#ch ask blog
ask-dcf · 7 months
Dark World Fashion Party!~
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After that ask I got I had this idea and I thought why not. These two Frisks just admiring eachothers outfits. Being just wholesome beans like they at a costume party. Cutest pair of beans ever! I like to think they would be very good friends. Aaand maybe share trauma stories and how they had to deal with them. Either way they are so cute and I just wanna hug em both they babies aaaa qwq
Check out twine rune all they have amazing art and their frisk is such a baby and needs love.
Twinrune Frisk belongs to @akanemnon
Art I commissioned made by @xjunjox
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brw · 2 months
Honestly it's so boring that Wanda used magic that may or may not be related to something demonic and evil to get pregnant. If we're going to do all that she should have gotten Vision pregnant instead. Use that demon soul to make that synthezoid lactate.
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ask-clone-high · 1 year
How is JFK handling Joan's "I'll think about it" statement?
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Click for higher quality!
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tkfluff-fanatic · 11 months
For some odd reason, I feel like Russia would wreak America cause he was being an ASS
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hvllowheart · 9 months
Oh! Can we get ❛ just sit there and look pretty and let me handle this. ❜ and Silas?
You're being watched.
It's not the first time either. Not by far conaidering how long you've been with TERRA but every time since has spelled trouble. Avoidable trouble really, if you're honest. People can only ever get close enough to trail and watch you if you were careless in the first place.
You didn't think you were. Careless that is. Distracted, sure. Too preoccupied with Silas in the seat opposite of you. Too interested in all that he is; even slouched over and tired, sunglasses a dark shadow on his nose.
You cast a subtle glance past his face. Try to discern who it is that put their sights on you. That has deemed you interesting enough to watch and keep on watching considering you're not doing much of anything besides paying too close attention to Silas' fingers inches from your own. His knee against yours beneath the table.
"What is it?" he asks, sunglasses tipping down. His eyes are just as dark as the bruises on his arms from that nasty run-in two days ago.
You know whoever it is that tracked you down must have been in on it.
"Don't worry." You pat his hand softly, the smile on your lips faint.
"Let me help," he says when you move to stand, one hand quick to wrap around youe wrist. You still, aware of curious eyes turning to you two; the little table you occupy.
"Just sit here and look pretty," you say, tone quiet as you lean in. Playful. Teasing. "You're good at that."
"I can do more than that." I can be more than that hovers in the beat of silence that follows.
His brows furrow, even as the grip around your wrist drops. He drums his fingers against the sticky surface of the table, restless. Tired of feeling useless. Of being coped up in a city that's unfamiliar to you both.
"I'll handle this one, Silas." There's a hint of steel in your voice. Only reserved for when he gets stubborn. Or you need him to fall in line. He does in the end. Sighs in that particular way he does. Like his strings have been cut and he's starting to fold back into himself.
It's not a look you like to see on him very much.
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everyroronoazoro · 1 year
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now seems like a great moment to share this ask still in the inbox
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roguestorm · 9 months
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[Transcription of Angelica's speech bubbles:
At the gala, when it was clear we'd lost, Jean telepathically inserted memories into Stasis' head about recruiting me and being a double agent so I could help whoever survived in whatever way I could, and before she could tell anyone else, she died -- and now I'm here alone trying to do what I can, and I didn't ask for this, but Jean did it anyway and said I had to volunteer, but I didn't really volunteer, and I didn't even want to be an X-Man, but now that I am, I know I can be important - I can be of service. I am a mutant and I'm proud. I r-resist.]
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Kitty heard a story about Jean a) creating secrets, b) drafting people into roles they didn't want, and c) altering memories, and she was immediately like, "Yeah, I buy that because it sounds exactly like her." Love my girl <3
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compacflt · 10 months
What does Ice (or Mav) think about the Obama gay rumors? Will they be tuning in to hear the story of the man who allegedly fucked Obama? Are they bi Obama truthers? Is Rooster? Is Hangman? Any other Icebama interactions you're hiding from us? His cameo cracked me up and I need to know more...
the obama gay rumors
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first im hearing about this
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signalhill-if · 5 months
oc asks:
hide for KC and doc? thanks!
There's not much KC would keep from you, her very special new friend! After all, she's already told you very true stories from her life that aren't embellished at all, and it's not like her entire role in the Lamplighters is to sweet talk people into doing what she wants. Nope, you can definitely trust her 100%.
(All the faction leaders are liars, cheats, and charlatans. KC just does it in a different way.)
Doc is the kind of guy who thinks his life should have a purpose and everything he does should serve that purpose. Unfortunately, everyone has needs that can't be fulfilled by such noble pursuits. What he's had to do to make money, and who he's chosen to associate with, it's not something he's proud of. You won't be hearing it from him. But you might get a hint if you take a closer look at that map he gave you!
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rei-does-stuff · 24 days
You know if you think abt it Squirrel and Hedgehog is kinda like furry countryhu—*gets shot*
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the-delta-askblog · 1 year
does jevil LUV Ralz ??????
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ask-dcf · 7 months
Delta Charas being smug
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The Charas from three different worlds and timelines are bonding in their own snarky way~ Being smug is a contest for them~ Hope you all like this fan pic. X3 I really love it and i love the chara timeline in deltarune aswell as twin rune. Much love and bless to the creators you all are amazing
Data!Chara belongs to me
Twinrune Chara belongs to @akanemnon
Chara!Rune belongs to @lilybug-02
Art commissioned to be fan art made by @xjunjox
Please check them all out they are amazing!
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xxl1ghtxx · 7 months
Doing a Countryhumans ask blog uhhh
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Wip of the banner bc im already done with the pfp
that's were i was
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Think of these thoughts as hackneyed and trite
Clichéd depraved disturbing and contrived
Shallow cold wretched. Miserable dark
And any other adjective
Choose to sit safely out of the sun
Away from rays so blinding to the eye
Singing songs someone's already sung
Averting gaze from beautiful light
But as complacency settles anxieties will rise
And part this Soul as Jekyll parted Hyde
Now I'm but half of a hollow man's lies
The love the hate the emotional side
What's the point in trying if this
End result of dying sits
Persistently encloaked in dimness
Life can't thrive controlled by digits
I know I'm weak. I know that I'm vile
But sometimes that is needed to survive
That's what I'll say to rationalize
I'm needed if we're to stay alive
And yet here I lie with black sunken eyes
My Mind's consigned our sighs to a leaden void
The Soul remains tempered. I remain plied
Condemned 'til we are both all but destroyed
But I know that one plus one can't equal two
If happiness is both our truths
Our total sum must equal one
If we're to find that golden hue
So spiraling down entropically
I beg of thee have mercy on me
I am just a boy you see
I plead of thee have sympathy for me
See how it hurts when the sound begins to ring
And you feel it start to rot
And you beg for it to stop
But you've already dug your lot in the ground
See how The Mind tricks The Soul
Into being something sickly dead and cold
As you feel it start to tire and fester so so slowly
Up until the point where it will finally die
Just in time to see what could have been
Do what you want you automaton freak
No I can no longer bring myself to care
This hollowed out vessel's beginning to creak
So take control let's see how you fare
WHY ARE THERE MORE LYRICS????????????????????????????????????????????? WHAT'S GOING ON??????????????????????????????????????????????????
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tkfluff-fanatic · 11 months
Some Lee canada
Here you go! Thank you for requesting, I hope this lives up to what you hoped to see.
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lunarcry · 6 days
(person whos going thro their old natsume blogs & has lost it) what if i made natsume a solo blog again
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