#cf s4
dylanconrique · 2 months
I could say so much about the season 4 finale cliffhanger but I won’t say anything until you watch the premiere of season 5 just so I don’t spoil anything on accident. What I will say is that scene has always haunted me too and is one of my biggest fears as well.
omg please, i've been on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next and how they open season 5, but i was waiting for a moment of peace so i can really sit down and absorb it.... or absorb as much as i can while going through a rollercoaster of emotions. and while i don't wanna jump back to that scene of grant just casually lounging about, i would hate even more if they did a little time skip from that. like they jump ahead to the next week or something like, "hey remember when my ex-husband broke into your apartment with a knife while we were hooking up?" 😀 because i'm ngl while i love this show and am endlessly entertained by it, they've had so many little unanswered subplots that leave me hanging with so many questions. for example, i'm still very curious to know about brett and her childhood because she's said it herself that she can't and i quote "leave her heart at the door" after dropping off patients, and that especially rings true in dyer situations like the mother that was shot just before she gave birth. or the dad who 'abducted' his kid from his mother because he claimed she was an addict. like.... why are these plotlines being brought up for just that one singular episode?? like i still genuinely waiting to circle back to that plotline (even though they're not going to) because i just have so many fucking questions about it and sylvie now as a character.
anyway i've done enough rambling for now 😅 i've got some snackies and i'm about to press play on s5 rn. wish me luck!!
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platinumaspiration · 10 months
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Well call me Veruca Salt because when I say I want it, that means NOW! This hair popped up, but for the life of me I could not find it in S4S nor via CASToolkit.
Where there's a will, there's a way! And in a fit of petty desperation, we got this hair :D
EA's [UNDEFINED] - SFS | MF CF-EF | 10 recolors (5 custom) | animated | 4.770 poly
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herecirmsims · 1 year
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Sorry for spamming with posts today and I don't often share gameplay screenshots, but I realised I'd earned enough CF points to buy the new pack and my horse lord heart is full ("Ride to ruin and the world's ending!"). 😍 Thank you so much to everyone who's ever used my poses and supported me. You're the very best!!
(and you can be sure I'll be making pony poses as soon as S4S updates with the rig - although these animations and interactions are FABULOUS!)
Edit: S4S has updated! Yeehaw!!
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shrinkthisviolet · 26 days
Backstory on how you came up with Morgan as a character, and how you decided to showcase her character? (Like, why you chose those scenes in particular for her fics)
Or anything else you want to share about Morgan and her story?
Oooh yay an OC question! I'm happy to answer this :D
So Morgan is a character I came up with while watching Jesse in s2 and going "huh. Wouldn't it be cool if she had an E1 doppelgänger?" And then I read a couple fics that fed that idea. And ofc that then spun into "what would her backstory be? How would she fit into the story?" Etc and so forth.
Funnily enough, I wasn't going to write her story at first. It was just something between me and a mutual of mine...especially once my plans got ambitious and I started envisioning multiple fics spanning who-knows-how-long. It felt too big for me to handle, so I decided from the jump that this was just gonna stay a concept I talked about but didn't write.
...hey past me, about that...😅 (further discussion below the cut!)
Anyway, the first things I figured out about her were that she'd be Eowells's daughter, obviously. I've always headcanoned that Jesse did have an E1 doppelgänger in canon, but that she died in the car crash that killed Harritess. Here, though...she survives it, and she's raised by Eowells.
This fic gave me the idea to make Tina her godmother—the fic doesn't outright make her such (E1 Jesse in that fic is an adult, so it's not pertinent), but it's a similar thing, with Tina offering the E1 Jesse of that fic a place to stay and a job. Obviously there are differences between my AU and that fic, but I did link the fic as inspiration because a) it gave me the godmother idea in a roundabout way and b) it's the E1 Jesse fic that really sparked this idea in a way I couldn't let go. My idea was so much different than theirs, but I wanted to do something with it, more than just as a concept. Still not a fic (haha past me), but...something.
Morgan kept developing. Her name was decided as "Morgan" pretty early on—Jesse Morgan Wells would be her name, following the same principle as Jesse Chambers Wells (Tess Morgan on E1, Tess Chambers on E2), and then Eowells would have her go by Morgan instead of Jesse because, per canon, he knows about Jesse Chambers (in this AU, the Jesse Chambers he knows is not from the comics, but from the multiverse of the show. But...is it Jesse? Morgan? Another Earth's Jesse or Morgan? Who knows...👀 well, I do, but I shan't say. You'll find out in the s4 arc!). I also decided she’d be the same age as Jesse (17 in s2), but a year behind her academically, to add some bones to the jealousy plotline in s2—Jesse has 5 majors and is a year ahead of Morgan? Oof yeah that’s gotta be tough.
Morgan’s powers...started off as super strength. However, this got nixed when I finally decided to make this into a fic series, because...Morgan can't have Griffin Grey's powers, she wouldn't live very long 😅 and I can't pseudoscience her a solution, because then the question becomes "why not use it on Grey, who's only 19 when he dies?" So I waffled for a bit on what her powers should be...and I settled on forcefields. I've never looked back since. They fit her personality...for better and for worse (I have a feeling some of you know what I mean 😅 if you don't, though, I'll elaborate in the notes if asked!)
Another fun wrinkle about her development is that originally, the first fic was gonna be from Tina's POV, in present tense. I still have the fic in my drive, and I often strip it for parts (for the CF AU in particular) 😅 but ultimately, I remembered the wisdom of "the character you start with is often the one the reader gets most attached to", so I decided to stick with Morgan's POV and occasional forays into other POVs once readers were sufficiently attached to Morgan (mind you, this isn't an ironclad rule! But I'm glad I followed it in this case).
From there, I started with s2, since that's where the intrigue came from. I wrote some Morgan & Jesse and Harry & Jesse...and then it occured to me that rather than leave s1 as an implied "yeah this happened but idc" thing...I wanted to actually go back and flesh it out.
And MAN am I glad I did! That decision brought about so many changes that were for the betterment of this AU (Barry & Morgan, Morgan & Iris, Morgan x James, fleshing out Morgan & Tina), and I just...I truly can't imagine the AU without them. Genuinely, there are future arcs in this AU that I can't imagine how they would've gone if I hadn't gone back to write s1 and made these changes because the muse led me that way. It's remarkable.
Writing her taking up the mantle of Sentry was important too. I've talked about how important it is to me that she was named by both her mothers (Tess gave her the name "Morgan", Tina gave her the name "Sentry", even if the latter was unintentional), and that's another reason I'm glad I went back to s1—before this, the implication was that Cisco named her, but I like this better. Sorry Cisco 😅 you can name (almost) everyone else!
Ooh and as for scenes that show her character...I'll pick out a few that I haven't talked about before:
Though, perhaps the most confusing day for her friends was when she showed up to first period absolutely glowing because she’d gotten to meet Dr. Martin Stein the previous afternoon and learned about an intriguing project he was working on, tentatively called FIRESTORM. She couldn’t talk about it to anyone, at least not by name...but that didn’t stop her from gushing about the project in concept to her friends. “We’ve got years before we go into the sort of thing you’re talking about, Mo. Maybe you should slow down?” “Oh, come on!” She insisted. “Haven’t you considered how cool it would be if we could perfect something like that? Think of the implications!” “It would be pretty cool to have superpowers,” another of them pointed out with a grin. “Being able to shoot fire from your hands? Epic!” “Well, yeah, of course that’s cool. But sharing a body with another person? Like…that could be life-changing. Life-saving, even!” They were less enthused about that idea, but Morgan figured she probably could’ve done a better job of selling it.
Her meeting Stein here is, ofc, me setting up their reunion in 1x14, when she's a bit ahead of Team Flash in terms of knowing who Stein is. She doesn't know a lot of details, because the project is hush-hush...but she knows enough that it sparks her curiosity. Because that's another thing—she's a genius for a reason, and I wanted to show that! She's precocious and endlessly curious and follows logical threads down all sorts of trails...and I wanted to show that rather than just saying it.
Another scene:
In the end, she didn’t call Tina about Dad’s treatment of Hartley. It was certainly jarring that Dad, who had once favored Hartley even above her at times, had now suddenly turned on him, but Hartley had always been arrogant, and Dad had always enabled him. It wasn’t so unbelievable to think that he thought he knew better than Dad, sought to prove it, and got burned. And everyone at STAR had been under a lot of stress with the impending launch. If they were acting out of character…well, she couldn’t exactly blame them. Still, it lingered in the back of her mind, unsettling her in ways that she wasn’t quite ready to think about yet.
It matters that Morgan is observant, insightful. This is a trait she picks up from both Eowells and Tina (for better and for worse—yes, being observant can work against you, but more on that later)...and it means she notices that something is off about Hartley. But, since she's a teenager, still susceptible to manipulation, and isn't fond of Hartley, she brushes it off as arrogance on his part (it's an impression he encourages, after all).
Another scene:
But a strange thing happened as they got close enough for Richard to let go of her hand and run toward his parents. Morgan looked up, saw a bolt of lightning coming for them, and cried, “Look out!” She shoved James and Richard out of the way, shielding them both as best as she could. And then the strike hit, and she screamed.
This is when she gets struck! I thought quite a lot about how this could've happened. Ultimately, I decided that since the other metas get their powers by doing something related to their powers, Morgan should too. Thus, she shields James and Richard, taking the blow herself...and she gets struck and gets forcefield powers (it's not real lightning though, just concentrated energy. Hence why she gets forcefield powers and not lightning powers)
And another:
“Someone has to stop them.” “Someone has to protect the people they hurt,” she corrected, clenching her fists. “What that…that superhuman did…it was terrifying. He terrorized and probably hospitalized people. Because of powers that my dad gave him.”
Every hero needs a Call moment, don't they? Well, this is Morgan's! Well, specifically, the scene before this when Jitters is attacked is her moment, but this is her reaction. She's a hero at heart, that's our girl! It shows what kind of hero she'll be...and that her powers suit her so very well.
This next one is a long one, but I couldn't justify chopping it even for this:
There was a lot to figure out about her powers, as it turned out. She and James had already figured out that her powers manifesting was an expression of adrenaline, a defense mechanism that was likely connected to her sympathetic nervous system—thank you, 9th-grade Biology. So her powers had an emotional element—a strong one, judging by her outbursts—and they relied on concentration to remain stable. It was something she needed to improve over time…if she actually wanted to use them. James thought she’d make an awesome superhero and wasn’t shy about telling her so. Morgan, however, had no desire to dole out vigilante justice with non-combative powers she barely understood…especially as a teenager who didn’t want to seriously hurt anyone. “It’s not vigilante justice, Mo,” he insisted. “It’s heroism.” “You’re basically saying I should be this city’s Spider-Man,” she retorted. “Your powers are completely different from his.” “James.” “Morgan. Do you seriously think I don’t see the look on your face? That I’m not listening when you rant about how much the explosion has destroyed so much, how your dad isn’t doing a lot to fix it, and how you wish you could?” “I can’t fight. I won’t. I don’t have time to learn all that from scratch, I’m not…I’m not Spider-Man, my powers aren’t combative like that!” As if to demonstrate, she shot a blast outward—it materialized into a shield. “See?” James nodded, looking sheepish. “Maybe not Spider-Man, then. But what about your other wish? To protect the people superhumans hurt? You’ve got the power of shielding and forcefields, who’s better suited for the task of protection than you?” She hesitated, then sighed. “Sometimes I think you know me too well.” He grinned.
The dynamic duo!! Funny to think that if not for James, we might not have a Sentry (this is also true in all the spin-off AUs) 💞 he's so very important as being Sentry's first guy in the chair, her first cheerleader, and her strongest supporter always (he and Barry might have to fight for that title later, but...hey Barry, James was here first 😂). There's a reason Morgan and James are soulmates in the soulmate AU—they're important to each other!!
And as far as scenes that really show her character. those are the higlights! Thank you again so much for asking this 💞 I love Morgan to pieces, and I love talking about her.
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egipci · 4 months
In one of the flashback episodes, we could see Dean already wearing John's jacket. So when John left Dean pre-Pilot, did he took it on purpose or him and Dean both own that jacket? I want to say it's the first one, like that T. Swift song with the scarf, but he left it in the motel room so it's probably the latter. Just two men sharing a jacket.
I had to look up ‘Taylor Swift scarf song’ to figure out what you mean lol. And I think both interpretations work here— like it’s an article of clothing they both share, John lets Dean wear it (especially when he’s gone like in the s4 episode), when he leaves Dean before the pilot he takes it with him because it’s an article of clothing they share (he’s a sentimental guy like that, cf the pictures he has up of little Dean and Sam). It’s not clear whether he skipped town immediately after the encounter with the WiW or if he went back to the motel, but either way he leaves it there and Dean just finds it and doesn’t hesitate to put it on. They have a cute son-fatherhood of the traveling jacket sitch going on <3
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seeasweetsmile · 1 year
To my miraculous fans followers
I'm sorry but more the serie continues, more I’m turning myself into the dark side (aka the ml salt).
Maybe you saw that I didn’t reblog gifs from episodes since S4 (just a few) like I did for S1-S3 and to be honest, the wait between seasons/episodes and the way I’m slowly detached myself from the show to discover others cartoons or animes didn’t help either.
For S4 and mostly S5, the traitement of the characters, the Ladynoir/Adrinette chaotic relationship, the way Lukanette and Adrigami were killed at the first two episodes of S4, Marinette’s hypocrisy, Gabriel’s madness and his growth grudge towards Marinette, Chloé’s caricatural treatment, Lila being mastermind, no adult has a brain anymore, even if there’s globaly good ideas and so much potential, the fact they were awkwardly or badly executed were a pain to watch.
And you know what is the most painful? I loved that show.
Because is that : I loved that show.
It’s been 7 YEARS (almost 8 years in september if I remember correctly) since the serie debut, and like so many fans, I grew attached to the worldbuilding, the characters, the bond between all of them, the humor or the banters, the lore about the miraculous, the design of the superheros and the supervilains, their powers and how complex/funny/interesting they were... and if you have the inevitable urge to read/write fanfics, look/create the fanarts, or even read analysis/meta post about the episodes, you grow even more attached to the characters and the show!
But when you watch from a objective point of view, you realize there’s so much problems consistency issues (I don’t list them, others fans on tumblr and salty hashtags do it better).
Like I said in a previous reblog, if the writers didn’t want to make episodes just for shocked the viewers (remember when they said each episodes of S4 were equivalent of Chat Blanc??) because all the excessive drama around ladynoir or adrinette, if they didn’t push these things to the extra way, if they didn’t get anyone involved (Alya, classmates, adults) to tell Adrien and Marinette what to think or what to do, it could have been so much better. I firmly believe that friendship is a fondamental piliar to any relation. Adrinette started with a good way (cf origines), but they shaped Marinette into another girl who idolazed Adrien without sincerly knowing him (and when they start to give Marinette some retrospective of her behaviour, what we got? we got Alya to tell her she kNoW AdRiEn instead of listening genuinely her best friend and step back), and Adrien, even though he sincerely liked Marinette and held her in high esteem, he ends up becoming the perfect boy madly in love with her who forgets everything as soon as she is in his field of vision or as soon she breathes. If the others characters had LISTENED to Marinette when she questioned herself and preferred to remain friends with Adrien because she realized she didn’t fully know him, and if the others characters had LISTENED to Adrien when he told them he wasn’t agree with their crazy plans (they didn’t listen and the MCs sighed, abandonned their spine column when the classmates insisted a little bit too much), I repeat myself ; it. could. have. been. so. much. better.
To leave Marinette and Adrien figuring out how to do the things at their own rythm. Instead of a healthy, good and solid friendship that transform into romance, we get a forced ship. Because “ThEy MaDe FoR eAcH oThEr” like everyone said in millions times (I was temped to rewatch since the beggining to counts exactly how much the characters say this stupid sentence but I’m not strong enough). And they say this as if we were dumb and we didn’t know Adrinette was the endgame since day one.
Also, another thing that bug me : since S4 to S5 –and I don’t know if anyone felt that– but I have this distrubing impression that Marinette and Adrien mostly  were just puppets in the theater/playhouse and they didn’t have a soul. Sometimes it push me out of the show when I watch the episodes.
Anyways, if you made it until here, thank you for reading my rant post. Two more episodes to left for S5 that will air early july (I read the script of the finale and boy...) and I still don’t know if I will watch the S6. With Gabe and Chloe out of the picture, Lila stepping as main vilain (still wait for her background) and Emilie being here, maybe they’ll do something correct ? But as I said in a previous post, if I watch the first few episodes and if it irrated me, I’ll stop.
I’m tired to hurting myself.
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ophernelia · 6 months
shout out to verycursedstuff for their s4s folder. it's a cc set i've been wanting for a minute, but it was on c*rseforge so i didn't wanna download it. luckily it was in there. we are once again begging y'all to stop putting your shit on there. i'd suffer through an adfly link before clicking that cf shit.
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keagan-ashleigh · 2 years
Hi! I don't know if I'm onto smg but I took some notes about the box's poem in The Winchesters, bc I felt like there was something weird in the way it seems to be a direct message to us...
Thought I'd share it here - those are unorganized thoughts, I will maybe go further into it later.
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Follow the path of I toward Heaven
Second spot is four less seven
Find the fourth behind Hells door
Six suns set on the Western floor
I will always lead you there
Ending the darkness that we all fear
What is this referring to? (besides the obvious aka the way to open the box)
• ​Heaven is where Dean is currently, and maybe he wants to lead us there bc this is ultimately where is the thing he wants to show us
• "The path of I" - the way it implies "I" is a god-like entity, or God, even, who lives in Heaven. Spn has established God = the narrator so what if "I" here is the narrator?
• ​Imagine if numbers = spn seasons - s4 & s7 - s4 introduced Castiel (ohoh!) and 7 is the whole Leviathan and Godstiel thing, it's when Dean and Cas get sent in Purgatory. So - s4 less s7, means Castiel's arc story without his descent in madness? s7 is known to be the worst season for most - on a meta level: what would've happened if the situation had been different? What spot would they be in if s7 didn't happen ? What if Chuck didn't write it this way? idk
→ it's less like s7 and more like s4 ? will we get the thrill of this 1st meeting? given that TW tells the story of John & Mary's meeting - mirroring Cas/Dean meeting (cf the entrance scene in trailer), it's kind of a retelling of that story - second spot = second show, second story, we're getting back to that s4 moment, w less of s7 nonsense? or w/o s7 Cas & Dean separation?
s7 also first meeting w Charlie who had the other most brutal BYG of the show
Other interesting things abt s7: Dean forgives Cas, Bobby gets hurt, Dean sent back in time, the "facing your fears" episodes, intro of Kevin Tran, Sam haunted by Lucifer, etc...
But the main thing about s7 to me is how it ends w Purgatory AND the fact Cas wasn't planed to be a series regular this season (tvline 20th may 2011 see fr wiki)
• ​"find the fourth behind Hell's door",wow, if number = season, s4 being sent in Hell, like, the whole Castiel arc being sent to hell bc of the ultimate choices made in last season by writers/Chuck - also s4 starts w Dean in Hell, being raised from Hell by Castiel
• ​​Six suns set on Western floor - idk yet
- Sun: positive, light, warmth
Sunset : Dean driving in sunset
Sun setting: ending of day
- 6, 6 like what? dean + sam + cas + mary + john + jack: family?
6 main chars: Mary, John, Carlos, Latika, Ada, Millie
6 writers ? (which)
obv 6= hexagon (box shape)
Random: 6= Dream Theater, 6th song of second disc Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence: following 6 chars w diff mental illnesses
Aristotle's 6 elements of tragedy : plot (mythos (which means LIE lmao)), character (ethos), diction (lexis) , thought (dianoia), spectacle (scenic effect) (opsis), song (music) (melos)
In religion: seraphs have 6 wings, 6 points of David star, creation in 6 days, is "perfect number"
Also: virgo 6th astroloical western sign, sixth sense, us army radio call sign (rainbow six),
- western, cowboy hats
western: america? Hollywood ? western canada: Vancouver? idk
• ​I will always lead you there : Dean/Jensen saying "this is where I want this story to go, that's the plan"
• ​Ending the darkness that we all fear - in text the darkness we all fear is death, pain, suffering, and facing our sins, basically. The poem on a litteral level says tge suns/positive stuff will end death and suffering that demons represent. This much is obvious. You can't end death though, it's a natural thing that's meant to happen. Unless you're in a story and your death has been wrongly written UH OH we got something there ! 👀
• The darkness could very well be the Empty / bad writing / homophobia on a meta level. We all fear it, "we" the audiance, the queer audiance that's been here since s4. We all feared queerbaiting and Cas' death and Dean's death and that's what happened in spn. Jensen / Dean tells us, if he's speaking here, "fear not my gays, all will be well because this fear of yours is over, we're going to fix it, to cast the darkness (death & separation of those chars) away.
Note about the runes in the picture:
- ingwaz/ing (associated with Yngvi/Freyr - fertility god, commands rain and sun light, brother of Freyja goddess of love (and according to me goddess of shipping lol) ) / means protection
- not an original futhark - means energy, maybe a combination of the o and r of a latin version of the futhark / also looks like a reverse fehu + raidō (f and r) - I am not knowledgeable enough to trace its origins.
I am no expert I'm guessing by the look of the letters but go see the Wikipedia page.
In internet esoteric culture it's protection and energy.
Given that we know Richard is returning maybe foreshadowing Loki/Gabriel.
I don't know if it's right I just laid my thoughts randomly, it is not a completed work. The whole thing just sounds like Jensen/Dean talking directly to us about his plan in narrating this story, it makes a clear parallel between John and Mary and Dean and Cas, and also he takes Chuck's place here, in a way, and is going to set the record straight on it all, fix some wrongs, give a new frame of reference for reading spn, you know what I mean? Goes along with the whole "I'm chosing the music"/" the main villain is a DJ", etc, implying Dean is becoming the driver of the whole narrative. It's all very symbolic and I'm really liking the level of meta here.
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postsofbabel · 10 months
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crownofallsaints · 1 year
The Most Holy Crown of All Saints Rosary is formidable with “seventy-two” (Luke 10:1 & 17, cf. Prov. 4:9, Matt. 27:57-60, Mark 15:43-46, Luke 23:50-53, John 19:38-42, and Acts 1:23-26) pearls in its Crown and “twelve pearls” (Apoc. 21:12) in its Scepter. D4 P8-P2 D3 S1 D2 P1 D1 ✡️ ✡️ D24 P72 D23 S11 D22 P71-P65 D21
“And thou shalt be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.” Isai. 62:3. 🔷4 ⚪️8-⚪️2 🔷3 ⭐️1 🔷2 ⚪️1 🔷1 ✡️ ✡️🔷24 ⚪️72 🔷23 ⭐️11 🔷22 ⚪️71-⚪️65 🔷21
“She shall give to thy head increase of graces, and protect thee with a noble crown.” Prov. 4:9. 🔷⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️🔷⭐️🔷⚪️🔷✡️ ✡️🔷⚪️🔷⭐️🔷⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️🔷
The Most Holy Little Crown of All Saints Rosary (A term used to describe a Most Holy Crown of All Saints Rosary that has fewer parts than the Most Holy Crown of All Saints Rosary, “a crown of twelve stars.” Apoc. 12:1.) has six Stars (S1-S4 and S11-S12) and twenty-three Pearls (P1, P2-P8, P9-P15, P16-P22 and P72) in its Crown, and one Star (S13) and six Pearls (P73-P78) in its Scepter.
✡️S12 MB|PP 🔷D25 ⚪️P73 Benjamin PJ:J S11 Simon PP|PJ 🔷D26 ⚪️P74 Juda PP:J S12 ✡️ MB|PP 🔷D27 ⚪️P75 Ruben MB:J S1 Peter MJ|MB 🔷D28 ⭐️S13 Michael MP|MJ|MB|MM 🔷D29 ⚪️P76 Gad MJ:J S2 Andrew MP|MJ 🔷D30 ⚪️P77 Aser MP:J S3 James BB|MP 🔷D31 ⚪️P78 Nephthali BB:J S4 John BJ|BB 🔷D32 ✝️C3 PP|PJ|PB|PM
“But I will tell thee what is set down in the scripture of truth: and none is my helper in all these things but Michael your prince.” Dan. 10:21.
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dylanconrique · 2 months
the season 4 finale with grant always creeped me the fuck out
it's just such a chilling scene to me because it's really not that far fetched from reality if you stop to think about it. and as a girl who's consumed a concerning amount of true crime from the age of 12, i can confidently say one of the creepiest details in cases to me has always been when the suspect/killer stake out their victims and just like.... watch their routines... and like where the spare key is hidden. like... regardless of whether or not you know who it is the thought of someone just chilling like that in the dark is so scary to me. it's still a home invasion. your home is being invaded. easily one of my top 5 fears, i'm so nervous to see how this turns out.
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jesusonafrickinboat · 2 years
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I posted 185 times in 2022
14 posts created (8%)
171 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 161 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things - 32 posts
#stranger things s4 - 21 posts
#eddie munson - 19 posts
#tua - 17 posts
#steve harrington - 17 posts
#the umbrella academy - 15 posts
#steddie - 14 posts
#the sandman - 13 posts
#klaus hargreeves - 12 posts
#st4 - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#but yes! he's always been a himbo that loves his family! he just needed to be deconditioned from reggie's bs & reconditioned for socializing
My Top Posts in 2022:
ok but I wish Eddie would have zipped up his leather jacket cause leather is harder to chew through than like, a cotton t-shirt
16 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Umbrella Academy incorrect quotes via this generator
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41 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
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44 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
As someone who has post-viral disabilities/conditions, it absolutely INFURIATES me that, despite a mass rise in post-viral disabilities/conditions (aka long-covid), IT’S STILL NOT BEING RESEARCHED.
I had a virus in May 2016 (end of 8th grade), the symptoms of which (plus more as time went on) never went away. I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2017, followed by POTS, fibromyalgia, CFS/ME, chronic pain, and more - none of which have a cure. (There are also several conditions that I’ve researched and am almost certain I have as a result of that virus over half a decade ago, but I’m still waiting to get appointments with those specialists.) Since being diagnosed, I have done various treatments/medications, had many appointments with specialists & physical therapists, and have done basically all I can to get better.
Now it’s 2022. It’s been 6 years since the virus and 5 years since the first diagnosis. Can I do more than I could in 2017? Absolutely! I don’t want to say that it will never get better, because it does - just slowly (and at a different pace for everyone). But I’m still NOWHERE near where I was before 2016, certainly not even close to what I might have been able to do now if the virus hadn’t happened. I had to switch to homeschool (away from my friends, though better for my physical and mental health) for 10th-12th grade. Last summer, I rode a bike for the first time since 2016, and I was still in pain afterwards. I’m finally at a place where I can start doing the things I used to be able to do or have missed out on (ex: making my own lunch, learning to drive, going to college), but it’s a very delicate balance. I’m at a place where some of these things are finally in sight (I won’t say in reach yet), and it’s frustrating to desperately want to do them and know I’m so close to being able to, but I still have to be really careful.
Because of my constellation of conditions, it has been incredibly difficult to improve my health. For example: one of the best ways to treat POTS is by exercising, but exercising also unfortunately triggers CFS/ME flare ups (due to post-exertional malaise), which in turn triggers chronic pain, etc. The worst part is that it’s nearly impossible to tell when you’ve overdone it in the moment, which means that after doing more rigorous exercise, I have to make sure I don’t schedule anything for the next 2-3 days in case of a flare up. I know I’m not the only one with complicated, contradictory, incredibly difficult co-morbidities, which is one reason why it takes so long to even start healing post-virus.
I’m upset that there are SO MANY people with long-covid that are receiving the same treatment myself and others have received in terms of our post-viral illnesses. I was hopeful that, even though the last thing I wanted was more people having to go through what I’ve been going through for 6 years, this rise in post-viral cases would have pushed more research into why it happens and how to cure (or at least better treat) the most common disabilities/conditions that it results in. 
Instead, like other post-viral illnesses, we’ve continued to see small, underfunded groups research the resulting individual conditions (CFS/ME, POTS, etc) without the funding to come together to research the co-morbidities as a whole, while the majority of the population (including medical professionals, news sources, the general population, etc) at best completely ignore and at worst utterly deny the existence of long-covid.
And I’m so tired.
300 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Can we talk about how the afterlife gets more and more colorful as Klaus becomes more and more in control of his powers? Cause that’s BRILLIANT filmmaking right there
11,878 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
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crystalsbooksandtea · 3 years
Gabriella turning down Matt's proposal and then whining about how he's not all in having a foster kid with her ??? Girl it's not just about you
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selenaurrr · 3 years
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One Chicago Appreciation Week ↳ DAY ONE: FAVORITE FEMALE CHARACTER (1/2)
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egipci · 4 months
Your last reblog reminds me of that time I got downvoted on Reddit because I said Bobby took credit of John's sacrifice and everything. John did all the hard decisions and Bobby was like played ball with Dean one time and he claimed he's the one who raised and trained the boys as heroes. (If everyone likes Bobby, then I'm dead)
hello my dude <3 I don't really hate the guy or anything -- he's more or less entertaining when he's on screen and obviously he does have genuine affection for sam and dean and he's making a good faith effort to support them, but at the end of the day he's just not super good at it. or at least not as good as fanon makes him out to be. like, s4&5 make it very clear that 1. dean is his favorite, 2. he doesn't particularly trust sam (cf. the last couple of eps of s5, and his hilariously bizarre revelation that sam is indeed a good kid and they should give his plan a go), and 3. like you see in that gifset, he reinforces dean's parentification pretty seriously (and in a way he becomes the writers' voice). it just seems that for some reason fandom decided that he's the cool ally counterpart to john's evil homophobic abuser.
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“this is television done right and i would die on that hill... solsbury hill, if you will” 
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