#cerasi (star wars)
adhd-coyote · 3 months
The Melidaan ambassador was… interesting. Fox hadn’t expected him to be much different from the Senators he and his Corries had to guard. And yet Ambassador Ben Kenobi had subverted those expectations as soon as Fox had first laid eyes on him.
For starters, he didn’t dress like a politician. Instead of the bright colors and heavy layers favored by Senators, Kenobi himself seemed to prefer lighter, muted clothing that drew less attention and allowed for better maneuverability. If Fox hadn’t known any better, he would have guessed that Kenobi was a military officer, not a politician. Strange for a planet that was so determined to stay neutral that they refused to join even the Neutral Systems Alliance.
Second- he hadn’t requested an escort to Coruscant, nor did he request any guards once he arrived, despite the Chancellor himself asking him. He seemed completely unconcerned about any possibility of an attack or assassination attempt. Was it because of his neutrality? Did he believe that having a member of the GAR as a bodyguard would make it seem like he’d joined their side? Or was he simply too arrogant to think he’d need one?
But his demeanor wasn’t arrogant. Nor did it match the way he dressed. And the way he spoke- his voice was elegant, with an accent that fit right in with the Coruscanti upper class, and yet he didn’t smile like them. His smile - when aimed at the Corries - was soft and gentle. Kind.
Not many natborns were kind. Not to the Corries.
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pyromaniac4198 · 6 months
cerasi + Neild: *distract Quigon so obi can take his cyber out of his saber*
Obi wan, 2 months later: *sticks peices of shattered cyber in his hair*
Obi wan kenobi: laser eyes
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New chapter = New post
Feemor when he finds out what Obi-Wan has been up to:
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fanfic-obsessed · 2 years
Here is an idea where liberties are taken and frankly not given back. This is a world where Cerasi survived Mawat’s assination attempt. Obi Wan never went back to Jedi. Instead he continued to help rebuild Melidaan and continued to follow the Force.  Every so often the Force would send him out into the galaxy to meet other Force Sensitives, and adopt them. This is a world where Obi Wan learns to own his attachments instead of repressing them. In addition every force sensitive that was active in the outer rim is eventually drawn to at least stop on Melidaan. Light or Dark; Sith, Jedi, and everything in between. Up to and including Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious in their alter egos. No one thinks to tell the Jedi High Council.
I picture Xanatos showing up, first because of his obsession with revenge against Qui Gonn, then after hearing Obi’s story being like ‘now we are truly brothers’. He is batshit insane and cheerfully vows not to sell Obi or any of Obi’s people into salvery every time he arrives but he is a genius for creating/managing resources and Obi would do anything for his chosen people, even reluctantly spending time with the man that is at the center a good chunk of his trauma. 
Things get even weirder when Feemor is reunited with his lineage brothers. Frankly all of them need so much therapy. 
At some point they (by they I mean the Young government in combination with the various Force users that pop in and out of their lives) create a school for force sensitives on Melidaan, just called The School. It is semi secret in that knowledge of it never quite reaches general knowledge in the core worlds but not through any actions on the part of the people involved. In that time Obi-Wan discovers something interesting. While about 90% of force users can use either side of the Force without issue, the evil comes from the actions not the side of the force, the other 10% is restricted to Dark or Light with the other side being akin to an addiction.  Exclusive dark side users are less common, due to an inherent recklessness that tends to get themselves killed, but they do exist. 
Something nobody knows is that Yoda and the Master that trained him were both within that small percentage restricted to use of the Light side. He has assumed that his reaction to the dark is a commonality of all force users, not a restriction that he has. 
Of the Sith of this time, in the years before Plageus died, Palpatine is the first to find his way to their out of the way little planet. It was mostly an accident, with the force subtly guiding his fingers to put in the wrong coordinates for a hyperspace jump. Though Palpatine does fall into the 90% that can use either side, he has been using the darkside almost exclusively for decades. Users of the darkside, particularly Sith, tend to see the force more of a servant than a teacher. Thus the Force, semi sentient, has to be much more subtle when dealing with Sith. 
Palpatine is somewhat confused as he lands, for once listening to the force as it presses him forward. He had been headed for a vacation on Naboo.  At this time he is still a part of the current senator’s retinue, a few years away from being a senator himself. The people in the space port barely look at him before directing him up to The School.  It is generally assumed that any strange, unknown visitors looking vaguely confused about where they were have something to do with the Force and should be dealt with by Obi Wan. To be fair, this policy has only been wrong twice. 
Palpatine is politely, but firmly, loaded into a transport and dropped off at the school.  None of his questions were answered along the way.  He spent a bit of the ride sort of wondering if he was being abducted, why he wasn’t more concerned or angry about that fact, and rationalizing following this weird feeling in the Force to its conclusion. 
He is brought to Obi Wan’s office, as the head of the school. Obi Wan asks him if he prefers direct questions and answers or complicated politic conversation. At Palpatine’s surprised look,  Obi Wan goes on to say that they want people to be comfortable and he doesn’t have a preference.  Normally Palpatine would enjoy political back and forth but by this time his curiosity is piqued. The first question that Obi Wan asks is if Palpatine is aware of his own force sensitivity.  This serves to shock Palpatine into stillness, the only other person to clock his force sensitivity had been Plageuis many decades before. He had even managed to hide it on Coruscant from the High Council of the Jedi.  
In the silence that followed Obi wan explained about this being a school for force sensitives that felt they had nowhere else to go.  Members of the Jedi Order that had been expelled or relegated to a corp due to lack of being chosen, Knights and Shadows who felt disconnected from the Order. There were also Force sensitive that had been exiled from their own planets due to their force sensitivity, escaped slaves, and more than a few that were there because the force said they should be. Obi Wan has pamphlets, which he hands over to Palpatine. Obi Wan went on to explain that Paplatine was free to explore his sensitivity here as long as the rules were followed:
No action that would deliberately cause permanent or long lasting injury to anyone on the planet, defined as any injury that cannot be healed in 48 standard hours, be it physical, mental, emotional, or psychic. The creation of soul wounds are never permitted on the planet as they are almost always permanent. 
Unless agreed to previously, do not approach students or teachers of this school off this planet. Some may not be comfortable with their connection to The School being public knowledge.
As it is possible for members of this school to end up on different sides of a conflict, if one member recognizes another it is courtesy to ignore the other if possible. If not, then the courtesy of a quick death. 
Any technique that will change the environment or the Force on the planet toward either the Dark or the Light will only be performed only with the permission of the School Board and the Planetary government.  The only exception will be 4 specially dedicated areas:
An area on the West side of campus dedicated to the Dark
An area on the East side of campus dedicated to the Light
An area to the South that is dedicated to combining beginner to mid level Dark and Light techniques that is open to anyone.
An area to the North dedicated to combining advanced Dark and Light techniques that requires special authorization.
The use of these areas is predicated on the results of what is effectively a Force Allergy test to ensure that the being falls into the 90% that can use either side without harming themselves
All experimental techniques used on this planet that have a test subject must have a written waiver from the subject stating that they agree to the test, with full knowledge of the potential risks and no coercion to the part of the testor.  
Experimental techniques that have a greater that 75% chance of one of the following must be pre approved by the School Board and the Planetary Council:
Changes to the environment, the Flora, the Fauna, or the Force lasting more than 1 hour
A soul wound
Permanent or Long Lasting injury, as defined above. 
Acceptance of responsibility of any and all beings created or changed through the Force
Avoid Building 15, for the thing it houses is an abomination even to itself. Unless, of course you discover how to give it the release of death. Then please contact the administrator of facility management. 
All of these rules were written into a contract that was enforced by the Force itself through a humanoid conduit.  Apparently one of the Light and Dark mixed techniques that was discovered was for a Force Sensitive to tie themselves to a planet becoming an avatar of the Force on that planet. This avatar can then enforce a force based contract, and can remotely wipe the memories of breaches of contract depending on the severity. 
By the time Palpatine leaves he is not sure how he was convinced to sign the contract but he is glad he did. He is also mentally revising all of his empire plans to make sure this planet, which he finally determines is Melidaan, is protected at all costs and is now central to the reconditioning of initiates and padawans of the Jedi when the time comes.  He will later bring Plagueis to the school as well, with similar results. Though they do continue their more objectionable experiments, they are kept carefully off Melidaan.
For a decade this continues. Light and Dark agree that Obi Wan, and through him his new people, are precious and should be protected at all costs.  Just before TPM starts Obi is drawn to Tattoine, into the slave quarters. He is not a stranger to this planet or nearly any planet on the outer rim but he has never been to this outpost, these slave quarters before.  The Force ensures that he meets Shmi and Anakin two week before the Naboo delegation lands. The Force, so much clearer after a decade of being listened to, whispers that this boy is to be a younger brother and student to him but not yet. They must wait.  He is just as eloquent in this life and explains the Force and his feelings to Shmi, backed by Anakin. 
When Qui Gon Jinn arrives two weeks later Obi Wan is introduced as Ben, a friend of the family. Jinn does not recognize Ben as the student he once left behind. In fact he does not ever realize that he and Anakin are not the only Force Sensitives in the room. Anakin is a bit worried because the Force is saying that he needs to go with the Jedi, but he also wants to go with Obi Wan. Obi wan tells him quietly that just because the Force says go with the Jedi, it doesn't mean he will have to stay with the Jedi forever. 
There is no attack from Maul, as he is intercepted by Obi Wan. The two have a brief chat about what brought Maul to the planet. No one who knows him questions Obi Wan showing up in strange places. Maul is there to find an unfortunate being that had managed to steal from one of Maul’s Master’s smaller holdings. They hadn’t gotten away with much, but had taken a small statuette that he had been planning to donate to Obi Wan’s school for study. 
After the Naboo delegation, Jinn, and Anakin leave the planet, Obi Wan and Maul trek back to Mos Espa.  They find the Ill fated thief, whom Maul sticks in a prison cell on his ship, retrieves the stolen artifact, as well as enough money to buy Shmi Skywalker’s freedom. They do the latter and Maul drops Shimi and Obi Wan back off on Melidaan, where Obi Wan announces that Shimi is the mother of their newest kin to Nield, Cerasi, and a visiting Xanatos. 
Everyone just kind of rolls their eyes and goes back to what they were doing, baring Xanatos.  This was far from the first time that Obi Wan had adopted someone, or increased their family abruptly. The darksider wanders over and begins to flirt, heavily, with Shmi. 
Side Note: I picture Shmi to be about early 40’s at the time of TPM.  If Xanatos had lived he would have been 37, so it could have worked. 
Obi Wan assures Shmi that Xanatos wouldn’t hurt her and would stop if she wanted him to. Thus assured she starts to flirt back, is slightly awkwardly because social norms for a slave are very different from that of freepeople.  
Obi wan announces he is going to their new brother and leaves, going back to Coruscant for the first time since he arrived at Melida/Daan.  He arrives as Qui Gon Jinn is proclaiming his intention to take Anakin as a Padawan. The entire council is surprised when a redhead in his twenties just wanders into one of the most secure chambers in the temple, and not through the front door. In reality every Jedi learns as an initiate how to sneak around in the temple, even into the council chamber. It was a bit of a rite of passage to prank the council chamber at least once when in the Creche. Obi Wan certainly remembers.
None of the Jedi in the room recognize him.
So Obi Wan appears, looking amused and like he had just happened to wander into these highly protected chambers that even other Jedi don’t always have access to. The High Council of the Jedi are looking at each other like ‘Da fuq?’ Anakin lights up and runs to hug Obi Wan, calling him Ben. Jinn peers at Obi Wan, having only barely realized he was actually a person when they met in Shmi’s home, whom he doesn’t recognize. 
Side Note: I sort of head cannon Jinn, when separated from his mountain of trauma and trauma responses, is almost an oblivious scientist type, think Wayne Szalinski from ‘Honey, I Shrunk the Kids’. In his element he is a prodigy, but he also would wander around only partially dressed because he had an idea, or in Qui Gon’s case he was distracted by something to do with the Living Force. Still an asshole, but mostly out of obliviousness or his pile of trauma rather than maliciousness.  
The council tries to find out who Obi Wan is or how he got there but he is enigmatic. He just says he is here to pick up his kin, Anakin, if it was time. He directs this as a question toward Anakin, ignoring the council. Anakin gets thoughtful and says that the Force says it is not time yet, but that Ben could come with them until it is.  Obi Wan nods but continues to dodge any attempt to get more information out of him about who he is, making pithy comments. 
Just before the tension this is causing could erupt, the large doors of the council chamber slam open, startling everyone. Quinlan Vos, dragging Bant Eerin, bursts into the room at speed. As soon as they cross the threshold he drops Bant’s hand and practically jumps on Obi Wan with a loud cry of “OBI”. Bant looked at them like she couldn’t believe that he was here. Quinn had been to Melidaan, as had most of the Shadows. In fact, of Obi Wan’s temple friends, it is Bant who he has not had a chance to speak to in person in a decade. She is Temple Bound as a healer.  
Obi Wan grumbles fondly about how Quinn gave his identity away. He had at least four more pointed answers, designed to make Qui Gon Jinn burst a blood vessel. Why yes, Obi Wan is slightly bitter about the whole abandoned in a war zone, why do you ask?
It isn’t until Bant sobs Obi Wan’s name that anyone realizes who is standing in the chamber. Qui Gon get even more agitated seeing the padawan he abandoned being clung to by the shiny new prophecy child he found.
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sp1d3rpu7k · 3 months
What ultimately gets me every time about Star Wars(including the Star Wars Jedi Apprentice series) is how much Obi-Wan suffered throughout it all, as well as his destiny of infinite sadness. From before he had even become a man, he was fighting for the light and for good and it backfired in every instance. He worked hard as an initiate to find a master to take him on, but was ultimately unsuccessful until Bandomeer where Qui-Gon finally decided to take him. He did his best to be a good padawan and still follow the will of the force, especially once Melida/Daan happened and he chose to stay with the Young to help them fight. He still ended up leaving the order and breaking his bond with Qui-Gon to stay and help the Young. But Cerasi still ended up dead anyway and so he went back to the Jedi. We also know that Obi-Wan had a mission on Mandalore when he was still a padawan, where he was assigned to protect Duchess Satine Kryze, and where he consequently fell in love with her. Obi-Wan himself confirmed that he would have left the order(again) and chosen to stay with Satine if she had only asked him, but she never did. Obi-Wan wasn’t allowed that happiness or love. Then later Obi-Wan has to watch Satine be murdered by Maul right in front of him as he is helpless. He had to watch as Qui-Gon freed Anakin from slavery and decided to take Anakin on and thrust Obi-Wan into the knighting trials when he was clearly not ready. Obi-Wan had to watch as Qui-Gon dropped dead from Maul’s killing strike while protecting him and Anakin that same week. Obi-Wan had to promise to Qui-Gon to train Anakin, a challenge that Obi-Wan was in no way prepared or ready for as a freshly padawan-turned-knight. Obi-Wan had to suffer through slavery on Zygerria with Rex, an experience where he became severely injured and suffered immensely from both his physical injuries and the mental and emotional injuries of witnessing the other slaves hurting too. How about the Rako Hardeen mission? Obi-Wan had to do what the council(and the chancellor) asked and follow through with the mission, changing himself bodily and suffering mentally in the process. Obi-Wan was harassed over the mission and the fact that he did not inform people of the mission prior. Yet he was only doing what he had to- an undercover mission where the details HAD to be classified. How about Anakin’s betrayal? Obi-Wan had to watch as the boy he RAISED and loved like his own son or younger brother fell. Watched him turn so dark that he had to put him down. Obi-Wan had to force himself to do what needed to be done to keep Anakin from taking any further harmful and murderous actions. Obi-Wan had to deal with the fallout of his SON falling hard to the point where he slaughtered the jedi younglings in cold blood and turned away from everything Obi-Wan had taught him. Obi-Wan had to help Padme through her pregnancy and then urgently rush to find them good homes where they can be raised safely away from their father. Obi-Wan had to suffer through Order 66 and watching his men that he cared deeply for turn on him. Obi-Wan had to witness the chaos of Jedi masters and knights and padawans dropping one after the other from the betrayal of the clones(since the Jedi did not know of the inhibitor chips at the time- making it even more heartbreaking for them). Obi-Wan had to exile himself on Tatooine after everything that had gone down, withering away in both appearance and spirit. And then, he had to die, die by being killed by his own ex-padawan- his son.
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shootingstarpilot · 9 months
hi!!! can I just ask which star wars books you've read? which ones are your favorite?
Oh gosh. Okay. Confession time.
I have never actually read any of the Star Wars books.
Yes, I KNOW that a significant part of my series draws on the Jedi Apprentice books- all of that is from fandom osmosis. I've never actually managed to get my hands on a copy. My characterizations of Cerasi and Nield are basically built from scratch and the fragments of plot I scrounged off Wookieepedia.
Also, I tend to approach Legends with some wariness- I want to read some of the books! I do! But I feel like there's a lot of material that is either explicitly or implicitly anti-Jedi, and I... don't want to bother with that.
So I'm gonna turn the question around- what are y'all's favorite Star Wars books? Anyone have any recommendations and/or authors or books to avoid?
(I do want to get my hands on Shatterpoint eventually- Mace Windu, my beloved.)
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Okay, I'm compiling fics in one place, because I know my memory and I will forget shit and end up on a three-hour search for things again and it's just... Lost fics will also be here for when I find them.
Note: these summaries are actually the little pieces that I remember them by, so... not terribly accurate. Be warned.
The one with Argicorps member Obi and the potato sprouts: Put your empty hands in mine by K_R_Closson.
The one with Jango meeting Obi during Melida/Daan and being the one that brings him into the Mandalorian world: Stewjoni Traits. by TessaVance.
The one where Cody and Senator Obi end up together and meet Nield and Cerasi from MeliDaan: A Heart's Revolution by thevalesofanduin.
The one where female Obi gets married to Jango after their both held captive and she hides things in her hair: The Mandalorian Entanglement by InvisibleSilence.
The one where there's bird people and Fem!Obi attracts the attention of the queen: The Path of Rain by sirladyknight.
The one where Stewjon people leave unwanted children at the edge of a forest:
The one with an SI/OC that goes 'Nope!' every time they see Krell: An Ocean of Paths and Links by Maginary.
The one where Obi was married to Jango, ran away but was brought back years later with Anakin: The Dragon King by Shelaar (JonathanAnubian).
The one with the flowers: The Brute Divine by catboydogma.
The one where Obi is a medic and still falls in love with Cody: We’ll Meet Again by little_dumpling.
The three with Jango and courting via knife sheath: Kal'Koora by MusicSoul1982. Sheath and Dagger by Llamaal. Mandalorian Courtship by Lyricalvillain.
The one where Galidraan goes differently and a Jedi helps Mandos find Jango in a spice freighter/The one where Jedi help a group of Mando children stuck in comas: Defying Expectations by Thunder_and_Tea.
The one where the clones get mass adopted by Mandalorians: You Could Be My Luck (Safe and Sound) by SkybreakPrime.
That one with Mandalorian Obi kicking ass and taking names with a pet strill: Strangers Like Me by K_R_Closson.
The one where time-traveling Obi calls Jaster to help with Melid/Daan: Who you are today (is not who you have to be tomorrow) by wildimaginingsofhalfbakedideas
The one where Krell was captured on Umbara and put in a cell for wanting to be a Sith: Just this once, captain, everyone lives.
The one with the Kasava fruit: patron saint by spqr.
The one where Jaster shows up in the halls of healing to see padawan Obi/The one where Obi saves Depa from a holocron: The Star (-17) by handdrawnisopach.
The one where Obi becomes padawan to a wookie and there's a holocron of his father: No Absolutes by Eff_Dragonkiller.
The one with the doors depicting battles: Unintended Consequences by sparkly_seagull. and The Slave's Gambit by bgyeetusthefetus.
Fics about Jedi braids and beads:
Where Obi gets beads from everyone who loves him: You Are Wanted Obi-Wan Kenobi by Allwalkfree
Where he's adopted into a family of librarians: The Librarian’s Padawan by Mithril_and_Acorns (Feemor!!!)
With the Beskar bread from Feemor: Of Crechemasters and Archivists and Outtakes by Mithril_and_Acorns
Defying Expectations has a part about beads too.
Guard Feemor fics: list
The one where fem!Obi-Wan goes back all sneaky like to a compound where she was held prisoner: Ner Mesh'la Cyar'ika by wearethewitches.
The one where Jaster goes 'I have your kid- oh, wait, no! fuck! I meant we found your baby Jedi!': Buir by SkybreakPrime.
The one with time traveling Obi painting his beskar 212 gold/orange: (and now I lay myself down) and hope I wake up young again by cjwritesfanficnow
The one with the fanfic writing clone: Clone Company Companion by therehavebeenworsenames.
The AU with the unintentional Jedi shrine and safe place: they're neutral by deniigiq.
The one where Obi-Wan adopts all the clones. It's Buir Obi-Wan: He Let the Bounty Hunter Go by Lemonsunset
The one with post-war clone happiness/establishing their lives: Post here.
The one where Obi-wan and Jaster steal Bacta Robin Hood-style, making it more affordable by printing the code to make it across the internet: The Gift by handdrawnisopach, SniperAnon (The_Big_Reveal).
That one with the cave in where Obi-Wan rescued padawans from the corps: To Be Free Once More (That's Worth Fighting For) by Batsutousai
That fic where Obi-Wan, Quinlan and Bruck get trapped in a mediation with Sifo-Dyas before Obi-Wan brings them out: The Temple by me_again.
The one where Young Obi-Wan is sold to a spice frieghter instead of the deep sea mines, meets Jango there and they become family: Mand'alor bal Kaysh Vod'ika (The Mand'alor and His Brother) by sometimes_i_right
The one where young Obi-wan and Quinlan have a force bond, and can feel baby Maul through the force, and call him 'brother in the dark': The Temple by me_again.
That one with dualsex Obi, who was previously with Quinlan who wasn't attracted to his 'feminine parts': When You Say Nothing, You Miss the Understanding by MusicSoul1982
When Plo Koon has both the knife and gift in his hands (metaphorically): A Mandalorian Guide on How To Save the Jedi in Just Three Easy Steps by miyaji_08
The one with the mouse droids who go after ankles: Mando'jekai jedi by Anonymous.
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year
Took a weekend break. ROTS comic adaptation reading part 2 (no one asked for this but I like sharing my thoughts with the 2 people who read them). This one's shorter bc it's just stuff from issue 4
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Jumping straight to the Mustafar battle I don't think he does this? It is an ep I Obi-Wan thing to do however. He should jump thank you
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Oh my god they are👌 I'm going to squeeze them
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This is so???? I do not like the changes idc if they're from the original script. "...But I won't help you."?? It feels very weird idk
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OK ignore depressed Yoda but does whoever wrote this not know how pregnancy works? Ofc she's still gonna appear pregnant isn't that just how it works? Like as far as I know there's no need to make it appear so, I guess there is a difference but the belly doesn't simply disappear after birth, right? A woman will probably look pregnant if she dies after giving birth, would she not? Yoda wtf
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CRIMINAL to take away the Padmé funeral scene. It has so much meaning and works so well with the Vader scene what was the reason
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Beautiful moment but to be completely honest Bail and Leia's eyes kinda ruin it. Terrifying baby.
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Very funny to me how the artist clearly references most of the scenes after ROTS but for Beru & Owen he decided to make them look like their ANH selves for no apparent reason. Did you not like Beru's Prequels haircut. Why. Also why are Owen and the Eopie (Akkani if you ask the OWK show but then again do you) in frame? Owen I get even if he isn't there in the movie but Akkani. Girly. Give them space.
Good comic overall because it's just a ROTS adaptation. It doesn't add too much but removes too much and it doesn't give the story anything it didn't have before except Quinlan Vos blowing up. Pretty meh as a comic, no real reason for its existence but then again Quinlan blowing up was pretty funny. 2.5/5. It's ROTS but underwhelming with some funny faces (and Quinlan blowing up).
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith #4 Original story & screenplay by George Lucas, script by Christopher Cerasi (originally published under the pseudonym Miles Lane), art by Dough Wheatly
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There's Darkness in the Distance
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Chapters: 1/3
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Jedi Apprentice Series - Jude Watson & Dave Wolverton
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos, Cerasi & Obi-Wan Kenobi & Nield, Tholme & Quinlan Vos, Dooku & Obi-Wan Kenobi
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Quinlan Vos, Dooku (Star Wars), Nield (Star Wars), Cerasi (Star Wars), Tholme (Star Wars), Original Female Character(s), Feemor (Star Wars), Vokara Che, Yaddle (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Character Death, Force Ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi, those two tags really just explain the whole fic, Planet Melida | Daan (Star Wars), Post-Melida | Daan Civil War (Star Wars), Member of the Young of Melida | Daan Obi-Wan Kenobi, Melida | Daan Civil War Happens Differently (Star Wars), Cerasi Lives (Star Wars), Jedi Culture & Customs (Star Wars), Jedi as Found Family (Star Wars), Grief/Mourning, Child Soldiers, Qui-Gon Jinn Bashing, Fix-It
Series: Part 1 of The Light of Day
When Obi-Wan Kenobi dies on Melida-Daan, he is satisfied with the peace won for the Young.
But the Force was far from satisfied.
And Obi-Wan may not have been a Jedi any longer, but he was always a child of the Force.
See below for my casting choices:
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martianloon · 2 years
Fic Recs!
Stain of Sun by Lilla_Torg | Rated: M | 78.3 k words | Complete
Omega brothers Porsche (hacker) and Chay (grifter) team up to take down the Theerapanyakul crime family. Things do not go as planned.
That's My Family by Lori0 | Series | Rated: T | 3 works | 12.2 k words | In progress
Series of stories where Kim met the Kittisawats a lot sooner than in canon and was subsequently adopted.
broken isn't the same as unfixable by viiidispade | Rated: T | 23.3 k words
“But Daddy –”
“Daddy would change your name himself before he let it define you. You will never be a disappointment to him, because you’re Morgan. You’re you. Got it?”
She just stares at him for a long time, tearful and unblinking.
“Can we have juice pops?”
in which peter parker goes on a field trip, morgan stark tries her hand at classical conditioning - because her big brother should really be calling their dad "dad" - and we get the far from home end credit scene we all deserve.
(aka: a field trip fic that started cute, got sad, and gets cute and happy again♡)
The Sandman
A Husband, A Consort, A Nightmare by Aria_Lerendeair | Rated: M | 9.4 k words | Complete
Years ago, long before they were together, long before he became King Consort of the Dreaming, Hob Gadling made his friend, Dream of the Endless a promise. In the event that Dream was ever captured again, Hob would stop at nothing, no matter who got in his way, to get Dream back.
Then the day comes for him to keep that promise.
Hob doesn't hesitate.
Star Wars
Stars and Oceans by Celaestis | Rated: E | 107.7 k words | Complete
Part 1 of Stars and Oceans
Obi-Wan says his mind feels like the ocean on a calm day. In Cody's eyes she's a creature of pure starlight.
back then, i was dauntless by Night_Fury | Rated: T | 26.7 k words
Part 1 of shoulder the sky
In one world, Ben is on a raid when the hospital is bombed. Forty-three die.
In this one, Cerasi leads the raid instead, and Ben is only a block away when he hears the bomber's engines.
How the kindness of Obi-Wan Kenobi saves the galaxy.
The first five chapters of this fic deal with Obi-Wan's time with the Young as a General and how he leaves, and the last four explore explore Obi-Wan's return and the reaction of the 212th to learning a bit more about their General's past.
Word of Honor
Spare Me by staringatstars | Rated: T | 156.8 k words | Complete
Wen Kexing knows Zhou Zishu. He is not known, in turn, but that has never stopped him before.
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ravenlilyrose · 3 years
So, I had another Idea.
In a universe where the whole Melida/Daan incident ended differently (partly because it has been ages since I read the book and can’t remember the exact events and partly because I like Cerasi so she gets to live) Obi-Wan still left right after they won and the government got set up mostly without him. (Not for a lack of Cerasi and Nield trying to convince him to stay, though. They tried their best, but Obi still felt like he had to/was supposed to go back to the Jedi.)
So for the last twenty years or so, Cerasi and Nield have been ruling Melidaan. Sort of. It’s not a typical government and they are more like community leaders than planetary rulers. They really never asked for the responsibility or a planet. And while they’ve discovered they’re not actually all that bad at it, they’ve never really come to like it either.
But what’s interesting is that they call themselves a triarchy (or something like that. I might be making up words here) and there’s always a chair left open for ‘The Absent Third.’ (I forgot to mention this, but Melidaan has its own language now because I’m a language nerd and don’t love how everyone in Star Wars who looks vaguely human speaks one of about three languages. So they’ve got a language now. And ‘the absent third’ is actually more poetic and a single word in that language. Because I said so.)
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Obi-Wan is the third and if he were ever to make any kind of indication that he wanted to come back, they have a group ready and waiting to either be his getaway drivers or politely kidnap him from whoever is keeping him away from them. The team is made up of the little kids who latched onto him in the sewers and began to hero worship him. They’re all in their mid-twenties now, but that just means they’ll be more effective.
Anyway, at some point during the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and the 212th end up on Melidaan. And negotiations get weird. Because the Jedi didn’t realize they were sending a Negotiator who had a seat on the government of the planet he was being sent to negotiate with. (They never would have sent Dooku to negotiate with Serenno while he was still a Jedi.) And no one listened to Obi-Wan when he said this might not be the best idea.
It gets more complicated from there, but my brain isn’t taking me any further right now.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
The Way to a Boy's Heart is Through Violent Defensive Measures
Read on AO3
My last entry for @anakin-rarepairs-week! A bit late, but it's 7k so hopefully that makes up for it.
It's Rexwalker, arranged marriage, royalty AU. POV cycles through Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Rex. We are featuring the forbidden flavor of blorbo: Early AotC whiny teen Anakin
“I just don’t see why it has to be me.”
Obi-Wan counts to ten. He breathes deeply. “Ahsoka’s too young, and I’m already married.”
“Isn’t technically in the line.”
“Would ruin his own marriage for the fun of it.”
“Is not breaking off her own carefully-negotiated engagement for you.”
“Is still institutionalized.”
Anakin crosses his arms and huffs, glaring out the window at passing hyperspace. “Okay, but we already have a connection to Mandalore.”
“One that hasn’t been renewed in the past century,” Obi-Wan reminds him, ignoring the very, very not-valid way that it sort of was, because that argument isn’t going to help anyone. “We’ve been over this a million times Anakin.”
His little brother, as is his habit, rolls his eyes and sprawls. “I don’t want to get married. I want to go out and fall in love and then do that.”
“Well, we’re royalty,” Obi-Wan reminds him, without adding ‘unfortunately’ to the end. “If you wanted to out, you should have disowned yourself like Uncle Rael.”
“Xanatos and Komari both tried that and it didn’t stick.”
“Yes, well, one out of three isn’t a terrible success rate, given the context.”
Anakin is quiet for about five seconds.
“Okay, but why—”
Obi-Wan throws a cushion at him.
When Obi-Wan was fourteen, he had an adventure. That adventure had been unintended by everyone except himself, and had resulted in a number of people near-shaking him with the effort to impress upon him the very delicate nature of politics and his own safety.
Obi-Wan had befriended two youngsters on the planet of Melida-Daan, and had helped them resolve a war that had lasted generations. He was very proud of this. He was somewhat less proud at a solution the adults had hammered out after it was over. The adults saw Obi-Wan fretting about leaving without ensuring everything was fine, because there were so many children still without food, so few teenagers that knew how to farm or fish or fire up an oven, only fire up a gun. The adults decided, without consulting him, on a solution to allow their planet’s continued involvement in the affairs of The Young.
Cerasi was a leader of these people, yes? And, with two leaders, one could be spared? Good!
This was how Obi-Wan had ended up engaged, at fourteen, to a girl he’d only known a few weeks.
Their marriage has endured, even if their feelings have long since grown past what they were. They’d been children, and first loves were an important thing, but perhaps not something to base the rest of their lives off of.
Cerasi is Obi-Wan’s dearest friend, but they have been allowing each other a variety of sexual discretions since they were in their early twenties.
One of said discretions resulted in Korkarius Kryze, and that, Obi-Wan knows, is the main reason Anakin is angry at his own sacrifice to a marriage in the name of treaty with Mandalore. If Obi-Wan had only been allowed polygamy, this would have been handled ten years ago.
He wasn’t. It couldn’t. Divorce was, for a mess of reasons relating to Mandalore’s requirements of a marriage treaty, not a solution.
And so, here they were, on the way to marry Anakin off to a virtual stranger for the sake of politics.
Anakin stays back, arms crossed and well aware that he is being huffy, thank you, watching as Obi-Wan and Cerasi greet the Duchess and her ‘nephew.’ There are a lot of lingering touches and yearning gazes going on. Korkie looks as though he’d like to run away just to make it stop. Cerasi looks about ready to join him.
“Still bitter?”
Anakin elbows his sister-niece-whatever. She elbows back. He wonders if he can get away with dragging her into a headlock in public.
They are on Mandalore…
It’s too late. Korkie’s spotted them. He jogs over, grinning at Ahsoka. “Sister!”
Ahsoka rolls her eyes, but accepts the hug. “We are just throwing subtlety out the window, huh?”
“Excited?” Korkie asks, ignoring her in favor of Anakin. “Or at least, not fuming?”
“I wish it wasn’t happening,” Anakin says immediately. “I wanna get married for love, not politics.”
Korkie blinks at him. “Okay, you do know you’re a prince, right?”
“As people keep reminding me.”
“Ah, the joys of being actually related by blood,” Ahsoka snickers, and ducks forward to slip her arm through Korkie’s. Anakin squawks with betrayal.
“Have fun meeting your fiancé!” Ahsoka calls over her shoulder, “I’m going to go cause trouble with my definitely-not-related friend!”
Anakin leans back against the ship and resigns himself to waiting. It’s his wedding, arranged or not. Shouldn’t people be paying attention to him?
Cerasi’s wandered off. Anakin doesn’t know where. He doesn’t care. She can do what he wants, since apparently she’s not going to hang out with him. Why did they have to disembark before everyone else? It’s not like it was that important for Obi-Wan and Satine to be weird about each other in public.
“You’re moping.”
Anakin does not scream as he jumps away, thank you very much. He coughs, maybe. He definitely glares at his sister-in-law.
“I thought you left.”
“Oh no,” Cerasi says, amused as anything. “I know better than to leave a moping Skywalker alone. I’ve known you since the day your mother showed up at the door with you.”
“Yeah, and?”
She rolls her eyes. “And I know that if I leave you alone, you’ll work yourself into a strop that Xanatos would be proud of.”
“I would not!”
“You would,” she says, putting a hand on his shoulder and steering him away from the ship and towards the Mand’alor’s compound. “Come on. Let’s go greet your husband-to-be.”
“But Obi-Wan—”
“Will catch up,” Cerasi assures him. “Let’s move.”
Anakin is technically not the heir to his throne, but only barely. It’s a complicated situation, because everyone kept adopting or having illegitimate children with inconvenient people, but technically, Ahsoka is heir, because Obi-Wan got crowned king when Anakin was nine, when Dad died. Xanatos had been removed from succession because of the murder attempts, and Feemor was… Anakin still didn’t get it, which was a problem since he was supposed to know these things, but whatever. Fee was a former ward and not a prince and, for reasons beyond Anakin, this was a problem.
Cerasi had never wanted to get pregnant. Obi-Wan had people coming after his head, now that he was king, for only having an illegitimate heir that was by all rights going to inherit the civil leadership position of his mother, rather than being legitimized to Obi-Wan’s line for the crown.
And so, Obi-Wan and Cerasi had adopted Ahsoka.
(Some people had been very annoyed that they’d adopted outside the species, but they always found their speeders mysteriously blowing up in the night.)
(How strange.)
(Cerasi slipped Anakin extra sweets, those nights.)
Anakin calls Ahsoka his sister. Ahsoka calls him her brother. She also refers to Obi-Wan as her father, and then Obi-Wan calls Anakin his brother, and then everyone gets very confused until someone takes pity and explains that it’s just the inconvenience of very large sibling age gaps.
That person is usually Cerasi, because Obi-Wan feeds on other’s discomfort and Anakin self-identifies as a hellion.
(Continue on AO3)
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fwakes31 · 2 years
So who’s it gonna be in the Kenobi series then? 
Kenobi's track record of people dying in his arms (legends and cannon)
Cerasi - shot by a sniper in front of him
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Siri Tachi - fatally injured, Obi-Wan tried to help but Siri stopped him knowing it was too late
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Qui-Gon Jinn
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Zam Wesell
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Master Fay 
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Satine Kryze
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Asajj Ventris 
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Only a week to go!!!😬
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Merge the Timestream AU.
This came about because the amazing @bitter-chocolate-stars muse for the AU idea Merging the TimeStream flew out and bit me.  I would highly recommend reading it first, because it is awesome and I could not do it justice.
Now onto the madness. 
It is a mission to a Force Temple, old enough that no one knows which side of the Force it was for (or if it was for a specific side).  There were rumors that there was an ancient artifact that could change the tides of the War, so The 212th and the 501st were dispatched to get it before the Separatists. 
Five people went into the final chamber to search(There was a description of the artifact in the temple. Only four words had been able to be translated-Past, Present, Future, and Knowledge): Obi Wan Kenobi, Anaking Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Commander Cody, and Captain Rex.  
It was these five people who were caught by the artifact.  Each of these five were split into three. The present version of themselves, a future version, and a past version. 
I bet you all can see where this is going. 
Obi Wan’s past version is from Melida/Daan, two days before Cerasi died. The future is Old Ben, coming directly from his own beheading on the Death Star. 
Anakin’s past is nine year old Anakin, hours before he would meet Qui Gon Jinn and Padme Amidala for the first time.  The future is Vader (I hope none of you are surprised), a month after he cut off Luke’s hand, and just after he fully realized that it meant his and Padme’s child had always lived.  
Ahsoka’s past is three years old, just Found by Plo Koon. Her future is Rebels Era Ahsoka, aka Fulcrum, before she found out that Vader was Anakin.  
Rex’s past was a physically four year old cadet, the only survivor of his batch (who were decommissioned because of their blonde hair mutation-Rex’s scores were so high that he was kept). The future is Old Rex, post Empire (I always headcanon that Rex survives to see the end of the Empire because of spite).
Cody’s past is ARC Trainer Cody, after the war had started but before he was assigned to be Obi Wan’s commander. His future had just deserted the Empire and doesn’t even know about the chips yet. 
Frankly it likely would have been better if one or more of those people had arrived unconscious. Alas this was not to be. 
Upon arriving, Little Ahsoka immediately started crying to the visible concern of both Cadet Rex and Child Anakin (both were concerned about punishment at the noise). Before anyone could even think to do anything, Vader pointed a dramatic finger at Old Ben and went ‘You’ and followed up with ‘Why didn’t you tell me my son lived?’
Old Ben caulked his head, ‘Even leaving aside I thought I had left you for dead for a decade, Darth, why would I trust you with your children after the march on the temple?’
Now Darth Vader rocked back on his heels, “Children?” and then a moment later “Leia Organa”
Old Ben sighed deeply, ‘Surely we can both agree that the fact you tortured your daughter does prove me right to keep them from you.’
‘I cut off Luke’s hand too’ Vader said absently
Old Ben just buried his face in his hands.
Now all of this was with the background tune of little Ahsoka still crying.  Former padawan Obi Wan is the one who reaches her first, and picks her up, smoothly herding Cadet Rex and Child Anakin behind him, away from the adults in the room.  Former Padawan Obi Wan is radiating a vicious, desperate protectiveness. 
The movement caused Old Ben to look away from Vader at the rest of the room. His brow furrows. He looks back at Vader, “Do you remember this?”
Vader’s black mask turns to take in the rest of the room, his breath rasps somehow louder than the crying Ahsoka. At last he says ‘I do not’.
Post Empire Rex snorts and says, with an unimpressed deadpan ‘It is probably Force Shit’. 
It takes another half hour to get any kind of semblance of calm and start to piece together what is going on. In spite of the fact that neither Old Ben, nor Vader want to admit who they are (for different reasons), no one in the room is actually stupid. 
There is a moment when Rex is obligated to give Old Ben shit for the fact that he told Luke that Vader killed Anakin Skywalker, to which Ben responds ‘I was just passing on what he’ points at Vader, ‘told me’.
At another moment Fulcrum throws up her hands and shoes at Old Ben ‘I thought you were dead, again. Why didn’t you tell me you survived.’ Old Ben blinks at her, ‘Leaving aside I also thought you were dead, my dear, for the last decade I have had the single highest bounty in the empire’ Old Ben looks to Vader, who nods solemnly after a moment, ‘I would have thought that would be telling.’ Fulcrum actually pouts and mutters, ‘I thought that was a plan by the Rebellion to draw Vader’s attention.’
There is just…so much trauma in this room. Like it is possible that this group has the highest concentration of trauma in the entire galaxy. 
Deserter Cody appears to be having multiple concurrent panic attacks, his face swinging between Old Ben and General Obi Wan almost constantly. Between the residual guilt of having his general shot at, the horror of the long held belief that Cody had caused Obi Wan’s death, the combination of relief and horror at the news of the chip in his head, the combination of relief and confusion at Old Ben (who is proof that Obi Wan Kenobi did not die on Utapau), the confusion of being confronted with two other versions of himself all culminates in the fact that Deserter Cody is going through some things. 
ARC Trainer Cody is going through less, mainly horror at the chips. He is also very much a shiny as far as his reactions to the Jedi are concerned.  He is confused at being transported from Kamino, and does not know if he was transported to the future or they were tanspote to the past.  Frankly by all measures ARC trainer Cody is one of the most stable people in the room. 
Current Cody is sure that his younger self should not meet any members of Ghost Company on the basis that he would never live it down. He is also facing the horror of the chips, confusion at the triplicatation that is going on. His horror is that much deeper than his younger self because he knows and cares for Obi Wan (Light CodyWan for the win).  He is also quite worried for his older self. 
Melida/Daan Obi Wan is still not sure if he is willing to let any of the adults in the room near the other children. He is also doing slightly better with the fact that he grows up to be a general then the fact that he went back to the Jedi. He is also very much a child soldier with all the trauma therein.
Old Ben is not sure if this would be his heaven or his hell. On the one hand he could feel in the Force that he was before Order 66, all the lives he had felt snuff out were alive and well.  On the other hand, there were three Anakins in the room, at least one of which hated him. Also he thought getting beheaded would get him out of dealing with more Skywalker BS.  
General Obi Wan Kenobi is more than a little horrified. His connection to the Unified Force means that he is perceiving echoes of Order 66 through the future counterparts AND the variety of trauma that exists in the younger counterparts simultaneously. In addition, both his younger self and Anakin’s younger self are each triggering unresolved trauma.  
Padawan Commander Ahsoka Tano is staring at her older self in awe, when she was not staring at Vader in horror. She has also been herded to one corner of the room by Former Padawan Obi Wan, despite the fact that she is 16 to his 14. 
Fulcrum makes the decision that she CANNOT deal with the Vader/Anakin revelation at this point and is blocking it out. Instead she is staring at Old Ben. And glancing at her younger self, wondering how much being Anakin’s padawan had damaged her view of the Order. 
Little Ahsoka has calmed, now that she was securely held by a warmer than average Cadet Rex. 
Post Empire Rex is so, so done. This was supposed to be retirement. Being dragged back to the clone wars is not retirement. It was nice to see Fulcrum again though.
Cadet Rex is the definition of stress. He is not sure what test is going on, nor who these new trainers were but he would not fail. 
Captain Rex is not sure what to do with the proof that he would survive the war.  Nor the fate of his general as he stares at the tall black clad being. 
Darth Vader, in addition to all the issues he always carries, is looking at his younger self covetously. Had he had a way he would have tried to possess his younger self, who has everything he wants. At the same time he wants to sit this younger version down and tell him exactly how to avoid everything that Vader is (It should be noted that Vader has no idea how to avoid all that Vader is). He is also boiling angry at every version of Obi Wan, though distantly looks at the little angry version and wonders if this was a way to get his brother back.  The knowledge of Luke’s survival is drawing him back toward the single selfless thing he has done in decades, but he is still very much a Sith. 
Child Anakin is deeply confused and frankly ecstatic that he hasn’t blown up yet. It is very clear they are not on Tatooine and nowhere near Watto. He is also not impressed that he somehow escaped slavery only to become enslaved again (in his perception Vader is also chip controlled and thus enslaved).
General Anakin Skywalker is freaked out by Vader, who is radiating a weird greed at him, and also by the implications of everything the future people have said. He is also heartbroken over Palpatine being evil (even Vader agrees, in his own way, that Palpatine is evil). Everything strikes deep enough that Anakin actually decided he needed a therapist (There is something about the casual way that Vader talks about torturing Anakin and Padme’s children that cements that decision).
It turns out that the Artifact is the entire temple, so removing it is not feasible. 
Like in the original idea, I am not sure if the past and future versions find themselves eventually returning to their own times, or if they are stuck in the present. Though there is something that is amusing about the Jedi now having to deal with three of each of these five people, one of which is a Sith. Particularly since Vader both wants to kill them all and wants to protect them all (to prevent Anakin’s Fall).
It does change so many things though.
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sirikenobi12 · 3 years
Star Wars Fan Cast time: Padawan Obi-Wan's "Valentine" edition!
Satine Kryze: Julia Garner
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Siri Tachi: Elle Fanning
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Taria Damsin: Emma Dumont
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Cerasi: Helena Zengel
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This is a bad ass group of ladies, you have to admit Obi-Wan has good taste!
Who would you cast??
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padawanmax · 3 years
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So I was re-reading the Han Solo trilogy last week and was suddenly reminded that Bria Tharen is, in fact, a redhead. At which point I realized that there are a lot of redheads in Star Wars. Struck by inspiration, I decide to draw all the redheaded women my brain could come up with.
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