#chemical imbalance
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chronicsymptomsyndrome · 4 months ago
I don’t think trees feel guilt and shame when they can’t photosynthesize on a cloudy day? so why do I??
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romirella-96 · 7 months ago
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Willpower is getting stuff done despite bad dopamine regulation. Motivation is what dopamine regulation is.
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downtownhannah · 2 months ago
i tell myself they couldn't handle me
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oliversrarebooks · 7 months ago
We've seen the Human Resistance aliens vs. the various human and human-adjacent threats in your writing, but how would they fare against the Chemical Imbalance aliens? Would the HR ones be able to steal their hosts right out from under them, or would they become hosts themselves? Though, they are both big piles of tentacles, so that probably wouldn't be much of an upgrade.
I think the HR aliens would win easily. The Chemical Imbalance aliens are not nearly as powerful -- they don't end humanity the way HR aliens do, they just do quick trips in to abduct humans and get out.
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surrah698 · 4 months ago
"Mental illness ain't a feelin' it's a real imbalance. And if you try to tell truth they always try to challege, like maybe you just need to focus on your talents, like I'm choosing to be sad and that I can break it like a bad habit."
- Architect The Dreamer - Bad Habit
One of my favorite songs right now. It says a lot and helped me understand myself a bit better. Hope it can do the same for yall! 🤠😘
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spoonie-on-wheels86 · 3 months ago
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sspacegodd · 4 months ago
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Atom activity is a series of marriages and divorces, births and deaths. Put two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen near each other and they will rush eagerly together to form a union. That is, until a chemical action or electric discharge tears them apart and they go back to their separate lives. But they will rush together once again when a new attractive prospect shows up.
Atoms are fickle and will always desert a lesser attraction for a greater one, moving toward what interests it and ignoring what repels it.
So what's not to understand? We are merely cosplaying physics.
The Secret of the Source of Everything.
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rottingch3rries · 2 years ago
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i pretend i don’t need you.
i do.
you say you understand.
but if you understood you’d be here.
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downtownhannah · 2 months ago
getting made fun of is probably one of the worst feelings dude :( especially when ur just being urself :(
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noonbeam17 · 1 year ago
guy whose favorite book in the bible is the About The Bible section because every time they read it they start from the very beginning. over and over again
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oliversrarebooks · 1 year ago
Is there any chance mayhaps we could get more of "chemical imbalance"? 👀
This is at the top of my non-Bookseller story list right now! I'm really glad other people enjoyed it. It got delayed because I didn't like how my first draft was turning out and need a rewrite.
The next part I've been working on is from the point of view of someone getting abducted, but I'm happy to hear more ideas for what you'd like to see.
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iirpfacbtetcodar · 2 months ago
I think serotonin and dopamine work as phlegm and black bile, respectively, but inverted. Like, too much phlegm supposedly induces low-spirits and forgetfulness, which sounds like the kind of depression people associate with a lack of serotonin, and too much black bile supposedly makes one lazy and fearful, which sounds to me like the kind of depression associated with a lack of dopamine because people have heard that dopamine is involved in motivation. Certainly not a perfect 1-to-1, but it is crazy how similarly people use neurotransmitters to how people used the humors.
So frustrating to me that the chemical imbalance theory of depression/anxiety has become so popularly known. It’s been *extensively* studied to no results, it’s evidently false. (This doesn’t imply that SSRIs don’t work! They do, but we don’t know why. They’re not fixing some inherent imbalance, and they should be viewed as symptom management, not a cure, and not necessarily something you stay on forever.)
been thinking about that posts that's like we reinvented humorism but we just swapped in the name of neurotransmitters
and i think three of the four humorist neurotransmitters (i.e., neurotransmitters who get referenced commonly without necessarily much regard for how they actually function) are cortisol, oxytocin, and dopamine, but what would the fourth "humor" be in this context?
clearly cortisol is yellow bile (makes you aggressive and short-tempered), oxytocin is blood (makes you sociable and agreeable) and dopamine is phlegm, i guess? so bonus points if you can think of a fourth neurotransmitter that can double as black bile
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american-protestant · 27 days ago
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auntierayeraye · 2 months ago
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cheraeri · 3 months ago
my chemical imbalance is crazy as fuck for someone who truly loves chemistry. i think i need to put sodium chloride in my brain. its just whag i think guys i might be wron
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boyn0where · 1 year ago
I hate how we are controlled by some stupid chemicals in our brains. How they determine absolutely everything about our existence. How we can transition between the feelings of good and bad in a moments notice.
The positive emotions cloud my perception as much as the negative. I wish I could simply be. Free from the chemical rollercoaster of my mind. To feel both positive and negative emotions but to not be consumed by either.
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