#challengers christmas
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kisses4kaia · 3 months ago
merry christmas to all who celebrate and happy holidays!! thinking about bringing art home for the holidays 😼❤️🎄
he was so cute, you couldn’t help but notice. his shy smile while your mother drowned him in compliments and pinched his cheeks warmed your heart. his little nose was rosey from the chilly brisks of air whispering past you guys every once in a while.
“is she like this with everyone?” art turns and whispers to you once your mother becomes preoccupied with a newly arrived guest to her proudly hosted christmas party. “yes, but only with the really cute ones,” you kiss him on his cheek and he grins, pulling you closer to him by your waist.
you spend the rest of the evening with art on your arm, introducing him to your family and family friends, and you notice he gets along really well with your little sister. “can he stay for the rest of the break, please?” you hear her sweet little voice ask your mother after she had ‘cooked’ art in mario kart (he let her win).
it was hard to keep yourself from cheesing. he was so great, so perfect with your family and caring and handsome and gentle.
so leaning against a doorframe, you watch as art talks with a beer in his hand with your dad, making a joke that makes your pa laugh. watching him be yours, you really could not be more content.
smiling as he walks over to you, you wrap your arms around his neck as he pulls you into his grasp, kissing you sweetly, softly. “what was that for, slick?” you say, smiling so hard your cheeks hurt.
“look up.” art whispers, and so you glance upward, and sure enough, there’s a mistletoe pinned up that brushes the tips of his hair due to his towering height. “what were you talking to pa about?” you ask gently, resting your head upon his chest, returning to your people watching.
“my intentions with you,” he sighs, contentedly. you raise your eyebrows at this. “yeah? and?” you wait expectantly for his reply, and he chuckles richly, kissing the top of your head. “he’s happy with me,” he admits, and it settles warmly on your mind.
“i love you.” he kisses you again, and you sigh happily. “mhm, me too, artie.”
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thatscreamingrat · 3 months ago
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went to the pub for a drink on my first real day off in over a week and watched the girl behind the bar drop the entire cash drawer on the floor in the middle of the rush and then just stare at it at her feet for like a solid two minutes
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crumbpigeon · 3 months ago
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what else ought there be?
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satanizedmemes · 4 months ago
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vivid-dreamscapes · 4 months ago
Feel like Bakugou is the kinda guy to HATE ppl who celebrate Christmas as soon as November hits. Like, he doesn’t give a shit about celebrating holidays in general usually, but Halloween ends and not even a week later, Santa’s in every yard. And it pisses him off so much it’s funny. Once last year, you were humming jingle bell rock about a week into November, and he absolutely blew up. Literally.
So this year, you had a revenge plan.
You had went ahead and bought Christmas lingerie as soon as it was out, which had arrived pretty fast. You had managed to grab and hide it from your boyfriend before he saw it—plenty of places to hide things in a penthouse after all.
But towards the end of the second week of November, you changed into it and walked out casually into the penthouse living room. Katsuki was sitting there on his phone, grumbling and looking over the news before you cleared your throat.
He looked up, brows furrowed from glaring at the news, but it quickly snapped into surprise. You stood there and smirked as he just looked you allllll over, before standing up and reaching a hand out. He just pulled you closer, burying his face into the back of your neck as he mumbled against your skin.
“The fuck you think you’re doin’? You know I hate early Christmas stuff.” He growled against your skin, trailing quick but light kisses up the soft back of your neck, occasionally pressing his lips harder into you.
“Yeah, but you love my body.” You said with a smirk, tilting your neck forwards slightly. He quickly shifted to using teeth, just little nips here and there. He hummed against you as he went to pull your festive outfit off, but you stop him.
He gives you a confused look, but before he even gets the chance to ask, you say the same thing to him that he always says to you. Even if you mean it in a much more different way than him.
“Ah ah. It’s still November, isn’t it?”
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mintraindrop · 3 months ago
we got ANOTHER landoscar video. what is happening?
look at the smiles. omg.
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and what is going on with Lando's face?
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Oscar is finding this way too funny. darling, please.
no, I actually get it.
video credit: mclaren insta
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fluff-cember · 7 months ago
Fluffcember 2024
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@alpaca-clouds here!
I was asked whether I would create Fluffcember as an official challenge this year, and I thought to myself: You know what? Why not?
Hence this blog - and a really early posting of the list.
This is a 1-month-challenge for fluffy fanworks.
All sorts of fanworks (art, writing, graphics) welcome.
We will however not accept any AI-Art or AI-Writing!
SFW and NSFW is both welcome - but please make sure to tag it accordingly.
Tag CWs if you share under this tag!
No minimum or maximum word count for writing!
We will reblog entries during the month of December!
If you have questions: The asks are open!
Full list of prompts under the cut.
Day 01: Roasted Marshmallows
Day 02: Winter Flu
Day 03: Snow Man
Day 04: Christmas Sweater
Day 05: Northern Lights
Day 06: Gingerbread House
Day 07: Condensed Breath
Day 08: Sparkling Snow
Day 09: Sugar Rush
Day 10: Carols
Day 11: Slippery
Day 12: Skiing
Day 13: Fire and Ice
Day 14: Winter Soup
Day 15: Naughty List
Day 16: Chocolate
Day 17: Snowed in
Day 18: Mistletoe
Day 19: Fondue
Day 20: Fairy Tales
Day 21: Cabin in the Snow
Day 22: Winter Storm
Day 23: Confessions
Day 24: Christmas Tree
Day 25: The Perfect Gift
Day 26: Forgiveness
Day 27: Family Gathering
Day 28: Cold Turkey
Day 29: Mint
Day 30: Warming Up
Day 31: Fireworks
Hot Bath
Fallen Through The Ice
Holiday Decoration
Homecooked Meals
Coming Home
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55anana · 4 months ago
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a very merry carlos sketch before i lock in and study for a test
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memoirfawn · 2 days ago
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i need to lick his nipples
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12daysofchristmas · 5 months ago
Join us in the 2024 12 Days of Christmas Challenge as we hope to spread a little ✨holiday joy and cheer✨ through the magic of writing fanfiction & creating art!
About & Rules
The challenge will run from December 13-24, 2024.
The challenge is open to any and all fandoms.
Submissions must include at least one of the prompts for that day but can combine two, three, or all four.
Prompts for the day always include: a word/words, a scenario, a quote, a "famous" quote (taken from songs and movies)
Tag your submissions with #12daysofchristmas2024 and/or mention this blog so that we will be notified to reblog your submissions here. (Also, it would be super cool if you gave this blog a follow!)
Submissions for the day must be posted before midnight YOUR time. We're not super hard-and-fast about this rule, but posting within time is very much appreciated! 
If you’re posting your submission directly on Tumblr (as opposed to linking to an external site such as AO3), you MUST use a “keep reading” cut!
Edit: We're now also allowing ALL KINDS OF ART: drawings, edits, aesthetics, mood boards, videos, podfics, fiber arts... go wild!
!! Absolutely NO AI creations !!
Please format ALL submissions with the following heading:
Title Day/Prompt(s) Fandom/Character(s)/Ship Warnings (if applicable): Word Count/Medium (in case it's art):  Example: Santa, Baby Day 8 - “Prompt(s) for that day” AEW - Adam Page x OC Warnings: Alcohol, cursing, sexual situations (explicit) Word Count: 7,290 or: Medium: fan video
You can also include a summary, gif, edit, whatever you want! Just don’t forget the “keep reading” if you’re posting directly on Tumblr!
If you're posting on AO3, here's our collection: 12 Days of Christmas Collection
2024 Prompts
Day 1 ❄️ First snow ❄️ Getting soaked ❄️ “Your hands are so cold.” ❄️ “I suppose it all started with the snow.” —Frosty the Snowman
Day 2 ❄️ Little lie ❄️ Trapped together in a snowstorm ❄️ “I thought you knew where you were going?!” ❄️ “I don’t know what to say, but it’s Christmas, and we’re all in misery.” —National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
Day 3 ❄️ Accelerated heartbeat ❄️ Kissing in the snow ❄️ “Here, take my coat.” ❄️ “Let's hope the snow will make this Christmas right.” —Queen
Day 4 ❄️ Mulled wine ❄️ Playing board games ❄️ “I have no regrets.” ❄️ “Cheer up, dude. It's Christmas.” —How the Grinch Stole Christmas, 2000
Day 5 ❄️ Cookies ❄️ Holiday-themed contest ❄️ “That definitely looks… interesting?” ❄️ “That is exactly why you want a high-quality fire extinguisher right in the kitchen.” —The Santa Clause
Day 6 ❄️ Present ❄️ Making a new Christmas tradition ❄️ “Not another Christmas movie!” ❄️ “You say you hate Washington’s birthday or Thanksgiving, and nobody cares, but you say you hate Christmas, and people treat you like you’re a leper.” —Gremlins
Day 7 ❄️ Decorations ❄️ A little accident ❄️ “I was just trying to help!” ❄️ “I want my house to be seen from space.” —Deck The Halls
Day 8 ❄️ Touch starved ❄️ Telling secrets around the fire ❄️ “Sometimes the hardest part is forgiving yourself.” ❄️ “Santa, can't you hear me?” —Ariana Grande & Kelly Clarkson
Day 9 ❄️ Christmas fair/market ❄️ Late shopping (together) ❄️ “Hmm, this is actually not bad.” ❄️ “When you're still waiting for the snow to fall, doesn't really feel like Christmas at all.” —Coldplay
Day 10 ❄️ Surprise visit ❄️ Lighting scented candles ❄️ “I didn’t know you were here.” ❄️ “You’re skipping Christmas! Isn’t that against the law?” —Christmas with the Kranks
Day 11 ❄️ Fairy lights ❄️ Christmas party/ball ❄️ “I never want this night to end.” ❄️ “I won’t even wish for snow. And I’m just gonna keep on waiting, underneath the mistletoe.” —Mariah Carey
Day 12 ❄️ Feast ❄️ Indoor picnic by the tree/fireplace ❄️ “I baked your favourite cookie/pie/cake.” ❄️ “You are all I need tonight underneath the Christmas lights.” —Sia
Extra Challenge
Angst or fluff, romance or platonic - you're unsure in what direction your fic should go? Spin our
and let it decide for you! You can spin it once and write all fics with what comes up, you can spin it daily and change course accordingly, you can spin it as often as you need or not at all - it's all up to you.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions! Also, feel free to share this post and help spread the joy and cheer!
Happy writing, and good luck 🍀
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toriscrazycornerblog · 3 months ago
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My submission for The Drarry100 Christmas Challenge 2024🎄
artist: @goldmanrustic
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slushfaerie · 3 months ago
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you and art were invited to his grandma's friend's holiday party. you really don’t want to go.
art donaldson x introverted!fem reader (or fem reader that would just rather stay home and have her way with loverboy art and vice versa..bc like...) incredibly self-indulgent and hastily written. inspired by my desire to stay home and also my desire for art donaldson. nsfw elements! way steamier than what i've written before. happy holidays and/or happy wednesday <33
it was almost time to leave and you'd put off getting ready for as long as you possibly could.
art looks up from his spot lounging on the couch with bated breath as you emerge from the bathroom, steam billowing through your hotel room.
his mouth all but hangs open as he sees you, cheek resting against his hand as he takes you in, probably wrinkling his pressed collared shirt he’s chosen to wear, sleeves rolled up to his forearms.
there you stood like some sort of angel - wrapped in a silky white robe, still-damp locks of hair framing your face. he would stare at you forever if he could. 
art’s attuned to you as you let out a soft sigh, your gaze a million miles away. holiday gatherings - gatherings in general - weren’t your most favorite thing. but you’d at least have art to buoy you through the evening, trying to make you laugh with aptly timed snide comments whispered in your ear at the expense of other partygoers. he'd reach his hand beneath the dinner table, thumb caressing your thigh acting as a life preserver. anything for you. 
art was agreeable, malleable in social situations, but he could think of a thousand other places he’d rather be - almost all of them having to do with you wrapped around him in some way. 
as you reach for your moisturizer on the dresser, art’s hand covers yours before intertwining your fingers. you melt against him as he slots his body behind yours, kissing the sensitive spot behind your ear, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck. he has to hold back a moan as he inhales the scent of your shampoo, of you. 
art undoes the tie of your robe, peeling it off and putting you on display to him, only in your cute bra and panties. you watch as he grabs the tub of moisturizer himself and unscrews the lid with diligent fingers, warming some between his hands. 
the way art massages your shoulders, it's as if he hopes to melt away your nerves and tension, leaving kisses in their wake. he hums approvingly as he feels you exhale.
you turn around to face him, your robe a silky pool at your feet, a look of momentary bliss on your face from his ministrations. he turns his head to press a gentle kiss to your palm as you cup his cheek with your hand.
art lets out a gasp as you lace your fingers in his hair, pulling his lips to yours. he kisses you back in earnest, licking into your mouth as his warm hands wander down to palm your ass, massaging with as much devotion as he'd given the rest of you, pulling you against him. he'd drown in you if you'd let him.
art lays you down on the bed as he continues to massage the moisturizer into your arms, pressing kisses and giving attention to each hand, each individual finger. looking down to meet his gaze, you see his pupils dwarfing the depths of his blue eyes with that little kiss of brown.
you can't hold back your moans as art leaves lingering kisses on the tops of your breasts - he's all lips and tongue and gentle nips, teasing the hardening buds of your nipples through your bra, trailing his way down your stomach. 
art’s lashes flutter shut as he licks the sensitive skin around your navel, tracing teasing shapes with his tongue right above the cute little bow at the top of your panties. god, you tasted so sweet.
art gives you a crooked grin as you squirm, cheeks flushing, breath now coming out in sweet, shallow pants.
"y'know, you're making me wanna keep you here all to myself."
you mumble with weak protest something about being worried about being late, about making a good impression on his grandmother. art chuckles and rolls his eyes with resignation.
"okay, if you say so." he crawls up your body, giving your cheek a tender caress with his thumb as he leans in closer.
"just wait until i get you back here," the words of encouragement more for himself than you at this point as art pulls himself away and goes to retrieve his sweater from the hotel dresser.
a little motivation to get you both through the night never hurt anyone.
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atomi-cat · 4 months ago
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Neopets Paintbrush Challenge- Jack Skellington
Brushes used:
Ghost brush
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drownedscribe · 3 months ago
The way he just... flops
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sariphantom · 4 months ago
Who's ready for Risecember 2024?
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You can tag me with @sariphantom or even use the tag #risecember2024 so that I can see them and reblog it here (or retweet on Twitter/X and Bluesky, or add to my stories on Instagram, or even leave some kudos on AO3.
Anyone can participate and have fun. Go nuts with the prompts! Write! Draw! Make silly edits! The possibilities are endless! We need to keep spreading the word and let @nickelodeon know that Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will NEVER die!
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fictionadventurer · 4 months ago
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