#baron daemon
fitsofgloom · 1 year
Designed & Directed By His Red Right Hand!
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yakult-kettle · 5 months
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Nodding and agreeing while holding my chin in my hand like a sage old man.
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ecoamerica · 3 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
Video 📹
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Remember… grab a hold of your baby, hold her tight, ‘cause Baron Daemon is flying tonight. If you see a weird shadow or hear a strange sound, scream your little heads off - the Baron’s around! — Baron Daemon and the Vampires, Transylvania Twist, 1963
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
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Hi my name is Cal. I love HOTD/Bucky/fandom✨
About me: I’m a current psych major, part-time fruit chopper, Gecko mother always. One recovering alcoholic of 2 years, please feel free to reach out if you struggle or are in the same boat!!! White ass bitch from the Southeast US but will pester you with cultural questions.
I love sexy blonde Incest bitches, incel knight, and unstable metal armed man. Writing started as my sober hobby now I’ve been gifted 2% Latina!
ASOIAF/HOTD/GOT (Targaryens n Velaryons🦚, Criston🦚, Harwin Strong, Robb, Jon, Jaime)
Note: I do NOT write for Daemon or Luke
I write for marvel (Bucky🦚, Zemo, Marc Spector, Matt Murdock, Adam Warlock)
The Last Of Us (Tommy Miller🦚 and Joel Miller)
Seb Stan Characters: (Lee Bodecker🦚, Charles Blackwood, Steve Kemp, Lance Tucker)
Rdr2 (Arthur Morgan & John Marston)
Ask Box‼️: Open (check list)
Short headcanons ❌
Blurbs ❌
Questions ✅
Shitposting ✅
Silly edits ✅
Fic length one-shots ❌
Taglist❣️: Comment here (no it’s not a threat…unless?)
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Into: M/F, M/M, fem dom, pegging, sex in any position, bdsm (light), breeding kink, man tears, angst, drunk sex, switching, actually non-smut things, daddy kink
Nope: F/F (I’m really bad at writing it and cursed to be really into dicks), literally just ask me!! Dead dove and niche kinks aren’t really an issue unless it’s like gory or stanky
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Smut 🍐 || Angst 🟢|| SFW 💚 || Dead dove🔫|| Fluff🐼 || Master ✨
Kink Bingo - Done!
Au Bingo - indefinite hiatus :(
***More of it is on my Ao3 linked in my bio :)
Bucky Barnes
“You’re my mission!”✨
Baron Helmut Zemo
The Call Girl🍐🐼
No Conviction - Criston Cole x Aegon II🍐🟢🔫
Aegon II Targaryen
"You Do Know How The Act Is Done, Don't You?"✨
Ser Criston Cole
“Do You Want Me To Kill Him?”✨
Related Characters
Tommy Miller (TLOU)
Little Slice o’ Heaven🍐🐼
Dirty Talk🍐🐼
Lee Bodecker (Devil All The Time)
You can be my daddy🍐🐼
Western AU🍐🐼
Lance Tucker (The Bronze)
God of what? 🍐
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aphrodisiac-siren · 1 year
Lowborn!Aemond x Highborn!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of Prince Daemon and a close friend of Prince Aegon who, like your father, is notorious for sneaking off to the streets of flea bottom. The one time you decide to join him on his nightly endeavours, you run into a charming yet mysterious someone who’s as beautiful as the sapphire that’s replaced one of his eyes.
Now a year later after the both of you went your separate ways, it would seem like the goodbyes you both exchanged were not permanent.
Warnings: none.
part 1, part 2, part 3
Part 4 [final chapter]
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Aemond felt that Ashai seemed to be dull in comparison to King's Landing but then again he sensed that it was simply because he was presently a bit down after having to say goodbye to his princess.
Stop it, he scolded himself, you knew this was going to happen the moment you dared to fall for her.
Still, it had been well over a few months since he'd made his arrival to this new town and it was bothersome that he still felt for you the same way he did when he first kissed you.
Aemond had taken up a proper job this time, instead of resorting to his regular ways of stealing. He had started out as a chimney sweep for a Barron; Robert, a widower, who lived further down the harbour in a lavish manor. Then later he'd been given the job to read to the older man since he was a bit short-sighted. Eventually, Robert began to treat Aemond like a son, even though he had one of his own. He had Aemond dine at the table with him and his boy. The baron and his son weren’t as close and with the man taking a liking toward Aemond, it only increased the animosity between father and son.
Robert had then begun to take Aemond's input regarding his business of wine and Aemond was happy to give insights, which proved to be beneficial to the business. Aemond was granted access to the manor's library and he spent his spare time reading. He began to take an interest in history, particularly the Targaryen dynasty. Of course, it had nothing to do with you.
Aemond was well aware of the fights that arose between Robert and his son on his account and had many times considered leaving but the Baron told him to ignore his boy. Finally there came a day when the Baron's son wanted to make a life of his own, away from this small town. He took whatever wealth he needed and left, leaving the Baron quiet heart broken.
"Aemond" Robert called for the boy who was sitting in the library but a few feet away from him "come here son"
Aemond put away his book, slightly annoyed that he was interrupted when he was getting to the best part. He was reading about this war dragon, Vhagar.
"Yes, sir?" he politely asked as he sat in a chair across from the older man.
"I have no wife, and now it would seem that my son has left as well" he spoke in a calm voice "my business has been doing well as of late, I suppose I have to thank you for some of your suggestions"
"I was happy to help" Aemond smiled.
"Yes, and it would seem that the royal family too has much appreciation for my wine," he said rather proudly "They wish to serve it at a grand feast they’re having at the end of this month, a feast to which I have received an invite. How would you like to go with me, as my heritor"
"Uh.. I-" Aemond was at a loss for words. Was he truly considering taking him to the royal feast?
"I'm getting old and more weak by the day, I need someone to take on my business and carry my name after I have passed" he went on "Someone who is equally just as involved with the winery as I have been"
"That is quiet an honour, sir" Aemond subtlety pinched his arm to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
"First off, we need to buy you something better to wear. Maybe something that might catch the eye of the princess Y/N"
"Princess Y/N" Aemond's heart skipped a beat at the mention of your name "she-she'll be at the feast?"
"Of course she'll be at the feast, it's been arranged for her to begin with," Robert said as a matter-of-factly "Oh you don’t know about the details of the feast do you?"
Aemond only nodded in confusion.
"It is a gathering for the princess to find herself a suitor"
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As excited as Aemond was for the feast, he felt just as much nervous. The boy felt like a fish out of water. He had never stepped foot inside the castle and once he found himself in the midst of nobles, he immediately felt out of place. And it did not help when people constantly kept turning to stare at him and his eye patch, it made him even more self-conscious.
"Don’t fidget" Robert whispered and Aemond immediately stopped fiddling with the buttons at the cuff of his sleeve.
The hall in which the feast was being held was rather spacious and Aemond immediately felt so small.
"I'll only be a moment" Robert told him before he wandered off to find the king and the queen, to thank them for the invite, leaving a rather nervous Aemond amidst the sea of nobles.
You were seated at the large table next to Aegon. You huffed a sigh as you slouched in your chair and Aegon snickered at the sight.
"You have a room full of suitable husbands and this is how you spend the evening?" he raised a brow as he playfully nudged you "you should feel lucky you get to pick who you marry, a privilege I was not granted sadly"
"I hardly call this a privilege" you scoffed in response, reaching for your goblet of wine "all these men are here only because of my title. Besides, I did not wish to get married so soon"
"Remember when we were children, we promised each other that if we didn’t find a partner, we'd marry each other" Aegon chuckled at the memory "gods, we were so naïve"
You smiled softly as you took a sip of your wine. Things were so much simpler when you were younger. All you had to worry about that time was which dress you'd wear for the day.
You lazily looked around and almost choked on the wine you were drinking. You immediately spat it back into the cup, not caring how improper that was of you.
"Are you alright?" Aegon asked with concern, patting your back as you began to cough.
"I'm fine" you responded in a strained voice before you quickly stood up, your chair screeching against the stone floor as you pushed it backwards. You left the table in a hurry, not bothering to say an 'excuse me' before you walked toward the crowd of nobles.
"Finally" Aegon sighed, thinking that at last you decided to go and actually talk with the men who had come with hopes of being betrothed to you.
You did not care about them. No, a certain someone with an eye patch, who was looking around like a lost puppy had caught your eye instead.
You were unsure at first, if it was truly him. What would he be doing at the Red keep? He was in Ashai to your knowledge or maybe he had left for Dorn, where he'd told you his younger sister was staying ever since she joined the sisters of the faith. Still, there was an ounce of hope that maybe, just maybe, it was him.
"Aemond?" you called out, expecting no reaction from the boy who was curiously looking around as he fidgeted with his sleeves.
To your surprise, he turned at the mention of his name, his blue eye meeting yours.
You froze, as if you'd seen a ghost or worse: as if you were dreaming. Your breath hitched in your throat and by the looks of it, even Aemond seemed stunned.
"What are you-"
"How have you-"
The both of you spoke at the same time and immediately, a soft chuckle escaped your lips. Aemond only smiled, allowing you to speak first.
"You're here" you simply stated, taking a step toward him and Aemond instinctively responded by holding out his hand for you to take, just like how he always would when the both of you met in secret.
"I am" his voice came out in a whisper when he felt you slip your hand into his.
Your eyes darted from his face toward his neck and you reached out with your other hand to gently examine what caught your attention. Aemond drew a sharp breath when he felt your cool fingers graze against the skin of his neck as you touched the piece of jewellery he wore. It was a simple silver chain with a small ring dangling from it. Your ring.
"You still have it" the corners of your lips turned up to form a smile.
"Of course" he looked down adoringly at you as he tried to pinch himself to make sure this was real, a gesture that you happened to catch.
"I'm here" you assured as you gently caressed his cheek, right below his scar and Aemond tilted his head a bit to further press his cheek into your palm.
"How did you.." you wanted to asked him how he entered but you knew it sounded rude. By the way he was dressed, in a sharp formal attire, there was a chance he was accompanied by someone "Who are you here with?"
"Oh, the Baron of Ashai, Robert" he told you, momentarily looking away to find him in the crown but to no avail. He turned to look at you again "He's the one who is supplying wine for the feast"
"You're with the Baron?" You repeated, a bit shocked "he mentioned he was here with his son"
"Ah well, he sort of-" Aemond heaved a nervous sigh "he's named me his heritor. I must admit, him calling me his son is a touch overwhelming"
"So that means you’re a Barron" You asked to which Aemond responded with a shy grin. Gods you had missed his smile.
"Man with a title" he looked down at you with a playful smirk "something I recall being of some sort of importance when it comes to courting you"
You bit your lip to control your girlish giggle but it didn’t work; Aemond never failed to make you laugh.
"I take it you are hoping to win my hand?" you asked with the same amount of playfulness to which Aemond simply shrugged, pretending at first that he didn’t care which only made you giggle more to his reaction.
"Will kissing you help me being named victor?" he asked slyly and you rolled your eyes at his playful demeanour.
"It most certainly will" you smiled but quickly placed your finger on his lips when he leaned closer. You went to whisper in his ear when you saw confusion flash across his face. He clearly did not know of the mannerisms one had to follow at court and that was alright, you were patient enough to tell him about each one "not here. It would give rise to quite a scandalous rumour"
"Oh" he cleared his throat "apologies, I thought that since-"
"It's alright" you assured him with a gentle squeeze of his hand "come, I have to introduce you to my kepa"
"Kepa?" Aemond asked as he followed you.
"My father" you translated "he's at the table with the rest of my family"
"Oh your family" Aemond felt the nerves getting to him again. He did not know if he would manage to maintain his calm composure in front of the King and the Queen "m-must I meet them?"
"It is a requirement if you wish to court me" you playfully nudged him "don’t worry, they're not as intimidating as they seem. Besides, you do have to speak to them at some point if you wish to discuss a possible betrothal"
"I- I can ask for your hand in marriage?" Aemond had never been more grateful for his title and suddenly seemed to be a touch more eager than yourself to meet your family.
As you walked, you turned to look at him and without thinking you leaned toward him and kissed his cheek, catching him by surprise.
"Thought you said kissing was off limits for now" he grinned.
"I think an innocent kiss to the cheek is alright" you smirked up at him to which Aemond chuckled in response.
The both of you walked toward you family, laughing joyously, hand in hand.
Taglist: @yentroucnagol @kateris-world @praline357
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Transylvania Twist by Baron Daemon and the Vampires (1963) – Vintage Hal...
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witchofhimring · 2 months
Aemond and Y/n's Daughters/Son in laws
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Part 3 in "Aemond and Y/n's family". Originally Visenya Targaryen was placed with the "daughters of Y/n and Aemond" but I changed that.
Viserys Targaryen
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Parents: Jacaerys Targaryen (father) Baela Targaryen (mother)
Spouce(s): Daenerys Targaryen
Children: Rhaenyra Targaryen, Alicent Targaryen, Baela Targaryen
Birth: 135 AC
Death: TBA
Rickon Stark
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Parents: Cregan Stark (father) Arra Norrey (mother)
Spouce(s): Jeyne Manderly, Vaella Targaryen
Children: Sansa Stark, Serena Stark, Caergin Stark, Selene Stark
Birth: 135 AC
Death: TBA
Clerissa Blackhalt
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Parents: Mara Blackhalt (mother) Baron Swann (father)
Spouce(s): Jaehaerys Targaryen
Children: Jhaenna Targaryen, Celgar Targaryen, Lyna Crow (bastard daughter born to a lover she took six years after the death of her husband)
Birth: 134 AC
Death: TBA
Elarion's spouse is still being decided.
Corin Velaryon
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Parents: Lucerys Velaryon (father) Rhaena Targaryen (mother)
Spouce(s): Elara Targaryen
Children: Nymeria Velaryon, Naerya Velaryon, Helaena Velaryon, Saera Velaryon, Cora Velaryon, Rhaena Velaryon
Birth: 137 AC
Death: TBA
Roan Baratheon
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Parents: Aegon Targaryen (father) Cassandra Baratheon (mother)
Spouce(s): Alice Targaryen
Children: Corbin Baratheon
Birth: 134 AC
Death: TBA
Visenya Targaryen
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Parents: Rhaenyra Targaryen (mother) Daemon Targaryen (father)
Spouce(s): Viserys Targaryen
Children: Y/n Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen, Rhaenys Targaryen Raellah Targaryen, Veylara Targaryen, Laenor Targaryen
Birth: 129 AC
Death: 169 AC
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hardcourtsterektrash · 10 months
Violet Bio:
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Name: Violet Giliath-Bálor
Age: 38
Billed From: Zürich, Switzerland.
Children: Two
Gimmick: Half vampire, anarchist
Finn Bálor: Husband
Raven Giliath-Bálor: Daughter, three years old
Daemon Giliath-Bálor: Adopted son, one year old
Shotzi: Tag team partner
Championship accolades:
NXT Women's Champion (2)
Raw Women's Champion (1)
Smackdown Women's Champion (1, vacated due to injury)
Women's Tag team Championship (2)
Women's Intercontinental Champion (1, inaugural gave to Aliyah)
Mixed Tag Team champion (1, inaugural current champion with Finn Bálor)
Women's World Champion (1, current champion)
Dated Seth Rollins for a few months early on in her career.
Is close friends with Ember Moon.
Lead singer of The Madness, has a deal with WWE to take days off for shows.
Ember Moon and Baron Corbin are the godparents to her daughter
Adam Page and Ava Grace are the godparents to her son
Owns six cats.
Frequently dyes her hair and eyebrows.
Her favorite color is blue.
Her cousin is Cesaro.
Refers to her fans as beastlings.
Is openingly bisexual.
Undertaker's protegé, this led to her being billed as the Undertaker's daughter for a time.
Made her directorial debut directing the promos for WWE 2k18.
Made her WWE video game debut in 2k19.
She and Finn quietly adopted a baby boy who they named Daemon after the House of the Dragon character.
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aecholapis · 10 months
Songs I put on loop while thinking about or drawing my OCs - Part 1
Helios: Icarus - Deus Ex: Human Revolution Collapsing Sun - Brandon Lau Angel On Fire - Halsey Imposter Syndrome - London Music Works Epilogue - Everest Your Majesty - The Crown If You Should Fall - Craig Armstrong Hey - Andreas Bourani Imádlak - Katona Ernesztina Divenire - Ludovico Einaudi This is Our Planet - Our Planet Hope for Tomorrow - Daemon X Machina Fragments of Hope - Astral Chain Aegis Research Institute - Astral Chain - Combat Mix by Baron Von Lag Natural Light - Portal Stories: Mel The Luminoth - Metroid Prime 2 Torvus Bog - Metroid Prime 2 Skytown - Metroid Prime 3 Lost in the Sky - Metroid Prime 3 - Skytown Remix by myr Azeleza - Red_OWLdeer Adiemus - Adiemus The Final Attack - Astral Chain The IXION OST The Interstellar OST Too many Fire Emblem Three Houses tracks to list them all
And the legendary God Shattering Star cover by Joe Zieja and Jules Conroy because I headcanon his voice to be similar to Claude's from FE3H for some reason and since Joe is his VA I can vividly imagine Helios singing this cover. It would be so funny. Let the small copter go ham with his vocal cords.
Ironwing and Altitude (partially): Speechless - Aladdin - cover by Peyton Parrish My Mother Told Me - Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - cover by Peyton Parrish Edge Of Night - The Lord of the Rings - cover by Peyton Parrish Helgafjell - Peyton Parrish ft. David Michael Frank Drengr of Ragnarök - Peyton Parrish ft. Jonathan Young Svarteboka - Gåte ft. Djerv Skarvane - Gåte The Rise of Vikingr album
Nightjet: Silent Guardians - Hyrule Warriors Bryyo Cliffside - Metroid Prime 3 Lower Norfair Mashup - Metroid - mashup by Axell The Swampert Chasing Daybreak (Thunder) - Fire Emblem Three Houses Victor's Hollow - Octopath Traveler - cover by Jules Conroy Oniro Mou - Yianna Terzi Palästinalied - Estampie Небо - Слободан Тркуља Brothers in Arms - Daemon X Machina Title Theme - Metroid Prime 3
Railjet: Runaway Train - Self Deception ;-) Asturias (Leyenda) - Isaac Albéniz - cover by Ana Vidović Gerudo Valley - Ocarina of Time - cover by Matt Sellick Victor's Hollow - Octopath Traveler Highlands Theme - Octopath Traveler Among Stately Peaks - Octopath Traveler Homunculus Delta - Astral Chain Grand War - Daemon X Machina Title Theme - Metroid Prime Trilogy - cover by Wingus Dingus
Firecry and his siblings: Kiss from a Rose - Seal - cover by Jonathan Young, Caleb Hyles, RichaadEB Idolize - Caleb Hyles Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson (Glee version) - cover by Anna Pantsu ft. Caleb Hyles Fight Fire With Gasoline - Self Deception Weight of the World - Self Deception State of Elysium - Self Deception Legends - Self Deception Starlight Brigade - TWRP ft. Dan Avidan (please watch the music video, it's so good) The Starship Velociraptor album (same as Anvil)
Anvil and his former mining team: Kiss from a Rose - Seal - cover by Jonathan Young, Caleb Hyles, RichaadEB Storm the Castle - Jonathan Young Divided - Jonathan Young Damage Done - Jonathan Young ft. RichaadEB Land of Broken Dreams - Jonathan Young ft. Caleb Hyles Land of the Living - Jonathan Young Unholy - cover by Jonathan Young ft. Lauren Babic (¬‿¬) The Starship Velociraptor album All of Jonathan Young's sea shanty covers
Cryoslope and his former underwater mining team: Chemical Worker's Song - Ron Angel - cover by Colm McGuinness Here's a Health to the Company - Assassin's Creed IV - cover by Colm McGuinness Scarborough Fair - cover by Colm McGuinness The Foggy Dew - cover by Colm McGuinness Islander - Bruce Moss- cover by Derina Harvey Band Lost On You - LP Song of the Sea - Mirella Díez Morán Into the Unknown - Subnautica Abandon Ship - Subnautica Torvus Hydrodynamo - Metroid Prime 2 Troubled Water - Portal Stories: Mel Transitional Period (funnel) - Portal Stories: Mel Live Fire Exercise - Portal Stories: Mel
Dataduct and the Throttlecons: Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson (Glee version) - cover by Anna Pantsu ft. Caleb Hyles Magnum Bullets - Night Runner ft. Dan Avidan (another great music video) Promise - Voyager Loco - Manian Tonight - Yüksek
Carbonlight: Children of the Omnissiah - Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus Noosphere - Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus Millennial Rage - Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus Tenebre Rosso Sangue - Ultrakill Title Theme - Metroid Prime - cover by Amie Waters Menu Theme - Metroid Prime 2 VS. Emperor Ing (Phase 1) - Metroid Prime 2 VS. Emperor Ing (Phase 2) - Metroid Prime 2 System Corruption - Portal Stories: Mel (Harry Callaghan) Track 10 - Asphalt 6 VS. Jena Anderson (all phases) - Astral Chain The Creation of Noah - Astral Chain Inside Noah - Astral Chain VS. Noah (all phases) - Astral Chain Symphony No. 9 (New World Symphony) - Dvořák Ecstasy of Gold - Ennio Morricone Arms of Immortal - Daemon X Machina The entire Mechanicus OST
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butternuggets-blog · 6 months
@baldwin-montclair @adowobsessed @sylverdeclermont @nicki-mac-me @thereadersmuse @kynthiamoon @wheresthesunshinesblog @adowbaldwin @beautifulsoulsublime @lady-lazarus-declermont @adarafaelbarba @dogblessyoutascha
Part Thirty-Nine
Summary:  Baldwin Montclair had a string of ex girlfriends, a single child, and a  lifetime longer than most people could dream of to make all kinds of  mistakes. His family knew one which kept coming out of the woodwork to  irritate him every other century.
Also on AO3
'We should build in contingencies for when this madness ends,' said Martin.
The other delegates had broken off, each claiming an administration room within the palace for themselves. Philippe had, of course, picked the most spacious one for himself; a broad fireplace, sturdy wooden chairs and large windows with a clear view of the city.
'You think it ever will?' Gerbert sneered.
'The humans can hardly hate us forever.'
'Wait and see.'
'In the meantime, how long should we lead for?' Philippe interrupted, brandishing a quill.
'One hundred years' said Gerbert.
'Witches may live that long, but not daemons' Martin pointed out.
'Seventy years' said Philippe.
Martin raised an eyebrow. 'Do you want an infirm daemon making decisions? Fifty years. The better part of a life, with room for a second term if they prove particularly long-lived.'
'They should be allowed to serve terms back to back,' Gerbert said through a smile.
'But only after being sworn in officially a second time.' Martin added.
Philippe took notes through argument and counter-argument.
'-all creatures are to abstain from achieving positions of authority within religious orders whereby they can shape religious doctrine or practise?'
'What?' Gerbert demanded.
Martin glared at him. 'I refuse to stage another false funeral for you because you want to be Pope. I have not the strength.'
'Which leads us into-' Philippe checked his list of suggestions. '-"All creatures will refuse any honour above the lowest rank accorded a man of state".'
'A baron' Gerbert sat back hard in his chair.
'Do you mean to tell me this will limit your political machinations?' Martin scoffed with a grin.
The witches were surprisingly accommodating. They had been open to the idea of a one hundred year seat, with back to back terms, and made no fuss about religious isolationism.
'We will, of course, concede to the majority,' Jean de Villiers inclined his head towards the rest of the room. He was sitting beside Irakli, a witch from Sakartvelo, and Quincey Toussaint, another Frenchman. 'A fifty year term. Now, we do have some suggestions of our own.'
He paused and cleared his throat.
'No member of the Congregation may hold a seat of power within it concurrent to governance within any other organisation.'
Martin raised his hand. 'This is for human organisations as well as creature? Or only the former?'
'The former, I think. To simplify matters.' Polissena, the daemon nun who had spoken up during the initial meeting, was from Milan. She was sitting across from Martin on the right, flanked by a Swedish hän called Uoti, and a male daemon from Scotland called Ingeramium.
'And will you be relinquishing control of the Knights Hospitaller?' Philippe asked. Martin looked at him with the corner of his eye; he was projecting an outward sense of calm, but Martin knew him well enough to see the anger sizzling beneath.
No other De Clermonts in the Congregation. Not as long as they are the head of the Knights of Lazarus. Pity.
'I have already made arrangements to pass on my appointment' Jean reassured.
Martin clutched the leatherbound book in his hands as the carriage lurched through Arles. He had painstakingly written down the agreed-upon tenets of the Congregation's laws, binding his notes so that he would not lose them. He had even had them signed; Philippe volunteered a signature, then Gerbert. Polissena's spider-like lettering prickled across the page above her seal, next to Uoti's blocky handwriting and Ingeramium's neat scrawl.
The carriage lurched over something and there was a clank as the seals hit his leg. Jean had said that they would authenticate the copy and make it more official. Irakli had laughed and said that the seals made the book look like a patent of nobility.
The carriage swung sharply to the left, up a secret track leading up into the forest at the edge of the city. The track smoothed into a cobblestone laneway as they climbed higher into the mountains, a tree tunnel of silver birch obscuring Martin's view.
The road ended in a solid wall of interlocking branches choking the way. As the carriage rolled closer the branches parted to reveal a wide forecourt and a towering golden-brown fortress.
Martin had many mansions and castle throughout Burgundy, but Kamb-atsu was his true home. It had started life as a wooden fortress he had built atop a series of rockpools and caves, and when the mineral deposits in the ground had turned the foundations to stone he had used magic to rapidly petrify the rest.
Kamb-atsu's outer shell was an inverted copy of his castle at Beaune; a rectangular pentagon pointing out over a cliff with a river flowing gently below.
There were four towers, two to each side. A door set in the front tower on the left led into the library and the entrance hall. The tower to the right, and the section of the building behind it, contained the kitchen and laundry, the stores, and the servant's quarters.
Martin's guests were waiting for him in entrance hall. 'Ladies, welcome.'
'You summoned us, m'lord?' Rochelle Laisnié bowed stiffly, and smiled to let Martin know she was joking. Bertille Garnier and Joachine Moreau hadn't bothered standing; they raised their hands and Martin kissed the back of them, and pulled out Rochelle's chair for her so she could sit down.
'I am sure you are all aware that this meeting is..no longer legal.'
'We are, m'lord' Joachine grimaced like she had tasted something foul. She and Bertille had known Martin their entire lives; Rochelle's family had moved into the area when she was sixteen.
'I do not wish to sacrifice the relationship your families have with me,' Martin said evenly. 'But that is not for myself alone to decide.'
The witches stirred, glancing at each other.
'You know me. There will be no repercussions if you wish to leave.'
Bertille hesitated, then reached out and gently to Rochelle and Joachine by the hand. She straightened in her chair.
'What is a little high treason among friends?'
Author's Notes
Excerpt from The World of All Souls, page 37 (I believe this may be a picture of Hamish's notes on Congregation law):
Notes on Creatures from the Jerusalem Codex (trans. from Latin)
"We therefore agree, because of the dangerous temper of the times, to undertake these solemn oaths and promises to ensure the safety and well-being (solus?) of our selves, our progeny and our future. We undertake to bind daemon to witch, witch to lamia, and lamia to daemon within the solemn vow of the covenant."
"With respect to the great controversies and inconveniances that have accompanied the holding of titles and offices by the lamia, the covenant forbides them from accepting any honour above the lowest rank accorded a man of state. The daemons and witches are likewise barred from accepting such honours, for to do otherwise would sow discord among the covenanted."
"Similarly, daemons, lamia, and witches must, from this moment forth, abstain from debates over matters of faith. Covenanted creatures may choose to enter religious orders, but shall not aspire to positions within them that shapes religious doctrine or practise."
The Congregation was originally founded in Jerusalem, but moved to Constantinople after the fall of Outremer. I decided to speed up the process.
Jean de Villiers and Jaques de Taxi were real people! According to Wikipedia, "[he] was the twenty-second Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller, serving from 1285 until 1293 after the death of Nicolas Lorgne. Jacques de Taxi became Grand Master ad interim, perhaps through 27 June 1286, while awaiting the arrival of the newly elected Grand Master from the Holy Land. De Villiers was present at the Siege of Acre in 1291, but escaped just before the city fell to the Mamluks. He was succeeded by Odon de Pins."
I feel that daemons have a long history of electing female spokespeople for the Congregation.
The Finnish language doesn't have gendered nouns or personal pronouns like she/her, he/him, they/them. Instead, they use hän as a gender-neutral, all-encompassing term. It was first recorded in the Abckiria, or the ABC book, which was the first book published in the Finnish language in 1543, but the term pre-dates the this.
In this instance, I have used hän as a descriptive for Uoti both because it is correct grammar for a Finnish person, and because they are a gender-neutral individual. Non-binary people have existed in the past, even as far back as the Iron Age:
This is what a patent of nobility looks like:
Kamb-atsu - bend in a river
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mythuzalasheir3 · 10 months
since I am back on my rhaenicent bullshit, may I present the latest in my mashup au that I’ll never write series:
Curtwen would be Rhaenicent (Owen~Alicent, Curt~Rhaenyra)
Otto or Larys Strong as the baron
Daemon as Cynthia
Laenor as Tati
Vizzy T as Mrs Mega
Harwin Strong as Barb
Criston Cole or Larys Strong as The Informant
Plot wise: it’s literally Spies Are Forever but with House of The Dragon Characters
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ecoamerica · 3 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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chaoticjoke · 8 months
10 Fandoms/10 Characters/10 Tags
So I assume what I need to do here is list my 10 favorite fandoms and 10 (-ish) favorite characters in each one, right? Okay, here we go.
1. DC
The Joker
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Harley Quinn
Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
The Ventriloquist and Scarface
Ratcatcher 2
Mime and Marionette
The Valeska Twins
The Batman Who Laughs
2. Marvel
Wanda Maximoff
Baron Zemo
Yelena Belova
Jessica Jones
3. The Boys
Soldier Boy
Billy Butcher
Ashley (look at me) Barrett
4. Vikings
Ivar the Boneless
Ragnar Lothbrok
Floki the Boatbuilder
5. Stranger Things
Vecna/Henry Creel
Eleven/El Hopper
Eddie Munson
Max Mayfield
6. The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
Carol Peletier
7. Yellowjackets (I’m obsessed with this show now lol)
Misty Quigley (btw I want a Harley Quinn movie with Christina Ricci)
Natalie Scatorccio
Lottie Matthews
Shauna Sadecki
8. Euphoria
Maddy Perez
Cassie Howard
Fezco (RIP Angus Cloud)
Nate Jacobs ! (btw Jacob Elordi is a big fan of Heath Ledger who was the reason he started acting)
9. American Horror Story
Kai Anderson (yes, season 7 is my fave)
Tate Langdon
Michael Langdon
Madison Montgomery
Misty Day
The Countess
10. Game of Thrones/ House of the Dragon
Daenerys Targaryen
Cersei Lannister
Daemon Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Ramsay Bolton
Arya Stark
Honorable mentions/misc. (Fandom / Characters)
Disney / Cruella de Vil
American Psycho / Patrick Bateman
The Vampire Diaries / Katherine Pierce
Skins UK / Effy Stonem
Misfits / Rudy Wade
Twilight / Edward Cullen, Bella Swan
The Big Bang Theory / Sheldon Cooper
Fight Club / Tyler Durden
Saw / John Kramer, Detective Hoffman
Wayne / Wayne McCullough (y’all should watch Wayne)
tagged by: @nightmarefuele tagging: anyone who wants to do this thingie
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You know what's a good way of doing the demon of Sloth Belphegor
A genius, wasting their talent on garbage. A king of knockoffs,a sultan of slapdash and snake oil,Baron of bootlegs(sorry about that). A master at making crappy copies of things like artifacts, abilities potentially even people.
Seem interesting?
I like it! I like it a lot! Though perhaps it should be an original demon, rather than Belphegor, who tends to inspire genius ideas that encourage laziness and greed in those who invent and use them. A demon of laziness and corner cutting, shoddy crafts and poor copies...
I have something budding in my head right now. An idea that could use a little refinement (especially to differentiate it from my existing Daemon Harbinger of Corner-Cutting), but there's a thought-diamond in this thought-coal, i can feel it!
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katiajewelbox · 8 months
Halloween Countdown Day 5
Vintage Spooky Songs
Everyone who's ever celebrated Halloween knows the classic songs like Monster Mash, Spooky Scary Skeletons, The Addams Family theme song, and Michael Jackson's Thriller. However, did you know there's a whole spider-web covered hidden vault of vintage Halloween songs lurking on the internet's dark recesses?
There was a trend in the American music of 1950s and 1960s for funny and subversive Halloween songs, and this delightful playlist showcases 13 of them with visuals from the pop culture of those decades. Many vintage Halloween songs are based off the monster and horror movies that were popular in those days.
Listen to them in the comfort of your own tomb, or play them for your ghoulish gathering on Halloween to add some vintage creepiness!
13 Vintage Halloween Hop Songs from the 1940's, & 50's – Visualized Playlist
Transylvania Twist by Baron Daemon & the Vampires 1963 – The Addams Family (1964) The Mummy by The Naturals 1959 – Disney's Silly Symphony Egyptian Melodies (1931) Janie Made a Monster by The Fabulous Five 1958 – Lady Frankenstein (1971) Zombie by Johnny Fever 1967 – Night of the Living Dead (1968) Horror Pictures by The Calvanes 1958 – Footage of Vampira (1954) and Plan 9 from Outter Spave (1959) Haunted House by Chris Kevin & the Comics 1959 – The House on Haunted Hill (1959) Witches Brew by Darla Hood 1957 – Bewitched (1964-1972) Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde by Versatones 1956 – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941) I Was a Teenage Monster by The Keytones 1961 – I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957) & I Was a Teenage Frankenstein (1957) Grim Grinning Ghosts by Disney 1962 – Disney's Haunted Mansion footage House on Haunted Hill by Frank DeVol (1950) – The House on Haunted Hill (1959) and The Haunting (1963). Voodoo by The Ivies 1959 – Voodoo Island (1957) Nightmare by Jack Turner 1955 – Betty Boop Minnie the Moocher (1932)
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mrsbrekkers · 2 years
hey there everyone! as promised, here is the updated fandom list! i had to go to the er after work so (: that was lovely. anywho!
 🕊 KEY NOTES! - i write imagines, headcanons, and blurbs! when sending your request, give me the type of fic you want, the character for said fic, and your idea for said character :) - characters marked with a <3 are ones I'm wanting to write for the most as of recently! - DO NOT request characters not listed please! instead, if you have questions about characters i'll write for, pm me! we'll discuss. - i do write smut, however! be mindful of who you're requesting smut for. also, i am in no way vanilla, be dirty ;)
★ TV SHOWS! ☆ ━━━━━━━ ˚⁀➷ CRIMINAL MINDS <3 - aaron hotchner <3 - spencer reid - luke alvez - emily prentiss, wlw only! <3
˚⁀➷ HOUSE OF THE DRAGON <3 - jacaerys velaryon <3 - aemond targaryen - daemon targaryen - harwin strong - rhaenyra targaryen, wlw only! <3 - alicent hightower, wlw only!
˚⁀➷ GAME OF THRONES - oberyn martell <3 - ellaria sand - tyrion lannister - jaime lannister - robb stark - margaery tyrell, wlw only! - daenerys targaryen, wlw only!
˚⁀➷ ONCE UPON A TIME <3 - regina mills, wlw only! <3 - emma swan, wlw only! - killian jones <3 - robin hood - david nolan/charming
˚⁀➷ PEAKY BLINDERS <3 - thomas shelby <3 - micheal gray <3 - arthur shelby
˚⁀➷ BRIDGERTON - anthony bridgerton - benedict bridgerton - colin bridgerton
˚⁀➷ GREYS ANATOMY - andrew delcua <3 - jackson avery - arizona robbins, wlw only! - callie torres, wlw only!
˚⁀➷ DISNEY/NICKELODEON - justin russo - max thunderman - phoebe thunderman, wlw only! - jax novoa - andi cruz, wlw only!
˚⁀➷ WINX CLUB - flora, wlw only! - aisha, wlw only! - helia - nabu - brandon - sky
★ MOVIE SERIES ☆ ━━━━━━━
˚⁀➷ THE HUNGER GAMES - peeta mellark <3 - finnick odair
˚⁀➷ HARRY POTTER - regulus black <3 - sirius black <3 - james potter - remus lupin - lily evans - harry potter <3 - cedric diggory - ron weasley - hermione granger
˚⁀➷ MARVEL - bucky barnes <3 - peter parker <3 - sam wilson - steve rogers - clint barton - baron zemo - natasha romanoff, wlw only! <3
˚⁀➷ STAR WARS - anakin skywalker - obi-wan kenobi - han solo - kylo ren - rey, wlw only!
˚⁀➷ DESCENDANTS - evie, wlw only! - carlos de vil - ben beast
˚⁀➷ DREAMWORKS - hiccup haddock <3 - astrid hofferson, wlw only! - heather, wlw only! - jack frost
★ BOOK SERIES ☆ ━━━━━━━
˚⁀➷ SIX OF CROWS <3 - kaz brekker <3 - jesper fahey - nina zenik, wlw only!
i've also read several katee robert series :)
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
well, that's it! send in your requests or pms! <3 t.
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aquariumdrunkard · 2 years
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The Aquarium Drunkard Show (The Halloween Edition)
Broadcasting from the Hollywood Forever Cemetery … The Aquarium Drunkard Show. The Halloween edition, Wednesday night / 7pm California time. SIRIUS/XM ~ Channel 35.
Eartha Kitt – I Want To Be Evil (AD Halloween Version) ++ The Munsters – Munster Creep ++ Bob McFadden & Dor – The Mummy ++ Danny Ware – The Zombie Stomp ++ The Sound Offs – The Angry Desert ++ The Blue Echoes – It’s Witchcraft ++ The Tomko’s – The Spook ++ Scotty Macgregor And His Spooks – I’m A Monster ++ Screaming Lord Sutch – She’s Fallen In Love With A Monster Man ++ The Gories – Casting My Spell ++ Baron Daemon & Vampires – Ghost Guitars ++ Elvira – End of Side One ++ The Five Blobs – The Blob ++ Vincent Price – A Hornbook For Witches (AD Halloween Version) ++ The One Way Streets – Jack The Ripper ++ The Swamp Rats – Louie Louie ++ Oma Liddie – J. J. Jackson and the Jackals ++ Bill Buchanan – Beware ++ Ronnie Cook & The Gaylads – Goo Goo Muck ++ Frankenstein – This Is The Fiend ++ Donovan – Wild Witch Lady ++ The Frantics – Werewolf ++ Radio Spot – I Was A Teenage Werewolf ++ The Cramps – I Was A Teenage Werewolf ++ Donovan – Hurdy Gurdy Man ++ Evariste – Connais Tu L’animal Qui Inventa Le Calcul Intégral ++ The Frantics – The Whip ++ Charles Bernstein – Jail Cell ++ The Vault of Horror ++ Lee Kristofferson – Night of The Werewolf ++ Steve King – Satan Is Her Name ++ Kip Tyler – She’s My Witch ++ The Madmen – Haunted ++ Don Hinson & The Rigamorticians – Riboflavin-Flavored, Non-Carbonated, Polyunsaturated Blood ++ Bobby “Boris” Pickett – Monster Mash (AD edit) ++ Billy Lee Riley – Nightmare Mash ++ Wade Denning & Kay Lande – Halloween ++ Los Holys – Campo de Vampiros ++ Otis Redding – Trick or Treat ++ Monsters Crash The Pajama Party ++ Bobby Bare – Vampira ++ The Sonics – Strychnine ++ Screaming Lord Sutch & The Savages – All Black & Hairy ++ Chance Halladay – Deep Sleep ++ The Weirdos – E.S.P. ++ Leroy Bowman – Graveyard ++ The Frantics – Werewolf ++ The Dynamic Kapers – Alligator Wine ++ The Surfmen – Ghost Hop ++ The Connoisseurs – Count Macabre ++ The Poets – Dead
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