#chaos the god
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therestingwaves · 1 month ago
chip, what do you think of sonic and shadow?
chaos, what do you think of sonic and shadow?
“Sonic’s amazing, honestly! Im pretty sure his world cycle would’ve been doomed way earlier then it should’ve been without him, im greatful for him as a friend, i just hope hes doing well after my keave. I hope hes kept the bracelet!”
“As for shadow.. ive never met him in person, so i couldn’t say for sure how i think of him! But from what ive observed, hes got a good heart, but hes working through the past. Im very proud of how far hes come.”
“..mm… Sonic is.. he is kind. And graceful. God killer or not, he spared my life and allowed me to return to the chao and the emerald. I am glad mobius is to be graced with such a powerful yet gentle creature.. though i wouldnt go out of my way to meet him in better corcumstances.. the chao need me.”
“Now shadow.. is different… ive never met him. I cant say much on that one. As long as he is keeping black doom from our lovely planet, and my chao.. i suppose i dont hate him.”
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rapidhighway · 5 months ago
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mooingwithmidnight · 5 months ago
Kathryn Hahn and the writers use tears SO well in Agatha All Along tho, and I haven’t seen anyone really talk about this
Because typically when you have the mysterious, copes-with-humor-and-deflection, closed off type of character Agatha is, I feel like tears are only ever used to show other characters “look this person is weak too”
But the rest of the coven has all seen Agatha cry multiple times on the road, way more than the rest of them- and she’s treated as just as much of a threat and danger as she was before. They don’t see her cry and immediately go “oh she had emotions, she’s not a risk anymore”
It’s not treated as some unreasonable, weak reaction, and as someone who cries at any strong emotion I love that
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arunneronthird · 2 years ago
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pov you just tried to express an opinion in a wayne party. youre a super
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coolranch-chrisevans · 1 month ago
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My friend doesn’t watch 911 but she lets me tell her about what’s going on in the fandom anyway and lmaoooo
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auroblaze · 2 months ago
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Now I know Sonic movie 3 is THE (hot)topic in the fandom rn but bassist Blaze has done irreparable things to my brain since her announcement and I had to get it out of my system somehow.
And that somehow resulted in rockstar alternate universe with the gang and pushin my three favourites together like barbie dolls
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trinits · 6 months ago
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flames consumed the sanctuary, but she remained intact.
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mogwaei · 2 years ago
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They were all in the same room so I HAD TO DO THIS
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hamletthedane · 2 years ago
Still laughing at Brian May offhandedly writing the greatest understatement in the history of academia in his astrophysics doctoral dissertation:
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Ah, yes - “various pressures.” Like being one of the greatest guitarists ever and playing/writing/singing for the most legendary rock band of all time.
Those various pressures.
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o3o-lapd-o3o · 5 months ago
do you ever think that the ending of six hundred strike, actually added to the poseidon & athena beef? like i can just imagine them both in beds in apollo's olympus infirmary, just arguing with/at each other! meanwhile poor apollo is just tying to heal them both.
athena: *ranting* i've been odysseus' mentor/friend since he was a teenager! and he still didn't listen to me!
athena: i told him to put his emotions aside but noooooo, he had to let the cyclops live!
apollo: athen-
poseidon: are you forgetting he literally stabbed me? repeateDLY? WITH MY OWN TRIDENT?
apollo: poseid-
athena: *ignoring poseidon and continuing her rant* ruTHlesNEsS iS meRCy UpOn OUrseLVEs. isn't that what you said?!
apollo: please you two are gonna open your stitche-
athena: oh you deserved it. you literally showed the man his island before trapping him AND THEN you started THREATENING his wife and son? oh that was your final mistake.
poseidon: whatever! so much for you calling him a warrior of the mind. he's a monster!
athena: *wipes tear away* i know, im so proud.
apollo: *tired of their bickering & now glowing in anger* please for "dad's"sake will you two just shut up and let me heal you both?!
poseidon & athena: *shuts up immediately* o-ok
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0vergrowngraveyard · 20 days ago
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throws super tails at you
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therestingwaves · 1 month ago
[ @thetiredlazybones ] // about the 'opportunity to tell your muses how my muse really feels about yours' prompt. //
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Chaos and chip seem.. surprised tosee such a familiar yet welcomed face thats not of their timelines or world in general. As the two gold pieces fall into chaos’ watery hand, he emits a warbled purr. Letting the chao play with the pieces when they come to him inquisitively. The two then turn to the skeleton.
“I will admit, i did not expect a skeleton of another universe to arrive here to speak to us, but nonetheless the appearance is a welcomed one. I thank you for the kind words.”
“Really? I guess i do look alittle like the monsters of your world! I take that as a compliment, afterall i never saw the need to,look big and scary no matter if i was a god or not, its nicer when you’re faced with a friendly face then an eldritch stare. Its pleasantly surpising to see you here, sans!
Oh, and also, dark said ‘fuck you’, politely, ofcourse. He meant it playfully.”
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snoozmu · 6 months ago
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Asriel and Chara but they both have cool weapons :3
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avxlyse · 6 months ago
"The Marvel series “Agatha All Along,” in which she plays the romantic antagonist to Kathryn Hahn’s “WandaVision” witch"
- The New York Times
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bastardofharrenhal · 7 months ago
i hate the idea of sansa ending up as this cold ice queen when through out the books one of her defining characteristics has been kindness. kindness to dontos when joffrey wanted him executed, kindness to the woman with the baby during the riot, kindness to an injured lancel despite cersei's words, kindness through warning margaery of the type of person joffrey is, kindness to sandor clegane and sweetrobin in the vale. sansa even says that once she was queen, she'd wish to rule with kindness when cersei encourages her to rule with fear during the battle of the blackwater. i cant imagine a world where grrm would genuinely go with the idea that only once you refuse love and warmth can you rule
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a2remedy · 27 days ago
DPXDC Prompt# 3: It’s on Fright
Summoning has never been off the table. In fact Danny welcomes it.
At least after the first 50 he did.
Now it’s just getting repetitive. Destroy the world, end this specific race, person, sexuality. He’s really heard it all and it honestly sucks. He’s a protective spirit damn it!
Look at all the high and mighty people and cultists that would call on him for their mortal issues? It's even more annoying to listen to the whiney people who think they're entitled to his power or his time.
So he did what he should've done this whole time. If ghosts are strong enough emotional echoes, why shouldn't it be the same way? He establishes a connection between his summoning circle. If the caster's intent when casting the spell is for anything other than protecting life, its free game. Que the registration of numerous ghost to send an echo of themself to fuck with the people who thought they could fuck with the king. Of course, there are rules. You're only there for a short window. No killing is permitted unless a caster is hostile and a threat to ghosts. Ensure the safety and good health of human sacrifices. Blah,blah, blah. But most importantly, make them regret ever casting the spell in the first place. Upon numerous heroes failing to stop the summoning in time, there's a vast amount of random shit that happens further proves to not fuck with the realms. Batman can only hear the nostalgic music before witnessing the lead cultist that nabbed Jason get hit by an ice cream truck driven by a muscular man and little girl in uniforms. Tim and could agree that their soft serve was the best they ever had. Hal comes onto the cultists being forced into a tea party and learning their table manners from a blue dragon in a gorgeous dress and tiara. Flash comes up to Shazam and a lanky grey figure with glasses discussing Justice League fanfiction while the cultists have to cosplay the members and live out their found family dreams. Spectra is having the time of her life honestly. Talking things out with depressed kids to work through those feelings or being allowed to pay a certain clown a visit time and time again for her good work along with, spooking frats and sororities.
Superman has been quick to react to cultists after a little demon of a girl promised to return if he wasn't treating his clone better to not repeat the beatdown that was personally recorded and handed to Lex to make if he agreed to make merch from it. Most summon sites are Jumpscare Central or a straight up scrap. It's also a wonderful chance for Spectra to give the bats what they fear most. THERAPY!!! Under Jasmine's supervision, of course. JLD has heard the outcries of the JL and still keeps their good standing with the king to themselves. Especially that said king is over every Friday with treats and gifts from throughout the ages. He's fallen for the blonde warlock that has always been able to reliably call on him because he only does it when ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! Danny found it odd that the only person who could call him now was a sad Brit in a trenchcoat but a conversation or two had them see that they were more often than not on the same wavelength. Sick of their duty, in need of a drink, and helping the world to the best of their ability. John is just so human and reminds him of how he is too. That soon applies to Zatanna too, who's distraught from leading. Besides, what happens in the House of Mysteries stays in the House of Mysteries.
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