uefb · 3 months
Hey, so I just watched the third Fantastic Beasts movie and I was wondering if you noticed any autistic traits of Newt's in that one? I remember spotting so many in the first two, so I was kind of disappointed that I wasn't able to find anything new this time. (Honestly, it felt like there wasn't much character exploration at all with Newt, except maybe at the very end?)
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Hi, beanwood! Thanks for the ask. It’s interesting you noticed this! Because I will admit that I noticed less of Newt’s autistic qualities in the 3rd film myself (though I did notice some!). I think there are a number of reasons for this decrease — in fact, it is something @afrenchaugurey and I have discussed quite a few times actually! I’ll go into that later. First I’ll share what I did notice (from memory), when viewing Newt through an autistic lens as an autistic & neurodivergent person watching Secrets of Dumbledore (SOD/FB3).
(I’d like to apologise in advance for some language that might not be fully autistic-affirming moving forward. While I am autistic myself, I am also a researcher in fields that have traditionally pathologised autistic traits, and my language unintentionally reflects my training on occasion. Unfortunately, I currently do not have the spoons to go through and ensure that everything sounds appropriate. I therefore appreciate your understanding and patience.)
Anyway, while I agree with you that there are less autistic traits than in previous films, below are some arguably autistic traits or co-occurring indicators (based on my own experience and knowledge of clinical & empirical research) that I noticed! (Though these are not exactly new, which is what you may have been hoping for.)
Newt does stim quite a bit in the SOD/FB3, though it is subtle, mostly relegated to his coat pockets and consistent but very slight rocking/fidgeting/re-adjusting. You can see a rather crappy TikTok video (as I wasn’t doing edits on my computer yet) I made a few years ago (on an acct that is no longer active) highlighting Newt’s exceptionally subtle stimming in the first hour of FB3 here.
Newt continues to avoid eye contact during both one-on-one interactions and when addressing groups.
Newt does not always seem to notice subtle emotional nuances or jokes in group settings.
Newt seems, reasonably, attached to his case when Bunty takes it from him, even wordlessly asking Dumbeldore about it with a hand motion at one point. This could be interpreted as his case being a fixture of routine or comfort, common in autistic folks.
Newt’s flat affect, in this film, seems to be somewhat of a a boon to interacting with high-profile officials, as he seems somewhat unbothered by the high stakes of the situations and the potential social & political risks of simply walking up to — say — Herr Vogel, for example.
Additionally — regarding special interest — his hyperfocus on his creatures while talking with Theseus’ jailer in the Erkstag seems out-of-step with what one might expect from someone about to walk into a pseudo-authoritarian prison setting.
When Newt finds Theseus in the Erkstag, he answers Theseus’ questions about the creature situation by somewhat info-dumping about a laboratory experiment he’d conducted on creature behaviour to explain his reasoning. He seems not to entirely notice that that response probably wasn’t that reassuring to Theseus at all.
Newt does not reciprocate social interactions on several occasions — he misses his brother Theseus’ social cues in the first big group scene; he does not verbally reply to several characters in the films (such as Herr Vogel’s assistant), even when such reciprocal communication (or even basic serve & return) might be expected.
Newt does seem to lose some access to speech under extreme pressure during his back-and-forth with grindelwald about the Qilin twins. (This is reflected more in Redmayne’s performance than the script, IIRC.) While this is typical for many people, it harkens to newt’s earlier characterisations.
Newt utterly misses the loaded communication from Bunty while he has his case open toward the end of the film in Bhutan (when Tina’s picture is visible). Then, Bunty says something in response to Newt saying you don’t know what you have until it’s gone (referring to his case), which was apparently in reference to her own crush on Newt (now that Newt is pretty obviously with Tina). Newt did not seem to clock this comment as anything at all. (…..and, frankly, neither did I. I had to ask my wife to explicitly explain the scene to me after my 4th or so rewatch. I remain clueless and it is lucky I am married, given my utter inability to read romantic nuance.)
So yeah, I agree with you that the last film demonstrates fewer autistic traits consistent with Newt’s behaviour in the first 2 films, apart from those marked final scenes (Tina/newt, newt & dumbledore.) One could argue that the noticeable behaviour in the scene between Tina & Newt outside the bakery is due to either (a) the removal of Newt from a high-stress, goal-focused heist situation into a more intimate personal situation combined with (b) social anxiety manifesting around people he cares deeply about (particularly given his history of miscommunication with Tina), or social anxiety around romantic situations in general. It’s also possible that (c) a heightened sensitivity to physiological cues associated with anxiety or ‘butterflies,’ due to sensory sensitivity affects his behaviour in the Newtina scene — physiological stress (in my anecdotal, personal experience) can make one flustered or struggle with speech, as attention is repeatedly and emphatically and uncomfortably drawn elsewhere in the body. (Or it could be something ENTIRELY different, like a script rewrite or massive editing that jettisoned consistent character development.) But, whatever the case — yes, I agree Newt seems most…. Well… Newt! in his interactions with Tina and Dumbledore at the end of the film.
(Though if you haven’t seen the missing scene of Theseus & Newt between Newt leaving China and Theseus & Newt going to Hogsmeade… That’s rather a treasure trove of autistic-coded Newt, imho!! You can watch it here.)
As for the reasons why this change may have happened… I believe there are a few possibilities…
Personally, I think the fact that Secrets of Dumbledore (SoD/FB3) is structured more like a “heist” film than the earlier FB films plays a big role in that — character development was secondary to plot (which was, admittedly, a bit convoluted).
From an out-of-world (e.g., non-character, non-plot, non-worldbuilding perspective), I think it’s quite possible that Warner Brothers & co. were trying to appeal to as broad an audience as possible. I say this for a few reasons… (a) reactions to Newt as a character back in 2016 and 2018 were as polarised as you would expect for an autistic-coded main character in a mainstream action/adventure series. This might have inspired a shift in characterisation in FB3. Additionally, (b) by 2022, FB3—according to Warner Bro.—needed to be a box office hit. It was affected by Covid filming issues, JKR’s continued inane & controversial comments, actor drama & controversy, and generally non-HP level earnings at the box office for Crimes of Grindelwald/FB2…. Messy! Producers might have thought a less socially awkward/autistic Newt would make it more palatable. I haven’t seen any evidence of producers’ defending newt’s characterisation since the FB2 era. But who knows. This is all guesswork.
However, from an in-universe perspective, some time has passed since CoG/FB2. Based on Lally’s comments in Jacob’s bakery at the beginning of the film, approximately 1 year has passed (1927/8ish?). According to the screenplay, 5 years have passed (1932). (I tend to align myself with the 1932 timeline, due to subtle historical indicators; my own beliefs about Tina & Newt’s different characterisations in FB3; and the lack of lasting impact Leta’s death seems to have on Theseus & Newt by the time FB3 rolls around.) Anyway. I mention the time skip because I think it’s possible that a time skip allows for Newt’s character to minorly shift in a few ways…. (a) It allows Newt to settle into his confidence as a respected magizoologist, as well as gain distance from (i) World War 1 and (ii) young adulthood insecurities — trauma, anxiety, and diminished sense of self and belonging can exacerbate traits of neurodivergence. (b) A time skip additionally — (theoretically) — allows for Newt to become more comfortable with people like Jacob, Theseus, Dumbledore etc. (and for them to become more used to him!), potentially further diminishing Newt’s anxiety or certain autistic traits. Because autistic traits like stimming, for example, often correlate with higher levels of social stress or attempts to manage uncontrollable situations in controllable ways, Newt may rely less on these self-soothing methods because there is frankly less of a need. Conversely…
Newt might also be more self-aware by FB3. He’s in his 30s by now. It’s possible that he’s masking his autistic traits during the middle of the film due to the political environment and high stakes situation in which he is functioning.
Anyway! Long story short, those are my thoughts!!!!! (Hope you actually wanted them, because you tapped into UEFB special interest, infodump mode.) I’m sure there’s more to be said, but that’s all my old brain can do for now. Thanks for the ask, beanwood, and I hope you are well!
Finally, I’m curious: What inspired you to ask me this in particular? Was it my utter flooding of the #autisticNewtScamander tag over the past few years? A particular post? My fics? Byyye.
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17 notes · View notes
prokopetz · 7 months
Yes, your worldbuilding is thorough, your geography meticulous, your plotting elaborate, and your characterisation nuanced, but answer me this: is there a fucked up little guy?
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captainsaltypear · 5 months
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this is so stupid im sorry KJHSDKJF
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elyfonart · 17 days
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Trust me bro he wants you
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thelongestwalk · 14 days
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currently obsessed with sherlock & co so here's my take on sherlock!
(jonk and mariana next!)
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fluentisonus · 7 months
i've seen several variations on this meme with legolas & gimli but no one but me gets which way around it should be it should be like this:
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yyuxii · 2 months
Tired of y’all acting like Wukongs a manwhore when Macaque is RIGHT THERE. THIS GUY HAS HAD ROMANTIC/SEXUAL TENSION WITH ALMOST EVERY MALE ANTAGONIST + Wukong
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ALSO not here for the Macaque=loser male wife agenda LOOK AT HIM. he is a moody alt man with trust issues who immediately has sexual tension with anyone he fights HE IS A BOP IM NOT OUT HERE FOR THIS “loser macaque” MISCHARACTERISATION THE MAN WEARS GUYLINER.
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icantspellthings · 3 months
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Honestly, I don't mind buff and hairless spock in SNW that much because in my mind I just pretend that spock went through a fuck boy gym rat phase in his 20s because he wanted to look like a ~sexy~ vulcan.
And that's why in TOS in his 30s, he doesn't talk about his past starfleet postings that much because he's embarrassed about it.
Like in a "wow I can't believe Pike had to see me in my fuckboy waxing my chest hoe era, better not tell Kirk about this or else I'd be teased about it until the end of times, let's just pretend I was always a proper logical Vulcan"
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dirt-str1der · 11 months
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I cannot believe this. Kim was designed to find harry funny ??? Like you ... like yeah. Sorry yeah he was , and it shows. He really does.
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cliopadra · 8 months
Aw man…
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bodhrancomedy · 1 month
I'm bored with "smart guy characterisation being he wins effortlessly at chess". Chess should have more potential for characterisation.
"I think you're losing there."
"Nah, he's playing right into my hands."
"... you have one rook, a bishop, and seven pawns. He's lost one knight. What are you gonna do? Charge and turn 'em all into queens?"
"Let him whittle down the king's defences, republicanize the pawns, overthrow the monarchy, negotiate peace with this packet of smoky bacon crisps, and begin a glorious age of democratic rule by will of the common people."
"That's not how it works."
"Kinda did for Russia."
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prokopetz · 2 months
The thing about superhero comics fandom is that you can't really usefully deploy the They Would Not Fucking Say That meme for any of the big names. The problem with writing a character who's nearly a century old and has been written by seventy-odd different people – and that's just counting the ones who had the IP owner's official blessing – is that they would, and most likely they did.
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drowsemp3 · 4 months
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from batman #148
literally the page after he died. can we all stop freaking out now.
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blondie-drawings · 16 days
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I recently got a bunch of TNG novels at a charity shop and this passage from the FIRST BOOK is making me feel craaaaazy
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allthegothihopgirls · 6 months
in my head jason ABSOLUTELY hates the rich lifestyle he's been brought into. bruce is very objective and doesn't exactly get why he shouldn't just give the kids money. if they mention wanting something or needing something new, he either just gives them (more than enough) money for it, or asks alfred to get it for them.
and jason hates this because he grew up pretty much needing everything, and he's gone from one extreme the the other. he hates that if bruce even sees that ie: his favourite jeans have some wear around the knees, he's got 5 new pairs on his bed waiting for him the next day.
idk i feel like it's just one of those weird things he feels icky about. i think one of his first moments of rebellion against bruce would be neglecting all the expensive, new things he has in favour of his same old dingy items he's been using since he moved into wayne manor.
this would be completely new to bruce too, because dick was pretty easily adjusted to the whole overwhelming wealth thing. and he just doesn't get why jason's against it.
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writerthreads · 9 months
Super detailed character profile chart
Character Name:
First Name:
Last Name:
Nickname (if any):
Basic Information:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Physical Appearance:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Scars or distinguishing marks:
Personality Traits:
Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
Background and History:
Family Background:
Siblings (if any):
Major/Area of Study:
Favorite Subjects:
Least Favorite Subjects:
Current Occupation:
Previous Jobs (if any):
Career Goals:
Hobbies and Interests:
Marital Status:
Romantic Relationships (if any):
Closest Friends:
Relationship dynamics:
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Goals and Ambitions:
Short-term Goals:
Long-term Goals:
Fears and Insecurities:
Common Fears:
Quirks and Habits:
Beliefs and Values:
Religious or Spiritual Beliefs:
Moral Code:
Political Views:
Favorite Foods:
Favorite Books:
Favorite Movies/TV Shows:
Favorite Music:
Favorite Color:
Disliked Foods:
Disliked Activities:
Pet Peeves:
Talents or Skills:
Secrets (if any):
What drives the character forward?
What are their ultimate aspirations?
Character Arc:
How does the character change or evolve throughout the story?
Feel free to adapt and expand upon this template!
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