#chance sutton
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newwavesylviaplath · 2 months ago
just found out deb and hugh haven't officially filed for divorced??? can someone verify this omfg
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jeanjwould · 1 year ago
hey this is chance and here’s week 4’s prompt. how do strangers within the world view your protagonists? how would they describe them? and how does this contrast against how the protagonist views themself?
hi chance!!! i like this question very much hehe so i'm gonna crawl out of my little inactivity cave to answer it for both adriana & the undead and sutton and rockwell's story :) (specifically sutton, for s&r, because rockwell isn't quite as developed yet)
adriana & the undead
adriana is seen as somewhat of a pariah or an outcast by most people she tends to meet (or, at least, she is at first). as one of the only immortals in the world, she tends to draw attention wherever she goes, but because of the nature of her highly unusual circumstances, most people tend to avoid her. to mortals, she is an oddity, borderline subhuman. and the people of tallakeen are not overeager to engage with oddities. most would describe her as a freak, put simply. adriana sees herself in a similar light, whether she's consciously aware of it or not (outwardly, she is a selfish person who only cares about serving herself and couldn't care less about whether she is allowed to be part of society or not), which is why she is seeking a way out of her choice to be immortal. she doesn't truly want to be seen that way by others. she wants to be human again.
sutton & rockwell
sutton is highly desired by most who meet her, both because she is a beautiful and famous woman in a world where beauty and fame is desired, and because she is a vampire who uses her power to attract people (or, as she would refer to them, prey) to her. for many of the more scummy musicians in the rock n roll scene, she is essentially seen as an "achievement"; sleeping with the famous and mysterious groupie sutton quinn is something that will definitely earn you some brownie points in that particular objectifying sphere. but most people's descriptions of her would fall under the category of "confusing." for as famous as she is, the world just can't seem to make sense of her. very few people can say they truly know her—and the few who can say such things are wrong. as for how sutton views herself, she consciously views herself as essentially a goddess (being an immortal creature of the night can have the effect on some people). in her mind, she is the only person truly of consequence. however, beneath that belief, she is lonely. she still sees herself as above humans (to her, humans are mere food sources), but she also craves someone who understands her, because no human truly can.
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viral-news1 · 2 months ago
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Chargers use 2nd-half surge to rally past Broncos, boost playoff position in AFC
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wanderingsoul6261 · 10 months ago
I'm Sorry
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credit for gif goes to userbeaufort
James Beaufort x Reader
synopsis: Y/N doesn't come from a rich family, but is close friends with Lydia, but absolutely despises James. She eventually comes to terms with her thoughts and makes amends with James. Was it worth it in the end though?
warning: just a few swear words.
should there be a part 2 to this?
Y/N wasn’t quite sure how she had come to hate James. She just knew that she did, regardless if he was Lydia’s twin brother or not. Maybe it was his arrogance, although it didn’t make much sense to her after some thinking, as most of the students at Maxton were of the arrogant type. She had previously thought about hating him for who his father is, but she also knew how their father treated them and knew that it probably was not a reason to judge or even hate James for. In the end, she had just thought him to be an asshole, and figured that that was enough reason not to like him, because he was an asshole. 
With this in mind, Y/N never treated him fairly, but to be fair, he never did the same for her either, as he hated her just as much as she had hated him. The two were never particularly nasty to each other, but they definitely weren’t nice to each other. 
If they ran into each other in the hallways of Maxton Hall, they scowled at each other, sometimes even flipping each other the finger. They would have small arguments here and there, mostly about what they thought of each other, or what they had assumed that they thought of each other. The two of them believed what they wanted to when it came to the other person, only because they wanted to fuel their hatred for the other. 
Lydia had kind of almost found it funny and amusing. She knew that the two of them technically had no reason to hate each other, but still did. Maybe they didn’t like sharing her. Lydia had always snorted when that thought appeared in her mind, but she thought that that wasn’t quite it. In the end, Lydia herself couldn’t come up with a logical reason that they couldn’t as to why they hated each other. 
They hated each other with no rhyme or reason and that was that. 
However, it was only a matter of time before Y/N started to rescind her hatred for James. After spending so much time with Lydia, Y/N had gotten the chance to know about James and why he was the way that he was. Lydia told her stories about what they would do as kids, and how over the years, the two had managed to stick up for each other. It didn’t matter the situation. Whether it was familial ties or Lydia’s situation with Sutton. The Beaufort twins had each other's back. 
Y/N had paid some mind to the stories, but it wasn;t until she started to experience the softer side of James that she finally agreed with Lydia that maybe James wasn’t all that bad. 
Y/N had visited the Beaufort manor enough to see Lydia to begin to see what she was talking about. Unless Mortimer was around, James had pretty much become his own self. At Maxton he worked to uphold his image and keep it. At home, he could relax. Y/N watched the interactions between the two twins and enjoyed seeing them in their best moments. Although they didn’t laugh much, short chuckles were heard and smiles were given. 
Just once, She could have sworn that as James smiled at some boring joke his sister made over dinner, his eyes glanced over at her. Maybe she had just imagined it, but what she didn’t imagine was the flutter in her stomach at the thought of it. 
From there on, her feelings and thoughts towards James had slowly begun to change, which had brought her to where she is now. 
She was now striding across the lacrosse field towards James, where he currently did sit ups. Y/N picked at her fingernails, slightly nervous, her eyes glancing at him. He had yet to notice that she was advancing on him. His eyes were trained on either the sky or the ground, depending on what position he was in during his set of sit ups. 
Then he stopped, sat up, and turned to look at her. He rested his forearms on his knees. 
“And for what misfortune can I thank for this visit?” he asked, blinking a few times. James gave her a not so pleasant look. Y/N was silent for a few seconds. Her eyes fluttered as she stared down at the ground. 
“I’ve come to apologize.” Y/N stared back up at him. James stood up and turned to fully face her. He showed a slight surprised look on his face. “You know…” She trailed off. He raised an eyebrow, but he had patiently waited for her to speak. “I’ve never really had a specific reason to hate you. And I want to apologize for treating you in the way that I have been, because it’s technically not warranted.” 
“I thought you hated me?” 
“I don’t hate you.” Y/N finally admitted. The two seemed to freeze at that moment. It was almost as if she surprised herself by saying it and that he was surprised that she had said it at all. Then he pouted. 
“So no more flipping each other the bird?” He pretended to be sad, and Y/N had smiled. 
“I mean, if you are used to the routine of it, I’ll do it still. But it won’t hold any meaning to it other than to make you happy.” 
“You, making the attempt to keep me happy? I’m flattered.” James flashed her a smile as she started to back away. 
“Flattery. Boosting your ego. Call it whatever you like.” Y/N took a few steps back, knowing she should probably be heading home, a small smile still adorned her face. The two were silent for several seconds. “Are we good?” She asked. The corner of James’ mouth quirked up. 
“Yea.” He said, quietly. “We’re good.” Y/N’s smile grew a tad bigger, before turning around and starting to walk away. “Oh, and Y/N?” She paused momentarily, turning to look back at him. 
“It’s only my ego you can boost.” He winked, and Y/N flipped him the bird, resulting a smile from the both of them and she put more distance between the two of them. 
Over the next few weeks, the two seemed to grow closer and closer, however, being Lydia’s friend and not exactly coming from a rich family, Y/N tried to keep it hidden. It was hard too, considering everyone went to school together, but they had made it work for the most part. However, Y/N still felt that it was unfair to Lydia, considering that she was her friend. 
Of course, her and James never confirmed anything, but if there was a possibility, she would hate for it to happen under Lydia’s nose. If anything happened between her and James, it could be detrimental to their friendship. 
But now here were Y/N and James. He had bailed on attending the event for the Young Beaufort line and had instead switched places with his sister. He met up with Y/N at the donor gala, where they had danced, before ending up underneath the hall in which the gala was taking place. 
They had turned on the power, but even after it was back on, the two remained downstairs. They stared silently at each other, tension, albeit the good kind, filled the room. It was only seconds before the two pushed themselves against the other, locking themselves into a sensual kiss. James took a few steps forward as he kissed her, physically feeling Y/N melt against him as his hands rested on her waist while hers sat in his hair. 
When he had pushed her up against the wall, one of his hands rested on the wall next to her and the other tangled itself in her hair. 
Then Y/N felt the guilt. Lydia wasn’t even here. She wouldn’t find out, but she didn’t even know about the two of them and what they were doing. Y/N couldn’t do this. Not too Lydia. This wasn’t fair for her. 
Y/N pushed James off of her, guilt written across her face. He stared at her, confused. Did he go too far? Was she okay? He went to open his mouth, but she had stopped him. 
“I- I’m.” She paused for a few seconds, swallowing thickly as she looked everywhere but his eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
And then she was gone, racing up the stairs and out of Maxton Hall, leaving James to wonder what the fuck had exactly just happened. 
taglist: @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @imasimptoowth @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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tiktaaliker · 8 months ago
MAN some of the things i miss the most about blaseball were the really small things. like "the inning is now an outing" and how wins and runs were physical objects with weight and how you could click on your peanuts to eat them and how items like the Skate Board was depicted as a wooden board with the Skate element or the Iron Glove was pictured as a clothing iron. and the silly random chance stuff like Socks Maybe getting Theoretical Shoes or Fish Summers being the first player to get launched from the Salmon Cannons or Sutton Picklestein having the returned mod proc the same election they got necromanced in. It was all just so fun and silly and now its gone
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freeworldallahmbaclass · 10 months ago
Another monument for me this time in my hometown Harlem New York City for finding the cure for HIV/AIDS that is what the statue symbolizing me finding the cure for HIV / AIDS and funny stuff it is on 135th street across from the Percy Sutton school and I laugh at the 32nd precinct now I found the cure for HIV / AIDS and I sponsor it get Cabenuva it will help you go undetected for HIV eliminating the chance of it developing into Aids the miracle has finally reached the general public and I sponsor it so forget the noise and take your medicine as prescribed so you grow up healthy and strong success is the best revenge guaranteed you heard it from me Cabenuva is that cure and I sponsor it thank you I'm honored for the privilege to help , thanks .
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Thank you so much . I love you according to Christianity you are forgiven and according to Joel Osteen I can't compromise with that , no thank you I forgive you .
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Thank you I'm honored . Wherever their is people starving and dying from hunger and HIV AIDS use my page to help that country whether it's India , Brazil and not talked about regions and areas in poor neighborhoods in places like Africa and raise the salary for people in Dhaka give them water pumps and more on their paychecks so they can afford to take care of their families thank you it has been great helping the people goodbye and good luck to you and your family .
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Eat good , be content with the little bit that you do have like good friends and put God first and everything else that you want and better yet need will be added to you , and read these books from my personal coach , trainer and mother Joyce Meyer and new Minister and teacher of New York City my mom and your mother Joyce Meyer . I'm just happy that all my friends are successful in life and prospering in their career and have blessed families even though the puppet masters had me on the computer trying to hate on them on facebook and this social media tumblr page for years typing on the computer trying to hate on them but they are good and doing great in life and now my conscious is clear and it is not as expensive pain for me no more as long as they good great music great wives and kids and longevity in their career I decided to go back to them as their friend and stay with my friends and keep that circle of friends that I grew up with and keep the hope for myself because I still believe in love for myself like that Vado and Mary J Blige song beautiful Mary J Blige , I got the fame I wanted and the mother play I wanted sponsored by the 2nd stage theater I got what I wanted basically now I'm at peace with myself now and is being educated by my ministers and pastors and my second call to do something I love , music and stay with God first place in my life .
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The greatest donation I can give to anybody , I give you a dollar to get your life together and in some places it can pay your bail and God will take that hold off of your life and free your head from the birds I mean the vultures and stop Satan your enemy from stealing the word God's word from your heart and memory .
Congratulations to me for my gift 🎁 from the Brooklyn public library a book called the making of a king 👑 by Robert Hardman about me King Charles the third and the modern monarchy and them crowning Nicki Minaj and Cardi B real Queens of the world officially like official Queens of the world now that is hot thank you both sponsor me and my practical basic education and it is good since I'm a private person and shy away from the crowd both women is people that the public the hood like more than me and love so they could be friends with them they are like my protectors what I mean is like I give you somebody you could be friends with if you don't like me a lot of people don't a d aren't going to like you can't like the person helping that is how it is that is always how it is with leaders and since people see me as the geek type quiet reserved guy my female friends women friends are more cool and outgoing and love to meet people and chill with the common people and party with them while I stay to myself , thank you it has been an honor helping with this page I hope this help find you in good health good luck and goodbye , thanks .
I woke up here and I inherited it the same place where I'm at its bad but it is mines I inherited it , thank you .
Yes I do stay in a not so clean and dangerous place well a dirty place if you call it that but if you know anything about me I actually own the neighborhoods I live in I own the hospital my own hospital given to me by a Governor it's my incubator , I own the parks in my neighborhood New York City parks now all of them now and where I live in where the girls don't get to come to see me here but I venture out to see them sometimes we are cool they call it a liability but I inherited these neighborhoods and New York City and a rough and dangerous place to live but it is okay and hopefully my goodness , hospitable charm and love for them warms them and help them like I said thank you I'm working on getting out of here so I will see you outside thank you .
I'm King 👑 the decree from the British Monarchy thank you that is huge thanks and own the 2nd stage theater is mines and no I don't mess with street people no more I did everything for them got them Citibikes computers on Rikers Island and legalized weed for them and I moved on from them and Governor Kathy Hochul told me to dump them slim down lose the weight from the overload of carrying my enemies and their girlfriends off of me and get my life together and I'm doing just that no thank you that should make us friends .
I'm going to end it on this note here Vado from Harlem a rap musician and Mary J Blige got a song called I still believe in love that is somebody from my neighborhood that made it a way for me to be able to get a future for myself financially through a regular paying job and getting myself together and I said thank you to him and Mary thanks now Im stepping off from them and wish them the best of luck in their career and goodbye to me from my old neighborhoods and people from my past so that I can get my life together anybody got any ideas on how a super hero can get a good paying job , see you on there side of success personal success thanks and goodbye it has been an honor helping the people .
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princess-geek · 2 years ago
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It was a pleasure to be your beta reader and a delight to reread this gem! 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 @missameliep
I didn't drink a drop of alcohol, but this chapter let me drunk of emotions! See Elizabeth let herself go with the flow > Theresa and her explosive questions > Briar getting juicy information > Luke spilling the beans too (the Harry Potter detail was a surprise).
“Then you’ll have no problems playing Truth or Drink,” he said with the hint of satisfaction in his expression that only a sibling ready to see the other falling flat on their bottoms can express." Edmund is one of the best brothers in Pixelberry and you could turn him even better. As spectators of the drama unfolding, Elizabeth shared a knowing look with Hamid, and for a moment she considered walking to her stepbrother and smacking the back of his head to bring him back to his senses. Nothing beats siblings' love. 😋😋😋😋
It was very interesting to see the characters on adult XXI mode. I'm taking notes for when my babies grow up a bit more. 😏😏😏😏
I loved how Hamid took off his cool boy mask and admitted that things are not always shining in his world.
(Talking about admissions... Dear, Elizabeth, just kiss the boy! If you don't, I'll!!)
My favourite part was definitely Hamid helping Elizabeth at bedtime! I adore how you portrayed the mix of feelings on both sides.
Second Chances - Chapter Twenty Four: The Undeniable Truth
Book: Desire and Decorum – Modern AU 
Pairing: Prince Hamid x Elizabeth (OC)
Rating: M (see trigger warnings in the notes bellow)
Word count: ~12K
Summary: During the drinking games, truths will be revealed and hearts will be exposed, but some are not the ones everybody had been expecting...
Characters: Elizabeth Foredale (OC); Prince Hamid; Briar Daly; Edmund Marlcaster, Annabelle Parsons; Luke Harper; Theresa Sutton.
* All characters belong to Pixelberry, except OC.
* A huge thank you to @princess-geek for being my beta in this chapter and for all her support to my writing and this series.
* Non-English words translated at the notes in the end.
* Trigger warnings: swearing, drinking, mentions of underage drinking and dialogues with sexual implied content.
* This is my submission to @choicesficwriterscreations fic of the week and @choicesmonthlychallenge (prompts - friends/holding hands/forehead kisses).
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Elizabeth approached Edmund, held his arm, and signalled for him to lean closer. “Is it safe playing with Theresa?” she whispered, “Won’t she gossip about us later?”
“I suppose you never played a drinking game with Annabelle,” Edmund whispered back, and Elizabeth shook her head. She never played any sort of drinking game because getting drunk and sharing personal information are her least favourite pastimes.
“Theresa never lasts long in the game,” he explained, lowering his voice, “and she will be too smashed to remember anything tomorrow. Probably the rest of us too. So, your secrets will be safe.”
“I don’t have secrets!” was her immediate defensive response, but the pitch of her voice gave away the statement was far from the truth.
“Then you’ll have no problems playing Truth or Drink,” he said with the hint of satisfaction in his expression that only a sibling ready to see the other falling flat on their bottoms can express.
Releasing the grip on his arm, Elizabeth lagged, regretting not thoroughly thinking this through.
What was I thinking? This is such a bad idea! I’ll get drunk and embarrass myself. Or worse, Briar will tease me about Hamid, and I’ll be mortified.
Slipping something stupid or inappropriate or worse the truth was simply overwhelming.
“Aren’t you coming?” Edmund asked, holding the door open for her, and she threw her shoulders back trying to balance the weight of her worries about everything that could go wrong tonight.
On her way outside, she’s met by Briar’s stare, holding Hamid’s arm for support. “What’s wrong?”
Gnawing at one thumb’s nail, Elizabeth said, “I haven’t played this kind of game since school and there was no drinking involved...”
“Be brave and honour your ancestor, a woman who had premarital sex with a man who was not her fiancé and engaged in swordfight on her wedding day. Total badass!”
“Sword fighting? Impressive,” Hamid remarked, and Briar promised to lend him the journal after she finished it.
“Don’t worry. It’ll be fun.” Leaning forward and adopting a conspiratorial tone, Briar said, “And if the truth it too ugly to handle, lie. Just like everybody else.”
“Excuse me?” Elizabeth’s brows raised in surprise. “What’s the point if you don’t say the truth?”
Both laughed at her reaction and Hamid offered his free arm so they could walk together.
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After assembling large bags of crisps, a plate with mini-sandwiches, a bowl of popcorn, cans of soft drinks and the four wine bottles Edmund and Annabelle retrieved from the famous Edgewater’s cellar – wine good enough to not give them a headache tomorrow, but not the vintage and expensive kind that would be missed – and one bottle of scotch from Edmund’s personal reserve for his own pleasure, the group re-joined.
Edmund glanced at the silent corridor before closing the door of the elegant guestroom. The crackling of the fire and the drumming of the rain against the windows were muffled by the exciting conversations.
This room was not selected because of the delicate floral wallpaper or the inviting furniture, but due to its remoteness, in the wing reserved for summer guests. There was not the slightest chance of Lady Dominique bursting in unless she was actively searching for any of them, which was very unlikely, considering she left to a dinner party in one of the neighbouring estates. Despite living in these lands for the better part of her life, the lady had greatly complained about the inconvenience of the pouring rain when she stopped by at the game room to hear about the picnic, and a few of them stifled laughs at the resemblance of Elizabeth’s own displeasure with the weather at London on several occasions.
Except for Theresa who didn’t really care for contemporary music but liked Mariah Carey, everyone else engaged in a passionate debate about the perfect music for the evening, advocating for their favourite genres. Annabelle, for instance, suggested one of her playlists with progressive rock and all-female rock bands.
“You can’t dance to that?” Briar retorted, and Annabelle snorted pointing at Briar’s feet resting on an ottoman. “First, you can’t dance anyway. Second,” she made a dramatic pause and a song started blasting from her mobile, “how can anyone not feel like dancing to ‘Bad Reputation’?”
To form a consensus was almost impossible considering the variety of playlists and genres each one vouched for. After fifteen minutes of debating, Hamid’s diplomatic skills proved effective in solving the impasse, and he offered to create a collaborative playlist with songs from everyone’s favourite playlists, and peace reigned once more.
With the music playing in the background, their attention focused on moving the armchairs and placing throw-pillows over the plush rug to make room for everyone around the hardwood oval cocktail table, where two of the bottles of wine and seven low ball glasses had been settled. With Annabelle’s assistance, Briar accommodated herself first. Despite Theresa’s presence – which was emphasised by the incessant chatter about a range of subjects that her fiancé had little to no interest in listening to, leaving Hamid, the most empathetic of the group, stuck with her for the past several minutes –, Edmund looked intently, as if entranced by the scene, or considering if he should take a seat at the cushion on Briar’s other side.
As spectators of the drama unfolding, Elizabeth shared a knowing look with Hamid, and for a moment she considered walking to her stepbrother and smacking the back of his head to bring him back to his senses. However, resorting to violence was not necessary. Without being incited by any of the presents, Edmund turned around and picked a different cushion, one that wasn’t beside nor facing Briar, and Theresa followed suit, sitting beside him.
Annabelle’s thirst for drama would not be sate just yet, a hint of disappointment visible when a mischievous smile was erased from her lips.
From the remaining three cushions, Hamid deliberately picked the one in the middle, and with an inviting smile at Elizabeth, patted the cushion at his right, the one who would allow her to sit beside Briar as well – which the man certainly assumed could make the choice easier. Taking the cue, Luke sat at his left, between him and Edmund.
“Everyone knows the rules?” Annabelle asked.
“Can’t I just drink? I’m not interested in the secrets or whatever...”
“You know that’s not how it works, Marlcaster. Anyone who doesn’t participate can’t be here. So, in or out?”
“Out.” Picking the bottle of scotch, he started to get up, but Elizabeth jumped to her feet and pointed a finger at him, remembering the times they were kids and he sneaked away with his friends to play videogames, leaving a crying Harry behind for her to soothe.
“No, you don’t!” she said with a firmer and louder tone than everyone expected, including herself. When every pair of surprised eyes darted to her face, she blushed and took a second to muster an inexpressible small smile. “It will be fun,” she pushed lively words through her teeth, while trying to telepathically warn him: “You’re not dropping Theresa with us!”
Startled by the intimidating tone he hasn’t heard in years and narrowed green eyes staring him down, he hesitated for a second before changing his mind and sitting back down.
Theresa looked happy at his change of mind, and he actively ignored Annabelle’s muffled giggles.
“As our hostess, Liz should start!” Briar rapped on the table, drawing a drumming sound.
“Alright. Let me see... Never have I ever... broken a bone.”
Hamid, Annabelle, Edmund, and Luke sipped their glasses, and it was time for the next participant.
With a mischievous smile, Briar looked around, and said, “Never have I ever... ghosted someone.”
“How is that possible if we’re all alive?” Theresa asked out loud, and Luke huffed with laugh assuming it was a joke – which in fact was not. As Hamid explained the meaning of the word ghosting in this context, Annabelle, who had been targeted by the asker, drank the content of her glass. Luke and Edmund did the same, then a hesitant Elizabeth took a small sip of the red wine as subtle as possible, but not subtle enough to escape Briar’s hawk eyes.
“You ghosted someone?” she gasped.
Looking intently at the glass in her hand, Elizabeth mumbled, “Once. Long ago... It was… yeah… it was no big deal…”
“Really?” Briar’s voice and eyebrows raised. “You, Elizabeth Victoria Foredale, were absolutely fine ghosting someone who I assume fancied you?”
“That’s not my name!”
“Don’t change the subject!” Briar pointed a warning finger at her, trying to hold in a laugh.
Elizabeth sighed and gnawed at a cuticle, “Fine. I might have sent an anonymous gift basket from a fancy bakery… because I was feeling bad for him…”
“Now, I believe it.”
“I wish the girls who ghosted me would’ve been that nice…” Annabelle mused, “Carbs would make it easier having my ass dumped...”
“Unless they weren’t gluten free…” Briar chimed in.
“Good point. That would be the final blow.”
“Why not simply saying you were not interested?” Hamid inquired, not a hint of judgement in his tone, but her face was already burning with all the attention her honesty attracted – and a bit of shame for admitting it out loud in front of him.
“Poor social skills,” she sighed, understanding what Briar meant before. “Now can we move on?”
Annabelle was next and a playful smile curled her lips, while eyes full of mischief focused on her target. The question darted from her lips with intent. “Never have I ever kept a secret crush from people in this room.”
Edmund’s gaze flicked over to Annabelle, and his fingers encircled the glass, but he didn’t lift it; instead, he let his palms splay over the table, watching the others, to see if anybody was going to take a drink or point a finger at him.
After a moment of dwelling if her crush was indeed a secret or not, considering at least half of the presents were aware of it, Elizabeth also decided not to drink.
Resting her chin on her palm, Annabelle chewed on a crisp and muttered looking directly at Edmund, “I was expecting someone to drink…”
“I’m absolutely transparent,” Hamid said, “none of my crushes could ever be a secret.”
“Me too,” Briar piped in. “I’m an open book.”
“Then you must tell me,” Theresa pleaded, “I don’t know who your crush is!”
“Right now?” Briar gulped. “Zero crushes!”
“What about Woods?” Edmund threw the question and with an impassive expression resumed sipping his drink. The attention of the group flicked from him to Briar.
“I wouldn’t call it a crush... He’s a... friend.”
“Woods?” Theresa echoed the name, trying to figure out who they were talking about. “You mean the butler?”
“Yes, he’s a butler and the sweetest man I’ve ever met.”
“Doesn’t that mean you want to be more than friends?”
“I... It’s...” Briar stuttered, and Edmund looked away. While she tried to find a definitive answer, her cheeks reddened in an extraordinary occurrence. “I don’t, Theresa. What we have is perfect.”
Theresa flooded Briar with questions about Woods and her love life, but most remained answered.
“Let’s not dally. Theresa, I believe you’re next.”
“Never have I ever... hmmm...” Theresa fidgeted with the pendants of her bracelet while looking at Elizabeth. “Never have I ever… being arrested.”
Only Annabelle drank.
“Twice.” She raised two of her fingers, sating the curiosity of the others. “Protesting.”
Propping her arms over the table, Theresa leaned and tried to meet Elizabeth’s eye. “What about you, Eliza?”
“Me?” She pointed at herself. “What about me?”
“We’re amongst friends here…” she said in a honeyed tone, “Not even once? Not even for a tiny, teeny crime? Shoplifting, perhaps?”
Like a fish out of the water, Elizabeth’s mouth opened and closed without emitting any sound, and she considered how to reply to this questioning without being terribly rude, even though that was one of the occasions courtesies could be ignored. Before she decided, Briar laughed at the inquisitiveness, and blocked Theresa’s view of Elizabeth’s face. “What are you? A cop?”
Theresa laughed, but it was a nervous kind of laugh and not her regular one.
“No, of course not! I’m not investigating her… I mean… I’m being… nosy, like we ought to, right?” she stuttered and averted her gaze, making her words sound even more unconvincing. “That’s what makes it fun, isn’t it?”
There was no answer to the questions, only more chewing sounds before the game resumed.
“Your turn, Marlcaster,” Annabelle said and contemplated him for a second. “Why is your glass empty?”
The glass was pushed in her direction. “I need a refill.”
She poured more wine, filling the short glass to the rim. Edmund stared at the content of the glass as if expecting the Bordeaux to offer him a viable idea, until his blue eyes flicked to Annabelle, and a barely-there smile curled his lips.
“Never have I ever… gotten a tattoo.”
In a mix of complaining about being unjustly targeted in this game, and complimenting the fine wine, Annabelle drank first, followed by Luke and Elizabeth. Edmund’s jaw dropped at the sight of his stepsister drinking.
“You? You have a tattoo?”
“I actually have two,” Elizabeth said offering a proud smile.
His blue eyes widened, unblinking. “Lady grandmother will have a stroke if she ever finds out!”
“Since they’re very well concealed, she won’t find out, unless one of you tell her, which I hope you won’t.”
“I can testify they’re absolutely hidden from sight!” Hamid said causally, and the eyes of the one he was speaking about darted to his face.
“Dude!” Elizabeth exclaimed lifting both hands.
“I’m complimenting you for doing an outstanding job hiding them. I saw you on your bathing suit and there was no sign of tattoos. Not that I was checking for tattoos, but... Good job!” He raised his thumbs in approval, meanwhile, Edmund shook his head, muttered something unintelligible under his breath and gulped the content of his glass.
Chuckling, Annabelle interrupted the questions about the design of Elizabeth’s tattoos and the pleas to see them.
“Alright, we get it. Liz’s got tattoos and Hamid’s thirst... Luke you’re next.”
They played more rounds and soon emptied two bottles of wine and consumed half the food. The more Theresa drank, the less her questions seemed coherent with her early line of investigation on Elizabeth’s life and the more inclined she felt to ask about everyone else’s, for undisclosed reasons Hamid’s love life seemed to have piqued her interest the most.
It was safe to say that despite the sheer embarrassment of sharing details about her life, Elizabeth was enjoying herself. Perhaps it was the fact that by that point the alcohol had released part of her inhibitions, perhaps the laughter and funny stories her friends shared eased her. Even if the prospect of Edmund cracking under pressure seemed less likely to happen, she was content, but sleepy. Stretching her arms over her head, Elizabeth yawned, even though it was only a quarter after 10pm.
Edmund pulled the cork of the third bottle of wine, which fell to the floor and rolled, disappearing underneath the sofa.
Annabelle looked around holding one of the empty bottles, and declared, “I believe it’s time to change games. What do you think?”
“Definitely. We’re not really finding out anything interesting, except that Luke is a Potterhead.” Her words carried her disapproval, and he raised his hands to the air, correcting her, “I’m not. I told you: my ex was obsessed; I learned by osmosis…and most of it against my will. It’s not like I was going to comic-cons with her and cosplaying…”
“I bet you dressed as Harry at some point…” she giggled while pouring more wine on hers and Annabelle’s glasses.
He chuckled and averted his gaze.
“Ohmygod! You did it!”
Without looking at anybody, he licked his lips and answered quietly against the rim of the glass, “I certainly did, but it was definitely not for Halloween…”
His words stirred Briar’s curiosity, and she leaned forward, elbows on the table, completely focused on him and the information he was half-offering. She tried to meet his eyes, but he averted his gaze, while sipping his drink, and her mouth rounded when realization dawned on her.
“Roleplaying, Luke?” Briar cried, and he shrugged. “Naughty!”
After a few unanswered follow-up questions about his sex life, the nosy woman finally dropped the subject.
“We’ll play Truth or Drink. You know the drill. Whoever the bottle points at must answer the question or drink!” Annabelle announced wringing her hand.
“What about Hamid, he’s not really drinking...” Briar said grinning and pointing at the small glass filled with diet coke. “It won’t be fair to us.”
“Why aren’t you drinking? Is this a religious thing?” Theresa shot the question, and Edmund chided her.
Hamid waved his hand signalling it was okay, however Elizabeth glared at Theresa, finally showing irritation at the nosy woman inquires.
“You don’t need to answer that, Hamid,” she said softly to him.
“It’s alright, Liz,” he replied, resting a hand over the one of hers lying on her knee. “You guys want the long or short version?”
“Long!” Briar and Theresa cried in unison.
“I used to drink,” Hamid started.
After drinking the entire content of the small glass, he rolled his lips inside his mouth. When they rolled back out and parted in a wide grin, Elizabeth forced her eyes to focus on anything else, because she shouldn’t be staring at him or his lips like a cartoon hungry wolf.
“You must understand two things: the first one, Annem’s family is well-known in Türkiyefor being descendants of Ottoman Sultans and for its many politicians. They are ultratraditional and awfully strict when it comes to public opinion… And second, when I was eleven, my family moved back to Istanbul after living in Canberra, and our lives changed completely… suddenly there were journalists following me and my sisters around, trying to find any dirty on us to shame Dede[1] Emir and Dayı[2] Eren, and Annem’s constant surveillance… I couldn’t leave the house by myself, except to go to school… I felt trapped. –”
“A gilded cage is still a cage”, Elizabeth remembered the words he told her once, finally realizing its meaning.
“– Until my father was assigned to the embassy at Boston and we moved again. I was fifteen, starting high school and it was like someone released me from a cage. I was free and eager to experience everything possible before being sent back to Istanbul and facing the life planned for me... Moderation wasn’t an acceptable choice.”
“That sounds like a dangerous combination,” Luke pointed out.
“It was fun and liberating. For a while, at least…” he paused, and poured himself more diet coke. “Besides drinking quite frequently without my parents’ knowledge, I’ve done a couple of other things that could be considered dangerous and imprudent, like riding motorcycles, skydiving and hitchhiking a plane.”
“You did what?” Annabelle and Luke gasped at the same time.
“Haven’t I told you that story? This is one of my proudest accomplishments.” Hamid looked around for confirmation and met the astonished faces with a wide grin. “My friends and I were at this party at school and bored out of our minds. After we had drank all the vodka we snuck in, someone suggested going to the airport because ‘how fun would it be if we could hitchhike a plane!’”
In his narrative, he used the charming tone he adopts whenever telling one of his famous anecdotes; words and cadence carefully picked to entertain, like he did at dinner the night before. This time, Elizabeth caught his act, noticing the theatrical hand gestures and smiles when he talked about his friends, sons and daughters of politicians or diplomats like himself, and suspected he was purposedly trying to divert from the original subject without giving away his intention. Most of his stories are about other people, and the ones focused on himself, usually reinforce his charming and fun personality. Humorous self-deprecation is not to be expected from him.
Briar guessed, “I bet it was you who suggested that?”
“To this day, Lewis insists it was my idea, but I swear it was Amalia’s… she wanted to go to New York, I only suggested flying would be faster. Anyway… we went to the airport, and I sweet-talked one of the flight attendants to introduce me to someone in charge of flights… we happened to come at the perfect time... Two hours later we’re on a plane to New York.” Hamid added with an ear-to-ear grin, “Bono Vox’s private jet.”
“No way!”
“How did you even–?” Luke muttered, trying to figure out what to even ask, and Hamid shrugged his shoulders, with a too proud of a smile.
“I asked nicely.”
“Did you meet Bono?” Annabelle asked.
“Unfortunately, no. But I met someone from the crew, and she got us backstage passes to the shows at Chicago and Philly, and we met the band. My friend Melissa got to sing with Bono.”
“Who’s Bono?” Theresa asked, not holding her tongue anymore.
“U2’s lead singer. Songwriter. Activist,” Annabelle replied, sounding more offended by the ignorance with each word she mouthed without recognition.
“Sings old people’s music,” Briar whispered, and Theresa giggled, drawing an exasperated sigh from Annabelle.
The more Elizabeth learns about Hamid, the harder to believe that he could not find her tedious.
“The drinking,” Edmund said, more interested in the story than anything that happened in the game so far, “if it was so amazing, why did you quit?”
Hamid’s gaze flicked to him, and he tilted his head. “Who said it was amazing?”
“Cool friends, flying in musicians’ planes, concerts… you painted a very appealing picture.” Edmund gulped the scotch in his glass.
“I see your point… I realised I cared about the thrill and adventures, and I don’t need to drink to have any of those...”
“Sounds fake,” Briar murmured to him, “but okay.”
Laughing at Briar’s jest, Hamid added, “...and there were much tastier things to put in my mouth whatsoever.”
“Now I believe you!”
“Very mature,” Annabelle complimented. “Many people abstain. And not only for religious purposes. So, to even things out, if you’re all in favour, we’ll play a round of Truth or Dare exclusively with Hamid. Whenever you don’t want to answer, you need to submit to a dare of our choice!”
“Can we still drink?” Edmund asked, and Annabelle squinted her eyes at him, and he took that as a permission to drink an entire tumbler of scotch.
“I have nothing to hide. But maybe we should make it more interesting… If I answer all your questions, you’ll submit to a dare,” Hamid said, indicating the group of friends with a wave of his hand, Annabelle looked around searching for confirmation and offered her hand.
“Agreed, –” Annabelle shook hands with Hamid. “– But no dares involving leaving the country.”
“Sounds fair, but incredibly boring.”
Briar clapped her hands and pointed a finger at Elizabeth. “Lizzy, you ask first. Don’t disappoint Lady Clara!”
“Can we ask anything?” She looked at Hamid for confirmation.
Hamid’s eyes, pools of dark and warmth, locked with hers, an invitation to his inner world. She held the power to ask anything from his past, present or future. Anything.
Elizabeth pondered if she should ask a question Hamid wouldn’t want to answer, which means no dare of his in the end, or one that he would in fact answer. The second option was much more tempting to her curious nature. The only issue was coming up with one unrelated to herself or the interrupted conversation of that afternoon – something incredibly hard to do with his thumb stroking the back of her hand this gently, like it was the single most important thing he had to do this evening.
She realized they were holding hands underneath the table and couldn’t help wondering when this became such a trivial occurrence and not the kind of event capable of causing a turmoil. Nevertheless, it felt absolutely right.
Overwhelmed by infinite choices and her own fears of exposing herself, instead of diving in, she decided on dipping her toes.
“What –” She paused, cleared her throat, and started over, “What do most people assume is true about you but in fact isn’t?”
Taking a deep breath, Hamid’s free hand raised to his hair, and his fingers combed it back twice. The unusual long silence made some consider he would ask for a dare instead, judging by the gloating expressions and meaningful looks shared.
“There’s a persistent belief that I’m a playboy who treats women as trophies… disregarding their feelings...” He shifted in his place uncomfortably, as if he were sitting over thorns. “But I am anything like that. I’m not... heartless... promiscuous… or incapable of having a serious relationship because I never had one. And I hope that is not what you think of me,” he said looking into her eye and she replied with a slight shake of her head, even if occasionally she wondered if the picture painted about him was an exaggeration or matched his true self.
“Good,” he whispered, and his lips parted into a wide grin that stole her breath.
That was a perfectly good answer, wasn’t it? Unproblematic. Romantic even, if she focused exclusively on the fact he was concerned about her opinion and not that they were surrounded by people and can’t carry on this conversation... However, before her musings went far, Briar shared her strong indignation.
“It’s bloody 2018! Your sex life – or mine or anyone else’s – should be nobody’s business,” she said looking around, searching for approval, and Theresa pursed her lips, not entirely sure if the criticism wasn’t about herself, who is an avid consumer of celebrity gossip in general.
“Some take pleasure speculating… and trying to label others’ behaviours...”
“And making money out of it,” Annabelle added. “Don’t forget there’s a whole business profiting from people’s private lives. Scandal sells tabloids – or these days gets the more clicks…”
“At Türkiye, my pictures have definitely enriched some newspapers’ owners, and brought shame to my family’s name...”
“Why? Being slutty doesn’t make you a bad person!”
“I wouldn’t refer to myself like that, but I agree,” he laughed. “To be honest, I don’t really care about what they write about me... But I know it’s a privilege of being a man from a wealthy family; things would be completely different if I were gay or a woman…”
“Or both,” Annabelle pointed out.
“I like a good gossip like the next person... but I really don’t get it. What’s the matter if you like it casual? Or one-night stands? If it’s consensual, it’s nobody’s business,” Briar concluded with fire in her eyes, “Judging people by number of partners or how frequently they shag is utter tosh!”
“Well said!” Annabelle clapped and Briar bowed with a little flourish of her hands. “Now that you got it all out of your chest, can we move on? It’s your turn to ask.”
In a second, Briar’s face changed completely. She flashed the widest and most mischievous grin at Hamid.
Taking a deep breath, her lungs filled with enough air to sing the chorus to Wannabe and Annabelle, Elizabeth and Luke laughed before snapping their fingers at the rhythm. Edmund and Theresa who weren’t present when Hamid told his sisters used to dress him up as one of the Spice Girls looked utterly lost.
When her nasal voice faded, Briar pushed an imaginary microphone in his direction. “Which Spice Girl, Hamid?”
Despite the smile, he shook his head slowly and muttered words under his breath that were not the answer; Elizabeth wondered if any of those were curse words, considering his preference to swear in languages other than English.
“Sporty.” The word was pushed through his smile while he failed to look unaffected by Briar’s victorious grin.
“I knew it!” Briar cried. “Now we need visuals!”
“Not happening.”
“Don’t be so confident, Lizzy can ask your sisters...”
“Supposing she in fact knows one of my sisters, she wouldn’t do that,” he replied not missing a beat, but the teasing words might have reached the intent when Elizabeth didn’t side with him immediately.
Stealing a sideway glance at her, he only got a shrug and a non-reply in the form of a small smile.
Sipping the wine, while he insisted on the subject and the fact his sisters and Elizabeth obviously don’t know each other, she giggled against the rim of the small glass. His reasoning and insistence amused her. For a change, she got the upper hand and would enjoy every second of this. Like this wine. Sipping it bit by bit.
“Maybe I didn’t have to ask...” Elizabeth said softly putting the empty glass down.
“And you didn’t tell them?” he taunted, referring to Annabelle and Briar who were enjoying this almost as much as her. “Impossible.”
“Are you calling me a gossip now?”
“Absolutely not. But I fear you’re trying to trick me into believing you have befriended my sister.”
“Sisters,” she corrected. “And last week your aunt and two of your cousins from Adana dropped me DMs too.” Shaking his head slowly, with a teasing smile with a hint of the tip of his tongue peeking, he leaned forward, his eyes searching for any hesitation.
“Show me your mobile.”
“You don’t believe my word?”
“Frankly, no. There’s no evidence supporting your allegations, Miss Foredale. I’m afraid the court will dismiss the case,” he taunted, using legal jargons learned from TV shows.
Perhaps it was the casual atmosphere or his long nose almost touching the tip of hers, the warmth of his breath or intense gaze unwavering from her eyes while he slowly retreated... Perhaps it was a combination of all the above. Whatever it was, it encouraged her to search in her foggy brain the perfect story to convince him of the seriousness of her allegations. She remembered one of the first anecdotes Faiza and Hande shared about their younger brother after he shared a picture of her sitting at the park after jogging with the hashtag #londonsmostbeautifulsmile.
“Then how do I know about the incident with your mother’s ring?”
In slow motion, the self-satisfied smile vanished from his lips and so did the glow of his skin. While his brain processed the information, the sides of his neck and cheeks turned a darker shade.
“Yok artık[3]!” he spat. “Who told you that? Was it Faiza?”
“Stop speaking in code!” Briar cut them off, “I want to know it too!”
“Me too!” Theresa and Annabelle piped in.
“Then you’ll have to ask Hamid.”
“Is it worth?” Annabelle who would be the next asker inquired, and Elizabeth shrugged dismissively, it was in her hands to decide, but judging by his reaction it could be a question to make him yield.
The other took a moment to consider if it was the sort of knowledge worthy of her question or not and debated with Briar in hushed tones.
“Such bigmouths!” he sighed running a hand through his face. “That story is so embarrassing!”
“It’s so not! It’s cute!” Elizabeth said, and he raised his head revealing a wide grin and his skin had darkened even more, a hint of redness reached the tips of his ears. “I can’t believe I made you blush!” Elizabeth laughed and fished a handful of crisps from the bowl.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He shrugged. “I don’t blush.”
“I also thought you didn’t...” she said offering him the bowl. “But you do. And it’s adorable.” The tip of her index finger touched his face, and the skin of his cheek was as warm as his smile, confirming her assumption. His lips spread even further, and his cheeks rounded beneath her lingering touch, dimples forming on each side of his face and eyes squinting.
“My turn,” Annabelle announced, and his attention was drawn to her. “Have you ever had a sex dream with anyone in this room?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows at him, and he smiled and answered quickly, no hesitation whatsoever, “Yes, I have.”
Excited cheers and teasing followed.
“Really? Who?” Briar inquired not holding her curiosity.
“That is another question,” he said, “and you already asked yours.”
“Was it me?” she pressed, “I know one can’t fake the kind of chemistry we had dancing last night, but I only see you as a friend. Please, keep me out of your dirty dreams.”
“Now you’re breaking my heart,” Hamid laughed it off, and soon the game moved on.
“Who would you rather date Donna Bowman or Felicity Holloway?” Theresa asked and leaned forward expectantly, and Elizabeth rolled her eyes not hiding the annoyance.
Hamid plastered his most alluring smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“They are both attractive women, each with a particular beauty. Making me choose one over the other seems absolutely unfair, don’t you agree?”
Hamid’s words were so convincing that pleased Theresa, who nodded. Briar however didn’t miss the opportunity to tease him.
“But that’s the point. You must choose or you’re not really answering the question... And if you don’t answer, it’s time for a dare, innit?” She looked at Annabelle for confirmation, and Hamid inhaled deeply and shook his head slowly.
“Oooh! She’ll be so thrilled!”
“Did you roll your eyes again?” Hamid asked Elizabeth, who looked away, but realized he had been observing her reaction.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” she said focusing on the breadcrumbs she was picking from the table and throwing at an empty plate, keeping to herself how the mere mention of Felicity and her minion’s names bothered her. 
“Can she do that?” Briar asked pointing at Theresa, hands typing on her mobile underneath the table.
“Theresa, you know the rules! You can’t share the answers.”
“Alright,” she put the mobile away, but only after pressing ‘send’.
“Your turn, Marlcaster.”
“I didn’t think of a question.”
Briar raised her hand in the air as if she were in school. “I have an excellent one!”
“Me too,” Theresa said and whispered something in his ear, and he grimaced.
“I’m not asking that.”
“Please! I’m dying of curiosity!”
He downed the amber liquid, and said, “You can have my question…”
Showing gratitude, Theresa kissed his cheek and addressed the other man eagerly, “Hamid, if you could kiss anyone in the entire world, who would it be?”
Unlike the other question, this time, Hamid stole a furtive glance at Elizabeth, and smiled the kind of wide and open smile that dimples his cheeks and almost makes his face glow.
There were no introductory words, flattery, or praise to women either present or absent, just a simple and direct answer.
“Elizabeth.” Her name was softly spoken, rolling out of his tongue like a melody, and her heart skipped a beat.
The intensity of Hamid’s bright and intense eyes on her was unbearable. Allowing herself a moment to process this reply, she lowered her gaze.
The kissing part wasn’t that surprising – only a few hours before he said he wanted to kiss her –, but the fact that given any option he would still choose her over any model, movie star or a childhood crush was mind-blowing! And the boldness of being this frank without assurance whether her reaction would be? She could never! Even after drinking, she would never put herself on the spotlight to the judgement and opinions of others.
Her heart was pounding louder than ever, so loud she heard nothing from the room in a while, not acknowledging the chorus of Aww and Ooh and “Kiss him!”stirred by his answer or his sigh when her hand slipped away from his, not out of displeasure but to wipe the gelid sweat damping her palms on her jeans.
“I’m baffled you’d still choose her after what happened!” Theresa blurted out, and she received confused looks in return that encouraged her to explain the point. Her words flowed in that characteristic quick pace of hers, “Considering she broke up with you to be with Ernest Sinclaire, I thought you would pick anyone else, really… Unless you are trying to win her back... are you? In that case it would be so romantic!”
“O quê?[4]” Elizabeth gasped.
Amused, Hamid glanced at Elizabeth, whose cheeks haven’t had the chance to return to their natural tawny beige tone. “You broke up with me?”
“I didn’t break up with him!” she assured Theresa.
“You’re dating both!?” Theresa’s nasal voice raised to a shrieking level, and she covered her astonishment with a hand, before her fingers resumed typing on the mobile, ignoring the previous chiding about it.
Pretending to be offended, Briar tried to stifle a giggle and asked, “I am your English best friend, and you didn’t tell me any of this?”
“Halla halla! She didn’t even tell me and I’m the boyfriend!” Hamid sighed. “Since I was in the dark, I need time to process…” His hand covered most of his face, but Elizabeth could still see the grin he was hiding underneath.
The whole thing was hilarious to Hamid and some of the presents, who cackled; even Elizabeth cracked a little smile at his acting skills when he dramatically sobbed. However, Theresa who was completely in the dark misunderstood the heaving of Hamid’s chest with real crying and expressed profound sorrow – she is a notorious gossip but not a heartless woman.
“I’m awfully sorry. Mum is right, this is a flaw of mine: I always speak too much and without minding the consequences. But I didn’t know it was a secret! I swear! Donna showed me the pictures of you,” she said pointing at Hamid and Elizabeth, “and Felicity is always ranting about you and Mr. Sinclaire. She says she’s worried about him and not jealous at all; but believe me she’s so utterly jealous that you caught his eye! And with all the buzz online, I assumed everyone knew!”
Hamid uncovered his face, and asked, “Am I the last to know?”
“Stop with this nonsense!” Elizabeth said, poking Hamid’s arm. “Tell her the truth!”
“Why are you so eager in denying it?” Hamid asked raising his gaze to meet hers, despite the lilt of laughter and the grin that wrinkled the corners of his eyes, there was something vulnerable hinted in his question, “Is it that embarrassing that someone assumes we’re dating?”
“No, it’s not – I’m not – That’s not the point,” she stuttered. Raising one index finger to request a pause, she reached the wine glass and chugged it under Hamid’s attentive gaze. She blinked quickly in a failed attempt to unblurry his face, and he took pity on her.
“Fine. Theresa, your sources are incorrect: there was no breakup because we were not dating in the first place. Therefore, Elizabeth is free to date whoever she wants, including the dashing Mr. Sinclaire,” he said quickly and turned back to Elizabeth, “Satisfied?”
“Then you confirm she is dating Sinclaire!”
“You’re impossible!” Elizabeth shook her head slowly. “What am I to do with you?”
Hamid grinned, his cheeks dimpling even further. “I have plenty of suggestions...” he whispered into her ear, and the huff of his chuckle fanned her neck, causing all the hair in her body to stand on end.
“So, are you or are you not?” Theresa asked, too eager for an answer about the Sinclaire affair.
“Are you already tired of asking me questions? Am I boring you?” Hamid asked Theresa with a mocking pout, momentarily saving Elizabeth from further questions.
“Moving on,” Annabelle clapped. “Luke, your turn. Last question.”
“That’s right,” Hamid teased, wringing his hands, “only one question and then I can reveal my dare!”
“Don’t brag before you hear Luke’s question...”
“I don’t have anything to hide.”
“We need a great question, dude.”
“Don’t worry, Liz, I got an excellent one.” Luke grinned and leaned forward to face the other man. “Who was the person you thought about the last time you got off?”
Hamid’s eyes widened when his brain processed what he was being asked, and the cocky smile vanished from his face.
“Dare,” he said firmly.
“Are you sure?” Annabelle asked for confirmation, and when he nodded, Briar and Luke high-fived.
The group moved to the couch to confabulate, while Hamid remained quiet, chewing on some crisps. To ruffle his feathers, some of the words were deliberately spoken louder.
“Naked selfie...”
“Dick pic...”
“Unsolicited dick pics are not funny!” Annabelle chided.
Cheeks reddened by the alcohol, Theresa laughed loud, “I know someone who wouldn’t mind receiving one.”
“Me too,” Briar jumped in, and Elizabeth glared at her. “I didn’t name names. Yet.” Her guffaws joined Theresa’s.
Edmund’s eyes rolled and his gaze fixed at the ceiling, and it was hard to say whichever bothered him more about the women’s exchange.
The deliberations and goading continued without stirring the desired reaction until Briar whispered in his direction, “Shave his head.”
“No one is touching my hair!” Hamid objected firmly, holding a hand up, and Elizabeth stared at him in disbelief.
“Seriously? That’s where you draw the line?” she asked, pouring herself another glass of wine.
“I'm not ashamed of my body.” His intense gaze stole her words, and she sipped the wine to have something to do with herself.
“Easy there,” he warned, trying to take the bottle away from her.
“I’m half-British,” she slurred, barely mispronouncing the word, and spilling some of the wine when she evaded his move. “I can hold my drink.”
By this point, every tiny glass gulped made her speech more slurring, and her cheeks redder.
Luke raised from his place, and announced, “We dare you to stay outside for five minutes –”
“That’s easy. I lived at Moscow,” Hamid brushed off, but Briar cut in, “Shirtless! And doing jumping jacks!”
Undeterred by the increasing level of difficulty, he got up and pulled the orange jumper over his head and the white t-shirt in one movement, and asked Elizabeth to hold them.
Everyone followed when he marched to the balcony’s door, eager to see if he would go through. When he cracked the door open, a cold drift invaded the room and Edmund’s cheeks turned rosier. The rain had stopped but the floor was wet, and Hamid visibly shivered with the gust of wind, but brushed it off when asked by Elizabeth, throwing her a wink and a smug smile.
“What if he falls?” Elizabeth mumbled to Briar, who had wrapped an arm around hers for support. “The floor is wet.”
“Then you’ll take care of him,” Briar laughed. “Just look at the bright side. And at those abs.” She exaggeratedly bit her lower lip in a suggestive way, and Elizabeth looked away.  
Meanwhile, Annabelle snapped her fingers to get Theresa’s attention. “Your mobile, please,” she said extending one hand with her palm up. “You must quit texting Donna and you can’t send pictures of Hamid to her or else you are out.”
Theresa tried to deny it and argue, but the other was firm in making her abide by the rules, and lastly, she conceded.
“I’ll return to you later,” Annabelle said tucking the mobile into her trousers pocket.
When Hamid started the jumping jacks, the others cheered and clapped – but not Elizabeth. At first, she searched for any indication he was too cold outside or hiding the discomfort of an injury from the riding incident. However, the more she looked at him, the prouder he looked with the attention. The more she stared at his bare torso, the more her hungry eyes focused on his physique and the less her brain processed anything else.
Cradled by her arms, his t-shirt and soft jumper exuded Hamid’s favourite perfume, the sensual fragrance reserved to “special occasions”, an invitation to sinful thoughts. While on the one hand, every second slipping by in the timer Luke has set in his mobile was another one her willpower prevailed against the primal urge of burying her face on his clothes; on the other hand, it meant soon the challenge would be over.
Halfway through the dare, Hamid huffed a loud breath, almost a laugh, smiled and winked at her. She bit her lower lip, watching the wind blowing against his back, dishevelling his hair.
“Do you need a napkin?” Briar whispered and her eyes darted to her face in confusion. “To wipe the drool.” Elizabeth’s hand brushed her own mouth and chin, even though she was pretty sure the other was joking.
Luke’s mobile rang, and the dare was completed.
They waved him in, and Hamid kept the door wide open, allowing the wind to blow their hairs, while making a show of saying it was absolutely agreeable outside and inviting them to the balcony to breath the evening’s fresh air. When he finally came by to retrieve his clothes, all the soft black hair in his arms was standing on end, like it did that day when she held his arm to appreciate the luxuriant scent of his perfume.
“You’re cold.”
“Will you warm me up?” he asked in a soft voice only she could hear, and the rosy on her cheeks had nothing to do with the gust of wind this time.
With a sly smile, he took a long deep breath, and flexed his muscles to make his athletic body even more evident. Standing in front of him, Elizabeth’s gaze travelled downwards from his well-defined and hairless chest to the visible V-cut in his abdomen. Her reaction seemed to please him, and he took his sweet time putting on his t-shirt.
“You should’ve asked him to strip down to his underwear!” Theresa’s voice resonated and Edmund gasped her name, almost dropping his tumbler, and Briar cackled. “Oooh! Did I say that out loud?”
Briar replied, “Maybe next round!”
Both let out loud guffaws and clinked their glasses. Theresa downed the liquid and laughed a little more by herself.
“It seems I’m a little... tipsy already.” She said pulling her dishevelled hair back. “I’m going to –” A loud hiccup interrupted her, and she burst out laughing. “Are you coming?” her whispered question to her fiancé was too loud, and he replied he would stay.
“Good night!”
Her lips missed Edmund’s and she pecked his chin before walking away.
“Didn’t I tell you, Eliza?” Edmund asked looking at his stepsister.
The woman was rubbing Hamid’s hands, who looked too pleased at her fussing over him, and stared at him confused. “Excuse me?”
“Never mind.”
Annabelle growled, “How did we run out of food?”
“Well... we’ve been here for hours... and Briar,” Luke pointed at the friend beside him, turning a bowl upside down to eat the crumbs. Briar protested, but not so vehemently, since ate most of it.
Annabelle and Edmund volunteered to bring more food. While the others chatted, Elizabeth dozed off against Hamid’s shoulder. He encircled her with his arms, bringing her closer, and she sighed contently.
Several minutes later, Edmund and Annabelle returned with half of a Bundt cake, scones, bags of crisps and more wine.
Hamid observed Elizabeth repeatedly sticking her finger on the piece of cake in front of him and licking it, even though she said she wasn’t hungry. Ignoring her protests, he insisted and fed her half the slice and a handful of onion crisps. They smiled when he jokingly pulled the crisps away before she could bite it, and even more so when she bit his finger as a joke.
Spinning an empty bottle of wine, the game resumed. Encouraged by the intimate atmosphere that settled after Theresa’s departure, the questions became increasingly personal. And even Elizabeth showed less discomfort with the questions – though maybe she was a little too tipsy to understand everything her friends were talking about.
“I thought that only happened in porn!” Edmund exclaimed after Hamid replied affirmatively to the question if he was a member of the “Mile-High Club”.
“Sometimes, the desire is too high,” Hamid joked with a gleeful smile.
“How can one even... focus... on that… with the turbulence?” Elizabeth asked. “And people around? What if someone catches you?”
“I’m not going to lie, that’s part of the thrill.”
Laughing, Briar threw a crisp at Hamid. “We should send you to horny jail!”
The bottle spun and pointed to Elizabeth, who propped her chin on one hand and barely could keep both eyes open.
“What’s your biggest turn on?”
She closed her eyes for a moment, it’s easier to point out the things that turn her off like sloppy kisses, smokers’ breath, and manipulative men, but as for turn ons, does she really have one? She can only think of one person that turns her on lately. Hamid’s image occupied her mind, his strong arms, and the way a simple touch of his hand can almost make her combust. However, she wasn’t drunk enough to say this, so she settled on the much less controversial “Making me laugh.”
“You have a clown kink or something?” Briar teased, and Elizabeth laughed.
“No, but it is... just... being funny can be really attractive...”
After a few more questions, Anabelle spun the bottle and it pointed at Hamid again.
“Oral sex: receiving or giving?” she asked him.
“I won’t deny how good receiving is,” he paused and flashed a mischievous smile at the asker, “but I’m a giver. I may travel the world, but my favourite place is between a woman’s legs.”
His answer got him an enthusiastic cheer from Brian, who nudged Elizabeth with much too force, almost knocking the glass off her hand.
“Something else we can agree on,” Annabelle said raising her glass, and he clinked his in an improvised toast.
“A skilled tongue in more ways than we thought…” Elizabeth stated and giggled to herself, receiving amused looks from the others.
“You definitely drank too much,” Edmund said, placing the bottle out of her reach, and Hamid proceeded to gently remove the glass from her hand.
“No! I’m fine!” She retrieved it and gulped the remaining deep red liquid with a grimace. “The room stopped spinning a while ago.”
The others shared knowing looks, and Annabelle proposed, “Last question! Everybody answers! If the world was ending tomorrow, and this was your last night on earth, what would you do?”
“Time to get naughty!” Briar clapped her hands.
“Not necessarily,” Annabelle said, “It doesn’t have to be sexual.”
“But I want to get naughty!” Briar laughed loudly. “I’d spend my last night doing all the naughty things I’ve postponed. And, of course, I’d call my mom and tell her that I love her.”
“With that mouth?” Annabelle teased, “You should call her first!”
Loud laughter and jokes followed. However, Elizabeth couldn’t understand what they were saying. Eyelids incredibly heavy, it became a herculean task to keep them open. She let her head rest against Hamid’s shoulder again. A welcoming warmth surrounded her. Through her lashes, she saw Hamid’s arm holding her steady.
Why was I afraid before?
She blinked and their faces blurred, becoming indistinct like the unfamiliar faces of passengers when the tube is rushing past the stations. Briar addressed her, but it felt like she had been speaking through the thickest of glasses. Someone called her name, and she raised her head, searching the voice.
“What about you, Liz?” Hamid asked softly, touching the side of her face, “The world is ending tomorrow, what would you do tonight?”
Last night on Earth. There’s much to do, even more to say. Where to even begin?
“Maybe with what you want the most?” Hamid offered, and her eyes flicked to his, so adoringly staring at her. Can he read my mind, or did I say it out loud?
Her lips rolled inside her mouth, and her speech had turned much slower and broken than usual, “Alright… Let’s see… I’d tell... father I love him… and am grateful to be his daughter. And I’d do this: surround myself with people I care about... like I am now –”
Briar hugged her with one arm, and Annabelle formed a heart with her fingers, and when Edmund started talking, she cut him off with narrowed eyes.
“I’m not done,” she said, and her voice was a little louder and more slurred, “Before the world ends, I’ll call Professor Richards and tell him to go fuck himself and stick those bloody books up his bloody arse that bloody bastard –”
“Whoa! You can swear!” Hamid’s eyes widened and he laughed, drawing her attention back to him.
“You! I’d tell you that –” She buried her face on Hamid’s chest, mumbling a string of unintelligible words against his orange jumper, before taking a deep breath and looking him in the eye – or at least trying to – with a wide smile. “You smell good and have a cute belly.”
“Sorry? What did you say?”
“I like your belly. It’s wavy.”
“No, no, no! Before that!”
Ignoring his pleas, she turned around, returning to the previous train of thought.
“I want to make a bonfire. Huge.” She opened her arms to the fullest and gesticulated, accidentally hitting Hamid’s forehead with one hand. “With all Richards books I could find at the library and bookshops too. Then I’d make a bonfire in front of his house. A massive one!” She gesticulated widely again and made whooshing sounds to represent the fire.
“Liz, that would take time and sounds exhausting, go back to the loving part. That’s where you should focus your energy,” Hamid suggested, opening his arms to an inviting hug. “Surround yourself with love.”
“I can help!” Briar chimed in, and Elizabeth turned around to face her. Hamid’s exasperated sigh could be heard on the other side of the room. “I know where to get a cart!”
“A cart. That’s perfect!”
“Right? The two of us, Lizzy,” – Briar’s hands danced between the two of them – “unstoppable. Our bonfire will put Guy Fawkes’ night to shame! We burn the books and toast marshmallows!”
“I love marshmallows! Oh! You’re the best,” Elizabeth moved closer, and they hugged each other. “I love you!”
“I love you too!”
“Jealous?” Annabelle whispered to Hamid, and he clicked his tongue.
“I’d rather hear a non-drunk confession,” he whispered back, “one she would remember later.”
“Wise,” she said and patted his shoulder.
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The clock on the wall marked a quarter past 1am when the first chords of “Happier” blasted from Hamid’s mobile.
Elizabeth shrugged out of the knee-length yellow cardigan, oblivious to the disaster that followed its descent. It knocked down a glass and red wine spilled pooling over the surface of the table. Raising to her feet to dance with Annabelle and Luke, she managed so much as to stumble, bump one knee on the table, swear like a polite eight-year-old and fall back down.
“You’re sloshed,” Briar laughed, while placing napkins over the spilled drink.
“I’m not,” Elizabeth denied, though the way the room swayed betrayed her statement. “Maybe a bit tipsy... I just need to lie down for a sex... Sec!” They cackled at the slip up and Elizabeth lied down on the floor.
Picking up her cardigan before it got stained with wine, Hamid held his hands to her. “You’re not sleeping on the floor. I’ll take you to your room.”
She tried to stare at his face, but it was impossible with the light over his head doting him an angel-like bright halo.
“I’m not sleeping,” she said, unwilling to admit how tired she was or disappoint her friends, “I’m dancing.” Her hands moved wildly at the rhythm of the song, and she laughed.
“Then dance with me.”
Meeting his gaze, she agreed, and he helped her up. Encircling her waist with both arms, he steadied her and swayed gently, as if they were American teenagers at one of their high school dances. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it wasn’t what she meant by dancing.
“That’s not how you dance this song...” With a sudden squirm, she wiggled out of the embrace to demonstrate but her flats couldn’t find purchase in the rug.
Faster than the pull of gravity, Hamid prevented her from falling onto her buttocks again.
Briar mouthed something she couldn’t understand while Annabelle and Hamid spoke in hushed tones. She couldn’t understand a word they said but judging by the serious expressions on both their faces, she suspected it was about her.
“I’m not drunk!” she slurred, and Hamid turned his attention back to her, using one hand to take the hair away from her face.
“Of course not,” Hamid said softly, “You’re tired. It’s been a long day...”
“Yeah,” she sighed and waved him closer to whisper in his ear, “Is it impolite to go to bed before my guests?”
“Absolutely not. You can ask Annabelle, she’ll confirm. Besides, Edmund is here... He’s second-in-command.”
Settling this matter, she accepted his help, even though she wasn’t ready to part from him, still hoping she would muster the courage to steal a moment alone with him. Wobbling her way out of the room, she leaned on Hamid, wrapping her arms around his midsection, and giggled. This right there was happiness! No worries in her mind, and Hamid beside her.
Walking through the long and dimly lit corridor, Elizabeth kept singing and Hamid insisted that she remained quiet as a mouse. The best he got was a compromise in humming the songs instead of singing out loud.
Without any accidents or unwanted encounters with judgemental family members, they made into the main area, spotting the bright lights from the crystal chandelier downstairs. The family wing was just ahead, after the staircase, and he only needed to get her inconspicuous to her room. There were several doors on both sides of the hallway and Elizabeth stalled talking about random paintings and asking about his room instead.
“Which one, Liz?” he insisted using his lowest tone possible, and she blinked and tried to make her eyes focus on his face. “Is it this one?” He pointed at the first door on their right.
“I don’t know. What d’you think?”
“Not much, since I’ve never been to your room...” he chuckled and pulled her closer so she would not roam and stumble into a console table nearby, risking breaking one of her grandmother’s precious bibelots.
“Briar knows my room,” she said, “Let’s go back. And we can dance some more.”
Ignoring the arm holding her, she suddenly turned around and stumbled forward. Hamid caught her and couldn’t help giggling too. His apt fingers pulled the hair away from her face, and she could anticipate how close his lips were. But when her gaze focused on his face, she found neither the sight of his beautiful smile nor those bedroom eyes he had been generously offering her this evening. His eyes were wide, and he looked somehow shocked.
Did I do something wrong?
He wasn’t truly looking at her, she realized, but at something over her shoulder.
There was no time to ask anything. Hamid pushed her back into the corridor they came from. Looking over his shoulder, he pushed her into one of the small alcoves in the hallway, and her back hit the frame of the portrait of one of her ancestors while her mind raced.
Is that a portrait of Viscount Vincent, the one father was named after? Oh, wait! That’s not what I was supposed to think about! I need to ask what he’s doing. Is he about to kiss me?
The idea was suddenly too appealing. Her heart hammered inside her chest and her fingers closed around the soft fabric of the jumper, and she expected his lips to level with hers.
Instead of the expected pleasing touch of his mouth, a hand covered her puckered lips. Her eyes searched for an explanation, and with his free hand he pressed an index finger against his own lips to request her to be silent.
“Someone’s coming,” he whispered into her ear, and her eyes widened. The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs became too loud to ignore.
Was it grandmother coming back home? Her blood froze. The idea of being caught like a misbehaving teenager, almost sobered her up, until she remembered she wasn’t a teenager anymore. This was not like that one-time sneaking drunk into her friend Renata’s home without waking her mother. She’s old enough to drink. There’s nothing wrong going on – if you don’t consider the fact Hamid is acting odd and not kissing her when they are finally alone – and even the prim and proper lady Dominique gets a little tipsy from time to time and laughs in an unladylike fashion in the company of Mrs. Sinclaire and their friends – even though she prefers her granddaughter not to mention that fact.
However, Hamid seemed determined in his mission, even if it meant trying to hide them both in a place that could fit only half of her body and the light over the portrait was probably giving away their presence. But why would she protest when his entire body was pressed against hers like this?
Hamid’s chest heaved and his breath fanned her face. She looked up, trying to meet his gaze, but he was too focused on the incoming presence to notice her attempt at making flirty eye contact.
Hand still over her mouth, he whispered, “It’s your father.”
Somehow, he pressed even closer, no space left between them or the wall, and an involuntary urge to laugh grew inside her. As if reading her thoughts or the meaning behind the shake of her shoulders, Hamid’s eyes widened.
Looking over Hamid’s shoulder, she caught a glimpse of her father’s back, going up the stairs and straight towards his room. Fortunately, the sound of footsteps faded, and a door closed in the distance with a barely audible click.
His hand moved away, and her lips followed instinctively, but he didn’t seem to notice the aftereffect, still looking to where Lord Vincent disappeared.
“I’m sorry about that,” he said softly, his gaze flicking back to hers, “but I thought you wouldn’t want to meet anyone.”
“It’s okay,” she replied, the frame still pressed against her back.
“Let’s go back and–”
“Third door on the left!” she blurted out, suddenly wanting to get there as soon as possible.
“Are you positive?”
She pushed his chest freeing herself and pulled him by the hand. Hamid used his other hand to steady her while following her bouncing confident steps down the corridor.
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When they reached the door, as a precaution to not end up bursting into the wrong room, Hamid asked to check if it was empty. Cracking the door just enough to let the hallway lights flood it, they both peeked inside.
“Is that it?” he asked.
“My room!”
“Not so loud,” he pleaded, and she held his hand again, pulling him inside with her. “Come in!”
His eyes roamed free for a few seconds, taking in the decorations and little details that distinguished the room from the others before the lights were dimmed. His gaze moved again, finding Elizabeth leaning against the desk with eyes barely opened.
“We’re here… alone…”
Were it anybody else, Hamid would have no doubt what that meant. But in Elizabeth’s case, he assumed the lights were hurting her eyes and her legs were faltering. And that’s the reason he offered to come and assist her through the night. She drank too much.
“Do you need help to –” Hamid stopped, thinking about the best phrasing in this situation. How to suggest aiding her in changing her clothes or taking her to the bathroom without sounding like a total creep? Freshen up, perhaps? Scratching the back of his head, he felt self-conscious about the entire situation. It was not often he needed to think through how to offer this kind of help to the utterly shy woman in front of him who takes his breath away even after an eleven-hour flight, with wrinkled clothes and messy hair. Maybe he shouldn’t have offered to come here in the first place. It’s different when it’s not one of your sisters you’ll offer help with this sort of thing.
The silence stretched and Elizabeth didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence, instead, she kicked her flats and said, “You owe me a dance.”
Fifteen minutes ago, she was asleep in his shoulder and now she had an urge to dance. How was that even possible?
Walking closer, she reached his hands and her fingers intertwined with his. Her hips swayed from side to side in the rhythm of a mysterious tune she hummed.
“Don’t you prefer to go to bed?”
“Are you trying to bed me?” she tried to wink suggestively but slowly blinked instead.
He laughed, considering what sober Elizabeth would think about this phrasing and exchange.
“Right now,” he said as softly as the touch of his hand on her arm, “my only concern is the hangover you’ll have.”
“Chato! Muito chato![5]” She poked his chest. “You are spoiling the fun, mister Osmanoğlu.”
Holding a laughter, he walked away and filled a glass with water and brought back to her.
“First, drink this. Then we dance.”
“I’m not thirsty.”
“Please. You’ll thank me later.”
Her eyes flicked from Hamid’s face to the glass, and she gulped the whole content. With the sleeve of her blouse, she wiped the water running down her chin, and he refrained from using his thumb to remove the remaining drops underneath her lower lip, and removed the glass from her hand.
“I’ll bring another glass. It’ll help with the hangover...”
“How many times do I have to tell you I’m not drunk!” she huffed in protest.
“I have a feeling you'll need aspirins too. Do you have any?”
“I don’t know...” she shrugged.
“Can I take a look around?”
“Are we dancing now?” she asked following him, and he held her arms gently.
“Stay here,” he helped her sit on the bed, “very still until I come back.”
“Are you leaving me?”
“Just for a second. You won’t even notice I’m gone.”
“Everybody says that, and they lie,” she sighed, closing her eyes, and let her body fall back on the bed.
The en-suite was his best shot at finding medicines, therefore he began his search there.  
When Elizabeth’s eyes fluttered open, she was alone in the room. Dragging her feet, she managed to reach the wardrobe and pick a load of clothes, which were thrown at the bed. With little effort, the long-sleeved blouse was pulled over her head, and she was too focused working on removing her pants to notice the footsteps returning from the en-suite.
“I've found the aspirins,” Hamid announced while walking into the room. The unexpected sight of Elizabeth half-undressed caused him to stop suddenly, and he almost dropped the glass of water. “Why are you striping?” he gaped, and immediately turned around.
“Hamid!” she cried and stumbled back on the bed, jeans freed from her foot and flying over her head. The mobile inside her pocket tumbled to the ground with a dull thump. “I’m changing,” she said sitting on the bed, and folding her arms in front of her chest to cover herself.
“You should have warned me.”
“You were gone.” Getting up, she pulled the plaided pants up, and hopped once to adjust it.
“I told you I was looking for aspirins.” Sighing, he placed the glass on the nightstand and peeked over his shoulder, after she kept mumbling unintelligible words in Portuguese.
“Do you need help?” he asked without looking at her, and definitely not peeking at the pink lacy bra whose sight his brain was too fast to imprint.
“I need only to take my bra. Don’t turn around!”
“No! Leave the bra! Please!” Back turned to her, his gaze fixed on the ceiling.  
“But it’s uncomfortable...”
“You just take pleasure in torturing me, don’t you?” he asked looking up and she didn’t know if he was talking to her or to God.
“Just a second…”
She finally unclasped the hooks and did her best to slip the straps off her shoulders, and pulled it from inside one sleeve and then the other, and finally removed it from underneath her shirt and hid in the pile of clothes.
“You’re absolutely killing me here, Liz!”
“Okay... I’m done.”
Hamid looked at her, and even though the pink plaid shirt of the pyjamas was buttoned incorrectly with a few buttons missing the right holes, she looked stunning with her long hair cascading down her shoulders. Getting up from the bed, she danced around the room in fuzzy socks, slowly getting closer to where he was standing. He couldn’t hide the smile when she pulled a complex set of steps without stumbling once.
“Dance with me?” she asked, offering her hand and a small smile, and he accepted. “We need a song!” she announced and started patting her legs. “What’s wrong with these pockets?”
“There are none. You changed.”
“Right! Give me your mobile!”
He obliged, depositing his mobile in her palm, but not without remarking that she was a very bossy drunk. Her fingers moved over the screen, and she stared at it in confusion.
“You do it,” she said returning the mobile, “I can’t read Turkish...”
“It’s in English. And the icons look the same...”
His fingers glided quickly over the screen, searching for a mellow song to lull her to sleep. After considering the options in one of his “date night playlists”, he selected ‘Sunrise’ by Norah Jones. He hit play and placed the phone over the nightstand, returning to where she was standing.
The melody and the singer’s soft voice filled the room, and Hamid placed his hands gently on her waist.
“This is nice,” she said softly, and he agreed.
Unexpectedly, she closed the distance he had purposefully put between them by throwing her arms around his shoulders. Tilting her face up, she nuzzled his neck, and his heartbeat picked up.
Taking a deep breath, her perfume invaded his nostrils. When the tip of her nose brushed against his sensitive skin on a path to his jaw, he shivered, overwhelmed by the sensations her closeness stirred. He could no longer hear the music, only focusing on their breathing.
When his eyes fluttered open, Elizabeth was on her tiptoes, a hand on his shoulder for support, and determination in her eyes. Deflecting her attempt to kiss him, he tilted his face up, but she rested a hand on his cheek and tried again.
Grabbing her hands with gentleness, he rested them on her sides and pulled away, being met by her offended glare.
“What's wrong, Hamid?” she mumbled, “Have you changed your mind?”
“Liz, you are drunk,” he whispered.
“And I really want to kiss you.”
These words, he has been wanting to hear them for weeks, but he cannot let himself trust in them now, not when she is inebriated like this. His heart aches with the disappointment in her eyes when he doesn't allow her to approach.
His next words are chosen carefully.
“If you'll still feel the same way tomorrow, say one word and we'll kiss until we're both out of breath.”
Her lower lip quivered, and she averted her gaze. “What if this is the only way I can tell you that?”
He cradled her face and tilted it up so she could look into his smiling eyes. “Our first kiss should be special and memorable, like what we have, and not a drunken whim... I have a feeling we’ll talk about it for the years to come… and I believe this is not the first kiss we deserve nor the story you’ll want to tell…”
Lowering her eyes, her cheeks were reddened by embarrassment and he gently kissed her forehead.
“We have time. And if you don’t mind, I still wish to dance with you.”
Elizabeth allowed him to encircle her waist and bring her closer again. While they swayed slowly, her face rested on his chest and her hands moved up and down his back. Her shoulders shook with her giggles and Hamid could not refrain his curiosity anymore. Pulling away, he looked down at her face. “What is so funny, canım benim[6]?”
“Your jumper is so soft. I like it.”
“I’m pleased that you do.”
“Take it off.”
“Excuse me?” he stopped swaying completely and stared at her.
“I want to borrow it. It seems so warm...”
“You want to undress me to borrow my clothes?” She nodded. “That’s... rather unexpected. It’s the first time I receive such a proposition...”
“Can I have it?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Why not?”
“I have a feeling, if I lent you, I’ll have to clean it from vomit and it’s a brand new and very expensive jumper.”
She pouted, but he remained firm.
“Then I crave to see your…” she said, gesticulating vaguely in front of his chest, “body... Show me.”
“It’s too late to objectify me.” He twirled her and deftly pulled her back to his chest, and she snuggled. “I’m sure we can find something as soft as this one in your own closet. Are you cold?”
Yawning, Elizabeth rested her head against his chest, just as he wished.
Taking the cue, he slow-danced her towards the bed and helped her sit down.
“Will you stay?” He nodded, and she smiled. “Good. I want to lay my head on your chest.”
“The jumper. I got it.” He said while collecting the clothes splayed on the bed to put over the desk.
Giggling, she crawled to the middle of the bed and threw a glance at him over her shoulder. “It’s not the only reason.”
Pulling the covers up, she invited him, and Hamid’s eyes fixed at the ceiling and a string of foreign words left his mouth.
“Is that your prayer before bed?”
A huff escaped his nose, and he smiled. “Sort of...”
Taking off his shoes and his jumper, he sat on the edge of the bed and turned off all the lights, except the lamps on the nightstands. He looked at her over his shoulder and laid on the bed over the covers. Elizabeth quickly moved closer and rested her head on his chest. His steady heartbeats pounding beneath her palm.
“This is nice,” she whispered, “Are you comfy?”
“Very much,” he replied, playing with the curls of her long hair.
“Good. It’s important to keep guests comfy. That’s what my grandmother always says.”
“I cannot picture her ever saying comfy, but alright.”
She chuckled and the laughter merged into muffled sounds against his chest.
“I didn’t understand a word you said, Liz.”
“Which bone did you break?”
“Bones. Left arm, the tips of two toes on my left foot and the big toe on the right foot –” he lifted his right hand and brought closer to her face “– and this little finger here.”
“Skating, football and trying to teach myself an ancient martial art.”
She took his hand in hers and observed his fingers. “Which martial art?”
“I tried to break wood like Bruce Lee.”
Her head shook when she giggled, and her hair tickled his arm, Hamid couldn’t imagine a more delightful sound coming from her mouth. Actually, he could, but he pushed the idea away.
“How old were you?”
“Aw... So, baby!” she said with a baby voice, and adjusted herself on the bed to look him in the eye. “Why didn’t you answer?”
“Excuse me?”
“The last question. Why picking the dare if you have nothing to hide?”
“Don’t you know?” he asked softly, “My answer was obvious to everyone present, but it would make you more uncomfortable. And I didn’t want that...”
“Oh,” she gasped. “Sorry. I didn’t… Sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I... I don’t know… I… you were cold because of me.”
“I didn’t mind. And you rewarded me with plenty of attention… I think it was more than worthy it. Now, sleep. Goodnight, aşkım[7],” he said softly and kissed the top of her head.
“What did you say?”
“Goodnight, Liz.”
“That’s not what you said.”
“All that alcohol is disturbing your hearing.”
Ten minutes later, she was snoring with a hand over his chest. He held and kissed her hand before removing it. Considering she'll probably need to go to the bathroom and bathe, it was probably for the best to text Annabelle and propose her to change places with him. Carefully, Hamid lifted her arm and moved his legs first, his feet soundless touching the carpeted floor. When he stood up, her voice sounded hoarse behind him.
“Don’t go, Hamid. Please.”
Her face was illuminated by the soft light from the lamp. With her eyes closed, she reached for the pillow he had been lying on and held it tight. “I don’t want to be alone,” she mumbled, “I’m tired of being alone.”
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[1] Dede – Turkish word that means grandfather.
[2] Dayi – Turkish word that means uncle from the mother’s side of the family.
[3] Yok artık – Turkish – similar in this context to “No way”.
[4] O quê? – Portuguese – means "What?"
[5] Chato! Muito chato! – Portuguese – it means boring! Very boring!
[6] Canım benim – Turkish – term of endearment that means “my soul” or in the context “my dear”.
[7] Aşkım – Turkish – used as a term of endearment “my love”.
20 notes · View notes
agendabymooner · 2 years ago
maneater ! fernando a. / carlos s. x ofc
“you wish you never ever met her at all.”
summary: bonnie sutton dated carlos sainz for four years and was in the spotlight (thanks to his status as a formula one driver) for two years until a scandal erupted — making her hide away from the social media for two years. too many people think that she’s bound to ruin his career with her return, but all she wanted was to put her unwanted fame to use and show off the man who saw her worth as something more.
content warning: age gap, infidelity (nothing personal/irl), use of explicit language, haters gonna hate, rumours/news, fairly short i think
note: nando fuckers, unite 🤭 yesterday i posted an ex!nando x ofc so here’s some new nando x ofc content lol (ft. ex!carlos) enjoy xx
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liked by pierregasly, fernandoalo_oficial, aitch
user1 THE FUCK ASS BOB IS BACK !!!! 😮‍💨😭
user2 welcome back sexy mama 😚
user3 i can see half the grid on the likes section
user4 alright who’s tryna shoot their shot now. charles_leclerc you wanna start first?
charles_leclerc pretty as always mon ange!! liked by bonbonsutton
bonbonsutton 😉😘
pierregasly as sweet as a chocolate mon amour 😍 liked by bonbonsutton
user5 nah bro everybody tryna shoot their shot
user6 i can understand half the grid being here but what’s alo doing here 🤣🤣
user7 bros tryna shoot his shot too 🤩 don’t discourage him
kendalljenner smash your honour liked by bonbonsutton
themarcjacobs such a queen 👸 liked by bonbonsutton
user8 sis really said “yup i’m fucking famous and i’ll make sure you’ll regret making me one” liked by bonbonsutton
user9 alexa play literal legend
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tagged fernandoalo_oficial
liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1, lance_stroll
user1 she got bagged by a war criminal it’s over for us guys 🥲
user2 listen if she got bagged by a war criminal it means we all have a chance in life alright 🤓 don’t lose too much hopes now
fernandoalo_official you’re one of a kind, mi bonita diamante my pretty diamond liked by bonbonsutton
bonbonsutton i love you so bad ❤️
user3 i am so honoured to be a part of the f1 community bc not everyday i get to see someone have a heart attack after finding out that their ex is getting married to a coworker
user4 please tell me i’m dreaming
bonbonsutton you’re dreaming
user4 thanks bon
charles_leclerc excited for you and alo!!!! liked by bonbonsutton
user6 whats even funnier is that carlos is his teammate 😭 we all know it’s real bad if charles sides with bonnie
lance_stroll send us the addy and date liked by bonbonsutton
bonbonsutton if we send you an invite will you actually be our ring bearer?
lance_stroll bet 👌
bonbonsutton 🙏
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What are your thoughts on the Blake vs Baloney thing?
I believe her.
I don’t think she would have gone down this route if she did not have good reason and a strong case. No woman, be they a-lister or ordinary person in the street, would do this to themselves and their family if they didn’t have to. The woman rarely wins even if she actually wins. Because the precedent has been set that allegations do not ruin men’s lives. I mean....look at who is currently president of the United States....him being a felon and adjudicated rapist was not enough reason for people to not vote for him.
As we have seen by the insanity surrounding Blake's case, people are falling over themselves to not believe her, to diminish what she went through, to deny that it could possibly be true because of whatever thing she did years ago. The narrative is that if you're not the ‘perfect victim’ then just don't bother and that is so damaging. Because if you complain then someone will dig into your past and if they find even the smallest sliver of you not being, I don’t know, basically the Virgin Mary, then you aren’t to be trusted and aren’t to be believed. It’s sick. What should matter is what happened in that moment when she experienced that harassment and nothing else. Being a bit rude years ago is - or should be - irrelevant.
Her amended complaint states that other women in the production also had reason to raise issues at the time and they are willing to testify. I don't know who those women are but I applaud their bravery in being willing to testify especially after seeing the way that Blake has been treated since the original complaint.
The online/media circus surrounding it is absolutely gross. I can only admire Blake and Ryan for biding their time and letting the legal system do its job. Unlike him (who lest we forget seems more focused on making sure everyone thinks she was trying to steal his precious film from him and is concentrating rather less on disapproving the sexual harassment 🙃) and his lawyers who seem all too happy to continue perpetuating the smear campaign, this time with even more people online willing to jump into the fray. From what I can gather reading posts from actual lawyers who understand how to break this all down their belief is that he's trying to win in the court of public opinion because he doesn't stand a chance in a court of law. Like I said, even if she wins, she still loses.
The fact that he has right wing grifters like Candace Owens on his side…Jesus. If I see one more comment saying ‘oh but Candace has a great breakdown of it…’ No love, Candace just wants your clicks and if you stick around long enough you’ll find yourself being driven down that alt right pipeline to MAGA-ville so fast your head will spin.
The conspiracy theories are all ridiculous. The 'she was in love with him and he rejected her' one. The 'Ryan was jealous and so he's taking revenge' one. The absolutely vile 'Ryan is controlling her and making her do this and she's in an abusive relationship' one. I even saw something on Threads today where a person was trying to say that Hugh and Sutton's relationship was the catalyst for all this because Ryan saw what could happen between two people who worked together...like...what? How that translates into him somehow persuading his wife to file a complaint of sexual harassment i have zero clue. I'm also pretty sure Ryan knows what can happen between two people who work together since that's literally how he met Blake!
The one thing that did make me laugh because it was absolutely THE biggest self own was when they tried to say that Nicepool was based on him and oh my god. Firstly, pretty sure parody isn't illegal (otherwise wouldn't SNL be being sued on a regular basis?) but also - if I was watching a film and I saw a character who was unbelievably insufferable and annoying and recognised myself in that character...you couldn't torture that information out of me. Because i guarantee when everyone was watching DP&W in the summer not a single person was looking at Nicepool and thinking 'you know who he reminds me of...' BUT THEY ARE NOW. Idiot.
The braying mob online, riding so hard for a man who would never do the same for them, are so hypocritical and vile. They screech about Blake being a bully then go to the comments section of basically anyone who has anything positive to say about her or Ryan and write the most heinous shit imaginable. They don't recognise that the mean girl they are railing against is basically in the mirror looking back at them. Multiple fan pages on IG have either had to limit their comments or have posted to please stop bombarding them with hate. Ryan has limited comments and even Hugh's posts get their fair share of pro-Baloney crap on them and he's not even involved or been named in any of the complaints, he's just their friend. I don't know how any of it helps. It certainly doesn't make him look any better. I've seen multiple people say that if he really was the 'feminist' he claims to be he would have released something by now asking people to please back off, stop harassing women and let the law do it's work. So easy to do and costs nothing, and yet and yet....
One would hope that at some point the insanity of it all will calm down but I can't see it happening any time soon. I hope that Blake is able to have her day in court and I hope that the other women who say they will testify can screw their courage to the sticking place and not be scared away by all of this.
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the-bi-library · 1 year ago
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Happy bi visibility day!!
To celebrate the occasion, here is the part 1 of my bi4bi books posts!
Books listed
They Hate Each Other by Amanda Woody 6 Times We Almost Kissed by Tess Sharpe Stuck with You by 'Nathan Burgoine This Spells Disaster by Tori Anne Martin Check Your Work by Skye Kilaen Troublemaker by Sean Ashcroft Fake It by Lily Seabrooke A Merry Little Meet Cute by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone Crystals and Contracts by A.A. Fairview Keep Your Witches Close by Colette Rivera Payback’s a Witch by Lana Harper Ride With Me by Jenna Jarvis Melt With You by Jennifer Dugan Trapped in Love by Danica Flynn Butterfly Chances by Margo Phelps Dearly Departed by Heather Novak Sorry, Bro by Taleen VoskuniWhen It All Syncs Up by Maya Ameyaw More To Love by Georgina Kiersten Play by Nikki Markham Let Love Rule by Frances M. Thompson Defying Convention by Cecil Wilde True Love Bites by Joy Demorra Undaunted by Devin Harnois The Girls I've been by Tess Sharpe The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe Cut & Run by Madeleine Urban Double Exposure by Rien GrayThe Lady Upstairs by Halley Sutton Of Knights and Books and Falling In Love by Rita A. Rubin The Calyx Charm by May Peterson The Sorcerer's Guardian by Antonia Aquilante
Make sure to check the TWs for all books if necessary.
Here is the goodreads list of these books (and many more which I will post soon)
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johnwickb1tsch · 7 months ago
andar conmigo ~ part 10
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A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline/fic- Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle ~ You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you...Your old flame don John does not like this at all. Warnings: don John STILL being himself an asshole, nsfw chapter map
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For once you wake before Paul, and you relish the chance to admire his sleeping form in the morning sunlight. He looks innocent as a child in rest, and you lightly caress the curve of his cheek. 
In the sober light of day–not much sense has returned to you. You still feel head over heels lost to this man, and with a sigh you quietly accept that he has changed you. To simply know this man is to love him, and for the umpteenth time you marvel at how his wife Betty could have let him go. 
Her loss, you think with some unbecoming smugness. 
He wakes, those long eyelashes fluttering, and you can’t help but compare him to a princess rising from her sleeping spell. Madre de Dios this man is so pretty, and your heart is so full it hurts. 
“Hi,” he says softly, and you lean in to press your lips to his. “Are you ok?”
You tilt your head, not sure what he means. Last night had been otherworldly, at least for you. “I’m wonderful. ¿Por qué?” 
“Just…everything, yesterday. And last night. The way that jackass talks about you...”
It moves you to your toes, that this is the first thing he asks you today. You can’t help but think about how that jackass talked about Paul too, and your mood falls. “I’m so sorry about last night. I never should have put you through that. If you want to leave…I understand.” 
You can’t leave your father now, but a part of you wishes Paul would leave Las Nubes. You have a terrible feeling about what might happen, if he remains in don Juan’s proximity. 
However, he snorts at that idea. “The only way I’m leaving here is with you, sweetheart. And I know we can’t go yet.”
You sigh. You could move out of the hacienda, at least, back to your father’s house. But you wouldn’t have the privacy you do here, at the end of the hall in the grand mansion. Perhaps you have been suckered by some of the Aragón’s opulence.  
“What did he say to you? Last night?”
Paul just shakes his head, blowing out a long breath. “Just more veiled threats and talking up how long his illustrious ancestors have been here, fighting for what’s theirs.” Then he laughs, a thing that is fast becoming your favorite sound. “I think I could take him down a peg.” 
You run an appreciative hand over the generous bulge of his biceps, lifting your eyebrows with approval, your thoughts turning warm and fuzzy as velvet as desire clouds your brain. “I’m sure you could.” You kiss him again, a lingering press of lips that fills you with butterflies. “But please don’t. He will make it go badly, somehow. That man is a snake.” 
“Hmm.” He rolls over on you, and a wave of desire overcomes you as his weight presses you into the bed, his lips on yours. He sits up on his elbows to ask, “And I’m…just helpless as a lamb?”
“I know you’re not helpless, Paul.” You reach up to brush his hair out of his eyes. It immediately falls back down again, and he smiles. “You’re just…precious to me.” 
“Precious, huh?” He moves his hips against you, the bulge of his morning arousal unyielding against your center. “That sounds…like you sorta like me,” he teases. 
“Yes. I sorta like you,” you agree with a smile, spreading your legs more. You know you’re playing with fire, but you just can’t stop with this man. He doesn’t ask you this time. He doesn’t need to–just slides inside, because you are already so wet for him, and this is the way you are meant to be. 
He closes his eyes, moaning as he loses himself in slow, deep thrusts inside you. You find yourself thinking this is your idea of heaven, entwined with Paul Sutton, with nothing between you. There is no purer state of being, than sharing your body with this beautiful man.
When he draws back to meet your eyes while he moves inside you, you are ruined. He takes you to the top of the mountain with no hands at all, just beautiful friction between you and his soft brown eyes staring into your soul. It is only by a miracle does he manage to withdraw from the warm perfection of your clenching pussy at just the last moment, spilling himself on your thigh with a shuddering groan.
When he finally regains mental function, his head on your breast, he pants, “Have I mentioned…I’m kicking myself?”
You offer a breathless laugh, also wishing you had some of those useful rubber contraptions. “I might kick you too.”
He laughs at that, then turns an adorably pouting lower lip upon you. It’s completely unfair, and you take it all back, giggling. “I’m joking. You’re so good to me,” you marvel, running your fingers through his hair. He looks at you, waiting a little longer, hopeful for those three sacred words, but not pushing you. “You’re the best man I know, Paul. I adore you.” You mean it, and you hope it’s enough for now. 
A part of you knows that once you say those other three words…it will be the last nail in your coffin. You’ll never want to leave his side.
You’re slowly beginning to accept that might not be such a bad thing.
You get to see the mare in question later that morning, on your way to your father’s house to relieve Josefa. Don Juan catches you on the path astride his black mare, and you have to admit it may be the most beautiful horse you’ve ever seen. You hate to say it…but he is magnificent too, a consummate horseman, as at home in the saddle as on his own two long legs. 
Perhaps it is not your fault, that you are impressed by such things. It’s in your blood. The horses your people brought from Spain shaped the destiny of this country, for better or for worse. 
“Buenos días, señorita.”
“Señora,” you insist, annoyed that he persists in his suspicion that Paul is not your real husband. 
“Pfft. If you say so.” He smirks down at you, his large hands in black leather gauntlets gripping the reins. “Sombra, where are your manners?” He gives a signal to his horse, and she takes a step back, dipping her front legs and bowing her head. A pretty trick that makes you smile, despite yourself. He tips his hat at you, and trots off before you can rake him over the coals for his atrocious behavior the night before.
Settling for rolling your eyes and grumbling under your breath, you continue on your way.
It is one of those beautiful days at Las Nubes that makes you almost wish you could stay here. The weather is fine. The sheep bleat in the distance, and the birds sing in the trees. You and your sisters moved your father out to a rope bed in the shade, and he is enjoying it too, your hand in his. 
You hate to say that these have been some of the nicest hours you’ve spent with him in your lifetime. He was always such a stern man, and distant, after your mother’s death. But sickness has softened some of his hard edges, and he talks to you like a person, and not a thing that needs ordering about. He tells you snatches about this and that, memories of your mother and life at Las Nubes long before you were born. Life here has not changed much, over the decades. 
At midday after you feed Papa and settle him inside for a nap, Anjelica takes over, and you are free to go find Paul. In the distance at the corrals you hear whistles and gritos, shouts of encouragement, and you know the men must be working the horses now that the harvest is done. It is a second source of income for Las Nubes, as well as a point of pride. Just as don Juan said, with patience and hard work, some of the finest horseflesh to be found in Alta California comes from his stables.
As you near closer you see Paul’s unmistakeable tall form leaning on the fence with the other men. One of them is clapping him on the back. Everyone has warmed to your husband, suspicion of the gringo turned to warmth as he proved a hard worker with an open heart. Everyone, except for Juan.
You see that He Himself is in the center of the corral, the ringleader working out a silver grulla stallion, making the horse run in circles by swinging a rope. You feel a little sorry for the horse, knowing his fate, though you also know Juan is not really hurting him. 
You lean against Paul when you reach him, not interrupting his halting conversation with Fernando, Josefa’s husband, who barely speaks English, but is still determined to explain to their newest recruit what don Juan is doing. Paul listens earnestly none the less, nodding like he understands every word. You hide your smile against his sleeve. This man is a saint walking among you.
Paul slips his arm around you wordlessly, and you are content standing moulded to his side at the fence rails. To say you are looking forward to siesta today is an understatement.
You do not know it, because in Paul’s arms you aren’t really paying attention to don Juan, but he sees everything all while he is working the unruly horse. The thing could use a few more laps to tire him out more, but he manages to get the saddle on the animal’s back without the stallion bucking it off. 
“He’s ready for you, señor Sutton!” 
All the men whistle and yell enthusiastically for Paul’s chance to prove himself among them. 
Your blood runs cold. 
“No,” you say quietly, your fingers turned to claws clutching his arm. 
Paul looks from you to everyone around saying exactly the opposite, looking to him expectantly.   
“Pa-ul!” sings out Juan. “Show us vaqueros how it’s done!” 
You watch as their eyes meet across the dusty corral, and a challenge is leveled between them. Testosterone wreaks its damage, and you know Paul isn’t going to listen to you, even as you continue to pull on his arm. 
“How hard can it be?” he asks you naively. “You just gotta hold on, right?” You sense the ‘If he can do it, I can do it’ subtext in his statement, and your heart is in your throat.  
“He’s been doing this since the day he could walk, Paul. It’s dangerous. Please don’t,” you beg him, shaking your head. You have a terrible feeling about this, and your bones are laden with pure dread. 
“I survived getting shot at by Nazis for four years. I can probably survive riding a horse.”  He is not short with you, but there is an edge to his words, and this is a stubborn side of Paul you have not seen yet. 
For the benefit of the Spanish speaking spectators, Juan says loudly, “She’s really got him by the cajones, doesn’t she boys?”
Paul doesn’t understand the exact words, but he definitely gets the gist of it when all the men start to laugh. 
“I’ll be fine,” says Paul, kissing your forehead. 
But you grab the front of his shirt, telling him as quickly as you can, “These animals move like lightning. Do not stand behind that horse. Only the side. But watch its feet.” You remember you have part of an apple left in your apron pocket, and you bite off a tiny piece of it, pressing it into his palm. “Give it this. Let it smell you, but hold your hand flat, don’t let it bite you. Move slow, speak softly, but be firm. Don’t scare it. If you die, I’ll kill you.”
The last part wins you that generous smile that fills your heart with sunshine. “Alright, sweetheart. I’ve got it.” You pull him down by his shirt to kiss him with a pathetic desperation, and now everyone catcalls and whistles for the two of you. Paul receives encouragement and hearty pats on the back as he goes to climb the fence of the corral, and you grip the fence rail with white knuckles as you watch, praying to a God you don’t necessarily like or much believe in. 
“He’ll be ok, chica,” Fernando tries to soothe you. “You must let a man be a man.” He beats his chest for emphasis, and you roll your eyes at this idiotic macho philosophy. 
“He’d better be, Fernando, or I am going to make everyone here sorry.” 
Out the corner of your eye you see your brother in law inch away from you on the fence. 
Paul does as you said, approaching slowly from the front, accepting the rope reins from don Juan. There is a long, tense moment of eye contact between them that has you grinding your teeth so hard it's a miracle they don’t crack. 
“Think you can handle him, amigo?”
Paul strokes the nervous horse’s neck slowly, watching its sweat-shiny coat quiver. “Guess we’ll find out.” 
Juan backs off with a bow, giving Paul the floor. Its so quiet in the arena you could hear a pin drop. Rather than try to hop on immediately, Paul does as you advised, taking time to speak to the horse quietly, giving it the tidbit and letting it smell his hand, stroking its neck gently. You can’t help but think you know exactly how that horse feels in that moment. Suspicious, annoyed, but maybe curious about this kind man, who approaches you so differently than anyone else you’ve ever met.
He moves slowly, finally ready to get a foot up on the stirrup. The moment he puts the slightest bit of weight on it the horse sidesteps, taking Paul in hopping circles.
His audience chuckles, all knowing the feeling very well. 
Paul regains his feet again, holding the horse still by the reins and seeming to ask its permission again, speaking too low for the rest of you to hear. The horse’s ears flick, internally rolling its eyes, you suspect. You hold your breath as he tries to get a foot up again, and this time the horse allows Paul to sit astride it.
For about two seconds anyway, before the crow hopping starts.
You don’t want to watch, but you can’t tear your eyes away as Paul holds on for dear life, using his long legs to grip the wild animal’s middle. Your nails eat grooves in the old wooden fence, as you watch seemingly in slow motion as the horse gives a sharp buck, its hind legs kicking high in the air, and Paul–with the saddle–goes flying.
*there's a word for couples who use the pull-out method...they're called PARENTS. Be safe be, careful!!
**I've spent time with horses but am by no means a pro trainer, take this fic at face value, PLEASE do not think you can hop on an unbroken horse after just offering it an apple...😆 Paaaaullll...
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guiltyasdave · 3 months ago
im so sad. used to love hugh so much until us weekly confirmed that he cheated. and i know that there's a lot of red flags with the rumors (when a private account likes a post it will show up, no spotting of him and sutton despite the media being all over this story, only shitty tabloids are reporting on it, etc.) but still! there's a 50/50 chance this will be true.
but at least we still have logan. he can do no wrong.
hi! i gotta be so honest with you, i’m beyond tired of these rumors. and i don’t trust any tabloid to “confirm” anything lol. first hugh was absolutely heartbroken about the divorce, then he was gay all along and about to come out, now he cheated and had a secret relationship the entire time, like— 🥴
at the end of the day, these people are real human beings who deserve to have a private life and who should be allowed to make mistakes, because none of this is any of our business.
i mean this as no shade to you at all anon, and i’m sorry that you’re feeling sad, but this is the last ask about this topic that i’ll reply to, because i don’t see any benefit in speculating about these things.
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bloodyjuls-blog · 2 years ago
(I will fight to not lose you) - Alexia Putellas
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There was a moment in my life where I wanted to give up, where everything was beyond me and what can you expect from a girl who grew up in Sutton running around with a soccer ball and who is now a super star? Life has never been easy, when you reach your teenage years and your social life overlaps with training, match day, recovery days? The only thing left was to do everything from home, from parties to drinking. Everything was easier without my parents at home, to be honest I grew up having everything, a big house, money, freedom and what I loved most after alcohol.... Football. When you become a professional nobody tells you the responsibilities and the exposure you bring with that and even if they say that women's soccer lacks attraction then they should have it checked because the pressure I felt playing for arsenal or city was very high and brought with it the expectation of the Barcelona soccer club to bring a star, to speak on and off the pitch. My younger days I remember with the talks with my parents for not being good enough to be in a professional league, which then when I achieved it would break me little by little because alcohol never left me, the faithful companion of my adventures.... Everything became a problem, I drank until the wee hours and made sure I got enough rest to perform the minimum in my club. Then my sister brings us the news of her pregnancy and I don't deny it, I always wanted to be a mother but there was a moment when my world came crashing down and I rejected the idea.
It was the decisive league match for arsenal. We were facing Chelsea for the FA cup and the pressure from above forced us to win. But things always go wrong, that day I think I had one of the worst games of my life. I missed a lot of chances, I was always out of position and the worst thing is that my family was watching me from the stands.
At the dinner with my family, my father very disappointed tells me: "daughter I do not understand you, they tell us to come to see you and you play a shitty game" to which I a little upset I tell him: "if you are not interested then do not come, this is soccer" at the end of dinner the mood is lowered but my father there is something that does not fit, since I tried the first shot of vodka has made me bad faces. While I approach to take Ruppert, already 5 years old, my father takes him away from me and tells me: "I don't understand how they can want you in a club if you are an alcoholic, and much less I am going to allow you to take care of your nephews being in the conditions you are, do you think I didn't notice your flash of whiskey you had in your backpack or that you are going back home drunk, if something happens to you don't even bother to call me because I am not going to come and save your ass, you understand? " My tears were falling from my eyes, he had hurt me in a way I never thought he could. After all he was my father and I was his not so favorite daughter.
End of the Flashback
Alexia pov
"Hello, Ana. Do you know where y/n is?" I ask through the line in a worried voice. "No Ale, the only thing I know is that she had been drinking and left driving the car, I guess I'm guessing she's already in her apartment" Ana replied calmly. "Fuck this can't be" exclaimed Ale as she tried to call you back. "Ah I know who to call, maybe she has information" she thought calmer.
"Hi Leah how are you? It's Alexia" said Alexia calmly "Hi Alexia, well to what do I owe your call?" Answered Leah quizzically "I was wondering if you know anything about y/n, she called me a while ago and left me a little worried" you could tell from Alexia's voice that something wasn't right. "Ale the truth I don't know where y/n/n could have gone, what I do tell you is to please take care of her, and help with the alcohol issue she is not having a good time, and I am worried that something might happen to her" said a little more concerted Leah. "Of course, come on I'll leave you, I have another call coming in."
She answers the other call....
"Hello, is this Ms. Alexia Putellas?" A calm voice asks on the other line. "Who is calling?" answers a curious Alexia. "Ma'am this is the receptionist at Egarsat hospital speaking, I was speaking to inform you that Miss y/n y/l has been involved in an accident and you are listed as the emergency contact" Alexia at that moment felt tears fall from her eyes "yes this is her, tell me how is she? Tell me how is she?" says Alexia desperately "Ma'am the only thing I can tell you is that if you can, please go to the hospital as soon as possible, the emergency reception will tell you where to go" "thank you" says Alexia with an agitated voice.
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Note: sorry I know had passed a couple of month but I'm near to graduate and that makes me full time persone and busy schedule. Love you all loads
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pedroscurls · 4 months ago
Did you see Hugh’s apparently seeing Sutton Foster? 🥲💔 (i never even stood a chance)
so - I’ve been hearing rumors since she announced her divorce and until he or she confirms it, I’m gonna remain delulu lol
(also just want the man happy so, if he is seeing her and he is happy then so be it… but honestly part of me is still holding out hope that he and deb get back together lmao)
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saintsandstrangers · 2 months ago
Where do you stand on the Sutton Hugh situ (sorry if you've been asked before)
My stand is that anyone who thinks Hugh couldn’t or wouldn’t cheat just because "it’s Hugh' is lying to themselves. The man has had countless chances to end things with his wife,'give in' on the job but he hasn't in the past...yet, here we are in 2025, calling and staging paparazzi walks?
What really blows my mind is Sutton allegedly doing to another woman what’s been done to her before. Where’s the empathy for Deb? I barely see people supporting her anywhere.I also find it funny that people are attacking others for not condoning cheating or for refusing to separate the artist from the art. If your defense is, “Everyone’s parasocial on social media” or “Let them be happy,” you’ve clearly spent way too much time online.
Also, I’m no PR expert so feel free to correct me, but come on,this is messy. Hugh’s had his fair share of controversy in recent years, and while it hasn’t derailed his career yet, a cheating scandal isn’t exactly going to make him look more appealing to the general public. Hardcore stans might stick around, but the average audience doesn’t like cheaters. Case in point: Keala Settle’s already unfollowed him. The optics here are not it.
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eekub988 · 10 months ago
last day of sweeney revival on broadway 💈🪒 !!!
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IM SO SAD ITS GOING AWAY :(. but i truly do love this show so much. i saw it for the first time ever a few weeks ago and it completely blew me away. everything about it was stunning and the acting was incredible. ive never loved the songs from a musical so much and ive never felt so inspired to write or even act in something! (even though im a crew member of the shows i do…) maria bilbao, daniel yearwood, sutton foster, joe locke, and SO many more were all incredible and im so thankful to have gotten the chance to see it. I truly do hope it does go on tour some point next year too !! (also hoping my school performs it because i would LOVEEEE that)
even if the show is gone i will still be sweeney posting :-)
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