#cf sans
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Dream: I didn’t know that air fryers are a real thing. Used to think that they were made up by the internet as a funny joke and that their purpose was to “fry air”.
Ink: You guys clearly don’t own an air fryer.
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jojea · 5 months ago
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tgaa (the g stands for gay)
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lilias42 · 3 months ago
Hellooooow ! Puisque tu m'a demander du SANG!!! Je me permet de t'en demander aussi !!🔥🔥🔥. Je voudrais ton opinion sur la 7, 8 9 , 22 et ( pour le lol) la 2 !!! Merci beaucoup 😊!
Salut ! Merci beaucoup les questions ! Et du SANG !!! Le peuple veut du SANG !!!
PS : j'ai mis la 2 en dernier vu que je ne suis pas sûre d'avoir bien compris et vu le sujet, ça me gênait un peu alors, c'est en bas.
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7 - Quel personnage avez-vous commencé à détester non pas à cause du canon mais à cause de la façon dont le fandom réagit à leur égard ?
Question déjà répondu dans ce billet ! :D
8 - opinion commune des fans selon laquelle tout le monde a tort
👹 Pour commencer, le très classique "El-chan est une anti-héroïne / gentille légèrement borderline / la seule vraie gentille qui fait évoluer Fodlan dans le bon sens" et toutes les autres opinions qui vont avec telle que "CF est une route héroïque où on tue la méchante papesse et les gens n'avaient qu'à pas se défendre d'une invasion" et "l'histoire entre El-chan et Byleth est tellement ROMANTIQUE !!!". Je pense en avoir déjà bien assez radoté là-dessus mais, CF est une route de méchants qui ne s'assume pas et étant assez mal écrit car bon, quand on est conscient de ce qu'on fait (soit conquérir deux pays indépendant depuis 400 ans et finir un génocide d'une race n'ayant rien demandé en aidant une secte glauque de taupe maléfique), les moments qui se veulent tendre sont juste ultra cringe et dérangeant alors que c'est censé être des scènes mignonnes (scène du portrait, je te regarde) et avec une relation principale vraiment malaisante vu que bon, en version, dans leur soutien C, Byleth est censé roder dans le monastère avec une référence aux yobai / voleur de sous-vêtement. Voilà quoi. On a connu mieux comme top de l'écriture.
👹 Autre opinion commune de fans qui semblent un peu trop répandu dans ce fandom, c'est que la fanfiction n'est pas assez sérieuse et que c'est mieux de faire de la méta car c'est plus sérieux. Je pense à une certaine fic d'un type sur un bateau tape-à-l'oeil (oui, je cherche comment traduire un truc histoire de planquer les traces pour que la horde de stans ne trouvent pas ce billet, alors qu'on a pas vraiment de traduction de ce mot qui est un anglicisme) qui se prétend être une méta alors qu'elle fait encore plus de modification que dans un canon divergente en piquant des évènements des autres routes. J'ai l'impression que c'est pour donner un air important à un travail x pour dévaloriser les autres car, cette "méta" serait plus profonde, plus réfléchie qu'une "simple" fanfiction alors que c'est quelque chose qui peut être très travaillé et recherché, voir avec plus de liens avec le canon bien réalisé.
En plus, à mon avis, une méta s'exprime assez mal en fanfiction. On peut faire des études de personnages en fic, on est d'accord mais, je trouve que ça passe mieux dans un billet construit, avec des références claires au canon et avec des renvoies clairs et nets aux phrases / moment dont on parle et sur lesquels ont s'appuie pour construire notre raisonnement et opinion, ainsi qu'une structure plus proche d'une démonstration que d'un récit fictif. ça doit être mon côté très carré qui ressort mais bref, la méta ne laisse aucune place à ce qui est vraiment créatif. On peut s'appuyer dessus afin de mieux comprendre le canon et afin de voir si ne part pas complètement en live mais, la fanfiction est comme une adaptation, il faut forcément modifier le canon afin de l'adapter aux idées de l'auteur (comme je l'ai surement déjà dit quelque part, un français et un américain n'auront surement pas la même vision de la monarchie ou de la féodalité ou ne feront pas agir des personnages de la même manière). Je ne comprends donc pas la raison pour lesquels certains dans le fandom préfère clamer faire de la méta plutôt qu'une fanfiction.
👹 Sinon, je dirais que Lambert est un personnage positif et un bon roi avec une présomption de bien faire / innocence alors que le gars a tout fait n'importe comment dans ce qu'on en voie de lui, que ce soit dans FE3H ou FEW3H dans ce que j'ai vu. J'en parle dans la réponse de recurringdragon alors, je renvoie à cet billet.
9 - La pire partie du canon
Bon, on va pas revenir sur CF, je radote déjà suffisamment alors, on va plutôt dire l'histoire de Patricia.
Aux noms des Dieux, par où commencer dans ce bazar ?
Bon, déjà, son histoire n'a vraiment aucun sens et je ne voie pas vraiment comment bien l'intégrer à l'univers et comment la mettre en place à part en disant que Lambert a une chance sans nom tout du long de son règne, puis a épuisé sa jauge de chance à Duscur. Car bon, si on tente de résumer :
Anselma a rencontré Ionius à un moment X (pas à Garreg Mach vu que Delagarde est la première membre de la famille impériale à étudier au monastère depuis des générations)
Anselma a eu Delagarde avec lui et c'est l'avant-avant-dernier enfant d'Ionius qui avait déjà eu huit autres gosses avec d'autres femmes puis en aura encore deux autres avec d'autres concubines (ce qui doit signifier qu'ils ont une grosse différence d'âge et bonjour le harem, comment tuer le romantisme de la petite histoire à l'eau de rose de Delagarde à la Tour de la Déesse)
pour une raison inconnu, Hubert, le fils unique des Vestra de 6 ans, devient le valet personnel de Delagarde quand elle a 4 ans (pourquoi pas de son frère / soeur ainé, on sait pas, le jeu non plus, la fratrie impériale est implanté dans l'histoire avec les pieds) et on ne sait pas si Anselma fait encore partie du tableau à ce moment-là car aucun des deux n'en parle
à un autre moment X, Anselma doit fuir Embarr car elle a été prise dans un complot au sein du harem. Elle trouve refuge dans le Royaume grâce à la vraie Cornélia qui l'aide
elle rencontre Lambert vu que vraie!Cornélia travaille pour lui à ce moment-là et après un certain temps, ils se marient ensemble dans le plus grand secret (donc, surement de manière morganatique, elle n'est pas reine) et prend le nom de Patricia pour ne pas se faire choper. On sait juste que c'est avant les 8 ans de Delagarde vu qu'elle rejoint sa mère dans le Royaume lors d'une nouvelle crise à Embarr quand Hubert a 10 ans vu qu'il a tenté de la rejoindre à cet âge, et qu'elle est dans la famille royale de Faerghus pendant longtemps vu que Dimitri la considère comme sa mère.
Pendant ce laps de temps, personne du saint-personne à part le cercle le plus intime du roi sait que Patricia = Anselma, la concubine impériale qui s'est barrée d'Embarr et du harem et le secret réussi à tenir jusqu'à après la mort de Lambert qui a emmené le secret dans la tombe.
à encore un autre moment X, vraie!Cornélia est remplacé par agarthan!Cornélia qui commence à manipuler Patricia et s'impose entre les deux époux et Lambert ne fait rien pour empêcher sa médecin (qu'il pourrait tout à fait renvoyer ou arrêter vu que c'est le roi) de le séparer de sa femme en s'imposant entre eux deux, ce qui veut surement dire qu'agarthan!Cornélia manipule aussi Lambert
A un autre autre moment X, Patricia sait qu'agarthan!Cornélia faisait des expériences tordues sur Hapi et en était triste mais, n'a rien fait pour l'aider (et dans sa situation, elle n'en avait surement pas les moyens, surtout avec Lambert qui gobe tout ce que lui raconte Cornélia, le mec sert vraiment à rien à part ficher les problèmes partout !)
Peut-être à peu près au même moment, c'est toujours pas clair, agarthan!Cornélia commence à comploter pour assassiner Lambert et à un moment, Patricia est dans le complot. Elle s'éloigne de Dimitri aussi vu qu'elle est dans sa bulle et triste (vu ce qu'elle s'est pris dans la tronche, tu m'étonnes !)
Le complot se concrétise lors du voyage à Duscur où agarthan!Cornélia, ses alliés à Kleiman et surement dans le reste du sud, et les agarthans assassinent Lambert et toute sa suite en manquant Dimitri. On sait juste que le carrosse de Patricia n'a pas été touché et qu'il n'y a aucune trace de sa présence sur les lieux de l'attaque
Dans le présent ! On a aucune idée d'où elle est, si elle est en vie, ce qu'elle a fait après Duscur, si Delagarde est au courant que sa mère était la femme du roi ou si elle en a quoi que ce soit à battre, ce que ça veut dire pour le Royaume, si elle peut réapparaitre, ce qui se passera... vu que seul Dimitri en a quelque chose à faire d'elle. Le tout avec PERSONNE DU SAINT-PERSONNE qui n'a jamais remarqué la relation entre elle et le roi ou qui soupçonne la moindre chose donc, elle a l'air d'avoir réussi à planquer sa présence dans le Royaume pendant 5 ans minimum vu qu'El y est allé à 8 ans et que la Tragédie a eu lieu 4 ans avant l'histoire soit quand Dimitri avait 13-14 ans, voir plus vu que personne ne parle de sa vie au harem vu que sa fille ne se souvient pas de l'époque avant son exil de la capitale (elle dit avant ça qu'elle "regrette que ce genre d'histoire ait pris fin après ma naissance." alors, est-ce que ça veut dire que Patricia a perdu sa faveur peu de temps après avoir accouché ? On sait pas, l'histoire veut pas trancher).
Et c'est sans parler de la lettre débile d'Anselma dans 3 nopes où elle demande de l'aide à un noble du sud pour les aider dans leur complot, alors qu'elle est censé être isolée du reste de la cour, personne ou presque ne connait son existence et encore moins sa relation avec le roi alors, qu'est-ce que ce type en aurait à battre de son appel à l'aide et meuf ! T'es censé être discrète !
Au nom des dieux, c'est un BORDEL SANS NOM ! Faut un tableau de détective pour arriver à suivre ! Et il faut sortir tous les supports des personnages pour naviguer entre les points de vue imparfaits, les biaisés et les mensonges de Delagarde la mytho et le support d'Hapi censé éclaircir sa situation ne fait que la compliqué encore plus !
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Sérieusement, aucune idée à part un miracle cosmique de la Déesse ou de Satan (c'est à dire la magie du scénario) pour expliquer comment personne dans le Royaume n'est flairé l'arnaque, découvert le pot aux roses, que Lambert (soit pas une foudre de guerre) ait réussi à cacher son existence à la première belle-famille quand il venait voir le petit-fils / leur neveu (vu que bon, c'est la famille de la reine officielle, ça ne doit pas être n'importe qui), s'assurer qu'aucune servante ne vende la mèche, que Dimitri ne lâche rien de trop suspect pour quelqu'un d'un peu méfiant qui se mettrait à fouiner pour comprendre les mots du petit et au cas où quelqu'un tournerait trop autour du jeune et seul prince (je sais, Dimitri nous dit qu'il ne savait pas que Delagarde était la fille de Patricia lors de son passage à Fhirdiad mais, il aurait pu le savoir après coup et vu que même son meilleur ami de l'époque Félix ne savait pas pour Patricia et sa relation avec le roi, il a dû vraiment bien tenir sa langue et caché tout ce pan de sa vie à ses amis [et s'il était au courant et l'a caché en connaissance de cause, t'es raiment un connard Lambert pour imposer à ton gosse de mentir en permanence à ses propres amis]), prier très fort pour que personne d'Adrestia n'aille la chercher, que personne dans la confidence finisse par trahir pour x ou y raison (car c'est un crétin et un roi incompétent qui ne pense qu'à lui).
Car bon, imaginons que Rodrigue en ait sa claque de Lambert et de ses conneries, il vend la mèche à la population de Fhirdiad et vu qu'il est quand même un duc très respecté (société d'honneur, quelqu'un considéré comme le "Bouclier de Faerghus" serait forcément un minimum écouté par respect envers sa parole), on le croit, c'est fini pour Lambert :
les gens vont juste exploser d'apprendre que le roi a une maitresse qui bouffe sans doute à leurs frais sans rien faire pour le Royaume car ce n'est pas la reine et qu'elle est recluse alors, elle peut difficilement faire quoi que ce soit pour eux donc, ils vont surement aller frapper à la porte à coup de marteau et faux pour demander une explication à Lambert
+ la famille de la première reine va surement leur donner un coup de main car, on remplace leur fille et que c'est quand même des privilèges à eux qui sont en jeu, avec le risque que Patricia donne un autre enfant à Lambert qui pourrait être un concurrent à Dimitri s'il a un emblème ou pire un emblème majeur
+ d'autres nobles qui sont en mode "Bordel ! C'est une concubine de l'empereur ! Il apprend qu'elle est ici, on est mort ! Rendez-lui tout de suite !" et se mêle à la révolte générale pour juste la renvoyer de l'autre côté de la frontière en s'excusant histoire d'éviter une guerre
+ quelqu'un, un juriste ou un curé, qui invalide le mariage si son union avec Ionius n'a jamais été défaite dans la précipitation et ajoute au bazar que le mariage est illégale car c'est de la bigamie
+ et si vraiment, Lambert a épuisé toute sa jauge de chance, les srengs profitent du bordel général dans le Royaume causé par le scandale pour lancer des raids sur Faerghus afin de récupérer un maximum de terres ou de butin
Autant dire que c'est pas avec Gustave et Rufus qu'il va aller bien loin.
Vraiment, cette partie du scénario est un véritable bazar sans nom qui ne sert qu'à lier Dimitri et Delagarde pour expliquer pourquoi il ne veut pas la défoncer à la fin de l'histoire d'AM, c'est sa demi-soeur et une amie d'enfance alors, il veut l'épargner car comme le dit Ashe "tuer un membre de sa famille... c'est mal" alors que c'est un des personnages qui a le plus de raison de vouloir sa peau dans tout le jeu. Heureusement qu'il y a des auteurs comme Ladyniniane qui sont vraiment motivé et arrive à faire de cette situation compliquée une excellente histoire avec Patricia / Anselma qui est un personnage attachant et tragique mais sinon, c'est une des pires parties du canon pour moi : il est inutilement compliqué et tordu, tout ça pour justifier que Dimitri ne veuille pas exploser Delagarde même une fois remis car, elle a littéralement ruiné sa vie et profiter du chaos de Duscur et dans le Royaume pour avancer ses pions, tout en reniant l'indépendance de son pays en voulant les coloniser à nouveau.
22 - votre partie préférée du canon que tout le monde ignore
Je ne sais pas si c'est une partie ignorée du canon mais, j'aime beaucoup toutes les possibilités qu'offre l'histoire du jeu car, même si son lore peut être très grand et riche, il est complètement mité et peu développé à part ce qui est un minimum nécessaire pour l'histoire. J'aime beaucoup utiliser ces trous pour les combler avec des OC, je trouve que ça permet de laisser libre court à sa créativité avec chacun qui fait ce qu'il veut comme il le souhaite et selon ses gouts et thèmes préférés (dans le respect des versions de chacun et en assumant que c'est de la fanon bien sûr), le tout en renouvelant les situations et les relations possibles en sortant des limitations du canon.
Par exemple et même si à force, je tire sur une ambulance déjà accidentée, je n'aime pas du tout la dynamique entre L*mbrigue en fic car je n'aime pas Lambert et même si on en fait un perso potable en fic, la dynamique tourne souvent en rond avec Rodrigue qui se languit en silence et Lambert qui le remarque à peine, soit ils ne peuvent pas être ensemble officiellement et sont amants avec ou sans le consentement des silhouettes qui leur sert de ventre à bébé Dimitri / Félix et Glenn. Avoir un vrai OC construit pour jouer le rôle de leur femme permet d'avoir d'autres dynamiques et d'explorer les possibilités de leur couple, que ce soit pour montrer l'influence toxique de Lambert qui est juste un vampire et donc un couple qui ne fonctionne pas, soit pour en faire un couple sain et équilibré qui s'aime sincèrement pour Rodrigue car cet homme mérite d'être heureux !
Autre exemple, j'aime beaucoup la partie de la Guerre des Héros / Antiquité de Fodlan, notamment car je peux imaginer ce que je veux vu qu'il y a assez peu d'information dessus (qui peuvent même être contradictoire entre elles) et mettre des personnages comme je les aime avec des histoires que je trouve cool dans un univers que j'aime beaucoup avec mes Braves (je vais arriver à m'y remettre pour le billet de Pyrkaïa, je vais y arriver ! Même si son billet fait déjà 50 pages de Word et j'en suis qu'à son enfance / adolescence... oui je sais...). On nous dit que les Braves étaient très appréciés de leur peuple et vu comme des héros puis, ils ont pété une durite et rejoint le camp du mal ? Ok, il y a en fait deux générations, celle des parents qui étaient de très puissants héros bienveillants ayant tout donné pour leur peuple, et celle des enfants tombés dans la spirale de la vengeance quand ils ont été assassinés qui prévoie de tuer Seiros et les autres puis Némésis car ils sont responsables de la mort de leur parents, et je peux broder dessus.
Ce serait un peu ça ma partie préférée du canon que tout le monde ignore : l'antiquité de l'histoire qui permet d'avoir énormément de possibilité, et les zones d'ombres qui permettent de glisser facilement des OC attachants qui agrandissent les possibilités d'histoires !
2 - un argument convaincant pour expliquer pourquoi votre favori ne serait jamais en haut ou en bas
Vu que mes deux personnages favoris sont Rodrigue et Félix, on va partir sur Rodrigue vu qu'il n'est pas ultra populaire et je voie deux manières d'interpréter la question donc, je vais me pencher sur ma première manière d'interpréter la question avant de me rendre compte de l'autre sens (en espérant ne pas me tromper vu que ce serait vraiment gênant autant pour toi que pour moi) : pourquoi il ne sera pas le plus populaire ou le pire perso selon les fans.
Il ne sera jamais premier car il est un PNJ et devient jouable que dans un spin-off avec une écriture pourrie + subi les conséquences des narrateurs peu fiable de FE3H où ado!Félix en pleine crise d'adolescence le décrit comme le pire père du monde et est trop pris au pied de la lettre par le public.
Mais il ne sera pas non plus le pire des personnages car il reste très sympathique quand on ne s'aveugle pas à ses qualités en étant un homme bon, responsable, faisant tout pour tenir malgré les tragédies qu'il vit, très bon père qui fait autant qu'il peut pour maintenir sa famille en entier et un personnage très appréciable !
(Et pour la deuxième façon dont je comprend la question, c'est pourquoi le perso serait top / bottom au sens intime des termes et, on va dire que quand il est avec Félicia, les deux veulent surtout passer un bon moment ensemble et se font surtout des calins et ils s'embrassent tendres dans leur lit. Puis quand Félicia meurt, étant donné qu'il l'aime toujours même une fois son deuil fait, ne s'intéresse pas aux autres de cette manière, à d'autres choses à penser [comme élever ses fils et s'occuper de son fief] et histoire qu'on lui fiche la paix quand une autre grande famille veut nouer une alliance avec les Fraldarius chapeauté par une alliance matrimoniale, il fait officiellement voeu de fidélité à sa femme devant la Déesse. Comme ça, il est tranquille. Et désolé si ce n'est pas très détaillé mais, ce genre de question me gêne un peu, surtout quand je ne suis pas sûre du sens de la question)
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errordient · 4 months ago
Decided to do a small series of headcanons for the combo club kiddos since it’s disability pride month!! Starting off with Flip!
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Flip has bpd (borderline personality disorder) along with ADHD. He’s bisexual (but in denial), was born intersex but identifies as a man, also transmasc, uses He/They pronouns, needs a cane for long distances due to chronic fatigue (ME/CFS) but doesn’t use it because he’s afraid of what people will think which ends up causing him to collapse often and get scolded by Gaster. But eventually he accepts he needs it and even decides to decorate it with ���metal’ stickers.
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Flag meanings: Highest to lowest
Transmasc - people who identify with a masculine gender identity or expression, regardless of their assigned sex at birth
ITM/XTM - Transitioning from intersex to male; a transmasculine born intersex or assigned intersex at birth (AXAB/AIAB)
Bisexual - being sexually or romantically attracted to both men and women, or to more than one sex or gender
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Flip by @/askcomboclub
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randomnameless · 9 months ago
Regarding to the negative character development in Nopes. How do you consider Supreme leader's route to be worse than the original route? I wanna know your thoughts on her character and the route itself.
You mean on Supreme Bullshit?
I prefer her in CF - even if we have the "lel professor Supreme Leader was mourning you for 5 years while you were absent (and no one conveniently thought to explore that damn ravine where you fell to see if maybe you were still alive) but now that you've returned we can maybe stop being in a stalemate against Faerghus and finally roll over Derdriu!" pandering shit, because even if it came with wonderful Supreme One Liners and Replies, in CF, Supreme Leader kills her enemies herself!
Sure it comes at the cost of the most badass Shonen Explosion I've ever seen in the FE Series, and yet, for her, that explosion meant her role was ultimately reduced to the role of a mosquito : sure it's annoying and you want to smash it, but when you look around to find someone/something to smash it, you happen on an agressive venomous snake, who cares about the mosquito now?
We know how fandom is about Supreme Leader and her actions and her uwu agency - in Supreme Bullshit, we're left in the vague about what her MAGA plans entails because she doesn't finish her quest - Nopes ends before the epilogue - and it's almost as if the Nopes!devs didn't want her to deal final blows herself, or have her hands be "as clean" as possible as the ones who are erased are either peons or secondary/tertiary characters : Supreme Leader isn't the one who splits Rhea's head open in this route, Rhea and Thales take each other out, heck, she doesn't want to liberate Fodlan from inhuman monsters anymore, it's Claude who parrots to whoever wants to listen that Rhea has to die (and yet, Supreme Leader still wants to make Garreg Mach Rhea's tomb... maybe it's a considerate gesture on her part, to have her reunite with her family?) Speaking of him if conditions are reunited, he "forces her" to kill him, because he betrays her first :'(
In CF, Supreme Leader - when she finally has the means (aka Billy!) to do so - attacks all of her enemies, even turning against the Agarthans (rip cornelia?) and it's only because the plot is held by duct tape and chewing-gum that she somehow avoids retaliation because Uncle is too stupid and wasted his nukes on Arianrhod instead of nuking Firdhiad when both Supreme Leader and Rhea would be there !
However, the facts still stand : Supreme Leader dealt a blow at the Agarthans, ended the Nabatean presence in Fodlan, personally erased Faerghus' line of Kings and conquered the Alliance.
Sure she tells Balthus she will crush everyone who doesn't side with her, but when it comes to Lords/Main antagonists... when CF had her swing Aymr - even against defeated characters who fell on their knees and aren't fighting anymore - SB brings out convoluted circumstances to either has her fight because she is attacked and thus on the defensive (which is rich when she's supposed to be the invader!) by an ally whose motivation never made sense but who is now suddenly betraying her and all of his former allies who joined with her (GG Clout) or... Rhea gets her Big Damn Hero moment, fulfilling the initial promise/oath she swore on that route (help humans to get rid of Agarthans) and supposedly dies in the process, while Supreme Leader - the oathbreaker - pulls out her best impression of Tuxedo Mask "my job here is done - but you didn't do a thing" ending on a High Five.
Imo it's very telling that the only main character who can be alive at the end of SB is Dimitri - because he is the character Supreme Leader wants dead at all costs, and if the Nopes!Devs wrote Zarhofl as they did, I wonder how they could and might have justified a metting between the two that doesn't end up in Supreme Leader Aymr'ing him (maybe Cornelia would have conviently warped there and stabbed him to death, so her hands would still be "clean" ?).
In short, I prefer CF!Supreme Leader (or her FE16 version sans the pandering) because she is determinate and wants to achieve her goals, even if she has to be ruthless to do so - and we see that ruthlessness (even if it's poorly executed) in CF, Supreme Leader kills named and main characters to MAGA (and to free humanity from those vile subhumans).
In SB, she is always... put in situations where she "has to" protect herself from either backstabbing allies, or, when push comes to shove, her enemies are conveniently at the same place at the same time and take each other out : FFS, it's Rhea who takes out the leader of the Agarthans, and it's Thales who removes Nabateans from Fodlan. What is all that determination good for if, in the end, she's not the one solving the issues?
Oh, and because I'm petty like that : why the fuck the sailor fuku, seriously - sure her red dress (the one from her legendary version!) isn't as, uh, battle compatible as, say, Queen Elincia's battle outfit, and yet there's something really disturbing about the Sailor Fuku. Supreme Leader is regal, commanding, even with the red dress. Her final outfit (Willy's armor retrofitted with boobplates?) is, well, a full suit of armor, Supreme Leader is a warrior and leading her troops to victory, she will battle and fight herself even in melee.
The Sailor Fuku is... just some generic Anime design, I know she has a plate but come on, comparing this to her Emperor battlesuit, it's almost as if we're not in the same genre anymore - it's war phase now, Supreme Leader is dead serious about her plans and her ambition, she's not the "school girl who will also go to war!" - compare the three outfits, which one doesn't scream "Emperor" to you?
So yeah, short (short) story : while I like SB for Shonen explosions and more exposition about Adrestia, imo, this route is worse for Supreme Leader's agency than any other route in FE16 (AG takes the cake in its last part though!) because while she has it, in the end, she doesn't do a thing with it :
MAGA? Dimitri cannot be killed in the game, she leaves the task to Clout who doesn't do it and worse, who can betray her :( so she has to kill him :(
Frre Humanity from the sekrit nabatean illuminati and the agarthan terrorists? She just kicks them from their homes (Agarthans managed to infiltrate Adrestia, she kicks them out of her land) and they managed to take each other out.
Sure, she knows how to highfive at the end of this route, but was it really worth all those sacrifices, aka, to get rid of conqueror and determinate!Supreme Leader to have instead sailor fuku!Supreme Leader who knows how to highfive?
I know they're not meant to be compared because different circumstances and all, but can you imagine a second, a Jugdral spin-off AU much like Nopes is, where Arvis wears a high school uniform but Siggy, Manfroy and Travant accidently kill each other so he gets the continent on a silver platter without having to do any fighting or planning himself?
That's Supreme Bullshit for Supreme Leader, and that's why I think this route doesn't paint her in the best light, especially compared to her FE16 version.
#anon#replies#3 nopes#I wouldn't say it's negative character development per se since Supreme Leader never develops even in FE16#her objectives are the same than in FE16 but she isn't the one#who achieves them#sure in the end it's just a technicality she won in Nopes sans AG#but who wants to see their protag set up goals and not be the one to reach them? especially since it's Supreme Leader's drive#and in CF the plot moved pretty quickly to let's kill the big bad (and maga)#in SB the big bads kill themselves while we're sitting on the bench#hell it's Barney who throws a sword at Thales to help Rhea in this scene#Supreme Leader is just o_o#and ends her route with a high five#“my job here is done”#ultimately i think the nopes!dev wanted to push the waifu angle card at the cost of Supreme Leader's character traits#much like Vero from feh who became suddenly redeemed through brainwash and eviler than her family members popping up#the second she won the second CYL#I still think Gustadolv merchandising would have sold#maybe not dakimakuras but why the need to waifuise characters to sell them ffs#Just from a glance there's no way B!Supreme Leader and SF!Supreme Leader are put in the same situation#and yet they are? Aka both leaders of an Empire conquering the world and out on the battlefield to axe those who oppose her?#so they wrote her according to this design 'she wants to conquer but she's still a loveable schoolgirl whose hands aren't bloody!'#yeah no#idk but imo that's not Supreme Leader#at least FE16 tried to tone down this aspect even if it ultimately permeates the game#but Nopes isn't even hiding it anymore
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beldaroot · 2 years ago
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seiya 🤝 taichi
being told by the best player in their respective sport that they don't actually love that sport and are only playing it to be closer to one person
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happywebdesign · 1 year ago
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eccentricallygothic · 7 months ago
when both clubs are your arch faves in their respective leagues 🥶
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virgilsteve · 2 years ago
Corrupted file I see you found true love can ya tell me how to feel that or how it feels
I mostly keep my feeling inside until it fade away so it's hard to tell if I feel love or not
Corrupted File: *sigh* Listen, I don't know how much help I can be... Yes I suppose you could say I have found someone I Really!! Like.
However I don't know really how to help you.... Mainly because I'm trying to figure it out myself, I've never really experienced something like this so.... It's completely new to me. But!! I will say you might like someone, if they make you happy or laugh a lot when you're around them... Or, if they seem to care about you and don't mind all your more weird aspects and impersonality.... Also no Sci, I'm not trying to say you're weird, I'm just speaking from experience. Besides we all have a weird / dark side that we try to hide from others, especially me...
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cyberfell-redux · 3 months ago
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General Character Lore Part 5:
Taking care of an actual baby bones is hard enough as it is, but with Wings acting like one as well things are getting out of hand quickly. Before this Wings was a stickler for his schedules - he always came home for dinner and they always ate together at 6 pm sharp. Once he started, whatever this mysterious and grand new fucking project was things started slipping. First he was occasionally late, not a big problem, then he started missing meals altogether, now its been four whole weeks since Wings dragged his sorry coccyx out of the lab.
Sans could be patient - he gets it, this is what pays the bills and keeps them safe from the chaos out there. Once Paps started noticing Wing's absence it became harder to ignore.... When Paps interrupted his bedtime story to ask if Wings was dust or had left them forever even Sans couldn't ignore the asshole anymore.
Walking around the lab, everything seemed...quiet. Even at 2 am, Wings normally has ~something~ going on; it's like the lab itself is sleeping away. There's no sign that anyone, even the cleaners, had been let in and a thin layer of dust perfectly normal dust don't freak out you're not a baby bones covers most of the surfaces. Wings wouldn't like that when he notices it, he hates grime in his work area.
Making his way farther down the hall, towards his brother's "office", there is still no sign anyone has been on this floor in far too long. Wing's doesn't like visitors, but usually at least Alphys is allowed to enter and exchange tools or ideas every once in a while. It's like he hasn't unlocked the elevator this whole time, shutting the rest of the world out while he drowns in his work. Unlikely as it was that Wing's would be there, Sans still popped his head into the side storage room -
The room looked like someone had dragged the old filing cabinets out, which explains why there were cabinets in the hall at all, but that's not what sent shivers down his spine. No, no, that level of eccentricity can be expected with Wings, knowing him he decided he wanted to test some type of bomb or crazy contraption in the side office and cleared it out for the test. What caught his eye was the neat little shimmering pile of dust, backed all the way to the far wall of the room - little bits of dust clung to the wall still, giving the impression that whoever it was had been pressed to it when they...
And with that, all the little discrepancies could no longer be ignored - it'd been too long since Wings came home, the place is a mess, no one has been let in in weeks, someone's been dusted. All pretense of a lazy walk was ripped aside as Sans began a combination of running and porting through the lab, looking for any sign of his brother at all. That dust pile wasn't big enough to have been him, and he would have put up a serious fight, but that doesn't mean Wings was safe.
Throwing every door open, tearing through every test room and lab, not a single section was overlooked even in his panic, but once he found the office empty he didn't waste a second tearing into the "secret lab", completely forgetting the code altogether.
It's like Wings just fell asleep on the table. No dust, no sign of a struggle, no signs of distress on his face - just a peaceful sleep. Sans knew better than to wake his brother, one of the few actual rules he'd ever been given, but he also knew the sound of him ripping the hidden bookcase door in half would have woken him no matter what. He tensed for a moment - then another - as he waited for Wings to shoot up, waited to be yelled at, waited to be told off for barging into the lab, wait for... anything at all.
But nothing happened.
Wings didn't stir, didn't twitch, as he continued his slumber on the metal table in the back center of the lab. With that realization, Sans finally took a step back and took in the rest of the room, now filled to the door with monitors and equipment. Checking the scans, reading Wing's notes, he started to piece together what had happened - a quick check confirmed his fears. Wingding's body was here, alive and healthy, sustained indefinitely by the magic processed by the equipment in the room, but his mind and soul were trapped in the simulation - trapped, folded neatly into a tiny piece of reality, on the chip plugged into the main monitor. Carefully, oh so carefully, Sans removed the chip from the computer and began the tedious process of bringing Wings and the processing equipment to the house lab - there's no way in hell Wings could stay here... especially after he had ripped the hidden door to shreds in his panic.
No, he had too many enemies - they had too many enemies, for Sans to take that risk.
Shoving his own projects to the side to make space, Sans set the last of the equipment in his workshop lab. Staying with Wings, triple checking the monitors and ensuring Wing's was stable, Sans finally had a moment to think and figure out what the hell they were going to do.
The plan was simple - he'd tell the guard Wing's had dusted on the job - there was that pile in the lab to point to after all. Collect the check for that "work related" death, use the cash to cover expenses for a few months until he could find a paying job. While he works to keep Paps fed, he'd study Wing's code and see what the hell he had done this time, and find a way to fix it. It would be hard, but he knew they could do it. They would be okay.
No changes. Sans thought he'd have to work hard to get a paying job, but the king had another idea in mind. Evidently, part of the conditions of Wing's employment was that Sans, with his low HP, would not have to uphold the family mantle of JUDGE but with Wing's gone that was off the table. With ever LV gained, time became more scarce. He couldn't be there for Paps like he was before, but this was the only way he could guarantee his safety. Working for the king was the only way to ensure yours stayed safe after all. He'd worked with the RSC many times, but never received a formal education and subsequently couldn't join. Asgore said it himself - this is all he was good for, and Sans knew he was right.
Monsterkind had 2 more human souls now, and not a day went by that Sans couldn't feel his sins crawling on his back.
There had to be a human settlement nearby, that's the only explanation. In 1,500 years only the royal family's late adopted human and one other had fallen into the underground. 1,500 years and only one soul to show for it.
Sans had met and killed 4 humans, leaving monsterkind with 5 souls. It seemed more than a little ironic that Sans alone had killed more humans than had ever set foot in the underground in the ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED YEARS prior.
Only 2 more to break the barrier, 2 more and Paps could see the stars. Was this his punishment for failing his brothers?
Another century, another human soul taken, another... well he didn't know how many monsters he'd judged at this point. The humans were always memorable, always unique, but the monsters he was sent for always seemed so small and so scared.
Just 1 more soul and they can be free.
Well would you look at that, the final human they're just a child. Maybe he'll let Paps have this one for some puzzles, having a go at a human should make him happy...
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nathantwong · 2 years ago
San Francisco skyline - 1996 by nathantw Via Flickr: The San Francisco Skyline in 1996.
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platinumaspiration · 9 months ago
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EA's SP49 Crystal Creations Hair
Impromptu post on a Sunday! Feels like a millennia since I converted hair, but For Rent wasn't too far back? Time is amazing.
Braid Bun Ring (sans dumb rings) - SFS | MF CU-EU | +5 custom | 3.102 poly
Half Up Pin - SFS | MF CF-EF | 4.246 poly
Short - SFS | MF CU-EU | 3.627 poly
Wave Natural - SFS | MF CF-EF | 4.701 poly
credit: @tvickiesims (removing those dumb ring shadows from BunBraid)
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azzys-secret-kink-blog · 9 months ago
Ghitian Breeding Program
CW: alien pregnancy, birth, etc etc 3400 words
The CF Osiris had just finished a job when Kaiz got the call. It was her turn to participate in her province's breeding program. It had been a few years since she'd last bred, and it was something she looked forward to, serving her planet in the best way she could.
The Ghitian species was largely female, with about a 95/5 split between the males and females. There were two types of females: breeders and layers. Each province had a few breeder females who oversaw the breeding programs, and handled the frequency and size of the breeding program. Most all females were drafted into the program once they came of age, sans those with health issues or other circumstances that would bar them from breeding.
A breeder female would mate with multiple males, grow hundreds of eggs, and implant the eggs into multiple layer females. After being implanted, the eggs would grow quickly and hatch within the layer female, before being born and taken to the proper childcare facilities. The children were not raised by their parents, but rather facilities specially build to raise and train them to contribute to the planet however they could.
Kaiz took her ship, a small armed shuttle, back to Ghitia. She touched down in her province mid morning and a transport was waiting for the newest batch of layers. Kaiz saw a few she'd been raised with and a few she didn't recognize, a few younger and older than her, but most around the same age. They all boarded the transport together, some of the younger ones talking amongst themselves. Kaiz heard that it was their first time breeding.
She had bred twice before, the first time she'd only been able to lay 8, but the second time shed gotten all the way to 14. She figured she could get even higher this time. Once they arrived at the breeding facility, they were asked to strip and clean themselves for the next step. Once stripped, they stretched properly, both their bodies and their loins. Then they were taken, one at a time, to see the breeder female, who would lay her eggs in them one at a time. Kaiz was near the back of the line, and could hear the mixed noises made by all the ones that went before her.
Finally, it was Kaiz's turn. She entered the room with the breeder female. Her name was Diyahux, and was a younger breeder female. Diyahux was tall, and her abdomen was massive. Like all pregnant breeder females, her insectoid abdomen stretched far behind her and supported by a huge cushion and woven fabric support bands. The room was bathed with red light and flowing fabric decorated the walls. Diyahux sat in the center on her breeder seat, and greeted Kaiz with a warm expression.
"You are Kaiz Dejslayer, yes?" Diyahux asked. Her voice was deep and comforting, and her pheromones filled the room, making Kaiz feel relaxed and almost lightheaded, but she tried to keep herself composed and professional.
"Y-yes, ma'am. I look forward to laying for you," Kaiz said. She wasn't nervous, but was having a hard time keeping it together around all the pheromones. They were starting to get to her even deeper. She began to feel the desire to be filled with eggs, and her nethers burned for stimulation.
"Come, when you are ready," Diyahux said. Her ovipositor emerged from between her legs. It was long and prehensile, and a bright green that almost glowed. Kaiz almost drooled at the sight of it. She approached Diyahux, and the larger female motioned for her to kneel on the mat in front of her. She knelt before the breeder and spread her legs, and was quickly met with the ovipositor. It entered her and slid in and out for a few moments, before probing deeper, all the way to her egg sac.
The ovipositor quickly began to swell, locking itself in place, and the first egg started to come down. It was deposited in Kaiz's egg sac, and followed by another. This continued until Diyahux had laid about 12 eggs, when Kaiz began to feel full.
"You're doing so well, Kaiz. Would you like me to stop there, or can you take a few more?" Diyahux said. Her tone was gentle, and she guided Kaiz's chin up to look her in the eye.
"N-no I-I can take more," Kaiz stammered. She wanted to get more than last time, then maybe eventually she would get promoted to carrying breeders. Normally most layer females would carry other layer females and males, but exceptional layers could be asked to carry new breeder females. Kaiz wanted to carry a breeder one day, for the good of the Ghitian race and her planet. To get promoted, one had to be able to carry at least 20 eggs, as breeder eggs were much larger than the others. It was a common goal for young Ghitians, but she took it very seriously.
"Alright, just tell me if you want me to stop." Diyahux deposited another egg into Kaiz, pulling her out of her thoughts. She almost whimpered, but she was determined to keep herself as composed as possible and not give in to the pheromones. Her egg sac stretched as yet another egg was deposited. She'd hit her record now, but felt she could take a few more. She been stretching herself since her last breeding, and figured she could carry at least sixteen eggs this time.
She endured as two more eggs were laid in her, and her egg sac almost began to hurt. "Ma'am, I-I don't think I can take any more," Kaiz said. She put one hand on her now slightly distended stomach and moaned. Diyahux pulled her ovipositor out, and some of the pressure in Kaiz's belly was relieved.
Kaiz stood and bowed slightly to Diyahux. "Thank you, ma'am."
"Oh, you don't need to be so formal! You'll be bearing my children, there's no need for all the professional talk," Diyahux said. "The guides outside will show you to your room, and you'll be given something to eat. I hope to see you again soon, Kaiz!"
Kaiz almost bowed again, but nodded instead. She exited, and was given a soft robe by the guide on the other side of the door. The guide led her to a nice room decorated similarly to Diyahux's, with flowing yellow fabric on the walls and a nice bed against the center of the back wall. Her bag had been placed on a chest of drawers against one wall, and a window showed a nice view of the city.
Currently the region was in a dark cycle, and the city was lit up beautifully. Tall spires reached towards the clouds, and ships could be seen coming in and out of the port. There was a knock on the door, and Kaiz opened it to another facility worker with a cart full of containers. She handed a container to Kaiz and hurried off to the next room. The container was full of vegetables and fruits native to the surrounding area and a few bits of meat. Ghitians were mostly vegetarian, but did eat some meat, especially when breeding. Kaiz closed the door and began to chew on a piece of fruit from the container. After finishing her meal, she checked her datapad, washed up, and promptly fell asleep.
. . .
Kaiz woke up a few hours later feeling noticeably different. Her belly felt looser and fuller. Shortly after having eggs laid into them, a layer female's egg sac would expand to make room for the larvae that would hatch and grow inside them, and it appeared to have grown quite a bit while she was asleep. She opened her robe to look at her belly, which had grown considerably, but not enough to be noticeable if she were to wear loose clothing. Over the course of the next few hours, the eggs inside of her should grow rapidly and then hatch into larvae, which would be birthed a little while after.
Soon there was a knock at the door, and Kaiz opened it to a worker with her morning meal. She handed a container to Kaiz and told her that a doctor would be in shortly to check on her progress and administer some medications as necessary. Most layers were given hormones to speed up the brooding process, as well as some other medications to make the whole thing easier and speed up recovery. True to the worker's word, there was another knock at the door after Kaiz had eaten, and the doctor entered.
Kaiz had already removed her robe, and the doctor wasted no time in her examination. She made sure Kaiz's egg sac was expanding properly, and that the eggs inside were all healthy and growing. After verifying that everything was well and good, she took out a needle and inserted it between two of Kaiz's sclerites to administer the growth hormones. She was also given a few pills before the doctor went on her way to see the next layer.
It wasn't more than a few minutes before Kaiz started to feel the effects of the medication. Her belly began to feel tight as the eggs grew within her, and she could almost feel them moving. After about an hour, her belly had reached the size of a full term human pregnancy. The hormones were affecting more than her eggs though, as her arousal skyrocketed. She could only try her best to relieve herself with her hands, but her belly in the way made things difficult. Her breathing was heavy as she moaned, looking around for something she could use to alleviate the feelings between her legs.
Suddenly, there was yet another knock at the door. A worker with a datapad instructed Kaiz to follow her to the breeder's chambers. Kaiz tried to ask what for, but all the worker said was, "Diyahux's orders."
When they arrived, the worker left her in the room with Diyahux. She sat on the bed in the center of the room, her abdomen now significantly smaller. She sat up when they entered, and perched herself on the edge of her bed.
"Kaiz, dear, you're looking well! Those eggs are growing so fast!" She said, smiling at Kaiz, before beckoning her over. "Come, come!"
"I know you must be feeling a little, shall we say, excited by the medications, and I've taken a personal liking to you, Kaiz." Diyahux's smile turned a bit more playful, and she motioned for Kaiz to come sit on the bed next to her, and she quickly obliged. Diyahux looked at Kaiz with a look she'd never seen on a breeder before. "So, are you alright with letting me help with that?"
Kaiz was surprised at Diyahux's forwardness. "Are you sure, ma'am? I'm just a layer, I mean, really, I-I could just-"
Diyahux put a finger over Kaiz's mouth. "A simple yes or no will work."
Kaiz hesitated for a moment, wondering why a breeder would want to service her like this. Layers lived to serve the breeders, and that had always been the case in Kaiz's experience, every breeder she'd met had commanded authority. But this one seemed . . . attracted to her, in a way she'd never seen before. She finally nodded.
Diyahux was delighted, and hoisted Kaiz onto her lap with ease, with Kaiz's back facing her and her belly out. She laid a hand over it, feeling the eggs inside, before her hand drifted lower, between Kaiz's legs.
She began to feel around, figuring out where everything was, before plunging one claw into Kaiz's hole. She gasped and moaned in pleasure, while Diyahux began pumping her claw in and out. Kaiz held her belly as Diyahux sped up, and Kaiz could hardly take it. She'd given up trying to stay composed in front of her breeder.
Diyahux laid her other hand on Kaiz's stomach and rubbed it gently while she continued down below. Kaiz had never felt pleasure like this before. She'd had sex with other layer Ghitians, and even other species on her travels, but none had made her feel like this. Maybe it was Diyahux's pheromones, or Kaiz's own hormones from being pregnant, but Kaiz couldn't hold herself back. She came onto Diyahux's claws with a cry of ecstasy, before leaning back into her chest to catch her breath.
"Mm. Those hormones really do a number on you, don't they?" Diyahux asked. Kaiz nodded.
Kaiz was taken by surprise when Diyahux suddenly picked her up and laid her on the bed. Diyahux laid down next to her and laid a hand back on her belly. Kaiz was still out of breath from her climax, and whimpered a bit. Diyahux used both hands to massage Kaiz's belly, feeling around the eggs and shifting them around. It drove Kaiz crazy. Diyahux seemed to enjoy watching Kaiz squirm in pleasure, and she kept massaging her belly as Kaiz gripped the sheets of the bed.
The sound startled both of them, and Kaiz sat up and laid a hand on her midsection.
Crack. Crack.
The eggs were hatching, one by one, inside of Kaiz. The sound of the cracking filled the room, and soon Kaiz's belly was full of squirming larvae. They made small bulges all over her belly as they moved inside of her. Even after all 16 had hatched, the cracking continued as they ate their shells. The movement lit Kaiz's arousal once again, and she groaned as they squirmed inside her. Diyahux began to trace the bulges of her offspring, one by one.
This continued for about an hour, with Kaiz laying back down and clutching her belly full of larvae while Diyahux rubbed it and used her claws and ovipositor to pleasure her. The room was filled with the humid scent of pheromones and Kaiz's fluids. She had lost count of how many times she'd climaxed, until a cry of ecstasy turned into a cry of surprise as one of the larvae pushed against the exit of her egg sac.
The larva's head began to peek into Kaiz's birth canal. Diyahux looked concerned for a moment, thinking Kaiz was in pain, but it was quite the opposite. Kaiz whimpered as the larvae became more agitated, ready to leave her body. The first one was large, and reached her entrance before it was fully out of her egg sac. Kaiz pushed, and Diyahux caught the larva as it came out of her.
Diyahux called for a worker, who was there in the blink of an eye with a segmented bassinet for the larvae. She took the first one and paced it in the bassinet. The second one came shortly after.
"Good, girl, Kaiz. You're doing great," Diyahux said as Kaiz pushed out the third larva. She continued to whimper, but threw in the occasional grunt as she pushed. She pushed out larva after larva, climaxing after the fifth, and staying in a perpetual state of bliss until number twelve.
The twelfth was bigger than she'd ever laid, bigger even than she'd ever seen. It took a few minutes of pushing to even get the head of it out into the open before it got stuck. She tried to push it more, but it wouldn't budge.
Diyahux pushed on Kaiz's belly to try and get the larva out as the worker tugged on it gently. After a bit more pushing, it finally popped out all at once with a gush of fluid. Kaiz tried to catch her breath for a moment, but another larva was quick to replace the last.
Each one hit all her sensitive spots on the way down, and that mixed with the hands on her belly, she couldn't keep her composure. She was just letting herself moan and whimper in front of her breeder, her superior. No breeder would accept this kind of unprofessionalism! They were to be treated with the utmost respect! But Diyahux didn't seem to care about the social hierarchy, and Kaiz didn't know how to feel about that.
She hardly had any time to think about that, though. She had just one more larva to birth, and then all would be said and done. But this one didn't want to leave her egg sac. She couldn't push it out until it entered her birth canal, but it had to actually do that itself, and it seemed perfectly content wiggling around in the egg sac.
Eventually, Diyahux started to get worried, and called in the doctor. She suggested going in and getting it surgically, but that would be difficult and could harm Kaiz. But if the larva didn't come out on its own soon, it could be detrimental to both it and Kaiz. Kaiz was too busy with her arousal to think too much about it, but was surprised when she felt something enter her from the outside. Diyahux's ovipositor penetrated her all the way into her egg sac. The ovipositor was prehensile, and Kaiz could feel it moving inside her, searching for the larva that didn't want to come out.
After a bit of feeling around inside of Kaiz, Diyahux found the larva, wrapped her ovipositor around it, and slowly pulled it out. Kaiz climaxed again as it left her, and finally, all the larvae were out of her and in the bassinet. She slowly sat up to look at them, and that was the last thing she remembered before passing out.
. . .
She awoke, clean and larva-free, still in Diyahux's bed. Diyahux was on the other side of the room, talking to the doctor, but Kaiz couldn't hear what they were saying. The bassinet and all the larvae had been wheeled out of the room, and soon the doctor left too. Diyahux turned and noticed that Kaiz was awake and rushed over.
"Are you alright? The rest of the layers had relatively easy births, but you had two stuck larvae, and that's got to have been painful." Diyahux said, looking concerned.
It was true, Kaiz was sore, but not so badly that a few days rest wouldn't fix.
"I'm fine, ma'am, just a little sore. I've had much worse," Kaiz said. She had had worse, almost losing an arm during her time as a soldier.
"Well, you stay right there and I'll have someone bring you something to eat, okay?" Diyahux said.
"No, ma'am, it's alright, I can make it back to my-"
"Absolutely not, you are staying right here, that's an order," Diyahux scolded. "You need to rest, and you will do so right here. We don't want my favorite layer to hurt herself, now do we?"
Kaiz felt her face flush. Favorite layer?
Diyahux called a worker over and sent her to get Kaiz something to eat, and headed back over to the bed.
"They'll be back in a minute. But wow, I don't think I've even seen someone push out such a big regular larva!" Diyahux said. "Seriously, that was impressive. I think I'll be calling you back for another round soon enough, Kaiz."
Kaiz had never been praised like this for her births. She'd only gotten the usual "good work, layer" and nothing more. Her previous births had never been anything terribly remarkable of course, but still, it was nice. And more breeding meant more opportunities to lay a breeder, or at least train to be able to.
. . .
After a few days of rest and recovery, and being doted on by Diyahux, Kaiz was given the all clear to head home. Before she left for her ship, she stopped by the breeder's quarters one last time.
Diyahux answered the door and smiled down at her. "Oh, Kaiz, dear! Heading home?"
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to breed with you, I look forward to our next breeding cycle." Kaiz bowed.
Diyahux put a hand under Kaiz's chin and lifted her out of the bow before planting a kiss on her forehead. "And it was a pleasure to have you as a layer. But please drop the formalities. We'll be seeing far too much of each other for that," she said.
"If you insist, ma- um, Diyahux." Kaiz gave a nod and started back down the hall. Diyahux waved and Kaiz waved back before turning the corner to leave the facility.
She was excited for the next time she'd be called for the breeding program.
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ME/CFS San Diego have created this 2-page leaflet that can be printed out
Black & White version:
Full-colour version:
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yourfaveisdisabled · 28 days ago
Fell sans ME-CFS you cannot tell me he doesn't have CFS beams it into your brain. /silly
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Fell Sans has ME-CFS and low bone density!
Osteopenia is a condition in which your bone density lowers over time. While not what anon suggested Fell has (albeit similar), it is a condition that Bailey has. Bailey is a small senior dog who recently fractured her front paw as a result of her osteopenia, and her owner needs help with the cost of vet bills. Help Bailey’s owner cover the medical costs of helping her dog live a long and happy life.
(Underfell and the art used by Vic)
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randomnameless · 1 year ago
Here's a little challenge run i thought of: “Crimson Flower but with minimal character-assassination”; the rules are few, but significant:
Get every BE member other than Byleth, Edelgard, Jeritza and Hubert killed prior to part 2
Never recruit any characters from other houses into the BESF at any point in the game
I'm not entirely sure beating the game with only 4 units will make for a particularly fun gameplay experience, but at least that's one major issue with CF's story and characters solved so long as the player is willing to massively handicap themselves (and yes, Byleth joining CF at all is massively out-of-character for them to start with, but the only way to solve that little conundrum is to never play through CF at all; the title of this run is “CF with minimal character-assassination” instead of “CF with no character-assassination” for a reason, after all)
I think some people tried to play it without using crested units (bar the ones who are compulsory) and no relics no sacred weapons and no divine pulse?
But tbf, idk if the BESF is so out of character in CF or not - especially after playing SB.
If they follow Supreme Leader without Billy's guidance, are they not especially IC in CF where Billy's guidance amounts to, uh, well, nothing ?
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