#charlie wealsey imagines
mrsstruggle · 3 months
All The Good Girls Go To Hell Masterlist // Harry Potter AU // ONGOING
Summary: It's been a year since the war ended. Cedric Diggory is found dead and in debt to The Damnation. His sister, Y/N Diggory, offers to take her brother's place in The Damnation to pay off his debt, but things become complicated when she starts to develop feelings for the two handsome leaders.
[OC version on Wattpad]
Pairings: Y/N Diggory x Fred Weasley, Y/N Diggory x George Weasley (separately, not together because I will not write that)
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else), and A Lot of Smut!!
Posting Schedule: New Chapters every Tuesday and Friday at 7PM CT!
Note: This is a Harry Potter AU. This is set after the war.
Another Note: Cedric was not killed during the Triwizard Tournament, but he was tortured at the cemetery.
***I do not own Harry Potter or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.***
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swiftieblyth · 6 months
The Nightshade Sisters: Professor Snape
Warnings- dead mom, abusive dad, raised by aunt uncles and godparents, death eaters, Voldemort, violence and murder, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, all other Harry Potter stuff
Let me know if there’s anything else!
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The next morning Draco and Rosie walked down to the great hall to get some breakfast. Draco sat next to Rosie, across from Crabb and Goyle. Draco was talking to them as Rosie was writing a letter.
Dear Moony, I miss you so, so, so much! I didn't get put in Hufflepuff with Ceddie or Lacy, nor did I get put in Gryffindor like you. However I did get put into Slytherin like Aunt Joyce and Uncle Tim. I already made a friend! His name is Draco Malfoy, he’s in my house as well. I don’t like that I won’t get to be with you on full moons now. Harry Potter was put in Gryffindor just like you said he would be. I had a panic attack as the train stopped in front of Hogwarts yesterday, but Lace and Ceddie helped me through it.  Today’s the first day of classes, I’ll write to you tomorrow to let you know how it goes. I’m really nervous, but I don’t think much attention will be on me if Harry Potter is in my class. I miss and love you, Uncle Moony. Love, Cub
“What are you doing?” Draco asked, looking at Rosie. 
“I’m writing to my uncle. I miss him, so I decided to write to him. Do you want to go with me to ask my siblings if I could borrow one of their owls?”
“Sure.” Draco replied, he got up and grabbed Rosie’s hand, to help her up.
“This way.” Rosie stated, taking the lead and dragging him behind her. “Lace, Ceddie!” 
“Rosie!” Lacy replied, wrapping her arms around Rosie in a big hug. 
“Lace… I… Can’t… Breathe.” 
“Sorry.” Lacy let out, letting go of her, as she saw Draco. “Hi. Who are you?”
“I’m Draco, Rosie’s best friend.” Draco explained, sticking out his hand to Lacy. Rosie smiled and a small blush came to her cheeks. Cedric saw and smirked.
“I’m Lacy,” Lacy replied, shaking Draco’s hand. “I’m Rosie’s older sister, and this is our brother, Cedric.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Draco,” Cedric smiled, shaking Draco’s hand.
“Could I borrow one of your owls to send a letter to Uncle Remus?”
“Yeah, of course, Little Rose. Sugar’s in the owlery. Just call her and she’ll come to you.”
“Thanks, Ceddie.” Rosie replied, hugging him. “I love you guys.”
“We love you too, Little Rose.”
“So much.” Lacy added.  
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Later that morning Rosie and Draco went off to Potions class. Rosie sat next to Draco in between the big boys, as if they were their bodyguards.
“Professor Snape is the head of Slytherin so he should like us.” Draco explained to Rosie. “Actually I know he likes me, I’ve known him since I was a baby. He’s my godfather, so just stay with me, and stay on his good side, and you’ll be set for all seven years.”
“Thanks, Draco.” 
All of a sudden the doors opened and Professor Snape came storming in. He stopped in front of his desk and looked at the class. Draco sat up straighter with a small smile on his face, his eyes filled with admiration.
“There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class.” Snape explained. “As such, I don’t expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However for the select few,” Snape glanced over at Draco and Rosie. “Who possesses the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensure the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to…not pay attention.”
Everyone glanced over to where Snape was looking, Hermione nudged Harry, and he looked up to see Snape glaring down at him. Draco and the big boys snickered, but Draco stopped when Rosie nudged him and gave him a look. 
“Potter!” Snape called. “What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" 
"I don't know, sir," Harry said. 
Snape's lips curled into a sneer. "Tut, tut -- fame clearly isn't everything." He ignored Hermione's hand. "Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" 
“I don’t know, sir.” Harry said again, as Hermione’s hand stayed in the air.
Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, who were shaking with laughter as Rosie tried to shut them up, feeling sorry for Harry.
“What’s the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?”
“I don’t know. I think Hermione does, though, why don’t you ask her?”
“Miss. Nightshade,” Snape called, turning around to look at her. “Perhaps you would like to explain the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane? I do believe this is something you would know.”
Rosie stared at him a little wondering how he knew. “There’s no difference Professor. They are the same plant known as aconite.”
“Yes. I thought you would know that. Very nice, Miss. Nightshade, ten points to Slytherin.” The Slytherins started cheering and Draco smiled at Rosie. “And I’d like to see you after class, Miss. Nightshade.”
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After class finished Draco got up and looked at her. “Are you going to be okay? Do you want me to stay with you?”
“No, I’ll be okay, Draco. But I wouldn’t mind if you waited outside.”
“Okay,” Draco sighed and walked out of the class behind everyone else. 
“You wanted to see me, Professor,” Rosie let out.
“I think you should know that I went to school with your aunt, uncles, and parents before they got expelled and banned from the wizarding world.”
“What does this have to do with anything?”
“I was in Slytherin with your aunt and uncle. I was on good terms with them. However your uncle, Remus, was someone I despised.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, sir.”
“I do hope you aren't like him.”
“I’m not a werewolf if that’s what you’re implying.”
“Good to know. Judging by the fact that you are in my house, I do hope that you behave more like your aunt and uncle, rather than your uncle and sister.”
“I’ll do my best, sir. May I go now.”
“Hey, everything okay?” Draco asked, when Rosie walked out of the room. 
“Yeah, Snape just wanted to talk to me about my family. Apparently my sister’s not the best student, and he wanted to make sure I’ll be better than her.”
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I had a fucking terrible morning buuut since I had reached my milestone of followers (thank you so much to each and every one of you I love you dearies SO MUCH!) 🥳
we're turning this around and make it a celebration
so... send me a
hurt/comfort scenario
with your favorite character
(it can be angsty but with a happy ending) and I'll share my thoughts, a dialogue, headcannon or something on how this character would comfort you and cheer you up in this particular situation!
extra points if you aks for Argyle because I am really in an Argyle mood and need a hug from him but if he doesn't get requested I will just add my own!
Soooo... stop by my inbox 😊
(also, the ones on the tags are just my favorites you can requesr whomever you want!)
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thee-bat-boys · 11 months
I want to write some more atm. Send me an ask if there's anyone you want to see an imagine for ✌🏼
Im happy to write for;
bbc merlin; Knights of Camelot, Arthur, Merlin, Morgana, Gwen
Harry potter; Marauders (including Peter), Dorcas, Lily, Marlene, Fred weasley, George wealsey, draco, Charlie, bill
acotar; mor, nesta, cassian, azriel, elain, lucien
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missing-fanfics · 5 years
A Family Mystery Uncovered
Include the following in your story:
⟡Sunday ⟡secret ⟡wallpaper ⟡swap ⟡sister ⟡curiosity ⟡island ⟡notebook ⟡marathon ⟡demand
A/N: ello Sarah here. Hope you like this weird mess. Honestly these end up really weird and pretty garbage, but hopefully mildly entertaining.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: nothing I think...?
Charlie Weasley x Fem!reader
There was a slight problem arising in the Burrow. Charlie Weasley had a secret. Now secret’s aren’t always a bad thing. Often times they are kept for a perfectly good reason and deserve to be kept. Molly Weasley understood that perfectly well, thank you. That didn’t stop her from becoming very angry at the thought that her second born son was keeping a secret from his own mum.
It started when Charlie would refuse to come back to England. Claiming that their was so much work to be done in Romania. No one batted an eye at his excuses. This was Charlie Weasley we’re talking about, it’s not like he did anything scandalous.
The lies to not return home shifted to being about work to being about his health, his home, to other workers at the sanctuary. It had been a solid 6 months until the last time he’d stepped foot into the Burrow.
This is what had been the last straw for Molly Weasley. Her curiosity clouding her judgment as she aparated to the Dragon Sanctuary.
With careful steps you stealthily made your way to the unsuspecting dragon. It’s dark grey tail swished in content as it dosed happily in the early Sunday sun. You couldn’t help but smirk to yourself as you remembered Hogwarts’ saying, never wake a sleeping dragon, my ass.
With a loud battle cry you launched herself onto the Hebridean Black’s back. He awoke with a start and cried out in surprise and anger. He started to trash around and spit fire up into the air, trying to kill any danger. You laughed loudly and ran a calming hand down his back and lightly humming.
“Good morning Ewan!” You yelled as you gripped onto his shoulder blades trying not get bucked off. The dragon calmed down slightly when it realised it wasn’t in any real danger. Smilingly brightly, you slid off the dragons in a rather awkward manor. Ewan spun around quickly and started to growl at you.
You put my hands to your hips and glared at the dragon like a mother scolding her children. Although Ewan was still considered a baby he was damn well old enough not to growl at you.
“Yeah yeah save the complaining for someone who cares.” You snarked strolling over to the bucket you dropped as you jumped onto the dragon. His angry expression changed rather quickly when he was the container of food you were bringing to him. For a fierce dragon he sure was a softy for food.
You placed the bucket down and tossed a deer leg into the air. Ewan jumped up and caught it with a satisfying clamp of his powerful jaws. You sighed dreamily as you watched him eat. Ewan was a being you loved to adore and also piss off.
“Oi! Y/L/N!” Someone shouted dragging your attention away from your handsome dragon. You tightened your ponytail and spun around to see a rather buff ginger man walking towards you.
“Charlie!” You yelled grinning at him. He rarely would come into the nursery area, but whenever he did you made sure to leave him in a much better mood. Ewan usually left him with a new sick scar for getting too close to his adoptive mother. But all this was very worth it to Charlie.
You hastily ran over to him and pulled him into a chaste kiss. Both smiling too much to do anything further.
“If I would’ve known you were visiting me I would’ve worn my sexy dungarees.” You teased with a smile. Charlie grinned and pulled you to him with a content sigh. He gripped you by the waist and put his chin on you head.
Ewan growled as he watched the two of you. With a loud huff he took flight and dramatically flew the couple of yards to you.
“Someone jealous.” Charlie said in your ear as Ewan landed loudly in front of you both “He’s always in a constant demand for your attention.”
You smirked at your dragon and pulled away from Charlie regretfully.
Charlie snickered as he watched you tackle the young dragon to the ground. Ewan snorted with glee and chased you around the field.
You had the idea to start building bonds with the dragons in order to be able to do your job safer in the future. This meant you were constantly in the nursery and at this particular moment, playing and taking care of an orphaned Hebridean Black.
You were on the rescuing team when they found him off the coast of Gills cowering for fear in an abandoned nest on the Island of Stroma. You had immediately bonded with him and you stayed with him the entire way back to Romania from Scotland.
Charlie smiled at his girlfriend as you ran around the nursery. You had always done things unconventionally around the Dragon Sanctuary. As a newbie this had gotten you burns and reprimands from your superiors. But as a very experienced magizoologist all of your insane ideas only brought better results than anyone had ever seen.
You were the first person to tame and ride a dragon. Her name was Yeva, you had raised her from a newborn hatchling to a proud powerful adult. The beautiful Ukrainian Ironbelly was a fierce thing to be reckoned with and with a grinning witch on her back, her danger doubled.
Charlie grinned as he watched you run towards him. You unceremoniously slumped down next to him on the beautiful green grass. You grinned as you watched Ewan run around chasing his tail. You watching him in great interest before noticing just how many similarities he had with a dog. Sure an extremely dangerous dog, but a dog nonetheless.
You scribbled your findings into your trusty notebook. Eyebrows furrowed in concentration and Charlie couldn’t help but smile softly as he stared at you. You were simply sitting on the ground, your body covered in dirt from rolling around with Ewan all day. Charlie never thought you looked more beautiful.
You looked up, feeling Charlie’s eyes on you. A grin graced your face, but when you saw his intense expression your smile softened.
“Charlie darling, what is it?” You asked, your voice soft. You tilted your head and moved to sit facing him a little better.
Your notebook was shoved to the ground as Charlie surged on you. His lips meeting yours and you melted against him. His arm snaked around your waist. Soft lips and a passionate kiss, love pouring from him and into you as his tongue traced the inside of your mouth as if he was trying to memorize it. He felt so incredibly warm under your touch and his love burned your skin, absolute adoration coursing through you straight from his own heart.
You felt as if you had just run a marathon but you loved the burn in your lungs. Nothing would separate you from the man you loved. He was the one to break the kiss but leaned his forehead against yours. Both of your eyes stayed shut as you stayed in your intimacy, catching your breaths.
A laugh bubbles up in you as you pressed a quick peck to his lips before standing. His eyes stayed close even after you pulled away, staying in the moment. He opened them after a few moments to see you brushing off your very dirty work clothes.
“Come on big boy let’s go make some lunch. You have Norberta duty today and you need all the energy you can get.” You said giggling. You offered a hand to pull him up which he accepted with a groan.
“I still think you rigged that.” Charlie said swooping down and gathering your notebook and the bucket that once contained deer legs. You snorted and rolled your eyes.
“You can’t rig a game of exploding snap. You’re just a sore loser.” You quipped and reaches up to ruffle his hair. “Unless you’re a really really smart and good looking dragon expert who swapped yours out for a bad one.” He narrowed his eyes at you and shook his head.
“You’re gonna regret doing that.” He said as a mischievous smile spread across his face. Your eyes widened and you took off running to your shared hut. Charlie was faster and grabbed you by the waist and hurled you up. You shrieked out a laugh as he threw you over his one of his broad shoulders.
“Charlie!” You screeched as he started running and you bumped on his shoulder uncomfortably.
“Sorry darling I don’t listen to cheaters!” He yelled and you laughed harder as he ran with you.
Charlie stopped running abruptly as he carried you to your shared hut. The lights were on inside and a comforting scent of food wafted from one of the opened windows. He placed you down carefully, both of your expressions going hard as he pulled out his wand and caustically walked towards the door.
Charlie’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped once he saw his mother bustling around the kitchen. She didn’t seem to notice either of you walk in and you cocked your head to the side trying to see the intruder over Charlie’s shoulder.
“Mum?” Charlie exclaimed finally gaining her attention. She froze from making a seasoned chicken fly towards the stove.
“Charlie dear! I came in to see you but realised you were gone.” She said smiling brightly. You cowered behind Charlie, becoming shy in the presence of the woman that raised your boyfriend.
“Erm mum. This is Y/N.” Charlie said rubbing the back of his neck. Molly’s eyes widened as she noticed you behind Charlie’s stocky frame. “My uh...girlfriend.”
You suddenly wanted nothing more than to blend into the wallpaper as Molly stared at you with an unreadable expression. Charlie cleared his throat and grabbed your hand that was shaking. He ran a thumb over your knuckles trying to soothe you.
Molly watched this exchange and snapped out of her trance. She smiled brightly and rushed over to the two of you.
“Hello dear, I’m Molly. I didn’t know Charlie had a girlfriend, you are very pretty.” She said pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. You laughed as she pulled away. Charlie watched you two with an adoring smile.
“How long have you been together? What’s your name? You work here too? Is Charlie treating you well? You live together?!” You blinked trying to keep up with her questions. You looked to Charlie for help as Molly started to overwhelm you.
“Sorry about that Mum it’s just that I didn’t want to overwhelm Y/N when we were just getting to know one another. It wasn’t intentional to hurt anyone.” He said stopping Molly from her rapid questions at you.
Molly made tea for the three of you. As she sat in your small living room, you and Charlie remained in the kitchen.
“She seems absolutely wonderful, I don’t know why you were so nervous for me to meet your family.” You said taking a sip of the Irish Breakfast tea in your hands. Charlie sighed and leaned against the counter.
“That’s just my mum. If you met my brothers or my sister you’d go running for the hills.” He huffed. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“If they’re anything like you then I’m sure I’ll love them. And even if they’re weird, so what? Weird is more interesting.” You placed your mug down and wrapped your arms around him. His tense posture relaxed as you nuzzled your face into his neck.
“I love you.” You mumbled as he pulled you closer to him. He rested his head onto your shoulder.
“I love you too.”
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yogirl-willow · 3 years
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POV: Your favorite HP boys wake you up in the morning the only way they know how… with all of them on top of you 😩✊🏼
I call this one The Dogpile of Simps 😂 Features 2 variations. Remus, Sirius, George, Fred, and Charlie/Bill! Made it into Desktop and iPhone wallpapers too. Not too sure if I should make more versions of the OC at the bottom. If ever, what variations would you like to see?
Also just want to point out how I did not expect Bill to look so goddamn sexy he look like he wanna spank 🤧
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violette-hue · 3 years
Too Late
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Summary: Bill Weasly doesn’t realize you’re in love with him and decides to marry Fleur instead. 
Trigger Warning(s): Angst, a broken heart, unrequited love, being too late, unedited 
Word Count: 1.4k
Too Late… (alternative ending)
You met Bill Weasley in your third year. All the cabins in the Hogwarts Express were full, all except the one Bill was in. There were some other third years, and a first year residing in the cabin. They all welcomed you in, having no problem with the new addition and since then, you and Bill had become close friends. By your fourth year, you spent nearly every holiday and summer at The Burrow. And by the time you both had graduated from Hogwarts and started down your own career paths, you both visited each other frequently, no matter where you were. You and Bill were inseparable.
The only downside of having such a profound friendship were the profound feelings that grew for the red head. A seedling of a school girl crush was planted by your fourth year, turning into infatuation by your fifth. By the time your seventh year rolled around, love blossomed in your heart for the eldest Weasley. The love grew until the thought of anyone else with him pained you. 
You had wanted to confess to Bill-- on numerous occasions. But you were always interrupted. And so you swallowed the emotions and remained by his side as his best friend. 
On one particular visit with Bill, you had mustered enough courage to bring the subject up. You both were walking through the pyramids side by side as Bill explained some of the curses in the tombs. 
“Bill?” you called softly. You fiddled with your fingers. 
Bill hummed. “Yes?”
“Is there anyone you fancy?” you asked, managing a nonchalant tone. 
Bill chuckled. “How old are we now?”
You shook your head, smiling at the joke. You hoped the smile reached your nauseated eyes. 
“Answer the question.” You bumped your shoulder lightly against his. 
“I suppose. I’ve always thought this woman was beautiful.”
“Always?” You asked the question before you could control your tongue, your tone sounding a bit too hopeful. 
Bill nodded his head. “Fleur is beautiful. I’ve been thinking of asking her on a date.”
Your heart sunk in your chest, your smile no doubt faltering. You turned your head towards a nearby tomb, eyes straining to keep your tears in. 
Bill turned towards you and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Whats wrong?”
You shrugged his hand off and stepped around some  vases. “I  just don’t like her is all.”
“Oh. I see.” Bill sighed. It was quiet for a moment. “Mom and Ginny don’t particularly like her either.”
You snorted. “With reason. Bill--” You turned to face him. “You can do so much better than her. Find--find someone like me.” You intended the last part to sound like a light hearted joke. 
“That’s not a bad idea,” Bill said with a cheeky grin and wink. “My mother loves you after all.”
Butterflies erupted in your stomach and fluttered to your heart. He had to be joking, there was no way he could share the same feelings. More, there was no way he could speak so highly of Fleur, then direct that admiration and attraction to you. Before you could open your mouth, laughter spilled from Bill’s lips. 
“It’s only a jest, Y/N, no need to be so serious.”
“It’s not right to play with a woman’s feelings,” you muttered, storming off.
Bill watched after you, confused. It occurred to you that his words held no depth. He didn’t want you. He had never wanted you.
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True to his word, Bill had asked Fleur on a date. And a year later, had asked for her hand in marriage. When you had heard the news, your heart nearly shriveled into dust. Molly had been the one to break the engagement to you. You both were sitting in the kitchen, enjoying a cup of tea and some finger sandwiches. You had choked on the fragrant tea, chest tightening. 
“What?” you had asked after clearing your throat. 
“They’re engaged. Bill sent an owl this morning... Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry,” Molly said her eyebrows knitting together. She placed a hand on top of your own in comfort. “I wanted it to be you. We all did.”
You nodded, not able to say anything and drank the remainder of your tea. Bill was a hopeless romantic, but you were sure he wouldn’t have let his feelings cloud his judgement. No one liked Fleur. How could he go further with her?
Months later you were back in the same spot, enjoying an imported tea with Molly when Bill and Fleur came trotting in. Your heart tightened at the sight of them laughing, at the sight of the ring on her finger. That should have been you. 
Bill shrugged off his coat and placed it on one of the hooks by the door. “Good afternoon,” he said cheerily, turning towards you. “I didn’t know you were going to be here. I  haven’t seen--or talked--to you in months--”
You stood up, tea forgotten. “It was wonderful spending time together Molly, but I’m afraid I must go. Something urgent has--”
“Oh yes, dear. We can reschedule,” Molly said with a smile, interrupting when your voice cracked. 
“You can’t be leaving so soon,” Bill stated, his brows furrowing. He moved towards you, extending a hand. 
You cleared your throat and moved around him. “I’ll send an owl. Good afternoon.”
The door yanked open as you quickly walked out to apparate home. A hand wrapped around your wrist and stopped you in your tracks. 
“Hold on,” Bill said, out of breath. 
He had ran out of the house without his coat. His red locks were tussled with the wind and his eyes bore into yours. Eyes that were filled with hurt and confusion. 
“What’s gotten into you?” he questioned. 
“I’m not sure what you mean,” you responded stubbornly, yanking your wrist out of his grasp. 
The hurt in Bill’s eyes grew more as they trailed from his hand to your face. 
“I haven’t seen you in months--since Egypt. I haven’t talked to you in months, you didn’t even answer any of my letters--”
“It’s for the best Bill. I’m sure Fleur wouldn’t like you speaking with other women.”
“Fleur--” he gave an exasperated sigh. “Is that what this is about?”
You didn’t respond. Instead you looked out to the horizon, fighting back tears that were threatening to spill. 
“Look at me, Y/N,” Bill said softly. “Please.”
“I can’t William. I  can’t--” Tears choked your speech and you turned away. 
“William?” Bill walked around you to meet your eye. “What the hell is going on? You never call me that--no one ever does.”
You worked your bottom lip between your teeth to keep it from quivering and looked up. Tears now fell freely from your eyes and your throat closed up. This was the end of your friendship with Bill, it had to be. You could no longer stand on the sidelines, your heart being torn to part every time you looked at Bill and Fleur together. You loved him too damn much. 
“I’m so helplessly in love with you, idiot,” you choked out. A humorless laugh tumbled from your lips. “And I’m too late. Even in Egypt, I  was too late.”
Bill looked at you in shock, his mouth slightly agape. It was completely silent, your sniffles being the only occasional sound. Bill’s eyes roamed your face, realization suddenly hitting him. 
“You...” he took a deep breath. “In Egypt...?” His brows furrowed and he shook his head. “I thought you were joking. I  never thought...”
“Never thought that I was in love with you? I’ve been in love with you since our fifth year...” You shook your head and took a deep breath. “It doesn’t matter. You’re engaged to Fleur. And I’m too late.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater and took another deep breath. Your eyes met Bill’s as you prepared yourself to apparate. Your eyes drank in his features, trying to engrave him into your mind. You didn’t want to forget Bill. Then again, you didn’t think you ever could. He would always be your first love. 
“Let’s just talk about this, Y/N,” Bill pleaded. He reached for you again, and pulled back quickly. “I want you--”
“Goodbye, Bill.” 
The world distorted around you as you apparated to your home. The familiar scent of lavender wafted through your nose as your feet found place on padded carpet. Your ears tingled with the sound of Bill’s voice, his words reverberated through your heart. 
“I loved you, too.” 
Too Late… (alternative ending)
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al-longbottom · 3 years
Bill Weasley and His Relationships With His Family Members
These are headcanons I have about Bill Weasley and his relationship with each member of his family. This is entirely opinion and not at all canon. It also follows the headcanon of Neurodivergent Charlie and Autistic Percy.
Bill and Molly
Bill always felt that Molly expected something different from him than he was willing to be and while he always wished they could be closer than they were he knew that it wasn’t his fault she couldn’t accept him for who he was.
When he was older he tried to maintain a happy relationship with his mother while keeping her at arm’s length, not wanting her to try and meddle in his life or try and persuade him to become what she wants for him and not what he wants to be.
Bill and Arthur
When Bill was born Molly had to leave her job to take care of him, since they couldn’t afford a babysitter 5 days out of the week. This made Arthur the only source of income, and they had another mouth to feed now, so Arthur took a lot of overtime. This, unfortunately, meant he wasn’t home much when Bill was young and therefore didn’t get much of an opportunity to connect with Bill, especially when Charlie and then Percy came along, meaning Arthur had to work harder and longer to support his family.
Bill doesn’t hold it against his father, but there’s a slight amount of bitterness when he thinks about his childhood where he wishes he had more than just his mother’s influence, or when he thinks about what could have been of Arthur and Bill’s relationship had they been better off, richer than they were or given more time to allow their relationship to grow.
Bill and Charlie
Bill and Charlie bonded over their rejection of their mother’s ideas for who they should be and formed an extremely tight bond. The two were nearly inseparable when younger, always going off on ‘adventures’ in the fields surrounding the Burrow, rescuing dragons and fighting off bad guys, pretending sticks off the grounds were wands and large rocks were dark wizards and dragon poachers.
Bill and Percy
Bill and Percy are possibly as opposite as two siblings can get. Where Bill is adventurous Percy is a homebody, where Bill is a thrill-seeker Percy is careful, where Bill is fun-loving Percy is serious. Percy is infinitely aggravated by Bill’s carelessness and Bill just can’t stop himself from teasing his little brother till he’s red in the face.
Bill and Fred
Bill loves Fred’s jokes and fun-loving personality, and oftentimes had a secret hand, even if it’s just a distraction or providing the supplies, in their pranks around the burrow while he still lived there which made the three of them very close.
He shows up for the grand opening and is even their first buyer, purchasing a Pygmy Puff as a gift for Fleur.
Bill and George
Bill, as I said before, loves the Twin’s pranks and oftentimes would take part in them while he still lived at the Burrow, but out of the two twins, Bill feels sort of more… protective of George. He sees how Molly treats him, trying to meld him into her image like she tried to with Bill and every time he hears Molly try to guilt him into ‘behaving’ he quickly changes the subject or makes up something he and George have to do in the other room.
Bill and Ron
He sees his brother’s desire to get approval from his mother and while he doesn’t get as much time with Ron as his other brothers when he does see him he tries to let Ron know he has value even if he doesn’t fit their mother’s image, talking to him about things like quidditch, challenging him to games of chess, and bringing him back a signature dessert from any place he visits.
Bill and Ginny
Ginny was born when Bill was 10, far too old to be hanging around with younger sisters… or so he told his friends. Within the first year she was born Bill was enraptured, a little sister! But then he was at Hogwarts and only saw her on vacations and she barely remembered him by the time she was old enough to form a true bond, and unfortunately they didn’t get close until after the second war against Voldemort when Ginny would come over to have dinner with him and Fleur.
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mrsstruggle · 3 months
All The Good Girls Go To Hell - Prologue // Harry Potter AU
Summary: It's been a year since the war ended. Cedric Diggory is found dead and in debt to The Damnation. His sister, Y/N Diggory, offers to take her brother's place in The Damnation to pay off his debt, but things become complicated when she starts to develop feelings for the two handsome leaders.
[OC version on Wattpad]
Pairings: Y/N x Fred Weasley, Y/N Diggory x George Weasley (separately, not together because I will not write that)
Series Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else), and A Lot of Smut!!
Words: 1.5K (this is short but chapters will be longer!)
Note: This is a Harry Potter AU. This is set after the war.
Another Note: Cedric was not killed during the Triwizard Tournament, but he was tortured at the cemetery.
[I had this queued for 7PM, but it didn't post :/]
All The Good Girls Go To Hell Masterlist
Standing outside the infamous joke shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Y/N Diggory never felt so out of place. She has a briefcase in one hand and the other nervously tugging at the end of her short, red dress in hopes that it would somehow get longer. She needs to go inside, but she can't find the willpower to get her legs to move.
Kids run past her, shouting and laughing, as their parents rush after them into the shop. There are more people out than she thought there would be. She chose to come as close to closing time as possible hoping there would only be a few people here. She wonders if it stays this crowded or if it's because the kids return to Hogwarts in a week.
"Are you actually going to go inside, or are you going to stand out here all day?" Y/N jumps slightly and quickly looks to her side to see where the voice is coming from. She locks eyes with a handsome redhead who is now standing to the left of her.
"I'm supposed to meet someone inside, but my legs seemed glued to the sidewalk for some reason." She nervously jokes.
The guy chuckles lowly. "Do I need to see if I can find something to get the glue off," he quickly retorts.
Y/N snorts out a laugh as she looks back down at the ground. She notices that he's wearing a thick, black pair of combat boots. As she looks back up at him, she observes that he doesn't look like the type of guy who would come to a joke shop. With his black tactical joggers paired with a plain black t-shirt, he seems out of place, but she knows he could say the same thing about her.
"Hopefully it will just wash away with my nerves," she brings the briefcase in front of her so she can grip the handle with both hands, "I don't know if you can tell but I've never been here before."
He glances down at her briefcase before shifting his gaze back up, "I wouldn't say it's too obvious, but you do look a bit overdressed. What's in the briefcase?"
"It's nothing," she chuckles nervously. "Would you believe me if I said I was trying to start a new trend?"
"Not at all but if you don't want to tell me you don't have to. My name's Charlie by the way."
"I'm Y/N."
"Well, I've got to get to work but it was nice to meet you."
"Yeah, you too." Y/N watches as Charlie walks into the joke shop and disappears into the sea of children.
She takes a deep breath as she tries to remember what Hermione told her to do. She needs to go inside and get a Penelope's Purple Pussy Cats. Take it to the front counter and ask if it comes in red. She remembers that Hermione told her to specifically ask "Does this come in red?" and she can't ask any other way.
After standing in place for a few more seconds, Y/N finally wills her legs to move and opens the large entrance door. If she thought the sound of children screaming and laughing was loud from outside the shop, it was even louder inside. Kids were running around—going from stand to stand—checking out whatever caught their eye. You would think it was the shop's opening day, but it's been open for years.
Y/N moves to the side as a group of boys run past her towards the back of the store. She looks around hoping to see what she's looking for, but there are too many people in the store to see anything else other than people. Right now, she's cursing Hermione for not giving her instructions for where the hell to find a Penelope's Purple Pussy Cats.
She slowly weaves her way through the crowd as she searches for what she's looking for. She can feel her nerves get more and more on edge as people bump into the briefcase she's holding.
After walking around the store for another ten minutes, she finally spots what she needs. Tucked into a corner of the store, behind what appears to be love potions, she finds the Penelope's Purple Pussy Cats. Y/N grabs the box closest to her and makes her way to the checkout.
As she approaches the checkout, she silently thanks the universe for there not being a line. She quietly approaches the blonde girl standing at the checkout and sets the Penelope's Purple Pussy Cats on the table, "Um...does this come in red?"
Y/N's heart starts to race as the girl stares at her silently. Did she say the wrong thing? Is this one big prank to make her look like an idiot?
The girl, Verity (according to her name tag), entered something in the cash register before turning back to her, "Three Galleons."
Y/N quickly dugs into the purse that is hanging from her left shoulder. She slams three Galleons onto the counter, wincing at how harshly she set them down.
Verity slowly scoops up the Galleons and puts them into the register. She closes the register as her other hand dings a bell right next to it. The ding rings loudly throughout the store.
Y/N's hands tap nervously on the briefcase's handle as she waits for something to happen. Hermione told her that someone would come and take her to where she needed to go, but is she supposed to stand here and wait or is she supposed to step aside somewhere?
"Bill will take you to find what you need," Verity says as a tall redhead—who, other than the large scars across his face, looks like the one she met earlier—emerges from the sea of people around the store. He stops when he's next to Y/N.
"Follow me," he says gruffly. He turns and starts walking toward the back of the store. Y/N tries to follow as closely as she can so she doesn't lose him amongst the crowd.
As they reach the back of the store, Bill opens a door with a sign that says 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' and gestures for her to follow him inside. Walking inside what appears to be a large storage closet, she watches as he easily moves a large shipping crate labeled 'FRAGILE' to reveal a trapdoor on the floor.
As he opens the trapdoor, Y/N can hear loud music and see flashing lights coming from the now-open hole in the floor. Looking a little closer, she can see an enclosed stone staircase that seems to spiral down into somewhere unknown. She looks up to see Bill looking at her expectantly—like she was supposed to just be okay with walking down into an unknown place underneath a joke shop.
"Are you going to go in?" Bill asks her.
"Yeah, obviously..." she looks back and forth from him to the staircase nervously, "Are Fred and George down there? If so, how do I find them?"
Bill's face somehow turns more serious than it was before, "What do you need with Fred and George?" He glances down at the briefcase in her hand before looking back at her face.
"I need to speak with them," she replies, straightening her posture a little to look more confident.
"About what?"
"That's none of your business."
Bill sighs, "Look, I don't know what you want from them, but they don't like to mix business with pleasure. If you need to speak to them about business, you'll need to make an appointment with Verity. If need to speak with them about something else," he looks her up and down, "you should be able to find them quite easily. Just don't come back crying when they don't see you again."
Y/N scoffs in disgust, "I'm here to talk business, and I won't be making an appointment. It's important."
"If it's so important, why can't you tell me?"
"Why would I tell you?"
"I'm their brother, and I'm the one holding this door open for you. I can easily close it if I'd like."
Y/N sighs as she contemplates what to do. Does she tell him why she's here? Does she turn around and come back another time? She doesn't know how many people know about her brother's involvement with the twins or about what he did.
"I need to talk to them about Cedric Diggory," she says, trying to look as serious as possible. Y/N notices Bill's jaw clench in anger when she says Cedric's name.
"What about Cedric?"
"I'm here to pay off his debt."
Bill scoffs, "What? He decides not to show up today and sends some girl in to pay off his debt for him. It's going to take a lot more than whatever's in that briefcase to make up for what he did."
"Well considering he's never going to show back up again, this is the best they're going to get." Y/N shrugs.
"What does that mean?"
"He's dead. Cedric's dead."
@xxemmarldxx @esposadomd @ladyjenjay
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swiftieblyth · 6 months
The Nightshade Sisters: The Sorting Hat
Warnings- dead mom, abusive dad, raised by aunt uncles and godparents, death eaters, Voldemort, violence and murder, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, all other Harry Potter stuff
Let me know if there’s anything else!
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Rosie stayed with Ron and Harry as they made their way up to the castle but never talked to them. 
“Welcome to Hogwarts,” an old lady in a which hat said to all the first years. “The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room. ‘The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting. I shall return when we are ready for you. Please wait quietly.” The lady walked away and all the students looked around.
“It’s true then,” a pale, blond-haired boy called, making everyone look at him. “What they’re saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.”
Harry and Ron looked at each other as the first years started merming around them. Rosie took a few steps back not wanting people to see her with him. 
“This is Grabbe, and Goyle,” the boy continued motoning to the two big boys next to him. He smiled and walked in front of Harry. “And I’m Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.” Ron laughed a little and the blond looked at him with disgust. “Think my name is funny, do you? No need to ask you yours. Red hair and a hammy down robe, you must be a Weasley. You’ll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than the others, Potter. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.”
“I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks.” Harry replied, Draco scoffed and walked away. As he turned he made eye contact with Rosie and smiled a bit, making Rosie blush. As Draco walked away the lady with the hat came back in and looked at them.
“We’re ready for you now. Follow me.” Professor McGonagall stated. She led them into the Great Hall and everyone looked around in amazement.
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“Ceddie, look,” Lacy called as she saw Rosie. “It’s Rosie.” 
Rosie looked over and saw her two siblings smiling at her, and gave them a smile and a small wave, as they did the same to her. Lacy made a heart of her hands and blew a kiss to Rosie.
“Well don’t embarrass her, Lace,” Cedric smiled.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t help it. I’m so proud of her. She’s gone through so much.”
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The group of first years made their way to the front of the room and got ready to be sorted into their houses. “When I call your name,” McGonagall explained. “You will put on the hat, and sit on the stool. Granger, Hermionie.”
“Oh no,” Herminoie breathed. “Okay, relax.”
“Mental that one.” Ron whispered to Harry as Hermionie got sorted into Gryffindor.
“Malfoy, Draco.” McGonagall called, and the boy from earlier made his way up to the sorting hat. Before the hat was even fully on his head it called out Slytherin. The blond smirked, and walked away to sit with his friends.
“Nightshade, Rosie,” McGonagall called. Rosie’s heart stopped as she made her way up, feeling everyone watch her.
Lacy grabbed Cedric’s arm and squeezed it.
Rosie sat on the stool and McGonagall put the hat on her head.
“Hm,” the hat recalled. “Interesting you are. Nightshade, sister of Lacy Nightshade?”
“Yes.” Rosie whispered. 
“Shy, girl, I could put you in Hufflepuff with your sister, but that doesn’t seem right. You’re intelligent like your uncle, definitely have his brains, and it seems more than just that.”
“I don’t have it, if that’s what you’re implying,” Rosie whispered. “I was just born an animagus.”
 “I see. There’s a darker side to you, a mysterious side. Just like your aunt. SLYTHERIN!” The hat yelled.
The Slytherins started cheering and standing up, as McGonagall took the hat off of Rosie’s head. Rosie made her way to the Slytherin table but looked at her siblings at the Hufflepuff table. Lacy gave her a small smile. “It’s okay, Little Ross. We still love you.” Cedric mouthed to her, making her feel better.
“Welcome to Slytherin,” someone smiled, as Rosie sat down at the table. Rosie smiled, but didn’t reply. Someone patted her back, making her flinch a little. She sat down hoping no one saw and looked down at the table.
Lacy saw Rosie flinch and let out a breath, squeezing Cedric’s arm. “Did you see that?” Lacy asked, trying to get a better few of her sister. “Can you see her? Is she okay?”
“She’s okay. She’s sitting. I saw everything happen. Someone just patted her back, and it scared her.”
“Oh poor girl.” Lacy sighed.
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A tall wizard with long white hair, and a long white beard stood up and opened his arms, getting everyone’s attention. “Welcome,” he called. “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!” The man finished, and dishes filled with food of all kinds appeared on every table.
Rosie grabbed some food and started eating, keeping to herself as everyone around her talked with their friends. “So Rosie,” the prefect sitting next to her asked. “Which one of your parents was in Slytherin?”
“Oh um,” Rosie struggled, looking at her food, not wanting to answer. “My aunt and uncle were both Slytherins.”
“What about your parents?” One of the big boys from earlier asked. 
Rosie looked up and saw the two big boys and the blonde looking at her. “W- what?”
The big boys snickered at her response but the blonde just kept staring at her, with curiosity in his eyes.
“You’re parents,” the other big boy replied. “Have you gotten any?”
“Yeah, just not Slytherin.” Rosie lied.
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The dinner finally ended and Rosie followed the Slytherins to their common rooms. Rosie went to her room and lied in her bed while everyone else was in the common room talking. Rosie looked at a picture of her and her family. It was taken last year before the accident. The family showed Cedric and his parents, Rosie, and Lacy, their aunt and uncle, and their younger cousins, Hannah and Emma. Emma was just a few months old in the picture, sleeping peacefully in her mother’s arms, and Hannah who was about five at the time was in her father's arms. Rosie put the picture down and started to cry into her pillow. 
After a few seconds Rosie felt something soft cuddling up next to her, Rosie looked up and saw her cat, Brownie, nuzzling her face into her side. “Hi, Brownie,” Rosie smiled, petting her cat.
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Rosie fluttered her eyes open and looked around the dark room. She noticed that everyone was there, she didn’t know what time it was but she didn’t care, she got out her book and went to the common room with Brownie following close behind. Rosie sat down on the couch in front of the fire and watched it as Brownie jumped into her lap. 
“I miss him, Brownie,” Rosie whispered, stroking her cat. “He was like my dad. I know he was my uncle, but he raised me after… After what happened with my parents.”
While Rosie was talking to her cat, the blonde boy, Draco, started making his way down the stairs to the common room. He stopped when he heard a soft quiet voice coming from the common room. He peeked his head around the corner and saw Rosie, talking, petting her cat who was on her lap. Tears threatened to fall out of her eyes. 
“Ceddie’s been a huge help to me over these past few months,” Rosie explained to the cat, a tear falling on her face. “I feel so bad for Hannah and Emma not being able to grow up with their dad, when he was actually a great guy. I wish my dad was good…” Rosie got cut off by a noise coming from around the corner. “He-hello?” She asked.
Draco walked around the corner and scared Rosie. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Draco explained. “I heard you talking and I was… Well I don’t know, I’ve barely heard you talk so I was listening.” 
Rosie stared at him with wide eyes, a hint of blush on her face. “How long have you been there?”
“Not long, I promise. I’m sorry, it’s just…” Draco struggled. “You don’t talk much do you?”
Rosie looked down at her hands, and shook her head. “It’s not that I don’t like people,” Rosie explained. “It’s just, they don’t like me.”
“Well, I like you,” Draco stated, sitting down next to her. “And I can talk for you when you need me to.”
“Thank you…Malfoy?” Rosie asked, unsure of his name.
“Draco.” Draco let out, putting his hand out to her.
“Rosie,” Rosie smiled, shaking his hand. “Rosie Nightshade.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Rosie Nightshade.”
“You too, Draco Malfoy.”
“Who were you talking to?”
“Oh, just my cat,” Rosie explained, gesturing to Brownie, purring on her lap. “Brownie. I have the cat and my sister has the owl.”
“You have a sister?”
“Yeah. I have an older sister, two younger sisters, and an older brother.”
“Wow, what’s it like having so many siblings? Is it fun?”
“It can be. My older siblings are both in Hufflepuff, so I don’t really understand why I’m in Slytherin.”
“Maybe there’s a reason you’re here. Maybe we were supposed to become friends,” Draco threw out.
“Friends?” Rosie asked. “We’re friends?”
“Yeah, is that a problem?”
“Well I mean, I’ve never had friends before.”
“What why?”
“No one likes me, when they get to know me, and hear about my life. They just pity me.”
“Rosie, I will never pity you.”
            “You don’t know that. You barely even know me.”
            “Then, let me know you. We could be great friends if you give me a chance.”
            “You have to promise not to pity me.”
            “I promise.”
“My mum died shortly after I was born, and apparently my dad became abusive.”
“Oh, Rosie, I’m so sorry,” Draco let out.
“It’s okay. I don’t really remember him, but my sister does.”
“What about your brother? Does your brother remember it?”
“My brother isn’t his son.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s technically my Godbrother. After my aunt and uncles found out about my dad, they fought to take us in. Once my aunt and her husband had their first kid they decided that we needed Godparents so, it only seemed fitting that they would be my aunt's best friends family. We had all grown up knowing them anyways, and my sister and I had already been really close with their son since birth. How ever, last year my uncle died, so me, my three sisters, and our aunt, and our other uncle, my aunt and mum's brother, moved in with our Godfamily.”
“Oh, Rosie, I’m so sorry.” 
“See, there it is. You’re pitying me, just like everyone else.”
“Rosie, I promise, that I’m not pitying you. I hate that all of that has happened to you, and I want to protect you from the world. If you’ll let me, I want to be your best friend.”
“I’d like that.”
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“How do you think she’s doing?” Lacy asked Cedric as they sat in the Huffelpuff common room. 
“Lace, she’ll be okay.”
“I know. But I’m just so worried about her. She was so worried about being in a different house than everyone she knows.”
“Hey, Lace, she’ll make friends, okay?”
“I know, but Cedie, I mean you know how hard things are for her.”
“I know, Lace.”
“And I mean gosh, she’s so close with Uncle Remus, and I know she’s going to hate not being able to be with him and take care of him during full moons.”
“I know. But hey, she’s going to write to him. You know that. She’s going to be just fine. How about you go to bed? We can see her in the morning.”
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Based on this Headcanon list (x) : Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! <This is Part 5!>
A/N: As said, I switched to a headcanon list because we have 7 books to get through, and it will take years if I only do the blurbs. Oh, and if you are in the market for some cute pro-Weasley shirts, check out my 'Weasley Suprmeacy' shirt here!
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
* It’s your third year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter’s second, and you’re having a pretty good year so far
* You’ve made your house team, and you’re doing pretty good in school, in fact, you’ve got a knack for potions and herbology
* “Good thing too or we’d be stuck up a creek without ya” Fred says grinning as he watches you show him how to make the simple “cure for boils” potion
* “And not sooner either, these things hurt more than you think” George complains, wincing every time he touches one
* “Well what did you think was going to happen when you tried to go into the girl’s changing room?” You ask with a sigh
* “In our defense we didn’t know it was the girls changing room, we just wanted a shortcut to the pitch”
* You hide a smile, that sounds about right
* Life is pretty good
* Until it isn’t
* “Enemy’s of the heir beware” the words leave your mouth in a murmur
* Your eyes trained on the blood-coated words on the wall
* You think you're going to be sick
* “That’s right you’ll be next mudbloods!” Draco shouts and immediately you feel two hands clasp both of your shoulders
* One is Fred’s and the other is George’s
* They insist on walking you back to your dorm
* “Really I’ll be fine, you should go check on your brother, Ginny was looking a little pale too” you insist but they keep pushing you forward
* “We can do that after you get back to your common room safely”
* If you’re Muggle-born they’re really protective of you over the next few months
* You’ve woken up to taping on your window more than once, yawning as you walk over to see who it is
* Only to see your favorite red-headed pair of doppelgängers
* “Couldn’t sleep” Fred says with a yawn
* “We were too afraid the heir of Slytherin would kill us in our sleep” George adds
* “Best we sleep here, so you can protect us and keep us safe” they finish in unison
* The next morning your dorm mates wake up to see them sleeping on the floor at the foot of your bed, drooling all over each other, wands clasped in their hands
* They absolutely refuse to let you stay in the castle for Christmas
* “Nope, no, no way in bloody hell,” George says defiantly
* “But I want-“
* “If you’ve got a death wish, you can just come home with us and eat mum’s cooking-”
* “So good you’ll go to heaven”
* They’re tugging you to the station before you can even protest
* “What about Ron?” You ask
* “What about Ron? He’s a big boy, besides it looks like those three are scheming-“ George starts
* “Schemings best left to the young ones, us old-timers have no place in it, best for us to go home and have some Christmas pudding, isn’t that right Percy?”
* Percy, who was only passing by gives you three a quizzical look before turning away with a shake of his head
* “Whatever nonsense you’re up to, leave me out of it”
* Fred turns to you with a grin
* “See even Percy agrees, leave the nonsense to the youngins’”
* Percy just keeps shaking his head
* “Come, Ginny, let’s sit somewhere away from them- don’t want you to be around bad influences”
* Their parents are thrilled to meet you
* “So you’re (Y/N)! We’ve heard so much about you-“
* So the twins talk about you at home huh?
* “- from Percy, he says your next in line to make prefect in your house,” she says patting you affectionately on the shoulder
* Percy nods from behind her
* “Cedric’s been recommending you to Sprout” He adds
* Your face burns and the twins grin behind you
* “Prefect (Y/N) I like the sound of that” George says with a mischievous grin
* “Don’t forget us when you’re rich and famous, soaking in the prefect bathroom like a big shot”
* You roll your eyes
* “Well since I’m such a big shot I guess I can overlook when you explode a toilet or two”
* The Weasley’s stay up until well past midnight for Christmas
* Molly knits you a matching scarf for the sweater she gave you last year
* “Well doesn’t it look dashing on you!” She says with a smile and she wraps it around your neck
* George and Fred are nervous you might not like it but you grin
* “I love it”
* George scrambles over
* “You want my scarf too?” He says already unwrapping his from around his neck
* “Take mine too, you look awfully cold,” Fred says
* There’s a Polaroid somewhere of you swaddled in five scarfs while Ginny and the twins laugh
* Percy is in the background looking disappointed- but one of those scarves is how
* At night, when the sleeping arrangements are all drawn up you’re with Ginny
* You lie side by side in her bed, you’re half asleep
* “Can I talk to you about something”
* You yawn and nod, not moving
* And then when she doesn’t say anything you say-
* “About Harry?”
* There’s another silence, but this one feels heavier somehow, and it wakes you up a bit
* “Just send him some chocolates for Valentine’s Day” you yawn patting her shoulder
* “Sign it with ‘your secret admirer’ if it makes you too nervous” you yawn again, feeling your eyes droop
* Is that why she’s been looking so sick lately? Too many nights lying awake at night thinking about a boy who doesn’t share her feelings
* “You know Ginny if something does nothing but cause you pain, and I know it’s not very Gryffindor-like, but you can just walk away from it yknow” you’re slurring, barely awake.
* “I can’t just walk away?” She asks and you nod
* “Of course you can”
* And then you fall asleep
* Completely forgetting about the conversation until it’s Valentine’s Day and you see Harry followed around by a singing valentine
* “So this is the fantastic advice you gave Ginny?” George asks, a teasing smile lifting onto his face
* “I told her to give chocolates! I don’t know a boy alive who doesn’t like sweets”
* “Well where’s our chocolate then?” Fred asks expectantly
* You look to George for some support, but he’s looking at you expectantly too
* “Oh I get it, all your chocolates are saved for pretty boy Diggory”
* You roll your eyes and shake your head while walking away
* What’s up with them and thinking that you have a crush on Cedric
* They do come back to their dorms with small bags of chocolate on their beds, just two pieces each
* But they smile like you gave them a lump of gold
* “Did you make them by hand?” One teases
* “Tasted like they were made with love, and all those warm fuzzy feelings” the other finishes
* You roll your eyes
* “You should just be glad the house-elf I found didn’t mind me taking a bit of chocolate”
* It surprises both of them that you actually did make them by hand
* They were really just teasing
* George is the one to make the first move
* “Well next time you go invite us too, I think it would be fun to learn how to make chocolates”
* George wraps an arm around your shoulders
* “We could give them to Snape and make him think he has a secret admirer,” Fred says with a grin, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulders as well
* “Send him a singing Telegraph and everything” George grins
* You shake your head and laugh, what a couple of bozos
* It is pretty funny to see Snape get all flustered though
* They get even more protective when Muggle-born students start getting petrified
* You’re never without one, or both of them
* “Looks like your bodyguard is here,” Cedric says with a teasing smile when he sees George waiting in the corridor outside your class for you
* You nod, moving to go meet him when you feel a gentle touch on your arm
* “Let him know that if he’s ever looking for a career change, I’ll gladly fill the spot” he ruffles your hair before you leave and you can see the teasing coming from a mile away
* But George doesn’t say anything when you walk over to him, walking together to transfigurations in moderate silence
* “So you and Diggory are pretty close” he finally says, breaking the silence
* You look up at him, his eyebrows are threaded together and his mouth is pinched into a frown
* It makes you think about the time you thought that maybe they wouldn’t spend as much time with you anymore when you were brewing the amortentia potion
* “Yeah but we’re closer,” you say bumping your shoulder against his arm, he laughs
* “That’s true”
* The mischievous glint in his eyes returns
* “I doubt he’ll feel the same once he finds out you drool in your sleep”
* You roll your eyes shoving him lightly which earns a laugh
* “I mean really (Y/N), it’s just a bit excessive innit? Most mornings your pillow is more drool than Cotten at this point, you should really get it checked-“
* You shove him harder laughing when he starts laughing
* “Big words from the boy who snores so loud his dorm mates left him floating on the lake”
* “It wasn’t my dorm mates, it was Fred and he did it to because I pretended I was him when I said something that upset Oliver Wood”
* Your eyebrows thread together
* Haven’t seen much of Oliver around now that quidditch has been canceled
* “What did you say?”
* George turns bright red and turns away
* “You’ve been spending an awful lot of time around that keeper for Hufflepuff lately” Wood was especially cranky as of late now that quidditch was canceled for the rest of the year
* And George doesn’t know why, but he gets so irked by it
* What does Wood care who he spends time with off the pitch? It’s not like he’s been taking it easy on you during matches or anything
* “It’s not my fault you don’t know how to talk to someone you’re attracted to”
* And then realizing how it sounded, and flushing red George claimed he was Fred
* He sounded like he was a jealous boyfriend or something
* It’s almost mortifying
* Almost
* “Nothing, don’t worry about it”
* And it’s the first sign for George that someone might have seen something in him that he hasn’t noticed
* But for now that doesn’t matter
* Because you’re here telling jokes like nothing’s changed
* When Ginny gets taken to the chamber you’re sitting with George and Fred in their dorm hugging them close
* You showed up outside their window on your broom, tapping on the glass until they opened it and enveloped you in a hug
* “Maybe it’s just one big mistake, and she’ll pop out any second saying she got lost on her way to the loo”
* “Maybe,” Fred says, but he doesn’t sound like he believes it
* “Everything’s going to be fine,” George says
* And you nod, because you really hope it does
* And by morning Ron and Harry show up covered in dirt with Ginny behind them who looks like she did at first
* With color on her face and vibrancy you haven’t seen on her all year
* “So good old Gildy was a fraud all along huh?”
* “Coulda fooled me”
* And then just like that you’re on the train home
* Joking with Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George about Percy’s secret girlfriend
* “It feels like it was just yesterday we were getting off the train and starting the year,” you say slightly wistful
* “Speak for yourself, Oliver Wood nearly killed me at practice with punishment drills for something I said apparently” Fred groans
* “Best to leave the adventuring to the young ones” George grins teasing you as you step onto the platform
* And just like that, it’s over
* And just like that it’ll be a new school year
* And the beginning of a new adventure
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Send me the name of an upcoming story (or chapter) and I will write a sentence (or two) for it 😊
Marauders Era
Golden Trio Era
Stranger Things
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justsparklingwords · 4 years
Christmas At the Burrow Would Include
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Waking up to the sound of the twins rushing down the stairs
Ron coming into your room to tell you to come downstairs for breakfast
There’s a whole feast of food for breakfast like eggs and bacon and lots of pancakes
Everyone is at the table wearing matching Christmas pajamas
Bill and Charlie come in a bit later with big smiles on their faces telling everyone about their travels of coming home in the snow
After breakfast, everyone gathers around the Christmas tree
Molly plays Santa and passes out presents to everyone
Everyone gets a sweater with their first name initial on it
The twins switch because Molly handed them the wrong one
After that, everyone goes outside to play in the snow
The twins are building a snowman
Ginny and Ron are sledding
Bill, Charlie, and Percy are making snow angels
Once it gets dark out, Arthur calls everyone in for hot chocolate
And the whole Weasley family sits around the fire drinking hot chocolate and wearing cozy sweaters and matching pajama pants
A/N: so this isn’t an x reader but I loved the idea of this. This is also a bit short, but I hope you all enjoy anyway! I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and Happy holidays ❤️💚🤍
*not my gif
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celestialevie · 3 years
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✧ - angst
✿ - fluff
✯ - smut
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heythereangels · 4 years
dating george weasley would include
pairing: george weasley x reader
a/n: Thank you so much to @mexyyr for the request. Sorry it took longer than I said, I had so much stuff go down thats last few days, but I'm just glad to get back to writing. I hope you enjoy this! And as always if you have any requests dont be shy.
warnings: I don't think so but please message me if you see any
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So you didnt really meet George until your 3rd year
Of course you knew who he was before that
He and his brother had made quite a name for themselves
You guys formally met when you caught him and Fred about to enact one of their pranks
He expected you to tell them off
Or maybe even go find a professor
But you just give them a smirk
"Can I help?"
From then on you were best friends
Omg that was so cheesy. But it's I like 2am so I'll give myself a pass
In 4th year, George decides that he's gonna ask you out
He's super confident at first
He's all like..
"I'm going ask Y/N out"
"Of course she'll say yes"
But then he gets up to you
And he just starts stuttering
"What did you need George"
"Wel- I.. i just-umm i need"
He'd just end up saying hi, turning around, and leaving
He would go talk to Fred after that
"What the hell do I do? What if she says no? Will she hate me?"
Fred's just like "chill dude"
He attempted to give George an inspiring pep talk
"You can do this!"
"I CAN'T do this!"
"You'll be fine!"
"I WON'T be fine!"
As you can see I didn't really work
George trys again the next day
This time he's able to get a single word
You automatically assume that a he's telling you that he has has a girlfriend
You're jealous of course
Cause you obviously like him back
I mean just look at him
But being the amazing friend you are you tell him that you're super happy for him
"That's great George, who is it?"
"What? Who? Umm"
"Who's your girlfriend?"
"I mean hopefully you. Could you- um. Would you want to be my girlfriend?"
And you just stand there like 😮
Eventually after a lot of confusion and incomplete sentences you've both established that you like each other
And are going on a date the next weekend to hogsmeade
The first date is so awkward a first
You've been out together before
But you've just never called it a date
It feels so different now that there's a label on it
But that awkwardness quickly fades away once you realize that you guys are still best friends
Just cause your dating now, it doesn't mean that you have to completely stop acting like friends
There are SO MANY awful pick up lines
“I’m not a photographer, but I can picture you and me together.”
"George, we're already dating!"
Ok so meeting his family
You obviously already know Fred and Ron
They both love you
Fred loves you because he has someone to help him play pranks on George now
Ron and you sneak down into the kitchen sometimes between classes
And you know Harry cause he plays Quidditch with George
You love this kid with your whole heart
You know he has a hard time getting his homework done sometimes
So you are 100% up for staying up as late as possible to help him get it done
(Yes I included Harry in the family section. All the Weasleys think of Harry as family. Don't fight me on this)
Ginny looks up to you so much it's crazy
She comes to talk to you about all the girl things (growing up with a bunch of boys is hard, I would know)
You don't meet the rest of his family until he invites you to come to the Quidditch Cup with him
(Yes I know the ticket numbers don't work. Just deal with it)
Molly hugs you literally every times she sees you
Arthur just loves to get to know you
He asks you questions about yourself constantly
You definitely become fast friends with Bill
You guys have a lot in common
And you have really interesting conversations with Charlie about his work
And Percy is Percy. I dont want to comment on that one
George is definitely not the type to get jealous
He trusts you completely
And you do the same
You play the guitar
And George loves to sit by you and listen to you play
He just finds in so calming
He has the cherish the quite moments
He doesn't get a lot of them
Okokok hear me out
George doesn't really like to cuddle when you guys are laying down
He just doesn't
HOWEVER before you get mad at me
He does like to cuddle when you guys are standing or sitting
He loves to have you sitting in his lap
And he's got his arm around you like 95% if the time
Honestly I should have said this before but I feel like George would date someone from any house
Overall, you guys go have the most loving relationship ever
You always support each other in whatever you guys do
And are always trying to find new, fun ways to spend time with each other
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angelblacksmith · 3 years
This is a small post dedicated to requests. I will be happy to receive requests with ideas. You can request with any character that is listed in my masterlist. You can request:
Headcanone/Would includes
Dating would include
Hugs would include
Kissing would include
Morning together would include
How the character comforts you
The character's reaction to betrayal
Sex would include
Kinks would include
One shots. Prompt list
you can also request one shot without a prompts
I am glad to see everyone, do not hesitate, I will accept any requests according to this post.
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