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thevegantreechef · 6 years ago
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Raw vegan spring tartlet Mixed seed ‘pastry’ filled with a creamy cashew and cauliflower purée and topped with marinated dehydrated bell peppers, zucchini, cherry tomatoes and a rocket pesto! I made these delicious little tartlets for a supper club @namafoods They really worked out so well. Raw food can be as simple or as creative as you want it to be 💚 #reminiscing #raw #rawfood #comidacruda #crudivegana #crudivegano #livingfood #rawfoods #rawvegan #rawveganfoodshare #skills #chef #chefvegana #veganchef #veganfood #vegan #veganfoodshare #plantbasednutrition #plantmedicine #plantbasedchef #whatveganseat #eat #eeeeeats #food #vegansofig #recipedevelopment #healthyrecipes #food #foodporn #foodie #healthyfood #photooftheday #byme (at Notting Hill) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwhHC1Wgf-I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ksjz30ek509h
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voxveganoficial · 3 years ago
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Gostaríamos de começar dizendo que a chef Isabella ter dado esse destaque para o veganismo é muito importante, sua atitude foi ímpar pela escolha. Mostrar que é sim possível fazer comidas deliciosas, dignas de premio, sem usar os animais. É um marco histórico para a causa. Por ganhar então! O veganismo agradece muito, aplaude em pé, os animais serão beneficiados com mais esse espaço conquistado! 🚩NO ENTANTO vamos parabeniza-la mas não vamos marcar a chef, afinal não vamos direcionar seguidores a serem fãs de uma "influenciadora" digital que mostra receitas com ovos, carne, etc. Não faz sentido para nós marcar o perfil de alguém que compactua com exploração animal. O que ela proporcionou é maravilhoso, estamos plenamente agradecidos. Tomara que a chef perceba a beleza do veganismo e se torne uma pessoa livre de exploração animal no futuro.🙏🙏🙏. 📺Enfim, sobre o programa... no dia 14/12 Isabella ganhou a 8ª edição do MasterChef com um menu sem qualquer derivado de animais. O cardápio: 🥗Salada refrescante com abacate, azedinha, melão, pepino e uma granita de tomate. 🍛Prato principal nhoque de mandioquinha no caldo de tucupi com cogumelo e trufa. 🍧Sobremesa sorvete de cupuaçu com cuscuz de tapioca, espuma de cumaru e raspas de coco. 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Parabéns Isabella. E você MasterChef, o programa lotado de corpos animais e insumos, com apresentadores que se deliciam de sofrimento animal, alguns que até já debocharam da dor animal, dos veganos... Dessa vez foi a vez do veganismo. Por que vocês se importam? Claro que não! Mas sim porque o veganismo está crescendo exponencialmente, ininterruptamente, ganhando cada vez mais espaço. #OFuturoÉVegano doa a quem doer! #MasterChefVegano #MasterChef #ComidaVegana #AlimentaçãoVegana #ChefVegano #ChefVegana #CozinhaVegana #Veganismo #Veganos #Veganas #GoVegan #VeganosPelosAnimais #VeganosPeloMundo #VoxVegan https://www.instagram.com/p/CXjEvqFrK4n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bobglasss · 5 years ago
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Nunca comi mas já considero pacas!! Coração / umbigo de bananeira ou mangará! Quando era bem pequenina participei de uma mostra de ciências na escola e minha turminha ia falar sobre as bananas! Até hoje minha mãe fala do coração da bananeira e desse dia! Agora chef, descobri que é uma PANC! Super nutritiva!! Esses (de banana prata e ouro) comprei la na feira orgânica da @jornadadeagroecologia e parece que, como a banana, cada espécie tem um sabor similar! Já mostro a receitaaa junto com informaçõess! 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 #panc #govegan #proteinavegetal #mangara #bananeira #chefvegana #pelosanimais #peloplaneta https://www.instagram.com/p/B16PSzDHRWa/?igshid=6ilufd0wdpl0
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waterfreak09 · 8 years ago
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Soy ceviche👌🏽😋 #OnABudget #Ceviche #Food #Vegan #VeganChef #Mexican #MexicanaVegana #Vegana #ChefVegana #Yummy #CrueltyFree #AnimalFree #Homemade
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robertfoodphoto · 4 years ago
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@congreka ¡VIERNESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Yes!!!!!!! Ya estamos listos recibirte hoy Viernes! Empieza el weekend con uno de nuestros: 💥MEGAPLATOS 💥 🤙Ordenes desde las 7.30am Salòn abierto desde las 8.30am 787.400.8435 🙌🙌🙌Variedad para todos 🙌🙌🙌 Cocina Vegana con amor = Congreka 💚 📞787-400-8435 📍Ave. Main 3140 Santa Rosa Bayamon 🕑 8 - 3 pm #congreka #veganrestaurant #plantbaserestaurant #organic #original #chefvegana #veganlover #veganpancakes #veganbreakfast #glutenfreefoodoptions #veganmeals #veggie #bayamon #amigosdebayamon #boricuas_profesionales #boricua #puertorico🇵🇷 #foodie #food #healthylifestyle #healthylifestyle #EarthDay — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3xTdMJZ
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ingridpegueroo · 5 years ago
🥑 #Plantbased #Vegan #vegetarian #foodvegan #comidavegana #veganismo #vegetarianismo #cocinavegana #chefingridpeguero #cocinavegetariana #adventistvegan #adventistasveganos #recetasveganas #veganista #vegano #vegetariano #dietavegana #dietavegetariana #veganpuertorico #veganmexico #veganoslatinos #veganespaña #chefvegana #veganrepublicadominicana #blogueravegana #vegetarianovegano https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7xcaWpihi/?igshid=1eel7jj8752zc
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dietaoficial · 6 years ago
Papas perfectas #veganas 🥔🥔🥔🥔
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Check out my gear on Kit: https://kit.com/ingridpegueross
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Delicioso y Saludable
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Comenta – Tag Amigo que le guste esto Sigueme y visita mi blog para mas – https://ingridpeguero.blogspot.com – Beneficios de una dieta vegana. *1. Dios la ordeno la primera semana de la creacion. Y dijo Dios os he dado toda planta que da semilla, que esta sobre la tierra, y todo arbol en que hay fruto y que da semilla; os seran para comer. Genesis 1:29 *2. Ayuda a mantener un peso ideal.* 3. Seras mas sano y feliz. *4. Alargara tu vida *5. Aumentara tu inteligencia.*6. Te libraras de la contaminacion de la carnes.*7. Ayudas a salvar el planeta, y acabaria con el hambre en el planeta. “Cuida tu cuerpo es el unico lugar que tienes para vivir” –
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Si la receta del video contine lo siguiente recomiendo sustituirlo *pimienta por pizca de pimentón *chocolate por carob o algaroba *bakin soda por Levadura fresca *vinagre por limón
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Tampoco recomiendo el uso abundante de especias fuertes
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si la receta del video contiene alcohol no me di cuenta por favor avisame para eliminarla… –
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Aclaración soy vegana hacen mas de 20 años pero consumo miel de aveja ocasionalmente por tal razón algunas recetas la pueden contener
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– Esta receta ha sido publicada con el fin de ayudarte a mejorar tu dieta. * Todos los derechos reservados por los respectivos Dueños Mencionados en el Video. – * All rights reserved by the respective Owners mentioned in the Video. – Gracias por mirar Thank for Watching – #veganbyingrid #kitchenbyingrid #recetasveganas #comodasaludable #vegano #vegetariano #vegetarianismo #veganos #veganosonline #veganismo #platovegano #chefvegana #basadoenplantas #compartecomidavegana #comidavegana #libredecrueldad #comelimpio #comidasaludable #veganista #cocinavegana #recetasveganas #gastronomiavegana #estilodevidavegano #comiendovegano #bloggeravegana #haztevegano #vidavegana #vegetarianovegano #ingridpegueross #ingridpeguero #cocinandoconingrid
The post Papas perfectas #veganas 🥔🥔🥔🥔 appeared first on Dieta Oficial.
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wellsbones · 7 years ago
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@Regranned from @vegan.the.best.brazilian - Repost @dricanacozinha . ONION RINGS (Anéis de Cebola) . 👉 INGREDIENTES . 🔸️2 cebolas grandes cortadas em rodelas 🔸️1 1/2 xícaras de cerveja a T ambiente 🔸️1 xícara de farinha de trigo 🔸️1 pitada de sal 🔸️Pimenta do reino a gosto 🔸️Óleo para fritar . 👉 MODO DE PREPARO 1) Corte a cebola em rodelas, separe os anéis e reserve. 2) Em um bowl adicione a farinha de trigo, o sal e a cerveja misture bem até obter uma "batter" uma mistura homogênea e levemente espessa. 3) Aqueça o óleo em uma panela e quando estiver quente comece o processo: mergulhe 4 ou 5 aneis de cebola na batter e coloque no óleo quente, quando estiverem douradas retire e coloque em papel toalha. 4) Repita o processo com todos os anéis de cebola! Sirva ainda quentinho cebolas super crocantes! . 🏷 Se você não curte cerveja ou tem crianças em casa faça com água tônica mas é importante TER GÁS, é o gás que vai deixar sua cebola super CROCANTE! . 😎 Um lindo final de semana a todos e se fizerem me contem! Ah não esquece de marcar aqui aquele amigo que te chamou pra cervejinha mas nunca te prepara um petisco é tão fácil que qualquer um se anima!!!! Beijos!!! . #vegan #vegana #onionrings #aneisdecebola #foodlover #lovefood #lovecook #chefvegana #veganismo#chefslife #sextapode #sextafeelings #picoftheday #foodoftheday #veg #instalivrodadrica #instalivrodereceitas #receita #receitafacil #crueltyfreefood #malgadipaula #comidavegana #receitavegana #vegano #cozinhavegana #vegans #veganlifestyle #vidavegana (at Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
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thevegantreechef · 6 years ago
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Raw vegan pizza bites Topped with a sun dried tomato pomodoro, cultured cashew cheese, mixed olives, dehydrated caramelised onion and baby basil Inspiration from my days leading the amazing kitchen @namafoods restaurant #raw #rawfood #comidacruda #crudivegana #crudivegano #livingfood #rawfoods #rawvegan #rawveganfoodshare #pizza #chef #chefvegana #veganchef #veganfood #vegan #veganfoodshare #plantbasednutrition #photooftheday #plantbasedchef #whatveganseat #food #eeeeeats #eat #vegansofig #recipedevelopment #healthyrecipes #food #foodporn #foodie #healthyfood (at Phuket, Thailand) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0MEg3eJl5S/?igshid=6rnaquf50pn7
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thevegantreechef · 6 years ago
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My overnight oat jars I made for part of the breakfast menu for Tell Your Friends in Parsons Green #reminiscing #raw #rawfood #comidacruda #crudivegana #crudivegano #livingfood #rawfoods #rawvegan #rawveganfoodshare #skills #chef #chefvegana #veganchef #veganfood #vegan #veganfoodshare #plantbasednutrition #photooftheday #plantbasedchef #whatveganseat #food #eeeeeats #eat #vegansofig #recipedevelopment #healthyrecipes #food #foodporn #foodie #healthyfood #overnightoats #byme (at Parsons Green) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwiunSJA82h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p323j4xb5jh4
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thevegantreechef · 6 years ago
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My raw spring tartlet for a supper club @namafoods Dehydrated mixed seed ‘pastry’ casing filled with a creamy cashew and cauliflower cream, topped with marinated dehydrated mixed bell peppers, zucchini and cherry tomatoes and rocket pesto. These turned out just perfect and were thoroughly enjoyed 😊💚🙏🏻 #reminiscing #raw #rawfood #comidacruda #crudivegana #crudivegano #livingfood #rawfoods #rawvegan #rawveganfoodshare #skills #chef #chefvegana #veganchef #veganfood #vegan #veganfoodshare #plantbasednutrition #photooftheday #plantbasedchef #whatveganseat #food #eeeeeats #eat #vegansofig #recipedevelopment #healthyrecipes #food #foodporn #foodie #healthyfood https://www.instagram.com/p/BwhI9ILAB6_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18iqc3mbyqodr
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thevegantreechef · 6 years ago
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My raw mexican bowl @namafoods using cauliflower rice, smashed avocado, fresh tomato salsa, my spicy dehydrated Mexican mince, nama chipotle cheese and Spanish crackers, romaine lettuce, cashew sour cream and a coriander, green chili and lime dressing. #oldphoto #reminiscing #raw #rawfood #comidacruda #crudivegana #crudivegano #livingfood #rawfoods #rawvegan #rawveganfoodshare #chef #chefvegana #veganchef #veganfood #vegan #veganfoodshare #plantbasednutrition #plantmedicine #plantbasedchef #whatveganseat #eatmoreraw #eat #eeeats #thrivemags #vegansofig #recipedevelopment #healthyrecipes #food #foodporn #foodie #healthyfood https://www.instagram.com/p/BwHAUJ7Aqiw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hhbs0w4q76i8
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thevegantreechef · 6 years ago
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Remember the time when i made the first ever raw vegan fish and chips!!! Marinated aubergine 'fish' in a mixed seed crumb, sous vide and dehydrated sweet potato fries, cashew tartar sauce, namas raw ketchup, and pea shoots made up my crazy raw version of fish and chips! I loved leading the kitchen @namafoods it really made me push my creative imagination, as a chef it comes so naturally and easy to cook food but to make everthing under 42º really pushed my creative juices and i loved that! #reminiscing #raw #rawfood #comidacruda #crudivegana #crudivegano #livingfood #rawfoods #rawvegan #rawveganfoodshare #skills #chef #chefvegana #veganchef #veganfood #vegan #veganfoodshare #plantbasednutrition #plantmedicine #plantbasedchef #whatveganseat #thrivemagazine #thrivemags #vegansofig #recipedevelopment #healthyrecipes #food #foodporn #foodie #healthyfood https://www.instagram.com/p/BvlKya4gK3u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w8rag68b0rf
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thevegantreechef · 6 years ago
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Courgette/Zucchini noodles with a fresh tomatoes salsa and a delicious dehydrated walnut mince meat. When you eat raw or predominantly raw you obtain plenty of nutrients in an easy-to-digest manner, one that our bodies are naturally suited for. While there’s no need to go completely raw making sure to consume at least some raw vegetables and fruits every day is important for just about everyone. While you might think otherwise, cooked foods are usually harder to digest than raw foods, plus cooking nutrient-dense foods tends to destabilize their valuable enzymes and destroy certain antioxidants and vitamins. Raw foods help alkalize the body, reduce acidity, and have less of a chance of fermenting in the gut and causing inflammation/autoimmune reactions. Eating raw does not mean only eating salad or fruit! It is a great way to get creative in the kitchen and experiment in a new way to create delicious highly nutritious meals 💚🌱 #chef #nutrition #chefs #veganchef #chefvegana #raw #rawvegan #rawveganfoodshare #crudivegano #crudivegana #livingfood #nutricion #veganfood #vegansofig #whatieat #whatieatinaday #whatveganseat #healthyfood #healingrecipe #healingfoods #mallorcavegan #mallorquina #veganthailand #travelingchef #comidacruda #veganphuket #myfood #grateful https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvij8r-g4cW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hmlbfks3hqqd
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thevegantreechef · 6 years ago
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I am really enjoying going through old photos and thought i would share this one from about 5 years ago as it was my favorite way to eat polenta and i would love to share how i make it. *To 1 cup of polenta i use 2 cups of fresh vegetable stock and 2 cups of a creamy plant milk like coconut, or cashewnut to give a beautiful creaminess *First bring liquid to a soft boil and slowly pour in the polenta whisking as you incorperate it. *Reduce the heat and keep whisking for about five mins until the polenta begins to thicken *At this point i love adding dried herbs such as Rosemary and Thyme and also garlic and onion powder as well as salt and pepper! You dont have to add anything but i just love my polentan with this combination. *Cover and cook on the lowest heat for 30 minutes, whisking every 5 to 6 minutes. When polenta is too thick to whisk i stir with a wooden spoon. Just make sure you keep stirring! *Grease a deep backing tray or cake tin or whatever you have with some extra virgin olive oil and pour the polenta which should be thick and creamy into it. *Leave to cool and then place in the fridge to harden for at least 2 hours. (You can keep it like this in the fridge for about 5days properly covered) *After 2 hours you can remove from mold and cut into whatever shape you fancy *Heat a non stick pan on medium high heat and then dry fry the polenta on all sides until golden brown. (Do not shake pan around or move polenta in the pan when dry frying, you want it to form a nice crisp outside layer) *Thats it, serve with whatever you feel like eating! Enjoy 😊 Please do tell me if you end up making it 🙏🏼💚🌱 #chef #chefsofinstagram #plantbasedchef #veganchef #chefvegana #veganfood #vegansofinstagram #vegan #recipes #vegano #recetavegana #receta #plantbasedrecipes #vegansofig #whatveganseat #food #foodislife #foodphotography #foodstagram #foodography #foodismedicine #healthyrecipes#italianfood #polenta #youarewhatyoueat #mallorcalife #homecooking #home #whatieat #oldphoto #me #buddha #happybuddha #myhome https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvgh4j5gytq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tpokupe8drxn
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robertfoodphoto · 4 years ago
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@congreka ¡Miércoles de recarga para continuar la semana! Y que mejor que recargar tus baterías con nuestro MEGAPLATO 💥 🥗🌯🥑🥕🍆🍅🥔🙌💯 Pregunta por todos nuestros platos originales y desayunos. 🥞 🤙Ordenes desde las 7.30am Salòn abierto desde las 8.30am 787.400.8435 🙌🙌🙌Variedad para todos 🙌🙌🙌 Cocina Vegana con amor = Congreka 💚 📞787-400-8435 📍Ave. Main 3140 Santa Rosa Bayamon 🕑 8 - 3 pm #congreka #veganrestaurant #plantbaserestaurant #organic #original #chefvegana #veganlover #veganpancakes #veganbreakfast #glutenfreefoodoptions #veganmeals #veggie #bayamon #amigosdebayamon #boricuas_profesionales #boricua #puertorico🇵🇷 #foodie #food #healthylifestyle #healthylifestyle — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3grCw5H
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