#certain... friend of TVA's
leaping-with-faith · 1 year
LWF: I'm unsure wether or not I'll EVER make this log public, but if the need arises I should probably explain why I'm even creating it.
LWF: as the name of this log suggests, something somehow has started to go to utter sh*t. I'm not sure what it is exactly at the time km writing it, but I'm sure I'll uodate it with what ever has happened.
LWF: Okayyy, never thought I'd TOUCH this log after writing it... buuut-
LWF: ABOMINATION has... gone missing from my arrays, and an odd pack of I think 10 modified lizards have shown up and are headed to my can...
LWF: I've uhm, only made this log public because yknow THE STUPID ROT INFECTED KING VULTURE IS WHO KNOWS WHERE! So uh, yeah just keep a look out for it... I'll attach the only image I've gotten of it.
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LWF: If you see this horrendous thing, try your best to rid it of the ever lasting cycles. Please.
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loki-g0dofstories · 2 months
Talk to Me
Loki x Fem!Reader
Loki is reluctant to process all that he’s been through, it’s not trauma and he’s ‘fine’ but tensions are rising and he’s becoming a loose cannon.
Warnings: PTSD, angst, swearing, MDNI, NSFW, oral (male receiving), p in v. I think that’s all.
*Not really proof read or anything, sorry!
The ticking clock, your chair creaking and frustrated deep sighs were the only sounds to be heard in your small office at the moment.
"Loki, they only want to help" even you didn't believe your lies today why should he? His blue eyes dart a glare in your direction, nostrils flaring slightly "Help? The Time Variance Authority wants to help not only a variant but a Loki? No" he grumbles pacing your office "No this" he pauses running his fingers through his onyx tresses "This is a tactic of some sort" you disagreed this time and it was likely to cause a fight.
You take in a deep breath to prepare for the oncoming anger you'll receive and part your lips to speak "You've been a loose canon lately" Loki returns to you the coldest of glares with his jaw clenched tight "Who's side are you on? You wear the colors and the badge but I never imagined you believed the bullshit!" his eyes blackened as he hissed at you spitting venomous words like a snake "Loki..." you reply calmly directing his attention to the green glow emanating from his hands "There's a storm inside you and it's growing too big for you to contain it any longer" he looks to you almost as if he's pleading for help "I can't control it anymore" he admits weakly.
You knew Loki all too well and you knew he'd never agree to what the TVA was suggesting "I know you don't want to talk about it" his hand flies up to hush you instantly "N-not with one of their khaki clad minions!" if not them then who would Loki talk to? Mobius had already given it his best effort more than once, apparently Loki would change the subject or claim it did not effect him the way Midgardians would be affected but you both knew better "Would you talk to me?" it felt like a stupid suggestion the moment you said it "You? No" Loki shakes his head still pacing "No I can't do that" he declines "Why not?" why were you pressing the matter? You didn't expect him to agree in the first place "Well because the things you'd learn about me might scare you away" he admitted that far more willingly than either of you anticipated.
Gods how you wanted to rise and greet him in a hug but you couldn't, no they were always watching and you had to be careful especially inside your office. The director of agents at the TVA can't have a soft spot for a variant, let alone a Loki or they'd have your head. That's not true they don't behead here, no they'd have you pruned to the void where you're certain you wouldn't last long given what little Loki has told you "Scare me away?" you question, those were heavy words with many meanings in your opinion and you wanted clarification "Well yes, you're my friend" Loki had puppy dog eyes going, big and sorrowful staring right at you.
A thunderous knock echoes off your door startling the both of you before it swings open "Sorry to interrupt Director but I need my partner" Mobius smiles at you and motions to Loki "Of course, we were finished here" you nod excusing the both of them "I'll check in again in a few days agent" you warn staring right at Loki before he leaves.
Loki had been reckless and a liability lately for the TVA and the heat was being put on you to fix it. They wanted him to see one of their 'therapists' which was just code for memory removal to foster better cooperation. Loki had never received a wipe before because his memories as a Loki were too valuable but now his recklessness was outweighing their value. It took quite a bit of convincing but they agreed to let you try and talk him into a real therapist, that was just a buy for time from you honestly. You truly thought that if all else failed Loki would open up to you but when that failed too your worst fear became real, you were going to lose Loki, he would forget you.
    Sleep wouldn't come easy tonight and so you settled on the sofa not even bothering to try it. Backlogged files piled next to you and a glass of the most bitter wine you've ever had the misfortune of tasting on the table. Everything at the TVA was like that, bland, bitter, and dull lacking any intriguing qualities. Everything except for Loki, he was vibrant and exciting, he was chaos. You look at the pile with a sigh getting ready to grab one when a heavy knock thuds from your front door "Oh thank gods" ditching the pile on a side table on your way by you were more than thrilled for a distraction.
    On the doorstep stood Loki, tousled hair and tired eyes with a soft smile "Hey you" he never spoke to you that way "Are you okay?" you almost reach for him but remember that they're watching in the halls too "Can we talk?" he wanted to talk, talk about what? Your mind was reeling but you step aside to allow him inside closing the door softly behind him "Come on" you lead him to your sofa taking a seat beside him and waiting with baited breath for him to begin.
    Loki clears his throat shifting in his seat "If I were to talk with you, I mean really talk, you promise you won't change how you think of me?" his hands fidgeted with his coat and hair as he spoke "Nothing could change my mind about you Loki" you assure him. He remained quiet fiddling with his jacket hem and not looking at you until you spoke again "Loki, do you want to start now?" his soft eyes glance at you for a moment then back down as he inhales deeply "I don't even know where to start" you can hear a chuckle but also the undeniable sound of his breath hitching, he was trying to hide tears "Why don't you start from the beginning?" you suggest resting your hand on his forearm.
Loki chuckles again, his body jerking slightly with it "The beginning?" he repeats "The torture? Or the mass murder?" he looks to you perhaps to see if you'll pull back in disgust or fear "You were tortured?" you'd often wondered how Loki came to know and fear Thanos but you never imagined something so sinister behind it "Yes, for months, I'm a frost giant you know?" he looks towards you again to read your reaction "I'm aware" you nod calmly "Right, so they tortured me with fire of course and heat" he continues "Gods Loki I had no idea" pulling your hand from his you press it to your own chest "Is that how he brainwashed you for the attack on New York?" you inquire "Brainwashed? No, that was the mind stone" he corrects.
     Why did that never occur to you? You feel so stupid and insensitive "I'm sorry, I just assumed" you had more to say but Loki doesn't let you finish "Its alright, after that I ended up here, and you would think not living through the following catastrophic and traumatic events would make them easier but no, no it's so much worse to know they happened and you did nothing or even caused some of them" he was really opening up now "Loki you didn't cause those things" you argue back "No?" his gaze freezes on you, eyes dark "I didn't lead that beast straight to my mother Frigga? Because of my hatred for Thor? My anger?" he hisses through his gritted jaw "Loki stop that right now" he wasn't about to use his anger to frighten you, not if you had anything to say about it.
He's taken aback by your scolding, he's not some child throwing a tantrum how dare you speak to him as such. Never the less his face softens looking to you "My family, my home, they're all gone, and I feel as though I am not allowed to grieve because I did not lose them" tears glisten in his eyes making them appear almost gem like "You did lose them and you may grieve as you see fit" you assure him. Loki looks to you with a sniffling chuckle "I am a monster, I caused the deaths of thousands on Midgard, I act only in self preservation how could I ever achieve redemption?" he asks "You are not a monster" taking his cheek in your hand you turn his head to face you "You were hurt and lost and you've already done so much to achieve redemption" you assure him.
     Loki closes his eyes slowly causing a single tear to begin a journey down his soft cheek where you wipe it away with your thumb "I don't deserve a friend like you" he whispers, his eyes remaining closed. You lean forward softly pressing your lips against his, the salt of his tears hitting your tongue like a bitter sweetness before you break away putting your forehead to his. Loki's nose nuzzles at your cheek, his hand coming up rest on your shoulder "Kiss me again" his whispers so soft you think you've imagined it but you haven't "Please" he whimpers.
Tangling your fingers in his satin obsidian curls you kiss him again, harder this time. The moment his lips part your tongue sinks in tasting all he has to offer, his spit like a sweet nectar on your lips. Loki offers you a moan to swallow as you sink into him losing yourself to his every touch and kiss. He pulls you onto his lap, his hand running up the length of your back to grip your neck holding you in the kiss longer. Adjusting your position on his lap grinds your core against his hardness and a moan spills from Loki's lungs against the nape of your neck, the warmth of his breath spreading goosebumps over your skin.
"Loki this is wrong" you protest, though only half heartedly "If we desire it then how can it be wrong?" he breathes against your lips begging to taste them again "I'm your director, your superior" you answer back "Your midgardian niceties don't apply here little one" he growls sinking his teeth into your neck, he's needy and desperate for your consent "I can't" you sigh pushing him away.
     Loki grabs you keeping you planted on his lap, your small face cupped gently in his hands "I need you" he confesses "Why? For what? How?" you demand, he couldn't do this to you, not now when so much was on the line "You are the only thing that makes it stop" his lip quivers but his stare bores into you unyielding "Makes what stop?" his hands fall from your face to lace fingers with yours "The pain" he says quietly. You wish you had a reply, anything at all to say but you only offer silence "You quell the chaos and pain inside my heart, I feel peace when I'm near you" he explains.
You comb your fingers through Loki's silky curls and smile at him "What are you asking?" you inquire "Be with me tonight, let me have all of you" he requests. You were safe from prying eyes in your home, you could freely give yourself to him if you really wanted to. Taking his face in your hands you lean in and kiss him again "Tell me more first, talk to me" you urge him "I'm angry about what I've lost" he admits "And?" you press him "The way that I died, so violently and quickly" he pauses shaking his head "What else Loki?" you ask him "I'm scared" he confesses finally "I'm scared of what I saw in the void, I'm scared I'll be sent back there, I'm scared of losing you" leaning forward you give him another soft kiss "You will never lose me Loki" you whisper against his cheek before placing a kiss on it.
     You started your trail there and moved swiftly to his jaw, then his neck eventually sliding down to your knees in front of him and unfasten his trousers reaching in to pull out his hardening cock "Oh...." Loki moans tossing his head back and bucking his hips towards your hand. He was impressive, thick and long, practically flawless like the rest of him. You didn't know where to begin so you lean in to kiss his tip while another moan tumbles from his beautiful pouty lips. Swirling your warm tongue around it you finally suck him into your wet mouth slowly, savoring his taste on your tongue "Oh gods...." Loki moans fist clenching the cushion beside him. You bob your head along his length, your hands sliding up his chest to fist his shirt and Loki bucking his hips to meet your motions. His breathing becomes heavier and his cock twitches against your tongue, the undeniable salty taste of cum hitting your tastebuds. He was close and you wanted, no needed him to finish, you needed to taste all of him "Aahhh gods!" Loki shouts with a moan lurching forward and spilling his warmth into your mouth.
"Stop, please stop" Loki begs panting heavily and pulling you off him "Come here" he beckons dragging you onto his lap and kissing you hungrily. He looks at you with hooded, lust filled eyes for a moment "There's no magic here so I guess I get to undress you the old fashioned way" he smirks. You have no witty comeback or reply, just an ache for him to be against you, inside you. Holding your arms up you allow Loki to remove your top leaving you bare. He leans forward and sucks one hard nub into his warm wet mouth circling it and moving to the other to do the same. Soon you're tearing at his coat and shirt to remove it exposing a perfectly toned body beneath, you weren't at all surprised by it. Loki paws at your shorts a moment "Let's get these off shall we?" he purrs while you stand and remove them, Loki removing his own in the meantime.
    You stand before him for a moment drinking in his beauty, his cock was hard again, of course he has impeccable recovery, he is a god after all. Loki extends a hand to you "Come here little one" he hums, bringing you towards him. You straddle his lap carefully lining up your entrance and slide down onto him slowly "Oh Loki" you moan burying your face against his neck "Shhh I know" he purrs placing warm wet kisses on your shoulder. Before long you're rising and falling on him with ease, his tip hitting your g-spot and bringing you closer to climax "Gods little one, don't stop" Loki begs gripping your hips tightly. Placing your hands on either side of him you prop yourself up to look into his eyes while you ride him. Loki's mouth drops open and you expect another beautiful moan from him "I love you" he confesses "Gods I'm so in love with you darling" he moans.
You can't speak as your orgasm tears through you, your walls clenching around Loki and taking him with you. Your small body shudders against him while he coats your walls in his release before sliding his softening cock from you and holding you against him with your head resting on his shoulder "I love you too Loki" you finally answer. Loki kisses you gently another time "Shall we get you cleaned up and off to bed?" He asks "Sure" you agree.
Loki carries you to the bathroom where he gently wipes your thighs clean before cleaning himself and taking you to bed. His head rests gently on your torso while you comb your fingers through his hair as you both drift off to sleep. He was your Loki now, and no one was ever going to take him away from you.
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cleabellanov · 7 months
Jet-Skiing through identity: a deep dive into Mobius M. Mobius (part 2) 🛥️
Even the kindest of hearts have a trigger point, a spot that can catch a bullet without bleeding; making it part of the heart's anatomy.
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I'm only saying that because I associate Loki as Mobius's soft spot("I know you have a soft spot for broken things"), and Loki turning his back to that in s1e2 as the trigger point. Imagine you have that courage, to do something everyone around you thinks is wrong. Then, just as you were going to prove the opposite,our efforts turn to be in vain.
For Mobius's character, this means he has to turn around at 360, to where he came from; with inovative ideas not working, it all comes to accepting defeat.
He manages that excellently in front of Ravonna: caring more about reassuring her everything will work out rather than focusing on himself. Another example of how much Mobius cares about others, even when he should care more about himself.
Episode 4, season 1, is crucial for where Mobius's story is going.
We can see so many interesting things in his conversation with Loki, like the way he handles stress through amusement. Asif this emotion isn't worthy enough, but to be laughed at:
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"You like her! Does she like you?"
After all, let's not forget Mobius was already (and even earlier than this episode) catching feelings for Loki. His own words put this straightforward: "Just kind of an asshole. And a bad friend". Notice how he doesn't use any word similr to "traitor". He still considers him a friend, albeit a bad one, after everything he's done. Mobius might do his best to hide it, but he's still forgiving deep down. And it's not even Loki's departure in time and space that matters the most to the analyst. It's his alliance with Sylvie, hinting once again at the jelaousy of his character I talked about in part 1. "It's ruining my reality right now!" in Mobius's words.
But when he is told by Loki that they're all variants, Mobius doesn't simply dissmiss the idea. He could, and should, given the position he is in. But the brightness of his mind, and that little flicker of hope he still has in his Loki makes the difference. After all, hope is what makes us believe: it's the desire of having something to believe in.
Watch his reaction when he is told all this:
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He is masking it flawlessly in front of Loki and the hunters, but that raising hope makes him search: is the trickster out of tricks for once? What if, all this time, that feeling he had inside himself but hid away is actually a sign, gently whispering to him there is more he should know about? That is a bravery so different from live action, and battling with superheroes: the bravery of discovery. Loki telling the truth means Mobius living a lie - a scary thought of course, but not scary enough to stop him.
This all drives Mobius to finding out what actually happened with hunter C-20. And the rest is history.
There is a certain honour in telling Loki he was right from the beginning. This new approach, this insight Mobius now gains over everything give him not only a rush of adrenaline, but also the confidence he didn't allow himself before. Therefore, he wasn't just working half a measure. The limits that were set were not part of his perimeter, but of the TVA's. Now that he sees that, he can also break those limits.
He is also free to speak his mind. And Loki is so deserving of these words that this scene right here is one of the most precious in the entire series. Their wonderful dinamc certainnly gives extra points to that.
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Now Mobius isn't just an analyst anymore. He is a rebel, betraying the only thing he believes in, the one institution that shaped his entire existence. This rebellion isn't just external, but internal as well. Ultimately, only one part of the internal conflict won, but the other still exist, like two sides of the same coin, spinning and spinning. But he still has the hope that he'll find something better on the other side, and doesn't stop just because it's a hard thing to do.
If it was easy, everyone would do it. (Loki in Thor The Dark World)
I wanted to write more but this is already getting too long (like damn I'm fangirling hard) so see you for part 3!
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fenicenera83 · 1 month
I for one really can't take reading this shit around anymore. But how do you read a book and completely cripple the plot the characters and the meaning of it? This is total lack of understanding and projection. Bring me the pages of TVA where Armand fights against Marius for his independence or identity?
1- Amadeo confronts Marius, on immense issues such as religion, life, his past, his pain, and his religious trauma. Their relationship is based on an ideological exchange, Marius is an atheist while Amadeo is a believer, theirs is an exchange of thoughts and feelings. They are two worlds in comparison. Even in their approach to life: Marius is extremely rational, Amadeo is extremely sentimental. Amadeo at most rebels to receive attention from Marius, to always be the center of his thoughts. Not for independence not for identity.
2- For God's sake if you don't stop this crap that Marius is attached to Amadeo's youth and does everything to keep it. First of all, Marius had no intention of turning Amadeo so young, and that is one of the things he repeats most often, one of the things that grieves him the most. Like the fact that he tried to separate himself from Amadeo because he loved to see him living his mortal life surrounded by friends and happiness. All that was taken away from Marius himself, kidnapped and offered as a sacrifice to the tree god. So no, Marius is not dedicated to preserving Amadeo's youth. Lies. It is only because Amadeo is poisoned and Marius is forced to decide whether to see him die or make him a vampire. Oh and for the record Marius does everything humanly possible to try to save Amadeo without turning him. And if you have such big problems that you have to project the fact that Marius shaves Amadeo before transforming him, making it a disgraceful thing or aimed at the fact of pedophilia, fuck off, because there is no input in TVA that this is even remotely considered.The truth is that Marius brings back and performs on Amadeo the same transformation procedure that the Druid priests did on him. It is a ritual, it is what Marius was taught, about how to create another vampire. It is like a rite of passage, with certain moments and actions to be performed.
3- for personal amusement I add that in prince Lestat, Lestat himself insists that it is Marius who transforms his loved ones, because only Marius is able to create truly powerful vampires, only he knows and is able to recreate the ritual of creating another vampire. And although there are stronger vampires than Marius, Lestat does not want anyone else to transform those he loves, because he trusts only Marius in being able to perform the ritual.
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nkatr84 · 2 months
Deadpool and Wolverine
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I just saw this movie today and I had to give it its own post! It’s so good. Bloody and violent and vulgar but that’s Deadpool. He can do PG 13 but he shines in R rated fair. Heck even his Disneyland Avengers Campus variant is PG cracking a few sex innuendo jokes that only parents will get. But the real draw is Hugh Jackman’s return as Wolverine. When a rouge TVA agent tells Wade he wants him to join the Sacred Timeline but his universe will get pruned, Wade is desperate to save his universe and the people he loves. When he’s told his universe is dying because its version of Logan died, he steals a timepad to find a Wolverine to replace him. Only to find the so called Worst Wolverine. They both get pruned to the void and have to survive a delightfully crazy and dangerous Cassandra Nova, a variant twin sister to Charles Xavier. There are so many fight sequences that are incredibly insane. Plus Hugh Jackman is finally in the comic accurate suit. Including the mask! They save that bit for the third act but it’s so satisfying to see him wearing it. Speaking of which…
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Lord that man is pretty…(whispers from the sidebar) What? What do you mean he’s single now!? Dang it…(thinks of that one scene at the end where his shirt literally explodes off) I’m doomed…
Here’s some other things I loved about this movie…
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She may have won Britain’s Ugliest Dog Contest, but she’s still freaking adorable! 🥰 Wade Ryan Reynolds melting every time he sees Mary Puppins aka Dogpool was everything. Plus Logan cleverly uses her to get past a Deadpool Corp without getting hurt. That was good.
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Paradox was a fun secondary villain. And a stand in for not only the meta commentary about the corporate merger of Disney and Fox, but also the certain kind of fan that discounts the so called “bad movies” (and tv shows) of the MCU and thinks they know better than the people in charge of the MCU…you know what I’m talking about. Whereas this movie is a love letter to the Fox Marvel Universe in all its forms.
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The opening fight sequence to Bye Bye Bye made my millennial self giddy with glee.
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Again Hugh Jackman’s performance as Wolverine. This variant lost his X Men to hateful humans and he went in berserker mode killing bad and good guys. He lost his whole world and then comes this guy that won’t shut up saying he needs help saving his whole world and he shows Logan a picture of his friends. The parallels man…plus Logan helping Wade ends up getting him a new purpose and friends. And Wade begins the movie wanting to matter and learning he does to the people he loves. And the bromance Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman share in real life is echoed on screen. Granted a little more reluctantly on Logan’s part…and Ryan and Hugh didn’t need a Honda Oddesty to build their relationship on…😉
The Cameos I won’t spoil here. But a few genuinely surprised me.
This bit of fan service…
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Plus they gave this Logan a happy ending! With new friends and a purpose! And he moved in with Wade and Blind Al and Mary Puppins…so what I needed to see after seeing Logan. Which was good, but a little depressing. I need happy Logan in my life. And Hugh Jackman wouldn’t hurt either…
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single-snail · 11 months
chaos and order
so the theme of this episode was chaos and order, and for some characters, these two are in direct opposition. ravonna says so explicitly, “all that matters is order vs chaos.” she says she is order and immediately sylvie comes in, implying she is chaos. so through them we can see what it is to be purely one or the other and what it looks like when order and chaos are set solely against each other.
the narrative tells us that ravonna is wrong bc she just wants to restore the status quo, despite now knowing that the system was actively harming people and destroying lives, because she values order and stability over all. meanwhile, sylvie is wrong because of her complete disregard for the necessity of order. she refuses to take responsibility for her actions; she freed the timeline and that’s it, no need to do anything else, no need to worry about any consequences that might’ve had. unregulated chaos is acceptable bc she sees the corrupt order that was the tva as the only alternative. so they’re both wrong; you can’t have pure order or pure chaos, there’s gotta be a balance.
loki and mobius, of course, represent this balance. but it’s not even that like loki is chaos and mobius is order, so them working together creates a balance. instead, they each demonstrate a respect for both; individually they are both chaos and order. ofc they lean a certain way, mobius being more order and loki being more chaos, but through their relationship, they embrace both. i think we’ve really seen that this season, mobius’ more mischievous and chaotic side and loki’s willingness to work within a certain order when appropriate. they do still balance each other out, but as individuals they are both order and chaos.
in this sense, ravonna and sylvie are clear character foils to mobius and loki respectfully. they are what they could have and probably would have become if they had never met each other. sylvie and ravonna push people away, refuse to trust loki and mobius, but loki and mobius chose to trust each other, became friends and changed each other. mobius convinced loki that he doesn’t have to be what everyone expects (“you can be whoever, whatever, you wanna be”), and he comes to care about the people of the tva because of his relationship with mobius, which is why he can’t ignore the chaos of the new branches and allow them to destroy the tva or let kang’s variants conquer the universe. mobius was also changed by their relationship bc he used to be all about order and no chaos before loki convinced him of the tva’s corruption (“thanks for the spark”). without each other they could have been pure order or pure chaos and ended up like how sylvie and ravonna are rn, a little obsessive and very lonely.
i think this balance is the key to saving the tva and possibly defeating kang while still allowing the timeline to branch and people to live their lives. loki and mobius’ relationship is the key to it all so uhhhh in conclusion lokius is canon.
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lokiondisneyplus · 1 year
You might have done a little happy dance upon learning that Ke Huy Quan — who first left his mark on Hollywood in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom as Short Round and most recently won an Academy Award for his role in Everything, Everywhere All At Once — was joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Well, when Quan found out an invitation for him to join the MCU was being extended he had to pull over to the side of the road because he was getting teary-eyed and couldn’t see. 
“I’ve been a fan of the Marvel Universe for a long, long time, and I always fantasized about joining the MCU family but that was only a fantasy that I didn’t think it would ever come true, it was a distant dream of mine.” Quan explained. “I watched Loki season 1 on Disney Plus and I thought it was one of the most creative and just best-looking cinematography, costume, production design; everything was just top notch. It was one of the most creative shows that I’ve ever seen in a long, long time.”
After his role in the Oscar-winning Everything, Everywhere All At Once caught the attention of Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, he reached out to Quan with an offer. 
“One day my agent told me, ‘Kevin Feige is going to give you a call from Marvel Studios’, and he told me between a certain time, between 5 and 7, and I was so nervous but at the same time I was also very, very excited. I remember I was in a meeting at that time, and I told the person I was having the meeting with, ‘I’m so sorry, but at 4:50 I’m going to have to leave,’ but I didn’t tell them why, so I set my alarm clock at 4:50. And when it rang, I got out of there, expecting this important call from Mr. Kevin Feige. I was just driving home and all of a sudden, my phone rang, and I picked it up, and on the other end I heard this voice, hello, hi, I’m Kevin Feige, hello Ke.”
On the phone, Feige praised Quan’s performance, which tugged on his heartstrings so much he couldn’t contain his emotions. 
“I started getting teary eyed and I was driving, and I couldn’t see. And I had to pull off to the side of the road and we’re talking, and then he said, would you like to join the MCU family? I was ecstatic, I was so happy and to get that call from him meant the world to me.”
Quan now joins the MCU in the second season of Marvel Studios’ Loki playing Ouroboros — or O.B. for short. He works, all alone, in the very bottom basement of the Time Variance Authority, but “he’s super happy with his job, he doesn’t sleep, and he works 24/7.” 
It might be intimidating joining the ranks alongside long-time Marvel star Tom Hiddleston and his on-screen best friend, Owen Wilson’s Mobius. But Quan fit right in. 
“He's a dream, I can't imagine anyone else playing this role,” Executive Producer Kevin Wright explains. “What you see on camera is what we get behind the camera. He slotted right into this team, which is already a fantastic ensemble. He's just a beautiful, inspiring person to work with.”
Wright notes that what Hiddleston and Wilson created with Loki and Mobius is “beloved,” and adding a third person might make for a third-wheel situation. But not with Quan. Quan, “came in with his own kind of unique aspect to that trio. It was just honestly being true to himself, being true to the character. He just adds this extra ingredient that wasn't there before. There's almost this whimsy. He just felt like a natural part of the team.”
It might have been a seamless fit, but that doesn’t mean Quan didn’t come prepared with a ton of questions about his character and the world of the TVA. 
“In the beginning I was quite nervous because it’s such a well-written character and I wanted to do it justice,” he continues. “I had a lot of creative meetings with our producers and with our directors. I would sit down, and I would ask them all these kinds of questions because I wanted to give justice to this wonderfully created character by our writer and producer.”
Looking back, Quan calls the whole process memorable, adding, “Every day I walk on set in a great mood and that’s how I finish the day as well. Every single person — the cast and the crew, has made this journey so memorable.”
And as for where he fits into the larger MCU? Quan’s already passed the first test of not talking about spoilers — not even asking about them. 
“I’m only familiar with what Loki Season 2 is about but I don’t want to know too much,” He jokes. “I want to be like a fan and discover it just the way everybody else does.”
Editor’s note: The following interview was conducted before the SAG-AFTRA strike began on July 14, 2023.
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in-my-loki-feels · 7 months
Title: Beg Me For It Rating: E Fandom: Loki (TV) Relationship: President Loki/Don (Mobius Variant) Some Additional Tags: POV President Loki, Mobius' Life as Don on a 2012 Branched Timeline, President Loki Is Bossy, Light Bondage, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Loki using magic during sex, Shadow Play, PWP (but kind of with a side of Plot), Long-Haired Mobius Word Count: 11.2k [complete]
It was boring, really. Midgardians were such hopelessly foolish creatures, easy to manipulate, desperate to be led. This presidential “race” was anything but that, a foregone conclusion as Loki’s inevitable victory drew nearer. And yet, those blue eyes continued to haunt him. Loki wished he had Mobius back in his hands so he could peel the man apart, layer by layer, and find a cause for this obsession. Unfortunately, the man was back at the TVA, far out of reach. It was therefore a shock to take the stage at another of these pointless debates—if they could even be called that—and recognize a face in the otherwise forgettable sea of humans.
Happy Friday, Lokius friends! I bring a treat to carry you into the weekend. 💚
President Loki is crafting a life for himself on the branched timeline he escaped to. Everything's going perfectly, if only he could stop thinking about a certain blue-eyed man.
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silentxsymphony · 14 hours
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
So I was gonna sit this one out since I only HAVE five little lokius fics. But @thosegayoldmen inspired me to embrace and celebrate what I DO have! See below for my list in chronological order (oldest to newest). Thanks to @lokimobius for sharing her lovely formatting with her Automat friends <3 And thank you to @kcscribbler for the tag!
trivial pursuits | mature, 3.5k words (mostly fluff and domestic silliness with a dash of spice, established relationship, 5+1)
Five times Loki taught Mobius about life’s little indulgences, and one time Mobius taught him about one too. An excuse for these two to be silly and cute between crises at the TVA.
stamina | explicit, 1.7k words (porn with feelings, established relationship)
Loki encourages Mobius to rethink his pre-conceived limitations to his stamina. Spoiler alert: they don't apply if a certain God of Mischief has anything to say about it.
all I feel right now is the weight of the day | mature, 2.1k words (post 2x01 hurt/comfort, dagger harness appearance, shower fic, established relationship)
Against all odds, Loki has returned to him. And with the timeslipping under control for the time being, Mobius endeavors to take care of his god.
and when my time is up, have i done enough? | teen, 1.4k words (hurt/comfort, timelooping angst, pre-relationship)
Mobius offers Loki a moment of comfort during the centuries of time loops.
when he walks in, i am loved | explicit, 16.5k words (variant fic, remix of an existing fic, domestic softness, don the jetski salesman, hurt/comfort, developing relationship)
After a different unfolding of events following the Battle of New York, Don helps Loki heal from the trauma of captivity when Mobius brings them together as part of his effort to unite every Don and Loki variant. Slowly, Loki learns to experience comfort in his own skin again. And maybe even accept affection from others. A remix of @dreamycloud's "i bet on losing dogs."
I'm still not the most confident or productive writer, but it is nice to see all my stuff lined up here in its soft, fluffy glory lol. Next up, my @lokiusbang entry! *nervous laughter*
If you haven't done this yet, consider yourself tagged!
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leaping-with-faith · 1 year
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redvanillabee · 2 months
Deadpool & Wolverine reactions under cut (spoilers alert)
They should have led the multiverse saga with this movie.
Like, this is literally the only time since the multiverse saga began that I feel like the 'prerequisite readings' were worth it. The comic book roots and the many, many, many variations of Deadpool and Wolverine are addressed head on. We get direct and deep cut visual references: the Scarlet Witch temple, B-15 as a boss in the TVA, like I feel that yes, if I had specifically caught up with Loki TV for this movie, I would feel that effort has paid off. I was getting very tired of those very vague 'ah yes Kang has lived many lives' comments from, say, Quantumania.
And because they are actually leaning into the different branches of Marvel products and now uniting them under the Marvel Studios label, they actually properly acknowledged the legacy of these characters and how people feel about them. I loved those behind the scenes clips of old X-Men movies in the end credits. Properly acknowledge their past and exits. Admitting with their chest that yes, we probably won't see Ian Mckellen as Magneto in the MCU, but damn wasn't that a fun time.
(Instead of all this, oh will Tom Hiddleston return as Loki? We don't know! He doesn't know! He said he certainly enjoyed playing Loki for 10+ years! But we will never actually give this character and actor a proper celebratory exit because what if we want him back for a cameo five years later!)
Lady Deadpool really was Blake Lively. Twitter was right. Lol.
Sweary Chris Evans as Johnny Storm was so fun; it's so refreshing to see him as not Stoic Monologuing Cap in the MCU. It just wrong-foots you enough.
At this point is2g Krzeminski is the anchor being of the Agent Carter universe because how else do you explain the complete death and absense of anything Agent Carter in the main MCU. Did like the entire cast of AC/AOS just swear off Marvel permanently. When can we get at least a name drop. I'm desperate here Feige help.
*Logan starts downing a bottle of Jack Daniel's* Me: my boys are finally in the MCU 🥺🥺🥺
Jokes wise, I think the movie was trying a little too hard with the unserious, jokey social commentary angle. Like that whole 'oh my friend identifies as a feminist' thing. Like, look, I don't know what that achieves. To either side of the political spectrum those jokes just end up sounding very clowny. It's not as if Marvel has ever been considered the pinnacle of progressiveness (cutting out gay Russo in Endgame for certain markets? Throwing CM2 under the bus when it was released during a strike? Letting the fans beg for almost a whole ass decade for a Black Widow movie, only to release it when Natasha is canonically dead?) They really don't need those jokes.
All in all: some jokes were a miss, but handled the multiverse and comic book roots pretty well. 7.5-8/10.
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hail-brod · 9 months
A Chance and Beyond (3)
Previous chapter: (Chapter 2)
Next chapter: (Chapter 4)
Series Masterlist
Loki x FReader
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A/N: Note that I'm not really versed on the concept of time flow in the MCU so things that I will be explaining in this chapter may not be accurate but hej, this is fanfiction. Did try my best to understand Ancient One's explanation with the stones affecting the proper flow of time to integrate here so go easy on me &lt;(_ _)>
Might just be making up some things along the way for things to fit!
This is a long one. Hopefully this would make up for the amount of time that took me this long to update.
Warning/s: Tony Stark, cursing, bit of angst.
WC: 5.7k
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Doctor Strange confronts you about TVA and you get a nickname from Tony Stark himself. Really, you've had a long day. What else can you possibly expect?
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"Time Variance Authority."
"Which is entirely non-existent nowhere within....?"
"The Sacred Timeline." you say. "It is outside the Sacred Timeline."
"Yeah, that." your new found sorcerer friend confirms as Strange's brows crease in thought. "And somehow it's somewhere? A secret organization filled with people who they took from the... Sacred Timeline and then do the dirty work of... pruning other branches of realities. Is that it?"
"Yes." you reply, steady in your seat. Taking in the way he tries to process this new knowledge.
"Now, what exactly is pruning?" he asks, every question he wants to ask mirrored in that look of him. Though, even if uncertainty was still present on his expression, you didn't miss the tinge of fascination dancing around his eyes.
You've been going on with this interrogation for almost twenty minutes now and it's quite straightforward—save for the little questions he add that he strikes as interesting to satisfy his curiosity. Nonetheless, it's nothing but... pleasant.
At most.
Not as stingy as before he is, and you'd wager because of this session giving him the massive information about what's out there, beyond the timeline, beyond the vast universes and you can't help but pride yourself in seeing him so eager yet so stoic in hearing what you have been saying. It's amazing that he manages to look so focused and intent on prying more and yet bits of astonishment seeps through his authoritative nature. That at least confirms that he seems to be believing your words.
But when he starts to explain to you about what he generally knows about timelines and it's flow, you realized that's why.
"The branches that you've mentioned," he inquires. "...you're saying that currently it's overloading because the Sacred Timeline is unkept and unmonitored?"
"Yes..." you confirm. "Yes. It's complicated and.... its hard to manage with so much branches. So everything... everywhere... there are a lot of possibilities growing outside of the proper flow of time."
You hope you understood Ouroboros well. Everything he had explained about the loom and the collapse of all as a result because of the murder of a certain time lord or whatever it is they call him and the possibility of a Multiversal war—as they would call it—was very much ingrained in your mind.
Which is rather a big matter than the world ending.
Because this is about everything ending.
"I'd ask what made that happen," he says. "but one branch of reality splitting outside of the proper flow of time means being overrun. A lot of suffering if I may add." his frown deepens.
You look at him, quite confused. "Well, you mean..."
You've realized recently that concepts about time when it comes to sorcery can be quite different compared to the TVA but there's similarities. With what you know, there are the Fates—the Norns consisting of past, present, and future—the ones who weave the people's destiny. But with Strange's field of sorcery, it circles around the Infinity stones; as you've learned from him in your timeline. Plucking one stone out of the flow could result in millions to suffer which then creates the branch.
But in your case, the TVA, it's about the newborn realities that were... apparently unwanted. The dictation of how things should flow is always followed.
Although now, that's the system you and you're friends are trying to break. To renew. Just because of the absurdity of it all. One stray step from the paved path and it's all erased, letting everyone disappear from existence. And you have to thank your TVA friends for stopping that rule.
"Not necessarily..." you trail, downcasted.
"What do you mean not necessarily?" Strange looks at you pointedly, arms crossed. A disapproving sentience directed at you. "You say that's it's overloaded of branches. How is that not aligned to it being terribly diabolical?"
"TVA is different." you answer, holding his stare with certainty. "It's not a causality tied to just the stones, Doctor Strange. It's the causality of every living being."
"Just the stones?" he retorts. "This is about the Infinity stones. Capable of wiping a whole universe."
"I know. Hear me out, will you?" you stop yourself from letting out a frustrated sigh. Though, you almost miss the way he tensed up at how you addressed the most powerful might in the whole universe. You notice there's dread welling in him but he keeps it to himself with a determined look. "TVA wasn't exactly the best when it comes to 'protecting' the timelines. A fuse within the place caused some things to be questioned. The way of things were questioned. Then chaos ensued and the people that I know... who are there—right in this moment—are trying to save the timelines.
You glued your eyes unto him. "The branches aren't suffering, Doctor. They're new realities with living people, writing their own stories." you trail off the last lines.
Your words hung in the air. Silence has never been this loud before but you let him take the time to decide his next words. If you didn't pay much close attention, you could've missed the shift of his stern demeanor to a faint gentleness.
"Are you a variant?" he asks. "Before all of... the messed up timelines?"
For a moment, you froze. You could distinctively feel your chest tighten but you soon shrugged it off in a blink of an eye. "I am. Everyone in TVA is."
"But did you work for the TVA?"
"No." you plainly answered. "It's a very long story."
Something in his stare felt comforting yet enigmatic. At one glance, you'd see someone who's merely doing the job for their own benefit but you've long since started this conversation far enough to grasp what's likely and unlikely. You feel like there's no use hiding your troubles when he seems like he had already seen through you.
"It always is." he says.
You almost sink down on your sit, arms crossed as you avoided his calculating eyes.
"And it must be hard." he continued.
As much as it kept pinching your heart hearing it, you ignore his comments. Whatever it takes.
You sat there, withdrawn compared to before. The refusal that you were showing using silence made you look like a child, having a conversation with their parent for being caught in an unacceptable act. And nor should you want to reveal anything beyond what's he's headed unto. That is your lone past, your burden to carry, to remember. Now, what you aim is to create a new future entangled with the people you've met. That's all that matters.
You keep telling yourself that. Like you're trying to forget every bit that came before you knew about TVA.
The less you remember, the less it can hurt you.
Strange waits in silence but you see him turn away, inhaling. Oddly, he bats an eye on a specific corner in the room but before you could imitate his actions, he continues once again. "If you say that the branches aren't suffering, what exactly is the problem?"
Quite thankful for the shift of questions, you answer. "The proper flow of time." you start. "The massive amount of timelines branching out of the Sacred Timeline leads to chaos. I could say there's a war coming but crucially? There won't even be a war when all of existence is currently set to fade away."
You feel his pointed glance on you and as you look up to him, you see the frown etching up his face. Maybe, you've also spotted a hint of horridness in his eyes.
You know you said it was not a good idea raining these information down to them but this is only Strange. One out of too many. And you trust him to be able to handle such truth.
But you also know he's still a person.
"It's..." you try to say. "I... but I still believe there's a way to save both ways. I just need to get back to the TVA."
His frown did not dissipate, but you see his shoulders slightly drop. "And by trying to use the Time stone, you hope that you might be able to work it out. Correct?"
"Yeah..." you trailed off. "I hope."
I'll take any chances. You think. Even if it's unlikely possible.
"If this doesn't succeed," you continue. "we might have to turn our plans towards technology. I believe Stark and Banner would be very helpful on that, don't you think?"
"You put too much faith on them when you're just a stranger in their eyes." he says, eyes drifting away before back at you. He still wants answers. "I believe you mentioned you fought with heroes. Can I assume the Avengers has something to do with that?"
"You can." you reply, lifting a briefly tight smile. "Your alternate selves aren't that different from the ones that I know of."
He cocks his head up at the information with a plain expression but you see a slight wonder eliciting in his eyes. You sense that he wanted to ask something more as he opened his mouth but he soon diverged on a different one. "How can our technology even reach the heights of what you require to achieve?"
You hesitatingly shrug. "I don't know much but I do know TVA is also managed through... some kind of technology. Maybe it's impossible and unheard of.... but it wouldn't hurt to try."
"A tech outside of time?" he raised a brow quizzically. You only shrugged again which only made him look quite confused. "That's going to be really complex."
"What can a sorcerer say?" you say as you earned a pointed look from him. Oh, he did not like that.
"I was once a man of science and I still am." he sternly says as he tries to hide his irritation. "You have no right to question my profession."
You were quite take aback as you blinked at the small outburst. You contained a laugh. "I meant myself, Doctor."
You gave him a faint lopsided grin but made no further step in rousing his mistake. He eyed you down as his irritation slowly dissipates into a softer glare. As if saying that you should shut your mouth.
No matter what universe he is in, he's still devilishly good at intimidation....not that he has intimidated me before tremendously...
You tell yourself.
You almost feel like somewhere out there, someone is laughing at your interrogation session.
"Right..." he slowly says then breathes. "I'm going to take your word for everything that you've told me. But if you want to use the sto-"
You we're already most intent on listening to what he has to say but oh, it seems like you've almost forgotten about one of your bodily and existentially issues once you felt the odd feeling of tight gripping within your guts. The nerves you felt while hearing his response catches up to you but in this manner, it twists your whole form.
You warped and deformed. Maybe some part of rousing your nervousness can be the trigger to time-slipping.
Though, you can certainly say you didn't miss this.
Once your body steadied, you opened your eyes.
And you met the luminescent light of green, blinding you for a few seconds before you registered the culprit of it all.
Strange stands back a few inches away from you compared to the last time he stood moments ago and what's also entirely new is the opened eye dangling upfront his chest.
The Eye of Agamotto.
Soon, you did notice the green rays of light was extending to your own form, hugging you with it's cool yet warm sensation. You think at first that the magic engulfing you felt so foreign because this is the first time you've interacted with a Time stone—but at the same time... it's not.
It wasn't foreign. No. It's just somehow.... bigger and... overpowering than how it usually feels.
How it usually feels...That can't be right.
But your eyes catch sight of Strange's face as your view gradually cleared. His hands stuck out with the same circular engravings you've always associated him with, but instead of a fiery orange hue, it was now gleaming in green.
"You okay?" he tries to assure, brows creasing.
You let the feeling sink in, exhaling. "I... I think so. What did you do?"
"I used the Time stone. As what you have wanted and what I was about to say." he answers, slowly lowering his hands. You see remnants of franticness on him. "But I actually have no idea what I did. Just casted it's powers on you."
You frown at him. "That's not very reassuring."
"Well, you asked for it." he jested, but his expression lightly softens. "You don't feel any different, do you?"
"I believe not..." you say, stretching your fingers, cranking your neck and checking for any anomalies that may have occurred to your physique. "I am... fine."
"Let's hope that does the magic. I don't particularly know how the TVA works or anything out there when confronted with magic but..." he explains, giving you a knowing look. "..it wouldn't hurt to try. At least it didn't hurt, did it?"
You eye him gently as you shake your head and you catch the distinct break of his gaze to a calmer one.
You feel anew.
You don't look different but you certainly feel lighter as the magic of the stone courses through you. It doesn't affect you in a way how the Time stone manipulates time, but in a way that just...holds you together. But for how long? This could only be temporary and you have no qualms with that, but the fact that this very stone can be effective and useful for the TVA, brings a sense of hope to you. Magic may be nullified in that place but exterior to that, the Time stone could be boundless when used to get there.
You really hate magic nullification.
But that's just speculation. Only actions can prove it.
"What we're you going to say again?" you asked him, quite disoriented.
Strange blinks. He then recalls to his previous sentence, shaking his mind off to focus back on his point. "As I was saying, I will be the only one using the Time stone. And well, that's been done. But the next attempt at using it, you tell me and I'll help." he was back yet again at his stern mannerisms but this time, he seems more...friendly? "Understood?"
You almost mindlessly nod but you tethered yourself up to a clear nod. Before you could say something else, he speaks up, slowly looming before you.
"And I haven't fully given my trust to you. I don't wanna keep threatening you for that but....betray us and you have the whole Avengers' team for an enemy." he stands back with a content expression, almost giddy-like. "Hope that's about clear."
Believe me, you say to yourself. I wouldn't dare.
One thing for sure, you're just glad that he agreed to help you.
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After you gave Strange your thanks, a genuine one at that, he replies it with an equally genuine nod...
Then sends you back in your blinding cell.
Thankfully, this time he didn't opened a portal below you to fall in but heeded your previous word of preference. Though, you admit that it's still uncomfortable on your part to experience the shifting of environment once again.
At this point, you'd think that you may have earned the right to be free, out and about from your irritatingly bright cell, but it seems like the Avengers are tough to convince when they suspect you as some kind of an enemy. To give it thought, that is understandable. Yet, it cannot be help to feel some sort of annoyance towards it.
The vast space of the cell seems to mock you of out of the comfort that you once knew. You honestly preferred the brightly lit orange office that the TVA emanates. Even the bustling time analysts rushing in different directions across the place breathes you a little bit of life.
There's the kindness and assurances of Mobius.
O.B.'s chirpy smile after saying something absurd.
B-15's gentle heart whenever she explains the worth of those branches.
Some sort of joke Casey doesn't seem to be able to comprehend.
The look Sylvie gave you when you told your tale of escape from the past TVA. And as your disbelief hindered you speechless after knowing who she really is.
And Loki.
How one look of him for the first time after you we're captured, broke your heart into a bittersweet mourning.
Not that he died in your timeline. Well, at least you almost thought he did.
But to be ripped out of that reality and then wipe it off of existence is like losing everything you have ever loved. As if a world just died with no remnants nor echo to prove the wonders of that life. Which is, unfortunately, the case.
Except, only for you alone to witness it.
It's no different when compared to death. B-15 knew that.
The Loki that you met in the TVA may not be the one that you knew, but it was still quite hopeful for you to see that maybe not everything was lost. Maybe you can still belong somewhere. Or see your old friends and family again. Even if at some point, it's bound to hurt you, to know that you're an anomaly, a displacement in every single universe that you'll end up in.
To feel like an imposter.
But the cast of friends you made with Mobius and the others gratified you somehow. And you're not ready to let that go. You want to help fix the TVA then after that....perhaps you can decide your next steps.
Breathing in, your thoughts speak. Look ahead, fool. You'll fare well without those memories. Starting all over again can't be that awful...
You berate yourself albeit hesitantly.
Though, is it really worth forgetting everything you've come to cherish? There's a feeling that tells you, yes, your inner turmoil would not exist no more if you'll just forget those moments in your timeline. But you know that's not what you want. And you also know the aching pain of loss is truly unwanted for anyone, yet you feel inhumane to choose not to feel that.
What does it matter?
You can't help but drift your eyes in a moment of daze as you unconsciously fly your fingers to your other hand, caressing the ring that sits there. You then bring your eyes down to it.
It looked simple yet...enriched. Just like how Asgardians do very much love their golden treasures and land, your ring was no different. Though what makes it special is it's carved runes rounding the accessory to which it bestows it's means of definition to bind.
They call it the Asgardian Betrothal ring.
The name says it all. But besides that, another memory catches up to you when you're brought to look upon your halved severed finger to where your ring lays. Unusual it is, but you've grown used to it's sight and the remembrance it leaves on your heart is clear as the day. You thought at first you could not bear the bizarre feeling of a missing finger, but time proves you lesser so.
Because it does look quite cool, as what Midgardians would say.
Nonetheless, the might to have experience the cause of it stems deeply in your mind.
The Dark Elves did truly ensure that.
As you trace your fingers against the ring, you can't help but think how good of a combination a severed finger and a ring could be together. It sounds absurd, you admit. Especially when it kind of metaphorically shows how your supposed marriage have been cut short—like your finger.
An omen you don't want to think too much even as though your situation have gotten worse, more or so than it predicted.
My Norns, you think. do you even exist? Or is this just punishment?
Your face fell into a deep pained frown.
Loki was your fiancé.
Your Loki that withered away because of the TVA.
Your marriage with him had pended for a long while for various reasons. You can't say royal courts have no squabbles at all because that would be unreal. And as a daughter in court, you've learned your fair share of duty that comes with it. But when you say royal court, that mainly involves the royal family.
And Loki's folks doesn't have the simplest of all families, but contrary to that.
It didn't bother you both much for your betrothal was never stemmed from your hearts. It was only a matter of arrangement on the All-father's part. He only asked of you to perform a duty for the realm and for Loki to be the second prince that he is.
Or so you thought.
Though, people know it themselves of each and everyone's reputation in the royal palace, they see Loki as an outcast among them but that didn't deter you to form a some sort of....acquaintanceship with him.
And there's no possible in Hel you would admit to yourself that he didn't became dear to you.
It has come far more than that.
Which then spelt your doom.
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Luckily, no more time-slipping for you.
At least in the last few hour or so. It seems like the Time stone proved you well of it's abilities—for the most part.
You just don't want to assume.
As you busied yourself conjuring a dozen projection of tiny floating petals by your palm, dancing along the illusion of a wind, a few heavy steps interrupt you. You crane your neck to see the three men that entered the area, standing just right behind your cell barrier. You see Doctor Strange, Bruce and Tony.
You lightly frown.
They look like they have so much to say. Am I in trouble?
Bruce opens his mouth to speak but Tony butts in. "Hey, congrats, you're free." he then smiles at you and slides it down quickly to an unamused look. "Mister wizard here says you're worth the shot to help, though I disagree since, well- everything you we're saying sounded like a lot of bullshit-"
"Tony, hey." Bruce cuts in, giving him a disappointed sigh. "We talked about this."
You raised a brow. 'you we're saying'?
"I know, I know." he surprisingly says as he waved his hand off to Bruce to let him talk. "Let me finish this. Like I said—bullshit. But," he paused for awhile, eyeing you in seriousness. You don't miss the hesitation lingering in his expression. "the dangers you claim sounds a lot of a big deal than whatever we've known so far and I don't take lightly in trusting some....Time Pasta from out of nowhere. But it seems like you've got admirers in the team and they outnumber me. Which is dumb by the way."
You see Strange roll his eyes beside him. Though, you somewhat feel relieved to hear that the majority of the Avengers favor you well enough to help. You don't really mind the small distrust for now but at least—like Strange apparently said—you're worth the shot to help.
"So you're..." Tony continues as he taps a few times on his...bracelet? And then looks up to you with a swipe of his finger towards your barrier. In less than a second, it completely dissipates in little pixels, the whole wall gone right before you. "a free woman. And yes, don't try anything fishy or....'you have the whole Avengers' team for an enemy.'"
"Okay, that's it." Strange gives Tony a stern look.
But Tony stays his eyes on you. "You're lucky Bleecker Street Magician vouched for you."
"Hold on." you halt them, frown deepening. "You we're watching our interrogation?"
Strange turns to you. "Trust me, they insisted."
"You could've at least told me." you retorted. You we're quite upset but you guess it's better they see the whole clear picture of your story rather than just planting suspicions on your motives and existence.
The sorcerer gives you an apologetic look.
"Oh, how can we not pry? You we're the suspicious one who came out of literal nowhere." Tony gives you a satire grin.
Fair point. At this point, would it be bad if they knew? Probably. You don't learn these things in your daily life even if you're a superhuman who can do magic or a genius in an iron clad suit. But then, they seem to be taking it quite well.
You think.
You exasperatedly sigh "Fine. I get it."
"Good." he replies then eyes you intently while he pulls something out of his blazer. You wait to see what it is and you see a tiny speck of something red between his fingers as he stretches it out to you. "Gummy bear?" you stilled and only eyed it suspiciously but you quirk up an amused brow. "No? Yeah, well, have it your way." and he eats it himself.
Of course he offers snacks whenever you least expect it. your mind speaks. A feature of every Tony Stark, I suppose.
Maybe it's also a good sign he's offering you so.
You glance amongst them for a few seconds before you can step out and down from your acquainted cell that you will never miss. Any left cautiousness you saw from them when you first appeared have leveled down just a bit. That heightens you down to an ease. You want them to know that you can be truly trusted so you walk patiently as you observed them.
Now that you've crossed out, Strange speaks up. "How's your time-slipping? I doubt people wouldn't get scared of you if every passing second your body's ripping apart."
"Yeah that," Bruce joins in with a concerning glance. "it really- it looks horrible. You're like...a walking horror movie."
You don't know if you should be offended or be guilty to have made people feel that way but you blink away. Whatever a 'horror movie' is. You just let out an 'Oh' as you turn to answer Strange's question. "But yes, I think it's working."
The said man sags his shoulders down in relief. "That settles that for now then. In the meantime, I need to go back." Strange turns around and opens a portal to somewhere you can't quite recognize.
"Where are you going?" you crease your brows at his leaving figure. "What about our deal and plan?"
He stops and looks back to you, exhaling. "We can start tomorrow. Surely, you've had a very long day."
You softened your gaze. He's right. Was it even day or night? You've been everywhere and moving from place to place before you came. Then, questions thrown for you to answer. Maybe a rest should do you good.
Strange sees your ease and receives the message, giving you a single comforting nod. He then finally enters the portal as it closes to a speck of dot.
You're glad that he's warming up to you even if just a bit.
You're now left with the two genius scientists with Tony picking up the lead to say something. "And that's also my queue to leave." he looks at you. "Also, Bruce is right. You're not just a walking 'horror movie'—you're a walking 'Horror Time Pasta Movie' so you won't be going anywhere without supervision. Who knows what else is happening to you."
You have no idea what you're hearing. But you make it a point to tell him that you have a name.
"Yeah, you-who-whatsoever. You're still Time Pasta for me." he says with a fake smile then turns around to head for the door. "Remember, you're being watched around here!"
You don't doubt you are. A 'free woman' he says. Now my whole prison is just the entirety of this building.
You could always magic your way out but where would you go? And it isn't worth the risk when their trust relies on that terrible decision. You just need to find a way back to the time organization that you realize you've been quite obsessing over now.
You shrug it off. You need to lay down and rest.
That's also when Bruce speaks up. "Don't mind Tony. He's always like that and he still has a good heart." your eyes snap to him as he walks towards the door. He gestures for you to follow as you complied. There's a hesitation in his tone as he continued. "I did hear that you we're allies with us in your timeline, so you probably know how he is. Unless, maybe, he's more of a jerk there..." he turns to you with an apologetic look.
You chuckled. "Well, nothing's particularly changed I supposed. We're usually more on good terms." you eyed him kindly.
He huffed. "Wait, really?" you nodded.
He started to ask questions about multiverses. He gets so expressive with his reactions when he hears something so different and unexpected. But he also mentions a bit about Thor and Loki.
"Thor warmed up to you so easily." he says. "I mean, he could be biased because you're one of his people but I guess that works well for you. He really tried talking it out to them on your behalf."
Your heart softens at that. And you don't know what to think. There's that lightheartedness washing through you and you miss the feeling.
He then continues. "Even Loki acted different."
You dart up to him. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, like," he starts. "he's actually willing to side with you—which he doesn't usually does with anyone. Especially when you just came here this morning."
Oh, you echo in your head. it's only been that long?
But you go back to his words. "Loki is?"
"Yeah," he looks to you. "you're close with him? With his- what do you call it again? Va- Variant?"
You inhale. "Variant, yes. But no, you call them Variants if-" you pause, not wanting to ramble more about the TVA and anything about it. You've said enough relating to that topic and you don't think you can handle more mentions of its complexity.
Seriously, it's tiring.
"Nevermind." you defeatedly sigh as you gave him an apologetic look. "Yes, I know...Loki."
He seems to notice your tiredness and hesitation. You try your best to bring up a smile but it just became strained.
If Bruce ever saw your sadness, he didn't mention it.
You skim back to what he said about Loki. You can't deny that it's odd that he would side with you in this circumstances considering that your interactions so far where not quite good. But at the same time, it gives you a sense of warmth to know that he would.
Though, you don't want to delude yourself further if this escalates differently.
As you tagged behind him, which soon changed with you walking side by side, you take a moment to survey the halls you we're passing by. It was increasingly different than you expected. But as you walked further, the scene shifts to a few turns, then stairs as you go up and finally catch sight of the glass paned walls that lets you see the vast fields outside of the compound. Though, only a few specks of lights we're radiating the field so you don't see much because it is night time.
You hear the faint voices and steps of Tony right ahead but you don't see him. It gets closer and closer as the echo surrounds the place as you lastly hear cusses like 'shit' or 'dammit' that slowly fades away into silence.
It seems like he already left.
You realized you actually don't know where Bruce is leading you, so you ask. "Where are we going exactly?"
"Oh yeah, my bad." he replies apologetically. "Tony wanted me to show you to your room. And don't worry, this time it isn't a prison."
You somewhat light up at that.
You then stare at Bruce whose slightly ahead of you now. You think that maybe you should thank him for...well, almost and kind of, for siding with you during the previous arguments. He's always been such a kindhearted soul to everyone including you, and you guess he always will be.
"Thank you," you suddenly say. He shifts his attention to you in wonder. "for putting up with me."
His brows lift up and he softly smiles. "Don't mention it."
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After you had bid your farewells with Bruce and with you being able to settle in your new room, you take everything in.
He was right. Not a prison.
Everything looks normal and comfortable but also too sophisticated than you preferred. But nonetheless, you'll do away with it because you can't afford to be fussy over little things.
The bed was made up with white blankets and pillows. A few Midgardian necessities on a vanity just across the bed. Then a door that probably leads to the bathing quarters along with a massive wardrobe that you will unlikely need and a seating area just right where you entered. It's fairly big but it honestly cannot contend compared to Asgard's chambers.
"Then again," you mutter to yourself. "this isn't a royal palace."
As you surveyed more for awhile, your sight catches the wide windows that behold the scene outside. This time, you see everything clearly as the moon rays illuminates the night and you stand there for a moment basking in the serene view.
It's calm, you thought. yet there's a storm coming.
You just revel for awhile in the moment as your previous tiredness sinks in. You've ran enough. It's time for you to settle, even just this once.
But before you could turn around to head in bed, you hear someone mutter your name with frantic breaths just a few feet from behind. And as you panicked to hear someone else in your room, you look back to see...nothing.
No one.
Have I gone mad? you frantically think.
But you heard it clear as day.
You heard Loki call for you.
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Previous chapter: (Chapter 2)
Next chapter: (Chapter 4)
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five-hxrgreeves · 1 year
An Unexpected Plan
PAIRING: loki laufeyson x reader
POWERS: none
WC: 2.6
SUMMARY: As a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, it was safe to say that you had seen a lot of strange things in your day. Glowing cubes from space, aliens and planetary-scale Armageddons were considered just another day at the office. However, the opening of the multiverse means infinite possibilities, including some that you’d never expect.
WARNINGS: possibly ooc Loki? (this is my first time writing him.)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: So this is based off the post-credit scene in Ant Man: Quantumania for the sneak peek of the Loki series s2. I actually have s1 written on Wattpad with an OC (called Everybody Wants to Rule the World if you want to check it out!), but since Tumblr likes x reader more, I took out the oc. This was an idea I’ve had since I watched s1 so I finally just decided to write a one-shot of it. It may not be accurate to the rest of s2 once it’s released since I just made up some stuff around the 3-second clip that we got.
As a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, it was safe to say that you had seen a lot of strange things in your day. From glowing space cubes of unknown origin to aliens trying to take over New York, the realm of what you considered impossible had broadened over the years. Your considerably high rank as a field agent had allowed you to experience some of these things first hand, which was both a blessing and a curse. It was more so the latter now as you’d been tasked with keeping the notorious trickster God of mischief from living up to his name. Luckily, you were well-equipped for the job— and more than just in the weapons department; you had the uncanny ability to see through lies. (This proved to be exceptionally helpful in an organization whose secrets had secrets.)
However, it was only after more than a decade of service that you were finally thinking that maybe you had bitten off more than you could chew. The God of Mischief had certainly earned his title; in an unforeseen turn of events, he’d gotten his hands on the Tesseract a second time and, before he could whisk himself away to who-knew-where to wreak more havoc, you’d latched onto his arm at the last second to join him for the spin as well. (At least nobody could ever say that you weren’t dedicated to your work.) After that, things had taken a turn for the worse and you’d both been taken to a mysterious time agency and had narrowly escaped death. (Well, maybe death was still on the table— your inevitable end had just been postponed.)
Needless to say, you and Loki hadn’t started out as the best of friends. When you weren’t trying to kill each other (verbally, at least), you glared at one another in sulky silences. But, as they say, trauma draws people together. Somewhere along the line between the end of the world and multiple variations of yourselves, you’d become something akin to. . . acquaintances? Allies? Not necessarily friends, but bonded by enough strange events to have a tentative trust with each other. You were almost certain that Loki wanted more from your relationship, but you hadn’t really forgiven him for what he’d done in New York and besides— whoever heard of a mortal and a God getting a good ending?
Now, however, none of that really seemed to matter; being displaced from your timeline certainly held a bigger threat than whatever was going on between the two of you. After your world-shattering revelation that the statue in the TVA’s library was no longer of three space lizards, but Kang himself you scrambled for answers and solutions. In a desperate attempt to understand the new situation you were in, you’d gotten the new-Mobius’ help of locating (a) Kang in this present timeline, which happened to be in the Victorian Era.
Although the three of you were hidden in shadows in the back of the theater where Kang’s presentation was taking place, your instincts were on high alert. The past few days? (Months?) had taught you that nothing was as it seemed. Even if Kang was currently pretending that he hadn’t seen your little group, you knew not to underestimate him. Every muscle in your body was tense, ready to flee the theater at a moment’s notice if necessary. If you were less of an agent and more of a civilian, you might have even grabbed Loki’s hand— which was only inches from yours in the cramped space— as an expression of the fear that you currently felt. (While you were a seasoned veteran and had seen much in your day, any sane person who knew what Kang was capable of would be scared of him.) Loki seemed to share your trepidation as his eyes never left the enigmatic presenter.
Mobius spoke in a whisper from the God’s other side: “you made him sound like this terrifying figure!”
Neither you nor Loki took your attention away from the man at the front of the room as you replied in sync, “he is.”
As if he’d heard your quiet conversation, Kang’s— in this timeline called Victor— gaze snapped to where you were standing. Although his expression didn’t change and he continued to speak to the crowd, you felt an icy wash of fear trickle down your spine. Instinctively, your weight shifted forward to your toes as you prepared to flee, knowing it wouldn’t be good if Kang or any of his variations caught you as he surely intended to.
You exchanged a glance with Loki, almost one of the same mind after you’d experienced meeting He Who Remains the first time. For Mobius’ benefit, the God breathed out: “run.”
You didn’t need to be told twice; the three of you (after some prompting to get the TVA agent moving) pushed your way as calmly— but also hurriedly— as possible through the crowd to reach the doors. While there wasn’t anyone visibly chasing after you yet, you knew better than to be fooled by the appearance of peace. Once you’d reached the busy London street, you exchanged a look with the men. Not wanting to waste anymore time, you gave one word of warning: “if we get split up, good luck.”
Then, you broke into the fastest run you could considering the crowds of people, animals and carts that went about their daily business. (How nice it would be to not be aware of the multiverse, time travel, interdimensional threats. . . but you consoled yourself that you’d probably become too bored with such a quiet life.) Unsurprisingly, Loki was able to keep pace with you pretty easily— considering he was a God who had to match your extensive training— but Mobius seemed to struggle, especially with dodging obstacles. That was fine, though (as mean as that sounded), since Kang wasn’t after him.
As you ran at a (mostly) steady pace through the winding London streets, cries and shouts began to sound from behind you— it seemed that Kang and his variants were giving the chase. You blocked out the sounds as you focused on running; one foot in front of the other, arms swinging, bent, by your sides, breaths even: in, out, in, out. You ran as you’d been trained to do: for your life. You were so focused on staying ahead of the Kangs that you even lost track of your “running partner” as Loki seemed to fall out of your peripheral vision.
You rounded a corner, and then another, and then— a hand reached out to grab your arm. If given the choice between fight or flight, your always chose the former; you reacted instantly, kicking out with your feet as you attempted to put your attacker in a headlock to take them down.
It was only after a couple seconds of struggling (why wouldn’t this peasant man go down? Didn’t they eat a diet of potatoes and gruel?), you finally registered the man’s protests: “whoa, hey! It’s me— it’s me!”
You let go to eye him suspiciously. In a flash of green, Loki’s familiar form appeared and you let out a sigh of relief which (as it usually was when it came to him) was quickly followed by irritation. “Okay, what the hell? I know you’re the fricken’ God of Mischief and all, but is now really a time to pull tricks?”
“It’s not a trick,” he reassured you. “Well, perhaps it is, in a sense— we can disguise ourselves and blend in, get them off our tail.”
The disguise of a peasant man returned, complete with grubby clothes and matted hair. You curled your lips in disgust. “Far cry from being an Asgardian prince, huh?” you mocked him. “And besides, there’s two flaws to that brilliant plan: one, what about me? I don’t have magic, so pulling me aside to tell me this is just a waste of time. And second, I’m pretty sure Kang the Conqueror can see through something this. . . elementary.”
The peasant man scowled at you, displeased by your jabs. “This is genius, first of all. Before you go touting that you know all about magic, mortal, I can share illusions. Doesn’t your super-secret special agent school teach you self-preservation, or are you willing to take the chance and outrun an impossible amount of Kangs?”
You pursed your lips, weighing your options. As much as you hated to admit it, Loki was right; taking a chance on him was probably better then depending on your running abilities. (Although, to be fair, you were a pretty good runner.) You matched his annoyed expression and crossed your arms against your chest. “Fine, we’ll do it your way— but for the record, my father taught me self-preservation.”
The God smirked at you in that irritating way of his and extended his arm towards you. “Take my hand.”
You watched him skeptically for a moment, remembering how he’d openly admitted to flirting with you in the hours before you’d confronted the Void. As you hesitated— your fatal flaw— you listened for your pursuers and heard faint shouts from their rough interactions with the common people. They were still some distance away, but not comfortable enough to completely forego Loki’s plan. You sighed and— with as much distain as you could muster— took the God’s hand.
There wasn’t anything immediately different about your appearance; when you looked down, you could still see your now-worn combat gear and dusty boots. However, when you looked over at the man next to you, you no longer saw a peasant man; Loki was back to being his infuriating (ahem, handsome) self. You frowned in confusion as you lifted your hand, turning it back and forth to try and see the difference.
“You don’t see the illusion when you’re in it,” he explained with an impossible amount of smugness. “I can assure you, however, that we look as much the same as the rest of this doldrum crowd.”
You gave him a curt nod. “Fine,” you said again. “Let’s try to get out of here, shall we?”
They made their way back onto the main street, looking just the same as the rest of the passers-by. To the rest of the common people, they merely looked like a peasant couple holding hands, out for a nice stroll. Speaking of— “shouldn’t we run?” you asked, looking over your shoulder. Although you couldn’t see the Kangs because of the crush of people, you knew they were there.
“That would draw attention to us,” Loki replied evenly, keeping the steady pace. “All parts of the illusion must be convincing for it to work.”
So, as much as all of your instincts screamed at you to run, you forced yourself to match his steps. Thankfully, the busy city was too noisy to have conversation, otherwise you might have strangled Loki right on the street. (Okay, maybe you weren’t at each other’s throats as often anymore, but he still annoyed the hell out of you.)
It happened suddenly: one moment, you were walking along with Loki at a brisk pace, and the next a man with a golden pharaoh’s headdress appeared next to them. His dark, intense eyes swept the area as he mercilessly pushed carts and people out of his way. Your grip on Loki’s hand tightened in warning, causing the God to look down at you. You jerked your head to the dark-skinned man dressed in gold. His eyes followed your motion and widened before he quickly looked away. Neither of you spoke since the illusion wouldn’t disguise your voice, but your pace picked up slightly.
The next few minutes were very tense as you waited to see if Loki’s illusions would work. It seemed as if the Kang in the Egyptian-styled clothes was tailing you. Loki knew that his magic could only do so much; to the well-trained eye, a very faint glimmer of green could still be seen. They needed to make their illusion even more believable; to do something so out of the ordinary— something that was entirely ordinary, actually— that it would convince even the keenest of observers (which surely Kang was.)
The idea came to him in an instant, causing his chest to fill with warmth. While this would certainly not be his first kiss, it would be his first kiss with you. (And, if he were being uncharacteristically honest, it might be his only chance.) Loki glanced at the Agent out of the corner of his eye, knowing how poorly such a proposal would be received. But, this was a viable suggestion to get the Kangs away from them. So, he tugged the woman next to him to a stop.
You turned to look at the God with an irritated expression. “Need a break, do you?”
Loki was looking down at you intently, his emerald gaze holding yours. Perhaps for the first time, he ignored your dig. “Kiss me.”
Not sure if you heard him right, you stared at him with wide eyes. “What?”
“Kiss me,” he repeated, a little more urgently. He glanced up at the Egyptian Kang who still lingered nearby. He lowered his voice as he hastily explained, “he suspects us. No one looks twice at two people kissing.”
“You’re cra— mmph,” your furious retort was cut off as he placed his lips on yours.
Again, your first impulse was to run, but this time for a different reason. It had been a long time since you’d kissed anyone— since your last love had ended in disaster. You’d vowed to never let anyone this close again after that, but here you were, allowing the God of Mischief to kiss you on a busy street. People brushed past you and jostled you, but Loki’s hands lightly held your arms, keeping you in place. You still had half a mind to push him away and ask what the hell was he thinking, but the other half of your thoughts registered how. . . good of a kisser he was.
You supposed that over a thousand years of practice certainly had its benefits. His lips were soft but insistent on yours, there was just enough tongue movement to make your stomach swoop (the traitor) and although you would deny it if asked, you could feel the electricity zip through you from the action. Just as your shock wore off enough to really kiss him back, Loki pulled away, his gaze flicking over your head to watch the crowd.
“He’s gone,” the God said with relief. Once he’d assessed that the danger had passed, he looked down at you with a smirk. “For someone who claims to hate me so much, I expected you to slap me instead of kiss me.”
You glared at him, any semblance of warmth that had come from the kiss disappearing as quickly as mist in the sun. “That can still be arranged.”
He gave you a shit-eating grin and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Come on, Agent. Tell me you didn’t enjoy that.”
You shoved his arm away and turned to resume your path through the crowd, your head held high. “I didn’t. Let’s go find Mobius. Hopefully he hasn’t gotten trampled by a stray horse or something.”
Since you’d already refocused on the mission at hand, you missed the way the God’s smug expression faltered slightly at your stout rejection. It only lasted for a fraction of a second before he quickly recovered and hurried to catch up with you. Grabbing your wrist, he added, “we should still keep our disguises up, just in case.”
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clochanam · 1 month
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stupid. she'd been over-confident, so certain that the stick the suited shites wielded wouldn't hurt her. she hadn't exactly flaunted her own durability; she remembers reaching out calmingly, like to a tetchy toddler who just woken from a nap, trying to convince them not to hurt her. she just wanted to go back, that was all. the TVA wasn't something she wanted any part of. she just wanted to go home and see if the kids had a good day at school. and then... she ends up here. shoved back by a second guard, zapped before she could hit the ground, and sitting in a desolate desert with a drastic decrease in surrounding souls.
except for one. a lone figure just a handful of yards away. she ought to see if they're okay. if they're with the TVA. if they know how to get back. if they're here as a friend, foe or flabbergasted fellow strandee. she does none of these things.
" what the fuck just happened? "
OPEN STARTER. / in which ur muse and aisling are stranded in the void together!
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Why Kid Loki's Backstory in Loki Proves (More Than Anything Else) That the Writers Don't Understand Loki's Character
I've mostly already talked about this in a theory around Kid Loki, but now I'm going in a comic-heavy rant direction with it. Spoilers for Loki, Journey into Mystery, Immortal Thor, King Thor, and possibly more.
So Kid Loki in the show says he's taken in by the TVA for killing Thor. It is not clear whether Thor is also a child at this point in the timeline, or (as in my theory) this is Kid Loki from Journey into Mystery, a Kid Loki from our Loki's future (a future that hasn't happened yet in the main timeline of the MCU). Which would mean that the Thor he kills is an adult (probably. The future MCU option could deviate from Journey into Mystery and mean Thor is also a younger, reincarnated iteration of himself).
In the comics, the closest Kid Loki comes to killing Thor is 1., in Journey into Mystery, when he influences events during a battle to end the bloodshed by helping bring about Thor's sacrifice for the greater good. If he had not died, the battle would have gone on and led to more terrible destruction for Asgard. 2., In AoA, after "Kid Loki" ages up in Young Avengers, when he stabs Thor with Gram in order to free him from Loki's evil future self, who has hitched a ride inside Thor as a symbiote-like parasite.
In JiM, Loki privately and very deeply mourns Thor's death. (He also does so publicly, but in a way to avoid the suspicion of Asgard that he had something to do with Thor's death. But then the Asgardians go away and he's left alone, and he cries.) He knows what needed to be done, but he has lost his brother, his protector, his friend. He loves him. He is often shown throughout JiM to care about Thor. He calls for him instinctively when something he summons turns on him. He tries to make Thor promise to kill him if he goes bad again. He names his dog after him.
In Immortal Thor, we are reminded that Thor sought out Kid Loki, Thor awoke the piece of dormant soul inside him, Thor brought him back to himself and home to Asgard. Kid Loki would never kill Thor. Unless he had to.
Likewise, in King Thor, most of the comic is Loki, armed with the Necrosword, fighting Thor. Yet even here, even influenced by the elder god of the symbiotes themself, he cannot bring himself to annihilate Thor. (Now, he certainly does a good job of trying, even when he isn't as much under All-Black's influence. He makes an effort, I'm not discounting that. I'm not saying he's pretending to kill him, but in the end there's a shift.)
At a certain point, it stops being about Thor vs. Loki and the fight of an Asgardian lifetime. At a certain point, Loki very nearly gives it up, and Thor lets him. Loki says that it's too late, but not for their bond, not for a truce between them. It's too late to end this fight, because Loki has unleashed All-Black back into the universe, and it is too powerful even on its own for Loki to contain or control.
But the important thing here is that Loki stops. He stops fighting Thor. He stops trying to kill him. And when all hope is lost, as All-Black devours them, drowning them in despair and its own viscous, all-consuming darkness, Thor reaches for Loki, and Loki reaches back.
And this is a comic. We can make assumptions based on what we know about these characters, but at the end of the day, this is a comic, a stationary form of visual storytelling. Meaning that the panel portraying this moment does not display the first reaching hand, and so we cannot truly know who reaches for whom first. The important thing is that Loki reaches, too, but he could easily have reached out first.
Therefore, if Loki can reach for his brother, for comfort and peace and a promise of tomorrow, when all hope and light is dying around him, when he's about to die himself in a universe-ending disaster of his own making, centuries and millennia into a future of antagonism and villainy and sibling rivalry played out on a cosmic scale, then why the hell would he ever truly kill Thor as an eleven-year-old?
Aside from the shock factor (for both the main Loki and the viewers), it makes absolutely no sense. And if the writers cannot even comprehend that this would never happen, not in any universe (JiM and King Thor have nothing to do with each other, yet are connected by this one truth), no matter what Loki may claim, then why should they be expected to know anything else about Loki's character?
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bubblegum-blackwood · 7 months
Persefoni's Miscellaneous Fics
in no order but (mostly) chronological
Fruit Gushers (part one of My Sweetest Rancor) - Marius/Mael, E, 4766 words. After Mael's suicide attempt in Memnoch the Devil, he and Marius hash things out once more, and thousands of years of resentment finally boils over into one glorious hate-fuck (and then another, and then another). About time!
Blood and Hot Chocolate - Marius/Daniel, G, 1745 words. Marius comes home to find that Daniel is nowhere to be seen; he finds him in an abandoned building and has to coax him out of his hiding place. After that it's just indulgent fluff <3
Oceans of Time (part one of Centuries-Old Breakdowns) - Louis/Lestat, G, 4914 words. In an AU where Claudia succeeds in killing Lestat, Louis meets a hauntingly familiar youth in San Francisco.
Last Chance - Marius/Mael, M, 2565 words. The beginning of Marius's story from The Vampire Lestat but it's more explicit that Mael totally has a crush on Marius lmao
Near You - Marius/Daniel, T, 1160 words. Daniel, coming out of a long dissociative state, finds that he's been so isolated in his madness that he's become quite touch-starved, and he uses Marius as his outlet. Adorableness ensues.
In You I Taste God - Lestat/Armand, M, 1356 words. Lestat tells Armand he loves him, and Armand doesn't believe him, so he tries to find a way to prove it. Takes place in between TVA and Merrick.
Teacher's Pet (part one of les Innocents) - Marius/Armand, Louis/Lestat(/Armand), Marius/Thorne, E, 19867 words. First-time college student Armand attends Rice University, where he becomes enamoured with a certain Dr. de Romanus.
Graduation Party (part two of les Innocents) - Marius/Armand, Louis/Lestat, T, 1857 words. Armand decides it's time to tell his friends about his relationship with Dr. Marius de Romanus
The Angry God - Avicus/Mael, M, 3700 words. After Marius flees the Sacred Grove, its Faithful turn to Mael to be their new god - or, the story of Mael's turning, as an expanded scene.
Close Enough - G, 810 words. Fighting his desire for Jesse's blood, Mael seeks out a lookalike victim to satisfy his thirst.
The Thirst - Avicus/Mael, E, 1945 words. Avicus and Mael take home a prostitute and bring her to completion one last time before killing her together.
Razorblalde Kiss - Jesse/Mael, T, 3200 words. After the fifteen years that passed between Jesse's visit to the Sonoma Compound as a mortal and her being turned into a vampire, she and Mael finally get to reunite.
Angel of Music (part three of les Innocents) - Marius/Armand/Daniel, Louis/Lestat(/Armand), Marius/Thorne, E, 27615 words. Now thirty years old, Armand, Lestat, and Louis’s careers are taking off with the growing popularity of les Innocents, and Armand meets a snappy young journalism student.
Renaissance Faire (part five of les Innocents) - Marius/Armand, Lestat/Louis, Eric/Santino, G, 2276 words. Professor Thorne and Dr. de Romanus take a group of students to the Renaissance Faire, where Armand learns what happened to Santino, and Lestat has a surprise for Louis.
The Fourth of July - Armand, Daniel, and Louis, G, 813 words. Seeking refuge from the loud fireworks set off on the Fourth of July, Daniel is met with a surprise.
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