r3d-f0xs-blog · 1 month
Where is my mind?
CW: artistic nudity and death mention. Voss during his coma after his Blackwall incident and Salty trying to wipe his mind. Tap for the bigger views.
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I was thinking about how Voss' coma felt like in the beginning, what was happening in his head while he was healing after surgery and had no idea what had happened until he had visitors who he could hear after a while. He's a little fragmented after what Salty was trying to do to him.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @silver-samurai Just one of Voss and one of me. Our hair styles weren't easy to get so this will do. 😅
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Creator vs OC picrew!
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Me & Venus the Venix refusing to stay down & celebrating queer disability pride together 💜
Ty for the tag @ghostoffuturespast !
I'm tagging @fereldanwench @mynonsenseistingling @nananarc @elmknight @wanderingaldecaldo @streetkid-named-desire @juststayquiete @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @pinkyjulien & anyone else who wants to join in! 🖤
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
Non-binary. Here's my experience with binders, tape and being the owner of tits because not all non-binary people are the same. My presentation is fluid, and I have days where I really don't like my chest and some days where it is just there. I don't feel enough discomfort all the time to feel top surgery is for me. I also have family members who do not support or know I'm non-binary and are pretty phobic. So top surgery isn't an option because of that either.
So binding or taping is my way to deal with those days or for when I am in a more androgynous or masculine presentation. It makes me feel better, it helps lift that feeling when I put in some tops and get hit with that feeling of not liking part of my body. It's hard to describe, but there is no mistaking it. And there is no mistaking the great feeling when I bind on those days. It's like having something lifted off me. I feel good about how I look and confident. That's what binding is for so many of us. It isn't a costume. In fact hair, clothes, make-up, body hair and many other things are intricately tied up in trans and non-binary lives because of their ability to help us shape ourselves. Sure, they're fun and expressive things but they are important components too and not mere costume either. But that's another thing.
I'm sick of non-binary policing and being told I'm somehow not the right kind of non-binary person because somebody sees me on one day but not all the other days. That they can't truly know how I have felt throughout my life and the times where figuring out my gender was so difficult because I had no support, not information and no community when I was younger.
Anyhow, there's my bit. Gender and feeling comfort in your body is not binary either. It's not a love/hate only. It can be tolerance, acceptance, love, hate, dislike, mild discomfort for a person. Gender is complex so get comfortable with that.
This whole Flat Chest vs. Wearable Flat Chest war is ridiculous because it's not a war when only one side decides to cause issues towards the other. It's harassment. It's online bullying.
At no point the Wearable Flat Chest was created with the purpose or intent to be a rival to the Flat Chest Body Mod. It was a project Julien (or Pinky) mentioned multiple times in the past - to offer people to do what they can do irl: bind their breasts.
They are different mods. Who serve different purposes. Who cover different needs. The Flat Chest as a body mod is permanent - it's the equivalent of having done top surgery. The Wearable Flat Chest is a binder, it serves the purpose of emulating someone wearing a binder in real life.
Not everyone can afford top surgery. Not everyone wants top surgery. And some people do want to have their chest permanently flat. To accuse someone - who has continuously provided and speaking up in favor of trans inclusive mods in this community - of "just avoiding the flat chest to be petty" is misinformed at best, pernicious at worst (my take? it's the latter).
Binders are not costumes. Having a flat chest and being androgynous are not requirements for considering oneself non-binary. I'm latine, in an incredibly transphobic country and culture, with a third world country economy: I cannot afford top surgery, I sometimes wonder if it's worth the physical and social risk, and frankly I'm not too keen on the post-op of top surgery yet. When I put on a binder, am I wearing a costume? Am I just pretending to be trans? To be non-binary? Because that's what this sentence implies.
Maybe someone else prefers a body permanently flat. Maybe the implication of "equipping" a flat chest in game is dysphoric to them. And that's okay. What is not okay is to continuously talk shit against someone who's trying to expand trans inclusiveness in this space, and keep finding ways to meddle with their work out of this stupid mindset that this is a competition.
People eat the cake with taste they like better. Some of them might even enjoy the two flavors. Stop trying to turn this into a single dessert just because you're upset the other cake exists.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
Just moving into a new flat so I'll be even more inactive than usual for a while.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
It doesn't even mention this on the patient information leaflet that is inside the packs I get.
Just a little PSA for all our mental health (and chronic pain*) spoonies out there! A lot of doctors neglect to mention this little side effect, which means a lot of us are suffering extra from the heat without knowing why.
*Many psych meds are used to treat chronic pain as well, if you didn’t know!
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
Where is my mind?
CW: artistic nudity and death mention. Voss during his coma after his Blackwall incident and Salty trying to wipe his mind. Tap for the bigger views.
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I was thinking about how Voss' coma felt like in the beginning, what was happening in his head while he was healing after surgery and had no idea what had happened until he had visitors who he could hear after a while. He's a little fragmented after what Salty was trying to do to him.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
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oh, turn the lights turn the lights down low yeah, now i'm feeling you breathing slow
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
Fae Fantasies🧚🏻
"An adventurer wanders into the fairy world and gets more than they bargained for when they meet the ethereal and beautiful Charlie Ever as the fabled Sovereign of the Fae realm. But beware! The fae are tricksters. Can you resist their otherworldly charms?"
🦄“What manner of creature are you to stumble into my realm?”
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👤“I...meant no harm, I swear!”
🦄“I can see into your heart and can see your words are true.”
👤“What else?”
🦄“You’re curious, my dear. Temptation. Desire. You’ve been looking for me.”
👤“I...yes. I didn’t think I’d actually find you.”
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🦄“Don’t be shy now! Come, lie next to me.”
🦄“Isn’t that better?”
My idea was to create a couple of shots from the BD scroller's perspective, looking at Charlie, which would be the perspective of this version of this BD. Also, they sometimes cover up their arms to make them look natural again, as well as wigs to suit the style so they're missing their usual pink and blue mane.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
The many guises of Bernice Miller
I haven't had an OC who I've managed to make in so many games before, and I'll probably make her in many more too.
Bernice started out as a Fallout 76 character; she was living with relatives in West Virginia while her parents were in California serving in the army. Her mother died but her father was with the soldiers who eventually became the first Brotherhood of Steel. Long story short; she was in the Appalachian chapter working as reconnaissance, a sniper and also a worked with computers, hacking into them and other systems to unlock, obtain, compromise or secure them. But game events happen, a small team including her were sent out in a last ditch attempt to open the nuclear siloes against Elder Maxson's orders, but with the disappearance of the squad leader, Bernice and Blake are left and abandon their mission, returning years later.
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Bernice returned around the time Vault 76 opened and befriends some of those who emerged as well as a lone Raider, Mason.
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In Starfield, Bernice is similar, in that game she is a cyberrunner as well as being a former member of the Crimson Fleet along with Mason, a couple of others and Skye. She captains the Silverbird, a large C class ship used for hauling cargo, smuggle illicit goods and serves as one of the crews two ships they pilot. In this world, Mason hasn't suffered the same trauma he did in Fallout, and has a romantic relationship with Bernice (they have a relationship in Fallout but it's not sure if it ever becomes romantic because of Mason's aversion to intimacy due to his past trauma.)
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And finally Cyberpunk 2077. Lightning has another three sisters; one is a solo, one is an accomplished Rockergirl and Bernice is the other, a fellow Netrunner. Unlike Lightning, as in her other universes, Bernice operates by stealth much like Voss and much of her work is around breaking into corporate systems to obtain compromising data, to find answers for people. She also has a very different approach to cybernetics from her sister as you can see! The only character who has more is Voss who is pretty much all cybernetic besides his brain and some of his internal organs. Bernice’s most recent work was digging more into some leads Regina found about cyberpsychosis research, which leads her to the work Lance unknowingly was part of when he was employed under an Arasaka subsidiary and leads to both him and Voss discovering the truth of their involvement and fate.
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As for Mason, he turns up in this and me and Fluffy had such fun bringing the rest of her characters into this! Mason is found by Bernice beyond the Blackwall as a rogue AI known as M.A.S.O.N (Minor Artificial Sentience (formerly of) Organic Nature) and she smuggles him back over the wall. However as they do some work to find out more about his organic origins, they discover he was actually an engram of a solo who had been Soulkilled by Arasaka and convinced he was a rogue AI while in Mikoshi. Prior to being a solo he had been a Basilisk pilot with Reev who died in action and this led to Mason becoming a solo with a particular dislike for Arasaka. They're trying to find some way to restore Mason to some form of life in real space. Voss is probably the only person who doesn't get slapped for joking about her boyfriend on the haunted cyberdeck! 😆
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
Where is my mind?
CW: artistic nudity and death mention. Voss during his coma after his Blackwall incident and Salty trying to wipe his mind. Tap for the bigger views.
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I was thinking about how Voss' coma felt like in the beginning, what was happening in his head while he was healing after surgery and had no idea what had happened until he had visitors who he could hear after a while. He's a little fragmented after what Salty was trying to do to him.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
I made a what the fandom thinks of you generator
edit: please remember
1. i have to read all the tags
thank you
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
Where is my mind?
CW: artistic nudity and death mention. Voss during his coma after his Blackwall incident and Salty trying to wipe his mind. Tap for the bigger views.
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I was thinking about how Voss' coma felt like in the beginning, what was happening in his head while he was healing after surgery and had no idea what had happened until he had visitors who he could hear after a while. He's a little fragmented after what Salty was trying to do to him.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
Opening some Sketch Commissions!
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I put out a small interest check for commissions in this style a while ago, and now I'd like to open 15 slots for starters due to some unexpected expenses recently.
In general my usual [Terms of Service] apply, with some slight adjustments for this special format. By commissioning me you agree to the above terms and as follows:
When your slot is confirmed you receive an invoice from me over the full amount that needs to be paid upfront before I get started (there is no draft that needs to be approved bc these sketches are basically what my drafts look like, just a little more color)
You get the chance to request edits once the drawing is finished!
You can request a slot only by filling out the following google form:
The end product is not a polished or very high resolution drawing, the above doodles are examples of what the final result could look like, but my style here is a lot less consistent compared to full illustrations. I'd still be super duper happy to draw some blorbos, OCs and canon characters alike, fandom or original (as long as you have a photo or screenshot reference I can work with!). You can request multiple slots for multiple portraits, but it is always going to be only one character per portrait!
Reblogging is as always greatly appreciated 💜Looking forward to hearing from you all and drawing your characters and faves :D
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
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WIP OC, no name for this guy yet, just lots of backstory
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
Random Den being cute brainrot LOL
He's normally a very stoic and standoffish person until he gets to know people, but when he is attracted to someone he gets flustered super easily and goes from cool and composed to a blushing wreck LOL
He has the biggest crush on Kerry and gets all dreamy eyed when he talks about him 🥺🥺
He also gets excited about dates and spends a lot of time getting ready lol
It's just fun to think about him going from 😑 to 😳 lol
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
"Charlie? I miss them being on the door with me.
Miss them being out with us when we have any problems that need taken care of. We still got their contact with Lightning, but sometimes you just got to get your hands dirty and deal with things."
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"Oh sure, they’re out of the fighting because their BDs pull in Eddies by the thou, but there’s something about seeing a few Tyger Claws getting savagely declawed where they think they rule."
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Just some more of Eldarion when they were younger and more active in the Mox.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 2 months
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Falco ‘Garnet’ Ritter is the owner of the place he named ‘HELL BUNKER’, a location that hosts diverse technoise parties and concerts (but also some other music genres). He’s also the inventor of Chrome Chamber Rave as well as the radio station ‘109.6 HELL BUNKER.FM’.
He has earned himself quite a high cred and respect in the Night City party business as his location and main event is unique compared to other technoise events in the city. His vision simply was to bring European technoise (back) to the NUSA, especially hard tech from his home country Germany. He wants people of Night City to experience that technoise from Europe hits differently than other technoise does, especially the one from Germany (as technoise roots lie there)¹. He’s well known in the underground scene and also appreciated by Maelstroms. He used to be deejay-ing at Totentanz years ago and the location gave him a lot of inspiration for creating HELL BUNKER afterwards. He’s mostly known under the artist name ‘Garnet’² rather than under his real name. So in the first place Garnet is a musician and a business owner. But since he’s got ears and eyes everywhere to keep his club clean he may also have important info for mercs and he’s not easy to fight because of his installed Gorilla arms cyberware. He often acts as a bouncer for his own club. It’s likely to happen that you might get thrown out by him personally if you behave inappropriately. He doesn’t make any excuses. Chrome Chamber Rave especially has strict rules such as a certain dress code you gotta have to wear, otherwise you may not be able to enter.
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Garnet still deejays at CCR. His setlist is of course all hard technoise yet he concentrates to mix it with more emotions and a touch of industrial, even some lyrics and tends to venture further than that. Each song is unique to itself and can be a true experience if you are willing to let yourself soaked in and let it touch your soul.
“Technoise may not be able to save the world, but it will save your soul.”
— Falco ‘Garnet’ Ritter
Cover artwork by me. Steal and you will be doomed. I‘ve chosen tracks only by one artist named ‘Roman Gehrecke’. This artist is the closest to what I imagine Garnet would produce as well. So I decided to borrow the music for Falco. Of course all the music belongs to Roman Gehrecke! There's one song at the end of it I see as the one that is always played at last so the audience knows ok after that it's done. This song is also not by the artist mentioned above but has a well known melody majority knows.
Recommendation: ‚Gefallene Engel‘, ‚Anderswelt‘, ‚Stimmen der Tiefe‘ and ‚Schutt und Asche‘ – best listened to via headphones and making time for it should you want to try to get soaked into.
¹ "Technoise and its various derivations dominate much of the German scene. If you're hip, you already know about Technoise. If not, listen up. Technoise is quite popular with the discerning young punk; it was popularized by Germany's own NetWerk actually, you've got your Overlay style from London, Jazznetic from Rotterdam and Echo from Frankfurt. In addition, there are people producing Frock (Fractal Rock) all over the place. The good thing is, Technoise is quite easy to produce. You only need a small computer, some software and you're ready to buzz. Those of you with a message might miss the political attitude, but you're missing the point. Technoise is strictly for partying, tripping and dancing. People meet and dance up to the runner's point. Maybe that's a political statement in itself, oder?" — Eurosource Plus – The New Eurotheater Sourcebook for Cyberpunk
² Garnet first is a song by my favorite band D'espairsRay I still love to this day (they ain't anything to do with techno). And second a gemstone that has the color of a darkened red, which I also try to give him as a main color theme of his wardrobe (together with black ofc).
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