#ch: charon
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celestial-encounters · 2 months ago
Psyche moves through the crowd of mortals going about their daily lives. Despite their stature—you can only compact divinity so much—the people don't pay them much mind. It wonders if they can somehow sense the emptiness inside, like a cheaply made statue crumbling apart.
{Oh, shut up.} {You're so depressing.} {So mean.} {You shut up too.}
It digs its nails into its palms as it continues down the sidewalk, trying their best to ignore the dissonant whispers inside of them. Like the name suggests, the restless souls are hardly ever still. Some of them quiet when seeing the world they remember, comforted by the scenery, but others only get angrier. Her head pounds—
And then it pounds again, this time onto the concrete below.
"Fuck—Holy shit, I'm so sorry—"
Another voice—one outside of itself, it realizes—rings out over the others. In front of Psyche, sitting on the pavement too, is a mortal. Her hair is frizzy, her jeans are tattered, and there's a name tag on her jacket—Harmonia.
"It, um..." Psyche fumbles {in a very undignified way for a god}. "It's alright, really. I wasn't paying attention."
Harmonia frowns and runs a hand through his hair, freckled nose scrunching up when he hits a snag.
"No, I—it's my fault, I'm late for work and totally rushing. Here, uh..." He stands up and extends a hand out to Psyche. "Are you hurt? I have a first aid kit if you need it—I trip a lot, hah, always have one on me—Oh, but no pressure! I mean, we just met after all, and—Wait, what am I saying? I'm just offering bandages. Um, still but no pressure, y'know?"
As the mortal stumbles through her offer of help—something thoroughly unnecessary, considering its godhood—Psyche can't help but stare. Harmonia doesn't have to take the time to help them. Human lives are short and precious. Why waste them like that? And besides, it would just make her more late for work. There's no reason to be so kind, and every reason to not be, and yet...
And yet he is. Offering out a hand, still anxiously stuttering apologies. Choosing to help. The gift of choice that it gave her. What a beautiful thing.
{Her or humanity?} {You're staring.} {Holy shit, yeah, you haven't said anything.} {Why are we even helping?} {...Good point.}
The souls come back in full force as blush rises to its cheeks {embarassed or flattered?}. It should really say something. A thank you, an apology, anything—but it's all so loud, and she's so kind, and their chest aches from the joy and the stress. It has to go. Now.
And that's how Psyche found itself sitting at the edge of the sea of souls, knees to its chest, watching the waves.
"Damn, you look miserable." A hoof kicks the sand beside them. "Well, more miserable than you usually look."
Psyche grits its teeth. "Thank you, Charon."
It can't see him, but it knows he raises his hands in mock surrender.
"Alright, alright, I get the memo. You want time alone?"
It's a stupid question, and they both know it. Psyche never has any time alone. Still, the company of others is better than the company of the dead.
Charon plops themselves down on the sand beside her. "Gotcha, I'll just be quiet then—and you know how hard that is for me! So be grateful, yeah?"
Psyche can't help but snort, earning a grin from its ferryman.
"Yeah. Of course."
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gobald · 1 month ago
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Clara: Time to turn on the charm ✨
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It didn't go well....
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systemschemistry · 3 months ago
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Pluto Charon binary system for no reason at all
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rosierabbitart · 2 years ago
I keep mispronouncing her name.
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stupidpop · 10 months ago
It is literally not my fault that I keep mixing up Charon and Chronos's names
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mostautisticsinner · 2 years ago
putting you inro the. thingamabob
huh ?
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radscorpling · 9 months ago
Fallout Doujin Scanlation: Atomic Romance Ch 2 (Charon & LW)
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if you enjoy this scanlation, please support the artist by buying a copy of your own: https://www.suruga-ya.com/en/product/ZHONA280569
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ramon-tikaram-love · 6 months ago
hm, i still read Charon with ch as in chair or charcoal. i was slightly surprised when i heard ppl in the series pronounce it Karon.
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fyreflys · 1 year ago
Swan Upon Leda [CH 5: Hesita (Part 1: Charon)]
Everlark • 11.k words • EXPLICIT • Graphic Violence Warning
Peeta and Katniss try to heal after everything they’ve been through. (post mockingjay)
[Basically: the fic where Everlark aren’t together yet, Katniss is pregnant during the Quarter Quell, Peeta isn’t supposed to know but then figures it out, and Peeta never gets taken by the Capital and hijacked. Catching Fire -> Post Mockingjay.]
***make sure to read ALL tags before reading
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lawful-evil-novelist · 2 months ago
So I was trying to figure out why Chiron is like "Ky-ron" and Charon is like "care-on" when it hit me.
Their names aren't written with a C in Ancient Greek.
Their names start with a Ch the first letter of their names in Greek is X or Chi, which is pronounced like Kai
I forgot things are spelled differently in Greek.
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celestial-encounters · 1 month ago
also hi charon how ya doing mate?
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{Oh no, oh no... Oh, I didn't mean to offend! Oh dear, poor thing, she must be so stressed out—}
■ hey what's up, i'm just chillin' ■
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■ fuck, i don't know—can't you just, like... send a vision or something? so she knows you're chill? ■
{That—It's an... unconventional use of divination, but I could? Maybe... Okay. I can fix this.}
{...Wait, what was that first part?}
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moxielynx · 2 years ago
john wick jumpscare
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i recently watched all the john wick movies they were fun just wanted to test out a painting style, i think this looks alright
spoilers for ch. 4⬇⬇
chapter 4 fucked me up why would they kill off Charon <//3
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sugaroto · 1 year ago
Hazbin hotel x ouk crossover
I haven't thought this much, I just thought how some characters exist in both but my only example is Saint Peter
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Ok wait, imagine Menippos, dying, and going to hell and he goes to the hotel to go to heaven-
Wait would that work? Gabriel kicked him out lots of times cause he's not a Christian
Well anyway maybe he went cause the rent is free(?) According to Angel at the pilot at least
Hermes and Charon went cause they missed their vacation boat and well its a hotel so it looks like vacation
Charon: this reminds me of home 🥰
Hermes: This shithole is nothing like the underworld
Ch: What would you know you didn't live there
H: oh yeah? Who was bringing the souls daily huh?! Χαραμισα τα νιάτα μου να πηγαίνοερχομαι σε αυτό το αχο��ρι
... Also he is the kind of person to try to make money out of some shady business so he could become an overlord by bullshiting around and getting souls
And then Charon ruins it stupidly
Oh also he probably goes on a journey to find his soul
BUT before that Alastor tries to make a deal with him for whatever reason not knowing Charon doesn't have a soul, so now whatever the deal was Charon wins and Alastor gets nothing in return
Maybe Charon, sad, tries to copy Hermes and buy some souls as well, "I don't even have a soul, why does he gets to have 25?" But he's pretty pathetic so no one want to sell their souls to him
Also, I feel like Cherri is his type, maybe he tries to flirt with her and she laughs at him
He then tries to take her soul (hey cherri would you give me your soul? I don't have one😭😭😭) but Cherri is smarter than him and he's desperate so it's like a deal that benefits Cherri like, bring me breakfast in bed and do whatever I say and when I want you give me my soul back and Charon is like ok
The guys call him stupid
Vaggie absolutely hates Menippos
At the start Nifty thinks the dark ripper is a bad guy and tries to get with him
She kicks him when she realizes he isn't
"Ouch! Why did I say ouch I dont feel pain" (he doesn't have muscles or something idk what he needs to feel pain)
It takes a moment for nifty to realize the bad guy is Hermes cause he looks good with his godly appearance or something
Menippos realized Angel dust is a porn star and tries to flirt with him thinking he's a girl and then starts questioning his sexuality when he realizes he's a guy
Hermes fancies Alastor cause he looks like a goat
When they realize what the hotel really is about and whats going on with heaven and hell one of them implies to bother Gabriel about it
And they text him on those I-gios(or what they were called) phones "can u let ppl in hvn??"
And he comes down cause that's how the phones work like "What the-... I mean, what does that mean?"
Gabriel didn't know about the extermination cause hes from a different universe and there's lot of paperwork so he's not sure how to get sinners into heaven but the more the better
This was not actually supposed to be a whole post, I just wanted to throw the peters in here yell crossover and leave, I suddenly had inspiration
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eventhorizoninwriting · 8 months ago
Monumental Discoveries
Word Count: 1016
Tags: Charon/reader, Fallout 3
Warnings: Vertigo, heights, dizziness, near fall.
@whumperless-whump-event Prompt 3: Like A Record, Baby!
*Late to the party again, but I"m catching up!
Your ears began to pressurize as the elevator continued to climb. Facing the doors, the satellite dish held neatly in front of you, you didn’t bear witness to the ever-shrinking wasteland through the crumbling walls of the Washington Monument. It was a wonder the elevator was still in the shaft in one piece, nevermind fully functional, working, and clean. 
“They really did a decent job on this, huh?”
Charon glanced at you from the corner of his eye, nodding once without offering any comment. That had been his way, as long as you’d known him. You met him in Underworld just a month ago, just a building away from here by some kind of irony, where he’d been an enslaved guard at the Ninth Circle bar. The only way to free him from that abusive predicament had been to take on his contract yourself–but even after you handed him the paperwork, he’d silently stayed by your side, and woe be him if anything hurt you. 
Yet, he hardly ever spoke. You could count on both hands the number of sentences he’d uttered since you’d met. Hell, you could probably count on one. His first to you, telling you to take anything up with Azhrukal, his owner. Then the one where he acknowledged that you’d taken over his contract, and politely informed you that he needed to take care of one thing before leaving; then proceeded to blow Azhrukal’s head off with his combat shotgun. The only explanation for that was another single sentence to inform you that Azhrukal was an evil bastard. Since then, he’d proven to be a man of very, very few words–and so it was here, too. You knew he had no reason to like the Brotherhood of Steel, who flashed him nasty looks and threw insults–and who had been rumored to hunt ghouls for sport. But you’d always thrown insults back in his defense, knowing he wouldn’t say anything for himself to them…and besides, the elevator really was impressive in this day and age. 
It dinged, and the doors slid open. Charon followed you out, footsteps padding softly behind you like a large cat. It was a wonder he was so quiet with how tall he was. 
“Let’s see,” you murmured to yourself, looking over the relay console. “Looks like the wires go in here, and go up there…then hook in there, there, and right in the back.” 
“Hmm.” Charon leaned against a wall, watching you work. 
“If I deconstruct this, then attach this…shit, this would be easier with a solder gun,” you muttered, pulling the old wires out of the old, shot up dish, and twisting them into place on the new one. “But here we are. Aaaand…there.” 
Charon raised his eyebrow muscles when you stood, dragging the new dish over to the hole in the wall. Carefully climbing over the huge pieces of wiring that looped up onto the floor from the outside like great snakes, you balanced precariously, carefully hanging the new dish where the old one had been. When you slowly took your hands away, it stayed in place perfectly, as if it was always meant to be there. 
That was when it clicked where you were. 
Looking down to your right, you saw the tiny wasteland before you. All the trenches and debris looked as small as post-meal crumb patterns on a table. Super mutants that towered over you, and even Charon, crawled about through it like miniature ants. Suddenly, you became very aware that it was a very, very long way down between you and the ground. Staring at the dirt down below, you also came to the realization of what exactly you’d risked by getting into a restored elevator in a half-crumbled many-stories-tall monument.
“Is the room spinning, or is it just me?” you said, half to yourself. Were you getting tunnel vision, or was the ground actually starting to get a little closer?
A strong arm slammed around your waist just as you began to fall over the edge of the wall. Charon carried you back to the relative safety of the solid concrete floor, slung over his arm like a temporarily unused jacket. He set you on your feet again, but the dizziness caught up, and you immediately stumbled into the wall. Bile crawled up your throat as your brain went fuzzy, and the world seemed to spin around you, even with your eyes shut.
“What is wrong with you?” he growled, eyes flitting over you. “You could have died.” 
All you could do was stare at him in shock. He’d just spoken to you for the first time in weeks–
“If you get dizzy at heights, it’s irresponsible to then do maintenance work at heights.”
“Hey,” you interrupted. Not that you wanted to–who knew if or when he’d speak again if you did. “I didn’t know. It’s not like I have a lot of climbing opportunities involving that kind of height.” 
He simply blinked his foggy eyes at you. “Doesn’t Rivet City have heights?”
“Well, yeah. But those are different. None of them are up as high as this.” 
“I see.” You couldn’t explain it, but something in his expression told you that he was filing this information away for later. “Can you walk now?”
Pushing off the dirty floor, you tried to stand, but your brain decided that this was the optimal time to remind you of the scope of your current height despite not seeing the ground. Just the thought of the elevator, and how far of a drop it would be if those old cables snapped, was enough to give you jelly legs. You sank back down to the floor. “I guess not. At least not until I can stop thinking about heights.” 
In saying this, you’d been prepared to spend the night up here on the roof of the Washington Monument, listening to the newly-restored Galaxy News Radio and sleeping on the mattresses that lay over in the corner next to an emergency lamp. You were not expecting what happened next, when Charon simply scooped you up bridal-style, and began walking towards the elevator as if you weighed nothing. 
“Let’s go, then. Won’t get better by sitting up here.” 
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beefjerkyoff · 2 years ago
Violets & Violence
Charmes | CH 1/2 | WC: 14k | M | Western!AU | AO3
“Look, it’s the periwinkle you have potted. Did you know way over across the Atlantic there is a whole language for the flowers? This here is like a cheers to a new friendship… ‘Cause maybe we could be friends?” He gave a weak smile to Charon, whose gaze had gone unreadable. Two seconds of silent staring was all Hermes could take before he lost his nerve. “Or, you know, forget that. My family is always saying I don’t do well with social graces. Every time I speak it’s all ‘blunt object, no point’ according Hera. She’s my step-ma or something like that. You know it’s not really clear what we’re supposed to be to each other so-” His rambling was stopped by Charon taking the periwinkle from his fingers and carefully threading it behind Hermes’ ear the way Hermes had just done for him. The man’s fingers delicately secured the blooms and his fingers moved through Hermes’ hair before he patted the top of his head like he was gentling a worked up animal. “I’m not a dog,” he said, frown quirking his lips down as he batted the man’s hand away to distract from how hot his cheeks felt. Now Charon had just the hint of a smirk pulling at his scarred lips. It made Hermes’ chest go all tight. “But I guess this means we’re now professional associates and friends?”
Hermes can’t read. Charon can’t speak. They learn to bridge the divide through the diction of the flowers.
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thedragonholder · 1 year ago
The rogue shrai ryu Ch-1 🧡🖤
The storm was raging outside and the lightning stuck kuai was asleep after jise meeting with liu kang 'I can't let them get to bi-han' kuai thought as he was drifting to sleep 'I hope Tomas is okay' kuai thought before drifting off to sleep.
Kuai was in a large pit void he started to feel helpless keeping himself in the shadows his eyes widen as his gaze was on his brother getting executed his breath hitched as panic rose in his voice he ran towards his brother but he got held back by liu kang "no!!! Don't execute him!!" Kuai shouted in his dream but then bi-han's head got cut off by the executioner the blood splattered on the ground kuai was in shock.
Kuai woke up gasping for air "it happened again" Kuai mumbled tears started coming out of his eyes "why can't the gods just let me live in peace!!!" Kuai shouted to himself he desperately wanted his brother back and wanted him to be on his side he needed both of his brothers alive they kept him sane kuai sighed if liu kang won't help him then no one could but there was one person someone who everyone was afraid off .
The nether realm was quite a dark place with unfertile grounds and red sky the heat was high but it didn't bother anyone there were small caves as homes and skulls of devoured creatures.
There was a obsidian built castle with red fire litting up from the ground the castle was majestic but old and only two people lived in the palace the king of the nether realm and the high mage of nether realm.
Inside the palat there was a study filled with ancient books a small table and a throne like chair the table consisted of orange and black ink and a black writing brush a man with tan skin and brown eyes sat on the throne working he wore
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And wielded
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The black armour was attached to his body and his helmet was off on the side he was hanzo hisashi king of the nether realm working on paper "this paper work is too much" Hanzo mumbled his chian scythe hung on the wall along side his sword suddenly the door opened it was a woman worh dark brown hair in pigtails in the front and let down at the back with pale skin and red eyes she wore
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The white and red robes were attached to her body as the brown boots were knee lengths her bracelet on the left hand on her wrist she wielded a staff
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The girl was hatsune and she wielded a staff in her hands her expression was emotionless "my lord-" "Hanzo just call me hanzo.." Hanzo said hatsune sighed "hanzo the disturbance has stopped more souls had been occupied in the nether realm at this point it might be full. Me and charon are worried about the condition they aren't going better the creatures blood lust are rising" Hatsune said "hatsune i need you to go and investigate this matter it's important to find out the source" Hanzo said hatsune nodded "you better not drink devils smile without me..." Hatsune said as she disappeared in red hell flame hanzo sighed the floor was covered with ashes.
Hanzo took out a bottle and was going to drink it until he heard a prayer
'Oh Lord of the nether realm please help me'
Hanzo wondered who was praying to him after all no one dared pray to hanzo hisahi
'I kuai liang leader of the shirai ryu pray to you for your help I have lost hope in the people trying to capture my corrupted brother. He may be evil but I know he can change so please help me'
Hanzo felt pity for the man by the name of kuai liang he then disappeared into black fire and decided to pay him a visit.
Kuai liang was on his knees on the floor thinking the God might have not listened to his prayer until shadows appeared swirling in front of him hanzo made out of the shadows wearing his helmet "you prayed to the God of the nether realm" Hanzo said in a deep voice "is this my punishment?" Kuai asked in fear Hanzo let out a laugh "punishment!?" Hanzo said towering the man kuai was in fear and confused about the mans behavior "you pray to me and expect punishment!!! I am here to help you fool!" Hanzo said in rage "your..." Kuai was in shock "hanzo hisashi king of the nether realm, slayer of shinnok at your service kuai liang" Hanzo hisashi said kuai started to faint but hanzo caught him in his arms and gently put him on his bed 'he looks like he needs sleep, what happened to you kuai liang' hanzo thought to himself as he sat on a comfortable arm chair and removed his helmet waiting for him to wake up.
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