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labellerose-acheron · 7 years ago
Doctor bros lmao
immediately begins to shimmy when maroon 5 comes on
sweet loves to dance. he will do it as obnoxiously as possible to make tibbs laugh and roll his eyes
wakes the other up at 3am demanding pancakes
i feel like they r so often awake at 3am that’s not even the question -- but tibbs asks and sweet cooks
sends the other unsolicited nudes
they are adults. (both.)
brags about knowing karate even though they never made it past yellow belt
i feel like...neither? tibbs prolly knows more combat than sweet tho. he doesn’t like fighting ppl
comes to a complete halt outside bakeries/candy shops
tibbs? sweet isn’t really a fan of sweets #ironic
blows sarcastic kisses after doing ridiculous shit
sweet. definitely.
killed the guy (also, which hid the body)
tl;dr that awkward moment when they’ve both prolly killed someone and would do it again if necessary. so, both and both.
wears the least clothing around the house
sweet has no problem w nudity. he’s not shY
has icky sentimental moments for no apparent reason
both. sweet more frequently. 
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professor-lungri · 8 years ago
who said i love you first? sHERE. Tibbs is clueless that the man even likes him but tbh it could also be a pretty close tie? I feel like once he gets the memo it’s all over for my coherent feelings
who laughs when the other trips? It would be really rude to laugh if Shere tripped so Tibbs would never. 
who pays the bills? They both do since they both make pretty good money. 
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? Shere tbh. He didn’t get traditional holidays with his dad so I feel like he would make ones like Christmas a big deal. 
who’s more clumsy? Obviously Shere but he can’t really help it. He’s not as bad as people think he is though. 
who checks their daily horoscope? Uh neither? They don’t have time for that lbh
who sings louder in the car? Shere does oml. He sings when he’s comfortable and its usually ridiculous. 
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? Tibbs tbh. It is a point of contention in their household. They have Toothpaste Wars every morning.
who is more up to date in pop culture? Neither. They are #oldmen. Shere doesn’t really watch movies and Tibss is just Tibbs. 
who insists on going to see the newest movies? If anyone it is Tibbs, bc Shere doesn’t really watch them. But if Tibbs wanted to see it he’d go. 
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? Both of them, big ol’ bbs that they are haha
who’s the lighter sleeper? They’re both reallllyy light sleepers. Idk how they sleep at all tbh
who believes in ghosts? Shere definitely. Dunno if Tibbs does. 
who does the grocery shopping? They go together when their schedules allow. If not, then the person whose day it is gets an itemized list and texts throughout the day of more things they need and lbh they’re also some form of adorable
who updates their facebook status more often? Definitely not Shere. If anything it is an intern fucking with them.
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ber-bonfamille-lyons · 7 years ago
Toyland || Bitchy Bonfamilles
@mademoiisellemariie @lou-bonfightme
It was Nounou who gathered the Bonfamille children, marching them upstairs to the third floor, to the long forgotten playroom of younger days, shoved there at the end of the hallway opposite of Toulouse’s studio. For years its door had stood firmly shut, a tombstone of cream white to the memories inside it. Least, that’s what Ber thought about as he trudged up and furrowed his brow at the door, as though he was trying to remember if he had ever seen it before.
So yes, Nounou rounded them up, one by one-- dragging Berlioz from the basement, Marie from her vanity, and Toulouse from his artist’s studio. They stood three in the line while Nounou, across the the room, opened one of the toy chests. The rusty metal groaned, the hinges squeaked. Nounou gestured with one hand, the other upon her hip.
“You will each fill one box with toys to donate. No more of this clutter,” she said briskly.
Ber scratched at his cheek, looking down at the box near his feet.
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“Well, don’t just stand there!” exclaimed Nounou.  She cut across the floor, brushing past them all as she called back “Get to work!”
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littlebrother-mowgli-blog · 7 years ago
The Finer Things || Wild Kitten
Mowgli had finished his lunch shift at Chippamunka and had darted out of there fast, throwing a good-bye to Akela as he left. He always left in a rush like that, as though he could not shed that greasy, oil-smelling environment fast enough. He hated that job-- hated how the scent of ketchup and chips clung to his skin after, following him the rest of the day even if he stomped into the forest and surrounded himself with leaves and pine nettle. It never got him close enough to the beautiful things that inspired him.
And so Mowgli decided today he would go to Ms. La Blanc’s shoppe again. Since they had met and Mowgli had more or less charmed the woman, she let him come to see the clothes and model some of her pieces. He liked the bright, bold patterns best, always felt more like himself, when he got to wear a fine-stitched vest or spin around in a shiny blue blazer.
He felt closer to his mother too.
When he ducked in, Ms. La Blanc was not in. He wandered toward the back of the space, looking for her, wondering where she might be. He opened one dressing room and then stood up rather straight, seeing not Sasha, not Ms. La Blanc at all but a girl-- getting dressed.
His eyes went wide, the girl shouted something-- he quickly shut the door again. “Whoops! Sorry!”
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duchesslablanc · 7 years ago
Apologies and Opportunities {|| Fashionistas ||}
There was no denying that Duchess still felt terrible about leaving Swynlake without saying anything to her nephews and her niece. She’d been making up for that, she thought at least. Especially with Berlioz and Toulouse. But the one she had missed the most was sweet Marie. Ever since the whole Ancient Greece debacle Duchess had been hard at work, ignoring everyone except Thomas, Shere, and Perdita. There were not many social calls and even fewer chances to spend time with her family.
But that was ending now. Now there was reason and cause for a visit. An overdue visit, really.
It was why Duchess had gotten in contact with Nou Nou and made sure that she’d be able to be there the moment Marie got home from school. She’d even sweet talked the woman into making one of Marie’s favourite snacks. And why Duchess had placed bags all around the sitting room Nou Nou would direct Marie to. Gifts and pieces of Duchess’ new line she wanted Marie to model on the runway.
Duchess sat with her back to the door as she waited, sketchpad in her lap with a charcoal pencil in her hand. She sketched idly, to pass the time, as she heard Marie’s footfalls foretelling her arrival. A smile spread slowly on her lips as they grew closer though she kept her back turned. It was only when she heard a soft clearing of a throat that she set her pad down and turned towards the door. “Bonjour, mon petit.” She smiled as she stepped forward, careful not to disturb any of the bags she had brought in. “I may have splurged a bit in my attempt to atone for leaving so abruptly.”
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bdrpmemes · 7 years ago
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@jennysgoodcompany   @mademoiisellemariie
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bdrpscrapbook · 7 years ago
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Marie makes a wish. {Taken by Jenny, 2017}
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pretty-perdita · 8 years ago
Morning Sickness |*| [Perie]
Perdita had been in Arithmancy, one of her favorite classes, but she hadn’t been able to concentrate. She’d been feeling sick all morning, since she’d gotten up. When she’d kissed Paul goodbye in the hallway before parting ways after breakfast (of which she hadn’t eaten all of, because--well, she could hardly stomach it. The smell of the ham had made her feel like she was going to be ill.) 
She’d done a proper job ignoring it, simply because she couldn’t get sick. It was too close to the end of the year and she had to make top marks. Especially since she wanted to go into the Registrar for new witches and wizards, using complex arithmancy spells to calculate the newest additions to the world of magic (not unlike coding a computer program to run properly.) 
But, she could feel her breakfast stirring in her gut. Standing up quickly, she’d asked Professor Thatch to be excused, and then made her way quickly to the bathroom, a hand at her mouth. She nearly knocked someone over on her way but she didn’t pay attention to who as she darted into the bathroom, falling to her knees and vomiting into the toilet immediately, the door to the stall still half open. 
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bdrpscrapbook · 7 years ago
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Marie and Berlioz Bonfamille at the lake. {Taken by Simba Lyons, 2017}
@mademoiisellemariie @ber-bonfamille
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ber-bonfamille-lyons · 8 years ago
Five Days || Berrie
Five days.
That’s how long it had been since the flat, the ropes on his wrist, and the fists. It was hard for Berlioz to grasp, which was why he had to tell himself: five days. Five days, five nights, though his days and nights were bleeding together. The first two had been in the hospital, hooked up to an IV that led him down a gentle road toward sleep. He’d not minded that so much. Each time his eyes fluttered open, he could just turn his head and there was Simba holding his hand so tight Ber wasn’t worried about letting go himself. And he did let go, over and over. He closed his eyes and lingered in the calm of his blood, lazily circling through his body on the back of whatever painkiller was doing its heavenly work.
He carried the painkillers with him on the initial discharge from the hospital, though soon it wore off and all he had were little pills, not nearly as potent. Ber hid upstairs and took ‘em anyway. He usually slept once they kicked in for round an hour, before waking up and trying to read. The door was left ajar, which was not normal-- Ber liked closed doors. But he needed it ajar now, so he could hear Simba or Kiara downstairs and know he wasn’t alone. He heard ‘em through the weird muffle of his one-and-a-half ear; the one with the ruptured eardrum had a patch over it mostly for precaution’s sake. He’d take it off soon.
He rarely got out of bed. He felt locked in the room. He couldn’t explain it, why he didn’t wanna go downstairs. Maybe because it was already bad enough, Simba-- lookin’ at him, the way he looked at him, when he came in their room.
Which is why he didn’t want anyone to come visit him. His maman insisted on the fourth day, fought Lou off and paraded her way in. She’d held the tears in her eyes, but they did not fall-- and that was strange for Ber too. Instead Adelaide sat on the bed and held his hand, speaking in rapid, quiet French that whatever he needed, he would get, whatever he wanted, she would find, that she would not leave until he was healed. And Ber told his Maman not to worry and that it was alright. That’s what he told everyone. Don’t worry. It’s alright.
He’d probably tell that to Marie. She was comin’ today after taking a page outta Adelaide’s book and insisting. Lou might have been able to stop her but Ber, Ber was-- Ber was tired. The sooner he got through all the house calls, the sooner he could curl up in the covers again and go to sleep.
He was sat up in bed though-- had brought Teacup in, held her on his lap, not that he’d play her. Just felt more like himself that way and hoped Marie would think the same, wouldn’t…stare at his bruises. When Marie came in, Berlioz couldn’t help but duck his head anyway, fingers fiddling with his pick.
“Uh, hey,” he murmured.
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bdrpscrapbook · 8 years ago
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Marie poses for an Instagram. {Taken by Jenny, 2017}
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bdrpscrapbook · 8 years ago
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Marie and Ariel practice for their parts of Romeo and Juliet. {Taken during rehearsal by Kiara Lyons, 2017}
@mademoiisellemariie && @ariel-the-rebellious
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bdrpscrapbook · 8 years ago
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Marie Bonfamille enjoys a cup of tea {Taken by Toulouse Bonfamille, 2017}
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bdrpscrapbook · 8 years ago
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Marie Bonfamille and the cat of one of her friends. {Taken by the friend, 2017}
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lou-bonfightme · 8 years ago
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@ber-bonfamille & @mademoiisellemariie
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duchesslablanc · 8 years ago
Getting to Know You |{Duchess And Marie }|
It had been Duchess’ idea not to tell her nephews and niece that she was moving to Swynlake. She had wanted it to be a surprise, if only because it had been so long since she’d seen them. And besides, Duchess thought this would be the chance to really reconnect with the kids. Connect more with Marie and Berlioz since she hadn’t exactly been around much with them.
So she’d decided to surprise her niece with a visit to the house. NouNou had been welcoming, though that was her job, and Duchess had been cordial. She was a bit thankful for the older woman because she was around more than Adelaide was. 
Duchess sat in the drawing room, sketch pad on her lap as she doodled. The town was good for that, at least. Giving her back the inspiration she had been lacking since everything had gone under. A smile slipped onto her lips as she heard the door open and then click shut and she moved towards the foyer. “Is that my darling Marie?”
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