#ch. arthur maxson
tcxastough · 5 years
【🔧】— “Cease fire! Don’t. Shoot. Please.” The woman dropped the screwdriver as the laser pistol discharged and held up her hands, one made of flesh and bone, the other cybernetic-- a combination of polymers and lightweight steel, scratched and scuffed from decades of use; at the upper arm, an old, worn out insignia of two pistols back to back above a circlet of wings. It belonged to a splinter faction of the Brotherhood: the Texas expedition.
        “Swear t’ Gawd, y’all cain’t tell a cripple trynna fix her arm apart from them androids y’all keep hoopin’ n’ hollerin’ about.” She muttered that last part under her breath, but it was just loud enough for the closest soldier to hear her. 
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       “Which one ‘a y’all’s in charge here?” She addressed aloud to the rest of them. “Surely yer CO don’t approve of shootin’ random civillians on th’ basis ‘a havin’ metal prosthetics.”
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
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having a hard time looking at this without laughing 
especially since the second I turned around he was like NO PAY ATTENTION TO ME
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toxickimi · 3 years
Ch 5 Dress Maker (FO4 AU)
Kimikyo and Azumiral made their way down to the throne room where the dress maker and her assistant was stood. "Ah the young princess. It is a pleasure." Everyone bowed to each other. "Let us get started. Is there a room we could go to?" Azumiral nodded, leading them to Kimikyo's room. They hung a long cloth on the door way as Kimikyo changed into a a thin dress. "Now my dear I think you would look lovely in a back-less dress. that flowed to the ground." Kimikyo looked uneasy as the assistant took measurements while the dress maker spoke. "No...no back-less dresses please. I'd prefer my back be covered." Azumiral stood at the door giving Kimikyo the chance to speak for herself. "Ah, that is a shame, you have such a lovely figure. Perhaps a coreset sweet heart dress or maybe even a ball gown?" "Oh ma'am I think she'd be lovely in a mermaid style dress with feathers, or perhaps a more modern style that has a slit up the side." The dress maker and her assistant tossed around ideas for a while, confusing Kimikyo all around. The was a slight knock on the frame of the door. "Is Kimikyo in here?" Azumiral pulled back the cloth to see Maxson standing there. "Ah Elder Maxson. She is with the dress maker right now. Is it urgent?" "We have training today." Azumiral shook her head. "I'm afraid she'll be much to busy for any training for at least a month." Kimikyo walked over sticking her head out to look at Maxson. "Save me." Maxson walked in the room seeing the two tailors still talking before looking at Azumiral. "Speaking of which don't you have training too? Do I have to bring this up to your mother?" Kimikyo looked between Maxson and Azumiral before sighing. "Ladies, may we take this outside? I'm afraid I have to do training." The tailors looked over before nodding. "Why yes! Natural lighting will give the better results and you can view the photos while you're out there." Kimikyo then looked at Azumiral. "There. Problem solved." Everyone made there way out of the room allowing Kimikyo to change into better suited clothes before she met the group outside. Maxson was stood in the sun, leaving the two woman aside in the the shaded area. "Do you think he's her groom to be?" "I don't believe so, there would have been news." "He's so handsome though." The two woman giggled, Kimikyo hearing them as she approached. "You mentioned pictures?" "Ah yes." The assistant handed some drawing over to Kimikyo who took them with her as she approached Maxson. Maxson took them from her making her run five laps, though he looked through the pictures.
Once she was done running Maxson handed her the drawings back as she waved the two woman over. "Can you please show me these while I'm training?" The assistant looked at her, puzzled for a moment before she flipped through the photos of different style dresses while Kimikyo started working on her punches again. Maxson then showed her the post way to kick, having her copying him. "I like the skirt on the empire dress but can we have the top like the align? Also can we add something to cover the back. Something like a shawl, cloak or cape?" The assistant flinched at every punch and kick made by the two. "Y-Yes ma'am. We'll draw you something up and have...have it sent over." Kimikyo ended up falling to the ground on one of Maxson's blocks. "Princess!" Kimikyo sat up shaking her head then rubbing it slightly. "Are you okay, Kimikyo?" Maxson looked at her, almost with concern. "Ye-yea...I'm fine." She slowly stood up with the help or Maxson and the assistant. "You were saying?" She looked over at the assistant who looked like a nervous wreck. "We'll...we'll send you a few drawings. Good day ma'am." She and the dress maker quickly left just as Azumiral arrived. "They seemed in a rush. Did you choose one already?" "No. They are going to draw up designs and send them over." Azumiral sighed and nodded. "Next on your list is to meet with the shoe maker. I'm afraid you won't be able to sneak your way out of this one. He'll be here soon so don't be long." Azumiral rushed away, leaving the two alone. Maxson
looked down at Kimikyo who looked annoyed. "What is this all about?" "What? The ceremony?" She looked up at him before sighing. "It's my coming of age ceremony. It's when I will be given my royal tiara, I have to dance with all princes and noble bachelors, meet everyone, and I show them all my true form." "The fish?" Kimikyo went quiet for a moment. "Yea...the koi fish. That they will all laugh at. Of course you all won't have to sit through it." "Why's that?" Kimikyo was taken back by his question. "B-Because...you'll be back in your world. All of this will just be a distant dream...I doubt you will come back. You're a leader there.." "Didn't your mother say an hour is are only minutes there?" Kimikyo nodded to him the both going silent. "I better get going." Kimikyo turn, walking back into the castle. Kimikyo met with the show maker who showed her several designs. "Do you have any flats?" Azumiral shook her head at Kimikyo. "No flats. You are going to be twenty-one. You must learn to walk in heals." Kimikyo groaned before pointing to the smallest pair of heals. "These then...make them silver colored please." The shoe maker nodded before he began taking measurements of her feet. Soon he was gone leaving the two alone. "Speak of heels. Mother has bought you a pair to practice walking in. They are in your room as well as a few books for you to read." Kimikyo nodded silently to Azumiral. "Very well. I suppose I will go to them then." She stood, walking to her room. The door was already fixed by the time she returned. She went into her room, locking the door behind her. She laid on her bed as she grabbed the wolf plush. "Where did you come from, I wonder?" Kimikyo walked over to the table where the books were. She sat the wolf on the table before she began to read them. Time escaped her before she knew it, it was morning. She looked at the window seeing the sun rising. "Oh..." She let out a yawn as she walked to the door, unlocking it just as Azumiral knocked. "The dress maker sent over designs as did the she maker. Please choose one." Azumiral handed the pictures over to Kimikyo along with extra books. Kimikyo nodded as she looked through the designs. "Good lord Kimikyo, did you stay up all night?" Azumiral looked over seeing the new plush on the table. "Where did this one come from?" "Oh...he appeared the other night wrapped up. Not a clue how he get here. I woke up to him next to me. I've named him Arthur like the king from those fantasy books." "I see...well he sure is a cutie." Kimikyo nodded to Azumiral before handing over a dress design and a shoe design. "I like these." "Alright I'll send them back. I must say you're a lot faster at picking then Kigra was. She took two weeks to pick and even then she was picky about everything." Azumiral left, sending the approved design back to the makers. That after noon a box of fabrics arrived. Kimikyo was hid away in the animal barn, sleeping on a coiled Iza. Maxson and Azumiral searched high and low for her only for Danse to find her when he went to check on the lioness cub of his. Iza watched Danse carefully as he stepped closer. "I'm just checking on her. The whole castle is searching for her." Danse moved closer to make sure she was fine only to back away when he heard faint snoring. "See? I'm friend, wasn't going to hurt her." Iza lowered his head to Danse, allowing him to place his head on him. "So you're her baby boy? I thought you would have been smaller." Danse chuckled lightly before leaving to the castle to inform Maxson. Maxson walked in the barn to see not only Iza there but now Rose and Vi all cuddled together sleeping. "Don't let any say she's not brave." Maxson watched for a moment before walking over to the group, placing his coat over Kimikyo as a cover before leaving. When Kimikyo finally woke up the coat was long gone thanks to Iza who had it on his head like a hat. Kimikyo sat up, rubbing her eyes. She looked outside still seeing that it was light out. "Iza...?" Iza looked over at her, his tongue sticking out. "Iza what is on your head?" She giggled
lightly, climbing up him only to freeze when she saw Maxson's coat. "Iza!!!" She had thought the worse. She grabbed the coat and ran inside to Azumiral, tears streaming down her face. "A-A-Azumiral! Iza-he-he!" She showed Azumiral the coat with Azumiral only giving her a weird look. "Yes? That is Elder Maxson's coat?" "Iza ate him!!" Kimikyo held onto the coat only to glare at Azumiral who made a snorting said as she tried not to laugh. Azumiral began to laugh as Kimikyo rushed to the kitchen. "Everyone! I need something to make Iza puke! Now!!" The staff hurried around gathering some of the smelliest fruit. Kimikyo ran out of the kitchen past Maxson, though she didn't notice. "Iza!! Iza eat these." Iza hissed at the smell but Kimikyo still pried his mouth open, shoving the fruit it. Aiko walked in the barn at the wrong time seeing Kimikyo sticking out of Iza, Rose and Vi were huddled in the corner terrified and Iza was trying to pulling her out of his mouth. Aiko slowly backed away from the scene only to bump into Maxson who looked just as concerned. "That's...something." "I assure you...this is actually normal." The walked away going to have tea at Aiko's insistence. Aiko sipped on her tea, while working on documents. "You will all be able to leave by tomorrow. I suggest saying farewell to anyone as you may not be able to return." "Ma'am?" Aiko glanced up at him. "The mages tell me there is a chance the portal will close once you step through as a way to correct the flow of time and universes. Once the last of you are through you may not e able come back." "Thank you for informing us." Aiko went back to her work. "I will of course be giving you four a feast before you leave but you might wish to spend what little time you have with that young, overly emotional, daughter of mine." Maxson froze at her words before looking over to see Kimikyo walking sluggishly back to the castle in utter defeat. She was covered in snake spit and vomit. "A funny lot those four. She found Iza when he was on the brink of death. Right after her father passed none the less. Then came Vi...he is the last of his kind and she welcomed him in with open arms though she was terrified at first. Then came Rose...we weren't expecting her to grow. We thought she was a normal black widow." "With all due respect, why are you telling me this?" Aiko giggled lightly before looking up at him. "You are her friend and you saw what I saw in that barn. I don't want you thinking I was going to let my daughter be eaten. What you've seen up until now was a mask that she puts on. She's hurting...and I believe that you four have helped her come out of that dark place." Maxson stood from his chair before returning to his room. Aiko watched him until he was out of her sight. "Interesting..." She grinned before gathering her work, returning to the castle herself.
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cats-obsessions · 6 years
Just in case you forgot (because I sure as hell did)- I’m writing a fic! And Chapter 3 was just published! Whooo!
When Everything Changes Ch.3          
Arthur Maxson/Female Sole Survivor (Nora) 
Chapter Summary: Nora struggles to come to terms with her growing fondness of the BOS (and Arthur) despite her commitment to the Railroad. She starts to realize keeping her BOS and Commonwealth worlds separate may be impossible when the Elder selects her to visit the Commonwealth with him. 
Read on ao3 here!!
The Brotherhood wanted to collect technology in the Saugus Ironworks building. At first, the errands seemed useless, but when she saw scribes like Haylen actually put the parts to use, it became a welcome challenge for her to find the rarest parts on missions like this; it was an added bonus when that meant wiping out psychopaths like the Forged that had been giving the settlers a hard time. 
Nora was perched on a boulder, sniping them down from a distance while Danse took them on from a closer range in his power armor, shielded from their flames. Dense smoke filled the air, carrying the noxious smells of chemicals and ashes. When the last Forged fell, Nora surveyed the area while Danse inspected the terminals outside of the plant. 
The snapping of a twig alerted her to the presence of approaching footsteps. She quickly pulled out her pistol to face the intruder only to see Deacon. Nora sighed dismissively before going back to the scope of her rifle. 
“What do you want?” she said coldly. 
“Agent Whisper hasn’t shown up for a few weeks. Just checkin’ to make sure you haven’t replaced me.” Deacon said casually, not even addressing the fact he stalked her who-knows-how-far to ‘check in’ on her.
“Oh, don’t worry. I could never find anyone your brand of obnoxious in the Brotherhood.” she responded, only half joking. 
“Come on, Nora,” Deacon folded his arms impatiently. “And look at me for a second. I know there’s no one down there anymore!” he gestured to the empty parking lot where Danse was accessing a terminal to search logs for mentions of tech.
“Danse is down there and I’m not about to let some fire bastard sneak up on him.”Her dismissiveness made him finally snap. “You’re mad at me-
Read the rest here!
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winntir · 5 years
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I want to post about one of my autistic characters this month and this turned out to be my only opportunity due to general laziness. Sorry! Yes, my Fallout 4 character is autistic; all of my RPG characters are autistic.
Name: Hazel Martinson
Nickname: Blue, Nuka-Girl
Age: 31 (241 post status)
Height: 5’9” (1.75m)
Weight: 142 lbs. (64 kg)
Specials: 6 ST, 5 PE, 6 EN, (+) 8 CH, 7 IN, 7 AG, 7 LK
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Cool Brown, Unscrupulous
Body type: Ectomorphic
Status Pre-War: Legal Advisor (maternity reasons), Court Lawyer (out of practice)
Status Currently: Minuteman General, Brotherhood of Steel Paladin, Railroad Heavy
Relationship Status: Dating, formerly widowed
Spouse: Nate Adami (deceased)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Cisgender female
Ethnicity: Jewish-Irish-Danish
Family: Shaun Gianni Adami-Martinson (biological son, deceased), Shaun/S9-23 (adoptive son)
Languages: English, Yiddish, Latin
Disabilities/Illnesses/Injuries: Molerat Disease; former Strep throat
Allergies: Gluten, dairy
Scars: Three facial scars (one over left eye, one on the temple descending the cheek, one under her eye)
Physical traits: Angular facial features, prominent freckles, pointed nose
Voice: Low, gravely and sweet
Clothing: Minuteman General Uniform and tricorne hat, Minuteman outfit and militia hat, Agatha's Dress
Fashion Style/Lifestyle: Handyman, militia
Weapon of Choice: Focused Six-Shot Laser Musket, Deliverer, Electrified Chinese Officer's Sword
Skills: Marksmanship, Lockpicking, Hacking
Weaknesses: Brushes easily, radiation sponge
Poor skills: Swimming
Affiliations: Minutemen, Railroad
Former Affiliations: Nash & Hobbs Law firm (non-canon), Children of Atom
Enemies: Institute, Gunners; Raiders, Super Mutants, Trappers (Hostis humani generis)
Neutral Affiliations: Arcadia, Brotherhood of Steel, Far Harbor
Religion: Reform Judaic (non-practicing)
Likes: A challenge, A job well done, Nuka-Cola, A well cooked meal, Piper Wright, Cait, Jazz, Historical studies, Hobby work
Dislikes: Killing dogs, chems, alcohol, Nuka-Cola, dogmatic persons
Hates: Murder, bigotry, deception in social circumstances
Friends: Nick Valentine, Preston Garvey, Robert Joseph MacCready, John Hancock
Acquaintances: Glory, Deacon, Old Longfellow, Jack Spencer (deceased, OC), Strong, Curie
Former friends: DiMA
Enemies: High Confessor Tektus, X6-88 (deceased), Mayor McDonough synth (deceased), Conrad Kellogg (deceased), Arthur Maxson
Pets: Dogmeat
Fallout OC friends/family: Winston Nash (deceased, OC), Franklin Hobbs (deceased, OC), Joan Maynard (deceased, OC), Robert Martinson (father, deceased), Ruth Martinson (née Mandelbaum, mother, deceased), Ethel Blum (née Martinson, sister, deceased), Arther Blum (brother-in-law, deceased)
Personality: She's an inquisitive soul whose social anxieties go away if she can learn something from them. She doesn't think about the things she does, saving thought for when she has the time. She protects what people she's still close to from cruel fates. Friendship is optional when it comes to the people she knows.
Favorite color: Mauve
Favorite foods: Noodles, Omelette, Deathclaw steak, Mirelurk Queen steak, Grilled radroach,
Favorite drinks: Refreshing beverage, Vim, Ice cold Nuka-Cide, Dirty Wastelander
Favorite Sweets: Chocolate, Pudding
Other info:
Hazel was a successful lawyer before the war. She was a well-liked member of the Nash & Hobbs Law Firm, which had liberal leanings throughout its lifetime. She was accused of being a communist multiple times in her career, and went up against obstacles most wouldn't be comfortable with, but didn't quit. She only took a break because she had a baby and want to spend a year off to take care of him, having the ability to work in an advisory capacity at that time.
Her relationship with Nuka-Cola has so much baggage. She doesn't really like the flavor or caffeine kick, but will drink Nuka-Cide when she needs a pick-me-up. During her career, she defended the company's copyright issues regarding Nuka-Quartz and Vim Quartz, which made her "Nuka-Girl" in the eyes of most who didn't know her personally.
An awkward part of her new life is finding love. See, she's attracted to both Cait and Piper, both physically and romantically. The options are choosing one or the other. Polyamory might no go over well with Piper. She's currently in a relationship with the reporter, but she's trying to broach the topic of adding to it.
The part of Hazel some are appreciative of while other despise are her chess master mentality. Everything is a game of wits to win, but that hasn't gone well. In her fight against the Institute, she was juggling everyone to get the best possible result, but made mistakes along the way. In her adventure into Fair Harbor, she tried to do what was necessary to minimize casualties while keeping the peace, but found little comfort in what she'd done. She tries to be clever, but that hasn't always paid off.
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pinoko-k · 7 years
Project Wanderer Ch 36
The Fat Man
Arthur Maxson is about to get his hands on a stash of Fat Man shells. 
Meanwhile, Deacon delivers the holotape to Desdemona. The alpha does not like what she hears.
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riderofpern · 7 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Fallout 4 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Arthur Maxson/Sole Survivor Characters: Female Sole Survivor, Arthur Maxson Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Friendship/Love Series: Part 1 of Iron and Steel Summary:
A fanfic for Fallout 4 featuring Maxson and f!Sole. Picks up 4 months after Sole has opted to work with the Brotherhood of Steel and taken down The Institute. F!Sole's name is Gwen.
Gwen has returned to the Prydwen and during a sleepless night, has a curiously personal moment with Elder Maxson.
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
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fuckin g Danse photobombs every time and it never fails to make me laugh every time
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
What was the hardest quest for Guin in fallout? (Either emotional or physically or companion-wise) ((also like, excluding Nuclear Option because killing Shaun is of course going to be a bit emotional)) (((also sorry but what is guin’s full name? I know it’s a nickname but my mobile app doesn’t let me see tags so I can’t see it sorry))) ((((sidenote but I love you))))
Her full name? Guinevere. She doesn’t have a last name yet despite me creating her a fairly long time ago. I just could never settle on one. I was looking at some the other day but none really caught my eye yet. 
Since we’re excluding Nuclear option (which was by far the most emotionally devastating for her)
Blind Betrayal. It’s just a big mess of emotions for all three of them. She loves them both. She doesn’t want to choose and she doesn’t want to hurt anyone but things just got a whole lot more complicated.
Like first off, she feels so fucking bad for Danse since he’s going through absolute hell. She’d shoulder it all for him if she could but..she can’t.
She never considered killing Danse. Not even for a second. She knows him and she knows he’s no traitor despite Maxson firmly believing he is. (to be fair it does look extremely bad for Danse especially since he ran) 
(side note: I adamantly believe that’s why Maxson is so extraordinarily emotional during BB. Underneath all that rage is a lot of HURT. Because in his eyes Danse has been betraying them the whole time and all of it? Was a lie. Not a defense of course since he’s being a right prick but..it’s worth considering I think.)
And she’s so grateful Maxson didn’t force her hand because she wasn’t going to kill Danse. And neither was he. She’s grateful he didn’t try for that reason. Not sure she could live with that on top of what’s to come in Nuclear Option.)
But she firmly believes him sparing Danse means there’s hope for him. She knows there’s a good man in there somewhere. He’s so young. Stubborn. Brash. There’s got to be hope for him (and by extension the Brotherhood). He knows nothing but the Brotherhood..maybe if he got to experience the world outside of it or if he’d just sit down and listen..
Having an outsider’s perspective like her’s would be good if you know..they weren’t so cult-like and would listen to other perspectives. God, they only just recently starting letting wastelanders join. Isolation, a strict demand for unconditional obedience and echo chambers create..zealots. And unhealthy ideals like their bigotry are reinforced over and over again because they reject literally everyone else outside of the BoS and members who don’t conform to their norms.
 (their codex creeps me the heck out for that reason. It’s so cultish like these people have all been so.. brainwashed dslgfdh. That includes Maxson naturally since you know..he was born into it and groomed to be who he is. Not an excuse but it’s certainly necessary to discuss when discussing him as a character and why he does the shit he does and why he thinks the way he does)
Techno-Religious cult is my favorite term I saw used for the BoS fhlkdfhd
There are a lot of other issues with the BoS too but that’s a whole other post. I have a lot on that in my drafts and how the BoS compares to cults, how they’ve always been dicks and it’s not just Fo4′s Brotherhood etc etc. Also a big giant meta essay on Maxson himself. It’s ridiculous.
Back to my girl.
Guinevere knows Maxson can be better. That the Brotherhood can be better. It’s just…getting there is rather daunting but she’s nothing if not determined. (and maybe a bit overly optimistic/naive)
She’s hoping she’ll be able to get Danse and Maxson to reconcile at the very least eventually. She hates trying to balance them both and you can’t go on like that forever. You can’t deal with someone who has utterly conflicting morals than you forever either. (particularly when your son is a synth)
So, her future with the BoS (and therefore Maxson) ultimately uncertain if there isn’t some sort of change eventually. She’s determined and patient enough to butt heads with Maxson again and again in order to make him see reason. But well, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.. 
She loves with everything she has but if there’s anything she loves more than those two men? Her son. (Both Shauns but I mean synth Shaun in this particular instance. Honestly she keeps him far away from the BoS for obvious reasons even if Maxson seems to..very grudgingly tolerate his existence for her sake. That’s not a good environment for him)
She would choose HIM over both of them. Danse she wouldn’t have to but Maxson? Being in the BoS, being with a man who believes your son should be dead? Shouldn’t even exist? That..the fact she even deals with Maxson and the Brotherhood still after BB is astounding. It’s a testament to her loyalty and the love she has for not only Maxson but the people who have become her family.
Still. If she has to she’ll pick Shaun. That’s her baby boy. A mother’s love is stronger than anything. (or it should be at least. In this case it is)
Basically the whole thing just breaks her heart. All of it. Everyone’s hearts are broken it’s terrible. give me my happy au’s wahh 
The most realistic option I suppose is she ends up having to choose her son (and Danse) over the BoS/Maxson. Which is just..heartbreaking for her and I absolutely want to cling to her overly optimistic hope for a better future for everyone.
Can’t they just be happy god damn it.
On another note she does hold a lot of guilt for destroying the Railroad. She knows tactically, to protect the Brotherhood, it was necessary but it doesn’t sit right with her no matter how many times she tells herself that. They were just trying to help synths. They weren’t bad people. She hates all the blood on her hands. (The blood on her hands from Nuclear Option though? that’s the most painful thing of all)
And I love you too, friend :D
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cats-obsessions · 6 years
When Everything Changes Ch.2
Arthur Maxson/Female Sole Survivor (Nora) 
Summary: Nora is an ex-military specialist trying to find her little brother, Shaun, after over 200 years of cryofreeze. She is a synth sympathizer and friend to ghouls, but after killing Kellogg, she realizes she needs more help to destroy the Institute. What happens when the Sole Survivor of vault 111, an exceptional and hot-headed trained mercenary, finds herself in constant contact with those who oppose many of her own views- especially Arthur Maxson? 
Read on ao3
Nora took another long sip of her Gwinnett Stout; it was the only beer she thought had any real merit in this wasteland. Luckily, the Prydwen actually had refrigerators to keep the beer cool- just another cheap reason she was on this metal death balloon in the first place. It was with a heavy thud she set the nearly empty bottle next to two empty ones. It was enough to take the edge off, at least.
It was late at night, and Brotherhood personnel were scarce, most choosing to retire to their bunks. The only thing to keep her company was the loud hum of the engines and the sterile chill that ran through the room. She sat at the bar, alone, in front of the small self-serve kitchen. The mess hall, filled with old world tables and booths, was normally bustling. This time, though, Nora scared away anyone who thought they could join her. She left her polished metal armor on, for the most part, only abandoning the chest piece on the floor. That, mixed with the vicious scowl on her face warned everyone today was not the day to mess with her.
She was different than everyone else there. She didn’t wear the BOS uniform. Nora was just a contractor. Perhaps PAM was right to call her a rogue variable; no one ever knew what she was going to do… or when she would snap. She didn’t want to think about the Railroad now, though. Pushing the thoughts aside, she gulped back the last of her drink.
“Knight…” a deep voice rang out behind her. She didn’t get up to face them, sure it would be the Paladin ready to scold her.
“Leave me alone.”
“Knight.” the voice was harsher this time, warranting her glance. Looking down on her was the curt face of Arthur Maxson. Nora had never seen him smile. The man was elusive. She wasn’t sure that anyone really knew him.
“Elder! I thought-” she stopped herself, knowing that explaining that she thought she was snapping at a Paladin was not much better.
It was odd seeing Maxson out of his quarters or away from the observation deck. He rarely wandered away from work and talked to her even less.
“You know public intoxication is an offense on the Prydwen.”
“Yet, somehow that hasn’t stopped me.” She said dryly. She wasn’t drunk, but she didn’t have the patience for more rules and regulations- even if that meant she was mouthing off to the Elder.
“I have received several complaints from crew members. What do you suppose I tell them?”
“That they can mind their own fucking business,” she said, hopping up to wander to the fridge for another round and to avoid the Elder’s scrutiny.
Read the rest on ao3!
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toxickimi · 3 years
CH 10 Proposal
Azumiral had left Kimikyo in her room before going straight to Aiko's quarters. "Mother." Aiko looked up at Azumiral before going back to her paper work. "I thought you would like to know Kimikyo is falling for Elder Maxson. Perhaps we can persuade him to marry her and have them live here. He has an army and many followers he will be of great use to us should war occur." Aiko remained silent before looking up at Azumiral once more. "La Tempo has been at peace for centuries, I intend to keep it that way. However, he is a tremendous leader and Kimikyo does seem to listen to him." Aiko tapped on her cheek thinking for a moment before nodding. "They would also make darling little ones too! Alright Azumiral, we will begin preparations. Send a letter to Elder Maxson at once to meet with me. We will have much to discuss." Azumiral bowed to Aiko before leaving the room. She went to her own room to write a letter to Maxson that he is personally requested.
Azumiral donned a cloak before going through the portal. Azumiral took her form of a dove, flying to the Prydwen. She landed on on loading dock for a vertibird, changing back, before making her way to Maxson. The soldiers that were posted guard on the loading docks just looked at each then shrugged. Azumiral was escorted to Elder Maxson's room by Danse. "Elder Maxson." She bowed to him with him simply nodded his head to her. "This is a surprise. What brings you here?" Azumiral handed him the letter that was marked with the official seal. "Mother wishes to see you and only you." Maxson opened the letter, reading it over. In the letter it made no mention as to why he is being requested. "Does this have to do with Kimikyo?" Azumiral simply nodded. "Very well. I will appear in three days time." Azumiral had taken her leave, flying back to the portal to La Tempo.
Danse had looked at Maxson who was fuming. "No doubt that those princesses weaved rumors about what happened." Danse shook his head at Maxson's words. "I don't think that's what is going on at all. Sure she ran out of here like no tomorrow but that doesn't mean you're in trouble." Maxson pinched the bridge of his nose. "We will see I suppose." Maxson began working twice as much to ensure everything would be fine while he was away. Soon the time came when he would leave through the portal with Danse.
Kimikyo was going about her day as normal by reading a book and walking the halls. She didn't look up from her book as she walked past Danse, who was heading to see Nala. She only looked up was she caught a faint smell of sweat. "Paladin Danse...?" She looked back to see him already out the door. "Well hello to you too rude...." She furrowed her brow as she turned around to see Maxson standing in front of her. She dropped her book as she stared up at him,, her face turning red. "E-Elder M-Max-Maxson. A pl-pleasure-No not pleasure! It's great to s-s-s-see you." She looked around before taking off running. Haku, who was patrolling witnessed everything before walking over to Maxson. "You'll get use to her. After she lets her guard down she's a pretty silly child." Maxson had picked up the book she left behind, seeing that it was about King Arthur. "She's not a child anymore." "Maybe not to you guys but she is to us. She's our little princess and she will always be."
Haku led Maxson to Aiko who was sitting outside, enjoying the sun. "Ah Elder Maxson, I'm so glad you could make it." Aiko stood from her chair, smiling. "Let's walk. Hannah if you will." She held her hand out to take the parasol, which was handed to her. Maxson and Aiko began to walk side by side with her resting the parasol on her shoulder. "I heard my daughter made quite a scene while visiting. She didn't even stay the night as planned." Maxson hesitated in stepping before catching up to Aiko. "Yes, she did. Though it wasn't entirely her fault." "I'm aware, young one, of what was said. Do you think I'd send my little tadpole alone in that world?" Aiko looked back at him. "I sent one of my sentries with her, in her bag. She was unaware of the little bird but it would have alerted me to any major dangers. Such as with those bugs and monstrous dogs she and that Nora took out." "I should have been there with her to better protect her." Aiko chuckled lightly. "No, I'm glad you weren't. She was able to grow as a person. She's like a bird in a cage. I haven't let her out of the castle or the grounds since her father passed away. I am so afraid we might loose her once more." Maxson followed beside Aiko as she spoke. "Elder Maxson, you are the first man she's let her guard down to in a very long time and it seems she listens to you." "Hardly, ma'am. She hasn't done any training since I've left and she ran off on her own while in the Wastelands." "Yes but remember when she turned into a dragon. You were able to stop her." Aiko turned to him, looking up at him. "She is corrupted I fear. It is a plague that will manifest and grow inside her until it consumes her. The only way we know of to combat corruption is to break her away from depression."
Maxson stared down at the queen, confused by her words. "What do I have to do with any of this?" "I request that you marry her. Your union will join not only our armies and lands but it may also soften that heart of hers, give her closure." "This is not my choice to make alone. Have you spoken to her about this?" Aiko had shook her head, her soft slow still on her face. "I would rather get your approval before arguing with my daughter. I already know she will decline at first but as I said, she has let her guard down with you. It might not be as big of a fight as before." "I will only accept this offer if she does." Aiko nodded to Maxson before continuing to walk. "If I may so bold as to ask, but what happened to their father?" "Are you referring to Takito?" "I am." "Takito was my second husband. He is only Kimikyo's father and was the captain of the royal guard before our marriage." Aiko's smile faded as she took a deep breathe. "He was killed while protecting Kigra and Kimikyo. Those poor girls...Kigra was able to get away hardly injured, she was extremely lucky that day but Kimikyo. My dear little Kimikyo..." Tears began to form in her eyes as she recalled the state Kimikyo returned in. "She was neither dead...nor alive...Takito risked his life to get our girls home that day. He did just that. He walked through the door with Kimikyo in his arms and Kigra on his back before collapsing on the floor. He bled out on the journey but he kept his promise to save them." Maxson had become uncomfortable at her story. "I'm..sorry I didn't mean to bring up such bad memories." "Think nothing of it. I remember that day often when I'm looking at those two girls." "Kigra said they targeted Kimikyo, she just happened to be there at the time. Did you ever find out why?" "My first husband Lord Vaati, had a cult following. When he was put to death they weren't thrilled that I took another husband. They targeted Kimikyo to smoke out Takito, knowing he wouldn't allow me to follow."
Aiko had wiped the tears from her eyes before looking at Maxson. "Do not worry. We find the group and made examples out of them but ever since then I have not allowed Kimikyo out of our sights in fear there would be more." "I understand." The two continued their walk around the castle grounds. "Now Elder Maxson, I have questions for you. Do you think you'd be willing to live here with your people granted citizenship to La Tempo?" "That is a tough question, your highness. My men and I are catalysts for our world, to rebuild the old world that was lost. For us to leave will allow the greater enemy, the Institute, to take over an make experiments out of the remaining humans." "I see. Well we can't have that now can we? No then should Kimikyo accept the proposal we shall carry forth a plan from the past. She shall spend half the year with you then half a year here."
The two soon finished the walk where upon Aiko instructed Hannah to fetch Kimikyo to meet in the throne room. Hannah went to find Kimikyo only to find her hiding in the kitchen in the a tightly woven basket. "You still have your hiding hole here? I could have sworn your mother order it be taken away." Hannah opened the lid to see Kimikyo reading a book and eating crackers with jam. "Look in defense of everyone here. I don't want to be found by Elder Maxson. This was the only safe place I knew of." Hannah couldn't help but laugh at her. "Why wouldn't you want to be found by him? He's so strong and handsome." "That's the point! He drives me crazy with how he can get me to say anything. Are we sure he isn't a wizard? Are we sure they don't have magic? I must have been bewitched. I bet this is another one of Kigra's tricks!" Hannah slowly closed the the lid before walking away. Haku and another guard walked into the kitchen to pick up the basket she was hiding in. "Please no..." A tiny plea came out of the basket as they made there way to the throne room. "Sorry princess Kimikyo, queen's orders." "Your queen, here is your basket case of a daughter." Haku proclaimed as they sat the basket down. Aiko giggled lightly at the play on words before speaking. "Kimikyo, dear, please come out of there. It is just us in here." Kimikyo peaked out of the basket, looking around before slowly climbing out. "I thought we threw that old thing out." "Claire made another one....there were originally apples inside...then I saw Elder Maxson and panicked." "My dear, why would you panic at seeing him?" Kimikyo looked away, blushing. "I...I...just did." "Well he is the reason I summoned you here. Elder Maxson has agree to a marriage but only if you agree." Aiko stared down at Kimikyo who paled. "Pl..please...no..." She clenched both hands on her chest finding it hard to breathe. "D-Don't...don't do this mama, please." Tears began streaming down her face. "Why not? He'll make a wonderful husband and you get to live with him for six months out of the year." "N-No..." Aiko frowned at Kimikyo. "When will you learn to grow up? I've let you by too many times now Kimikyo." "He-He's my friend...I-I don't-" Aiko walked up to Kimikyo, staring down at her. "You are not to deny this marriage, young lady." Kimikyo looked up at Aiko, fear in her eyes before she took off running.
Kimikyo ran out of the castle and across the animal training grounds, where Danse saw her. "Kimikyo?" He watched as she jumped the fence that was there as she went into the forest. Azumiral, having been hiding behind the pillars of the throne room, stepped towards Aiko. "Mother, don't you think that was a bit harsh?" "She needs to grow up. She is twenty-one years old." Haku rushed into the room. "My queen, princess Kimikyo has ran into the forest. I have guards looking for her as we speak." Aiko looked at Haku in horror before rushing out of the castle. Danse was stood at the fence talking to a guard when he saw Hannah tackle Aiko to the ground. "Apologies my queen but don't! That forest is dangerous." "My little girl is in there!" Haku and Azumiral had caught up to them. "My queen, I assure you we have all my best men looking for her. She couldn't have gotten too far." Maxson had walked over to Azumiral, who was helping Aiko up. "What is going on? I noticed all the guards rushing out here." "Kimikyo ran into the forest." Azumiral looked at the forest, then to Aiko. "The forests are rather dangerous as the hold dark creatures and magics. We've kept it all at bay with spells and charms along the fencing." "Why would she run in there?" Azumiral looked at Aiko who bowed her head. "Mother." "I told her about the marriage. I informed her she is not to refuse." Maxson's expression turned to anger. "You're forcing her?" "She is a princess. She has a duty to us. By marrying you she'll be uniting two great armies. We will be better protected and as would you. It is her role. I have failed as queen by allowing her to deny all the others." Azumiral looked away from Aiko, tears falling from her eyes. "Arthur, please go. Kimikyo won't listen to any of us but she might just listen to you." Danse stepped in between. "You just said there's dangerous magic in there. He has nothing to protect him from that. You're asking him to go in blind."
Haku had taken a dager out of his holster. "Give me your hand. I will inscribed a charm of protection." Haku pricked his own finger before drawing a protection charm on the back of Maxson's hand. Maxson then went into the forest to search for Kimikyo. Azumiral looked at the forest before at Aiko. "Can't you two fly over the forest to search?" Danse spoke up. "The forest is too thick...plus unless it wants to show us we wouldn't be able to see anything." "Why build the castle so close to it then...?" Aiko looked at Danse. "It wasn't here when the castle was built. It appeared one thousand years ago out of thin air...some say fae grew it.."
0 notes
toxickimi · 3 years
FO4 AU Ch 6 Until next time
The chefs and servants were rushing around in the castle preparing a feast for the visiting group. Kimikyo walked past the rushing staff as she made her way to the bath house. She dropped the clothes in a cleaning basket before putting on the tunic to cover her body. She climbed in the water, not noticing the Kigra and Piper were there. "You look blue..." Kimikyo looked over staring at Piper for a minute before jolting. "How-" "Best left unanswered. She's always like this. Guessing you didn't sleep little pest?" Kimikyo nodded before swimming around. "You smell like snake." Piper looked between the two princess before climbing out. "I think I'm done for the day. Your mother wanted to meet all of us today anyways." She smiled nervously before going to the girls changing room to notice Maxson's coat. She noticed the layer of slime like liquid before wiping it off on her towel. Kigra waited a moment before swimming over to Kimikyo. "Turn around..." Kimikyo turned her back to Kigra who began helping her clean her hair. "Honestly Kimikyo, you could have said you were going to the barn. Everyone was looking for you. Azumiral was panicking because you hadn't picked a fabric yet." Kimikyo remained silent as Kigra scolded her. "What? Iza took your tongue?" "Iza ate Elder Maxson and I couldn't save him." Kigra stopped for a moment before sighing. "Iza did not eat Maxson. I just saw him on the way to the bath house." "But Iza had his coat!" Kigra gently chopped at Kimikyo's head. "You idiot. Maxson probably left his coat on you at the barn and Iza was just being an ass taking it away from you. Is that why you smell like snake?" Kimikyo looked away, pushing her index fingers together. "I...I made Iza vomit in hopes to save him...b-but it's not like it was because I like that brute! It's because mama would have been angry that Iza ate him!" Kigra stared at her before taking a bucket to dump water on Kimikyo's head. "What ever you say. Anyways, I can assure you he's not dead."
Kimikyo and Kigra finished their bath before getting out. The maids had already gathered the clothing from the basket to clean, leaving fresh outfits for the two princesses. The two helped each get dressed before walking the castle. "Mother has asked me to oversee the preparations for the feast tonight. Would you like to join me?" "I should get back to my studies. Azumiral might loose her mind." "She can't loose what she's already lost. Come with me, let's spend time together again." Kigra offered her hand to Kimikyo who took it in hers without hesitation. The two went to the kitchen, sampling some of the foods then to the dining hall to see the decorations. "Why is mama doing this anyways?" Kigra hesitated before speaking. "Kimikyo...there is a chance they might not be able to come back. The mages noticed a rift in the portal. They believe it's why the time acts so differently between the two realms. Mother has made a peace treaty for them to sign in the event the portal remains open but they are able to leave tomorrow." Kimikyo remained silent as she nodded. The two finished their walk with Kimikyo returning to her room. Kimikyo went through the fabrics that were awaiting in her room. She finally decided on dark blues, blacks, and a shear fabric that looked as if it had stars on it. She then began reading more of the books that awaited her. A maid walked in returning the clothing that was left at the bath house. "Princess, there was this coat in there. Might you know who it belongs to?" Kimikyo looked up to see Maxson's coat. "Oh. That belongs to Elder Maxson. You may leave it here. I will return it to him later on." The maid bowed, leaving the coat on Kimikyo's bed. "Would you like me to bring anything?" Kimikyo stood, stretching her self. "No thank you but could you have someone check on Iza?" The maid nodded before leaving. Kimikyo paced her room, reading the books. There was a light knock on the door before Danse walked in. Kimikyo looked over at him before putting her book down. "Hello Danse, what brings you here?" "I just visited your mother. She
told us-" "That you might not come back." Kimikyo went silent before looking back at him. "Did you want to take the cub with you? I can give you a training book and animal medicines." Kimikyo walked over to a book shelf, looking through the books. "That won't be necessary. I wanted to ask if you'd take care of her. Elder Maxson won't allow the cub on the Prydwen." Kimikyo stopped searching before pulling out a book. "Then please...spend what time you may have left with your cub." She smiled over at him, shooing him away. Danse had left and soon she gathered Maxson's coat then left her room. She walked the halls until she ran into Maxson. "There you are." She looked up at him, handing his coat back. "Thank you for lending me your coat. I don't think I have ever seen you with it off since you arrived." She looked at him, actually looked at him for the first time before clearing her throat. "I-I...apologize for it's late return...Iza...Iza uhm...he puked on it but don't worry! It has been cleaned." Maxson looked at her before handing her sheets of paper. "Here. This is the training my soldiers go through. While I'm aware, try to keep up with it." Kimikyo looked at the packet he gave her. "You made it sound like you're going to be back." The two went silent before Maxson walked away. The night fell with the feast beginning. Kigra, Piper, Preston, and a few others were drinking and having a good old time, laughing and joking around. Kimikyo was sat in her spot, reading and going over key points that would happen during the ceremony. "Do you always have your nose in a book?" Kimikyo glanced up to see Piper, grinning. "No. Not always." Kigra pulled Piper away towards the bards that were playing music. "Kimikyo, really now you can put the books down and enjoy yourself." Aiko smiled at her. Kimikyo sighed as she put her book down. "Mama, the last time I enjoyed myself turned out to be the last time. Excuse me." Kimikyo stood from the table, gathering her books before leaving. Aiko pinched the bridge of her nose. Preston and Azumiral watched for a moment before Azumiral excused herself. "I will...go check on her." "I'll come too if that's alright?" Azumiral nodded to Preston as the two left to room. "Kimikyo. Please slow down." Azumiral hastily walked after Kimikyo who stopped and stood in place. "Kimikyo..."Azumiral reached for her sister who was shaking. Preston stood back as he watched Kimikyo drop her books and fall to her knees. She was hunched over, hugging herself as she silently sobbed. Azumiral wrapped her arms around her crying sister. "Shh....it's alright moon beam." Preston gathered the books as Azumiral helped Kimikyo to her feet. The three quietly walked the castle, not going any place in particular. "Can I ask something?" Preston spoke up, breaking the silence. "What is it?" Azumiral spoke gently to Preston though he hesitated. "Was...just going to ask where we're heading." "We're just walking. Sometimes it's better to walk then go anywhere." Azumiral took the books from Preston, dismissing him. The two sisters walked the castle and its grounds until morning. "Let's go back....they'll be leaving soon..." Kimikyo spoke up with a croaky voice. She had quietly cried through the night, thinking back to that faithful day. Azumiral led her sister to her room to freshen up before the two went to meet with everyone. Aiko stood at the portal with the head mage to ensure nothing went wrong as the group passed through. Kimikyo lingered behind Azumiral though she was looking up at Maxson. Azumiral had moved, walking over to Preston who she gave a hug to, then a hug to Piper. "Goodbye, you two. My the winds guide you through your travels in life." Kigra and Aiko both bowed before the group. "Farewell." Kimikyo stepped forwards. She had her hands balled up into fists. "G-Goodbye...Paladin Danse, Piper, General Preston..." She looked up with tears in her eyes. "And good riddance to you Elder Maxson! Now I don't have to do your crazy training." Maxson looked down at her, placing his hand on her head. "Arthur. My name is Arthur
Maxson." Kimikyo flinched at not only his touch but his words. "I also gave that list to your guards, they'll make sure you train." Aiko cleared her throat at the group. "If you are ready." She held her hand out to the portal. "We're ready." First Danse walked through, then Preston and Piper. Aiko nodded her head to Maxson who slowly stepped through. The air was silent as everyone watched the portal. It began to ripple and change color. Kimikyo had clenched her eyes shut for what felt like an eternity. "Kimikyo." Azumiral placed her hand on Kimikyo's shoulder. Kimikyo opened her eyes to see the portal still there. "Well then, I suppose we will be seeing out friends again. Now dears, I'm afraid since that place is so...dirty with radiation I don't want you going there." Aiko walked away from the portal with the three daughters following after. "Kimikyo please meet with me later on." "Yes, mama." At her mother's request Kimikyo met with Aiko in her mother's room. "Are you alright? I heard that you had fallen asleep in the barn, and then just last night you didn't sleep." "I am alright mama." "Promise?" Kimikyo looked away from Aiko. "I will try." At that Kimikyo left the room, going to her own. "Ah there you are dear sister." Azumiral and Kigra were stood in Kimikyo's room, Kigra holding the wolf plush. "How adorable. Wittle Kimikyo had a wolf." Kimikyo walked past Kigra, sitting at her table. "Hope you don't mind, but he'll look just precious in my room!" Kimikyo bit her lip before looking at Kigra. "It is mine." "What are you going to do about fish girl?" "Enough Kigra. Put her wolf down." Azumiral looked at Kigra, who tossed the wolf aside. "Fiiine." Kigra walked out of the room with Azumiral following behind. Kimikyo walked over to the plush, picking him up slowly. "Funny...I named you after him without even knowing his name." Kimikyo stared at the plush, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm...glad he's gone. Just one more person bound to leave me...so...why do I feel lost..." Kimikyo shook her head before putting the plush on her shelf next to the griffon.
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toxickimi · 4 years
Easter 2020 Special
--Does contain a plot hole that I wanted to do but decided not to. This is from 2020 so far before any major events happen and takes place around Ch 1 - Ch 3-
It was late Saturday night, just past midnight. No shops were awake, and most of the commonwealth slept, except for the guards. Kimikyo and Kigra were the only two awake on the Prydwen. "Why are we up so late Kimi-chan?" "Because!" Kimi was smiling brightly and if the laws of nature allowed it, she'd have sparkles around her. "Easter is tomorrow!! We have to deck this place and Good Neighbor out! Imagine Maxson's face when his ship is pasteled out!" Kigra thought for a moment before nodding. "Let's do it." The two high-fived before they snuck off the ship, only telling one of the guards what they were up to. The two had went to the CIT ruins where they met up with Azumiral. "So let me get this straight. You guys want me to use Institute technology to make Easter decorations just to, one prank that dick Arthur and then to egg bomb Good Neighbor?" Kimikyo and Kigra had nodded to Azumiral. "Pleeeeease!! It's going to be hilarious and we'll send picture to you of Maxson's face." Azumiral tapped her cheek with her index finger. "Get him to wear a bunny suit and I'm in." "Deal!" Kimi had spoke up before Kigra could. "Alright I'll be back in a couple hours. Don't die while I'm gone, there are super mutants running around here." In a flash Azumiral was gone. Kigra dragged Kimi to a nearby building, taking cover there. "Are you nuts?! There is no way he'll put on a bunny suit." "No one said he was going to be awake to put it on." Kimi was grinning a devilish grin. "Oh no..." "Oh yes." Kigra rubbed her the back of her head. "Just what do you plan on doing?" "I'm glad you asked! I was thinking we use some medicine to keep him asleep, you can get it from Cade. Then we just slip it on him over his clothes. He won't notice!" "We? Kimi this is all you. There is.." She looked at Kimi who was giving her a puppy dog look. "..no way..." The two kept staring at each other. "Oh! Stop with that look, I'll help." "Yay!!"  As the  two waited for Azumiral to get back the two were arm wrestling, playing thumb wars and even tossed rocks at some unsuspecting by passers. "Just what are you two girls doing?" The two jolted in their spot before turning to see Nora. They then explained everything they were planning causing Nora to laugh. "Get me some pictures too! I have to see Elder Maxson's face and save me an egg." The three said their goodbyes as Nora left to finish her mission. Soon enough Azumiral returned.
  Standing with her were two synths holding four bags each, Azumiral holding a clip board. "Luckily for you two I was able to make virtually everything, except the candy. So we made you non-radiated fancy lad cakes but bite size so you can fit them in eggs. We also donated two hundred caps. You have everything you'll need even four pairs of bunny ears for you two, that disgusting ghoul mayor, and one extra for who ever. Arthur's bunny suit is in this bag." Azumiral pointed to one of the bags. "And I provided a disposable camera, make sure to get my picture or else I will be there to collect a test subject." "R-Right. Thank you Azumiral." Kigra and Kimikyo collected the bags from the synths before quickly making their way to Good Neighbor first.   Like shadows of the night the two quickly made work of the decorations. Azumiral had provided capsules that had plenty of supplies. The girls's giggles and soft talking could be heard, which caused Hancock to wake up. However when he walked out he was met with Kigra standing on the balcony. "Just what the hell..do you have any idea what time-" He quickly went silent when he felt something slip onto his head then a flash from the camera Kigra was holding. "What is going on?" Kimi had walked out from behind him, over to Kigra "Easter! It's an old tradition and you just got egg bombed!"Kigra and Kimi had  waved before jumping off the balcony, taking off in a run. Hancock shook his head before walking back into the state house to see there were plastic eggs and egg decor littering the building. He reached off taking the ears off his head, causing him to laugh. "Those two have completely lost it." He crawled back into his bed, going to sleep. The girls had made it back to the Prydwen, making quick work on getting it decorated. They had to explain to the guards on duty what was going on before making their way to Maxon's room. "You know when finds out we're both dead, right?" "It'll be so worth it." Kigra sighed before raising both her hands up, this made vines from plants in his room to appear. She used the vines to lift him up of the bed. "Quickly...these vines won't be able to hold his heavy ass long." Kimi nodded before she grabbed the bunny suit, putting it on him as fast as she could. Just in the nick of time the vines had snapped causing him to fall back on his bed. The two girls rushed out of the room in a panic, that surely had woken him up. They peeked around the corner to see him still asleep. "Damn...he's a heavy sleeper." "It's not that." The girls stood up straight, getting in the BoS pose. "Oh Cade...It's just you." Kimi loosened up, letting out a sigh. "I was made aware of your plans to prank our great leader and since it's been a long while since we've had any fun and since it's the two of you, I decided to help keep him 'knocked out'. He'll wake up shortly though so do finish this little plan of yours." The girls took his advice scrabbling to finish decorating. However when Kimi got to her bed, which use to be Danse's, she let out a sad whimper. "I'm sure he's fine, he's taking care of Peach right? He's got his hands full." Kimi nodded to Kigra before the two put their bunny ears on. "Why don't you visit him later. I'll cover for you if our fearless leader asks." "And so will I. Besides I need you to give take supplies to him." Haylen had wrapped her arms around the girls, taking notice of their art. "Is this some old world party?" "It is! It's called Easter and we'll explain everything in the morning meeting, which.." Kimi looked out side, taking note of where the sun was. "Should be starting soon." After about an hour of confusion everyone was gathered in the main meeting area, however Maxson was already visibly annoyed with the decorations. He hadn't yet noticed his current outfit which looked completely ridiculous with his coat over it. Many of the soldiers couldn't look at him and a few were holding back laughter. "Since I can only assume you were behind this Kimikyo, why don't you explain just what is going on." "With pleasure Elder Fluff." Maxson had glared at her as she walked up. She explained what Easter use to be about and how Easter egg hunts worked. "Right now Kigra has finished hiding the eggs and there is plenty of eggs for everyone so with Elder Maxson permission, can we start the hunt?" Maxson stared at the soldiers and scribes before sighing. "Make it quick. You all have work." Everyone began the hunt except Kimikyo and Maxson who stayed in the room. "I assume you had made contact with your sister Azumiral t o get all this." "That's right and I almost forgot." Kimi moved away from him pulling out the camera. "Say bunny suit." Maxson looked at her with complete confusion as she took the picture before turning to look out the window, only just now catching his reflection. He was in a giant white bunny suit the hood was up and everything. "What the--KIMIKYO!!" She was already long gone. When everyone was day with the hunt the day went back to normal, Maxson had changed out of the suit, red with anger and embarrassment. "Kigra, you're sister is to not leave the ship till this list is done. Do I make myself clean?" Kigra had taken the list full of meaningless tasks. Not wanting to anger him any further or argue with him she simply nodded. "And it is to be her doing them, no one else." "Right." Kigra had looked outside at the where the sun was then at the list. There would be no way to finish the list and give Kimikyo enough time to visit Peach and Danse. Kigra had sighed, reluctantly giving the list to Kimi. "I'm sorry, direct orders from Elder Maxson." "You..can't be serious..." "Kimikyo, I tried to warn you but you insisted he be in the suit." "Did you not hear what Azumiral said though, if I didn't." "I heard but still. You could have put him in the suit, taken the photo then gotten him out of the suit. You made your bed, now lay in it." Kimikyo had taken the list before she began to work on it as fast as she could. Maybe if she could work fast enough she'd have a little time to visit. However Maxson kept adding tasks to the list. After a few hours Haylen approached Kimikyo. "Kimikyo, Nora is here she said she would take the supplies to Danse, was there anything you wanted to give him..?" Kimi had nodded but never turned to look at her. "I-In my foot locker..there's uhm..there's a basket for him and meat for Peach..." It was easy to tell she was choking back tears, but was it from sadness or anger? "Right. Also Nora wanted to talk to you before she left." "I can't..I have to get these damn tasks finished." Haylen nodded before walking away, making sure to grab the meat and basket from the foot locker. Haylen explained what she could to Nora before she left. Kimi had finished the last task on the list before she made her way to Maxson. "There asshole I'm done with your list. I'm going to bed." "Not before you clean up and eat dinner. Make haste." Kimi had glared at him before turning and walking away, making sure to slam the door behind her. Just as she was ordered to she went to the showers to clean up before putting on a fresh BoS suit. "I hate this...orange isn't even my color..." "Then why don't you wear this?" Nora was leaning on a locker, holding up a laundered black dress. "Where...why..what?" Kimi was confused as she took the dress before looking at Nora. "Well Maxson sore the soldiers to keep quiet but I'm not his soldier. They were keeping you distracted long enough for a surprise on my behalf. So change into that and let's get going." Kimi had nodded before quickly changing, with some help from Nora. The two snuck and rushed to a vertibird where Haylen was waiting. "Let's get going before Maxson notices she not at the dinner hall." "Where are we going?" "You'll see, Kigra is covering for us, so are a few others." The vertibird had made it's way to Listening Post Bravo where not only was Danse out there waiting for them but so was Peach both wearing make shift bunny ears. "We thought since you worked so hard to make everyone else have some happiness we'd repay you. Go have fun we only have an hour before Maxson send out an army after you." Haylen and Nora had stayed in the vertibird as Kimi made her way to the other two.  Kimi had ran over to the tiny deathclaw, hugging it "Peachy! You look so cute with those on!" The deathclaw stared up at her before scratching at the string that was tied around to keep the ears on. "It was a pain to get them on him. I had to bait him to sit still." Kimi looked up at  Danse, smiling happily. "I'm sorry I'm late..Arth...Elder Maxson had me doing meaningless tasks." She stood up giving size to the Deathclaw. It stood about to her naval, and was a light pink almost white color hence it's name. "What your doing is very brave, Kimikyo. I know how much you dislike Elder Maxson and how he runs things. Just know I'm proud of you." "I'm doing it for you, you know." "I know." He had pulled her into a hug, with her returning the hug. Peach let out a rawr before squeezing between them, pushing them apart. Peach was defensive of Kimikyo which some though annoying, Kimikyo found it adorable. "I wish I could stay long, but I have to get going now." She scratched Peach's head, before taking the ears off him before looking at Danse. She tucked some hair behind her ear waiting for something to happen. "It was good seeing you soldier. Keep up the good work." He placed his hand on her shoulder this caused Nora and Haylen to groan in pain as they felt Kimikyo's confidence drop. Peach mimicked Kigra's normal face palm, covering his face with his claw. "Y-yea..you too!" Kimi let off a slight laugh before she went back to the vertibird, soon they were taking off. "You going to live after that one, kid?" "I can't believe Danse is so dense..don't worry he'll catch on sooner or later Kimi." "Thanks Haylen, and I don't think I will live Nora..that one hurt."  Back on the ground Peach gave Danse a 'Are you serious' look. "What?"  Peach let out a huff before turning, walking back in to the listening post. "What did I do?" Danse followed suit When the girls had arrived back at the Prydwen, the three girls got a talking to by Maxson which they were all prepared for. Nora said her goodbye to Kimi and Haylen before leaving. The other two then made their way to the dinning hall to get some left overs. "Don't let Elder Maxson get you down. He means well, and he's just looking out for you. Azumiral may not be after you but that doesn't mean you don't have enemies still." "I know Haylen. It just sucks that I'm twenty six and I still have a curfew. It's like Maxson is trying to be my dad." "Well better him then our actual father." Kigra stood behind the girls. "Kimikyo while you were gone, Maccready stopped by. Apparently he's the delivery boy now but looks like you got two letters from Goodnieghbor. I always dropped the camera off to Azumiral." Kimi took the letters from Kigra. She finished eating before she read them, one being from Maccready himself the other from Hancock.
"Hey, Hope you're doing well up there. It's been weeks since we talked. Are you still mad at me? I'm sorry, I didn't think you liked me that way...can we please talk in person I have news about Duncan. Don't worry it's good news! Plus I have something for you but I don't trust Kigra not to tease me about it. Meet up at the comic book store in two days? -Maccready" Kimi rolled her eyes, of course she was still hurt by him. He family-zoned her then rubbed salt in the wound by calling her 'little sis'. She then read Hancock's letter. "Kiddo! Thanks for bombing the town! A lot of people began to freak out though, but I thought it was funny. I explained to them what happened and they want to repay ya. Come to The third rail sometime! Magnolia wants to give you a gift for it and Fahrenheit says she's gonna knock ya one for the mass panic. Anyways got anymore holidays to celebrate?"   Kigra and Kimi giggled at the letter once Kigra had read it. "I guess we'll have to bring the rest of the holidays to the Commonwealth." "Maybe explain it to everyone before you do it this time girls." Haylen looked at them before the sisters nodded. "And no more suits for Maxson. Maybe we can convince Cade to wear the outfits next time." "Or proctor Ingram, I but she'd look cute in the bunny outfit."  The three girls had let out a laugh and soon enough they were all in their beds, fast asleep.  
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
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“well one of us is going to have to change”
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