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r3d-f0xs-blog · 11 days ago
"Something in your Kiroshis?"
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Just more Charlie at Empathy. 🦄✨️🧝🏻‍♂️
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 4 months ago
How Dare (You)
A little scribble from an old prompt of Kerry and Voss.
Voss groaned when he heard the hushed voice having half a conversation somewhere close by. He opened his eyes and realised he had a blanket draped over his head and the arm of the couch, blocking out the light and muffling the sounds outside it.
“First, it’s the weekend. I told you I don’t take any calls about biz unless it’s like...” Kerry's voice held a sharp edge and irritated tone.
Voss peeked out from under the blanket and saw him pacing the downstairs lounge in front of the ridiculously oversized nude painting. His barely contained anger was in harsh contrast to the serene face rendered on the canvas. His robe had slipped off one shoulder, more rude awakening than a flirtatious style choice.
“No...no...I said no!” Kerry’s voice began to creep up the decibels, his hand cutting through the air aggressively.
Voss rubbed his eyes. The pain was gone but now he felt groggy and slow. The migraine hangover; it would take a couple of days for him to fully recover from this one.
Kerry stopped his pacing when the couch creaked as Voss sat up. The irritated expression flipped to tenderness as Kerry waved his hand for Voss to sit down again.
“No! For the last time Kovachek, I’m not doing it, not without askin'...” He was cut off mid-sentence, his face starting to tint red.
Voss knew what was coming and laid down on his back.
“Cut me off again like that and I swear...”
Kerry’s pacing became more stompy, as much as it could be in his flip-flops. He stopped, held the phone away from his face in disgust at what he heard. He glanced up at Voss who had an arm resting on his forehead.
“Say that again.” Kerry dared when he put the phone back up to his ear. His eyes glared when he heard the words repeated back.
“How...how dare you! How fuckin' dare you!” Kerry’s voice was hushed again. His whole body shook. “Can’t say it to him but you’ll glady pour that poison in my ears...”
The phone bubbled and hummed with the reply.
“Eat my fuckin' ass, Kovachek!” Kerry roared.
The phone was sent flying through the air and smashed into the wall. The glass front made a brittle crack when it shattered.
He turned around to see Voss sitting up again, eyes wide, his mouth open about to speak.
“Not now, babe. Gimme some time alone...” Kerry sighed. His shoulders rose and fell with the breath, his shoulders rounded slightly in on himself, head down as he left with his cigarette case in hand.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 4 months ago
All Eyes on Me, and Only Me
Little video of Charlie dancing at Empathy. Sound on!
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 4 months ago
Dogtown...where dreams come to die.
Just some Voss in Dogtown.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 4 months ago
Dogtown...where dreams come to die.
Just some Voss in Dogtown.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 5 months ago
Back when Eldarion was younger, before their BD career took off and they could do less doll work and more joytoy and dancing work, they were a much more active Mox.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 7 months ago
Where is my mind?
CW: artistic nudity and death mention. Voss during his coma after his Blackwall incident and Salty trying to wipe his mind. Tap for the bigger views.
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I was thinking about how Voss' coma felt like in the beginning, what was happening in his head while he was healing after surgery and had no idea what had happened until he had visitors who he could hear after a while. He's a little fragmented after what Salty was trying to do to him.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 7 months ago
Just moving into a new flat so I'll be even more inactive than usual for a while.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 7 months ago
Where is my mind?
CW: artistic nudity and death mention. Voss during his coma after his Blackwall incident and Salty trying to wipe his mind. Tap for the bigger views.
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I was thinking about how Voss' coma felt like in the beginning, what was happening in his head while he was healing after surgery and had no idea what had happened until he had visitors who he could hear after a while. He's a little fragmented after what Salty was trying to do to him.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 7 months ago
Fae Fantasies🧚🏻
"An adventurer wanders into the fairy world and gets more than they bargained for when they meet the ethereal and beautiful Charlie Ever as the fabled Sovereign of the Fae realm. But beware! The fae are tricksters. Can you resist their otherworldly charms?"
🦄“What manner of creature are you to stumble into my realm?”
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👤“I...meant no harm, I swear!”
🦄“I can see into your heart and can see your words are true.”
👤“What else?”
🦄“You’re curious, my dear. Temptation. Desire. You’ve been looking for me.”
👤“I...yes. I didn’t think I’d actually find you.”
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🦄“Don’t be shy now! Come, lie next to me.”
🦄“Isn’t that better?”
My idea was to create a couple of shots from the BD scroller's perspective, looking at Charlie, which would be the perspective of this version of this BD. Also, they sometimes cover up their arms to make them look natural again, as well as wigs to suit the style so they're missing their usual pink and blue mane.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 7 months ago
The many guises of Bernice Miller
I haven't had an OC who I've managed to make in so many games before, and I'll probably make her in many more too.
Bernice started out as a Fallout 76 character; she was living with relatives in West Virginia while her parents were in California serving in the army. Her mother died but her father was with the soldiers who eventually became the first Brotherhood of Steel. Long story short; she was in the Appalachian chapter working as reconnaissance, a sniper and also a worked with computers, hacking into them and other systems to unlock, obtain, compromise or secure them. But game events happen, a small team including her were sent out in a last ditch attempt to open the nuclear siloes against Elder Maxson's orders, but with the disappearance of the squad leader, Bernice and Blake are left and abandon their mission, returning years later.
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Bernice returned around the time Vault 76 opened and befriends some of those who emerged as well as a lone Raider, Mason.
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In Starfield, Bernice is similar, in that game she is a cyberrunner as well as being a former member of the Crimson Fleet along with Mason, a couple of others and Skye. She captains the Silverbird, a large C class ship used for hauling cargo, smuggle illicit goods and serves as one of the crews two ships they pilot. In this world, Mason hasn't suffered the same trauma he did in Fallout, and has a romantic relationship with Bernice (they have a relationship in Fallout but it's not sure if it ever becomes romantic because of Mason's aversion to intimacy due to his past trauma.)
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And finally Cyberpunk 2077. Lightning has another three sisters; one is a solo, one is an accomplished Rockergirl and Bernice is the other, a fellow Netrunner. Unlike Lightning, as in her other universes, Bernice operates by stealth much like Voss and much of her work is around breaking into corporate systems to obtain compromising data, to find answers for people. She also has a very different approach to cybernetics from her sister as you can see! The only character who has more is Voss who is pretty much all cybernetic besides his brain and some of his internal organs. Bernice’s most recent work was digging more into some leads Regina found about cyberpsychosis research, which leads her to the work Lance unknowingly was part of when he was employed under an Arasaka subsidiary and leads to both him and Voss discovering the truth of their involvement and fate.
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As for Mason, he turns up in this and me and Fluffy had such fun bringing the rest of her characters into this! Mason is found by Bernice beyond the Blackwall as a rogue AI known as M.A.S.O.N (Minor Artificial Sentience (formerly of) Organic Nature) and she smuggles him back over the wall. However as they do some work to find out more about his organic origins, they discover he was actually an engram of a solo who had been Soulkilled by Arasaka and convinced he was a rogue AI while in Mikoshi. Prior to being a solo he had been a Basilisk pilot with Reev who died in action and this led to Mason becoming a solo with a particular dislike for Arasaka. They're trying to find some way to restore Mason to some form of life in real space. Voss is probably the only person who doesn't get slapped for joking about her boyfriend on the haunted cyberdeck! 😆
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 7 months ago
Where is my mind?
CW: artistic nudity and death mention. Voss during his coma after his Blackwall incident and Salty trying to wipe his mind. Tap for the bigger views.
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I was thinking about how Voss' coma felt like in the beginning, what was happening in his head while he was healing after surgery and had no idea what had happened until he had visitors who he could hear after a while. He's a little fragmented after what Salty was trying to do to him.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 7 months ago
I made a what the fandom thinks of you generator
edit: please remember
1. i have to read all the tags
thank you
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 7 months ago
Where is my mind?
CW: artistic nudity and death mention. Voss during his coma after his Blackwall incident and Salty trying to wipe his mind. Tap for the bigger views.
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I was thinking about how Voss' coma felt like in the beginning, what was happening in his head while he was healing after surgery and had no idea what had happened until he had visitors who he could hear after a while. He's a little fragmented after what Salty was trying to do to him.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 8 months ago
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WIP OC, no name for this guy yet, just lots of backstory
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 8 months ago
Random Den being cute brainrot LOL
He's normally a very stoic and standoffish person until he gets to know people, but when he is attracted to someone he gets flustered super easily and goes from cool and composed to a blushing wreck LOL
He has the biggest crush on Kerry and gets all dreamy eyed when he talks about him 🥺🥺
He also gets excited about dates and spends a lot of time getting ready lol
It's just fun to think about him going from 😑 to 😳 lol
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 8 months ago
"Charlie? I miss them being on the door with me.
Miss them being out with us when we have any problems that need taken care of. We still got their contact with Lightning, but sometimes you just got to get your hands dirty and deal with things."
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"Oh sure, they’re out of the fighting because their BDs pull in Eddies by the thou, but there’s something about seeing a few Tyger Claws getting savagely declawed where they think they rule."
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Just some more of Eldarion when they were younger and more active in the Mox.
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