yknati · 2 years
Black Swans Heart Pt. 12
I jumped happily through the aisles, because
Today was a wonderful day, at least for me.
I had this feeling as soon as I got up.
And it soon proved to be true, as I always hit the red dot in the middle of the target with my gun during training.
Now I was on my way to the dining room to have breakfast there with the others.
As soon as I opened the door, the smell of fresh pancakes hit my nostrils.
I looked around and saw Jin standing behind the stove talking to Namjoon.
I thought to myself and headed towards Taehyung and Jimin, who were already beaming excitedly at me.
"Morning guys~" With one easy movement I dropped into the comfortable chair.
"Hey Y/N! You're in a good mood today," Jimin smiled lovingly.
,,Yes. Somehow I have a feeling that today is going to be a good day", I rested my head lightly on my hands before Jin appeared in the left corner of my eye and handed me a plate of pancakes, fruit and an orange juice.
My favorite breakfast♡.
"Oh thanks Jin," I smiled sweetly up at him.
"No problem Y/N", and as quickly and suddenly as he had come, he had already left again.
Namely to Namjoon.
Again I had to bite back an overjoyed smile because I wasn't sure if the others knew he was gay.
,,Where is Yoongi actually. He usually never misses breakfast...", Tae suddenly reported.
,,Hm? Oh yes right. Well, he will certainly have his reasons or be busy," I said with a shrug and went back to eating the wonderful food.
"Mmmh...I actually wanted to drive into town today and go to Riben Park or something, but since I'm not allowed to go out alone, I wanted to ask if one of you would like to accompany me", with a full mouth I looked between the two both back and forth until Taehyung, slightly disgusted and amused, spoke up: "I was outside for a moment today and it's raining cats and dogs. You'd better postpone your plan to another day."
Slightly disappointed about the bad weather on this August day, I quickly thought about what else I could do.
,,Hmm OK. Then I would just grab something to read and crawl into my bed," I finally said.
The brides just gave me an apologetic smile before I wolfed down my breakfast.
Time Skip:
"Boooaaaaa sucks!" I let out an annoyed groan as I tossed the magazine onto my pillow and hung face-first out of my bed.
I just didn't know what to do.
Jungkook and Taehyung had left to pick up some shipment, Namjoon and Jin had been swallowed up by the face of the earth, and Hobi was helping Jimin fix one of the vehicles.
And Yoongi?
Well Yoongi didn't show up all day.
All in all everyone was busy.
I even got off the phone with my dad to see how he was doing.
Unfortunately, he didn't tell me anything exciting.
Except our neighbors had a burst water pipe and blah blah blah...
,,Maaaan. The day had started so well...", I pouted and took my cell phone.
3:37 p.m., it said on my display.
Without further ado I decided to download some games to kill time.
That was all I could think of as I made my way to the dining room not too far away.
I had been playing Roblox for 2 hours and it was finally time for dinner.
My stomach had reported hours ago, but I forgot to take snacks with me the last time I went shopping.
And I also hoped to see Yoongi.
He hadn't called me all day even though he had my number.
When I opened the heavy door, I saw that some of the tables were already occupied.
But no sign of Yoongi.
I exhaled in frustration.
When I lifted my head again, I saw my friends, all huddled together at a table, eating.
I decided to sit with them.
"Man, that was delicious!" Hobi rubbed his stomach exaggeratedly.
"I cooked too," Jin interjected, arms crossed.
"All right, Master Chef," Jimin looked at him with fake admiration, which made Jin glare at him.
"Yoongi wasn't there...", my voice came out quietly, more to myself than to the others.
"I think he had some meetings today...", Namjoon shrugged.
"I saved his portion of food for him.
Do you want to bring it to him Y/N?" I silently looked at Jin who was already getting up and getting a plastic box from the kitchen island.
He pressed it into my hand.
"Thank you," I said softly, standing up and saying goodbye.
"Good night" With these words I walked through the door.
I stood impatiently in the elevator.
When he finally opened his metal doors with a soft 'ping', I quickly climbed out.
With the box in hand, I marched towards the meeting room.
But this time not the one where it all started a few weeks ago, but a different one.
It was right at the start of the long corridor and was marked with a red 'Occupied' sign.
But I didn't care at that moment.
I hadn't realized until now how much I missed him.
And that after just one day.
How did I survive all these years without him?
I shook my head.
Just as I took a step forward, the door jerked open.
I almost ran into an elderly man.
"Oh sorry," I quickly jumped back a meter.
"Watch where you're going!" he hissed at me as he stalked past me like an imaginary lion.
More men entered the room.
And everyone had the same attitude.
I thought and rolled my eyes.
After they were all gone, there was an eerie silence.
I went to the door again.
When I pushed it a bit to the side, it gave me a view of a tired but also annoyed Yoongi.
"Hey~" I smiled as best I could.
He looked at me without any expression on his face.
I came closer and put the box with the still lukewarm food on the square table.
Now I was right in front of him.
His eyes looked tired.
Nobody said anything.
But the silence that had arisen between us was by no means uncomfortable.
He raised his hands and wrapped them around my waist.
Then he didn't pull me closer.
So close that I was forced to sit on his lap.
Suddenly I had all the feelings from before in my head again.
Because that's where we always sat together during the breaks.
Without thinking too much about it, I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled into him while his hands rested on my back.
"I missed you," he whispered in my ear.
,,You too. And that was only one day. How could I have lived so long without you..." he hugged me even closer.
"A VERY busy day..." his voice trailed off as he laid his head on my shoulder.
,,Why? What happened?" I whispered back.
"Back when I went to Japan for that one mafia heist, we all thought it was a one-time thing. But we were wrong.
The same organization has now also ambushed one of my allies.
They robbed a jewelry van, took everything and killed the two drivers.
My father is urging me to do something, but I don't even know who or what we're dealing with..." I could hear the desperation in his voice.
I pushed away from him and looked into his now pitch black eyes.
"And all the other leaders and bosses who were just there are now also afraid that they will be attacked....because none of us have ever experienced anything like that.
That someone dares to attack the mafia...", he smiled slightly at the last sentence, not for long at you.
"Hey...everything will be fine. You've already solved harder math problems", I leaned forward with a slight smile.
Our lips met.
The kiss was long, deep and a silent promise that everything would be fine.
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yknati · 2 years
Black Swans Heart Pt. 11
"Wrong again...", disappointed I looked at the target.
I missed again.
"Don't worry Y/N. You are very good for a beginner. I mean...you've never held a gun before," Hobi stood next to me, eyeing my stance.
I've been trying to learn to shoot for almost 5 days, but so far I haven't hit the target once.
But luckily I had Hoseok.
He always encouraged me not to give up. He treated me almost like his little sister.
"You can do it!" He gave me two thumbs up before we put on our noise canceling headphones again.
I aimed as accurately as possible at the cardboard cutout and pulled the trigger.
"OH MY GOD Y/N YOU HIT!!!!" Hobi yelled so loud I could hear it all loud and clear.
,,What?! Oh my God! YESAAAA!!" I holstered the pistols and jumped into Hoseok's arms.
We turned, screaming.
"Oh my god, I have to tell Yoongi about that!" I beamed at Hobi, who could only reply.
"Haha do that," he winked at me before I gave him a quick wave goodbye.
Confident and happy about my hit, I made my way to the elevator and then in the direction of Yoongi's office.
Without wiping the big smile off my face, I knocked twice.
I knocked lightly again.
Just as I was about to leave, the heavy wooden door opened.
But not Yoongi, but his father was standing in the doorway.
"Oh I'm terribly sorry. I'll come back later", Mr.Min looked at me cold-heartedly as I bowed.
,,Y/N?! It's okay dad...there must be a reason you're coming here," Yoongi was standing next to Jisong.
When our eyes met, all the stress was gone from Yoongi's eyes.
"Oh-um it's actually nothing important...I just wanted to let you know that I finally hit the target," I raised my head again confidently.
Yoongi looked at me proudly, "Very good. I'm proud of you...Jagiya~".
Immediately, the red rose to my face.
Did he really just call me that?!!
,,Thanks. And I'd better go then", I bowed to Jisong one last time before I made my way to my room.
Yoongi POV:
"Jagiya?....So that's it...you can't keep this girl out of your life can you?" my father looked at me with the same cold expression on his face as always.
,,And? I can date whoever I want. On top of that, I really love her with all my heart...I always have...and now we're in a committed relationship again and YOU won't screw that up for me!", I sat back in my chair, annoyed.
"Let's see when one of you hurts the other", father also sat down again.
"Okay, back to the topic at hand. I heard that a few weeks ago a mafia in Japan was attacked by an unknown organization and that it is now up to mischief here in South Korea," I let each of his words sink in.
And yes, he was right.
Just last week a bank money truck was ambushed and robbed and no one knew who these people were.
"I sent a squad out yesterday to check all the traffic cameras, but these people are wearing full body suits and balaclavas.
It is currently not possible for us to identify her", my father listened spellbound, but I could not see any reaction on his face.
After I finished speaking, he just raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, I'll think of something! Now go. I have work to do," I pointed to the door with one hand.
Without another word he got up and left me alone.
I spent the rest of the day trying to come up with something about this new gang, but I had no ideas.
I looked at my cell phone with tired eyes.
2:47 a.m.
I stood up slowly.
After turning off all the lights in my study, all I wanted was... to SLEEP.
Luckily the light in the hallway came on automatically, otherwise I would have probably tripped over my own legs.
Just as I was about to open my room door, I thought of Y/N.
I accidentally called her Jagiya earlier...
I scratch the back of my head in embarrassment.
But before I could debk any further, my legs were already on their way to her.
Automatically I go to her door, opened it and looked inside.
She was already asleep.
I entered as quietly as possible and closed the door.
I carefully took off my shoes and knelt down next to her bed.
In the moon-like light of the lamp, I watch her beautiful face.
She looked so peaceful.
I had to sit there for quite a while because when I got up my joints cracked.
I tiptoed to the exit.
"Yoo..n..gi?" my heart stopped for a second.
"Hey~ I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you up", again I sat down next to her bed.
Y/N's hand came out from under the covers.
Without hesitation I put my hand on hers.
"Please...stay with me....Jagiya~", when she said this, I did somersaults internally.
And how could I say no to that.
,,Naturally. I'll always stay with you if you want~" Y/N lifted the covers, which I immediately wrapped myself in.
And as soon as I lay next to her, we had already snuggled up to each other.
"I love you.....Yoongi..." was the last thing she said before falling asleep again.
"I you too Y/N.......so much", but she couldn't hear that anymore.
And I close my eyes to many just a short time later.
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yknati · 2 years
Black Swans Heart Pt. 10
Yoongi POV:
I fired bullet after bullet.
Each was a hit.
"Yes, very good!", Taehyung stood next to me, just like me with ear protection, and clapped.
Unfortunately, I couldn't hear what he had said, but since he was clapping, he must have been proud.
I took off the thick headphones. Tae did the same.
"If I'm that good to you, why do I need to practice at all?" I asked, putting my pistol on a small shelf at the edge of the shooting room.
"Well you're never really on an outside mission...but practice never hurts," he gave me his square smile and grabbed a gun hanging on the wall for himself.
I put the earmuffs back on and wondered how Y/N with Jimin would turn out.
The two had gone to downtown Seoul to shop.
And knowing Jimin, he would flirt with her...
In Seoul:
"Hurry up Jimin! Otherwise the frozen things will thaw!", our driver was already holding the back door of the car open for me, but Jimin was just talking to a girl he had spoken to out of nowhere.
"He's always so miss. That's why Jin never takes him shopping," I looked at him and then back at Jimin.
"Sorry, sorry...but you'll probably still be allowed to maintain social contacts?" With a smug grin, he finally got into the car.
After our driver got in, we drove back.
"Oh yes, by the way, we had your old things taken out of the apartment. They're in your room," Jimin said, not looking up from his phone.
"My cell phone too?!", I thought of my father, who had probably been trying to reach me for 3 weeks in vain.
"Yes, don't worry, we have everything," he looked at me briefly, but quickly looked back at the display.
The ride home dragged on like chewing gum.
As we pulled up in the garage, I jumped out of the car and ran to the elevator.
The elevator didn't seem to be in a hurry either.
When I got to my floor, I sprinted to my room, yanked open the door, and saw my cell phone on my bed.
Luckily it wasn't turned off because that would have given me the rast.
"What?" I looked at my phone in disbelief.
My father had only called 3 times?
I got more messages from my job and my old friends in Busan than my own dad?!
I was gone for 3 weeks!?
But I decided to call him back.
He picked up quickly.
,,Y/N finally. I called you every Sunday but you never answered," it was so good to hear his voice.
"Yeah sorry dad. My....cell phone had a pity and was sent for repair", great lie Y/N.
,,Oh, well then. And how is the work?", oh no what should I answer to that?!
"You know... yes. It's all ok. I'm just wondering if this is the right job for me," hopefully he was content with that.
,,Nice. Well then I don't want to bother you any longer. Have a nice day darling. But come see me soon, okay?" I nodded, smiling, even though no one saw me.
"Yes dad. I miss you too. We listen to. Byyeee~", I pressed the red hang up button with a smile.
I spent an hour answering all my messages.
Luckily none of my few friends suspected anything... only because of work I had to come up with something else.
But I'd better talk to Yoongi about that.
,,So! Where is he?" I asked myself as I stood up.
I made my way to the shared dining room where I met Jungkook.
"Hey Kookie, do you know where Yoongi is?" I put my hands on my hips and smiled at him.
"Oh hey Noona. I think he and Hyung wanted to practice shooting," he looked up at me from his seat with a smile.
"Ah ok thanks~", full of joy I went towards the shooting room.
I didn't even know why I was in such a good mood.
Since all the rooms were soundproofed, I couldn't hear the gunshots from inside.
Therefore, this room was equipped with a light switch that turned on a red lamp inside, announcing that someone was about to enter.
After a few seconds, Taehyung opened the door.
"Hello Noona. What brings you here?" muffled headphones hung around his neck and in his left hand he held a large, long gun.
My knees went weak at the sight of these, but I focused on Taehyung's face.
"Oh I wanted to talk to Yoongi about something. Actually about my work I don't know what to tell my boss", a desperate grin crept onto my lips as Tae turned around.
"I'd rather go," Yoongi, who was standing behind him, just nodded as the younger one hung the gun on the wall and put the earmuffs on the table.
After he left, I entered.
I briefly let my gaze wander over all the pistols and machine guns until it got caught on Yoongi again.
"So it's about work?" He pulled the half-full magazine out of the black pistol.
,,Yes, exactly. I couldn't think of a good white lie, and before I say something stupid, I wanted to ask you for ideas..." I watched as he put the gun down.
"Hmmmmm~just say you don't enjoy the job anymore or something", I thought for a moment.
"Okey, I could have figured that out myself," Yoongi watches me.
There was a slight smile on his lips too.
Apparently he also noticed my gaze, which was on all the deadly tools.
"Have you ever held one?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
,,No. Of course not", I looked at him in mock shock.
"Come on, I'll show you my baby," he turned and walked towards a small metal box.
It was relatively small, which made me wonder what was in im.
And my question was answered quickly.
Yoongi took out a partially gold-plated pistol.
"Woow~she's beautiful," I stepped up to him and stabbed at the little gold masterpiece.
"Beautiful and yet so deadly..", a sad gleam lay in his eyes.
"This gun was made especially for me....made to kill people....Y/N I've killed so many people....and yet you're here....you should have been in town I could easily get away today, but you didn't....why?" I could see a certain curiosity but also nervousness in his eyes.
,,Yoongi.....I trust you. I always have. And.......", should I tell him?
"And?" he asked, cocking his head.
"II think I love you too, Yoongi...because I was thinking about my words after the party...and I found the thought of seeing you happy with another girl unbearable...", embarrassed I turned my head away.
"Y/N...", suddenly he came closer.
I looked up, startled by his sudden embrace.
But now he had me exactly where he wanted me.
His almost black eyes met mine.
"Are you sure you want to try again...being in a relationship with me is dangerous~" he almost purred, getting closer to my face.
"I can handle that," we closed the gap between us.
His lips were so soft on mine.
I missed that feeling so much.
I had missed him so much.
his love
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yknati · 2 years
Black Swans Heart Pt. 9
,,Oh God! Jin what should I wear?! I mean, I don't know his grandmother. He only talked about her once at school but how should I know what she likes... then what should I get as a gift", Jin sat on my bed and watched my little freak out.
The reason?
It was Yoongi's (paternal) grandmother's birthday and he wanted to take me to meet her.
But I didn't know her, so I had no gift and nothing suitable to wear.
"You went shopping with Yoongi. Didn't he buy you a dress or something?" Jin asked smiling.
,,Hmmmm~ one thing. This here", in the back of the closet hung the new dress I had received.
"But that's not appropriate for the birthday of an 80-year-old lady," I looked at Jin questioningly.
"But it looks really beautiful and I'm sure it suits you well...put it on tonight," he gently patted my shoulder.
"And don't worry about the gift, Yoongi's Halmeoni (grandmother) is rich but she hates big gifts," after which he left my room.
Time Skip:
In the evening:
I had listened to Jin and put on the gold dress.
Now I just had to hope that it really suited the celebration.
At 6:00 p.m. sharp, Yoongi knocked on my door to pick me up.
I opened them.
"And ready.....wow," his eyes widened and his cheeks flushed.
"Y/N you...are beautiful...and gold is my favorite color...." He took my hand in his.
,,Thanks very much. But you don't look bad either Mr.Min", I leaned against his chest and grinned.
,,So! Shall we?" I linked my arm with him and we walked towards the elevator.
At the party:
,,What?! Your Halmeoni lives here!?", speechless, I got out of Yoongi's Rolls Royce and looked at the front door of the large villa.
,,Yes. My father bought her the house. He probably just wanted to get rid of all his money somehow," giggling slightly, Yoongi took my hand and led me inside.
The villa was gigantic and beautiful.
Everything was decorated in pink.
Phew, good! The dress fits.
There were quite a few people there, including all of Black Swan and Min Jisong. Jazz music played softly in the background.
,,Yoongi. Who are these?" I nudged him gently.
,,These are the keepers of my Halmeoni. You know, her cook, butler and stuff" I nodded understandably.
Suddenly a young man came up to me. He was significantly younger than the other housekeeping staff. He must be around 28.
He was standing next to an old lady with Yoongi's father.
Oh! This is probably his grandmother.
,,Ah! Over there she is. Come on Y/N I'll introduce you to each other", Yoongi was so excited and happy that I could only smile.
"Halmeoni," he said softly, letting go of my hand, kissing her cheek and then quickly grabbing it again.
,,Yoongi! Oh you've grown so big. What a difference 2 years makes. Oh! And who is that?" She looked at me affectionately.
"I'm Y/N. Your grandson and you went to school together," I bowed.
"And we were together for almost 3 years," Yoongi said, looking into his father's eyes.
"Oh how nice. And please call me Nana," she took my free hand and held it.
"Come on, I'll show you the house," she pulled me with her.
We just left Yoongi and the others standing.
Time Skip:
Nana was a very kind woman.
She told me a lot about her past, that she worked in a simple flower shop and that's where she met her husband, a photographer.
The two bought a single apartment, but she got pregnant and they had to move.
"I will never forget the day when Jisong came home covered in blood and said that he was now part of a mafia...", yes, I could hardly imagine the shock.
But she kept talking. About how her son fell in love with the mafia leader's daughter and ended up becoming the boss himself. Also that her husband had died a good 3 years ago.
But when Yoongi was born, everything was perfect for 4 years....
Before Jisong's wife left him for someone else and completely disappeared from the scene.
I felt sorry for him.
Losing the love of life is certainly not easy....
But in order not to sink completely into the sad mood, I also told some things from my life.
Nana showed me the whole house and it was really beautiful.
When we got back to the entrance hall, Yoongi was waiting for me longingly.
"And did you have fun?" he asked both of us.
We nodded in unison.
"Grandmother, the food will be served shortly", together we made our way to the dining room.
And there I was sitting next to this man who had caught my eye earlier.
"You seem to get along well with Nana. Oh sorry, can I say you, can't I?" he asked me with his head slightly bowed.
"Yeah sure. I'm Y/N by the way," I shake his hand.
"Choi Hyongji. Nice," he also seemed very nice.
"Are you new here?" Yoongi asked sitting across from me.
"Yes, I've been working for Ms. Min for half a year, sir," he bowed briefly to Yoongi.
So he knew who he was...
,,Nice. And your remit?" Yoongi continued digging.
"Oh I'm some kind of assistant," Hyongji was completely composed.
Yoongi just looked at him suspiciously, but before he could say anything he was interrupted by his grandmother.
"And Y/N where do you know Yoongi from?" He smiled at me.
"Oh we went to school together" I took a sip of wine which was served.
,,Ah! I understand," to my surprise, we got along surprisingly well.
He seemed very down to earth.
Our easygoing conversation continued until the end of the meal.
But I hadn't noticed that Yoongi had been watching us the whole time.
Just as Hyongji was about to crack one of his jokes, Yoongi grabbed my hand that was on the table.
"Y/N what do you think if we go? We wanted to do something together tomorrow and we have to get up early," he said in the sweetest tone he could manage.
Since we didn't really have anything planned for tomorrow, I noticed difier what he had.
Is he jealous?
But I played along.
,,Oh yes right. I totally forgot about that. Then do well Hyongji. Nice talking to you," we stood up.
,,Same to you! Hope to see you again soon", he smiled at me and I turned to Nana.
"Bye, Nana," we hugged.
"Goodbye my sweet. And take care of Yoongi for me!", she looked at her grandson warningly.
"Don't worry Halmeoni", he also says goodbye and we left.
I broke the silence as we sat in the car, "Yoongi...were you jealous?"
He turned his head away.
"No, I wasn't!", but all I could do was giggle.
"It's okay. I would have been too if you talked to another girl like that," I smiled at him.
Yoongi blushed.
Without another word, but in a comfortable silence, we finally drove home.
And that night, as I pondered my own words, I realized something too...
I was in love with Yoongi...
0 notes
yknati · 2 years
Black Swans Heart Pt. 8
Yoongi POV:
one more day
Then we could go back home. We were in Japan right now because one of the mafia was almost completely destroyed by another and we were now trying to track them down together.
But Taehyung was nagging at me that he missed his room, actually his bed.
But I missed something completely different.
Or rather someone...
I couldn't understand myself how I could live almost 3 years without Y/N.
,,Yoongi! Pay attention! I know it's our last day here, but it's still important," Namjoon pushed me slightly as we patrolled the street around the building.
"Yeah...sorry," I clearly didn't look ahead again.
"I don't understand what you see in her anyway. So I don't trust her!", disappointed he looked away from me.
"Hey?! Y/N is always nice to us and brings us something delicious to eat! She's like a little sister!" Hoseok snorts.
"And like a Noona to me," Taehyung smirked.
Well, at least the two of them and the others liked them!
Time Skip:
Back in Korea:
Fortunately, there were no further incidents in Japan. But we still hadn't found the responsible mafia.
Exhausted, I collapsed into my bed.
It was already 2:50 am. Y/N was already asleep.
Every thought of her sweet sleeping face made me smile despite the tiredness.
However, I fell asleep only a few moments later.
next morning:
I woke up to the smell of eggs and freshly fried bacon
It smelled delicious.
I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was......Y/N.
I straightened up immediately.
Oh god...I didn't even change my clothes
"Wow, hey, . Slow. It's okay, I'm just," she smiled happily down at me.
In her hand she held a plate with the dishes that had woken me.
"I made breakfast for you," she proudly handed me the plate.
"Wow~ thanks! That looks really tasty.
But... aren't you eating?" I looked back from my plate into her eyes.
"Don't worry, I've already eaten", I just nodded and pointed to my board.
She sat down on the edge of the bed and I ate.
"How was it in Japan? Jimin told me what you guys were doing...did you find them?" she asked worried.
I swallowed the bacon.
,,No. But don't worry, there were only a few injured," I reassured her with a smile.
I finished eating in peace.
It seemed to me that Y/N wanted to tell me something, but for some reason they didn't.
"Hey, are you alright?" I put the plate on my bedside table and leaned towards her.
"Yes, I... but I met your father the day before yesterday", I got really weird.
Did he tell her something about me...something...not so nice...
"And what... did you guys discuss?" I asked, trying to stay as calm as possible.
My father was a very... willful and rude man.
He was very quick to judge people and I was afraid that he had treated them rudely.
"Oh nothing special. I was just about to go to bed and then I saw a light coming out of your room, so I checked and well there was your father.
We just introduced ourselves and that's it," I exhaled relieved until I thought what he was actually doing in my room.
,,Oh ok. I was just afraid he wasn't nice to you...because, well, he's not the most charming," I grinned sheepishly.
"No, no don't worry," Y/N smiled, took the plate and headed for the door.
"I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything," then she left.
After a few minutes I finally got up.
It was already 10:20 a.m.
The only downside if there were no windows.
I got dressed and went to the bottom floor.
My father's room was right at the beginning of the corridor.
My loud knocking could be heard in the hallway.
It even seemed like an echo to me.
"Come in!" I entered.
"Hello dad. I heard you met Y/N and it was in MY room at that," I blurted out.
"Hmmm yes I did indeed. And about your room, I just wanted to see some old pictures, that's all," so he knew about my pictures in the drawer.
Among them were many from Y/N and I when we were still together.
And if he saw that, it meant he knew about my secret relationship with her.
"Yoongi, you didn't tell me that you two were together", he had said it.
I swallowed hard.
,,Yes. That was us. And?!" I retorted irritably.
"You knew exactly how I feel about relationships, Yoongi!" He wanted to play on my mom.
,,Yes I know that. But, you know what! I DID NOT CARE! Because I loved her and I still love her!" With these words I stormed out of the room.
Y/N wasn't like my mother.
Because she would never leave me, that was my fault... and thus she would never destroy our family.
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yknati · 2 years
Black Swans Heart Pt. 7
The next week was very relaxed.
Yoongi and I spent a lot of time with the rest of the gang and slowly I grew to love them all.
Especially Seokjin.
We were able to talk about everything and especially now that Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung were away on business, he was very supportive.
And I him.
Together we took care of the base, cleaned it and cooked for the others.
"Sooo~you and Yoongi, is there something going on, or.....did something happen there?", he asked me while we were just cutting the vegetables.
"Hmmmm...well..." I got embarrassed.
Should I tell him?
,,Honestly? Yes. When we didn't go to school together we were together for almost 3 years...but then on the last day of school in the last grade, he just left without saying a word...and then he never got in touch with me again. ..", Jin listened spellbound.
"But now I know that he had to take over the mafia and he probably wanted to protect me or something..." I grinned at Jin as best I could.
"Oh Y/N...who knows, maybe things will turn out with you again~", he grinned mischievously at me.
We continued to work in silence for a while until Jin interrupted,,, Y/N...I really like you. You're kinda like my best friend, even though we've only known each other for 2 weeks, but I just want to tell you something. Something I haven't told anyone..." I got a little nervous, afraid of what was to come.
"I...I'm gay...", embarrassed and with red cheeks he looked away from me.
It took me a few seconds to realize what he said.
"Hmm? What? But Jin, that's nothing to be ashamed of..." he looked at me lightly and I pulled him into a hug.
"I know, but you're the first one I told you, that's why. Plus I spent months trying to figure out what was wrong with my sexuality because every time I talked to Namjoon I had such a weird feeling in my stomach," he hugged me back.
"Naw~ so you like Namjoon?" I looked into his eyes happily.
"I-I think so," now he could smile too.
Suddenly it occurred to me that the water was boiling and we still hadn't finished the vegetables.
"Come on let's continue. The others must be hungry", together we got back to work.
2 days later:
It was already 10:35 p.m. when I made my way to my room.
Up until now Jungkook, Jimin, Jin and I had been playing cards in the dining room, and I was getting tired.
Just when I opened the door to my room, a ray of light appeared at the end of the hallway.
He came through the brightly opened door of Yoongi's room.
I knew it was none of my business, but Yoongi wasn't there, so why was the light on in his room?
I slowly approached.
"Hello?" I asked while knocking.
When I got no answer, I entered.
"Woooow" was all I could say it was so beautiful.
While I noticed that all the rooms were the same style and color, let's put it this way, you could tell he was the boss.
His bed was on a small rise and it was also a four-poster bed.
I was so intrigued that I didn't notice the person sitting at the small desk in the corner.
"Can I help you?" a harsh voice asked me.
I quickly spun around and looked into the eyes of an older man.
I swallowed hard.
"Oh sorry, I didn't know there was anyone in here. I only saw the light and wondered a lot", I smiled playfully at him.
Just as I was about to say good night to him, he asked my name.
"My name is Y/N," he got up and took a few steps toward me, but I didn't back down.
,,Oh. You must then probably be the girl that Yoongi mentioned. The new one", he looked at me contemptuously.
"Yes, I am," I said confidently.
"And who are you?" I asked back.
"I'm Yoongi's father. Minjisong. The boss of the boss. But you can call me Mr. Min", he looked at me smugly.
So this is his lovely dad...Yoongi luckily doesn't resemble him at all.
"I'm very pleased Mr. Min", I stretched out my hand to him, but he just walked past me.
"I'm going to go now Miss Y/N and so should you." I slowly followed him down the hallway, said goodbye and went to my room as quickly as possible.
Min Jisong POV:
I waited until that Y/N was gone before going back to Yoongi's room.
I sat down at his desk again, opened the drawer and dug out some of his old photos.
"Yoongi, you never told me you were in a relationship with that girl," I raised an eyebrow at the selfie of my son and that girl.
"I won't let her destroy our family..."
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yknati · 2 years
Black Swans Heart Pt. 6
The next morning:
Yoongi POV:
I paced around my office nervously.
In 10 minutes I was scheduled to meet Y/N here and show them around our 5 subterranean levels.
I felt like I was about to puke.
I haven't been this nervous since our first date at school...
Suddenly there was a knock.
What?! Has it really been 10 minutes already?
"Come in!" I said as confidently as possible.
But it wasn't Y/N that happened.
"Hello father..." I bowed slightly.
"Sit down, I need to talk to you," he didn't look at me.
But I was used to that.
He was like that ever since my mother left him for someone else.
Even I wasn't in contact with her.
"Um-what is it?" I sat down.
"I heard that someone saw two of your men in action. And you kept this someone here. Is that true?" he asked with a stern look and crossed arms.
"Yes father..." I answered with an equally serious look.
"Who?" he just asked.
"Your name is Y/N. She went to school with me and...", I almost told him that we were together.
"And?!" he got irritated.
"And we lost touch," was also true.
"A girl then...we can use her as a maid," he spoke of her as if they were an object.
"Don't worry...I have everything under control", I slowly got up and disappeared behind the door.
I could only walk a few meters before I could see Y/N.
"Hey! Well, have you been waiting for me longingly?" she asked, giggling.
I have to laugh too.
"Come on," I took her hand and we started walking.
Here on the 5th and lowest floor were only my study, 2 weapons and also 2 meeting rooms.
Then we went up one floor.
There was also a room for our weapons here.
But also a laundry and a food store.
Just as we were about to get back into the elevator, much Y/N ​​asked: "Yoongi, does your mafia actually have a name?"
For a moment I thought about telling her.
But I said as if by myself: "Yes, our name is Black Swan."
I could not believe it.
Because I loved swans, especially the black ones.
With a little red cheeks we got into the elevator.
I already knew my way around the 3rd floor.
On this level were bedrooms marked with name tags.
My and Yoongi's room was also here. But there was also a dining room here, where everyone always sat down for breakfast and dinner.
Oh and the kitchen was here too.
The 2nd floor also seemed familiar to me because this was the meeting room where I had met the other members.
But there were also a few more bedrooms.
When we got to the top we stood in the garage.
"Thanks for the tour, I think... now I know my way around," I said, smiling.
We walked around the garage a little more and talked.
I was so engrossed in our conversation that I didn't see the cab on the ground and tripped.
"Wooooow!", Yoongi tried to hold me but he fell too.
Together we landed on the ground.
"Ooow-" I just uttered, bracing myself on my elbows since I was lying on my back.
Suddenly I felt the weight on my stomach.
It was Yoongi.
"Eeeeeh- Yoongs?" He lifted his head and realized he was lying on top of me.
Immediately his cars turned bright red, as did mine.
,,Oh God! I...ääääämmmm- I", he got to his feet and held out his hand with his head turned away.
I grabbed sue embarrassed and stood up.
"Is-is everything alright?" he asked without looking into my eyes.
"Yeah," he was so cute when he blushed.
"Let's just go back," I didn't let go of his hand.
Even though we hadn't seen each other for years, I felt something for him.
I just didn't know what.
We walked back slowly and I felt Yoongi squeeze my hand.
I could also feel his constant gaze on me.
Without warning, I stopped and turned around.
"What?" I asked, grinning.
His eyes widened and, if it was possible, he blushed even more.
"N-nothing..." I approached him and he automatically leaned his head back.
"Yoongi I know you still love me. You can see that...and I feel something for you too, but it's been so long and I can't assess my feelings at the moment.
So can we please take this slow?" I gave him some space again.
"Was that so obvious?" he asked, laughing, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
I just nodded with a smile.
"Of course Y/N. And I- I can't really understand my feelings either. Sometimes I wonder if I ever stopped loving you..."
0 notes
yknati · 2 years
Y/N moved to Daegu to start over after the death of her mother. Unfortunately, a randomly observed murder thwarted her plans. Kidnapped by the mafia, she also reunites with her old high school friend, Min Yoongi. But shortly after their union, he has to fight with a new group of unknown assassins who will soon make his life hell....
Black Swans Heart Pt. 5
I woke up in a huge bed.
Yoongi had given me a room last night.
And here I lay now.
Since there were no windows here, it was difficult for me to guess what time it was. Luckily there were clocks everywhere.
I slowly got out of bed and staggered to the closet.
I opened it, but why was I so surprised when it was empty.
"Oh that's right, I don't have anything to wear here....", with a strange feeling I open my room door and the large hallway stretches out in front of me.
All the members' apartments were on this floor and the next.
As far as I could remember, Yoongi's room was at the end of the corridor.
I tiptoed past the other two rooms.
I was standing in front of his room...
What was I doing here anyway?
He was probably still asleep.
I didn't dare to knock and was making my way back when his door suddenly swung open.
I turned around quickly.
"Y-Y/N...hey, what are you doing so early in the morning?", Yoongi stood in front of me with a smile and closed the door behind him.
"Oh I always wake up around 7..." he stepped closer.
"Ok well, then we can go now", he took my hand and started walking in the direction of the elevator.
,,Wait! Where are we going?" I stumbled after him.
"You need something to wear. We're going shopping today," he said, sounding like a 15-year-old girl.
,,For real? But surely we're driving into town in one of your cars and you said I'm not allowed to know where your base is?" Yoongi pressed the elevator button, which opened its doors just a few seconds later.
"What Dad doesn't know doesn't hurt him. Plus, I don't think you're going to want to run away like that."
Dad... so his father lives here too. But I thought Yoongi was the boss. Then why does he have to follow his father's rules?
Before I could think any further, I was being pulled into the elevator.
The door closed again.
,,Sooooo...how are your parents. I haven't seen her for ages," suddenly a deep sadness overcame me.
,,Oh...My mother, she....was...killed in a car accident. And Dad lives alone now..." These words came heavily from my lips.
Horrified, Yoongi breathed out.
"Oh god, I...that...oh my god, I'm sorry about that...." He put a hand on my shoulder.
,,That's not your fault. Plus it's been a long time. Anyway, let's not create a sad mood now", I smiled at him and the elevator came to a stop.
I quickly realized that we were now at the top.
There seemed to be a garage here. One car after the other stood in the large high hall.
"Wow- are they all yours?!" I looked perplexed at all the cars and then at Yoongi.
,,Hahaha yes. Well, that's how we saw it, they kind of belong to everyone," he shrugged his shoulders along the rows of cars.
"Today, for once, we're going with my baby," he groped at me.
He kept walking until he stopped in front of a black Rolls Royce.
"I can understand why that's your baby. It's beautiful," my fingers jabs at the shiny polish.
Yoongi's POV:
Actually nobody was allowed to touch my car. And certainly not drive.
But I allowed Y/N because I...
Yes, why actually?
Maybe because I love her?
Have I ever stopped loving her?
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Y/N opened the passenger door.
"Are we driving Yoongi?" She smiled sweetly.
"Yeah," she sat down and I got in.
I started the engine, parked and headed to the outside door.
There was a button on the dashboard that opened the door.
Impressed, Y/N watched.
Our hideout was in the middle of a mountain near Seoul.
From the outside the entrance gate looked like a rock, but inside we lived.
"Wooow impressive!" She watched spellbound as the gate closed.
"I know impressive, but more importantly, let's go shopping", with these words I put my foot on the gas pedal and we dash into town.
I'm in Seoul!!!
The last time I was here I must have been a kid.
But I still loved this city.
We drove around for a while until we came to a stop in the underground car park of a shopping center.
Even here you could see that it was a luxury shopping center.
The floor must have been some sort of marble or something, and the entire hall was brightly lit.
"S-Are you sure this isn't too expensive? We could just drive to my place and I'll get my things...", we got out and Yoongi started to walk.
"Nah, too far away," he just grinned.
"Okey...but please don't try to exaggerate with the luxury...that's not my style...", I could already guess that the mafia had a lot of money, but I still didn't want him to give me bought expensive things.
Again we took an elevator upstairs. And when we got to the top, I was speechless.
One fashion store after the other.
My little girl's heart screamed with joy.
"And where first?" I quickly pulled him by the gand into one of the shops.
After about 2 hours we took a coffee break.
I had already thanked Yoongi 1,000 times for the new trousers, shirts, dresses and care products that he had had enough.
,,Do you need anything else? Underwear or something?" He scrolls through his phone.
I hadn't even thought of that!
"Mmmh yes....well....", I blushed slightly.
"Oh yeah, let's go," he said so naturally and lovingly.
We quickly went to the next store.
"Hello, where do I find the undesirables with you?" I ask an employee.
"Down the aisle and then left," she said politely and Yoongi went ahead.
When we got there, he leaned against a wall and watched me.
I slowly went through all sizes of panties and bras until I found some white and gray ones.
I tried them on quickly, but they fit me as expected.
When I stepped out of the locker room, Yoongi was no longer in his seat.
"Try these," he held out a pair of black lace panties and a matching bra with a lover's look.
Oh so he likes black....
I didn't know why but I took them and GOD they fit me soooo well.
I've never had something like that in black, but it went so well with my slightly lighter skin.
Yoongi was waiting outside and gave me an 'I just know what suits you' look.
He paid and we made our way back to the car.
As we stood in front of the Rolls Royce, I let go of his hand.
When did I even take them?!
But Yoongi didn't seem to mind.
Since he had carried all his belongings, he quickly put them in the trunk and then sat in the driver's seat.
"Thank you for today Yoongs", he hates that old nickname, but I didn't care.
"Please (nickname)", with these words he started the ignition and we drove back home
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yknati · 2 years
Y/N moved to Daegu to start over after the death of her mother. Unfortunately, a randomly observed murder thwarted her plans. Kidnapped by the mafia, she also reunites with her old high school friend, Min Yoongi. But shortly after their union, he has to fight with a new group of unknown assassins who will soon make his life hell....
Black Swans Heart Pt. 4
Yoongi POV:
Present :
"Y-Yoongi?" Her words snapped me back to the here and now.
I could not believe it....
Y/N it really was Y/N!!
"Min Yoongi is it really you?!" She jumped up with joy and clapped her hands.
,,Y-Y/N!! Oh my God! How long haven't we seen each other...2 years?" I got up and walked towards her.
She was still as pretty as I remembered her.
We hugged until she suddenly pulled away from me.
,,Moment?! II was kidnapped! Yoongi. Is this really an underground organization? A mafia?" She looked around my office anxiously.
"B-Please calm down....I won't hurt you and neither will she. I'm your boss...your boss, you'll do anything I say..." I tried to calm her down, which seemed to work.
She was never the kind of person to get upset about something for a long time.
"So you're a mafia boss or something?" she asked me curiously.
"Yes...you can say it like that....and I'm sorry that they kidnapped and tied you up. It's just we're very thorough and accurate...and I'm sorry for what you saw too...it must have been horrible for you to see someone being shot in front of you....." , worried I went a little closer She didn't go back.
"It's okay...he must have done something bad that you let your men do that...", Y/N said and smiled slightly.
"I hope you're doing fine otherwise..." I surprised myself as I hugged her. But what surprised me even more was that she hugged me back.
Y/N just nodded into my shoulder.
"I missed you Yoongi. But when you just left without a word when you graduated from school....that....that hurt me a lot....but now I know what you did", I could feel her smile.
"Yes...I'm so sorry...but I didn't know what to say," her scent was wonderful. She smelled of mint, lime and some lemon. A calming scent.
"Y/N I'd like to introduce you to the others..." I pulled away from her with difficulty.
"They won't hurt you...you're my guest, my girlfriend," I said quickly when I saw her look.
"Yoongi...where are we actually...am I still in Daegu?", we went to the door.
"That...I can't tell you that, even though I trust you...and Y/N...you'll have to stay with us for a while...those are the rules. If someone sees you on an outreach, take them with you and decide if they can be of use to you. And I would never want to kill you....." I could see that she was struggling with herself.
For some reason I found it difficult to answer. I should stay with you....a MAFIA?! But on the other hand, Yoongi was my high school sweetheart. We were together for 3 years and I trusted him.
On top of that....I missed him....
I felt myself blush and clutched my cheeks to hide it.
"Are you okay?" he asked, giggling.
"Yes-yes, well, ok, I'll stay with you. I have to. But what I'm saying...I don't mind!", I grinned embarrassed to myself, which made Yoongi smile.
Suddenly he pulled some kind of radio from his jacket pocket.
"Hey Jin, everyone gather in meeting room 2," he said coolly.
"Come," he gave me his hand, which I gratefully accepted.
His hand was so much bigger than mine. Just like before.
We went.
After going back up in the same elevator that I had come down with, we entered a room with a large, oval table in the center.
Six men were sitting on the chairs around the table.
"That's Y/N. She's a friend, so treat her with respect!" he really sounded like a boss. Any bit of carried-over was gone from his voice.
The men nodded to me.
Yoongi sat down in the single chair at the end of the table.
"Y/N come here," he pointed to his lap, which I sat on.
God it's been ages since we sat like this.
"Imagine yourself..." he whispered lovingly in my ear.
,,Um...so I'm San Y/N and 25 years old. Me and Yoongi went to the same school together, so we already know each other...I hope we all get along well..." Yoongi didn't seem to mind that I mentioned part of our history.
"Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Kim Seokjin. You can call me Jin if you like. I'm a getaway driver and I make sure that everyone here is doing well and that they have something to eat." I already liked this Jin. I could imagine that we could become good friends.
"I'm Kim Namjoon. Strategist. I'm sorry about the cuffs..." he looked at me suspiciously.
"Hi, I'm glad. I am Hoseok. But please call me Hobi. I'm a weapons expert and I defuse bombs," he kept smiling. Cute.
,,Jimin. Melee fighter. We already know each other from before....I'm sorry too...I don't like doing things to beautiful women," I said quickly that it was ok if the penultimate one introduced you.
,, Nice Y/N. I'm Kim Tae-hyung. But you can call me gene Tae or V.
I'm a sniper and a hacker," he gave me a square smile. It looked really funny.
,,Hi. Jeon Jungkook. I'm a sniper too. Oh and may I call you Noona...", oh so he was younger than me. I kinda figured it.
"Oh, may I also say Noona!" Taehyung said.
"Please, too," Jimin pouted at me.
"Oh um. Yes, of course!" I smiled.
"Well then Y/N. Welcome to the family!" Hoseok looked at me proudly.
Family......my new family
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yknati · 2 years
Y/N moved to Daegu to start over after the death of her mother. Unfortunately, a randomly observed murder thwarted her plans. Kidnapped by the mafia, she also reunites with her old high school friend, Min Yoongi. But shortly after their union, he has to fight with a new group of unknown assassins who will soon make his life hell....
Black Swans Heart Pt. 3
Yoongi POV:
With a deep sigh I got out of the seat. My driver opened the door for me, I took my bag and got out. I wanted to get back in and drive home.
"Have fun at school Mr. Min", the driver bowed, got back in the car and drove away. School...more like torture...being tied to a chair for 6 hours and being bombarded with technical terms can probably be hardly fun.
Plus it wouldn't do me any good anyway. Because my future has already been decided. I, Min Yoongi, should be Black Swan's next mafia boss. I was only 20. I still wanted to enjoy my life now...but I couldn't...every day I had shot training, self-defense, torture methods and all the other things that a mafia boss needs to be able to do. And then school?! I didn't even have any fun here, and that was already my second year. I still had three years ahead of me.
Although there was one.
Her name was Y/N and she was in parallel class. We did a few subjects together and even did a presentation together. She was the only reason I somehow wanted to go to school. Slowly I made my way forward. A lot of other students walked past me but no one paid any attention to me.
'If they knew I could have them all killed...' I kept thinking that to myself.
With a bang I opened the front door. Small groups lined the hallways, but some were alone, like me. I made my way to my locker before a slight giggle stopped me. Turning, it said Y/N.
Again and again I had to admire her for how well her school uniform suited her. My gaze lingered on her face. In the two years we've known each other I've never seen her sad or crying. And today was no different.
"Tell me, didn't you even notice me? I've been following you since you walked through the door," she bucked my arm slightly.
,,Sorry, I was thinking...is there anything today? You're kind of glowing even more than usual," I smiled slightly when she looked at me.
"Nah, I'm just happy to see you," then she hugged me. Just like that. My pulse was racing. I was afraid she heard my heart beating as she pulled away from me.
"Come on, let's go, the first lesson is about to start and we still have our shoes on...", she happily hopped past me to her locker, which was very close to mine.
Lunch break:
I quickly said goodbye to my friends because I wanted to sit down with Yoongi again today and tell him something important. I went to the playground with my lunch. Yoongi was sitting on a bench at the edge of the basketball field. As always, he wore headphones.
I marched towards him, heart pounding, but gave no sign. At least I hoped so. When I sat down next to him, he opened his eyes and turned off the music.
"Hey, with me again today? How did I deserve this honor?" he grinned at me so sweetly that I felt my heart melt.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be with you on break all week. It's just...Kimmy just broke up with her boyfriend and of course we were all there for her," he helped himself to some of my snack as, as always, he didn't have any himself. He just gave a slight nod itself.
'Ok Y/N, now... tell him, come on.... dare... just say: Yoongi I've fallen in love with you.... that's easy!!!' I was so busy that I didn't hear Yoongi.
"Hey Y/N? Are you okay?" He gently held my forearm.
"Yes-yes...all good. I was just thinking about which girl would suit you," I smiled awkwardly at him.
"Hmmmm...I think you're the only girl who wants anything to do with me. So I would say you" he looked at me thoughtfully.
Omg did he really just say that?
,,W-because we're talking about stuff like that........Yoon..Yoongi...I...I like you...a lot....maybe I love you too..... "I narrowed my eyes as the last sentence slipped from my lips.
Yoongi POV:
I was speechless...that's exactly what I always wanted. Then why can I move more and tell her I like her too.
But then it came: "Y/N...me...well I...I like you too....a lot...well actually since we did the project together last six months..."
I must have been red now, but at least she looked me in the eye again.
"Really?" Touched, she clutched her chest. After nodding, I hugged her again. But this time I hugged back. She smelled so good. The school bell rang and everyone headed back to class. But we stayed seated.
"I love you sooooo much," Y/N pulls away from me only to kiss my cheek afterwards. My body responded naturally as I leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth.
Her lips were so soft. They fitted mine like a key to a lock. When we pulled away from each other, we just looked into each other's eyes.
We didn't care that we were now missing class.
We just enjoyed each other's company.
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yknati · 2 years
Y/N moved to Daegu to start over after the death of her mother. Unfortunately, a randomly observed murder thwarted her plans. Kidnapped by the mafia, she also reunites with her old high school friend, Min Yoongi. But shortly after their union, he has to fight with a new group of unknown assassins who will soon make his life hell....
Black Swans Heart Pt. 2
My head was buzzing as I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry. I could only somehow make out the bright light above me. I blinked a few times until I got my vision back. I slowly looked around the room I was lying in. It had no windows. And he wasn't exactly tall either. I was lying on a bed. Luckily I still had my clothes on. Just as I was about to sit up, I felt myself falling backwards.
'Am I tied up?'
My eyes rolled back to my wrists, which were actually chained to the bed over my head. Though it didn't help, I tugged. A sigh escaped me.
'Ok, calm down Y/N.....they won't hurt you....you hardly saw anything...' I tried to calm myself down.
After taking another deep breath, I looked around again. Next to the bed was a small wooden table with a chair. And the walls appeared to be made of wine-red fabric. There was nothing else to be found in the room. A click snapped me out of my inspection.
It was the door...
It was slowly opened.
My heart was pounding in my throat. But when I saw the person entering, I let out a surprised noise. It was a young, handsome man. His blond hair hung slightly in his face. He had beautiful, plump lips. They reminded me slightly of a peach.,
"Well hello...good that you're awake", he grabbed the chair and sat down in front of the bed.
"I won't hurt you, okay? It's not my style to hurt beautiful women, but listen to me.....you really were in the wrong place at the wrong time.....and...we can't seem to let you go now.... .on top of that you would please our boss and help him... to relax... if you know what I mean...", he grinned perversely at me. But unfortunately I knew what he meant and it scared me .
"But hey, maybe you'll just be the new cleaning lady here," he stood up with a dismissive gesture. Just as he was about to turn around, the door opened again.
"Jimin? Didn't we agree that I would talk to her first?" A tall man entered the room. His gray hair was combed to one side and he was WAY taller than Jimin.
"Sorry Namjoon. I just wanted to say hello to our new guest," he grinned apologetically.
"She is not a guest but a prisoner", he looked at me angrily.
"But we're going to kill her anyway... after all, she saw us on an assignment....", his eyes bored into mine. I could feel the sweat of fear all over my body.
"H-Hey...but Yoongi said he wants to meet her first and then decides," Jimin also looked slightly shocked.
"For God's sake...", Namjoon groaned in annoyance as he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a key. He came a little closer. I looked up at him in fear until I felt a loosening around my wrists.
The chain fell to the ground. I was finally able to sit up, but after a few seconds Namjoon grabbed my shoulder and pulled me up.
"Well then, let's take her to the boss....so that he can say that she's going to die....", he just didn't give up.
Did he want me dead so bad?
Jimin opened the door for us and then walked behind us. The corridor that we only entered also had no windows. But its walls were also made of red fabric. All the doors I could see looked the same. So if I tried to escape I would be lost. We kept going.
To the end of the aisle.
There seemed to be an elevator here.
The also wooden doors opened and we got in. Jimin pushed the button for the last level. We went down two floors. With a soft ding, the door opened.
I got out with my mouth open. Down here there wasn't a long corridor like upstairs. It was just a huge room. Had to be something of a waiting room as it was furnished with 4 sofas, tables, mirrors and lots of decorations. Just opposite the elevator there was a single double door.
Its handles were of gold. And it was to that very door that we marched.
"Y-Yoon...Boss...she's here..." Namjoon reported after knocking.
"Bring her in...just her!" His hoarse voice could be heard loud and clear through the door.Jimin opened the door and Namjoon pushed me in lightly. Before I could turn around, the door was closed again. I swallowed hard once.
'He-he's the boss here...the boss of a...a mafia or what?!'
I turned around slowly. The room was big...and empty. But I immediately noticed the piano standing in the corner.
I could play too...
I turned all the way around and looked at the large desk this Yoongi was sitting at. After a few seconds he looked up from his documents and met my eyes.
I caught my breath.
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yknati · 2 years
I wrote this story at school a few years ago and then published it on Wattpad afterwards. I thought I'd try something new to see if it got as many views here.
The entire story was written by me and then translated on Google Translate
!! There could be spelling mistakes !!
Y/N moved to Daegu to start over after the death of her mother. Unfortunately, a randomly observed murder thwarted her plans. Kidnapped by the mafia, she also reunites with her old high school friend, Min Yoongi. But shortly after their union, he has to fight with a new group of unknown assassins who will soon make his life hell....
Pt. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Black Swans Heart Pt. 1
I slowly walked the streets of Daegu.
The setting sun warmed my back. I looked around again.
I just moved here from Busan 4 weeks ago. I even had a job at Starbucks and a small rented apartment.
My new beginning was to begin in this city, because my mother died in a traffic accident a good six months ago. I only had my father.
It was very difficult for him to let me go, but I had to leave Busan. Everything there reminded me of her: the paths we walked together at the weekend, the nice cashier she used to chat with, the house in whom we had lived together for 25 years...simply everything. But that was different now.
Everything was new now.
I was able to fill everything here with good memories. I continued on my way.
It was still a long way to my house, but I didn't mind. The warm summer air blew around my nose and spread the scent of the fresh gas.
My black skirt blew slightly in the wind. I passed a meadow and watched the mothers with their children. A deep sadness came over me for a moment, but it was gone as quickly as it came. The sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon. Night came faster than expected, but I was home soon.
Humming, I turned into the small side street at the end of which my block of flats stood.
The wind blew through the alleyways again as it blew a kind of painful moan towards me. I paused and listened again. Nothing.
I must have been wrong
I thought to myself and was about to go on when I heard it again. I stopped abruptly: "H-Hello?!" I leaned back slightly to be able to see into the further alley next to me, from which the noise seemed to be coming.
A soft scream made me tremble. Someone was in trouble. Maybe an old man who had fallen?! Without thinking, I walked into the alley. It was even darker here. But I tuned that out completely when I heard someone being hit.
Oh God a fight?!
I quickly walked on. In the distance I could see a person standing. no Two people...or three? Someone appeared to be lying on the floor.
"Well what now huh? Now you don't open your mouth like that anymore!?", one of the men hissed at the one lying on the ground. I clung to the wall.
It felt like I'd landed in a teenage crime thriller.
Now only the guns and the blood were missing.
But just as I was finishing that thought, I noticed the strong, iron-like odor. I turned pale. Not. Seriously. Suddenly the man on the ground whined, "Please, I-I didn't know he was one of you.....please forgive me-me."
A click could be heard. no
In earnest?!
I'd seen enough action movies to know what that was. A weapon. Definitely a weapon. I took a few steps back.
These guys have a gun. If-if they see me here then.....
A shot.
"I hope you go to hell," the other man spoke. In the dim light, I could tell he was quite a bit shorter than his accomplice. I walked back even further.
I slowly felt my way back along the wall. And now I really felt like I was in one of those predictable whodunits because my metal watch scratched the wall.
"Jimin, I think there's someone there," both of them turned in my direction in a flash.
When they spotted me, they rushed at me.
With a scream I turned and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Only a few meters to the end of the gutter. Suddenly a hand was on my shoulder and pulled me back. A hectic gasp escaped me.
,,No Please. I won't say anything.....", the man held a cloth in front of my mouth. He must have put something on it, because as soon as I sniffed it my eyes got heavy.
Everything got even blacker as I felt my legs lift off the floor. I only felt the warmth of two arms around me before I finally fell asleep.
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yknati · 2 years
This is my second english FF, and I think this one is much better than the one before. Hope you like it!♡
Haikyu FF | Math Teacher Akaashi Keiji x Reader | Fluff
1 + 1 = I love you
I was sitting in my chair, waiting for the next class to start.
Math. I hate math. It makes me feel so dumb sometimes....which is ALL of the time.
But hey, at least our teacher is nice...and polite...and kind of cute....sexy even.
"Stop thinking stuff like that Y/N! God! Get a grip girl"
The bell rings and the door opened. He is punctual as always our beloved Mr. Akaashi.
,,Good morning class! I corrected your last weeks test and I have to say....the results aren't that shining." He laid his bag on the teachers desk and walked around to give us our tests back. I exhaled deeply as Mr. Akaashi walked past me. ,,35%...why am I not surprised", he said without looking at me. Two weeks ago he even offered me tutoring but I just excused myself with a poor lie.
Once he was done and sat back down in his own chair in front of the class he looked at me for a second. It was his "stay after class" look. I had seen it many times over the last two years. It's not like I was fucking him to pass class, no we are not even at that level yet. It's just....complicated.
We just meet up after class and he talks about his life and I listen, and the other way around. He also invited me on dates a few times, out of our hometown of course, because he didn't look that much older than me, even though he was nearly 27.
To be honest I think I had had a crush on him since the first time we met. But I am just too scared to tell him. I mean even though I turn 18 in 3 weeks but HE IS STILL MY TEACHER.
The lesson went by without me understanding a single thing.....again. My feelings were all over the place.
"I have to tell him today. How I feel and how we are going to continue this....whatever we have. But I really dont want it to end. Please God or anyone up there, please make him love me back"
Math had been the last lesson for the day and I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't realise Akaashi and I were the only teo people left.
He stood up to lock the door. Once he sat back down Akaashi petted his lap: ,,Come here Y/N."
I grabbed my bag and went to his desk just to place my arms around his neck. He spreads his legs for me to stay in between them. We looked in each others eyes and I could tell that he was really tired.
After a few breaths we change positions so that I could sit on his lap. He placed his head on my shoulder and gave my neck a few kisses.
,,What's wrong? Y/N I watched you during class today and you looked so distant. Is everything ok? Do you not want to do this anymore?", his gaze was so soft. ,,No it's just...my feelings are all over the place. Since last week I...I wanted you ask you something...Keiji....", this was the first time I had called him by his first name and the joy in his eyes was undeniable.
,,Please continue", he whispered. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath: ,,I think I love you...Keiji." it felt so good calling him by his name. ,,If this is what love feels like, I don't want it to end. Please I need to know how you feel."
His eyes widened for a split second. ,,Y/N...isn't it obvious", there was a small smile on his lips and he looked so beautiful in that moment. The arms that laid around my waist tightened as he pulled me closer.
,,For Idiots: I love you too", now he was really laughing and I was too. My hands placed themself on his cheeks. He was so perfect.
,,May I kiss you Keiji?", my voice was a whisper against his lips. He didn't answer, but he leaned in to connect our lips for the first time.
The kiss was slow, deep and full of love. When I pulled away to catch my breath he looked directly into my heart: ,,Y/N. I swear as soon as you'r done with school I want you to officially become my girlfriend. Who knows, maybe one day I'll even marry you?", we kissed again. ,,But first: what is 1 + 1?"
,,I love you!", I giggled.
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yknati · 2 years
This is my first ever english fanfiction. I hope i don't have many grammar mistakes but english is not my first language hehe
Suna Rintarō One-Shot | Haikyu!! FF | Angst | Short Story
I love him <3
The sound of rain
I layed in our bed.
The window was open just a crack and the sound of the rain filled my ears.
I loved that sound, ever since I was little.
Today, however, it scared me.
It was almost 3:00 a.m and it had been 2 hours since Suna left the house after our argument.
I was starting to worry.
"Maybe he had an car accident or he was drunk and beaten up in some street," my thoughts raced and I couldn't put them at ease.
I stared at the clock again.
Our picture, taken on the day of his volleyball team's victory, stared at me with happy memories.
The events of the last few hours caught up with me and I felt ashamed of our pointless fight. I had had the feeling for a long time that his volleyball team was more important to him than me and when I asked him about it a few hours ago, the whole thing suddenly escalated.
He thought I was trying to get him to leave the club, so I accused him that it would have been better if he had snagged one of his Stupid Fan-Girls.
It went back and forth like that for a while.
Until he packed his things and got in his car.
Now I felt miserable.
As soon as he got back, I'd apologize.
Then I heard the sound of the door being opened downstairs.
I breathed a sigh of relief into my pillow.
When I picked up my cell phone from the bedside table, I saw that it was 3:27 a.m.
I put it back down as the bedroom door opened.
My guilt plagued me so much that I didn't dare to look him in the eye, so I kept staring at the opposite wall into nothingness.
I could hear him removing his clothes, which were probably soaked from the rain.
The bed gave in on his side and he wrapped an arm around me.
His face buried into my neck.
He was cold and smelled like cigarettes.
"I thought he quit smoking?"
But in that moment I didn't care.
"I'm sorry... for what I said. I don't want you to give up what you love so much and I'm sorry about the fan-girls thing too. I know how much they annoy you...." he just listened so I continued: "I just didn't want us to be alienated...I love you Rintarō....please...I'm sorry", I took his hand which was wrapped around me and pressed a light kiss on the back of her hand.
I saw my phone light up in the dark multible times. Without thinking and oit of annoyence I grabbed and unlocked it to check the text message I got.
Rintaboo♡: I'm so sorry Y/N....I'm fine and coming home right now. Then we'll discuss everything if you still want to talk to me...<3
My eyes widened.
The person behind me suddenly exhaled. As if they were laughing.
Only now I recognized in the reflection of the slightly open window....a figure that I didn't know...
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