#chanting in my head
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crxw1ey · 12 days ago
I ❤️ talking big game when in reality I'm a huge pussy. Attractive dude just DM'd me on Instagram and I felt a rush of anxiety like someone put a gun to my head
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pretend-i-don-t-exist · 2 months ago
qijiuyuan where sy is yqy's disciple, and everyone believes that there is a love triangle involved
everyone in cang qiong knows that yqy is besotted with sqq! they've witnessed it since the qing generation were head disciples, and that devotion hasn't waned even after decades of cold rejection. the entirety of cang qiong knows that not even the threat of death would drive yqy away– in fact, he'd even offer his own sword for sqq to cut him down as he pleases. it's impossible for him to love another.
sy being taken in as yqy's disciple is a surprise. the lanky, wide-eyed boy was more fit for qing jing or an ding, not qiong ding's cold, political battlefield. still, they accept yqy's decision– his favoritism to sqq aside, he is an excellent sect leader. there must be a reason why sy is made a qiong ding disciple.
it becomes obvious, soon enough. sy is good with his words, although a little oblivious to the effect he has on the people around him. a warm ray of sunlight that focuses on nurturing and protecting rather than seeking power, one that can stand firmly and abide by his principles despite the machinations against him. it doesn't take long before sy has most of the sect wrapped around his finger.
he becomes qiong ding's head disciple. and then everything changes.
sy's admiration for his shizun isn't very subtle. waiting on yqy on hand and foot, making sure the food are his favorites, ensuring his comfort at meetings, listening to him, comforting him, and so on. at first, they thought nothing of it. most of them had a crush on yqy at some point in their lives. but then, yqy indulges his head disciple by giving him trinkets and sweets, when normally, his indulgent gift giving is limited to sqq and sqq alone.
oh no. cang qiong is unsure how they should feel about this turn of events. some are excited to see sqq fall from his high horse, losing the sect leader's favor. some are worried that there would be a bloodbath. some try to stay away from qing jing and qiong ding as much as possible, especially after sqq's radio silence.
it was an an ding disciple who discovered it first– that sqq has been leaving sy gifts of his own. extravagant and handmade gifts. paintings, literary works, calligraphy brushes, embroidered robes... and then someone says that they've witnessed sqq telling sy that he's always welcome on qing jing, should he find qiong ding lacking.
it starts off a chain reaction. now everyone is convinced that yqy likes sqq, but sqq likes sy, but sy likes yqy. yqy is trying to be nice to sy in hopes of gaining sqq's favor, but the qing jing peak lord only has eyes for his warmhearted disciple. said disciple hopelessly longs for yqy and remains gentle but impersonal with sqq.
in reality, yqy spends much time convincing the shens that he loves them both bc of his own heart and not bc of anything else. sqq is affronted that they think he dislikes yqy. have they not seen him accept yqy's embarrassing actions with only a grumble? have they not noticed that the sect leader's guan and robes are created by his very own hands? also, sy clearly reciprocates his feelings! he wouldn't have accepted sqq's gifts or be making labor-intensive sweets for him otherwise.
meanwhile, sy is wondering just what the heck is going on.
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denjidenjiji · 1 year ago
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guess who’s a girl dad now. Me. Him.
(I’m playing funger in Russian. I do not speak Russian.)
god help me.
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feelo-fick · 4 months ago
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yeah, treat. this cant be a trick. if it were, then...
(Palettes used: Falling Star // I Don't Even Know What Day It Is (And I Don't Even Know What Your Name Is))
WHEN I TELL YOU I PUT SO MUCH THOUGHT INTO THIS I MEAN IT it was so unnescesary but i NEEDED (ha) to get back at you with some psychic damage like you have to me HUEHAUEHJA these two peices are just me pspsppsing at you DISCUSS WITH ME I MISSED HANGING OUT!!! sSHAKES YOU SHAKES YOU SHAKES YYOU
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loopdile · 7 months ago
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birdie-ghost · 2 months ago
There is no better feeling than being a Pre-K teacher who knows a lotta kids content by heart. Like, Yeah lil' Timmy. I do in fact know how to draw Shadow The Hedgehog. Oh? What's that my dear little girl Megetha? You want to talk to me about Rapunzel? You bet. Pokemon?? Oh my god kids don't get me started.
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braininatankwithalaptop · 1 year ago
Fun fact about chants of sennaar,
If you replay the game on language settings that you don't speak you unlock translation puzzles 2.0
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tes-trash-blog · 3 months ago
Sweet puppy, sweet puppy, send your cuddles unto me, for the whims of the dog owner must be baptized in snacks and fetch.
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shizuncollector · 4 months ago
Still not over this by the way
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mrghostrat · 1 year ago
hello sir!!! first of all, i need you to know i am Obsessed with the streamer au it lives in my brain 24/7!!! (if u saw me binge-liking every single post in the tag no u didnt) i love having continuously updating fics to read so ive been eating up every single chapter so far rahhh i love it sm!!! also hello ur art is absolutely gorgeous ur amazing <3
second of all, i had this thought in my brain and i needed to share... what if like . over the years aziraphale and crowley have developed this game of just...playing very silly and innocuous pranks on each other (they start keeping score for best pranks and bicker over points every time). then one time, when aziraphale manages to convince crowley to do a baking stream with him, crowley just fuckin Slams His Fist in the bowl of ingredients like ha :) got u and aziraphale is just #smilingthruthepain
(naturally i had to draw it too please accept this as my offer to this perfect au. also yes i am a firm believer in the silly apron agenda!!!)
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hi there! this is everything to me!
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femboywizard · 16 days ago
Wicked headcanons
First let me just
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Anyway, I'd like to present y'all with:
🗣 Transmasc Femboy Glinda 🗣
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decamarks · 12 days ago
Autodesk Maya Support Forum Simulator
averagejoe: Hi! I just wanted to know if there is [incredibly basic feature] in Maya. Thanks!
EarlG: Why would you want to do this? You can't do this. You can't ever do this. You should honestly kill yourself. You will never fucking make it in the industry. Fix your workflow.
TheGuy: You can't do this, but here's a simple script I wrote to do this: [incredibly_basic_feature.py, 10000 lines]
asdf22: it dosent work anymore
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bonefall · 1 year ago
the fact that i was so excited at the beginning of this arc because it seemed like we were going to get a starclan-less political mystery drama and i actually liked the writing of river……….. is it worse to have loved and lost or never loved at all
I still maintain that this arc started off strong. Others in my "orbit" don't like Nightheart but I am a fucking bastion. A wall. A Tower. I think he could have been fascinating if handled with more awareness, set up as someone who causes most of his own problems, failing to live up to his familial legacy as a descendant of Firestar and lashing out at everyone who's just trying to connect with him over this sensitivity.
Between Mistystar's literal collapse, Tigerheartstar's good intentions paving the road to hell, Lightleap struggling with feeling inadequate, the radicalization in ShadowClan... the arc had so much going for it, man.
But no. It's godless heathens. The solution is StarClan again. We thought we were getting a grounded mystery only to be lifted off the ground like a lawnmower in a 7-second vine. Alas.
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moonsmistresss · 7 days ago
The face of a man who desperately wants a gun:
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pastelsugar6w6 · 6 months ago
Little crown prince of Spades Alfred leaving dirty flowers from the gardens and gifts he makes for his future queen because he's too shy to give them to Arthur outright. Arthur being quite a lot older than Alfred just thinks it's cute and his silly little crush will go away once he realizes he doesn't have to actually swear himself to Arthur. It's only a political marriage to appease the kingdoms.
Then Alfred hits 18 and Arthur is like "...oh fuck"
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idontmindifuforgetme · 11 months ago
*gently shakes you by the shoulders* we're gonna make it through April, we're gonna make it through April, we're gonna make it thr-
we’re gonna make it through April!!!!!
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