#ch: haylen
incensus-nix · 6 years
.: the capital wasteland :.
Two years ago:
❝ Knight Hart, take the initiates down to the city. They need target practice with the greenskins. ❞ The paladin ordered her to rally up a small troop of recruits, to which she reluctantly had taken under her wing. It wasn’t uncommon though for the higher ranking Brotherhood to take on the responsibilities of leaders as there was only one Elder and so few paladins. Knights were eager to reach such status, but few ever got there. Some just settled for a set of power armor.
❝ Affirmative, paladin, ❞ Brittany said quickly, holding her stance with her hands behind her back. Only a second after her response was she dismissed to rally up her team, herself locating her power armor stored at the old Galaxy News Radio tower.
Switching out fusion cores and pushing it hard into the back of the armor set, a heavy set of footsteps approached and leaned into the rusted station holding her suit. ❝ Heading over to Metro? ❞
It was the familiar voice of Paladin Danse. Tall and dark haired, and a long scar cutting into his right brow. Turning her head, the knight rolled her eyes and leaned on her elbow into the chest piece of the armor suit. ❝ A bit beyond that, but yeah... I’m tellin’ you — I’m about to lose my mind over these runs. I haven’t been able to repaint Delilah here in over four months. ❞
❝ That’s really not that important, knight. It’s a noble duty eliminating the supermutants out of the city. The only people willing to settle in the area is us and them. ❞
Rolling her eyes, she readjusted the lens on her helm. ❝ You forgot the raiders that have been popping up. Let them take care of the problem and we can focus on our actual mission here. ❞
His tone dropped. ❝ Protecting the Capital is top priority. Remember, everything that threatens innocent lives and misuses technology needs punishment. Supermutants, ghouls, hell, we’re even hearing about synthetically created people now. All bastardizations of technology. We can’t let that become acceptable again. ❞
He was right, forcing a sigh from Brittany as she stopped fiddling with the power armor. ❝ Yeah, I get you — ❞
A slight smirk appears on the paladin’s face, pushing himself off the station. ❝ You know why you’ve been chosen for all these mission right? ❞
She pushed out her lips. There was an inkling… ❝ You’ve been setting me up haven’t you? ❞
Setting his hands on his hips, he looks up and away from her smugly. ❝ Elder Maxson’s setting his sights on the Commonwealth. He needs recon teams to scout the area and I told him you’d be ready with a few more training sessions and he agreed to let me monitor your progress. I say by the end of your battle today, you’d be promoted. ❞
Squinting her eyes a moment, she tried to not smile at the news. She knew he was up to something lately, but she had no idea it was along those lines. ❝ Sonova — ❞ She punches his shoulder, then wags her finger. ❝ You should’ve said something! ❞
He rubs the area of impact and shakes his head. ❝ That’s not how it works — Besides, I’ve been your sponsor for how long? This wasn’t the first time we’ve been through this. ❞
With a softer smile, her hugs herself. ❝ I know, which is even more annoying I didn’t catch on this time either. ❞
Resting a large hand over her shoulder, Danse leans in a bit. ❝ Hey, it only means I was doing my job, too — ❞ Cut off, he turns to hear the loud clanking footsteps of Procter Ingram marching through the armory. Straightening up quickly, Danse throws his hands quickly behind his back and stands at attention, clearing his throat. ❝ Proctor. ❞
The woman approaches the two, Brittany not as quickly standing at attention but getting there eventually to be noticed by her superior. Raising a brow, she looks away from the knight and to Danse instead. ❝ Paladin. Knight. ❞ Without looking back down to make eye contact with Brittany, the woman stomps away in her power armor, allowing Brittany to breathe a little bit easier, but not without a look of defeat on her face.
Nudging her shoulder, however, was Danse again. ❝ Good luck out there, Knight Hart. ❞
Biting the inside of her cheek, she nods. ❝ Affirmative. ❞
16 years prior:
❝ Everyone, move out! Get to the subways! I said move people! ❞ A young woman’s voice commanded through her helmet’s speaker phone. Towering over the civilians running panic, she held her laser rifle at the ready, wearing the symbols of the Brotherhood of steel painted across her chest armor as well as a lion’s head over the shoulder piece.
❝ Sentinel Lyons! We’re about to get overrun! ❞ a knight in power armor yells back, seeing a horde of green skinned humanoids approaching the station.
❝ Shut your mouth, knight or I will blow it off myself! ❞ she snaps back, turning the corner to see how close their enemy had truly gotten. At least two dozen of them, several carrying heavy machinery and possibly a missile launcher. It wasn’t good, but keeping the panic at minimum was her goal.
Bracing for attack, sounds of booming rifles were now firing off rapidly as combat begun. Turning quickly to account for her team, the sentinel quickly shouted command. ❝ Knight Danse, you lead them through the tunnels and eliminate any ferals. We’ll follow you shortly after. ❞
With a quick response and nod, the other knight began to force himself to the front of the pack of civilians and leading them into the darkness.
Their odds where slim, but Sentinel Lyons knew she at least had the brains to pull off the operation even against the numbers she was working against. She pressed on, however, beginning to open fire against supermutants looking to exterminate.
Inside the tunnels, Knight Danse used a dim light to track their route, keeping his gun low to avoid attracting too much attention. It was a group of seven, a family of three, a couple and other individuals that followed the Brotherhood solider into the metro subway just outside the city. ❝ Everyone keep your voices low — We must try to not attract any hostiles. ❞
Hostiles? Weren’t the tunnels supposed to be safe? The thoughts of a nine year old shivered, closing in on her mother as she pulled on the length of her sleeve.
❝ Don’t pull like that, Brittany — ❞
❝ — Quiet! ❞ another snapped.
Despite the low voices, a howl and footsteps came rushing for the group, Danse lifting his rifle up and began to fire quickly. ❝ Get down! ❞ A few rounds into the creature, its arm firing off and soon dead on the ground, the knight kicked it over onto its back to reveal its gruesome nature. ❝ Damn ferals… ❞
The young girl cried a bit, never seeing a ghoul so hideous before, burying her face into her mother’s shirt as they kept walking. Even she was horrified.
A few more turns, a handful walking corpses attacking but nothing short to quick work for the Brotherhood knight, as they approached an open clearing where prewar civilians would gather to board their train. Skeletons lay about everywhere, the scent of decay still lingering after two hundred years.
Cautiously moving forward, Danse lead them up to a broken escalator to hopefully find a safe exit. It was painful in the deafening silence as multiple footsteps climbed up higher. And then more loud footsteps. Then running.
❝ Everyone retreat! ❞ His commands where too late though. As he hoped to prepare the unarmed few with the attack, more feral ghouls had closed in on them. Some at the front, while some had jumped and climbed up the side of the rundown escalators, reaching and clawing from the edges.
In a panic, everyone tried to fend off their attackers, but all most of them could do is scream. Scream for anyone to come save them. End their misery.
The Brotherhood knight refused to backdown, however. Shot after shot, he fired his laser rifle at their foes, taking them down one by one. But forever ghoul he had defeated, they had taken one of his to protect. Even if he were to make it out alive, it was a losing battle.
❝ Take her — ❞ a woman’s voice called out to him, pushing the young girl into his armor. She has already been attacked at her legs, forcing her to moved with her arms and crawling towards him. ❝ Take my baby girl — go on… ❞ Blood was circling down at her ankles as she slowed her movements. It was gruesome, missing both feet and having the feral on her still and pulling the mother back. She yelped, then pleaded up to the knight. ❝ I won’t ask again. ❞
One second felt like an hour. Knight Danse looked down at the sobbing child, dirt smeared across her dark skin and hair that had debris and dried blood stuck to it. He wasn’t going to win, but this girl still stood a small chance of reaching her adult years.
Ceasing fire, the knight took the child up into his arms and began sprinting down the tunnels, ghouls still emerging and surrounding their easy prey. Kicking and screaming, the girl reached out for her mom as she was torn apart by mindless creatures of the radiation. He had to fight to keep her from slipping but the promise was made. Her had to take her and save her.
Outside the tunnel, there was quiet. No more echoed screaming from the underground tunnels. Just soundless horizon and a blinding sun. Setting the girl to her feet, she lost her footing and collapsed to the earth onto her knees, rubbing dirt from her eyes that stuck by her now long tired up tears.
❝ She got torn apart — ❞ the voice squeaked out, coming to the realization that she’d never see her mother again. She never got to hear her father’s voice for the last time, either. His must’ve been quicker. Perhaps far less painful than her mother’s. But now she had nothing — no one in this world.
Kneeing at her level, the knight dropped his gun and pulled the child’s chin up to meet his eyes. ❝ You’re going to be one of us now. ❞
Digging her fingers into the broken cement, shaving her nails down to the skin, the child grit her teeth, then spoke with a tight jaw. ❝ I’m going to kill them all. ❞
Rising from his position, Knight Danse loomed over her, for only a moment’s pity, but then with authority, clearing his voice. ❝ Good. On your feet, squire. ❞ Shaking, with both shock and anger, she rose up to both her feet, knees wobbling against each other. Her hazel eyes found his, now have grown up past her years in a matters of minutes. She didn’t know how else to stand other than as straight as possible, her hands close her sides in balled up fists, ready for a fight. A moment, Danse looked over her, his features hardening. ❝ Outstanding. ❞
They proceeded to then take the long walk back around the city to find the Galaxy New Radio tower to find their brothers and sisters. It was quick that the girl had already begun to fall behind, her feet swollen and shoes worn to the holes in the soles, doing everything she could to march on just like the solider that had saved her. Looking around the area, Danse saw not a single breathing creature other than themselves in the desolate city making any movement. Slowing down a bit, he pulled an armored glove off his hand and proceeded to reach out towards the other.
There was a pause from the girl, then swiftly she reached out for it, clasping onto the warmth of another human and pulling herself closer to him. It would be the last moments of innocence she’d be allowed before becoming just like the rest of them.
16 years later:
❝ Goddamnit, knight! ❞ the sounds of a voice screaming at Brittany through a muffled speaker. The static rang in her ears as more gunfire and smoke shrouded them, leaving much of her eyesight blinded.
She was panicking. Much of the mission had already failed, loosing two initiates in their first bouts of battle and alerting the supermutants to run forth. Everything had turned into a mess quickly. It was supposed to be a simple in and out assignment with clearing out an old SuperDuper mart. The warning of the dead raiders scattered about should’ve been a clear sign to enter with caution, but every Brotherhood solider walked in with ease and confidence. They didn’t even bother with dismantling the grenade traps at the front entrance with killed two initiates immediately.
Now, around the corner of an isle, Brittany clutched to her laser rifle as the supermutants moved in on them, firing off hundreds of rounds from their gatling guns hanging off their hips.
❝ Fuck this, everyone, listen up! ❞ It was Rhys, taking over command on the intercom linked to all the other Brotherhood soldiers. ❝ Line up on the walls and fire towards the center. Eyes and ears open and aim only at things that are bigger, greener and uglier than you — ❞
A response from another solider, ❝ Smart you added greener, Rhys. ❞ Another snort of a laugh from an initiate and the dismantled team started to get themselves back into offensive combat.
Brittany still remained almost paralyzed in her position, her body wanting to move but her feet planted firmly to the ground yet still. Instead, she changed her radio frequency on her helmet, reaching to the base. ❝ Requesting backup. Out numbered and overrun. I repeat, requesting backup. ❞
Despite the team holding it together, it was not to shortly after a recon of paladins came barreling through the mart’s doors, zero contest taking down supermutants quickly with their heavier artillery and completely suited in power armor.
Still slumped in a corner, Brittany listened to the gunfire and the howling cries of the dying green skins, their voices fading as they were parted from the wasteland one by one. The paladins moved forth to find their brothers and sister in arms, one in particular now hovering over Brittany shaking their helm.
❝ On your feet, soldier! ❞ The muffled speaker yelled at the other, the knight’s heard sinking into her chest. It was Danse ❝ Now! ❞
Pushing herself up with every bit of willpower she had, fumbling over her gun as she stood at the ready. There was no sound, but the actions of the paladin’s shoulders moving heavily up and down meant there was an exasperated sigh underneath.
His voice softened a little, but not met without disappointment, taking a few steps back and turning to leave the grocery mart. ❝ Get moving, soldier. Elder Maxson needs to speak to you. ❞
10 years prior:
❝ Piss off — ❞ The young initiate threw her dirty rag at the other, a boy entering his teen years. Catching it in mid air, he threw it back at her and walked off, giving her the finger as he did. Shielding her face, the rag hit her forearm as she cursed out, ❝ Asshole… ❞
In perfect timing, a figure posed behind her, arms folded and frowning. ❝ Watch your tone, initiate. ❞
Outstanding. ❝ He started it, ❞ Brittany plead, kicking the rag from under her feet agains the suit of armor she had been tasked with cleaning. ❝ He’s always messin’ with me, I’m over it. ❞
Standing more at ease, the paladin scratched the side of his head. ❝ You never know who might save you in battle. It’s better to not make enemies out of anyone here, no matter how difficult that task might seem. We’re family, brothers and sisters under one banner.❞ Biting her tongue, she just turned from Danse and quickly started polishing the boot of the power armor, trying to not say anything more out of line with him watching over her. Seeing how she was attempting to control her attitude, he forms a light smirk. ❝ That’s not without siblings fighting here and there. ❞
She paused, turning her head up a bit and easing up, following up with a small grin back at him. ❝ So, you’re saying I can punch him next time? ❞
Waving his hands, he shook his head. ❝ Absolutely not! Not at all what I mean — ❞
Rising to her feet, she flips the rag over her shoulder, then folds her arm. ❝ Uh-huh. I think you said something something, fight something. ❞ With a shrug and pushes her way past him, nudging his rib a bit. ❝ I’ll find a way where Sentinel Lyons won’t find out. ❞
Rubbing his face, he rolls his eyes to follow her. ❝ Well, don’t tell them I said anything if you’re going to do that. Your fellow initiates aren’t as thick skinned as you are, Hart. ❞
❝ You’re damn right. ❞
Long had she been into her teens, and nothing less than difficult. She hardly got along with any of her peers save for a tiny girl that had been getting picked on by the other squires. Brittany tried to show her how to toughen up, but it seemed the young girl by the name of Haylen was more interested in her books and learning.
Danse found himself trying both to distance himself and control the situations. In the end, it seemed he was watching behind glass. Still, he encouraged initiate Hart’s behaviors when it came to the younger sister in the ranks. If nothing else, she’d could protect those weaker than her. 
Something he felt strongly about.
10 years later:
❝ You had such potential, Knight Hart, ❞ the soft tone of Elder Arthur Maxson spoke out, facing away from her with his hands folded behind his back, staring out through the window of the airship given the namesake Prydwen, overlooking the Capital Wasteland. It was no secret once the engines were in perfect condition, they were about to set sail north to the Commonwealth. There was talk of recon team Bravo already setting up base at Cambridge in one of the abandoned police stations a few short months ago. The signal had been lost however, and it was only due time until the rest of them has their eyes looking north.
The mission was to prove ranking as well as joining Danse and one of their top scribes to investigate.
Slowly turning, Maxson’s intense features narrowed on her. ❝ But you’ll be staying here, to finish projects on the Prydwen. We’ve found a more suitable replacement for you in the meantime. ❞ Another step forward, he squints a moment. ❝ You should really thank Knight Rhys. His quick decision making saved the team and your life. ❞
Working her jaw, she simply nods. ❝ Affirmative, elder. ❞
❝ Dismissed. ❞
He barely had to finish exhaling the words from his lips as she about faced from him and removed herself from the room to move to her bunk on the ship. If he only knew it was the paladins that rushed in to save them were the real heroes. And it was her call to ask for backup that allowed them to all to make it out alive. But know one else saw it that way, not even her closest of companions. They all had agreed that Rhys was the one who made the right decision and had the opportunity to take on the special mission with Paladin Danse and Scribe Haylen.
Slumped over the edge of her bed, she sniffed a moment, then rubbed her nose with the sleeve of her uniform, staring down at the flooring between her knees.
❝ Chin up, Hart, ❞ a women’s voice called out to her. Across from her bed was Haylen, quickly jotting down a few notes then closing her notebook shut and tossing it across her bed. ❝ You’ll be in the Commonwealth in a few short months anyway. ❞ Remaining quiet, Brittany just picked at the seam on the knee of her uniform. A bit of a sigh, Haylen pushed herself up from her mattress and plopped herself up next to the knight, folding her legs up and leaning forward to look at the other. ❝ Besides, it’ll be good, they won’t have to send you on anymore dumb errands with the initiates. ❞
Brittany snapped her head around quickly, then barked, ❝ You don’t get it, do you? I’m supposed to go with you two! That’s how it’s always been. Maxson knew he should’ve let me go but him and Rhys have got this — I dunno, thing. I didn’t have to prove myself over and over, it’s bullshit. I should be a paladin by now and I should be watching your backs, not mine! ❞
Pushing her lips to the side, the scribe was certainly not going to miss Brittany’s bouts of frustration, but there was a point. She’d been tasked more over the others to reach rank. It was almost becoming obnoxious. The chemistry the trio had was undeniable, but in the end, it was always about the mission… Everyone was family. ❝ We’ll save you a seat then… ❞
Getting up from the bunk, Haylen just moved back over to hers quietly and settled in, turning off her lamp to mind her own business for the rest of the night. It wasn’t going to help anything; she knew by now that when Knight Hart was upset, it was best to follow up later.
The next morning, the sun barely peaked over the ruins of the city as the Brotherhood managed to start going about their daily duties. Brittany sat in the galley moving her food around a tray, mostly sipping on a cup of black coffee as the world moved around her.
Without asking, Danse placed himself next to her, poking her coffee hand with a fork. ❝ Eat, ❞ he commanded, before putting food in his own mouth.
❝ Not hungry. ❞
Swallowing, he said again, ❝ Eat, or you’ll regret it later. ❞
Wiggling away from him a few inches, she forced herself to take a bite, then flared her nostrils at him. ❝ Happy? ❞
He huffed through his nose, then took another bite of food before speaking again. ❝ You know I’m not happy about it as much as you are, but it’s the way it is. ❞
She keeps her gaze into her coffee mug. ❝ You don’t sound as pissed off. ❞
❝ I’m not going to fight Elder Maxson. He knows what he’s doing and he’s gotten us this far. Plus, he’s ambitious, far more than I’ve seen from anyone else. Our numbers can double once we head north and eliminate the threats there. The Commonwealth is riddled with chaos. Don’t forget our purpose here, Knight. ❞
Their purpose. She doesn’t really remember having an option. One minute she was in the arms of her mother and the next she was competing in push ups for Nuka-Cola against six other squires. She did what she had to survive in order to avenge her parents deaths. If it meant taking out the sins of the wasteland, so be it. But everything she did, it was to follow Danse. He was her mentor and the one person who protected her. When the squires failed in training, he’d always sneak something extra for her to feel better about. Whenever she was stuck with only getting half, he’d offer her his other to make up for it. Without him close by, she wasn’t so sure if she could do it on her own. Just like in the SuperDuper Mart. He was always there when she needed backup.
❝ What am I supposed to do if something happens to you? ❞ she whispered out, cupping both her hands around her coffee tightly. ❝ I can’t call in for backup if you’re not there. ❞
He looks away, now repeating her motions of moving around food on the tray, a bit lost for words. Danse made sure that whatever problems she had, he’d take care of them later. He made a promise to her mother, after all, and he intended to keep it. But now? This was out of his hands. ❝ Just remember everything I ever taught you. It’ll be fine. ❞
They both had their doubts, but neither one of them could say anything.
After a few long moments of silence, Brittany poked his hip, catching his attention and looking at her with wide eyes. ❝ Hm? ❞
❝ You be careful without me, you hear? ❞
He cracks a smile and nods. ❝ Affirmative. ❞
Three years prior:
In the skeleton of the Prydwen, Danse and Hart sat the bar in the galley, clanking their beers together and having a sip. The ship had been well into the process of completion and it was common to find anyone from the Brotherhood hanging out in the different levels. The GNR building was old news at this point and the soldiers were seeking any new environments to hang out in.
Once they had a chance to get the refrigeration going, cold beers become the new norm. For some, it was their first time ever having something cold to drink. It became part of the lifestyle when duties were completed for the day. And everyone wanted to find something to celebrate.
❝ So, congratulations on the ranking of Knight, ❞ Danse starts out, taking a sip out of his bottle.
❝ Cheers to that, ❞ she replied back, drinking from her own. Earlier that day she was granted ranking to Knight by Sentinel Lyons, and finally receiving her first power armor set. She’d been dreaming of having her own for some time now, knowing very well that would put her at the top of her game and able to cut down on her foes far more easily.
Few more beers in, the galley started to clear out of the small party, but the duo still had been chit chatting beyond closing hours. ❝ Bar’s closed you two — ❞
She waves off retired knight running the show behind it. ❝ Yeah, yeah, we’ll close things down. ❞ Danse just shrugs him off, still sipping on his drinks at a steady pace.
❝ We’re going to feel like hell in the morning, ❞ he remarks, looking at her side eyed.
She laughs, rubbing her hand across her face. ❝ Tell me about it — but I don’t wanna ruin a good time now. ❞
He lets out a small chuckle, Brittany herself leaning onto the counter, the palm of her hand digging into her cheek. ❝ You wanna know something wild? ❞
A thick eyebrow lifts, setting down his drink. ❝ What’s that? ❞
She laughs again, rubbing at her eye. ❝ You look exactly the same as I remember you when I was kid. Damn, if I haven’t met a white boy with as good of genes as you. ❞
A snort of a chuckle, then he shakes his head. ❝ Guess I’m lucky? ❞
❝ Very. Have you seen Arthur? He looks 40 and not a day over 18. ❞
Covering his mouth of a laugh, he tries to wipe his lips of his own smirk. ❝ Watch yourself, he’s got potential. ❞
❝ Pfft potential for what? ❞
❝ To beat your ass — ❞
She smacks his arm, then the both of them cracking a bit into a fit of laughter. He wasn’t wrong, by 13 the youngest Maxson had taken down a deathclaw that not even a veteran paladin could do on their own. If they were tough as nails, Arthur Maxson was diamonds.
One year ago:
❝ Knight Hart! ❞ It was Haylen, rushing to the side of the other, panting with her hands to her knees.
Aboard the Prydwen hovering over the ruins of Boston’s airport, the soldier turned to the other, eyes narrowing in with annoyance. ❝ What is it Scribe Haylen? ❞
❝ It’s — it’s Danse. ❞
Alarmed, the knight now had her full attention. ❝ Spit it out, what’s wrong? ❞
❝ Paladin Danse, he’s — he’s a synth. ❞
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
Bonds of Smoke and Steel, ch. 3
Full chapter on AO3!
ArcJet wasn't the last time Danse saw Taylor Wickstrom.
Again and again their paths would cross over the coming weeks, the other man lingering more and more over time. Odd jobs to help the Recon squad out, slowly but steadily earning Haylen's approval and never lashing out at the distrust Rhys still aimed his way. Danse's estimation of the Vault-Dweller went up as well, learning a little more about him -- where he'd come from, why he'd left, tragedy and circumstance and a missing child belonging to a friend Taylor considered to be more like a brother. 
And he was Taylor by then, too, no longer 'Wickstrom,' a level of familiarity earned after many an evening spent just…talking. Swapping stories of their time in service, Danse's with the Brotherhood, Taylor's with the US military. Similarities, differences -- both with little to no family growing up, both seeking a way to give back, to have their lives mean something, build towards something, carving out paths forward in a world predisposed to forget about them. Taylor's tendencies towards the sciences pulling him in one direction; Danse's proficiency for combat tugging him in the other. Complementary now, their paths intersected in more ways than one, and Danse came to appreciate working with a man of Taylor's caliber. 
The fact that they got along so well in the field as well as off it was a pleasant bonus Danse tried not to think too hard about, still not sure what to do with the fluttering, flushed, too-aware of himself feelings the other man kept inspiring in him. A messy, complicated thing, one he didn't want to impede their friendship any, Danse placing more value on his friend's potential than on any hazy fever dreams that kept him up from time to time.
It was hardly a surprise when Danse formally asked if he'd like to be an Initiate. 
The offer had been extended to his friend as well, the other man -- Maksim Ovalle -- having proved himself a capable soldier with the capacity and charisma to lead others, but Ovalle had refused. Prior commitments, duty sworn already to the newly reestablished Minutemen, and while Danse thought the group lacking in overall discipline and utility compared to the Brotherhood he could respect a man keeping his word. Had even been to Sanctuary himself, invited by Taylor and Maks, and seen what the two had accomplished -- were accomplishing. Fortifications, housing, gardens for self-sustainability. Settlers drawn in by the promise of shelter and security swelling the place's original populace well beyond the ragtag crew Taylor had led there from Concord. 
The Brotherhood would have greatly benefited from a man like Maksim Ovalle, but he couldn't begrudge him not wanting to leave the place that had been his home, once, to not abandon what he was in the process of building for himself and others. A bond forged nevertheless, and at the very least Danse was confident the Brotherhood would find allyship with the Minutemen under Maks's command, which was a lot more than they could've boasted before in the region. 
"A few questions," Taylor began after accepting Danse's sponsorship. They were in the motor pool, seeing to their armor and weaponry, a ritual the pair liked to share when they could.
"Go ahead." As Taylor's sponsor, it was Danse's responsibility to teach him more about the Brotherhood, the fundamentals and the expectations, the sort of conduct befitting a soldier of any rank bearing their insignia. He watched as Taylor's elegant, fine-boned fingers traced along the chest piece he'd gifted him along with the rank as a sort of "welcome," eyes slowly drifting up to consider his expression as he waited. Took that moment to admire him, really, the way he found himself doing with increasing frequency. Taylor's face was so expressive, high cheekbones under hazel-green eyes, eyebrows he could move with ease to underscore a plethora of smiles and smirks. The little details, too, often caught Danse's attention: the small scar on his chin ("ran into a fish tank"), the tiny burns on the insides of his fingers ("just because something doesn’t look hot doesn’t mean it isn't"), to the marks Danse himself had been present for ("I didn't fall over in my power armor, gravity just decided it hates me today"). Memories anecdotal and shared, things Danse found himself treasuring more and more the better he got to know him.
"What's the Brotherhood's view on fraternization?" 
Danse blinked, the question catching him off-guard. 
What kind of question is that?
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solesurvivorkat · 2 years
'Shadow of Steel' ch. 35 preview
So... I recently discovered that it hasn't been two years since I last updated 'Shadow of Steel', my FO4 fic.
...It's been three. Three years.
I am SO sorry. I know I've apologized and made excuses ad nauseum, but seriously - I am wicked sorry.
I mean... I'm not sorry for taking care of my kids (my son's autism has been a hell of a ride thus far, as well as me discovering {unofficially, but w/ good reason} that I'm very likely autistic as well. And my daughter is gonna be 1 year old in less than a month {sob!}, so that speaks for itself), but still - I never intended to have the wait be that long. That's insane.
BUT. I am remedying that now. Or I'm trying to, anyway. I don't want to let the story go - I've worked too hard, put waaaay too much work into so much of what's gone into it (and still will go into it in the future) to just drop it like a hot potato now.
SO. It's only fair that to make up for it, I share at least a small part of the beginning of the chapter I'm working on, so that people can see that I'm not just all talk (...again, lol).
Thank you again, a million times over, for anyone and everyone that's read this fic (or any of my fics, TBH), and especially to those many people that have left me such nice comments on it in the past. I seriously live for your feedback, and I truly mean it when I say that reading it makes my day. To think that I created something that people enjoy even a little bit is so gratifying to me. I love you guys more than you'll know, I really do.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
'SHADOW OF STEEL', Ch. 35 (Intro)
S9 watched them go until they were a good distance away, wanting to make sure they didn’t see which direction he headed off to. He shook his head and grumbled to himself, then bent and lifted Nora into his arms once more. With one last check of the vicinity, he sighed and began walking north, hoping he wouldn’t run into any more trouble along the way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I eagerly await every single detail,” Arthur replied stiffly, stepping forward. His hand found Womack’s shoulder, replacing Haylen’s. “But I need your mind clear, Knight. So take a minute or two to pull yourself together with Cade, gather your thoughts - and when you’re able to, meet me in my quarters.” He turned to face the others, brow furrowing as he looked from soldier to soldier. “As for the rest of you... I want you all to follow me there - now."
Nora’s first few nights sleeping in the Prydwen’s barracks with the other Brotherhood soldiers hadn’t been easy. She didn’t think she’d ever completely get used to the sound of its four constantly roaring jet engines. Over time, however... the Prydwen had gradually transformed into her new home, her friends in the Brotherhood like her new family, and all the mechanical sounds the airship produced had eventually become commonplace, her new ‘normal’... maybe even preferable - the automation becoming like white noise that lulled her to sleep night after night.
...Something was different.
Gone were the loud thrummings of the airship rotors and instrumentation, yet her surroundings weren’t silent. The soft hum of... some kind of machinery could be heard, although it didn’t sound close by - more like it was at a bit of a distance. The surface she was laying on felt like an old mattress - not hard, but not soft or entirely comfortable either. 
One of the metal springs pushing into the flat of her back made her shift slightly, hoping to find temporary relief. Her eyelids scrunched together before opening into tight, narrow slits. Dim as the light above her was, it didn’t prevent her from squeezing her eyes back shut with a quiet groan.
“Hm. Good to see you’re awake. ...I was beginning to think that idiotic raider overdosed you.”
The only thing that caused Nora more alarm in an unknown location than hearing the voice of a stranger, was hearing the voice of someone she hadn’t heard in a very long time - a voice she never thought she’d ever hear again, save from a 200 year old holotape she kept in safekeeping. 
Her eyes snapped open once more, head jerking to her right towards the source of the voice. The room she was in looked like some kind of... were they in a vault? Or some sort of... pre-war research building?? The one large window in her room overlooked some kind of atrium to a larger facility, where there were more rooms across and further down from hers.
The man who’d spoken was facing away from her, leaning an arm against the window. The lower part of the man’s face was covered by a cloth bandana - but that didn’t stop Nora’s pulse from spiking from his familiarity. 
His hair was a bit longer, more unkempt... but it was the same color. Same height. Same build. And she knew that voice. KNEW it, and knew it intimately. It didn’t matter that his back was to her, that part of his face was obscured... it hadn’t mattered when they were back at the South Boston Military Checkp-
...The Military Checkpoint. Haylen. Womack. The raiders, her fusion core exploding. The man that didn’t seem to quite belong with the other raiders there. Him unmasking himself, and-
Everything flew back to her in an instant. She grunted and shook her head slightly while blinking a few times, as if that would make sense of anything that’d happened... was still happening. 
Ignoring the protests from her stiff body, she struggled to sit up - only to discover that her left (and Pip-Boy-free) wrist was handcuffed to the metal headboard of her bed frame.
Sensing some kind of pressure against her throat, her right hand instinctively flew upwards. Her eyes widened when she felt metal encircling it. So much to process all at once... almost too much. Her gaze darted back and forth from her handcuffed hand to the man that had spoken to her. 
“Take it off.”
It was a couple moments before Nora realized that the glacial order had come from her, almost not recognizing her own choked, tense voice. The man didn’t move for several seconds, then lowered his head a little.
“I thought it might be easier for you if-”
“TAKE. IT OFF,” she repeated in a sharp hiss, her teeth clenching and every part of her body tensing like a cobra preparing ready to strike. “NOW.”
The man remained stationary a bit longer - and though Nora couldn’t see the lower half of his face, she got the distinct impression that he was conflicted, weighing his next move or words very carefully. Finally, after he straightened up and let out a soft sigh, he reached up and pulled his bandana down around his neck, then slowly turned around.
Time suddenly moved in slow motion. Every bit closer he got to facing her, her anxiety increased exponentially, heart pounding in her chest. When familiar eyes - HIS eyes - finally met her own... it was as if the world stopped completely.
Her wedding photo flashed in her mind’s eye. Morning coffee at their breakfast table. Their first date. Christmases spent with family. An autumn stroll together in the park, while pushing Shaun in his baby carriage. Laughter. Stroking his cheek while laying next to him in bed. Standing together at the bathroom mirror, looking at their reflections. Sirens. Running. Fire. Terror. The roar of explosions. The vault. The cryopods. A gunshot. Nora’s screaming voice. Her fists pounding on the glass of the pod while watching Institute scientists kidnap her baby. Her husband’s corpse left behind. 
Nora cried out softly and used her free hand to grasp at her forehead, eyes squeezing shut. No, this wasn’t real. None of it was. This was all a bad dream, a hallucination, a mental break, something… she was going to take a deep breath, steel herself, then open her eyes. When she did, she’d be back in the Prydwen. Danse or Arthur or Brooks - someone would be there, be able to help her. Tell her that it’s all right. That she was safe, back amongst friends.
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 
‘Okay... be a dream. Please be a dream. Don’t be real.’
She was reluctant to open her eyes - and when she did, her heart sank when she saw the man still facing her bed, waiting patiently.
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Idk about you guys but I think this visor is SO SUPER GRACE that I’m almost crying.
Today’s been quite eventful in the Fallout land! Or today and yesterday, I just didn’t write up most of what happened yesterday. So:
Grace helped the Brotherhood on Rhys’s orders by killing... a bunch of molerats in a nearby junkyard. She’s pretty sure he was pulling her leg on this one, but he’s so goddamn serious. xD
Got sent to Beantown Brewery by Haylen to retrieve some gizmo or another, which consequently was also where TRAVIS was waiting for her so they could save Vadim Bobrov! The fight went super well, got rid of everyone really easy with Righteous Authority! God the 20+ shots without a reload is sweet! Anyway Grace is really proud of Travis for this mission! I think this was also her first big firefight with HUMANS, so she was very. very shaken by it herself. So like, feel you, Travis, feel you. Idk if she would have told Travis ahead of time that she’s never done this before because that would have made Travis scared, but they definitely had a drink afterwards and she confessed to him
and he was like “oh... so that explains you hanging back there then,” and she deserves and takes that. But she did carry her weight there, she wasn’t just letting him and Piper carry her through! She killed the boss and somebody else too!
Found a really sweet 10 mil pistol! NOW we’re doing some damage!!! 8D Wish I’d found this before-
- I took Grace to kill the ghouls in College Square. x’D That went a little POORLY, but hey, we survived without a single death! AND now Oberland Station likes Grace, which Grace likes very much!
Went to see Covenant and contracted parasites. The Covenant guest house beds, I swear! Norma got parasites there too when I was playing her! RIGHT after having cured herself of parasites! Covenant gives Grace the heebie jeebies. I mean she’s cheerful, but she can tell when people are being dodgy!
Managed to visit Diamond City on Halloween! I haven’t managed that in any of my hundreds of hours of playing this game! It was nice! Got spooked by people randomly making pain reactions until a friend told me sometimes people trip on the jack-o-lanterns or stuff on the ground jsadhashdk. I didn’t find anyone with anything stuck on their feet but saw a random townie basically trip over her own feet and go URK, and oh man, I feel that, my ankles suck too.
And I’m pretty sure finally, went to Satellite Station Olivia to find the locket for Mr. Abernathy! It went a lot better than it did with Norma, I really did learn from Norma’s game a lot! Here the souped up pistol came in very handy, because the minigun is a bi*ch to deal with especially if raiders pick it up once Ack-Ack is dead so it’s not out of the game if you can’t dispatch of the raiders quickly! 
Didn’t blow myself up in the room with all the radroaches like I did with Norma. xD I REMEMBERED.
I DID die here once though, to a molotov coctail.
Went to see the orchard that comes with APPLE TREES v2. It’s super pretty! I LOVE THIS MOD, I love apples. I’m not allowed to EAT apples, so I will live vicariously through Grace.
Pretty sure I had Thoughts about something, but gods know what it was, so I guess I didn’t. -shrug emoji- LEVEL 13 eyyyyy
Oh, I took Aquagirl because it’s a godsend in Survival, and THEN FORGOT I HAD IT, and spent a lot of time going around something when I could just have swam across adjkhskjda.
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cats-obsessions · 6 years
Just in case you forgot (because I sure as hell did)- I’m writing a fic! And Chapter 3 was just published! Whooo!
When Everything Changes Ch.3          
Arthur Maxson/Female Sole Survivor (Nora) 
Chapter Summary: Nora struggles to come to terms with her growing fondness of the BOS (and Arthur) despite her commitment to the Railroad. She starts to realize keeping her BOS and Commonwealth worlds separate may be impossible when the Elder selects her to visit the Commonwealth with him. 
Read on ao3 here!!
The Brotherhood wanted to collect technology in the Saugus Ironworks building. At first, the errands seemed useless, but when she saw scribes like Haylen actually put the parts to use, it became a welcome challenge for her to find the rarest parts on missions like this; it was an added bonus when that meant wiping out psychopaths like the Forged that had been giving the settlers a hard time. 
Nora was perched on a boulder, sniping them down from a distance while Danse took them on from a closer range in his power armor, shielded from their flames. Dense smoke filled the air, carrying the noxious smells of chemicals and ashes. When the last Forged fell, Nora surveyed the area while Danse inspected the terminals outside of the plant. 
The snapping of a twig alerted her to the presence of approaching footsteps. She quickly pulled out her pistol to face the intruder only to see Deacon. Nora sighed dismissively before going back to the scope of her rifle. 
“What do you want?” she said coldly. 
“Agent Whisper hasn’t shown up for a few weeks. Just checkin’ to make sure you haven’t replaced me.” Deacon said casually, not even addressing the fact he stalked her who-knows-how-far to ‘check in’ on her.
“Oh, don’t worry. I could never find anyone your brand of obnoxious in the Brotherhood.” she responded, only half joking. 
“Come on, Nora,” Deacon folded his arms impatiently. “And look at me for a second. I know there’s no one down there anymore!” he gestured to the empty parking lot where Danse was accessing a terminal to search logs for mentions of tech.
“Danse is down there and I’m not about to let some fire bastard sneak up on him.”Her dismissiveness made him finally snap. “You’re mad at me-
Read the rest here!
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toxickimi · 4 years
Easter 2020 Special
--Does contain a plot hole that I wanted to do but decided not to. This is from 2020 so far before any major events happen and takes place around Ch 1 - Ch 3-
It was late Saturday night, just past midnight. No shops were awake, and most of the commonwealth slept, except for the guards. Kimikyo and Kigra were the only two awake on the Prydwen. "Why are we up so late Kimi-chan?" "Because!" Kimi was smiling brightly and if the laws of nature allowed it, she'd have sparkles around her. "Easter is tomorrow!! We have to deck this place and Good Neighbor out! Imagine Maxson's face when his ship is pasteled out!" Kigra thought for a moment before nodding. "Let's do it." The two high-fived before they snuck off the ship, only telling one of the guards what they were up to. The two had went to the CIT ruins where they met up with Azumiral. "So let me get this straight. You guys want me to use Institute technology to make Easter decorations just to, one prank that dick Arthur and then to egg bomb Good Neighbor?" Kimikyo and Kigra had nodded to Azumiral. "Pleeeeease!! It's going to be hilarious and we'll send picture to you of Maxson's face." Azumiral tapped her cheek with her index finger. "Get him to wear a bunny suit and I'm in." "Deal!" Kimi had spoke up before Kigra could. "Alright I'll be back in a couple hours. Don't die while I'm gone, there are super mutants running around here." In a flash Azumiral was gone. Kigra dragged Kimi to a nearby building, taking cover there. "Are you nuts?! There is no way he'll put on a bunny suit." "No one said he was going to be awake to put it on." Kimi was grinning a devilish grin. "Oh no..." "Oh yes." Kigra rubbed her the back of her head. "Just what do you plan on doing?" "I'm glad you asked! I was thinking we use some medicine to keep him asleep, you can get it from Cade. Then we just slip it on him over his clothes. He won't notice!" "We? Kimi this is all you. There is.." She looked at Kimi who was giving her a puppy dog look. "..no way..." The two kept staring at each other. "Oh! Stop with that look, I'll help." "Yay!!"  As the  two waited for Azumiral to get back the two were arm wrestling, playing thumb wars and even tossed rocks at some unsuspecting by passers. "Just what are you two girls doing?" The two jolted in their spot before turning to see Nora. They then explained everything they were planning causing Nora to laugh. "Get me some pictures too! I have to see Elder Maxson's face and save me an egg." The three said their goodbyes as Nora left to finish her mission. Soon enough Azumiral returned.
  Standing with her were two synths holding four bags each, Azumiral holding a clip board. "Luckily for you two I was able to make virtually everything, except the candy. So we made you non-radiated fancy lad cakes but bite size so you can fit them in eggs. We also donated two hundred caps. You have everything you'll need even four pairs of bunny ears for you two, that disgusting ghoul mayor, and one extra for who ever. Arthur's bunny suit is in this bag." Azumiral pointed to one of the bags. "And I provided a disposable camera, make sure to get my picture or else I will be there to collect a test subject." "R-Right. Thank you Azumiral." Kigra and Kimikyo collected the bags from the synths before quickly making their way to Good Neighbor first.   Like shadows of the night the two quickly made work of the decorations. Azumiral had provided capsules that had plenty of supplies. The girls's giggles and soft talking could be heard, which caused Hancock to wake up. However when he walked out he was met with Kigra standing on the balcony. "Just what the hell..do you have any idea what time-" He quickly went silent when he felt something slip onto his head then a flash from the camera Kigra was holding. "What is going on?" Kimi had walked out from behind him, over to Kigra "Easter! It's an old tradition and you just got egg bombed!"Kigra and Kimi had  waved before jumping off the balcony, taking off in a run. Hancock shook his head before walking back into the state house to see there were plastic eggs and egg decor littering the building. He reached off taking the ears off his head, causing him to laugh. "Those two have completely lost it." He crawled back into his bed, going to sleep. The girls had made it back to the Prydwen, making quick work on getting it decorated. They had to explain to the guards on duty what was going on before making their way to Maxon's room. "You know when finds out we're both dead, right?" "It'll be so worth it." Kigra sighed before raising both her hands up, this made vines from plants in his room to appear. She used the vines to lift him up of the bed. "Quickly...these vines won't be able to hold his heavy ass long." Kimi nodded before she grabbed the bunny suit, putting it on him as fast as she could. Just in the nick of time the vines had snapped causing him to fall back on his bed. The two girls rushed out of the room in a panic, that surely had woken him up. They peeked around the corner to see him still asleep. "Damn...he's a heavy sleeper." "It's not that." The girls stood up straight, getting in the BoS pose. "Oh Cade...It's just you." Kimi loosened up, letting out a sigh. "I was made aware of your plans to prank our great leader and since it's been a long while since we've had any fun and since it's the two of you, I decided to help keep him 'knocked out'. He'll wake up shortly though so do finish this little plan of yours." The girls took his advice scrabbling to finish decorating. However when Kimi got to her bed, which use to be Danse's, she let out a sad whimper. "I'm sure he's fine, he's taking care of Peach right? He's got his hands full." Kimi nodded to Kigra before the two put their bunny ears on. "Why don't you visit him later. I'll cover for you if our fearless leader asks." "And so will I. Besides I need you to give take supplies to him." Haylen had wrapped her arms around the girls, taking notice of their art. "Is this some old world party?" "It is! It's called Easter and we'll explain everything in the morning meeting, which.." Kimi looked out side, taking note of where the sun was. "Should be starting soon." After about an hour of confusion everyone was gathered in the main meeting area, however Maxson was already visibly annoyed with the decorations. He hadn't yet noticed his current outfit which looked completely ridiculous with his coat over it. Many of the soldiers couldn't look at him and a few were holding back laughter. "Since I can only assume you were behind this Kimikyo, why don't you explain just what is going on." "With pleasure Elder Fluff." Maxson had glared at her as she walked up. She explained what Easter use to be about and how Easter egg hunts worked. "Right now Kigra has finished hiding the eggs and there is plenty of eggs for everyone so with Elder Maxson permission, can we start the hunt?" Maxson stared at the soldiers and scribes before sighing. "Make it quick. You all have work." Everyone began the hunt except Kimikyo and Maxson who stayed in the room. "I assume you had made contact with your sister Azumiral t o get all this." "That's right and I almost forgot." Kimi moved away from him pulling out the camera. "Say bunny suit." Maxson looked at her with complete confusion as she took the picture before turning to look out the window, only just now catching his reflection. He was in a giant white bunny suit the hood was up and everything. "What the--KIMIKYO!!" She was already long gone. When everyone was day with the hunt the day went back to normal, Maxson had changed out of the suit, red with anger and embarrassment. "Kigra, you're sister is to not leave the ship till this list is done. Do I make myself clean?" Kigra had taken the list full of meaningless tasks. Not wanting to anger him any further or argue with him she simply nodded. "And it is to be her doing them, no one else." "Right." Kigra had looked outside at the where the sun was then at the list. There would be no way to finish the list and give Kimikyo enough time to visit Peach and Danse. Kigra had sighed, reluctantly giving the list to Kimi. "I'm sorry, direct orders from Elder Maxson." "You..can't be serious..." "Kimikyo, I tried to warn you but you insisted he be in the suit." "Did you not hear what Azumiral said though, if I didn't." "I heard but still. You could have put him in the suit, taken the photo then gotten him out of the suit. You made your bed, now lay in it." Kimikyo had taken the list before she began to work on it as fast as she could. Maybe if she could work fast enough she'd have a little time to visit. However Maxson kept adding tasks to the list. After a few hours Haylen approached Kimikyo. "Kimikyo, Nora is here she said she would take the supplies to Danse, was there anything you wanted to give him..?" Kimi had nodded but never turned to look at her. "I-In my foot locker..there's uhm..there's a basket for him and meat for Peach..." It was easy to tell she was choking back tears, but was it from sadness or anger? "Right. Also Nora wanted to talk to you before she left." "I can't..I have to get these damn tasks finished." Haylen nodded before walking away, making sure to grab the meat and basket from the foot locker. Haylen explained what she could to Nora before she left. Kimi had finished the last task on the list before she made her way to Maxson. "There asshole I'm done with your list. I'm going to bed." "Not before you clean up and eat dinner. Make haste." Kimi had glared at him before turning and walking away, making sure to slam the door behind her. Just as she was ordered to she went to the showers to clean up before putting on a fresh BoS suit. "I hate this...orange isn't even my color..." "Then why don't you wear this?" Nora was leaning on a locker, holding up a laundered black dress. "Where...why..what?" Kimi was confused as she took the dress before looking at Nora. "Well Maxson sore the soldiers to keep quiet but I'm not his soldier. They were keeping you distracted long enough for a surprise on my behalf. So change into that and let's get going." Kimi had nodded before quickly changing, with some help from Nora. The two snuck and rushed to a vertibird where Haylen was waiting. "Let's get going before Maxson notices she not at the dinner hall." "Where are we going?" "You'll see, Kigra is covering for us, so are a few others." The vertibird had made it's way to Listening Post Bravo where not only was Danse out there waiting for them but so was Peach both wearing make shift bunny ears. "We thought since you worked so hard to make everyone else have some happiness we'd repay you. Go have fun we only have an hour before Maxson send out an army after you." Haylen and Nora had stayed in the vertibird as Kimi made her way to the other two.  Kimi had ran over to the tiny deathclaw, hugging it "Peachy! You look so cute with those on!" The deathclaw stared up at her before scratching at the string that was tied around to keep the ears on. "It was a pain to get them on him. I had to bait him to sit still." Kimi looked up at  Danse, smiling happily. "I'm sorry I'm late..Arth...Elder Maxson had me doing meaningless tasks." She stood up giving size to the Deathclaw. It stood about to her naval, and was a light pink almost white color hence it's name. "What your doing is very brave, Kimikyo. I know how much you dislike Elder Maxson and how he runs things. Just know I'm proud of you." "I'm doing it for you, you know." "I know." He had pulled her into a hug, with her returning the hug. Peach let out a rawr before squeezing between them, pushing them apart. Peach was defensive of Kimikyo which some though annoying, Kimikyo found it adorable. "I wish I could stay long, but I have to get going now." She scratched Peach's head, before taking the ears off him before looking at Danse. She tucked some hair behind her ear waiting for something to happen. "It was good seeing you soldier. Keep up the good work." He placed his hand on her shoulder this caused Nora and Haylen to groan in pain as they felt Kimikyo's confidence drop. Peach mimicked Kigra's normal face palm, covering his face with his claw. "Y-yea..you too!" Kimi let off a slight laugh before she went back to the vertibird, soon they were taking off. "You going to live after that one, kid?" "I can't believe Danse is so dense..don't worry he'll catch on sooner or later Kimi." "Thanks Haylen, and I don't think I will live Nora..that one hurt."  Back on the ground Peach gave Danse a 'Are you serious' look. "What?"  Peach let out a huff before turning, walking back in to the listening post. "What did I do?" Danse followed suit When the girls had arrived back at the Prydwen, the three girls got a talking to by Maxson which they were all prepared for. Nora said her goodbye to Kimi and Haylen before leaving. The other two then made their way to the dinning hall to get some left overs. "Don't let Elder Maxson get you down. He means well, and he's just looking out for you. Azumiral may not be after you but that doesn't mean you don't have enemies still." "I know Haylen. It just sucks that I'm twenty six and I still have a curfew. It's like Maxson is trying to be my dad." "Well better him then our actual father." Kigra stood behind the girls. "Kimikyo while you were gone, Maccready stopped by. Apparently he's the delivery boy now but looks like you got two letters from Goodnieghbor. I always dropped the camera off to Azumiral." Kimi took the letters from Kigra. She finished eating before she read them, one being from Maccready himself the other from Hancock.
"Hey, Hope you're doing well up there. It's been weeks since we talked. Are you still mad at me? I'm sorry, I didn't think you liked me that way...can we please talk in person I have news about Duncan. Don't worry it's good news! Plus I have something for you but I don't trust Kigra not to tease me about it. Meet up at the comic book store in two days? -Maccready" Kimi rolled her eyes, of course she was still hurt by him. He family-zoned her then rubbed salt in the wound by calling her 'little sis'. She then read Hancock's letter. "Kiddo! Thanks for bombing the town! A lot of people began to freak out though, but I thought it was funny. I explained to them what happened and they want to repay ya. Come to The third rail sometime! Magnolia wants to give you a gift for it and Fahrenheit says she's gonna knock ya one for the mass panic. Anyways got anymore holidays to celebrate?"   Kigra and Kimi giggled at the letter once Kigra had read it. "I guess we'll have to bring the rest of the holidays to the Commonwealth." "Maybe explain it to everyone before you do it this time girls." Haylen looked at them before the sisters nodded. "And no more suits for Maxson. Maybe we can convince Cade to wear the outfits next time." "Or proctor Ingram, I but she'd look cute in the bunny outfit."  The three girls had let out a laugh and soon enough they were all in their beds, fast asleep.  
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format taken from @madddraws thanks! 
under read more cause it long
Name: Vaughn Zander
Nickname: Vonny, Blue
Age: 32 
Height: 1.80 M
Weight: 85 KG
Specials: 11 ST, 6 PE, 5 EN, 11 CH, 12 IN, 4 AG, 4 LK
Eyes: steel-grey
Hair: light brown
Body type: tall, muscular, mesomorph type, broad shoulders
Status Pre-War: family doctor, veteran combat medic
Status Currently: General of the Minuteman, Paladin of BOS, Agent of Railroad, Atom Cat, Friend of Far Harbor, Protector of Acadia, Atom’s Fave Child
Relationship Status: widowed, then remarried
Spouse(s): (past) Nora (deceased, killed)
(present) John Hancock, Nick Valentine
Orientation: panromantic/polyamorous bisexual
Gender: cisgender male
Ethnicity: white (has greek heritage from his mother)
Family: (past) Ryan Hudson-Zander (father), Olivia Zander (mother), Vincent Nathaniel Hudson* (cousin), Michael Hudson (uncle), Nora Zander (wife)
(current) John Hancock-Zander, Nick Valentine-Zander (husbands), Shaun John Zander (adopted son), Codsworth, Dogmeat
Languages: English (first language), Greek, German, Spanish, Italian, can understand Russian and Chinese, sign language
Disabilities/Illnesses/Injuries: myopia, damaged nose (his sense of smell is weak to almost non existent), left leg being shot (has difficulties in running or walking for a longer time, tends to limp), anxiety, depression, highly sensible at high/loud noises, insomnia
Allergies: dust, wool
Scars: one small scar above left eyebrow, one on the left cheek, a cut between his eyes, cuts and scars on the left side of his mouth, several scars on the chest, a scar on left leg
Physical traits: tattoo flower with the name “Olivia” on it (his mother’s name) on left shoulder, broad shoulders, muscular frame, muscular arms, steel-grey eyes
Voice: calm, deep, soothing, can change his accent easily, can adapt it to any situation
Clothing: old Vault 111 suit (now its a faded blue with patches around), leather pieces of armor (one simple chest piece made from a strap with pockets that goes on his right shoulder; one fully piece of leather that covers his chest and back, full of pockets, shoulder protections with spikes on them, and his legs are covered in studded leather armor), Vault 81 suit, Vault 88 suit, drifter outfit, road leathers, General outfit, casual outfit, army fatigues, military fatigues
Weapon of Choice: Wazer Wifle, Kellogg’s Pistol, Furious Power Fist, Lucky Shielded Gauss Rifle, Wounding Missile Launcher, Irradiated Fat Man
Skills: advanced medical knowledge, cooking, melee attacks
Weaknesses: sneaking, running for long time
Poor skills: shooting at normal or long range
Affiliations: Minutemen, BOS, Railroad, Atom Cats, Far Harbor, Acadia, Children of Atom
Former Affiliations: Institute and Raiders of Nuka World
Enemies: the Institute (destroyed), Nuka-World Raiders (defeated), Gunners, Rust Devils, Trappers, Triggermen
Neutral Affiliations: Scavengers, Traders
Religion: none
Likes: helping people, cooking, reading, listening music, collecting different stuffs, picking locks, sorting out the stuff, taking care of the radchickens, playing with Dogmeat, spending time with his family and friends
Dislikes: lying, betraying people, raiders, Gunners, loud/high noises, rude people, violence, stealing
Hates: murder, cannibalism, abuse of any kind towards anyone, refusing to help people, racism towards ghouls and synths
Friends: John Hancock, Nick Valentine, Codsworth, Preston Garvey, Danse, Robert Joseph MacCready, Curie, Deacon, Piper Wright, Cait, Daisy, Ingram, Teagan, Cade, Haylen, Sturges, Debbie*
Acquaintances: Edward Deagan, Jack Cabot, Old Longfellow, Glory, Magnolia, Desdemona, Arturo, KL-E-O, Kells, Richter, the Atom Cats, Cricket, Kessler, Wiseman, Fahrenheit, Doc Weathers, Doctor Sun, Bobrov brothers, Ellie Perkins, Ronnie Shaw, DiMA
Former friends: X6-88, Gage
Enemies: Kellogg (killed)
Pets: Dogmeat, Gracie (mutant hound), Misha (wolf), lots of radchickens
Other friends/family: Courier Tamir, Dovahkiin (Khajiit) Kahurangi (my other OCs)
(other people’s OCs) 
- Dovahkiin (Dunmer) Saigera - belongs to @knightamer
- Deborah “Debbie” Gaines* (companion!AU Debbie adopted in canon story), Ellie Connor* (companion!AU Vaughn adopted in her canon story), Rosaline Dupart* (companion in same verse as Ellie and companion!AU Vaughn), belongs to @lilyblue-bubbles
- Vincent Nathaniel Hudson* (cousin in canon story) - belongs to @theartofblossoming
Personality:  Good traits: intelligent, adaptable, loyal, kind, helpful, logical, honest, charismatic, protective, patient, calm, gentle, observant, supportive, respectful, neat, has a soft spot for children and animals
Flaws: lazy, coward, naive, sensitive, anxious, sometimes arrogant, clumsy, sometimes nervous, sarcastic, insecure, low self-esteem, hoarder
Favorite color: blue
Favorite foods: blamco mac and cheese, carrot, cooked softsheel meat, corn, cram, deathclaw steak, fried fog crawler, gatorclaw steak, gazelle steak, gourd, grilled nukalurk, grilled queen nukalurk, grilled hermit crab, grilled radstag, iguana on a stick, iguana soup, instamash, melon, mirelurk cake, mirelurk jerky, mirelurk queen steak, noodle cup, poached angler, pork n’ beans, potato crips, radscorpion steak, radstag stew, razorgrain, ribeye steak, salisbury steak, squirrel on a stick, tato, tarberry, vegetable soup, wolf ribs, yao guai ribs, yao guai roast
Favorite drinks: beer, bourbon, dirty wastelander, gwinnett ale, gwinnett brew, gwinnett lager, gwinnett pale, gwinnett pilsner, gwinnett stout, ice cold beer, newka-cola, nuka-berry, nuka-cherry, nuka-cola, nuka-cola dark, nuka cola orange, nuka cola quartz, nuka fancy, purified water, refreshing beverage, vim, vim quartz, vodka, whiskey, wine
Favorite Sweets: bubblegum, cotton candy bites, dandy boy apples, fancy lads snack cakes, funnel cake, sugar bombs
Other AUs: 
- Companion!AU Vaughn Zander (x) - official AU
- other AUs, not named
- his parents, Ryan Hudson-Zander, his father, was a Brigadier General, his mother, Olivia Zander was a pharmacist;
- graduated Harward Medical School, he works for a while as a family doctor in a small clinic, also meets Nora in that time (their parents were friends);
- his father forces him to join the army and signs as combat medic;
- stays 1 year in the army, signs off when he finds out his cousin and his father were killed on the battlefield;
- tries his best to recover from the army and from the lose of his cousin, Nora finds out and decides to help him, even convincing him and helping him to retake his job as family doctor;
- later he married Nora, and moves to Sanctuary Hills, in the house that Vaughn’s mother bought for them.
- being driven by revenge, he has nothing on his mind but to kill Kellogg
- passing close to the Museum of Freedom, he first refuse to help Preston, but then he and Codsworth were driven by raiders in the museum, helps them and escort them to the Sanctuary, but refuse to help them further, going to DC;
- meets Piper, gives the interview, goes to rescue Nick and finds Kellogg and kills him;
- joins the Minuteman later after he and Nick gets out from the Glowing Sea;
- meets and recruit Deborah Gaines (@lilyblue-bubbles’s OC);
- both of them joins BOS for spying on them and getting more intel;
- rebuilds the Minuteman, retakes the Castle and helps the settlements;
- befriends Hancock, MacCready, Piper, Cait, Curie and Danse;
- joins the Railroad, later he also helps Debbie to rejoin RR and she becomes Agent Bloom, heavy for RR;
- gets in the Institute, tries his best to bond again with Shaun but with no success, both arguing on the current situation;
- saves Danse and threaten Maxson to never hunt down Danse; 
- after the battle of Bunker Hill, he returns the synths to the Institute, and when Desdemona finds out, she banishes him from the RR, despite Deacon's and Debbie's arguments
- being stressed out, later he hurts a scientist after they insult him constantly, and gets banished from the Institute; 
- 2 weeks later, Sanctuary gets attacked by the Institute synths but its saved; 
- Vaughn gather the Minuteman and some of the companions and launch an attack to the Institute; 
- saves little Shaun and adopts him; 
- later on, Vaughn gets married with Hancock and Nick, all moving to the newly constructed house in Sanctuary;
- gets reaccepted in RR, but he doesnt wish to come there often;
- continues to help the Commonwealth with the Minuteman;
- later, he joins Nick to Far Harbor;
- they help the people of Far Harbor, gaining their trust;
- meets DiMA and agree to help him out;
- joins Children of Atom “by mistake” - tried to sneak into their base, they were caught and Vaughn wanted to join them (despite Nick’s protests)
- finds DiMA’s memories and helps Nick figure it out his past and accepts DiMA as his brother;
- agree to hide DiMA’s secrets and helps him out with the Children of Atom and finally make peace;
- months later, on a patrol mission, Vaughn and Danse were caught up by the raiders in Nuka World and survive the Gauntlet, Vaughn becoming the Overboss;
- making plans, Vaughn and Danse agreed to earn the raiders’s trust and attack them when they wont expect;
- later after the raiders were defeated, the Nuka World is freed and is under Minuteman’s control
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brotherhood-ao3feed · 7 years
Ch. 1 Aphrodisiacs
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2y6vmvG
by redsonya
Week1 of Kinktober 2017
Ch 1. Aphrodisiacs Ch 2. Dirty Talk Ch 3. Sthenolagnia Ch 4. Knife Play Ch 5. Humiliation Ch 6. Bondage Ch 7. Creampie
(Ch. 3 explains the Power Armor moment mentioned in this story)
Words: 2237, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Kinktober 2017 - Week1
Fandoms: Fallout 4
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Proctor Ingram (Fallout), Scribe Haylen (Fallout), Knight Rhys (Fallout)
Relationships: Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor, Paladin Danse/Sole Survivor
Additional Tags: Kinktober 2017, Smut, Mutual Pining, Porn With Plot, Hot Sex, Fireplaces, Fur Kink, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Aphrodisiacs, Dirty Talk, Sthenolagnia, Knife Play, Humiliation, Bondage, Creampie
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2y6vmvG
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
Bonds of Smoke and Steel, ch. 2
Full chapter on AO3!
Three Years Earlier
The world outside smelled like a gunfight. 
Spent clips and the unique burning scent that came from fusion cells disintegrating warped, rotted flesh didn't improve it much, but it wasn't anything Danse wasn't used to after all these years. Wasn't his first firefight, wasn't his first tangle with feral ghouls, and likely wasn't going to be his last any time soon. 
The only thing different this time was the stranger. 
To say that their…reception, in the Commonwealth had been hostile would have been a gross understatement. The Brotherhood wasn't an established presence here, no real strongholds or bases of operations aside from what could hastily be thrown together at sites boasting at least some level of defensibility that could be bolstered. He doubted many of the farmers eking out an existence in the unforgiving ruins of the wastes outside urban areas had even seen a Brotherhood Knight, let alone a Paladin, and certainly not an entire squadron. 
Or what had been an entire squadron, once. Now there were only three of them, and Rhys wasn't in any shape to get back out there in the near future. 
So for someone to overhear Haylen's distress calls and investigate was surprising in and of itself; to then assess the situation and choose to assist was damn near unheard of. A little suspicious, Danse had to admit, though a Raider working alone was unusual, but he could've always been a scout looking for a good spot for his crew to strike. The stranger had to have gotten that power armor somewhere.
So maybe Danse was a touch more curt than protocol demanded, but after the hell they'd been through even getting to this point he felt it was plenty warranted. 
"You from around here?" he heard Haylen ask once they'd retreated back inside the police station. The Ghouls had been summarily dealt with and Danse just wanted to get away from the stench. 
"You could say that," was the stranger's cryptic answer. 
It made more sense when he stepped out of his power armor.
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toxickimi · 4 years
Valentine’s Day Special
Valentine's Day Special +-This story takes place in between one of the many trips back and forth from Nuka World but before the events of Ch 13-+ The air was chilly in the morning light. Most of the CommonWealth was just starting to wake up. Kimikyo was long awake and roaming that streets of Diamond city for any and all paper and any colored pencils she could find. She sat at Power Noodles with the stack of paper and a cup of hot tea in front of her. She made quick work with drawing and writing on each piece with different quotes, sayings or drawings. By the time the sun fully up Kimikyo was already gone, having delivered all the cards to everyone with the help of Peach's speed. She had left cards even for Maxson, Cade, and Haylen at the Prydwen.
Kimikyo and Peach had made their way to the listening post only to curl up with each other to nap. Peach had placed some of the hay over Kimikyo to keep her warm before falling asleep himself. The two slept unaware of what was to come that day. Everyone had awoken and were going about their day only to find the cards in the oddest of places such as with Kigra. Her's was tied to her farming equipment, Preston and Azumiral's were on the radio tower at the Castel, Maxson's was taped to the outside window of the Prydwen and so on. Kigra and Azumiral met up, the two laughing after explaining the forgotten holiday to everyone who received a card. "How long do you think she was up for?" Kigra was looking at Azumiral's card as Azumiral's looked at hers. "A few hours at least. I do wonder how she managed to get Maxson's on the window." "She gave him one?" Azumiral nodded. "He radio in to the Castel's tower in a frenzy because she left him a card, but it was on the outside of the Prydwen and he thought it was a letter of war." "Oh jeeze he really is an idiot. Do you know what his said?" Azumiral nodded. "Apparently she just drew him a picture of his younger self saying 'Be more like him' and that royally pissed him off of course." "Ouch." The two feel silent before looking at each other. "We should do something for her. I mean she went out of her way to delivery all of these.""Very true." The two thought for a moment before speaking at the same time. "Valentine's Day Dinner!" "Valentine's Party!" The two laughed before planning a party with a dinner for everyone to attend. The girls went to everyone explaining their plans and that they could use all the help the could get to set it up. Hours passed before Kimikyo and Peach had woken up. Kimikyo stood up, brushing the hay off of her while Peach stretched.  "Let's go get something to eat." Peach and Kimikyo made their way out of the hut before they went to Daimond City to get some cuts of Brahim. While they went to get food Kigra and Azumiral stopped by to get Kimikyo who was no longer at the listening post. "Where could she have gone?" Kigra looked at Azumiral. "She's with Peach so we know she didn't leave for Nuka World again...maybe we should wait?" Azumiral shook her head before leaving a note for Kimikyo to meet at Good Neighbor. "Let's just head back I'm sure she'll be back home soon." The two sister's left however Kimikyo was already in Good Neighbor as Nick had caught the two in Daimond City. Peach had ran over to Jacob who was already there with Preston. The two began to play as Kimikyo was helping with the food. Kigra and Azumiral walked into see Peach run by with Jacob chasing after. "Found them." "Jacob, be careful!" Azumiral took off after Jacob and Peach who began to chase her, Jacob now on Peach's back. Kimikyo was busy serving food to everyone but didn't see Danse which made her a bit sad. "Kimi! Glad you could make it!" Hancock and Maccready were already by her side as if they both could feel her sadness. The three sat down and began to talk among themselves. Kigra had sat with Piper, smiling and watching Kimikyo. "Hey, Kiggy can I ask something?" "Hm?" Kigra looked at Piper. "Where is Danse? Shouldn't he be here?" "Oh we invited him but he refused since you know we're in Good Neighbor and Hancock is Mayor here." "geeze couldn't he look the other way just this once?" Kigra shrugged before looking back at Kimikyo who was now joined by Nick. "I hope that Danse can get over it..I'm fairly certain Kimikyo will choose them over him in a heartbeat." "You think?" Kigra smiled and nodded. "I know so because they're her family and she doesn't turn her back on family." The night carried on with food, music, dancing, and drinks. Everyone was having a great time. Kimikyo had even dragged Maccready up to the dancing area, the two having a blast. As the dawn neared everyone was either gone to their homes or at the hotel. Kimikyo was still awake though, on top of one of the taller buildings in town. She was watching the sun rise. Hancock had climbed up, spooking her a bit. "Kind of dangerous to be up here isn't it?" Kimikyo jolted as she looked at Hancock. The two sat next to each other, just starring out of the sun rise. "Man I always loved watching these when I was a kid. Use to always watch with my ma." Kimikyo looked at him before looking back at the dawn. "I uses to star gaze with my mom...I could never sleep at night. " The two fell silent however after a few minutes Kimikyo had leaned on Hancock, dozing off. "Don't think you boy toy will like seeing you like this." "We're not a couple..besides I'm mad at him. He could have came here last night." She yawned as Hanock chuckled. "Hey. Promise you won't leave us little people if you two ever do get hitched." "Promise." -End-
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