being feared meant people would surrender more often and more easily so it's less of a hassle if they do so rather than conducting a full-scale invasion.
He certainly would have had contact with some of the Europeans conquered under him or at least was aware of them. Lots of hate filled letters sent to him or sent to golden horde that he then read (he's nosy) from the likes of Hungary and Poland for example and on the special occasions he'd meet them himself (I think Golden Horde/Jochi ulus would be dealing with them a lot of the time) there was a lot of gritted teeth and that eras equivalent of middle fingers being launched at him from behind his back, hah!
Some more lovely interactions with Europe:
In 1236, they beat the Bulghars, and in 1237, they crossed the frozen Volga River with a massive army, causing destruction in what is now modern Russia. They destroyed cities like Moscow and Vladimir by 1238.
Then, they rested in the Don steppe while gathering more information about Europe.
After taking Kiev and Chernigov in Ukraine, the Mongols took a break to regroup and get more soldiers. In Europe, rumours of the "Devil's Horsemen" and a "Storm from the East" started spreading.
In Poland, the Mongols lured Polish troops into a trap near Kraków and plundered the city
On Palm Sunday.
Mongolia was definitely hated but it's not like that was anything new. His first experience is... Hard to say exactly but I can imagine again, receiving angry letters at first as he would accompany Chinggis and after Chinggis, whoever was the great Khan/overlord essentially and would aid in the great Khan's conquests so wasn't always present during those invasions in Europe.
First experience with a European nation was most likely during a visit to check in on how things were going and I'd put a finger on Poland potentially being one of the first Euro nations Mongolia met face to face during a visit (probably came after Krakow was razed to see uh what happened himself but ofc there were also previous visits Mongolia made to see the progress or to pretend to be a good father for a few days) and he probably tried to spit at him or something considering 🗿
I don't think Mongolia thought much of the appearance of the Europeans or was particularly perplexed by it, maybe a little curious but he just cared really if they complied and and how much progress was being made lol. He probably found the hate mail from those nations and small acts of defiance (like being spat at) somewhat amusing too but did make sorta try to make sure that it wasn't too much for golden horde or smth (woaw being a normal father for once 😍)
Ik I made him sound like an asshole and he was but in a boyboss way 👆
Btw I think Poland and Mongolia actually get along now LMAOO
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roehenstart · 2 months ago
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Feodor Yaroslavich (c. 1219 - 1233), Saint Noble Prince of Novgorod.
Fyodor (or Feodor) was the brother of the great Alexander Nevsky. Fiancé to Euphrosynia Mikhailovna of Chernigov, Fyodor died the day before his marriage.
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kievancycle · 3 months ago
Mongol Advance
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A second assault has come upon the people of the Rus. Pereyalslav has come under a surprise attack, and the Mongol main force is racing to deal with Chernigov. In the North, Batu Khan has renewed efforts in deforestation, hoping to open up the swampy lands of the north for his horse archers. Ogedai appears to be making a break for Pereyaslav and Kiev.
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darkmaga-returns · 3 months ago
The top takeaway isn’t that Ukraine might soon develop nukes, which it couldn’t make any progress on without Russia detecting it, but that Ukraine might soon build its own long-range ballistic missiles and thus lead to Russia compromising on its goal of demilitarizing Ukraine if it’s unable to stop this.
The Times sent tongues wagging after their report last week about a Ukrainian think tank’s proposal advising their country to accelerate the construction of crude nuclear weapons if Trump cuts off aid. This follows similar comments from Zelensky last month that he then swiftly backtracked and which were analyzed here. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry denied any such intentions and Zelensky’s top advisor Mikhail Podoliak claimed that such a plan wouldn’t deter Russia even if it was successfully implemented.
The abovementioned developments were newsworthy in their own right, but it’s regrettable that other aspects of The Times’ report were drowned out by the sensationalism of this story. The present piece will therefore draw attention to three points that most folks might have missed if they didn’t read the original report and instead only relied on others to inform them of the gist about it. The significance of what was left out from this story will then be analyzed too since it’s arguably the most important part.
The first point that many missed is that the director of the think tank that produced the report claimed near the end of The Times’ article that his country is just six months away from producing its own long-range ballistic missiles, which could reach as far as 1,000 kilometers/621 miles. That could place Moscow in Ukraine’s crosshairs if such missiles are launched from west of the Dnieper or St. Petersburg if they’re launched from Chernigov Region. He might just be bluffing, but it’s still worth pointing out.
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orthodoxydaily · 4 months ago
october 14_october 27
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Saint Nicholas Sviatosha, Prince of Chernihiv, and Wonderworker of the Kyiv Caves, Near Caves, was a great-grandson of Great Prince Yaroslav the Wise and son of Prince David Svyatoslavich of Chernihiv (+ 1123). Nicholas was the Prince of Lutsk, and he had a wife and children (his daughter was later married to the Novgorod prince Saint Vsevolod-Gabriel (February 11).
On February 17, 1106 the holy prince left his family and was tonsured at the Kiev Caves monastery. Nicholas Sviatosha carried out his obediences with great humility. For three years he worked in the kitchen, for which he chopped wood and carried water. For the next three years, he was gatekeeper at the monastery. The saint had a garden around his cell. Out of his own means he built at the monastery the temple of the Holy Trinity and the infirmary church in the name of Saint Nicholas, his patron saint.
Saint Nicholas was the first of the Russian princes to accept monasticism, patiently enduring the reproaches of his brothers for his decision to lead a life of humble obedience. The saint’s doctor, Peter, pointed out to the royal ascetic that such exploits of obedience had injured his health. But suddenly the doctor himself fell sick, and was healed only by the prayer of Saint Nicholas. Then Peter himself was tonsured.
After he had progressed through various obediences, Saint Nicholas took upon himself the vow of silence. When the saint received money, he used it to beautify the church and to procure books (because he loved reading), or he distributed it to the poor. Saint Nicholas was a zealous peacemaker; in 1142 he reconciled the Prince of Chernigov with the Great Prince Vsevolod.
Soon after the saint's death, his brother Prince Izyaslav fell grievously ill. The monastery's igumen sent the sick man the saint’s hairshirt. Izyaslav put it on and was healed.
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She was born into a pious family, living during the eleventh century in the village of Epivato (Epibatimna), between Silistra and Constantinople. Her older brother Euthymius became a monk, and later he was consecrated as Bishop of Matidia.
One day, while attending the divine services, the words of the Lord pierced her heart like an arrow, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself” (Mt. 16:24). From that time she began to distribute her clothing to the needy, for which reason she endured much grief from her family.
Upon the death of her parents, the saint was tonsured into monasticism at the age of fifteen. She withdrew to the Jordanian desert where she lived the ascetic life until she reached the age of twenty-five. An angel of the Lord ordered her to return to her homeland, so she stayed at Epivato for two years.
Saint Paraskeva departed to the Lord at the age of twenty-seven, and was buried near the sea. Because of the many miracles which took place at her grave, her relics were uncovered and found to be incorrupt. They were placed in the church of the Holy Apostles at Epivato, where they remained for about 175 years.
Saint Paraskeva’s relics were moved to Trnovo, Bulgaria in 1223 and placed in the cathedral. Patriarch Euthymius wrote her Life and established the day of her commemoration as October 14. The Turks occupied Bulgaria in 1391, and her relics were given to Mircea the Elder, Prince of the Romanian Land (one of the districts of Romania).
In 1394 the relics were given to Princess Angelina of Serbia (July 30), who brought them to Belgrade. For 120 years Saint Paraskeva’s relics rested in Constantinople in the patriarchal cathedral.
On June 13, 1641, her incorrupt relics were transferred to the monastery of the Three Hierarchs at Jassy in Rumania, where many healings took place. On December 26, 1888, Saint Parasceva’s relics were moved again after being rescued from a fire. This time they were placed in the new cathedral at Iași, where they remain until the present day.
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Hebrews 13:7-16
7 Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 9 Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them. 10 We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat. 11 For the bodies of those animals, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned outside the camp. 12 Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered outside the gate. 13 Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach. 14 For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come. 15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. 16 But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
John 17:1-13
1 Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: "Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, 2 as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. 3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. 4 I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. 5 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. 6 I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word. 7 Now they have known that all things which You have given Me are from You. 8 For I have given to them the words which You have given Me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came forth from You; and they have believed that You sent Me. 9 I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours. 10 And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them. 11 Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are. 12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. 13 But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves.
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catherinetheprincessofwales · 5 months ago
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Royal Deaths, 20th September
1246 - Michael of Chernigov, Ruler and grand prince of Kiev. Trampled, slaughtered and martyred at around 61 on orders of the Khan of the Golden Horde, Batu Khan, for refusing to bow to the fires and idols of the Mongols.
1384 - Louis I, Duke of Anjou and King of Naples (Battle of Poitiers), dies while on the march at 45.
1870 - Kalama, Queen Consort of the Hawaiian Islands, wife of King Kamehameha Ill.
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orthodoxadventure · 1 year ago
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Yelets Icon of the Mother of God
Commemorated on January 11
The only thing we known about this Icon is that it was located in the city of Yelts, Orlov Gubernia. In addition, the annals record the year of its appearance - 1060, which is the same as that of the Yelets-Chernigov Icon (February 5). Researchers believe that the Yelets Icon is a late copy of the Yelets-Chernigov Icon. In addition to the belt image of the Mother of God, there is another kind of Yelets Icon which depicts the appearance of the Queen of Heaven to Tamerlane in 1395 in the city of Yelets, before his march on Moscow.
The Holy Virgin appeared with a multitude of Saints, in a threatening vision to Tamerlane as he was resting in his tent on Mount Argamach. On the same day (August 26) the residents of Moscow met the wonderworking Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, praying before it for deliverance from the terrible invasion. Terrified by the vision, Tamerlane exclaimed, "So, we shall not defeat the land of Russia!" and then he retreated with his horde.
The Yelets Icon is commemorated on January 11, and also on August 26, in remembrance of Tamerlane's retreat. The Elets-Chernigov (or Chernigov Spruce Tree) Icon of the Mother of God is commemorated On February 5.
[Text by OCA]
Today the ancient city of Yelets rejoices with exultation, remembering the glorious miracle of the Most Holy Theotokos, when on the streets of the capital city of Moscow the people met her wonderworking Icon, then the Sovereign Lady, on Mount Argamach in the city of Yelets, came out to meet the wicked Tamerlane, turning back his formidable offensive. Contemplating the wondrous appearance of the newly-painted Icon, and thanking our Protectress for all her blessings, we humbly cry: “Do not forsake us in the future, O Merciful Mother.”
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andijaart · 13 days ago
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+++🙏🏻God Bless🕊️+++
St. Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov
Adornment of bishops, Saint Theodosius, you were the luminary of your flock, after which you passed away to eternal mansions. Pray at the Throne of the King of Glory for our deliverance from the coming calamities and for the salvation of our souls, Saint, through your prayers.
💫International Orthodox Art Corporation Andcross May the blessing of the Lord be upon you!
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