#chat: james potter.
lucixtalkalot · 9 months
Starter for: James Potter | @pttvrs Where: Diagon Alley, London
It was not the first time during her life that Lucinda had bumped into James Potter. Seeing as they both had been in the same year and had been part of their Quidditch teams, it was common for them to bump into one another. Both of them having been the captain as well. They had a rivalry.
But the fact that he was still playing Quidditch professionally right now and she wasn't, that was rubbing against her wrongly. Not that he could do anything about it. But it was the reason why she had said something instead of silently passing him on Diagon Alley.
"So Potter, how is it to be on a professional team after I have seen your entire school career?" Okay, that was a lie, Lucinda knew very well that Potter was one of the best flyers and players she had seen in her life.
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addsalwayssick · 3 months
james potter is the type of guy to never have broken a bone but has come so close to death so many times like tf you doing man
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b0wi3sgir1 · 1 year
Marauders and Reg group chat
Remus: who the fuck added me to the group chat?
Sirius: >:O language.
Regulus: yeah watch your fucking language.
Peter: ‘the fuck word’
James: You guys use the f word all the time??
Regulus: Merlin’s beard you don’t have to censor it.
Peter: say fuck James.
Regulus: Do it, James. Say fuck.
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cieloculto · 5 months
james and barty eating regulus out together. His legs are draped over one of their shoulders each as they bury their faces between his thighs hungrily. Tongues bumping into each other’s as they lap at regulus wet folds. Barty swirling his tongue around his clit as james pushes in two fingers at once, making regulus back arch and cry out loudly. His pussy drenching their mouths and chins by how close he pulls them in, tugging them by the hair and grinding down onto their tongues. James and barty sloppily kissing, sharing the sweet taste of regulus that sits heavily on their tongues and regulus whining because he wants their attention and so they dutifully go back to what they were doing.
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causereyna-artie · 3 months
Remus Lupin and James Potter and Lily Evans definitely had a gc trying to understand how to navigate a relationship with cocky but extremely insecure Blacks
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hitmewithsomebooks · 8 months
@jegulus-microfic Feb 12 - fireside
1331 words
James couldn't sleep. He'd tossed and turned for the past hour and a half, and he really wasn't good at laying there and waiting for nothing.
Frustrated, he got out of bed, deciding he’d go visit Regulus. He grabbed his wand, the map, and the invisibility cloak, throwing it over himself before descending the stairs. Just as he made it to the portrait hole, a voice rang out.
"Where are you off to so late at night, prongs?"
Fuck. Damn Moony and his werewolf senses.
James contemplated simply ignoring him and leaving, but he knew Remus would just bring it up later, possibly in front of Sirius. And he knew what this was really about. He sighed, removing the cloak and going over to the couch.
"Sit," Remus invited, patting the cushion next to him. "Let's have a little fireside chat".
James complied, plopping himself down at the other end.
"I'm going to get right to the point, James." Remus said, and James knew this was serious because they rarely used each other's real names.
"Are you dating Regulus?" He asked, looking a sheepish James in the eye. The other boy gulped, shifting in his seat. He knew there was no lying to Moony.
"Yes." He forced out, sweating under Remus's firm gaze. The werewolf let out a breath and closed his eyes.
"Really, James? Sirius's little brother?" James could hear the disappointment in his voice, and he felt almost like he was being scolded by his father.
"I didn't choose it, alright? It just kind of... happened. Trust me, moony, I tried not to give in. " James whined, and Remus shot him a disbelieving look.
"Yeah? For how long, exactly?"
"Well I don't know about exactly, but..."
"Maybe a week?" Remus rolled his eyes, groaning.
"C'mon, Remus, look how head-over-heels you are for Sirius! There's a certain charm around the Black brothers. You know it. They're both basically the heads of their houses because of it." James tried to reason, until Remus shot him a deadly look.
"So you're just dating him because he's alluring? Shiny?  What, are you going to drop him the moment he graduates and falls from Slytherin princehood?" Remus growled, and James realized his mistake.
"What?! No, no no no no no! It's not like that, Remus, I swear. I don't care about shit like that, you know that!" James insisted, his tone growing desperate.
"I do know that, James. But like you said, the Black brothers are alluring." Remus snarked, and now James was getting frustrated. This wasn't how he saw Regulus at all. How did Moony not know this? Is this really how Remus viewed him??
"Fuck, Remus, that's not what I meant!" James bellowed, and Remus's eyebrows raised. James huffed, settling down again before he woke up the whole of Gryffindor tower.
"Then what did you mean, prongs?" Remus pressed, still questioning, but his tone was slightly gentler now.
"I... I just... I was just trying to tell you deeply he affected me, Remus. How I truly couldn't resist. I feel like he used a fucking stupefy on me, I swear, he caught me so off guard. I don't see him as some shiny, popular object, Remus. He's so much more, he's everything..." James trailed off, looking distraught. He'd always struggled with putting his thoughts and feelings into words, and right now they really mattered. Thankfully for James, Remus understood. He could see the love the Gryffindor held for the younger boy.
"I believe you, prongs. You love him, don't you?" Remus queried softly, and James nodded his head, dropping it into his hands. "So much, Moony." He whispered, his voice cracking. Remus rubbed a hand along his back.
"You're going to have to tell him at some point." The werewolf told him, and James groaned.
"Which one?"
Remus let out a humorless chuckle.
"Both, at some point. You should probably tell Regulus first, though." He advised, patting his friend's back before standing up, wincing as his knees creaked. James looked up at him, eyes wide. Remus could see the wetness around them.
"Now?" He quavered, and Remus gave him a sympathetic look.
"Not necessarily right now, if you're not ready. But it should be sooner rather than later."
James worried his bottom lip between his teeth, looking to be at war.
"I... I think I'm gonna tell him now." He decided, though he looked scared.
"I... yeah. I need to." James confirmed, expression firmer now.
"I'm proud of you, prongs." Remus praised, and James gave him an appreciative, if slightly watery, smile, before slipping out the portrait hole.
When Regulus opened the door, he was met by nothing. He looked around, confused, before a head appeared from thin air. A gasp escaped him, and quickly and tanned hand appeared and landed over his mouth. James's eyes were imploring on his floating face, and he slowly lowered his hand, grasping Regulus's arm instead. The younger boy closed the dorm door as silently as possible, before following James out into the common room.
In the warm glow of the fireplace, Regulus could see James's matted eyelashes and glossy eyes, liked he'd been crying.
"What's wrong?" He asked, cradling the older boy's cheek, brows furrowed. James leaned into it, smiling, and Regulus relaxed slightly. Chocolate eyes opened again, meeting Regulus's, and James grasped one of his hands.
"Nothing, love. Just wanted to see you."
Regulus frowned, rubbing his thumb along James's cheek.
"You look like you were crying. What's wrong?" Regulus pushed, his voice growing unsteady. James made a soothing noise, pulling Regulus close and kissing his forehead.
"Just... Remus found out about us." James mentioned, like it was a very simple thing. It wasn't.
"What?!" Regulus whisper-yelled, lurching his head back and out of James's grasp. He was more aware of his volume than James, thankfully. 
"Don't worry, he won't tell Sirius! Everything's fine." The older boy promised, clasping Regulus's hands in his own.
"Then why are you here?" Regulus questioned, his voice slightly panicked. He felt his heartbeat racing.
"To tell you that I love you, Reggie." James answered softly, and now Regulus didn't feel his heart at all.
"You- you what." The boy wheezed, feeling as though he'd forgotten how to breathe properly.
"Hey, hey, don't worry, you don't have to say anything back, I just wanted you to know. C'mon, Reggie, shh, it's okay." James soothed as he pulled Regulus into his lap, cradling him. Regulus felt like there was cotton in his ears, James's voice coming through all fuzzy and muffled.
James loved him.
James loved him.
Was this real?
"I love you too." He managed, and even his own voice sounded cottony. The silence he was met with, though, was clear, like someone had poured a bucket of ice over him. He knew it. It wasn't real.
He struggled to escape James's grasp, who seemed to snap out of his trance.
"You love me?" His voice wondered, sounding nothing short of shocked. This made Regulus pause.
"Well of course I do, James." He whined, and suddenly warm brown eyes were staring into his own.
"Fuck, I love you, Reg." James beamed, his eyes crinkling with joy. Regulus gaped a moment, still blinking himself back into reality.
"I love you too?" He answered, still unsure. James chuckled, biting his lip.
"You sure?" It had to be, now. James's joy was too radiant not to feel, not to be absolutely real.
"Yes." Regulus gasped, leaning forward. Their foreheads pressed together. "Yes, I love you, James."
"I love you too, baby."
"I love you."
"I love you." James chuckled, eyes still crinkled, running a hand through Reggie's hair.
"I love you." Regulus said, amazed by the feel of his words on his tongue. Words he hadn't said in years. At least a decade. Now that he could say them, hear them, he never wanted to stop.
"Say it again, Jamie."
"I love you."
"I love you."
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akanothere · 7 months
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Modern/ Cthulhu AU
Surgeon Tom x Detective Harry
"⅄ıƃ ʍɐs ɐ ƃɹǝɐʇ ƃop. Hǝ ʍɐs qɐp ɯǝpıɔıuǝ. Hǝ pıp uoʇ ɟoɹƃǝʇ ʇɥıuƃs. Iu ʇɥǝ ɐnʇnɯu ɥıs ɔɥıןpɹǝu ʍǝɹǝ ɥnuƃɹʎ ɐup ʍıןp, ɐup ⅄ıƃ ʍɐs ɥnuƃɹʎ ɐup ʍıןp, ʇoo.”
— H.P. Lovecraft & Zealia Bishop, The Curse Of Yig
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oneluckygoose · 2 months
Remus: You know the worst part about hating yourself is that you don’t think you deserve to be loved and you don’t expect people to, yet it still hurts like a bitch when they don’t
Lily: Remus no
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mischievousmoony · 2 months
happy to have found the corner of tumblr where everyone’s just as on their knees for aaron taylor johnson as i am keep up the great work guys
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lexithwrites · 9 months
I think I need bad boy looking James getting Regulus’s attention but then he’s just an absolute sweetheart golden retriever until you fuck with his boyfriend and that’s when he gets violent and deranged
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redadidassneakers · 1 year
Regulus: who the fuck added me to the fucking group chat
Sirius: :0 language little brother
Barty: yeah, watch your fucking language
Remus: the fuck word?
Peter: are you guys stupid? You use the f word all the time
Sirius: omg wormy censored fuck
Remus: say fuck, Pete
Barty: do it Pettigrew, say fuck
*regulus has left the chat*
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the marauders fandom focuses a lot on how harry missed out on the marauders being in his life as he was growing up, uncle pads and moony etc. but the girls would have also been FANTASTIC aunts and it upsets me.
lily would have been such a loving and fierce mother, we see that with how she died for harry but i wish she had gotten the chance to show it in other ways as well.
marlene would have absolutely taught harry his first swear words, waking up the house with the loudest laugh after he “just went down for his nap, marls”. the first person to get ready to fight whichever 8 year olds were picking on him in class. she chases him around the yard with his broom when james is too tired.
mary, who would be the best listener in the house. always ready with a cup of hot cocoa, or tea when he was old enough, to hash out all the drama. she would also be super crafty and might inspire harry to experiment with his creative side.
pandora who’s just… pandora. his strange aunt that gets laughed at, sometimes, the first person harry will go to bat for, defending her from the 8 year olds making fun of her! always bringing him little trinkets, he keeps them all in a box, and then the box overflows. “really panda, he has enough acorns” “no no, this one’s special”
and dorcas, who fosters his competitive spirit, coaching him alongside james and marlene for quidditch, helping him build good study habits, and loves to talk shit about his classmates to his friends.
not to mention the kids they may have gone on to have. harry didn’t only lose the guaranteed adults in his life when they died, but the potential for a huge family of cousins & second cousins that would grow up with him and love him unconditionally.
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elilelibeli · 4 months
nsfw :)
We have established that James runs hot and Regulus cold. BUT, Regulus gets hot when he is turned on- he has to remove layers, fan himself, put his hair up, body radiating heat type of stuff. James has noticed this, obviously loves it and obv uses it to tease Reg.
Also he eats Reggie out with ice in his mouth.
Ice cube in his mouth, his mouth everywhere. The ice melts and James will enthusiastically lick the drippings and he goes up and down and everywhere and it’s the best thing ever. And Reggie loves it and Jamie loves it and they live happily ever after.
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mezsygfs · 1 month
Who ever made melatonin gummies so good should be sent to hell immediately. I just ate like 7 of them. WELL YK ILL BE SLEEPIN GOOD I GUESS
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alltoounwellll · 7 months
people are hating on jegulus cause it's stupid
I literally do not care what you think
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jewishregulus · 8 months
too much achilles and patroclus jegulus. orpheus and eurydice are RIGHT THERE you guys …….
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