robogenko · 2 years
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My Fallout Exchange gift for @n00b-vegas of their Courier, Tibbs! A really cute character, and I had a lot of fun working on this for ya! Hope you had a good holiday and happy new year!
Thanks to @hippywhippy for organizing this event!
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falloutghoulzine · 2 years
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The Fallout Ghoul Zine is proud to introduce the contributors for our second volume: Greetings From Gecko!
This team is creating some fantastic work for their fellow ghoulies to enjoy and we can't wait until we can share all of it with you! Please welcome:
Astely 99griffon Mercedes (Cherry-Pixels) Kuzmich-Isterich SpaceKase Meghan Snowball (Folly854) Beargrave Bedky Sinead Traecy Amanda Peep (plasma-packin-mama) Charles (pyrussprite) Selby (N00b-Vegas) Kelly Sapp (Dumplinhead) FinchMarie Drovenna Narschlob Nick R.x. CaptRedgrave hyperionrisen Badastronaut27 Feeblebeeble Jazz Terry Bee (thebigolbee) Dali Puff ghoulschooldropout Silas yeehawknight yennevii Zombee
We'll be sharing work from as many of our contributors as we can for Wednesday Shares tomorrow so be sure to check them out!
And don't forget to follow us on all our socials or even sign up for our mailing list so you don't miss when preorders go on sale!
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locustandwildhoney · 1 year
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Its Wednesday, My Dudes
Thank you for tagging me @v0idbuggy , @wrathfulrook , @direwombat , @g0dspeeed , and probably more in previous weeks that I've missed
I am tagging @cull-the-herd , @n00b-vegas , and @henbased, no pressure, we're all just having fun here
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I am cursed with the inability to ever draw my oc's face properly, these were not supposed to be long projects lmao
for my writing, Ive been playing with the idea of "Heralds Live" AU in their bunkers and how each group would emerge a little different from each other. These are just my notes, so apologies if grammar is off. Also sorry if some of you have seen this WIP before, Im turning it around in my mind for months now
In this AU, all of the bunkers were damaged, but not destroyed by the Deputy Deputy is still trapped with Joseph, takes them a while to re-establish contact with the peggies. Joseph keeps deputy from contacting resistance members, when deputy finds out she practically destroys the radio making both groups unable to contact them for a long time. Three groups of the people of the project emerge, each slightly different. Dee wont forgive Joseph for what he’s done to the Deputy, but helps all their people establish their home. [Jacob’s people (I once was lost but now I’m found), the first 2 years were the worst but they pulled together. Hardy survivalists, hardest to contact and 2nd group to leave the compound. Some people scattered to the winds and took up places in the mountains (wherever wasn’t irradiated) before Highwaymen appeared. Scouts and runners. Most opposed to outside contact] [John was a mess when the world ended. It took a while for him to accept what was happening and take responsibility for his sins. Johns people (that saved a wretch like me) John pulled through and pulled together, finally becoming the leader Joseph hoped he would be, if still a little quick to punish. Johns people are the first to enter the garden, out of a damaged bunker. John still cuts sins out of people but now he waits for them to come to him unless an egregious rule is broken. These scarred settlers emerged and found themselves a home. (wary but not completely unfriendly to outsiders)] [Faith takes a vow of silence during some of the bunker years, in atonement for all that happened during the reaping, a Silent Siren. Faith’s people are uncanny, their eyes cloudy with visions. But they are good at finding resources. Able to basically act as dowsing rods to find water, sense changes in weather, make predictions, etc. (Blind but now I see)(most open to outsiders, even after Josephs emergence and decree. Final group to leave the bunker]
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Laws of Attraction กฎแห่งรักดึงดูด Ep. 2
Same precedure as last week, including apologies to those who've seen this before. Includes translation of the writing on Tonkhao's picture and (attempt at) translation of bits on the documents Chaan receives in the last flashback.
open with something heartbreaking, why won't you? Tonkhao is so worried about that one failing/barely passing (not sure) grade, and the family being like "oh c'mon, one bad grade isn't the end of the world"? I am EMOTIONAL.
oh fuck. these are the WORST dreams. I guess at least Tinn had the questionable luck of remembering she died before he woke up, because waking up and feeling good because the memories or dream of a deceased person was nice and only then remembering they've passed? that's brutal.
WOW, that's a swanky place.
adfadfadsf idk WHAT Chaan's game is, but the whole "I'm just gonna let you jump to conclusions" sure is something.
… yeah, I'd be suspicious too, Tinn. But also Chaan, don't spring the "that might not've been an accident" on the man like that.
oof, IDK which show said it– feels like a Doctor Who thing? but those are some of the most dangerous and powerful words in the world. "let me help".
afaasfsdfads "I've never chased a guy like this" Chaan, not the time
no way that was a regular break-in
idk what they're building up to with Thaenthai and his bodyguard, but I'm intrigued
OH is that what they were looking for? something of Tonkhao's?
oh, ow.
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Writing in picture reads:
Family. Granny Aew's Jaew Hawn (Isaan type hotpot) Love great-grandma and Uncle Tinn the most in the world
Chaan's got Tinn's sister and grandma wrapped around his little finger, huh. that was fast.
Chaan, just saying, I think he'd probably listen to you more if you told him things like this up front
Yeah, what do they want?
okay, this dude is a complete n00b at B&E, but also isn't Tinn a trained Taekwondo instructor? I feel like this should be easier for him
LOL at the motorcycle chase
Chaan to the rescue?
I love that shirt, but why is it already stained even though he just-- oh, continuity, okay.
his indignant little "I'm bleeding here" I -- Chaan, do you take anything seriously?
Chaan being a huge baby over having his cut cleaned gives me LIFE
also sorry not sorry but the way that ring lies at Chaan's throat … 👀 I'm assuming that wasn't on purpose, but. collar vibes
I feel like this is the last time we see this dude alive. Also wow Thaenthai and his anger issues and shirts? giving Vegas here, I said what I said.
oh, exposition by the way of Issues, gotcha. Also I'm willing to put money on Thaenthai and his bodyguard having something going on, or being on the way there.
wow, what a juxtaposition
okay this legalese quoting is a thing with him, huh.
oof, this kid is even less okay than I thought
oh, granny has adopted Chaan
okay, what gives, why are the cops suddenly willing to help?
oh, of course.
I've decided I love when Chaan quotes legalese, but I also definitely will have to catch the subs for these bits.
afsdfadfasdfas Granny
Chaan flirting and Tinn suspicious, the eternal dance
I BUY the revenge thing, but I also don't think that's the whole truth
wow, we get jaded lawyers a lot, but Chaan really is a different level
I like that they're on more even footing now, with Tinn having found something to push at, too
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Pending legal case # 8943/2560 (= 2017) Pending legal case # 2190/2560 Judge's bench (??) 201 on the 20/07/60 (= '17)
Chaan's only six years on the job and changed this much? oof.
was his mum wearing that ring in the flashback?
This was another absolutely wild ride and I cannot wait for next week.
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pumpkinov · 7 months
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Delayed because I’ve been … so busy. But the immaculately divine @portergage commissioned me this wonderful gift of Portia, done by the wonderful @n00b-vegas
My friends are angels, artists are amazing, hell yeah hell yeah
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comrade-shrimp · 1 year
I forgot you were real and could have real relationships outside of tumblr
Yes, unfortunately, there is a real person behind this Yes Man pfp (made by @/n00b-vegas, whom you should totally follow and commission) , and yes, unfortunately, people DO interact with me irl and 🤢 form 🤢meaningful relationships 🤢🤢with me 🤢
I never post my face because I don't need any of you freaks interacting with me in the unlikely scenario someone does see me in the outside
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theghostpinesmusic · 3 months
Well, for all of June Goose has been on summer tour. And because of the miracle(s) that is modern technology, I got to watch the first three shows (two from The Factory in St. Louis and the first of two shows at Fiddler's Green in Denver) live from my couch. I had to miss watching the second Fiddler's show live because I wanted to spend time with, you know, my actual friends instead, but the first three shows were fantastic and the fourth and fifth, which I've watched non-live since, were just as good. I'll get around to watching the rest of the tour sometime this summer, of course. And recapping the highlight-iest of highlight jams here before long.
Before switching over to a June and July (and August and September and probably most of the fall) that will be chock-full of Goose content, though, I want to talk about 2/22's "A Wave Of Hope" and how 2/22 as a whole might be the best Phish show I've ever heard.
Yeah, that's a thing I just wrote.
I've gone through all this before, sure, but to just drill the point home for a moment: I've been listening to this band fairly obsessively since the year 2000. I've listened to hundreds of their shows, seen them fifty times in person, and likely watched the same number of concerts via webcast since 2021. Though I tend to focus on the shows they've played since 2009, since that was the first year I was actually able to afford tickets and travel to see them play, I'm also pretty well-versed in at least the landmark shows of every touring year from 1992 onward.
In short, among terminally online Phish fans, I'd be seen as a n00b, but by the lights of anyone else in the actual world, I have a pretty encyclopedic knowledge of the music these guys have made together. So I don't say shit like "2/22/24 is the best Phish show I've ever heard" lightly.
After a few years on the wagon, I got back into the band in a big way earlier this year after watching the first show of their 2023 New Year's Eve run. From there, I dove into their seven-night Madison Square Garden residency from last summer before tuning in live for all four of their shows from Sphere in Las Vegas. All of these runs displayed to me a band that was playing at a level above even the seven shows I'd seen in person in 2021, which had been far and away my favorite Phish shows I'd ever been in attendance for. There was still a piece missing, though, from the twelve-show run from 12/28/23 to 4/21/24, the piece that Trey Anastasio himself pointed to as evidence that the band is "just entering [its] prime": Mexico '24.
A few weeks ago, I watched the first show of this heralded run, a single-set "welcome" show and the kind of thing that fans tend to approach with low expectations. I approached it with equally low expectations, which were met: I already shared the video and some words of the band's take on "If I Could" from that show, a gorgeous, seven-minute ballad that nonetheless also tells you all you need to know about the rest of the show by standing out as the clear highlight.
I hadn't expected the Anastasio-advertised highs during this "welcome" set, and I didn't get them. But then I put on night two and, while trying to avoid being too hyperbolic, it was quite possibly the best show I've ever heard the band play as well as a show I feel like I couldn't have truly appreciated without having already listened to the previous twenty-four years' worth of Phish that I've put into my ears.
It felt like such a peak moment that I actually avoided listening to nights three and four before Goose tour started, simply because it felt impossible that they wouldn't pale in comparison. I'm reminded of the (in)famous moment at the end of the band's defining end-of-the-millennium performance when Trey puzzled out loud about whether or not the band should just hang it up that very morning, having reached the top of the proverbial mountain with nothing left to prove.
To be clear, I'm not going to stop listening to Phish: I have tickets to the four-night run at Dick's in Colorado this summer and I also fully intend to finish watching this Mexico run eventually. I'm just trying to make clear how much this particular show shocked me and captured my imagination as a twenty-four year fan. It was that good.
Which is funny, because it didn't actually start that way. If I was a purist, I could easily grump about how this wasn't "a perfect show" because the first quarter or so of it is just...Phish playing some songs, and some not even that well. "First Tube" is a fun show opener since it's usually used as a set closer, but this is probably the roughest take on the tune I've heard in a long time. "Free" and "Roggae" follow, and are both beautifully played, but neither does anything I haven't heard before. It's fun to hear the rarity "Driver" and the new-ish "hey stranger," but neither of those leave the box either. An old-school sequence of "Gumbo" > "My Soul" comes next, and though Page crushes "Gumbo" and Trey annihilates "My Soul," it's all still within the realm of first-set-opening music that you sit on the lawn eating food cart nachos half-listening to until they get to the real meat of the set.
Don't get me wrong; I love the song choices here and with the exception of "First Tube" everything is played well...it's just, well, pretty normally good Phish. But then, during "Birds Of A Feather," Something Happens. I'm not going to go on and on in detail about the jam sound the band conjures here, as it factors into the "A Wave Of Hope" I'm ostensibly writing about here (and will get to eventually). But it's amazing, and they just sort of...ride it for the next two hours? "Birds" and a definitively evil take on "Axila (Pt. II)" close out the first set with sister-monster jams, and then the second set is just unbelievable. "A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing" -> "A Wave Of Hope" -> "Oblivion" > "Tweezer" is maybe the most amazingly consistent and creative sequence I've ever heard the band play, and the only way this second set might have been better would have been if they'd closed with yet one more monster jam...but that almost feels like asking for too much! Presumably even the band needed a break from the insane space jams after "Tweezer" and I feel like I kind of did, too! So instead, they close with a relatively pedestrian but in-any-other-context-amazing "Tube" -> "Runaway Jim" > "Tube." An encore that's my all-time favorite Phish ballad "Bug" into the expected and cathartic "Tweezer Reprise" is the icing on the proverbial cake.
Had I somehow been in control of the Phish YouTube page, I might have picked the "Tweezer" from the second set to share, or maybe even the "ASIHTOS," but I'm not. "A Wave Of Hope" is easily the longest jam of the night, though, and likely the most representative/best microcosm of everything that happens from "Birds" through "Tweezer." So. Now that I've already written a longer-than-average post, let's actually start talking about this thirty-five minute jam!
The noise that "A Wave Of Hope" emerges from at the beginning of the video here is the tail end of the preceding "A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing" jam: perhaps equally worthy of scrutiny and praise, but not part of this video beyond the first few seconds.
I really dig "A Wave Of Hope" as a song, as it melds the catchiness of Trey's recent (and often unfairly maligned, in my opinion) "love and light" songs with the obscure and apocalyptic imagery of heavier, even newer songs like "Oblivion" and "...And Flew Away." That said, this version is pretty straightforward before the jam: it's hooky and fun, and does its thing, briefly.
It's not necessarily a song you might instantly peg as a huge jam vehicle, but it's certainly become one lately, and (I think?) 2/22 is the longest version yet. I feel like we get an inkling of what's coming at 3:52, when Trey starts singing the vocal refrain outro to the song and Page suddenly starts up a synth siren over top of it, like he just can't wait to get weird.
They launch into the jam proper at 4:11, and initially at least it's a pretty standard Phish affair, with a Trey guitar solo leading the way and the siren eventually giving way to more standard piano chords from Page. It may not be an exceptional sound, but everyone is locked in from the beginning here, and, as usual, even during the "normal" parts of the jam, Fishman is just going absolutely nuts.
There are a few neat melodic runs here where Trey is chasing Page or vice versa.
At 6:45, Trey goes from soloing to chording, which changes the tenor of the jam a bit. Mike takes the melodic lead for a moment around 7:00, and Trey moves back to make some Undersea Monster Guitar Sounds. I really dig what Page is playing here, even though he's kind of buried in the mix. The piano sounds a lot like something he'd play during "ASIHTOS," which might be intentional considering they'd just finished it earlier in the set?
Around 8:30, Trey starts playing melody again, and he and Mike and Page all converge on a sound together almost immediately. It's the brain-meld thing that Phish does better than anyone else out there and I love it. Fishman, to my ears, is actually just laying back with a pretty standard backbeat pattern at this point, but feel free to laugh at me for being incredibly wrong if you're a drummer.
By 9:30, the cacophony is both unhinged and somehow totally synced up, and the lights reflect the sort of chaos-in-unity feel of the music.
Starting at 10:20, Trey suggests something a bit more major-key and less chaotic, and Fishman shifts up his beat a bit, but we don't actually move in a new direction decisively until around 11:00, when Trey starts playing a solo with a super weird and cool tone, and Mike starts riffing off of him. This section is like a sister to the previous section, but with more melodic purpose. I dig. Eventually, Mike goes off to do his own thing here, and Page (on electric piano) and Trey toss the descending riff that Trey initiated back and forth for a bit. I know I said it once already, but I really like this bit and am happy they stick with it a bit longer than they usually might.
At 13:32, Trey starts playing the kind of ascending riff that I associate with him signaling to the rest of the band that it's Phish Bliss Jam Time. That kind of doesn't happen, though? They continue to sit in this midtempo jam zone for awhile, though Trey's playing certainly gets a bit more assertive and brighter: we don't exactly leap to a huge peak right away, and in fact by 14:45 we've descended into delay-loop chaos. Page leans on an evil synth sound at 14:50, Fishman slows down the beat, and suddenly we've moved in the complete opposite direction. It's time to GO TO HELL
The synths and the echo on Trey's guitar really make this section of the jam for me. It's both angrily metal but also ethereal, like you're listening to Metallica in a submersible in the Marianas Trench. Appropriate for a show being played on the ocean, I suppose.
At 16:50, Trey wrangles some dark-sounding rock from his guitar, while the lights reflect the abyssal sound the band is conjuring.
Around 17:30, Fishman switches to a tom-heavy beat, an exceptionally intense sound for him, and I love it. Don't worry: he's back to the cymbals shortly afterward.
The stuff that Trey is doing with his octave shifter around 18:50 paired with the weird laser lights and Page's synth is fucking ridiculous. You think you're safe to just go hang out on the beach for a night, do some drugs and watch some Phish, and then the band fucking teleports you to E2M6 of Doom and doesn't let you leave.
This is my third time watching this jam, and still at 21:23, when the camera pulls back to show the flickering murder-lights above the stage while Trey wails Satanic chords on his guitar, I started laughing out loud at how bonkers it all is. At this point in the jam, I'm convinced that Page has a key on his synths somewhere just labelled "GHOSTS" and he's just leaning on it with his whole body weight.
The section starting at 23:00 sounds like if the Talking Heads were actually also the band of demons from "Devil Went Down To Georgia."
The band sits in this two-chord groove for awhile, and actually starts to inject a bit of levity back into the sound (Page does first, and then Trey briefly uses and then abandons his octave shifter), but then returns to the heavier sound for a bit longer. This section is a little melodically repetitive, but Fishman is really driving through here.
The band brings the tempo down a bit at 26:00, and Trey returns yet again to the octave shifter (he's a bit fan during this jam). Initially, this section feels almost like a reprise of the previous two-chord jam, but then things diversify melodically a bit. Mike seems to essentially be playing a drone for a bit, which suits the jam, actually. Meanwhile, Page and Trey take turns making sounds that are both Bizarre and Soothing at the same time.
By the 28:00 mark, it's wild to remember where we were sonically ten minutes ago: we were in hell, and now we're playing Psilocybin Plinko. This jam eventually morphs into an almost-reggae groove, which is just crazy, and we ride along on that for awhile. I really dig the small touches that Page is adding to the sound here.
Jon Fishman takes his Space Reggae very seriously, fortunately, and his playing is fantastic here.
There's a moment around 31:50 when it feels like a -> "Slave To The Traffic Light" or -> "Harry Hood" or even a -> "Meatstick" is coming, but it fades away into a gentler, cool-down moment that showcases Mike instead.
Trey starts playing something a little dissonant at 33:30, and for a moment it feels like maybe they're going to head off in yet another direction, but we're actually nearing the end here. Instead, they stay in this slow, contemplative space, but Trey throws a few more big guitar lines into what has up to now been a section focused on Mike and Fishman.
At the very end, you can hear Trey adjusting a bit to launch into "Oblivion" next, but the video wraps up before blasting our brains with any more of this amazing set.
Holy crap, that was fun to watch again!
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n00b-vegas · 4 years
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@fallout-lou-begas YES
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portergage · 3 years
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“No one gets left behind.„
Thank you @n00b-vegas for this wonderful piece of my girl, she is gorgeous!
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
I could absolutely see Ken becoming the mole because he feels undistinguished and unimportant in the main family and Vegas made him feel clever and special. I mean, Big is/was Kinn's #2, Pete is the head bodyguard for the eldest, Arm is quartermaster, even Pol has a critical role as Tankhun's bodyguard/friend. And then Porsche comes in, a total n00b, trash skills, and even he is elevated above Ken. I mean he was a double agent before Porsche ever got there, but I can imagine how much Porsche's very presence made him feel even more like he was winning by outsmarting them all. And then he overstepped, flew too close to the sun, and got got.
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caelan0d · 3 years
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Commission for @n00b-vegas !!
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locustandwildhoney · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
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tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton
Tagging @cull-the-herd , @n00b-vegas , and @g0dspeeed
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jmiacolt · 3 years
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commissioned this piece of my girl claire from @n00b-vegas as an early bday treat to myself and i'm absolutely 🥰🥰🥰
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metalforhands · 5 years
do you have any fallout blogs to recommend following??
i do!! i’m going to sort these blogs by character so it’s easier for you to find someone you might like! this list might be a liiiittle biased since i know a TON of fantastic blogs that post about danse but;; i hope you don’t mind!
cait: @thegreatdivide, @gentlezed
danse: @marvilus73, @mars-colony, @hfpersonal, @wastelandwandererstuff, @liviacolomar, @andremarshallwhite, @scorpio-skies, @scarecrow-forest, @val-rampage, @lothrilzul
deacon: @ariejul, @tashvasnormandy
hancock: @vaultgirl2077, @poildecervelle, @commonwealthcass
maccready: @impr0bablyhighrn, @laurenallyse
nick: @memepipboy, @radbeetle
piper: @vkm11
gage: @leporidaefluff
x6: @ronqueesha
general: @letmebegaytodd, @calloutfour, @companionhell, @justaname02 @fanthings, @saberwriter, @charomiami, @headcanonsforcompanions, @cyndercrys, @barnowlcollector, @themojaveexpress, @sil-ly-boy, @mcsquidder, @red-king-4, @n00b-vegas
i am definitely missing… SO many blogs. if you’re a fallout blog, please add your url to this list!! even a like or reply works just fine 💕
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portergage · 3 years
I was tagged by @drovenna and @savybaby666 thanks guys ✨✨
Rules: tag people you want to get to know better or catch up with.
Favorite colour: green, pink and yellow 💐
Last song: The Great Chinggis Khaan by The Hu, this song slaps and it’s the #3 most listened song on my 2021 wrapped
Currently reading: The Last Girl by Nadia Murad. It’s a very difficult read considering everything she’s been through
Last movie: The Matrix, it was the first time seeing it and it was a w e s o m e
Sweet, savory or spicy? Spicy, always ✨
Currently working on: DMNWS, a Mass Effect fic and a Fallout 3 (Harkness) fic. Other than writing, I keep learning to draw and I’m also knitting a scarf ✨
Gonna tag, with no pressure of course, those wonderful people: @aviatorfics @pumpkinov @acrocodile @n00b-vegas 💚
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celiansartblog · 6 years
Okay I'm in the middle of a big bad drop of creativity and art block in general and I gotta get out of it before I start feeling really bad about it
Far Cry 5 and Far Cry New Dawn fandom please send me your ocs (deputies, captains of Security or otherwise!!!) and I'll draw headshots of them!!!!! Please drop your references in the reblogs or in my messages!! I won't count likes or blank reblogs sowwy ;w;
Don't hesitate to message me, even if we've never interacted before!!
@deputyoneill - DEPUTY KAT
@foofygoldfish - DEPUTY ALICE RILEY
@zacklover24 - DEPUTY CHARLIE
@deputyelias-bubblebuttrook - DEPUTY ELIAS JOHNSON
@tormentedbythirst - DEPUTY RUTH
@thatjessopgirl - DEPUTY EVE
@n00b-vegas -DEPUTY ELIJAH
@spacecharizard - DEPUTY BELL
@jrsydevl - CAPTAIN LYNN
@potatokendall - DEPUTY JOANNA GRAHAM
@judgeofeden - DEPUTY DIANA BELL
@peachespasteltea - CAPTAIN NESSIE
@casifer-fan - CAPTAIN ADRIEL
@mininuked - DEPUTY AHN
@depyootees -  ZEKE HAMMERJAW
@8-bitpizzabar - CAPTAIN JADE RAINES
@absurdwanderlust - DAISY STRAUSS
@weekend-writer - DEPUTY DYLAN FOSTER
@johnseedsplane -DEPUTY CASSANDRA ROOK
i’ll try to do them during those next two weeks!! it’ll be a good exercise, thank you so much for sending your ocs through ;w; ❤❤❤❤
blease don’t hesitate to tell me if i messed up one of your oc’s names 
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