#ch 343
lloydfrontera · 6 months
Lloyd felt strange all of a sudden. He couldn't believe that a man like Javier was following him. How? Why? This moment, following his instruction, sharing jokes, and sitting around the bonfire with him, suddenly seemed bizarre to Lloyd. The Knight of Blood and Iron. When I read it, he was this fictional character I found cool and could only hope to hang out. Lloyd stared hard at Javier, sitting across from him. Javier, feeling the gaze, looked back strangely. "Master Lloyd? Why are you staring at me like that?" "Oh, your brows are slightly asymmetrical." "My brows?" "Yeah." "So...?" "What do you mean, so? That shows you're human too." "It makes me human that my eyebrows are not proportionate?" "Yeah. I means that you're not perfect."
i wish this energy had been carried through the entire novel in a more overt way you don't understand-
the idea of javier starting as this flawless, unreachable character who is just too perfect to be real and then as the plot goes on, as lloyd gets to know him, as they start sharing the role of protagonist, he starts turning into more of a real person, with his own quirks and flaws and imperfections. he starts making mistakes and maybe struggling at things that he would've easily accomplished in the original novel. he gets in a fight and by the end of it his face is covered in dirt and scrapes. he wakes up and his hair is messy leaning less towards perfectly tousled and more towards rat's nest. he's still infuriatingly handsome but he's also a little awkward and dorky.
and all of it making him even more endearing to lloyd than the character he read about all those years ago. because this is real, this is javier as lloyd knows him, this is the person he befriended, the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, the person he's willing to die for.
basically i wanted javier to be lloyd's velveteen rabbit. loving him so long and so much he becomes Real.
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sunflowercider · 9 months
Dammit. Lloyd cursed inwardly, thinking he would have punched Javier if he hadn't been a grandmaster. Lloyd then laughed, hoping that Javier would not die and that their story would not end with one of them dying or disappearing. He promised he'd make that happen. The night darkened as the brightly lit bonfires burned in front of them.
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artxii · 6 months
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every-chopper · 3 months
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uozlulu · 2 years
Black Clover chapter 343 reaction and spoilers
Ichika and Asta’s fight kicks off and they seem evenly matched but Ichika is definitely the more experienced fighter. She says to Asta, “Someone who stands above others, rank equivalent to the shougun, what was it that you called him? The 'Wizard King?' You have no resolution. No convictions. No real skill even. How could someone like you become someone like that?!” Which is an interesting assessment given what we’ve seen of him, but at the same time she hasn’t really seen Asta’s determination play out yet and only just watched him repeatedly think about returning to Clover too early, which is definitely a bit foolhardy. That said, I think her assessment is also based on her own notions of who she thinks Asta is given his association with and love for Yami.
Asta says that he can sense through Ichika’s ki that there’s hatred but also other emotions there, and that’s probably accurate especially since we don’t actually know if Ichika knows anything about the massacre besides its aftermath. This also makes me curious once again if Asta even emits ki at all, which might also be part of Ichika’s problem with him. I mean considering Licita could drain a snake of its ki and mana pretty quickly, but somehow didn’t drain Asta of his ki when he was near her, then does he actually have ki? But we can talk about Asta being an undead creature of some kind later.
Oh good. Ryuuya is here to break up this fight before it gets too out of control.
Ichika offering up seppuku as an apology is a bit extreme but also kind of shows where her head’s at and how hard she probably tries to repay Ryuuya for his kindness. Luckily Ryuuya is like “Let’s not.”
Beezelily shows up with some additional paladins and remarks that she only heard about the Land of the Sun in stories, which again makes me curious if Beezelily or maybe even whatever remains of Sister Lily sent Asta here on purpose. Whether to throw Lucius off or to finish Asta off away from those in Clover, or something else entirely, should be interesting to find out next week.This should also be interesting since it will show Ichika other sides of Asta she hasn’t gotten to see yet potentially.
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localapparently · 1 year
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Detailed orv novel spoilers below (ch 343, 372 and 440)
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orv doodle dump ! stuff i drew over the course of reading the main story
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teriri-sayes · 22 days
Reactions to The Incomprehensible's Chapter 343
Brief summary: The demons are shocked by CH's different aura. Cale uses DA against his enemies. Mary about to create another Clopeh.
Two flags were planted today. When Aurora saw CH's different aura, she asked Cale if it was an ancient power. Cale replied that it was something CH developed himself. It was CH's own aura. And because they talked about ancient powers, this conversation came up:
Aurora spoke up with a serious face. “Weren't the ancient powers wiped out by the divine race?” “What?” “Ah.” Aurora looked away with an embarrassed smile. “It's nothing.” And Cale thought. 'I don't think it's nothing.' I think I just heard something pretty serious. I feel like I've just heard the world's most important and hidden secret? A chill ran down his spine. Cale opened his mouth reflexively. “Hahaha! Yeah, it's nothing!” Okay, let's just pretend we didn't hear that. “That-” But Aurora hesitated, as if she hadn't noticed Cale's desperate evasion, and then spoke. “Actually, I know a secret of the divine realm that the earthly realm doesn't know about-” Cale didn't want to hear more.
I guess Cale would be involved with the Divine Realm in the future... 🤣🤣🤣 The ancient times though. I'm curious on what happened back then that the divine race ended up wiping out the ancient powers.
Oh yeah, earthly realm here referred to the worlds where humans and other races lived. I guess that was how the gods, demons, and divine races called the worlds.
Meanwhile, CH was so funny today. 😂😂😂
Everyone: *silent as they are overwhelmed by Cale's DA* Deshran: …!!! Cale: Sigh... We are Arm- Cale: (We have to play to CH's rhythm) Cale: !!! CH: *tries to knock out Deshran* Is one strike not enough to make you faint? CH: *sees the book in Deshran's hand and grabs it, even though it burned his hand* CH: I like the weight. *uses the book to knock out Deshran* Deshran: *faints* CH: *puts the book down* Cale: … CH: … Raon: Here's a potion! *pours potion on CH's burned hand* CH: *smiles gently* I subdued him. Cale: Uh, um… Good job! Yeah, our Choi Han is the best! Cale: *gives a thumbs up* You're the best! Raon: That's right! Hitting the back of the head is the best and most refreshing! Villager captives, demon king's army, and Arbitrators: … *stares blankly*
CH had really mastered the art of knocking out people by striking the backs of the heads. 🤣🤣🤣 And as usual, with Cale using his powered-up DA, we got numerous poetic descriptions of how the DA affected the enemies, and even Aurora.
Cale even got compared to the previous and current demon kings in terms of aura. It was said that those two were on par with gods and the leaders of the divine race.
Other interesting info we got was that Aurora hated her deceased father, the previous Demon King. And that the current Demon King's name is Zebelon.
SEW shutting up DA again though... 😂😂😂
Cale: *uses DA* Enemy demons: *kneels down unconsciously* DA: Hahaha! I guess I'm growing too! Demons or whatever! They're not like those two ancient gods! This is easy! Hahaha! SEW: Shut up, you bluffer. DA: …
As for the second flag...
Viscount Deshran opened his eyes. And saw again. Choi Han, who was tapping his cheek. “!” Deshran was startled and tried to open his mouth, but his body was completely restrained. “Ugh, ugh!” Viscount Deshran couldn't say anything. Choi Han stared blankly for a while, then stood up and said. “Please.” “Yes. I'll keep an eye on him.” Mary replied in a mechanical voice. Choi Han suddenly remembered Mary disappearing with Clopeh Sekka a few days ago. He also remembered their first meeting, when Mary had planted a dead mana bomb in Clopeh Sekka's body. “…….” Choi Han paused for a moment, but then ran out of the temporary prison. Viscount Deshran and Mary were the only ones left in the temporary prison.
Mary... 🤣🤣🤣 Is this foreshadowing that a Demon Realm-version of Clopeh would be born soon? 🤣🤣🤣 I guess it would be possible. The Demon Realm followed the rule of the weak follow the strong, and Deshran followed the Zebelon because he was superb strong.
But now that Deshran met Cale who might even surpass Zebelon's strength... Add to that Mary's preaching... Yeah, it would be the birth of the first Caleism convert in the Demon Realm. 😂😂😂
Ending Remarks This was another funny chapter, especially the planted flags part. 😂Next chapter would be Cale talking to Aurora on what to do with the village they saved.
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grailfinders · 3 months
Grailfinders #343: Charlemagne
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today on Grailfinders we’ve got a king so nice we made him twice, it’s Charlemagne, back at it again! this time he’s in D&D, so he’s a Devotion Paladin to be upstanding and noble but in a distinctly different way than the knights of the round, as well as a Hexblade Warlock to gain more power the cooler you are. we also dabble in Fighter just a bit so you can fight just as well one-handed as you can two, and also for a more joyeusse ordre, but we’ll get into that later.
check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Ancestry & Background
Charlie is obviously a Human, but he also has a riding skill so let’s give him a Mark of Passage, why not. that gives him +2 Charisma, +1 Strength, Courier’s Speed for an extra five feet of movement, and Intuitive Motion for a bonus d4 on all dexterity and land vehicle checks. on the magical side of things, you can cast misty step once a day for free for some Magical Passage, and you gain Spells of the Mark, adding a few extra spells to your paladin spell list- check those out in the character sheet for more info.
you are, of course, a Noble, giving you proficiency in History and Animal Handling bc we’re taking persuasion from your class. boom, riding skill complete and we’re not even one level in.
Ability Scores
first up, make your Charisma as high as you can- they go on and on about Chuck’s charisma in his bio, and it’ll take care of just about everything in this build eventually. after that is your Dexterity. if you’re going to do cool stuff, you need to not fall flat on your face afterwards. third is Strength, partly for multiclassing, partly so you can be a good knight even without your paladins backing you up. that means your Constitution is a bit lower than I’d like, but that’s why you have a targetable invuln. your Intelligence is neutral- I didn’t really have a lot to go on there, but your Wisdom is definitely in the negatives. you based your power on something as open-ended as “doing cool stuff”, and hanging out with astolfo and roland long enough would warp anyone’s common sense.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: you don’t have to be a paladin to be the king of them, but it certainly helps, especially since it gives you proficiency in Persuasion and Religion, as well as Wisdom and Charisma saves! demons love using those, so make sure to stock up!
you also get a divine sense, so you’ll see any demons coming, as long as you spend a resource every two turns to check. its not good, but you’re not using those resources for anything else, so why not? throw out a ping erry once in a while.
you can also lay on hands to help a pal(adin) out, providing a bit of healing when you slap someone! remember: if they’re about to take a dirt nap, give ‘em a bap. that’s the furioso way!
2. paladin 2: at second level you get great weapon fighting, letting you re-roll 1s and 2s on damage dice from two-handed weapons. you’re gonna see a lotta them real soon whenever you use your divine smite to add a bunch of radiant damage to your sword. of course those don’t come free! you gotta use your spell slots, and those only recharge on long rests! you also prepare spells each day, so you don’t have to worry about picking the exact right ones- we recommend gishy spells like expeditious retreat and jump from your mark spells, or smite-y spells like searing smite or divine favor! outside of his “do cool stuff to charge up” thing, chuckie’s a pr basic dnd paladin.
3. paladin 3: at third level your devotion to devotion makes you a devotion paladin! you add protection from evil & good and sanctuary to your spell list- neither of them are quite invulnerabilities, but they’re nice shields you can plop onto your allies or yourself if u want. you can also channel divinity, doing one cool thing a short rest, either making a sacred weapon or turning the unholy. the first turns your sword into a cool glowy sword for a minute, adding your charisma to its damage, shining light, and making it magical. the latter forces fiends and undead to run away for a minute if they fail a wisdom save! paladins are already pretty good at dealing with devils and zombies, but sometimes you get stuck in a crowd, yknow?
4. paladin 4: we wont need strength forever, but we do need it now, so bump up that with your first ability score improvement! now you hit things harder! yep… yeah that’s the whole level. you can keep reading on now.
5. Paladin 5: at fifth level paladins get an Extra Attack each action, as well as second level spells! your freebies are Lesser Restoration and Zone of Truth, though I also like your mark spell Misty Step. move so fast it’s like you’re teleporting! just be sure you let them know it’s nothin’ personnel, kid.
6. Paladin 6: sixth level paladins get an Aura of Protection, so everyone within 10’ of you gets to add your charisma bonus to every save they make! you’re so cool you make jumping out of the way of a fireball look easy!
7. Paladin 7: seventh level devotion paladins have an Aura of Devotion, so now nobody near you can get charmed either. so whatever’s going on with Astolfo and roland isn’t magic, I guess.
8. Warlock 1: speaking of those two, we need to make a deal with them to power up your sword, making you a Hexblade Warlock. when you strike this bargain, you can put a Hexblade’s Curse on someone nearby that lasts a minute, giving you bonus action on all damage rolls, all attacks crit on 19s and 20s, and when they die you regain HP. all for the cost of one bonus action once per short rest! if you know somebody’s tough you just have to put more effort into being cool, and suddenly you’re a lot stronger. you’re also a Hex Warrior now, so you can turn a one-handed or versatile weapon into your chosen weapon, letting you attack using your charisma instead of your strength.
finally, you get another round of Spells, with weird warlock slots to boot. you can cast paladin spells with these or vice-versa, but they don’t mix in terms of figuring out what levels you can cast at. Eldritch Blast is our noble phantasm, but we also get Sword Burst to do a cool trick like spinning, Expeditious Retreat to free up some paladin prep slots, and Comprehend Languages because I couldn’t really think of any other first level spells we need, and that’s a jesus-y sort of thing to have available.
9. Warlock 2: second level warlocks can use Eldritch Invocations to customize their class, so now you can Distort Value to make your armor shiny and gold, but you can also turn your eldritch blasts into Agonizing Blasts, adding your charisma bonus to each hit. (technically you get two invocations but we’re swapping one next level so don’t get too attached.)
as for why we made a cantrip our NP, it’s simple- thanks to agonizing blast, your hexblade’s curse, and a third thing we’re getting later, your NP will wildly change in damage potential depending on how hard you’re trying to fight something. right now you get a total of two lasers each turn, with each blast’s damage either dealing 1d10+3 or 1d10+7 damage, which is a pretty big swing.
10. Warlock 3: third level warlocks can pick their pact boon, and the Pact of the Blade is perfect for an up-and-coming paladin, letting you summon an extraplanar weapon as an action and make it any kind you like. thanks to the invocation Improved Pact Weapon, it’ll do extra damage each hit, and you can cast your spells through it! most DMs don’t really care about stuff like that, but if they do, it’s a godsend.
if you want even more swords to blast people with, you can summon a Cloud of Daggers now! …it’s bad! but it is thematic.
11. Paladin 8: eighth level paladins get another ASI, and it’s time we got holy. as a Scion of the Outer Planes (specifically the good ones) you get resistance to radiant damage and the ability to cast Sacred Flame using your charisma. we had good offense against the unholy, but now you have defense against the holy! why would being faithful give you that? there’s a couple theological implications there I’m not 100% comfortable dealing with, so let’s move on.
12. Paladin 9: ninth level paladins get third level spells so you’re now a Beacon of Hope, giving everyone you want within 30’ of you advantage on wisdom and death saves, plus maximized healing. you can also Dispel Magic for free, or remove curses! those aren’t in character, but you get one for free and the other’s practically a synonym. Crusader’s Mantle can turn the whole party in to paladins if you want tho
13. Paladin 10: tenth level paladins have an Aura of Courage, so now nobody near you gets scared. how can they be if you’re doing a sick kickflip ten feet away?
14. Paladin 11: eleventh level paladins get an Improved Divine Smite, so now it’s like every attack you make is at least a little bit smitey.
15. Paladin 12: our last level of paladin gets you the Righteous Heritor feat, rounding up your Charisma and the ability to protect your allies. when somebody nearby takes damage, you can react to reduce that damage proficiency times a day. there technically isn’t a debuff if you use it to protect yourself, but that’s not the knightly thing to do, y’know?
16. Fighter 1: it’s time for that secret third thing! well, almost. right now you get the Dueling fighting style so your sword is equally powerful one- or two-handed, and a Second Wind so you can heal yourself as a bonus action. again you could use your lay on hands, but that can be used for someone else too. you have to be greedy with this one.
17. Fighter 2: ok now you’ve got that secret third thing, and that’s Action Surge! now you can action on the same turn you’ve already actioned once a short rest! now you can shoot out 4-8 beams that deal 1d10+4 to 1d10+10 damage each! ultra swingy now
18. Warlock 4: fourth level warlocks get their own ASI, so max out that Charisma for the strongest… everything. just about everything we have uses charisma, and now yours is as high as it can go without literal divine intervention. good job!
also you can cast True Strike now if you feel like wasting a turn, or Suggestion to use your position of power for good. or evil. your own purposes, in any case.
19. Warlock 5: fifth level warlocks get third level spells, like Spirit Shroud, letting you add even more damage to every attack you make on someone within 10’ of you. is using a ranged attack on someone within 10’ smart? god no! but it gives you a chance for dramatic banter, which is cool!
also you can use your Sign of Ill Omen to bestow a curse on someone once a day using a warlock spell slot. curses are really versatile, but the reason we’re picking this up is to give someone disadvantage to hit you or an ally, which is one of the pre-given options for the spell.
20. Warlock 6: the sixth level of hexblade isn’t something we get to often, but since we’re already summoning swords we might as well summon the hands wielding them too. with your Accursed Specter, you can summon the spirit of a hero of the past (bc you just killed them) and they’re forced to help you out for the rest of the day. they get an extra 6 temporary HP, as well as a +5 bonus on all their attack rolls! so if you kill a level 20 fighter and combine this with your eldritch blasts, you can summon all 12 paladins in a single round! kinda!
also you can cast Tongues now, so you can talk to anyone you want! it's what god would want. if he hadn't knocked over that tower.
Pros & Cons
having literally everything based off your Charisma is great, it let us pick up a bunch of cool feats without sacrificing any kind of power, and unlike most paladins you don’t have to choose between your magic being strong or your swordplay.
speaking of, thanks to that mono-stat stuff you’re super versatile in a fight, being able to dish out damage in melee or at range, or provide support and protection to other party members. being able to do a little bit of everything is never a bad thing.
speaking of support, just being around you is a huge bonus for squishier party members, and thanks to your mobility options you’re never that far away.
and it’s a good thing you can move around easily, because your auras are tiny. when you combine that with you moving around the place all the time, odds are most of your party won’t be getting any aura buffs for most of the fight.
having warlock slots might give you more chances to smite, but it completely blocks you from upcasting spells, leaving you stuck with third level spells slots for the entire build. a lot of your damage comes from other sources, but a good smite crit is super cathartic, you know?
your ultimate attack has some major damage variance, and it’s only at its best once per short rest. you can call your shots, but you’re only going to get one chance per fight at best, so make it count. otherwise you can go from 8d10+8d8+88 damage to 4d10+20, which is a major missed opportunity.
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anrisimps · 10 months
Ch 343
Yuder first explained about the letters received from colleagues when he met with Ever. However, he did not want to elaborate on having received an aphrodisiac suppressant from Enon, so he simply mentioned, "I heard that there is no significant correlation between the fever that started yesterday and the medicine."
Im sure Kishiar would love to hear why exactly did you need an aphrodisiac suppressant Yuder 😂😂
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thecrowperson · 4 months
Kaidou manga panels I like: (pt 343)
Art Skillz: feat. Kuboyasu, Nendou, and Saiki
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From: vol 19 ch 197
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pikahlua · 1 year
[MASTERPOST] My Hero Academia Spoilers/Manga Translations Part 2
Continued from Part 1 here.
Ch. 369
Ch. 368
Ch. 367
Ch. 366
Ch. 365
Ch. 364
Ch. 363
Ch. 362
Ch. 361
Ch. 360
Ch. 359
Ch. 358
Ch. 357
Ch. 356
Ch. 355
Ch. 354
Ch. 353
Ch. 352 (full chapter)
Ch. 352
Ch. 351
Ch. 350
Ch. 349
Ch. 348 (clarification on Izuku’s response to Toga)
Ch. 348 (first three pages complete)
Ch. 348
Ch. 347
Ch. 346
Ch. 345
Ch. 344
Ch. 343 (full chapter)
Ch. 343
Ch. 342
Ch. 341 (first six pages)
Ch. 340
Ch. 338
Ch. 337
Ch. 336 Part 1
Ch. 336 Part 2
Ch. 336: The MHA 336 leak(???) translated
Ch. 335
Ch. 334
Ch. 333
Ch. 332
Ch. 330
Ch. 329
Ch. 327 (but only the first three pages)
Ch. 326
Ch. 325
Ch. 324
Ch. 322: What Katsuki needs to say
Ch. 322
Ch. 321
Ch. 320
Ch. 319
Ch. 318 Part 1
Ch. 318 Part 2
Ch. 318 Part 3
Ch. 310 Translation Notes
Ch. 302 Translation Notes
Ch. 290-291 Dabi’s broadcast translation
Ch. 284 Translation Notes
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mojowitchcraft · 10 months
Fic Writing Review 2023
Words and Fics
184,210 words posted on ao3 Plus about 7.7k getting posted today for Bat Eddie Ch. 4 Plus like 30k for Frat Boy Steve that hasn't been posted Plus 10k for a holiday fic I need to edit So approximately 230k written in 2023
23 fics worked on
16 fics published (series, one shots and multi-chapters)
1 multi-chapter finished (Strawberries & Cigarettes)
2 multi-chapter started (Living in a Lunar Spell aka Bat Eddie & We Part To Meet Again)
I haven't been keeping track as well as @loki-is-my-kink-awakening (thanks for the tag btw) so I'm not quite sure when I wrote the most
Ao3 Fic breakdown
Out of the 16 fics I posted:
3 multi chaptered fics
4 'one shots' in the Night Drives Series
1 'one shot' in my Y2K Steddie series (Valentines follow up to a Christmas fic I wrote)
8 stand alone one shots
Top 10 Fics by Kudos
Prisoner of Your Love (694) [Night Drives Part 6]
You Made Me Feel Shiny and New (610) [Night Drives Part 7]
Between The Velvet Lies (450) [Night Drives Part 8]
Hazy Shade (438) Based on this art by @toktopus-art
Power To Charm (399) [Night Drives Part 9]
It's A Match! (343) Tinder/Sexting fic
Must Hate Mondays (264) Garfield Fic featuring a ton of art!
Strawberries & Cigarettes (244) Multi-Chapter Post S4 fluff
Am I Your Fire? Your One Desire (184) Y2K Steddie Valentines fic
Your Hand In Mine (179) Tumblr prompt fic
My fandom fic events in 2023
Discord Server Valentines Fic / Art Exchange
Steddie Week in May (kinda?? I didn't do all the prompts)
Steddie Big Bang - Posting now!
@steddieholidayexchange Posting Dec 18th
@paradimeshifts7 One Shot Exchange posting Dec 20-24th
Upcoming Events for 2023
Discord Server Valentines Fic / Art Exchange
@strangerthingsreversebigbang March-April Posting Period I'm doing two fics for this!
Hopefully nothing else cause I want to FINALLY finish and start posting Frat Boy Steve aka Acta, Non Verba
Rules & Tags below the cut! Check out Ebs post, they got way more detailed than I did!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either. Tags: @mixsethaddams @grandmastattoo @sourw0lfs @transmascsteveharrington @kwills91 @thefreakandthehair @toburnup @bifuriouswaterbender @cranberrymoons
As always if you see this and want to do it consider this your tag!
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every-chopper · 3 months
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futurewgarbage · 10 months
Like he's just. He's so. Jcksjxkkaxpkskxksjd im just trying to think from his pov for a quick sec.
(spoilers up to ch 343 i think? +ch 350)
Like. Kdj comes back after 3 years, whatever. He escapes confinement. They go do main scenario #46, Proof of the Stars. The one he. Mentioned. The very first time he met yjh. You know when 5 secs into meeting him he was all like "Hey you can't do that scenario alone! You've been betrayed before, you know you can't do it alone! I'll do it with you! Let me come along so you can trust me and so we can do the trust scenario together!!!". Right?. Like an asshole.
And then that kdj asshole is like dude nooooo donnn'tttt let's do it togetheeerrrr i want to protect youuuu and somehow-i-borrowed-ur-power-from-the-future-and-i've-seen-all-ur-suffering but the you standing right in front of me is still betterrrr!!!! haha
And then he keeps dying and dying. And disappearing and going missing. But like they finally go do it. They go do the trust scenario. But like. At this point for yjh there's something more important than finishing the scenario on good terms for the first time in his fucking life. Because. That kdj asshole keeps fucking dying. And disappearing. I might have mentioned this before. And the problem is that he's the only one who can save this world ykno, the only thing keeping everyone alive and fighting and together better than ever in yjh's 3 lifetimes. But he keeps fucking off and risking himself and everything he has built. So then obviously yjh has his priorities straight (and his sin eater attitude on) and is like fuck the 46th scenario, i have to secure everyone's future. I will sacrifice myself, get the "traitor" attribute, but i will get the rights over kdj's life and death and i will be able to keep him here and safe and active and make him save the world and everyone we care about.
And then yjh is like okay fine let's keep going together (🥺😭), totally not crying or anything, and they move on to the context of constellations. Where they just casually pull a funny haha prank together on the woman that destroyed yjh's life (<3) but then. She pulls a funny little prank on kdj too cuz she's a sore fucking loser bitch. And instead of him having a normal reaction for once in his useless life he's like "sayonara you weeaboo shits" and goes to fuck off to hell again, by himself, the bitchass motherfucker. After they just!!!!!!! Argued!!!!!!!! About him fucking off to hell!!!!!!!!!! After yjh was willing to sacrifice the heard earned goodwill of his companions in order to stop kdj from fucking off to hell!!!!!!!
So OBVIOUSLY yjh says fuck that and comes along for the ride. Like. We literally JUST talked about this you absolute piece of shit. What did i JUST fucking say. God DAMN it. And so now they're both chilling in hell.
Then kdj starts going on and on and on abt how fucking cool yjh is, how big his dick is, how his life is so inspiring that it can even move the ancient gods into action to fight an impossible war to save ysa. Then they split again. Kdj goes straight to fighting the previously mentioned impossible war, while yjh goes to earth so meet save the parents mom. And he's like fuck shit piss kdj's mom is fucking dying what do i fucking do. (He's gonna pull some star fluid straight out of his fucking ass, that's what he's gonna do, but dw abt it)
But then they do reunite on the impossible war battlefield. And by that i mean that yjh goes ahead and makes the most dramatic and 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭 inducing entrace in the history of the star stream, to the point where it was quoted in their nomination for best chemistry awards. Ykno just casually. And they're fighting for their life but he's STILL worried about kdj and his mom. He is SO careful about how to break the news to him. And he's the reason why she's saved by the end of it.
And i just. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭?????????
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dccg-en · 2 months
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"Great Detective of the West vs. English Teacher" (ep 277-278, ch 341-343) is the Green/Red Case card of the second card set!
"When this Case enters the Resolution Phase, the opponent draws 1 card."
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