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414graffiti · 5 months ago
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Off of Brady St. Milwaukee - August 18, 2024
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soapyl · 5 months ago
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444namesplus · 3 months ago
A Abe Abi Abia Abian Abie Abienn Abin Abith Abl Ablit Abrer Abric Abrici Abrie Abriel Abrin Ac Acaren Acdonal Achae Acharyabbot Ache Achec Acia Acint Acitu Acki Ackso Acksonvill Aco Acob Acobso Acque Acquelin Acquely Acrament Acrinu Acund Ad Adde Addo Ade Adelein Adelin Adi Adill Adin Adisla Adislau Adiso Adria Adriqu Aell Aeta Aetiti Afae Afael Afayett Ag Agal Agdalen Aggi Agma Agne Agnu Agober Ah Aile Aim Aimund Aine Aintpau Air Airfiel Ais Ait Ajoria Ake Akelan Akersfiel Akewoo Aklan Al Ala Alaza Alb Albinu Alde Aldero Aldonad Aldwel Aldwi Ale Aleig Alen Alenci Alenti Alentin Alentinia Alenzuel Aleri Aleria Aleriu Alhou Aligul Alil Alina Alixt Alke All Alla Allac Allaghe Allaha Allahasse Allar Alle Allego Allej Allienu Allowa Almba Almdal Alme Alomo Alon Alp Als Alt Alte Alter Altimor Altlakecit Alto Alvado Alvi Alvin Am Amach Amanth Amar Amas Amber Ambl Ambridg Ame Amel Amero Ami Amia Amie Amil Amill Amilto Amir Amire Amm Ammon Amo Amon Amor Amp Ampbel Ampo Ampso Ampto Amse Amue An Anagu Anantoni Anc Ancaste Anch Anche Ancheste Anchocucamong Ancoc Ancouve And Andac Andal Ande Ander Andic Andid Andieg Andolp Andova Andr Andrin Andyspring Ane Anes Aness Anfor Anfrancisc Angle Ani Anic Anie Aniel Aniell Anin Ank Anmate Ann Anna Anne Annelor Anni Annic Annin Anno Ano Ansascit Anse Ansin Anso Ant Antaan Antaclar Antaclarit Antamari Antan Antaros Antiag Anto Antrel Anue Anuel Anut Any Aom Apecora Apervill Aphae Aptist Aqu Aque Ar Ara Aracall Aral Arbar Arbe Arce Arcel Arcelin Arcell Arci Arcia Arcis Arco Arcu Ard Ardena Ardi Ardin Ardne Are Ared Arg Arga Argare Argaret Argarit Argen Argi Arguerit Ari Aria Arian Ariann Aribe Arida Ariechristin Arieclaud Arietheres Arily Arin Arinu Ario Aritz Ariu Arjori Ark Arke Arl Arlan Arle Arlen Arlhein Arlo Arlot Arlsba Arlso Arme Armo Arne Arnet Aro Arol Arolin Aroly Arpe Arpente Arque Arr Arre Arrel Arrer Arret Arri Arrie Arrill Arringto Arris Arriso Arro Arrol Arrollto Arry Ars Arse Arsh Arshal Arso Arson Arste Art Arte Arth Arti Artin Artine Artlet Artma Arto Artolom Aru Arve Arvi Ary Aryan Arz As Asaden Asca Ascal Ascruce Ascua Ascual Ase Ash Ashingto Ashvill Asi Asili Asiliscu Asimir Asmin Asmusse Aso Asque Assandr Asse Astaned Astia Astill Astr Asvega At Ata Atali Atalin Atash Ate Ater Aterbur Aterso Atfiel Ath Atha Athali Athanie Athe Atherin Athew Athi Athie Athild Athlee Athry Ati Atia Atild Ativida Atj Atkin Atlif Ato Atonroug Atoy Atri Atric Atrici Atrin Ats Atso Att Atterso Atthe Atthew Atthia Atthie Atti Attl Atto Aty Au Aue Aufma Augh Augha Aughert Aul Aulett Aulin Aulit Aulkne Aunder Aur Aure Auree Auren Aurenc Auri Auric Av Avag Avarr Avenpor Avern Avi Avidso Avie Avier Aw Awkin Awrenc Awso Awye Axentiu Axim Aximia Aximilia Aximinu Axin Axte Axwel Ay Ayan Ayde Aye Ayetan Ayl Aylo Aymon Aymond Ayn Aynar Ayne Ayt Ayto Aze Azque
Bab Bigai Bilen Bon Braha Brie Bsalo Bundi
Calle Cbrid Ccal Ccart Ccarth Cclai Cclur Cco Cconnel Ccormic Ccra Cculloug Cdanie Cdonal Cdowel Cean Ceansid Ceved Cfadde Cfarlan Cge Cgowa Cguir Chede Chmid Chneide Cho Chroede Chult Chwart Cintos Cintyr Cka Cke Ckenzi Ckinne Cknigh Claughli Clea Cleo Cmaho Cmilla Cnei Conno Cost Cot Cottsdal Cpherso
D Da Dalbert Dam Ddi Del Delaid Delhei Deli Dett Dga Dgard Dil Diso Disod Dit Dkin Dmun Dmund Dn Do Dol Dolf Donnel Dria Drian Drienn Duard Dwar Dward Dwi
E Ea Eac Eadow Eagen Eanclaud Eandr Eanett Eanfrancoi Eanloui Eanlu Eanmar Eanmari Eanmiche Eann Eannett Eanni Eannin Eanpau Eanpierr Ear Earlan Earso Easle Eat Eathe Eatri Eatric Eattl Eaumon Eave Eb Ebastia Ebastie Ebbi Ebe Ebec Ebecc Ebeh Eber Ebhar Eblan Ebor Ebora Ebr Ebste Ec Eceli Eci Ecil Ecili Eck Ecke Ecto Ed Edar Ederic Edin Edr Edri Ee Eek Ees Eeve Ef Effer Efferso Effre Eg Ega Egg Egha Egi Egin Eginal Egon Egund Ei Eid Eidemari Eig Eill Ein Eine Einhar Einhol Einra Einric Eir Eis Eit Ejesu Eji El Elacru Elane Elani Elasque Elay Elazque Elb Elc Ele Elen Elende Eleo Elg Elgad Eli Elici Elician Elicida Elin Elind Elip Elis Eliss Ell Elle Eller Ellevu Elli Ellmut Elm Elmu Elmut Elod Elore Elphin Elso Elto Eltra Elvi Em Embrokepine Emecul Emedio Emp Emphi En Enar Enat End Ende Enderso Endoz Endr Endri Endrick Ene Enedik Enehar Enev Eneviev Eni Enis Enit Enjami Enkin Enn Enned Ennet Enni Ennife Enning Enningto Enoi Enr Enriett Ense Ensle Enso Entennia Entle Ento Entr Enve Enze Eo Eodor Eofil Eon Eonar Eonard Eono Eontio Eopold Eor Eorg Eorge Eorgett Eorgi Eori Eptimiu Er Eracliu Erafin Eraklona Eral Eraldin Erar Erber Ercad Erce Ercede Erdinan Ere Eredit Erem Eres Erg Erge Ergi Erguso Erhard Erkele Erkin Erma Ermain Erman Ermi Ermin Ern Erna Ernadett Ernand Ernande Ernar Ernard Ernardin Erne Ernhe Ernic Erno Ero Erom Eronic Eroniqu Erqu Err Erran Erranc Errand Errel Errenc Errer Erric Erril Errin Errit Erseycit Ersh Ersti Ert Erth Ertina Ertra Ertran Ertrud Erv Ervante Erwi Es Esa Esamparado Eseni Esire Esle Esli Espasia Esquit Ess Essi Essic Este Estjorda Estminste Estpalmbeac Estvalleycit Esu Et Ete Eter Eterse Eterso Ethan Etici Etrani Etroi Etroniu Ets Ett Etti Eula Ev Everi Everin Everl Everu Evi Evin Ewi Ewisvill Ewit Ewma Eworlean Ewportnew Ewto Ewyor Exingto Exto Eye Eyer Eynold
Feli Fre Fric
Gapit Gidi Gnaci Gne Gued Guila Guirr Gustin Guye
Ha Haffe Hamber Han Handle Hane Hanno Hanta Hapma Har Harle Harlen Harlesto Harli Harlott Haro Harp Has Hattanoog Have Haw Hawn Haxirax He Heele Heil Heli Hell Helle Helm Help Helse Helto Hem Heodor Heodosio Heodosiu Heophilo Hepar Hepher Heppar Her Heres Herma Herr Hery Hesapeak Heste Hiar Hicag Hield Hierr Hiladelphi Hili Hilip Hilipp Hilippiko Hilli Hillip Hirle Hislain Hit Hitake Hitehea Hitfiel Hitle Hitne Hlo Hoca Hode Hoeni Homa Hompso Hond Hor Hornto Hri Hrist Hriste Hristell Hristense Hristi Hristia Hristian Hristin Hristo Hristoph Hristophe Hulavist Hurc Hylli
I Ia Ialt Iam Iamigarden Ian Iank Iann Iar Ibb Iberiu Ibiu Ibso Ic Icael Icard Icent Ichae Ichael Ichar Ichard Ichardso Iche Ichea Ichel Ichelin Ichell Ichenz Ichit Ichitfall Ichmon Ichol Ichola Icholso Iciniu Ick Ickae Ickerso Icket Icki Ickma Ickso Icol Icola Icolau Icto Ictori Ictorvill Id Iddl Iddleto Ide Idi Idie Idiu Idlan Idne Iebk Ieda Iedric Ieg Iegfrie Ield Ielse Ierc Ierr Ierrett Ies Iete Ieteric Ietric Ieve Iffan Igg Iggin Igismun Igmun Igue Iguel Iguero Ik Ikephoro Ikol Il Ila Ilagro Ilber Ilbert Ilco Ild Ilde Ildegar Ildre Ile Ilee Ilhar Ilhel Ilhelmin Ili Ilian Ilkerso Ilkin Ilkinso Ill Illar Illarrea Ille Illee Illespi Illi Illia Illiam Illiamso Illing Illma Illo Illsbor Ilm Ilmingto Ilmor Ilomen Ilso Ilto Iltru Ilv Ilvi Ilwauke Im Ima Imberl Imen Imene Imivalle Imm Immermanadrie Immi Immon Imo Imon Imote Imoth Impso In Inar Inc Incen Incinnat Incol Ind Indsa Indse Ine Inebr Inett Infrie Inge Ingleto Inho Inifre Inle Inn Inne Inneapoli Inni Inso Instonsale Inter Into Io Iocletia Iol Iole Iolet Ione Ionisi Iouxfall Ipolit Ir Irand Irb Irc Irei Ireill Irell Irey Irgi Irgini Irginiabeac Iria Irja Irk Irklan Is Isbet Ische Isel Iselhe Ishe Isho Ist It Itchel Itelliu Itlal Ito Itt Ittl Ittleroc Ittma Ittsburg Itu Itzgeral Itzpatric Iva Ivald Iver Iversid Ivia Ivingsto Ixi Ixo
Kinne Kkehar Klahomacit Kro
La Lac Lackbur Lackwel Lady Lagabalu Lai Lain Lair Lak Lan Lanc Lanch Lanchar Lankenshi Lar Larenc Lark Larksvill Las Late Lath Lau Laud Laudi Laudin Laudiu Laus-pete Lavi Layto Lb Lban Lber Lbert Lbuquerqu Ld Le Leano Learwate Lei Lejandr Lemen Lemenc Lement Lemin Lemon Len Lend Lendal Letche Levelan Levin Lexande Lexandr Lexandri Lexi Lexio Lfons Lfor Lfre Lfred Lfried Lg Lgi Lia Lian Lic Lici Liffor Lifto Lin Linto Lis Lisabet Lise Liso Liv Live Livi Livie Lizabet Lk Lkgrov Ll Lla Lle Llentow Lli Lliot Lliso Lm Lma Lme Lmont Lmu Lmuden Lo Loa Lodi Loi Lois Lon Londr Lor Lore Loren Lorenc Lorenci Lori Loria Lotild Love Lovi Lower Loy Lric Lrik Ls Lse Lsi Lso Lsto Ltagraci Lvar Lvarad Lvare Lvi Lvir Lwi Lybriu Lyceriu Lyd Lyn Lyss
M Mah Mal Mali Mand Mandin Manue Marill May Mbe Meld Meli Merso Mi Mil Mili Mit Mm Mmanue Mmanuell Mmeric Mpar
N Na Nahei Nak Nap Nastasio Nastasiu Ncarnacio Nchorag Nd Ndependenc Nderso Nderwoo Ndianapoli Ndr Ndre Ndrea Ndrew Ndroniko Ne Nea Nei Neil Ng Nge Ngel Ngele Ngelic Ngelik Ngelin Ngeliqu Ngi Nglan Nglewoo Nglis Ngra Ngri Niba Nicet Nide Nig Nigh Nit Nk Nmaculad Nn Nnalies Nnarbo Nnelies Nnelis Nnemari Nnett Nni Nnic No Nowle Noxvill Nriqu Nriquet Nsga Ntari Nter Nthemiu Nthon Ntioc Nto Ntoin Ntoinett Ntoni Ntoniet Ntoninu Nyde Nz
O Oa Oac Oachi Oan Oann Oanne Oaqui Oaquin Ob Obb Obbi Obbin Ober Oberso Obert Obertso Obi Obia Obil Obinso Obl Oble Obur Oby Oc Ocelyn Och Ochell Ochra Oci Ockfor Od Odest Odg Odge Odger Odne Odolf Odrig Odrigue Odrique Odso Oe Oeaaro Oeli Oell Oem Oemi Of Offe Offma Ofi Oga Oge Ogeli Oger Oh Ohame Ohan Ohann Ohanne Ohe Ohn Ohnn Ohnni Ohnso Ohnsto Oi Ois Oise Oja Ol Ola Olan Oland Olang Olb Olcom Olde Ole Oled Oleda Olema Olett Olf Olfgan Olge Oli Olie Olin Oll Ollan Ollar Ollee Ollegestatio Ollie Ollin Ollowa Ollrat Ollywoo Olma Olme Olo Olomo Olore Olto Olumbi Olumbu Oma Omai Omano Omas Omb Ome Omer Oming Omingue Ominiqu Omitia Omm Ommodu Omon Ompanobeac Ompto Omulu On Ona Onal Onaldso Onatha Oncepcio Oncor One Ongbeac Oni Onic Onifaci Onik Oniqu Onj Onkersaaro Onle Onn Onne Onni Onolul Onoriu Onova Onra Onro Onsolacio Onstan Onstanc Onstantin Onstantiu Onsuel Ontgomer Ontoy Ontrera Ontserra Onwa Ony Onzal Onzale Oo Ood Oodar Oodbridg Oodma Oodwar Oodwi Ook Ooke Ool Oole Oon Oone Oope Oor Oot Oote Oove Op Ope Opek Opelan Ophi Opkin Oppe Or Ora Orale Orali Oray Orbe Orda Ordia Ordo Ore Oree Orema Oren Orent Orenz Orett Orfol Org Orga Organ Orgelin Ori Orin Orinn Orit Orkma Orm Orma Orn Orneli Oron Orote Oroth Orpuschrist Orrain Orranc Orre Orri Orriso Orro Ors Orse Ortcollin Orte Ortensi Orthcharlesto Orthlasvega Ortlan Ortlauderdal Orto Ortwayn Ortwort Orwal Os Osale Osali Osangele Osari Ose Osef Osefin Osemar Osemari Osep Osephin Osett Oshu Osi Osin Osle Ostames Oste Ostilia Osto Osu Ot Otha Otso Ott Otte Ottfrie Ottlie Otto Ottschal Ouell Ougla Oui Ouis Oul Oulde Oun Oundroc Ourde Ourtne Ous Ousto Outhben Ov Ovadong Ovia Ow Owar Owe Owel Ower Owlan Owle Owma Own Owne Ownsen Oxan Oxann Oy Oyc Oye Oyl Oyne
Pa Park Pear Penc Pence Pri Pringfiel
R Ra Rac Race Racel Raciel Rad Radfor Radle Radsha Raf Raha Rai Raja Rak Rame Ran Ranc Rance Ranci Rancin Rancisc Rancoi Rancois Rand Rando Randprairi Randrapid Rang Rank Rankli Rantx Rat Ratia Rauk Rauli Rave Ravi Rawfor Razie Rcadiu Rdon Re Rebonianu Red Reddi Rederi Rederic Redri Ree Reema Reen Reenba Reensbor Regor Regori Remon Ren Renc Rend Rene Renna Resha Resn Resto Ret Retche Rete Revin Rewe Rhar Ri Ria Rian Ric Rici Rickso Rid Ridge Ridgepor Rie Riedeman Riedric Riffi Riffit Rigg Righ Rigitt Rik Rime Rinc Rinida Rio Risc Riscill Rist Rista Riste Risti Ristin Ristoba Rit Rittan Rland Rlen Rlett Rm Rmand Rmi Rmstron Rnau Rnd Rnes Rnest Rnestin Rnol Ro Robu Roc Roil Roila Roilan Rokenarro Rook Ros Rosb Rovidenc Row Rownin Rownsvill Rsul Rtabasdo Rteg Rthu Rti Rtru Rtur Ru Ruc Ruit Rujill Run Runild Rvad Rvin Rwi Ry Rya Ryan Ryst Rysta
S Saa Sabe Sabell Sbor Sborn Sca Scensio Shle Sidor Sidr Smae Speranz Spinoz Ssi Stanisla Ste Steba Stefani Stel Stell Sthe Strad Stri Suncio Swald
T Tac Tace Taffor Tahis Tamfor Tanle Tanto Tar Taurakio Teel Tefani Tei Tell Tephan Tephani Tephe Tephen Tephenso Tev Teve Teven Tevenso Tewar Th The Then Thma Tienn Tkin Tkinso Tlant Tockto Toke Ton Tou Tricklan Tron Tt Ttoma Tuar
U Ua Uadalup Uan Uanc Uanfra Uanit Uare Ub Ubbar Ubboc Ube Uber Uc Uca Uchana Uci Ucian Ucie Ucienn Ucill Uciu Ucke Ucket Uckle Uckne Ucso Ud Udit Udle Udolp Udovi Udre Udso Udwi Uebl Uelle Uente Uenti Uerr Uerrer Uf Ufemi Uff Uffal Uffma Ug Ugen Ugeni Ughe Uguett Ugus Ugust Ugusti Ugustu Ui Uid Uillaum Uillerm Uillermin Uin Uintillu Uis Uk Uka Ul Ulali Ulbert Ulc Uli Ulia Ulian Ulie Uliet Uliett Uliu Ulle Ullerto Ullin Ulliva Ulloc Ulm Uls Ulto Umbert Umeria Ummer Umming Umphre Un Unca Une Unic Unla Unningha Unnyval Uno Unte Unthe Untingtonbeac Untsvill Up Upienu Ur Ura Urban Urc Ureli Urelia Urelie Urfreesbor Urge Urges Urha Uri Uric Urie Urificacio Urill Urk Urle Urn Urne Urnet Uror Urph Urpris Urr Urra Urri Urriet Urs Urti Urto Us Usa Usan Usann Usi Uss Ussel Ust Ustav Usti Ustic Ustin Ustinia Ut Utchinso Uthri Utierre Utle Utledg Utol Utt Utto Uzann Uzma
V Va Van Vansvill Ve Vely Velyneachi Venj Ver Veret Verlandpar Vett Vetteaemilia Vil Vitu Vonn
W Wal Wanso Wayn We Wee Weene Wen Wendoly Wigh Win
Ya Yal Yat Yd Ydi Ye Yer Yke Yl Yla Yle Ylvai Ylveste Ylvi Yn Ync Ynd Ynett Ynn Ynthi Yon Yr Yracus Yri Yria Yro Yron Yrtl Yso
Zequie Zucen
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avernale · 5 months ago
PokÃĐmon Convolution Naming Scheme
So I was thinking about what you would call a "Convergent Evolution" of Eevee following the naming convention I have observed when I remembered that the Japanese Eeveelutions don't follow the same naming convention as their English counterparts.  Whereas they all end in "-eon" in English, only a fraction of them rhyme in any sense in Japanese: Vaporeon > Shawazu (Showers) Jolteon > Sandasu (Thunders) Flareon > Busuta (Booster) Umbreon > Burakki (Blacky/Bracky) Espeon > Efi (Eifie) Leafeon > Lifia (Leafia) Glaceon > Gureishia (Glacia) Sylveon > Ninfia (Nymphia) But this barely matters, since the Eevee Convolution I'm envisioning is supposed to evolve into entirely new Eeveelutions instead of convergent ones anyway. Maybe. I haven't really gotten that far yet, and I suppose I don't have to represent all the remaining types right off. For reference, I have determined that all PokÃĐmon with convergent evolutions are of single-evolution lines where both stages have at least one sound in common that gets changed in the convolution's name. You change the "D" in Diglett and Dugtrio to "W" for Wiglett and Wugtrio, the "Tenta" in Tentacool and Tentacruel for Toedscool and Toedscruel, and the "tea" in Sinistea and Polteageist to "tcha" in Sinistcha and Poltchageist.  While looking up the Japanese names of the Eeveelutions, it occurred to me that I don't actually know the Japanese names for the extant convolutions.  So I decided to look them up... Tentacruel > Menokurage Toedscool > Nonokurage Tentacruel > Dokukurage Toedscruel > Rikkukurage Diglett > Digda Wiglett > Umidigda Dugtrio > Dugtrio Wugtrio > Umitrio Sinistea > Yabacha Sinistcha > Yabasocha Polteageist > Pottodesu (Potdeath) Poltchageist > Chadesu (Chadeath) The Japanese names don't follow the exact same rule the English versions.  If anything, the English names are trying too hard to be clever.  The Japanese convolution names just have to end with the same sounds as the PokÃĐmon they're based on. Hell, Umidigda's name literally translates to "Sea Diglett."  So if you're making up your own convolutions, you don't have to be at all concerned with international naming (or at least the Japanese names).  At least, if you're trying to follow the rules at all.  Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out how to name convolutions of the Ralts line... Anyway, I also went through the trouble of making a list of possible Eevee convolution names while workshopping them and sunk cost fallacy compels me to post it.  My original thought for a name was "Beevee," but today I considered "Eevbee."  Then I decided I wasn't sure if I wanted it to start as a Bug Type and since I had a simple enough algorithm for it I went ahead and made this list.  There are three columns, one where I change the first E, one where I change the third E, and one for the suffix on Eeveelution names. In all cases, unless otherwise indicated, the altered syllable has a long E ("ee") sound in it. Eevae Aevee -aeon ("Ay") Eevbe Bevee -beon  Eevce Cevee -ceon (both k and s are on this list, so whichever) Eevde Devee -deon  Eevfe Fevee -feon  Eevge Gevee -geon (hard G, like geese, since j is on the list) Eevhe Hevee -heon Eevie Ievee -ieon ("eye-ee") Eevje Jevee -jeon Eevke Kevee -keon Eevle Levee -leon Eevme Mevee -meon Eevne Nevee -neon Eevoe Oevee -oeon ("oh-ee") Eevpe Pevee -peon Eevque Quevee -queon ("kwee," since k is on the list) Eevre Revee -reon Eevse Sevee -seon Eevte Tevee -teon Eevue Uevee -ueon ("oo-ee") Eevve Vevee -veon  Eevwe Wevee -weon Eevxe Xevee -xeon Eevye Yevee -yeon Eevze Zevee -zeon Favs: Eevae (-aeon), Eevbe, Bevee, Eevle (-leon), Eevne (-neon), Tevee, Vevee As a reminder, the suffixes don't necessarily go on convolutions of existing Eeveelutions (or at least not all of them), so you wouldn't necessarily be seeing a "Flarbeon" if Eevbe/Bevee were a thing.  I think most of the others would sound alright, though.
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christophe76460 · 10 months ago
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Il y a deux catÃĐgories de sarments ou branches;, ceux qui portent du fruit et ceux qui ne portent pas de fruits. Dans jean 15 versets 1 à 2 JÃĐsus se dÃĐfinit comme le cep et nous comme les sarments ou les branches du cep. Le cep est la vigne et JÃĐsus est le vin nouveau de la nouvelle alliance en remplacement du vin vieux, du vinaigre de la loi qu'IL a but à la croix avant de dire : tout est accompli et de rendre l'esprit au PÃĻre ( Jean 19 verset 30).
JÃĐsus dit donc dans jean 15 verset 2 : Tout sarment qui est "en moi" et qui ne porte pas de fruit IL ( le PÃĻre) le retranche... Nous pouvons Être en Christ et Être retranchÃĐs si nous ne portons pas de fruit. Le Seigneur ne nous demande pas de "produire" du fruit mais de " porter" le fruit qui se trouve en Lui qui est l'arbre en nous nourrissant de la ceve qui est la vie de l'arbre qui est la Parole de Dieu car JÃĐsus-Christ est la Parole de Dieu qui nous dit dans... De manger sa chair et de boire son sang pour avoir la vie. C'est la vie de la Parole en nous qui produit le fruit et nous ne sommes que des porteurs de fruits comme les branches d'un arbre ne peuvent pas produire des fruits mais plutÃīt manifester ou porter les fruits de l'arbre dont elles sont issus. Le constat est que certains chrÃĐtiens essaient de produire du fruit qui n'a rien à voir avec la nature de l'arbre auquel ils appartiennent. D'autres refusent de laisser la cÃĻve couler en eux afin qu'elle produise du fruit et que eux portent le fruit. Certains encore pensent pouvoir manifester des fruits sans la vie de l'arbre... Le naturel et le spirituel sont parallÃĻles, si une branche est malade elle est retranchÃĐe pour ne pas contaminer les autres branches et une branche retranchÃĐe ne peut plus porter du fruit puisque le fruit vient de la vie de l'arbre.
Le Seigneur nous avertit que si nous ne portons pas de fruit nous serons retranchÃĐs et jetÃĐs au feu( jean 15 versets 2 et 6) cette parole du Seigneur est claire donc nous devons la prendre au sÃĐrieux.
Le Seigneur dit ÃĐgalement que si une branche porte du fruit elle sera ÃĐmondÃĐes pour qu'elle porte encore plus de fruit ( jean 15 verset 2 .) Ne soyons donc pas surpris d'Être taillÃĐs par le PÃĻre malgrÃĐ le fait que nous portons du fruit ! Le PÃĻre pour que nous portions beaucoup de fruits et que notre fruits demeure va tailler en nous tout ce qui constitue les nuisibles que nous voyons dans le naturel sur les arbres et qui dÃĐtruisent les fruits... En ce qui nous concerne, notre caractÃĻre va Être taillÃĐ, notre comportement vis à vis des autres va Être redressÃĐ tout ce qui constitue un frein a notre capacitÃĐ de porter les fruits sera taillÃĐ ! Ne soyons donc pas surpris de voir que malgrÃĐ notre bonne marche avec le Seigneur nous passons par des ÃĐpreuves permises par le PÃĻre non pas pour nous dÃĐtruire mais pour nous permettre de porter davantage de fruits !
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muchbettercasinositesoa · 10 months ago
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0 notes
fantasias-de-insomnio17 · 2 years ago
~Lamento las malas situaciones que pude causar, pero, agradezco los motivos que nos llevarÃĄn a mejorar~
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disappointedcreeper · 8 months ago
not to be confused with ceve
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queeenpersephone · 5 years ago
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“the guardian's job is not to save the librarians' bodies. it is to save their souls.”
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ceve4ever · 5 years ago
Prompt Month Day 19: Ticking Clock (pick a character- they had a life goal, and they’re almost at that point in life where they wanted to meet that goal)
I'm headcanoning Cassandra as 29/30 here and Eve as 40/41, but feel free to adjust those numbers in your head as you read to whatever you'd like-- I'd actually never needed any particular age for them but I needed one to write this fic! (I also headcanon Cassandra with Lindy's birthday, but that's not stated in this story anywhere so if you want it to take place in September or something instead of April, go for it!) Rated G, probably takes place around seasons 3 or 4, tried to make it a lil romantic/pre-relationship but idk how much of that came through, super sappy/fluffy so if that isn't your thing just skip this one! Enjoy!
"There you are, Red."
Cassandra looked up as Eve approached. She suddenly realized how stiff her neck and back felt; she'd been sitting in the stacks of the Library, back against a table leg, staring at a wall of books for.... two hours? Three? Maybe four. She didn't know.
Eve could sense something was wrong (Guardian's intuition, she thought to herself) and instead of offering her hand to help up her Librarian, she sank to the floor next to her.
The two sat there in silence for another few moments before Cassandra muttered something Eve couldn't quite make out.
"My 30th birthday is this Thursday," Cassandra said louder.
Eve smiled. "Have you decided on a plan yet? Restaurant, movie, laser tag.... Oh, and you still haven't told me what kind of cake you'd like--"
"No, I mean--" Cassandra sighed. "I had this.... this silly.... dream, I guess." She looked down.
Eve's brow furrowed and she scooted closer to the younger woman. "What is it? Is there something specific you'd really like?" She'd already picked out quite a few gifts for her friend, but she was certainly happy to purchase another.
Another moment of silence passed, then--
"Books?" Eve was puzzled.
"It's, like I said, it's silly, but.... I always had this goal that, by the time I was thirty years old, I would have an entire wall of my home that was bookshelves, stacked to the brim with books." She sighed again. "This is all so wonderful, really, and I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but.... these aren't my books."
"What do you mean, Cass?" Eve placed an hand over Cassandra's.
"With the tumor, I always thought that once I.... you know, I would have this gorgeous wall of books, and I would donate them all, and--"
"And I'd live on through them." Cassandra looked up again at the wall of tomes standing before her. "I haven't contributed to these, to this magic. All the Librarians before me have. And I-- I feel like all I've been doing is taking."
"Oh, Cass," Eve squeezed her hand. "You shouldn't feel that way. You've contributed more than any of us will probably ever get to see."
Cassandra shook her head sadly. "Thanks Eve, but.... it's okay, it was a dumb goal anyway." She stood up and stretched. "Whatever. Anyway, I haven't decided on a cake flavor yet, but for dinner I was thinking...."
That evening, after Cassandra had left for the day, Eve called a meeting between herself, the boys, Flynn, and Jenkins. She whispered to them her plan, and stressed that they needed to get it done by Wednesday. And most importantly: Don't let Cassandra find out.
Wednesday afternoon. Eve kept checking her watch. She'd told Cassandra to take the morning off; she had said it was because of a small fire Ezekiel had accidentally started in Jenkins' lab ("Again?!" Cassandra had groaned), but really, it was because she and the others had been putting the last few finishing touches on her surprise pre-birthday present.
But it was done now, and Cassandra would be coming in to the Annex any moment now....
Eve beamed when she saw her Librarian.
"Hey Red!"
"Hi Eve." She set her things down at her desk. Eve could tell she was tired, and a bit blue, but she wouldn't be for much longer. The Guardian practically buzzed with excitement.
Cassandra was about to take a seat when Eve grabbed her hand and pulled her along into the Library. "Wha--"
"Come on!" Eve grinned at her.
Cassandra laughed. "Eve, my birthday isn't until tomorrow!"
"Exactly!" Eve flung open a door that Cassandra somehow had never noticed before, and she gasped as they stepped into a warm, cozy room.
Every wall was lined with shelves, and every shelf was filled with books. The others were all there waiting, and Jenkins held out an old edition of a spellbook, opened to the first page, to Cassandra, and she couldn't believe her eyes.
There, attached to the inside cover, was a shiny golden label, which read:
This book is property of Cassandra Cillian, Librarian.
Cassandra felt tears welling up in her eyes.
"You-- you all did this for me?"
Flynn pulled her in for a hug. "It was almost all Eve's doing. When she told us you had a goal, well, we couldn't let you not achieve it." He let her go, and Cassandra threw her arms around Eve.
"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She was crying now, and Eve felt her own eyes start to burn.
"Anything for you, Cass."
Cassandra pulled away and looked around the room. There was a small, comfy-looking worn couch covered with knit blankets, and a little serving cart with one of Jenkins' favorite tea sets on it. Above the tallest shelf hung a sign that she knew Jake had hand-carved and painted. The Cassandra Cillian Collection.
She felt so much love welling up in her chest. She'd done it-- they'd done it.
And she knew that no gift she received tomorrow (or any day after) would ever rival this one.
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operationblanketfort · 5 years ago
okay, here it is!
my first fic!!
it’s Cassandra Cillian/ Eve Baird, so casseve or ceve or whatever name we’re using these days. the librarians is a fandom i’ve been in for ages, and i miss that show dearly.
i’ve literally been writing this fic for years (well. technically i wrote it all in one go ad have been looking at it once every six months or so.) and im finally happy with it! also i really want people to read it. 
please, if you can, let me know what you think! I’m so so so excited to finally share some of my writing!! Hope you like it!!
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flynnscarnation · 7 years ago
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Cassandra Cillian Appreciation Week
Day 5 - Favorite Relationship - Platonic Ceve
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imagination-parade · 7 years ago
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Cassandra Cillian Appreciation Week 2018: Day 5 - Favorite (Friend) Relationship - Cassandra x Baird
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jedijenkins · 7 years ago
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Up, or down? 
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dergarabedian · 4 years ago
Fabrican ladrillos a partir del reciclaje de plÃĄstico de botellas
Fabrican ladrillos a partir del reciclaje de plÃĄstico de botellas
El Centro Experimental de la Vivienda EconÃģmica del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TÃĐcnicas (Conicet) firmÃģ un convenio de transferencia tecnolÃģgica con la provincia de Santiago del Estero para la fabricaciÃģn de ladrillos a partir del reciclaje de plÃĄstico de botellas. El objetivo es obtener una alternativa ecolÃģgica, de calidad y bajo costo para construir viviendasâ€Ķ
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thelibrarianstv · 7 years ago
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cassandra and eve in season three
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