#charlie and skye
shipcestuous · 11 months
Speaking of sweet 16 killer, there is another earlier slasher movie called My Super Sweet Psycho 16. its about a guy named Charlie Rotter who owns a rollerdome and handles birthday parties. Its revealed he's a killer and kills spoiled teenagers. He gets turned in to the cops by his daughter Skye, but vanishes during a car crash. Years later, when Skye is older her bullies reopen the rollerdome for a party and charlie returns killing everyone who was awful to his daughter.
The second movie is about charlie trying to get Skye back and killing anyone who he sees as a threat to Skye, then he tells Skye he was doing everything for her. Charlie does die from the hands of skye, but its a slasher movie, he can always come back if they try to revive the movies lol.
While its not canon incest, they can be shipped, if anyone else out there is a slasher fan who also likes incest.
Hi Anon,
Charlie and Skye came up once before in this post. But I'm grateful for the new details. And to have another shipcest horror movie to potentially watch this month! (I still haven't seen this one.) Thanks for the recommendation!
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roastbeasts · 8 months
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been playing aa4 for charlie & now i'm thinking ab them...
image id: a digital sketch of trucy wright and ema skye from ace attorney. trucy is wearing ema's labcoat and has her bag, both of which are oversized. ema stands behind her with her hands in her pockets, smiling bemusedly. she is drawn fat, and a red carabiner hangs from her belt loops. end id
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awkwardaro · 4 months
Charlie def tops
But vaggie is big spoon despite the short
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nexttopbadbitch · 11 months
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gold storm
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isuckatgaymes · 3 months
so the long awaited sequel to my hazbin attorney drawings are finally here
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the amount of demons i was fighting designing adam and sera man. unreal
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part 1
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painted-kneecaps · 2 months
I realize i only posted a couple doodles of my weirdgirl AA OC and never introduced her, so here she is ✨
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Her name is Charlotte “Charlie” Tréuse, (GET IT. DO Y. DO YOU GET IT) and she’s Miles Edgeworth’s PA once he becomes Chief Prosecutor !! She grew up in France, and her family was close with the Gavins. She and Klavier were best friends as kids, though they lost touch after high school. They reconnected once she moved to the states, and Klavier was able to get her an internship as a favor for an old friend.
She hates Kristoph with a passion, having watched the way he manipulated Klavier growing up, and though she won’t directly admit it, hearing about his arrest was the deciding factor of her move, and the reason she reached out to her old friend.
Though she has no real interest in a profession in law, having gone to university for a degree in library science, she has an almost uncanny ability to spot inconsistencies in crime scenes, seeming to intuitively know when things are out of place and where they should be instead. When asked how she is able to tell so easily when things are off, she brushes it off as “simple logic,” a “knack for organization” or blames it on a childhood fascination with Nancy Drew.
She reads murder mystery novels in her free time, and enjoys accompanying Edgeworth on investigations, possibly a bit too much for someone at a murder scene.
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Despite Ema’s distaste for Klavier, and to his immense bewilderment, she and Charlie get on like a house on fire, often chatting for hours and geeking out over crime scenes and forensics. Ema uses Charlie as a sounding board for her theories, and Charlie offers her own brand of advice, pulled straight from the pages of her novels, and often, infuriatingly, turn out to have some truth to them. Because this is Ace Attorney.
Anyways, Miles hadn’t had a weirdgirl since Investigations so i made another one :) here’s some more doodles and a tiny klavier for ur soul <3
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the-al-chemist · 4 months
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Wrong, Skye
A/N: my darling @lifeofkaze wasn’t wrong when she sent this in — it really is the first of many. But, who am I to deny this legend?
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Granted, I haven’t entirely stuck to the brief. Rather than focusing on the conversation in the hospital wing, I’ve gone for the events leading up to it. Why? Because since Kaze’s AoB and SfB have finished, there’s been depressingly little Quidditch content around these parts. I may not be as skilled at sports writing as The Quidditch Queen herself, but I’m willing to give it a go. Characters in mention belong to @lifeofkaze, @thatravenpuffwitch and @that-scouse-wizard.
Warnings: Hyper-competitive sports people (they are scary and deserve a warning) and mild injury.
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The day of the first Quidditch match of the season had arrived, and Skye would have been lying if she were to tell anyone that she wasn’t anxious about the game. Although, if anyone were to ask, she would obviously have lied rather than admitted the truth about her feelings. She was a Parkin. Parkins were indomitable. Parkins were champions.
“Alright,” she said to her team — her team, she was the captain now — as they lined up at the entrance to the changing tent. “It aw starts here. First match of the year, an’ aw. An’ we’re gaun smash it, aye?” When no one said anything in response, she raised her voice. “Aye?”
The remaining six players let out a mixture of affirmative responses. None sounded too sure of themselves, but that may have been because half of them were halfway through repeating the word “aye” then correcting themselves to say “yes”, and vice versa for the other half.
Or, it may have been because they were not confident about the new change in team line-up.
In truth, Skye was beginning to think that she may have been wrong in choosing to play Seeker rather than Chaser this match. Her best friend Lizzie had told her not to, but Skye had already made up her mind on the matter. Yes, she had done so in haste and out of a fit of temper, but she was nothing if not committed. Which was more than what could be said of Artemis Hexley.
Skye had asked one small thing of Hexley: to find out from the Gryffindor Captain what his strategy was for the match. It shouldn’t have been that difficult, Weasley was a good friend of Hexley’s. But, Hexley had refused. She had put her friendship with a rival player above her teammates, above her Captain. That was why Skye had decided to take her out of the game for this match, and to play her role as Seeker herself. Yes, it was a risky strategy, but she was the captain, and she had to set an example. If your loyalty wasn’t to the team, then you couldn’t be on the team, simple as that.
As if to prove her point, when Skye stepped out onto the pitch, she could see that Hexley was in the stands, not even wearing Hufflepuff colours. Her scarf was striped in shades of green and purple and brown, not the yellow and black of the rest of the crowd.
“Nae bloody lealtie,” Skye muttered under her breath, her face tightening into a deep scowl.
That scowl became even more firmly etched into her features as she approached Weasley. As both Captain and Seeker for the Gryffindor side, Charlie Weasley would be her counterpart in two ways for this match. She made no attempt to hide her dislike of him as she shook his hand. He, however, only smiled at her. Arrogant arse. Skye couldn’t wait to wipe that smile of his face. Which she would do, just as soon as she caught the Snitch and won the game.
She would catch the Snitch. She would win the game. And then she would write to her father, and tell him it was a shame that he hadn’t been there to see her triumph. He would be proud. Maybe, he would even come to watch her next match.
Once the two team captain had shaken hands, the balls were released. First out of the trunk was the Golden Snitch, which fluttered its tiny wings and quickly flitted away. Skye swung her leg over broomstick. Next, the Bludgers, which had been wrestling so hard against their bindings that they almost exploded into the air. Skye’s hands gripped her broomstick tightly, her knees bent, her feet pressed against the ground. Then, Madam Hooch picked up the Quaffle and placed her whistle into her mouth. Every muscle in Skye’s body tensed, ready for the moment the whistle would blow and the red ball would be thrown upwards and into play.
When that moment came, she had to fight her instinct not to lunge for the Quaffle as she usually would. That was not the ball she was after today. Today, she had to focus on catching that Snitch.
Luckily, her new trio of Chasers were already off to a good start. Hopper seized the Quaffle and ducked under one Gryffindor player, before passing the ball over the head of a second Gryffindor to Jameson. Just as she had told them in their last practice, the Hufflepuff Chasers passed the Quaffle between them as they made their way up the pitch towards the goalposts, where Jameson took aim at the middle hoop and…
“GOAL!” The voice of Murphy McNully echoed across the pitch from the commentary box. “Ten points to Hufflepuff!”
Skye clapped her hands before shouting out to her teammates, “Aye, that’s it, ye belter! Keep that gaun!”
But her team did not keep their success going for long at all. Skye’s hopes were raised and dashed the next three times her Chasers attempted to score. Things went quickly downhill after the Gryffindors managed to equalise. After that, the Gryffindor players seemed to gain a bit more confidence, their Chasers tailing Skye’s own so closely that they struggled to pass the Quaffle between them without being intercepted.
“Dinnae let them mark yous so closely!” she called out as they flew past her. “Cummoan, lose them!”
Hopper must have heard her, as she swerved sideways to move away from the player on her back. In doing so, however, she almost moved into the path of an incoming Bludger. She ducked again, and the rival Chaser closed in on her, stealing the Quaffle right out of her hands. Skye’s mouth dropped open, incensed, as the Quaffle was flown back towards the Hufflepuff goalposts and thrown through one of the hoops.
“Oi!” Skye shouted. “That was a foul! Madam Hooch, I want a time out!”
Madam Hooch blew on her whistle, and Skye flew down alongside Hopper and the Gryffindor cheat.
“I didn’t touch her,” the Gryffindor was saying. Skye rolled her eyes.
“Aye, sure ye didnae.”
Skye was glad to see that Madam Hooch looked as sceptical as she was. They were bound to get a penalty for this, and Gryffindor’s ten points would be removed. That would place them back in the lead.
But, Hopper shook her head. “Actually, she didn’t.” Skye shot her a look, which she ignored. “I fumbled the Quaffle when I dodged that Bludger. It wasn’t a foul at all.”
The matter was decided. Before Skye could argue, Madam Hooch was raising her whistle towards her lips once more.
“No contact, no foul!” she said.
Skye took to her broomstick again, and the match restarted, with more promising results. After Willows — good lad, that Willows — managed to take out the Quaffle thieving Gryffindor Chaser with a Bludger, it gave her own Chasers an advantage, allowing Jameson to equalise with a goal of her own. Skye applauded as loudly as any of the spectators.
“Now, that’s what I’m talking aboot!” Skye called out after her Chasers. “Get on the offensive, we’ve got the player advantage, ken? Willows, Bean, keep the Bludgers away from them so they can concentrate on—”
“And it looks like Weasley has seen the Golden Snitch!”
At the sound of Murphy McNully’s voice, Skye stopped talking immediately. She looked up and across the pitch, just in time to see Weasley accelerating, his eyes focused on a point in the distance. McNully was right, he had seen the Snitch. She set off after him at speed. She was not going to let him get there first, not in a million years.
Weasley was a good flier, even Skye had to admit that, but everyone knew that his family was poor, and hers was a Quidditch dynasty. His broomstick was no match for hers at all, and when he had to turn a corner, she was able to close down the distance between them considerably.
When he then took a steep dive, Skye followed him without even a moment’s hesitation. She moved her hands forward on the handle of her broomstick to push it deep into her dive, so steep that she was almost vertical, flying down as fast as she possibly could.
She could not let him win. She would not let him win.
“Cummoan, cummoan,” she muttered through gritted teeth. As if it was listening to her, the broomstick cut through the air, and she sped up, getting closer and closer to Weasley, just behind him, level with his tail, and then almost side-by-side.
And then, Weasley stopped.
It took less than half a second for Skye to realise that he had pulled out of his dive, but by then, it was too late. The ground was getting closer, and though she tried to stop her own broomstick, she was flying too fast, and at too steep a trajectory, to stop herself from continuing to plummet downwards. She had enough time to screw her eyes closed and brace herself for impact before she crashed.
When she opened her eyes, the world was blurry. Madam Hooch, Madam Pomfrey, Jameson, and Weasley were all standing over her. There was a ringing in her ears and the taste of grass in her mouth. She tried to get up onto her feet, but her legs had apparently turned to jelly. Once more, her body hit the ground.
“Stay down, Miss Parkin,” said the sharp voice of Madam Pomfrey, who took out her wand. Skye recoiled as she used it to shine a white light into her eyes.
“Och, but I’m grand,” Skye muttered, pushing the wand away from her face. “Where’s ma broom? I want tae get oan with the game.”
Madam Pomfrey laughed as she pocketed her wand. “Not today. The game is over for you, girl.”
“What? Dinnae tell me he caught the Snitch when he pulled out of the dive?”
Lizzie frowned. “Skye, I don’t think there was a Snitch…”
It took a moment for Skye to understand what Lizzie meant. But then she saw the sheepish look on Weasley’s face.
“Ye were feinting?” Skye lunged at Weasley, who took a step backwards from her. She fell forward onto the ground, and crawled after him. “Och, I’ll batter you, ye wee—”
“Perhaps you should escort Miss Parkin to the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey,” said Madam Hooch.
“But this isnae fair! I’m the Captain, I have tae play! If I’m not on that pitch, then we’ve lost, and he kens it! Ye cannae let that bloody cheat get away with it!”
“Is the Wronski Feint cheating?”
As if he had heard Weasley’s question, Murphy McNully began to speak, his voice clearly audible from the commentary box.
“This risky but perfectly permissible manoeuvre was invented by Polish Seeker Josef Wronski…”
Skye let out a strangled noise, and found herself being lifted onto her feet. She continued to argue as Madam Pomfrey marched her off the pitch, but the Healer paid her words no attention. As they left the stands behind them and made their way over the grounds towards the Hospital Wing, Skye’s sense of injustice and frustration gave way to shame, embarrassment, and fear.
How would she ever be able to tell her dad about this?
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shipcestuous · 2 years
Hi there! I'm a bit of a newbie with incest ships, and frankly most if them overlap with horror media, but I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see Nick/Carly, Clay/Jonathan (baby's first incest ship, lol), David/Mia and Sabrina/Lucifer on here!
I was wondering if I could give you a recommendation for a potential father/daughter ship? It's from a film series called My Super Psycho Sweet 16 that aired on MTV from 200p-2012. In the first two films, the main protagonist Skye is a social outcast because her father, Charlie, murdered a couple of teens at the rollerskating club he owned I believe about 10 years ago (my memory's a bit foggy, lol) and he ends up faking his own death and escapes prison at the start of the movie. He ends up killing everyone who ever picked on Skye brutally at this bitchy girl's sweet 16 party that's being held at his old rollerskating club, which Skye decided to crash. There's a great moment where Skye is lured up by some bullies wearing her dad's old costume and she reaches out to touch his mask, and she just looks so mesmerized in that scene. It's always stuck with me.
There's also him tracking her down after she ran away at the end of the first film and he literally says "you're not going to take Skye from me" before murdering her new step dad, among many other things that happen. It's kind of an obscure and (obviously) dated series, but the dynamic of these two always intrigued me---it has a similar feel of the balance that comes with obsession, protectiveness, and a twisted but very genuine love that reminds me a lot of Michael and Laurie's relationship in the Rob Zombie films, and I was wondering if anyone else can see it too, or if its just my shipper brain going nuts (again). Skye also has a little sister named Alex who she also develops an interesting relationship with throughout the second and third films as well (trying to avoid spoilers lol).
PS: I noticed you looked at Cherry Falls a while ago and, having recently watched that movie for the first time a few days ago, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed the tension between Jodie and both her father and Leonard 💀
Take care! <3
Thank you so much for this recommendation, Anon! I had not heard of this movie series. Charlie's obsession with his daughter sounds fascinating, and there's a lot to explore with what I'm sure are Skye's very complicated feelings towards her father. I love that there's a family at the center of this series.
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 months
My Type? Quidditch Players
Event: Day 1 of @hphm-ship-week
Prompt: Quidditch
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Penny Haywood would never have guessed that her type would be quidditch players. As a child, she’d always preferred the goofy, slightly bumbling sidekick, the funny guy. She hadn’t been big about quidditch or football or any other sport… until her first year, when she’d attended her first quidditch game and fell in love with the sport.
From that point on, Penny had developed crushes on nearly every quidditch player in her year and above. Some were short lived, like the one on Hufflepuff’s captain, Orion Amari, and on Ravenclaw’s keeper, Andre Egwu. Others lived a little longer, like the one on Ravenclaw’s beater, Erika Rath, and on Gryffindor’s seeker, Charlie Weasley. (Coincidentally, that crush coincided with Sara O’Donnell’s crush on the second Weasley brother.) There were only two that stuck for longer than a few months.
The first one was Skye Parkin. Penny had been taken with the older Gryffindor girl since they’d been casually introduced at an after quidditch party. At first, Penny hadn’t recognized it as a crush. She’d thought it was just admiration. It wasn’t until her third year that Penny recognized those feelings as a crush. However, she’d never thought about doing anything. Skye was much too well known and well, Ryan O’Donnell didn’t get along with her. Penny trusted Ryan’s judgment, almost as much as she trusted Sara’s judgment on character.
The second one, and in the end, the only one that truly mattered was Ryan O’Donnell. She had known the Gryffindor chaser since first year. They’d been friends since then too. Ryan hadn’t been a quidditch player then. He’d only been known as one of the quadruplets and as the cursed kid, the cursed Cian O’Donnell’s kid brother. She hadn’t expected to fall in love with him. And as it turned out, Ryan was everything that she had ever dreamed about in a romantic partner. Penny supposed it was his position on the quidditch team that made her realize she liked him romantically. And when they dated briefly in sixth year, Penny had pilfered on of his quidditch shirts. And if Sara had ever noticed that Penny was wearing her brother’s shirt, well, the other girl had never said anything. 
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
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A quick round up of updates on the blog including new characters added to the ASK LIST and a list of fics that went out last week:
New Fics:
Beyond Paradise:
The Last of the Summer Wine (NSFW) - Archie brings you a bottle of your fav wine as a thank you gift.
Chicago Med:
Fourth of July - Mitch and Marley 2.0 have a lot more in common than you realise.
The First Time (NSFW) - Jack reveals his secret during your first time together.
Coffee & Cake - Connor knows how to cheer you up. 
Familes - Sean meets your family for the first time.
Cobra Kai:
Letting Go - It takes you leaving for Terry to realise he needs to make a change.
Criminal Minds:
How You Need It (NSFW) - Luke hasn't been paying you enough attention.
Jack - Stuart discovers that he fathered a child with Nina.
FBI - Most Wanted:
Love Letters - Clinton finds your love letter in his bag.
Love Note - You wake up to a note from Dwight the morning after.
The List - Duke makes a list of the reasons you should stay with him.
Come Home - Duke travels to Nova Scotia to bring you home.
Law & Order:
How High - You say jump, Nick asks how high.
Law & Order SVU:
POLY!AU - Mike Duarte, Joe Velasco, Terry Bruno X Reader
Day to Day - How it works in the day to day
Various HCs - A variation of HCs for the Poly
How We Met & How Alden Finds Out About Kris
All The Federales Say... - Alden tells you about what happened to Bonnie.
Portland - You and Alden take some time off to recalibrate after Bonnie.
Grief - Nick tries to be there for you after the discovery of your sister's body.
NCIS Hawaii:
Ophelia!Series: Part Three: Ohana - Charlie goe to Joe to get help.
NCIS - New Orleans:
Ro - Dwayne starts to see you in a different light.
The Rookies - Feds:
Not The Way That I Love You - Brendon cancels his wedding.
Reverence (NSFW) - Kozik treats you the way you deserve.
Unburied - You're forced to make a choice when one of your secrets becomes unburied. (Chibs x Reader)
Top Gun Maverick:
Love Me In Red (NSFW) - Beau has always loved you in red.
Wishes - Ryan wishes things were different between the two of you.
The Next Step - Travis asks you to take the next step in the relationship.
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carewyncromwell · 2 months
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Day 1 (Quidditch) for @hphm-ship-week
"Can you give me one reason why You'd ever let me down? I won't believe it baby, but I'll try -- The truth's gonna come around...
The sky is the limit now! We can hit it on the nail, And when we do, I'll think about you..."
~"Skies the Limit" by Fleetwood Mac
In the Quidditch world, a person who can play more than one position well is a valuable thing. Oftentimes that player would be really good in their primary position while still being capable in that secondary position. Ethan Parkin, for instance, was best as a Beater, but he once took over as his team's Keeper after the first one was knocked out with a Bludger half-way through the game. In fact, all Parkins grew up learning about all four positions, even if they ultimately chose one over all the others.
A true triple- or quadruple-act in Quidditch, though -- someone who could play three or even all four positions well -- was incredibly rare. But hey, there's a reason people call Orion Amari a Quidditch prodigy.
Although on the Slytherin team, Orion played as Chaser (and from fourth year on, served as Captain), he was so adaptable and talented at Quidditch that he managed to master the other three positions as well by the time he was thirteen. This helped him with training new players as well as his more seasoned teammates. His extensive knowledge of flying and the different positions also resulted in him creating several brand-new Quidditch techniques while he was still at school -- Tossing the Torch, where a Beater threw their bat to a teammate to protect themselves from a Bludger; the Wronkski Fake-Out, a variation of the Wronkski Feint where a Seeker leads the enemy Seeker on a wild goose chase thinking they saw the Snitch to distract them and wear down their stamina; and of course his signature move, Inspired Broom-Surfing. A lot of these techniques took center stage when Orion engaged in Quidditch friendlies.
Unlike his teammate and friend Skye Parkin, Orion wasn't particular about who he played with in friendly matches, and thanks to his talent in all four positions, he also wasn't particular about which position he played. One of his favorite people to play with, however, was a person who'd once been on the Slytherin team and Orion dearly hoped would someday return to it -- Hogwarts's infamous "Cursebreaker," Carewyn Cromwell.
When Orion first met Carewyn, he'd assessed that she'd had the body type suited to a Seeker, but she quickly turned out to be a Chaser through and through. She flew in only one official match -- the first in Orion's fourth year, against Hufflepuff -- but she left a lasting impact on the team and on Orion in particular, and even with her departure after a falling out with Skye, Orion left the door open for Carewyn to rejoin his Quidditch "family" whenever she wished. Fortunately, although Carewyn was preoccupied with dealing with the Cursed Vaults and finding her lost brother, she would still try hard to make some time to play in friendlies alongside her Quidditch friends, Gryffindor Seeker Charlie Weasley and Ravenclaw Keeper and Reserve Seeker Andre Egwu. And, as you can expect, this also allowed her to fly again alongside and even sometimes against her team's Captain.
The first time Orion and Carewyn flew in a friendly match together, they were on opposing teams.
Carewyn had come with her new friend and fellow fourth year Charlie, so they joined the same friendly team. And as luck would have it, Orion ended up on the other team as their Star Chaser.
Orion's team ended up taking the lead early. Carewyn had been so startled and happy to see Orion that he took advantage of her lack of focus and -- with a broad, delighted smile -- stole the Quaffle out from under her and her fellow Chasers to score twenty points against the Keeper in the span of just five minutes. Carewyn pretty quickly got her head into the game and immediately set about taking Orion head-on. Soon they were chasing each other all around the field. Carewyn would try and fail to disturb Orion's balance, only to predict his move and block his goal before it could fly past her Keeper. Orion would try and fail to block Carewyn, only to silently sneak up beside her and swipe the Quaffle out from under her arm.
The game ended 200-100, thanks to Charlie catching the Snitch.
"Your focus has improved," Orion told Carewyn after the fact.
Carewyn gave an irritable huff. "Hardly! You outscored me by fifty points."
"Success can be proportional, Carewyn Cromwell," said Orion calmly. "It's unsurprising that a formidable Chaser would be less of a threat when playing alongside less experienced teammates."
He smiled.
"You did very well today."
Carewyn, still clearly not happy with herself, nonetheless felt the corner of her lips turning up slightly.
"...Mm, not nearly as good as you. But thank you."
The next time Carewyn and Orion collided at a Quidditch friendly that year, they were on the same team. This time, though, all the positions but one had been filled by the time Orion strolled in, so he ended up playing as Beater.
Carewyn honestly wasn't sure how Orion would do in the position. He was such a pacifistic personality, it was kind of hard to imagine him acting aggressively. But to her immense surprise, Orion showed an astounding amount of both strength and control while wielding the Beater bat. Rather than smack the balls at other players indiscriminately to knock them off their brooms, he took a very measured approach. He'd lie in wait like a wild cat and then lash out, hitting a Bludger into another player at just the right angle to hit their arm and make them drop the Quaffle. Other times he'd redirect a Bludger mid-flight and send it careening into the opposing Keeper, forcing them to dodge and in the process let the Quaffle in. The most notable moment of that friendly match came, though, when Carewyn was just about to score and Orion -- appearing seemingly out of nowhere -- flew up in front of her to whack a Bludger right back at the rival Beater who'd initially smacked it toward her. The Bludger hit the opposing Beater squarely in the chest and winded him so badly that he nearly fell off his broom as Carewyn scored.
"Score!" cried McNully from somewhere in the stands. "Ten points!"
Carewyn flew up alongside Orion, exhaling in relief.
"Are you all right?" Orion asked.
His face was calm, but his black eyes grazed her frame quickly.
Carewyn nodded. "Mm-hmm. Thanks to you."
Orion's features softened.
"Anemones sting as part of their nature," he said. "But that doesn't mean they aren't happy to know that their nature can protect the clownfish they call their friend."
Carewyn grinned amusedly. "I think that bloke's going to do a bit more than just sting, after how hard you hit him with that Bludger."
"I shall deliver a proper apology and some Wiggenweld Potion after our victory," Orion said coolly.
The seventh time Orion and Carewyn collided during a friendly -- which was also the first time in Carewyn's fifth and Orion's sixth years -- the two ended up on opposing sides again: this time with Carewyn playing support to her boyfriend Andre Egwu as Chaser and Orion opposing them both as Keeper.
Carewyn had always been a perfectionist. It's something she and Andre had in common, and when the two had been dating, this feeling was only magnified in them, as they wanted to do perfectly both for their own sake and so as to look good in front of their partner. This made it so that when Orion effectively blocked every single goal Carewyn threw at him in those first thirty minutes of the friendly match, both she and Andre were absolutely beside themselves.
"I thought," Andre huffed in exasperation after blocking his tenth goal in the span of ten minutes, "that Amari was supposed to be a Chaser!"
"Orion is many things," Carewyn said tiredly.
"Well, right now, what he is is getting on my nerves," Andre fumed.
Orion seemed to have sensed he'd gotten under his opponents' skin. He was standing in mid-air on his broom in front of the hoops, balancing on one foot and crossing his arms as he smiled wryly.
"Don't lose your center of balance, Carewyn Cromwell!" he called over, his voice almost frustratingly casual. "A Snidget can't fly as well without it."
"'Center of balance,' honestly..." Andre muttered sourly, "let me knock you off your broom and we'll see how well you can balance -- "
Carewyn, however, didn't respond -- she was too irritated to speak coherently. Instead she flew right back out onto the pitch, prepared to go up against Orion again. The Slytherin Captain watched her with a calm, nonchalant expression, not moving even as she again swept through all three of the other Chasers. She ducked and weaved, before finally getting up onto her broom herself and surfing on the back of it.
The use of his signature move made Orion beam. It threw off the other Chasers, and Carewyn moved with direct focus, right toward Orion. She feinted left and then shot right --
And Orion caught the Quaffle in one hand.
With a smile, he tossed the Quaffle off to the left, right toward his closest Chaser. Carewyn, expecting this, swerved out in front, using her feet to swing her broom around and smack the Quaffle right back at him.
It soared through the right-most hoop.
"Score!" McNully's voice rang out in the distance.
Somewhere behind them, Andre was cheering.
Carewyn, however, could only breathe heavily. Orion looked at the hoop and then over at Carewyn, his smile broadening.
"Well done," he said.
But Carewyn was unable to accept the praise. She glanced back over her shoulder at Andre and then at the scoreboard.
"The match isn't over yet," she said tersely.
And she flew away, leaving Orion with less of a smile than before.
Despite her best efforts, Carewyn didn't manage to score any more goals against Orion that day. The match ended with a score of 190-10, with Carewyn leaving early, unable to face Andre or her friendly teammates with how terrible she felt her performance had been.
The next day Carewyn found a short note hidden inside her schoolbag, written in very messy, loopy handwriting.
I know yesterday was unhappy for you, but please know that you made your team proud. I only wish that the team you made proud had been mine -- perhaps then my pride in you would've been easier to see. You are a brilliant player, Carewyn Cromwell. Do not be discouraged. Orion
The last time Carewyn and Orion collided at Hogwarts's Quidditch friendlies that year was right after Carewyn's OWLs. Just about all of the Slytherin team had been there that week. They'd been knocked out of the running very early on due to Orion being knocked off his broom by one of Erika Rath's Bludgers and needing time to recover. Now that they'd finished some soul-searching and team-bonding, the Slytherin team wanted to practice in preparation for the next season. As part of a training exercise for the whole team, Orion assigned his teammates (and himself) to play different positions in the next few friendly matches. The previous day Skye had done admirably playing as a Beater for her friendly team, and this day Orion ended up as Seeker, alongside Carewyn as Chaser and opposing Gryffindor's Star Seeker, Charlie.
Charlie had always been a brilliant Seeker. He'd scored the position back in his second year just as Orion had earned his own position as Slytherin Chaser in his, and thanks to Charlie, Gryffindor had won every match in the last four years excluding their finals against Ravenclaw, where Erika Rath would take Charlie out with her well-aimed Bludgers. Carewyn suspected that this may have been why Orion wanted to go head-to-head against Charlie -- if he and the Slytherin team had any hope of beating Gryffindor and winning the Quidditch Cup, he had to get a good look at Charlie and the way he played. And Orion did do a lot of observation -- not just of the Snitch, but of Charlie. He made very good use of the Wronkski Fake-Out throughout the friendly match, taking note of Charlie's agility and focus. To his credit, Charlie kept up with Orion very well, and ended up sussing out his ruse a few times when he looked around and saw nothing for Orion to be focused on. The Gryffindor even ended up ducking a Bludger Orion had smacked away from him and at Charlie thanks to his Beater "Tossing the Torch" to him with a grin akin to a Cheshire Cat's.
As Charlie and Orion played their silent game of game-worthy wits, though, Carewyn ended up noticing something they didn't. A flare of gold beside the left goal hoop.
Not wanting to alert Charlie, she instead snatched up the Quaffle, flying back toward the goal hoops. Racking her brain for an idea, she settled upon the weird one.
"If you want me, you can find me Left of center, off of the strip!"
Just about everyone was bewildered by Carewyn singing out of nowhere. Both Charlie and Orion looked at her, the first bewildered and the second merely startled.
Carewyn tried not to blink as she flew right past Orion, her eyes flitting back over his shoulder. She was desperate not to look directly at the Snitch herself, for fear of tipping off Charlie.
"In the outskirts and in the fringes -- In the corner -- out of the grip!"
Orion miraculously seemed to catch on. Unfortunately when he glanced over his shoulder, Charlie seemed to regain his focus, and within seconds, he'd spotted the Snitch too. Both of them took off like a shot from opposite sides of the pitch, right for the tiny golden ball fluttering on the far end.
Both Orion and Charlie's teammates tried to run interference. Charlie's Beaters hit Bludgers at Orion, which he dodged; Orion's Chasers, including Carewyn, tried to block Charlie, but he was just too fast. Ultimately the two ended up shoulder to shoulder as they pursued the Snitch -- they dived, ducked, and spiraled, both trying to shake the other off and catch the Snitch first.
Orion pretty soon got up onto the back of his broom and surfed through the air, up and over Charlie to try to overtake him. It seemed to work at first -- but just as Orion was about to snatch the Snitch out of the air, Charlie did something perfectly mad. Keeping the bottom of his broom under his legs so as to avoid a foul, the second-eldest Weasley grabbed onto one of the nearby banners in one hand and swung around the pillar, right in front of Orion. Orion had to quickly course-correct to avoid colliding with Charlie and falling off his broom -- and in that moment he needed to withdraw, Charlie managed to snatch the Golden Snitch himself.
Just about everyone watching swarmed around Charlie afterward to praise him for the amazing catch. Orion was gracious enough to shake Charlie's hand too, though he did exhale heavily through his smile once Charlie rushed over to talk to Andre.
"You were brilliant, Orion," Carewyn murmured. "You deserved to win that time."
Orion gave a shrug.
"Charlie Weasley is a formidable opponent," he said quietly. "He always has been."
Carewyn nodded grimly. Orion glanced at her with a small smile.
"But still, this loss has some benefits."
Carewyn looked at him curiously. "Did you figure out something useful about Charlie's flying?"
Orion's black eyes twinkled wryly. "Indeed. Our opponent has taken a leaf out of my book, in finding creative ways to subvert us. But he can still be distracted from his goal -- your singing was more than enough proof of that. We just need to consider how best to take advantage of this fact."
Carewyn smiled. "If there's anyone creative enough to figure out a way to do it, it's you, Orion."
Orion's lips spread into a smile too. Bringing his broom up and over his head so that he could rest it along his shoulders, he began to stroll off the pitch, Carewyn on his other side.
"If you don't mind, Carewyn Cromwell," he said leisurely, "how does the rest of that song go?"
Carewyn's smile spread into a fuller grin and obliged.
"When they ask me, 'What are you looking at?' I always answer, 'Nothing much -- not much -- ' I think they know that I'm looking at them; I think they think I must be out of touch,
But I'm only in the outskirts and in the fringes, On the edge and off the avenue, And if you want me, you can find me Left of center, wondering about you...
I think that somehow, somewhere inside of us, We must be similar, if not the same, So I continue to be wanting you, Left of center, against the grain...
And if you want me, you can find me Left of center, off of the strip -- In the outskirts and in the fringes -- In the corner, out of the grip..."
Years later, in the midst of the Second Wizarding War, Orion would hear the full song playing on a Muggle radio, and it sparked the first smile his face had known in months.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 6 months
International Transgender Day of Visibility 🏳️‍⚧️💛🤍💜🖤
I have nothing new this year but I do have something to add myself.
Those of us who are trans, non-binary or gender non-conforming have probably had this at least once, that people can "always tell", decide that because we either do or don't fit their idea of what being man, woman or non-binary looks like they can misgender us even after we make it clear that pronouns we use and names we wish to go by.
And yeah, my non-binary OCs get that a lot too! It's weird to them and me that people insist that we must belong to one or the other when the reality is we've made ourselves and have the freedom to express ourselves. Happily, colourfully, free from the boxes others want to shrink us into.
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I've known since I was in my teens that I wasn't so sure about where I fit when it came to gender, just I didn't have the language or education back then as it was banned back then! But it didn't stop me wondering why I felt like neither male or female fit. Neither did it stop me wondering if I could use neutral pronouns years later. I didn't bother because I knew people would ask why or think I was stupid and I didn't even know non-binary was something. I do now.
So no, it's not a trend. It's not something I learned from others. What it is, is people who have made it possible for us to be acknowledged, more visible and recognised. And that is what today is for.
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livingunderlies · 4 months
Part three of the incorrect quotes post😊😆😆
Mc: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Mc: I got an idea! Bill: Does it involve breaking the law? Mc: By now don’t you think that’s a given? Bill: I was just trying to be optimistic. Mc: Don’t bother.
*The Squad is on a hike* Penny : It’s beautiful out here. Andre: And quiet. Badeea: Too quiet. Mc: Did we lose someone? *cut to Barnaby with a bear in a headlock*
Mc : *bites lip* Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are? Cop: That isn’t gonna work, hands behind your back.
Tonks: Chiara? I mixed redbull with coffee and now I can see sounds, should I worry? Chiara: Tonks, I swear to god—
Andre: I love making parties more interesting by telling strangers “I want you to know that I personally have no problem with you being here.”
Victor: Is Mc always like this when they lose? Penny: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Mc : You bumped that table and you know it!
Talbott , looking over Badeea shoulder: You can draw? Badeea, stopping what they were doing: You can speak?
Jae : ‘Technically legal’, the two best words in the the English language, right before ‘cowboy spectacular.'
Andre: Where’s Mc? Talbott : Around. Andre: Around? Andre: You don’t have any idea, do you? Mc , dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?
Talbott : I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Mc: What have you done with Chiara? Jae: Nothing. Why, do you think I should?
Mc : My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Barnaby: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely* Mc : That one. I want that one.
*out grocery shopping* Barnaby: *takes a free sample twice* Barnaby: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
Orion: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Mc . They're mad at you. Mc: No, it's Murphy. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Murphy: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Skye: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Murphy: I stand by my choice.
Orion: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk? Murphy: *sighing* Mc. Mc : Fuck shit up out there, but don’t die. Skye: *wiping away a tear* So inspirational.
Murphy: We call that a traumatic experience. Murphy, turning to Mc : Not a "bruh moment". Murphy, turning to Orion: Not "sadge". Murphy, turning to Skye: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
The Squad: *walking at the mall* Mc : Hey, have any of you guys seen Talbott ? They’ve been gone for a while.. Penny: Eh, nope. Jae : No, I haven’t... Badeea: Probably ran off to McDonald’s or something. Talbott : Hey. Mc: Ooh, there you are- Chiara: What the fu- Penny: I- where were you?! Talbott : Walking right behind you guys.
Tulip: Hello friends! The Squad: Tulip: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling.
Mc : ARE YOU- Skye: Fucking. Mc : KIDDING ME?! YOU- Skye: Fucking. Mc : IDIOT! Orion: …What was that? Skye: Murphy banned Mc from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
*Corey is fighting a monster* Mc : Just stay calm! You already have everything you need to beat it! Corey: The power to believe in myself!? Mc : No, a knife! Stab it!
Talbott: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Mc : Erika, my old friend! Erika: I think you tried to kill me at some point.
Mc : That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.
Talbott : Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake. Badeea: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Penny. Talbott , pointing their hot glue gun towards Badeea: You’re on thin fucking ice.
Diego : That shirt looks great, Jae . Jae : Thanks. Diego : But I bet it would look even better on Chiara's floor. Chiara: Are you hitting on Jae ... for me?
Jae : I have very high standards, you know. Chiara: I can make spaghetti... Jae : Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Mc: When I see initials carved into a tree with a heart I think it’s so romantic. Two lovers on a date... one of them carrying a knife for some reason.
Mc: Sorry I can’t be emotionally vulnerable with you it’d ruin the mystery.
Mc: I never understood why people cared so much about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself. Mc: *Picks up Barnaby* Mc : I’ve only befriended Barnaby for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then my self.
Tulip: I honestly feel like some of our conversations here are almost word-for-word accurate to the generator. Andre: Yup. Mc : Maybe the generator is watching us. Tulip: Wouldn't that imply this conversation will be added? Tulip: ... Tulip: Wait—
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skye707 · 2 years
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C'mon, Murdock.
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akaryuga · 2 years
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*ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚˗ˏˋᗰદ૨૨ʏ ᘓમ૨ıડτന੨ડˎˊ˗༝﹡˖˟ ⸜₍⁽ˊ꒳ˋ⁾₎⸝ ༝﹡˖˟
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IG HPHM Xmas Collab 2022
thank you @mari-seaweed and @lisin-drw for hosting the collab on IG! お疲れっす!ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝthanks again from Tumblr.
Also thank you for the invite!(⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+ and let me draw my favourite Merula 🥺🫶
Don't forget to check out the other artists!
They are awesome too.(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Characters and artists: (/IG)
(if I forget to tag / wrong tag your Tumblr let me knowヽ⁠(⁠(⁠◎⁠д⁠◎⁠)⁠)⁠ゝ)
• Penny Haywood - @mari-seaweed
• Skye Parkin - @lisin-drw
• Barnaby Lee - @/sephysnu
• Severus Snape - @/sanae_sandyam
• Chiara Lobosca - @caw4brandon
• Female Rowan - @hphm-jeniferltheman
• Patricia Rakepick - @themilkshanghai
• Charlie Weasley - @/_jinreiko_
• Jae Kim - @yoselin-uyu
• Liz Tuttle - @/mathea_croquis
• Talbott Winger - @khamoise
• Bill Weasley - @/yukisou0423
• Merula Snyde - @akaryuga
• Tulip Karasu - @tojiriki
• Tonks - @/nerdqueen.art
• Diego Caplan - @ariparri
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