#ch: maxson
mtreebeardiles · 5 months
Bonds of Smoke and Steel, ch. 6
Had this chapter mostly written for like....forever...
Full chapter over on AO3 -- chapter does have an explicit scene in it as a heads up
"Not big on subtlety, are they?"
There was a teasing edge to Taylor's voice, but it didn't do much to erase the awe Danse could see in his face. He found himself smiling a little, more than a bit proud at the display being showcased above. 
He'd been reasonably sure the Prydwen would come; several recon teams already lost to the Commonwealth, all efforts pointing to energy level anomalies that couldn't -- and shouldn't -- be ignored, and it was in keeping with Elder Maxson's hands-on approach that he would come with a strong contingent of the Brotherhood. 
And that meant arriving in their pride and joy. 
The Prydwen was a marvel of engineering, capable of holding an impressive number of knights, scribes, initiates, as well as their higher-ups. Danse had personal quarters of his own up there, for all he didn't have much in terms of sentimental items or keepsakes. But it was practical, with access to Proctor Ingram's armor bay, a fully functioning infirmary, labs, and plenty of space for the scribes to do their work processing and tagging any interesting technological finds -- which Danse's team had plenty to hand over. 
As they watched the airborne vessel anchor itself into place over the remnants of the Boston Airport, several smaller craft detached and cycled out in scouting patterns -- Vertibirds, and Danse quickly spotted one angling in their direction. 
"C'mon," he urged, heading back towards the police station. "They're going to want a full report -- and officially welcome you to our ranks."
Taylor's awe continued once they were aboard. Their Vertibird pilot had given him the go-ahead to use the mounted machine gun to track potential threats down below -- Super mutants in particular needed little prompting to try shooting them down -- and while the flight to the Prydwen was uneventful it still felt good to see Taylor get a better taste of what the Brotherhood was capable of beyond Danse's reduced recon team. 
He enjoyed it while he could, tagging along as Taylor got a quick tour of the ship, a medical check-up and, Danse was pleased to note, a Brotherhood power armor set. T60, in far better shape than the man's old T45, and the Paladin was pleased to see the way Taylor smiled as the other man ran a hand along the chest plate and the insignia it bore. 
Then he was whisked away to meet with Maxson amongst other initiates, and Danse took that time to file his own reports and update his team's assignments.  
They met up again in the mess, news having already spread about Taylor's new rank -- well earned and well worn already, so far as Danse was concerned, and he couldn't help the burst of pride he felt when the other man joined him at last. 
"Congratulations, Knight," he said, clasping Taylor's shoulder. "You deserve it."
A faint flush crept into Taylor's cheeks, that slightly crooked grin pulling at his lips and Danse fought down the urge to lean in and kiss him. 
"Did Elder Maxson give you your assignment?"
"Said you and I were going to tackle Fort Strong?"
"Correct, Knight. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with your new armor and we'll depart right after."
They were taken to their destination via Vertibird, engaging in some aerial fighting when they spotted a hulking behemoth of a Super Mutant on the scene. Taylor set to the task with the sort of keen precision Danse was coming to expect from him, and he briefly wondered if the new Knight had previous aircraft experience. Not unlikely; bombers would've been more common during the earlier wars, but he wasn't as certain if they'd had craft quite like this. 
Necessity breeds innovation. Something quoted to him, once, but he couldn't recall from whom. 
He shook the thoughts away, refocusing, allowing himself just a moment to contemplate after, after, after. After this mission, after their reports, after they saw to their armor…
After his obligations were met, he and Taylor could finally talk.
"So how'd you rank your first day as an official Brotherhood Knight?"
The question was pitched low for Taylor's ears only as they made their way back along the main deck, heading towards the officers' quarters at the front of the ship. Armor seen to, reports filed with Quinlan, and Taylor's first mission as Knight was a resounding success. Other soldiers were already moving on the cleared area of Fort Strong below, securing it as a staging ground for the Brotherhood's proposed offensive against the Institute. The decks were a flurry of activity, scribes and fellow knights in full armor carrying out orders and kicking up a cacophony that left Danse feeling oddly nostalgic. 
"Not bad," Taylor replied when Danse tugged open the door to his personal quarters and gestured for the other man to go ahead of him. It would be a bit quieter here, at least, than trying to have any manner of conversation in the mess -- even if the conversation wasn't private in nature. And this one decidedly was. 
If Danse didn't lose his nerve, at least. 
"'Not bad?'" 
"Don't have much to compare it to," Taylor pointed out, falling onto Danse's bunk without preamble. He leaned back, legs dangling off the edge as he stretched and folded his hands under his head. His hair was curling slightly, still drying from his brief wash, and Danse found himself distracted all over again. Found himself following the line of Taylor's throat to where it led to the slightly open collar of his shirt, dipping into a hollow he knew from personal experience was a sweet spot for the other man. 
Found himself wishing the showers aboard the Prydwen weren't heavily rationed, that they could go back to Sanctuary and its greater privacy and its illusions of having all the time in the world. 
"Right." Danse cleared his throat, shaking his head. "That's… fair. Very fair. Well, take it from me, then -- you did an exemplary job down there, Taylor."
"Thank you?"
"…was that a question?"
Taylor was eyeing him now, an eyebrow cocked. 
"I mean, I meant it, but…" Taylor pushed himself up, bracing his elbows on his knees and letting his hands dangle loosely between them. "Kinda getting the feeling you're…distracted. Everything okay?"
Danse swallowed, feeling oddly exposed and pinned into place by that hazel gaze. 
"I…I wanted to…I'm not sure how to… I did want to talk with you, if that….if that's okay."
Taylor's brow furrowed. 
"Of course," he replied. "You know you can talk to me about anything, Danse."
"…Thank you." Still, he hesitated, clearing his throat again. Wished not for the first time that he had Taylor's ease with words, with expressing himself. That unassuming confidence, that surety in himself. "I… wanted to talk to you about…about our relationship."
Taylor was frowning now. 
"…I… is there a…problem? I thought you said fraternization --"
"--no, no, there's no problem. There's no issue, not… not like that."
"Then like what?"
"Not…" Danse sighed, running a set of fingers through his own still-damp hair. "That came out wrong. There isn't an issue, technical or otherwise."
Taylor's shoulders relaxed. "Okay, that's…that's good…"
"I just, I wanted… I mean, I've enjoyed what we…what we've done, so far. With the um."
"That," Danse agreed, his cheeks on fire. "I was just… I guess curious, where you uh… where you stood on…"
Taylor blinked at him, cocking his head to the side as he considered him. Danse felt doubly exposed as those hazel eyes tracked up and down the length of his body. 
"…are you asking if I'd want to do…more than kissing?"
This shouldn't have been difficult. Why was it difficult? He'd had his tongue in Taylor's mouth, sucked bruises into the hollow of his throat, along his collarbones, just below where anyone might see them. He'd had Taylor's hands on his body -- over the clothes for the most part, sure, but…still. 
Why did it feel bigger, somehow, to ask to do that with less separating them?
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alleycatsulli · 8 months
My first two chapters are up for my Danse/Maxson fic on Wattpad!! You can go to https://www.wattpad.com/1416226361?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=LemonLimeLion to read now.❤️
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kfkaesk · 1 year
where two and two always makes up five, ch.2
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i'm back from the war to drop five thousand more words of dansepain on yall merry christmas
edit: i also made a playlist about the whole danse/cutler/krieg/maxson situation i'm a bit unwell believe it or not
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willinglyghoulified · 2 years
Book 2: “For the People,” Ch. 19, an excerpt
This is one of my absolute favorite parts in my fanfiction series for Fallout 4 and I just had to share it with you guys. Books are currently being edited to fit my OC’s new name since I’ve developed her beyond “Nora,” but there are 3 books still fully readable if anyone’s interested here. Book 2 is ranked number 1 in “#johnhancock”
(Long excerpt.)
I smashed through the glass of the Prydwen’s window. The vertibird crashed against the metal frame, too big to fit inside the room, and came to a full stop, flinging me forward out of the pilot seat. My head hit the front windshield, the bulletproof glass sustaining the blow and only cracking. My body ragdolled to the floor of the vertibird and rolled out the side door.
I landed on the floor of the Prydwen and gasped for air. The blow had knocked the breath out of me and popped my neck so hard, I thought for a moment I had broken it. I was seeing double and laid there, dumbfounded, trying to regain my sense of urgency.
I slowly reached for the guns on my hips to make sure they were still there. My whole body ached. As my eyesight returned, I looked around to find all my extra ammo strewn around the wreckage; the strap of my bag snapped off during the wreck and its contents were flung about.
I took a deep breath and tried to stand up. Shards of broken glass crunched against my hands, feet, and knees as I moved my body across the floor. The metal frame of the window and pieces of the vertibird that had broken off tore at my pants legs and sliced through my skin like butter, prompting me to slow my pace to a crawl and be more careful. I couldn’t sustain many more wounds.
“You!” someone growled.
I dizzily looked up to see a soldier that I had met before. he was the blond soldier that accompanied Danse and Maxson that day at Goodneighbor. He didn’t have his power armor on this time, but that didn’t stop him from aiming his laser pistol at me in his shaky hands. His eyes were wide with fear, sweat rolling down his cheeks.
“Don’t you dare move,” he warned.
“Aren’t you going to shoot me?” I grunted past the pain.
“I fucking should... but Maxson would probably want you alive.”
“Who cares what he wants?” i muttered as I made an attempt to stand.
“I said don’t move! All I have to do is call in my soldier pals and they’ll take you hostage!”
“Do it yourself,” I pressed. I knew kids like him lacked nerve.
“I... I can’t. I’m not authorized to do that. I was demoted after leaving Goodneighbor for ‘threatening peaceful relations through verbal demoralization.’ What relations?!” He spat in my direction.
I got to my feet and drew my gun on him slowly. “You don’t have to do this. Give up.”
His trigger finger twitched, prompting me to pull my trigger. I shot him in the shoulder -- a non-lethal blow. He dropped his weapon and cried out in pain. I could hear the loud footsteps of more hostiles coming toward the room from behind him.
I straightened up to a threatening posture and drew my other pistol, both guns in hand. If this was my last stand, I would die knowing that I did my damnedest to protect the people of the Commonwealth. To protect my son. To protect Hancock. My friends and my loyal soldiers.
I could see power armor suits running down the hall.
“Don’t shoot!” said one.
I was conflicted by this. If I didn’t shoot first, they’d surely kill me.
“Don’t come any closer!” I threatened.
From behind them stepped out an old man in a long blue robe with a tall brown collar. “Don’t shoot. I’m Proctor Quinlan. We’re here to help.”
“Like hell,” I hissed. “What’s Maxson planning?”
He shook his head. “Maxson has locked himself inside the armory with the rest of our weapons and ammunition. I had no intentions of rising up against Maxson with the rest of these pacifists, but I can’t let all this technology and research and historical data go up in flames. I refuse. This is my life’s work we’re talking about!”
“... Are there any more hostile Brotherhood soldiers on the ship?”
“At the moment, no. We’ve subdued... or killed those that defended Maxson,” he said with disdain. He looked down at the injured blond boy on the floor. “Take him away,” he said to one of the soldiers. 
The soldier dragged the crying boy out of the room.
The fighting outside had died down as well. There weren’t many gunshots, but the sounds of vertibirds landing in the hangar could be heard.
“Where is the armory? Take me to him,” I demanded.
“I’m afraid I cannot do that. I have no intentions of taking you to our armory.”
“But, sir,” interjected one of the soldiers behind him.
“Maxson will have to come out sooner or later, and when he does, he will answer for this madness. Until then, an outsider has no business interfering with our storerooms, especially those of which contain our weaponry.”
“Nora?!” shouted Danse from down the hall behind Quinlan.
They made way for him to enter.
“Danse? You’re alive?” asked Quinlan.
“very much alive,” he confirmed. “There’s no time to explain anything right now. Where’s Maxson?”
“Locked inside the armory so no one can have access to more ammo or weapons. He’s waiting out the fighting. No doubt he expects that those who follow his recent ideals would remove those of us that have committed treason, but it seems quite the opposite if you’re here.”
Danse entered the room and looked between me and the wreckage. “Nora, you did this?”
I nodded weakly. “I don’t know how to fly a vertibird...”
“I can see that.”
“Out of the way,” demanded Hancock down the hall. He pushed his way into the room.
When I got inside, the whole room was in shambles. There she stood, bleeding down her forehead, blood staining her messy long, blonde hair. Her pants were ripped and covered in blood. She stood with two guns in hand and the expression of someone who had been backed into a corner. But, God, she was a beautiful mess.
“Everyone clear out,” I barekd. “If the fightin’s over, we need to get the wounded taken care of.”
“The fighting’s... over?” she asked.
“Yeah, Sunshine. For now.”
She slowly dropped to her knees onto the glassy floor. “Thank God... I don’t know how much more of a beating I can take...”
I walked over to her and rubbed her back. Then I looked at the vertibird behind her. “Heh heh. You always know how to make an entrance. You okay?”
She gave me a weak nod, but her breathing was labored. I knew she needed rest. She needed checked for major injuries, too, like a concussion or fractures from the looks of how she crashed that thing. I just hoped we had enough time for it. First, we had to find Maxson.
“Help me up and we’ll go find Maxson.”
“You don’t need to be goin’ anywhere. We’ll find you a place to rest and a Stim’. I’ll handle Maxson.” I took her arm and put my other behind her back to help her stand.
“Out of the question,” she hissed. “He’s mine.” She reached down and picked her hat up off the floor as she regained her footing.
My mouth became a thin line as I took in her hateful expression. “I ain’t arguin’ with you. You’re covered in wounds. You need to rest. Adrenaline’ll only get ya so far, ya know.”
“Hancock’s right,” added Danse. “You should rest. Leave Maxson to me.”
I shot him a glare. “I said I’ll take care of it.”
“He’s my superior. It should be my job to end this.”
“He killed ghouls, he killed synths, and he killed Minutemen. Any one of us would have a stake in his death at this point.”
“In the end, this isn’t your fight.”
My blood was starting to boil. “You’re really gonna stand here and tell me it ain’t my fight, when you’re the one that had to be talked into coming out here in the first place instead of hiding in that bunker for all of fucking eternity? Look at the shape Nora’s in. This bastard is gonna pay, and it’s gonna be by my hand. This shit’s personal now.”
“Stay out of it, ghoul.”
“Not a chance in hell, synth.”
“Stop!” Nora demanded.
I had all but forgotten I was tryin’ to help her out the door; I came to a complete stop when Danse started his bullshit.
“I’ve already decided,” she said. “We’re not putting a bullet between his eyes unless he forces our hand. He needs to answer for what he’s done.”
“... You’re kiddin’,” was all I could muster.
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incensus-nix · 6 years
.: the capital wasteland :.
Two years ago:
❝ Knight Hart, take the initiates down to the city. They need target practice with the greenskins. ❞ The paladin ordered her to rally up a small troop of recruits, to which she reluctantly had taken under her wing. It wasn’t uncommon though for the higher ranking Brotherhood to take on the responsibilities of leaders as there was only one Elder and so few paladins. Knights were eager to reach such status, but few ever got there. Some just settled for a set of power armor.
❝ Affirmative, paladin, ❞ Brittany said quickly, holding her stance with her hands behind her back. Only a second after her response was she dismissed to rally up her team, herself locating her power armor stored at the old Galaxy News Radio tower.
Switching out fusion cores and pushing it hard into the back of the armor set, a heavy set of footsteps approached and leaned into the rusted station holding her suit. ❝ Heading over to Metro? ❞
It was the familiar voice of Paladin Danse. Tall and dark haired, and a long scar cutting into his right brow. Turning her head, the knight rolled her eyes and leaned on her elbow into the chest piece of the armor suit. ❝ A bit beyond that, but yeah... I’m tellin’ you — I’m about to lose my mind over these runs. I haven’t been able to repaint Delilah here in over four months. ❞
❝ That’s really not that important, knight. It’s a noble duty eliminating the supermutants out of the city. The only people willing to settle in the area is us and them. ❞
Rolling her eyes, she readjusted the lens on her helm. ❝ You forgot the raiders that have been popping up. Let them take care of the problem and we can focus on our actual mission here. ❞
His tone dropped. ❝ Protecting the Capital is top priority. Remember, everything that threatens innocent lives and misuses technology needs punishment. Supermutants, ghouls, hell, we’re even hearing about synthetically created people now. All bastardizations of technology. We can’t let that become acceptable again. ❞
He was right, forcing a sigh from Brittany as she stopped fiddling with the power armor. ❝ Yeah, I get you — ❞
A slight smirk appears on the paladin’s face, pushing himself off the station. ❝ You know why you’ve been chosen for all these mission right? ❞
She pushed out her lips. There was an inkling… ❝ You’ve been setting me up haven’t you? ❞
Setting his hands on his hips, he looks up and away from her smugly. ❝ Elder Maxson’s setting his sights on the Commonwealth. He needs recon teams to scout the area and I told him you’d be ready with a few more training sessions and he agreed to let me monitor your progress. I say by the end of your battle today, you’d be promoted. ❞
Squinting her eyes a moment, she tried to not smile at the news. She knew he was up to something lately, but she had no idea it was along those lines. ❝ Sonova — ❞ She punches his shoulder, then wags her finger. ❝ You should’ve said something! ❞
He rubs the area of impact and shakes his head. ❝ That’s not how it works — Besides, I’ve been your sponsor for how long? This wasn’t the first time we’ve been through this. ❞
With a softer smile, her hugs herself. ❝ I know, which is even more annoying I didn’t catch on this time either. ❞
Resting a large hand over her shoulder, Danse leans in a bit. ❝ Hey, it only means I was doing my job, too — ❞ Cut off, he turns to hear the loud clanking footsteps of Procter Ingram marching through the armory. Straightening up quickly, Danse throws his hands quickly behind his back and stands at attention, clearing his throat. ❝ Proctor. ❞
The woman approaches the two, Brittany not as quickly standing at attention but getting there eventually to be noticed by her superior. Raising a brow, she looks away from the knight and to Danse instead. ❝ Paladin. Knight. ❞ Without looking back down to make eye contact with Brittany, the woman stomps away in her power armor, allowing Brittany to breathe a little bit easier, but not without a look of defeat on her face.
Nudging her shoulder, however, was Danse again. ❝ Good luck out there, Knight Hart. ❞
Biting the inside of her cheek, she nods. ❝ Affirmative. ❞
16 years prior:
❝ Everyone, move out! Get to the subways! I said move people! ❞ A young woman’s voice commanded through her helmet’s speaker phone. Towering over the civilians running panic, she held her laser rifle at the ready, wearing the symbols of the Brotherhood of steel painted across her chest armor as well as a lion’s head over the shoulder piece.
❝ Sentinel Lyons! We’re about to get overrun! ❞ a knight in power armor yells back, seeing a horde of green skinned humanoids approaching the station.
❝ Shut your mouth, knight or I will blow it off myself! ❞ she snaps back, turning the corner to see how close their enemy had truly gotten. At least two dozen of them, several carrying heavy machinery and possibly a missile launcher. It wasn’t good, but keeping the panic at minimum was her goal.
Bracing for attack, sounds of booming rifles were now firing off rapidly as combat begun. Turning quickly to account for her team, the sentinel quickly shouted command. ❝ Knight Danse, you lead them through the tunnels and eliminate any ferals. We’ll follow you shortly after. ❞
With a quick response and nod, the other knight began to force himself to the front of the pack of civilians and leading them into the darkness.
Their odds where slim, but Sentinel Lyons knew she at least had the brains to pull off the operation even against the numbers she was working against. She pressed on, however, beginning to open fire against supermutants looking to exterminate.
Inside the tunnels, Knight Danse used a dim light to track their route, keeping his gun low to avoid attracting too much attention. It was a group of seven, a family of three, a couple and other individuals that followed the Brotherhood solider into the metro subway just outside the city. ❝ Everyone keep your voices low — We must try to not attract any hostiles. ❞
Hostiles? Weren’t the tunnels supposed to be safe? The thoughts of a nine year old shivered, closing in on her mother as she pulled on the length of her sleeve.
❝ Don’t pull like that, Brittany — ❞
❝ — Quiet! ❞ another snapped.
Despite the low voices, a howl and footsteps came rushing for the group, Danse lifting his rifle up and began to fire quickly. ❝ Get down! ❞ A few rounds into the creature, its arm firing off and soon dead on the ground, the knight kicked it over onto its back to reveal its gruesome nature. ❝ Damn ferals… ❞
The young girl cried a bit, never seeing a ghoul so hideous before, burying her face into her mother’s shirt as they kept walking. Even she was horrified.
A few more turns, a handful walking corpses attacking but nothing short to quick work for the Brotherhood knight, as they approached an open clearing where prewar civilians would gather to board their train. Skeletons lay about everywhere, the scent of decay still lingering after two hundred years.
Cautiously moving forward, Danse lead them up to a broken escalator to hopefully find a safe exit. It was painful in the deafening silence as multiple footsteps climbed up higher. And then more loud footsteps. Then running.
❝ Everyone retreat! ❞ His commands where too late though. As he hoped to prepare the unarmed few with the attack, more feral ghouls had closed in on them. Some at the front, while some had jumped and climbed up the side of the rundown escalators, reaching and clawing from the edges.
In a panic, everyone tried to fend off their attackers, but all most of them could do is scream. Scream for anyone to come save them. End their misery.
The Brotherhood knight refused to backdown, however. Shot after shot, he fired his laser rifle at their foes, taking them down one by one. But forever ghoul he had defeated, they had taken one of his to protect. Even if he were to make it out alive, it was a losing battle.
❝ Take her — ❞ a woman’s voice called out to him, pushing the young girl into his armor. She has already been attacked at her legs, forcing her to moved with her arms and crawling towards him. ❝ Take my baby girl — go on… ❞ Blood was circling down at her ankles as she slowed her movements. It was gruesome, missing both feet and having the feral on her still and pulling the mother back. She yelped, then pleaded up to the knight. ❝ I won’t ask again. ❞
One second felt like an hour. Knight Danse looked down at the sobbing child, dirt smeared across her dark skin and hair that had debris and dried blood stuck to it. He wasn’t going to win, but this girl still stood a small chance of reaching her adult years.
Ceasing fire, the knight took the child up into his arms and began sprinting down the tunnels, ghouls still emerging and surrounding their easy prey. Kicking and screaming, the girl reached out for her mom as she was torn apart by mindless creatures of the radiation. He had to fight to keep her from slipping but the promise was made. Her had to take her and save her.
Outside the tunnel, there was quiet. No more echoed screaming from the underground tunnels. Just soundless horizon and a blinding sun. Setting the girl to her feet, she lost her footing and collapsed to the earth onto her knees, rubbing dirt from her eyes that stuck by her now long tired up tears.
❝ She got torn apart — ❞ the voice squeaked out, coming to the realization that she’d never see her mother again. She never got to hear her father’s voice for the last time, either. His must’ve been quicker. Perhaps far less painful than her mother’s. But now she had nothing — no one in this world.
Kneeing at her level, the knight dropped his gun and pulled the child’s chin up to meet his eyes. ❝ You’re going to be one of us now. ❞
Digging her fingers into the broken cement, shaving her nails down to the skin, the child grit her teeth, then spoke with a tight jaw. ❝ I’m going to kill them all. ❞
Rising from his position, Knight Danse loomed over her, for only a moment’s pity, but then with authority, clearing his voice. ❝ Good. On your feet, squire. ❞ Shaking, with both shock and anger, she rose up to both her feet, knees wobbling against each other. Her hazel eyes found his, now have grown up past her years in a matters of minutes. She didn’t know how else to stand other than as straight as possible, her hands close her sides in balled up fists, ready for a fight. A moment, Danse looked over her, his features hardening. ❝ Outstanding. ❞
They proceeded to then take the long walk back around the city to find the Galaxy New Radio tower to find their brothers and sisters. It was quick that the girl had already begun to fall behind, her feet swollen and shoes worn to the holes in the soles, doing everything she could to march on just like the solider that had saved her. Looking around the area, Danse saw not a single breathing creature other than themselves in the desolate city making any movement. Slowing down a bit, he pulled an armored glove off his hand and proceeded to reach out towards the other.
There was a pause from the girl, then swiftly she reached out for it, clasping onto the warmth of another human and pulling herself closer to him. It would be the last moments of innocence she’d be allowed before becoming just like the rest of them.
16 years later:
❝ Goddamnit, knight! ❞ the sounds of a voice screaming at Brittany through a muffled speaker. The static rang in her ears as more gunfire and smoke shrouded them, leaving much of her eyesight blinded.
She was panicking. Much of the mission had already failed, loosing two initiates in their first bouts of battle and alerting the supermutants to run forth. Everything had turned into a mess quickly. It was supposed to be a simple in and out assignment with clearing out an old SuperDuper mart. The warning of the dead raiders scattered about should’ve been a clear sign to enter with caution, but every Brotherhood solider walked in with ease and confidence. They didn’t even bother with dismantling the grenade traps at the front entrance with killed two initiates immediately.
Now, around the corner of an isle, Brittany clutched to her laser rifle as the supermutants moved in on them, firing off hundreds of rounds from their gatling guns hanging off their hips.
❝ Fuck this, everyone, listen up! ❞ It was Rhys, taking over command on the intercom linked to all the other Brotherhood soldiers. ❝ Line up on the walls and fire towards the center. Eyes and ears open and aim only at things that are bigger, greener and uglier than you — ❞
A response from another solider, ❝ Smart you added greener, Rhys. ❞ Another snort of a laugh from an initiate and the dismantled team started to get themselves back into offensive combat.
Brittany still remained almost paralyzed in her position, her body wanting to move but her feet planted firmly to the ground yet still. Instead, she changed her radio frequency on her helmet, reaching to the base. ❝ Requesting backup. Out numbered and overrun. I repeat, requesting backup. ❞
Despite the team holding it together, it was not to shortly after a recon of paladins came barreling through the mart’s doors, zero contest taking down supermutants quickly with their heavier artillery and completely suited in power armor.
Still slumped in a corner, Brittany listened to the gunfire and the howling cries of the dying green skins, their voices fading as they were parted from the wasteland one by one. The paladins moved forth to find their brothers and sister in arms, one in particular now hovering over Brittany shaking their helm.
❝ On your feet, soldier! ❞ The muffled speaker yelled at the other, the knight’s heard sinking into her chest. It was Danse ❝ Now! ❞
Pushing herself up with every bit of willpower she had, fumbling over her gun as she stood at the ready. There was no sound, but the actions of the paladin’s shoulders moving heavily up and down meant there was an exasperated sigh underneath.
His voice softened a little, but not met without disappointment, taking a few steps back and turning to leave the grocery mart. ❝ Get moving, soldier. Elder Maxson needs to speak to you. ❞
10 years prior:
❝ Piss off — ❞ The young initiate threw her dirty rag at the other, a boy entering his teen years. Catching it in mid air, he threw it back at her and walked off, giving her the finger as he did. Shielding her face, the rag hit her forearm as she cursed out, ❝ Asshole… ❞
In perfect timing, a figure posed behind her, arms folded and frowning. ❝ Watch your tone, initiate. ❞
Outstanding. ❝ He started it, ❞ Brittany plead, kicking the rag from under her feet agains the suit of armor she had been tasked with cleaning. ❝ He’s always messin’ with me, I’m over it. ❞
Standing more at ease, the paladin scratched the side of his head. ❝ You never know who might save you in battle. It’s better to not make enemies out of anyone here, no matter how difficult that task might seem. We’re family, brothers and sisters under one banner.❞ Biting her tongue, she just turned from Danse and quickly started polishing the boot of the power armor, trying to not say anything more out of line with him watching over her. Seeing how she was attempting to control her attitude, he forms a light smirk. ❝ That’s not without siblings fighting here and there. ❞
She paused, turning her head up a bit and easing up, following up with a small grin back at him. ❝ So, you’re saying I can punch him next time? ❞
Waving his hands, he shook his head. ❝ Absolutely not! Not at all what I mean — ❞
Rising to her feet, she flips the rag over her shoulder, then folds her arm. ❝ Uh-huh. I think you said something something, fight something. ❞ With a shrug and pushes her way past him, nudging his rib a bit. ❝ I’ll find a way where Sentinel Lyons won’t find out. ❞
Rubbing his face, he rolls his eyes to follow her. ❝ Well, don’t tell them I said anything if you’re going to do that. Your fellow initiates aren’t as thick skinned as you are, Hart. ❞
❝ You’re damn right. ❞
Long had she been into her teens, and nothing less than difficult. She hardly got along with any of her peers save for a tiny girl that had been getting picked on by the other squires. Brittany tried to show her how to toughen up, but it seemed the young girl by the name of Haylen was more interested in her books and learning.
Danse found himself trying both to distance himself and control the situations. In the end, it seemed he was watching behind glass. Still, he encouraged initiate Hart’s behaviors when it came to the younger sister in the ranks. If nothing else, she’d could protect those weaker than her. 
Something he felt strongly about.
10 years later:
❝ You had such potential, Knight Hart, ❞ the soft tone of Elder Arthur Maxson spoke out, facing away from her with his hands folded behind his back, staring out through the window of the airship given the namesake Prydwen, overlooking the Capital Wasteland. It was no secret once the engines were in perfect condition, they were about to set sail north to the Commonwealth. There was talk of recon team Bravo already setting up base at Cambridge in one of the abandoned police stations a few short months ago. The signal had been lost however, and it was only due time until the rest of them has their eyes looking north.
The mission was to prove ranking as well as joining Danse and one of their top scribes to investigate.
Slowly turning, Maxson’s intense features narrowed on her. ❝ But you’ll be staying here, to finish projects on the Prydwen. We’ve found a more suitable replacement for you in the meantime. ❞ Another step forward, he squints a moment. ❝ You should really thank Knight Rhys. His quick decision making saved the team and your life. ❞
Working her jaw, she simply nods. ❝ Affirmative, elder. ❞
❝ Dismissed. ❞
He barely had to finish exhaling the words from his lips as she about faced from him and removed herself from the room to move to her bunk on the ship. If he only knew it was the paladins that rushed in to save them were the real heroes. And it was her call to ask for backup that allowed them to all to make it out alive. But know one else saw it that way, not even her closest of companions. They all had agreed that Rhys was the one who made the right decision and had the opportunity to take on the special mission with Paladin Danse and Scribe Haylen.
Slumped over the edge of her bed, she sniffed a moment, then rubbed her nose with the sleeve of her uniform, staring down at the flooring between her knees.
❝ Chin up, Hart, ❞ a women’s voice called out to her. Across from her bed was Haylen, quickly jotting down a few notes then closing her notebook shut and tossing it across her bed. ❝ You’ll be in the Commonwealth in a few short months anyway. ❞ Remaining quiet, Brittany just picked at the seam on the knee of her uniform. A bit of a sigh, Haylen pushed herself up from her mattress and plopped herself up next to the knight, folding her legs up and leaning forward to look at the other. ❝ Besides, it’ll be good, they won’t have to send you on anymore dumb errands with the initiates. ❞
Brittany snapped her head around quickly, then barked, ❝ You don’t get it, do you? I’m supposed to go with you two! That’s how it’s always been. Maxson knew he should’ve let me go but him and Rhys have got this — I dunno, thing. I didn’t have to prove myself over and over, it’s bullshit. I should be a paladin by now and I should be watching your backs, not mine! ❞
Pushing her lips to the side, the scribe was certainly not going to miss Brittany’s bouts of frustration, but there was a point. She’d been tasked more over the others to reach rank. It was almost becoming obnoxious. The chemistry the trio had was undeniable, but in the end, it was always about the mission… Everyone was family. ❝ We’ll save you a seat then… ❞
Getting up from the bunk, Haylen just moved back over to hers quietly and settled in, turning off her lamp to mind her own business for the rest of the night. It wasn’t going to help anything; she knew by now that when Knight Hart was upset, it was best to follow up later.
The next morning, the sun barely peaked over the ruins of the city as the Brotherhood managed to start going about their daily duties. Brittany sat in the galley moving her food around a tray, mostly sipping on a cup of black coffee as the world moved around her.
Without asking, Danse placed himself next to her, poking her coffee hand with a fork. ❝ Eat, ❞ he commanded, before putting food in his own mouth.
❝ Not hungry. ❞
Swallowing, he said again, ❝ Eat, or you’ll regret it later. ❞
Wiggling away from him a few inches, she forced herself to take a bite, then flared her nostrils at him. ❝ Happy? ❞
He huffed through his nose, then took another bite of food before speaking again. ❝ You know I’m not happy about it as much as you are, but it’s the way it is. ❞
She keeps her gaze into her coffee mug. ❝ You don’t sound as pissed off. ❞
❝ I’m not going to fight Elder Maxson. He knows what he’s doing and he’s gotten us this far. Plus, he’s ambitious, far more than I’ve seen from anyone else. Our numbers can double once we head north and eliminate the threats there. The Commonwealth is riddled with chaos. Don’t forget our purpose here, Knight. ❞
Their purpose. She doesn’t really remember having an option. One minute she was in the arms of her mother and the next she was competing in push ups for Nuka-Cola against six other squires. She did what she had to survive in order to avenge her parents deaths. If it meant taking out the sins of the wasteland, so be it. But everything she did, it was to follow Danse. He was her mentor and the one person who protected her. When the squires failed in training, he’d always sneak something extra for her to feel better about. Whenever she was stuck with only getting half, he’d offer her his other to make up for it. Without him close by, she wasn’t so sure if she could do it on her own. Just like in the SuperDuper Mart. He was always there when she needed backup.
❝ What am I supposed to do if something happens to you? ❞ she whispered out, cupping both her hands around her coffee tightly. ❝ I can’t call in for backup if you’re not there. ❞
He looks away, now repeating her motions of moving around food on the tray, a bit lost for words. Danse made sure that whatever problems she had, he’d take care of them later. He made a promise to her mother, after all, and he intended to keep it. But now? This was out of his hands. ❝ Just remember everything I ever taught you. It’ll be fine. ❞
They both had their doubts, but neither one of them could say anything.
After a few long moments of silence, Brittany poked his hip, catching his attention and looking at her with wide eyes. ❝ Hm? ❞
❝ You be careful without me, you hear? ❞
He cracks a smile and nods. ❝ Affirmative. ❞
Three years prior:
In the skeleton of the Prydwen, Danse and Hart sat the bar in the galley, clanking their beers together and having a sip. The ship had been well into the process of completion and it was common to find anyone from the Brotherhood hanging out in the different levels. The GNR building was old news at this point and the soldiers were seeking any new environments to hang out in.
Once they had a chance to get the refrigeration going, cold beers become the new norm. For some, it was their first time ever having something cold to drink. It became part of the lifestyle when duties were completed for the day. And everyone wanted to find something to celebrate.
❝ So, congratulations on the ranking of Knight, ❞ Danse starts out, taking a sip out of his bottle.
❝ Cheers to that, ❞ she replied back, drinking from her own. Earlier that day she was granted ranking to Knight by Sentinel Lyons, and finally receiving her first power armor set. She’d been dreaming of having her own for some time now, knowing very well that would put her at the top of her game and able to cut down on her foes far more easily.
Few more beers in, the galley started to clear out of the small party, but the duo still had been chit chatting beyond closing hours. ❝ Bar’s closed you two — ❞
She waves off retired knight running the show behind it. ❝ Yeah, yeah, we’ll close things down. ❞ Danse just shrugs him off, still sipping on his drinks at a steady pace.
❝ We’re going to feel like hell in the morning, ❞ he remarks, looking at her side eyed.
She laughs, rubbing her hand across her face. ❝ Tell me about it — but I don’t wanna ruin a good time now. ❞
He lets out a small chuckle, Brittany herself leaning onto the counter, the palm of her hand digging into her cheek. ❝ You wanna know something wild? ❞
A thick eyebrow lifts, setting down his drink. ❝ What’s that? ❞
She laughs again, rubbing at her eye. ❝ You look exactly the same as I remember you when I was kid. Damn, if I haven’t met a white boy with as good of genes as you. ❞
A snort of a chuckle, then he shakes his head. ❝ Guess I’m lucky? ❞
❝ Very. Have you seen Arthur? He looks 40 and not a day over 18. ❞
Covering his mouth of a laugh, he tries to wipe his lips of his own smirk. ❝ Watch yourself, he’s got potential. ❞
❝ Pfft potential for what? ❞
❝ To beat your ass — ❞
She smacks his arm, then the both of them cracking a bit into a fit of laughter. He wasn’t wrong, by 13 the youngest Maxson had taken down a deathclaw that not even a veteran paladin could do on their own. If they were tough as nails, Arthur Maxson was diamonds.
One year ago:
❝ Knight Hart! ❞ It was Haylen, rushing to the side of the other, panting with her hands to her knees.
Aboard the Prydwen hovering over the ruins of Boston’s airport, the soldier turned to the other, eyes narrowing in with annoyance. ❝ What is it Scribe Haylen? ❞
❝ It’s — it’s Danse. ❞
Alarmed, the knight now had her full attention. ❝ Spit it out, what’s wrong? ❞
❝ Paladin Danse, he’s — he’s a synth. ❞
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tcxastough · 5 years
【🔧】— “Cease fire! Don’t. Shoot. Please.” The woman dropped the screwdriver as the laser pistol discharged and held up her hands, one made of flesh and bone, the other cybernetic-- a combination of polymers and lightweight steel, scratched and scuffed from decades of use; at the upper arm, an old, worn out insignia of two pistols back to back above a circlet of wings. It belonged to a splinter faction of the Brotherhood: the Texas expedition.
        “Swear t’ Gawd, y’all cain’t tell a cripple trynna fix her arm apart from them androids y’all keep hoopin’ n’ hollerin’ about.” She muttered that last part under her breath, but it was just loud enough for the closest soldier to hear her. 
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       “Which one ‘a y’all’s in charge here?” She addressed aloud to the rest of them. “Surely yer CO don’t approve of shootin’ random civillians on th’ basis ‘a havin’ metal prosthetics.”
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
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having a hard time looking at this without laughing 
especially since the second I turned around he was like NO PAY ATTENTION TO ME
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First Lines
@briarfox13 has some good tagged things that I've decided to steal do.
Sierra One Hundred Seventeen | Halo 4 - Master Chief
He stands there silent, staring at the armor bay's gyroscope.
Axios! Ch. 1 | Halo: Reach (post) - Jun A266
Crossing over the threshold of his door had become an exhausting task. All it took was putting one foot in front of the other.
Axios! Ch. 2 | Halo: Landfall - Lt. Frëja Luka Sylvän Kirch E241
Bright light from the mid-morning sun cuts through the tattered canvas sheet I hung up in the window the previous night. I was desperate, alone, separated from my fireteam and I needed to get out of sight.
Good luck, Sir | Halo 4/5, Red vs Blue - Jun A266, Freelancer Vermont
The words echo in Jun's head, louder than the hum coming from the ship's systems. The UNSC Infinity, that's where he is now; and he hates it.
A Private Moment On Deck | Fallout 4 - Nate x Maxson
"I TOLD you I had it!” Danse yells across the war table. His fists remained clenched as he glares across the table at Sentinel Nathaniel.
An Encrypted Farewell | Mass Effect 2 - Shepard Ashley Williams
Nathaniel’s fingers curled around the railing, hands shaking at the chill of the metal. Or was it the anxiety? He couldn’t tell the difference.
Come Back Home | Mass Effect AU - Alessa Shepard x Armando-Owen Bailey
Alessa's skin glistens under the dimmed lights of her bedroom. Warm tones from the ceiling refract off the drops of sweat, sparkling like the stars that painted the sky.
Crossing A Line pt. 2 | Fallout 4 Long Fic w.i.p.
The steam billowed around at his feet as Nate stepped out of the shower stall.
Axios! Ch. 4 | Halo 4 (post) - Jun A266 x Frëja E241
Jun's hand was mere centimeters from the access pad, when he heard it. He's known that pain, hell he still has those days. The days where he wakes up screaming, sweat dripping from his brow with tears having stained the pillow in his sleep.
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toxickimi · 3 years
Pictures of the Gang:
Kimikyo Hokkadoshi
Yuriko Hokkadoshi
Azumi Hokkadoshi
Kai Hokkadoshi
Hiroaki Hokkadoshi
Aiko Hokkadoshi/Hannah
Master List for Fan-Fics
New Vegas:: WIP
Found Here
:Canon: Completed
Found here
::First Alternate Timeline:: Kimi X Danse Completed
Found here
::Second Alternate Timeline:: Kimi X Maxson Completed
Starts after Ch. 4 of my original Fan fic (first au) which is why the first 4 chapters are below. Chapter 5 and onward will be different. Also it's all on Wattpad now because I guess Tumblr only allows a certain amount of characters. Please enjoy!
Found Here
::Third Alternate Timeline:: Nuka World Completed
Starts after Ch. 7 of my KxD Fan fic.
Found Here
::Holiday Specials::
Halloween (KxM TL)
Valentine's Day (KxD TL)
:Fantasy AU: Completed
Found here
::One Shot Stories::
These are all one off stories that fit in either the 1st Alternate Timeline or the 2nd Alternate Timeline. I will mark which one's they belong in. They will not be expanded on at this time. Please enjoy!
♥ 1A = 1st Alternate Timeline ♥ 2A = 2nd Alternate Timeline ♥
Childhood PT 1 (Both)
Childhood PT2 (Both)
Meeting Goris (2A)
Maxson X Kimikyo Honey Moon (2A)
First Blood Moon (Both)
Goris Returns (2A)
Kimikyo X Danse Honeymoon (1A)
Snow Day (2A)
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pb1138 · 5 years
Note: All of my stories are either in 2nd person (x reader) or using my OCs for that fandom. There are no in-game-character x in-game-character stories within this list. Also, I accept requests! I am not limited to the characters or even fandoms on this list, so feel free to ask! I will go ahead and warn, I don’t know Star Wars enough to write about it (old and new,) neither do I know many animes. Dragon Age, Star Trek, and the MCU are my biggest fandoms so you’ll likely have the best luck there.
***The Arcana***
Asra       Fictober Day 5: Build (pre-death Morgana)  Lucio       Fictober Days 9: Swing, 10: Pattern, and 14: Overgrown (companion fic to Fictober Day 5: Build. (Pre-death Morgana)) 
Poison Ivy       Fictober Prompt: Plants
Victor Zsasz        Fictober Prompt: Drooling
Markus       Friends of Red Jack Ch. 1
Alena (Brief Solas romance then Cullen romance?):       Faded to be Together Ch. 1 “Jail Break”                                           Ch. 2 “The Road”
Alistair:       A Sleepless Night
Anders:        Fictober Day 2: Mindless
Blackwall:            Masonry and Woodworking       Under the Moonlight       Fictober Day 3: Bait
Cassandra:       Soft       Seeking Truth in Song: Prologue
Cullen:            The Perfect Moment              Dear Diary        Fictober Prompt: Eyes       Fictober Prompt: Tranquility (NSFW)
Fenris:                       Penance       Let’s Tell the Templars
Josephine:        Fictober Day 4: Freeze (Mafia au)             Fictober Day 6: Husky (Part 2 of Freeze, mafia au)              Fictober Day 7: Enchanted (Part 3 of Freeze, mafia au)             Fictober Day 8: Frail (Part 4 of Freeze, mafia au)
Iron Bull:        Fictober Prompt: Roasted
Isabela:        I Won’t Say I’m in Love       Fictober Day 1: Ring
Solas:        Fictober Prompt: Rain (NSFW)       Fictober Prompt: Poison       Frescoes and Lullabies 
Varric:        A Reunion Chapter 1                         Chapter 2                         Chapter 3                          Chapter 4                         Chapter 5 Zevran:        Estamos Enamorados, No?       Beautiful Beyond Words
***FALLOUT ***
Cait       Resplendent
Companions React (Note: No DLC companions, and often Maxson) 
      Sole Singing “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You”        Sole Asking Them to Lotion a Tattoo       A Field Trip Gone Wrong        Sole Tells Shaun They’re Disappointed in Him 
Hancock:        Some Beautiful Shit 
Maccready:             It’s My Fault
Maxson:          Car Ride
      Throw Him in the River
Vasco:         The Silence
         Thorin:                     Sleep Well Pt. 1                                      Pt. 2
Bucky       Now That I See You Chapter 1                                        Chapter 2                                        Chapter 3                                                     Chapter 4 
Cable:        See Something You Like? (NSFW)       Till Death Do Us Part       Through the Window        The Protector
Frank Castle:        I Want to Love You (NSFW) Loki:        A Father’s Blessing
Matt Murdock:        To What Do I Owe This Pleasure? Chapter 1                                                                   Chapter 2
Peter Parker:        Some Breakfast and a Bet
 Wolverine:        Reparations Chapter 1
Garrus:        Fictober Prompt: Exhausted 
Liara:       Paradise       Apples and Promises
***Outer Worlds***
Vicar Max:       Comforts of Home
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)        The Scent of a Plain-Ass Girl (NSFW)
Farkas:         The Rain
Data:       El Tango de Data                    Jealousy       Thank You for Teaching Me How to Love       A Mission Gone Wrong       Very Well Rendered (NSFW)       The Officer’s Ball
Odo (platonic):        Custody Arrangements
Spock:        I’m So Sorry, T’Hy’la
Dean:        Thunder
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cats-obsessions · 6 years
Just in case you forgot (because I sure as hell did)- I’m writing a fic! And Chapter 3 was just published! Whooo!
When Everything Changes Ch.3          
Arthur Maxson/Female Sole Survivor (Nora) 
Chapter Summary: Nora struggles to come to terms with her growing fondness of the BOS (and Arthur) despite her commitment to the Railroad. She starts to realize keeping her BOS and Commonwealth worlds separate may be impossible when the Elder selects her to visit the Commonwealth with him. 
Read on ao3 here!!
The Brotherhood wanted to collect technology in the Saugus Ironworks building. At first, the errands seemed useless, but when she saw scribes like Haylen actually put the parts to use, it became a welcome challenge for her to find the rarest parts on missions like this; it was an added bonus when that meant wiping out psychopaths like the Forged that had been giving the settlers a hard time. 
Nora was perched on a boulder, sniping them down from a distance while Danse took them on from a closer range in his power armor, shielded from their flames. Dense smoke filled the air, carrying the noxious smells of chemicals and ashes. When the last Forged fell, Nora surveyed the area while Danse inspected the terminals outside of the plant. 
The snapping of a twig alerted her to the presence of approaching footsteps. She quickly pulled out her pistol to face the intruder only to see Deacon. Nora sighed dismissively before going back to the scope of her rifle. 
“What do you want?” she said coldly. 
“Agent Whisper hasn’t shown up for a few weeks. Just checkin’ to make sure you haven’t replaced me.” Deacon said casually, not even addressing the fact he stalked her who-knows-how-far to ‘check in’ on her.
“Oh, don’t worry. I could never find anyone your brand of obnoxious in the Brotherhood.” she responded, only half joking. 
“Come on, Nora,” Deacon folded his arms impatiently. “And look at me for a second. I know there’s no one down there anymore!” he gestured to the empty parking lot where Danse was accessing a terminal to search logs for mentions of tech.
“Danse is down there and I’m not about to let some fire bastard sneak up on him.”Her dismissiveness made him finally snap. “You’re mad at me-
Read the rest here!
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
Bonds of Smoke and Steel, ch. 4
I know I said I wasn't gonna post IP works but I haven't touched this story in a million years so I figured I'd make an exception
Full chapter over on AO3!
The rain kept him in Sanctuary longer than anticipated.
The storm had rolled in late that first night back, well after the barbecue had ended. Visitors from out of town dispersed into nearby homes or, in some cases, the small inn that had been constructed on a reclaimed lot a few years back. A 'bed and breakfast,' Taylor had tried to explain it once, back when construction had started, and Danse still remembered the way he'd smiled when the former paladin had expressed his confusion on what breakfast had to do with anything. 
"Bit of a silly luxury, don't you think?"
"What a world to live in, where breakfast counts as a luxury."
Danse, who, at the time, had yet to experience pancakes, had merely shrugged and kept his observations that ration bars were hardly anything to get excited over to himself.
And now here he was, years later, trying to get comfortable on a too-soft bed in a too-clean room, muted yellow light from the streetlamp outside filtering in through rain spattered panes of glass, knowing when he got up the next morning there'd be something decent to eat, possibly even delicious if Maks had anything to say about it, something included in the fees Danse hadn't had to pay at the General's insistence. 
Something he'd promised to share with Taylor, once upon a time. Before Liberty Prime's destruction, before Taylor betrayed the Brotherhood for the Institute, before…
Before so many unthinkable things that Danse had tried not to contemplate but found himself dwelling on again and again and only now, three fucking years later, did he begin to doubt his own convictions. 
"I needed him to find another way."
Maks's words dovetailing with a letter sent so long ago, a request that Danse meet with the man he'd grown so fond of, so that Taylor might have the chance to explain himself. A chance Danse hadn't been willing to give him, before, but now…
"It wasn't part of his plan, Danse."
Danse shifted, grunting as he fought with the pillow beneath his head and rolled onto his side. Watched the rain race rapidly in streaming rivulets down the glass of the window and felt anything but tired. 
Missing sons found, but not in the state they'd expected. Experiments and rationalizations and proposed course-changes. A way to do some good, after far too long doing bad. 
Promises too good to be true, but what if he'd been looking for confirmation of his own biases? Seeing what he wanted to see, because on some level he thought he…deserved it? Betrayal for betrayal, because the alternative was…
Acceptance. The fact that Taylor still cared, even after learning the truth about him. 
"Don't do this, Taylor. Don't…don't betray your oath for my sake."
"I'm not."
Talking Maxson down and Danse had felt so small in that moment. Small and insignificant until Taylor came to stand beside him. Resolute and unmoving and he didn't know what that feeling was, that sensation of tightness in his chest, watching Taylor take his stance and make his case.
Make Danse's case, because Danse hadn't found his words, didn't think there were any to justify his continued existence, an abomination wearing a human face. 
Danse shifted on the bed again, turning onto his other side with a huff of impatience. Kicked off the sheets when it got too hot, pulled them back up when the poor seal on the window let storm-cooled air flow over his bare arms. And all the while the words echoing in his head, so messy and tangled looking back on them now, three years later. 
He'd clung to Taylor's affection when he'd lost his own sense of self. Clung to his purpose, his oath something to be kept in conjunction with his, held close in steady hands as they sanded away the Brothers of Steel insignia when Danse's own couldn't seem to stop shaking. Callused palms on his cheeks, chapped lips pressed to his, every night a reminder against his skin:  you matter, you matter, you will always matter to me. 
Too difficult, then, to bridge the gap between Taylor's promises and his actions. 
Danse sat up, abandoning any notion that he would be sleeping tonight. Scooted back until he could rest against the wall and watched the rain as the world seemed to sleep all around him. 
He left Sanctuary two days later, and this time he left a note. 
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winntir · 5 years
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I want to post about one of my autistic characters this month and this turned out to be my only opportunity due to general laziness. Sorry! Yes, my Fallout 4 character is autistic; all of my RPG characters are autistic.
Name: Hazel Martinson
Nickname: Blue, Nuka-Girl
Age: 31 (241 post status)
Height: 5’9” (1.75m)
Weight: 142 lbs. (64 kg)
Specials: 6 ST, 5 PE, 6 EN, (+) 8 CH, 7 IN, 7 AG, 7 LK
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Cool Brown, Unscrupulous
Body type: Ectomorphic
Status Pre-War: Legal Advisor (maternity reasons), Court Lawyer (out of practice)
Status Currently: Minuteman General, Brotherhood of Steel Paladin, Railroad Heavy
Relationship Status: Dating, formerly widowed
Spouse: Nate Adami (deceased)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Cisgender female
Ethnicity: Jewish-Irish-Danish
Family: Shaun Gianni Adami-Martinson (biological son, deceased), Shaun/S9-23 (adoptive son)
Languages: English, Yiddish, Latin
Disabilities/Illnesses/Injuries: Molerat Disease; former Strep throat
Allergies: Gluten, dairy
Scars: Three facial scars (one over left eye, one on the temple descending the cheek, one under her eye)
Physical traits: Angular facial features, prominent freckles, pointed nose
Voice: Low, gravely and sweet
Clothing: Minuteman General Uniform and tricorne hat, Minuteman outfit and militia hat, Agatha's Dress
Fashion Style/Lifestyle: Handyman, militia
Weapon of Choice: Focused Six-Shot Laser Musket, Deliverer, Electrified Chinese Officer's Sword
Skills: Marksmanship, Lockpicking, Hacking
Weaknesses: Brushes easily, radiation sponge
Poor skills: Swimming
Affiliations: Minutemen, Railroad
Former Affiliations: Nash & Hobbs Law firm (non-canon), Children of Atom
Enemies: Institute, Gunners; Raiders, Super Mutants, Trappers (Hostis humani generis)
Neutral Affiliations: Arcadia, Brotherhood of Steel, Far Harbor
Religion: Reform Judaic (non-practicing)
Likes: A challenge, A job well done, Nuka-Cola, A well cooked meal, Piper Wright, Cait, Jazz, Historical studies, Hobby work
Dislikes: Killing dogs, chems, alcohol, Nuka-Cola, dogmatic persons
Hates: Murder, bigotry, deception in social circumstances
Friends: Nick Valentine, Preston Garvey, Robert Joseph MacCready, John Hancock
Acquaintances: Glory, Deacon, Old Longfellow, Jack Spencer (deceased, OC), Strong, Curie
Former friends: DiMA
Enemies: High Confessor Tektus, X6-88 (deceased), Mayor McDonough synth (deceased), Conrad Kellogg (deceased), Arthur Maxson
Pets: Dogmeat
Fallout OC friends/family: Winston Nash (deceased, OC), Franklin Hobbs (deceased, OC), Joan Maynard (deceased, OC), Robert Martinson (father, deceased), Ruth Martinson (née Mandelbaum, mother, deceased), Ethel Blum (née Martinson, sister, deceased), Arther Blum (brother-in-law, deceased)
Personality: She's an inquisitive soul whose social anxieties go away if she can learn something from them. She doesn't think about the things she does, saving thought for when she has the time. She protects what people she's still close to from cruel fates. Friendship is optional when it comes to the people she knows.
Favorite color: Mauve
Favorite foods: Noodles, Omelette, Deathclaw steak, Mirelurk Queen steak, Grilled radroach,
Favorite drinks: Refreshing beverage, Vim, Ice cold Nuka-Cide, Dirty Wastelander
Favorite Sweets: Chocolate, Pudding
Other info:
Hazel was a successful lawyer before the war. She was a well-liked member of the Nash & Hobbs Law Firm, which had liberal leanings throughout its lifetime. She was accused of being a communist multiple times in her career, and went up against obstacles most wouldn't be comfortable with, but didn't quit. She only took a break because she had a baby and want to spend a year off to take care of him, having the ability to work in an advisory capacity at that time.
Her relationship with Nuka-Cola has so much baggage. She doesn't really like the flavor or caffeine kick, but will drink Nuka-Cide when she needs a pick-me-up. During her career, she defended the company's copyright issues regarding Nuka-Quartz and Vim Quartz, which made her "Nuka-Girl" in the eyes of most who didn't know her personally.
An awkward part of her new life is finding love. See, she's attracted to both Cait and Piper, both physically and romantically. The options are choosing one or the other. Polyamory might no go over well with Piper. She's currently in a relationship with the reporter, but she's trying to broach the topic of adding to it.
The part of Hazel some are appreciative of while other despise are her chess master mentality. Everything is a game of wits to win, but that hasn't gone well. In her fight against the Institute, she was juggling everyone to get the best possible result, but made mistakes along the way. In her adventure into Fair Harbor, she tried to do what was necessary to minimize casualties while keeping the peace, but found little comfort in what she'd done. She tries to be clever, but that hasn't always paid off.
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anzellla-remade · 8 years
i think we can all agree sarah lyons’ “death” was an assassination attempt
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radreactions · 7 years
Open Mic at Third Rail - Part Two
The Sole Survivor dedicates a song to a companion. Written by none other than @saintlyguy!
Longfellow - "The Escape" by Rupert Holmes
The first stop in the Commonwealth for a Far Harbor man was a decent bar. Where else to look besides The Third Rail? Ordering the oldest, brownest liquor on the shelf, Longfellow knew he had found a bar counter he’d be proud to pass out on. Good drinks and a good partner, Sole. But their choice in drinks made Longfellow cringe. Sole sipped on a fruity looking drink that had an umbrella. “What the hell is that?”
“It’s called a pina colada. Wanna drink?”
“That tropical mess is not a solid drink.”
Sole proved the old man wrong when they went on stage drunk, after Magnolia had encouraged someone to sing in her place.
Longfellow ordered one thinking “What the fuck is in this thing?” Then he ordered another one. Another one. Another one.
Soon Sole wasn’t alone on stage.
Arm in arm, two drunks serenaded the unhappy patrons of The Third Rail.
MacCready - "Sakura Kiss" from Ouran High School Host Club
Back in the Third Rail with his employer turned traveling buddy, MacCready sat beside Sole with a bottle of beer and watching their back. You never know who’ll come up to you in a bar. On the lookout for trouble, Mac only found patrons sharing their tongues. A vocalized shudder caught Sole’s attention. “What’s wrong? Don’t like kissing?”
Trying to regain his cool “Not at all. As a matter of fact I’m quite the kisser myself. It’s just freaky watching others do it. Or even hear it mentioned.” Guess you can take the Mac out of Little Lamplight, but you can’t take the Little Lamplight out of Mac.
Sole had a fun idea to push Mac’s buttons. “Y’know, it’s open mic night. Could you go over my list of songs I could sing?”
Mac scanned Sole’s list only to cumble it up and throw it away.
“YOU DIC- I mean jerk! ‘Kiss on my List’ ‘Last Kiss’ ‘Kiss Me’? Are you trying to pis- I mean get under my skin? Just sing something else, anything else! Hel- I mean heck sing one of those cheesy theme songs of those pre-war shows!”
When a grin crept onto Sole’s, Mac knew he just fanned the flames. They leapt on stage, dedicated a song to Mac and all the lovely couples.
Although he didn’t say it, Mac’s mind could only think on word: fuck.
Maxson - "War" by Edwin Starr
Dragged by Sole from the Prydwyn, Maxson was forced to go on an intervention trip to address his prejudice. The trip to The Slog almost lead to a fire fight, Sanctuary proved a bit more successful (but that was because Sole was showing Maxson a bunch of ghoul kids who were in awe at his gatling laser and pulled his beard), but the most fulfilling (surprisingly) was the trek to Goodneighbor. After having his gatling laser and other weapons confiscated, Maxson went on a forced tour of the settlement led by none other than their mayor. The day ends with Sole and Maxson at The Third Rail. As much as Maxson would like to burn the place to the ground, Sole had planted a question he’d never thought before: Could he be wrong? Maxson’s train of thought was derailed when he heard Sole on stage.
If anyone could change Maxson’s mind, it would be Sole.
Nick - "Changes" by David Bowie
Sole and Nick had a lot in common. They were two pre-war souls trapped in the future. No amount of cigarettes could ever settle Nick’s circuitry and no amount of alcohol could harden Sole enough for such a savage world. But at least they had each other; they were partners who’d watch each other’s backs and have each other’s backs. Nick was assured once more of this truth when his partner stole the limelight during The Third Rail’s open mic.
“Turn and face the strange
Don’t wanna be a richer man.
Turn and face the strange
Just gonna have to be a different man.
Time may change me, but I can’t trace time.”
That chorus got Nick thinking: “A different man huh? Maybe I should be a different man.” Pulling out a holotape labled “Eddie Winter,” Nick was going to ask Sole for a personal favor. Right after this song.
Piper - "Nobody But You" by The Wondergirls
Nothing could escape a reporter’s curiosity, especially if said reporter was Piper Wright. She had uncovered many mysteries: the case of the missing sock, what was the secret recipe in Takahashi’s noodles, who ate the last fancy lad cake in the fridge? But the question that piqued her interest the most: is Blue interested in anyone (her in particular)? Certainly the most eligible bachelor(ette) in the Commonwealth must have their eyes on someone (please let it be me, Piper hoped). This was a question she needed to answer. Drunk that is. Hopefully she won’t remember making an ass of herself if they turn her down. Drinks at The Third Rail’s open mic night. The perfect opportunity. And if she messes up, hopefully she can use the background singing to cover her muck ups. Five shots in, Piper was starting to feel brave. And drunk.
“Yo Blue! Hey that rhymed. I gotta ask you something. Do you like anyone?”
“What do you mean, Piper?”
Time to be direct. That is if the alcohol would let her.
“Do you like anyone? I mean anyone called Piper? Last name: Wright? Because a little birdie told me that Piper Wright likes you. Like really likes you. By the way I’m Piper Wright.”
Before Sole could answer, they were hoisted onto the stage by Magnola, leaving Piper yearning for an answer that would have to wait after an imprompted song. Or would she?
“I want nobody, nobody but you!
Nobody, nobody but you!
How could I be with another?I don’t want any other. I want nobody, nobody. Nobody, Nobody!”
Drunk Piper sat confused as to what was happening. Sole must be singing a secret code. They like somebody. It must have something to do with them pointing to me whenever they say you. Who does Blue like?
Preston - "The Star Spangled Man With a Plan" from The First Avenger
The General and their Right Hand Man had just helped another settlement with raider problems, the two needed a place to relax and maybe get a drink. The mayor of Goodneighbor was happy to comp the two with drinks from the top shelf at The Third Rail. The two toasted and began to unwind. Preston needed this as much as the General. He needed some time to tell them how impressed and proud he is of what they’ve accomplished.
“I still can’t believe how you managed to bring the Minutemen back from beyond the grave. You must be a born leader.”
“Or just really convincing. Y’know during the war, I did commercials before I became a soldier.”
“What did you sell?”
“War bonds. Before I could fight on foreign soil, I had to fight at home. And I was in tights and singing.”
Taking by surprised, Preston had to repeat Sole. “Singing, how?”
Chugging a the bottle the two have been sharing, Sole took to the stage. Conveniently it was open mic night.
Preston watched, holding back giggles as Sole marched and sang with a trashcan lid which they seem to be using as a shield.
“Who’s strong and brave, here to save the American way?
Not all of us can storm a beach or drive a tank, but there’s a way all of us can fight.
Who vows to fight like a man/girl for what’s right, night and day?
Series E Defense Bonds: each one you but is a bullet in the barrel of your best guy’s gun.
Who will campaign door to door for America? Carry the flag shore to shore for America?
From Hoboken to Spokane.
Strong - "All Star" by Smash Mouth
Who’s idea was it to bring a super mutant to open mic night? That’s right. Sole, the Vault Dweller from Vault 111. But it really wasn’t there fault. How could they have known that singing would pump up their super mutant friend. They didn’t even get past the first word.
Right on the second syllable, their pal Strong smashed the table, ready to thrash about.
Sole stood onstage wetting themselves, whimpering.
-“the world is gonna roll me.”
X6-88 - "Legend Has It" by Run the Jewels
“We need two volunteers to take Magnolia’s spot while she powders her nose!”
X6 reluctantly followed Sole to the lit stage where two microphones awaited for them. He never wanted to do this, but he was prepared for this and a list of other scenarios. Y’know, to help him blend in.
Sole waited ecstatically with a mic, turning to X6 and playfully warning him: “Don’t freeze.”
“I never freeze.”
And the courser took the fuck off.
“Hear what I say! We are the business today!
Fuck shit is finished today!
X6 and Sole! We the new PB & J!”
An unexpected but welcomed surprise! Sole allowed X6 to demolish this first verse then came in to shred.
“We are the murderous pair
that went to jail and we murdered the murderers there. Then went to Hell and discovered the devil, delivered some hurt and despair!”
Oh what a murderous pair they were indeed.
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sigurdjarlson · 6 years
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She knew where it was from she just wanted to hear it confirmed.
Meeting Maxson was like the same hat comic except
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