#ch: hermione granger
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mskrianna · 1 year ago
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⠀⠀ ❛ А что я — ум и книги, вот и всё! Но, оказывается, есть куда более важные вещи — например, дружба и храбрость ❜
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homenumrevelio-rpg · 5 months ago
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Debate Ministerial,
Candidata a Ministra de Magia, por la reelección:
Hermione Granger
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darkst4lker · 5 months ago
a bed full of snakes is a warfield. // harry potter.
slytherin!harry potter x slytherin!reader
plot: ever since your first year, when you and harry entered slytherin, you've been rivals. always wanting to be better than the other, always fighting, always teasing each other. the problem is that you're so alike, you can't stand each other. until one night harry wakes up from a nightmare, and you help him calm down.
tw: rivals to lovers, mentions of violence, trauma, a nose bleed, sixth year, half-blood prince events, harry is the same harry as always just maybe a little more arrogant bc y'know, he spent five years in slytherin. fluff, angst, nightmares. low caps on purpose. draco and harry get along here.
notes: english is not my first language, but i hope you enjoy anyways. sorry if there's any mistakes.
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horace slughorn lessons weren't an easy ride for someone who doesn't know potions. luckily for you, you were one of his most talented students like you were once for professor snape before he started teaching defense against dark arts.
in fact, you were so good at potions that you couldn't possibly believe how on earth harry james potter could be standing in this class and being the best one at it when a year ago he was a failure at this subject.
there was a part of you that was livid by the fact that he was succeeding at the only field you always surpassed him, because you and harry had a tendency of making a nasty competition out of the rest of subjects. but, there was another side of you that was about to explode out of excitement.
you sure loved a good competition, and harry provided that for you and you for him every single time since the two of you entered slytherin five years ago.
it became sort of a symbiotic relationship because he stimulated your arrogance and thirst for success like no other person in your life, it was a hunger you both carried driven purely by the need of being better than the other.
yet, the problem between you and harry was probably the fact that apart from being in an eternal competition, you two fought like if you were at war. draco malfoy, a friend of both of you, hated to be in the same room as the two of you at the same time and so did harry's bestest friends: ron and hermione. you and harry knew how to be awfully insufferable.
well, at least that's what everyone thought until that day.
it was a quite beautiful and warm day outside. the sky was clear as you were leaving slughorn class after being surpassed (again) by harry. at this point it was getting tiring to always lose to him but not even harry could ruin that day for you.
as you walked out of the classroom friendly grabbing pansy's arm, you saw him: his green eyes always standing out, his messy uniform and the way his skin appeared so soft to the touch. you dismissed the thought quickly as harry's look went to yours, and a cocky smile appeared in his lips as he approached you and pansy.
“guess you'll need to settle for the second place.” harry said, obviously teasing you. hermione and ron came chasing after him making obvious that he went out of his way to mess with you.
an annoyed sigh left your lips, it was almost funny to see how harry ego became bigger after every class because it meant that you would surely enjoy much more the moment you finally archived to bring it down.
as you looked at him, his eyes made you shiver a little. the bastard was pretty as a sin, and charming as a snake, but he always forgot that you also knew how to behave like a snake too, and finally your mouth opened to answer him.
“can't live without me, can you?” you answered, an arrogant smile placing itself on your lips. “just wait until i figure out how you managed to cheat in slughorn classes, and i will become his favorite like i was with professor snape.” you added, firing back at him with a determined expression.
“oh, please (y/n). the only reason you were snape's favorite is because he literally hates me unprovoked.” harry joked and you got instantly irritated. “and don't pretend you aren't obsessed with me either.” he said, obviously teasing you.
you looked at pansy, who seemed a little desperate to flee from your encounter and you released her arm letting her go silently. then your eyes went right back at harry.
“for merlin sake, potter.” you said, rolling your eyes at him. “you scared her.”
“no, you scared her.” harry answered, crossing his arms. “you're the one who gets all worked up when i tell you the truth.”
“what on earth are you talking about, potter? you were shit at potions all these five years until months ago, don't get arrogant on me.” you mimicked his actions, crossing your arms too as the words left your mouth.
“yeah sur-...” harry was obviously about to fight you back, until hermione voice interrupted him, making you both remember that you weren't alone.
ron stood back from the encounter clearly tired of your rivalry, and hermione by the other hand seemed in a hurry.
“harry, please we need to go or we're going to be late for herbology.” she said, annoyed. “by the way, hi (y/n).”
“hi granger.” your voice came out friendly. “please hold your dog leash tighter the next time.” you added, a mocking tone on your words as you looked at harry.
you and harry's friends weren't exactly «besties» but you did not hate each other at all. not after what you did for harry in third year.
you had proved that you cared for harry deep inside when a dementor made him fall of his broom breaking it in the process and you stayed by his side for hours before he woke up and even bought him chocolate frogs. hermione and ron didn't understood why you asked them to not tell harry, but they did what you requested out of respect and you disappeared before harry opened his eyes.
and that was your little secret, one you intended to keep forever.
how could you not? knowing that would only make him more arrogant that he already is. also, is not like you did that because you liked him anyways, right?
i mean, he's insufferable, but you didn't wanted him to die by any means. it scared the shit out of you even thinking about the possibility.
in fact, it frightened you so much that you were fighting for him to be safe even now, but he doesn't need to know yet. no one had to know.
except for, of course, dumbledore.
“if im a dog then what are you? a kitten?” harry answered clearly irritated and hermione pulled him by the ear to get him off your neck and dragged him the other way, leaving you with an heated answer stuck in your tongue.
but even if harry's words had made you furious, they also had a clearly effect on you.
“bye, (y/n)” ron said as he followed them, clearly enjoying not being the one scolded by hermione for once. his words brought you to reality again.
as harry left unwillingly with hermione and ron, you stood there for a second. the corridor was almost empty, and you heart was beating subtly faster than always.
was this something normal? when did you started to feel like this?
you didn't knew at all, sometimes it was like you felt this since first year without noticing. yet, this emotion you didn't wanted to acknowledge was really starting disturb your peace.
it seemed harry potter always managed to ruin your day.
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hours later, you found yourself laying on your bed. the green sheets embraced your body comfortably, trying to induce you into dreams, but it was impossible.
you were wide awake in the pale moonlight crossing the water covering the windows of the slytherin girls dorm in the dungeons. a sigh left your lips, as you rolled in bed trying to find the exact position to finally catch sleep but instead you heard the door of the boys dorm opening and closing. then steps and a calm sob.
this was not the first time you heard this in your time on hogwarts and you knew what was it, but all these years you were too coward to go out and do something about it.
it was harry, and you knew that he had one of his horrid nightmares.
you decided this was the last night you wouldn't go out and help him, because even if he was annoying, irritating and a bastard, your rivalry had its limits.
as you stood up in your black pajamas, your heartbeat got faster. what were you going to say to him?
for once, a part of you decided it didn't matter.
so when you opened the door, you saw him sitting im one of the sofas of the common room, crying quietly, his face slightly red and with a nose bleed that was getting worse and worse, staining his neck and his pajamas.
you almost ran to his side, casting a quick accio charm with your wand to get an elegant green hanky with your silvery initials embroidered in one of the corners. a gift from draco that you haven't got to use until that night.
harry looked at you almost in shock as you sat on the sofa with him, but he stayed silent, sobbing without making almost any sound. he seemed surprised to see you there but he seemed to calm down a little when you grabbed his face sweetly and used your hanky to carefully try to clean the blood from his face, holding it to his nose.
your fingers got stained with his blood, but you didn't seemed to care.
“hold it in place” you almost whispered, talking to him like he was a crying child.
he subtly nodded, tears still coming out from his eyes.
your fingers approached his cheeks, wiping his tears away even if they would keep coming out. then, while seeing his face, you remembered the photo of james potter in his seeker uniform on the quidditch shelf on one of the hallways in hogwarts. yet, when you eyes met his, another iconic photo came to your mind.
the portrait of lily evans in slughorn's shelf. her loving eyes were the same ones her son had inherited, the constant vestiges of her life were alive in harry and spoke through him like an ocean of sweetness.
you didn't knew why you paid so much attention to harry's parents photos, but something had drawn your curiosity and through the years it became more and more real what everyone thought:
“you really look exactly like your father.” your voice came out, still in a whisper while grabbing his cheeks. “except for your eyes.”
you didn't added what everyone said next, because harry knew it all too well.
he leant against your hands, accepting your touch and a sad smile came out his lips, genuinely moved by your words. words that even if he had heard them a thousand times before, for some reason, he never expected to hear them from you.
and that made his heart skip a beat.
“thank you.” harry managed to say. your soul felt almost wounded at the sadness in his voice, the voice of a dying man, a dying boy, that once had survived death but it kept chasing him over and over again.
and while you fought him on daylight, now you wanted to protect him under the watery moonlight coming from the windows.
“don't mention it.” you answered. your hands didn't moved from his face, now caressing it tenderly.
“please don't tell-...” he was going to say, but you interrupted him.
“i won't tell anyone, you don't have to worry.” you said as you got closer to him. “i never did.”
of course you wouldn't tell a soul. as much as you loved your slytherin mates, you knew that a bed full of snakes is a warfield, and being a lot of them the sons and daughters of death eaters they were surely going to eat harry up with rumours and mean insults.
and, every other time you had heard him come out of his room at night, you always kept it private because being a snake meant surviving at any cost, even if that meant feasting on your own kin to keep yourself alive. slytherin was about enduring, about succeeding.
and those were qualities that helped harry in the many times he had to face tom riddle, slytherin made him understand the dark lord much better but the cost was the constant fear of becoming him, of not being capable of surviving, of transforming into an omen.
“it was one of your nightmares?” he nodded after you muttered the question, taking one of your hands to hold one of his.
“it was about the night my parents died.” harry confessed. the tears had stopped for a moment, but a couple of them left his green eyes. “snape taught me occlumency to keep voldemort out of my head, but i keep having nightmares.” he explained, his voice too calm for someone that cried a lot just minutes before.
you looked at him, his burden becoming extremely palpable to you. the curse of being an unwilling child forced to fight a war that he didn't started, and that he didn't wanted.
you didn't thought much about what you were doing when you took off his glasses, put them on the small table beside the sofa and pulled him into a tight hug, one of your hands in his back, the other on his nape, caressing him.
harry cried on your shoulder, and you tried your best to make him feel held.
“it's okay, let it all out.” soft words left your lips, reassure him. “im here”
he hugged you back, almost desperately. like if he hadn't been comforted in a long time.
“im here, harry i will help you. you're not alone” you said and you instantly regretted it, knowing your words probably blew up your intent of not revealing the secret you've been keeping from him.
as you both broke the hug, harry spoke.
“help me?” he asked, clearly in disbelief. “why would you ever help me?” he asked you, a smile escaping his lips through the tears as if you just told him a joke.
you sighed. it was time to reveal your secret.
“because even if i love to fight with you, i don't want to see you die.” you confessed, you words in a seriousness harry had never heard on you.
he went silent for a moment, suspecting you had something say.
and it was true, because when the year started you parents began to pressure you to become a death eater. a destiny you would quickly share with draco in no less than a couple months.
but you knew way better than that, and in fear of having to do something awful or worse (having to hurt harry) you ran to dumbledore and explained him everything.
albus received your confession with open arms and offered you a way to help harry: joining the order of the phoenix and act as a double spy under the tutoring of severus snape who also acted as a double spy.
you were forbidden of sharing most of that information with absolutely anyone, but here you were, about to confess in front of one of the people you hated the most.
or maybe you loved the most.
because who would put their lives on a stake for a person in who they don't believe? for someone you don't love?
the most beautiful sacrifices are made out of love, out of adoration.
and maybe and just maybe, you loved harry potter.
the realization came to you suddenly, as he waited for an explanation while looking at you.
yet, a realization came to him too.
“(y/n), what did you do?” harry asked, his eyes widening for a moment. “what did you do?” his voice was soft, yet desperate.
“there's a lot of things im willing to do for you.” you admitted, trying to dismiss his question one last time.
“for salazar, please tell me what did you do.” he pleaded, scared that you could be in danger.
something cracked on your insides because facing his desperation, how could you deny him all your secrets?
“i've joined the order.” your answer struck him like a punch straight on the face. “my parents want me to become a death eater, so i spoke to dumbledore. i'll be a double spy.”
harry face went from having a sad expression to a surprised one.
“but how? why?” he desperately grabbed your hands, you thought his eyes had a hint of fear in them but you dismissed it. “you can't just do that for me, you're sacrificing your life if voldemort finds out.”
“i'm doing it happily, harry.”
“but why?!” harry exclaimed, then he remembered that everyone were sleeping and closed his eyes in frustration. “we were fighting this morning, tell me why would you do this?”
“you don't understand.” you said as his hands grabbed yours tightly.
“you can't say that after saying all of this to me, (y/n).” he answered, obviously getting annoyed. “i don't want you to do this.”
“i think i love you harry.” you admitted, looking at him in the eyes. “i did it because i love you, i was just too stubborn to admit that to myself. i sat by your side in third year when you passed out and fell off your broom because i love you. i bought you chocolate frogs that time because i love you, i beated the shit out of crabbe in fourth year because i love you and he said some blood purist shit about you.” you confessed, looking at him, your voice getting weaker with every word said. harry smiled at the last sentence, now understanding why you did that to crabbe in fourth year. he had thought all this time that it had been just a discussion between both of you that escalated. harry remembered your wounded knuckles, and something inside him trembled. “all i ever did was because i love you, even when i fight you.” you finished, your eyes about to tear up a little.
the realization was too hard for you to handle, knowing he probably didn't liked you back.
you both were tearing up, his nose bleed had stopped long ago yet some stains of blood were in his clothes and in your fingers.
your hanky rested on the sofa, your eyes were on his like it was the first sip of water you got on a whole lifetime.
“remember that time in fourth year i approached you with ron, and i stayed silent for like a whole minute im front of you and then fleed?” harry asked, smiling sweetly towards you. you nodded in response, clearly remembering the awkward encounter. “i wanted to invite you to the yule ball, but i got scared.” he confessed. “and then you ended up going with draco so i started picking on you the whole event because i was jealous.”
a laugh escaped your lips as he spoke, you could have never imagined his intentions and now here he was, erasing your fear of harry not loving you back.
“i think i love you too.” he continued. “this is weird tho, i never thought we would be speaking of this”
“yeah, you're right.” you answered, taking your hand out of his to give him a friendly punch on the arm. “how i will get used to be all sweet with you when we're always insulting each other?”
“we'll get there someday.” harry said, chuckling.
a brief silence came between you both as your eyes explored each other's faces, and in a moment he just stopped thinking and made a move.
harry grabbed your cheeks and pulled you to steal a kiss from you, it was sweet yet you felt his subtly swollen face because of the tears, a little taste of blood because of the rest he had on his lips, your own tears finally running free. both of you weren't exactly experienced on kissing, but you managed to keep it loving.
it was the kind of kiss you never thought you and harry would give each other. the intoxicating embrace of a hidden love that somehow managed to survive all these years to finally bloom.
a kiss soaked in a infinite mantra of sacrifice, of purity, of unconditional love. the kind of love you're willing to die for.
yet, the kiss was brief and tender. when you both broke it, your cheeks were subtly pink and his were too.
“this is a good start.” you whispered close to his face, finally accepting the feelings inside your heart.
“yes, it is.” he smiled at you, and then it seemed like an idea crossed his mind.
there was a brief moment of silence before he spoke again.
“if you're going to be a double spy, you'll need to be trained.” harry said. “i can help you practice. it frightens me to think of you dying.”
his offer made you giggle, and you nodded.
“okay.” you answered. “i can help you with potions in return.”
“i mean, i've been managing as you already know, but i don't understand a single thing of what im doing so i could really use your help.” harry confessed, smiling. “you see, i found this book on my first class, it has notes to get every potion right.” he added. “and a spell i desperately want you to learn if you're really going to risk your life like that.”
you leant against his shoulder intertwining your hands.
“im up for it, what's the spell called?” you answered as he leant his head against yours.
harry didn't answered right away, he struggled in his insides to share the information, but now he felt safe with you.
you both didn't had a clue of what was going to happen or if you were going to be together right away. harry needed time, you needed time and all these confessions after years of fighting non stop were confusing the hell out of you. yet, a war was coming and you were going to play a dangerous part on it.
and knowing that you had already made your big move on the board to help keep him safe while putting you at risk, harry realized you really could use knowing his secret.
« a secret for a secret » he thought, thinking on your confession.
when he finally answered, his voice sounded serious but the intention of helping you was there.
his words were dripping honey, the kind of honey someone has inside when they want you to be safe. when they love you so much, they are willing to die thousands of times for you too.
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I HOPED YOU ENJOYED IT!! im a sucker for slytherin!harry so im planning writing more things of him in the future!! ♡
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inabcck · 11 months ago
@acourtcfmuses Charlie sent: ❛I, of course, am an enigma and will divulge none of my secrets.'
Hermione just blinked at the older Weasley a few times trying to figure out where this came from. At this point in her friendship with Ron she just accepted that there was a whole host of personalities amongst the family. "I'm sorry, what?" She finally spoke up trying to make sense of all this. "I only asked what it was like working with dragons all the time. It sounds like it would be a real rush." Certainly a constant dance with danger she imagined anyways since some dragons were more inclined to burn first and ask questions later. "Or is that a secret?"
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silencedrage · 1 year ago
[  FACE  ] :  receiver won’t stop talking. in an attempt to get them to stop, sender grabs their face, underestimating the intensity of the act. + reverse - @vrake
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She is still shivering despite the warming charms that the mediwitches had placed on them, and Hermione is pretty sure that's mostly just adrenaline still working its way through her system. She's not exactly certain how putting a body in magical stasis would affect her physiologically, but the more likely reason for the way her heart is beating is the way that Fleur's fingers keep fluttering over her face. Hermione catches a few French words here and there, and from her few visits to the country, she can pick out the ones that are definitely swear words.
Her hair is already drying into a frizzy mess, and there are even more eyes watching them than had been at the Yule Ball, but Hermione presses her palms to Fleur's cheeks tightly, trying to pull the other witch's focus back to her. "I'm here. See? I'm right here, and I'm fine." Her robes might be sopping wet and she should probably ask how Harry and Ron are doing, or how the task finished, but she just pulls Fleur in with a giddy laugh, pressing their lips together tightly. It's messy and hardly romantic, but Hermione brushes her thumb along Fleur's cheek, her cheeks red from both the cold and her sudden shyness. "Did you go with a Bubble-Head charm?"
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fandomlit · 7 months ago
academic affair, prologue (remus lupin x reader)
series summary being a professor at hogwarts always brought you an interesting day, but your past starts to reappear in odd ways: in the son of one of your former best friends, a dog you can't stop seeing, and an old crush getting the cursed job the school. it all looks to mean one thing--it's time to stop running from the things you tried hard not to think about.
warning none
a/n if you all are interested in seeing this continue as a series please please let me know!! im loving this concept :)
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gif cred belongs to @rxmuz
harry, hermione, and ron were gathered in the empty classroom you were to begin a lesson in after your snack break--a habit they had grown into shortly after meeting you their first year. your feet were propped up on your desk as you ate your salad, watching harry pace and complain about his third-year classes already, despite only being a few days into the term.
"i think they're all riveting so far," hermione spoke bossily, shaking her head at the complaining boys.
"how would you know? you weren't even in potions today!" ron accused. you winked at hermione as her face flushed slightly. you knew her little time turner secret--it was a fate few students endured, but you had been one of the professors to recommend her for the honor when dumbledore inquired.
"i was there! we learned about the benefits of frog liver in healing potions!"
ron and harry looked to each other. "I actually don't know if that's true or not."
you let out a laugh before speaking, "it's just the second week, harry. it'll get better! patience is key."
harry huffed as he flopped into one of the chairs in the front row. "why can't i just take your class already?"
you shrugged. "i'll let you in." his head piped up. "if you can read my leaves from my old cup of tea for me." he sunk back down into the chair as you tutted, "have to know divination to take theory, harry. sad, but true."
he sulked for another moment before admitting, "i do like the new defense against the dark arts professor. lupin seems good."
the other two agreed and began to chat about it as you froze mid-chew.
when you heard remus lupin was taking the dark arts position, a rush of old, buried emotions came flooding back to you. your stupid schoolgirl crush seemed to take up space in your heart once again before you had even seen him again, and you cursed yourself for letting it happen. but remus was one of your best friends in your hogwarts days, and you had always wondered what could have been if you had ever had the guts to pursue something with him..
" .. professor? y/n!"
you snapped back into the moment, swallowing your bite as you gave your attention back to the trio. "sorry. got lost in thought. what's up?"
"did you know lupin when you went to hogwarts?"
your heart jumped unwillingly. "oh--yeah, of course. i don't want to air out his business for him if he hasn't said.. but he was very close to your parents, as well, harry." harry blinked in surprise. "but again, not my place to say without knowing if he wants all that to be said." the trio nodded.
"has he always had those scars?" ron asked, waving to his face. 
you smiled a little. "yes. not those, specifically, but he always had a knack for getting new wounds back in our hogwarts days. never without a scratch."
"sounds like-"
"professor l/n?" all four of you looked to the open door of the classroom to see professor lupin himself standing with one hand on the frame, as if he had been summoned when you began to talk about him. your heart skipped while he swept his gaze to the students, lifting a hand in greeting, "hello harry, miss granger, mister weasley." they greeted him in return before he looked back to you as you swung your feet to the ground a little clumsily. you prayed your face wasn't as hot as it felt. "have you all seen a toad hopping about? had a student say he lost sight of him after charms this morning."
"oh, neville?" you laughed softly and the other three chuckled. lupin nodded. "no, we haven't seen trevor. we'll be sure to inform the owner if he's spotted, however."
lupin gave you a nod. "thanks." he paused for a moment in the doorway, looking like he was going to say something more, before patting the doorframe and moving away. after a moment you cleared your throat, swinging your feet back onto your desk and shuffling your fork through your salad.
"so, what were we saying before all that? something about divination?"
"you totally fancy professor lupin!" hermione scoffed. it was the first time you had seen her gaze properly off of her homework all afternoon. and she looked delighted about it, too.
now you knew your face was bright red. "you're loony, hermione. i'm thirty-five years old--i don't 'fancy' people."
"oh, what do you call it then?" harry grinned. "a crush? taking a liking too? or do we skip straight to pining at your age?" he dodged when your shoe came flying at him, but he was laughing the whole way. ron was chortling just as loudly.
"you three have lost it!" you declared, standing unevenly from your desk. "remus and i were good friends back in the day--nothing more, nothing less."
"remus, is it?" harry gawked, making the other two laugh and tease again while you stripped off your other shoe. the warning bell rang just then.
"you've been saved, you have!" you called as they scrambled to get their things together. "teasing a professor like a student--rotten children!"
"and yet, you keep inviting us around!"
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morgan-magic · 2 months ago
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Draco and Hermione visit the US, sexual tension moves from the Auror office to a hotel, and Draco buys muggle music while Hermione does their homework.
Another snippet:
“It started with a single record,” Malfoy said rather dramatically. “Fleetwood Mac’s self-titled album. It was a gateway drug to the muggle world.” Hermione let out a faint scoff. “How do you know what a gateway drug is?” “Because I was a victim, Granger,” he said with overdone sincerity.
Read on AO3
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fics-by-noworriesifnot · 8 months ago
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Ch 2 PART ONE /19: “There Was a Fish in the Percolator.” Please note chapter are in two parts for limits on how many images can be posted at a time. please read this post FIRST.
The clock struck 3:01AM and Hermione was jolted awake to the sound of wretched wailing. She scrubbed at her bleary eyes and turned to find Malfoy stretched out across her bedspread, singing at the top of his lungs.
“Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please!” He bellowed.
She gaped at him in astonished confusion before her tired brain caught up and realised he’d begun employing dirty tactics to drive her from the manor.
She pushed the covers back, glaring at him furiously as he continued to sing. “Whether we be old and bald, Or young with scabby knees.”
He favoured singing loudly over being in tune and she pulled a pillow over her ears in desperation.
“Oh my god.” She hissed. His grin grew wider as he drank in her frustration.
“Our heads could do with filling, With some interesting stuff, For now they’re bare and full of air, Dead flies and bits of fluff.”
She bolted out of the room in a huff, furious that she had no recourse to stop him. ***
Finding a quiet nook in the manor, far away from Malfoy’s singing, she procured a cup of hot tea, deciding to commit to being awake. She breathed deep into the warm tea while she waited for it to cool, mulling over spells that might work on ghosts. She thought back to how Nearly-Headless Nick had been petrified by the basilisk’s reflection in second year and smiled at the thought of Malfoy in that state.
She closed her eyes to take a sip of tea and felt something scuttle across her hand. Her eyes flew open to see her tea had been transformed into a cup of writhing spiders. The cup fell from her hands, and shattered across the floor.
In an attempt to rid the crawling sensation on her skin, she slid into the shower and let the hot water wash over her. Just as she felt herself relaxing, the water turned to ice. Giant balls of snow erupted from the shower head, and crashed into her, the change in temperature was like needles on her skin. Hermione scurried from the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. She kicked open the nearest door to find Malfoy sitting innocently in a large wingback chair, seemingly engrossed in a book. “Throw whatever you’ve got at me, I’m not leaving!” She said, her voice trembled with unrestrained fury.
Without looking up from his book, Malfoy replied. “We’ll see Granger. Now be a dear would you and turn this page for me?” Hermione grit her teeth and huffed out the room. She felt his eyes follow her out. ***
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dramioneasks · 2 months ago
Christmas Fics (2024) (Part 10):
Daddy, Chill by So_scarlett_maroon - E, one-shot - When Draco is forced to spend his Christmas in Russia watching over Hermione and the rest of the International Magical Cooperation Team, he's already annoyed. When he then gets locked on the roof of the Russian Ministry in the bitter cold, he has totally lost his chill. But when Hermione Granger is the one who finds him, his Christmas just might start looking up.
Winter Nest by Dino1329 - T, one-shot - Hermione, overwhelmed by her Omega instincts, creates a Christmas-themed nest in the Room of Requirement to find some peace. She doesn’t expect Draco Malfoy, her Alpha, to stumble in. When he offers to help her decorate, things take a turn toward confessions and warmth in the middle of the holiday season.
A Very Special Christmas Present by Rosmar_Cuentacuentos - G, WIP - Hermione is back at Hogwarts for her missing year. She is focused on her NEWTs and determined to have a relaxed and normal school year. Without Harry and Ron, she makes unexpected new friends, and decides to spend Christmas with them.
lonely this christmas by riddikulus_puff - M, one-shot - “Happy Christmas, my darling,” Draco whispered, his arms wrapped around her as they swayed together in front of the Wiltshire Manor fireplace.  “Merry Christmas, Draco.” She smooshed her face closer into his chest, allowing him to control their slow swaying movements. "I love you." She uttered, a smile gracing her lips. Happiness blossomed through her chest. The large Christmas pine twinkled in the corner of her eye. It was perfect. A one-shot for the 2024 HP Festival of Stars Fic Fest [WARNINGS: CHARACTER DEATH]
Wrapped and Willing by callhermalfoy - E, one-shot - It’s Christmas morning and Draco has an extra special — and large — gift for Hermione. Theo is wrapped and willing to make one of her fantasies come true. [Draco x Hermione x Theo]
There's an Art to Pining by charingfae - E, one-shot - Hermione yearns. For love, for success, for contentment. Above all, she yearns for something—or someone—she'll never have. — Malfoy is everywhere. He’s in the way she takes her tea—black with a splash of honey, like he does. Etches and echoes of sweeping tendrils of silver-blond strands falling across his forehead, shadowing his cheekbones beneath the harsh afternoon sun. Long fingers that drum against his thighs when he’s bored. His sharp wit comes out on pub nights, and it’s a delight to see it turned on other people. To laugh with him. He looks at her sometimes, in those moments, and the secret smile he gives her is nothing short of earth-shattering. 
Carrot Top by SomnophiliaSweetheart - E, one-shot - Hermione realises that maybe her massive hulky husband looks hot dressed as The Grinch? And that desperate times call for desperate measures when she wants to get off...
Oh, I Wish I Had A River by cranberryorange - T, WIP - Draco hates Christmas. He didn't always, but this is the first time he'll be by himself. Without his parents, stuck at Hogwarts. Slowly, he finds solace in a journal left by a mystery student. --- Hermione loves Christmas. But this year, she isn't so sure. This will be the first Christmas she'll be by herself. No parents, no friends. On an impulse, she leaves a journal in the library, hoping a kindred spirit will find it and reply. Strangely enough, he does. Medium-burn, Eighth Year AU. Inspired by You've Got Mail, or Dash and Lily if you're Gen Z. Also heavily inspired by the song River by Joni Mitchell.
A very Malfoy Christmas by Dino1329 - G, one-shot - Christmas at the Malfoy Manor is always extra – glittering trees, over-the-top feasts, and more enchanted snow than anyone actually needs. But for Draco and his wife Hermione, it’s not about the traditions of old. It’s about building something new, something theirs – with their kids as the chaotic cherry on top.
Promise Me by augustr - G, one-shot - Draco Malfoy has mastered the art of denial-- until one obnoxiously festive Christmas party forces him to confront everything he has held in for months. Years, even. The party only confirmed what he already knew: Ronald Weasley is the biggest idiot he has ever had the displeasure of laying eyes on. When he escapes in search of solace, he is confronted with the very thing he meant to avoid-- Hermione Granger. The real question is, how in Merlin's name will he ever manage to be enough for her?
Bonding during a Blizzard by Dino1329 - M, one-shot - Stranded at Draco Malfoy’s cottage during a snowstorm, Hermione Granger must face the simmering tension between them. When her heat unexpectedly strikes, Christmas magic takes over, bringing them closer in ways neither expected.
The Cabin At The End of Everything by WillowingScribe - M, one-shot - The Order forces Hermione to hide out in a cabin in the Austrian Alps while the war rages on. She hates that she's not allowed to help, she's lonely, she's grieving her friends, and she is not even able to use her magic unless there's an emergency. As her second Christmas in that lonely prison approaches, Hermione is convinced her life couldn't get any more frustrating, even if the heating was properly working. That is until Neville Apparates a voiceless Draco Malfoy into her cabin and tells her that the world's fate rests on her keeping her sworn enemy alive.
Crookshanks Takes a Nap by NoWorriesIfNot - G, one-shot - All he ever wanted was a nap, but Crookshanks finds himself a reluctant host to a visitor who just wont get the hint.
Blood For The Monster by HeavenlyDew - E, one-shot - A random one-shot written as a Christmas gift for one of my first and dearest Dramione friends: TheGardenState. If you choose to read, be prepared for grief tinged with horniness, pining over vampire Draco, and spoilers for her wonderful Dramione story "The Blood of Monsters."
Wrapped in Ribbon by morriganmercy - E, one-shot - Unity is the theme for Hogwarts’ first-ever Eighth Year, including a reprise of the highly-acclaimed Yule Ball. Draco gladly makes himself a shining example of the effort, though, to be fair, he’s mostly only interested in uniting with his co-Head, Hermione Granger.
the taste (of a poison paradise) by riddikulus_puff - E, one-shot - “I warned you what would happen, my darling baby sister if I caught you flirting with my father again. And yet, you continued to be a little slut. Even after every single warning.” Draco’s hand wrapped tightly around her neck, squeezing the sides as he watched her eyes start to bulge as the loss of breath was beginning to affect her brain. She was shortcircuiting.
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silencedrage · 1 year ago
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Hermione has never been the kindest child, too often preoccupied with being right over being nice. War has a funny way of changing that in people. Still barely an adult, yet she also feels like she's lived a lifetime. The little girl scrambling around the third floor corridor and worrying about House points feels like a far cry from the woman she is now. Even though the worst of the fighting is over, the world cannot be magically rebuilt, even by them. Trust, loyalty, friendship. All such things that are damaged by differing ideologies and no spell could genuinely recreate that. But it's a small reminder of their victory, that Hermione could even have a flat that had running electricity and a telly that she could use freely. "Give it here," she chuckles, gesturing for the remote from @vrake. Truthfully, she's not sure when exactly they added quite so many buttons to the darn thing, but the basic ones are still there. "This symbol here, it almost universally means it's the power button for any product, turns it on or off," she explains, knowing that Fleur could at least appreciate the why and the how of things. "Now what exactly were you trying to watch?"
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❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜ - hermione/fleur
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Fleur can't help it, the way her body tenses and her posture changes just the slightest ( straighter, poised ). And her expression turns blank, bordering on cold. Almost on instinct, as if she's expecting the worst and is reading herself for the jab that she knows now won't come ( Nevermind that it was herself who tended so carefully to Hermione's wounds and body after that wretched day. Nevermind that they fought a war as allies and have been on a more amicable, maybe more than amicable, ground ever since ). Fleur sometimes can't seem to be able to shake the memories of the ill fated words she'd hear every now and then, from most everyone, sometimes, including the bright witch standing bedies her. But that's all behind now, and Fleur allows her body to relax ( not too much, almost never too much ), to lose some of the tension that had creeped up on her, before an embarrassingly defeated sigh leaves her lips and a frown graces her features delicately. It was never easy for her to admit to not knowing something but she shrugs, an elegant motion with one shoulder up and turns to Hermione with a small, almost teasing smile. " I'm ashamed to admit i was never too invested in muggle studies when I should had… but perhaps you could help me with it now, non ?."
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wofwolwos · 1 month ago
Last Part of Bond, Soul Bond is coming online now!
Rated E, 185k, ch 70/85 now posted
Exes-to-lovers, forced proximity, secret agents and healers.
A bomb explodes the Hogwarts Express at Platform Nine and Three Quarters on the day the school children are heading to Hogwarts. Dr. Hermione Granger, Rose Granger-Weasley, Albus Potter, and Scorpius Malfoy go missing. Reassigned to England's Ministry of Magic's DMLE for going rogue, MI Null’s secret agent Draco Malfoy is sent to find them, despite his aversion to the famous doctor. Is the evil organised crime syndicate ROSES behind the terrorism? And what is the terrifying new weapon, the White Rose Serum?
We’re cooking now!
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siobhanhazel · 3 months ago
Advanced Potion Theory and... - HP Rec Fest 2024
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Advanced Potion Theory and Practical Applications by carmick Remus/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 136,000 and counting (WIP). Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Prisoner of Azkaban era, POV Severus Snape, Slow Build, Mutual Pining, Fix-It etc
Day 9 prompt: WIP (This is an updating WIP I've been following all autumn)
Pining, longing, sexual tension, epic emotional moments...! Weaved throughout POA story line, starts a slow burn of wanting but not daring to hope, brewing Wolfsbane together, trust and closeness, and then escalates into pure gold smut. I loooove the sex scenes we've got so far. But the emotional depth is also amazing; how they grow together interaction-by-interaction, and Severus dwells on his friendship with Lily and his past relationship with Remus in such a lovely way. This fic is all Snape's POV but the author is also writing Remus' POV of the same story...! So if you read one POV and are craving more while waiting for updates, you can read the other's POV. Personally, I like starting with Snape's POV as he's so... dramatic and pessimistic. I recced the same author (Suvivor's Guilt) which is shorter if you want a taste of their writing style. (checks notes) also I promise I will start reccing other ships than Snupin starting tomorrow hahaha.
Excerpt (from the beginning of Ch 2:
It isn’t the first time Severus has stoically watched someone storm out of his classroom. But a huffy Minerva or seething Hermione Granger never inspire much thought beyond a twinge of annoyance at their theatrics. So what makes Lupin's exit churn in his mind? Is it the fact that he hadn't stormed away at all, but instead said his piece and walked calmly out? The way he marched into Severus' classroom fiendfyre hot and left deflated and tired? The way he lost patience at the flick of a wand, gave up on the encounter with a firm demand? Severus can't rid himself of the image of Remus Lupin leaning over his desk to deliver the threat to involve the headmaster. The way Lupin's inclination when initiating confrontation was to lean closer rather than recoil. As if being close to Severus wasn't a revolting prospect. Most curious of all, Remus Lupin had asked for his trust. Severus Snape’s trust. A notion so preposterous that it hasn't left his thoughts. Nor has the way the man's soft, oversized cardigans remind him of the threadbare hand-me-downs of his own parents that he grew up wearing. Ill-fitting on him then, and ridiculous now. But the manner of dress makes Lupin look the perfect picture of an affable professor. Why would Lupin want trust from Severus of all people?
★★★ Check out my other HP Rec Fest 2024 recs ★★★ @hprecfest
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homenumrevelio-rpg · 8 months ago
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Le Bal des Débutantes,
Hermione Granger, Ministra
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calmlyerratic · 1 year ago
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Encounters of the Future Sort
Chapter 3: The Calm Before the Storm
by @calmlyerratic
Ch Summary: AU time travel. The Marauders run into Harry.
James' eyes began darting back and forth between Remus, Sirius, and Peter, his mouth slightly ajar.
"Prongs? You all right?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.
He felt Remus' gentle hand on his shoulder. "Er—Sirius, I don't think that's James…"
ch wc: 2.7k — rating: T — cw: none
Read Chapter 1 | full Summary & Chapter Index
Remus' POV
Gryffindor Tower
with Sirius and Peter
April 1st, 1996
"I think I have banana in my ear," Sirius complained, trying to dig it out with his finger. "A lot of help Prongs was, slippery git."
Sirius, Remus, and Peter had emerged from the battle against Peeves quite scathed, each supporting the stench of dung and the remains of rotted fruit on their clothing. And lodged in their extremities.
"Probably got caught up begging to sign another autograph," Peter huffed, putting a finger to his nose and blowing a chunk of rotted pear out one nostril.
Remus chuckled somewhat manically. "Good one, Wormtail."
The three boys had reached Gryffindor tower and the portrait of the fat lady gazed down upon them.
"Fortis leo," Sirius sighed, wiping his pulpy wand off on his robes. He ran a hand through his hair that usually fell around his face like elegant, dark curtains, but was currently coated in sticky, slimy muck. "Ucckk—I really need a shower."
"You aren't the first to try those words today," the fat lady replied stoically.
Remus groaned. "It isn't fortis leo? Bollocks, I missed last week's Prefect meeting—what is it then?"
The fat lady looked affronted. "You think I'm going to tell you?"
Remus tapped his shiny badge in obvious authority. "I'm a Prefect."
Although, it was his first year with the title and the ins and outs of it were quite grey. He really just wanted a nice hot bath and a nap.
"Are you?" she raised an eyebrow. "I was under the impression that Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger were the new Gryffindor House Prefects."
Sirius and Remus exchanged a glance.
"Weasley?" Remus racked his brain. "Like…Arthur Weasley?"
"Yes, I believe that is his father," the fat lady answered.
Sirius shook his head, amused. "Arthur Weasley left Hogwarts a few years ago, he can't have a son that's a fifth year. Are you feeling all right, sweet lady?"
When Sirius really wanted something, he put on his devilish charms. How someone could be so positively persuasive covered head to toe in dung and rotten fruit, Remus wasn't sure.
The fat lady analyzed them for a moment. "You know, you three look familiar…"
Sirius smiled a dashing smile. "Of course we do—we live beyond your great protection, fair lady."
Remus glanced sideways at him and ever so slightly cocked an eyebrow that said, you're laying it on a little thick.
However, the fat lady blushed, quite flattered, adjusted her pink silk dress and cleared her throat. "Hmm, yes…you do remind me of someone—"
Before she could finish her thought, the portrait hole creaked open and a group of Gryffindors spilled into the corridor.
"Merlin bless," Remus mumbled as the three boys clambered inside.
Peter scanned the cozy common room. "Hmm, no sign of Prongs…"
"Probably already showered and is off chatting up Evans…" Sirius grumbled, disappearing up the spiral stairs to the boys' dormitories.
Remus shrugged at Peter, really not prioritizing this at the moment, and followed Sirius upstairs.
"Whoa, since when have you been so keen on the Chudley Cannons, Wormy?" Sirius laughed, examining Peter's bedpost.
Remus was tired. And quite hungry. Flaming orange quidditch teams meant nothing to him—he was more of a reader. So, when he approached his bed and all of his current reading material wasn't where he left it on the bedside table, his gut wrenched.
"Where are my books?"
"What's that?" Sirius asked, removing his black wizard robes and leaving them in a dark heap on the floor.
"My books…they're not here."
"I dunno, Moony." Sirius shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe the elves have been in to tidy?"
"No," Remus shook his head. "They never move my books."
"I'm really more concerned about the taste of dung in my mouth," Sirius wrinkled his nose unpleasantly. "I heavily advise you not to kiss me right now."
"Duly noted," Remus rubbed the back of his neck.
"Hey, what the hell is this?" Sirius opened his bedside drawer where he kept his toothbrush and it overflowed with chocolate frog cards. "Are these yours, Wormtail?"
"No, I gave all mine to my cousin last year." Peter frowned.
Sirius held a card up and it shimmered in the light spilling in from the window. "Huh."
"Er…I don't remember hanging these." Peter gazed around at his vibrant bedpost flair.
"Moony," Sirius drew his handsome eyebrows together, "something isn't right…"
Remus was exhausted, covered in pulpy fruit, he had missed lunch, the full moon was three days away, and his books were missing. It was a recipe for disaster. Not to mention the lingering uneasiness from the exploding cauldron that morning…
"Moony?" Sirius pried softly, sensing the calm before the storm. "What do you reckon?"
Remus ran a finger up and down the long scar trailing across his nose. "I reckon I need a shower and a snack, before I can reckon."
"Okay, Moony." Sirius nodded calmly, (almost irritatingly so, in Remus' opinion)."You go ahead, Wormy and I will wait."
Remus opened the trunk at the foot of his bed, hoping to find a change of clothes, but quickly realized that it was not actually his trunk at all. He closed it again with a great *SNAP* that made Peter jump and resolved to scorgify his disgusting clothes clean.
However, there was a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach that even a hot shower couldn't wash away.
Hogwarts Corridors
with Ginny and James
"Isn't she loveee-ly,"
Hermione glanced sideways at Harry, who was moving his head to an imaginary tune. A tune confusingly indicating his romantic interest towards Lily Evans, no less. She hadn't quite made sense of it all yet, but if it was dark magic it probably wasn't logical anyway. The key with dark magic was to catch it quickly, so the sooner they got to Madam Pomfrey, the better.
"Where is Evans again?" Harry asked, tousling his messy raven hair very uncharacteristically.
"Erm, s-she's in the hospital wing."
Hermione glanced nervously around. The last thing they needed today was to run into a member of the inquisitorial squad, or worse...
"Wait—the hospital wing?" Harry stopped short. "Is she all right?"
"She's fine," Ginny reassured, pulling him firmly along the corridor stairs. "I think she, er, needed a calming draught. Pre-exam stress, you know?
Harry nodded, knitting his brow. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense..."
Hermione had been wondering if it would happen—if Harry would give way under the enormous pressure he'd been under. So much had happened in the last few weeks, and she knew he felt responsible for a lot of it. The DA had been caught, Dumbledore had been sacked, and Umbridge was now Headmistress. Not to mention their rapidly approaching O.W.L's. This overwhelming sequence of events had Hermione just as on edge as everyone else, hanging on to a thread of what little peace of mind she had left.
"Isn't she woonderfuul—"
Hermione needed a calming draught too. Or a perhaps a large butterbeer.
Boys Dormitories
with Sirius and Peter
"Moony…you have to see this."
Remus emerged from the loo to Sirius and Peter sitting on what should be James' bed—but was discerningly not—hovering over a leather-bound picture album.
"Do I?" Remus muttered.
A blast of hot air shot out of his wand, which he pointed at his hair like a blow drier. He shuddered from the sudden warmth, feeling quite sleepy.
"Still grumpy, but at least you smell nice," Sirius winked.
"Pushing your luck, Padfoot."
"Look," Peter was wide-eyed. He held up the album and pointed to a photo. "It's us."
Remus crossed the dorm and narrowed his eyes. It was a photo of the four Marauders: they had their arms around each other's shoulders and were laughing.
But, there was something strange...they looked more mature. Sirius was taller than James, wherein now they were the same height. And was that—
"Lily?" Remus knit his brow. "Is she—"
"Snogging Prongs," Sirius shook his head solemnly. "Never thought I'd see the day. Wait 'til you see the one of their wedding…"
Peter flipped through the album. Sure enough, Sirius was right. James was wearing black dress robes and Lily was all in white.
Remus met Sirius' lovely silver eyes in accusation. "You aren't pulling my leg?"
Sirius shook his head sincerely.
"I wish I was. I think we may have unwittingly entered apocalyptic times, Moony." He got to his feet. "Don't spontaneously combust while I'm gone—if the sun goes black, take shelter!"
Remus ignored him as he disappeared into the loo. "Pete, where did you find this?"
"It was here," Peter pointed to James' bed. "Just laying here!"
Peter looked up and around the ceiling like it had fallen from the heavens.
"Do you…d'you think it's really us? It looks just like us."
"I dunno, Pete." Remus breathed out, massaging his eyes. He should be angry, but he was too tired. "Let me think for a moment…"
Remus laid down on his bed. Or was it even his bed? He didn't know anymore. The facts were outweighing the speculation at this point. He really had been looking forward to a quiet Saturday afternoon of reading—not cleaning up after another one of James and Sirius' barmy excursions.
That bloody cauldron…
"So, darling Moony," Sirius flopped onto the bed beside him, jolting him from a nap he must've slipped into. "I know you have some sort of, ah—reasonable revelation? Let's hear it."
Remus rolled onto his back and stared at the celling. He took a deep breath.
Factual, Remus, he told himself. Be factual. Maybe it's not as bad as it seems…
"Well, for one, that kid who called James 'Harry'." Remus held up a finger. "For another, I could have sworn I knew the password—I thought we used it just this morning after breakfast?"
"Yeah we did," Peter nodded anxiously, pulling at a loose thread on the sleeve of his robes.
"The fat lady didn't recognize us…" Remus continued, decidedly not vocalizing that she thought Arthur Weasley's son was the fifth year Prefect and she didn't seem to know who any of them were.
"And the weather also, not to mention I don't like the Cannons���and the photo album?"
"He's getting there, Wormy." Sirius was watching Remus like he was a tornado forming and there was a wind advisory.
Peter held up a photo of himself in a bowler hat with a feather sticking out of it. "I don't wear bloody bowler hats."
Yup, Remus breathed out. This was bad.
Peter looked back and forth between Sirius and Remus. "Is no one else concerned about this? This isn't even our dorm!"
"We're all very concerned, Wormtail." Sirius rolled his eyes, quite downplaying the whole situation in obvious guilt. He was a master blame shifter.
"I think…" Remus chewed on his lip. His stomach grumbled loudly. "I think I need food before I implode on myself like a dying star."
"As you know," Sirius smiled dashingly, like the wind of storm Moony had begun and he was encouraging them all to take shelter. "I'm quite versed in the language of the stars. I concur—to the kitchens! But first, Wormtail, you bloody reek."
Peter put a hand to his mousy hair, caked with rotten fruit pulp, and grimaced. "Right…"
Hospital Wing
with Hermione and Ginny
Hermione, Ginny, and James approached a large stone unicorn fountain that marked the entrance to the hospital wing.
"Wait here Har—I mean James," Ginny winked, red pony-tail blazing behind her as the two girls left him just inside the Infirmary entrance.
James was nervous. He hoped Lily was here because of exam nerves and not relating to the exploding cauldron from this morning...
"I trust there is a good reason for this intrusion?" he overheard Madam Pomfrey say. She was spooning some disgusting looking green liquid into a glass which she handed to her patient.
"Yes...er, well, it's Harry…" Hermione motioned over to James, who pretended to busy himself tying his shoe. "He's not, erm, feeling himself."
"That's no surprise, poor soul, having to deal with so much..." Madam Pomfrey sighed. "A calming draught should set him straight."
"Well, you see," Ginny began awkwardly. She glanced around and lowered her voice. "He, er, thinks he's his father..."
My father? James thought. What are they on about?
"Hey, I don't see Evans here," James called. This prank was getting a bit odd. "Tell her I'll catch up with her later, yeah? I still need to find Sirius, Remus, and Peter."
Madam Pomfrey clutched her heart. She bustled over, grabbed James's arm and led him to a vacant bed. "Sit, dear boy."
"Oh-okay?" James sat and Hermione and Ginny peered at him anxiously.
Madam Pomfrey waved her wand silently over his face and chest.
"What are you doing?" James knit his brow.
She finished her incantations and lit the tip of her wand, shining it into his eyes.
"Pupils are dilating..." she murmured. "Can you tell me your name?"
"Is this part of the prank too?" He asked Hermione and Ginny. "Persistent, I'll give you that. Bringing Madam Pomfrey in on it, really next level—"
"Answer the question please, dear." Madam Pomfrey prompted firmly.
"Yeah, okay." James shook his head, a bit annoyed at being cornered by the strict matron. "My name—it's James Potter."
Madam Pomfrey stifled a gasp but gathered herself quickly. "A-and what year is it?"
"It's April 1st, 1976."
"Harry..." Hermione sat at the foot of his bed with imploring eyes. "It's April 1st, 1996."
"Ohh, so not a parallel dimension? Time travel, is it?" James cocked an eyebrow, leaning backwards onto the bed and running a hand through his already tousled hair.
Madam Pomfrey clasped a hand over her mouth as she watched him, like he had suddenly gone spectral. She turned very seriously to Hermione and Ginny.
"There's no sign of injury or traces of dark magic," Madam Pomfrey assured, like James wasn't sitting right there. "There is some quantity of magical residue...but that's not an entirely uncommon substance, especially when emotions are high."
"Magical residue?" James puzzled. She must be referring to what Remus had sensed in the Room of Requirement. "I'm confused—"
Madam Pomfrey gently set her hand on his forearm.
"We know, dear. Let me fix you a calming draught and you'll feel right as rain." She squeezed his arm and disappeared into her office.
James waited until she was out of earshot, then turned to Hermione and Ginny.
"Look, I respect your dedication but this is kind of becoming a drag."
He jumped to his feet and waved a hand in farewell, with a disarming smile.
"Peeves is at large and I'm a deserter, so...nice to meet you both, I appreciate your time, and see you around!"
Hermione and Ginny stared blankly after him, mouths slightly agape, as he jogged through the large wooden infirmary doors and out of their sights.
with Remus and Peter
"D'you think Hermione'll let me copy off the essay Snape set us?"
"Probably not. Worth a go though…"
Remus, Sirius and Peter were in a dim corridor in the dungeons, just outside the kitchens, as they overheard these two unfamiliar voices.
"Hmm wonder who that is? I hardly ever see anyone down here," Sirius mused. Tickling the pear in the painting outside the kitchens was a bit of a coveted secret.
Two boys about the Marauder's age turned the corner. One had red hair and was quite tall and lanky; the other had spectacles and jet-black hair that stuck up in the back—
"Oi! Prongs!" Sirirus shouted.
The two new boys came to a sudden halt and laid very wide eyes upon the three Marauders. The red head, who had a mouthful of sweets, was gaping so widely that crumbs fell to the floor.
"Where the hell did you go off to, then?" Sirius rounded on James. "We had to fend Peeves off by ourselves! Luckily he found some first years to go after…"
James appeared frozen to the spot. He was looking at Sirius like he didn't believe he was real.
"Prongs?" Sirius took a step towards him.
The red haired boy had turned chalk-white. He took a step backwards as Sirius encroached, tugged at James' robes, and swallowed hard.
"Harry…have I gone mad or a-are y-you seeing this too—?"
James' eyes began darting back and forth between Remus, Sirius, and Peter, his mouth slightly ajar.
"Prongs? You all right?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.
He felt Remus' gentle hand on his shoulder. "Er—Sirius, I don't think that's James…"
Read chapter 4 here.
Notes: So sorry to leave you all here! Next chapter starts off quite a bit more seriously with an interesting point of view…then gets lighter with some more banter and shenanigans, don't worry :)
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inabcck · 2 years ago
What had happened between them would have shocked the younger version of herself if she knew what her current self was doing with Draco. There was a bit of amusement there as they graded papers together thinking back to all the times that they had squabbled. Now well, they hardly squabble anymore and if she had to stare at one more poorly written essay she was going to go mad.
That is what spurred her on to move from her chair to his lap watching the surprise cross his features as she looked down at him from her perch in his lap. It wasn't unusual for her to do this now that they have had a more than few sexual encounters and perhaps she might even be willing to admit to a romantic interest in him now. It was weird to think that she could ever be in love with Draco Malfoy when he was once the bane of her existence.
Hermione smirked at him and pushed his hair back from his brow almost pushing his head to look up at her. "You're right it is meant to make it difficult." She allowed him to move to put the quill down as they were not going to be doing any more grading at all between the two of them. "I'm sure yours are just as dreadful as my own. I think the students have gotten worse from when we were their age." There was an amused look on her face. "I'm sure there were some papers that were worse than others, but I don't remember any that were so bad a professor had to curse at it." She leaned forward a little to where they were just a whisper apart and wanted him to meet her half way. "I've learned such things in moderation are better."
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@inabcck asked: [ STRADDLE ]: sender sits in receiver's lap to tease them. For Draco from Hermione 👀
     BOTH OF THEM HAD SAT in comfortable silence in Hermione’s chambers. The only sound to be heard was the intermittent rustling of parchment, the scratching of a quill, and the occasional muttered question about what in Merlin’s beard these students were thinking.
     Had anyone at the start of the year told him that this would be happening, both him and Hermione working in the same space, he might not have believed them. He might have hoped… He had been trying to do better after all. But he wouldn’t have believed it.
     And what he DEFINITELY wouldn’t have believed was Hermione Granger pushing him back in his chair, away from the essays he was checking, and straddling his lap. Grey eyes went wide for a moment before he remembered that this was not a one-of thing. They had spent time together before. ROMANTICALLY. Was it really romantically though? Definitely sexual, probably not romantically. She would’ve said something if she had felt the same, right?
     “‘Mione,” he muttered, the confusion quickly disappearing from his eyes, being replaced by playfulness. “This…” He motioned to her in his lap. “SITUATION makes it a little harder to reach the essays.” He reached around her to place his quill on the table, not wanting to stain her robes with the ink. “And trust me when I say that these essays NEED marking. Were we like this when we were students?”
― ﴾ 𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜 ﴿ : 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐘 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. || Accepting
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zeebee3 · 1 year ago
Opening Lines
Thank you @so-scarlett-maroon for tagging me!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have, if fewer) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Draco/Hermione, one-shot, 8.5k, E
“There’s no way.” Hermione prided herself in always keeping an open mind, but even she had limits on what she’d take someone’s word on.
Tell Me What I Am
Draco/Hermione, one-shot, 6k, E
From the time Hermione was twelve, she knew she would marry Ronald Weasley. 
Say Please
Draco/Hermione, WIP 3/5 ch, 23k so far, E
Hermione ought to have known better than to challenge Ginny on something, particularly when the subject was football and even more particularly when the consequences were so dire. 
A Fair Trade
Draco/Tom Riddle, one-shot, 5.5k, E
He should have taken a town car.
Ginny/Pansy, one-shot, 6.2k, E
It was Friday night and the Leaky was packed. 
You Do It For Me
Draco/Hermione, WIP 41/?, 195k so far, E
It wasn’t working.
Work It Out
Draco/Hermione, one-shot, 11k, E
“I thought we were hanging out.” Hermione watched as Ginny pulled a tight-fitting top over her sports bra.
It Was A Sunny Day
Draco/Hermione, one-shot, 7.4k, E
Hermione had always prided herself on her mind.
Just Be Cool
Scorpius & Draco, one-shot, 7k, M
Being a Granger-Malfoy was a combination that usually served Scorpius quite well.
The Noble and Most Ancient
Draco/Theo/Hermione, WIP 4/23, 17k so far, E
She’d been shaking more and more. 
Okay, this was so fun.
If it's a Hermione POV fic, it appears that I start it with a statement about her mind or mental state ("...prided herself on keeping an open mind" (which I use twice! lol!), "it wasn't working", "ought to have known better" etc). The one exception is "She'd been shaking more and more" but that's not NOT about her mental state so...sort of counts?
If it's not Hermione POV, it seems that I start with a physical grounding ("leaky was packed" "should have taken a town car" "being a Granger-Malfoy...")
Which is such an interesting pattern! And completely unintentional. Now I want to look through my other fics, too, to see if the pattern holds...
I'm going to tag @biirdiee, @ellieauthor, and @saffrongin! (Feel free to ignore if tag games aren't your thing).
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