#ch: tibbs
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straythisway · 3 months ago
Huffing a laugh, Reba's grin goes a bit sideways, charmed and chagrined all in one go. Holding up a finger, she pads over to the takeaway counter and looks over the tags. Sure enough, it was the latter.
Grabbing two of them, Reba grabs the bags a brings them over. "It was th' second one, 'm afraid. Think they're funny huh?"
Reba would get him a box to put it all in, and tells him as much, before explaining, "Might be a minute or two more, though, darlin'. There's a few more you're waitin' on, looks like."
carry out, carry away || open
Majdala didn't mind the late shift at Chippamunka's but it could get lonely when there was a lull. So lonely, in fact, that when shes done checking in with the few tables she does have, she's during her side work automatically.
While bustling a table, tray in hand, Majdala hums to herself, snippets of lyrics making their way past her lips.
Shes singing and cleaning and, then, as she turns, accidentally swings her tray into someone she hadn't seen, catching them in the side.
"Oh! 'M so sorry, darlin'. You alright?"
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faxxmodem · 9 months ago
new saw v conspiracy unlocked
if you zoom in on the shot of the fatal five's murder board, it looks like there's a comma between mallick's first and last name
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and everyone else
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has their first name highlighted in some way.
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has he... has he been scott mallick the entire time?
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professor-lungri · 4 years ago
same old lang syne || sergeant stripes
Shere was not paranoid about heading to the grocer, not really. Rather, he was paranoid about whom he could run into there and who, if he wasn’t a bit on his toes, could harm everything that he cared about. As it were, he’d already asked Tiegan not to come with him this trip, to which she had summarily ignored him and come along anyway. He was both grateful and irritated that she’d ignored him but, in truth, he would say neither. She already knew. 
At some point, they’d split up, Tiegan heading to find her preferred choice of junk food and he toward the produce aisle. They used rather a lot of it, since he cooked almost exclusively with vegetables, lentils, and the like. It made sense they would require a lot of it. 
The Vaagh was rounding the corner of an aisle, scanning both for his daughter and the fruit that was coming up on his left, so he did not see the man with the other trolley until it was nearly upon him. He stopped just in time, wincing at the way the sticky wheel on the one he’d chosen squealed in protest. “Ah, sorry mate didn’t see y--” Squinting as he looked over to the other person to apologize, Shere’s mood brightened considerably when he saw a familiar face forgetting, for the moment, his anxieties. 
“Hullo Willis. Been a minute. How’re you? Your daughter?” 
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hngrylikethewoolf · 4 years ago
Most Ardently || Tirrol, Regency AU
Task 3: Plot an AU with a partner AND Task 12:  Plot a thread with two characters who do not know each other where they have to solve a problem
The single most advantage to attending these soirees of Lord Lynton's was the absence of the young ladies plying their Season and their mothers hawking their daughters toward the eligible bachelors of the country. For once only the elite few eligible to attend, male or female, could have some peace and soak up the unruly behavior of their comrades away from the prying eyes of their mothers, sisters, wives and husbands, of those sorely afflicted.
Beyond this, these gatherings were mediocre at best and abysmal at worst; however, the scotch was decent and the smoking room was blessedly silent, removed from the raucousness of dancing and gambling down the hall that gave the fourth Earl of Lieges some peace of mind.
At least, until, the screaming started.
Sighing wearily into the last sip of his drink, Errol Woolf downed the rest of the brew, straightened his jacket, ran a hand through his unruly curls, and strode out toward the hall. He was met there by another man, a silent companion who had taken refugee just as he had, and so the earl nodded his head in greeting before gesturing for the other man to proceed him once more unto the fray.
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professor-lungri · 9 days ago
Shere had a rather interesting appointment planned for the day.
While it wasn't unheard of to get younger, prospective students wanting to speak with him about the Magizoology program courtesy of the secondary, this one ass a bit different.
Firstly, she wasn't even in secondary yet, though would shortly be. Secondly, she was the daughter someone whom he knew, from various trips to the hospital and seeing him about town, so Shere wanted to be able to give the girl his proper, full attention.
If she was serious - and it seemed she was - then she deserved that.
Still, when the little knock comes to the door and the Vaagh moves to open it, a smile on his face, he doesn't quite expect her to look as she does. Small, younger, but determined.
"Hullo, you must be Tabitha. I'm Dr. Khan." Offering out the hand that doesn't have his cane resting in it, since he doesn't have Saint's with him today, he shakes her hand and gives the girl a warm, friendly grin. "It's nice to meet you. Now, why don't we come in. Take those seats right across from the desk, there. Would you or your father like a tea?"
The children are the future || Sergeant Stripes feat. Tibby
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scientific-tricorder · 4 years ago
Star Trek Aliens Names Bank
Compiled for your convenience, a bank of canon names for the most common aliens of Star Trek.
These are compiled from Memory Alpha and Memory Beta. I tried to distinguish given and surnames as best I could, and generally did not include a name if it was too unclear. Same goes for names of individuals without a specified gender, since we don't know if or how names are gendered for these various cultures. This is also the reason why names are split by gender at all. Beta canon was occasionally used to distinguish given names v. surnames for Alpha canon names (such as Dukat being specified as a surname). For characters that were spies disguised as another species, if their alter ego had a distinct name, I gave each name to their respective species. If not (i.e. Seska), I did not include the name because its unclear to which culture the name derives from. There is a good amount of guesswork in here, and undoubtedly errors.
Species included are Andorians, Bajorans, Betazoids, Bolians, Caitians, Cardassians, Denobulans, Ferengi, Jem'Hadar, Klingons, Orions, Romulans, Tellarites, Trill, Vorta, and Vulcans.
This can be used for general reference at the sorts of names appropriate to each species, or for random generation based on phonemes, such as can be found in Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator, whose namesbase feature was the base concept used for this.
Several of these have very small sample sizes, and may produce janky results in phoneme generators. Male names are overrepresented for pretty much every species. Make of that what you will
Andorians in Alpha Canon are generally referred to by only one name, but in Beta Canon have an expanded naming system (only names aligning with this system are included), with a given name, a surname prefix (ch' for chan, sh' for shen, th' for thaan, and zh' for zhen), and a surname, generally taken from the zhavey (zhen parent). They also tend to have nicknames, which are included on a separate line. Chan and thaan are often considered to more or less correspond to masculinity, and when dealing with binary species, tend to use he/him pronouns, with shen and zhen being the same towards femininity and generally using she/her pronouns.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Chan (male) Given Names
Shen (female) Given Names
Vindizhei,Thali,Lahvishri,Chelienal,Trenkanshent,Lemarliten,Trenev,Resthenar,Iravothra,Avaranthi,Pava Ek'Noor,Kiramassala,Jessala,Vaacith,Lecheb,Thriazhrovarasa,Vinithnel,Sherivan,Savaaroa,Zharran,Randishira,Molsetev,Antocadra,Corallavellis,Ythrilasifsa
Thaan (male) Given Names
Zhen (female) Given Names
Bajorans put their surnames first and thus have the name order of Surname Given Name
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Solian Jarso,Ventor,Falnam,Falvin,Kopyc,Ty,Lat,Gallin,Denor,Var,Vax,Min,Hranok
Alpha Canon
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Surnames (and other names)
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Denobulans appear to have only one name, as the only Denobulan with a clear surname is Feezal Phlox, and it is very possible that her husband's name was tacked on simply for the convenience of the human crew.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Terim Azleya,Crenfel,Ghrex,Grazna,Triphox,Telles Vindeilin
Male Names
Korl,Masc,Mettus,Parnikee,Salagho Threx,Tropp,Vleb
Ferengi appear to only use one name.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Adred,Arridor,Barbo,Belongo,Berik,Birta,Bok,Bractor,Brunt,Brak,Broik,Farek,Frin,Frool,Gaila,Gant,Gegis,Gint,Gorad,Goss,Gral,Grimp,Grish,Hoex,Igel,Kayron,Kazago,Keldar,Kol,Kono,Krax,Krem,Leck,Par Lenor,Letek,Lonzo,Lurin,Mordoc,Morta,Muk,Nog,Nava,Nibor,Nilva,Nunk,Omag,Orpax,Plegg,Prak,Quark,Rom,Qol,Quimp,Rata,Reyga,Smeet,Solok,Sovak,Stol,Tarr,Tog,Tol,Torrot,Turot,Tye,Ulis,Yeggie,Zek
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Aramut,Arno,Balt,Base,Baun,Bijon,Bikk,Bindu,Blemin,Blork,Blout,Blud,Bokat,Borit,Breel,Broc,Brolok,Brubrak,Brund,Chek,Chig,Chintz,Chram,Corlan,Cort,Dav,Deleg,Derro,Dirf,Dorl,Drak,Drayan,Drek,Drik,Dverl,Fal,Falar,Feg,Flax,Flem,Flus,Flynk,Fog,Fram,Frek,Frinx,Garjak,Gart,Gash,Gek,Geln,Gezunt,Gimba,Glat,Glav,Glint,Goem,Goff,Gormie Gormatop,Greb,Grek,Greko,Grix,Gubbin,Gweemo,Hadron,Haurk,Hecko,Helk,Idris,Igel,Issa,Iskel,Joq,Kain,Karg,Kazago,Klarn,Koob,Krechma,Kreln,Kurga,Lifax,Lig,Lant,Lenk,Lept,Liph,Logi,Lonz,Lorp,Zook,Martok,Mecko,Meelo,Mezzo,Migg,Milch,Mirt,Mok,Mox,Moxon,Munk,Myynagi,Nam,Neek,Nix,Nurt,Obe,Oblat,Oblatis,Oblix,Ogger,Olix,Orax,Pluboi,Pod,Posck,Pharh,Promp,Pug,Quirk,Quoop,Qaris,Rableg,Radny,Rank,Rauplop,Rogi,Schlecht,Shmenge,Sluggo,Smoog,Sneat,Squeeb,Squim,Stoonk,Strope,Sumash,Sner,Sorv,Tran,Trapunto,Triv,Tarken,Throk,Trog,Trop,Tunk,Twim,Untz,Vinx,Vol,Vorp,Vung,Vurp,Yinkee,Yomgro,Yost,Zemel,Zhrel,Zind,Zirk,Zoid
Jem'Hadar have names consisting of two parts, separated by an apostrophe. A few of these parts have been repeated, and it's unclear if there is a specific system behind the names.
Alpha Canon
First Part of Name
Second Part of Name
Beta Canon
First Part of Name
Second Part of Name
Klingons generally use a given name and a patrynomic (i.e. 'Son of Mogh'). Houses do sometimes change name based on whoever is currently heading it, but sometimes retain a name of a noted prior member.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Amar,Antaak,A'trom,Atul,Ba'ktor,Barak-Kadan,Bar'el,Barot,B'Etor,B'iJik,Bo'rak,Brok'tan,Brota,Chang,Ch'Pok,Ch'Targh,Chu'vok,Darok,D'Ghor,Divok,Drex,Duras,Gorkon,Goroth,Gowron,Grafk,Hij'qa,H'ohk,Hon-Tihl,H'ta,Huraga,Japar,Ja'rod,J'Dan,Jodmos,Kahless,K'orin,K'vort,Kahmar,Kang,Kargan,Katogh,Kaybok,Kaz,Keedera,Kell,Kerla,Klaa,Klaang,Klag,K'mpec,K'mtar,K'Nera,K'Nor,Kobor,Kodrak,Kohlar,Kol,Kol-Sha,Kolax,Kolos,Koloth,Konmel,Kor,Koral,Korath,Korax,Kornan,Korok,Koroth,Korrd,Korris,Kortar,Koth,Kozak,Kras,Krell,K'retok,Kruge,K'Tal,K'Temang,K'Temoc,Kulge,Kunivas,Kuri,Kurn,K'Vada,K'Vagh,Larg,Larna,Leskit,Linkasa,L'Kor,Lorgh,Lurkan,M'Rek,M'tokra,Magh,Maltz,Martok,Marab,Mogh,Molor,Morag,Morak,Morath,Morka,Mow'ga,M'Rel,Mur'Eq,Noggra,Nu'Daq,Or'Eq,Orak,Ortikan,Pahash,M'Kota R'Cho,Reclaw,Rejac,Rodek,Rorg,Rurik,Rynar,Sarpek,Shovak,Silrek,Sompek,Sorval,Stex,T'Kuvma,T'vis,Tel-Peh,Telok,Toral,Tenavik,T'Greth,Thopok,T'Kar,Toq,Torak,Torath,Torg,Torin,Tse'Dek,Tumek,Ujilli,Vagh,Voq,Vorok,W'mar,Worf,Yeto
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Adon,Aakan,Alakon,Aktuh,Aktaj,Akor,Aperokei, Anyoqq,Arraq,Argashek,Argan,B'ator,Bardak Linron,Balak,Bek'Ta,Berolik,Berik,Beltz,Belq,Biroq,Bors,Boron Kallarax,Borma,Armek,Bo'roth,B'Vat,B'Tak,Bronal,Breg,Charg,Charak,ChaqI,ChanTogh,Cha'DIch,Ch'Tan,Ch'lan,Ch'kan,Ch'gran,Dargh,Danqo,D'Lor,D'cIq,Dazzo,Davok,Dirak,Dorak,Dolmorr,Dokil,Dohk,Do'Ming,D'kar,Draxon,DRacla,Dorrek,D'Vak,Durak,Fuhrman,Fron'chak,Gapo,Ganthet,Ganok,Gannik,Galarch,Gahlar,Gelt,Gatrell,Garvig,Garvak,Gimor,Gha'rek,G'mtor,G'joth,Gordek,Gorath,Goran,Gorak,Gonn,Goryq,Gorv,Gortak,Gort,Gorrik,Goroth,Gralk,Gra'Kor,Grakal,Gowrik,Gotlak,Grevaq,Grax,Grannk,Grot,Gronn,Grokla,Grodak,Grnar,Grunnil,Grozik,Grouk,Grotek,G'Zar,Gyrik,Gwarz,Guroth,Gurlk,hiJaK,Hervog,Hegron,Hark,Ibrach,Hurgor,Hurghom,Ja'rod,Jardak,Janar,Jadar,Ja'rod,J'dah,J'Bris,Jaroun,J'mpok,J'lang,J'kral,J'Doq,Jureth,J'rgan,J'rak,Joqel,Jo'Krat,J'nek,Kaaj,K’teng,K'tark,K'am,Kagak,Kaga,Kabrerr,Kaarg,Kaare,Kagran,Kaghvagh,Kagh,Kagg,Kage,Kagdar,Kahrl,Kahnrah,Kahlor,Kaldon,Kalax,Kalaw,Kalan,Kalak,Kalor,Kallarax,Kaljagh,Kaleth,Kamar,Kam'pok,Kalun,Kaltar,Kerab,Kanjis,Kanjar,Kandless,Kasak,Karhammur,Kargan,Karel,Kaul,Kateq,Kasiel,Kaseli,K'Dhan,Kbrex,Kaz,Kellen,Kell,Kelad,Kegren,Keer,Ker,Kentin,Kenni,Vlict,Kelthos,Khegh,Khall,Kevlar,Kest,Kesh,Khulr,Khone,Khod,Khezri,Khel,Kir,Kiosan,Kimm,Kich'ta,Kitold,Kishlat,Kirrin,Kiregh,Klasq,Klaad,Kligrok,K'Ley,K'Leht,K'lotek,Klorga,Klor,Kloor,Klivv,Klithis,K'mdek,Kl'rt,Klovagh,K'mpar,K'moth,K'Mek,K'naiah,K'muc,K'mtok,Kohn,Kodrash,Kodek,Kobyk,Kolan,Kolak,Kol,Kolor,Kolloden,Kolj,Koleth,Kopf,Kopek,Konom,Konn,Kon'Jef,Komor,Korath,Korak,Koradan,Kopok,Kori,Korgh,Korek,Kordon,Korbus,Korban,Korma,Korlak,Korpi,Kort,Korsal,Korrgar,Kosted,Korya,Korvog,Korvek,Korvaq,Koru,Koth,Koxx,Kowag,Kovold,Kovikh,Kothaar,Krador,K'rac,Kra'aken,K'pril,Kozor,K'Ratak,Kraloq,Kral,Krelk,Krek,Krazz,Krax,Kravokh,Krett,Krimm,Krenn,Kriz,Krivaq,Kriton,Krit,Kring,Kron,Krom,Krogan,Krov,Krong,Krona,Kryan,Krusk,Kruq,Krozek,Krox,K'Tek,K'Tar,K’Temang,K’Trelan,Kuhrrat,K'tran,K'Tesh,Kultan,Kulok,Kull,Kurrgo,Kuron,Kuri,K'vyr,K'voq,Kveld,Kvaad,Kuut,Kurt,K'zeq,Kyrtu,Kylor,Ky'Dra,Larkan,Lantar,Lak,Ler'at,Lasshar,Larq,Larok,Lojar,Logaar,Lorak,Lorac,Lokor,Lokog,Lugok,Lourn,Loski,L'Vek,Lupo,Mag,Maelgwyn,Mabli,M'Rod,M'Rel,Maltak,Malk,Malach,Makog,Mariq,Margon,Margh,Mard,Manx,Malvak,Menvek,Melkor,Melik,Melekh,M'kar,Mikar,Mida,Mertak,Merik,Molok,Moloj,Mojjar,Morek,Moqlah,Moq,Monak,Morr,Morjod,Morith,Morglar,Morg,M'Rep,M'Raq,Mox,Mow'ga,Mortran,M'ven,Muros,Murgh,Murg,Nej,Nazh,Navok,Narvak,Narrk,Nargov,Nokar,Nyor,Nolath,Nidd,Ngoj,Ngane,Ngabwi,Nevokh,Ow'rik,Okado,Pek,Pejor,Paibok,Paghal,Puklik,Porus,Pok,Pojra,Pitzh,Qeyhnor,Q'ratt,Qao,Qa'Hos,Qua'lon,Qonqar,Qrad,Qolka,Q'Lujj,Qyrll,Quvmoh,Quv,Qurag,Qugh,Rajat,RocIa,Rhaza,Renarg,Rov,Ro'suv,Roneg,Ronak,Roloc,Roka,Rynar,Ruunek,Ruktah,Shaniq,Seegath,Shurin,Sho'Tokh,Sondar,Sompek,Sklar,Skarl,SvaD,Surgh,Sturka,Stren,Starad,Spyre,Sorkav,Talak,Takus,Taghron,Taraz,Tarag,Tangorq, Talgar,T'Chen,Targ,Tichar,Thorn,Thok Mak,Tharrk,Tiral,Tivanazt,Til'k,Tiklor,Toldin,Toladal,Todokh,T'lanak,T'lak,Tong,Tonar,Tolz Kenran,Tolkor,Toreth,Tor'ash,Torad,Torvak,Torv,Torrik,Torr,Torlek,Torghn,Tron,Trolk,Tovoj,Toth,Tygrak,Turrok,Turag,Tunzos,Urthog,Unarrh,Ugilh,Vark,Vall,Valk,Vikagh,V'Tec,Vranx,Vralk,Vorkhas,Vok,Vochar,Xator,Wovogh,Wo'Din,Wartok,Yorikk,Ya'Vang,Yakril
Orions in Alpha canon are only known by one name (with the exception of D'Vana Tendi, who seems to have a distinct given name and surname in that order). In Beta canon, there do appear to be distinct surnames.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
D'Nesh,Devna,Gaila,Maras,Marta,Navaar,Osyraa,Shava,D'Vana Tendi
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Melani D'ian,D'Jinnea,D'Vanna,D'Vela,Irina,Katam,Leata,Nalavia,Neera,Neras,Pilenna,Rogaine,Salma,S'Bysh,Susna,Taryl,Treir,Vila,Virra,Virta,Zina,Zona
Male Given Names
Arnet,Artinton,Balon,Ba'M'eel,Barak,Borth,Calculanthra,Caruch,Cophot,Croll,Ragmar Danneskjold,Dennisar,Nashi,Donat,Finit,Ganik,Ganz,Golenz,Bardeck,Gundin,Refner,Harza-Kull,Hassan,Holencas,Honar-Des,Huwald,Julin,Boyor,Jackel,Jarek,Jek,Jester,Jorva,Jovra,Juraav,Kai,Kazek,Kelbrim,Elkar,Ivra,Merkos,Savro,Imri,Kelon,Kestralnamen,Krassus,Krulmadden,Lasslanlin,Kecho,Arthas,Dufen,Madrav,Markav,Malic,Mentain,Emini,Fyash,Amehda,Emerak,Namtac,Narhal,Somchuk,Nispavan,Nodogascur,Deth,Nallin,Benthine,Parrec-Sut,Kaldo,Radras,Radros,Renat,Rento,Neil,Talduk,Sirav,Skevar,Skuros,Sooris,Sorris,Soron,Vintlel,Stavan,Tenger,Tonzak,Unlot,Vasro,Vic,Vloun,Ellefrin,Ibmar
Romulans in Alpha canon seem to have a simple given name surname system, but are said to have three names: one for outsiders, one for family, and a true name. In Beta canon, Romulans have a given name, may or may not have an additional middle name, and have a surname. There are prefixes as well, with gendered prefixes (t' for female, tr' for male, and s' for groups (and presumably non-binary); omitted in familiar settings) for surnames and prefixes for middle names (i' when using the full name, ir' for formality lacking one or more names), as well as T' occasionally being added to any part of a female name.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Middle Names
In Alpha canon, we only have singular names for male Tellarites. Beta canon gives most Tellarites a given name and surname. There does appear to be some sort of naming system at place, with uncapitalized middle names, but I haven't read any books featuring Tellarites and don't know what it may be. If someone does know, please pass it on. These middle have been included with the surnames.
Alpha Canon
Durango,Tevrin Krit,Naarg,Skalaar,Terev,Gaavrin,Gav,Gorch,Gral,Grek
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
gov Ansarg,Agram,Bur'Gun,Brog,B'bargalah,jav Baur,bav Balkar,Dorkin,Dlumppheg,Dagran,blasch Cheg,chim Flar,Evesh,Gartiv,Garab,Gadj,chim Gleer,chim Glamok,Gett'Ipher,jav Gek,Gnakk,Glorak,chim Gliv,Grev,Greshlahrigm,Gralless,bim Gral,glasch Gral,Gouthar,chim Gorsach,glasch Hok,Haggarak,glasch Haaj,Grishnash,chim Grev,jav Lorg,chim Loak,Kyll,Kwelm,Kintro,Khund,Jed,glasch Noar,chim Nak,chim Mort,glasch Mort,glov Mog,glasch Moar,Prev,glasch Pak,kj Onn,Shav,zelev Sereb,Runkaar,lorin Ren,Ragaav,Thantora,glasch Tev,Teglas,Teg,glasch Yov,lek Xav,Trumble,Theloss,Zarv,glasch Vokrak,jav Velk,Ved,chim Var
Unjoined Trill have a given name and a surname. Upon joining with a symbiont, the surname is replaced with the name of the symbiont.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Symbiont Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Symbiont Names
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Vulcans have family names, but these are said to be unpronouncable by humans and generally never mentioned, hence not being shown here. In general, 'T' starting a name indicates its being feminine, and 'S' starting a name indicates its being masculine. Multiple characters of either gender have been shown with the 'opposite' starting letter, and Beta canon has mentioned a tradition of bestowing the name of a family matriarch upon a male child and a tradition of not naming newborns and instead naming them at some unspecified later date.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Alieth,Bradden,Barat,Corvok,Denak,Decan,Elieth,Bal Itak,Horek,Jarok,Keethzarn,Karatek,Kunas,Kerok,Kelock,Kelek,L'Nel,Lern,Lorin,Meng,Orsak,N'Kal,Nirak,Navok,Rovalat,Sajik,Sahvisha,Sabran,Saalek,Salon,Salok,Salet,Salek,Salar,Salak,Sardax,Sarda,Sarboran,Sanshiin,Satak,Sasav,Sartak,Sarlak,Savel,Savalek,Savaj,Saurik,Sekar,Sekal,Seetara,Selok,Selik,Senok,Sencus,Selvok,Selten,Seren,Sered,Sentek,Shanak,Sevor,Sevek,Sethan,Sessl,Serron,Sh'tan,S'harien,Shanok,Silek,Sibek,Si'tann,Sinak,Simus,Simok,Simm,Silok,Siryk,Sirok,Sipak,Sinek,Sivok,Sivek,Sivak,Slon,S'Larin,Skoel,Sklar,Skel,Skaren,Skamandros,Sohlar,Sofolk,Sodok,Sobon,Sobak,Slovaak,Solev,Solack,Sokketh,Sontor,Sonaj,Solor,Solok,Sorek,Sorak,Sorahl,Sortek,Soron,Sornek,Soreth,Sorel,Soton,Sotok,Sotir,Sotek,Sotak,Soryk,S'relt,Srell,Sovik,Stel,S'task,Stang,Stalek,Stak,Staal,Sterchak,Sten,Stell,Stelin,Storil,Storel,Stoek,Stimm,Stevok,Sudek,Sturek,Stur,Stovok,Stov,Sullien,Sulak,Sufik,Suessor,Sudoc,Surok,Supek,Sunok,Sunak,S'vec,Suven,Suvak,Sutek,Syvar,Syvak,Sytok,Sylix,Svon,Tanok,Talok,Tagok,Tavis,Tavak,Tarok,Tarek,Tevik,Tellus,T'Grell,Teyak,T'Karik,Tos,Torkas,Tolek,Varek,Valak,Vaavek,Vektan,Vekk'r,Varith,Varen,Volkar,Volak,Zakal,Xon
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years ago
Before The Dawn Ch.3
A few months passed as Cassie made sure that Tony ate and resembled some sort of human, and in those few months, Diana had graduated from crawling to walking. Tony was fortunately there for the baby's first steps and Cassie could see how proud he was. He encouraged her to walk over the course of the rest of that day, but before that, the man had looked around with a smile. Only for it to fall. Cassie knew he instinctively started looking for Stephen but when he remembered that the sorcerer wasn't there, his mood fell for a little bit before he smiled again and held Diana's hands. The smile didn't reach his eyes after his realization but Cassie was glad he was smiling regardless.
She knew that now they would have to keep an even closer eye on Diana now that she was walking, and to both their amusement, the baby followed Cassie around like a little duckling. Dia was learning more and more words, and it made Cassie really happy when she learned the word "sissy". She was a smart baby and the little girl always showed her pictures in Peter's photo album and pointed everyone out and told her their names. Diana quickly caught on and since Tony was referring to Cassie as "sissy" and "Cassie" whenever he talked to Diana, she learned what to call her.
Now, Cassie could hear Tony giving her a bath as she drew in a blank notepad he had bought for the young girl a few weeks ago, and giggled when she heard splashing. Diana loved bath time and more often than not, by the time she was done, it looked like Tony took one too. He was doing a little better now and paying more attention to them, but Cassie still helped of course. Sometimes she even took a bath with Dia, but without Tony in the bathroom. He trusted Cassie to take care of Diana, but he also made extra sure to keep an ear out in case she called for him or if FRIDAY alerted him to a problem.
"Sissy! Sissy!" Diana screeches and Tony sighs.
"Ouch. Choosing Miss Sass over your old man?" Tony jokes.
"Sissy!" The baby says again and Cassie could hear her tiny glare.
"Alright, alright. Cassie!" Tony calls out.
The little girl giggles again and closes her notebook. "I'm coming!" She responds.
She wasn't going to join Diana in her bath today, but she would at least sit by the tub for her and fortunately it was enough for Diana. Cassie wouldn't have to sit long since Tony probably got her washed up and now she just wanted to play, but it would give Tony time to get Diana her pajamas and a clean diaper. When Cassie left her bedroom and went into Tony's bedroom and the adjoining bathroom, she grinned when Tony turned and she saw that most of the front of his shirt was soaking wet.
"Oh haha, alright. Laugh it up." He huffs and gets up with a groan. "I'm getting too old for this. We might need to make this something you're responsible for."
Cassie shrugs. "Okay."
Tony eyes her for a few moments and then moves past her as she takes his previous spot. "She's just playing now. I'll be right back." He says and then slips out of the bathroom.
While they waited, Cassie played with the bubbles with Diana and she laughed when Cassie pops one near her. It didn't take long for Tony to get back and he handed the diaper and pajamas to Cassie so he could grab a towel and haul the baby out of the tub.
"Alright piccola. Time to get dressed and go to bed." He grunts as he lifts her out and then looks at Cassie. "By the way, did you finish your homework?"
"Yup!" Cassie smiles and follows him over to his bed after pulling the plug in the tub.
"Alright. Good. You can go back to whatever you were doing now." He nods his thanks when she hands the clothes back over, and she goes back to her bedroom.
The world hadn't quite recovered from the snap yet, so for now parents or family members were homeschooling their kids (or any remaining) and Tony set up a program for her. FRIDAY helped him put together a curriculum that was acceptable for Cassie, and on the weekdays he sat down with her for a couple of hours to teach her whatever lessons were scheduled for that day. Then he would leave her to do her work for an hour before asking her to keep an eye on Diana so he could work on his current project.
He was usually only working until around dinner time and they both alternated between cooking. Tony did the more difficult dishes and Cassie was capable of the simpler ones. When Cassie cooked, she put Diana in the playpen in the living room with some toys so she didn't have to worry about her getting into trouble. When Tony did, Cassie continued watching and playing with her until dinner was ready. Whatever homework she had left, Cassie finished it after dinner since Tony was done with his project for the day.
He had made the promise to her that he wouldn't put all the responsibility of housework and watching Diana on her and he was doing a good job of keeping that promise.
Cassie decided to watch a movie in her room before bed and turned it down low when she heard Tony putting Diana in bed. He always spoke softly to her in Italian and then had FRIDAY play a lullaby playlist, and quietly left the room after making sure the monitor was on. Diana always fell asleep without a fuss on bath days...not that she was much of a fussy baby in the first place.
A few moments later, Tony opens the door a little more to check on her. "Movie before bed?"
"Alright then. We have to tend to the garden tomorrow." He says and Cassie nods.
"I think the blackberries are ready."
"I think so too. Maybe we can have pancakes with blackberry syrup tomorrow. Sound good?" Cassie nods and he starts to close the door behind him. "Goodnight Miss Sass."
Cassie was up bright and early the next morning, even before Diana, to go out and pick the fruits and vegetables that were ripe. Tony showed her when each thing was ready so she knew what to pick and what she knew needed more time to grow. By the time she was done and she carried everything back inside, Tony was putting Diana in her highchair and the baby yawned cutely and rubbed her eyes.
"How many blackberries do we have?" Tony asks and Cassie puts the basket on the counter.
"Is this enough for syrup?"
"I think so." Tony says. "How about you get the pancake batter ready and I'll make the syrup?"
"Get the princess some cereal puffs before you do will you?"
Cassie nods and grabs the baby cereal puffs from one of the lower cabinets and pours some out on Diana's tray. Dia picks one up and sticks it into her mouth as Cassie puts the container away, and then she starts pulling everything out for pancakes. Breakfast was made as Diana periodically throws a cereal puff in their direction, and they both laugh when one manages to land in the cooling syrup. Tony had just finished it when she threw the puff, and he quickly scoops it out and blows on it. Once he's sure it's cool enough for Diana, he walks over and feeds it to her and then laughs when her eyes get big.
"You like that?" He chuckles when she opens her mouth for more. "Alright. One more." He repeats the process, minus the throwing of the puff, and feeds it to her and she actually makes a satisfied hum.
"She likes blackberries." Cassie smiles and puts the last pancake on the stack and turns off the stove.
"I have a feeling that when she's older, I'm going to find her picking berries straight off the vine with her mouth stained." Tony shakes his head.
"Don't you want her to eat lots of fruit instead of candy or cookies?" Cassie asks. "Daddy said fruit is nature's candy and it's better for you."
"He was right." Tony nods. "Come on. Let's eat."
Cassie carefully carries the plate of pancakes to the table as Tony pours the syrup into a small ceramic pitcher, and then he joins her at the table after pulling Diana's chair closer to the table. The older girl hums happily once she gets her pancakes and pours the syrup on top, and Tony smiles.
"You like it too huh?"
"Can we try different syrups? Like raspberry?" She asks.
Tony nods. "If we have the fruit and there's a recipe, we can try it. Deal?"
"Deal." Cassie nods and shoves another forkful into her mouth.
"Here you go princess." Tony says as he puts some small pieces of pancake on Diana's tray for her to eat. "Thank Sissy for making breakfast."
"Ba!" Diana says around a piece of pancake and Tony rolls his eyes.
"Close enough."
They eat happily until about halfway through when Cassie looks over at Tony.
Cassie hesitates for a moment. "Can we get a pet?"
"A pet?" Tony asks once he swallows his food. "What kind of pet?"
"I don't know. Maybe like Tibbs? I liked Tibbs." She says softly. "I miss him."
"Yeah...I miss him too kiddo. He was a good lab cat." Tony pokes his fork into more pancake pieces after cutting it. "I don't have to give you the talk about how pets are a big responsibility since you already know and you help take care of Diana…" he pauses to eat his forkful and chews thoughtfully and then swallows. "I'll think about it alright?"
Cassie nods. "Okay."
His answer was honestly better than she expected. She assumed he would say no, especially after bringing up Tibbs, but he said he would think about it. Cassie was a little excited but was careful not to get her hopes up. Even if Tony decided she could only have fish, she would be happy. It would bring a little more life to the cabin and maybe that would help things feel a little more normal. There was only so much she could do with Diana or Tony. Diana was a baby and Tony had different interests, but he did occasionally humor her and watch a Disney movie with her. That was something he was used to.
"What are you working on in the garage?" Cassie asks when they finish breakfast and start cleaning up. She frowns when Tony pauses briefly. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay."
Tony clears his throat and shakes his head. "I...I'm working on a suit. The one I've been meaning to build for Harley." He answers quietly.
"I'm sure he'd like it." She says.
"I think so too. It's going to look a lot like mine, but I think the colors will be blue and silver instead of red and gold."
"What are you going to call it?"
Tony looks at her and then back at the dishes he's rinsing. He didn't answer at first, and she thought maybe she had gone too far with her questions, but then he said:
"I don't know yet. I don't usually name the suits until they're finished. Just in case I have to scrap them." He tells her.
"Oh. That makes sense."
"Bababurrrrr!" Diana announces loudly and slams her hands on her tray. "Sissy!"
Tony laughs. "Can you take her out and play with her while I finish up here?"
Cassie nods and looks over at Diana and giggles when she sees a smear of blackberry syrup at the corner of her mouth. "I should wipe her face first."
"Too bad she can't swim or I'd tell you to just toss her in the lake and be done with it."
Cassie looks up at him and narrows her eyes when she finds a smug grin on his face.
"You're gonna do it when she does learn aren't you?"
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courier-sux · 5 years ago
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any eggs cuse to post Jackal (nonbinary, any pronouns)
Mmm hey. If you’ve got a non binary courier reblog and share them with me!
(NB sole survivors and lone wanderers also welcome)
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uncrcow · 7 years ago
Q: Why is there mental health stigma and what is UNC doing about it?
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How has the history of mental illness impacted its place in modern society?
The term mental health didn’t come into existence until the mid-twentieth century, but we have records of mental illness tracing as far back as ancient times. As early as the fifth century, when Hippocrates wrote On the Sacred Disease, ancient Greek philosophers were theorizing that mental illnesses “stemmed from bodily disturbances and were treatable by physical measures.” Hippocrates described a range of symptoms of mental illness — from night terrors to paranoia — and suggested that all of these conditions were caused by “an unbalanced state of the most important of human organs, the brain.”
Whereas today, stigma leads many to make a distinction between our mental health and more general physical health, many early societies recognized mental health conditions as illnesses that could be treated, just like any other health condition. In the Islamic world, societies adopted Hippocrates’ view of psychiatry and made early strides in mental health treatment. The first psychiatric hospitals appeared in Baghdad (705 A.D) and Cairo (800 A.D) — whereas similar institutions did not begin to appear in the West until the thirteenth century. In early Islamic society more generally, “the social attitude towards mental patients was one of compassionate care.” Pioneering Islamic doctors referred to multivolume medical textbooks, instead of superstition, to treat psychiatric patients, and they practiced psychological therapy techniques.
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[Image above] The Kitab al-Qanun fi al-tibb, or Canon of Medicine, was one of the multivolume medical textbooks that early Islamic doctors referred to when treating a range of conditions, including psychiatric illnesses. 
If we’ve been aware of mental health and mental illness for centuries and our understanding of their origins has evolved over time, then why do these topics remain taboo?
Despite early advances in medical understanding of mental illness, Western society took a significant step back in the Middle Ages and early modern period, when mental illness became linked with moral and spiritual deficiencies. Christian society, in particular, encouraged the notion that mental health conditions were punishments for past sins committed by the individual or his family. As a result, people with mental illness who lacked family caretakers were relegated to “hospices, hospitals, infirmaries, poorhouses, and retreats well into the nineteenth century.”
There was no universal classification system for mental health conditions, but they were generally believed to fall into three categories: frenzy, melancholy, or mania. In contrast to Hippocrates’ brain-centered explanation of mental illness, later medical treatments focused on “whole-body cures” — like throwing a patient into the ocean during a storm. The mentally ill frequently became targets in communities suspicious of witchcraft — a trend that reached a climax with the publication of Malleus Maleficarum, or The Witch Hammer, in 1486.
When did things start to change for people with mental illness?
By the sixteenth century, the Renaissance had spread north to Germany and the Netherlands, where physicians like Paracelcus and Johann Weyer began to reject spiritually based explanations for mental illness; instead, they argued that mental disorders could be explained by physical causes and cured with medical treatments.
This pattern continued into the late 1700s, when the Enlightenment inspired medical researchers, doctors, and professionals to reconsider their assumptions about mental health, and there was a renewed interest in discovering an explanation — and a cure — for mental illness. Reform-minded asylum directors, who called themselves “mad doctors,” took the helm of this movement and started a new tradition of “moral treatment” of mental illness. The most famous of these doctors was Englishman Francis Willis, who even treated King George III at his private retreat in Lincolnshire.
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[Image above] King George III of Great Britain, known in popular culture as “Mad King George,” was perhaps one of the most well-known recipients of early residential mental health treatment.
It wasn’t until after World War II, however, that psychiatric reform became widespread. The trend of de-institutionalization emerged from the idea “that psychiatric patients should not be confined in large, undifferentiated, and isolated mental hospitals but should be actively treated and supported ‘in’ their communities.” From the 1950s forward, an emphasis on “community care” led mental health professionals to focus on integrating patients into society, as well as rehabilitation and preventative care.
What is UNC doing to change the narrative today?
           Students, staff, and faculty across UNC’s campus are aware of the toll that mental health stigma and stereotypes can take on students who are experiencing mental health conditions, pursuing mental health treatment, or supporting a friend or family member who has a mental health condition. Here are just a few ways UNC community members are breaking the silence and speaking up about mental health:
UNC-CH Mental Health Ambassadors are passionate about destigmatizing mental illness and supporting and educating their peers on UNC’s campus by promoting conversations about mental health, facilitating support networks, and putting on educational programs about mental health topics.
UNC’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides a variety of mental health services for UNC students, including walk-in appointments and group therapy. They also offer resources for all members of the campus community, such as these tips for supporting a student in distress.
Active Minds at Carolina is a student group that puts on campus events and national programs to raise awareness about mental health and encourage students to seek help as soon as they need it.
Rethink: Psychiatric Illness is a Campus Y committee that offers student-led trainings in which “community members break away from societal stigma to learn the basics about mental illness, … learn what we can do to help ourselves or a friend in need, familiarize ourselves with the resources available on campus, and understand the specific actions we can take to act as advocates.”
Stigma Free Carolina is a UNC community campaign with a goal of dispelling myths and stereotypes about mental health conditions and treatments through raising awareness and educating the campus community about mental health topics.
Ahonen, M. (2014). Medical and Cultural Background. Mental Disorders in Ancient Philosophy, 13, 9-34.
Eghigian, G. (Ed.). (2009). From Madness to Mental Health: Psychiatric Disorder and Its Treatment in Western Civilization. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Novella, E. J. (2010). “Mental health care and the politics of inclusion: A socialsystems account of psychiatric deinstitutionalization.” Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 31(6), 411-427.
Tzeferakos, G. A. & Douzenis, A. I. (2017). "Islam, Mental Health and Law: A General Overview." Annals of General Psychiatry, 16, 28. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12991-017-0150-6
Image Resources
Islamic Culture and Medical Arts: The Great Systematizers [Digital Image]. Retrieved from https://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/islamic_medical/image/image11.gif
Mental Health GIF [Digital Image]. (n.d.) Retrieved from media.giphy.com/media/Z17YFNIAU0ycg/source.gif
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, The New York Public Library. (1810). George III, King of Great Britain. Retrieved from http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47db-9fd6-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99
Written by Cait Kennedy
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hackneynews · 7 years ago
2017 Junior Exhibitor Regional Championship Results
The American Hackney Horse Society congratulates our 2017 Junior Exhibitor Regional Champions! Good luck to all  competing in 2018!
2017 Junior Exhibitor Regional Championship Results
The American Hackney Horse Society congratulates our 2017 Junior Exhibitor Regional Champions! Good luck to all competing in 2018!
Region 1
Road Pony  Champion – Henry Reif and Regal’s Promoter LF
Region 2
Road Pony Champion – Kaitlyn Jackson and Passing Lane
Region 3
Road Pony Champion – Darien Walker and Chunky Monkey Road Pony Reserve Champion – Peyton Sturtz and Mighty Boomerang
Road Pony Under Saddle Champion – Susanna Kritzler and The Falcon
Pleasure Driving Champion – Brenna McCracken and Heartland Macho Man Reserve Champion – Peyton Sturtz and Romeo’s Namesake LF  Top 6 – Ryan Kasper and Malabar’s Man Top 6 – Sutton Paulsen and Heartland Novelty
Pleasure Under Saddle Champion – Sutton Paulsen and Heartland Novelty Reserve Champion – Darien Walker and Uptown Funk  Top 6 – Claire Kiley and Heartland Macho Man Top 6 – Ryan Kasper and Malabar’s Man
Hackney/Harness Pony Champion – Peyton Sturtz and Super B Reserve Champion – Lauren Trieber and Manitou
Region 4
Road Pony Champion – Patrick Weiler and Captain Proud Reserve Champion – Gabriella Snyder and Heartland Beach Boy Top 6 – Nicole Jackson and Stat-Tistic Top 6 – Cheyenne Williams and Heartland Direct Hit Top 6 – Madison Pope and Heartland Midnight Magic Top 6 – Kinslie Dougherty and Regal’s Double Trouble LF
Road Pony Under Saddle Champion – Sidney Murray and Heartland Land Rover Reserve Champion – Cheyenne Williams and Heartland Direct Hit Top 6 – Kinslie Dougherty and Regal’s Double Trouble LF Top 6 – Madison Pope and Heartland Top Gun
Pleasure Driving Champion – Cheyenne Williams and Heartland Direct Hit
Pleasure Under Saddle  Champion – Camille Talkington and Neon Dion Reserve Champion – Cheyenne Williams and Heartland Direct Hit Top 6 – Grace Markel and CH Heartland Smooth Operator Top 6 – Sidney Murray and CH Velvet King
Hackney/Harness Pony  Champion – Madison Pope and Kilbro’s Code Red
Region 5
Road Pony  Champion – Carter Sinex and Boogity Boogity  Reserve Champion – Emma Wood and Sirfistication Top 6 – Celeste Asmus and X Treme Commander
Road Pony Under Saddle Champion – Riana Payne and Lone Star
Region 6
Road Pony  Champion – Rose Marie Wheeler and CH Stat Reserve Champion – Griffin Day and Navigator Top 6 – Olivia Turner and Take It To The Limit Top 6 – Griffin Day and Heartland Velvet Touch
Road Pony Under Saddle Champion – Nina Izquierdo and Mastercraft’s City Slicker LF Reserve Champion – Mara McKenzie and Heartland Man of The Hour Top 6 – Ryan Visser and Heartland Party Time Top 6 – Remi Adams and Drum Beat
Pleasure Driving  Champion – Parker Puckett and Heartland Renegade Reserve Champion – Jordyn Isgrigg and Limited Edition
Pleasure Under Saddle Champion – Parker Puckett and Heartland Renegade
Region 7
Road Pony Champion – Emily Mielke and Simply Awesome Reserve Champion – Bridget Mitchell and Six Gun Quota Top 6 – JoJo Heist and Heartland Range Rover Top 6 – Jasmine Heist and Miss Dandelion
Road Pony Under Saddle  Champion – Bridget Mitchell and Six Gun Quota
Pleasure Driving  Champion – Katelin Creemens and Willowlawn’s Lady Victoria Reserve Champion – Charlotee Earehart and Bonaparte
Pleasure Under Saddle  Champion – Charlotte Earehart and Bonaparte
Region 8
Road Pony Champion – Makenzie Moore and Mastercraft’s Red Baron Reserve Champion – Dylan Kirk and CH Late Nite’s Basic Impact Top 6 – Nick Schubert and Seamair Strutter Top 6 – Elizabeth Marshall and Buckwheat Top 6 – Destiny West and China Princess Top 6 – Jamie Bo Lucas and The X Factor
Road Pony Under Saddle Champion – Sophia Anderson and Silver Oak’s Sinner and Saint Reserve Champion – Emma Grace Lovell and Awesome Anticipation Top 6 – Makenzie Moore and Hightower Top 6 – Destiny West and China Princess Top 6 – Paige Wilson and Wait & See’s Postmaster Top 6 Jordan Parham and Gilcrest’s Amigoizer
Pleasure Driving Champion – Nick Schubert and The Ivy League Reserve Champion – Grace Weisner and CH Seamair Premier Top 6 – Ella Reagan and Charmed Masterpiece Top 6 – Dylan Kirk and CH Seamair Dear Sir
Pleasure Under Saddle  Champion – Sophia Anderson and Silver Oak’s Sinner and Saint Reserve Champion – Grace Weisner and CH Seamair Premier
Region 9
Road Pony  Champion – Katiepaige Richards and Mastercraft’s Tribute Reserve Champion – Mary Elizabeth Kirkpatrick and Dun-Haven Tribute Top 6 – Mary Elizabeth Kirkpatrick and CH Heartland Double Trouble Top 6 – Sarah Kirkpatrick and Dun Haven Tribute Top 6 – Sarah Kirkpatrick and CH Heartland Double Trouble
Pleasure Driving  Champion – Kelly Tasch and Heartland Rare Treat
Region 10
Road Pony  Champion – Morgan Hylton and Extremely Intimidating Reserve Champion – Christopher Chase Tibbs and Runaway Top 6 – Sydney Fortuner and Get Set n Go Top 6 – Ashley Creekmore and Outside The Lines Top 6 – Alice Mithali Unger Singh and Regal’s Wild Card LF Top 6 – Olivia Schumacher and Dimitri
Road Pony Under Saddle Champion – Lora Thornhill and HCH Double Vision Reserve Champion – Cassidy Roach and Knolland Liberty Belle Top 6 – Sydney Fortuner and Get Set n Go Top 6 – Makaylah Bishop and Mr. Bubbly Bubbles Top 6 – Cory Morrison and Smokin Aces Top 6 – Lora Thornhill and Legolas
Pleasure Driving  Champion – Samantha White and Bud Light Reserve Champion – Avery Hackney and Premonition
Pleasure Under Saddle  Champion – Lora Thornhill and Legolas
Region 11
Road Pony Champion – Kellie Saccocia and Keeping The Faith
Road Pony Under Saddle Champion – Audra Pike and Regal’s Sensation LF Reserve Champion – Maggie Elizabeth Clark and Shadowland’s Ishtar
Region 12
Road Pony Champion – Adele McCormick and K&J’s Amber Choice Reserve Champion – Josh McCormick and K&J’s Amber Choice Top 6 – Josh McCormick and Ridgetop’s Chester The Jester
Pleasure Driving  Champion – Adele McCormick and Showtime’s So Tuff Reserve Champion – Josh McCormick and Showtime’s So Tuff
Hackney/Harness Pony  Champion – Adele McCormick and Showtime’s So Tuff
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apennywasted · 6 years ago
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This is a day we remember the toil, of the blood and the battle on far distant soil. Lest we forget - lest our memories should fade, 'twas our boys that we lost, 'twas a high price they paid.
                                                                                                    -Greta Zwaan
@sportylikeatuna @exsgttibbs @hngrylikethewoolf
Happy (observed) Veteran’s Day to not only our wonderful characters at BD but those men and women who are honored on this day. 
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hngrylikethewoolf · 1 year ago
Errol did, in fact, know quite a lot about field medicine, from his time here and from his time in the military. Still, he does perk up a bit at the subject.
"No kiddin'? Well if ye do, I'll 'elp. Volunteer an' everyfin'. 'M certified, 'ave been fer years, since I served."
Though...he does understand where he's coming from, and Errol nods his head at the fear.
"Eh, I understand. But, 's a skill, jus' like anyfin' else. Either 'at or they know shite all." And then, well, people die anyway, where they could've had a better chance otherwise.
survey says || open
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professor-lungri · 8 years ago
who said i love you first? sHERE. Tibbs is clueless that the man even likes him but tbh it could also be a pretty close tie? I feel like once he gets the memo it’s all over for my coherent feelings
who laughs when the other trips? It would be really rude to laugh if Shere tripped so Tibbs would never. 
who pays the bills? They both do since they both make pretty good money. 
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? Shere tbh. He didn’t get traditional holidays with his dad so I feel like he would make ones like Christmas a big deal. 
who’s more clumsy? Obviously Shere but he can’t really help it. He’s not as bad as people think he is though. 
who checks their daily horoscope? Uh neither? They don’t have time for that lbh
who sings louder in the car? Shere does oml. He sings when he’s comfortable and its usually ridiculous. 
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? Tibbs tbh. It is a point of contention in their household. They have Toothpaste Wars every morning.
who is more up to date in pop culture? Neither. They are #oldmen. Shere doesn’t really watch movies and Tibss is just Tibbs. 
who insists on going to see the newest movies? If anyone it is Tibbs, bc Shere doesn’t really watch them. But if Tibbs wanted to see it he’d go. 
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? Both of them, big ol’ bbs that they are haha
who’s the lighter sleeper? They’re both reallllyy light sleepers. Idk how they sleep at all tbh
who believes in ghosts? Shere definitely. Dunno if Tibbs does. 
who does the grocery shopping? They go together when their schedules allow. If not, then the person whose day it is gets an itemized list and texts throughout the day of more things they need and lbh they’re also some form of adorable
who updates their facebook status more often? Definitely not Shere. If anything it is an intern fucking with them.
0 notes
elisaphoenix13 · 4 years ago
Before The Dawn (Ch.4)
"...what is this?"
Tony had woken Cassie early that morning so she could keep an ear out for Diana while he ran errands. She had no idea where he needed to go so early in the morning but when he got home, everything explained itself. Cassie was in the middle of eating her cereal after making sure the baby was taken care of when Tony nearly burst through the door. After shoveling the rest of her breakfast into her mouth, and Tony got Dia out of her high chair, he herded them out front just in time to see a trailer driving away. Just as Cassie was about to ask what it was for, Tony led them around the corner where she found an alpaca happily grazing on bits of grass.
"Your pet alpaca!" Tony says with a grin and Cassie looks up at him before sighing. "What? What's with that look?"
"You're so extra." She tells him flatly as Diana pries herself away from Cassie's leg to waddle over to the alpaca.
Tony snorts. "Then I wouldn't be Tony Stark."
"I meant a puppy or a kitten. Or even a fish!" Cassie says with some exaggeration. "You went with an alpaca!"
"Don't sass me."
Cassie rolls her eyes and watches Diana pet the alpaca in the way only babies can, glad that it didn't seem bothered with her. She really didn't want to be spit on if it felt threatened. She knew that because she did a lot of reading about animals on the tablet Tony gave her. At least it was another...what did Peter call Tibbs?
A chill animal.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" Cassie asks Tony.
"Boy. You going to name him?"
"Uhh...I can't think of anything." She looks at the alpaca that happens to be staring back at her while munching lazily on grass.
"Alright then. We'll call him Gerald." Tony claps his hands together and then rubs them."Let's get him settled in his new home."
Cassie gives him another look. "He's not going to sleep in the house is he?"
"What? Pfft. No. I had a little stable built for him."
Cassie picks up Diana while Tony leads Gerald to the small stable behind the house, and they watch as he gives the alpaca a large pile of hay. She knew that this would likely turn into one of her daily chores, but she was okay with it because she expected it. There was just one thing she refused to do.
"I'm not picking up his poop." Cassie says as she turns to take Diana back inside.
"What?! You wanted a pet!"
"You wanted to be extra so you have to pay the consequences!" She calls back.
"Do you take after your mother or was your dad a secret sass monster?"
"My dad!" She replies and closes the back door when she gets back inside. "I hope you take after your mommy." She mumbles to Diana.
A few years passed similarly, and as Cassie got older, she took on more of the household responsibilities. She cooked more, cleaned, took care of Diana and Tony, and took care of Gerald too. For the most part, Tony did clean up after the alpaca but every once in a while she would have to do it. Potty training Diana was actually pretty easy. She was ready to learn by the time she was running and she wasn't even two years old yet.
The biggest thing that happened was when...puberty hit Cassie. Fortunately she had an idea of what was going on, but neither of her parents had been able to give her the talk before the snap. Tony...bless his heart...gave her the talk even though she knew he was wildly uncomfortable about it. He hid it well, but it wasn't that the subject made him squeamish, but the fact that he had to be the one to talk to her. He felt he wasn't the right person to answer all of her questions, so he told her what he could and then did the smart thing by calling Pepper.
To Cassie's amusement, Tony had no problem buying her sanitary products when she needed them. When they were at the store and Cassie told him that she needed to restock, Tony nodded and took her down the feminine hygiene aisle.
"You're not embarrassed?"
"Nope. It's a part of life and one day Diana will need them too."
Tony sighed after he said that and it made Cassie laugh because she knew it was because he was faced with the reality that his little girl would one day grow up. She smiled when she was done laughing and pat his arm before picking out what she needed and adding it to the cart.
Now, at fifteen, she was currently stuck in the bathroom after looking under the sink and finding that she hadn't put her new box of tampons under it after their shopping trip yesterday. Cassie groans and reaches for the door and cracks it open.
"Dia!" She calls loudly.
"Yeah?" The five year old replies from downstairs.
"Can you get my box of tampons from the bag on the table and bring them up to me?"
There was crinkling of the grocery bag a couple moments later, thumping on the stairs, and then the bathroom door swung wide open. Cassie's eyes widen and she scrambles to at least get Diana in the bathroom so she can close the door, and the little girl puts the box on the sink. The teen was used to Dia barging in on her whether it was in the bathroom or her bedroom, and was working on privacy with her.
"Dia! I talked to you about this!" Cassie sighs and grabs the box.
"Daddy is in the garage." She says.
"Okay, well, that's not the point. You knock and crack the door open just enough to come in if I'm in the bathroom or changing in my room." Cassie points to the door. "Practice that while leaving and close the door behind you, okay?"
"Can we make cookies?"
The little girl sighs dramatically and leaves the bathroom just like Cassie taught her to, and when she closes the door behind her, the teen finishes up. After storing the box under the sink and washing her hands, she goes downstairs and shakes her head with an amused smile when she finds Diana pulling out all of the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. Just this once she would go with Dia's decision since cookies did sound good, and it would probably lure Tony out of the garage for the day.
"I guess I better go put my hair up." Cassie says and turns back toward the stairs.
"Oh! Me too!" Diana says and follows after her after carefully putting the sugar on the counter.
It was a bonding technique they enjoyed together. Every morning, or after a bath, Diana would go into Cassie's room with a brush and the teen would turn on the TV so Diana could watch it while Cassie brushed her hair. Now, while Diana crawled onto Cassie's bed when they got to the teen's room, Cassie grabs her brush and a couple of hair ties and smiles when she sits on the bed behind the little girl. This time, Diana was content to read one of her picture books while Cassie brushed her hair, and the older girl took a little longer than usual to put Dia's hair up in a small ponytail.
"Will my hair get as long as yours, Sissy?"
"Sure it will."
"Daddy keeps telling the haircut lady to cut it short like this." Diana pouts and Cassie laughs as she ties her hair.
"That's because he doesn't want to hurt you if he ends up having to brush your hair."
"But you almost always brush my hair."
"Almost. Just be patient. Your hair grows fast and soon you won't need his help."
Cassie smiles and gets back up to look in her mirror and brush her hair back into a ponytail, and Diana patiently reads her book while she waits. A few of her things ended up finding a semi-permanent home in the teen's room since she spent so much time with Cassie, and there were times she ended up falling asleep with her. Cassie didn't mind it since it didn't happen all the time, and she even enjoyed the company. There were just some things only another girl would understand that Tony wouldn't. Or maybe he would understand but Cassie didn't feel like torturing him.
"Would Mommy have brushed my hair?" Diana asks quietly and Cassie sets her hairbrush down when she finishes.
"Maybe. He would have at least tried."
"Because of his hands?"
"Mmhmm." Cassie holds out her hand and helps Dia off the bed when she takes it.
"How come Daddy doesn't talk about him or Peter or Harley?"
Cassie stops and kneels down in front of Diana. The little girl knew about the snap even if she didn't fully understand what happened. She knew that her mom and brothers were taken away because of it and Cassie's dad as well, but she didn't know that Tony watched it happen. He asked Cassie not to tell Diana that bit of detail and she promised she wouldn't, only telling Dia what she could to help her understand.
"Because it still hurts him Dia." Cassie says softly.
"Does thinking about your daddy still hurt you too?" Diana asks.
"Yeah...not as much as it used to but...the reasons are different. That's all I can say."
"... okay."
Poor Diana knew when a subject should be left alone, and unfortunately the taboo was about her deceased family. She just wanted to know about them and the majority of the task landed on Cassie's shoulders. Sometimes the other Avengers would visit and tell stories that Diana drank in like a sponge, but for the most part it was Cassie telling her the stories and whatever Tony let slip. The older girl often caught Diana looking through Peter's photo album before bed and would tell her a couple of stories before having her go to sleep. Cassie never begrudged Tony for it though. He watched Stephen and Peter (and the other people he allied with) turn to dust. Cassie was fortunate enough not to actually see anyone get dusted. Especially her father. If she did, she had a feeling she would be hurting just as much as Tony.
"Let's go make those cookies now. Maybe we can make some with butterscotch chips for your dad."
"He likes milk with his cookies too!"
"He does. I think we'll all have milk and cookies."
Diana smiles and races down to the kitchen to pull out the rest of the ingredients, and Cassie turns on the oven when she finally makes it down as well. After checking that Diana got everything they needed, they started to pour everything into the mixer. As they were pouring the flour mixture in with the wet ingredients, the mixer was going too fast for the amount poured in and the flour blew up in their faces. The two cough and wipe their faces free of it before finishing, and Tony walks in just after they put the first two sheets in.
He promptly started laughing.
"You making flour bombs in here or cookies?" He chuckles.
"Guess you'll have to find out." Cassie answers as she wipes the rest of the flour off of Diana.
"Having fun piccola?" He asks Diana.
"Uh-huh! We made some cookies with butter...umm…" she furrows her brows together in thought and then smiles. "Butterscotch! Just for you!"
"Oh yeah? I'm looking forward to them. You two always make the best cookies." Tony smiles as he sneaks behind them to grab the bag of coffee beans from the cupboard.
Cassie promptly smacked his hand though and took them to put them back.
"No! Breakfast only and two cups maximum!" She scolds as Tony shakes his hand.
"I feel like I'm losing my authority in my own house." He gripes half-heartedly.
"Don't be so overdramatic about coffee. Just wait a few minutes and you can have milk with cookies like we're going to." Cassie huffs.
"Alright, alright. I'll go watch tv in the living room." Tony says. "No more flour bombs."
Cassie grabs a cleanish measuring spoon and chucks it at his head.
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straythisway · 4 months ago
The Swynlake General Hospital jacket was, in fact, a bit like a blaring neon sign that said "I MAKE A LOT OF MONEY," and Majdala was worried about one of two things happening - he would either snap at her, call her names, or he'd flirt mercilessly with her and she'd have to worry about angering him anyway when she told him she had a boyfriend.
She's pleasantly surprised when neither happens. He even jokes about it, and Majdala can tell she's looking at him like he's grown three heads and talking backward. Shaking it off a few moments later, Majdala offers him a tired grin.
"Yah got stuck with th' order pick up huh? What's it under, I can check for yah."
carry out, carry away || open
Majdala didn't mind the late shift at Chippamunka's but it could get lonely when there was a lull. So lonely, in fact, that when shes done checking in with the few tables she does have, she's during her side work automatically.
While bustling a table, tray in hand, Majdala hums to herself, snippets of lyrics making their way past her lips.
Shes singing and cleaning and, then, as she turns, accidentally swings her tray into someone she hadn't seen, catching them in the side.
"Oh! 'M so sorry, darlin'. You alright?"
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years ago
Everlasting Spirit (Ch.1)
Stephen groans softly when Valerie continues to call for him from her crib. "Tony...the baby." Without opening his eyes, he reaches out toward Tony's side of the bed when his husband doesn't answer, and his hand meets cold sheets. "Tony?"
The sorcerer cracks his eyes open to look on the engineer's side of the bed and frowns when he finds it empty. He grabs his phone from the nightstand to check the time and his eyebrows shoot up into his hairline when he finds that it was past ten in the morning. Stephen stretches out the kinks that had formed while sleeping and then asks Victor to open the blinds that Tony no doubt asked Friday to keep down until Stephen woke up on his own.
"Ma!" Valerie repeats.
Stephen sighs. "Yes cub. I heard you the first time."
He sits up groggily before slipping out of bed, motioning for Athena to stay when the wolf lifts her head curiously. He steps over to the crib and lifts Valerie from it, and lays her on the bed near Athena while he grabs some diaper supplies from the closet. The wolf noses the baby curiously and Valerie coos when Athena starts to lick her, and Stephen gently grabs her muzzle to push away with a click of his tongue.
"Stop that."
Stephen ignores the wolf's annoyed huff as he changes his daughter's diaper, and then he picks her up and holds her in one of his arms before he heads out of the bedroom. Athena follows dutifully once she hops down from the bed and the sorcerer puts his youngest daughter in her high chair so he can give her some cereal puffs to snack on while he makes breakfast for him and Tony. He naturally asked Victor if his husband even ate breakfast just in case by some miracle he had, but his AI confirms Stephen's go-to assumption. Tony only had coffee.
The doctor cooks bacon, eggs, sausage, and hash browns after feeding his wolf her breakfast, and looks over to the elevator when it opens and Sam walks onto the floor.
"Hey Mama Bear. Have any orange juice up here?" He asks.
Stephen points to the fridge with the spatula in his hand. "We should if Scott hasn't gotten to it. Late breakfast?"
"More like a second one. I worked up an appetite while I was working out with Steve and Bucky."
"You're more than welcome to join us. I always make extra." Stephen offers as Sam walks over to the fridge and grabs the carton of juice.
"Thanks. Beats the cereal I have."
Stephen fills a plate for Sam as he sits at the island, and just as he sets the plate in front of the darker male, the elevator opens again. Tony walks out with Tibbs on his shoulder, and makes a beeline for Valerie to kiss her all over her face and earning a quiet giggle from the baby. Stephen had to partially tune out his husband when he started speaking to their daughter fondly in Italian, but still found himself smiling regardless. Tony constantly spoke to their children in different languages so they could learn them (Peter and Harley being fluent in quite a few because of it), but also just to show affection. Italian was his primary language for that. For the kids and Stephen, although some things were kept behind closed doors when it came to the sorcerer since the three older kids were fluent.
"No topolina, those are for you." Tony kindly rejects Valerie's silent offer of her cereal puffs as the engineer sits in the chair closest to the highchair. "Get down furball."
Sam snorts when Tibbs hops down to the floor from Tony's shoulder. "Your older trolls at school?"
"You know, I think they're possessed because Friday didn't wake me up to make sure they got up and all that jazz." Tony starts. "I woke up by myself and she told me they got up, ate breakfast, and left for school."
Stephen gives Tony a look. "The boys took Diana to school?"
"They walked Cassie to school too. I called their schools to make sure and they all said the kids were accounted for." Tony confirms and Sam swallows his mouthful of food before responding.
"I agree with the boss. They're possessed."
Stephen chuckles as he turns off the stove and fills a couple more plates with food for him and Tony, and then carries them over to the table. While possession was a real thing, Friday eased Stephen's mind when she told them they the kids were acting like they normally did, but Harley wanted to give their parents some time to sleep in. It was one of the times he stepped into a mature role so Tony and Stephen could take a well deserved break, and the sorcerer was already trying to think of a way to thank their oldest son.
Peter did similar things to Harley when he wanted to help his parents relax, but cooking was not one of them. Stephen was almost positive the spiderling gave up on cooking after he burnt that casserole so long ago and had Dum-E bury him in fire extinguisher foam. Diana just played quietly until Cassie was awake and then went downstairs to play with her until Tony or Stephen called her back upstairs.
He didn't know how they got so lucky, but they were. They had amazing kids, and even though they all fought like typical siblings and got into some trouble (especially superhero trouble when it came to the boys), there were days they behaved long enough to let their overworked parents rest. Other times they saved each other's lives, like Harley had done for Peter when he was impaled by the Rhino. They fed and changed Valerie sometimes, built and played in pillow forts with Diana and watched endless amounts of Disney movies, and Harley sometimes helped Peter on his patrols.
Speaking of patrols.
"Tony." Stephen says softly to get his husband's attention.
"Yeah?" The engineer responds as he feeds Valerie some eggs.
"Can you take a look at my suit? Last time I was dimension hopping, one of my legs didn't get covered properly."
Tony looks over at the doctor and holds his hand out until Stephen removes his nanotech bracelet and hands it over. "Did it stop altogether or did the nanites try to cover your leg…?"
"They tried, but there were still holes."
"Some of them probably just need repairs. I'll give it a look once we're finished eating." Tony promises.
Stephen nods and watches his husband return his attention to their daughter once he pockets the bracelet, and they both find her patiently waiting for some more of Tony's scrambled eggs. They were pleased to find that she was not a very picky eater and generally enjoyed anything they offered her with the exception of green beans and lemons. They only knew about the lemons because Harley one day decided he wanted to see how his baby sister would react after chewing on a lemon wedge, and Valerie had the typical response. A puckered mouth followed by a look of betrayal that had her three older siblings (and even Cassie) howling with laughter. By some miracle, Valerie wasn't put off from orange slices because of it, but she would still eye them warily if her brothers were the ones feeding them to her.
Just like she watched Quill carefully whenever he fed her something green. She still hadn't forgiven him for feeding her green beans.
Sam finished his breakfast and thanked Stephen before heading back downstairs, and Tony thanked the sorcerer with a kiss after putting his plate in the dishwasher. The engineer went back down to the lab to take a look at Stephen's suit, and the doctor himself cleaned up the kitchen and his daughter before allowing Levi to take her. The cloak coddles and swings the baby while Stephen sits on the couch to read, and Athena joins her master on the couch and lays her head on one of his thighs. Stephen enjoyed the periodic coo from Valerie as he read his novel and gently pet his wolf's head, and when the giggles and coos die down into silence, Levi gently deposits her into the nearby playpen. It wasn't quite time for a nap, but she would play with her teddy bear until she either fell asleep or demanded her mother's attention.
Of course, today was a day for Stephen's attention. Valerie called quietly for him and the sorcerer had Levi pick her back up and bring her over to him, and he grabbed one of her books through a small gateway after he got her situated comfortably against him. Valerie had a full belly and a clean diaper, so now all she wanted was for Stephen to read her a book before she took a nap. It was an early afternoon ritual for her.
Stephen had to stop Athena from nosing the baby when Valerie fell asleep halfway through the book, but the wolf simply laid her head back on the sorcerer's thigh with another annoyed huff. The doctor ignored her as he carefully situated his daughter so that he can read again, and subconsciously listened to her soft breaths as she slept. It was one of the things that helped him relax...listening to his kids breathe. He mostly heard Valerie, especially since she slept in the master bedroom with him and Tony, but every once in a while he would catch one of the three older kids napping.
Whenever he had a nightmare concerning the kids, he went into their rooms to check on them and listen as a quick way to ease his conscious so he could go back to sleep. Then there were those rare mornings Stephen and Tony woke up to all four kids in their bed, and one time he woke up to find Valerie's foot in her father's face. Diana was comfortably snug next to Stephen, Peter had draped himself across both parents with his head on Stephen's hip (the sorcerer had been sleeping on his side that morning), and Harley laid across the end of the bed with Athena.
Tony and Stephen had never been so thankful for a king sized bed, especially when another one of those mornings found Cassie in their bed too. That only happened when Scott was out of town and Quill was off earth, and she usually saved Tony from a kick to the face by laying next to him and putting Valerie in between her and Diana.
Friday took a picture each time the kids were found on their bed.
"Doctor, Diana will be getting out of school soon." Victor suddenly says and Stephen gently nudges Athena so the wolf could get up. Once she jumps off the couch, the sorcerer carefully puts Valerie in her playpen.
"Is Tony still in the lab?"
"Yes. Should I ask him to come up or pick up your daughter?"
"No, I'll go pick her up. Who's currently in the tower?" Stephen asks his AI. "Actually, is Wanda here?"
"Ask her if she's willing to watch the baby for a few minutes, and if she is, have her come up."
There really was no if. There were only two reasons members of the team wouldn't watch Valerie, and one was if they were just about to leave, or if they were sick and contagious. Natasha had been sick a few weeks ago and had been grumpy the entire time because she loved spending time with the baby of the family. Especially when Quill wasn't hogging her. Of course, the god rubbed it in her face every chance he could, and when Nat was feeling better, she got sweet revenge.
All Stephen knew was that it had to do with sending Scott away to a fake meeting. Just after Quill returned from two weeks out in space. They had a very irritable god on their hands until Scott came home.
"You called?" Wanda says, interrupting Stephen's thoughts as she walks over to join him at the playpen.
"Yes. I just need you to watch her for a few minutes while I go pick up Diana. She's at the end of her nap so she might wake up while I'm gone."
"No problem."
Stephen thanks her and disappears through a portal, leaving Wanda with his daughter and an irritated wolf. He would be back in five minutes, the wolf could deal with not being able to come with him.
The engineer looks up from Stephen's nanotech bracelet and finds Wanda standing by the door with Valerie on her hip and looking concerned.
"What's up Red?"
Wanda opens her mouth to respond, but Friday interrupts her. "Boss, you have a call from the elementary school. They're asking if anyone will be by to pick up Diana."
"Tony…" Wanda starts. "Stephen left to pick her up half an hour ago."
The engineer drops his tools and straightens. "Friday, where's Mom? Track his phone."
A few moments pass. "I can't find him Boss."
Tony stares at the nanotech on his workbench and tries to keep himself from hyperventilating. Stephen never made it to Diana's school? How? The sorcerer always portaled to the closest alleyway or empty street whenever he went to pick up their daughter and it was only a block away. Had someone been watching Stephen's movements and grabbed him?
"Oh my god!" Wanda uses her free hand to magically move a chair under Tony when he collapses. "Tony, breathe!" She commands when she rushes over to him.
He did. After he laid his forehead on Wanda's other hip and grabbed the back of her shirt to ground himself. It took him a few moments to gather himself so he could think again, but he didn't move away from or let go of the witch. He was afraid he would freak out again if he did.
"Friday, is Quill home?" Tony wheezes out.
"No Boss. He's currently in the middle of a shift at the station."
"Call him. Ask him to cut it short."
Friday did so after telling the elementary school that someone would be by to pick Diana up shortly, and the AI told Tony that Quill was on his way to the school. The engineer would only feel better once Diana got home, and while he knew there were others currently in the tower that were capable of picking up his daughter, Tony wanted to put a god between her and Stephen's supposed captors. That was the only explanation for the sorcerer's disappearance. He even had Friday send a message to Karen and Sara that the boys were to go home immediately after school, and then finally took a little more time to calm himself. Wanda said nothing as Tony continued to cling to her, she just threaded her fingers through his hair periodically when she wasn't amusing Valerie with her powers.
Her hands didn't shake though.
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