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projectlyght · 5 years ago
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New chart positions from the music share site number1music. It seems that I have dethroned my own music. This is a cool situation to wake up to Again, I'm grateful for every small victory #chartpositions #numberonemusic #thisjustin #newfans #instagood #instagram #producer #edmfamily #edmlifestyle #staytuned #newbeginnings #trancemusic #trancenation #housemusic #housemusicproducer #housemusicproducer #dancemusic #pressplay #takealisten #applemusic #googlemusic #subscribetomychannel #youtubechannel #iheartradio #dreams #ukdreams https://www.instagram.com/p/CBlOMQPD4O1/?igshid=1lpp1zs0gj7av
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candicenight · 4 years ago
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Thank you so much to all our German friends, fans and companions - "Nature's Light" has entered the German album charts at #7! Let "Nature's Light" shine...   Our album is available worldwide here: https://blackmoresnight.lnk.to/NaturesLight #blackmoresnight #natureslight #renaissancerock #germany #chartposition #ritchieblackmore #candicenight https://www.instagram.com/p/CMniUmrMKsa/?igshid=mzhc866r4l9x
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arwenstarsong · 8 years ago
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I am making some progress :) my hobby is starting to get noticed. Lately i have been combining fantasy and opera into my rock music ;). I guess people like it. Lol #chartpositions #reverbnation #rock #indierock #fresnomusic #maderamusic #musician #musicianlife #songwriter #music #indiemusic #selfproducedmusic #singer #originalmusic #singersongwriter #indie #indierock #fresnomusic #indiemusician #indiemusicians #fantasymetal #fantasy
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wellthatwasaletdown · 7 years ago
"How has SH the highest sales but the lowest chartposition and SOTT the lowest sales but highest chart position?" They told the person who does the chart to put the brunette, cherub faced, successful one in the first position. They attached the Sony powerpoint as well as Jeff's to the email so that poor person mixed them up.
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rykersear · 7 years ago
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No.10 guys!!!!😍😍😍Thank you!!! So hyped Don't Know Me is still climbing!!☄☄☄Regan
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cometforever · 8 years ago
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#ReverbNation #ChartPosition #1 #Whooohaan it ain't nothing but it's something
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lilmike · 7 years ago
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#OTD #50YearsAgo in #1967, the #Billboard #Hot100 charts had the #PsychedelicBubblegum #HitRecord "#IncenseAndPeppermints" by the #StrawberryAlarmClock in the #NumberOneSingle #TopSelling #ChartPosition #nationwide #WhoCares #WhatGamesWeChoose #LittleToWin #LittleToLose #occasions #Persuasions #ClutterYourMind #Beatniks #Politics #NothingIsNew
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promotemiley · 8 years ago
Verkäufe sind das Wichtigste, wenn es darum geht, einem Song zum Erfolg zu verhelfen. Es gibt viele verschiedene Anbieter, bei denen man den Song kaufen kann. Dazu zählen:
Google Play
Windows Store
Läden, die CDs verkaufen, wie Media Markt, Saturn, Euronics, Expert, Müller, Weltbild, etc.
Wenn ihr die finanziellen Möglichkeiten habt, könnt ihr z.B. mit eurem iTunes-Guthaben den Song Freunden oder anderen Smilers kaufen.
Seit einigen Jahren beeinflussen in vielen Ländern neben den Verkäufen auch die Streams eines Songs die Chartposition. Zum Streamen gibt es viele verschiedene Plattformen, unter anderem:
Apple Music
Amazon Music
Google Play Music
Ebenso zählen die Aufrufe des offiziellen Musikvideos, des Audiovideos und des Lyric Videos auf Vevo und YouTube (jeweils MileyCyrusVevo). Um mehrere Aufrufe zu erreichen muss nach dem Anschauen eines Videos nicht Replay angeklickt werden, sondern die Seite muss aktualisiert werden.
Je mehr wir den Song bei den Radios anfragen, desto häufiger wird er gespielt und desto mehr Leute werden dadurch auf ihn aufmerksam und kaufen ihn. Um den Song anzufragen könnt ihr Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, die Webseite der Radiostation, deren E-Mail oder das Telefon nutzen. Allerdings solltet ihr nicht spammen!
Eine Liste deutscher Radiosender findet ihr hier.
Mit Shazam könnt ihr Songs finden, die z.B. im Radio laufen und deren Titel ihr aber nicht kennt. Auch in dieser App gibt es Charts und die Leute interessieren sich für die Songs, die in den Charts ganz oben sind. Also fleißig Mileys Song shazamen!
Egal ob auf iTunes, Amazon oder im Google Play Store – Songs können fast überall bewertet werden. Selbst wenn ihr keine Rezension schreiben wollt reicht es schon, ein paar Sterne zu geben.
Den Flyer, den ihr unter dieser Information findet, könnt ihr ausdrucken und bei euch in der Stadt aufhängen (Achtung: nicht an Litfaßsäulen und anderen öffentlichen Werbeflächen!), an Leute verteilen und in den sozialen Netzwerken posten.
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projectlyght · 5 years ago
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For the second week in a row!! So grateful be in a space to be able to appreciate little things like this!! Be sure to check out the new music video now available on YouTube! Click the link in my bio NOW! #reverbnationmusiccharts #reverbnationdiscover #reverbnationartists #newfans #gratitude #goodvibes #thisjustin #staytuned #youtube #iheartradio #excitedforthis #instagram #chartpositions #spotify #spotifyplaylists #lyght #supportthemusic #producergrind #pressplay #takealisten #applemusic #googlemusic #subscribetomychannel #streaming https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdjiwzDrtr/?igshid=qp8q6xhzjia
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projectlyght · 5 years ago
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This is the good news to hear two days before the music video hits! It only gets better from here!! Stream my latest track, ...Groove!!! NOW available EVERYWHERE, and prepare for the world premiere of the music video on Monday!! #reverbnationmusiccharts #trending #newmusic #musicvideo #newmusicalert #newsingle #newmusicishere #pressplay #takealisten #staytuned #applemusic #googlemusic #subscribetomychannel #youtube #iheartradio #excitedforthis #instagram #chartpositions #newwave #newfans #gratitude #goodvibes #hypedheaven #edmfamily #edc #somethingspecial #spotify #spotifyplaylists #lyght #supportthemusic https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYbPVTDp3M/?igshid=pd33c70jn1po
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candicenight · 4 years ago
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So excited to be #3 on the official folk charts in England! #blackmoresnight #natureslight #RitchieBlackmore #candicenight #chartposition #folkmusic #folkrock https://www.instagram.com/p/CNbrJGPsuHO/?igshid=yr21etrgfq4k
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projectlyght · 5 years ago
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This is HUGE to me. Still number one, gaining new fans. THANK YOU to EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of you who have either supported the music from the beginning or you have just joined the LYGHTWALKERS. I appreciate all the support Every stream. Every view matters. Thank you!! Click the link in my bio to see the video and stream the new single!! 💫 #thisjustin #newfans #gratitude #goodvibes #hype #trancemusic #edmfamily #edmproducer #reverbnation #reverbnationdiscover #reverbnationartists #reverbnationcharts #blessed #fans #staytuned #musicismylife #spotify #spotifyplaylists #lyght #supportthemusic #youtube #iheartradio #excitedforthis #instagram #chartpositions #itunes #applemusic #googlemusic #subscribetomychannel https://www.instagram.com/p/CB6mme1jdRn/?igshid=5ak7exycyh35
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projectlyght · 5 years ago
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To everyone who helped me make the launch of ....Groove!! The visual experience a success, thank you so much! If you haven't checked it out yet, click the link in my bio and go ahead and dance! Much love and gratitude to all of you #newmusicvideo #magical #edmfamily #edmproducer #trending #trancemusic #trancefamily #trancenation #housemusic #newmusic #newmusicalert #newmusicishere #pressplay #takealisten #applemusic #googlemusic #subscribetomychannel #youtube #iheartradio #excitedforthis #instagram #chartpositions #spotify #spotifyplaylists #lyght #supportthemusic #thisjustin #newfans #gratitudeattitude #grateful https://www.instagram.com/p/CBfA84-D_P1/?igshid=wmxjzamf8c6r
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projectlyght · 5 years ago
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Small steps for some, but a big deal for me Check out the new single".....Groove!!! NOW streaming on Spotify, iTunes, Apple music, Google music , Deezer.... EVERYWHERE 💯💯 #newmusic #newmusicalert #trancemusic #edmfamily #edmproducer #reverbnation #newfans #gratitude #goodvibes #hyped #grateful #thisjustin #staytuned #streaming #spotify #spotifyplaylists #instagood #instagram #producer #newfans #applemusic #googlemusic #subscribetomychannel #youtube #iheartradio #excitedforthis #instagram #chartpositions #deezer #itunes https://www.instagram.com/p/CBWRaEMD_vH/?igshid=1352m58f9s66o
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projectlyght · 5 years ago
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Not too bad for organic growth, and so I have nothing to say except Thank you. To those that have supported, and keep doing so, Thank you. To those who have yet to support, Thank you. To those that are on the fence about supporting me, Thank you. To those who will support me in the future, Thank you. To those who say they support, but never have, Thank you. I have nothing but genuine love and respect for ALL OF YOU Stay focused. #thisjustin #newfans #instagood #instagram #producer #goodvibes #gratitude #grateful #newmusic #thankyou #thankfulgratefulblessed #thankful #trusttheprocess #growth #edmfamily #newmusic #pressplay #takealisten #applemusic #googlemusic #subscribetomychannel #youtube #iheartradio #excitedforthis #instagram #chartpositions #itunes #housemusic #quarantinemusic #instagrammers #dancemusic #instagramuk https://www.instagram.com/p/CBUDyvhjTkJ/?igshid=l7erjmxjqkey
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projectlyght · 5 years ago
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I'm so excited and proud of this!! I have both the number one and number two spots on the charts, with my track "In My Head" was number 13 last week, but this week is number two!! Gratitude is not an adequate word to describe the feeling that I have for this!! #goodvibes #gratitude #thisjustin #newfans #instagood #instagram #producer #edmfamily #edmlifestyle #staytuned #newbeginnings #reverbnation #spotify #itunes #applemusic #googlemusic #subscribetomychannel #youtube #iheartradio #excitedforthis #instagram #chartpositions #instagrammusic #r&b #ride #inmyheart #thisjustin https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTNEUXjkkF/?igshid=ip7sfs9x123x
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