#channel 9 news
giannic · 2 months
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(via Wednesday Wisdom: Step into the Limelight)
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khaopybara · 3 months
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Don't judge a book by its cover. An essay by Mew Pt. 2
Mew in his revenge era went shopping and thought, "you know what screams I'm gonna fuck you up, maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't? Floral/patterned shirts," and proceeded to buy a bunch of those.
Correction: I missed one outfit in ep. 6 and instead of remaking that set, I'll just post it below because it's actually the hottest Mew has looked, so I'm not even upset.
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destiel-news-channel · 8 months
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based on this post. Do i now have to come up with a ship name for Andrew Card and George W. Bush?
[Image ID: There are three images. The first one is similar to a title card and shows a screenshot froom the show supernatural. Dean and Castiel stand facing each other. The screenshot is faded and superimposed with a blue background from a news show. In the front is a logo which says 'Destiel News Channel'. The second is a screenshot of Castiel from the same confession scene. At the bottom is a newsticker with a headline which reads 'christs-cock forgor' and a subline which says 'Really, why is there so much sexual tension in this pic?'. In the top right corner of the image is a screenshot of a tumblr post by tumblr user @christs-cock. It shows the close-up of (then) President Bush being informed of the attacks on the World Trade Center by his chief of Staff, Andrew Card, while reading to children in a classroom on 9/11/2001. It is captioned with 'why is there so much sexual tension in this pic'. A reblog of the post by OP reads 'I didn't know who they were what they were saying and when that was' in capital letters. The third image is a screenshot of Dean from the same scene edited so that a text looking like subtitles spells out 'I love you'. /End ID]
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tvneon · 1 year
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funfactory · 1 year
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Thursday, 9 May 2019
Zayn releases a new single, A Whole New World, his collaboration with Zhavia Ward. It's on the soundtrack of Disney's Aladdin as well as the end credits. Directed by Philip Endelman, the video clip shows Zayn and Zhavia singing the romantic ballad in various parts of Manhattan in the evening, including Central Park's Bethesda Terrace
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credits: keepingupwithzayn's Tumblr
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credits: keepingupwithzayn's Tumblr
credits: DisneyMovieVEVO's YouTube channel
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000marie198 · 8 months
The New York Times:
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Also The New York Times:
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Just how long do you bootlickers think you can keep up the Pro-Israeli propaganda narrative when the statistical new article adjacent to it proves it completely wrong and burns it into the ground? Just how long do you think you can control the thought processes of people who know the truth?
Someone's gotta be very very very stupid to believe and be affected by this propaganda even after everything.
Oh! And here's the article posted right after the other two, just minutes ago:
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Keep pressuring them! They are afraid, they're down to making excuses
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fitsofgloom · 1 year
Designed & Directed By His Red Right Hand!
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taxi-davis · 6 months
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nikkisticki · 9 months
You know what you all get to suffer another pointless post about reddit and what I call the Defensive Wave
Whenever a game has common critiques that a large share of players agree on (generally bearing discontent about the state of the game) places like reddit will undergo this amusing shift of dialogue where a post or posts will get some hype, usually looking like
This [content] isn't well done because of (reasons)
Instead of the people who disagree actually trying to prove their stance, within 24 hours another post (or posts) will arrive making counter arguments without actually making anything resembling a real defense. Instead, it'll just be:
Well I loved [content] and your opinion is just an opinion, it doesn't make it objectively bad!
This is happening on r/FFXIV right now and has been since 6.5 launched three days ago, with that exact post chain happening yet again. I'll save you the braincells and just tell you that none of the posts or comments are actually discussing the issues presented, nor are they even acknowledging them. Instead, it's a direct critique of the ones who complained for speaking, usually while engaging in sideways manipulations of reality to pretend they are simply mad because of x and y reasons.
Ex. The Cyberpunk subreddit claiming people are just mad that the game didn't hold up to the players lofty expectations, ignoring that the devs promised those exact things.
This will continue until something draws the discourse away, smothering any chance of the complaints to be taken seriously while also silencing those who wish to speak under the false positivity of...attacking people for not agreeing with you.
I've seen it happen dozens of times and it's at the point that I can predict the posts of a subreddit before they happen. This isn't difficult to do mind you, people aren't particularly bright and will readily waste a few minutes complaining about those mean people pointing out the issues! It's just human nature to be a fuckwit, I suppose.
If people were slightly more intelligent, they'd realize discourse and negative comments are important for the health of an ongoing game, but no no we gotta act like everyone loves this shit in case (Dev) is sad!
Of course repeated negative discourse cycles exist, but those are a separate matter.
#FFXIV#No no these patches are great except for all the largescale complaints people have!#Its just that a sizable chunk of the community is getting exhausted from the same content loops#that doesnt count!#Its just that the content is underbaked and largely threw away all of the narrative thrust for the writers personal blorbos!#That doesnt Count!#Its just that the PVP changes ultimately didnt fix Front lines being dogshit and 90% of players doing all of the grind within a week#That doesnt count!#Its just that island sanctuary is a spreadsheet tied to you gathering sticks in a field for hours!#Its just that Criterion dungeons are done and over within 9 hours and serve no valued purpose to any of their trash Ilevel loops?#Its just that the combat system is collapsing due to bad balance choices and earlier content being made easier and less complicated!#That doesn't count!#Its just that the game is fundementally old as dirt and needs a total engine overhaul!#No no all the complaints are because you're mad they didnt give you five raids six eurekas and a blowjob!#Idiots#Dawntrail is going to underperform and be critiqued as middle of the road unless they've got some refreshing new content#And lets be real here 90% of the content we get is just different versions of fighting guys in hallways and rooms#I say this as someone whose stockpiling hundreds of dyes for the new Dye channel changes and is more excited about that then anything else#Oh also the new jobs are Corsair and Green Mage I'm 99.9% sure#And Femhroth for 7.0 which are just Femroes but hairy with a slightly more meow meow face#Nothing they've yet shown or hinted at will change the exhaustion people feel having to do pointless quests and get exposited at#HEY I KNOW YOU'RE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON EVER BUT CAN YOU GO TALK TO X#you get to X and they say HEY MY BUTT HURTS CAN YOU GO TALK TO Y#you get to Y who tells you to go back to X then go back to the original NPC#Rinse and repeat fifteen times and throw in some combat cutscenes and 3-5 solo instances#THERES YA MSQ good job you stopped the chameleons civil war or whatever#Honestly they've got nowhere to go at this point they already committed to the fact that we are Almighty
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sciencespies · 1 year
Tracking air pollution disparities -- daily -- from space
Tracking air pollution disparities -- daily -- from space
Studies have shown that pollution, whether from factories or traffic-snarled roads, disproportionately affects communities where economically disadvantaged people and Hispanic, Black and Asian people live. As technology has improved, scientists have begun documenting these disparities in detail, but information on daily variations has been lacking. Today, scientists report preliminary work calculating how inequities in exposure fluctuate from day to day across 11 major U.S. cities. In addition, they show that in some places, climate change could exacerbate these differences.
The researchers will present their results at the fall meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS).
Air pollution levels can vary significantly across relatively short distances, dropping off a few hundred yards from a freeway, for example. Researchers, including Sally Pusede, Ph.D., have used satellite and other observations to determine how air quality varies on a small geographic scale, at the level of neighborhoods.
But this approach overlooks another crucial variable. “When we regulate air pollution, we don’t think of it as remaining constant over time, we think of it as dynamic,” says Pusede, the project’s principal investigator. “Our new work takes a step forward by looking at how these levels vary from day to day,” she says.
Information about these fluctuations can help pinpoint sources of pollution. For instance, in research reported last year, Pusede and colleagues at the University of Virginia found that disparities in air quality across major U.S. cities decreased on weekends. Their analysis tied this drop to the reduction of deliveries by diesel-fueled trucks. On weekends, more than half of such trucks are parked.
Pusede’s research focuses on the gas NO2, which is a component of the complex brew of potentially harmful compounds produced by combustion. To get a sense of air pollution levels, scientists often look to NO2. But it’s not just a proxy — exposure to high concentrations of this gas can irritate the airways and aggravate pulmonary conditions. Inhaling elevated levels of NO2 over the long term can also contribute to the development of asthma.
The team has been using data on NO2 collected almost daily by a space-based instrument known as TROPOMI, which they confirmed with higher resolution measurements made from a similar sensor on board an airplane flown as part of NASA’s LISTOS project. They analyzed these data across small geographic regions, called census tracts, that are defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. In a proof-of-concept project, they used this approach to analyze initial disparities in Houston, and later applied these data-gathering methods to study daily disparities over New York City and Newark, New Jersey.
Now, they have analyzed satellite-based data for 11 additional cities, aside from New York City and Newark, for daily variations. The cities are: Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Seattle, St. Louis and Washington, D.C. A preliminary analysis found the highest average disparity in Los Angeles for Black, Hispanic and Asian communities in the lowest socioeconomic status (SES) tracts. They experienced an average of 38% higher levels of pollution than their non-Hispanic white, higher SES counterparts in the same city — although disparities on some days were much higher. Washington, D.C., had the lowest disparity, with an average of 10% higher levels in Black, Hispanic and Asian communities in low-income tracts.
In these cities, as in New York City and Newark, the researchers also analyzed the data to see whether they could identify any links with wind and heat — both factors that are expected to change as the world warms. Although the analysis is not yet complete, the team has so far found a direct connection between stagnant air and uneven pollution distribution, which was not surprising to the team because winds disperse pollution. Because air stagnation is expected to increase in the northeastern and southwestern U.S. in the coming years, this result suggests uneven air pollution distribution could worsen in these regions, too, if actions to reduce emissions are not taken. The team found a less robust connection with heat, though a correlation existed. Hot days are expected to increase across the country with climate change. Thus, the researchers say that if greenhouse gas emissions aren’t reduced soon, people in these communities could face more days in which conditions are hazardous to their health from the combination of NO2 and heat impacts.
Pusede hopes to see this type of analysis used to support communities fighting to improve air quality. “Because we can get daily data on pollutant levels, it’s possible to evaluate the success of interventions, such as rerouting diesel trucks or adding emissions controls on industrial facilities, to reduce them,” she says.
The researchers acknowledge support and funding from NASA and the National Science Foundation.
Video: https://youtu.be/SbQ87rZq9MA
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dennisboobs · 1 year
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asuperwhogamer · 1 year
Bella The Kitten's Gets Her First Independent Toy 🐈
Another upload on my kitten you tube channel, please check it out if you love cats!
If you enjoyed the video, feel free to give it a like and a sub! The support would mean a lot to me!    
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#I mean I'm not actually that upset lol BUT STILL xD#9-1-1 lone star#911 lone star#oasis's 9-1-1 chatter#911 lone star s4 finale#I will say though I'm a reyes-strand truther#I think my main problem with strand-reyes is just the weird emphasis it puts#given that it's the second syllable#anywag loving randomly getting all these deleted scenes xD :D#I was just checking the fox channel to see if the cake one had been uploaded because even though it says it was uploaded by fox I#can only find it by link from an article not on their channel lol#but anyway I was checking and lost my mind seeing there was not only a new one (and not only that they deigned to give us more#than one lol) but what it was about xDD#anyway#stop tk looks so happy in that clip 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️#like he does in the other too and everyone looks happy but just aUGH he 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰#I'm so happy for them :')))#individually and together :'DD#nearly said individually and separately xDD#anyway :)))#themmm <333#also I love the fact that they were debating it xDD#mood lol#us (the fandom) fr xDD#I wish we got these scenes in the episode lol#but I'm glad we're getting them at all#it just would've been nice if we got a bit more happiness and lightheartedness to balance it all out xD because being alive was great#but it was still not very lighthearted lol#still I love what we got 🥰🥰#anyway I've been rambling for long enough xD I promise I'm finishing my liveblog (pretending I'm past me) soon I'm just super busy lol
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hawnks · 2 years
im doing it im doing it so help me god i am doing my little task
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