#ch: vinny
coredrill · 1 year
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85/? ▸ Burning Rescue Arrives
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foxtricksterwriting · 6 months
Unfinished Writings; Roksana
Author's Notes: none
Tags: @the-vatican-if
Roksana aggressively knocks on the hotel door. Fae cross faer arms and tap faer foot just as aggressively. There's a bit of a scuffle behind the door, like someone fighting with something before it opens. Fae take in Vinny's disheveled appearance, blonde hair ruffled from sleep and pants on backwards. "Were you trying to dress yourself half asleep?" Fae bark, inwardly wincing at faer tone. The man simultaneously lights up and shrinks when he recognizes Roksana. "Kinda, I guess," He answers almost sheepishly, "Ya need somethin'? You ain't the kind of person to knock on someone's door just to say 'hi'."
"I was trying to wait until you were awake. Seems I should've waited longer. Anyway, get dressed and wake up properly. I have something to discuss with you. I will wait here until you are done," They say bluntly.
"You could come in--"
"No. I will remain here until you come back to the door," They decline quickly, looking down the hall as they hear another door open. Vinny sighs, but closes the door and gets dressed. He reappears minutes later, clothes on properly this time. "C'mon then," He pushes the door wide open. Roksana walks in, gently pushing him into the room and closing the door.
"Do you remember last night?" Bun blurts out, any semblance of decorum thrown out the window. It catches Vinny off guard, making him falter. "Last night?" He asks. "Do not make me repeat myself," Bun growls impatiently. He takes a moment to try to remember the night, but finds nothing. "No," He shakes his head. Bun huffs, "I should've known that. You asked me out. Told me you love me, tried to wax poetics about it."
"Oh...." Vinny winces, bun sounds mad, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be stupid, I do not want an apology. I want to know if you meant it," Roksana barks out. He raises a brow, not completely sure how to respond. "I... yeah. I mean, I love ya....." He says. "Good. Are you going to take me out on a date?" Fae cross faer arms.
"You actually want to go on a date with me?" Vinny asks, shocked. "Yes. Yes, I do," Fae confirm. He blinks at them. "I've been interested in you for a while now, so when you asked me out I got hopeful. Then, I realized just how plastered you were. The wind had left my sails, until I decided to bite the bullet and ask anyway," Roksana explains. Vinny nods, accepting their words easily enough. "So, uh... ya got any place in mind?" He lets out a little laugh. He can see their shoulders relaxing and a small smile tugging at the corner of their lips.
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
wip tag game
thank you so much for the tag @bobfloydsbabe🥰
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from WIP and tag as many people as there are words.
this is actually the only started wip i have right now, and it's the last lines i just wrote for mine and @roosterforme 's vinny smut👀hope you're okay with me posting this lil snippet, Em🫶
That was enough though. Vinny was unfortunately very in tune with your smallest reaction, and the widening smirk on his lips told you he’d heard. And he’d come to the right conclusion. 
np tags; @roosterforme @lt-bradshaw @roleycoleyreccenter @hangmanbrainrot @laracrofted @mothdruid @delopsia
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culty-catt · 2 years
✨Day 7 of Drawing Ramshackle Characters Dressed Up As Other Characters In The Hope of Getting More People To Know About Ramshackle Cause It's Really Cool I Swear✨
(yes I know I posted this after midnight, so technically it wasn't posted on the right day, but shhhhh-)
Today's Dress Up Is...
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The Fun Gang The $!$! Squad The Lancer Fan Club!
One of these days I'll master the art of Vinnie's hair. I did pretty decent here, not gonna lie, but it took so heckin' longgggg
Also I want to pat Skipp
Feel free to request other characters of any sort at all for me to dress Ramshackle characters as! I can only think of so many dress up opportunities for them by myself (I do reserve the right to refuse a request if necessary, but I doubt it will be)
Ramshackle belongs to @zeddyzi (I'm just a very dedicated fan lol))
Bonus Doodles:
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You can very easily tell my priorities in art
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cunt-removal · 2 years
this is when y'all learn i have shitty music taste
Te quiero by hombres g is a jfgogh song
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acipaer-at-scribare · 2 years
@fullrigor : [ 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑 ] ― sender traces a scar on receiver’s body .
they were safe , had been for months now . a different story , when everything started . moody , hungover as fuck working in the giftshop & would like to be anywhere but here . taken a moment to realize that not everything was as it was supposed to be . the guest that had a heart problem , died . which was a tragedy in itself . but it was hushed down , until it couldn't really be hushed down . medical team pretty much torn to shreds , which meant more dead . more roaming . one got into the giftshop , didn't look too bad she guess . until nearly tearing her throat out , knowing her over and head first in a decorative vase . blood , gore , somewhat survived it . not by her own wises : pretty much just screamed her way through the entire thing when coming to . vinny had dragged the dead medic off her , killing it before it could do more damage . not her proudest moment however . left her with a small scar just above right brow , small crinkle of her nose now : his thumb brush over it .     ❝   if you make fun of my first meeting with one of those assholes , i'm gonna stab you in your sleep tonight .   ❞
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payphoneangel · 2 years
UWAAA THANK YOU!!!! I am having just a gay ol' time writing this so I'm happy to share in the mania 💙💚💙💚
I'm sorry you missed the update! I can add you to the taglist if you like
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neonsbian · 2 years
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man i knew it was too good to be true 😐
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vinny hong x jo!reader
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 5
part 4 | part 6
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part warnings: fem!reader, cursing, mentions of blood, stab wounds & h*rassment (tw!), jo!reader (jay is reader's 1 year older brother, but they're in the same class), second person's pov (you, you're, your), reader is NOT yumi. wb main story SPOILERS, nothing much happening in here wait for future chs
Suki, your roommate-slash-basketball-teammate, didn't let time pass not knowing what really happened to you. She went hysterical after she found your bloodied clothes soaked in the basin in your shared bathroom. You should have tossed it in the trash bin without washing.
She didn't let you live it down. Curse you for having someone with an inquisitive nature for a friend. 
“What happened?!” You carefully took a turn to set foot in the living room, since Suki, after coming to your shared room straight from the airport, decided to go to the bathroom first thing after she entered. You forgot she was coming home.
“Those weren't splatters of dried blood, Suki. It's paint. You must be having jet lag, you should rest.”
“Even someone who's not a medical rookie will know dried blood when they see one.”
You sighed. You tried to fight her suspicious stare off, until you gave up and opened your mouth, “Got stabbed. In a closed alley.”
“What?! Why?! So that's why I can't contact you! Where's your phone?” Of course she would freak out. Anyone with a troublesome friend would.
“Don't tell my mom. I got harassed on my way here. It was self-defense. It happened quickly.”
Her brows furrowed with mixed emotions until she sighed, “How is your wound now? Can I see?” She held your arms lightly in an attempt to turn you to the other way to see your back, but you refused to.
You swatted her hands away. “You don't need to. It's a small one, just a tad bit deep.”
“I don't believe you. Why are you moving around now? Isn't the wound open? You shouldn't even be standing up right now! What if the stitches loosen?!” Suki was losing her mind at how lightly you take the situation for.
“I'm not stupid to walk around places with my back opened like a fucking wallet.”
“Wait, don't tell me you stitched it up by yourself?” her eyes worriedly widened, wondering how it was possible for you to reach your back. “We all have faith in your suturing skills, but we're not doctors! You should have it checked!”
“We should go to a hospital—not where your parents work. Some other hospital, anywhere else. I can book a ride, or wait for me to get my car from home and I'll drive us there–”
She picked up her cardigan and keys and was ready to exit the door, uncaring about her own fatigue from her flight. You quickly held her by the shoulders to stop her.
“Hey, hey! It's fine, I'm fine. You're tired from your flight, Suki. You should rest. Besides, someone saw me and already brought me to the hospital.”
“Why did you even come home, you should've stayed in the hospital! Which one?”
“My parents' workplace.” You let go of her shoulders and turned the other way.
She gave you a meaningful look. “Must be someone with a death wish. Who was it?”
You side-eyed her and squinted your eyes.
“You don't even agree to be brought to that hospital by me, or anyone. And you probably would have refused help if it meant you being brought there injured. So who was this person who had all the guts to bring you there?”
"Well, I met someone–”
“Someone?” her eyes twinkled in eagerness, as if you mentioning this someone stimulated something in her. And you knew that look too well. This girl. “'Met someone' as in...?”
“Suki.” you gave her a warning look. “He's just… someone. Somewhat interesting at first sight, but no more than that.”
You thought that would stop her, but how wrong you were. Her smile grew even bigger. “So it's a ‘he’? And here I always thought you weren't into men. Are you seeing someone without telling me?”
You rolled your eyes. “No.” 
“Do tell me more.”
“Remember that red-haired grouch I stitched temporarily after duty that I told you about?” 
You then told her about everything. Why, where, and how.
“My, what a coincidence! Hadn't I known you well, I would've said you were being brought together by destiny.”
“Get your head off your damn romance novels. It's the only way to push Jay to pursue what he’s really passionate about. If I don't push the grouch, I can't push Jay too. He'll be stuck in a loop of finding his purpose and quite possibly even suffer from an existential crisis forever.”
“You have a point.” Her eyes flicked to the side as she nodded her head in agreement. “So about the guy who brought you to the hospital, what is this grouch to you? You like him?”
“I already told you, No. He's insufferable, and his hair's like a tomato.” You recalled what he looked like. Yeah. Red hair and an attitude. A tomato.
“Tomato, huh? Odd, but okay.” She made a face and tried her best to contain a laugh. “What's his name? Do you have a picture of him?”
You turned to your bedroom, being extra careful while walking to not rip the stitches. The anesthesia was wearing off and you were starting to feel the pain off of your lower back. “I'll tell you some other time. I’m tired.”
Suki quickly noticed how you struggled to walk so she rushed beside you in an instant and held you. “I'll see him at some point. Not now, but I'll surely, finally see your newest obsession.”
You sighed. “Obsession, ha.” 
“Stop being indenial. I know how obsessed you get with people.” You rolled your eyes for the nth time. You were not thinking of him that way. Never, even. He's just someone who needs the crew, and is needed by the crew. 
The weekends passed, you isolated yourself inside your apartment. With Suki only unloading her things inside your shared apartment before coming home to her family home here in Korea, you pretty much spent the rest of the weekend only by yourself. 
Not to mention how the stitches fucking hurt when the anesthesia's effect subsided. You skipped classes for weeks while faking a flu—having Suki cover up for you, to give your discreet wound time to heal before you resumed class. Suki helped you clean it up since you legally cannot reach your back. Thankfully the stab wasn't that big enough to give you difficulties while cleaning, that's why you didn't need to go back to the hospital anymore. 
Which leads you, one time when Suki was attending to your fresh stitches, you wondered how Vinny endured the pain while his wound was healing. Since his, it was actually more deep than yours and bigger from the outside. It must've pained him like shit. You wonder if it left a visible scar.
Oh, speaking of him, You asked Jay about the arrangement of the crew, and you found out… that surprisingly Vinny showed up to their first gathering and first practice as a team. As Hummingbird crew. 
You felt blank. You didn't know what to feel. You didn't expect him to agree but at the same time you were hoping for him to join. You hugged your phone to your chest while staring at Jay's message the night you found out. He made his choice and decided to show himself. 
Good for him. His bespectacled friend's efforts weren't put to waste.
The following Monday morning, your plate was immediately bombarded with council work when you went to the meeting room early to catch up. As the Vice President, there really isn't a single minute to spare. Especially when the new president—Jay's replacement only knows how to parade his title but fails horribly to fulfill his duties. The duties Jay used to manage efficiently during his reign.
The early stress made you yawn while marching through the hallway to make your way through the Principal's office to deliver paperworks for him to sign. When you arrived in front of the office, you were shocked to find a rare sight. Students were making a commotion outside the Principal's office. 
What the hell is going on?
You pushed yourself forward past the students and knocked, earning a muffled "Come in!" from the Principal himself from inside the room. When you twisted the doorknob to step inside, you were once again welcomed by a sight you weren't expecting to see. 
Would you look at that, The Hummingbird crew members all stood affront the Principal and Mr. Nam. You wondered why they're here? Jay hasn't told you anything.
“Sister-in-law! Perfect timing!” Shelly's face lightened up at the sight of your bored face.
Now everyone's attention and eyes were all on you. Your eyes accidentally looked for Vinny the first thing. And there he was, breaking his usual poker-face gaping his mouth and slightly widening his eyes at the surprise of seeing you.
© reesespeanutbutterfuck 2023, don't forget to support your creators by reblogging !!!
screaming in pain and pleasure cz why does vinny have to join snek crew but at the same time i kinda want to see him and joker team up ffff
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lisenberry · 5 months
Let me loosen up your collar
Ch.3 - Paperwork
14.5k Complete!
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He didn’t stop when you came around his fingers like a vice and in silky waves against his tongue.  When you scratched your nails across his shoulders so hard you thought you felt the fabric tear beneath them.
He barely even slowed down as your legs shuttered and you pulled air into your lungs in soggy, hiccupping gulps.  He still wanted more.  To reach his target and find out what lay beyond.  Resting not upon his initial success, but to conquer and devastate. 
To leave no uncertainty behind as to who had won.
And you wondered how much further he could’ve taken you had there not been a knock at the door.  An urgent pounding to bring you both back down to solid ground.
“Apologies for the interruption, sir, but Gaz is going to kill the cunt downstairs.”  Simon stood in the doorway, with Colin nervously perched behind him.  You could barely see the top of his head over the giant’s shoulders.
If you’d been in your right mind, you’d be horrified by the gross lack of security.  What if these guys posed a real threat to your safety?  Vinnie couldn’t be bothered to lift a finger, and Colin looked ready to piss himself. 
“Which one?”  The man between your legs stood gracefully, both disentangling himself from you and subtly positioning you behind him.  A businesslike edge to his gravelly voice.
Caught blindsided for the second time in the evening, you guiltily scrambled to cover up.  Modesty, at this point, was a meaningless endeavor, but it felt necessary all the same.  You didn’t want the others to see you like this. 
Open and ravaged.  Vulnerable without the armor of your costume, and your attitude. 
“Johnny’s trying to calm him down.”
“Bloody hell.  You left him with MacTavish?  Those two moppets...” 
Price and Simon were already out the door before you could stop your knees from shaking like a newborn colt long enough to follow him. You almost fell off your heels with your first step, and it earned you a disappointed look from Colin. 
“Not a word from you, kid.”  You’d have a talk with him later. 
If you weren’t fired first.
Read the rest on AO3!
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coredrill · 1 year
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75/? ▸ Burning Rescue Worries About Galo
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cookies-and-mirrors · 2 months
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Prison of Stone and Flesh
Chapter Twelve
This is a collaborative fic between @cookiesupplier and @faceless-mirror.
Dividers by @samspenandsword & @cafekitsune
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Authors Note: Smut warning if you pass the tape! Enjoy!
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Pairings: Multi-Pairings, Everybody x Everybody.
Triggerlist: transphobia, homophobia, abuse, SA, dubcon, religious trauma, past suicide attempts, mental health issues, grief, death, (To be added to)
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Christopher, Justin, and Ryan are members of the Gargoyle Order, soldiers fighting in the angels war against the demonic supernatural evils of the world to protect human kind. Through the years they lost comrades and now just the three of them remain in their little town.
Now, Ricky and Vinny are moving into their church, stirring up old and new feelings, along with the past, posing the challenge of navigating this new chapter in their lives.
Can they all navigate this path successfully and break free of the prisons that is their lives of both stone and flesh, or will they all be trapped forever in a world that could prove to be a constant misery?
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Taglist: @miamore0570 @21-century-tae @dragon-chica @shilohrosechicken @phxntxsmicgoricxl
@missduffsblog @witchyweeb34 @spicywhenspeaking @lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens
@bngurngheart @dominuslunae @collapsedglasshouses @emmmm127 @sunsshinesunny
@latenightmusiclover @dontdiganothergravetoday
(please comment/like/reblog/message to be added to taglist)
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Chapter Twelve
Christopher allowed Vinny to lead him up the staircase towards the residence that she lived in along with Ricky, despite the fact that he was well aware of where it was. More than aware, in fact, considering he likely knew more about this Church than even the workers that had half torn it apart to renovate it. This building held secrets beyond centuries old that might never see the light of day again, and others, possibly, only the Almighty himself knew. 
Vinny smiled up at him, “Mind if I take your jacket and hang it up so you're more comfy?” She offered with a sweet smile, kicking off her heels, shrinking down a few inches. She let down her hair as she approached him.
Reminding himself they were just here for a quiet moment, it was just a jacket, it meant nothing. Then again, Christopher was also distracted by, well, everything around him at the moment. This was Vinny’s home, this was her life, her space, this place was a part of everything she was, and he wanted to know everything about it. The gargoyle desired to learn every little detail of her life, how could he not when he woke up wondering if she was indeed safe and her day had gone well? He knew it went against his duties to be focused on one lone mortal, but Ch- Vinny, was, precious. 
So when she offered to take his jacket, he nodded absentminded, “Of course.” Shrugging his shoulders a little allowing her to reach for his jacket to take it from him, that it until she had it half from his arms, and he remembered… His eyes went wide, the weapons he’s hidden into the lining of the jacket in makeshift pockets. Quickly, as smoothly as he could muster, he pulled the jacket from her grasp and back up to his shoulders, praying to the angels above she hadn’t felt anything in the material. Stammering quickly, trying to cover his movement. “Ah, no, no, it is fine, I am, well, comfy, just like this.”
She frowned, it was a bit heavier than she remembered. “Um… if you're sure.” She said softly, gently guiding him towards the sofa to sit with him, forehead pressed to his shoulder with her legs over his.
She had just started to relax when she felt a handle in her ribs and looked down at the shape and back up at him, “is there a reason you have a knife on you…?” She asked softly, not at all accusatory.
Oh, oh he’d nodded quickly at the first question, he was, absolutely, extremely sure. Christopher, was beyond comfortable. In fact, taking off that coat, while he knew he wouldn’t be giving up all the weapons he had on his person tonight, he didn’t feel comfortable relinquishing any, not even one. Not when it meant risking her. Sitting down now however, he sighed, at least, she let it go, and his arms were around her, holding her.. 
Then the next question came, and he stilled, his eyes glancing across the room, trying to formulate some kind of answer that would make a kind of sense that she might accept. What, what could he tell her?
Sighing, the truth. At least, some of the truth. Looking towards her, his eyes meeting Vinny’s, “To protect you.”
She blinked a few times, “Oh! Like… in case something happened downstairs?” She asked softly, moving closer to lay her head on his shoulder, gazing up at him with that smile on her lips, one of mischief and knowing.
Swallowing, when she looked at him like that, he swore she knew, she knew something he didn’t, and yet, this, this she couldn’t possibly know. “I can’t let anything happened to you down there, of all places Vinny… I could never let anything.. let anything happen to you here if I could help it.” He felt a sting of tears in his eyes he didn’t deserve, but he couldn’t let them fall. Lifting a hand to her cheek to brush the back of his fingers along her skin.. “My lover, I told you she died, but, she died because of me. She was attacked to get to me. They killed her, and our unborn children, to get to me… and I was too late to save them.”
For the first time in two centuries, he admitted to someone, anyone, least of all himself, that those children she had been carrying, had been his. 
Vinny moved slowly to sit in his lap and pet his cheeks. “I'm so sorry for your loss…I can only imagine… and I can tell you cherished her so much… she must have been something else.” She whispered softly, kissing his cheeks. She wasn't going to push much more than this. “But… I hope you know she wouldn't want you to be miserable and live in the past. Everything is safe right now. I even locked the door… we would hear if someone tried to get in.”
By the angels, she didn’t know, she didn’t, he wanted to tell her, but he never wanted to scare her. Maybe he should. Maybe, he should tell her the truth, that being anywhere near him was asking for her life to be in danger, asking for her life to have a target on it. Chenza had been killed because of him, his children had been killed because of him. They’d been murdered, in this very building, and no matter of locked doors could change that. Not even angel wards had stopped the werewolves and humans that had broken through and fought past their handler and slaughtered his mate and children. This very building, their home, where they lived… where he still lived, and he spent every day.
Two centuries he’d not been able to stand the thought of changing a thing, because the thought of changing anything would be admitting he couldn’t turn around, and she wouldn’t be there anymore.. And then Ricky just came in and turned his life on it’s head before bringing in this mortal that felt like both a blessing and a curse. She was the purest soul, and was Chenza all over. “Vinny..” The whisper fell from Christopher’s lips as his forehead pressed to hers, his arms wrapped around her, holding her so close to him with how she sat on his lap. “Please help me.”
She smiled sadly before reaching out to him and pet his face softly, soft loving touches… and she moved slowly before lips met his, kissing him properly and slowly, before sitting back. “How can I best help you?”
There was a strangled sound in his throat when her lips met his, it was a different feeling from the way her lips had brushed over his cheeks. Still, when she asked how she couldn’t help him, his eyes, wide, bright gold brown, met those gorgeous brilliant green that reminded him so much of Chenza, and he knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help it. His arms around her, pulling her so close, he brought his lips to hers and kissing her like he couldn’t breathe, as if she were his very soul. Right then, she felt like it.
She wrapped around him pressing close to him as she could, gasping softly against his lips, starving for more as her hands glided over his arms and skin softly, pushing the coat away,  feeling him as they kissed.
As the coat slipped from his shoulders, the daggers inside the lining making it heavier, there would be no issue with it staying right there on the couch. Not that Vinny realized that it was not the only garment on Christopher that had additions made to it, but that didn’t matter right that second either. Not as his hands were sliding down her back to her hips and over the cut-outs at the sides of her dress, his fingers dancing over her skin.. 
She rolled her body into his touch steadily, jaw dropping some as she moaned sweetly. “Chris-” she whispered to him, fingers gripping at his skin gently as she looked up at him, already breathless from the kiss. “Chris- can you… help me out of my dress…?” She asked softly, knowing she was being reckless, but for once she knew this was something her whole being craved. “Please…”
She blushed and stood with her back to him, “There's a little zipper in the middle, just pull down on it gently.” she instructed, blushing darkly having seen the look in his eyes. She would have been lying if she did not admit she loved it and hadn't been daydreaming the whole day about him.
Glancing down to her dress, his fingers stroking a little at the bare exposed parts of her skin. He wouldn’t even know where to begin in taking the garment off of her body, and the thought of getting it off of her in the first place.. Had him groaning softly as his eyes darkened. “We should, we should go into your room, BabyGirl.”
Without another thought, he was picking her up into his arms, and carrying her into her room, he really shouldn’t know where it was, but he knew.. He knew from the window. Rick’s was on the other side of the apartment, obviously, and Vinny, oh, he’d seen more than enough of inside of her room. Christopher carried her into her room before closing her door behind her. Breathless, not from having carried her, but the thought of, everything else.. Setting her down on her bed, standing at the edge.. “How do I get the dress off?”
She looked over her shoulder up at him, shivering. “Please.”
As Christopher searched for the zipper, finding it, it was a delicate looking metal thing, and he recognized it immediately as a long version of one of the fastenings that were on the borrowed modern pants Ryan and Justin wore. He didn’t, because they looked so complicated, he preferred the buttons, those looked like he could actually manage them. Just pull down on it gently, mentally swearing, being trapped in the bastard suit of armour that Chenza had found so darn amusing, this was, something else. He didn’t want to ruin it for her, she seemed to love it, and seeing her wear it, oh, he wanted to see her in it again… His hands slid up her sides slowly to the top, one hand, gently pressing the material to steady it, carefully, and trying not to wince, as he grabbed the silver fastening and ever, so very slightly, pulled down. Mortal strength time.
It came down with such ease. And stopped just below her hips, the fabric falling away from her sides and shoulders gracefully as she let the fabric fall and pool at her feet in a small pond of red around her. She looked up at him, blushing darkly as soon as black lace panties were revealed underneath, and she offered him a soft, demure smile. “Not too difficult.” she whispered for him.
Not too difficult she says, Christopher felt like he was having palpitations trying not to accidentally tear her poor dress to shreds and no, no, it wasn’t difficult at all. By the angels. She was lucky that- oh, oh- She was in nothing but black lace panties now, and Christopher couldn’t help but groan softly as he swallowed. His hands in front of him started on the buttons of the vest of his suit, never mind there were more daggers in the vest, and a light waist bandolier that he’d hidden with an illusion rune. 
She smiled and leaned up, pressing her lips to his and her hands moved to help him strip, smiling against his lips when she found more daggers. “Not gonna lie…” she whispered, “I love that you’re so protective… It’s really hot.” she confessed, her lips pressed to his neck as she let the vest fall off before her nimble fingers were working on the button-up shirt.
She found a couple from the vest, one from the bandolier where the handle had peaked out from the leather band before he could slip it off safely and put it to the side. When she only giggled, and smiled like that, pressing a kiss to his lips, he was looking at her in awe, absolutely in wonder. When she started on his shirt, he was kissing down the side of her neck, all of his weapons gone, none that he could remember anyway, at least, none that could be removed from his skin. Shrugging the material from his shoulders, he let the shirt fall to the floor as he nipped at her collarbone lightly.
Her breath was shaky and needy as she moaned in his ear, her hands touching as much of him as they could, rubbing over his shoulders slowly and her short nails scraping his back lightly. She whispered warmly in his ear as her legs brushed up against his clothed ones, her dick chubbing up some and stretching the fabric of her panties some. Her fingers finally ghosted towards his pants with a shiver. “Chris-”
His hands moved to her waist, gently pushing her back to the bed, and down, even as he felt her at his pants, gasping slightly as he looked down at her, “Patience, BabyGirl.” Looking over her. He reached for the front of his pants, fingers clicking open the belt that had come with the suit, straps he could so quite easily. Leather he knew well. 
She sat down, looking up at him with big eyes before licking her lips, thinking about how he would feel in her mouth… how he would taste. Vinny was fully hard now and whimpering at the dirty thoughts racing through her mind one after another. How could she not? She was right at his waist, and she arched some, squirming in place as she moaned softly. “Please… can I… I want…” she didn’t know how to say it without sounding desperate. She didn’t want him to think all she was after was his dick… She loved this man before her. He was sweet, kind, gentle, and understanding. All the while, hurt, damaged and grieving, yes… but he was so kind and sweet to her… how could she not fall in love with him, even just as a friend. 
She hadn’t expected the electricity and connection that she felt to him…. But here she was sitting before him as he was undoing his belt and all she could think of was how much she admired him, only rivalled with how much she wanted his cock inside of her mouth.
As Vinny looked at him like that, pleadingly with those gorgeous wide eyes, he couldn’t help reaching for her, his fingers gently threading into those sweet curls of her hair, god, those beautiful painted lips. The way she looked up at him, wide green eyes, parted red lips, as his thumb brushed over his cheek, it was taking all his control not to just throw her down.. But she not only deserved better than that, but Christopher knew he had to be careful with her, she was mortal. “What is it, Baby, anything you want.” Talking softly as his other hand was continued with the fastenings of his suit pants after the belt.
“I want to… I want to suck you off…” she murmured gently, finally finding her voice. “Just… just a little bit.” She added meekly, “please…?” 
Her pupils were dilated, and it was clear she was ready to go, but this was… primal. She needed to have her lips on him.
Sexual terms changed so much from era to era, and mortals had gone from being extremely repressed and pious, to being sexually explicit and all manner of different things in between in the span of Christopher’s lifetime. To hear her tell him she wanted to suck him off, it was a term he’d heard in passing enough to understand the meaning, but not had referred to him before. As much as he desired so badly to be inside her, to feel her wrapped around him.. How could he deny her? Groaning softly at the thought of those perfect lips wrapped around his cock, just with the way she was looking up at him. Finishing pulling his pants open, so he could pull out his length, stroking himself slowly. “Go ahead, BabyGirl, if that’s what you want.”
It was instantaneous. She leaned in gently, swatting his hands away before licking up his length with a moan as her eyes rolled back and fluttering, her lips were soft as she kissed his tip lightly. Then… they wrapped around him, her tongue exploring every inch purring softly as she stroked him  working her way down lipstick smeared on his skin as she quivered.
His fingers tightened just a little in her hair, not stopping himself, Christopher not even really trying to either as she licked up his cock. He had to bite the inside of his lip not to let out a feral growl just at the sight of her like that. The feeling just got all the stronger as she kissed his skin and her lips actually wrapped around him. Between the brush of her tongue and her taking more of him into her mouth.. Seeing the red lipstick streak over his skin had him gulping a little, and his thighs shook.
She held him up, moving gracefully as much as she was enthusiastic. Her mouth was warm, and her eyes focused on him desperately. She knew what she wanted. What she craved and she would have it. She took her time before he was hitting the back of her throat making her eyes water, she pulled off some, breathless in the moment. Her lips were mostly pink now, and her eyes fluttered softly, catching her breath before her mouth was back on him eagerly.
Christopher was practically cupping the back of her head with the way his hand was in her hair now, the other at her shoulder to steady himself. His suit trousers slipping a little from his hips as Vinny kept worked his cock and he couldn’t help but watching her, mesmerized, fuck, she was absolutely gorgeous.. And moaning at the way she felt when he was pressed all the way back.. She was taking so much of him, fuck, how.. 
Stroking his fingers gently through her hair, “Baby, please.. Please.. I want to be inside you so bad..”
She pulled off after a moment more, his dick connected to her tongue by a long strand of saliva that finally broke as she whimpered moaning as she tugged him down to kiss him roughly with a shiver as her body moved to lay back, “Lube is in the night stand.” she whispered trying to still catch her breath lips parted some as she looked up at him adoringly. “Please… I got off last night, so I shouldn’t take much prep-” she explained quickly, legs parting for him.
Oh, oh, Christopher moaned at the sight of her lips sliding off his cock like that, and he knew all about the morning before last, but last night… Knowing she’d got off again, after she’d spent so much of the night talking to him. Still, he knew he had to be careful with her, she had no idea. Lube, reaching for her night stand, and into the draws as he kicked his pants, shoes and climbed onto her bed. Retrieving the slick, good, and pouring some onto his fingers and putting the bottle aside as he knelt between her thighs.. “I don’t want to rush, I just..” He already felt a little breathless just being here, looking at her.. 
Swallowing, his cleaning hand steadying himself at her bare hip, “You are so beautiful, BabyGirl.” His eyes dark but vibrant as he took her in, reaching between her thighs and brushing his fingertips over her rim. “I intend to enjoy all of you, for as long as you’ll let me.”
She mewled and moaned, arching to try to grasp at him. “Daddy…” she breathed out, eyes fluttering softly as she looked at him. “Chris- I want you… I don't know if I’m just being stupid but… I just want to stay with you-” she breathed, “as much as I can-”
Her hands ran over his chest and shoulders slowly, memorizing… every detail. Her other hand reached to pet his cheeks and face, softly shivering happily at the feeling of his skin against hers. She rolled her hips down against his fingers, whimpering. “Please-”
Vinny moaned as she rocked her hips slowly, and kissed at his lips eagerly, moaning and squirming on his fingers, “I won't let you go.” She admitted meekly. “I like spending time with you whenever I can…”
Christopher didn’t think it was stupid, then, he wasn’t really a man, he was a beast, a gargoyle, and he couldn’t even tell her the truth of his existence without putting her entire life in danger. One thing that he knew with all his heart though as he pressed a finger inside of her as she rolled her hips, slowly, despite her insistence that she didn’t need the prep.. He wanted to feel her open up for him. “I’m yours.”
Leaning over Vinny as he stretched her open on his fingers, gently pressing a second inside of her as he brought his lips to hers. “I’ll always be yours.” For as long as he could be. That angel that was coming, he didn’t care anymore what they would have to say, he had followed the edicts for so long, he would do his duty, he would protect the mortals for the rest of his days.. But he’d lived so long.. Why.. why couldn’t he be happy with Vinny? He’d lost his mate, just this little bit of happiness, was that too much to ask. He felt it, in his soul, it sang to hers. He knew he shouldn’t, he’d had his mate, what right did he have? But he did, he felt it.
Twisting his fingers inside of her until he was adding a little more lube and adding a third, slowly drawing them in and out as he watched her. His eyes were so loving, reverent in the way he was practically adoring her. “By the angels, BabyGirl.. You feel so good, tell me, how do you want me?” Any way, giving her control would be the safest, Christopher didn’t want to risk losing himself, but at the same time, he didn’t want to disappoint her either.
Moaning softly as he thought of the other morning, in this very bed, “Would you like to ride me Baby?” Ride him like she rode that faux penile object, yes he knew the mortals had a name for those things, but for the life of him he didn’t know it. 
Her voice quivered sensually, a moan of desire, desperation, and pleading. “Daddy- yes please-” she pleaded, “I wanna ride you… I wanna ride you-” she whispered, eyes watering as her back arched some, jaw dropping. “Daddy- Please-”
The second that Vinny agree’d, it didn’t take him a moment before Christopher was shifting their position between them on the bed. Both of their bodies were already left completely bare to each other, nothing but want and desire between them. He moved onto the bed so he was on his back, half laying against Vinny’s pillows, and half propped up against them at the headboard so she could move to straddle him. His hands reached for her hips to guide her, “Come here, BabyGirl.”
She moved to rest on his hips her length rubbing against his as she whimpered before moving even closer pressing her face into his neck for a moment kissing his neck sweetly. “Chris-” she whispered before sliding down his length steadily, head laid back as she mewled. Her powerful thighs rested on either side of his hips. He could feel her muscles coil and relax as she moved, taking her time as she whimpered happily.
Christopher’s fingers wrapped around her, sliding up from her hips to her waist as she started rocking against him, gasping with a low moan at the feel of her lips against his skin. His head tilting back as her lips trailed down his neck. The angel runes on his skin under her lips, while appearing like human tattoos to her, they felt like they were tingling like cold fire, and then ignited in feeling to him, followed along, trailing everywhere her skin touched. It had been so long since he’d felt like this, everything about her reminded him of Chenza, of his mate, whether all in his head or not, he could help but want to be right here with her. Holding her waist as she slid down on his cock, his hips arched up to her carefully, feeling the way she flexed around him, oh she was perfect. 
She moaned once she was fully seated on his cock, groaning out loud, rolling her hips a few times. Her eyes fluttered wildly for a moment, “Daddy-” she breathed before starting to glide up and down slowly at first as she savored the drag of skin on skin even with the lube. Her eyes rolled back as she finally was going fast and hard. Her jaw dropped, trembling eagerly.
He knew he should have looked for a condom, he might be ancient, but he wasn’t completely obtuse. Ryan had dragged him at least that far into the modern age. Clean up purposes, he said. He wasn’t wrong. However, he knew there wasn’t any diseases he could give Vinny, or anything he could catch from her that would harm him, and he wanted to feel every moment between them. Hands running up her body now, feeling every muscle, every slight dip to her slim strong body.. She was utterly beautiful. Capturing her lips with his now, kissing her with a hunger as his hips rocked with hers, joining her pack, not able to help but meet her with each thrust.. But making every effort to hold back the majority of his strength as his breath rushed with pants against her lips.
She panted before stopping him with a whimper almost there, frozen with trembling thighs, “Fuck- I don’t want it to be over yet.” She got out, legs shaking as her eyes fluttered softly.
Christopher’s forehead was pressed to Vinny’s as he groaned when she seemed to slow, stopping them was reaching anything close to a point of more yet, and groaning low, almost growling in his throat. His hands slipping around to her lower back, tempted to press her deeper against him and, just, rock her onto him.. He could cum, and just keep going, he could cum as many times as she needed him to tonight.. But he wanted her to first. He had to at least pretend to be mortal. Mortal had limited sexual functions, he knew that much. “BabyGirl, fuck, you can have me as often as you want.” As long as she wanted.
She groaned, head leaned back before she leaned in wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she started moving again, “I don't wanna cum right away- I've been wanting you for a few days and I want to savor you…” she breathed out softly with wide eyes licking her lips with remains of lipstick.
A strangled sound in his thought, swallowing, “Savor me?” It was strange to him, this thought of savouring sex. What was savouring sex. For him, while yeah, it was still usually about physical release, and yes pleasure and intimacy, but having the time to savour? Never. Even with Chenza, they never had the time. They were lucky to have a few moments when they woke before Jerahmiel would dispatch them on their assignments for the night, whether patrols or guards. Back then, there were more than just three of them. Or the time before dawn when they had a few blissful moments to steal away to themselves. Or even post battle, those, we’re both still alive, moments… but they were always fast, frenzied, passionate, they didn’t get the chance to savour.
Now, the fact that he’d been thinking about her for weeks was never mind. She had been driving him insane.. Was he going to keep letting her right now as he looked at this woman that was rocking her hips so slowly, and driving him to new heights? Yes, yes he was. Moaning as against her lips, not caring as her lipstick smeared ever so slightly against his skin. Little did he know, to her, enough of him was coloured with the human tattoos she could see in place of his angel markings.
She mewled softly, and arched her back, “Chris-” she moaned, moving faster than slowed, eagerly and then stopped again tight around him, eyes trained on his face with a whimper. “Chris, you feel amazing…!” She gasped out.
It felt like something was different. Maybe because they had spent So much time together… Or maybe it was because he fit perfectly inside of her. But was electric and addicting.
The way the intense cold fire still blazed through his skin, the pleasure just threatening to consuming him, feeling like it was building ever higher. He used to think it was intense before, now it was growing all the more fervent as the feelings built between them with the way Vinny kept slowing, and speeding up.. And then stopping again, so tight around him. Moaning, his head tilting back, gasping for breath, fingers so tight around her hips.. His hips bucked up against her as she gasped, his eyes meeting hers, “Fuck, BabyGirl, I’m so close, I’m I’m so-”
She shook before reaching down to stroke herself as she moved again angling herself and aimed well as she started caving instantly, jaw slack as a deep guttural moan filled the room. She pressed her forehead to his and kissed him deeply, groaning for him as pleasure rushed at her, not holding back this time.
The moment Vinny started stroking herself, Christopher’s fingers were wrapped around hers, and he was stroking with her, not pulling her hand away, but joining her. As he kissed her, his whole world tilted on its axis, from the way his fingers stroked at her with his fingers, to the brush of her lips.. The feel of her clenching around his length.. And then as he jerked inside of her, not able to stop himself coming apart this time.. Fuck, fuck.. The feeling was so intense.. More so than he ever felt before. Savor it she’d said. He was gasping for breath, like Vinny had reached into his chest and squeezed directly around his heart as he moaned. 
Vinny moaned into his mouth as he gripped her hand and clit with her. Mewling, she knew it wouldn't be much longer- then suddenly there it was- he was cumming, sending her over with him almost screaming into the kiss as white-hot pleasure rushed through her without restraint, making her gasp desperately. Her chest was glued to his as she panted softly with shaky legs.
By the angel, Christopher felt nothing but pure shock for a moment at the sight before him, a whimper in his throat. Chenza, she, she looked just.. Oh.. oh.. Fuck.. the way she followed him in her pleasure, the way she came apart like that.. Kissing her, not able to help himself as he helped her ride out her orgasm while pushing his body to relax. He knew mortals didn’t keep going the way gargoyles did, and he had to slow down.. He couldn’t keep going, he wouldn’t push Vinny too far. “You are so beautiful.”
Vinny was breathless and kissed him and the palm of his hand, panting softly, jaw dropped as she relaxed. She didn't have big loads, so the mess between them wasn't too much as she laid against his chest breathing in his scent as she groaned against his neck, lips teasing him. “So are you… you're so handsome while you cum… fuck it felt amazing, never felt that good before….”
Arms wrapped around her, Christopher pulled her down gently to the bed, they had time. Knowing that Vinny always got up before the dawn to open the café, had him so calm, so serene in the fact that he could stay here with her, and just relax. Otherwise, he’d be worried, and counting the minutes and how long he’d have before he had to make an excuse about when he had to leave. Kissing her shoulder gently, nuzzling into her skin.. She was perfect saying that, so perfect.. “Sleep BabyGirl, we both have to be up early.. I’ll help you with everything in the morning, I promise.” Kissing her sweetly.
She smiled and kissed his neck softly, eyes closing steadily as she breathed slowly, heart warm. “Good night daddy.” She whispered softly and ran her fingers over his tattoos softly, not taking long before falling asleep.
Christopher couldn’t sleep, as wonderful as he knew it was now, he couldn’t sleep, not while he had her in his arms. He could sleep during the day, he could sleep when he had no other choice in his stone prison. Right now he was holding the most precious being… and he… oh… she… his eyes stung with tears trying not to tremble. By the angel, how could he do this to her? She deserved so much better than him, but she, she reminded him so much of his Chenza.
Everything about her, Vinny was, she was glorious, remarkable, perfect, and it, it was like having her right back in his arms. Worse almost. There were times they’d dreamed about hiding away to just steal a moment like this, quiet, holding each other… not that they could ever really have them in the life, the war that they’d fought alongside each other. The war that he was still fighting. The war that he would never be able to stop fighting, and Vinny deserved so much better than to have to deal with him, and be compared to his lost mate, his lost love. But he was too much of a monster to be able to let her go.
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clever-fox-studios · 10 months
So I guess I should consider one of those “master posts” for the sake of organization?
Main Project(s)
Free Runner:
See the blog here! @jenn-the-butterfly
(Sometimes there’s smut!)
Master post
Star Hearts (coming soon)
Magic & Machines (concept artist/artist)
@magickandmachines (written by @quilandscroll)
Mal'car (concept artist)
@mal-car (writte by @quilandscroll
The Hedgerow House
People I Think Are Neat:
8um8le / Cyber Crew ; Stellar City
Ayy-imma-ninja / Fairy!AU
Venomous Quill / GITM
Imagine Creative / Bird in a Cage
Satoga Crank / Mantus Celestia
Spadillelicious / Love, Death & Robots
Quil&Scroll / Magic & Machines ; Mal'car
Legacy AU: #legacy #legacy au #jenny_jukebox #jenny jukebox #jennifer raster #BAFIA
Legacy playlist (playlists might have some overlap in songs because I like them)
Lookinglass/Shatterverse AU: #shattered #shatterverse #lookingglass #viiaraa #dimensionjumping
Shatterverse playlist
Free Runner/Task Manager AU: #freerunnerAU #freerunner #taskmanager #azil #A2-i1 #cyberpunk #dystopia #jenn&co #toast
Free Runner playlist
Wonder Mall/Wonder Garden AU: [coming soon???] co-op with Lotus #wondersolarus #wondernocturne # wondertwilight #wonderequinox #wondergardenAU #vucub #zotz #solarion
Whimsyverse AU: [coming later???] co-op with Quil&Scroll
Deeply Dreaming AU: [unconfirmed concept]; possibly recycled into "In the Garden"
In the Garden: [Free Runner sub-story] ooky spooky, thanks Quil
Cruel Hearts AU: an excuse to draw DCA-styled spooky bois [notes being taken] #cruel hearts AU #ch #shadow work AU
Forest of Stars AU: [unconfirmed concept] mythological creature AU inspired by the Fairy!AU
Other Content (may or may not overlap with DCA AUs)
Draco Project: Synth's story, still buffing the dents out
Shatterverse: looking to move this project away from the DCA-centric group
Hedgerow House: [Cruel Hearts AU being moved here] #cruel hearts #ch au #shadow work au #hedgerow house #hhh au
Viu: :) y'all aren't ready for this one; co-developed with Quil&Scroll
Mal'car: assistant artist to the writing project belonging to Quil&Scroll
Phoenix Heart: not ready to share this one yet
Crystal Capture Creatures: concept and design artist for the project that's written and directed by Quil&Scroll
By OC/project
Jenny/Jennifer: #legacy #jenny_jukebox #jennifer #thejens
Jackson Dingo (Quil&Scroll): #jackson #dingo #roxyraceway
Jeanie Spider (Quil&Scroll): #jeanie #spider #wishspider
Legacy Sun/Moon: #dca #daycare3.0 #legacy_moon #legacy_sun
Legacy Eclipses: #eclipse #blacksun #bloodmoon #solareclipse #lunareclipse #totaleclipse
Phil Mercer: #phil #mercer #headIT #smelly #techsupport
The Hedgerow House:
Vinnie: #ch vinnie #vindicare #bitter feelings
Chess: #ch chess #chaine #regrets
Noir: #ch noir #ch umbra #painful past
Vex: #ch vex #bathorus #wrath
Ion: #ch ion #sisiphus #self-indulgence
Coffin: #ch coffin #cacophony #intrusive thoughts
Meat: #ch cairn #carneades #survival instinct
Synth: #draco #dracoproject #synthbabies #dracoraptor
Viiaraa: #viiaraa #shatterverse #technowitch
Peliand’r: #peli #peliand’r #tamaran #shatterverse #bluefire
Firewall (and Nan0): #firewall #nan0 #apeturescience (Nan0 belongs to Quil&Scroll)
Ylixir (and family): #ylixir #trixx #hex #helix #jsab #bossfight (Trixx belongs to Quil&Scroll)
Smoke: #smokeandshadow #smoke
Centre: #centre #shatterverse
Greer: #stellar objects #universal constants #demi-god
StarEater: #stellar objects #universal constants #asterofis #stareater #high god
Legacy AU: hiatus
My stuff :
Twitter: @/cleverfox94
Bluesky: @//cleverfoxstudios.bsky.social
Ko-fi: CleverFoxStudios
Deviantart: CleverFoxStudios
I take commissions sometimes! Feel free to ask me about them!
Check out my DA if you have a hard time looking through content here!
I’ll make this page pretty later, if I remember.
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So This is Where it all Begins (Ch.1)
Caretaker and Whumpee Giving Whumper a Taste of Their own Medicine
Cw/Tw: mentions of scars, mention of kidnapping, forced drugging,
Whumpee's hands were laced in scars, but they weren't from himself. They were from the monster who was sitting before him. That quote "monster" was whumper.
Whumpee had to suffer for months, years on end of whumper's torture just to be reminded that he was to weak to protect himself hence the scaring across his entire figure.
Though, today was good. Today was special. After years of deconditioning, therapy, and healing today he would finally take the final step to get the closure that he so desperately needed.
Whumpee with the help of caretaker had managed to track down and kidnap whumper, but that wasn't the end of this. The two of them, now having full control of an immobilized whumper wanted to fix all of the wrongdoings he had committed.
As the two finished getting ready for the night that was about to come whumper finally started to awake from the sedatives that were used to drug him to make this process easier. He slowly started to stir awake. It felt like he had an unusually odd nightmare and that he was finally waking up from.
Instead of waking up from a nightmare; he awoke to the true nightmare.
Whumper was placed into a cell that was familiar to his own, but it was slightly different. The smell was much different from his basement. In his basement it was cold, muggy, and smelt of blood while in this place it smelt warm, welcoming, and of sterilizers used for cleaning medical equipment. This was diffidently nor his basement.
When he tried to move he was met with a stinging pain in his neck and chest. Something, or someone had elaborately drugged him, dragged his body down to where he was, and bound him to a chair.
Whumper felt as if this was just a dream inside of a dream, something to just mess with his mind, which it was doing pretty well.
Whumper chuckled and was met with an odd feeling. This feeling was as if he was being watched, monitored by someone, or maybe two someones.
Then he tried pushing up against the back of the chair to try and turn the chair around to see what the fuck was behind him. Because if anything was actually watching him in that moment that had to be directly behind them, or watching him through a security monitor.
"Maybe you should stop and knock that out before I knock you out," That voice was so eerily familiar, but he just couldn't pinpoint exactly who was the person talking to him. Maybe it was from the drugs still trying to work its way out of his system.
The reason that this voice and tone was so familiar was because it was a man he used to have in his captivity. Someone that used to be his, his property. Caretaker. Vinny
"I bet you missed me, didn't you? I haven't missed you whumper," A large figure lurks in front of whumper. They try their hardest to make out the figure, but whoever is standing before him is wearing a large black mask that conceals the majority of his face.
From the way this voice was, whumper knew that the voice that had just threatened him was a different person from the guy who was now learing above him.
Even though the rest of this mysterious figure's face is covered he can still see his eyes and from the way they contort he can tell this person is smiling. Before whumper can ask anymore questions to himself his thoughts are cut through like a sword slices through a piece of paper; quick and effortless.
"It's me whumper, or should I just call you Alev?" How did they know his name was Alev? No one had ever called him Alev, his real name in years. Everybody just referred to him as whumper, but never Alev. Even whumper had stopped referring to himself as Alev a long time ago.
Alev tried to wrap his head around all of this. Who had he told his true name that would actually call them by it? Everybody called him whumper. Even the people that knew his real, true name and thought it was weird that he hated his real name.
This was a dream, or all just some sick practical joke on him right? It had to be, right? This couldn't be reality. This couldn't be real. Could it?
It was.
"Aww, he doesn't remember me~ Let me give you a little reminder~ I'm whumpee, but you might also know me as Bentley~" Shit. Holy fucking shit. Now Alev, Vinny, and Bentley were all quote on quote "trapped" in this unfamiliar to Alev, cellar together.
Alev was now, finally on the receiving end of this anxiety, fear, and torture instead of Bentley being on the receiving end. Finally, he would be the one causing the mental and physically torture instead.
How was this going to turn out for the three of them?
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genfagloser · 1 year
vinny (irls can call me roman)
20 (15 and under dont follow, but you can interact)
it/its, zhe/zhim, zip/zips, snow/drop, val/valor, au/aur (he/him auxiliary, only for people who genuinely cannot understand neos, or irl friends)
transsexual bigender faggy boygirl, t4t. aro
we support conflicting labels here. mspec lesbians/gays, lesboys/turigirls etc im holding ur hands
plural (occasionally sign off but dont expect it to be frequent). alternate between i and we. pro-endo. if we sign off on posts itll be tagged "[pk proxy].posting", and will typically be 3/4 letters. feel free to ask who a specific tag is referring to
ND + physically disabled, cane user. cripplepunk
demiverbal (struggle with verbality but can mask it. dont comment on my writing when i dont mask it)
white australian
if youre from langblr, youre looking for @langblrblues
generation loss (and involved creators on their own), mcyt (not dteam), other assorted interests occasionally
uni student
i rb angry crip posts
ED blogs (even if you arent pro, but especially if you are) dni at all or ill report you. "irl yandere" blogs also dni. radqueers dni
i draw and write sometimes
simplyplural: moonbeam-mountain
PLC: 🌥️/💖/🕯️/🌴/ x / 🎸/⚡
pfp by @/dravendraws
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here’s a little tidbit of ch. 4 of Switchblades & Motorbikes (not yet posted)
“Getting stingy now, Al?” Nick puts his arm around Alex’s shoulders “Vinnie, he wants the poshest beer you got, for all of us.”
“I want my pop, Nick. You can drink, don’t worry, I said I was gonna pay and I’m gonna pay.”  Alex tries getting away from Nick’s curls that are hitting his face but to no avail.
“Settle down, lads.” Vinnie says, wiping some glasses for them “I’m gonna check the storage for the burdock, Turner, my stock isn’t gonna last long.”
The real reason they went so often to the Cornerstone was the fizzy drink. It was the only bar in town that served it.
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