#chekhov rambles
bizlybebo · 5 months
Williak dreamt of birds in s1 ep8 and wondered if he was part bird pigeon wisp
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lostloveletters · 3 months
I wanna talk about the foreshadowing in The Bikeriders re: challenging Johnny because I haven't been able to stop thinking about it...
So in the 1965 laundromat interview, Kathy mentions the ambiguous club rules and how one of them is anyone can challenge Johnny for control of The Vandals if they disagree with him.
The first person to do that is Big Jack over a Vandals chapter opening in Milwaukee. Johnny asks fists or knives, and Jack says, "Fists, I don't want to kill you." Johnny wins and lets the chapter in Milwaukee open anyway.
Fast forward, when The Kid challenges Johnny, he's a member of the Milwaukee chapter after Johnny rejected him from the Chicago chapter. The Kid wants to fight knives, and ultimately kills Johnny and gains control of The Vandals.
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aturinfortheworse · 2 years
My cat died suddenly today. Yesterday we were told he had a stomach bug, this morning we thought he's in a lot of pain so we'd better take him back to the vet to be sure, this afternoon he was dead on arrival at the animal hospital.
They resuscitated him after fourteen minutes; the vet said normally they'd have stopped by then but he was really fighting to survive. He just turned ten, we all thought he'd live to twenty. He seemed healthy, he still played like a kitten, I've always been so cautious with any of his health problems, and he's always turned out fine. I was expecting a long, slow illness. I was expecting arthritis and blindness and contraindicated treatments and watching him every day trying to decide if he still had a good quality of life. I put his weight in my diary last week, expecting to weigh him every month just so I knew exactly what was happening.
He had an undetected mass near his liver that ruptured. There's nothing we should have done differently; he was just unlucky. When I think about how much pain he was in last night I want to die. I guess we'll never know but it seems possible that he should have been euthanized yesterday.
When my eldest nephew was twelve, his great grandfather—my poppy—died. We've always had open casket funerals. When my nephew saw the body he said "He doesn't look like he's sleeping. He looks dead." He's entirely right. Dead people look dead.
Chekhov has only been dead for about six hours. Rigor mortis has set in; he's curled up on his side like he was in the car, in my lap. I had to put him down in a chair when I got home; I had a fucking brutal and wildly unfair migraine and all I wanted was to hold onto him but instead I was curled up on the shower floor, in too much pain to even go and get the drugs to stop the pain. But he was curled up in his favourite chair and rigor mortis froze him in that position and he just looks like he's sleeping. He reminds me of the only other time he's been seriously ill, when he looked like he'd aged a decade in the space of a week, all beaten up and patchy shaved fur.
I literally can't imagine the future without him. I can't imagine this house without him. He's such an enormous part of my life. I can't begin to explain how much. It's like the concept of time just disappeared. I keep thinking about that w h auden poem:
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
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goncharov's gun, where the element is introduced and never returns
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spoonietimelordy · 8 months
I promise I'll read the master and margarita this summer. I wish I had the time to do so sooner but I don't.
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antiv3nom · 9 months
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lonewolflink · 8 months
“Chekovs Somi” oh I can’t WAIT to find out what that’s about lol
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me: watching Tenet
@freenarnian: being REALLY cryptic in the notes of my liveblog
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i was going to work on this fic that i’ve been working on since may (which is embarrassing. it’s short. it’s not elaborate.)
but i had a inject-dye-into-my-elbow-joint MRI (arthrogram) today so typing is difficult.
i’m also struggling because i read a fic series about these two idiots and it left me despairing over my inability to tell a story that masterfully.
i’m telling, not showing. anton chekhov would be ashamed of me. i’m not sure how to break that bad habit. i know it’s stemming from rust, but that doesn’t help me remove the buildup.
(“don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” - anton chekhov. ((sort-of. this is a more modern translation of his the advice in a letter to his brother.)))
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stridingwriter · 1 year
is there anything more FUN to write than writing a character’s tragedy that they cause to themselves? 
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cheese-knife · 2 years
I can’t believe how many people don’t realizing that goncharov (1973) was originally based on chekhov’s fifth and final play, the brick road, written in 1904 just months before his death. if you really want something to sink your brain teeth into and know where the genius of goncharov comes from, I highly recommend it :)
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polyphonetic · 2 years
Occam-Chekhov's Bayonet: The simplest solution will be used. While I have you here, Schrödinger's Metamorphosis and Pavlovian Trick or Treat
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generalenemybluebird · 9 months
gonna blame my fear of being truthful when telling someone what I'm anxious about on my being a theatre kid and therefore believing in chekhov's gun instead of my trauma
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aturinfortheworse · 1 year
I have had ample opportunity this year to learn that all the self care in the world will not make you feel okay and capable if you're in a bad place emotionally.
I mean this in a good way, sort of.
There has been a lot of time in the past, particularly when I was depressed, when I felt like I just needed to get my shit together and then I would become a person who is capable of having their shit together. I thought I just needed to power onwards until my self-care produced enough energy and motivation to sustain itself.
Now I feel pretty confident that there is nothing that could be going on in your life that will make Being Sad not exhausting and demotivating. There is nothing you can do that will stop that being the case. Because the plain facts of my life are as good as they have ever been and I am so excited about everything that's going on and I have everything damn near nailed down: diet, exercise, socialisation, rest, love.
Grief and regret are still debilitating.
I am suddenly, miraculously, listless and forgetful and struggling to have a shower every three-ish days, never mind the rest of it.
Don't get me wrong: the other shit helps. It is good, it is worth the effort, it is the difference between pain and despair. Having already established a routine and a life that I is worth every second of effort. But it's helpful to be reminded that some of this shit is simply beyond my control.
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the-witchhunter · 2 months
DP x DC: obsession ramble
It’s not that I dislike obsessions, but I’d like to actually see them actually used more
The word obsession means: “an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind”
It has connotations of compulsivity and a loss of control
So if I’m told X character is obsessed with y, then I’m not actually shown the character being obsessed, it just feels… unsatisfying?
And a lot of the time we get told about it and then it’s never addressed again, or it gets treated more akin to a special interest
It’s Chekhov’s gun remaining unfired
Which is a shame because the works that do actually show the obsessive element of an obsession it feels like setup and payoff. It’s really cool and an interesting way to examine a character
And I get that takes extra work and isn’t always the story you want to tell, but it’s significantly less cool when it’s arbitrarily lumped in. It’s not a be all end all if it’s included and nothing is done with it, but it’s a bit like a nail not quite hammered into place: sticks out a bit and occasionally tears a small hole in your sweater(story)
Def not saying not to use it, but just food for thought on ways to use it I guess, or a way. Idk man I’ve definitely been overthinking this but people overthink every aspect of writing and tropes so that don’t make me special just sleep deprived
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I found out about you on yt and Pinterest
Have you ever thought of starting a yt channel? Maybe make a few speed paints of those promo art pieces?
Anon, you're not gonna believe this
Tumblr media
It's been there the whole time.
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